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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2014-07-23439781: Profile datatype attribute values are lost when updatingCamille Letavernier1-18/+0
2014-05-09434302: Stereotype repair problems with nested profiles and non-root applicat...Christian W. Damus1-0/+3
2014-04-25433310: The Repair Stereotypes functionality should improve the 'Apply Profil...Christian W. Damus1-0/+4
2014-03-14399860: Papyrus shall enable to customize the creation policy of viewsLaurent Wouters1-0/+6
2014-03-11429826: [Read-Only] Orthogonal Classification of Read-Only ConcernsChristian W. Damus1-0/+3
2014-03-06429744: [UML 2.5] Migrate Papyrus to UML 2.5Camille Letavernier1-1/+1
2013-08-28415211: [Profiles] Cannot check version etc. of currently edited profileCamille Letavernier1-0/+7
2013-07-29413893: Profile updates window shows too earlyCamille Letavernier1-7/+15
2013-05-27407291: [ReadOnly] The ReadOnly feature doesn't work properlycletavernie1-0/+1
2012-10-26392438: [Core Services] Papyrus should provide a LabelProvider servicecletavernie1-0/+7
2012-08-02386492: [Libraries - Profiles] All Libraries and Profiles should be loaded in...cletavernie1-0/+7
2012-07-31330349: [All diagrams]Applying a profile with a Property of an undefined Type...ptessier1-8/+29
2012-06-22370816: [All diagrams] Profiles should be automatically refreshedcletavernie1-0/+7
2012-02-14371460: [UML Diagram Common] The UML Diagram Common plug-in should be splitcletavernie1-1/+1
2011-11-10362162: [Architecture - Refactoring] The plug-ins should be renamed to match ...cletavernie1-6/+6
2011-11-03362162: [Architecture - Refactoring] The plug-ins should be renamed to match ...cletavernie1-0/+107
2011-11-03362162: [Architecture - Refactoring] The plug-ins should be renamed to match ...cletavernie1-12/+0
2011-03-08RESOLVED - bug 300076: [General] Papyrus shall provide a documentation view. mvelten1-0/+12

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