[comment encoding = UTF-8 /] [module Constants('http://www.eclipse.org/uml2/4.0.0/UML')] [template public includeHFile(dummy : Element)] // include associated header file [/template] [template public IncludeHeaderStart(dummy : Element)] // Include from Include stereotype (header) [/template] [template public IncludePreBodyStart(dummy : Element)] // Include from Include stereotype (pre-body) [/template] [template public IncludePreBodyEnd(dummy : Element)] // End of Include stereotype (pre-body) [/template] [template public IncludeBodyStart(dummy : Element)] // Include from Include declaration (body) [/template] [template public IncludeHeaderEnd(dummy : Element)] // End of Include stereotype (header) [/template] [template public IncludeBodyEnd(dummy : Element)] // End of Include stereotype (body) [/template] [template public derivedIncludes(dummy : Element)] // Derived includes directives [/template] [template public forwardDecl(dummy : Element)] // forward declarations [/template] [template public staticAttributes(dummy : Element)] // static attributes (if any) [/template] [template public packageTypes(dummy : Element)] // Types defined within the package [/template] [template public undefinedType(dummy : Element)] undefined [/template]