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Diffstat (limited to 'extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus')
27 files changed, 0 insertions, 26003 deletions
diff --git a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/ b/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/
deleted file mode 100644
index 389dc103a5f..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
- * generated by Xtext
- */
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext;
-import java.util.Properties;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.Constants;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.service.DefaultRuntimeModule;
- * Manual modifications go to {org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.ConstraintWithVSLlRuntimeModule}
- */
-public abstract class AbstractConstraintWithVSLlRuntimeModule extends DefaultRuntimeModule {
- protected Properties properties = null;
- @Override
- public void configure(Binder binder) {
- properties = tryBindProperties(binder, "org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/");
- super.configure(binder);
- }
- public void configureLanguageName(Binder binder) {
- binder.bind(String.class).annotatedWith(Names.named(Constants.LANGUAGE_NAME)).toInstance("org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.ConstraintWithVSLl");
- }
- public void configureFileExtensions(Binder binder) {
- if (properties == null || properties.getProperty(Constants.FILE_EXTENSIONS) == null) {
- binder.bind(String.class).annotatedWith(Names.named(Constants.FILE_EXTENSIONS)).toInstance("constraintwithvsl");
- }
- }
- // contributed by org.eclipse.xtext.generator.grammarAccess.GrammarAccessFragment
- public Class<? extends org.eclipse.xtext.IGrammarAccess> bindIGrammarAccess() {
- return;
- }
- // contributed by org.eclipse.xtext.generator.parseTreeConstructor.ParseTreeConstructorFragment
- public Class<? extends org.eclipse.xtext.parsetree.reconstr.IParseTreeConstructor> bindIParseTreeConstructor() {
- return org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.parseTreeConstruction.ConstraintWithVSLlParsetreeConstructor.class;
- }
- // contributed by org.eclipse.xtext.generator.parser.antlr.XtextAntlrGeneratorFragment
- public Class<? extends org.eclipse.xtext.parser.IParser> bindIParser() {
- return org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.parser.antlr.ConstraintWithVSLlParser.class;
- }
- // contributed by org.eclipse.xtext.generator.parser.antlr.XtextAntlrGeneratorFragment
- @Override
- public Class<? extends org.eclipse.xtext.parser.ITokenToStringConverter> bindITokenToStringConverter() {
- return org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.AntlrTokenToStringConverter.class;
- }
- // contributed by org.eclipse.xtext.generator.parser.antlr.XtextAntlrGeneratorFragment
- public Class<? extends org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.IAntlrTokenFileProvider> bindIAntlrTokenFileProvider() {
- return org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.parser.antlr.ConstraintWithVSLlAntlrTokenFileProvider.class;
- }
- // contributed by org.eclipse.xtext.generator.parser.antlr.XtextAntlrGeneratorFragment
- public Class<? extends org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.Lexer> bindLexer() {
- return org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.parser.antlr.internal.InternalConstraintWithVSLlLexer.class;
- }
- // contributed by org.eclipse.xtext.generator.parser.antlr.XtextAntlrGeneratorFragment
- public<org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.parser.antlr.internal.InternalConstraintWithVSLlLexer> provideInternalConstraintWithVSLlLexer() {
- return org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.LexerProvider.create(org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.parser.antlr.internal.InternalConstraintWithVSLlLexer.class);
- }
- // contributed by org.eclipse.xtext.generator.parser.antlr.XtextAntlrGeneratorFragment
- public void configureRuntimeLexer( binder) {
- binder.bind(org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.Lexer.class).annotatedWith(
- .to(org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.parser.antlr.internal.InternalConstraintWithVSLlLexer.class);
- }
- // contributed by org.eclipse.xtext.generator.parser.antlr.XtextAntlrGeneratorFragment
- @Override
- public Class<? extends org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.ITokenDefProvider> bindITokenDefProvider() {
- return org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.AntlrTokenDefProvider.class;
- }
- // contributed by org.eclipse.xtext.generator.validation.JavaValidatorFragment
- @org.eclipse.xtext.service.SingletonBinding(eager = true)
- public Class<? extends org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.validation.ConstraintWithVSLlJavaValidator> bindConstraintWithVSLlJavaValidator() {
- return org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.validation.ConstraintWithVSLlJavaValidator.class;
- }
- // contributed by org.eclipse.xtext.generator.scoping.AbstractScopingFragment
- @Override
- public Class<? extends org.eclipse.xtext.scoping.IScopeProvider> bindIScopeProvider() {
- return org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.scoping.ConstraintWithVSLlScopeProvider.class;
- }
- // contributed by org.eclipse.xtext.generator.scoping.AbstractScopingFragment
- public void configureIScopeProviderDelegate( binder) {
- binder.bind(org.eclipse.xtext.scoping.IScopeProvider.class).annotatedWith(
- .to(org.eclipse.xtext.scoping.impl.SimpleLocalScopeProvider.class);
- }
- // contributed by org.eclipse.xtext.generator.scoping.AbstractScopingFragment
- @Override
- public Class<? extends org.eclipse.xtext.scoping.IGlobalScopeProvider> bindIGlobalScopeProvider() {
- return org.eclipse.xtext.scoping.impl.ImportUriGlobalScopeProvider.class;
- }
- // contributed by org.eclipse.xtext.generator.scoping.AbstractScopingFragment
- public void configureIgnoreCaseLinking( binder) {
- binder.bindConstant().annotatedWith(org.eclipse.xtext.scoping.IgnoreCaseLinking.class).to(false);
- }
- // contributed by org.eclipse.xtext.generator.exporting.SimpleNamesFragment
- @Override
- public Class<? extends org.eclipse.xtext.naming.IQualifiedNameProvider> bindIQualifiedNameProvider() {
- return org.eclipse.xtext.naming.SimpleNameProvider.class;
- }
- // contributed by org.eclipse.xtext.generator.formatting.FormatterFragment
- @Override
- public Class<? extends org.eclipse.xtext.formatting.IFormatter> bindIFormatter() {
- return org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.formatting.ConstraintWithVSLlFormatter.class;
- }
diff --git a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/ConstraintWithVSLl.ecore b/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/ConstraintWithVSLl.ecore
deleted file mode 100644
index cab53028faa..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/ConstraintWithVSLl.ecore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<ecore:EPackage xmi:version="2.0"
- xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
- xmlns:ecore="" name="constraintWithVSLl"
- nsURI=""
- nsPrefix="constraintWithVSLl">
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- <details key="body" value="return org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.validation.ContextUtil.getExpectedType(this) ;"/>
- </eAnnotations>
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- </eAnnotations>
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- containment="true"/>
- </eClassifiers>
- <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="ConstraintSpecification">
- <eOperations name="getExpectedType" eType="ecore:EClass platform:/resource/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.vsl/model/UML.ecore#//Type">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.validation.ContextUtil.getExpectedType(this) ;"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getContextElement" eType="ecore:EClass platform:/resource/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.vsl/model/UML.ecore#//Element">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.validation.ContextUtil.getContextElement(this) ;"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- </eOperations>
- <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="expression" eType="ecore:EClass platform:/resource/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.vsl/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/vsl/VSL.ecore#//Expression"
- containment="true"/>
- </eClassifiers>
diff --git a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/ConstraintWithVSLl.genmodel b/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/ConstraintWithVSLl.genmodel
deleted file mode 100644
index 4dbe0bb5d3c..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/ConstraintWithVSLl.genmodel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
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- editDirectory="/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.edit/src" editorDirectory="/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.editor/src"
- modelPluginID="org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext" forceOverwrite="true"
- modelName="ConstraintWithVSLl" updateClasspath="false" rootExtendsClass="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.MinimalEObjectImpl$Container"
- complianceLevel="5.0" copyrightFields="false" editPluginID="org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.edit"
- editorPluginID="org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.editor" usedGenPackages="platform:/resource/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.vsl/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/vsl/VSL.genmodel#//vSL">
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- </genPackages>
diff --git a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/ConstraintWithVSLl.xmi b/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/ConstraintWithVSLl.xmi
deleted file mode 100644
index b2c751a0494..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/ConstraintWithVSLl.xmi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1148 +0,0 @@
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- </elements>
- </elements>
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- </rules>
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- <classifier xsi:type="ecore:EClass" href=""/>
- </type>
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- </elements>
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- </type>
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- </elements>
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- </elements>
- </alternatives>
- </rules>
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- <type metamodel="/1/@metamodelDeclarations.1">
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- </type>
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- </alternatives>
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- </type>
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- </type>
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- </type>
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- </alternatives>
- </rules>
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- </type>
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- </rules>
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- <classifier xsi:type="ecore:EClass" href=""/>
- </type>
- <alternatives xsi:type="xtext:Assignment" feature="value" operator="=">
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- </alternatives>
- </rules>
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- <classifier xsi:type="ecore:EClass" href=""/>
- </type>
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- </alternatives>
- </rules>
- </xtext:Grammar>
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- </metamodelDeclarations>
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- </type>
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- </elements>
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- </type>
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- <right value="9"/>
- </alternatives>
- </rules>
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- </type>
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- </elements>
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- </elements>
- </elements>
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- </elements>
- </alternatives>
- </rules>
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- </type>
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- </elements>
- </alternatives>
- </rules>
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- <classifier xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" href=""/>
- </type>
- <alternatives xsi:type="xtext:Group">
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- </terminal>
- </elements>
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- <elements xsi:type="xtext:Keyword" cardinality="?" value="&#xD;"/>
- <elements xsi:type="xtext:Keyword" value="&#xA;"/>
- </elements>
- </alternatives>
- </rules>
- <rules xsi:type="xtext:TerminalRule" name="WS">
- <type metamodel="/2/@metamodelDeclarations.0">
- <classifier xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" href=""/>
- </type>
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- <elements xsi:type="xtext:Keyword" value="&#x9;"/>
- <elements xsi:type="xtext:Keyword" value="&#xD;"/>
- <elements xsi:type="xtext:Keyword" value="&#xA;"/>
- </alternatives>
- </rules>
- <rules xsi:type="xtext:TerminalRule" name="ANY_OTHER">
- <type metamodel="/2/@metamodelDeclarations.0">
- <classifier xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" href=""/>
- </type>
- <alternatives xsi:type="xtext:Wildcard"/>
- </rules>
- </xtext:Grammar>
diff --git a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/ b/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/
deleted file mode 100644
index db7445b7c3f..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.ISetup;
- * Generated from StandaloneSetup.xpt!
- */
-public class ConstraintWithVSLlStandaloneSetupGenerated implements ISetup {
- @Override
- public Injector createInjectorAndDoEMFRegistration() {
- org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.vsl.VSLStandaloneSetup.doSetup();
- Injector injector = createInjector();
- register(injector);
- return injector;
- }
- public Injector createInjector() {
- return Guice.createInjector(new org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.ConstraintWithVSLlRuntimeModule());
- }
- public void register(Injector injector) {
- if (!EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.containsKey("")) {
- EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.put("", org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintWithVSLlPackage.eINSTANCE);
- }
- org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IResourceFactory resourceFactory = injector.getInstance(org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IResourceFactory.class);
- org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IResourceServiceProvider serviceProvider = injector.getInstance(org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IResourceServiceProvider.class);
- Resource.Factory.Registry.INSTANCE.getExtensionToFactoryMap().put("constraintwithvsl", resourceFactory);
- org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IResourceServiceProvider.Registry.INSTANCE.getExtensionToFactoryMap().put("constraintwithvsl", serviceProvider);
- }
diff --git a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/ b/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/
deleted file mode 100644
index a0f0d018ec0..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
- * <copyright>
- * </copyright>
- *
- * $Id$
- */
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Type;
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * A representation of the model object '<em><b>Constraint Rule</b></em>'.
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * <p>
- * The following features are supported:
- * <ul>
- * <li>{@link org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintRule#getSpecification <em>Specification</em>}</li>
- * </ul>
- * </p>
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintWithVSLlPackage#getConstraintRule()
- * @model
- * @generated
- */
-public interface ConstraintRule extends EObject {
- /**
- * Returns the value of the '<em><b>Specification</b></em>' containment reference.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <p>
- * If the meaning of the '<em>Specification</em>' containment reference isn't clear, there really should be more of a description here...
- * </p>
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @return the value of the '<em>Specification</em>' containment reference.
- * @see #setSpecification(ConstraintSpecification)
- * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintWithVSLlPackage#getConstraintRule_Specification()
- * @model containment="true"
- * @generated
- */
- ConstraintSpecification getSpecification();
- /**
- * Sets the value of the '{@link org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintRule#getSpecification <em>Specification</em>}' containment reference.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @param value
- * the new value of the '<em>Specification</em>' containment reference.
- * @see #getSpecification()
- * @generated
- */
- void setSpecification(ConstraintSpecification value);
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @model kind="operation"
- * annotation=" body='return org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.validation.ContextUtil.getExpectedType(this) ;'"
- * @generated
- */
- Type getExpectedType();
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @model kind="operation"
- * annotation=" body='return org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.validation.ContextUtil.getContextElement(this) ;'"
- * @generated
- */
- Element getContextElement();
-} // ConstraintRule
diff --git a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/ b/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/
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index 476b5b6e83d..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
- * <copyright>
- * </copyright>
- *
- * $Id$
- */
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.vsl.vSL.Expression;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Type;
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * A representation of the model object '<em><b>Constraint Specification</b></em>'.
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * <p>
- * The following features are supported:
- * <ul>
- * <li>{@link org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintSpecification#getExpression <em>Expression</em>}</li>
- * </ul>
- * </p>
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintWithVSLlPackage#getConstraintSpecification()
- * @model
- * @generated
- */
-public interface ConstraintSpecification extends EObject {
- /**
- * Returns the value of the '<em><b>Expression</b></em>' containment reference.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <p>
- * If the meaning of the '<em>Expression</em>' containment reference isn't clear, there really should be more of a description here...
- * </p>
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @return the value of the '<em>Expression</em>' containment reference.
- * @see #setExpression(Expression)
- * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintWithVSLlPackage#getConstraintSpecification_Expression()
- * @model containment="true"
- * @generated
- */
- Expression getExpression();
- /**
- * Sets the value of the '{@link org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintSpecification#getExpression <em>Expression</em>}' containment reference.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @param value
- * the new value of the '<em>Expression</em>' containment reference.
- * @see #getExpression()
- * @generated
- */
- void setExpression(Expression value);
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @model kind="operation"
- * annotation=" body='return org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.validation.ContextUtil.getExpectedType(this) ;'"
- * @generated
- */
- Type getExpectedType();
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @model kind="operation"
- * annotation=" body='return org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.validation.ContextUtil.getContextElement(this) ;'"
- * @generated
- */
- Element getContextElement();
-} // ConstraintSpecification
diff --git a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/ b/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/
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index fdcb804d558..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
- * <copyright>
- * </copyright>
- *
- * $Id$
- */
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EFactory;
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * The <b>Factory</b> for the model.
- * It provides a create method for each non-abstract class of the model.
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintWithVSLlPackage
- * @generated
- */
-public interface ConstraintWithVSLlFactory extends EFactory {
- /**
- * The singleton instance of the factory.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- ConstraintWithVSLlFactory eINSTANCE = org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.impl.ConstraintWithVSLlFactoryImpl.init();
- /**
- * Returns a new object of class '<em>Constraint Rule</em>'.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @return a new object of class '<em>Constraint Rule</em>'.
- * @generated
- */
- ConstraintRule createConstraintRule();
- /**
- * Returns a new object of class '<em>Constraint Specification</em>'.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @return a new object of class '<em>Constraint Specification</em>'.
- * @generated
- */
- ConstraintSpecification createConstraintSpecification();
- /**
- * Returns the package supported by this factory.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @return the package supported by this factory.
- * @generated
- */
- ConstraintWithVSLlPackage getConstraintWithVSLlPackage();
-} // ConstraintWithVSLlFactory
diff --git a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/ b/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/
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index 80a2ed2f1ba..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
- * <copyright>
- * </copyright>
- *
- * $Id$
- */
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference;
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * The <b>Package</b> for the model.
- * It contains accessors for the meta objects to represent
- * <ul>
- * <li>each class,</li>
- * <li>each feature of each class,</li>
- * <li>each enum,</li>
- * <li>and each data type</li>
- * </ul>
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintWithVSLlFactory
- * @model kind="package"
- * @generated
- */
-public interface ConstraintWithVSLlPackage extends EPackage {
- /**
- * The package name.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- String eNAME = "constraintWithVSLl";
- /**
- * The package namespace URI.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- String eNS_URI = "";
- /**
- * The package namespace name.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- String eNS_PREFIX = "constraintWithVSLl";
- /**
- * The singleton instance of the package.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- ConstraintWithVSLlPackage eINSTANCE = org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.impl.ConstraintWithVSLlPackageImpl.init();
- /**
- * The meta object id for the '{@link org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.impl.ConstraintRuleImpl <em>Constraint Rule</em>}' class.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.impl.ConstraintRuleImpl
- * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.impl.ConstraintWithVSLlPackageImpl#getConstraintRule()
- * @generated
- */
- /**
- * The feature id for the '<em><b>Specification</b></em>' containment reference.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- * @ordered
- */
- /**
- * The number of structural features of the '<em>Constraint Rule</em>' class.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- * @ordered
- */
- /**
- * The meta object id for the '{@link org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.impl.ConstraintSpecificationImpl <em>Constraint Specification</em>}' class.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.impl.ConstraintSpecificationImpl
- * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.impl.ConstraintWithVSLlPackageImpl#getConstraintSpecification()
- * @generated
- */
- /**
- * The feature id for the '<em><b>Expression</b></em>' containment reference.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- * @ordered
- */
- /**
- * The number of structural features of the '<em>Constraint Specification</em>' class.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- * @ordered
- */
- /**
- * Returns the meta object for class '{@link org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintRule <em>Constraint Rule</em>}'.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @return the meta object for class '<em>Constraint Rule</em>'.
- * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintRule
- * @generated
- */
- EClass getConstraintRule();
- /**
- * Returns the meta object for the containment reference '{@link org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintRule#getSpecification <em>Specification</em>}'.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @return the meta object for the containment reference '<em>Specification</em>'.
- * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintRule#getSpecification()
- * @see #getConstraintRule()
- * @generated
- */
- EReference getConstraintRule_Specification();
- /**
- * Returns the meta object for class '{@link org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintSpecification <em>Constraint Specification</em>}'.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @return the meta object for class '<em>Constraint Specification</em>'.
- * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintSpecification
- * @generated
- */
- EClass getConstraintSpecification();
- /**
- * Returns the meta object for the containment reference '{@link org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintSpecification#getExpression <em>Expression</em>}'.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @return the meta object for the containment reference '<em>Expression</em>'.
- * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintSpecification#getExpression()
- * @see #getConstraintSpecification()
- * @generated
- */
- EReference getConstraintSpecification_Expression();
- /**
- * Returns the factory that creates the instances of the model.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @return the factory that creates the instances of the model.
- * @generated
- */
- ConstraintWithVSLlFactory getConstraintWithVSLlFactory();
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
- * <ul>
- * <li>each class,</li>
- * <li>each feature of each class,</li>
- * <li>each enum,</li>
- * <li>and each data type</li>
- * </ul>
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- interface Literals {
- /**
- * The meta object literal for the '{@link org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.impl.ConstraintRuleImpl <em>Constraint Rule</em>}' class.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.impl.ConstraintRuleImpl
- * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.impl.ConstraintWithVSLlPackageImpl#getConstraintRule()
- * @generated
- */
- EClass CONSTRAINT_RULE = eINSTANCE.getConstraintRule();
- /**
- * The meta object literal for the '<em><b>Specification</b></em>' containment reference feature.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- EReference CONSTRAINT_RULE__SPECIFICATION = eINSTANCE.getConstraintRule_Specification();
- /**
- * The meta object literal for the '{@link org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.impl.ConstraintSpecificationImpl <em>Constraint Specification</em>}' class.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.impl.ConstraintSpecificationImpl
- * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.impl.ConstraintWithVSLlPackageImpl#getConstraintSpecification()
- * @generated
- */
- EClass CONSTRAINT_SPECIFICATION = eINSTANCE.getConstraintSpecification();
- /**
- * The meta object literal for the '<em><b>Expression</b></em>' containment reference feature.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- EReference CONSTRAINT_SPECIFICATION__EXPRESSION = eINSTANCE.getConstraintSpecification_Expression();
- }
-} // ConstraintWithVSLlPackage
diff --git a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/impl/ b/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/impl/
deleted file mode 100644
index 66824fc53ea..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/impl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
- * <copyright>
- * </copyright>
- *
- * $Id$
- */
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.impl;
-import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notification;
-import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.InternalEObject;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.ENotificationImpl;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.MinimalEObjectImpl;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintRule;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintSpecification;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintWithVSLlPackage;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Type;
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * An implementation of the model object '<em><b>Constraint Rule</b></em>'.
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- * <p>
- * The following features are implemented:
- * <ul>
- * <li>{@link org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.impl.ConstraintRuleImpl#getSpecification <em>Specification</em>}</li>
- * </ul>
- * </p>
- *
- * @generated
- */
-public class ConstraintRuleImpl extends MinimalEObjectImpl.Container implements ConstraintRule {
- /**
- * The cached value of the '{@link #getSpecification() <em>Specification</em>}' containment reference.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @see #getSpecification()
- * @generated
- * @ordered
- */
- protected ConstraintSpecification specification;
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- protected ConstraintRuleImpl() {
- super();
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- protected EClass eStaticClass() {
- return ConstraintWithVSLlPackage.Literals.CONSTRAINT_RULE;
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public ConstraintSpecification getSpecification() {
- return specification;
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- public NotificationChain basicSetSpecification(ConstraintSpecification newSpecification, NotificationChain msgs) {
- ConstraintSpecification oldSpecification = specification;
- specification = newSpecification;
- if (eNotificationRequired()) {
- ENotificationImpl notification = new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, ConstraintWithVSLlPackage.CONSTRAINT_RULE__SPECIFICATION, oldSpecification, newSpecification);
- if (msgs == null) {
- msgs = notification;
- } else {
- msgs.add(notification);
- }
- }
- return msgs;
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public void setSpecification(ConstraintSpecification newSpecification) {
- if (newSpecification != specification) {
- NotificationChain msgs = null;
- if (specification != null) {
- msgs = ((InternalEObject) specification).eInverseRemove(this, EOPPOSITE_FEATURE_BASE - ConstraintWithVSLlPackage.CONSTRAINT_RULE__SPECIFICATION, null, msgs);
- }
- if (newSpecification != null) {
- msgs = ((InternalEObject) newSpecification).eInverseAdd(this, EOPPOSITE_FEATURE_BASE - ConstraintWithVSLlPackage.CONSTRAINT_RULE__SPECIFICATION, null, msgs);
- }
- msgs = basicSetSpecification(newSpecification, msgs);
- if (msgs != null) {
- msgs.dispatch();
- }
- }
- else if (eNotificationRequired()) {
- eNotify(new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, ConstraintWithVSLlPackage.CONSTRAINT_RULE__SPECIFICATION, newSpecification, newSpecification));
- }
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public Type getExpectedType() {
- return org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.validation.ContextUtil.getExpectedType(this);
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public Element getContextElement() {
- return org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.validation.ContextUtil.getContextElement(this);
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public NotificationChain eInverseRemove(InternalEObject otherEnd, int featureID, NotificationChain msgs) {
- switch (featureID) {
- return basicSetSpecification(null, msgs);
- }
- return super.eInverseRemove(otherEnd, featureID, msgs);
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public Object eGet(int featureID, boolean resolve, boolean coreType) {
- switch (featureID) {
- return getSpecification();
- }
- return super.eGet(featureID, resolve, coreType);
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public void eSet(int featureID, Object newValue) {
- switch (featureID) {
- setSpecification((ConstraintSpecification) newValue);
- return;
- }
- super.eSet(featureID, newValue);
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public void eUnset(int featureID) {
- switch (featureID) {
- setSpecification((ConstraintSpecification) null);
- return;
- }
- super.eUnset(featureID);
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public boolean eIsSet(int featureID) {
- switch (featureID) {
- return specification != null;
- }
- return super.eIsSet(featureID);
- }
-} // ConstraintRuleImpl
diff --git a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/impl/ b/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/impl/
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index d821fb13501..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/impl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
- * <copyright>
- * </copyright>
- *
- * $Id$
- */
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.impl;
-import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notification;
-import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.InternalEObject;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.ENotificationImpl;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.MinimalEObjectImpl;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintSpecification;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintWithVSLlPackage;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.vsl.vSL.Expression;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Type;
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * An implementation of the model object '<em><b>Constraint Specification</b></em>'.
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- * <p>
- * The following features are implemented:
- * <ul>
- * <li>{@link org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.impl.ConstraintSpecificationImpl#getExpression <em>Expression</em>}</li>
- * </ul>
- * </p>
- *
- * @generated
- */
-public class ConstraintSpecificationImpl extends MinimalEObjectImpl.Container implements ConstraintSpecification {
- /**
- * The cached value of the '{@link #getExpression() <em>Expression</em>}' containment reference.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @see #getExpression()
- * @generated
- * @ordered
- */
- protected Expression expression;
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- protected ConstraintSpecificationImpl() {
- super();
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- protected EClass eStaticClass() {
- return ConstraintWithVSLlPackage.Literals.CONSTRAINT_SPECIFICATION;
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public Expression getExpression() {
- return expression;
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- public NotificationChain basicSetExpression(Expression newExpression, NotificationChain msgs) {
- Expression oldExpression = expression;
- expression = newExpression;
- if (eNotificationRequired()) {
- ENotificationImpl notification = new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, ConstraintWithVSLlPackage.CONSTRAINT_SPECIFICATION__EXPRESSION, oldExpression, newExpression);
- if (msgs == null) {
- msgs = notification;
- } else {
- msgs.add(notification);
- }
- }
- return msgs;
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public void setExpression(Expression newExpression) {
- if (newExpression != expression) {
- NotificationChain msgs = null;
- if (expression != null) {
- msgs = ((InternalEObject) expression).eInverseRemove(this, EOPPOSITE_FEATURE_BASE - ConstraintWithVSLlPackage.CONSTRAINT_SPECIFICATION__EXPRESSION, null, msgs);
- }
- if (newExpression != null) {
- msgs = ((InternalEObject) newExpression).eInverseAdd(this, EOPPOSITE_FEATURE_BASE - ConstraintWithVSLlPackage.CONSTRAINT_SPECIFICATION__EXPRESSION, null, msgs);
- }
- msgs = basicSetExpression(newExpression, msgs);
- if (msgs != null) {
- msgs.dispatch();
- }
- }
- else if (eNotificationRequired()) {
- eNotify(new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, ConstraintWithVSLlPackage.CONSTRAINT_SPECIFICATION__EXPRESSION, newExpression, newExpression));
- }
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public Type getExpectedType() {
- return org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.validation.ContextUtil.getExpectedType(this);
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public Element getContextElement() {
- return org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.validation.ContextUtil.getContextElement(this);
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public NotificationChain eInverseRemove(InternalEObject otherEnd, int featureID, NotificationChain msgs) {
- switch (featureID) {
- return basicSetExpression(null, msgs);
- }
- return super.eInverseRemove(otherEnd, featureID, msgs);
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public Object eGet(int featureID, boolean resolve, boolean coreType) {
- switch (featureID) {
- return getExpression();
- }
- return super.eGet(featureID, resolve, coreType);
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public void eSet(int featureID, Object newValue) {
- switch (featureID) {
- setExpression((Expression) newValue);
- return;
- }
- super.eSet(featureID, newValue);
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public void eUnset(int featureID) {
- switch (featureID) {
- setExpression((Expression) null);
- return;
- }
- super.eUnset(featureID);
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public boolean eIsSet(int featureID) {
- switch (featureID) {
- return expression != null;
- }
- return super.eIsSet(featureID);
- }
-} // ConstraintSpecificationImpl
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
- * <copyright>
- * </copyright>
- *
- * $Id$
- */
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.impl;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EFactoryImpl;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.plugin.EcorePlugin;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintRule;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintSpecification;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintWithVSLlFactory;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintWithVSLlPackage;
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * An implementation of the model <b>Factory</b>.
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
-public class ConstraintWithVSLlFactoryImpl extends EFactoryImpl implements ConstraintWithVSLlFactory {
- /**
- * Creates the default factory implementation.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- public static ConstraintWithVSLlFactory init() {
- try {
- ConstraintWithVSLlFactory theConstraintWithVSLlFactory = (ConstraintWithVSLlFactory) EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.getEFactory("");
- if (theConstraintWithVSLlFactory != null) {
- return theConstraintWithVSLlFactory;
- }
- } catch (Exception exception) {
- EcorePlugin.INSTANCE.log(exception);
- }
- return new ConstraintWithVSLlFactoryImpl();
- }
- /**
- * Creates an instance of the factory.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- public ConstraintWithVSLlFactoryImpl() {
- super();
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public EObject create(EClass eClass) {
- switch (eClass.getClassifierID()) {
- case ConstraintWithVSLlPackage.CONSTRAINT_RULE:
- return createConstraintRule();
- case ConstraintWithVSLlPackage.CONSTRAINT_SPECIFICATION:
- return createConstraintSpecification();
- default:
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("The class '" + eClass.getName() + "' is not a valid classifier");
- }
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public ConstraintRule createConstraintRule() {
- ConstraintRuleImpl constraintRule = new ConstraintRuleImpl();
- return constraintRule;
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public ConstraintSpecification createConstraintSpecification() {
- ConstraintSpecificationImpl constraintSpecification = new ConstraintSpecificationImpl();
- return constraintSpecification;
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public ConstraintWithVSLlPackage getConstraintWithVSLlPackage() {
- return (ConstraintWithVSLlPackage) getEPackage();
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @deprecated
- * @generated
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static ConstraintWithVSLlPackage getPackage() {
- return ConstraintWithVSLlPackage.eINSTANCE;
- }
-} // ConstraintWithVSLlFactoryImpl
diff --git a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/impl/ b/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/impl/
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- * <copyright>
- * </copyright>
- *
- * $Id$
- */
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.impl;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EPackageImpl;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintRule;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintSpecification;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintWithVSLlFactory;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintWithVSLlPackage;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.vsl.vSL.VSLPackage;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage;
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * An implementation of the model <b>Package</b>.
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
-public class ConstraintWithVSLlPackageImpl extends EPackageImpl implements ConstraintWithVSLlPackage {
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- private EClass constraintRuleEClass = null;
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- private EClass constraintSpecificationEClass = null;
- /**
- * Creates an instance of the model <b>Package</b>, registered with {@link org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage.Registry EPackage.Registry} by the package
- * package URI value.
- * <p>
- * Note: the correct way to create the package is via the static factory method {@link #init init()}, which also performs initialization of the package, or returns the registered package, if one already exists. <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage.Registry
- * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintWithVSLlPackage#eNS_URI
- * @see #init()
- * @generated
- */
- private ConstraintWithVSLlPackageImpl() {
- super(eNS_URI, ConstraintWithVSLlFactory.eINSTANCE);
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- private static boolean isInited = false;
- /**
- * Creates, registers, and initializes the <b>Package</b> for this model, and for any others upon which it depends.
- *
- * <p>
- * This method is used to initialize {@link ConstraintWithVSLlPackage#eINSTANCE} when that field is accessed. Clients should not invoke it directly. Instead, they should simply access that field to obtain the package. <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!--
- * end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @see #eNS_URI
- * @see #createPackageContents()
- * @see #initializePackageContents()
- * @generated
- */
- public static ConstraintWithVSLlPackage init() {
- if (isInited) {
- return (ConstraintWithVSLlPackage) EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.getEPackage(ConstraintWithVSLlPackage.eNS_URI);
- }
- // Obtain or create and register package
- ConstraintWithVSLlPackageImpl theConstraintWithVSLlPackage = (ConstraintWithVSLlPackageImpl) (EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.get(eNS_URI) instanceof ConstraintWithVSLlPackageImpl ? EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.get(eNS_URI)
- : new ConstraintWithVSLlPackageImpl());
- isInited = true;
- // Initialize simple dependencies
- VSLPackage.eINSTANCE.eClass();
- // Create package meta-data objects
- theConstraintWithVSLlPackage.createPackageContents();
- // Initialize created meta-data
- theConstraintWithVSLlPackage.initializePackageContents();
- // Mark meta-data to indicate it can't be changed
- theConstraintWithVSLlPackage.freeze();
- // Update the registry and return the package
- EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.put(ConstraintWithVSLlPackage.eNS_URI, theConstraintWithVSLlPackage);
- return theConstraintWithVSLlPackage;
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public EClass getConstraintRule() {
- return constraintRuleEClass;
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public EReference getConstraintRule_Specification() {
- return (EReference) constraintRuleEClass.getEStructuralFeatures().get(0);
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public EClass getConstraintSpecification() {
- return constraintSpecificationEClass;
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public EReference getConstraintSpecification_Expression() {
- return (EReference) constraintSpecificationEClass.getEStructuralFeatures().get(0);
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public ConstraintWithVSLlFactory getConstraintWithVSLlFactory() {
- return (ConstraintWithVSLlFactory) getEFactoryInstance();
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- private boolean isCreated = false;
- /**
- * Creates the meta-model objects for the package. This method is
- * guarded to have no affect on any invocation but its first.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- public void createPackageContents() {
- if (isCreated) {
- return;
- }
- isCreated = true;
- // Create classes and their features
- constraintRuleEClass = createEClass(CONSTRAINT_RULE);
- createEReference(constraintRuleEClass, CONSTRAINT_RULE__SPECIFICATION);
- constraintSpecificationEClass = createEClass(CONSTRAINT_SPECIFICATION);
- createEReference(constraintSpecificationEClass, CONSTRAINT_SPECIFICATION__EXPRESSION);
- }
- /**
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- private boolean isInitialized = false;
- /**
- * Complete the initialization of the package and its meta-model. This
- * method is guarded to have no affect on any invocation but its first.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- public void initializePackageContents() {
- if (isInitialized) {
- return;
- }
- isInitialized = true;
- // Initialize package
- setName(eNAME);
- setNsPrefix(eNS_PREFIX);
- setNsURI(eNS_URI);
- // Obtain other dependent packages
- UMLPackage theUMLPackage = (UMLPackage) EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.getEPackage(UMLPackage.eNS_URI);
- VSLPackage theVSLPackage = (VSLPackage) EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.getEPackage(VSLPackage.eNS_URI);
- // Create type parameters
- // Set bounds for type parameters
- // Add supertypes to classes
- // Initialize classes and features; add operations and parameters
- initEClass(constraintRuleEClass, ConstraintRule.class, "ConstraintRule", !IS_ABSTRACT, !IS_INTERFACE, IS_GENERATED_INSTANCE_CLASS);
- initEReference(getConstraintRule_Specification(), this.getConstraintSpecification(), null, "specification", null, 0, 1, ConstraintRule.class, !IS_TRANSIENT, !IS_VOLATILE, IS_CHANGEABLE, IS_COMPOSITE, !IS_RESOLVE_PROXIES, !IS_UNSETTABLE, IS_UNIQUE,
- addEOperation(constraintRuleEClass, theUMLPackage.getType(), "getExpectedType", 0, 1, IS_UNIQUE, IS_ORDERED);
- addEOperation(constraintRuleEClass, theUMLPackage.getElement(), "getContextElement", 0, 1, IS_UNIQUE, IS_ORDERED);
- initEClass(constraintSpecificationEClass, ConstraintSpecification.class, "ConstraintSpecification", !IS_ABSTRACT, !IS_INTERFACE, IS_GENERATED_INSTANCE_CLASS);
- initEReference(getConstraintSpecification_Expression(), theVSLPackage.getExpression(), null, "expression", null, 0, 1, ConstraintSpecification.class, !IS_TRANSIENT, !IS_VOLATILE, IS_CHANGEABLE, IS_COMPOSITE, !IS_RESOLVE_PROXIES, !IS_UNSETTABLE,
- addEOperation(constraintSpecificationEClass, theUMLPackage.getType(), "getExpectedType", 0, 1, IS_UNIQUE, IS_ORDERED);
- addEOperation(constraintSpecificationEClass, theUMLPackage.getElement(), "getContextElement", 0, 1, IS_UNIQUE, IS_ORDERED);
- // Create resource
- createResource(eNS_URI);
- }
-} // ConstraintWithVSLlPackageImpl
diff --git a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/util/ b/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/util/
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
- * <copyright>
- * </copyright>
- *
- * $Id$
- */
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.util;
-import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Adapter;
-import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier;
-import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.impl.AdapterFactoryImpl;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintRule;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintSpecification;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintWithVSLlPackage;
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * The <b>Adapter Factory</b> for the model.
- * It provides an adapter <code>createXXX</code> method for each class of the model.
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintWithVSLlPackage
- * @generated
- */
-public class ConstraintWithVSLlAdapterFactory extends AdapterFactoryImpl {
- /**
- * The cached model package.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- protected static ConstraintWithVSLlPackage modelPackage;
- /**
- * Creates an instance of the adapter factory.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- public ConstraintWithVSLlAdapterFactory() {
- if (modelPackage == null) {
- modelPackage = ConstraintWithVSLlPackage.eINSTANCE;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns whether this factory is applicable for the type of the object.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * This implementation returns <code>true</code> if the object is either the model's package or is an instance object of the model.
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @return whether this factory is applicable for the type of the object.
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public boolean isFactoryForType(Object object) {
- if (object == modelPackage) {
- return true;
- }
- if (object instanceof EObject) {
- return ((EObject) object).eClass().getEPackage() == modelPackage;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * The switch that delegates to the <code>createXXX</code> methods.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- protected ConstraintWithVSLlSwitch<Adapter> modelSwitch =
- new ConstraintWithVSLlSwitch<Adapter>() {
- @Override
- public Adapter caseConstraintRule(ConstraintRule object) {
- return createConstraintRuleAdapter();
- }
- @Override
- public Adapter caseConstraintSpecification(ConstraintSpecification object) {
- return createConstraintSpecificationAdapter();
- }
- @Override
- public Adapter defaultCase(EObject object) {
- return createEObjectAdapter();
- }
- };
- /**
- * Creates an adapter for the <code>target</code>.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @param target
- * the object to adapt.
- * @return the adapter for the <code>target</code>.
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public Adapter createAdapter(Notifier target) {
- return modelSwitch.doSwitch((EObject) target);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintRule <em>Constraint Rule</em>}'.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
- * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @return the new adapter.
- * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintRule
- * @generated
- */
- public Adapter createConstraintRuleAdapter() {
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintSpecification <em>Constraint Specification</em>}'.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
- * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @return the new adapter.
- * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintSpecification
- * @generated
- */
- public Adapter createConstraintSpecificationAdapter() {
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Creates a new adapter for the default case.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * This default implementation returns null.
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @return the new adapter.
- * @generated
- */
- public Adapter createEObjectAdapter() {
- return null;
- }
-} // ConstraintWithVSLlAdapterFactory
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
- * <copyright>
- * </copyright>
- *
- * $Id$
- */
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.util;
-import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceFactoryImpl;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.XMLResource;
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * The <b>Resource Factory</b> associated with the package.
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.util.ConstraintWithVSLlResourceImpl
- * @generated
- */
-public class ConstraintWithVSLlResourceFactoryImpl extends ResourceFactoryImpl {
- /**
- * Creates an instance of the resource factory.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- public ConstraintWithVSLlResourceFactoryImpl() {
- super();
- }
- /**
- * Creates an instance of the resource.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public Resource createResource(URI uri) {
- XMLResource result = new ConstraintWithVSLlResourceImpl(uri);
- result.getDefaultSaveOptions().put(XMLResource.OPTION_EXTENDED_META_DATA, Boolean.TRUE);
- result.getDefaultLoadOptions().put(XMLResource.OPTION_EXTENDED_META_DATA, Boolean.TRUE);
- result.getDefaultSaveOptions().put(XMLResource.OPTION_SCHEMA_LOCATION, Boolean.TRUE);
- result.getDefaultLoadOptions().put(XMLResource.OPTION_USE_ENCODED_ATTRIBUTE_STYLE, Boolean.TRUE);
- result.getDefaultSaveOptions().put(XMLResource.OPTION_USE_ENCODED_ATTRIBUTE_STYLE, Boolean.TRUE);
- result.getDefaultLoadOptions().put(XMLResource.OPTION_USE_LEXICAL_HANDLER, Boolean.TRUE);
- return result;
- }
-} // ConstraintWithVSLlResourceFactoryImpl
diff --git a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/util/ b/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/util/
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index eae6b3c01cd..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- * <copyright>
- * </copyright>
- *
- * $Id$
- */
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.util;
-import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLResourceImpl;
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * The <b>Resource </b> associated with the package.
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.util.ConstraintWithVSLlResourceFactoryImpl
- * @generated
- */
-public class ConstraintWithVSLlResourceImpl extends XMLResourceImpl {
- /**
- * Creates an instance of the resource.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @param uri
- * the URI of the new resource.
- * @generated
- */
- public ConstraintWithVSLlResourceImpl(URI uri) {
- super(uri);
- }
-} // ConstraintWithVSLlResourceImpl
diff --git a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/util/ b/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/util/
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index a852ddf0d1c..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
- * <copyright>
- * </copyright>
- *
- * $Id$
- */
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.util;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.Switch;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintRule;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintSpecification;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintWithVSLlPackage;
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * The <b>Switch</b> for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
- * It supports the call {@link #doSwitch(EObject) doSwitch(object)} to invoke the <code>caseXXX</code> method for each class of the model,
- * starting with the actual class of the object
- * and proceeding up the inheritance hierarchy
- * until a non-null result is returned,
- * which is the result of the switch.
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintWithVSLlPackage
- * @generated
- */
-public class ConstraintWithVSLlSwitch<T> extends Switch<T> {
- /**
- * The cached model package
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- protected static ConstraintWithVSLlPackage modelPackage;
- /**
- * Creates an instance of the switch.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- public ConstraintWithVSLlSwitch() {
- if (modelPackage == null) {
- modelPackage = ConstraintWithVSLlPackage.eINSTANCE;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Checks whether this is a switch for the given package.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @parameter ePackage the package in question.
- * @return whether this is a switch for the given package.
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- protected boolean isSwitchFor(EPackage ePackage) {
- return ePackage == modelPackage;
- }
- /**
- * Calls <code>caseXXX</code> for each class of the model until one returns a non null result; it yields that result.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @return the first non-null result returned by a <code>caseXXX</code> call.
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- protected T doSwitch(int classifierID, EObject theEObject) {
- switch (classifierID) {
- case ConstraintWithVSLlPackage.CONSTRAINT_RULE: {
- ConstraintRule constraintRule = (ConstraintRule) theEObject;
- T result = caseConstraintRule(constraintRule);
- if (result == null) {
- result = defaultCase(theEObject);
- }
- return result;
- }
- case ConstraintWithVSLlPackage.CONSTRAINT_SPECIFICATION: {
- ConstraintSpecification constraintSpecification = (ConstraintSpecification) theEObject;
- T result = caseConstraintSpecification(constraintSpecification);
- if (result == null) {
- result = defaultCase(theEObject);
- }
- return result;
- }
- default:
- return defaultCase(theEObject);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Constraint Rule</em>'.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * This implementation returns null;
- * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @param object
- * the target of the switch.
- * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Constraint Rule</em>'.
- * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
- * @generated
- */
- public T caseConstraintRule(ConstraintRule object) {
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Constraint Specification</em>'.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * This implementation returns null;
- * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @param object
- * the target of the switch.
- * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Constraint Specification</em>'.
- * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
- * @generated
- */
- public T caseConstraintSpecification(ConstraintSpecification object) {
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>EObject</em>'.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * This implementation returns null;
- * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch, but this is the last case anyway.
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @param object
- * the target of the switch.
- * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>EObject</em>'.
- * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject)
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- public T defaultCase(EObject object) {
- return null;
- }
-} // ConstraintWithVSLlSwitch
diff --git a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/util/ b/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2114364f5f6..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/constraintWithVSLl/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- * <copyright>
- * </copyright>
- *
- * $Id$
- */
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.util;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.util.XMLProcessor;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintWithVSLlPackage;
- * This class contains helper methods to serialize and deserialize XML documents
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
-public class ConstraintWithVSLlXMLProcessor extends XMLProcessor {
- /**
- * Public constructor to instantiate the helper.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- public ConstraintWithVSLlXMLProcessor() {
- super((EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE));
- ConstraintWithVSLlPackage.eINSTANCE.eClass();
- }
- /**
- * Register for "*" and "xml" file extensions the ConstraintWithVSLlResourceFactoryImpl factory.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
- * <!-- end-user-doc -->
- *
- * @generated
- */
- @Override
- protected Map<String, Resource.Factory> getRegistrations() {
- if (registrations == null) {
- super.getRegistrations();
- registrations.put(XML_EXTENSION, new ConstraintWithVSLlResourceFactoryImpl());
- registrations.put(STAR_EXTENSION, new ConstraintWithVSLlResourceFactoryImpl());
- }
- return registrations;
- }
-} // ConstraintWithVSLlXMLProcessor
diff --git a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parseTreeConstruction/ b/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parseTreeConstruction/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e2eef09f2d..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parseTreeConstruction/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8060 +0,0 @@
- * generated by Xtext
- */
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.parseTreeConstruction;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.Alternatives;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.Assignment;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.Group;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.Keyword;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.RuleCall;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.parsetree.reconstr.IEObjectConsumer;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.parsetree.reconstr.impl.AbstractParseTreeConstructor;
-public class ConstraintWithVSLlParsetreeConstructor extends AbstractParseTreeConstructor {
- @Inject
- private ConstraintWithVSLlGrammarAccess grammarAccess;
- @Override
- protected AbstractToken getRootToken(IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- return new ThisRootNode(inst);
- }
- protected class ThisRootNode extends RootToken {
- public ThisRootNode(IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- super(inst);
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ConstraintRule_SpecificationAssignment(this, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new ConstraintSpecification_ExpressionAssignment(this, this, 1, inst);
- case 2:
- return new Expression_ExpAssignment(this, this, 2, inst);
- case 3:
- return new AndOrXorExpression_Group(this, this, 3, inst);
- case 4:
- return new EqualityExpression_Group(this, this, 4, inst);
- case 5:
- return new RelationalExpression_Group(this, this, 5, inst);
- case 6:
- return new ConditionalExpression_Group(this, this, 6, inst);
- case 7:
- return new AdditiveExpression_Group(this, this, 7, inst);
- case 8:
- return new MultiplicativeExpression_Group(this, this, 8, inst);
- case 9:
- return new UnaryExpression_Alternatives(this, this, 9, inst);
- case 10:
- return new PrimaryExpression_Group(this, this, 10, inst);
- case 11:
- return new ValueSpecification_Alternatives(this, this, 11, inst);
- case 12:
- return new SuffixExpression_Alternatives(this, this, 12, inst);
- case 13:
- return new PropertyCallExpression_Group(this, this, 13, inst);
- case 14:
- return new OperationCallExpression_Group(this, this, 14, inst);
- case 15:
- return new Literal_Alternatives(this, this, 15, inst);
- case 16:
- return new NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_Group(this, this, 16, inst);
- case 17:
- return new QualifiedName_Group(this, this, 17, inst);
- case 18:
- return new Interval_Group(this, this, 18, inst);
- case 19:
- return new CollectionOrTuple_Group(this, this, 19, inst);
- case 20:
- return new Tuple_Group(this, this, 20, inst);
- case 21:
- return new ListOfValues_Group(this, this, 21, inst);
- case 22:
- return new ListOfValueNamePairs_Group(this, this, 22, inst);
- case 23:
- return new ValueNamePair_Group(this, this, 23, inst);
- case 24:
- return new TimeExpression_Alternatives(this, this, 24, inst);
- case 25:
- return new InstantObsExpression_Group(this, this, 25, inst);
- case 26:
- return new InstantObsName_Group(this, this, 26, inst);
- case 27:
- return new DurationObsExpression_Group(this, this, 27, inst);
- case 28:
- return new DurationObsName_Group(this, this, 28, inst);
- case 29:
- return new JitterExp_Group(this, this, 29, inst);
- case 30:
- return new VariableDeclaration_Group(this, this, 30, inst);
- case 31:
- return new DataTypeName_Group(this, this, 31, inst);
- case 32:
- return new NumberLiteralRule_Alternatives(this, this, 32, inst);
- case 33:
- return new IntegerLiteralRule_ValueAssignment(this, this, 33, inst);
- case 34:
- return new UnlimitedLiteralRule_ValueAssignment(this, this, 34, inst);
- case 35:
- return new RealLiteralRule_ValueAssignment(this, this, 35, inst);
- case 36:
- return new DateTimeLiteralRule_ValueAssignment(this, this, 36, inst);
- case 37:
- return new BooleanLiteralRule_ValueAssignment(this, this, 37, inst);
- case 38:
- return new NullLiteralRule_ValueAssignment(this, this, 38, inst);
- case 39:
- return new DefaultLiteralRule_ValueAssignment(this, this, 39, inst);
- case 40:
- return new StringLiteralRule_ValueAssignment(this, this, 40, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- /************
- * begin Rule ConstraintRule ****************
- *
- * ConstraintRule:
- * specification=ConstraintSpecification?;
- *
- **/
- // specification=ConstraintSpecification?
- protected class ConstraintRule_SpecificationAssignment extends AssignmentToken {
- public ConstraintRule_SpecificationAssignment(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getConstraintRuleAccess().getSpecificationAssignment();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ConstraintSpecification_ExpressionAssignment(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getConstraintRuleRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("specification", false)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("specification");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getConstraintSpecificationRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getConstraintRuleAccess().getSpecificationConstraintSpecificationParserRuleCall_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, consumed);
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule ConstraintRule ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule ConstraintSpecification ****************
- *
- * ConstraintSpecification:
- * expression=Expression;
- *
- **/
- // expression=Expression
- protected class ConstraintSpecification_ExpressionAssignment extends AssignmentToken {
- public ConstraintSpecification_ExpressionAssignment(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getConstraintSpecificationAccess().getExpressionAssignment();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Expression_ExpAssignment(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getConstraintSpecificationRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("expression", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("expression");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getConstraintSpecificationAccess().getExpressionExpressionParserRuleCall_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, consumed);
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule ConstraintSpecification ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule Expression ****************
- *
- * Expression:
- * exp=AndOrXorExpression;
- *
- **/
- // exp=AndOrXorExpression
- protected class Expression_ExpAssignment extends AssignmentToken {
- public Expression_ExpAssignment(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getExpressionAccess().getExpAssignment();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new AndOrXorExpression_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("exp", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("exp");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getExpressionAccess().getExpAndOrXorExpressionParserRuleCall_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, consumed);
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule Expression ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule AndOrXorExpression ****************
- *
- * AndOrXorExpression:
- * exp+=EqualityExpression (op+=("and" | "or" | "xor") exp+=EqualityExpression)*;
- *
- **/
- // exp+=EqualityExpression (op+=("and" | "or" | "xor") exp+=EqualityExpression)*
- protected class AndOrXorExpression_Group extends GroupToken {
- public AndOrXorExpression_Group(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionAccess().getGroup();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new AndOrXorExpression_Group_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new AndOrXorExpression_ExpAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // exp+=EqualityExpression
- protected class AndOrXorExpression_ExpAssignment_0 extends AssignmentToken {
- public AndOrXorExpression_ExpAssignment_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionAccess().getExpAssignment_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new EqualityExpression_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("exp", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("exp");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionAccess().getExpEqualityExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, consumed);
- }
- }
- }
- // (op+=("and" | "or" | "xor") exp+=EqualityExpression)*
- protected class AndOrXorExpression_Group_1 extends GroupToken {
- public AndOrXorExpression_Group_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionAccess().getGroup_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new AndOrXorExpression_ExpAssignment_1_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // op+=("and" | "or" | "xor")
- protected class AndOrXorExpression_OpAssignment_1_0 extends AssignmentToken {
- public AndOrXorExpression_OpAssignment_1_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionAccess().getOpAssignment_1_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new AndOrXorExpression_Group_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new AndOrXorExpression_ExpAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("op", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("op");
- if (keywordSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionAccess().getOpAndKeyword_1_0_0_0(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.KEYWORD;
- element = grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionAccess().getOpAndKeyword_1_0_0_0();
- return obj;
- }
- if (keywordSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionAccess().getOpOrKeyword_1_0_0_1(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.KEYWORD;
- element = grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionAccess().getOpOrKeyword_1_0_0_1();
- return obj;
- }
- if (keywordSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionAccess().getOpXorKeyword_1_0_0_2(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.KEYWORD;
- element = grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionAccess().getOpXorKeyword_1_0_0_2();
- return obj;
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- // exp+=EqualityExpression
- protected class AndOrXorExpression_ExpAssignment_1_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public AndOrXorExpression_ExpAssignment_1_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionAccess().getExpAssignment_1_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new EqualityExpression_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("exp", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("exp");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionAccess().getExpEqualityExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new AndOrXorExpression_OpAssignment_1_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule AndOrXorExpression ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule EqualityExpression ****************
- *
- * EqualityExpression:
- * exp+=RelationalExpression (op+=("==" | "<>") exp+=RelationalExpression)*;
- *
- **/
- // exp+=RelationalExpression (op+=("==" | "<>") exp+=RelationalExpression)*
- protected class EqualityExpression_Group extends GroupToken {
- public EqualityExpression_Group(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionAccess().getGroup();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new EqualityExpression_Group_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new EqualityExpression_ExpAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // exp+=RelationalExpression
- protected class EqualityExpression_ExpAssignment_0 extends AssignmentToken {
- public EqualityExpression_ExpAssignment_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionAccess().getExpAssignment_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new RelationalExpression_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("exp", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("exp");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionAccess().getExpRelationalExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, consumed);
- }
- }
- }
- // (op+=("==" | "<>") exp+=RelationalExpression)*
- protected class EqualityExpression_Group_1 extends GroupToken {
- public EqualityExpression_Group_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionAccess().getGroup_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new EqualityExpression_ExpAssignment_1_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // op+=("==" | "<>")
- protected class EqualityExpression_OpAssignment_1_0 extends AssignmentToken {
- public EqualityExpression_OpAssignment_1_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionAccess().getOpAssignment_1_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new EqualityExpression_Group_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new EqualityExpression_ExpAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("op", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("op");
- if (keywordSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionAccess().getOpEqualsSignEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_0_0(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.KEYWORD;
- element = grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionAccess().getOpEqualsSignEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_0_0();
- return obj;
- }
- if (keywordSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionAccess().getOpLessThanSignGreaterThanSignKeyword_1_0_0_1(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.KEYWORD;
- element = grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionAccess().getOpLessThanSignGreaterThanSignKeyword_1_0_0_1();
- return obj;
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- // exp+=RelationalExpression
- protected class EqualityExpression_ExpAssignment_1_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public EqualityExpression_ExpAssignment_1_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionAccess().getExpAssignment_1_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new RelationalExpression_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("exp", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("exp");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionAccess().getExpRelationalExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new EqualityExpression_OpAssignment_1_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule EqualityExpression ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule RelationalExpression ****************
- *
- * RelationalExpression:
- * exp+=ConditionalExpression (op+=("<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=") exp+=ConditionalExpression)*;
- *
- **/
- // exp+=ConditionalExpression (op+=("<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=") exp+=ConditionalExpression)*
- protected class RelationalExpression_Group extends GroupToken {
- public RelationalExpression_Group(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getGroup();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new RelationalExpression_Group_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new RelationalExpression_ExpAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // exp+=ConditionalExpression
- protected class RelationalExpression_ExpAssignment_0 extends AssignmentToken {
- public RelationalExpression_ExpAssignment_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getExpAssignment_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ConditionalExpression_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("exp", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("exp");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getExpConditionalExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, consumed);
- }
- }
- }
- // (op+=("<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=") exp+=ConditionalExpression)*
- protected class RelationalExpression_Group_1 extends GroupToken {
- public RelationalExpression_Group_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getGroup_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new RelationalExpression_ExpAssignment_1_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // op+=("<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=")
- protected class RelationalExpression_OpAssignment_1_0 extends AssignmentToken {
- public RelationalExpression_OpAssignment_1_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getOpAssignment_1_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new RelationalExpression_Group_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new RelationalExpression_ExpAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("op", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("op");
- if (keywordSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getOpLessThanSignKeyword_1_0_0_0(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.KEYWORD;
- element = grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getOpLessThanSignKeyword_1_0_0_0();
- return obj;
- }
- if (keywordSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getOpGreaterThanSignKeyword_1_0_0_1(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.KEYWORD;
- element = grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getOpGreaterThanSignKeyword_1_0_0_1();
- return obj;
- }
- if (keywordSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getOpLessThanSignEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_0_2(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.KEYWORD;
- element = grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getOpLessThanSignEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_0_2();
- return obj;
- }
- if (keywordSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getOpGreaterThanSignEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_0_3(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.KEYWORD;
- element = grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getOpGreaterThanSignEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_0_3();
- return obj;
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- // exp+=ConditionalExpression
- protected class RelationalExpression_ExpAssignment_1_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public RelationalExpression_ExpAssignment_1_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getExpAssignment_1_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ConditionalExpression_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("exp", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("exp");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getExpConditionalExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new RelationalExpression_OpAssignment_1_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule RelationalExpression ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule ConditionalExpression ****************
- *
- * ConditionalExpression:
- * exp+=AdditiveExpression (op+="?" exp+=AdditiveExpression ":" exp+=AdditiveExpression)?;
- *
- **/
- // exp+=AdditiveExpression (op+="?" exp+=AdditiveExpression ":" exp+=AdditiveExpression)?
- protected class ConditionalExpression_Group extends GroupToken {
- public ConditionalExpression_Group(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionAccess().getGroup();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ConditionalExpression_Group_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new ConditionalExpression_ExpAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // exp+=AdditiveExpression
- protected class ConditionalExpression_ExpAssignment_0 extends AssignmentToken {
- public ConditionalExpression_ExpAssignment_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionAccess().getExpAssignment_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new AdditiveExpression_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("exp", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("exp");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionAccess().getExpAdditiveExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, consumed);
- }
- }
- }
- // (op+="?" exp+=AdditiveExpression ":" exp+=AdditiveExpression)?
- protected class ConditionalExpression_Group_1 extends GroupToken {
- public ConditionalExpression_Group_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionAccess().getGroup_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ConditionalExpression_ExpAssignment_1_3(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // op+="?"
- protected class ConditionalExpression_OpAssignment_1_0 extends AssignmentToken {
- public ConditionalExpression_OpAssignment_1_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionAccess().getOpAssignment_1_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ConditionalExpression_ExpAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("op", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("op");
- if (keywordSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionAccess().getOpQuestionMarkKeyword_1_0_0(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.KEYWORD;
- element = grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionAccess().getOpQuestionMarkKeyword_1_0_0();
- return obj;
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- // exp+=AdditiveExpression
- protected class ConditionalExpression_ExpAssignment_1_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public ConditionalExpression_ExpAssignment_1_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionAccess().getExpAssignment_1_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new AdditiveExpression_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("exp", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("exp");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionAccess().getExpAdditiveExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ConditionalExpression_OpAssignment_1_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // ":"
- protected class ConditionalExpression_ColonKeyword_1_2 extends KeywordToken {
- public ConditionalExpression_ColonKeyword_1_2(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionAccess().getColonKeyword_1_2();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ConditionalExpression_ExpAssignment_1_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // exp+=AdditiveExpression
- protected class ConditionalExpression_ExpAssignment_1_3 extends AssignmentToken {
- public ConditionalExpression_ExpAssignment_1_3(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionAccess().getExpAssignment_1_3();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new AdditiveExpression_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("exp", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("exp");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionAccess().getExpAdditiveExpressionParserRuleCall_1_3_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ConditionalExpression_ColonKeyword_1_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule ConditionalExpression ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule AdditiveExpression ****************
- *
- * AdditiveExpression:
- * exp+=MultiplicativeExpression (op+=("+" | "-") exp+=MultiplicativeExpression)*;
- *
- **/
- // exp+=MultiplicativeExpression (op+=("+" | "-") exp+=MultiplicativeExpression)*
- protected class AdditiveExpression_Group extends GroupToken {
- public AdditiveExpression_Group(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionAccess().getGroup();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new AdditiveExpression_Group_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new AdditiveExpression_ExpAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // exp+=MultiplicativeExpression
- protected class AdditiveExpression_ExpAssignment_0 extends AssignmentToken {
- public AdditiveExpression_ExpAssignment_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionAccess().getExpAssignment_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new MultiplicativeExpression_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("exp", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("exp");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionAccess().getExpMultiplicativeExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, consumed);
- }
- }
- }
- // (op+=("+" | "-") exp+=MultiplicativeExpression)*
- protected class AdditiveExpression_Group_1 extends GroupToken {
- public AdditiveExpression_Group_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionAccess().getGroup_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new AdditiveExpression_ExpAssignment_1_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // op+=("+" | "-")
- protected class AdditiveExpression_OpAssignment_1_0 extends AssignmentToken {
- public AdditiveExpression_OpAssignment_1_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionAccess().getOpAssignment_1_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new AdditiveExpression_Group_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new AdditiveExpression_ExpAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("op", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("op");
- if (keywordSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionAccess().getOpPlusSignKeyword_1_0_0_0(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.KEYWORD;
- element = grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionAccess().getOpPlusSignKeyword_1_0_0_0();
- return obj;
- }
- if (keywordSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionAccess().getOpHyphenMinusKeyword_1_0_0_1(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.KEYWORD;
- element = grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionAccess().getOpHyphenMinusKeyword_1_0_0_1();
- return obj;
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- // exp+=MultiplicativeExpression
- protected class AdditiveExpression_ExpAssignment_1_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public AdditiveExpression_ExpAssignment_1_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionAccess().getExpAssignment_1_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new MultiplicativeExpression_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("exp", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("exp");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionAccess().getExpMultiplicativeExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new AdditiveExpression_OpAssignment_1_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule AdditiveExpression ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule MultiplicativeExpression ****************
- *
- * MultiplicativeExpression:
- * exp+=UnaryExpression (op+=("*" | "/" | "mod") exp+=UnaryExpression)*;
- *
- **/
- // exp+=UnaryExpression (op+=("*" | "/" | "mod") exp+=UnaryExpression)*
- protected class MultiplicativeExpression_Group extends GroupToken {
- public MultiplicativeExpression_Group(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionAccess().getGroup();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new MultiplicativeExpression_Group_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new MultiplicativeExpression_ExpAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // exp+=UnaryExpression
- protected class MultiplicativeExpression_ExpAssignment_0 extends AssignmentToken {
- public MultiplicativeExpression_ExpAssignment_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionAccess().getExpAssignment_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new UnaryExpression_Alternatives(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("exp", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("exp");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionAccess().getExpUnaryExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, consumed);
- }
- }
- }
- // (op+=("*" | "/" | "mod") exp+=UnaryExpression)*
- protected class MultiplicativeExpression_Group_1 extends GroupToken {
- public MultiplicativeExpression_Group_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionAccess().getGroup_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new MultiplicativeExpression_ExpAssignment_1_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // op+=("*" | "/" | "mod")
- protected class MultiplicativeExpression_OpAssignment_1_0 extends AssignmentToken {
- public MultiplicativeExpression_OpAssignment_1_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionAccess().getOpAssignment_1_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new MultiplicativeExpression_Group_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new MultiplicativeExpression_ExpAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("op", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("op");
- if (keywordSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionAccess().getOpAsteriskKeyword_1_0_0_0(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.KEYWORD;
- element = grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionAccess().getOpAsteriskKeyword_1_0_0_0();
- return obj;
- }
- if (keywordSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionAccess().getOpSolidusKeyword_1_0_0_1(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.KEYWORD;
- element = grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionAccess().getOpSolidusKeyword_1_0_0_1();
- return obj;
- }
- if (keywordSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionAccess().getOpModKeyword_1_0_0_2(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.KEYWORD;
- element = grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionAccess().getOpModKeyword_1_0_0_2();
- return obj;
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- // exp+=UnaryExpression
- protected class MultiplicativeExpression_ExpAssignment_1_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public MultiplicativeExpression_ExpAssignment_1_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionAccess().getExpAssignment_1_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new UnaryExpression_Alternatives(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("exp", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("exp");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionAccess().getExpUnaryExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new MultiplicativeExpression_OpAssignment_1_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule MultiplicativeExpression ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule UnaryExpression ****************
- *
- * UnaryExpression:
- * op=("not" | "-" | "+") unary=UnaryExpression | exp=PrimaryExpression;
- *
- **/
- // op=("not" | "-" | "+") unary=UnaryExpression | exp=PrimaryExpression
- protected class UnaryExpression_Alternatives extends AlternativesToken {
- public UnaryExpression_Alternatives(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Alternatives getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionAccess().getAlternatives();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new UnaryExpression_Group_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new UnaryExpression_ExpAssignment_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // op=("not" | "-" | "+") unary=UnaryExpression
- protected class UnaryExpression_Group_0 extends GroupToken {
- public UnaryExpression_Group_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionAccess().getGroup_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new UnaryExpression_UnaryAssignment_0_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // op=("not" | "-" | "+")
- protected class UnaryExpression_OpAssignment_0_0 extends AssignmentToken {
- public UnaryExpression_OpAssignment_0_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionAccess().getOpAssignment_0_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index, inst);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("op", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("op");
- if (keywordSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionAccess().getOpNotKeyword_0_0_0_0(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.KEYWORD;
- element = grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionAccess().getOpNotKeyword_0_0_0_0();
- return obj;
- }
- if (keywordSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionAccess().getOpHyphenMinusKeyword_0_0_0_1(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.KEYWORD;
- element = grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionAccess().getOpHyphenMinusKeyword_0_0_0_1();
- return obj;
- }
- if (keywordSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionAccess().getOpPlusSignKeyword_0_0_0_2(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.KEYWORD;
- element = grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionAccess().getOpPlusSignKeyword_0_0_0_2();
- return obj;
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- // unary=UnaryExpression
- protected class UnaryExpression_UnaryAssignment_0_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public UnaryExpression_UnaryAssignment_0_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionAccess().getUnaryAssignment_0_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new UnaryExpression_Alternatives(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("unary", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("unary");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionAccess().getUnaryUnaryExpressionParserRuleCall_0_1_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new UnaryExpression_OpAssignment_0_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // exp=PrimaryExpression
- protected class UnaryExpression_ExpAssignment_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public UnaryExpression_ExpAssignment_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionAccess().getExpAssignment_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new PrimaryExpression_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("exp", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("exp");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getPrimaryExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionAccess().getExpPrimaryExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, consumed);
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule UnaryExpression ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule PrimaryExpression ****************
- *
- * PrimaryExpression:
- * prefix=ValueSpecification ("." suffix=SuffixExpression)?;
- *
- **/
- // prefix=ValueSpecification ("." suffix=SuffixExpression)?
- protected class PrimaryExpression_Group extends GroupToken {
- public PrimaryExpression_Group(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getPrimaryExpressionAccess().getGroup();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new PrimaryExpression_Group_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new PrimaryExpression_PrefixAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getPrimaryExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // prefix=ValueSpecification
- protected class PrimaryExpression_PrefixAssignment_0 extends AssignmentToken {
- public PrimaryExpression_PrefixAssignment_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getPrimaryExpressionAccess().getPrefixAssignment_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ValueSpecification_Alternatives(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("prefix", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("prefix");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getPrimaryExpressionAccess().getPrefixValueSpecificationParserRuleCall_0_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, consumed);
- }
- }
- }
- // ("." suffix=SuffixExpression)?
- protected class PrimaryExpression_Group_1 extends GroupToken {
- public PrimaryExpression_Group_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getPrimaryExpressionAccess().getGroup_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new PrimaryExpression_SuffixAssignment_1_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // "."
- protected class PrimaryExpression_FullStopKeyword_1_0 extends KeywordToken {
- public PrimaryExpression_FullStopKeyword_1_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getPrimaryExpressionAccess().getFullStopKeyword_1_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new PrimaryExpression_PrefixAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // suffix=SuffixExpression
- protected class PrimaryExpression_SuffixAssignment_1_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public PrimaryExpression_SuffixAssignment_1_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getPrimaryExpressionAccess().getSuffixAssignment_1_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new SuffixExpression_Alternatives(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("suffix", false)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("suffix");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getSuffixExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getPrimaryExpressionAccess().getSuffixSuffixExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new PrimaryExpression_FullStopKeyword_1_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule PrimaryExpression ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule ValueSpecification ****************
- *
- * ValueSpecification:
- * Literal | NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall | Interval | CollectionOrTuple | Tuple | TimeExpression | VariableDeclaration |
- * "(" Expression ")";
- *
- **/
- // Literal | NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall | Interval | CollectionOrTuple | Tuple | TimeExpression | VariableDeclaration | "("
- // Expression ")"
- protected class ValueSpecification_Alternatives extends AlternativesToken {
- public ValueSpecification_Alternatives(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Alternatives getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getAlternatives();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ValueSpecification_LiteralParserRuleCall_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new ValueSpecification_NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallParserRuleCall_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- case 2:
- return new ValueSpecification_IntervalParserRuleCall_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 2, inst);
- case 3:
- return new ValueSpecification_CollectionOrTupleParserRuleCall_3(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 3, inst);
- case 4:
- return new ValueSpecification_TupleParserRuleCall_4(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 4, inst);
- case 5:
- return new ValueSpecification_TimeExpressionParserRuleCall_5(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 5, inst);
- case 6:
- return new ValueSpecification_VariableDeclarationParserRuleCall_6(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 6, inst);
- case 7:
- return new ValueSpecification_Group_7(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 7, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getCollectionOrTupleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getDateTimeLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getDefaultLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getIntegerLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getIntervalRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getJitterExpRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getNullLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getRealLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getStringLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getTupleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // Literal
- protected class ValueSpecification_LiteralParserRuleCall_0 extends RuleCallToken {
- public ValueSpecification_LiteralParserRuleCall_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public RuleCall getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getLiteralParserRuleCall_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Literal_Alternatives(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getDateTimeLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getDefaultLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getIntegerLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getNullLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getRealLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getStringLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if (checkForRecursion(Literal_Alternatives.class, eObjectConsumer)) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- // NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall
- protected class ValueSpecification_NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallParserRuleCall_1 extends RuleCallToken {
- public ValueSpecification_NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallParserRuleCall_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public RuleCall getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallParserRuleCall_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if (checkForRecursion(NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_Group.class, eObjectConsumer)) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- // Interval
- protected class ValueSpecification_IntervalParserRuleCall_2 extends RuleCallToken {
- public ValueSpecification_IntervalParserRuleCall_2(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public RuleCall getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getIntervalParserRuleCall_2();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Interval_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getIntervalRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if (checkForRecursion(Interval_Group.class, eObjectConsumer)) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- // CollectionOrTuple
- protected class ValueSpecification_CollectionOrTupleParserRuleCall_3 extends RuleCallToken {
- public ValueSpecification_CollectionOrTupleParserRuleCall_3(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public RuleCall getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getCollectionOrTupleParserRuleCall_3();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new CollectionOrTuple_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getCollectionOrTupleRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if (checkForRecursion(CollectionOrTuple_Group.class, eObjectConsumer)) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- // Tuple
- protected class ValueSpecification_TupleParserRuleCall_4 extends RuleCallToken {
- public ValueSpecification_TupleParserRuleCall_4(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public RuleCall getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getTupleParserRuleCall_4();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Tuple_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getTupleRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if (checkForRecursion(Tuple_Group.class, eObjectConsumer)) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- // TimeExpression
- protected class ValueSpecification_TimeExpressionParserRuleCall_5 extends RuleCallToken {
- public ValueSpecification_TimeExpressionParserRuleCall_5(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public RuleCall getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getTimeExpressionParserRuleCall_5();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new TimeExpression_Alternatives(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getJitterExpRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if (checkForRecursion(TimeExpression_Alternatives.class, eObjectConsumer)) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- // VariableDeclaration
- protected class ValueSpecification_VariableDeclarationParserRuleCall_6 extends RuleCallToken {
- public ValueSpecification_VariableDeclarationParserRuleCall_6(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public RuleCall getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getVariableDeclarationParserRuleCall_6();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new VariableDeclaration_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if (checkForRecursion(VariableDeclaration_Group.class, eObjectConsumer)) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- // "(" Expression ")"
- protected class ValueSpecification_Group_7 extends GroupToken {
- public ValueSpecification_Group_7(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getGroup_7();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ValueSpecification_RightParenthesisKeyword_7_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // "("
- protected class ValueSpecification_LeftParenthesisKeyword_7_0 extends KeywordToken {
- public ValueSpecification_LeftParenthesisKeyword_7_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_7_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- // Expression
- protected class ValueSpecification_ExpressionParserRuleCall_7_1 extends RuleCallToken {
- public ValueSpecification_ExpressionParserRuleCall_7_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public RuleCall getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getExpressionParserRuleCall_7_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Expression_ExpAssignment(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (checkForRecursion(Expression_ExpAssignment.class, eObjectConsumer)) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ValueSpecification_LeftParenthesisKeyword_7_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // ")"
- protected class ValueSpecification_RightParenthesisKeyword_7_2 extends KeywordToken {
- public ValueSpecification_RightParenthesisKeyword_7_2(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_7_2();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ValueSpecification_ExpressionParserRuleCall_7_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule ValueSpecification ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule SuffixExpression ****************
- *
- * SuffixExpression:
- * PropertyCallExpression | OperationCallExpression;
- *
- **/
- // PropertyCallExpression | OperationCallExpression
- protected class SuffixExpression_Alternatives extends AlternativesToken {
- public SuffixExpression_Alternatives(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Alternatives getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getSuffixExpressionAccess().getAlternatives();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new SuffixExpression_PropertyCallExpressionParserRuleCall_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new SuffixExpression_OperationCallExpressionParserRuleCall_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getPropertyCallExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // PropertyCallExpression
- protected class SuffixExpression_PropertyCallExpressionParserRuleCall_0 extends RuleCallToken {
- public SuffixExpression_PropertyCallExpressionParserRuleCall_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public RuleCall getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getSuffixExpressionAccess().getPropertyCallExpressionParserRuleCall_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new PropertyCallExpression_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getPropertyCallExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if (checkForRecursion(PropertyCallExpression_Group.class, eObjectConsumer)) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- // OperationCallExpression
- protected class SuffixExpression_OperationCallExpressionParserRuleCall_1 extends RuleCallToken {
- public SuffixExpression_OperationCallExpressionParserRuleCall_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public RuleCall getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getSuffixExpressionAccess().getOperationCallExpressionParserRuleCall_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new OperationCallExpression_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if (checkForRecursion(OperationCallExpression_Group.class, eObjectConsumer)) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule SuffixExpression ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule PropertyCallExpression ****************
- *
- * PropertyCallExpression:
- * property=[uml::Property] ("." suffix=SuffixExpression)?;
- *
- **/
- // property=[uml::Property] ("." suffix=SuffixExpression)?
- protected class PropertyCallExpression_Group extends GroupToken {
- public PropertyCallExpression_Group(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getPropertyCallExpressionAccess().getGroup();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new PropertyCallExpression_Group_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new PropertyCallExpression_PropertyAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getPropertyCallExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // property=[uml::Property]
- protected class PropertyCallExpression_PropertyAssignment_0 extends AssignmentToken {
- public PropertyCallExpression_PropertyAssignment_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getPropertyCallExpressionAccess().getPropertyAssignment_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index, inst);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("property", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("property");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::CrossReferenceImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getPropertyCallExpressionAccess().getPropertyPropertyCrossReference_0_0().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.CROSS_REFERENCE;
- element = grammarAccess.getPropertyCallExpressionAccess().getPropertyPropertyCrossReference_0_0();
- return obj;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- // ("." suffix=SuffixExpression)?
- protected class PropertyCallExpression_Group_1 extends GroupToken {
- public PropertyCallExpression_Group_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getPropertyCallExpressionAccess().getGroup_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new PropertyCallExpression_SuffixAssignment_1_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // "."
- protected class PropertyCallExpression_FullStopKeyword_1_0 extends KeywordToken {
- public PropertyCallExpression_FullStopKeyword_1_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getPropertyCallExpressionAccess().getFullStopKeyword_1_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new PropertyCallExpression_PropertyAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // suffix=SuffixExpression
- protected class PropertyCallExpression_SuffixAssignment_1_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public PropertyCallExpression_SuffixAssignment_1_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getPropertyCallExpressionAccess().getSuffixAssignment_1_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new SuffixExpression_Alternatives(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("suffix", false)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("suffix");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getSuffixExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getPropertyCallExpressionAccess().getSuffixSuffixExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new PropertyCallExpression_FullStopKeyword_1_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule PropertyCallExpression ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule OperationCallExpression ****************
- *
- * OperationCallExpression:
- * operation=[uml::Operation] "(" arguments=ListOfValues? ")" ("." suffix=SuffixExpression)?;
- *
- **/
- // operation=[uml::Operation] "(" arguments=ListOfValues? ")" ("." suffix=SuffixExpression)?
- protected class OperationCallExpression_Group extends GroupToken {
- public OperationCallExpression_Group(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionAccess().getGroup();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new OperationCallExpression_Group_4(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new OperationCallExpression_RightParenthesisKeyword_3(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // operation=[uml::Operation]
- protected class OperationCallExpression_OperationAssignment_0 extends AssignmentToken {
- public OperationCallExpression_OperationAssignment_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionAccess().getOperationAssignment_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index, inst);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("operation", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("operation");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::CrossReferenceImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionAccess().getOperationOperationCrossReference_0_0().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.CROSS_REFERENCE;
- element = grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionAccess().getOperationOperationCrossReference_0_0();
- return obj;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- // "("
- protected class OperationCallExpression_LeftParenthesisKeyword_1 extends KeywordToken {
- public OperationCallExpression_LeftParenthesisKeyword_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new OperationCallExpression_OperationAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // arguments=ListOfValues?
- protected class OperationCallExpression_ArgumentsAssignment_2 extends AssignmentToken {
- public OperationCallExpression_ArgumentsAssignment_2(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionAccess().getArgumentsAssignment_2();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ListOfValues_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("arguments", false)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("arguments");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getListOfValuesRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionAccess().getArgumentsListOfValuesParserRuleCall_2_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new OperationCallExpression_LeftParenthesisKeyword_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // ")"
- protected class OperationCallExpression_RightParenthesisKeyword_3 extends KeywordToken {
- public OperationCallExpression_RightParenthesisKeyword_3(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_3();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new OperationCallExpression_ArgumentsAssignment_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new OperationCallExpression_LeftParenthesisKeyword_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // ("." suffix=SuffixExpression)?
- protected class OperationCallExpression_Group_4 extends GroupToken {
- public OperationCallExpression_Group_4(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionAccess().getGroup_4();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new OperationCallExpression_SuffixAssignment_4_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // "."
- protected class OperationCallExpression_FullStopKeyword_4_0 extends KeywordToken {
- public OperationCallExpression_FullStopKeyword_4_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionAccess().getFullStopKeyword_4_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new OperationCallExpression_RightParenthesisKeyword_3(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // suffix=SuffixExpression
- protected class OperationCallExpression_SuffixAssignment_4_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public OperationCallExpression_SuffixAssignment_4_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionAccess().getSuffixAssignment_4_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new SuffixExpression_Alternatives(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("suffix", false)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("suffix");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getSuffixExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionAccess().getSuffixSuffixExpressionParserRuleCall_4_1_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new OperationCallExpression_FullStopKeyword_4_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule OperationCallExpression ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule Literal ****************
- *
- * Literal:
- * NumberLiteralRule | DateTimeLiteralRule | BooleanLiteralRule | NullLiteralRule | DefaultLiteralRule |
- * StringLiteralRule;
- *
- **/
- // NumberLiteralRule | DateTimeLiteralRule | BooleanLiteralRule | NullLiteralRule | DefaultLiteralRule | StringLiteralRule
- protected class Literal_Alternatives extends AlternativesToken {
- public Literal_Alternatives(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Alternatives getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getLiteralAccess().getAlternatives();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Literal_NumberLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new Literal_DateTimeLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- case 2:
- return new Literal_BooleanLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 2, inst);
- case 3:
- return new Literal_NullLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_3(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 3, inst);
- case 4:
- return new Literal_DefaultLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_4(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 4, inst);
- case 5:
- return new Literal_StringLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_5(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 5, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getDateTimeLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getDefaultLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getIntegerLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getNullLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getRealLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getStringLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // NumberLiteralRule
- protected class Literal_NumberLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_0 extends RuleCallToken {
- public Literal_NumberLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public RuleCall getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getLiteralAccess().getNumberLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new NumberLiteralRule_Alternatives(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getIntegerLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getRealLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if (checkForRecursion(NumberLiteralRule_Alternatives.class, eObjectConsumer)) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- // DateTimeLiteralRule
- protected class Literal_DateTimeLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_1 extends RuleCallToken {
- public Literal_DateTimeLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public RuleCall getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getLiteralAccess().getDateTimeLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new DateTimeLiteralRule_ValueAssignment(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getDateTimeLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if (checkForRecursion(DateTimeLiteralRule_ValueAssignment.class, eObjectConsumer)) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- // BooleanLiteralRule
- protected class Literal_BooleanLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_2 extends RuleCallToken {
- public Literal_BooleanLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_2(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public RuleCall getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getLiteralAccess().getBooleanLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_2();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new BooleanLiteralRule_ValueAssignment(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if (checkForRecursion(BooleanLiteralRule_ValueAssignment.class, eObjectConsumer)) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- // NullLiteralRule
- protected class Literal_NullLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_3 extends RuleCallToken {
- public Literal_NullLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_3(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public RuleCall getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getLiteralAccess().getNullLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_3();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new NullLiteralRule_ValueAssignment(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getNullLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if (checkForRecursion(NullLiteralRule_ValueAssignment.class, eObjectConsumer)) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- // DefaultLiteralRule
- protected class Literal_DefaultLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_4 extends RuleCallToken {
- public Literal_DefaultLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_4(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public RuleCall getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getLiteralAccess().getDefaultLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_4();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new DefaultLiteralRule_ValueAssignment(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getDefaultLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if (checkForRecursion(DefaultLiteralRule_ValueAssignment.class, eObjectConsumer)) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- // StringLiteralRule
- protected class Literal_StringLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_5 extends RuleCallToken {
- public Literal_StringLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_5(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public RuleCall getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getLiteralAccess().getStringLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_5();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new StringLiteralRule_ValueAssignment(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getStringLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if (checkForRecursion(StringLiteralRule_ValueAssignment.class, eObjectConsumer)) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule Literal ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall ****************
- *
- * NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall:
- * path=QualifiedName? // can resolve to :
- * // - EnumSpecification,
- * // - VariableCallExpression
- * // - PropertyCallExpression
- * // - ChoiceExpression
- * id=[uml::NamedElement] ("(" arguments=ListOfValues? ")")?;
- *
- **/
- // path=QualifiedName? // can resolve to :
- // // - EnumSpecification,
- // // - VariableCallExpression
- // // - PropertyCallExpression
- // // - ChoiceExpression
- // id=[uml::NamedElement] ("(" arguments=ListOfValues? ")")?
- protected class NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_Group extends GroupToken {
- public NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_Group(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallAccess().getGroup();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_Group_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_IdAssignment_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // path=QualifiedName?
- protected class NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_PathAssignment_0 extends AssignmentToken {
- public NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_PathAssignment_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallAccess().getPathAssignment_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new QualifiedName_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("path", false)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("path");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallAccess().getPathQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, consumed);
- }
- }
- }
- // id=[uml::NamedElement]
- protected class NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_IdAssignment_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_IdAssignment_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallAccess().getIdAssignment_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_PathAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index - 1, inst);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("id", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("id");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::CrossReferenceImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallAccess().getIdNamedElementCrossReference_1_0().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.CROSS_REFERENCE;
- element = grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallAccess().getIdNamedElementCrossReference_1_0();
- return obj;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- // ("(" arguments=ListOfValues? ")")?
- protected class NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_Group_2 extends GroupToken {
- public NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_Group_2(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallAccess().getGroup_2();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_RightParenthesisKeyword_2_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // "("
- protected class NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_LeftParenthesisKeyword_2_0 extends KeywordToken {
- public NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_LeftParenthesisKeyword_2_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_2_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_IdAssignment_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // arguments=ListOfValues?
- protected class NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_ArgumentsAssignment_2_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_ArgumentsAssignment_2_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallAccess().getArgumentsAssignment_2_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ListOfValues_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("arguments", false)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("arguments");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getListOfValuesRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallAccess().getArgumentsListOfValuesParserRuleCall_2_1_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_LeftParenthesisKeyword_2_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // ")"
- protected class NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_RightParenthesisKeyword_2_2 extends KeywordToken {
- public NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_RightParenthesisKeyword_2_2(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_2_2();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_ArgumentsAssignment_2_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule QualifiedName ****************
- *
- * QualifiedName:
- * path=[uml::Namespace] "::" remaining=QualifiedName?;
- *
- **/
- // path=[uml::Namespace] "::" remaining=QualifiedName?
- protected class QualifiedName_Group extends GroupToken {
- public QualifiedName_Group(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getGroup();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new QualifiedName_RemainingAssignment_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new QualifiedName_ColonColonKeyword_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // path=[uml::Namespace]
- protected class QualifiedName_PathAssignment_0 extends AssignmentToken {
- public QualifiedName_PathAssignment_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getPathAssignment_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index, inst);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("path", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("path");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::CrossReferenceImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getPathNamespaceCrossReference_0_0().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.CROSS_REFERENCE;
- element = grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getPathNamespaceCrossReference_0_0();
- return obj;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- // "::"
- protected class QualifiedName_ColonColonKeyword_1 extends KeywordToken {
- public QualifiedName_ColonColonKeyword_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getColonColonKeyword_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new QualifiedName_PathAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // remaining=QualifiedName?
- protected class QualifiedName_RemainingAssignment_2 extends AssignmentToken {
- public QualifiedName_RemainingAssignment_2(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getRemainingAssignment_2();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new QualifiedName_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("remaining", false)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("remaining");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getRemainingQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_2_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new QualifiedName_ColonColonKeyword_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule QualifiedName ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule Interval ****************
- *
- * Interval:
- * ("]" | isLowerIncluded="[") lower=Expression ".." upper=Expression (isUpperIncluded="]" | "[");
- *
- **/
- // ("]" | isLowerIncluded="[") lower=Expression ".." upper=Expression (isUpperIncluded="]" | "[")
- protected class Interval_Group extends GroupToken {
- public Interval_Group(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getGroup();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Interval_Alternatives_4(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getIntervalRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // "]" | isLowerIncluded="["
- protected class Interval_Alternatives_0 extends AlternativesToken {
- public Interval_Alternatives_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Alternatives getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getAlternatives_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Interval_RightSquareBracketKeyword_0_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new Interval_IsLowerIncludedAssignment_0_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // "]"
- protected class Interval_RightSquareBracketKeyword_0_0 extends KeywordToken {
- public Interval_RightSquareBracketKeyword_0_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getRightSquareBracketKeyword_0_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- // isLowerIncluded="["
- protected class Interval_IsLowerIncludedAssignment_0_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public Interval_IsLowerIncludedAssignment_0_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getIsLowerIncludedAssignment_0_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index, inst);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("isLowerIncluded", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("isLowerIncluded");
- if (keywordSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getIsLowerIncludedLeftSquareBracketKeyword_0_1_0(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.KEYWORD;
- element = grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getIsLowerIncludedLeftSquareBracketKeyword_0_1_0();
- return obj;
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- // lower=Expression
- protected class Interval_LowerAssignment_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public Interval_LowerAssignment_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getLowerAssignment_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Expression_ExpAssignment(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("lower", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("lower");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getLowerExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Interval_Alternatives_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // ".."
