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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2006-08-16Bug 153428Michael Rennie1-1/+1
2006-07-25spellingDarin Wright1-1/+1
2006-07-25Bug 138252 [console] Stream closed while debuggingDarin Wright1-1/+3
2006-07-18Bug 138877 Unable to locate source when clicking in consoleDarin Wright4-2/+24
2006-07-18removed unneeded commentMichael Rennie1-1/+0
2006-06-23Bug 138473 [breakpoints] BreakpointManager sometimes fails to send a breakpoi...Darin Wright1-11/+108
2006-06-21Bug 38387Michael Rennie6-92/+18
2006-06-21(verification) Bug 132616 - [console] Console corrupts UTF-8Darin Wright2-11/+11
2006-06-19Bug 1477640 - NPE in LaunchManager.terminateMappedConfigurationsDarin Wright1-1/+1
2006-06-12copyright updatesDarin Wright38-74/+74
2006-06-12Bug 134304 - Fix broken NLS stringsKevin Barnes4-4/+0
2006-06-09Bug 132616 - [console] Console corrupts UTF-8Kevin Barnes5-8/+33
2006-06-09Bug 144400[launching] LaunchManager keeps references on last resource deltaDarin Wright1-21/+12
2006-05-17spellingDarin Swanson1-3/+3
2006-05-17Bug 141908 - Memory Leak in debuggerDarin Wright1-12/+11
2006-05-16javadoc spelling errorsDarin Wright13-21/+21
2006-05-16javadoc spelling errorsDarin Wright15-32/+32
2006-05-16javadoc spelling errorsDarin Wright16-42/+42
2006-05-08copyright updateDarin Wright24-61/+63
2006-04-27Bug 128452 - Race Condition on Auto-Removal of terminated LaunchesDarin Wright1-14/+4
2006-04-26Bug 137836 - Step Filters action do not use StepFiltersAdapterSamantha Chan1-1/+4
2006-04-12bug fix for 127157Michael Rennie1-17/+32
2006-04-10Bug 135770 - need to adopt ICU4J APIsDarin Wright14-14/+14
2006-04-07removed unintential API method #getLaunchManager()Darin Wright1-11/+2
2006-04-07bug fix for 133563Michael Rennie2-32/+24
2006-04-06Bug 110215 - Apply button has no effect after having modified launch configur...Darin Wright1-5/+22
2006-04-06bug fix for 109611Michael Rennie1-1/+1
2006-04-05bug fix (hack) for 110215Michael Rennie1-0/+6
2006-04-05Bug 128452 - Race Condition on Auto-Removal of terminated LaunchesKevin Barnes1-3/+14
2006-03-23spellingDarin Swanson1-2/+2
2006-03-14Bug 131842 - Remove workaround for bug 95832Darin Wright1-22/+8
2006-03-14Bug 96248 - Support for multiple src roots in archiveDarin Wright1-58/+67
2006-03-07Bug 130767 - In 3.1/3.2, ExecutionArguments class unexpectedly returns surrou...Darin Wright1-7/+2
2006-03-06Bug 128991 - NPE in DebugPluginDarin Wright1-12/+5
2006-03-01Bug 124799 - Discouraged references on legitimate API methodsDarin Wright4-230/+3
2006-03-01Bug 124799 - Discouraged references on legitimate API methodsDarin Wright2-1/+228
2006-02-18Move from Platform deprecated APIDarin Swanson3-5/+5
2006-02-09The method run(ISafeRunnable) from the type Platform is deprecatedDarin Swanson6-28/+31
2006-02-09The variable e cannot be nullDarin Swanson1-7/+2
2006-02-09The variable p can only be nullDarin Swanson1-9/+8
2006-02-09Bug 127088 - Should not be prompted for save ditry editors when buildingDarin Wright1-14/+31
2006-02-02Bug 108937 - NullPointerException when trying to Run As ant taskDarin Swanson1-8/+10
2006-01-26Bug 125005 - renaming a project prompts for deleting launch configsDarin Wright1-1/+2
2006-01-25Bug 105235 - TVT 3.1: TCT479 - mnemonic char in middle of DBCS menu labelDarin Wright4-0/+29
2006-01-25Bug 125244 - ResourceException while running Debug test suiteKevin Barnes1-1/+6
2006-01-24bug fix for 12134Michael Rennie1-1/+49
2006-01-24fix for bug 125005Michael Rennie1-6/+11
2006-01-16bug fix 124017Michael Rennie1-3/+2
2006-01-16add ILaunch adapter for completeness. To be used by view management support.Darin Wright2-0/+15
2006-01-16bug fix 124007Michael Rennie1-2/+3

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