Workbench and workspace configuration for development on Papyrus Code formatting and clean-up profiles for Papyrus. Papyrus eclipse.git.gerrit.remoteURIs Papyrus Git or Gerrit Repository remoteURI Eclipse EMF (Core) GEF GMF Runtime EMFT MWE QVT Operational M2T ACCELEO OCL MDT UML2 M2T XPAND Xtext, Xtend EMF COMPARE WebTools XWT Eclipse EMF (Core) EMF TRANSACTION EMF VALIDATION GEF GMF Runtime GMF Notation EMFT MWE QVT Operational M2T ACCELEO Eclipse OCL 6.3 MDT UML2 M2T XPAND Xtext, Xtend EMF COMPARE WebTools XWT Eclipse EMF (Core) EMF TRANSACTION EMF VALIDATION GEF GMF Runtime GMF Notation EMFT MWE QVT Operational M2T ACCELEO MDT OCL 6.0 MDT UML2 M2T XPAND Xtext, Xtend EMF COMPARE WebTools XWT Eclipse EMF (Core) EMF TRANSACTION EMF VALIDATION GEF GMF Runtime GMF Notation EMFT MWE EMFT MWE:1 QVT Operational M2T ACCELEO MDT OCL 6.0.2 MDT UML2 M2T XPAND Xtext, Xtend EMF COMPARE WebTools XWT Eclipse EMF (Core) EMF TRANSACTION EMF VALIDATION GEF GMF Runtime GMF Notation EMFT MWE QVT Operational M2T ACCELEO MDT OCL 5.0 MDT UML2 M2T XPAND Xtext, Xtend EMF COMPARE WebTools Additional dependencies, e.g. for Subversive (SVN team integration), including an SVN connector from Polarion to prevent the connector dialog appearing at run-time, especially as it interferes with JUnit test execution. emfgen Sources of Maven plug-ins for Papyrus custom build behaviours Tools, dependencies, and sources for development of the main Papyrus components. Required for any Papyrus development. Papyrus BPMN EMF CDO EMF CDO Projects related to Papyrus Layers. Import plugin requested by Layers Papyrus4Manufacturing Select sub-projects to import dependencies and sources for Papyrus extra components. Additional configuration for developing and testing the Oomph setup model. Release engineering tools, including the POM and Oomph Setup dependencies updater actions. Xtext, Xtend Installs developer tools, including the code generator for Papyrus diagram plug-ins and various debugging aids such as "spy" views. Source code is not included. Sources and tools required for working on the Papyrus developer tools (not part of the product). Does not install the developer tools in your IDE: use the Developer Tools sub-project for that. M2T ACCELEO