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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/developer/org.eclipse.papyrus.def/xtend/aspects/xpt/plugin/plugin.xtend')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 178 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/developer/org.eclipse.papyrus.def/xtend/aspects/xpt/plugin/plugin.xtend b/plugins/developer/org.eclipse.papyrus.def/xtend/aspects/xpt/plugin/plugin.xtend
index 962deb0b53d..a9070fe132a 100644
--- a/plugins/developer/org.eclipse.papyrus.def/xtend/aspects/xpt/plugin/plugin.xtend
+++ b/plugins/developer/org.eclipse.papyrus.def/xtend/aspects/xpt/plugin/plugin.xtend
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017 CEA LIST, ALL4TEC and others.
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - initial API and implementation
- * Mickaël ADAM (ALL4TEC) - Bug 510587: the palette must not be generated by using GMF gen
- *****************************************************************************/
-package aspects.xpt.plugin
-import aspects.xpt.Common
-import aspects.xpt.editor.palette.Utils_qvto
-import java.util.Iterator
-import java.util.List
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject
-import org.eclipse.gmf.codegen.gmfgen.AbstractToolEntry
-import org.eclipse.gmf.codegen.gmfgen.GenCompartment
-import org.eclipse.gmf.codegen.gmfgen.GenEditorGenerator
-import org.eclipse.gmf.codegen.gmfgen.GenExternalNodeLabel
-import org.eclipse.gmf.codegen.gmfgen.GenLink
-import org.eclipse.gmf.codegen.gmfgen.GenLinkLabel
-import org.eclipse.gmf.codegen.gmfgen.GenPlugin
-import org.eclipse.gmf.codegen.gmfgen.ToolEntry
-import org.eclipse.gmf.codegen.gmfgen.ToolGroup
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.papyrusgmfgenextension.ExtendedGenView
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.papyrusgmfgenextension.LabelVisibilityPreference
-import xpt.editor.extensions
-import xpt.plugin.pluginUtils
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 CEA LIST, ALL4TEC and others.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * CEA LIST - initial API and implementation
+ * Mickaël ADAM (ALL4TEC) - Bug 510587: the palette must not be generated by using GMF gen
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package aspects.xpt.plugin
+import aspects.xpt.Common
+import aspects.xpt.editor.palette.Utils_qvto
+import java.util.Iterator
+import java.util.List
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject
+import org.eclipse.gmf.codegen.gmfgen.AbstractToolEntry
+import org.eclipse.gmf.codegen.gmfgen.GenCompartment
+import org.eclipse.gmf.codegen.gmfgen.GenEditorGenerator
+import org.eclipse.gmf.codegen.gmfgen.GenExternalNodeLabel
+import org.eclipse.gmf.codegen.gmfgen.GenLink
+import org.eclipse.gmf.codegen.gmfgen.GenLinkLabel
+import org.eclipse.gmf.codegen.gmfgen.GenPlugin
+import org.eclipse.gmf.codegen.gmfgen.ToolEntry
+import org.eclipse.gmf.codegen.gmfgen.ToolGroup
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.papyrusgmfgenextension.ExtendedGenView
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.papyrusgmfgenextension.LabelVisibilityPreference
+import xpt.editor.extensions
+import xpt.plugin.pluginUtils
@Singleton class plugin extends xpt.plugin.plugin {
@Inject extension Common
@@ -72,34 +72,34 @@ import
- «additions(it)»
- «notationTypesMap(editorGen)»
-««« «paletteConfiguration(editorGen)»
+ «additions(it)»
+ «notationTypesMap(editorGen)»
+««« «paletteConfiguration(editorGen)»
- '''
- /**
- * deprecated: palette configuration are now declared through architecture model.
- */
- def paletteConfiguration(GenEditorGenerator it) '''
-<extension point="org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.gmfdiag.common.paletteDefinition">
- «xmlGeneratedTag»
- <paletteDefinition
- ID="«plugin.ID».paletteconfiguration"
- class="org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.gmfdiag.common.service.palette.ExtendedPluginPaletteProvider"
- name="«» Palette"
- path="«relativePath»/«modelID».paletteconfiguration"
- provider="Eclipse Modeling Project">
- <Priority
- name="Lowest">
- </Priority>
- <!-- Specify diagram to which this palette tool relates -->
- <editor
- id="«plugin.ID»">
- </editor>
- </paletteDefinition>
+ '''
+ /**
+ * deprecated: palette configuration are now declared through architecture model.
