A model represent a unit containing model elements. A model can be registered and retrieved from the ModelSet. This extension allows to register models to the ModelSet. A model to be registered to the ModelSet. Registered model can be retrieved from the ModelSet. Human readable description for the model. The class implementing the model. This is the class that wil be registered in the ModelSet. The class will be registered using the key set in the Model. Indicates the resource URI file extension that the model keys on to correlate to resources in the model set. Although this is optional, it is recommended to support the determination of whether a resource is one that may be loaded into the Papyrus editor. Indication of whether the model's resources are required to be present and loaded in the resource set. The default if not specified is <tt>false</tt>. A model snippet is a piece of code that is executed after the model is loaded. A snippet allows to manipulate the model right after it is loaded. <br> For example, it is possible to add listeners to the model. Human readable description for the model snippet. The class implementing the model snippet. The code is executed right after the model is loaded. A modelSet snippet is a piece of code that is executed after the modelSet is loaded. A snippet allows to do post operations after ModelSet is loaded. Human readable description for the modelSet snippet. The class implementing the modelSet snippet. The code is executed right after the modelSet is loaded. 0.7.0 [Enter extension point usage example here.] [Enter API information here.] [Enter information about supplied implementation of this extension point.]