- protected class Interval_FullStopFullStopKeyword_2 extends KeywordToken {
- public Interval_FullStopFullStopKeyword_2(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getFullStopFullStopKeyword_2();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Interval_LowerAssignment_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // upper=Expression
- protected class Interval_UpperAssignment_3 extends AssignmentToken {
- public Interval_UpperAssignment_3(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getUpperAssignment_3();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Expression_ExpAssignment(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("upper", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("upper");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getUpperExpressionParserRuleCall_3_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Interval_FullStopFullStopKeyword_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // isUpperIncluded="]" | "["
- protected class Interval_Alternatives_4 extends AlternativesToken {
- public Interval_Alternatives_4(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Alternatives getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getAlternatives_4();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Interval_IsUpperIncludedAssignment_4_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new Interval_LeftSquareBracketKeyword_4_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // isUpperIncluded="]"
- protected class Interval_IsUpperIncludedAssignment_4_0 extends AssignmentToken {
- public Interval_IsUpperIncludedAssignment_4_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getIsUpperIncludedAssignment_4_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Interval_UpperAssignment_3(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("isUpperIncluded", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("isUpperIncluded");
- if (keywordSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getIsUpperIncludedRightSquareBracketKeyword_4_0_0(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.KEYWORD;
- element = grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getIsUpperIncludedRightSquareBracketKeyword_4_0_0();
- return obj;
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- // "["
- protected class Interval_LeftSquareBracketKeyword_4_1 extends KeywordToken {
- public Interval_LeftSquareBracketKeyword_4_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_4_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Interval_UpperAssignment_3(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule Interval ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule CollectionOrTuple ****************
- *
- * CollectionOrTuple:
- * "{" listOfValues=ListOfValues "}";
- *
- **/
- // "{" listOfValues=ListOfValues "}"
- protected class CollectionOrTuple_Group extends GroupToken {
- public CollectionOrTuple_Group(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getCollectionOrTupleAccess().getGroup();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new CollectionOrTuple_RightCurlyBracketKeyword_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getCollectionOrTupleRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // "{"
- protected class CollectionOrTuple_LeftCurlyBracketKeyword_0 extends KeywordToken {
- public CollectionOrTuple_LeftCurlyBracketKeyword_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getCollectionOrTupleAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- // listOfValues=ListOfValues
- protected class CollectionOrTuple_ListOfValuesAssignment_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public CollectionOrTuple_ListOfValuesAssignment_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getCollectionOrTupleAccess().getListOfValuesAssignment_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ListOfValues_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("listOfValues", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("listOfValues");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getListOfValuesRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getCollectionOrTupleAccess().getListOfValuesListOfValuesParserRuleCall_1_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new CollectionOrTuple_LeftCurlyBracketKeyword_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // "}"
- protected class CollectionOrTuple_RightCurlyBracketKeyword_2 extends KeywordToken {
- public CollectionOrTuple_RightCurlyBracketKeyword_2(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getCollectionOrTupleAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_2();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new CollectionOrTuple_ListOfValuesAssignment_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule CollectionOrTuple ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule Tuple ****************
- *
- * Tuple:
- * "{" listOfValueNamePairs=ListOfValueNamePairs "}";
- *
- **/
- // "{" listOfValueNamePairs=ListOfValueNamePairs "}"
- protected class Tuple_Group extends GroupToken {
- public Tuple_Group(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getTupleAccess().getGroup();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Tuple_RightCurlyBracketKeyword_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getTupleRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // "{"
- protected class Tuple_LeftCurlyBracketKeyword_0 extends KeywordToken {
- public Tuple_LeftCurlyBracketKeyword_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getTupleAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- // listOfValueNamePairs=ListOfValueNamePairs
- protected class Tuple_ListOfValueNamePairsAssignment_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public Tuple_ListOfValueNamePairsAssignment_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getTupleAccess().getListOfValueNamePairsAssignment_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ListOfValueNamePairs_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("listOfValueNamePairs", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("listOfValueNamePairs");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getListOfValueNamePairsRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getTupleAccess().getListOfValueNamePairsListOfValueNamePairsParserRuleCall_1_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Tuple_LeftCurlyBracketKeyword_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // "}"
- protected class Tuple_RightCurlyBracketKeyword_2 extends KeywordToken {
- public Tuple_RightCurlyBracketKeyword_2(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getTupleAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_2();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Tuple_ListOfValueNamePairsAssignment_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule Tuple ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule ListOfValues ****************
- *
- * ListOfValues:
- * values+=Expression ("," values+=Expression)*;
- *
- **/
- // values+=Expression ("," values+=Expression)*
- protected class ListOfValues_Group extends GroupToken {
- public ListOfValues_Group(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getListOfValuesAccess().getGroup();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ListOfValues_Group_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new ListOfValues_ValuesAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getListOfValuesRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // values+=Expression
- protected class ListOfValues_ValuesAssignment_0 extends AssignmentToken {
- public ListOfValues_ValuesAssignment_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getListOfValuesAccess().getValuesAssignment_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Expression_ExpAssignment(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("values", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("values");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getListOfValuesAccess().getValuesExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, consumed);
- }
- }
- }
- // ("," values+=Expression)*
- protected class ListOfValues_Group_1 extends GroupToken {
- public ListOfValues_Group_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getListOfValuesAccess().getGroup_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ListOfValues_ValuesAssignment_1_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // ","
- protected class ListOfValues_CommaKeyword_1_0 extends KeywordToken {
- public ListOfValues_CommaKeyword_1_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getListOfValuesAccess().getCommaKeyword_1_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ListOfValues_Group_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new ListOfValues_ValuesAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // values+=Expression
- protected class ListOfValues_ValuesAssignment_1_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public ListOfValues_ValuesAssignment_1_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getListOfValuesAccess().getValuesAssignment_1_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Expression_ExpAssignment(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("values", false)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("values");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getListOfValuesAccess().getValuesExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ListOfValues_CommaKeyword_1_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule ListOfValues ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule ListOfValueNamePairs ****************
- *
- * ListOfValueNamePairs:
- * valueNamePairs+=ValueNamePair ("," valueNamePairs+=ValueNamePair)*;
- *
- **/
- // valueNamePairs+=ValueNamePair ("," valueNamePairs+=ValueNamePair)*
- protected class ListOfValueNamePairs_Group extends GroupToken {
- public ListOfValueNamePairs_Group(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getListOfValueNamePairsAccess().getGroup();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ListOfValueNamePairs_Group_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new ListOfValueNamePairs_ValueNamePairsAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getListOfValueNamePairsRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // valueNamePairs+=ValueNamePair
- protected class ListOfValueNamePairs_ValueNamePairsAssignment_0 extends AssignmentToken {
- public ListOfValueNamePairs_ValueNamePairsAssignment_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getListOfValueNamePairsAccess().getValueNamePairsAssignment_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ValueNamePair_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("valueNamePairs", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("valueNamePairs");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getValueNamePairRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getListOfValueNamePairsAccess().getValueNamePairsValueNamePairParserRuleCall_0_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, consumed);
- }
- }
- }
- // ("," valueNamePairs+=ValueNamePair)*
- protected class ListOfValueNamePairs_Group_1 extends GroupToken {
- public ListOfValueNamePairs_Group_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getListOfValueNamePairsAccess().getGroup_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ListOfValueNamePairs_ValueNamePairsAssignment_1_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // ","
- protected class ListOfValueNamePairs_CommaKeyword_1_0 extends KeywordToken {
- public ListOfValueNamePairs_CommaKeyword_1_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getListOfValueNamePairsAccess().getCommaKeyword_1_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ListOfValueNamePairs_Group_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new ListOfValueNamePairs_ValueNamePairsAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // valueNamePairs+=ValueNamePair
- protected class ListOfValueNamePairs_ValueNamePairsAssignment_1_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public ListOfValueNamePairs_ValueNamePairsAssignment_1_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getListOfValueNamePairsAccess().getValueNamePairsAssignment_1_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ValueNamePair_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("valueNamePairs", false)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("valueNamePairs");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getValueNamePairRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getListOfValueNamePairsAccess().getValueNamePairsValueNamePairParserRuleCall_1_1_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ListOfValueNamePairs_CommaKeyword_1_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule ListOfValueNamePairs ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule ValueNamePair ****************
- *
- * ValueNamePair:
- * property=[uml::Property] "=" value=Expression;
- *
- **/
- // property=[uml::Property] "=" value=Expression
- protected class ValueNamePair_Group extends GroupToken {
- public ValueNamePair_Group(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getValueNamePairAccess().getGroup();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ValueNamePair_ValueAssignment_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getValueNamePairRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // property=[uml::Property]
- protected class ValueNamePair_PropertyAssignment_0 extends AssignmentToken {
- public ValueNamePair_PropertyAssignment_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getValueNamePairAccess().getPropertyAssignment_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index, inst);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("property", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("property");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::CrossReferenceImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getValueNamePairAccess().getPropertyPropertyCrossReference_0_0().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.CROSS_REFERENCE;
- element = grammarAccess.getValueNamePairAccess().getPropertyPropertyCrossReference_0_0();
- return obj;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- // "="
- protected class ValueNamePair_EqualsSignKeyword_1 extends KeywordToken {
- public ValueNamePair_EqualsSignKeyword_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getValueNamePairAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ValueNamePair_PropertyAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // value=Expression
- protected class ValueNamePair_ValueAssignment_2 extends AssignmentToken {
- public ValueNamePair_ValueAssignment_2(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getValueNamePairAccess().getValueAssignment_2();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Expression_ExpAssignment(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("value", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("value");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getValueNamePairAccess().getValueExpressionParserRuleCall_2_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new ValueNamePair_EqualsSignKeyword_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule ValueNamePair ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule TimeExpression ****************
- *
- * TimeExpression:
- * InstantObsExpression | DurationObsExpression | JitterExp;
- *
- **/
- // InstantObsExpression | DurationObsExpression | JitterExp
- protected class TimeExpression_Alternatives extends AlternativesToken {
- public TimeExpression_Alternatives(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Alternatives getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getTimeExpressionAccess().getAlternatives();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new TimeExpression_InstantObsExpressionParserRuleCall_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new TimeExpression_DurationObsExpressionParserRuleCall_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- case 2:
- return new TimeExpression_JitterExpParserRuleCall_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 2, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getJitterExpRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // InstantObsExpression
- protected class TimeExpression_InstantObsExpressionParserRuleCall_0 extends RuleCallToken {
- public TimeExpression_InstantObsExpressionParserRuleCall_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public RuleCall getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getTimeExpressionAccess().getInstantObsExpressionParserRuleCall_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new InstantObsExpression_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if (checkForRecursion(InstantObsExpression_Group.class, eObjectConsumer)) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- // DurationObsExpression
- protected class TimeExpression_DurationObsExpressionParserRuleCall_1 extends RuleCallToken {
- public TimeExpression_DurationObsExpressionParserRuleCall_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public RuleCall getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getTimeExpressionAccess().getDurationObsExpressionParserRuleCall_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new DurationObsExpression_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if (checkForRecursion(DurationObsExpression_Group.class, eObjectConsumer)) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- // JitterExp
- protected class TimeExpression_JitterExpParserRuleCall_2 extends RuleCallToken {
- public TimeExpression_JitterExpParserRuleCall_2(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public RuleCall getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getTimeExpressionAccess().getJitterExpParserRuleCall_2();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new JitterExp_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getJitterExpRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if (checkForRecursion(JitterExp_Group.class, eObjectConsumer)) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule TimeExpression ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule InstantObsExpression ****************
- *
- * InstantObsExpression:
- * "@" id=InstantObsName ("(" index=Expression ")")? ("when" "(" condition=Expression ")")?;
- *
- **/
- // "@" id=InstantObsName ("(" index=Expression ")")? ("when" "(" condition=Expression ")")?
- protected class InstantObsExpression_Group extends GroupToken {
- public InstantObsExpression_Group(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getGroup();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new InstantObsExpression_Group_3(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new InstantObsExpression_Group_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- case 2:
- return new InstantObsExpression_IdAssignment_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 2, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // "@"
- protected class InstantObsExpression_CommercialAtKeyword_0 extends KeywordToken {
- public InstantObsExpression_CommercialAtKeyword_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getCommercialAtKeyword_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- // id=InstantObsName
- protected class InstantObsExpression_IdAssignment_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public InstantObsExpression_IdAssignment_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getIdAssignment_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new InstantObsName_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("id", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("id");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getInstantObsNameRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getIdInstantObsNameParserRuleCall_1_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new InstantObsExpression_CommercialAtKeyword_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // ("(" index=Expression ")")?
- protected class InstantObsExpression_Group_2 extends GroupToken {
- public InstantObsExpression_Group_2(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getGroup_2();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new InstantObsExpression_RightParenthesisKeyword_2_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // "("
- protected class InstantObsExpression_LeftParenthesisKeyword_2_0 extends KeywordToken {
- public InstantObsExpression_LeftParenthesisKeyword_2_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_2_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new InstantObsExpression_IdAssignment_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // index=Expression
- protected class InstantObsExpression_IndexAssignment_2_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public InstantObsExpression_IndexAssignment_2_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getIndexAssignment_2_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Expression_ExpAssignment(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("index", false)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("index");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getIndexExpressionParserRuleCall_2_1_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new InstantObsExpression_LeftParenthesisKeyword_2_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // ")"
- protected class InstantObsExpression_RightParenthesisKeyword_2_2 extends KeywordToken {
- public InstantObsExpression_RightParenthesisKeyword_2_2(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_2_2();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new InstantObsExpression_IndexAssignment_2_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // ("when" "(" condition=Expression ")")?
- protected class InstantObsExpression_Group_3 extends GroupToken {
- public InstantObsExpression_Group_3(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getGroup_3();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new InstantObsExpression_RightParenthesisKeyword_3_3(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // "when"
- protected class InstantObsExpression_WhenKeyword_3_0 extends KeywordToken {
- public InstantObsExpression_WhenKeyword_3_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getWhenKeyword_3_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new InstantObsExpression_Group_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new InstantObsExpression_IdAssignment_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // "("
- protected class InstantObsExpression_LeftParenthesisKeyword_3_1 extends KeywordToken {
- public InstantObsExpression_LeftParenthesisKeyword_3_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_3_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new InstantObsExpression_WhenKeyword_3_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // condition=Expression
- protected class InstantObsExpression_ConditionAssignment_3_2 extends AssignmentToken {
- public InstantObsExpression_ConditionAssignment_3_2(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getConditionAssignment_3_2();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Expression_ExpAssignment(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("condition", false)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("condition");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getConditionExpressionParserRuleCall_3_2_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new InstantObsExpression_LeftParenthesisKeyword_3_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // ")"
- protected class InstantObsExpression_RightParenthesisKeyword_3_3 extends KeywordToken {
- public InstantObsExpression_RightParenthesisKeyword_3_3(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_3_3();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new InstantObsExpression_ConditionAssignment_3_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule InstantObsExpression ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule InstantObsName ****************
- *
- * InstantObsName:
- * path=QualifiedName? instantId=[uml::TimeObservation];
- *
- **/
- // path=QualifiedName? instantId=[uml::TimeObservation]
- protected class InstantObsName_Group extends GroupToken {
- public InstantObsName_Group(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getInstantObsNameAccess().getGroup();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new InstantObsName_InstantIdAssignment_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getInstantObsNameRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // path=QualifiedName?
- protected class InstantObsName_PathAssignment_0 extends AssignmentToken {
- public InstantObsName_PathAssignment_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getInstantObsNameAccess().getPathAssignment_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new QualifiedName_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("path", false)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("path");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getInstantObsNameAccess().getPathQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, consumed);
- }
- }
- }
- // instantId=[uml::TimeObservation]
- protected class InstantObsName_InstantIdAssignment_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public InstantObsName_InstantIdAssignment_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getInstantObsNameAccess().getInstantIdAssignment_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new InstantObsName_PathAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index - 1, inst);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("instantId", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("instantId");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::CrossReferenceImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getInstantObsNameAccess().getInstantIdTimeObservationCrossReference_1_0().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.CROSS_REFERENCE;
- element = grammarAccess.getInstantObsNameAccess().getInstantIdTimeObservationCrossReference_1_0();
- return obj;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule InstantObsName ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule DurationObsExpression ****************
- *
- * DurationObsExpression:
- * "&" id=DurationObsName ("(" index=Expression ")")? ("when" "(" condition=Expression ")")?;
- *
- **/
- // "&" id=DurationObsName ("(" index=Expression ")")? ("when" "(" condition=Expression ")")?
- protected class DurationObsExpression_Group extends GroupToken {
- public DurationObsExpression_Group(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getGroup();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new DurationObsExpression_Group_3(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new DurationObsExpression_Group_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- case 2:
- return new DurationObsExpression_IdAssignment_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 2, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // "&"
- protected class DurationObsExpression_AmpersandKeyword_0 extends KeywordToken {
- public DurationObsExpression_AmpersandKeyword_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getAmpersandKeyword_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- // id=DurationObsName
- protected class DurationObsExpression_IdAssignment_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public DurationObsExpression_IdAssignment_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getIdAssignment_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new DurationObsName_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("id", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("id");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getDurationObsNameRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getIdDurationObsNameParserRuleCall_1_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new DurationObsExpression_AmpersandKeyword_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // ("(" index=Expression ")")?
- protected class DurationObsExpression_Group_2 extends GroupToken {
- public DurationObsExpression_Group_2(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getGroup_2();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new DurationObsExpression_RightParenthesisKeyword_2_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // "("
- protected class DurationObsExpression_LeftParenthesisKeyword_2_0 extends KeywordToken {
- public DurationObsExpression_LeftParenthesisKeyword_2_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_2_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new DurationObsExpression_IdAssignment_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // index=Expression
- protected class DurationObsExpression_IndexAssignment_2_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public DurationObsExpression_IndexAssignment_2_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getIndexAssignment_2_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Expression_ExpAssignment(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("index", false)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("index");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getIndexExpressionParserRuleCall_2_1_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new DurationObsExpression_LeftParenthesisKeyword_2_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // ")"
- protected class DurationObsExpression_RightParenthesisKeyword_2_2 extends KeywordToken {
- public DurationObsExpression_RightParenthesisKeyword_2_2(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_2_2();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new DurationObsExpression_IndexAssignment_2_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // ("when" "(" condition=Expression ")")?
- protected class DurationObsExpression_Group_3 extends GroupToken {
- public DurationObsExpression_Group_3(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getGroup_3();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new DurationObsExpression_RightParenthesisKeyword_3_3(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // "when"
- protected class DurationObsExpression_WhenKeyword_3_0 extends KeywordToken {
- public DurationObsExpression_WhenKeyword_3_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getWhenKeyword_3_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new DurationObsExpression_Group_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new DurationObsExpression_IdAssignment_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // "("
- protected class DurationObsExpression_LeftParenthesisKeyword_3_1 extends KeywordToken {
- public DurationObsExpression_LeftParenthesisKeyword_3_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_3_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new DurationObsExpression_WhenKeyword_3_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // condition=Expression
- protected class DurationObsExpression_ConditionAssignment_3_2 extends AssignmentToken {
- public DurationObsExpression_ConditionAssignment_3_2(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getConditionAssignment_3_2();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Expression_ExpAssignment(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("condition", false)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("condition");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getConditionExpressionParserRuleCall_3_2_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new DurationObsExpression_LeftParenthesisKeyword_3_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // ")"
- protected class DurationObsExpression_RightParenthesisKeyword_3_3 extends KeywordToken {
- public DurationObsExpression_RightParenthesisKeyword_3_3(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_3_3();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new DurationObsExpression_ConditionAssignment_3_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule DurationObsExpression ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule DurationObsName ****************
- *
- * DurationObsName:
- * path=QualifiedName? durationId=[uml::DurationObservation];
- *
- **/
- // path=QualifiedName? durationId=[uml::DurationObservation]
- protected class DurationObsName_Group extends GroupToken {
- public DurationObsName_Group(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getDurationObsNameAccess().getGroup();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new DurationObsName_DurationIdAssignment_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getDurationObsNameRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // path=QualifiedName?
- protected class DurationObsName_PathAssignment_0 extends AssignmentToken {
- public DurationObsName_PathAssignment_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getDurationObsNameAccess().getPathAssignment_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new QualifiedName_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("path", false)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("path");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getDurationObsNameAccess().getPathQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, consumed);
- }
- }
- }
- // durationId=[uml::DurationObservation]
- protected class DurationObsName_DurationIdAssignment_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public DurationObsName_DurationIdAssignment_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getDurationObsNameAccess().getDurationIdAssignment_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new DurationObsName_PathAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index - 1, inst);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("durationId", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("durationId");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::CrossReferenceImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getDurationObsNameAccess().getDurationIdDurationObservationCrossReference_1_0().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.CROSS_REFERENCE;
- element = grammarAccess.getDurationObsNameAccess().getDurationIdDurationObservationCrossReference_1_0();
- return obj;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule DurationObsName ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule JitterExp ****************
- *
- * JitterExp:
- * "jitter(" firstInstant=InstantObsExpression ("-" secondInstant=InstantObsExpression)? ")";
- *
- **/
- // "jitter(" firstInstant=InstantObsExpression ("-" secondInstant=InstantObsExpression)? ")"
- protected class JitterExp_Group extends GroupToken {
- public JitterExp_Group(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getJitterExpAccess().getGroup();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new JitterExp_RightParenthesisKeyword_3(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getJitterExpRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // "jitter("
- protected class JitterExp_JitterKeyword_0 extends KeywordToken {
- public JitterExp_JitterKeyword_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getJitterExpAccess().getJitterKeyword_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- // firstInstant=InstantObsExpression
- protected class JitterExp_FirstInstantAssignment_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public JitterExp_FirstInstantAssignment_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getJitterExpAccess().getFirstInstantAssignment_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new InstantObsExpression_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("firstInstant", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("firstInstant");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getJitterExpAccess().getFirstInstantInstantObsExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new JitterExp_JitterKeyword_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // ("-" secondInstant=InstantObsExpression)?
- protected class JitterExp_Group_2 extends GroupToken {
- public JitterExp_Group_2(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getJitterExpAccess().getGroup_2();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new JitterExp_SecondInstantAssignment_2_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // "-"
- protected class JitterExp_HyphenMinusKeyword_2_0 extends KeywordToken {
- public JitterExp_HyphenMinusKeyword_2_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getJitterExpAccess().getHyphenMinusKeyword_2_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new JitterExp_FirstInstantAssignment_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // secondInstant=InstantObsExpression
- protected class JitterExp_SecondInstantAssignment_2_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public JitterExp_SecondInstantAssignment_2_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getJitterExpAccess().getSecondInstantAssignment_2_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new InstantObsExpression_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("secondInstant", false)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("secondInstant");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getJitterExpAccess().getSecondInstantInstantObsExpressionParserRuleCall_2_1_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new JitterExp_HyphenMinusKeyword_2_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // ")"
- protected class JitterExp_RightParenthesisKeyword_3 extends KeywordToken {
- public JitterExp_RightParenthesisKeyword_3(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getJitterExpAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_3();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new JitterExp_Group_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new JitterExp_FirstInstantAssignment_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule JitterExp ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule VariableDeclaration ****************
- *
- * VariableDeclaration:
- * variableDeclaration=VariableDirectionKind? "$" name=ID (":" type=DataTypeName ("=" "(" initValue=Expression ")")? |
- * "=" "(" initValue=Expression ")");
- *
- **/
- // variableDeclaration=VariableDirectionKind? "$" name=ID (":" type=DataTypeName ("=" "(" initValue=Expression ")")? | "="
- // "(" initValue=Expression ")")
- protected class VariableDeclaration_Group extends GroupToken {
- public VariableDeclaration_Group(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getGroup();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new VariableDeclaration_Alternatives_3(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // variableDeclaration=VariableDirectionKind?
- protected class VariableDeclaration_VariableDeclarationAssignment_0 extends AssignmentToken {
- public VariableDeclaration_VariableDeclarationAssignment_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getVariableDeclarationAssignment_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index, inst);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("variableDeclaration", false)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("variableDeclaration");
- if (valueSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getVariableDeclarationVariableDirectionKindParserRuleCall_0_0(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.DATATYPE_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getVariableDeclarationVariableDirectionKindParserRuleCall_0_0();
- return obj;
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- // "$"
- protected class VariableDeclaration_DollarSignKeyword_1 extends KeywordToken {
- public VariableDeclaration_DollarSignKeyword_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getDollarSignKeyword_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new VariableDeclaration_VariableDeclarationAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index - 1, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- // name=ID
- protected class VariableDeclaration_NameAssignment_2 extends AssignmentToken {
- public VariableDeclaration_NameAssignment_2(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getNameAssignment_2();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new VariableDeclaration_DollarSignKeyword_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("name", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("name");
- if (valueSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_2_0(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.TERMINAL_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_2_0();
- return obj;
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- // ":" type=DataTypeName ("=" "(" initValue=Expression ")")? | "=" "(" initValue=Expression ")"
- protected class VariableDeclaration_Alternatives_3 extends AlternativesToken {
- public VariableDeclaration_Alternatives_3(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Alternatives getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getAlternatives_3();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new VariableDeclaration_Group_3_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new VariableDeclaration_Group_3_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // ":" type=DataTypeName ("=" "(" initValue=Expression ")")?
- protected class VariableDeclaration_Group_3_0 extends GroupToken {
- public VariableDeclaration_Group_3_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getGroup_3_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new VariableDeclaration_Group_3_0_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new VariableDeclaration_TypeAssignment_3_0_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // ":"
- protected class VariableDeclaration_ColonKeyword_3_0_0 extends KeywordToken {
- public VariableDeclaration_ColonKeyword_3_0_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getColonKeyword_3_0_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new VariableDeclaration_NameAssignment_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // type=DataTypeName
- protected class VariableDeclaration_TypeAssignment_3_0_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public VariableDeclaration_TypeAssignment_3_0_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getTypeAssignment_3_0_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new DataTypeName_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("type", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("type");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getDataTypeNameRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getTypeDataTypeNameParserRuleCall_3_0_1_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new VariableDeclaration_ColonKeyword_3_0_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // ("=" "(" initValue=Expression ")")?
- protected class VariableDeclaration_Group_3_0_2 extends GroupToken {
- public VariableDeclaration_Group_3_0_2(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getGroup_3_0_2();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new VariableDeclaration_RightParenthesisKeyword_3_0_2_3(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // "="
- protected class VariableDeclaration_EqualsSignKeyword_3_0_2_0 extends KeywordToken {
- public VariableDeclaration_EqualsSignKeyword_3_0_2_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_3_0_2_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new VariableDeclaration_TypeAssignment_3_0_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // "("
- protected class VariableDeclaration_LeftParenthesisKeyword_3_0_2_1 extends KeywordToken {
- public VariableDeclaration_LeftParenthesisKeyword_3_0_2_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_3_0_2_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new VariableDeclaration_EqualsSignKeyword_3_0_2_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // initValue=Expression
- protected class VariableDeclaration_InitValueAssignment_3_0_2_2 extends AssignmentToken {
- public VariableDeclaration_InitValueAssignment_3_0_2_2(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getInitValueAssignment_3_0_2_2();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Expression_ExpAssignment(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("initValue", false)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("initValue");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getInitValueExpressionParserRuleCall_3_0_2_2_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new VariableDeclaration_LeftParenthesisKeyword_3_0_2_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // ")"
- protected class VariableDeclaration_RightParenthesisKeyword_3_0_2_3 extends KeywordToken {
- public VariableDeclaration_RightParenthesisKeyword_3_0_2_3(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_3_0_2_3();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new VariableDeclaration_InitValueAssignment_3_0_2_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // "=" "(" initValue=Expression ")"
- protected class VariableDeclaration_Group_3_1 extends GroupToken {
- public VariableDeclaration_Group_3_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getGroup_3_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new VariableDeclaration_RightParenthesisKeyword_3_1_3(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // "="
- protected class VariableDeclaration_EqualsSignKeyword_3_1_0 extends KeywordToken {
- public VariableDeclaration_EqualsSignKeyword_3_1_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_3_1_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new VariableDeclaration_NameAssignment_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // "("
- protected class VariableDeclaration_LeftParenthesisKeyword_3_1_1 extends KeywordToken {
- public VariableDeclaration_LeftParenthesisKeyword_3_1_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_3_1_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new VariableDeclaration_EqualsSignKeyword_3_1_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // initValue=Expression
- protected class VariableDeclaration_InitValueAssignment_3_1_2 extends AssignmentToken {
- public VariableDeclaration_InitValueAssignment_3_1_2(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getInitValueAssignment_3_1_2();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new Expression_ExpAssignment(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("initValue", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("initValue");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getExpressionRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getInitValueExpressionParserRuleCall_3_1_2_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new VariableDeclaration_LeftParenthesisKeyword_3_1_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, actIndex, consumed);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- // ")"
- protected class VariableDeclaration_RightParenthesisKeyword_3_1_3 extends KeywordToken {
- public VariableDeclaration_RightParenthesisKeyword_3_1_3(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Keyword getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_3_1_3();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new VariableDeclaration_InitValueAssignment_3_1_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule VariableDeclaration ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule DataTypeName ****************
- *
- * DataTypeName:
- * path=QualifiedName? type=[uml::DataType];
- *
- **/
- // path=QualifiedName? type=[uml::DataType]
- protected class DataTypeName_Group extends GroupToken {
- public DataTypeName_Group(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Group getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getDataTypeNameAccess().getGroup();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new DataTypeName_TypeAssignment_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getDataTypeNameRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // path=QualifiedName?
- protected class DataTypeName_PathAssignment_0 extends AssignmentToken {
- public DataTypeName_PathAssignment_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getDataTypeNameAccess().getPathAssignment_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new QualifiedName_Group(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("path", false)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("path");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::RuleCallImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameRule().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.PARSER_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getDataTypeNameAccess().getPathQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_0();
- consumed = obj;
- return param;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- if (value == inst.getEObject() && !inst.isConsumed()) {
- return null;
- }
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, consumed);
- }
- }
- }
- // type=[uml::DataType]
- protected class DataTypeName_TypeAssignment_1 extends AssignmentToken {
- public DataTypeName_TypeAssignment_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getDataTypeNameAccess().getTypeAssignment_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new DataTypeName_PathAssignment_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index - 1, inst);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("type", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("type");
- if (value instanceof EObject) { // org::eclipse::xtext::impl::CrossReferenceImpl
- IEObjectConsumer param = createEObjectConsumer((EObject) value);
- if (param.isInstanceOf(grammarAccess.getDataTypeNameAccess().getTypeDataTypeCrossReference_1_0().getType().getClassifier())) {
- type = AssignmentType.CROSS_REFERENCE;
- element = grammarAccess.getDataTypeNameAccess().getTypeDataTypeCrossReference_1_0();
- return obj;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule DataTypeName ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule NumberLiteralRule ****************
- *
- * //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * NumberLiteralRule:
- * IntegerLiteralRule | UnlimitedLiteralRule | RealLiteralRule;
- *
- **/
- // IntegerLiteralRule | UnlimitedLiteralRule | RealLiteralRule
- protected class NumberLiteralRule_Alternatives extends AlternativesToken {
- public NumberLiteralRule_Alternatives(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Alternatives getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getNumberLiteralRuleAccess().getAlternatives();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new NumberLiteralRule_IntegerLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_0(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 0, inst);
- case 1:
- return new NumberLiteralRule_UnlimitedLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_1(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 1, inst);
- case 2:
- return new NumberLiteralRule_RealLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_2(lastRuleCallOrigin, this, 2, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getIntegerLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getRealLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier() &&
- getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- }
- // IntegerLiteralRule
- protected class NumberLiteralRule_IntegerLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_0 extends RuleCallToken {
- public NumberLiteralRule_IntegerLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_0(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public RuleCall getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getNumberLiteralRuleAccess().getIntegerLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_0();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new IntegerLiteralRule_ValueAssignment(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getIntegerLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if (checkForRecursion(IntegerLiteralRule_ValueAssignment.class, eObjectConsumer)) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- // UnlimitedLiteralRule
- protected class NumberLiteralRule_UnlimitedLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_1 extends RuleCallToken {
- public NumberLiteralRule_UnlimitedLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_1(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public RuleCall getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getNumberLiteralRuleAccess().getUnlimitedLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_1();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new UnlimitedLiteralRule_ValueAssignment(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if (checkForRecursion(UnlimitedLiteralRule_ValueAssignment.class, eObjectConsumer)) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- // RealLiteralRule
- protected class NumberLiteralRule_RealLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_2 extends RuleCallToken {
- public NumberLiteralRule_RealLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_2(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public RuleCall getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getNumberLiteralRuleAccess().getRealLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_2();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- case 0:
- return new RealLiteralRule_ValueAssignment(this, this, 0, inst);
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getRealLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if (checkForRecursion(RealLiteralRule_ValueAssignment.class, eObjectConsumer)) {
- return null;
- }
- return eObjectConsumer;
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollowerAfterReturn(AbstractToken next, int actIndex, int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(next, actIndex, index, inst);
- }
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule NumberLiteralRule ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule IntegerLiteralRule ****************
- *
- * IntegerLiteralRule:
- * value=IntegerLiteral;
- *
- **/
- // value=IntegerLiteral
- protected class IntegerLiteralRule_ValueAssignment extends AssignmentToken {
- public IntegerLiteralRule_ValueAssignment(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getIntegerLiteralRuleAccess().getValueAssignment();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index, inst);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getIntegerLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("value", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("value");
- if (valueSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getIntegerLiteralRuleAccess().getValueIntegerLiteralTerminalRuleCall_0(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.TERMINAL_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getIntegerLiteralRuleAccess().getValueIntegerLiteralTerminalRuleCall_0();
- return obj;
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule IntegerLiteralRule ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule UnlimitedLiteralRule ****************
- *
- * //UnlimitedLiteralRule :
- * // value = UnlimitedLiteral ;
- * //terminal UnlimitedLiteral :
- * // '*' ;
- * UnlimitedLiteralRule:
- * value="*";
- *
- **/
- // value="*"
- protected class UnlimitedLiteralRule_ValueAssignment extends AssignmentToken {
- public UnlimitedLiteralRule_ValueAssignment(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralRuleAccess().getValueAssignment();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index, inst);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("value", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("value");
- if (keywordSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralRuleAccess().getValueAsteriskKeyword_0(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.KEYWORD;
- element = grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralRuleAccess().getValueAsteriskKeyword_0();
- return obj;
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule UnlimitedLiteralRule ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule RealLiteralRule ****************
- *
- * RealLiteralRule:
- * value=RealLiteral;
- *
- **/
- // value=RealLiteral
- protected class RealLiteralRule_ValueAssignment extends AssignmentToken {
- public RealLiteralRule_ValueAssignment(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getRealLiteralRuleAccess().getValueAssignment();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index, inst);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getRealLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("value", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("value");
- if (valueSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getRealLiteralRuleAccess().getValueRealLiteralTerminalRuleCall_0(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.TERMINAL_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getRealLiteralRuleAccess().getValueRealLiteralTerminalRuleCall_0();
- return obj;
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule RealLiteralRule ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule DateTimeLiteralRule ****************
- *
- * //DateTimeLiteral:
- * // TimeString (DateString)? (DayString)? |
- * // DateString (DayString)? |
- * // DayString ;
- * //terminal DateString :
- * // ('0'..'9')('0'..'9')('0'..'9')('0'..'9')'/'('0'('0'..'9')|'1'('0'..'2'))'/'(('0'..'2')('0'..'9')|'3' ('0'|'1')) ;
- * //terminal TimeString :
- * // (('0'..'1')('0'..'9')|'2'('0'..'3'))':'('0'..'5')('0'..'9')(':'('0'..'5')('0'..'9')(':'('0'..'9')('0'..'9'))?)? ;
- * //terminal DayString :
- * // "Mon" | "Tue" | "Wed" | "Thr" | "Fri" | "Sat" | "Sun" ;
- * DateTimeLiteralRule:
- * value=DateTimeLiteral;
- *
- **/
- // value=DateTimeLiteral
- protected class DateTimeLiteralRule_ValueAssignment extends AssignmentToken {
- public DateTimeLiteralRule_ValueAssignment(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getDateTimeLiteralRuleAccess().getValueAssignment();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index, inst);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getDateTimeLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("value", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("value");
- if (valueSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getDateTimeLiteralRuleAccess().getValueDateTimeLiteralTerminalRuleCall_0(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.TERMINAL_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getDateTimeLiteralRuleAccess().getValueDateTimeLiteralTerminalRuleCall_0();
- return obj;
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule DateTimeLiteralRule ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule BooleanLiteralRule ****************
- *
- * BooleanLiteralRule:
- * value=BooleanLiteral;
- *
- **/
- // value=BooleanLiteral
- protected class BooleanLiteralRule_ValueAssignment extends AssignmentToken {
- public BooleanLiteralRule_ValueAssignment(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralRuleAccess().getValueAssignment();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index, inst);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("value", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("value");
- if (valueSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralRuleAccess().getValueBooleanLiteralTerminalRuleCall_0(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.TERMINAL_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralRuleAccess().getValueBooleanLiteralTerminalRuleCall_0();
- return obj;
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule BooleanLiteralRule ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule NullLiteralRule ****************
- *
- * NullLiteralRule:
- * value=NullLiteral;
- *
- **/
- // value=NullLiteral
- protected class NullLiteralRule_ValueAssignment extends AssignmentToken {
- public NullLiteralRule_ValueAssignment(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getNullLiteralRuleAccess().getValueAssignment();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index, inst);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getNullLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("value", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("value");
- if (valueSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getNullLiteralRuleAccess().getValueNullLiteralTerminalRuleCall_0(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.TERMINAL_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getNullLiteralRuleAccess().getValueNullLiteralTerminalRuleCall_0();
- return obj;
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule NullLiteralRule ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule DefaultLiteralRule ****************
- *
- * //DefaultLiteralRule :
- * // value = DefaultLiteral ;
- * //terminal DefaultLiteral :
- * // '/' ;
- * DefaultLiteralRule:
- * value="/";
- *
- **/
- // value="/"
- protected class DefaultLiteralRule_ValueAssignment extends AssignmentToken {
- public DefaultLiteralRule_ValueAssignment(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getDefaultLiteralRuleAccess().getValueAssignment();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index, inst);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getDefaultLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("value", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("value");
- if (keywordSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getDefaultLiteralRuleAccess().getValueSolidusKeyword_0(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.KEYWORD;
- element = grammarAccess.getDefaultLiteralRuleAccess().getValueSolidusKeyword_0();
- return obj;
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule DefaultLiteralRule ****************/
- /************
- * begin Rule StringLiteralRule ****************
- *
- * StringLiteralRule:
- * value=STRING;
- *
- **/
- // value=STRING
- protected class StringLiteralRule_ValueAssignment extends AssignmentToken {
- public StringLiteralRule_ValueAssignment(AbstractToken lastRuleCallOrigin, AbstractToken next, int transitionIndex, IEObjectConsumer eObjectConsumer) {
- super(lastRuleCallOrigin, next, transitionIndex, eObjectConsumer);
- }
- @Override
- public Assignment getGrammarElement() {
- return grammarAccess.getStringLiteralRuleAccess().getValueAssignment();
- }
- @Override
- public AbstractToken createFollower(int index, IEObjectConsumer inst) {
- switch (index) {
- default:
- return lastRuleCallOrigin.createFollowerAfterReturn(this, index, index, inst);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public IEObjectConsumer tryConsume() {
- if (getEObject().eClass() != grammarAccess.getStringLiteralRuleRule().getType().getClassifier()) {
- return null;
- }
- if ((value = eObjectConsumer.getConsumable("value", true)) == null) {
- return null;
- }
- IEObjectConsumer obj = eObjectConsumer.cloneAndConsume("value");
- if (valueSerializer.isValid(obj.getEObject(), grammarAccess.getStringLiteralRuleAccess().getValueSTRINGTerminalRuleCall_0(), value, null)) {
- type = AssignmentType.TERMINAL_RULE_CALL;
- element = grammarAccess.getStringLiteralRuleAccess().getValueSTRINGTerminalRuleCall_0();
- return obj;
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- /************ end Rule StringLiteralRule ****************/
diff --git a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/ b/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/
deleted file mode 100644
index d9f935129be..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- * generated by Xtext
- */
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.parser.antlr;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.IAntlrTokenFileProvider;
-public class ConstraintWithVSLlAntlrTokenFileProvider implements IAntlrTokenFileProvider {
- @Override
- public InputStream getAntlrTokenFile() {
- ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
- return classLoader.getResourceAsStream("org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.tokens");
- }
diff --git a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/ b/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6962481a435..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- * generated by Xtext
- */
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.parser.antlr;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.XtextTokenStream;
-public class ConstraintWithVSLlParser extends org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.AbstractAntlrParser {
- @Inject
- private ConstraintWithVSLlGrammarAccess grammarAccess;
- @Override
- protected void setInitialHiddenTokens(XtextTokenStream tokenStream) {
- tokenStream.setInitialHiddenTokens("RULE_WS", "RULE_ML_COMMENT", "RULE_SL_COMMENT");
- }
- @Override
- protected org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.parser.antlr.internal.InternalConstraintWithVSLlParser createParser(XtextTokenStream stream) {
- return new org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.parser.antlr.internal.InternalConstraintWithVSLlParser(stream, getGrammarAccess());
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDefaultRuleName() {
- return "ConstraintRule";
- }
- public ConstraintWithVSLlGrammarAccess getGrammarAccess() {
- return this.grammarAccess;
- }
- public void setGrammarAccess(ConstraintWithVSLlGrammarAccess grammarAccess) {
- this.grammarAccess = grammarAccess;
- }
diff --git a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g b/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g
deleted file mode 100644
index 0075bf1bf5e..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2832 +0,0 @@
-* generated by Xtext
-grammar InternalConstraintWithVSLl;
-options {
- superClass=AbstractInternalAntlrParser;
-@lexer::header {
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.parser.antlr.internal;
-// Hack: Use our own Lexer superclass by means of import.
-// Currently there is no other way to specify the superclass for the lexer.
