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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/toolsmiths/gmf-tooling/org.eclipse.papyrus.gmf.tooldef.edit/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 168 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/toolsmiths/gmf-tooling/org.eclipse.papyrus.gmf.tooldef.edit/ b/plugins/toolsmiths/gmf-tooling/org.eclipse.papyrus.gmf.tooldef.edit/
deleted file mode 100644
index 158efef686c..00000000000
--- a/plugins/toolsmiths/gmf-tooling/org.eclipse.papyrus.gmf.tooldef.edit/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2006, 2020 Borland Software Corporation, CEA LIST, Artal
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# Contributors:
-# Borland Software Corporation - initial API and implementation
-# Aurelien Didier (ARTAL) - - Bug 569174
-pluginName = Papyrus GMF Tooling Edit Model
-providerName = Eclipse Modeling Project
-# Properties in this section SHOULD NOT be translated
-_UI_GMFToolEditorFilenameDefaultBase = My
-_UI_GMFToolEditorFilenameExtension = gmftool
-_UI_XMLEncodingChoices = UTF-8 ASCII UTF-16 UTF-16BE UTF-16LE ISO-8859-1
-# End of section
-# Properties in this section ARE REALLY NEED to be translated
-_UI_CreateChild_text = {0}
-_UI_CreateChild_text2 = {1} {0}
-_UI_CreateChild_text3 = {1}
-_UI_CreateChild_tooltip = Create New {0} Under {1} Feature
-_UI_CreateChild_description = Create a new child of type {0} for the {1} feature of the selected {2}.
-_UI_CreateSibling_description = Create a new sibling of type {0} for the selected {2}, under the {1} feature of their parent.
-_UI_PropertyDescriptor_description = The {0} of the {1}
-_UI_GMFToolEditor_menu = &GMFTool Editor
-_UI_CreateChild_menu_item = &New Child
-_UI_CreateSibling_menu_item = N&ew Sibling
-_UI_ShowPropertiesView_menu_item = Show &Properties View
-_UI_RefreshViewer_menu_item = &Refresh
-_UI_SelectionPage_label = Selection
-_UI_ParentPage_label = Parent
-_UI_ListPage_label = List
-_UI_TreePage_label = Tree
-_UI_TablePage_label = Table
-_UI_TreeWithColumnsPage_label = Tree with Columns
-_UI_ObjectColumn_label = Object
-_UI_SelfColumn_label = Self
-_UI_NoObjectSelected = Selected Nothing
-_UI_SingleObjectSelected = Selected Object: {0}
-_UI_MultiObjectSelected = Selected {0} Objects
-_UI_OpenEditorError_label = Open Editor
-_UI_GMFToolModelWizard_label = GMFTool Model
-_UI_GMFToolModelWizard_description = Create a new GMFTool model
-_UI_GMFToolEditor_label = GMFTool Model Editor
-_UI_Wizard_label = New
-_WARN_FilenameExtension = The file name must end in ".{0}"
-_UI_ModelObject = Model Object
-_UI_XMLEncoding = XML Encoding
-_UI_Wizard_initial_object_description = Select a model object to create
-_UI_FileConflict_label = File Conflict
-_WARN_FileConflict = There are unsaved changes that conflict with changes made outside the editor. Do you wish to discard this editor's changes?
-_UI_CreateModelError_message = Problems encountered in file "{0}"
-# End of section
-# Properties in this section MAY be translated, although they are quite ok in English.
-# Mostly there are names of classes and features that are often referenced to by
-# their English names
-pluginName = Papyrus GMF Tooling Edit Support
-providerName = Eclipse Modeling Project
-_UI_ToolRegistry_type = Tool Registry
-_UI_AbstractTool_type = Abstract Tool
-_UI_ToolContainer_type = Tool Container
-_UI_PaletteSeparator_type = Palette Separator
-_UI_ToolGroup_type = Tool Group
-_UI_Palette_type = Palette
-_UI_StandardTool_type = Standard Tool
-_UI_CreationTool_type = Creation Tool
-_UI_GenericTool_type = Generic Tool
-_UI_ItemBase_type = Item Base
-_UI_Menu_type = Menu
-_UI_Separator_type = Separator
-_UI_PredefinedItem_type = Predefined Item
-_UI_PredefinedMenu_type = Predefined Menu
-_UI_ContributionItem_type = Contribution Item
-_UI_MenuAction_type = Menu Action
-_UI_ItemRef_type = Item Ref
-_UI_ContextMenu_type = Context Menu
-_UI_PopupMenu_type = Popup Menu
-_UI_MainMenu_type = Main Menu
-_UI_Toolbar_type = Toolbar
-_UI_Image_type = Image
-_UI_DefaultImage_type = Default Image
-_UI_BundleImage_type = Bundle Image
-_UI_StyleSelector_type = Style Selector
-_UI_GenericStyleSelector_type = Generic Style Selector
-_UI_Unknown_type = Object
- _UI_Unknown_datatype= Value
- _UI_ToolRegistry_sharedActions_feature = Shared Actions
-_UI_ToolRegistry_allMenus_feature = All Menus
-_UI_ToolRegistry_palette_feature = Palette
-_UI_AbstractTool_smallIcon_feature = Small Icon
-_UI_AbstractTool_largeIcon_feature = Large Icon
-_UI_AbstractTool_title_feature = Title
-_UI_AbstractTool_description_feature = Description
-_UI_ToolContainer_tools_feature = Tools
-_UI_ToolGroup_collapsible_feature = Collapsible
-_UI_ToolGroup_active_feature = Active
-_UI_ToolGroup_stack_feature = Stack
-_UI_Palette_default_feature = Default
-_UI_StandardTool_toolKind_feature = Tool Kind
-_UI_GenericTool_toolClass_feature = Tool Class
-_UI_Menu_items_feature = Items
-_UI_Separator_name_feature = Name
-_UI_PredefinedItem_identifier_feature = Identifier
-_UI_ContributionItem_icon_feature = Icon
-_UI_ContributionItem_title_feature = Title
-_UI_MenuAction_kind_feature = Kind
-_UI_MenuAction_hotKey_feature = Hot Key
-_UI_ItemRef_item_feature = Item
-_UI_ContextMenu_default_feature = Default
-_UI_PopupMenu_iD_feature = ID
-_UI_MainMenu_title_feature = Title
-_UI_BundleImage_path_feature = Path
-_UI_BundleImage_bundle_feature = Bundle
-_UI_GenericStyleSelector_values_feature = Values
-_UI_Unknown_feature = Unspecified
- _UI_StandardToolKind_SELECT_literal = SELECT
-_UI_StandardToolKind_SELECT_PAN_literal = SELECT_PAN
-_UI_StandardToolKind_MARQUEE_literal = MARQUEE
-_UI_StandardToolKind_ZOOM_PAN_literal = ZOOM_PAN
-_UI_StandardToolKind_ZOOM_IN_literal = ZOOM_IN
-_UI_StandardToolKind_ZOOM_OUT_literal = ZOOM_OUT
-_UI_ActionKind_CREATE_literal = CREATE
-_UI_ActionKind_MODIFY_literal = MODIFY
-_UI_ActionKind_PROCESS_literal = PROCESS
-_UI_ActionKind_CUSTOM_literal = CUSTOM
-_UI_AppearanceStyle_Font_literal = Font
-_UI_AppearanceStyle_Fill_literal = Fill
-_UI_AppearanceStyle_Line_literal = Line
-# ====================================================================

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