Job for the modeling.mdt.papyrus project. Used to produce nightlies automatically every day, and milestones and releases manually.<br/> <p> The nightlies done by this build are published to:<ul> <li><b>downloads</b>:<a href=""></a> <li><b>update site</b>:<a href=""></a> </ul> </p> -1 5 -1 -1 false 0 VERSION The version of Papyrus that is built. This is used for publishing the build to the right download folder. 0.9.0 BUCKMINSTER_LOGLEVEL Verbosity of logging information for Buckminster<ul> <li>DEBUG : most verbose : display errors, warnings, information messages and debug messages (useful when you want to see what Buckminster <li>INFO : display errors, warnings and information messages <li>WARNING : less verbose : only display errors and warnings <li>ERROR : least verbose : only display errors is doing) </ul> DEBUG INFO WARNING ERROR CLEAN_TP Indicates if the target platform should be deleted before the build. true CLEAN_WORKSPACE Indicates if the workspace should be deleted before the build. true CLEAN_OUTPUT Indicates if the output folder should be deleted before the build. true CLEAN_TOOLS Indicates if the tools (p2 director and Buckminster) should be deleted before the build false BUILD_TYPE Type of build:<ul> <li>N: Nightly <li>I: Integration <li>S: Stable (for milestones and release candidates) <li>R: Release (usually not selected, since releases are done by renaming the last release candidate) <li>M: Maintenance (seldom used) </ul> Nightly builds won't be signed, contrary to other kind of builds. N I S R M BUILD_ALIAS The name of the release (0.8.0, 0.9.0M1, etc.). This will be the result zip's name. Leave it blank for nightly and integration builds BUILD_TARGET <ul> <li>site.p2 : Do what "provision" does + build Papyrus + create the update site <li>provision : Install Buckminster + retrieve the material required to launch the build (import the Papyrus plug-ins and all the dependencies) <li>do.nothing : to re-use the results from the previous build </ul> site.p2 provision do.nothing SITE_PACK200 Pack the result jars in order to gain size and bandwidth for the eclipse download servers true JAVA_HOME Which JDK to use for the build. /shared/common/jdk-1.5.0-22.x86_64 /shared/common/sun-jdk1.6.0_21_x64 SIGN_UPDATE_SITE Sign the update site (must be selected for all builds except nightlies) false hudson.model.Item.Workspace:ROLE_MODELING.MDT.PAPYRUS hudson.model.Item.Workspace:nbros hudson.model.Run.Update:ROLE_MODELING.MDT.PAPYRUS hudson.model.Run.Update:nbros hudson.model.Item.Build:ROLE_MODELING.MDT.PAPYRUS hudson.model.Item.Build:nbros hudson.model.Item.Read:anonymous hudson.model.Item.Read:ROLE_MODELING.MDT.PAPYRUS hudson.model.Item.Read:nbros hudson.model.Item.ExtendedRead:anonymous hudson.model.Item.ExtendedRead:ROLE_MODELING.MDT.PAPYRUS hudson.model.Item.ExtendedRead:nbros hudson.model.Item.Configure:ROLE_MODELING.MDT.PAPYRUS hudson.model.Item.Configure:nbros hudson.model.Run.Delete:ROLE_MODELING.MDT.PAPYRUS hudson.model.Run.Delete:nbros file:///svnroot/modeling/org.eclipse.mdt.papyrus/trunk/plugins sourceTree/plugins infinity false file:///svnroot/modeling/org.eclipse.mdt.papyrus/trunk/features sourceTree/features infinity false file:///svnroot/modeling/org.eclipse.mdt.papyrus/trunk/releng sourceTree/releng infinity false file:///svnroot/modeling/org.eclipse.mdt.papyrus/trunk/incoming sourceTree/incoming infinity false hudson-slave1||master true false false false false Java 5 R 22 64bit (SUN) 15 * * * * 43 00 * * 1-6 false false . sourceTree/releng/org.eclipse.mdt.papyrus.releng.buckminster/papyrus-trunk-nightly/ ${BUILD_TARGET} apache-ant-1.7.1 ${WORKSPACE}/sourceTree/releng/org.eclipse.mdt.papyrus.releng.buckminster/papyrus-trunk-nightly/build.xml$BUILD_TAG site.signing=$SIGN_UPDATE_SITE local.repository=${WORKSPACE}/sourceTree . sourceTree/releng/org.eclipse.mdt.papyrus.releng.buckminster/papyrus-trunk-nightly/ *.zip GZIP false false false false 60 true