-import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.Lexer;
-@parser::header {
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.parser.antlr.internal;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.*;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.*;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.impl.*;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.AbstractInternalAntlrParser;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.XtextTokenStream;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.XtextTokenStream.HiddenTokens;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.AntlrDatatypeRuleToken;
-@parser::members {
- private ConstraintWithVSLlGrammarAccess grammarAccess;
- public InternalConstraintWithVSLlParser(TokenStream input, ConstraintWithVSLlGrammarAccess grammarAccess) {
- this(input);
- this.grammarAccess = grammarAccess;
- registerRules(grammarAccess.getGrammar());
- }
- @Override
- protected String getFirstRuleName() {
- return "ConstraintRule";
- }
- @Override
- protected ConstraintWithVSLlGrammarAccess getGrammarAccess() {
- return grammarAccess;
- }
-@rulecatch {
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input,re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleConstraintRule
-entryRuleConstraintRule returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getConstraintRuleRule()); }
- iv_ruleConstraintRule=ruleConstraintRule
- { $current=$iv_ruleConstraintRule.current; }
-// Rule ConstraintRule
-ruleConstraintRule returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getConstraintRuleAccess().getSpecificationConstraintSpecificationParserRuleCall_0());
- }
- lv_specification_0_0=ruleConstraintSpecification {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getConstraintRuleRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "specification",
- lv_specification_0_0,
- "ConstraintSpecification");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleConstraintSpecification
-entryRuleConstraintSpecification returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getConstraintSpecificationRule()); }
- iv_ruleConstraintSpecification=ruleConstraintSpecification
- { $current=$iv_ruleConstraintSpecification.current; }
-// Rule ConstraintSpecification
-ruleConstraintSpecification returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getConstraintSpecificationAccess().getExpressionExpressionParserRuleCall_0());
- }
- lv_expression_0_0=ruleExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getConstraintSpecificationRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "expression",
- lv_expression_0_0,
- "Expression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleExpression
-entryRuleExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getExpressionRule()); }
- iv_ruleExpression=ruleExpression
- { $current=$iv_ruleExpression.current; }
-// Rule Expression
-ruleExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getExpressionAccess().getExpAndOrXorExpressionParserRuleCall_0());
- }
- lv_exp_0_0=ruleAndOrXorExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_0_0,
- "AndOrXorExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleAndOrXorExpression
-entryRuleAndOrXorExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionRule()); }
- iv_ruleAndOrXorExpression=ruleAndOrXorExpression
- { $current=$iv_ruleAndOrXorExpression.current; }
-// Rule AndOrXorExpression
-ruleAndOrXorExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionAccess().getExpEqualityExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0());
- }
- lv_exp_0_0=ruleEqualityExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionRule());
- }
- add(
- $current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_0_0,
- "EqualityExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- lv_op_1_1= 'and'
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_1, grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionAccess().getOpAndKeyword_1_0_0_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed($current, "op", lv_op_1_1, null);
- }
- | lv_op_1_2= 'or'
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_2, grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionAccess().getOpOrKeyword_1_0_0_1());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed($current, "op", lv_op_1_2, null);
- }
- | lv_op_1_3= 'xor'
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_3, grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionAccess().getOpXorKeyword_1_0_0_2());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed($current, "op", lv_op_1_3, null);
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionAccess().getExpEqualityExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0());
- }
- lv_exp_2_0=ruleEqualityExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionRule());
- }
- add(
- $current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_2_0,
- "EqualityExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleEqualityExpression
-entryRuleEqualityExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionRule()); }
- iv_ruleEqualityExpression=ruleEqualityExpression
- { $current=$iv_ruleEqualityExpression.current; }
-// Rule EqualityExpression
-ruleEqualityExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionAccess().getExpRelationalExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0());
- }
- lv_exp_0_0=ruleRelationalExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionRule());
- }
- add(
- $current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_0_0,
- "RelationalExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- lv_op_1_1= '=='
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_1, grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionAccess().getOpEqualsSignEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_0_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed($current, "op", lv_op_1_1, null);
- }
- | lv_op_1_2= '<>'
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_2, grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionAccess().getOpLessThanSignGreaterThanSignKeyword_1_0_0_1());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed($current, "op", lv_op_1_2, null);
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionAccess().getExpRelationalExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0());
- }
- lv_exp_2_0=ruleRelationalExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionRule());
- }
- add(
- $current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_2_0,
- "RelationalExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleRelationalExpression
-entryRuleRelationalExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionRule()); }
- iv_ruleRelationalExpression=ruleRelationalExpression
- { $current=$iv_ruleRelationalExpression.current; }
-// Rule RelationalExpression
-ruleRelationalExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getExpConditionalExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0());
- }
- lv_exp_0_0=ruleConditionalExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionRule());
- }
- add(
- $current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_0_0,
- "ConditionalExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- lv_op_1_1= '<'
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_1, grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getOpLessThanSignKeyword_1_0_0_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed($current, "op", lv_op_1_1, null);
- }
- | lv_op_1_2= '>'
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_2, grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getOpGreaterThanSignKeyword_1_0_0_1());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed($current, "op", lv_op_1_2, null);
- }
- | lv_op_1_3= '<='
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_3, grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getOpLessThanSignEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_0_2());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed($current, "op", lv_op_1_3, null);
- }
- | lv_op_1_4= '>='
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_4, grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getOpGreaterThanSignEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_0_3());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed($current, "op", lv_op_1_4, null);
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getExpConditionalExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0());
- }
- lv_exp_2_0=ruleConditionalExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionRule());
- }
- add(
- $current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_2_0,
- "ConditionalExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleConditionalExpression
-entryRuleConditionalExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionRule()); }
- iv_ruleConditionalExpression=ruleConditionalExpression
- { $current=$iv_ruleConditionalExpression.current; }
-// Rule ConditionalExpression
-ruleConditionalExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionAccess().getExpAdditiveExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0());
- }
- lv_exp_0_0=ruleAdditiveExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionRule());
- }
- add(
- $current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_0_0,
- "AdditiveExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- lv_op_1_0= '?'
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_0, grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionAccess().getOpQuestionMarkKeyword_1_0_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed($current, "op", lv_op_1_0, "?");
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionAccess().getExpAdditiveExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0());
- }
- lv_exp_2_0=ruleAdditiveExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionRule());
- }
- add(
- $current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_2_0,
- "AdditiveExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-) otherlv_3=':'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionAccess().getColonKeyword_1_2());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionAccess().getExpAdditiveExpressionParserRuleCall_1_3_0());
- }
- lv_exp_4_0=ruleAdditiveExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionRule());
- }
- add(
- $current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_4_0,
- "AdditiveExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleAdditiveExpression
-entryRuleAdditiveExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionRule()); }
- iv_ruleAdditiveExpression=ruleAdditiveExpression
- { $current=$iv_ruleAdditiveExpression.current; }
-// Rule AdditiveExpression
-ruleAdditiveExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionAccess().getExpMultiplicativeExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0());
- }
- lv_exp_0_0=ruleMultiplicativeExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionRule());
- }
- add(
- $current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_0_0,
- "MultiplicativeExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- lv_op_1_1= '+'
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_1, grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionAccess().getOpPlusSignKeyword_1_0_0_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed($current, "op", lv_op_1_1, null);
- }
- | lv_op_1_2= '-'
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_2, grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionAccess().getOpHyphenMinusKeyword_1_0_0_1());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed($current, "op", lv_op_1_2, null);
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionAccess().getExpMultiplicativeExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0());
- }
- lv_exp_2_0=ruleMultiplicativeExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionRule());
- }
- add(
- $current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_2_0,
- "MultiplicativeExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleMultiplicativeExpression
-entryRuleMultiplicativeExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionRule()); }
- iv_ruleMultiplicativeExpression=ruleMultiplicativeExpression
- { $current=$iv_ruleMultiplicativeExpression.current; }
-// Rule MultiplicativeExpression
-ruleMultiplicativeExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionAccess().getExpUnaryExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0());
- }
- lv_exp_0_0=ruleUnaryExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionRule());
- }
- add(
- $current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_0_0,
- "UnaryExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- lv_op_1_1= '*'
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_1, grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionAccess().getOpAsteriskKeyword_1_0_0_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed($current, "op", lv_op_1_1, null);
- }
- | lv_op_1_2= '/'
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_2, grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionAccess().getOpSolidusKeyword_1_0_0_1());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed($current, "op", lv_op_1_2, null);
- }
- | lv_op_1_3= 'mod'
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_3, grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionAccess().getOpModKeyword_1_0_0_2());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed($current, "op", lv_op_1_3, null);
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionAccess().getExpUnaryExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0());
- }
- lv_exp_2_0=ruleUnaryExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionRule());
- }
- add(
- $current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_2_0,
- "UnaryExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleUnaryExpression
-entryRuleUnaryExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionRule()); }
- iv_ruleUnaryExpression=ruleUnaryExpression
- { $current=$iv_ruleUnaryExpression.current; }
-// Rule UnaryExpression
-ruleUnaryExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- lv_op_0_1= 'not'
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_op_0_1, grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionAccess().getOpNotKeyword_0_0_0_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed($current, "op", lv_op_0_1, null);
- }
- | lv_op_0_2= '-'
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_op_0_2, grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionAccess().getOpHyphenMinusKeyword_0_0_0_1());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed($current, "op", lv_op_0_2, null);
- }
- | lv_op_0_3= '+'
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_op_0_3, grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionAccess().getOpPlusSignKeyword_0_0_0_2());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed($current, "op", lv_op_0_3, null);
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionAccess().getUnaryUnaryExpressionParserRuleCall_0_1_0());
- }
- lv_unary_1_0=ruleUnaryExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "unary",
- lv_unary_1_0,
- "UnaryExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- |(
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionAccess().getExpPrimaryExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0());
- }
- lv_exp_2_0=rulePrimaryExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_2_0,
- "PrimaryExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRulePrimaryExpression
-entryRulePrimaryExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPrimaryExpressionRule()); }
- iv_rulePrimaryExpression=rulePrimaryExpression
- { $current=$iv_rulePrimaryExpression.current; }
-// Rule PrimaryExpression
-rulePrimaryExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPrimaryExpressionAccess().getPrefixValueSpecificationParserRuleCall_0_0());
- }
- lv_prefix_0_0=ruleValueSpecification {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPrimaryExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "prefix",
- lv_prefix_0_0,
- "ValueSpecification");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-)( otherlv_1='.'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getPrimaryExpressionAccess().getFullStopKeyword_1_0());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPrimaryExpressionAccess().getSuffixSuffixExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0());
- }
- lv_suffix_2_0=ruleSuffixExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPrimaryExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "suffix",
- lv_suffix_2_0,
- "SuffixExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleValueSpecification
-entryRuleValueSpecification returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationRule()); }
- iv_ruleValueSpecification=ruleValueSpecification
- { $current=$iv_ruleValueSpecification.current; }
-// Rule ValueSpecification
-ruleValueSpecification returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getLiteralParserRuleCall_0());
- }
- this_Literal_0=ruleLiteral
- {
- $current = $this_Literal_0.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- |
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallParserRuleCall_1());
- }
- this_NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_1=ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall
- {
- $current = $this_NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_1.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- |
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getIntervalParserRuleCall_2());
- }
- this_Interval_2=ruleInterval
- {
- $current = $this_Interval_2.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- |
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getCollectionOrTupleParserRuleCall_3());
- }
- this_CollectionOrTuple_3=ruleCollectionOrTuple
- {
- $current = $this_CollectionOrTuple_3.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- |
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getTupleParserRuleCall_4());
- }
- this_Tuple_4=ruleTuple
- {
- $current = $this_Tuple_4.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- |
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getTimeExpressionParserRuleCall_5());
- }
- this_TimeExpression_5=ruleTimeExpression
- {
- $current = $this_TimeExpression_5.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- |
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getVariableDeclarationParserRuleCall_6());
- }
- this_VariableDeclaration_6=ruleVariableDeclaration
- {
- $current = $this_VariableDeclaration_6.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- |( otherlv_7='('
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_7, grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_7_0());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getExpressionParserRuleCall_7_1());
- }
- this_Expression_8=ruleExpression
- {
- $current = $this_Expression_8.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- otherlv_9=')'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_9, grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_7_2());
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleSuffixExpression
-entryRuleSuffixExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSuffixExpressionRule()); }
- iv_ruleSuffixExpression=ruleSuffixExpression
- { $current=$iv_ruleSuffixExpression.current; }
-// Rule SuffixExpression
-ruleSuffixExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSuffixExpressionAccess().getPropertyCallExpressionParserRuleCall_0());
- }
- this_PropertyCallExpression_0=rulePropertyCallExpression
- {
- $current = $this_PropertyCallExpression_0.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- |
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSuffixExpressionAccess().getOperationCallExpressionParserRuleCall_1());
- }
- this_OperationCallExpression_1=ruleOperationCallExpression
- {
- $current = $this_OperationCallExpression_1.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRulePropertyCallExpression
-entryRulePropertyCallExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPropertyCallExpressionRule()); }
- iv_rulePropertyCallExpression=rulePropertyCallExpression
- { $current=$iv_rulePropertyCallExpression.current; }
-// Rule PropertyCallExpression
-rulePropertyCallExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getPropertyCallExpressionRule());
- }
- }
- otherlv_0=RULE_ID
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getPropertyCallExpressionAccess().getPropertyPropertyCrossReference_0_0());
- }
-)( otherlv_1='.'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getPropertyCallExpressionAccess().getFullStopKeyword_1_0());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPropertyCallExpressionAccess().getSuffixSuffixExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0());
- }
- lv_suffix_2_0=ruleSuffixExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPropertyCallExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "suffix",
- lv_suffix_2_0,
- "SuffixExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleOperationCallExpression
-entryRuleOperationCallExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionRule()); }
- iv_ruleOperationCallExpression=ruleOperationCallExpression
- { $current=$iv_ruleOperationCallExpression.current; }
-// Rule OperationCallExpression
-ruleOperationCallExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionRule());
- }
- }
- otherlv_0=RULE_ID
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionAccess().getOperationOperationCrossReference_0_0());
- }
-) otherlv_1='('
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionAccess().getArgumentsListOfValuesParserRuleCall_2_0());
- }
- lv_arguments_2_0=ruleListOfValues {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "arguments",
- lv_arguments_2_0,
- "ListOfValues");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-)? otherlv_3=')'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_3());
- }
-( otherlv_4='.'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionAccess().getFullStopKeyword_4_0());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionAccess().getSuffixSuffixExpressionParserRuleCall_4_1_0());
- }
- lv_suffix_5_0=ruleSuffixExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "suffix",
- lv_suffix_5_0,
- "SuffixExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleLiteral
-entryRuleLiteral returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getLiteralRule()); }
- iv_ruleLiteral=ruleLiteral
- { $current=$iv_ruleLiteral.current; }
-// Rule Literal
-ruleLiteral returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getLiteralAccess().getNumberLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_0());
- }
- this_NumberLiteralRule_0=ruleNumberLiteralRule
- {
- $current = $this_NumberLiteralRule_0.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- |
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getLiteralAccess().getDateTimeLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_1());
- }
- this_DateTimeLiteralRule_1=ruleDateTimeLiteralRule
- {
- $current = $this_DateTimeLiteralRule_1.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- |
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getLiteralAccess().getBooleanLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_2());
- }
- this_BooleanLiteralRule_2=ruleBooleanLiteralRule
- {
- $current = $this_BooleanLiteralRule_2.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- |
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getLiteralAccess().getNullLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_3());
- }
- this_NullLiteralRule_3=ruleNullLiteralRule
- {
- $current = $this_NullLiteralRule_3.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- |
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getLiteralAccess().getDefaultLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_4());
- }
- this_DefaultLiteralRule_4=ruleDefaultLiteralRule
- {
- $current = $this_DefaultLiteralRule_4.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- |
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getLiteralAccess().getStringLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_5());
- }
- this_StringLiteralRule_5=ruleStringLiteralRule
- {
- $current = $this_StringLiteralRule_5.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall
-entryRuleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallRule()); }
- iv_ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall=ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall
- { $current=$iv_ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall.current; }
-// Rule NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall
-ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallAccess().getPathQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_0());
- }
- lv_path_0_0=ruleQualifiedName {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "path",
- lv_path_0_0,
- "QualifiedName");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallRule());
- }
- }
- otherlv_1=RULE_ID
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallAccess().getIdNamedElementCrossReference_1_0());
- }
-)( otherlv_2='('
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_2_0());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallAccess().getArgumentsListOfValuesParserRuleCall_2_1_0());
- }
- lv_arguments_3_0=ruleListOfValues {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "arguments",
- lv_arguments_3_0,
- "ListOfValues");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-)? otherlv_4=')'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_2_2());
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleQualifiedName
-entryRuleQualifiedName returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameRule()); }
- iv_ruleQualifiedName=ruleQualifiedName
- { $current=$iv_ruleQualifiedName.current; }
-// Rule QualifiedName
-ruleQualifiedName returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameRule());
- }
- }
- otherlv_0=RULE_ID
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getPathNamespaceCrossReference_0_0());
- }
-) otherlv_1='::'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getColonColonKeyword_1());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getRemainingQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_2_0());
- }
- lv_remaining_2_0=ruleQualifiedName {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "remaining",
- lv_remaining_2_0,
- "QualifiedName");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleInterval
-entryRuleInterval returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getIntervalRule()); }
- iv_ruleInterval=ruleInterval
- { $current=$iv_ruleInterval.current; }
-// Rule Interval
-ruleInterval returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
-(( otherlv_0=']'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getRightSquareBracketKeyword_0_0());
- }
- |(
- lv_isLowerIncluded_1_0= '['
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_isLowerIncluded_1_0, grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getIsLowerIncludedLeftSquareBracketKeyword_0_1_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getIntervalRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed($current, "isLowerIncluded", lv_isLowerIncluded_1_0, "[");
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getLowerExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0());
- }
- lv_lower_2_0=ruleExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getIntervalRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "lower",
- lv_lower_2_0,
- "Expression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-) otherlv_3='..'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getFullStopFullStopKeyword_2());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getUpperExpressionParserRuleCall_3_0());
- }
- lv_upper_4_0=ruleExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getIntervalRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "upper",
- lv_upper_4_0,
- "Expression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- lv_isUpperIncluded_5_0= ']'
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_isUpperIncluded_5_0, grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getIsUpperIncludedRightSquareBracketKeyword_4_0_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getIntervalRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed($current, "isUpperIncluded", lv_isUpperIncluded_5_0, "]");
- }
- | otherlv_6='['
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_6, grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_4_1());
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleCollectionOrTuple
-entryRuleCollectionOrTuple returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getCollectionOrTupleRule()); }
- iv_ruleCollectionOrTuple=ruleCollectionOrTuple
- { $current=$iv_ruleCollectionOrTuple.current; }
-// Rule CollectionOrTuple
-ruleCollectionOrTuple returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
-( otherlv_0='{'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getCollectionOrTupleAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_0());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getCollectionOrTupleAccess().getListOfValuesListOfValuesParserRuleCall_1_0());
- }
- lv_listOfValues_1_0=ruleListOfValues {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getCollectionOrTupleRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "listOfValues",
- lv_listOfValues_1_0,
- "ListOfValues");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-) otherlv_2='}'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getCollectionOrTupleAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_2());
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleTuple
-entryRuleTuple returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTupleRule()); }
- iv_ruleTuple=ruleTuple
- { $current=$iv_ruleTuple.current; }
-// Rule Tuple
-ruleTuple returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
-( otherlv_0='{'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getTupleAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_0());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTupleAccess().getListOfValueNamePairsListOfValueNamePairsParserRuleCall_1_0());
- }
- lv_listOfValueNamePairs_1_0=ruleListOfValueNamePairs {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getTupleRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "listOfValueNamePairs",
- lv_listOfValueNamePairs_1_0,
- "ListOfValueNamePairs");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-) otherlv_2='}'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getTupleAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_2());
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleListOfValues
-entryRuleListOfValues returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getListOfValuesRule()); }
- iv_ruleListOfValues=ruleListOfValues
- { $current=$iv_ruleListOfValues.current; }
-// Rule ListOfValues
-ruleListOfValues returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getListOfValuesAccess().getValuesExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0());
- }
- lv_values_0_0=ruleExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getListOfValuesRule());
- }
- add(
- $current,
- "values",
- lv_values_0_0,
- "Expression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-)( otherlv_1=','
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getListOfValuesAccess().getCommaKeyword_1_0());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getListOfValuesAccess().getValuesExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0());
- }
- lv_values_2_0=ruleExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getListOfValuesRule());
- }
- add(
- $current,
- "values",
- lv_values_2_0,
- "Expression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleListOfValueNamePairs
-entryRuleListOfValueNamePairs returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getListOfValueNamePairsRule()); }
- iv_ruleListOfValueNamePairs=ruleListOfValueNamePairs
- { $current=$iv_ruleListOfValueNamePairs.current; }
-// Rule ListOfValueNamePairs
-ruleListOfValueNamePairs returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getListOfValueNamePairsAccess().getValueNamePairsValueNamePairParserRuleCall_0_0());
- }
- lv_valueNamePairs_0_0=ruleValueNamePair {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getListOfValueNamePairsRule());
- }
- add(
- $current,
- "valueNamePairs",
- lv_valueNamePairs_0_0,
- "ValueNamePair");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-)( otherlv_1=','
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getListOfValueNamePairsAccess().getCommaKeyword_1_0());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getListOfValueNamePairsAccess().getValueNamePairsValueNamePairParserRuleCall_1_1_0());
- }
- lv_valueNamePairs_2_0=ruleValueNamePair {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getListOfValueNamePairsRule());
- }
- add(
- $current,
- "valueNamePairs",
- lv_valueNamePairs_2_0,
- "ValueNamePair");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleValueNamePair
-entryRuleValueNamePair returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueNamePairRule()); }
- iv_ruleValueNamePair=ruleValueNamePair
- { $current=$iv_ruleValueNamePair.current; }
-// Rule ValueNamePair
-ruleValueNamePair returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getValueNamePairRule());
- }
- }
- otherlv_0=RULE_ID
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getValueNamePairAccess().getPropertyPropertyCrossReference_0_0());
- }
-) otherlv_1='='
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getValueNamePairAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_1());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueNamePairAccess().getValueExpressionParserRuleCall_2_0());
- }
- lv_value_2_0=ruleExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getValueNamePairRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "value",
- lv_value_2_0,
- "Expression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleTimeExpression
-entryRuleTimeExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTimeExpressionRule()); }
- iv_ruleTimeExpression=ruleTimeExpression
- { $current=$iv_ruleTimeExpression.current; }
-// Rule TimeExpression
-ruleTimeExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTimeExpressionAccess().getInstantObsExpressionParserRuleCall_0());
- }
- this_InstantObsExpression_0=ruleInstantObsExpression
- {
- $current = $this_InstantObsExpression_0.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- |
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTimeExpressionAccess().getDurationObsExpressionParserRuleCall_1());
- }
- this_DurationObsExpression_1=ruleDurationObsExpression
- {
- $current = $this_DurationObsExpression_1.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- |
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTimeExpressionAccess().getJitterExpParserRuleCall_2());
- }
- this_JitterExp_2=ruleJitterExp
- {
- $current = $this_JitterExp_2.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleInstantObsExpression
-entryRuleInstantObsExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionRule()); }
- iv_ruleInstantObsExpression=ruleInstantObsExpression
- { $current=$iv_ruleInstantObsExpression.current; }
-// Rule InstantObsExpression
-ruleInstantObsExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
-( otherlv_0='@'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getCommercialAtKeyword_0());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getIdInstantObsNameParserRuleCall_1_0());
- }
- lv_id_1_0=ruleInstantObsName {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "id",
- lv_id_1_0,
- "InstantObsName");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-)( otherlv_2='('
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_2_0());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getIndexExpressionParserRuleCall_2_1_0());
- }
- lv_index_3_0=ruleExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "index",
- lv_index_3_0,
- "Expression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-) otherlv_4=')'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_2_2());
- }
-)?( otherlv_5='when'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getWhenKeyword_3_0());
- }
- otherlv_6='('
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_6, grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_3_1());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getConditionExpressionParserRuleCall_3_2_0());
- }
- lv_condition_7_0=ruleExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "condition",
- lv_condition_7_0,
- "Expression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-) otherlv_8=')'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_8, grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_3_3());
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleInstantObsName
-entryRuleInstantObsName returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getInstantObsNameRule()); }
- iv_ruleInstantObsName=ruleInstantObsName
- { $current=$iv_ruleInstantObsName.current; }
-// Rule InstantObsName
-ruleInstantObsName returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getInstantObsNameAccess().getPathQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_0());
- }
- lv_path_0_0=ruleQualifiedName {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getInstantObsNameRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "path",
- lv_path_0_0,
- "QualifiedName");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getInstantObsNameRule());
- }
- }
- otherlv_1=RULE_ID
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getInstantObsNameAccess().getInstantIdTimeObservationCrossReference_1_0());
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleDurationObsExpression
-entryRuleDurationObsExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionRule()); }
- iv_ruleDurationObsExpression=ruleDurationObsExpression
- { $current=$iv_ruleDurationObsExpression.current; }
-// Rule DurationObsExpression
-ruleDurationObsExpression returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
-( otherlv_0='&'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getAmpersandKeyword_0());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getIdDurationObsNameParserRuleCall_1_0());
- }
- lv_id_1_0=ruleDurationObsName {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "id",
- lv_id_1_0,
- "DurationObsName");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-)( otherlv_2='('
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_2_0());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getIndexExpressionParserRuleCall_2_1_0());
- }
- lv_index_3_0=ruleExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "index",
- lv_index_3_0,
- "Expression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-) otherlv_4=')'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_2_2());
- }
-)?( otherlv_5='when'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getWhenKeyword_3_0());
- }
- otherlv_6='('
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_6, grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_3_1());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getConditionExpressionParserRuleCall_3_2_0());
- }
- lv_condition_7_0=ruleExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "condition",
- lv_condition_7_0,
- "Expression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-) otherlv_8=')'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_8, grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_3_3());
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleDurationObsName
-entryRuleDurationObsName returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getDurationObsNameRule()); }
- iv_ruleDurationObsName=ruleDurationObsName
- { $current=$iv_ruleDurationObsName.current; }
-// Rule DurationObsName
-ruleDurationObsName returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getDurationObsNameAccess().getPathQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_0());
- }
- lv_path_0_0=ruleQualifiedName {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getDurationObsNameRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "path",
- lv_path_0_0,
- "QualifiedName");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getDurationObsNameRule());
- }
- }
- otherlv_1=RULE_ID
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getDurationObsNameAccess().getDurationIdDurationObservationCrossReference_1_0());
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleJitterExp
-entryRuleJitterExp returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getJitterExpRule()); }
- iv_ruleJitterExp=ruleJitterExp
- { $current=$iv_ruleJitterExp.current; }
-// Rule JitterExp
-ruleJitterExp returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
-( otherlv_0='jitter('
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getJitterExpAccess().getJitterKeyword_0());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getJitterExpAccess().getFirstInstantInstantObsExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0());
- }
- lv_firstInstant_1_0=ruleInstantObsExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getJitterExpRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "firstInstant",
- lv_firstInstant_1_0,
- "InstantObsExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-)( otherlv_2='-'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getJitterExpAccess().getHyphenMinusKeyword_2_0());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getJitterExpAccess().getSecondInstantInstantObsExpressionParserRuleCall_2_1_0());
- }
- lv_secondInstant_3_0=ruleInstantObsExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getJitterExpRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "secondInstant",
- lv_secondInstant_3_0,
- "InstantObsExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-))? otherlv_4=')'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getJitterExpAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_3());
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleVariableDeclaration
-entryRuleVariableDeclaration returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationRule()); }
- iv_ruleVariableDeclaration=ruleVariableDeclaration
- { $current=$iv_ruleVariableDeclaration.current; }
-// Rule VariableDeclaration
-ruleVariableDeclaration returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getVariableDeclarationVariableDirectionKindParserRuleCall_0_0());
- }
- lv_variableDeclaration_0_0=ruleVariableDirectionKind {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "variableDeclaration",
- lv_variableDeclaration_0_0,
- "VariableDirectionKind");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-)? otherlv_1='$'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getDollarSignKeyword_1());
- }
- lv_name_2_0=RULE_ID
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_name_2_0, grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_2_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(
- $current,
- "name",
- lv_name_2_0,
- "ID");
- }
-)(( otherlv_3=':'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getColonKeyword_3_0_0());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getTypeDataTypeNameParserRuleCall_3_0_1_0());
- }
- lv_type_4_0=ruleDataTypeName {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "type",
- lv_type_4_0,
- "DataTypeName");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-)( otherlv_5='='
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_3_0_2_0());
- }
- otherlv_6='('
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_6, grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_3_0_2_1());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getInitValueExpressionParserRuleCall_3_0_2_2_0());
- }
- lv_initValue_7_0=ruleExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "initValue",
- lv_initValue_7_0,
- "Expression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-) otherlv_8=')'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_8, grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_3_0_2_3());
- }
- |( otherlv_9='='
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_9, grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_3_1_0());
- }
- otherlv_10='('
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_10, grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_3_1_1());
- }
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getInitValueExpressionParserRuleCall_3_1_2_0());
- }
- lv_initValue_11_0=ruleExpression {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "initValue",
- lv_initValue_11_0,
- "Expression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-) otherlv_12=')'
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_12, grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_3_1_3());
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleVariableDirectionKind
-entryRuleVariableDirectionKind returns [String current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getVariableDirectionKindRule()); }
- iv_ruleVariableDirectionKind=ruleVariableDirectionKind
- { $current=$iv_ruleVariableDirectionKind.current.getText(); }
-// Rule VariableDirectionKind
-ruleVariableDirectionKind returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- kw='in'
- {
- $current.merge(kw);
- newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getVariableDirectionKindAccess().getInKeyword_0());
- }
- |
- kw='out'
- {
- $current.merge(kw);
- newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getVariableDirectionKindAccess().getOutKeyword_1());
- }
- |
- kw='inout'
- {
- $current.merge(kw);
- newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getVariableDirectionKindAccess().getInoutKeyword_2());
- }
- ;
-// Entry rule entryRuleDataTypeName
-entryRuleDataTypeName returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getDataTypeNameRule()); }
- iv_ruleDataTypeName=ruleDataTypeName
- { $current=$iv_ruleDataTypeName.current; }
-// Rule DataTypeName
-ruleDataTypeName returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getDataTypeNameAccess().getPathQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_0());
- }
- lv_path_0_0=ruleQualifiedName {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getDataTypeNameRule());
- }
- set(
- $current,
- "path",
- lv_path_0_0,
- "QualifiedName");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getDataTypeNameRule());
- }
- }
- otherlv_1=RULE_ID
- {
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getDataTypeNameAccess().getTypeDataTypeCrossReference_1_0());
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleNumberLiteralRule
-entryRuleNumberLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNumberLiteralRuleRule()); }
- iv_ruleNumberLiteralRule=ruleNumberLiteralRule
- { $current=$iv_ruleNumberLiteralRule.current; }
-// Rule NumberLiteralRule
-ruleNumberLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNumberLiteralRuleAccess().getIntegerLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_0());
- }
- this_IntegerLiteralRule_0=ruleIntegerLiteralRule
- {
- $current = $this_IntegerLiteralRule_0.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- |
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNumberLiteralRuleAccess().getUnlimitedLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_1());
- }
- this_UnlimitedLiteralRule_1=ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule
- {
- $current = $this_UnlimitedLiteralRule_1.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- |
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNumberLiteralRuleAccess().getRealLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_2());
- }
- this_RealLiteralRule_2=ruleRealLiteralRule
- {
- $current = $this_RealLiteralRule_2.current;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleIntegerLiteralRule
-entryRuleIntegerLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getIntegerLiteralRuleRule()); }
- iv_ruleIntegerLiteralRule=ruleIntegerLiteralRule
- { $current=$iv_ruleIntegerLiteralRule.current; }
-// Rule IntegerLiteralRule
-ruleIntegerLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_value_0_0, grammarAccess.getIntegerLiteralRuleAccess().getValueIntegerLiteralTerminalRuleCall_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getIntegerLiteralRuleRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(
- $current,
- "value",
- lv_value_0_0,
- "IntegerLiteral");
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleUnlimitedLiteralRule
-entryRuleUnlimitedLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralRuleRule()); }
- iv_ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule=ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule
- { $current=$iv_ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule.current; }
-// Rule UnlimitedLiteralRule
-ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- lv_value_0_0= '*'
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_value_0_0, grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralRuleAccess().getValueAsteriskKeyword_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralRuleRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed($current, "value", lv_value_0_0, "*");
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleRealLiteralRule
-entryRuleRealLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getRealLiteralRuleRule()); }
- iv_ruleRealLiteralRule=ruleRealLiteralRule
- { $current=$iv_ruleRealLiteralRule.current; }
-// Rule RealLiteralRule
-ruleRealLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- lv_value_0_0=RULE_REALLITERAL
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_value_0_0, grammarAccess.getRealLiteralRuleAccess().getValueRealLiteralTerminalRuleCall_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRealLiteralRuleRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(
- $current,
- "value",
- lv_value_0_0,
- "RealLiteral");
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleDateTimeLiteralRule
-entryRuleDateTimeLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getDateTimeLiteralRuleRule()); }
- iv_ruleDateTimeLiteralRule=ruleDateTimeLiteralRule
- { $current=$iv_ruleDateTimeLiteralRule.current; }
-// Rule DateTimeLiteralRule
-ruleDateTimeLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_value_0_0, grammarAccess.getDateTimeLiteralRuleAccess().getValueDateTimeLiteralTerminalRuleCall_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getDateTimeLiteralRuleRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(
- $current,
- "value",
- lv_value_0_0,
- "DateTimeLiteral");
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleBooleanLiteralRule
-entryRuleBooleanLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralRuleRule()); }
- iv_ruleBooleanLiteralRule=ruleBooleanLiteralRule
- { $current=$iv_ruleBooleanLiteralRule.current; }
-// Rule BooleanLiteralRule
-ruleBooleanLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_value_0_0, grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralRuleAccess().getValueBooleanLiteralTerminalRuleCall_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralRuleRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(
- $current,
- "value",
- lv_value_0_0,
- "BooleanLiteral");
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleNullLiteralRule
-entryRuleNullLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNullLiteralRuleRule()); }
- iv_ruleNullLiteralRule=ruleNullLiteralRule
- { $current=$iv_ruleNullLiteralRule.current; }
-// Rule NullLiteralRule
-ruleNullLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- lv_value_0_0=RULE_NULLLITERAL
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_value_0_0, grammarAccess.getNullLiteralRuleAccess().getValueNullLiteralTerminalRuleCall_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getNullLiteralRuleRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(
- $current,
- "value",
- lv_value_0_0,
- "NullLiteral");
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleDefaultLiteralRule
-entryRuleDefaultLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getDefaultLiteralRuleRule()); }
- iv_ruleDefaultLiteralRule=ruleDefaultLiteralRule
- { $current=$iv_ruleDefaultLiteralRule.current; }
-// Rule DefaultLiteralRule
-ruleDefaultLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- lv_value_0_0= '/'
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_value_0_0, grammarAccess.getDefaultLiteralRuleAccess().getValueSolidusKeyword_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getDefaultLiteralRuleRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed($current, "value", lv_value_0_0, "/");
- }
-// Entry rule entryRuleStringLiteralRule
-entryRuleStringLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null]
- :
- { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getStringLiteralRuleRule()); }
- iv_ruleStringLiteralRule=ruleStringLiteralRule
- { $current=$iv_ruleStringLiteralRule.current; }
-// Rule StringLiteralRule
-ruleStringLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null]
- @init { enterRule();
- }
- @after { leaveRule(); }:
- lv_value_0_0=RULE_STRING
- {
- newLeafNode(lv_value_0_0, grammarAccess.getStringLiteralRuleAccess().getValueSTRINGTerminalRuleCall_0());
- }
- {
- if ($current==null) {
- $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getStringLiteralRuleRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(
- $current,
- "value",
- lv_value_0_0,
- "STRING");
- }
-RULE_INTEGERLITERAL : ('+'|'-')? (('0'..'9')+|'0x' ('0'..'9'|'A'..'F'|'a'..'f')+|'0b' ('0'..'1')+);
-RULE_REALLITERAL : ('+'|'-')? ('0'..'9')+ '.' ('0'..'9')+ ('E' ('+'|'-')? ('0'..'9')+)?;
-RULE_DATETIMELITERAL : (('0'..'1' '0'..'9'|'2' '0'..'3') ':' '0'..'5' '0'..'9' (':' '0'..'5' '0'..'9' (':' '0'..'9' '0'..'9')?)? (' ' '0'..'9' '0'..'9' '0'..'9' '0'..'9' '/' ('0' '0'..'9'|'1' '0'..'2') '/' ('0'..'2' '0'..'9'|'3' ('0'|'1')))? (' ' ('Mon'|'Tue'|'Wed'|'Thr'|'Fri'|'Sat'|'Sun'))?|'0'..'9' '0'..'9' '0'..'9' '0'..'9' '/' ('0' '0'..'9'|'1' '0'..'2') '/' ('0'..'2' '0'..'9'|'3' ('0'|'1')) (' ' ('Mon'|'Tue'|'Wed'|'Thr'|'Fri'|'Sat'|'Sun'))?|('Mon'|'Tue'|'Wed'|'Thr'|'Fri'|'Sat'|'Sun'));
-RULE_BOOLEANLITERAL : ('true'|'false');
-RULE_ID : '^'? ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')*;
-RULE_INT : ('0'..'9')+;
-RULE_STRING : ('"' ('\\' ('b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'u'|'"'|'\''|'\\')|~(('\\'|'"')))* '"'|'\'' ('\\' ('b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'u'|'"'|'\''|'\\')|~(('\\'|'\'')))* '\'');
-RULE_ML_COMMENT : '/*' ( options {greedy=false;} : . )*'*/';
-RULE_SL_COMMENT : '//' ~(('\n'|'\r'))* ('\r'? '\n')?;
-RULE_WS : (' '|'\t'|'\r'|'\n')+;
diff --git a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.tokens b/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.tokens
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b5cb8fe470..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.tokens
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/ b/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/
deleted file mode 100644
index 50949d0f060..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3478 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.parser.antlr.internal;
-// Hack: Use our own Lexer superclass by means of import.
-// Currently there is no other way to specify the superclass for the lexer.
-import org.antlr.runtime.BaseRecognizer;
-import org.antlr.runtime.CharStream;
-import org.antlr.runtime.DFA;
-import org.antlr.runtime.EarlyExitException;
-import org.antlr.runtime.IntStream;
-import org.antlr.runtime.MismatchedSetException;
-import org.antlr.runtime.NoViableAltException;
-import org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException;
-import org.antlr.runtime.RecognizerSharedState;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.Lexer;
-public class InternalConstraintWithVSLlLexer extends Lexer {
- public static final int RULE_DATETIMELITERAL = 7;
- public static final int RULE_ID = 4;
- public static final int T__29 = 29;
- public static final int T__28 = 28;
- public static final int T__27 = 27;
- public static final int T__26 = 26;
- public static final int T__25 = 25;
- public static final int T__24 = 24;
- public static final int T__23 = 23;
- public static final int T__22 = 22;
- public static final int T__21 = 21;
- public static final int RULE_ANY_OTHER = 15;
- public static final int T__20 = 20;
- public static final int RULE_REALLITERAL = 6;
- public static final int EOF = -1;
- public static final int T__19 = 19;
- public static final int RULE_BOOLEANLITERAL = 8;
- public static final int T__16 = 16;
- public static final int T__51 = 51;
- public static final int T__18 = 18;
- public static final int T__17 = 17;
- public static final int RULE_INT = 11;
- public static final int T__50 = 50;
- public static final int RULE_NULLLITERAL = 9;
- public static final int T__42 = 42;
- public static final int T__43 = 43;
- public static final int T__40 = 40;
- public static final int T__41 = 41;
- public static final int T__46 = 46;
- public static final int T__47 = 47;
- public static final int T__44 = 44;
- public static final int T__45 = 45;
- public static final int T__48 = 48;
- public static final int T__49 = 49;
- public static final int RULE_INTEGERLITERAL = 5;
- public static final int RULE_SL_COMMENT = 13;
- public static final int RULE_ML_COMMENT = 12;
- public static final int T__30 = 30;
- public static final int T__31 = 31;
- public static final int RULE_STRING = 10;
- public static final int T__32 = 32;
- public static final int T__33 = 33;
- public static final int T__34 = 34;
- public static final int T__35 = 35;
- public static final int T__36 = 36;
- public static final int T__37 = 37;
- public static final int T__38 = 38;
- public static final int T__39 = 39;
- public static final int RULE_WS = 14;
- // delegates
- // delegators
- public InternalConstraintWithVSLlLexer() {
- ;
- }
- public InternalConstraintWithVSLlLexer(CharStream input) {
- this(input, new RecognizerSharedState());
- }
- public InternalConstraintWithVSLlLexer(CharStream input, RecognizerSharedState state) {
- super(input, state);
- }
- @Override
- public String getGrammarFileName() {
- return "../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g";
- }
- // $ANTLR start "T__16"
- public final void mT__16() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__16;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:11:7: ( 'and' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:11:9: 'and'
- {
- match("and");
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__16"
- // $ANTLR start "T__17"
- public final void mT__17() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__17;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:12:7: ( 'or' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:12:9: 'or'
- {
- match("or");
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__17"
- // $ANTLR start "T__18"
- public final void mT__18() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__18;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:13:7: ( 'xor' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:13:9: 'xor'
- {
- match("xor");
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__18"
- // $ANTLR start "T__19"
- public final void mT__19() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__19;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:14:7: ( '==' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:14:9: '=='
- {
- match("==");
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__19"
- // $ANTLR start "T__20"
- public final void mT__20() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__20;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:15:7: ( '<>' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:15:9: '<>'
- {
- match("<>");
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__20"
- // $ANTLR start "T__21"
- public final void mT__21() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__21;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:16:7: ( '<' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:16:9: '<'
- {
- match('<');
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__21"
- // $ANTLR start "T__22"
- public final void mT__22() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__22;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:17:7: ( '>' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:17:9: '>'
- {
- match('>');
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__22"
- // $ANTLR start "T__23"
- public final void mT__23() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__23;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:18:7: ( '<=' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:18:9: '<='
- {
- match("<=");
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__23"
- // $ANTLR start "T__24"
- public final void mT__24() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__24;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:19:7: ( '>=' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:19:9: '>='
- {
- match(">=");
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__24"
- // $ANTLR start "T__25"
- public final void mT__25() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__25;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:20:7: ( '?' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:20:9: '?'
- {
- match('?');
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__25"
- // $ANTLR start "T__26"
- public final void mT__26() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__26;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:21:7: ( ':' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:21:9: ':'
- {
- match(':');
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__26"
- // $ANTLR start "T__27"
- public final void mT__27() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__27;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:22:7: ( '+' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:22:9: '+'
- {
- match('+');
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__27"
- // $ANTLR start "T__28"
- public final void mT__28() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__28;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:23:7: ( '-' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:23:9: '-'
- {
- match('-');
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__28"
- // $ANTLR start "T__29"
- public final void mT__29() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__29;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:24:7: ( '*' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:24:9: '*'
- {
- match('*');
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__29"
- // $ANTLR start "T__30"
- public final void mT__30() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__30;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:25:7: ( '/' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:25:9: '/'
- {
- match('/');
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__30"
- // $ANTLR start "T__31"
- public final void mT__31() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__31;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:26:7: ( 'mod' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:26:9: 'mod'
- {
- match("mod");
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__31"
- // $ANTLR start "T__32"
- public final void mT__32() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__32;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:27:7: ( 'not' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:27:9: 'not'
- {
- match("not");
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__32"
- // $ANTLR start "T__33"
- public final void mT__33() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__33;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:28:7: ( '.' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:28:9: '.'
- {
- match('.');
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__33"
- // $ANTLR start "T__34"
- public final void mT__34() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__34;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:29:7: ( '(' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:29:9: '('
- {
- match('(');
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__34"
- // $ANTLR start "T__35"
- public final void mT__35() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__35;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:30:7: ( ')' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:30:9: ')'
- {
- match(')');
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__35"
- // $ANTLR start "T__36"
- public final void mT__36() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__36;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:31:7: ( '::' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:31:9: '::'
- {
- match("::");
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__36"
- // $ANTLR start "T__37"
- public final void mT__37() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__37;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:32:7: ( ']' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:32:9: ']'
- {
- match(']');
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__37"
- // $ANTLR start "T__38"
- public final void mT__38() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__38;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:33:7: ( '[' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:33:9: '['
- {
- match('[');
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__38"
- // $ANTLR start "T__39"
- public final void mT__39() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__39;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:34:7: ( '..' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:34:9: '..'
