# Copyright (c) 2011 CEA LIST. # # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html # # Contributors: # Vincent Lorenzo (CEA LIST) vincent.lorenzo@cea.fr - Initial API and implementation pluginName = Papyrustable Edit Support providerName = www.example.org _UI_CreateChild_text = {0} _UI_CreateChild_text2 = {1} {0} _UI_CreateChild_text3 = {1} _UI_CreateChild_tooltip = Create New {0} Under {1} Feature _UI_CreateChild_description = Create a new child of type {0} for the {1} feature of the selected {2}. _UI_CreateSibling_description = Create a new sibling of type {0} for the selected {2}, under the {1} feature of their parent. _UI_PropertyDescriptor_description = The {0} of the {1} _UI_PapyrusTable_type = Papyrus Table _UI_Unknown_type = Object _UI_Unknown_datatype= Value _UI_PapyrusTable_name_feature = Name _UI_PapyrusTable_type_feature = Type _UI_PapyrusTable_table_feature = Table _UI_PapyrusTable_fillingMode_feature = Filling Mode _UI_PapyrusTable_feature_feature = Feature _UI_PapyrusTable_queries_feature = Queries _UI_PapyrusTable_usingUser_feature = Using User _UI_PapyrusTable_usingContextFeature_feature = Using Context Feature _UI_PapyrusTable_usingQueries_feature = Using Queries _UI_Unknown_feature = Unspecified _UI_FillingMode_User_literal = USER _UI_FillingMode_Queries_literal = QUERIES _UI_FillingMode_ContextFeature_literal = CONTEXT_FEATURE _UI_PapyrusTable_contextFeature_feature = Context Feature