inclusiveGateway::/default : SequenceFlow [0..1] = an outgoing control flow with guard "else" complexGateway::/default : SequenceFlow [0..1] = an outgoing control flow with guard "else" complexGateway::/activationCondition : BPMNExpression [0..1] = JoinNode::joinSpec complexGateway::joinSpec = "BPMNInclusive" when applied to join nodes exclusiveGateway::/default : SequenceFlow [0..1] = an outgoing control flow with guard "else" LaneSet::/lanes : Lane [*] = ActivityPartition.SubPartition LaneSet::/parentLane : Lane [*] = ActivityPartition.superpartition LaneSet::/flowElementsContainer [0..1] inverse of Activity.partition and SubProcess.laneSets ActivityPartitions with LaneSet stereotype applied must have isDimension = true BPMN::Process supportedInterfaceRefs are referenced by UML property RealizedInterface. self.supports = self.base_Activity./general.extension_Process = self.base_Activity.ownedAttribute.bpmnProperty Process::/laneSets : LaneSet [*] = Activity.partition Process::/flowElements : RedefinableElement = the collected values of Activity::node, Activity::edge and Activity::group. Constrained to elements stereotyped by BPMN process element stereotypes. Lane::/laneSet : Lane = ActivityPartition.superPartition Lane::/childLaneSet : Lane [0..1] = ActivityPartition.subPartition Lane::/partitionElementRef [0..1] = ActivityPartition.represents Lane::/flowNodeRefs [*] = ActivityPartition.node GlobalScriptTask::/scriptFormat : String [*] {ordered}= OpaqueBehavior.language GlobalScriptTask::/script : String [*] {ordered, non-unique}= OpaqueBehavior.body GlobalTask supportedInterfaceRefs are referenced by UML property RealizedInterface. GlobalBusinessRuleTask::/implementation: String [*] {ordered,non-unique} = OpaqueBehavior.body (defaults to "##unspecified") self.structureRef = self.base_Class
catchEvent::/eventDefinitionsRefs : EventDefinitions [*] = the events of the triggers of an accept event action to which the stereotype is applied that are not owned by the action. self.structureRef= self.base_Class
conditionalEventDefinition::/condition :BPMNExpression = ChangeEvent.changeExpression ThrowEvent::/eventDefinitionRefs : EventDefintion [*] = the events of the triggers of a call operation action to which the stereotype is applied that are not owned by action. boundaryEvent::/attachedToRef : BPMNActivity = action in the same interruptible region as the event. self.structureRef = self.base_Class
At least one of association ends (target or source) must be TextAnnotation. self.evaluatesToTypeRef = self.base_OpaqueExpression.type. extension_ItemDefinition Resource::/resourceParameters : ResourceParameter [*] = class.ownedAcctribute with the stereotype <<ResourceParameter>> applied. CallableEelement::/supportedInterfaceRefs : BPMNInterface [*] = Activity.interfaceRealization.contract (defined on BehavioralClassifier and InterfaceRealization) CallableElement::/resources : ResourceRole [*] = Behavior.ownedAttribute with the ResourceRole stereotype applied. SequenceFlow::/conditionExpression : BPMNExpression = ControlFloe.guard (defined on Activity edge) SequenceFlow::/sourceRef : ActivityNode = ControlFlow.source (defined on Activity edge). Constrained to elements stereotyped by BPMN Flow Node stereotypes SequenceFlow::/targetRef : ActivityNode = (defined on Activity edge). Constrained to elements stereotyped by BPMN Flow Node stereotypes self.structureRef = self.base_Class