- {
- match("..");
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__39"
- // $ANTLR start "T__40"
- public final void mT__40() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__40;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:35:7: ( '{' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:35:9: '{'
- {
- match('{');
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__40"
- // $ANTLR start "T__41"
- public final void mT__41() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__41;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:36:7: ( '}' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:36:9: '}'
- {
- match('}');
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__41"
- // $ANTLR start "T__42"
- public final void mT__42() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__42;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:37:7: ( ',' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:37:9: ','
- {
- match(',');
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__42"
- // $ANTLR start "T__43"
- public final void mT__43() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__43;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:38:7: ( '=' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:38:9: '='
- {
- match('=');
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__43"
- // $ANTLR start "T__44"
- public final void mT__44() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__44;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:39:7: ( '@' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:39:9: '@'
- {
- match('@');
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__44"
- // $ANTLR start "T__45"
- public final void mT__45() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__45;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:40:7: ( 'when' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:40:9: 'when'
- {
- match("when");
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__45"
- // $ANTLR start "T__46"
- public final void mT__46() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__46;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:41:7: ( '&' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:41:9: '&'
- {
- match('&');
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__46"
- // $ANTLR start "T__47"
- public final void mT__47() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__47;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:42:7: ( 'jitter(' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:42:9: 'jitter('
- {
- match("jitter(");
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__47"
- // $ANTLR start "T__48"
- public final void mT__48() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__48;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:43:7: ( '$' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:43:9: '$'
- {
- match('$');
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__48"
- // $ANTLR start "T__49"
- public final void mT__49() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__49;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:44:7: ( 'in' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:44:9: 'in'
- {
- match("in");
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__49"
- // $ANTLR start "T__50"
- public final void mT__50() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__50;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:45:7: ( 'out' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:45:9: 'out'
- {
- match("out");
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__50"
- // $ANTLR start "T__51"
- public final void mT__51() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = T__51;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:46:7: ( 'inout' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:46:9: 'inout'
- {
- match("inout");
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "T__51"
- public final void mRULE_INTEGERLITERAL() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2808:21: ( ( '+' | '-' )? ( ( '0' .. '9' )+ | '0x' ( '0' .. '9' |
- // 'A' .. 'F' | 'a' .. 'f' )+ | '0b' ( '0' .. '1' )+ ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2808:23: ( '+' | '-' )? ( ( '0' .. '9' )+ | '0x' ( '0' .. '9' |
- // 'A' .. 'F' | 'a' .. 'f' )+ | '0b' ( '0' .. '1' )+ )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2808:23: ( '+' | '-' )?
- int alt1 = 2;
- int LA1_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA1_0 == '+' || LA1_0 == '-')) {
- alt1 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt1) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:
- {
- if (input.LA(1) == '+' || input.LA(1) == '-') {
- input.consume();
- }
- else {
- MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null, input);
- recover(mse);
- throw mse;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2808:34: ( ( '0' .. '9' )+ | '0x' ( '0' .. '9' | 'A' .. 'F' |
- // 'a' .. 'f' )+ | '0b' ( '0' .. '1' )+ )
- int alt5 = 3;
- int LA5_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA5_0 == '0')) {
- switch (input.LA(2)) {
- case 'x': {
- alt5 = 2;
- }
- break;
- case 'b': {
- alt5 = 3;
- }
- break;
- default:
- alt5 = 1;
- }
- }
- else if (((LA5_0 >= '1' && LA5_0 <= '9'))) {
- alt5 = 1;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 5, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt5) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2808:35: ( '0' .. '9' )+
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2808:35: ( '0' .. '9' )+
- int cnt2 = 0;
- loop2: do {
- int alt2 = 2;
- int LA2_0 = input.LA(1);
- if (((LA2_0 >= '0' && LA2_0 <= '9'))) {
- alt2 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt2) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2808:36: '0' .. '9'
- {
- matchRange('0', '9');
- }
- break;
- default:
- if (cnt2 >= 1) {
- break loop2;
- }
- EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(2, input);
- throw eee;
- }
- cnt2++;
- } while (true);
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2808:47: '0x' ( '0' .. '9' | 'A' .. 'F' | 'a' .. 'f' )+
- {
- match("0x");
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2808:52: ( '0' .. '9' | 'A' .. 'F' | 'a' .. 'f' )+
- int cnt3 = 0;
- loop3: do {
- int alt3 = 2;
- int LA3_0 = input.LA(1);
- if (((LA3_0 >= '0' && LA3_0 <= '9') || (LA3_0 >= 'A' && LA3_0 <= 'F') || (LA3_0 >= 'a' && LA3_0 <= 'f'))) {
- alt3 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt3) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:
- {
- if ((input.LA(1) >= '0' && input.LA(1) <= '9') || (input.LA(1) >= 'A' && input.LA(1) <= 'F') || (input.LA(1) >= 'a' && input.LA(1) <= 'f')) {
- input.consume();
- }
- else {
- MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null, input);
- recover(mse);
- throw mse;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- if (cnt3 >= 1) {
- break loop3;
- }
- EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(3, input);
- throw eee;
- }
- cnt3++;
- } while (true);
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2808:82: '0b' ( '0' .. '1' )+
- {
- match("0b");
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2808:87: ( '0' .. '1' )+
- int cnt4 = 0;
- loop4: do {
- int alt4 = 2;
- int LA4_0 = input.LA(1);
- if (((LA4_0 >= '0' && LA4_0 <= '1'))) {
- alt4 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt4) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2808:88: '0' .. '1'
- {
- matchRange('0', '1');
- }
- break;
- default:
- if (cnt4 >= 1) {
- break loop4;
- }
- EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(4, input);
- throw eee;
- }
- cnt4++;
- } while (true);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- public final void mRULE_REALLITERAL() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = RULE_REALLITERAL;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2810:18: ( ( '+' | '-' )? ( '0' .. '9' )+ '.' ( '0' .. '9' )+ (
- // 'E' ( '+' | '-' )? ( '0' .. '9' )+ )? )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2810:20: ( '+' | '-' )? ( '0' .. '9' )+ '.' ( '0' .. '9' )+ ( 'E'
- // ( '+' | '-' )? ( '0' .. '9' )+ )?
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2810:20: ( '+' | '-' )?
- int alt6 = 2;
- int LA6_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA6_0 == '+' || LA6_0 == '-')) {
- alt6 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt6) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:
- {
- if (input.LA(1) == '+' || input.LA(1) == '-') {
- input.consume();
- }
- else {
- MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null, input);
- recover(mse);
- throw mse;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2810:31: ( '0' .. '9' )+
- int cnt7 = 0;
- loop7: do {
- int alt7 = 2;
- int LA7_0 = input.LA(1);
- if (((LA7_0 >= '0' && LA7_0 <= '9'))) {
- alt7 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt7) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2810:32: '0' .. '9'
- {
- matchRange('0', '9');
- }
- break;
- default:
- if (cnt7 >= 1) {
- break loop7;
- }
- EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(7, input);
- throw eee;
- }
- cnt7++;
- } while (true);
- match('.');
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2810:47: ( '0' .. '9' )+
- int cnt8 = 0;
- loop8: do {
- int alt8 = 2;
- int LA8_0 = input.LA(1);
- if (((LA8_0 >= '0' && LA8_0 <= '9'))) {
- alt8 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt8) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2810:48: '0' .. '9'
- {
- matchRange('0', '9');
- }
- break;
- default:
- if (cnt8 >= 1) {
- break loop8;
- }
- EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(8, input);
- throw eee;
- }
- cnt8++;
- } while (true);
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2810:59: ( 'E' ( '+' | '-' )? ( '0' .. '9' )+ )?
- int alt11 = 2;
- int LA11_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA11_0 == 'E')) {
- alt11 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt11) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2810:60: 'E' ( '+' | '-' )? ( '0' .. '9' )+
- {
- match('E');
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2810:64: ( '+' | '-' )?
- int alt9 = 2;
- int LA9_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA9_0 == '+' || LA9_0 == '-')) {
- alt9 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt9) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:
- {
- if (input.LA(1) == '+' || input.LA(1) == '-') {
- input.consume();
- }
- else {
- MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null, input);
- recover(mse);
- throw mse;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2810:75: ( '0' .. '9' )+
- int cnt10 = 0;
- loop10: do {
- int alt10 = 2;
- int LA10_0 = input.LA(1);
- if (((LA10_0 >= '0' && LA10_0 <= '9'))) {
- alt10 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt10) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2810:76: '0' .. '9'
- {
- matchRange('0', '9');
- }
- break;
- default:
- if (cnt10 >= 1) {
- break loop10;
- }
- EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(10, input);
- throw eee;
- }
- cnt10++;
- } while (true);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- public final void mRULE_DATETIMELITERAL() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:22: ( ( ( '0' .. '1' '0' .. '9' | '2' '0' .. '3' ) ':' '0'
- // .. '5' '0' .. '9' ( ':' '0' .. '5' '0' .. '9' ( ':' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' )? )? ( ' ' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '/' ( '0' '0' .. '9' | '1' '0' .. '2' ) '/' ( '0' .. '2' '0' .. '9' | '3' ( '0' | '1' ) ) )? ( ' ' ( 'Mon' | 'Tue'
- // | 'Wed' | 'Thr' | 'Fri' | 'Sat' | 'Sun' ) )? | '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '/' ( '0' '0' .. '9' | '1' '0' .. '2' ) '/' ( '0' .. '2' '0' .. '9' | '3' ( '0' | '1' ) ) ( ' ' ( 'Mon' | 'Tue' | 'Wed' | 'Thr' | 'Fri' | 'Sat' | 'Sun' )
- // )? | ( 'Mon' | 'Tue' | 'Wed' | 'Thr' | 'Fri' | 'Sat' | 'Sun' ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:24: ( ( '0' .. '1' '0' .. '9' | '2' '0' .. '3' ) ':' '0' ..
- // '5' '0' .. '9' ( ':' '0' .. '5' '0' .. '9' ( ':' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' )? )? ( ' ' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '/' ( '0' '0' .. '9' | '1' '0' .. '2' ) '/' ( '0' .. '2' '0' .. '9' | '3' ( '0' | '1' ) ) )? ( ' ' ( 'Mon' | 'Tue' |
- // 'Wed' | 'Thr' | 'Fri' | 'Sat' | 'Sun' ) )? | '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '/' ( '0' '0' .. '9' | '1' '0' .. '2' ) '/' ( '0' .. '2' '0' .. '9' | '3' ( '0' | '1' ) ) ( ' ' ( 'Mon' | 'Tue' | 'Wed' | 'Thr' | 'Fri' | 'Sat' | 'Sun' ) )?
- // | ( 'Mon' | 'Tue' | 'Wed' | 'Thr' | 'Fri' | 'Sat' | 'Sun' ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:24: ( ( '0' .. '1' '0' .. '9' | '2' '0' .. '3' ) ':' '0'
- // .. '5' '0' .. '9' ( ':' '0' .. '5' '0' .. '9' ( ':' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' )? )? ( ' ' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '/' ( '0' '0' .. '9' | '1' '0' .. '2' ) '/' ( '0' .. '2' '0' .. '9' | '3' ( '0' | '1' ) ) )? ( ' ' ( 'Mon' |
- // 'Tue' | 'Wed' | 'Thr' | 'Fri' | 'Sat' | 'Sun' ) )? | '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '/' ( '0' '0' .. '9' | '1' '0' .. '2' ) '/' ( '0' .. '2' '0' .. '9' | '3' ( '0' | '1' ) ) ( ' ' ( 'Mon' | 'Tue' | 'Wed' | 'Thr' | 'Fri' | 'Sat'
- // | 'Sun' ) )? | ( 'Mon' | 'Tue' | 'Wed' | 'Thr' | 'Fri' | 'Sat' | 'Sun' ) )
- int alt25 = 3;
- switch (input.LA(1)) {
- case '0':
- case '1': {
- int LA25_1 = input.LA(2);
- if (((LA25_1 >= '0' && LA25_1 <= '9'))) {
- int LA25_5 = input.LA(3);
- if (((LA25_5 >= '0' && LA25_5 <= '9'))) {
- alt25 = 2;
- }
- else if ((LA25_5 == ':')) {
- alt25 = 1;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 25, 5, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 25, 1, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- }
- break;
- case '2': {
- int LA25_2 = input.LA(2);
- if (((LA25_2 >= '0' && LA25_2 <= '3'))) {
- int LA25_6 = input.LA(3);
- if (((LA25_6 >= '0' && LA25_6 <= '9'))) {
- alt25 = 2;
- }
- else if ((LA25_6 == ':')) {
- alt25 = 1;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 25, 6, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- }
- else if (((LA25_2 >= '4' && LA25_2 <= '9'))) {
- alt25 = 2;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 25, 2, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- }
- break;
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9': {
- alt25 = 2;
- }
- break;
- case 'F':
- case 'M':
- case 'S':
- case 'T':
- case 'W': {
- alt25 = 3;
- }
- break;
- default:
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 25, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt25) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:25: ( '0' .. '1' '0' .. '9' | '2' '0' .. '3' ) ':' '0'
- // .. '5' '0' .. '9' ( ':' '0' .. '5' '0' .. '9' ( ':' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' )? )? ( ' ' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '/' ( '0' '0' .. '9' | '1' '0' .. '2' ) '/' ( '0' .. '2' '0' .. '9' | '3' ( '0' | '1' ) ) )? ( ' ' ( 'Mon' |
- // 'Tue' | 'Wed' | 'Thr' | 'Fri' | 'Sat' | 'Sun' ) )?
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:25: ( '0' .. '1' '0' .. '9' | '2' '0' .. '3' )
- int alt12 = 2;
- int LA12_0 = input.LA(1);
- if (((LA12_0 >= '0' && LA12_0 <= '1'))) {
- alt12 = 1;
- }
- else if ((LA12_0 == '2')) {
- alt12 = 2;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 12, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt12) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:26: '0' .. '1' '0' .. '9'
- {
- matchRange('0', '1');
- matchRange('0', '9');
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:44: '2' '0' .. '3'
- {
- match('2');
- matchRange('0', '3');
- }
- break;
- }
- match(':');
- matchRange('0', '5');
- matchRange('0', '9');
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:80: ( ':' '0' .. '5' '0' .. '9' ( ':' '0' .. '9' '0'
- // .. '9' )? )?
- int alt14 = 2;
- int LA14_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA14_0 == ':')) {
- alt14 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt14) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:81: ':' '0' .. '5' '0' .. '9' ( ':' '0' .. '9' '0'
- // .. '9' )?
- {
- match(':');
- matchRange('0', '5');
- matchRange('0', '9');
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:103: ( ':' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' )?
- int alt13 = 2;
- int LA13_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA13_0 == ':')) {
- alt13 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt13) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:104: ':' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9'
- {
- match(':');
- matchRange('0', '9');
- matchRange('0', '9');
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:130: ( ' ' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '0' ..
- // '9' '/' ( '0' '0' .. '9' | '1' '0' .. '2' ) '/' ( '0' .. '2' '0' .. '9' | '3' ( '0' | '1' ) ) )?
- int alt17 = 2;
- int LA17_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA17_0 == ' ')) {
- int LA17_1 = input.LA(2);
- if (((LA17_1 >= '0' && LA17_1 <= '9'))) {
- alt17 = 1;
- }
- }
- switch (alt17) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:131: ' ' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9'
- // '/' ( '0' '0' .. '9' | '1' '0' .. '2' ) '/' ( '0' .. '2' '0' .. '9' | '3' ( '0' | '1' ) )
- {
- match(' ');
- matchRange('0', '9');
- matchRange('0', '9');
- matchRange('0', '9');
- matchRange('0', '9');
- match('/');
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:175: ( '0' '0' .. '9' | '1' '0' .. '2' )
- int alt15 = 2;
- int LA15_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA15_0 == '0')) {
- alt15 = 1;
- }
- else if ((LA15_0 == '1')) {
- alt15 = 2;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 15, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt15) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:176: '0' '0' .. '9'
- {
- match('0');
- matchRange('0', '9');
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:189: '1' '0' .. '2'
- {
- match('1');
- matchRange('0', '2');
- }
- break;
- }
- match('/');
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:207: ( '0' .. '2' '0' .. '9' | '3' ( '0' | '1' )
- // )
- int alt16 = 2;
- int LA16_0 = input.LA(1);
- if (((LA16_0 >= '0' && LA16_0 <= '2'))) {
- alt16 = 1;
- }
- else if ((LA16_0 == '3')) {
- alt16 = 2;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 16, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt16) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:208: '0' .. '2' '0' .. '9'
- {
- matchRange('0', '2');
- matchRange('0', '9');
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:226: '3' ( '0' | '1' )
- {
- match('3');
- if ((input.LA(1) >= '0' && input.LA(1) <= '1')) {
- input.consume();
- }
- else {
- MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null, input);
- recover(mse);
- throw mse;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:243: ( ' ' ( 'Mon' | 'Tue' | 'Wed' | 'Thr' | 'Fri' |
- // 'Sat' | 'Sun' ) )?
- int alt19 = 2;
- int LA19_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA19_0 == ' ')) {
- alt19 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt19) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:244: ' ' ( 'Mon' | 'Tue' | 'Wed' | 'Thr' | 'Fri' |
- // 'Sat' | 'Sun' )
- {
- match(' ');
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:248: ( 'Mon' | 'Tue' | 'Wed' | 'Thr' | 'Fri' |
- // 'Sat' | 'Sun' )
- int alt18 = 7;
- alt18 = dfa18.predict(input);
- switch (alt18) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:249: 'Mon'
- {
- match("Mon");
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:255: 'Tue'
- {
- match("Tue");
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:261: 'Wed'
- {
- match("Wed");
- }
- break;
- case 4:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:267: 'Thr'
- {
- match("Thr");
- }
- break;
- case 5:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:273: 'Fri'
- {
- match("Fri");
- }
- break;
- case 6:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:279: 'Sat'
- {
- match("Sat");
- }
- break;
- case 7:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:285: 'Sun'
- {
- match("Sun");
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:294: '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '0' .. '9' '/' (
- // '0' '0' .. '9' | '1' '0' .. '2' ) '/' ( '0' .. '2' '0' .. '9' | '3' ( '0' | '1' ) ) ( ' ' ( 'Mon' | 'Tue' | 'Wed' | 'Thr' | 'Fri' | 'Sat' | 'Sun' ) )?
- {
- matchRange('0', '9');
- matchRange('0', '9');
- matchRange('0', '9');
- matchRange('0', '9');
- match('/');
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:334: ( '0' '0' .. '9' | '1' '0' .. '2' )
- int alt20 = 2;
- int LA20_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA20_0 == '0')) {
- alt20 = 1;
- }
- else if ((LA20_0 == '1')) {
- alt20 = 2;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 20, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt20) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:335: '0' '0' .. '9'
- {
- match('0');
- matchRange('0', '9');
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:348: '1' '0' .. '2'
- {
- match('1');
- matchRange('0', '2');
- }
- break;
- }
- match('/');
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:366: ( '0' .. '2' '0' .. '9' | '3' ( '0' | '1' ) )
- int alt21 = 2;
- int LA21_0 = input.LA(1);
- if (((LA21_0 >= '0' && LA21_0 <= '2'))) {
- alt21 = 1;
- }
- else if ((LA21_0 == '3')) {
- alt21 = 2;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 21, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt21) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:367: '0' .. '2' '0' .. '9'
- {
- matchRange('0', '2');
- matchRange('0', '9');
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:385: '3' ( '0' | '1' )
- {
- match('3');
- if ((input.LA(1) >= '0' && input.LA(1) <= '1')) {
- input.consume();
- }
- else {
- MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null, input);
- recover(mse);
- throw mse;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:400: ( ' ' ( 'Mon' | 'Tue' | 'Wed' | 'Thr' | 'Fri' |
- // 'Sat' | 'Sun' ) )?
- int alt23 = 2;
- int LA23_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA23_0 == ' ')) {
- alt23 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt23) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:401: ' ' ( 'Mon' | 'Tue' | 'Wed' | 'Thr' | 'Fri' |
- // 'Sat' | 'Sun' )
- {
- match(' ');
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:405: ( 'Mon' | 'Tue' | 'Wed' | 'Thr' | 'Fri' |
- // 'Sat' | 'Sun' )
- int alt22 = 7;
- alt22 = dfa22.predict(input);
- switch (alt22) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:406: 'Mon'
- {
- match("Mon");
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:412: 'Tue'
- {
- match("Tue");
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:418: 'Wed'
- {
- match("Wed");
- }
- break;
- case 4:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:424: 'Thr'
- {
- match("Thr");
- }
- break;
- case 5:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:430: 'Fri'
- {
- match("Fri");
- }
- break;
- case 6:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:436: 'Sat'
- {
- match("Sat");
- }
- break;
- case 7:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:442: 'Sun'
- {
- match("Sun");
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:451: ( 'Mon' | 'Tue' | 'Wed' | 'Thr' | 'Fri' | 'Sat' |
- // 'Sun' )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:451: ( 'Mon' | 'Tue' | 'Wed' | 'Thr' | 'Fri' | 'Sat'
- // | 'Sun' )
- int alt24 = 7;
- alt24 = dfa24.predict(input);
- switch (alt24) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:452: 'Mon'
- {
- match("Mon");
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:458: 'Tue'
- {
- match("Tue");
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:464: 'Wed'
- {
- match("Wed");
- }
- break;
- case 4:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:470: 'Thr'
- {
- match("Thr");
- }
- break;
- case 5:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:476: 'Fri'
- {
- match("Fri");
- }
- break;
- case 6:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:482: 'Sat'
- {
- match("Sat");
- }
- break;
- case 7:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2812:488: 'Sun'
- {
- match("Sun");
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- public final void mRULE_BOOLEANLITERAL() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2814:21: ( ( 'true' | 'false' ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2814:23: ( 'true' | 'false' )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2814:23: ( 'true' | 'false' )
- int alt26 = 2;
- int LA26_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA26_0 == 't')) {
- alt26 = 1;
- }
- else if ((LA26_0 == 'f')) {
- alt26 = 2;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 26, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt26) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2814:24: 'true'
- {
- match("true");
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2814:31: 'false'
- {
- match("false");
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- public final void mRULE_NULLLITERAL() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = RULE_NULLLITERAL;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2816:18: ( 'null' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2816:20: 'null'
- {
- match("null");
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR start "RULE_ID"
- public final void mRULE_ID() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = RULE_ID;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2818:9: ( ( '^' )? ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' ) ( 'a' .. 'z'
- // | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' | '0' .. '9' )* )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2818:11: ( '^' )? ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' ) ( 'a' .. 'z'
- // | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' | '0' .. '9' )*
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2818:11: ( '^' )?
- int alt27 = 2;
- int LA27_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA27_0 == '^')) {
- alt27 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt27) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2818:11: '^'
- {
- match('^');
- }
- break;
- }
- if ((input.LA(1) >= 'A' && input.LA(1) <= 'Z') || input.LA(1) == '_' || (input.LA(1) >= 'a' && input.LA(1) <= 'z')) {
- input.consume();
- }
- else {
- MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null, input);
- recover(mse);
- throw mse;
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2818:40: ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' | '0' .. '9' )*
- loop28: do {
- int alt28 = 2;
- int LA28_0 = input.LA(1);
- if (((LA28_0 >= '0' && LA28_0 <= '9') || (LA28_0 >= 'A' && LA28_0 <= 'Z') || LA28_0 == '_' || (LA28_0 >= 'a' && LA28_0 <= 'z'))) {
- alt28 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt28) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:
- {
- if ((input.LA(1) >= '0' && input.LA(1) <= '9') || (input.LA(1) >= 'A' && input.LA(1) <= 'Z') || input.LA(1) == '_' || (input.LA(1) >= 'a' && input.LA(1) <= 'z')) {
- input.consume();
- }
- else {
- MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null, input);
- recover(mse);
- throw mse;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break loop28;
- }
- } while (true);
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "RULE_ID"
- // $ANTLR start "RULE_INT"
- public final void mRULE_INT() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = RULE_INT;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2820:10: ( ( '0' .. '9' )+ )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2820:12: ( '0' .. '9' )+
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2820:12: ( '0' .. '9' )+
- int cnt29 = 0;
- loop29: do {
- int alt29 = 2;
- int LA29_0 = input.LA(1);
- if (((LA29_0 >= '0' && LA29_0 <= '9'))) {
- alt29 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt29) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2820:13: '0' .. '9'
- {
- matchRange('0', '9');
- }
- break;
- default:
- if (cnt29 >= 1) {
- break loop29;
- }
- EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(29, input);
- throw eee;
- }
- cnt29++;
- } while (true);
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "RULE_INT"
- // $ANTLR start "RULE_STRING"
- public final void mRULE_STRING() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = RULE_STRING;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2822:13: ( ( '\"' ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | 'u' |
- // '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) ) )* '\"' | '\\'' ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | 'u' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\\'' ) ) )* '\\'' ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2822:15: ( '\"' ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | 'u' |
- // '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) ) )* '\"' | '\\'' ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | 'u' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\\'' ) ) )* '\\'' )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2822:15: ( '\"' ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | 'u'
- // | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) ) )* '\"' | '\\'' ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | 'u' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\\'' ) ) )* '\\'' )
- int alt32 = 2;
- int LA32_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA32_0 == '\"')) {
- alt32 = 1;
- }
- else if ((LA32_0 == '\'')) {
- alt32 = 2;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 32, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt32) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2822:16: '\"' ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | 'u' |
- // '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) ) )* '\"'
- {
- match('\"');
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2822:20: ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | 'u' |
- // '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) ) )*
- loop30: do {
- int alt30 = 3;
- int LA30_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA30_0 == '\\')) {
- alt30 = 1;
- }
- else if (((LA30_0 >= '\u0000' && LA30_0 <= '!') || (LA30_0 >= '#' && LA30_0 <= '[') || (LA30_0 >= ']' && LA30_0 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
- alt30 = 2;
- }
- switch (alt30) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2822:21: '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | 'u' |
- // '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' )
- {
- match('\\');
- if (input.LA(1) == '\"' || input.LA(1) == '\'' || input.LA(1) == '\\' || input.LA(1) == 'b' || input.LA(1) == 'f' || input.LA(1) == 'n' || input.LA(1) == 'r' || (input.LA(1) >= 't' && input.LA(1) <= 'u')) {
- input.consume();
- }
- else {
- MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null, input);
- recover(mse);
- throw mse;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2822:66: ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) )
- {
- if ((input.LA(1) >= '\u0000' && input.LA(1) <= '!') || (input.LA(1) >= '#' && input.LA(1) <= '[') || (input.LA(1) >= ']' && input.LA(1) <= '\uFFFF')) {
- input.consume();
- }
- else {
- MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null, input);
- recover(mse);
- throw mse;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break loop30;
- }
- } while (true);
- match('\"');
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2822:86: '\\'' ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | 'u' |
- // '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\\'' ) ) )* '\\''
- {
- match('\'');
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2822:91: ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | 'u' |
- // '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\\'' ) ) )*
- loop31: do {
- int alt31 = 3;
- int LA31_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA31_0 == '\\')) {
- alt31 = 1;
- }
- else if (((LA31_0 >= '\u0000' && LA31_0 <= '&') || (LA31_0 >= '(' && LA31_0 <= '[') || (LA31_0 >= ']' && LA31_0 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
- alt31 = 2;
- }
- switch (alt31) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2822:92: '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | 'u' |
- // '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' )
- {
- match('\\');
- if (input.LA(1) == '\"' || input.LA(1) == '\'' || input.LA(1) == '\\' || input.LA(1) == 'b' || input.LA(1) == 'f' || input.LA(1) == 'n' || input.LA(1) == 'r' || (input.LA(1) >= 't' && input.LA(1) <= 'u')) {
- input.consume();
- }
- else {
- MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null, input);
- recover(mse);
- throw mse;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2822:137: ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\\'' ) )
- {
- if ((input.LA(1) >= '\u0000' && input.LA(1) <= '&') || (input.LA(1) >= '(' && input.LA(1) <= '[') || (input.LA(1) >= ']' && input.LA(1) <= '\uFFFF')) {
- input.consume();
- }
- else {
- MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null, input);
- recover(mse);
- throw mse;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break loop31;
- }
- } while (true);
- match('\'');
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- public final void mRULE_ML_COMMENT() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = RULE_ML_COMMENT;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2824:17: ( '/*' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '*/' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2824:19: '/*' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '*/'
- {
- match("/*");
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2824:24: ( options {greedy=false; } : . )*
- loop33: do {
- int alt33 = 2;
- int LA33_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA33_0 == '*')) {
- int LA33_1 = input.LA(2);
- if ((LA33_1 == '/')) {
- alt33 = 2;
- }
- else if (((LA33_1 >= '\u0000' && LA33_1 <= '.') || (LA33_1 >= '0' && LA33_1 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
- alt33 = 1;
- }
- }
- else if (((LA33_0 >= '\u0000' && LA33_0 <= ')') || (LA33_0 >= '+' && LA33_0 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
- alt33 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt33) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2824:52: .
- {
- matchAny();
- }
- break;
- default:
- break loop33;
- }
- } while (true);
- match("*/");
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- public final void mRULE_SL_COMMENT() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = RULE_SL_COMMENT;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2826:17: ( '//' (~ ( ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) ) )* ( ( '\\r' )? '\\n' )?
- // )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2826:19: '//' (~ ( ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) ) )* ( ( '\\r' )? '\\n' )?
- {
- match("//");
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2826:24: (~ ( ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) ) )*
- loop34: do {
- int alt34 = 2;
- int LA34_0 = input.LA(1);
- if (((LA34_0 >= '\u0000' && LA34_0 <= '\t') || (LA34_0 >= '\u000B' && LA34_0 <= '\f') || (LA34_0 >= '\u000E' && LA34_0 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
- alt34 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt34) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2826:24: ~ ( ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )
- {
- if ((input.LA(1) >= '\u0000' && input.LA(1) <= '\t') || (input.LA(1) >= '\u000B' && input.LA(1) <= '\f') || (input.LA(1) >= '\u000E' && input.LA(1) <= '\uFFFF')) {
- input.consume();
- }
- else {
- MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null, input);
- recover(mse);
- throw mse;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break loop34;
- }
- } while (true);
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2826:40: ( ( '\\r' )? '\\n' )?
- int alt36 = 2;
- int LA36_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA36_0 == '\n' || LA36_0 == '\r')) {
- alt36 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt36) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2826:41: ( '\\r' )? '\\n'
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2826:41: ( '\\r' )?
- int alt35 = 2;
- int LA35_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA35_0 == '\r')) {
- alt35 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt35) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2826:41: '\\r'
- {
- match('\r');
- }
- break;
- }
- match('\n');
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR start "RULE_WS"
- public final void mRULE_WS() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = RULE_WS;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2828:9: ( ( ' ' | '\\t' | '\\r' | '\\n' )+ )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2828:11: ( ' ' | '\\t' | '\\r' | '\\n' )+
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2828:11: ( ' ' | '\\t' | '\\r' | '\\n' )+
- int cnt37 = 0;
- loop37: do {
- int alt37 = 2;
- int LA37_0 = input.LA(1);
- if (((LA37_0 >= '\t' && LA37_0 <= '\n') || LA37_0 == '\r' || LA37_0 == ' ')) {
- alt37 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt37) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:
- {
- if ((input.LA(1) >= '\t' && input.LA(1) <= '\n') || input.LA(1) == '\r' || input.LA(1) == ' ') {
- input.consume();
- }
- else {
- MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null, input);
- recover(mse);
- throw mse;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- if (cnt37 >= 1) {
- break loop37;
- }
- EarlyExitException eee =
- new EarlyExitException(37, input);
- throw eee;
- }
- cnt37++;
- } while (true);
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // $ANTLR end "RULE_WS"
- // $ANTLR start "RULE_ANY_OTHER"
- public final void mRULE_ANY_OTHER() throws RecognitionException {
- try {
- int _type = RULE_ANY_OTHER;
- int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2830:16: ( . )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2830:18: .