+ */
+ def paletteConfiguration(GenEditorGenerator it) '''
+<extension point="org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.gmfdiag.common.paletteDefinition">
+ «xmlGeneratedTag»
+ <paletteDefinition
+ ID="«plugin.ID».paletteconfiguration"
+ class="org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.gmfdiag.common.service.palette.ExtendedPluginPaletteProvider"
+ name="«» Palette"
+ path="«relativePath»/«modelID».paletteconfiguration"
+ provider="Eclipse Modeling Project">
+ <Priority
+ name="Lowest">
+ </Priority>
+ <!-- Specify diagram to which this palette tool relates -->
+ <editor
+ id="«plugin.ID»">
+ </editor>
+ </paletteDefinition>
override additions(GenPlugin it) ''''''
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ import
<predefinedEntry id="standardGroup/noteStack/textTool" remove="true"/>
<predefinedEntry id="standardGroup/noteStack/noteattachmentTool" remove="true"/>
- «FOR tool : diagram.palette.groups»
+ «FOR tool : diagram.palette.groups»
@@ -161,54 +161,54 @@ import
def groupUsage(ToolGroup it) '''
- <entry
- description="«it.description»"
- id=«IF isQuoted(id,'"')»«id»«ELSE»"«id»"«ENDIF»
- kind="«IF it.stack && it.toolsOnly»stack«ELSE»drawer«ENDIF»"
- label="«it.title»"
- large_icon="«largeIconPath»"
- path="«getPath(it)»"
- small_icon="«smallIconPath»">
- <expand
- force="true">
- </expand>
- </entry>
- ««« TODO: call sub entries...
- «FOR entry : it.entries.filter[e| e instanceof ToolEntry]»
- «toolUsage(entry, it)»
- «FOR entry : it.entries.filter[e| e instanceof ToolGroup]»
- «toolUsage(entry, it)»
+ <entry
+ description="«it.description»"
+ id=«IF isQuoted(id,'"')»«id»«ELSE»"«id»"«ENDIF»
+ kind="«IF it.stack && it.toolsOnly»stack«ELSE»drawer«ENDIF»"
+ label="«it.title»"
+ large_icon="«largeIconPath»"
+ path="«getPath(it)»"
+ small_icon="«smallIconPath»">
+ <expand
+ force="true">
+ </expand>
+ </entry>
+ ««« TODO: call sub entries...
+ «FOR entry : it.entries.filter[e| e instanceof ToolEntry]»
+ «toolUsage(entry, it)»
+ «FOR entry : it.entries.filter[e| e instanceof ToolGroup]»
+ «toolUsage(entry, it)»
- private def getPath(ToolEntry it) {
- return buildPath(it.eContainer);
- }
- private def getPath(ToolGroup it) {
- return buildPath(it.eContainer);
- }
- private def buildPath(EObject it) {
- var path = new StringBuilder();
- var container = it;
- while (container instanceof ToolGroup) {
- path.insert(0, getToolPath((container as ToolGroup).id));
- container = container.eContainer;
- }
- return if(path.length() != 0) path.toString else "/" ;
- }
- def dispatch toolUsage(ToolEntry it, ToolGroup group) '''
- <predefinedEntry
- id=«IF isQuoted(id,'"')»«id»«ELSE»"«id»"«ENDIF»
- path="«getPath(it)»">
- </predefinedEntry>
- '''
- def dispatch toolUsage(ToolGroup it, ToolGroup group) '''
- «groupUsage(it)»
+ private def getPath(ToolEntry it) {
+ return buildPath(it.eContainer);
+ }
+ private def getPath(ToolGroup it) {
+ return buildPath(it.eContainer);
+ }
+ private def buildPath(EObject it) {
+ var path = new StringBuilder();
+ var container = it;
+ while (container instanceof ToolGroup) {
+ path.insert(0, getToolPath((container as ToolGroup).id));
+ container = container.eContainer;
+ }
+ return if(path.length() != 0) path.toString else "/" ;
+ }
+ def dispatch toolUsage(ToolEntry it, ToolGroup group) '''
+ <predefinedEntry
+ id=«IF isQuoted(id,'"')»«id»«ELSE»"«id»"«ENDIF»
+ path="«getPath(it)»">
+ </predefinedEntry>
+ '''
+ def dispatch toolUsage(ToolGroup it, ToolGroup group) '''
+ «groupUsage(it)»
def predefinedEntryDefinition(AbstractToolEntry it) '''
@@ -222,71 +222,71 @@ import
- '''
- // set notation type mapping extension point
- def notationTypesMap(GenEditorGenerator it) '''
-«tripleSpace(0)»<extension point="org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.gmfdiag.common.notationTypesMapping">
-«tripleSpace(1)»<diagramMappings diagramID="«modelID»">
-«tripleSpace(1)» <mapping type="«modelID»" humanReadableType="«modelID.replaceAll('Papyrus|UML|Diagram', '')»Diagram"/>
- «FOR compartment : diagram.compartments»
- «compartmentToTypeMap(compartment)»
- «FOR link : diagram.links»
- «linksToTypeMap(link)»
- «FOR externalLabel : diagram.eResource.allContents.filter(typeof (GenExternalNodeLabel)).toIterable»
- «floatingLabelToTypeMap(externalLabel)»
- «externalNodeLabelToTypeMap(externalLabel)»
- '''
- def compartmentToTypeMap(GenCompartment it) '''
- <mapping
- humanReadableType="«title.replaceAll('Compartment', '')»"
- type="«stringVisualID»">
- </mapping>
- '''
- def linksToTypeMap(GenLink it) '''
- «FOR label : labels»
- «linkLabelToTypeMap(label)»
- '''
- def linkLabelToTypeMap(GenLinkLabel it)'''
- ««« it is used on a LabelVisibilityPreference...
