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AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2016-03-03Bug 485220: [Architecture] Provide a more modular architectureChristian W. Damus1-0/+6 Complete the configuration of PDE API Tooling in the Papyrus Main and Developer Tools projects, including: * adding the API Analysis nature and builder to .project where it was missing * adding a new menu action in the dev tools Project Management menu to ensure that all Oomph version-management projects in the workspace have API analysis also * fixing API version analysis problems, mostly by upversioning bundles to 2.0 but also applying API filters in some cases where it seems appropriate * implementing project-level API Analysis preferences for warning severity of missing @since doc tags (the default is error) and adding it to the Oomph project preferences management Change-Id: I3f5fad20ffc7bb66eec0abbb86b5cc52aacb1ff1
2016-02-24Bug 485220: [Architecture] Provide a more modular architectureChristian W. Damus1-28/+46 Implement version management: PDE API Tooling and Oomph Version Management. Introduce two new plug-in projects to manage versioning using Oomph: * org.eclipse.papyrus.releng.main.release for the Main bundles and features * for the Dev Tools Add new menu actions to the Dev Tools: * main menu bar: * synchronize POM and manifest versions * "Configure" context menu on bundle projects and MANIFEST.MF * optimize bundle dependencies and re-exports * update dependency version ranges to match current workspace and PDE target Remove obsolete menu actions from the Dev Tools: * main menu bar: * Set all Papyrus feature versions * Set all Papyrus plug-in versions * Set versions of all Papyrus dependencies in Papyrus plug-ins Fix versioning errors reported by PDE and Oomph. Ensure proper version ranges consistent with latest build target. Optimize the dependencies of all Papyrus Main bundles and Dev Tools. Remove version- and reexport-checking tests in the BundlesTests that are now not needed because, on the one hand, we now implement discrete bundle versioning (managed by PDE/Oomph) and on the other, we now use re-exports properly to ensure classpath consistency in clients of a bundle's API. Thorough overhaul of the "project editors" API, including: * rationalize the API interfaces * refactor the all-in-one PluginEditor class from the customization bundle to the project-editors bundle * update clients in the Customization and DSML Validation components * fix a bunch of operations that didn't work * add missing operations required by the new Dev Tools actions * complete some unimplemented APIs * add a comprehensive JUnit test suite covering all of the project-editors API Change-Id: I6a699d93909f61099226ceb994140f03ea99a70f
2015-04-17Bug 463290 - Papyrus diagram shall be expanded with new visual graphicalptessier1-0/+28
notation Change-Id: I1a988a133c8799d1cff5356e3717a2140f530502 Bug 463290 - Papyrus diagram shall be expanded with new visual graphical notation Change-Id: Idfcd4c49f9bb45f8d6567d06a717aafff1f82c74 Bug 463290 - Papyrus diagram shall be expanded with new visual graphical notation update Metamodel Change-Id: Iaa47a0d1d1b472c8246cc8fd8118166124aa6cd9 Bug 463290 - Papyrus diagram shall be expanded with new visual graphical notation remove plugins Change-Id: Ia1fbd849957def00b1d90c4718b15f5ad63fa848 Bug 463290 - Papyrus diagram shall be expanded with new visual graphical notation First Version of the metamodel to expand diagram Change-Id: Iebd87ed949447e21a0e0e588dc9d8f035d6a65db Bug 463290 - Papyrus diagram shall be expanded with new visual graphical notation forgotten files Change-Id: I68d52398e920de3bdb65081e30a70434f62fb854

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