- {
- matchAny();
- }
- state.type = _type;
- = _channel;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void mTokens() throws RecognitionException {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:8: ( T__16 | T__17 | T__18 | T__19 | T__20 | T__21 | T__22 | T__23
- // | T__24 | T__25 | T__26 | T__27 | T__28 | T__29 | T__30 | T__31 | T__32 | T__33 | T__34 | T__35 | T__36 | T__37 | T__38 | T__39 | T__40 | T__41 | T__42 | T__43 | T__44 | T__45 | T__46 | T__47 | T__48 | T__49 | T__50 | T__51 | RULE_INTEGERLITERAL |
- int alt38 = 48;
- alt38 = dfa38.predict(input);
- switch (alt38) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:10: T__16
- {
- mT__16();
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:16: T__17
- {
- mT__17();
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:22: T__18
- {
- mT__18();
- }
- break;
- case 4:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:28: T__19
- {
- mT__19();
- }
- break;
- case 5:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:34: T__20
- {
- mT__20();
- }
- break;
- case 6:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:40: T__21
- {
- mT__21();
- }
- break;
- case 7:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:46: T__22
- {
- mT__22();
- }
- break;
- case 8:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:52: T__23
- {
- mT__23();
- }
- break;
- case 9:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:58: T__24
- {
- mT__24();
- }
- break;
- case 10:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:64: T__25
- {
- mT__25();
- }
- break;
- case 11:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:70: T__26
- {
- mT__26();
- }
- break;
- case 12:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:76: T__27
- {
- mT__27();
- }
- break;
- case 13:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:82: T__28
- {
- mT__28();
- }
- break;
- case 14:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:88: T__29
- {
- mT__29();
- }
- break;
- case 15:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:94: T__30
- {
- mT__30();
- }
- break;
- case 16:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:100: T__31
- {
- mT__31();
- }
- break;
- case 17:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:106: T__32
- {
- mT__32();
- }
- break;
- case 18:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:112: T__33
- {
- mT__33();
- }
- break;
- case 19:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:118: T__34
- {
- mT__34();
- }
- break;
- case 20:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:124: T__35
- {
- mT__35();
- }
- break;
- case 21:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:130: T__36
- {
- mT__36();
- }
- break;
- case 22:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:136: T__37
- {
- mT__37();
- }
- break;
- case 23:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:142: T__38
- {
- mT__38();
- }
- break;
- case 24:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:148: T__39
- {
- mT__39();
- }
- break;
- case 25:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:154: T__40
- {
- mT__40();
- }
- break;
- case 26:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:160: T__41
- {
- mT__41();
- }
- break;
- case 27:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:166: T__42
- {
- mT__42();
- }
- break;
- case 28:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:172: T__43
- {
- mT__43();
- }
- break;
- case 29:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:178: T__44
- {
- mT__44();
- }
- break;
- case 30:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:184: T__45
- {
- mT__45();
- }
- break;
- case 31:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:190: T__46
- {
- mT__46();
- }
- break;
- case 32:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:196: T__47
- {
- mT__47();
- }
- break;
- case 33:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:202: T__48
- {
- mT__48();
- }
- break;
- case 34:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:208: T__49
- {
- mT__49();
- }
- break;
- case 35:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:214: T__50
- {
- mT__50();
- }
- break;
- case 36:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:220: T__51
- {
- mT__51();
- }
- break;
- case 37:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:226: RULE_INTEGERLITERAL
- {
- }
- break;
- case 38:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:246: RULE_REALLITERAL
- {
- }
- break;
- case 39:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:263: RULE_DATETIMELITERAL
- {
- }
- break;
- case 40:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:284: RULE_BOOLEANLITERAL
- {
- }
- break;
- case 41:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:304: RULE_NULLLITERAL
- {
- }
- break;
- case 42:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:321: RULE_ID
- {
- mRULE_ID();
- }
- break;
- case 43:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:329: RULE_INT
- {
- mRULE_INT();
- }
- break;
- case 44:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:338: RULE_STRING
- {
- }
- break;
- case 45:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:350: RULE_ML_COMMENT
- {
- }
- break;
- case 46:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:366: RULE_SL_COMMENT
- {
- }
- break;
- case 47:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:382: RULE_WS
- {
- mRULE_WS();
- }
- break;
- case 48:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1:390: RULE_ANY_OTHER
- {
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- protected DFA18 dfa18 = new DFA18(this);
- protected DFA22 dfa22 = new DFA22(this);
- protected DFA24 dfa24 = new DFA24(this);
- protected DFA38 dfa38 = new DFA38(this);
- static final String DFA18_eotS =
- "\12\uffff";
- static final String DFA18_eofS =
- "\12\uffff";
- static final String DFA18_minS =
- "\1\106\1\uffff\1\150\2\uffff\1\141\4\uffff";
- static final String DFA18_maxS =
- "\1\127\1\uffff\1\165\2\uffff\1\165\4\uffff";
- static final String DFA18_acceptS =
- "\1\uffff\1\1\1\uffff\1\3\1\5\1\uffff\1\2\1\4\1\6\1\7";
- static final String DFA18_specialS =
- "\12\uffff}>";
- static final String[] DFA18_transitionS = {
- "\1\4\6\uffff\1\1\5\uffff\1\5\1\2\2\uffff\1\3",
- "",
- "\1\7\14\uffff\1\6",
- "",
- "",
- "\1\10\23\uffff\1\11",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- ""
- };
- static final short[] DFA18_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA18_eotS);
- static final short[] DFA18_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA18_eofS);
- static final char[] DFA18_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA18_minS);
- static final char[] DFA18_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA18_maxS);
- static final short[] DFA18_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA18_acceptS);
- static final short[] DFA18_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA18_specialS);
- static final short[][] DFA18_transition;
- static {
- int numStates = DFA18_transitionS.length;
- DFA18_transition = new short[numStates][];
- for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) {
- DFA18_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA18_transitionS[i]);
- }
- }
- class DFA18 extends DFA {
- public DFA18(BaseRecognizer recognizer) {
- this.recognizer = recognizer;
- this.decisionNumber = 18;
- this.eot = DFA18_eot;
- this.eof = DFA18_eof;
- this.min = DFA18_min;
- this.max = DFA18_max;
- this.accept = DFA18_accept;
- this.special = DFA18_special;
- this.transition = DFA18_transition;
- }
- @Override
- public String getDescription() {
- return "2812:248: ( 'Mon' | 'Tue' | 'Wed' | 'Thr' | 'Fri' | 'Sat' | 'Sun' )";
- }
- }
- static final String DFA22_eotS =
- "\12\uffff";
- static final String DFA22_eofS =
- "\12\uffff";
- static final String DFA22_minS =
- "\1\106\1\uffff\1\150\2\uffff\1\141\4\uffff";
- static final String DFA22_maxS =
- "\1\127\1\uffff\1\165\2\uffff\1\165\4\uffff";
- static final String DFA22_acceptS =
- "\1\uffff\1\1\1\uffff\1\3\1\5\1\uffff\1\2\1\4\1\6\1\7";
- static final String DFA22_specialS =
- "\12\uffff}>";
- static final String[] DFA22_transitionS = {
- "\1\4\6\uffff\1\1\5\uffff\1\5\1\2\2\uffff\1\3",
- "",
- "\1\7\14\uffff\1\6",
- "",
- "",
- "\1\10\23\uffff\1\11",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- ""
- };
- static final short[] DFA22_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA22_eotS);
- static final short[] DFA22_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA22_eofS);
- static final char[] DFA22_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA22_minS);
- static final char[] DFA22_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA22_maxS);
- static final short[] DFA22_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA22_acceptS);
- static final short[] DFA22_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA22_specialS);
- static final short[][] DFA22_transition;
- static {
- int numStates = DFA22_transitionS.length;
- DFA22_transition = new short[numStates][];
- for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) {
- DFA22_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA22_transitionS[i]);
- }
- }
- class DFA22 extends DFA {
- public DFA22(BaseRecognizer recognizer) {
- this.recognizer = recognizer;
- this.decisionNumber = 22;
- this.eot = DFA22_eot;
- this.eof = DFA22_eof;
- this.min = DFA22_min;
- this.max = DFA22_max;
- this.accept = DFA22_accept;
- this.special = DFA22_special;
- this.transition = DFA22_transition;
- }
- @Override
- public String getDescription() {
- return "2812:405: ( 'Mon' | 'Tue' | 'Wed' | 'Thr' | 'Fri' | 'Sat' | 'Sun' )";
- }
- }
- static final String DFA24_eotS =
- "\12\uffff";
- static final String DFA24_eofS =
- "\12\uffff";
- static final String DFA24_minS =
- "\1\106\1\uffff\1\150\2\uffff\1\141\4\uffff";
- static final String DFA24_maxS =
- "\1\127\1\uffff\1\165\2\uffff\1\165\4\uffff";
- static final String DFA24_acceptS =
- "\1\uffff\1\1\1\uffff\1\3\1\5\1\uffff\1\2\1\4\1\6\1\7";
- static final String DFA24_specialS =
- "\12\uffff}>";
- static final String[] DFA24_transitionS = {
- "\1\4\6\uffff\1\1\5\uffff\1\5\1\2\2\uffff\1\3",
- "",
- "\1\7\14\uffff\1\6",
- "",
- "",
- "\1\10\23\uffff\1\11",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- ""
- };
- static final short[] DFA24_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA24_eotS);
- static final short[] DFA24_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA24_eofS);
- static final char[] DFA24_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA24_minS);
- static final char[] DFA24_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA24_maxS);
- static final short[] DFA24_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA24_acceptS);
- static final short[] DFA24_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA24_specialS);
- static final short[][] DFA24_transition;
- static {
- int numStates = DFA24_transitionS.length;
- DFA24_transition = new short[numStates][];
- for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) {
- DFA24_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA24_transitionS[i]);
- }
- }
- class DFA24 extends DFA {
- public DFA24(BaseRecognizer recognizer) {
- this.recognizer = recognizer;
- this.decisionNumber = 24;
- this.eot = DFA24_eot;
- this.eof = DFA24_eof;
- this.min = DFA24_min;
- this.max = DFA24_max;
- this.accept = DFA24_accept;
- this.special = DFA24_special;
- this.transition = DFA24_transition;
- }
- @Override
- public String getDescription() {
- return "2812:451: ( 'Mon' | 'Tue' | 'Wed' | 'Thr' | 'Fri' | 'Sat' | 'Sun' )";
- }
- }
- static final String DFA38_eotS =
- "\1\uffff\3\57\1\64\1\67\1\71\1\uffff\1\74\1\75\1\100\1\uffff\1" +
- "\104\2\57\1\111\10\uffff\1\57\1\uffff\1\57\1\uffff\1\57\4\127\7" +
- "\57\1\55\1\uffff\2\55\2\uffff\1\57\1\uffff\1\150\2\57\13\uffff\2" +
- "\127\5\uffff\3\57\12\uffff\1\57\1\uffff\1\57\1\uffff\1\161\1\uffff" +
- "\1\127\1\uffff\2\127\11\57\2\uffff\1\175\1\uffff\1\176\1\177\1\u0080" +
- "\1\u0081\4\57\1\uffff\1\127\1\uffff\7\163\2\57\5\uffff\1\u0089\1" +
- "\u008a\2\57\1\127\1\u008e\1\57\2\uffff\1\57\1\u0091\1\127\1\uffff" +
- "\1\u008e\1\57\2\uffff";
- static final String DFA38_eofS =
- "\u0093\uffff";
- static final String DFA38_minS =
- "\1\0\1\156\1\162\1\157\3\75\1\uffff\1\72\2\60\1\uffff\1\52\2\157" +
- "\1\56\10\uffff\1\150\1\uffff\1\151\1\uffff\1\156\4\56\1\157\1\150" +
- "\1\145\1\162\1\141\1\162\1\141\1\101\1\uffff\2\0\2\uffff\1\144\1" +
- "\uffff\1\60\1\164\1\162\13\uffff\2\56\5\uffff\1\144\1\164\1\154" +
- "\12\uffff\1\145\1\uffff\1\164\1\uffff\1\60\1\uffff\1\56\1\uffff" +
- "\2\56\1\156\1\145\1\162\1\144\1\151\1\164\1\156\1\165\1\154\2\uffff" +
- "\1\60\1\uffff\4\60\1\154\1\156\1\164\1\165\1\uffff\1\56\1\uffff" +
- "\7\60\1\145\1\163\5\uffff\2\60\1\145\1\164\1\56\1\60\1\145\2\uffff" +
- "\1\162\1\60\1\56\1\uffff\1\60\1\50\2\uffff";
- static final String DFA38_maxS =
- "\1\uffff\1\156\1\165\1\157\1\75\1\76\1\75\1\uffff\1\72\2\71\1\uffff" +
- "\1\57\1\157\1\165\1\56\10\uffff\1\150\1\uffff\1\151\1\uffff\1\156" +
- "\4\71\1\157\1\165\1\145\1\162\1\165\1\162\1\141\1\172\1\uffff\2" +
- "\uffff\2\uffff\1\144\1\uffff\1\172\1\164\1\162\13\uffff\2\71\5\uffff" +
- "\1\144\1\164\1\154\12\uffff\1\145\1\uffff\1\164\1\uffff\1\172\1" +
- "\uffff\1\72\1\uffff\1\72\1\71\1\156\1\145\1\162\1\144\1\151\1\164" +
- "\1\156\1\165\1\154\2\uffff\1\172\1\uffff\4\172\1\154\1\156\1\164" +
- "\1\165\1\uffff\1\71\1\uffff\7\172\1\145\1\163\5\uffff\2\172\1\145" +
- "\1\164\1\71\1\172\1\145\2\uffff\1\162\1\172\1\71\1\uffff\1\172\1" +
- "\50\2\uffff";
- static final String DFA38_acceptS =
- "\7\uffff\1\12\3\uffff\1\16\4\uffff\1\23\1\24\1\26\1\27\1\31\1\32" +
- "\1\33\1\35\1\uffff\1\37\1\uffff\1\41\15\uffff\1\52\2\uffff\1\57" +
- "\1\60\1\uffff\1\52\3\uffff\1\4\1\34\1\5\1\10\1\6\1\11\1\7\1\12\1" +
- "\25\1\13\1\14\2\uffff\1\15\1\16\1\55\1\56\1\17\3\uffff\1\30\1\22" +
- "\1\23\1\24\1\26\1\27\1\31\1\32\1\33\1\35\1\uffff\1\37\1\uffff\1" +
- "\41\1\uffff\1\45\1\uffff\1\46\13\uffff\1\54\1\57\1\uffff\1\2\10" +
- "\uffff\1\42\1\uffff\1\47\11\uffff\1\1\1\43\1\3\1\20\1\21\7\uffff" +
- "\1\51\1\36\3\uffff\1\50\2\uffff\1\44\1\40";
- static final String DFA38_specialS =
- "\1\2\51\uffff\1\0\1\1\147\uffff}>";
- static final String[] DFA38_transitionS = {
- "\11\55\2\54\2\55\1\54\22\55\1\54\1\55\1\52\1\55\1\33\1\55\1" +
- "\31\1\53\1\20\1\21\1\13\1\11\1\26\1\12\1\17\1\14\1\35\1\36\1" +
- "\37\7\40\1\10\1\55\1\5\1\4\1\6\1\7\1\27\5\51\1\44\6\51\1\41" +
- "\5\51\1\45\1\42\2\51\1\43\3\51\1\23\1\55\1\22\1\50\1\51\1\55" +
- "\1\1\4\51\1\47\2\51\1\34\1\32\2\51\1\15\1\16\1\2\4\51\1\46\2" +
- "\51\1\30\1\3\2\51\1\24\1\55\1\25\uff82\55",
- "\1\56",
- "\1\60\2\uffff\1\61",
- "\1\62",
- "\1\63",
- "\1\66\1\65",
- "\1\70",
- "",
- "\1\73",
- "\1\76\11\77",
- "\1\76\11\77",
- "",
- "\1\102\4\uffff\1\103",
- "\1\105",
- "\1\106\5\uffff\1\107",
- "\1\110",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "\1\122",
- "",
- "\1\124",
- "",
- "\1\126",
- "\1\131\1\uffff\12\130",
- "\1\131\1\uffff\12\130",
- "\1\131\1\uffff\4\132\6\133",
- "\1\131\1\uffff\12\133",
- "\1\134",
- "\1\136\14\uffff\1\135",
- "\1\137",
- "\1\140",
- "\1\141\23\uffff\1\142",
- "\1\143",
- "\1\144",
- "\32\57\4\uffff\1\57\1\uffff\32\57",
- "",
- "\0\145",
- "\0\145",
- "",
- "",
- "\1\147",
- "",
- "\12\57\7\uffff\32\57\4\uffff\1\57\1\uffff\32\57",
- "\1\151",
- "\1\152",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "\1\131\1\uffff\12\77",
- "\1\131\1\uffff\12\77",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "\1\153",
- "\1\154",
- "\1\155",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "\1\156",
- "",
- "\1\157",
- "",
- "\12\57\7\uffff\32\57\4\uffff\1\57\1\uffff\16\57\1\160\13\57",
- "",
- "\1\131\1\uffff\12\162\1\163",
- "",
- "\1\131\1\uffff\12\162\1\163",
- "\1\131\1\uffff\12\162",
- "\1\164",
- "\1\165",
- "\1\166",
- "\1\167",
- "\1\170",
- "\1\171",
- "\1\172",
- "\1\173",
- "\1\174",
- "",
- "",
- "\12\57\7\uffff\32\57\4\uffff\1\57\1\uffff\32\57",
- "",
- "\12\57\7\uffff\32\57\4\uffff\1\57\1\uffff\32\57",
- "\12\57\7\uffff\32\57\4\uffff\1\57\1\uffff\32\57",
- "\12\57\7\uffff\32\57\4\uffff\1\57\1\uffff\32\57",
- "\12\57\7\uffff\32\57\4\uffff\1\57\1\uffff\32\57",
- "\1\u0082",
- "\1\u0083",
- "\1\u0084",
- "\1\u0085",
- "",
- "\1\131\1\uffff\12\u0086",
- "",
- "\12\57\7\uffff\32\57\4\uffff\1\57\1\uffff\32\57",
- "\12\57\7\uffff\32\57\4\uffff\1\57\1\uffff\32\57",
- "\12\57\7\uffff\32\57\4\uffff\1\57\1\uffff\32\57",
- "\12\57\7\uffff\32\57\4\uffff\1\57\1\uffff\32\57",
- "\12\57\7\uffff\32\57\4\uffff\1\57\1\uffff\32\57",
- "\12\57\7\uffff\32\57\4\uffff\1\57\1\uffff\32\57",
- "\12\57\7\uffff\32\57\4\uffff\1\57\1\uffff\32\57",
- "\1\u0087",
- "\1\u0088",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "\12\57\7\uffff\32\57\4\uffff\1\57\1\uffff\32\57",
- "\12\57\7\uffff\32\57\4\uffff\1\57\1\uffff\32\57",
- "\1\u008b",
- "\1\u008c",
- "\1\131\1\163\12\u008d",
- "\12\57\7\uffff\32\57\4\uffff\1\57\1\uffff\32\57",
- "\1\u008f",
- "",
- "",
- "\1\u0090",
- "\12\57\7\uffff\32\57\4\uffff\1\57\1\uffff\32\57",
- "\1\131\1\uffff\12\u008d",
- "",
- "\12\57\7\uffff\32\57\4\uffff\1\57\1\uffff\32\57",
- "\1\u0092",
- "",
- ""
- };
- static final short[] DFA38_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA38_eotS);
- static final short[] DFA38_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA38_eofS);
- static final char[] DFA38_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA38_minS);
- static final char[] DFA38_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA38_maxS);
- static final short[] DFA38_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA38_acceptS);
- static final short[] DFA38_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA38_specialS);
- static final short[][] DFA38_transition;
- static {
- int numStates = DFA38_transitionS.length;
- DFA38_transition = new short[numStates][];
- for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) {
- DFA38_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA38_transitionS[i]);
- }
- }
- class DFA38 extends DFA {
- public DFA38(BaseRecognizer recognizer) {
- this.recognizer = recognizer;
- this.decisionNumber = 38;
- this.eot = DFA38_eot;
- this.eof = DFA38_eof;
- this.min = DFA38_min;
- this.max = DFA38_max;
- this.accept = DFA38_accept;
- this.special = DFA38_special;
- this.transition = DFA38_transition;
- }
- @Override
- public String getDescription() {
- return "1:1: Tokens : ( T__16 | T__17 | T__18 | T__19 | T__20 | T__21 | T__22 | T__23 | T__24 | T__25 | T__26 | T__27 | T__28 | T__29 | T__30 | T__31 | T__32 | T__33 | T__34 | T__35 | T__36 | T__37 | T__38 | T__39 | T__40 | T__41 | T__42 | T__43 | T__44 | T__45 | T__46 | T__47 | T__48 | T__49 | T__50 | T__51 | RULE_INTEGERLITERAL | RULE_REALLITERAL | RULE_DATETIMELITERAL | RULE_BOOLEANLITERAL | RULE_NULLLITERAL | RULE_ID | RULE_INT | RULE_STRING | RULE_ML_COMMENT | RULE_SL_COMMENT | RULE_WS | RULE_ANY_OTHER );";
- }
- @Override
- public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException {
- IntStream input = _input;
- int _s = s;
- switch (s) {
- case 0:
- int LA38_42 = input.LA(1);
- s = -1;
- if (((LA38_42 >= '\u0000' && LA38_42 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
- s = 101;
- } else {
- s = 45;
- }
- if (s >= 0) {
- return s;
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- int LA38_43 = input.LA(1);
- s = -1;
- if (((LA38_43 >= '\u0000' && LA38_43 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
- s = 101;
- } else {
- s = 45;
- }
- if (s >= 0) {
- return s;
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- int LA38_0 = input.LA(1);
- s = -1;
- if ((LA38_0 == 'a')) {
- s = 1;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == 'o')) {
- s = 2;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == 'x')) {
- s = 3;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == '=')) {
- s = 4;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == '<')) {
- s = 5;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == '>')) {
- s = 6;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == '?')) {
- s = 7;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == ':')) {
- s = 8;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == '+')) {
- s = 9;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == '-')) {
- s = 10;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == '*')) {
- s = 11;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == '/')) {
- s = 12;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == 'm')) {
- s = 13;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == 'n')) {
- s = 14;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == '.')) {
- s = 15;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == '(')) {
- s = 16;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == ')')) {
- s = 17;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == ']')) {
- s = 18;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == '[')) {
- s = 19;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == '{')) {
- s = 20;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == '}')) {
- s = 21;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == ',')) {
- s = 22;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == '@')) {
- s = 23;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == 'w')) {
- s = 24;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == '&')) {
- s = 25;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == 'j')) {
- s = 26;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == '$')) {
- s = 27;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == 'i')) {
- s = 28;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == '0')) {
- s = 29;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == '1')) {
- s = 30;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == '2')) {
- s = 31;
- }
- else if (((LA38_0 >= '3' && LA38_0 <= '9'))) {
- s = 32;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == 'M')) {
- s = 33;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == 'T')) {
- s = 34;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == 'W')) {
- s = 35;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == 'F')) {
- s = 36;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == 'S')) {
- s = 37;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == 't')) {
- s = 38;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == 'f')) {
- s = 39;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == '^')) {
- s = 40;
- }
- else if (((LA38_0 >= 'A' && LA38_0 <= 'E') || (LA38_0 >= 'G' && LA38_0 <= 'L') || (LA38_0 >= 'N' && LA38_0 <= 'R') || (LA38_0 >= 'U' && LA38_0 <= 'V') || (LA38_0 >= 'X' && LA38_0 <= 'Z') || LA38_0 == '_' || (LA38_0 >= 'b' && LA38_0 <= 'e')
- || (LA38_0 >= 'g' && LA38_0 <= 'h') || (LA38_0 >= 'k' && LA38_0 <= 'l') || (LA38_0 >= 'p' && LA38_0 <= 's') || (LA38_0 >= 'u' && LA38_0 <= 'v') || (LA38_0 >= 'y' && LA38_0 <= 'z'))) {
- s = 41;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == '\"')) {
- s = 42;
- }
- else if ((LA38_0 == '\'')) {
- s = 43;
- }
- else if (((LA38_0 >= '\t' && LA38_0 <= '\n') || LA38_0 == '\r' || LA38_0 == ' ')) {
- s = 44;
- }
- else if (((LA38_0 >= '\u0000' && LA38_0 <= '\b') || (LA38_0 >= '\u000B' && LA38_0 <= '\f') || (LA38_0 >= '\u000E' && LA38_0 <= '\u001F') || LA38_0 == '!' || LA38_0 == '#' || LA38_0 == '%' || LA38_0 == ';' || LA38_0 == '\\' || LA38_0 == '`'
- || LA38_0 == '|' || (LA38_0 >= '~' && LA38_0 <= '\uFFFF'))) {
- s = 45;
- }
- if (s >= 0) {
- return s;
- }
- break;
- }
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 38, _s, input);
- error(nvae);
- throw nvae;
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/ b/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4985242f168..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7752 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.parser.antlr.internal;
-import org.antlr.runtime.BaseRecognizer;
-import org.antlr.runtime.BitSet;
-import org.antlr.runtime.DFA;
-import org.antlr.runtime.NoViableAltException;
-import org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException;
-import org.antlr.runtime.RecognizerSharedState;
-import org.antlr.runtime.Token;
-import org.antlr.runtime.TokenStream;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.AbstractInternalAntlrParser;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.AntlrDatatypeRuleToken;
-public class InternalConstraintWithVSLlParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
- public static final String[] tokenNames = new String[] {
- "RULE_ANY_OTHER", "'and'", "'or'", "'xor'", "'=='", "'<>'", "'<'", "'>'", "'<='", "'>='", "'?'", "':'", "'+'", "'-'", "'*'", "'/'", "'mod'", "'not'", "'.'", "'('", "')'", "'::'", "']'", "'['", "'..'", "'{'", "'}'", "','", "'='", "'@'", "'when'",
- "'&'", "'jitter('", "'$'", "'in'", "'out'", "'inout'"
- };
- public static final int RULE_DATETIMELITERAL = 7;
- public static final int RULE_ID = 4;
- public static final int T__29 = 29;
- public static final int T__28 = 28;
- public static final int T__27 = 27;
- public static final int T__26 = 26;
- public static final int T__25 = 25;
- public static final int T__24 = 24;
- public static final int T__23 = 23;
- public static final int T__22 = 22;
- public static final int RULE_ANY_OTHER = 15;
- public static final int T__21 = 21;
- public static final int T__20 = 20;
- public static final int RULE_REALLITERAL = 6;
- public static final int EOF = -1;
- public static final int RULE_BOOLEANLITERAL = 8;
- public static final int T__19 = 19;
- public static final int T__16 = 16;
- public static final int T__51 = 51;
- public static final int T__18 = 18;
- public static final int T__17 = 17;
- public static final int RULE_INT = 11;
- public static final int T__50 = 50;
- public static final int RULE_NULLLITERAL = 9;
- public static final int T__42 = 42;
- public static final int T__43 = 43;
- public static final int T__40 = 40;
- public static final int T__41 = 41;
- public static final int T__46 = 46;
- public static final int T__47 = 47;
- public static final int T__44 = 44;
- public static final int T__45 = 45;
- public static final int T__48 = 48;
- public static final int T__49 = 49;
- public static final int RULE_INTEGERLITERAL = 5;
- public static final int RULE_SL_COMMENT = 13;
- public static final int RULE_ML_COMMENT = 12;
- public static final int T__30 = 30;
- public static final int T__31 = 31;
- public static final int RULE_STRING = 10;
- public static final int T__32 = 32;
- public static final int T__33 = 33;
- public static final int T__34 = 34;
- public static final int T__35 = 35;
- public static final int T__36 = 36;
- public static final int T__37 = 37;
- public static final int T__38 = 38;
- public static final int T__39 = 39;
- public static final int RULE_WS = 14;
- // delegates
- // delegators
- public InternalConstraintWithVSLlParser(TokenStream input) {
- this(input, new RecognizerSharedState());
- }
- public InternalConstraintWithVSLlParser(TokenStream input, RecognizerSharedState state) {
- super(input, state);
- }
- @Override
- public String[] getTokenNames() {
- return InternalConstraintWithVSLlParser.tokenNames;
- }
- @Override
- public String getGrammarFileName() {
- return "../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g";
- }
- private ConstraintWithVSLlGrammarAccess grammarAccess;
- public InternalConstraintWithVSLlParser(TokenStream input, ConstraintWithVSLlGrammarAccess grammarAccess) {
- this(input);
- this.grammarAccess = grammarAccess;
- registerRules(grammarAccess.getGrammar());
- }
- @Override
- protected String getFirstRuleName() {
- return "ConstraintRule";
- }
- @Override
- protected ConstraintWithVSLlGrammarAccess getGrammarAccess() {
- return grammarAccess;
- }
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleConstraintRule"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:67:1: entryRuleConstraintRule returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleConstraintRule= ruleConstraintRule EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleConstraintRule() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleConstraintRule = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:68:2: (iv_ruleConstraintRule= ruleConstraintRule EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:69:2: iv_ruleConstraintRule= ruleConstraintRule EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getConstraintRuleRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleConstraintRule_in_entryRuleConstraintRule75);
- iv_ruleConstraintRule = ruleConstraintRule();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleConstraintRule;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleConstraintRule85);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleConstraintRule"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleConstraintRule"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:76:1: ruleConstraintRule returns [EObject current=null] : (
- // (lv_specification_0_0= ruleConstraintSpecification ) )? ;
- public final EObject ruleConstraintRule() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject lv_specification_0_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:79:28: ( ( (lv_specification_0_0= ruleConstraintSpecification )
- // )? )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:80:1: ( (lv_specification_0_0= ruleConstraintSpecification ) )?
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:80:1: ( (lv_specification_0_0= ruleConstraintSpecification )
- // )?
- int alt1 = 2;
- int LA1_0 = input.LA(1);
- if (((LA1_0 >= RULE_ID && LA1_0 <= RULE_STRING) || (LA1_0 >= 27 && LA1_0 <= 30) || LA1_0 == 32 || LA1_0 == 34 || (LA1_0 >= 37 && LA1_0 <= 38) || LA1_0 == 40 || LA1_0 == 44 || (LA1_0 >= 46 && LA1_0 <= 51))) {
- alt1 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt1) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:81:1: (lv_specification_0_0= ruleConstraintSpecification )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:81:1: (lv_specification_0_0= ruleConstraintSpecification
- // )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:82:3: lv_specification_0_0= ruleConstraintSpecification
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getConstraintRuleAccess().getSpecificationConstraintSpecificationParserRuleCall_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleConstraintSpecification_in_ruleConstraintRule130);
- lv_specification_0_0 = ruleConstraintSpecification();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getConstraintRuleRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "specification",
- lv_specification_0_0,
- "ConstraintSpecification");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleConstraintRule"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleConstraintSpecification"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:106:1: entryRuleConstraintSpecification returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleConstraintSpecification= ruleConstraintSpecification EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleConstraintSpecification() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleConstraintSpecification = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:107:2: (iv_ruleConstraintSpecification=
- // ruleConstraintSpecification EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:108:2: iv_ruleConstraintSpecification=
- // ruleConstraintSpecification EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getConstraintSpecificationRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleConstraintSpecification_in_entryRuleConstraintSpecification166);
- iv_ruleConstraintSpecification = ruleConstraintSpecification();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleConstraintSpecification;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleConstraintSpecification176);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleConstraintSpecification"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleConstraintSpecification"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:115:1: ruleConstraintSpecification returns [EObject current=null] : (
- // (lv_expression_0_0= ruleExpression ) ) ;
- public final EObject ruleConstraintSpecification() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject lv_expression_0_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:118:28: ( ( (lv_expression_0_0= ruleExpression ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:119:1: ( (lv_expression_0_0= ruleExpression ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:119:1: ( (lv_expression_0_0= ruleExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:120:1: (lv_expression_0_0= ruleExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:120:1: (lv_expression_0_0= ruleExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:121:3: lv_expression_0_0= ruleExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getConstraintSpecificationAccess().getExpressionExpressionParserRuleCall_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_ruleConstraintSpecification221);
- lv_expression_0_0 = ruleExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getConstraintSpecificationRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "expression",
- lv_expression_0_0,
- "Expression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleConstraintSpecification"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:145:1: entryRuleExpression returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleExpression= ruleExpression EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleExpression = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:146:2: (iv_ruleExpression= ruleExpression EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:147:2: iv_ruleExpression= ruleExpression EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getExpressionRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_entryRuleExpression256);
- iv_ruleExpression = ruleExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleExpression;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleExpression266);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:154:1: ruleExpression returns [EObject current=null] : ( (lv_exp_0_0=
- // ruleAndOrXorExpression ) ) ;
- public final EObject ruleExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject lv_exp_0_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:157:28: ( ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleAndOrXorExpression ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:158:1: ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleAndOrXorExpression ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:158:1: ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleAndOrXorExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:159:1: (lv_exp_0_0= ruleAndOrXorExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:159:1: (lv_exp_0_0= ruleAndOrXorExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:160:3: lv_exp_0_0= ruleAndOrXorExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getExpressionAccess().getExpAndOrXorExpressionParserRuleCall_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAndOrXorExpression_in_ruleExpression311);
- lv_exp_0_0 = ruleAndOrXorExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_0_0,
- "AndOrXorExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleAndOrXorExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:184:1: entryRuleAndOrXorExpression returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleAndOrXorExpression= ruleAndOrXorExpression EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleAndOrXorExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleAndOrXorExpression = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:185:2: (iv_ruleAndOrXorExpression= ruleAndOrXorExpression EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:186:2: iv_ruleAndOrXorExpression= ruleAndOrXorExpression EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAndOrXorExpression_in_entryRuleAndOrXorExpression346);
- iv_ruleAndOrXorExpression = ruleAndOrXorExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleAndOrXorExpression;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleAndOrXorExpression356);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleAndOrXorExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleAndOrXorExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:193:1: ruleAndOrXorExpression returns [EObject current=null] : ( (
- // (lv_exp_0_0= ruleEqualityExpression ) ) ( ( ( (lv_op_1_1= 'and' | lv_op_1_2= 'or' | lv_op_1_3= 'xor' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleEqualityExpression ) ) )* ) ;
- public final EObject ruleAndOrXorExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token lv_op_1_1 = null;
- Token lv_op_1_2 = null;
- Token lv_op_1_3 = null;
- EObject lv_exp_0_0 = null;
- EObject lv_exp_2_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:196:28: ( ( ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleEqualityExpression ) ) ( ( (
- // (lv_op_1_1= 'and' | lv_op_1_2= 'or' | lv_op_1_3= 'xor' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleEqualityExpression ) ) )* ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:197:1: ( ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleEqualityExpression ) ) ( ( (
- // (lv_op_1_1= 'and' | lv_op_1_2= 'or' | lv_op_1_3= 'xor' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleEqualityExpression ) ) )* )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:197:1: ( ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleEqualityExpression ) ) ( ( (
- // (lv_op_1_1= 'and' | lv_op_1_2= 'or' | lv_op_1_3= 'xor' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleEqualityExpression ) ) )* )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:197:2: ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleEqualityExpression ) ) ( ( (
- // (lv_op_1_1= 'and' | lv_op_1_2= 'or' | lv_op_1_3= 'xor' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleEqualityExpression ) ) )*
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:197:2: ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleEqualityExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:198:1: (lv_exp_0_0= ruleEqualityExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:198:1: (lv_exp_0_0= ruleEqualityExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:199:3: lv_exp_0_0= ruleEqualityExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionAccess().getExpEqualityExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleEqualityExpression_in_ruleAndOrXorExpression402);
- lv_exp_0_0 = ruleEqualityExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionRule());
- }
- add(
- current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_0_0,
- "EqualityExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:215:2: ( ( ( (lv_op_1_1= 'and' | lv_op_1_2= 'or' |
- // lv_op_1_3= 'xor' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleEqualityExpression ) ) )*
- loop3: do {
- int alt3 = 2;
- int LA3_0 = input.LA(1);
- if (((LA3_0 >= 16 && LA3_0 <= 18))) {
- alt3 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt3) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:215:3: ( ( (lv_op_1_1= 'and' | lv_op_1_2= 'or' |
- // lv_op_1_3= 'xor' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleEqualityExpression ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:215:3: ( ( (lv_op_1_1= 'and' | lv_op_1_2= 'or' |
- // lv_op_1_3= 'xor' ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:216:1: ( (lv_op_1_1= 'and' | lv_op_1_2= 'or' |
- // lv_op_1_3= 'xor' ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:216:1: ( (lv_op_1_1= 'and' | lv_op_1_2= 'or'
- // | lv_op_1_3= 'xor' ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:217:1: (lv_op_1_1= 'and' | lv_op_1_2= 'or' |
- // lv_op_1_3= 'xor' )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:217:1: (lv_op_1_1= 'and' | lv_op_1_2=
- // 'or' | lv_op_1_3= 'xor' )
- int alt2 = 3;
- switch (input.LA(1)) {
- case 16: {
- alt2 = 1;
- }
- break;
- case 17: {
- alt2 = 2;
- }
- break;
- case 18: {
- alt2 = 3;
- }
- break;
- default:
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 2, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt2) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:218:3: lv_op_1_1= 'and'
- {
- lv_op_1_1 = (Token) match(input, 16, FOLLOW_16_in_ruleAndOrXorExpression423);
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_1, grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionAccess().getOpAndKeyword_1_0_0_0());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed(current, "op", lv_op_1_1, null);
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:230:8: lv_op_1_2= 'or'
- {
- lv_op_1_2 = (Token) match(input, 17, FOLLOW_17_in_ruleAndOrXorExpression452);
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_2, grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionAccess().getOpOrKeyword_1_0_0_1());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed(current, "op", lv_op_1_2, null);
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:242:8: lv_op_1_3= 'xor'
- {
- lv_op_1_3 = (Token) match(input, 18, FOLLOW_18_in_ruleAndOrXorExpression481);
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_3, grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionAccess().getOpXorKeyword_1_0_0_2());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed(current, "op", lv_op_1_3, null);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:257:2: ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleEqualityExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:258:1: (lv_exp_2_0= ruleEqualityExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:258:1: (lv_exp_2_0= ruleEqualityExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:259:3: lv_exp_2_0= ruleEqualityExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionAccess().getExpEqualityExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleEqualityExpression_in_ruleAndOrXorExpression518);
- lv_exp_2_0 = ruleEqualityExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getAndOrXorExpressionRule());
- }
- add(
- current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_2_0,
- "EqualityExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break loop3;
- }
- } while (true);
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleAndOrXorExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleEqualityExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:283:1: entryRuleEqualityExpression returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleEqualityExpression= ruleEqualityExpression EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleEqualityExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleEqualityExpression = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:284:2: (iv_ruleEqualityExpression= ruleEqualityExpression EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:285:2: iv_ruleEqualityExpression= ruleEqualityExpression EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleEqualityExpression_in_entryRuleEqualityExpression556);
- iv_ruleEqualityExpression = ruleEqualityExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleEqualityExpression;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleEqualityExpression566);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleEqualityExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleEqualityExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:292:1: ruleEqualityExpression returns [EObject current=null] : ( (
- // (lv_exp_0_0= ruleRelationalExpression ) ) ( ( ( (lv_op_1_1= '==' | lv_op_1_2= '<>' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleRelationalExpression ) ) )* ) ;
- public final EObject ruleEqualityExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token lv_op_1_1 = null;
- Token lv_op_1_2 = null;
- EObject lv_exp_0_0 = null;
- EObject lv_exp_2_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:295:28: ( ( ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleRelationalExpression ) ) ( ( (
- // (lv_op_1_1= '==' | lv_op_1_2= '<>' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleRelationalExpression ) ) )* ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:296:1: ( ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleRelationalExpression ) ) ( ( (
- // (lv_op_1_1= '==' | lv_op_1_2= '<>' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleRelationalExpression ) ) )* )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:296:1: ( ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleRelationalExpression ) ) ( ( (
- // (lv_op_1_1= '==' | lv_op_1_2= '<>' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleRelationalExpression ) ) )* )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:296:2: ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleRelationalExpression ) ) ( ( (
- // (lv_op_1_1= '==' | lv_op_1_2= '<>' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleRelationalExpression ) ) )*
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:296:2: ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleRelationalExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:297:1: (lv_exp_0_0= ruleRelationalExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:297:1: (lv_exp_0_0= ruleRelationalExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:298:3: lv_exp_0_0= ruleRelationalExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionAccess().getExpRelationalExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRelationalExpression_in_ruleEqualityExpression612);
- lv_exp_0_0 = ruleRelationalExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionRule());
- }
- add(
- current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_0_0,
- "RelationalExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:314:2: ( ( ( (lv_op_1_1= '==' | lv_op_1_2= '<>' ) ) ) (
- // (lv_exp_2_0= ruleRelationalExpression ) ) )*
- loop5: do {
- int alt5 = 2;
- int LA5_0 = input.LA(1);
- if (((LA5_0 >= 19 && LA5_0 <= 20))) {
- alt5 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt5) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:314:3: ( ( (lv_op_1_1= '==' | lv_op_1_2= '<>' ) ) ) (
- // (lv_exp_2_0= ruleRelationalExpression ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:314:3: ( ( (lv_op_1_1= '==' | lv_op_1_2= '<>' ) )
- // )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:315:1: ( (lv_op_1_1= '==' | lv_op_1_2= '<>' ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:315:1: ( (lv_op_1_1= '==' | lv_op_1_2= '<>' )
- // )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:316:1: (lv_op_1_1= '==' | lv_op_1_2= '<>' )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:316:1: (lv_op_1_1= '==' | lv_op_1_2= '<>'
- // )
- int alt4 = 2;
- int LA4_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA4_0 == 19)) {
- alt4 = 1;
- }
- else if ((LA4_0 == 20)) {
- alt4 = 2;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 4, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt4) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:317:3: lv_op_1_1= '=='
- {
- lv_op_1_1 = (Token) match(input, 19, FOLLOW_19_in_ruleEqualityExpression633);
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_1, grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionAccess().getOpEqualsSignEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_0_0());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed(current, "op", lv_op_1_1, null);
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:329:8: lv_op_1_2= '<>'
- {
- lv_op_1_2 = (Token) match(input, 20, FOLLOW_20_in_ruleEqualityExpression662);
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_2, grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionAccess().getOpLessThanSignGreaterThanSignKeyword_1_0_0_1());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed(current, "op", lv_op_1_2, null);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:344:2: ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleRelationalExpression )
- // )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:345:1: (lv_exp_2_0= ruleRelationalExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:345:1: (lv_exp_2_0= ruleRelationalExpression
- // )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:346:3: lv_exp_2_0= ruleRelationalExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionAccess().getExpRelationalExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRelationalExpression_in_ruleEqualityExpression699);
- lv_exp_2_0 = ruleRelationalExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getEqualityExpressionRule());
- }
- add(
- current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_2_0,
- "RelationalExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break loop5;
- }
- } while (true);
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleEqualityExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleRelationalExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:370:1: entryRuleRelationalExpression returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleRelationalExpression= ruleRelationalExpression EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleRelationalExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleRelationalExpression = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:371:2: (iv_ruleRelationalExpression= ruleRelationalExpression EOF
- // )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:372:2: iv_ruleRelationalExpression= ruleRelationalExpression EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRelationalExpression_in_entryRuleRelationalExpression737);
- iv_ruleRelationalExpression = ruleRelationalExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleRelationalExpression;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRelationalExpression747);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleRelationalExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleRelationalExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:379:1: ruleRelationalExpression returns [EObject current=null] : ( (
- // (lv_exp_0_0= ruleConditionalExpression ) ) ( ( ( (lv_op_1_1= '<' | lv_op_1_2= '>' | lv_op_1_3= '<=' | lv_op_1_4= '>=' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleConditionalExpression ) ) )* ) ;
- public final EObject ruleRelationalExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token lv_op_1_1 = null;
- Token lv_op_1_2 = null;
- Token lv_op_1_3 = null;
- Token lv_op_1_4 = null;
- EObject lv_exp_0_0 = null;
- EObject lv_exp_2_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:382:28: ( ( ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleConditionalExpression ) ) ( ( (
- // (lv_op_1_1= '<' | lv_op_1_2= '>' | lv_op_1_3= '<=' | lv_op_1_4= '>=' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleConditionalExpression ) ) )* ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:383:1: ( ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleConditionalExpression ) ) ( ( (
- // (lv_op_1_1= '<' | lv_op_1_2= '>' | lv_op_1_3= '<=' | lv_op_1_4= '>=' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleConditionalExpression ) ) )* )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:383:1: ( ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleConditionalExpression ) ) ( ( (
- // (lv_op_1_1= '<' | lv_op_1_2= '>' | lv_op_1_3= '<=' | lv_op_1_4= '>=' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleConditionalExpression ) ) )* )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:383:2: ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleConditionalExpression ) ) ( ( (
- // (lv_op_1_1= '<' | lv_op_1_2= '>' | lv_op_1_3= '<=' | lv_op_1_4= '>=' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleConditionalExpression ) ) )*
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:383:2: ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleConditionalExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:384:1: (lv_exp_0_0= ruleConditionalExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:384:1: (lv_exp_0_0= ruleConditionalExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:385:3: lv_exp_0_0= ruleConditionalExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getExpConditionalExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleConditionalExpression_in_ruleRelationalExpression793);
- lv_exp_0_0 = ruleConditionalExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionRule());
- }
- add(
- current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_0_0,
- "ConditionalExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:401:2: ( ( ( (lv_op_1_1= '<' | lv_op_1_2= '>' |
- // lv_op_1_3= '<=' | lv_op_1_4= '>=' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleConditionalExpression ) ) )*
- loop7: do {
- int alt7 = 2;
- int LA7_0 = input.LA(1);
- if (((LA7_0 >= 21 && LA7_0 <= 24))) {
- alt7 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt7) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:401:3: ( ( (lv_op_1_1= '<' | lv_op_1_2= '>' |
- // lv_op_1_3= '<=' | lv_op_1_4= '>=' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleConditionalExpression ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:401:3: ( ( (lv_op_1_1= '<' | lv_op_1_2= '>' |
- // lv_op_1_3= '<=' | lv_op_1_4= '>=' ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:402:1: ( (lv_op_1_1= '<' | lv_op_1_2= '>' |
- // lv_op_1_3= '<=' | lv_op_1_4= '>=' ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:402:1: ( (lv_op_1_1= '<' | lv_op_1_2= '>' |
- // lv_op_1_3= '<=' | lv_op_1_4= '>=' ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:403:1: (lv_op_1_1= '<' | lv_op_1_2= '>' |
- // lv_op_1_3= '<=' | lv_op_1_4= '>=' )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:403:1: (lv_op_1_1= '<' | lv_op_1_2= '>' |
- // lv_op_1_3= '<=' | lv_op_1_4= '>=' )
- int alt6 = 4;
- switch (input.LA(1)) {
- case 21: {
- alt6 = 1;
- }
- break;
- case 22: {
- alt6 = 2;
- }
- break;
- case 23: {
- alt6 = 3;
- }
- break;
- case 24: {
- alt6 = 4;
- }
- break;
- default:
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 6, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt6) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:404:3: lv_op_1_1= '<'
- {
- lv_op_1_1 = (Token) match(input, 21, FOLLOW_21_in_ruleRelationalExpression814);
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_1, grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getOpLessThanSignKeyword_1_0_0_0());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed(current, "op", lv_op_1_1, null);
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:416:8: lv_op_1_2= '>'
- {
- lv_op_1_2 = (Token) match(input, 22, FOLLOW_22_in_ruleRelationalExpression843);
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_2, grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getOpGreaterThanSignKeyword_1_0_0_1());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed(current, "op", lv_op_1_2, null);
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:428:8: lv_op_1_3= '<='
- {
- lv_op_1_3 = (Token) match(input, 23, FOLLOW_23_in_ruleRelationalExpression872);
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_3, grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getOpLessThanSignEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_0_2());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed(current, "op", lv_op_1_3, null);
- }
- break;
- case 4:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:440:8: lv_op_1_4= '>='
- {
- lv_op_1_4 = (Token) match(input, 24, FOLLOW_24_in_ruleRelationalExpression901);
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_4, grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getOpGreaterThanSignEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_0_3());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed(current, "op", lv_op_1_4, null);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:455:2: ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleConditionalExpression )
- // )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:456:1: (lv_exp_2_0= ruleConditionalExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:456:1: (lv_exp_2_0= ruleConditionalExpression
- // )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:457:3: lv_exp_2_0= ruleConditionalExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionAccess().getExpConditionalExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleConditionalExpression_in_ruleRelationalExpression938);
- lv_exp_2_0 = ruleConditionalExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getRelationalExpressionRule());
- }
- add(
- current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_2_0,
- "ConditionalExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break loop7;
- }
- } while (true);
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleRelationalExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleConditionalExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:481:1: entryRuleConditionalExpression returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleConditionalExpression= ruleConditionalExpression EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleConditionalExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleConditionalExpression = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:482:2: (iv_ruleConditionalExpression= ruleConditionalExpression
- // EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:483:2: iv_ruleConditionalExpression= ruleConditionalExpression
- // EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleConditionalExpression_in_entryRuleConditionalExpression976);
- iv_ruleConditionalExpression = ruleConditionalExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleConditionalExpression;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleConditionalExpression986);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleConditionalExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleConditionalExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:490:1: ruleConditionalExpression returns [EObject current=null] : ( (
- // (lv_exp_0_0= ruleAdditiveExpression ) ) ( ( (lv_op_1_0= '?' ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleAdditiveExpression ) ) otherlv_3= ':' ( (lv_exp_4_0= ruleAdditiveExpression ) ) )? ) ;
- public final EObject ruleConditionalExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token lv_op_1_0 = null;
- Token otherlv_3 = null;
- EObject lv_exp_0_0 = null;
- EObject lv_exp_2_0 = null;
- EObject lv_exp_4_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:493:28: ( ( ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleAdditiveExpression ) ) ( (
- // (lv_op_1_0= '?' ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleAdditiveExpression ) ) otherlv_3= ':' ( (lv_exp_4_0= ruleAdditiveExpression ) ) )? ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:494:1: ( ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleAdditiveExpression ) ) ( (
- // (lv_op_1_0= '?' ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleAdditiveExpression ) ) otherlv_3= ':' ( (lv_exp_4_0= ruleAdditiveExpression ) ) )? )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:494:1: ( ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleAdditiveExpression ) ) ( (
- // (lv_op_1_0= '?' ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleAdditiveExpression ) ) otherlv_3= ':' ( (lv_exp_4_0= ruleAdditiveExpression ) ) )? )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:494:2: ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleAdditiveExpression ) ) ( (
- // (lv_op_1_0= '?' ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleAdditiveExpression ) ) otherlv_3= ':' ( (lv_exp_4_0= ruleAdditiveExpression ) ) )?
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:494:2: ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleAdditiveExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:495:1: (lv_exp_0_0= ruleAdditiveExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:495:1: (lv_exp_0_0= ruleAdditiveExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:496:3: lv_exp_0_0= ruleAdditiveExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionAccess().getExpAdditiveExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAdditiveExpression_in_ruleConditionalExpression1032);
- lv_exp_0_0 = ruleAdditiveExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionRule());
- }
- add(
- current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_0_0,
- "AdditiveExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:512:2: ( ( (lv_op_1_0= '?' ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0=
- // ruleAdditiveExpression ) ) otherlv_3= ':' ( (lv_exp_4_0= ruleAdditiveExpression ) ) )?
- int alt8 = 2;
- int LA8_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA8_0 == 25)) {
- alt8 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt8) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:512:3: ( (lv_op_1_0= '?' ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0=
- // ruleAdditiveExpression ) ) otherlv_3= ':' ( (lv_exp_4_0= ruleAdditiveExpression ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:512:3: ( (lv_op_1_0= '?' ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:513:1: (lv_op_1_0= '?' )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:513:1: (lv_op_1_0= '?' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:514:3: lv_op_1_0= '?'