- «LabelVisibilityPreferenceToTypeMap(it.eResource.allContents.filter(typeof (LabelVisibilityPreference)).filter[v | v.linkLabels != null && v.linkLabels.contains(it) && v.role != null], stringVisualID)»
- '''
- def externalNodeLabelToTypeMap(GenExternalNodeLabel it)'''
- «LabelVisibilityPreferenceToTypeMap(it.eResource.allContents.filter(typeof (LabelVisibilityPreference)).filter[v | v.externalNodeLabels != null && v.externalNodeLabels.contains(it) && v.role != null],stringVisualID)»
- '''
- def LabelVisibilityPreferenceToTypeMap(Iterator<LabelVisibilityPreference> it, String visualID)'''
- «var List<LabelVisibilityPreference> links = it.toList»
- «IF links.size != 0»
- <mapping
- humanReadableType="«links.get(0).role»"
- type="«visualID»">
- </mapping>
- '''
- def floatingLabelToTypeMap(GenExternalNodeLabel it)'''
- ««« it is used on a ExtensionGenView...
- «IF it.eResource.allContents.filter(typeof (ExtendedGenView)).filter[v | v.genView.contains(it) && v.superOwnedEditPart != null].size != 0»
- «FOR extendedObject : it.eResource.allContents.filter(typeof (ExtendedGenView)).filter[v|v.genView.contains(it) && v.superOwnedEditPart != null].toIterable»
- ««« be extended as floatingLabel
- «IF "FloatingLabelEditPart".equals( »
- <mapping
- humanReadableType="Floating Label"
- type="«stringVisualID»">
- </mapping>
- '''
+ '''
+ // set notation type mapping extension point
+ def notationTypesMap(GenEditorGenerator it) '''
+«tripleSpace(0)»<extension point="org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.gmfdiag.common.notationTypesMapping">
+«tripleSpace(1)»<diagramMappings diagramID="«modelID»">
+«tripleSpace(1)» <mapping type="«modelID»" humanReadableType="«modelID.replaceAll('Papyrus|UML|Diagram', '')»Diagram"/>
+ «FOR compartment : diagram.compartments»
+ «compartmentToTypeMap(compartment)»
+ «FOR link : diagram.links»
+ «linksToTypeMap(link)»
+ «FOR externalLabel : diagram.eResource.allContents.filter(typeof (GenExternalNodeLabel)).toIterable»
+ «floatingLabelToTypeMap(externalLabel)»
+ «externalNodeLabelToTypeMap(externalLabel)»
+ '''
+ def compartmentToTypeMap(GenCompartment it) '''
+ <mapping
+ humanReadableType="«title.replaceAll('Compartment', '')»"
+ type="«stringVisualID»">
+ </mapping>
+ '''
+ def linksToTypeMap(GenLink it) '''
+ «FOR label : labels»
+ «linkLabelToTypeMap(label)»
+ '''
+ def linkLabelToTypeMap(GenLinkLabel it)'''
+ ««« it is used on a LabelVisibilityPreference...
+ «LabelVisibilityPreferenceToTypeMap(it.eResource.allContents.filter(typeof (LabelVisibilityPreference)).filter[v | v.linkLabels != null && v.linkLabels.contains(it) && v.role != null], stringVisualID)»
+ '''
+ def externalNodeLabelToTypeMap(GenExternalNodeLabel it)'''
+ «LabelVisibilityPreferenceToTypeMap(it.eResource.allContents.filter(typeof (LabelVisibilityPreference)).filter[v | v.externalNodeLabels != null && v.externalNodeLabels.contains(it) && v.role != null],stringVisualID)»
+ '''
+ def LabelVisibilityPreferenceToTypeMap(Iterator<LabelVisibilityPreference> it, String visualID)'''
+ «var List<LabelVisibilityPreference> links = it.toList»
+ «IF links.size != 0»
+ <mapping
+ humanReadableType="«links.get(0).role»"
+ type="«visualID»">
+ </mapping>
+ '''
+ def floatingLabelToTypeMap(GenExternalNodeLabel it)'''
+ ««« it is used on a ExtensionGenView...
+ «IF it.eResource.allContents.filter(typeof (ExtendedGenView)).filter[v | v.genView.contains(it) && v.superOwnedEditPart != null].size != 0»
+ «FOR extendedObject : it.eResource.allContents.filter(typeof (ExtendedGenView)).filter[v|v.genView.contains(it) && v.superOwnedEditPart != null].toIterable»
+ ««« be extended as floatingLabel
+ «IF "FloatingLabelEditPart".equals( »
+ <mapping
+ humanReadableType="Floating Label"
+ type="«stringVisualID»">
+ </mapping>
+ '''

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