self.iitemRef : ItemDefintion [0..1] = self.base_Class.extension_ItemDefinition Resource Parameter must be owned by Resource. ResourceParameter::/type : Item Definition [0..1] = Property.type (defined on typed element). ResourceParameter.isRequired : Boolean = Property.lower > 0 (defined on Multiplicity Element) OutputSet::/dataOutputRefs : DataOutput [*] = ParameterSet.parameter OutputSet::\optionalOutputRefs : DataOutput [*] = ParameterSet.parameters with multiplicity lower = 0 OutputSet::\whileExecutingOutputRefs : DataOutput [*] = ParameterSet.parameters with isStreaming = true InputSet::/dataInputRefs : DataIntput [*] = ParameterSet.parameter InputSet::/optionalInputRefs : DataInput [*] = ParameterSet.parameters with multiplicity lower = 0 InputSet::/whileExecutingInputRefs : DataInput [*] = ParameterSet.parameters with isStreaming = true Should be used between UML DataStoreNodes with BPMN DataObject sytereotype applied, DataObjectRef::/dataState = DataStoreNode.inState (defined on ObjectNode) English The source of DataAssociation shall be DataOutput English The target of DataAssociation can be every item-aware element visible to the current scope, e.g. a Data Object, a Property or an Expression. DataOutput owned by BPMN Process has a notation. DataOutput owned by BPMN Activity has no notation. DataOutput::/itemSubjectRef :ItemDefinition [0..1] = ObjectNode.type (defined on typed element) Property elements are NOT visible in a Process diagram. Figure may be applied only for: pin owned by CallActivity or Task Parameter owned by BPMNProcess Variable owned by SubProcess States extended by DataStates that are dataStates of item aware element stereotypes applied to ObjectNodes must be values of the inState property of the ObjectNodes, and vice versa. English The source of DataAssociation can be every item-aware element visible to the current scope, e.g. a Data Object, a Property or an Expression. English The target for DataInputAssociation shall be DataInput. DataObject DataState property shall reuse UML::CentralBuffer property inState DataInput must not have incoming DataAssociations DataInput owned by BPMN Process has a notation. DataInput owned by BPMN Activity has no notation. DataInput::/itemSubjectRef :ItemDefinition [0..1] = ObjectNode.type (defined on typed element) DataAssociation source must be ItemAwareElement BPMN DataAssociation::/transformation : FormalExpression [0..1] = ObjectFlow::transformation. DataAssociation target must be ItemAwareElement self.implementation = self.base_OpaqueAction.body.first UserTask::/renderings : Image [*] = OpaqueAction.appliedStereotype.icon GlobalUserTask::/renderings: Image [*] = Stereotype.icon GlobalUserTask::/implementation : String [*] {ordered,non-unique}= OpaqueBehavior.body (defaults to "##unspecified") Participant must be owned by BPMN <<Collaboration>> Participant must be typed either by UML class or a stereotyped class. Participant.multiplicityMaximum : UnlimitedNatural = Property.upper (defined on Multiplicity element) The supplier is a UML Interface stereotyped by BPMN Interface Participant:://processRef : Process [0..1] = Property.type if type is activity, or Property.type.classifierBehavior if type is a BehavioredClassifier that is not Activity Participant.multiplicityMaximum : Integer = Property.upper (defined on Multiplicity element) participant::/partnerEntityRef : PartnerEntity [*] = inverse of PartnerEntity::/participantRef participant::/partnerRoleRef : PartnerRole [*] = inverse of PartnerRole::/participantRef Participant:://interfaceRefs : BPMNInterface [*] = Property.type with BPMNInterface stereotype applied PartnerRole::/participantRef : Participant [*] = properties with Participant stereotype applied that the class is the type of. MessageFlow::/sourceRef = InformationFlow.informationSource MessageFlow::/messageRef : Message [0..1] = InformationFlow.conveyed MessageFlow::/targetRef = InformationFlow.informationTarget Collaboration::/participants : Participant [*] = Collaboration.ownedAttributes with Participant stereotype applied. MessageFlowAssociation InnerMessageFlowRef is a UML dependency supplier MessageFlowAssociation OuterMessageFlowRef is a UML dependency client PartnerEntity::/participantRef : Participant [*] = properties with Participant stereotype applied that the instance specification is default value of. ParticipantAssociation::/innerParticipantRef : Participant = Dependency.supplier ParticipantAssociation::/outerParticipantRef : Participant = Dependency.clients BPMN Operation owner must be BPMN Interface. BPMNOperation::/inMessageRef : BPMNMessage = the first in Operation.ownedParameter with direction = in, and a type that has the BPMNMessage stereotype applied. BPMNOperation::/outMessageRef : BPMNMessage = the first in Operation.ownedParameter with direction = out or return, and a type that has the BPMNMessage stereotype applied. BPMNOperation::/errorRefs : Error [*] = Operation.raisedException (defined on Behavioral Feature) Interface may have from 1 to many operations. All interface operations should have BPMN <<Operation>> sterereotype applied. BPMNInterface::/callableElements : CallableElement [*] = Interface.interfaceRealization.implementingClassifier BPMNInterface::/operations: BPMNOperation : Interface.ownedOperation SubConversation can link only collaboration properties (BPMN participants) and actions (BPMN events and BPMN activities) ConversationNode::/participantRefs : Participant [2..*] = the informationSource and informationTarget on the InformationFlow A GlobalConversation MUST NOT contain any ConversationNodes. CallConversation::/calledCollaborationRef : BPMNCollaboration [0..1] = Collaboration.type CallConversation::/participantAssociations : ParticipantAssociation [*] = CollaborationUse.RoleBinding StructuredActivityNodes with SubProcess Stereotype applied that have triggeredByEvent=true, and containing initial nodes with Start Event applied that have isInterrupting = false, have isLocallyReentrant = true. = self.base_BPMNActivity.activityClass. ownedAttribute.bpmnProperty BPMNActivity::/container : RederinableElement the collected values of Action::Activity and Action::inGroup. Constrained to elements stereotyped by BPMNActivity or SubProcess BPMNActivity::/resources : ResourceRole [*] = BPMNActivity.activityClass.OwnedAttribute with the ResourceRole stereotype applied. BPMNActivity::/default : SequenceFlow [0..1] = and outgoingSequenceFlow with guard = "else" BPMNActivity::/boundaryEventsRefs : BoundaryEvent [*] = accept Event Actions in the same interruptible region as the BPMNActivity action. BPMNActivity::/loopCharacteristics = inStructuredActivityNode, if the inStructuredActivityNode is a LoopNode with the StandardLoopCharacteristics stereotype applied or an ExpansionRegion with MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics stereotype applied, otherwise empty. self.calledElementRef = self.base_CallBehaviorAction.behavior.extension_CallableElement Owner of the ResourceRole must be BPMN Process or BPMN Activity. ResourceRole.resourceRef : Resource [0..1] = Property.type. ResourceRole type must be UML Class with stereotype BPMN Resource applied. ResourceRole IsRequired translates to UML::Property::lower wot values 0 or 1 ResourceRole::/process : Process [0..1] = Property.class ResourceRole.resourceParameterBindings : ResourceParameterBinding [*] = property.defaultValue.slot self.implementation = self.base_OpaqueAction.body.first ResourceAssignmentExpression::/expression = self cancelRemainingInstances attribute shall be used only if ordering = parallel ScriptTask::/script : String [*] {ordered} = OpaqueAction.body ScriptTask::/scriptFormat : String [*] {ordered, non-unique} = OpaqueAction.language SendTask::/operationRef : BPMNOperation [0..1] = CallOperationAction.operation StandardLoopCharacteristics::/testBefore :Boolean = isTestedFirst StandardLoopCharacteristics:::/loopCondition :BPMNExpression = loopNode.test.value ReceiveTask::/operationRef : BPMNOperation [0..1] = AcceptEventAction.trigger.operation ResourceParameterBinding::/expression :BPMNExpression = Slot.value ResourceParameterBinding::/parameterRef : ResourceParameter = Slot.definingFeature The Service Task has exactly one InputSet The Service Task has at most one OutputSet ServiceTask::/operationRef : BPMNOperation [0..1] = CallOperationAction.operation Stereotype may be applied only on CallActivity, Task, and SubProcess