- {
- lv_op_1_0 = (Token) match(input, 25, FOLLOW_25_in_ruleConditionalExpression1051);
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_0, grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionAccess().getOpQuestionMarkKeyword_1_0_0());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed(current, "op", lv_op_1_0, "?");
- }
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:527:2: ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleAdditiveExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:528:1: (lv_exp_2_0= ruleAdditiveExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:528:1: (lv_exp_2_0= ruleAdditiveExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:529:3: lv_exp_2_0= ruleAdditiveExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionAccess().getExpAdditiveExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAdditiveExpression_in_ruleConditionalExpression1085);
- lv_exp_2_0 = ruleAdditiveExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionRule());
- }
- add(
- current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_2_0,
- "AdditiveExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- otherlv_3 = (Token) match(input, 26, FOLLOW_26_in_ruleConditionalExpression1097);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionAccess().getColonKeyword_1_2());
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:549:1: ( (lv_exp_4_0= ruleAdditiveExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:550:1: (lv_exp_4_0= ruleAdditiveExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:550:1: (lv_exp_4_0= ruleAdditiveExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:551:3: lv_exp_4_0= ruleAdditiveExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionAccess().getExpAdditiveExpressionParserRuleCall_1_3_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAdditiveExpression_in_ruleConditionalExpression1118);
- lv_exp_4_0 = ruleAdditiveExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getConditionalExpressionRule());
- }
- add(
- current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_4_0,
- "AdditiveExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleConditionalExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleAdditiveExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:575:1: entryRuleAdditiveExpression returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleAdditiveExpression= ruleAdditiveExpression EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleAdditiveExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleAdditiveExpression = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:576:2: (iv_ruleAdditiveExpression= ruleAdditiveExpression EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:577:2: iv_ruleAdditiveExpression= ruleAdditiveExpression EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleAdditiveExpression_in_entryRuleAdditiveExpression1156);
- iv_ruleAdditiveExpression = ruleAdditiveExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleAdditiveExpression;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleAdditiveExpression1166);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleAdditiveExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleAdditiveExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:584:1: ruleAdditiveExpression returns [EObject current=null] : ( (
- // (lv_exp_0_0= ruleMultiplicativeExpression ) ) ( ( ( (lv_op_1_1= '+' | lv_op_1_2= '-' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleMultiplicativeExpression ) ) )* ) ;
- public final EObject ruleAdditiveExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token lv_op_1_1 = null;
- Token lv_op_1_2 = null;
- EObject lv_exp_0_0 = null;
- EObject lv_exp_2_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:587:28: ( ( ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleMultiplicativeExpression ) ) ( ( (
- // (lv_op_1_1= '+' | lv_op_1_2= '-' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleMultiplicativeExpression ) ) )* ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:588:1: ( ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleMultiplicativeExpression ) ) ( ( (
- // (lv_op_1_1= '+' | lv_op_1_2= '-' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleMultiplicativeExpression ) ) )* )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:588:1: ( ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleMultiplicativeExpression ) ) ( (
- // ( (lv_op_1_1= '+' | lv_op_1_2= '-' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleMultiplicativeExpression ) ) )* )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:588:2: ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleMultiplicativeExpression ) ) ( ( (
- // (lv_op_1_1= '+' | lv_op_1_2= '-' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleMultiplicativeExpression ) ) )*
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:588:2: ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleMultiplicativeExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:589:1: (lv_exp_0_0= ruleMultiplicativeExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:589:1: (lv_exp_0_0= ruleMultiplicativeExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:590:3: lv_exp_0_0= ruleMultiplicativeExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionAccess().getExpMultiplicativeExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleMultiplicativeExpression_in_ruleAdditiveExpression1212);
- lv_exp_0_0 = ruleMultiplicativeExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionRule());
- }
- add(
- current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_0_0,
- "MultiplicativeExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:606:2: ( ( ( (lv_op_1_1= '+' | lv_op_1_2= '-' ) ) ) (
- // (lv_exp_2_0= ruleMultiplicativeExpression ) ) )*
- loop10: do {
- int alt10 = 2;
- int LA10_0 = input.LA(1);
- if (((LA10_0 >= 27 && LA10_0 <= 28))) {
- alt10 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt10) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:606:3: ( ( (lv_op_1_1= '+' | lv_op_1_2= '-' ) ) ) (
- // (lv_exp_2_0= ruleMultiplicativeExpression ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:606:3: ( ( (lv_op_1_1= '+' | lv_op_1_2= '-' ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:607:1: ( (lv_op_1_1= '+' | lv_op_1_2= '-' ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:607:1: ( (lv_op_1_1= '+' | lv_op_1_2= '-' ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:608:1: (lv_op_1_1= '+' | lv_op_1_2= '-' )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:608:1: (lv_op_1_1= '+' | lv_op_1_2= '-' )
- int alt9 = 2;
- int LA9_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA9_0 == 27)) {
- alt9 = 1;
- }
- else if ((LA9_0 == 28)) {
- alt9 = 2;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 9, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt9) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:609:3: lv_op_1_1= '+'
- {
- lv_op_1_1 = (Token) match(input, 27, FOLLOW_27_in_ruleAdditiveExpression1233);
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_1, grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionAccess().getOpPlusSignKeyword_1_0_0_0());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed(current, "op", lv_op_1_1, null);
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:621:8: lv_op_1_2= '-'
- {
- lv_op_1_2 = (Token) match(input, 28, FOLLOW_28_in_ruleAdditiveExpression1262);
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_2, grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionAccess().getOpHyphenMinusKeyword_1_0_0_1());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed(current, "op", lv_op_1_2, null);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:636:2: ( (lv_exp_2_0=
- // ruleMultiplicativeExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:637:1: (lv_exp_2_0= ruleMultiplicativeExpression
- // )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:637:1: (lv_exp_2_0=
- // ruleMultiplicativeExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:638:3: lv_exp_2_0=
- // ruleMultiplicativeExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionAccess().getExpMultiplicativeExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleMultiplicativeExpression_in_ruleAdditiveExpression1299);
- lv_exp_2_0 = ruleMultiplicativeExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getAdditiveExpressionRule());
- }
- add(
- current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_2_0,
- "MultiplicativeExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break loop10;
- }
- } while (true);
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleAdditiveExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleMultiplicativeExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:662:1: entryRuleMultiplicativeExpression returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleMultiplicativeExpression= ruleMultiplicativeExpression EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleMultiplicativeExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleMultiplicativeExpression = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:663:2: (iv_ruleMultiplicativeExpression=
- // ruleMultiplicativeExpression EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:664:2: iv_ruleMultiplicativeExpression=
- // ruleMultiplicativeExpression EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleMultiplicativeExpression_in_entryRuleMultiplicativeExpression1337);
- iv_ruleMultiplicativeExpression = ruleMultiplicativeExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleMultiplicativeExpression;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleMultiplicativeExpression1347);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleMultiplicativeExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleMultiplicativeExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:671:1: ruleMultiplicativeExpression returns [EObject current=null] : ( (
- // (lv_exp_0_0= ruleUnaryExpression ) ) ( ( ( (lv_op_1_1= '*' | lv_op_1_2= '/' | lv_op_1_3= 'mod' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleUnaryExpression ) ) )* ) ;
- public final EObject ruleMultiplicativeExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token lv_op_1_1 = null;
- Token lv_op_1_2 = null;
- Token lv_op_1_3 = null;
- EObject lv_exp_0_0 = null;
- EObject lv_exp_2_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:674:28: ( ( ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleUnaryExpression ) ) ( ( (
- // (lv_op_1_1= '*' | lv_op_1_2= '/' | lv_op_1_3= 'mod' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleUnaryExpression ) ) )* ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:675:1: ( ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleUnaryExpression ) ) ( ( ( (lv_op_1_1=
- // '*' | lv_op_1_2= '/' | lv_op_1_3= 'mod' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleUnaryExpression ) ) )* )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:675:1: ( ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleUnaryExpression ) ) ( ( (
- // (lv_op_1_1= '*' | lv_op_1_2= '/' | lv_op_1_3= 'mod' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleUnaryExpression ) ) )* )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:675:2: ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleUnaryExpression ) ) ( ( (
- // (lv_op_1_1= '*' | lv_op_1_2= '/' | lv_op_1_3= 'mod' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleUnaryExpression ) ) )*
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:675:2: ( (lv_exp_0_0= ruleUnaryExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:676:1: (lv_exp_0_0= ruleUnaryExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:676:1: (lv_exp_0_0= ruleUnaryExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:677:3: lv_exp_0_0= ruleUnaryExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionAccess().getExpUnaryExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleUnaryExpression_in_ruleMultiplicativeExpression1393);
- lv_exp_0_0 = ruleUnaryExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionRule());
- }
- add(
- current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_0_0,
- "UnaryExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:693:2: ( ( ( (lv_op_1_1= '*' | lv_op_1_2= '/' |
- // lv_op_1_3= 'mod' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleUnaryExpression ) ) )*
- loop12: do {
- int alt12 = 2;
- int LA12_0 = input.LA(1);
- if (((LA12_0 >= 29 && LA12_0 <= 31))) {
- alt12 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt12) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:693:3: ( ( (lv_op_1_1= '*' | lv_op_1_2= '/' |
- // lv_op_1_3= 'mod' ) ) ) ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleUnaryExpression ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:693:3: ( ( (lv_op_1_1= '*' | lv_op_1_2= '/' |
- // lv_op_1_3= 'mod' ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:694:1: ( (lv_op_1_1= '*' | lv_op_1_2= '/' |
- // lv_op_1_3= 'mod' ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:694:1: ( (lv_op_1_1= '*' | lv_op_1_2= '/' |
- // lv_op_1_3= 'mod' ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:695:1: (lv_op_1_1= '*' | lv_op_1_2= '/' |
- // lv_op_1_3= 'mod' )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:695:1: (lv_op_1_1= '*' | lv_op_1_2= '/' |
- // lv_op_1_3= 'mod' )
- int alt11 = 3;
- switch (input.LA(1)) {
- case 29: {
- alt11 = 1;
- }
- break;
- case 30: {
- alt11 = 2;
- }
- break;
- case 31: {
- alt11 = 3;
- }
- break;
- default:
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 11, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt11) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:696:3: lv_op_1_1= '*'
- {
- lv_op_1_1 = (Token) match(input, 29, FOLLOW_29_in_ruleMultiplicativeExpression1414);
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_1, grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionAccess().getOpAsteriskKeyword_1_0_0_0());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed(current, "op", lv_op_1_1, null);
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:708:8: lv_op_1_2= '/'
- {
- lv_op_1_2 = (Token) match(input, 30, FOLLOW_30_in_ruleMultiplicativeExpression1443);
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_2, grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionAccess().getOpSolidusKeyword_1_0_0_1());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed(current, "op", lv_op_1_2, null);
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:720:8: lv_op_1_3= 'mod'
- {
- lv_op_1_3 = (Token) match(input, 31, FOLLOW_31_in_ruleMultiplicativeExpression1472);
- newLeafNode(lv_op_1_3, grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionAccess().getOpModKeyword_1_0_0_2());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionRule());
- }
- addWithLastConsumed(current, "op", lv_op_1_3, null);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:735:2: ( (lv_exp_2_0= ruleUnaryExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:736:1: (lv_exp_2_0= ruleUnaryExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:736:1: (lv_exp_2_0= ruleUnaryExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:737:3: lv_exp_2_0= ruleUnaryExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionAccess().getExpUnaryExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleUnaryExpression_in_ruleMultiplicativeExpression1509);
- lv_exp_2_0 = ruleUnaryExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getMultiplicativeExpressionRule());
- }
- add(
- current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_2_0,
- "UnaryExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break loop12;
- }
- } while (true);
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleMultiplicativeExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleUnaryExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:761:1: entryRuleUnaryExpression returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleUnaryExpression= ruleUnaryExpression EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleUnaryExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleUnaryExpression = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:762:2: (iv_ruleUnaryExpression= ruleUnaryExpression EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:763:2: iv_ruleUnaryExpression= ruleUnaryExpression EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleUnaryExpression_in_entryRuleUnaryExpression1547);
- iv_ruleUnaryExpression = ruleUnaryExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleUnaryExpression;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleUnaryExpression1557);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleUnaryExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleUnaryExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:770:1: ruleUnaryExpression returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( ( (
- // (lv_op_0_1= 'not' | lv_op_0_2= '-' | lv_op_0_3= '+' ) ) ) ( (lv_unary_1_0= ruleUnaryExpression ) ) ) | ( (lv_exp_2_0= rulePrimaryExpression ) ) ) ;
- public final EObject ruleUnaryExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token lv_op_0_1 = null;
- Token lv_op_0_2 = null;
- Token lv_op_0_3 = null;
- EObject lv_unary_1_0 = null;
- EObject lv_exp_2_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:773:28: ( ( ( ( ( (lv_op_0_1= 'not' | lv_op_0_2= '-' | lv_op_0_3=
- // '+' ) ) ) ( (lv_unary_1_0= ruleUnaryExpression ) ) ) | ( (lv_exp_2_0= rulePrimaryExpression ) ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:774:1: ( ( ( ( (lv_op_0_1= 'not' | lv_op_0_2= '-' | lv_op_0_3=
- // '+' ) ) ) ( (lv_unary_1_0= ruleUnaryExpression ) ) ) | ( (lv_exp_2_0= rulePrimaryExpression ) ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:774:1: ( ( ( ( (lv_op_0_1= 'not' | lv_op_0_2= '-' |
- // lv_op_0_3= '+' ) ) ) ( (lv_unary_1_0= ruleUnaryExpression ) ) ) | ( (lv_exp_2_0= rulePrimaryExpression ) ) )
- int alt14 = 2;
- int LA14_0 = input.LA(1);
- if (((LA14_0 >= 27 && LA14_0 <= 28) || LA14_0 == 32)) {
- alt14 = 1;
- }
- else if (((LA14_0 >= RULE_ID && LA14_0 <= RULE_STRING) || (LA14_0 >= 29 && LA14_0 <= 30) || LA14_0 == 34 || (LA14_0 >= 37 && LA14_0 <= 38) || LA14_0 == 40 || LA14_0 == 44 || (LA14_0 >= 46 && LA14_0 <= 51))) {
- alt14 = 2;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 14, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt14) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:774:2: ( ( ( (lv_op_0_1= 'not' | lv_op_0_2= '-' | lv_op_0_3=
- // '+' ) ) ) ( (lv_unary_1_0= ruleUnaryExpression ) ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:774:2: ( ( ( (lv_op_0_1= 'not' | lv_op_0_2= '-' |
- // lv_op_0_3= '+' ) ) ) ( (lv_unary_1_0= ruleUnaryExpression ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:774:3: ( ( (lv_op_0_1= 'not' | lv_op_0_2= '-' |
- // lv_op_0_3= '+' ) ) ) ( (lv_unary_1_0= ruleUnaryExpression ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:774:3: ( ( (lv_op_0_1= 'not' | lv_op_0_2= '-' |
- // lv_op_0_3= '+' ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:775:1: ( (lv_op_0_1= 'not' | lv_op_0_2= '-' |
- // lv_op_0_3= '+' ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:775:1: ( (lv_op_0_1= 'not' | lv_op_0_2= '-' |
- // lv_op_0_3= '+' ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:776:1: (lv_op_0_1= 'not' | lv_op_0_2= '-' |
- // lv_op_0_3= '+' )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:776:1: (lv_op_0_1= 'not' | lv_op_0_2= '-' |
- // lv_op_0_3= '+' )
- int alt13 = 3;
- switch (input.LA(1)) {
- case 32: {
- alt13 = 1;
- }
- break;
- case 28: {
- alt13 = 2;
- }
- break;
- case 27: {
- alt13 = 3;
- }
- break;
- default:
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 13, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt13) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:777:3: lv_op_0_1= 'not'
- {
- lv_op_0_1 = (Token) match(input, 32, FOLLOW_32_in_ruleUnaryExpression1603);
- newLeafNode(lv_op_0_1, grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionAccess().getOpNotKeyword_0_0_0_0());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(current, "op", lv_op_0_1, null);
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:789:8: lv_op_0_2= '-'
- {
- lv_op_0_2 = (Token) match(input, 28, FOLLOW_28_in_ruleUnaryExpression1632);
- newLeafNode(lv_op_0_2, grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionAccess().getOpHyphenMinusKeyword_0_0_0_1());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(current, "op", lv_op_0_2, null);
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:801:8: lv_op_0_3= '+'
- {
- lv_op_0_3 = (Token) match(input, 27, FOLLOW_27_in_ruleUnaryExpression1661);
- newLeafNode(lv_op_0_3, grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionAccess().getOpPlusSignKeyword_0_0_0_2());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(current, "op", lv_op_0_3, null);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:816:2: ( (lv_unary_1_0= ruleUnaryExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:817:1: (lv_unary_1_0= ruleUnaryExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:817:1: (lv_unary_1_0= ruleUnaryExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:818:3: lv_unary_1_0= ruleUnaryExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionAccess().getUnaryUnaryExpressionParserRuleCall_0_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleUnaryExpression_in_ruleUnaryExpression1698);
- lv_unary_1_0 = ruleUnaryExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "unary",
- lv_unary_1_0,
- "UnaryExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:835:6: ( (lv_exp_2_0= rulePrimaryExpression ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:835:6: ( (lv_exp_2_0= rulePrimaryExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:836:1: (lv_exp_2_0= rulePrimaryExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:836:1: (lv_exp_2_0= rulePrimaryExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:837:3: lv_exp_2_0= rulePrimaryExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionAccess().getExpPrimaryExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rulePrimaryExpression_in_ruleUnaryExpression1726);
- lv_exp_2_0 = rulePrimaryExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getUnaryExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "exp",
- lv_exp_2_0,
- "PrimaryExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleUnaryExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRulePrimaryExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:861:1: entryRulePrimaryExpression returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_rulePrimaryExpression= rulePrimaryExpression EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRulePrimaryExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_rulePrimaryExpression = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:862:2: (iv_rulePrimaryExpression= rulePrimaryExpression EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:863:2: iv_rulePrimaryExpression= rulePrimaryExpression EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPrimaryExpressionRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rulePrimaryExpression_in_entryRulePrimaryExpression1762);
- iv_rulePrimaryExpression = rulePrimaryExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_rulePrimaryExpression;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRulePrimaryExpression1772);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRulePrimaryExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "rulePrimaryExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:870:1: rulePrimaryExpression returns [EObject current=null] : ( (
- // (lv_prefix_0_0= ruleValueSpecification ) ) (otherlv_1= '.' ( (lv_suffix_2_0= ruleSuffixExpression ) ) )? ) ;
- public final EObject rulePrimaryExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token otherlv_1 = null;
- EObject lv_prefix_0_0 = null;
- EObject lv_suffix_2_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:873:28: ( ( ( (lv_prefix_0_0= ruleValueSpecification ) )
- // (otherlv_1= '.' ( (lv_suffix_2_0= ruleSuffixExpression ) ) )? ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:874:1: ( ( (lv_prefix_0_0= ruleValueSpecification ) ) (otherlv_1=
- // '.' ( (lv_suffix_2_0= ruleSuffixExpression ) ) )? )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:874:1: ( ( (lv_prefix_0_0= ruleValueSpecification ) )
- // (otherlv_1= '.' ( (lv_suffix_2_0= ruleSuffixExpression ) ) )? )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:874:2: ( (lv_prefix_0_0= ruleValueSpecification ) )
- // (otherlv_1= '.' ( (lv_suffix_2_0= ruleSuffixExpression ) ) )?
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:874:2: ( (lv_prefix_0_0= ruleValueSpecification ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:875:1: (lv_prefix_0_0= ruleValueSpecification )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:875:1: (lv_prefix_0_0= ruleValueSpecification )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:876:3: lv_prefix_0_0= ruleValueSpecification
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPrimaryExpressionAccess().getPrefixValueSpecificationParserRuleCall_0_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleValueSpecification_in_rulePrimaryExpression1818);
- lv_prefix_0_0 = ruleValueSpecification();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPrimaryExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "prefix",
- lv_prefix_0_0,
- "ValueSpecification");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:892:2: (otherlv_1= '.' ( (lv_suffix_2_0=
- // ruleSuffixExpression ) ) )?
- int alt15 = 2;
- int LA15_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA15_0 == 33)) {
- alt15 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt15) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:892:4: otherlv_1= '.' ( (lv_suffix_2_0=
- // ruleSuffixExpression ) )
- {
- otherlv_1 = (Token) match(input, 33, FOLLOW_33_in_rulePrimaryExpression1831);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getPrimaryExpressionAccess().getFullStopKeyword_1_0());
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:896:1: ( (lv_suffix_2_0= ruleSuffixExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:897:1: (lv_suffix_2_0= ruleSuffixExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:897:1: (lv_suffix_2_0= ruleSuffixExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:898:3: lv_suffix_2_0= ruleSuffixExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPrimaryExpressionAccess().getSuffixSuffixExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSuffixExpression_in_rulePrimaryExpression1852);
- lv_suffix_2_0 = ruleSuffixExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPrimaryExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "suffix",
- lv_suffix_2_0,
- "SuffixExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rulePrimaryExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleValueSpecification"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:922:1: entryRuleValueSpecification returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleValueSpecification= ruleValueSpecification EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleValueSpecification() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleValueSpecification = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:923:2: (iv_ruleValueSpecification= ruleValueSpecification EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:924:2: iv_ruleValueSpecification= ruleValueSpecification EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleValueSpecification_in_entryRuleValueSpecification1890);
- iv_ruleValueSpecification = ruleValueSpecification();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleValueSpecification;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleValueSpecification1900);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleValueSpecification"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleValueSpecification"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:931:1: ruleValueSpecification returns [EObject current=null] :
- // (this_Literal_0= ruleLiteral | this_NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_1= ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall | this_Interval_2= ruleInterval | this_CollectionOrTuple_3= ruleCollectionOrTuple | this_Tuple_4= ruleTuple | this_TimeExpression_5= ruleTimeExpression |
- // this_VariableDeclaration_6= ruleVariableDeclaration | (otherlv_7= '(' this_Expression_8= ruleExpression otherlv_9= ')' ) ) ;
- public final EObject ruleValueSpecification() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token otherlv_7 = null;
- Token otherlv_9 = null;
- EObject this_Literal_0 = null;
- EObject this_NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_1 = null;
- EObject this_Interval_2 = null;
- EObject this_CollectionOrTuple_3 = null;
- EObject this_Tuple_4 = null;
- EObject this_TimeExpression_5 = null;
- EObject this_VariableDeclaration_6 = null;
- EObject this_Expression_8 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:934:28: ( (this_Literal_0= ruleLiteral |
- // this_NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_1= ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall | this_Interval_2= ruleInterval | this_CollectionOrTuple_3= ruleCollectionOrTuple | this_Tuple_4= ruleTuple | this_TimeExpression_5= ruleTimeExpression |
- // this_VariableDeclaration_6= ruleVariableDeclaration | (otherlv_7= '(' this_Expression_8= ruleExpression otherlv_9= ')' ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:935:1: (this_Literal_0= ruleLiteral |
- // this_NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_1= ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall | this_Interval_2= ruleInterval | this_CollectionOrTuple_3= ruleCollectionOrTuple | this_Tuple_4= ruleTuple | this_TimeExpression_5= ruleTimeExpression |
- // this_VariableDeclaration_6= ruleVariableDeclaration | (otherlv_7= '(' this_Expression_8= ruleExpression otherlv_9= ')' ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:935:1: (this_Literal_0= ruleLiteral |
- // this_NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_1= ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall | this_Interval_2= ruleInterval | this_CollectionOrTuple_3= ruleCollectionOrTuple | this_Tuple_4= ruleTuple | this_TimeExpression_5= ruleTimeExpression |
- // this_VariableDeclaration_6= ruleVariableDeclaration | (otherlv_7= '(' this_Expression_8= ruleExpression otherlv_9= ')' ) )
- int alt16 = 8;
- alt16 = dfa16.predict(input);
- switch (alt16) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:936:5: this_Literal_0= ruleLiteral
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getLiteralParserRuleCall_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleLiteral_in_ruleValueSpecification1947);
- this_Literal_0 = ruleLiteral();
- state._fsp--;
- current = this_Literal_0;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:946:5: this_NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_1=
- // ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallParserRuleCall_1());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_in_ruleValueSpecification1974);
- this_NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_1 = ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall();
- state._fsp--;
- current = this_NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_1;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:956:5: this_Interval_2= ruleInterval
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getIntervalParserRuleCall_2());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleInterval_in_ruleValueSpecification2001);
- this_Interval_2 = ruleInterval();
- state._fsp--;
- current = this_Interval_2;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- break;
- case 4:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:966:5: this_CollectionOrTuple_3= ruleCollectionOrTuple
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getCollectionOrTupleParserRuleCall_3());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleCollectionOrTuple_in_ruleValueSpecification2028);
- this_CollectionOrTuple_3 = ruleCollectionOrTuple();
- state._fsp--;
- current = this_CollectionOrTuple_3;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- break;
- case 5:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:976:5: this_Tuple_4= ruleTuple
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getTupleParserRuleCall_4());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTuple_in_ruleValueSpecification2055);
- this_Tuple_4 = ruleTuple();
- state._fsp--;
- current = this_Tuple_4;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- break;
- case 6:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:986:5: this_TimeExpression_5= ruleTimeExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getTimeExpressionParserRuleCall_5());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTimeExpression_in_ruleValueSpecification2082);
- this_TimeExpression_5 = ruleTimeExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- current = this_TimeExpression_5;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- break;
- case 7:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:996:5: this_VariableDeclaration_6= ruleVariableDeclaration
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getVariableDeclarationParserRuleCall_6());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleVariableDeclaration_in_ruleValueSpecification2109);
- this_VariableDeclaration_6 = ruleVariableDeclaration();
- state._fsp--;
- current = this_VariableDeclaration_6;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- break;
- case 8:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1005:6: (otherlv_7= '(' this_Expression_8= ruleExpression
- // otherlv_9= ')' )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1005:6: (otherlv_7= '(' this_Expression_8= ruleExpression
- // otherlv_9= ')' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1005:8: otherlv_7= '(' this_Expression_8= ruleExpression
- // otherlv_9= ')'
- {
- otherlv_7 = (Token) match(input, 34, FOLLOW_34_in_ruleValueSpecification2127);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_7, grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_7_0());
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getExpressionParserRuleCall_7_1());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_ruleValueSpecification2149);
- this_Expression_8 = ruleExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- current = this_Expression_8;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- otherlv_9 = (Token) match(input, 35, FOLLOW_35_in_ruleValueSpecification2160);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_9, grammarAccess.getValueSpecificationAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_7_2());
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleValueSpecification"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleSuffixExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1030:1: entryRuleSuffixExpression returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleSuffixExpression= ruleSuffixExpression EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleSuffixExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleSuffixExpression = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1031:2: (iv_ruleSuffixExpression= ruleSuffixExpression EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1032:2: iv_ruleSuffixExpression= ruleSuffixExpression EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSuffixExpressionRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSuffixExpression_in_entryRuleSuffixExpression2197);
- iv_ruleSuffixExpression = ruleSuffixExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleSuffixExpression;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSuffixExpression2207);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleSuffixExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleSuffixExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1039:1: ruleSuffixExpression returns [EObject current=null] :
- // (this_PropertyCallExpression_0= rulePropertyCallExpression | this_OperationCallExpression_1= ruleOperationCallExpression ) ;
- public final EObject ruleSuffixExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject this_PropertyCallExpression_0 = null;
- EObject this_OperationCallExpression_1 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1042:28: ( (this_PropertyCallExpression_0=
- // rulePropertyCallExpression | this_OperationCallExpression_1= ruleOperationCallExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1043:1: (this_PropertyCallExpression_0=
- // rulePropertyCallExpression | this_OperationCallExpression_1= ruleOperationCallExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1043:1: (this_PropertyCallExpression_0=
- // rulePropertyCallExpression | this_OperationCallExpression_1= ruleOperationCallExpression )
- int alt17 = 2;
- int LA17_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA17_0 == RULE_ID)) {
- int LA17_1 = input.LA(2);
- if ((LA17_1 == 34)) {
- alt17 = 2;
- }
- else if ((LA17_1 == EOF || (LA17_1 >= 16 && LA17_1 <= 31) || LA17_1 == 33 || LA17_1 == 35 || (LA17_1 >= 37 && LA17_1 <= 39) || (LA17_1 >= 41 && LA17_1 <= 42))) {
- alt17 = 1;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 17, 1, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 17, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt17) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1044:5: this_PropertyCallExpression_0=
- // rulePropertyCallExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSuffixExpressionAccess().getPropertyCallExpressionParserRuleCall_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rulePropertyCallExpression_in_ruleSuffixExpression2254);
- this_PropertyCallExpression_0 = rulePropertyCallExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- current = this_PropertyCallExpression_0;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1054:5: this_OperationCallExpression_1=
- // ruleOperationCallExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSuffixExpressionAccess().getOperationCallExpressionParserRuleCall_1());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleOperationCallExpression_in_ruleSuffixExpression2281);
- this_OperationCallExpression_1 = ruleOperationCallExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- current = this_OperationCallExpression_1;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleSuffixExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRulePropertyCallExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1070:1: entryRulePropertyCallExpression returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_rulePropertyCallExpression= rulePropertyCallExpression EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRulePropertyCallExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_rulePropertyCallExpression = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1071:2: (iv_rulePropertyCallExpression=
- // rulePropertyCallExpression EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1072:2: iv_rulePropertyCallExpression= rulePropertyCallExpression
- // EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPropertyCallExpressionRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_rulePropertyCallExpression_in_entryRulePropertyCallExpression2316);
- iv_rulePropertyCallExpression = rulePropertyCallExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_rulePropertyCallExpression;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRulePropertyCallExpression2326);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRulePropertyCallExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "rulePropertyCallExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1079:1: rulePropertyCallExpression returns [EObject current=null] : ( (
- // (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_1= '.' ( (lv_suffix_2_0= ruleSuffixExpression ) ) )? ) ;
- public final EObject rulePropertyCallExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token otherlv_0 = null;
- Token otherlv_1 = null;
- EObject lv_suffix_2_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1082:28: ( ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_1= '.' (
- // (lv_suffix_2_0= ruleSuffixExpression ) ) )? ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1083:1: ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_1= '.' (
- // (lv_suffix_2_0= ruleSuffixExpression ) ) )? )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1083:1: ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_1= '.' (
- // (lv_suffix_2_0= ruleSuffixExpression ) ) )? )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1083:2: ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_1= '.' (
- // (lv_suffix_2_0= ruleSuffixExpression ) ) )?
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1083:2: ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1084:1: (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1084:1: (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1085:3: otherlv_0= RULE_ID
- {
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getPropertyCallExpressionRule());
- }
- otherlv_0 = (Token) match(input, RULE_ID, FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_rulePropertyCallExpression2371);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getPropertyCallExpressionAccess().getPropertyPropertyCrossReference_0_0());
- }
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1096:2: (otherlv_1= '.' ( (lv_suffix_2_0=
- // ruleSuffixExpression ) ) )?
- int alt18 = 2;
- int LA18_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA18_0 == 33)) {
- alt18 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt18) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1096:4: otherlv_1= '.' ( (lv_suffix_2_0=
- // ruleSuffixExpression ) )
- {
- otherlv_1 = (Token) match(input, 33, FOLLOW_33_in_rulePropertyCallExpression2384);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getPropertyCallExpressionAccess().getFullStopKeyword_1_0());
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1100:1: ( (lv_suffix_2_0= ruleSuffixExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1101:1: (lv_suffix_2_0= ruleSuffixExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1101:1: (lv_suffix_2_0= ruleSuffixExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1102:3: lv_suffix_2_0= ruleSuffixExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPropertyCallExpressionAccess().getSuffixSuffixExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSuffixExpression_in_rulePropertyCallExpression2405);
- lv_suffix_2_0 = ruleSuffixExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPropertyCallExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "suffix",
- lv_suffix_2_0,
- "SuffixExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "rulePropertyCallExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleOperationCallExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1126:1: entryRuleOperationCallExpression returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleOperationCallExpression= ruleOperationCallExpression EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleOperationCallExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleOperationCallExpression = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1127:2: (iv_ruleOperationCallExpression=
- // ruleOperationCallExpression EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1128:2: iv_ruleOperationCallExpression=
- // ruleOperationCallExpression EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleOperationCallExpression_in_entryRuleOperationCallExpression2443);
- iv_ruleOperationCallExpression = ruleOperationCallExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleOperationCallExpression;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleOperationCallExpression2453);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleOperationCallExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleOperationCallExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1135:1: ruleOperationCallExpression returns [EObject current=null] : ( (
- // (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_arguments_2_0= ruleListOfValues ) )? otherlv_3= ')' (otherlv_4= '.' ( (lv_suffix_5_0= ruleSuffixExpression ) ) )? ) ;
- public final EObject ruleOperationCallExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token otherlv_0 = null;
- Token otherlv_1 = null;
- Token otherlv_3 = null;
- Token otherlv_4 = null;
- EObject lv_arguments_2_0 = null;
- EObject lv_suffix_5_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1138:28: ( ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '(' (
- // (lv_arguments_2_0= ruleListOfValues ) )? otherlv_3= ')' (otherlv_4= '.' ( (lv_suffix_5_0= ruleSuffixExpression ) ) )? ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1139:1: ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '(' (
- // (lv_arguments_2_0= ruleListOfValues ) )? otherlv_3= ')' (otherlv_4= '.' ( (lv_suffix_5_0= ruleSuffixExpression ) ) )? )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1139:1: ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '(' (
- // (lv_arguments_2_0= ruleListOfValues ) )? otherlv_3= ')' (otherlv_4= '.' ( (lv_suffix_5_0= ruleSuffixExpression ) ) )? )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1139:2: ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '(' (
- // (lv_arguments_2_0= ruleListOfValues ) )? otherlv_3= ')' (otherlv_4= '.' ( (lv_suffix_5_0= ruleSuffixExpression ) ) )?
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1139:2: ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1140:1: (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1140:1: (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1141:3: otherlv_0= RULE_ID
- {
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionRule());
- }
- otherlv_0 = (Token) match(input, RULE_ID, FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleOperationCallExpression2498);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionAccess().getOperationOperationCrossReference_0_0());
- }
- }
- otherlv_1 = (Token) match(input, 34, FOLLOW_34_in_ruleOperationCallExpression2510);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1());
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1156:1: ( (lv_arguments_2_0= ruleListOfValues ) )?
- int alt19 = 2;
- int LA19_0 = input.LA(1);
- if (((LA19_0 >= RULE_ID && LA19_0 <= RULE_STRING) || (LA19_0 >= 27 && LA19_0 <= 30) || LA19_0 == 32 || LA19_0 == 34 || (LA19_0 >= 37 && LA19_0 <= 38) || LA19_0 == 40 || LA19_0 == 44 || (LA19_0 >= 46 && LA19_0 <= 51))) {
- alt19 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt19) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1157:1: (lv_arguments_2_0= ruleListOfValues )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1157:1: (lv_arguments_2_0= ruleListOfValues )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1158:3: lv_arguments_2_0= ruleListOfValues
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionAccess().getArgumentsListOfValuesParserRuleCall_2_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleListOfValues_in_ruleOperationCallExpression2531);
- lv_arguments_2_0 = ruleListOfValues();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "arguments",
- lv_arguments_2_0,
- "ListOfValues");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- otherlv_3 = (Token) match(input, 35, FOLLOW_35_in_ruleOperationCallExpression2544);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_3());
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1178:1: (otherlv_4= '.' ( (lv_suffix_5_0=
- // ruleSuffixExpression ) ) )?
- int alt20 = 2;
- int LA20_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA20_0 == 33)) {
- alt20 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt20) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1178:3: otherlv_4= '.' ( (lv_suffix_5_0=
- // ruleSuffixExpression ) )
- {
- otherlv_4 = (Token) match(input, 33, FOLLOW_33_in_ruleOperationCallExpression2557);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionAccess().getFullStopKeyword_4_0());
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1182:1: ( (lv_suffix_5_0= ruleSuffixExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1183:1: (lv_suffix_5_0= ruleSuffixExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1183:1: (lv_suffix_5_0= ruleSuffixExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1184:3: lv_suffix_5_0= ruleSuffixExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionAccess().getSuffixSuffixExpressionParserRuleCall_4_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleSuffixExpression_in_ruleOperationCallExpression2578);
- lv_suffix_5_0 = ruleSuffixExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getOperationCallExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "suffix",
- lv_suffix_5_0,
- "SuffixExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleOperationCallExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleLiteral"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1208:1: entryRuleLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleLiteral=
- // ruleLiteral EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleLiteral = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1209:2: (iv_ruleLiteral= ruleLiteral EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1210:2: iv_ruleLiteral= ruleLiteral EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getLiteralRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleLiteral_in_entryRuleLiteral2616);
- iv_ruleLiteral = ruleLiteral();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleLiteral;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleLiteral2626);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleLiteral"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleLiteral"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1217:1: ruleLiteral returns [EObject current=null] :
- // (this_NumberLiteralRule_0= ruleNumberLiteralRule | this_DateTimeLiteralRule_1= ruleDateTimeLiteralRule | this_BooleanLiteralRule_2= ruleBooleanLiteralRule | this_NullLiteralRule_3= ruleNullLiteralRule | this_DefaultLiteralRule_4= ruleDefaultLiteralRule
- // | this_StringLiteralRule_5= ruleStringLiteralRule ) ;
- public final EObject ruleLiteral() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject this_NumberLiteralRule_0 = null;
- EObject this_DateTimeLiteralRule_1 = null;
- EObject this_BooleanLiteralRule_2 = null;
- EObject this_NullLiteralRule_3 = null;
- EObject this_DefaultLiteralRule_4 = null;
- EObject this_StringLiteralRule_5 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1220:28: ( (this_NumberLiteralRule_0= ruleNumberLiteralRule |
- // this_DateTimeLiteralRule_1= ruleDateTimeLiteralRule | this_BooleanLiteralRule_2= ruleBooleanLiteralRule | this_NullLiteralRule_3= ruleNullLiteralRule | this_DefaultLiteralRule_4= ruleDefaultLiteralRule | this_StringLiteralRule_5=
- // ruleStringLiteralRule ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1221:1: (this_NumberLiteralRule_0= ruleNumberLiteralRule |
- // this_DateTimeLiteralRule_1= ruleDateTimeLiteralRule | this_BooleanLiteralRule_2= ruleBooleanLiteralRule | this_NullLiteralRule_3= ruleNullLiteralRule | this_DefaultLiteralRule_4= ruleDefaultLiteralRule | this_StringLiteralRule_5=
- // ruleStringLiteralRule )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1221:1: (this_NumberLiteralRule_0= ruleNumberLiteralRule |
- // this_DateTimeLiteralRule_1= ruleDateTimeLiteralRule | this_BooleanLiteralRule_2= ruleBooleanLiteralRule | this_NullLiteralRule_3= ruleNullLiteralRule | this_DefaultLiteralRule_4= ruleDefaultLiteralRule | this_StringLiteralRule_5=
- // ruleStringLiteralRule )
- int alt21 = 6;
- switch (input.LA(1)) {
- case 29: {
- alt21 = 1;
- }
- break;
- alt21 = 2;
- }
- break;
- alt21 = 3;
- }
- break;
- alt21 = 4;
- }
- break;
- case 30: {
- alt21 = 5;
- }
- break;
- case RULE_STRING: {
- alt21 = 6;
- }
- break;
- default:
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 21, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt21) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1222:5: this_NumberLiteralRule_0= ruleNumberLiteralRule
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getLiteralAccess().getNumberLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleNumberLiteralRule_in_ruleLiteral2673);
- this_NumberLiteralRule_0 = ruleNumberLiteralRule();
- state._fsp--;
- current = this_NumberLiteralRule_0;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1232:5: this_DateTimeLiteralRule_1= ruleDateTimeLiteralRule
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getLiteralAccess().getDateTimeLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_1());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDateTimeLiteralRule_in_ruleLiteral2700);
- this_DateTimeLiteralRule_1 = ruleDateTimeLiteralRule();
- state._fsp--;
- current = this_DateTimeLiteralRule_1;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1242:5: this_BooleanLiteralRule_2= ruleBooleanLiteralRule
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getLiteralAccess().getBooleanLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_2());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleBooleanLiteralRule_in_ruleLiteral2727);
- this_BooleanLiteralRule_2 = ruleBooleanLiteralRule();
- state._fsp--;
- current = this_BooleanLiteralRule_2;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- break;
- case 4:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1252:5: this_NullLiteralRule_3= ruleNullLiteralRule
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getLiteralAccess().getNullLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_3());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleNullLiteralRule_in_ruleLiteral2754);
- this_NullLiteralRule_3 = ruleNullLiteralRule();
- state._fsp--;
- current = this_NullLiteralRule_3;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- break;
- case 5:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1262:5: this_DefaultLiteralRule_4= ruleDefaultLiteralRule
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getLiteralAccess().getDefaultLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_4());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDefaultLiteralRule_in_ruleLiteral2781);
- this_DefaultLiteralRule_4 = ruleDefaultLiteralRule();
- state._fsp--;
- current = this_DefaultLiteralRule_4;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- break;
- case 6:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1272:5: this_StringLiteralRule_5= ruleStringLiteralRule
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getLiteralAccess().getStringLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_5());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStringLiteralRule_in_ruleLiteral2808);
- this_StringLiteralRule_5 = ruleStringLiteralRule();
- state._fsp--;
- current = this_StringLiteralRule_5;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleLiteral"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1288:1: entryRuleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall returns [EObject
- // current=null] : iv_ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall= ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1289:2: (iv_ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall=
- // ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1290:2: iv_ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall=
- // ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_in_entryRuleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall2843);
- iv_ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall = ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall2853);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1297:1: ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall returns [EObject current=null] : (
- // ( (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )? ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_arguments_3_0= ruleListOfValues ) )? otherlv_4= ')' )? ) ;
- public final EObject ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token otherlv_1 = null;
- Token otherlv_2 = null;
- Token otherlv_4 = null;
- EObject lv_path_0_0 = null;
- EObject lv_arguments_3_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1300:28: ( ( ( (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )? ( (otherlv_1=
- // RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_arguments_3_0= ruleListOfValues ) )? otherlv_4= ')' )? ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1301:1: ( ( (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )? ( (otherlv_1=
- // RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_arguments_3_0= ruleListOfValues ) )? otherlv_4= ')' )? )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1301:1: ( ( (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )? (
- // (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_arguments_3_0= ruleListOfValues ) )? otherlv_4= ')' )? )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1301:2: ( (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )? ( (otherlv_1=
- // RULE_ID ) ) (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_arguments_3_0= ruleListOfValues ) )? otherlv_4= ')' )?
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1301:2: ( (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )?
- int alt22 = 2;
- int LA22_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA22_0 == RULE_ID)) {
- int LA22_1 = input.LA(2);
- if ((LA22_1 == 36)) {
- alt22 = 1;
- }
- }
- switch (alt22) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1302:1: (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1302:1: (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1303:3: lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallAccess().getPathQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleQualifiedName_in_ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall2899);
- lv_path_0_0 = ruleQualifiedName();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "path",
- lv_path_0_0,
- "QualifiedName");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1319:3: ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1320:1: (otherlv_1= RULE_ID )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1320:1: (otherlv_1= RULE_ID )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1321:3: otherlv_1= RULE_ID
- {
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallRule());
- }
- otherlv_1 = (Token) match(input, RULE_ID, FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall2920);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallAccess().getIdNamedElementCrossReference_1_0());
- }
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1332:2: (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_arguments_3_0=
- // ruleListOfValues ) )? otherlv_4= ')' )?
- int alt24 = 2;
- int LA24_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA24_0 == 34)) {
- alt24 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt24) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1332:4: otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_arguments_3_0=
- // ruleListOfValues ) )? otherlv_4= ')'
- {
- otherlv_2 = (Token) match(input, 34, FOLLOW_34_in_ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall2933);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_2_0());
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1336:1: ( (lv_arguments_3_0= ruleListOfValues ) )?
- int alt23 = 2;
- int LA23_0 = input.LA(1);
- if (((LA23_0 >= RULE_ID && LA23_0 <= RULE_STRING) || (LA23_0 >= 27 && LA23_0 <= 30) || LA23_0 == 32 || LA23_0 == 34 || (LA23_0 >= 37 && LA23_0 <= 38) || LA23_0 == 40 || LA23_0 == 44 || (LA23_0 >= 46 && LA23_0 <= 51))) {
- alt23 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt23) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1337:1: (lv_arguments_3_0= ruleListOfValues )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1337:1: (lv_arguments_3_0= ruleListOfValues )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1338:3: lv_arguments_3_0= ruleListOfValues
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallAccess().getArgumentsListOfValuesParserRuleCall_2_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleListOfValues_in_ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall2954);
- lv_arguments_3_0 = ruleListOfValues();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "arguments",
- lv_arguments_3_0,
- "ListOfValues");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- otherlv_4 = (Token) match(input, 35, FOLLOW_35_in_ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall2967);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_2_2());
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleQualifiedName"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1366:1: entryRuleQualifiedName returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleQualifiedName= ruleQualifiedName EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleQualifiedName() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleQualifiedName = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1367:2: (iv_ruleQualifiedName= ruleQualifiedName EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1368:2: iv_ruleQualifiedName= ruleQualifiedName EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleQualifiedName_in_entryRuleQualifiedName3005);
- iv_ruleQualifiedName = ruleQualifiedName();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleQualifiedName;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleQualifiedName3015);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleQualifiedName"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleQualifiedName"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1375:1: ruleQualifiedName returns [EObject current=null] : ( (
- // (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '::' ( (lv_remaining_2_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )? ) ;
- public final EObject ruleQualifiedName() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token otherlv_0 = null;
- Token otherlv_1 = null;
- EObject lv_remaining_2_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1378:28: ( ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '::' (
- // (lv_remaining_2_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )? ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1379:1: ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '::' (
- // (lv_remaining_2_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )? )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1379:1: ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '::' (
- // (lv_remaining_2_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )? )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1379:2: ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '::' (
- // (lv_remaining_2_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )?
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1379:2: ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1380:1: (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1380:1: (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1381:3: otherlv_0= RULE_ID
- {
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameRule());
- }
- otherlv_0 = (Token) match(input, RULE_ID, FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleQualifiedName3060);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getPathNamespaceCrossReference_0_0());
- }
- }
- otherlv_1 = (Token) match(input, 36, FOLLOW_36_in_ruleQualifiedName3072);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getColonColonKeyword_1());
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1396:1: ( (lv_remaining_2_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )?
- int alt25 = 2;
- int LA25_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA25_0 == RULE_ID)) {
- int LA25_1 = input.LA(2);
- if ((LA25_1 == 36)) {
- alt25 = 1;
- }
- }
- switch (alt25) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1397:1: (lv_remaining_2_0= ruleQualifiedName )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1397:1: (lv_remaining_2_0= ruleQualifiedName )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1398:3: lv_remaining_2_0= ruleQualifiedName
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getRemainingQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_2_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleQualifiedName_in_ruleQualifiedName3093);
- lv_remaining_2_0 = ruleQualifiedName();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "remaining",
- lv_remaining_2_0,
- "QualifiedName");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleQualifiedName"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleInterval"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1422:1: entryRuleInterval returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleInterval= ruleInterval EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleInterval() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleInterval = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1423:2: (iv_ruleInterval= ruleInterval EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1424:2: iv_ruleInterval= ruleInterval EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getIntervalRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleInterval_in_entryRuleInterval3130);
- iv_ruleInterval = ruleInterval();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleInterval;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleInterval3140);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleInterval"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleInterval"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1431:1: ruleInterval returns [EObject current=null] : ( (otherlv_0= ']' |
- // ( (lv_isLowerIncluded_1_0= '[' ) ) ) ( (lv_lower_2_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_3= '..' ( (lv_upper_4_0= ruleExpression ) ) ( ( (lv_isUpperIncluded_5_0= ']' ) ) | otherlv_6= '[' ) ) ;
- public final EObject ruleInterval() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token otherlv_0 = null;
- Token lv_isLowerIncluded_1_0 = null;
- Token otherlv_3 = null;
- Token lv_isUpperIncluded_5_0 = null;
- Token otherlv_6 = null;
- EObject lv_lower_2_0 = null;
- EObject lv_upper_4_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1434:28: ( ( (otherlv_0= ']' | ( (lv_isLowerIncluded_1_0= '[' ) )
- // ) ( (lv_lower_2_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_3= '..' ( (lv_upper_4_0= ruleExpression ) ) ( ( (lv_isUpperIncluded_5_0= ']' ) ) | otherlv_6= '[' ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1435:1: ( (otherlv_0= ']' | ( (lv_isLowerIncluded_1_0= '[' ) ) )
- // ( (lv_lower_2_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_3= '..' ( (lv_upper_4_0= ruleExpression ) ) ( ( (lv_isUpperIncluded_5_0= ']' ) ) | otherlv_6= '[' ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1435:1: ( (otherlv_0= ']' | ( (lv_isLowerIncluded_1_0= '[' )
- // ) ) ( (lv_lower_2_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_3= '..' ( (lv_upper_4_0= ruleExpression ) ) ( ( (lv_isUpperIncluded_5_0= ']' ) ) | otherlv_6= '[' ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1435:2: (otherlv_0= ']' | ( (lv_isLowerIncluded_1_0= '[' ) )
- // ) ( (lv_lower_2_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_3= '..' ( (lv_upper_4_0= ruleExpression ) ) ( ( (lv_isUpperIncluded_5_0= ']' ) ) | otherlv_6= '[' )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1435:2: (otherlv_0= ']' | ( (lv_isLowerIncluded_1_0= '['
- // ) ) )
- int alt26 = 2;
- int LA26_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA26_0 == 37)) {
- alt26 = 1;
- }
- else if ((LA26_0 == 38)) {
- alt26 = 2;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 26, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt26) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1435:4: otherlv_0= ']'
- {
- otherlv_0 = (Token) match(input, 37, FOLLOW_37_in_ruleInterval3178);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getRightSquareBracketKeyword_0_0());
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1440:6: ( (lv_isLowerIncluded_1_0= '[' ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1440:6: ( (lv_isLowerIncluded_1_0= '[' ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1441:1: (lv_isLowerIncluded_1_0= '[' )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1441:1: (lv_isLowerIncluded_1_0= '[' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1442:3: lv_isLowerIncluded_1_0= '['
- {
- lv_isLowerIncluded_1_0 = (Token) match(input, 38, FOLLOW_38_in_ruleInterval3202);
- newLeafNode(lv_isLowerIncluded_1_0, grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getIsLowerIncludedLeftSquareBracketKeyword_0_1_0());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getIntervalRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(current, "isLowerIncluded", lv_isLowerIncluded_1_0, "[");
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1455:3: ( (lv_lower_2_0= ruleExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1456:1: (lv_lower_2_0= ruleExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1456:1: (lv_lower_2_0= ruleExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1457:3: lv_lower_2_0= ruleExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getLowerExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_ruleInterval3237);
- lv_lower_2_0 = ruleExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getIntervalRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "lower",
- lv_lower_2_0,
- "Expression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- otherlv_3 = (Token) match(input, 39, FOLLOW_39_in_ruleInterval3249);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getFullStopFullStopKeyword_2());
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1477:1: ( (lv_upper_4_0= ruleExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1478:1: (lv_upper_4_0= ruleExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1478:1: (lv_upper_4_0= ruleExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1479:3: lv_upper_4_0= ruleExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getUpperExpressionParserRuleCall_3_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_ruleInterval3270);
- lv_upper_4_0 = ruleExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getIntervalRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "upper",
- lv_upper_4_0,
- "Expression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1495:2: ( ( (lv_isUpperIncluded_5_0= ']' ) ) | otherlv_6=
- // '[' )
- int alt27 = 2;
- int LA27_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA27_0 == 37)) {
- alt27 = 1;
- }
- else if ((LA27_0 == 38)) {
- alt27 = 2;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 27, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt27) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1495:3: ( (lv_isUpperIncluded_5_0= ']' ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1495:3: ( (lv_isUpperIncluded_5_0= ']' ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1496:1: (lv_isUpperIncluded_5_0= ']' )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1496:1: (lv_isUpperIncluded_5_0= ']' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1497:3: lv_isUpperIncluded_5_0= ']'
- {
- lv_isUpperIncluded_5_0 = (Token) match(input, 37, FOLLOW_37_in_ruleInterval3289);
- newLeafNode(lv_isUpperIncluded_5_0, grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getIsUpperIncludedRightSquareBracketKeyword_4_0_0());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getIntervalRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(current, "isUpperIncluded", lv_isUpperIncluded_5_0, "]");
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1511:7: otherlv_6= '['
- {
- otherlv_6 = (Token) match(input, 38, FOLLOW_38_in_ruleInterval3320);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_6, grammarAccess.getIntervalAccess().getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_4_1());
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleInterval"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleCollectionOrTuple"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1523:1: entryRuleCollectionOrTuple returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleCollectionOrTuple= ruleCollectionOrTuple EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleCollectionOrTuple() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleCollectionOrTuple = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1524:2: (iv_ruleCollectionOrTuple= ruleCollectionOrTuple EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1525:2: iv_ruleCollectionOrTuple= ruleCollectionOrTuple EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getCollectionOrTupleRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleCollectionOrTuple_in_entryRuleCollectionOrTuple3357);
- iv_ruleCollectionOrTuple = ruleCollectionOrTuple();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleCollectionOrTuple;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleCollectionOrTuple3367);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleCollectionOrTuple"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleCollectionOrTuple"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1532:1: ruleCollectionOrTuple returns [EObject current=null] :
- // (otherlv_0= '{' ( (lv_listOfValues_1_0= ruleListOfValues ) ) otherlv_2= '}' ) ;
- public final EObject ruleCollectionOrTuple() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token otherlv_0 = null;
- Token otherlv_2 = null;
- EObject lv_listOfValues_1_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1535:28: ( (otherlv_0= '{' ( (lv_listOfValues_1_0=
- // ruleListOfValues ) ) otherlv_2= '}' ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1536:1: (otherlv_0= '{' ( (lv_listOfValues_1_0= ruleListOfValues
- // ) ) otherlv_2= '}' )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1536:1: (otherlv_0= '{' ( (lv_listOfValues_1_0=
- // ruleListOfValues ) ) otherlv_2= '}' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1536:3: otherlv_0= '{' ( (lv_listOfValues_1_0=
- // ruleListOfValues ) ) otherlv_2= '}'
- {
- otherlv_0 = (Token) match(input, 40, FOLLOW_40_in_ruleCollectionOrTuple3404);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getCollectionOrTupleAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_0());
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1540:1: ( (lv_listOfValues_1_0= ruleListOfValues ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1541:1: (lv_listOfValues_1_0= ruleListOfValues )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1541:1: (lv_listOfValues_1_0= ruleListOfValues )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1542:3: lv_listOfValues_1_0= ruleListOfValues
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getCollectionOrTupleAccess().getListOfValuesListOfValuesParserRuleCall_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleListOfValues_in_ruleCollectionOrTuple3425);
- lv_listOfValues_1_0 = ruleListOfValues();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getCollectionOrTupleRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "listOfValues",
- lv_listOfValues_1_0,
- "ListOfValues");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- otherlv_2 = (Token) match(input, 41, FOLLOW_41_in_ruleCollectionOrTuple3437);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getCollectionOrTupleAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_2());
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleCollectionOrTuple"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleTuple"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1570:1: entryRuleTuple returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleTuple=
- // ruleTuple EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleTuple() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleTuple = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1571:2: (iv_ruleTuple= ruleTuple EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1572:2: iv_ruleTuple= ruleTuple EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTupleRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTuple_in_entryRuleTuple3473);
- iv_ruleTuple = ruleTuple();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleTuple;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTuple3483);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleTuple"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleTuple"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1579:1: ruleTuple returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= '{' (
- // (lv_listOfValueNamePairs_1_0= ruleListOfValueNamePairs ) ) otherlv_2= '}' ) ;
- public final EObject ruleTuple() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token otherlv_0 = null;
- Token otherlv_2 = null;
- EObject lv_listOfValueNamePairs_1_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1582:28: ( (otherlv_0= '{' ( (lv_listOfValueNamePairs_1_0=
- // ruleListOfValueNamePairs ) ) otherlv_2= '}' ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1583:1: (otherlv_0= '{' ( (lv_listOfValueNamePairs_1_0=
- // ruleListOfValueNamePairs ) ) otherlv_2= '}' )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1583:1: (otherlv_0= '{' ( (lv_listOfValueNamePairs_1_0=
- // ruleListOfValueNamePairs ) ) otherlv_2= '}' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1583:3: otherlv_0= '{' ( (lv_listOfValueNamePairs_1_0=
- // ruleListOfValueNamePairs ) ) otherlv_2= '}'
- {
- otherlv_0 = (Token) match(input, 40, FOLLOW_40_in_ruleTuple3520);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getTupleAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_0());
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1587:1: ( (lv_listOfValueNamePairs_1_0=
- // ruleListOfValueNamePairs ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1588:1: (lv_listOfValueNamePairs_1_0=
- // ruleListOfValueNamePairs )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1588:1: (lv_listOfValueNamePairs_1_0=
- // ruleListOfValueNamePairs )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1589:3: lv_listOfValueNamePairs_1_0=
- // ruleListOfValueNamePairs
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTupleAccess().getListOfValueNamePairsListOfValueNamePairsParserRuleCall_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleListOfValueNamePairs_in_ruleTuple3541);
- lv_listOfValueNamePairs_1_0 = ruleListOfValueNamePairs();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getTupleRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "listOfValueNamePairs",
- lv_listOfValueNamePairs_1_0,
- "ListOfValueNamePairs");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- otherlv_2 = (Token) match(input, 41, FOLLOW_41_in_ruleTuple3553);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getTupleAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_2());
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleTuple"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleListOfValues"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1617:1: entryRuleListOfValues returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleListOfValues= ruleListOfValues EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleListOfValues() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleListOfValues = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1618:2: (iv_ruleListOfValues= ruleListOfValues EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1619:2: iv_ruleListOfValues= ruleListOfValues EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getListOfValuesRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleListOfValues_in_entryRuleListOfValues3589);
- iv_ruleListOfValues = ruleListOfValues();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleListOfValues;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleListOfValues3599);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleListOfValues"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleListOfValues"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1626:1: ruleListOfValues returns [EObject current=null] : ( (
- // (lv_values_0_0= ruleExpression ) ) (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_values_2_0= ruleExpression ) ) )* ) ;
- public final EObject ruleListOfValues() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token otherlv_1 = null;
- EObject lv_values_0_0 = null;
- EObject lv_values_2_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1629:28: ( ( ( (lv_values_0_0= ruleExpression ) ) (otherlv_1= ','
- // ( (lv_values_2_0= ruleExpression ) ) )* ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1630:1: ( ( (lv_values_0_0= ruleExpression ) ) (otherlv_1= ',' (
- // (lv_values_2_0= ruleExpression ) ) )* )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1630:1: ( ( (lv_values_0_0= ruleExpression ) ) (otherlv_1=
- // ',' ( (lv_values_2_0= ruleExpression ) ) )* )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1630:2: ( (lv_values_0_0= ruleExpression ) ) (otherlv_1= ','
- // ( (lv_values_2_0= ruleExpression ) ) )*
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1630:2: ( (lv_values_0_0= ruleExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1631:1: (lv_values_0_0= ruleExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1631:1: (lv_values_0_0= ruleExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1632:3: lv_values_0_0= ruleExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getListOfValuesAccess().getValuesExpressionParserRuleCall_0_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_ruleListOfValues3645);
- lv_values_0_0 = ruleExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getListOfValuesRule());
- }
- add(
- current,
- "values",
- lv_values_0_0,
- "Expression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1648:2: (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_values_2_0= ruleExpression
- // ) ) )*
- loop28: do {
- int alt28 = 2;
- int LA28_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA28_0 == 42)) {
- alt28 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt28) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1648:4: otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_values_2_0=
- // ruleExpression ) )
- {
- otherlv_1 = (Token) match(input, 42, FOLLOW_42_in_ruleListOfValues3658);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getListOfValuesAccess().getCommaKeyword_1_0());
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1652:1: ( (lv_values_2_0= ruleExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1653:1: (lv_values_2_0= ruleExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1653:1: (lv_values_2_0= ruleExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1654:3: lv_values_2_0= ruleExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getListOfValuesAccess().getValuesExpressionParserRuleCall_1_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_ruleListOfValues3679);
- lv_values_2_0 = ruleExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getListOfValuesRule());
- }
- add(
- current,
- "values",
- lv_values_2_0,
- "Expression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break loop28;
- }
- } while (true);
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleListOfValues"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleListOfValueNamePairs"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1678:1: entryRuleListOfValueNamePairs returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleListOfValueNamePairs= ruleListOfValueNamePairs EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleListOfValueNamePairs() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleListOfValueNamePairs = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1679:2: (iv_ruleListOfValueNamePairs= ruleListOfValueNamePairs
- // EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1680:2: iv_ruleListOfValueNamePairs= ruleListOfValueNamePairs EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getListOfValueNamePairsRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleListOfValueNamePairs_in_entryRuleListOfValueNamePairs3717);
- iv_ruleListOfValueNamePairs = ruleListOfValueNamePairs();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleListOfValueNamePairs;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleListOfValueNamePairs3727);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleListOfValueNamePairs"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleListOfValueNamePairs"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1687:1: ruleListOfValueNamePairs returns [EObject current=null] : ( (
- // (lv_valueNamePairs_0_0= ruleValueNamePair ) ) (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_valueNamePairs_2_0= ruleValueNamePair ) ) )* ) ;
- public final EObject ruleListOfValueNamePairs() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token otherlv_1 = null;
- EObject lv_valueNamePairs_0_0 = null;
- EObject lv_valueNamePairs_2_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1690:28: ( ( ( (lv_valueNamePairs_0_0= ruleValueNamePair ) )
- // (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_valueNamePairs_2_0= ruleValueNamePair ) ) )* ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1691:1: ( ( (lv_valueNamePairs_0_0= ruleValueNamePair ) )
- // (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_valueNamePairs_2_0= ruleValueNamePair ) ) )* )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1691:1: ( ( (lv_valueNamePairs_0_0= ruleValueNamePair ) )
- // (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_valueNamePairs_2_0= ruleValueNamePair ) ) )* )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1691:2: ( (lv_valueNamePairs_0_0= ruleValueNamePair ) )
- // (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_valueNamePairs_2_0= ruleValueNamePair ) ) )*
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1691:2: ( (lv_valueNamePairs_0_0= ruleValueNamePair ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1692:1: (lv_valueNamePairs_0_0= ruleValueNamePair )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1692:1: (lv_valueNamePairs_0_0= ruleValueNamePair )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1693:3: lv_valueNamePairs_0_0= ruleValueNamePair
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getListOfValueNamePairsAccess().getValueNamePairsValueNamePairParserRuleCall_0_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleValueNamePair_in_ruleListOfValueNamePairs3773);
- lv_valueNamePairs_0_0 = ruleValueNamePair();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getListOfValueNamePairsRule());
- }
- add(
- current,
- "valueNamePairs",
- lv_valueNamePairs_0_0,
- "ValueNamePair");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1709:2: (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_valueNamePairs_2_0=
- // ruleValueNamePair ) ) )*
- loop29: do {
- int alt29 = 2;
- int LA29_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA29_0 == 42)) {
- alt29 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt29) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1709:4: otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_valueNamePairs_2_0=
- // ruleValueNamePair ) )
- {
- otherlv_1 = (Token) match(input, 42, FOLLOW_42_in_ruleListOfValueNamePairs3786);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getListOfValueNamePairsAccess().getCommaKeyword_1_0());
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1713:1: ( (lv_valueNamePairs_2_0=
- // ruleValueNamePair ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1714:1: (lv_valueNamePairs_2_0= ruleValueNamePair
- // )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1714:1: (lv_valueNamePairs_2_0=
- // ruleValueNamePair )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1715:3: lv_valueNamePairs_2_0=
- // ruleValueNamePair
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getListOfValueNamePairsAccess().getValueNamePairsValueNamePairParserRuleCall_1_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleValueNamePair_in_ruleListOfValueNamePairs3807);
- lv_valueNamePairs_2_0 = ruleValueNamePair();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getListOfValueNamePairsRule());
- }
- add(
- current,
- "valueNamePairs",
- lv_valueNamePairs_2_0,
- "ValueNamePair");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break loop29;
- }
- } while (true);
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleListOfValueNamePairs"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleValueNamePair"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1739:1: entryRuleValueNamePair returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleValueNamePair= ruleValueNamePair EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleValueNamePair() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleValueNamePair = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1740:2: (iv_ruleValueNamePair= ruleValueNamePair EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1741:2: iv_ruleValueNamePair= ruleValueNamePair EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueNamePairRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleValueNamePair_in_entryRuleValueNamePair3845);
- iv_ruleValueNamePair = ruleValueNamePair();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleValueNamePair;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleValueNamePair3855);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleValueNamePair"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleValueNamePair"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1748:1: ruleValueNamePair returns [EObject current=null] : ( (
- // (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '=' ( (lv_value_2_0= ruleExpression ) ) ) ;
- public final EObject ruleValueNamePair() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token otherlv_0 = null;
- Token otherlv_1 = null;
- EObject lv_value_2_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1751:28: ( ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '=' (
- // (lv_value_2_0= ruleExpression ) ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1752:1: ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '=' (
- // (lv_value_2_0= ruleExpression ) ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1752:1: ( ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '=' (
- // (lv_value_2_0= ruleExpression ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1752:2: ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_1= '=' (
- // (lv_value_2_0= ruleExpression ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1752:2: ( (otherlv_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1753:1: (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1753:1: (otherlv_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1754:3: otherlv_0= RULE_ID
- {
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getValueNamePairRule());
- }
- otherlv_0 = (Token) match(input, RULE_ID, FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleValueNamePair3900);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getValueNamePairAccess().getPropertyPropertyCrossReference_0_0());
- }
- }
- otherlv_1 = (Token) match(input, 43, FOLLOW_43_in_ruleValueNamePair3912);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getValueNamePairAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_1());
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1769:1: ( (lv_value_2_0= ruleExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1770:1: (lv_value_2_0= ruleExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1770:1: (lv_value_2_0= ruleExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1771:3: lv_value_2_0= ruleExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getValueNamePairAccess().getValueExpressionParserRuleCall_2_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_ruleValueNamePair3933);
- lv_value_2_0 = ruleExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getValueNamePairRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "value",
- lv_value_2_0,
- "Expression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleValueNamePair"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleTimeExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1795:1: entryRuleTimeExpression returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleTimeExpression= ruleTimeExpression EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleTimeExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleTimeExpression = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1796:2: (iv_ruleTimeExpression= ruleTimeExpression EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1797:2: iv_ruleTimeExpression= ruleTimeExpression EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTimeExpressionRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleTimeExpression_in_entryRuleTimeExpression3969);
- iv_ruleTimeExpression = ruleTimeExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleTimeExpression;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTimeExpression3979);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleTimeExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleTimeExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1804:1: ruleTimeExpression returns [EObject current=null] :
- // (this_InstantObsExpression_0= ruleInstantObsExpression | this_DurationObsExpression_1= ruleDurationObsExpression | this_JitterExp_2= ruleJitterExp ) ;
- public final EObject ruleTimeExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject this_InstantObsExpression_0 = null;
- EObject this_DurationObsExpression_1 = null;
- EObject this_JitterExp_2 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1807:28: ( (this_InstantObsExpression_0= ruleInstantObsExpression
- // | this_DurationObsExpression_1= ruleDurationObsExpression | this_JitterExp_2= ruleJitterExp ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1808:1: (this_InstantObsExpression_0= ruleInstantObsExpression |
- // this_DurationObsExpression_1= ruleDurationObsExpression | this_JitterExp_2= ruleJitterExp )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1808:1: (this_InstantObsExpression_0=
- // ruleInstantObsExpression | this_DurationObsExpression_1= ruleDurationObsExpression | this_JitterExp_2= ruleJitterExp )
- int alt30 = 3;
- switch (input.LA(1)) {
- case 44: {
- alt30 = 1;
- }
- break;
- case 46: {
- alt30 = 2;
- }
- break;
- case 47: {
- alt30 = 3;
- }
- break;
- default:
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 30, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt30) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1809:5: this_InstantObsExpression_0= ruleInstantObsExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTimeExpressionAccess().getInstantObsExpressionParserRuleCall_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleInstantObsExpression_in_ruleTimeExpression4026);
- this_InstantObsExpression_0 = ruleInstantObsExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- current = this_InstantObsExpression_0;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1819:5: this_DurationObsExpression_1=
- // ruleDurationObsExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTimeExpressionAccess().getDurationObsExpressionParserRuleCall_1());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDurationObsExpression_in_ruleTimeExpression4053);
- this_DurationObsExpression_1 = ruleDurationObsExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- current = this_DurationObsExpression_1;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1829:5: this_JitterExp_2= ruleJitterExp
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTimeExpressionAccess().getJitterExpParserRuleCall_2());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleJitterExp_in_ruleTimeExpression4080);
- this_JitterExp_2 = ruleJitterExp();
- state._fsp--;
- current = this_JitterExp_2;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleTimeExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleInstantObsExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1845:1: entryRuleInstantObsExpression returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleInstantObsExpression= ruleInstantObsExpression EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleInstantObsExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleInstantObsExpression = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1846:2: (iv_ruleInstantObsExpression= ruleInstantObsExpression
- // EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1847:2: iv_ruleInstantObsExpression= ruleInstantObsExpression EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleInstantObsExpression_in_entryRuleInstantObsExpression4115);
- iv_ruleInstantObsExpression = ruleInstantObsExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleInstantObsExpression;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleInstantObsExpression4125);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleInstantObsExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleInstantObsExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1854:1: ruleInstantObsExpression returns [EObject current=null] :
- // (otherlv_0= '@' ( (lv_id_1_0= ruleInstantObsName ) ) (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_index_3_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_4= ')' )? (otherlv_5= 'when' otherlv_6= '(' ( (lv_condition_7_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_8= ')' )? ) ;
- public final EObject ruleInstantObsExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token otherlv_0 = null;
- Token otherlv_2 = null;
- Token otherlv_4 = null;
- Token otherlv_5 = null;
- Token otherlv_6 = null;
- Token otherlv_8 = null;
- EObject lv_id_1_0 = null;
- EObject lv_index_3_0 = null;
- EObject lv_condition_7_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1857:28: ( (otherlv_0= '@' ( (lv_id_1_0= ruleInstantObsName ) )
- // (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_index_3_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_4= ')' )? (otherlv_5= 'when' otherlv_6= '(' ( (lv_condition_7_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_8= ')' )? ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1858:1: (otherlv_0= '@' ( (lv_id_1_0= ruleInstantObsName ) )
- // (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_index_3_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_4= ')' )? (otherlv_5= 'when' otherlv_6= '(' ( (lv_condition_7_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_8= ')' )? )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1858:1: (otherlv_0= '@' ( (lv_id_1_0= ruleInstantObsName ) )
- // (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_index_3_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_4= ')' )? (otherlv_5= 'when' otherlv_6= '(' ( (lv_condition_7_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_8= ')' )? )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1858:3: otherlv_0= '@' ( (lv_id_1_0= ruleInstantObsName ) )
- // (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_index_3_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_4= ')' )? (otherlv_5= 'when' otherlv_6= '(' ( (lv_condition_7_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_8= ')' )?
- {
- otherlv_0 = (Token) match(input, 44, FOLLOW_44_in_ruleInstantObsExpression4162);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getCommercialAtKeyword_0());
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1862:1: ( (lv_id_1_0= ruleInstantObsName ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1863:1: (lv_id_1_0= ruleInstantObsName )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1863:1: (lv_id_1_0= ruleInstantObsName )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1864:3: lv_id_1_0= ruleInstantObsName
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getIdInstantObsNameParserRuleCall_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleInstantObsName_in_ruleInstantObsExpression4183);
- lv_id_1_0 = ruleInstantObsName();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "id",
- lv_id_1_0,
- "InstantObsName");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1880:2: (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_index_3_0= ruleExpression )
- // ) otherlv_4= ')' )?
- int alt31 = 2;
- int LA31_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA31_0 == 34)) {
- alt31 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt31) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1880:4: otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_index_3_0= ruleExpression )
- // ) otherlv_4= ')'
- {
- otherlv_2 = (Token) match(input, 34, FOLLOW_34_in_ruleInstantObsExpression4196);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_2_0());
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1884:1: ( (lv_index_3_0= ruleExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1885:1: (lv_index_3_0= ruleExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1885:1: (lv_index_3_0= ruleExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1886:3: lv_index_3_0= ruleExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getIndexExpressionParserRuleCall_2_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_ruleInstantObsExpression4217);
- lv_index_3_0 = ruleExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "index",
- lv_index_3_0,
- "Expression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- otherlv_4 = (Token) match(input, 35, FOLLOW_35_in_ruleInstantObsExpression4229);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_2_2());
- }
- break;
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1906:3: (otherlv_5= 'when' otherlv_6= '(' (
- // (lv_condition_7_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_8= ')' )?
- int alt32 = 2;
- int LA32_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA32_0 == 45)) {
- alt32 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt32) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1906:5: otherlv_5= 'when' otherlv_6= '(' (
- // (lv_condition_7_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_8= ')'
- {
- otherlv_5 = (Token) match(input, 45, FOLLOW_45_in_ruleInstantObsExpression4244);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getWhenKeyword_3_0());
- otherlv_6 = (Token) match(input, 34, FOLLOW_34_in_ruleInstantObsExpression4256);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_6, grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_3_1());
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1914:1: ( (lv_condition_7_0= ruleExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1915:1: (lv_condition_7_0= ruleExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1915:1: (lv_condition_7_0= ruleExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1916:3: lv_condition_7_0= ruleExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getConditionExpressionParserRuleCall_3_2_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_ruleInstantObsExpression4277);
- lv_condition_7_0 = ruleExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "condition",
- lv_condition_7_0,
- "Expression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- otherlv_8 = (Token) match(input, 35, FOLLOW_35_in_ruleInstantObsExpression4289);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_8, grammarAccess.getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_3_3());
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleInstantObsExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleInstantObsName"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1944:1: entryRuleInstantObsName returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleInstantObsName= ruleInstantObsName EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleInstantObsName() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleInstantObsName = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1945:2: (iv_ruleInstantObsName= ruleInstantObsName EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1946:2: iv_ruleInstantObsName= ruleInstantObsName EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getInstantObsNameRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleInstantObsName_in_entryRuleInstantObsName4327);
- iv_ruleInstantObsName = ruleInstantObsName();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleInstantObsName;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleInstantObsName4337);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleInstantObsName"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleInstantObsName"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1953:1: ruleInstantObsName returns [EObject current=null] : ( (
- // (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )? ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
- public final EObject ruleInstantObsName() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token otherlv_1 = null;
- EObject lv_path_0_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1956:28: ( ( ( (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )? ( (otherlv_1=
- // RULE_ID ) ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1957:1: ( ( (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )? ( (otherlv_1=
- // RULE_ID ) ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1957:1: ( ( (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )? (
- // (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1957:2: ( (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )? ( (otherlv_1=
- // RULE_ID ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1957:2: ( (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )?
- int alt33 = 2;
- int LA33_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA33_0 == RULE_ID)) {
- int LA33_1 = input.LA(2);
- if ((LA33_1 == 36)) {
- alt33 = 1;
- }
- }
- switch (alt33) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1958:1: (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1958:1: (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1959:3: lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getInstantObsNameAccess().getPathQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleQualifiedName_in_ruleInstantObsName4383);
- lv_path_0_0 = ruleQualifiedName();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getInstantObsNameRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "path",
- lv_path_0_0,
- "QualifiedName");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1975:3: ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1976:1: (otherlv_1= RULE_ID )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1976:1: (otherlv_1= RULE_ID )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1977:3: otherlv_1= RULE_ID
- {
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getInstantObsNameRule());
- }
- otherlv_1 = (Token) match(input, RULE_ID, FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleInstantObsName4404);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getInstantObsNameAccess().getInstantIdTimeObservationCrossReference_1_0());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleInstantObsName"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleDurationObsExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1996:1: entryRuleDurationObsExpression returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleDurationObsExpression= ruleDurationObsExpression EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleDurationObsExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleDurationObsExpression = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1997:2: (iv_ruleDurationObsExpression= ruleDurationObsExpression
- // EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:1998:2: iv_ruleDurationObsExpression= ruleDurationObsExpression
- // EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDurationObsExpression_in_entryRuleDurationObsExpression4440);
- iv_ruleDurationObsExpression = ruleDurationObsExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleDurationObsExpression;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDurationObsExpression4450);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleDurationObsExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleDurationObsExpression"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2005:1: ruleDurationObsExpression returns [EObject current=null] :
- // (otherlv_0= '&' ( (lv_id_1_0= ruleDurationObsName ) ) (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_index_3_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_4= ')' )? (otherlv_5= 'when' otherlv_6= '(' ( (lv_condition_7_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_8= ')' )? ) ;
- public final EObject ruleDurationObsExpression() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token otherlv_0 = null;
- Token otherlv_2 = null;
- Token otherlv_4 = null;
- Token otherlv_5 = null;
- Token otherlv_6 = null;
- Token otherlv_8 = null;
- EObject lv_id_1_0 = null;
- EObject lv_index_3_0 = null;
- EObject lv_condition_7_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2008:28: ( (otherlv_0= '&' ( (lv_id_1_0= ruleDurationObsName ) )
- // (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_index_3_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_4= ')' )? (otherlv_5= 'when' otherlv_6= '(' ( (lv_condition_7_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_8= ')' )? ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2009:1: (otherlv_0= '&' ( (lv_id_1_0= ruleDurationObsName ) )
- // (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_index_3_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_4= ')' )? (otherlv_5= 'when' otherlv_6= '(' ( (lv_condition_7_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_8= ')' )? )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2009:1: (otherlv_0= '&' ( (lv_id_1_0= ruleDurationObsName ) )
- // (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_index_3_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_4= ')' )? (otherlv_5= 'when' otherlv_6= '(' ( (lv_condition_7_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_8= ')' )? )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2009:3: otherlv_0= '&' ( (lv_id_1_0= ruleDurationObsName ) )
- // (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_index_3_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_4= ')' )? (otherlv_5= 'when' otherlv_6= '(' ( (lv_condition_7_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_8= ')' )?
- {
- otherlv_0 = (Token) match(input, 46, FOLLOW_46_in_ruleDurationObsExpression4487);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getAmpersandKeyword_0());
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2013:1: ( (lv_id_1_0= ruleDurationObsName ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2014:1: (lv_id_1_0= ruleDurationObsName )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2014:1: (lv_id_1_0= ruleDurationObsName )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2015:3: lv_id_1_0= ruleDurationObsName
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getIdDurationObsNameParserRuleCall_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDurationObsName_in_ruleDurationObsExpression4508);
- lv_id_1_0 = ruleDurationObsName();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "id",
- lv_id_1_0,
- "DurationObsName");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2031:2: (otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_index_3_0= ruleExpression )
- // ) otherlv_4= ')' )?
- int alt34 = 2;
- int LA34_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA34_0 == 34)) {
- alt34 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt34) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2031:4: otherlv_2= '(' ( (lv_index_3_0= ruleExpression )
- // ) otherlv_4= ')'
- {
- otherlv_2 = (Token) match(input, 34, FOLLOW_34_in_ruleDurationObsExpression4521);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_2_0());
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2035:1: ( (lv_index_3_0= ruleExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2036:1: (lv_index_3_0= ruleExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2036:1: (lv_index_3_0= ruleExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2037:3: lv_index_3_0= ruleExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getIndexExpressionParserRuleCall_2_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_ruleDurationObsExpression4542);
- lv_index_3_0 = ruleExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "index",
- lv_index_3_0,
- "Expression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- otherlv_4 = (Token) match(input, 35, FOLLOW_35_in_ruleDurationObsExpression4554);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_2_2());
- }
- break;
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2057:3: (otherlv_5= 'when' otherlv_6= '(' (
- // (lv_condition_7_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_8= ')' )?
- int alt35 = 2;
- int LA35_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA35_0 == 45)) {
- alt35 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt35) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2057:5: otherlv_5= 'when' otherlv_6= '(' (
- // (lv_condition_7_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_8= ')'
- {
- otherlv_5 = (Token) match(input, 45, FOLLOW_45_in_ruleDurationObsExpression4569);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getWhenKeyword_3_0());
- otherlv_6 = (Token) match(input, 34, FOLLOW_34_in_ruleDurationObsExpression4581);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_6, grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_3_1());
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2065:1: ( (lv_condition_7_0= ruleExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2066:1: (lv_condition_7_0= ruleExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2066:1: (lv_condition_7_0= ruleExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2067:3: lv_condition_7_0= ruleExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getConditionExpressionParserRuleCall_3_2_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_ruleDurationObsExpression4602);
- lv_condition_7_0 = ruleExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "condition",
- lv_condition_7_0,
- "Expression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- otherlv_8 = (Token) match(input, 35, FOLLOW_35_in_ruleDurationObsExpression4614);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_8, grammarAccess.getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_3_3());
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleDurationObsExpression"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleDurationObsName"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2095:1: entryRuleDurationObsName returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleDurationObsName= ruleDurationObsName EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleDurationObsName() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleDurationObsName = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2096:2: (iv_ruleDurationObsName= ruleDurationObsName EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2097:2: iv_ruleDurationObsName= ruleDurationObsName EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getDurationObsNameRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDurationObsName_in_entryRuleDurationObsName4652);
- iv_ruleDurationObsName = ruleDurationObsName();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleDurationObsName;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDurationObsName4662);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleDurationObsName"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleDurationObsName"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2104:1: ruleDurationObsName returns [EObject current=null] : ( (
- // (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )? ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
- public final EObject ruleDurationObsName() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token otherlv_1 = null;
- EObject lv_path_0_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2107:28: ( ( ( (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )? ( (otherlv_1=
- // RULE_ID ) ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2108:1: ( ( (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )? ( (otherlv_1=
- // RULE_ID ) ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2108:1: ( ( (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )? (
- // (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2108:2: ( (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )? ( (otherlv_1=
- // RULE_ID ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2108:2: ( (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )?
- int alt36 = 2;
- int LA36_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA36_0 == RULE_ID)) {
- int LA36_1 = input.LA(2);
- if ((LA36_1 == 36)) {
- alt36 = 1;
- }
- }
- switch (alt36) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2109:1: (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2109:1: (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2110:3: lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getDurationObsNameAccess().getPathQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleQualifiedName_in_ruleDurationObsName4708);
- lv_path_0_0 = ruleQualifiedName();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getDurationObsNameRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "path",
- lv_path_0_0,
- "QualifiedName");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2126:3: ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2127:1: (otherlv_1= RULE_ID )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2127:1: (otherlv_1= RULE_ID )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2128:3: otherlv_1= RULE_ID
- {
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getDurationObsNameRule());
- }
- otherlv_1 = (Token) match(input, RULE_ID, FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleDurationObsName4729);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getDurationObsNameAccess().getDurationIdDurationObservationCrossReference_1_0());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleDurationObsName"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleJitterExp"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2147:1: entryRuleJitterExp returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleJitterExp= ruleJitterExp EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleJitterExp() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleJitterExp = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2148:2: (iv_ruleJitterExp= ruleJitterExp EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2149:2: iv_ruleJitterExp= ruleJitterExp EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getJitterExpRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleJitterExp_in_entryRuleJitterExp4765);
- iv_ruleJitterExp = ruleJitterExp();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleJitterExp;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleJitterExp4775);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleJitterExp"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleJitterExp"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2156:1: ruleJitterExp returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0=
- // 'jitter(' ( (lv_firstInstant_1_0= ruleInstantObsExpression ) ) (otherlv_2= '-' ( (lv_secondInstant_3_0= ruleInstantObsExpression ) ) )? otherlv_4= ')' ) ;
- public final EObject ruleJitterExp() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token otherlv_0 = null;
- Token otherlv_2 = null;
- Token otherlv_4 = null;
- EObject lv_firstInstant_1_0 = null;
- EObject lv_secondInstant_3_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2159:28: ( (otherlv_0= 'jitter(' ( (lv_firstInstant_1_0=
- // ruleInstantObsExpression ) ) (otherlv_2= '-' ( (lv_secondInstant_3_0= ruleInstantObsExpression ) ) )? otherlv_4= ')' ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2160:1: (otherlv_0= 'jitter(' ( (lv_firstInstant_1_0=
- // ruleInstantObsExpression ) ) (otherlv_2= '-' ( (lv_secondInstant_3_0= ruleInstantObsExpression ) ) )? otherlv_4= ')' )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2160:1: (otherlv_0= 'jitter(' ( (lv_firstInstant_1_0=
- // ruleInstantObsExpression ) ) (otherlv_2= '-' ( (lv_secondInstant_3_0= ruleInstantObsExpression ) ) )? otherlv_4= ')' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2160:3: otherlv_0= 'jitter(' ( (lv_firstInstant_1_0=
- // ruleInstantObsExpression ) ) (otherlv_2= '-' ( (lv_secondInstant_3_0= ruleInstantObsExpression ) ) )? otherlv_4= ')'
- {
- otherlv_0 = (Token) match(input, 47, FOLLOW_47_in_ruleJitterExp4812);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getJitterExpAccess().getJitterKeyword_0());
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2164:1: ( (lv_firstInstant_1_0= ruleInstantObsExpression
- // ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2165:1: (lv_firstInstant_1_0= ruleInstantObsExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2165:1: (lv_firstInstant_1_0=
- // ruleInstantObsExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2166:3: lv_firstInstant_1_0= ruleInstantObsExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getJitterExpAccess().getFirstInstantInstantObsExpressionParserRuleCall_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleInstantObsExpression_in_ruleJitterExp4833);
- lv_firstInstant_1_0 = ruleInstantObsExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getJitterExpRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "firstInstant",
- lv_firstInstant_1_0,
- "InstantObsExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2182:2: (otherlv_2= '-' ( (lv_secondInstant_3_0=
- // ruleInstantObsExpression ) ) )?
- int alt37 = 2;
- int LA37_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA37_0 == 28)) {
- alt37 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt37) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2182:4: otherlv_2= '-' ( (lv_secondInstant_3_0=
- // ruleInstantObsExpression ) )
- {
- otherlv_2 = (Token) match(input, 28, FOLLOW_28_in_ruleJitterExp4846);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getJitterExpAccess().getHyphenMinusKeyword_2_0());
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2186:1: ( (lv_secondInstant_3_0=
- // ruleInstantObsExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2187:1: (lv_secondInstant_3_0=
- // ruleInstantObsExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2187:1: (lv_secondInstant_3_0=
- // ruleInstantObsExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2188:3: lv_secondInstant_3_0=
- // ruleInstantObsExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getJitterExpAccess().getSecondInstantInstantObsExpressionParserRuleCall_2_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleInstantObsExpression_in_ruleJitterExp4867);
- lv_secondInstant_3_0 = ruleInstantObsExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getJitterExpRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "secondInstant",
- lv_secondInstant_3_0,
- "InstantObsExpression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- otherlv_4 = (Token) match(input, 35, FOLLOW_35_in_ruleJitterExp4881);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getJitterExpAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_3());
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleJitterExp"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVariableDeclaration"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2216:1: entryRuleVariableDeclaration returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleVariableDeclaration= ruleVariableDeclaration EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleVariableDeclaration() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleVariableDeclaration = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2217:2: (iv_ruleVariableDeclaration= ruleVariableDeclaration EOF
- // )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2218:2: iv_ruleVariableDeclaration= ruleVariableDeclaration EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleVariableDeclaration_in_entryRuleVariableDeclaration4917);
- iv_ruleVariableDeclaration = ruleVariableDeclaration();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleVariableDeclaration;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleVariableDeclaration4927);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVariableDeclaration"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleVariableDeclaration"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2225:1: ruleVariableDeclaration returns [EObject current=null] : ( (
- // (lv_variableDeclaration_0_0= ruleVariableDirectionKind ) )? otherlv_1= '$' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (otherlv_3= ':' ( (lv_type_4_0= ruleDataTypeName ) ) (otherlv_5= '=' otherlv_6= '(' ( (lv_initValue_7_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_8= ')' )? ) |
- // (otherlv_9= '=' otherlv_10= '(' ( (lv_initValue_11_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_12= ')' ) ) ) ;
- public final EObject ruleVariableDeclaration() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token otherlv_1 = null;
- Token lv_name_2_0 = null;
- Token otherlv_3 = null;
- Token otherlv_5 = null;
- Token otherlv_6 = null;
- Token otherlv_8 = null;
- Token otherlv_9 = null;
- Token otherlv_10 = null;
- Token otherlv_12 = null;
- AntlrDatatypeRuleToken lv_variableDeclaration_0_0 = null;
- EObject lv_type_4_0 = null;
- EObject lv_initValue_7_0 = null;
- EObject lv_initValue_11_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2228:28: ( ( ( (lv_variableDeclaration_0_0=
- // ruleVariableDirectionKind ) )? otherlv_1= '$' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (otherlv_3= ':' ( (lv_type_4_0= ruleDataTypeName ) ) (otherlv_5= '=' otherlv_6= '(' ( (lv_initValue_7_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_8= ')' )? ) | (otherlv_9= '='
- // otherlv_10= '(' ( (lv_initValue_11_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_12= ')' ) ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2229:1: ( ( (lv_variableDeclaration_0_0=
- // ruleVariableDirectionKind ) )? otherlv_1= '$' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (otherlv_3= ':' ( (lv_type_4_0= ruleDataTypeName ) ) (otherlv_5= '=' otherlv_6= '(' ( (lv_initValue_7_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_8= ')' )? ) | (otherlv_9= '='
- // otherlv_10= '(' ( (lv_initValue_11_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_12= ')' ) ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2229:1: ( ( (lv_variableDeclaration_0_0=
- // ruleVariableDirectionKind ) )? otherlv_1= '$' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (otherlv_3= ':' ( (lv_type_4_0= ruleDataTypeName ) ) (otherlv_5= '=' otherlv_6= '(' ( (lv_initValue_7_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_8= ')' )? ) | (otherlv_9= '='
- // otherlv_10= '(' ( (lv_initValue_11_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_12= ')' ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2229:2: ( (lv_variableDeclaration_0_0=
- // ruleVariableDirectionKind ) )? otherlv_1= '$' ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (otherlv_3= ':' ( (lv_type_4_0= ruleDataTypeName ) ) (otherlv_5= '=' otherlv_6= '(' ( (lv_initValue_7_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_8= ')' )? ) | (otherlv_9= '='
- // otherlv_10= '(' ( (lv_initValue_11_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_12= ')' ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2229:2: ( (lv_variableDeclaration_0_0=
- // ruleVariableDirectionKind ) )?
- int alt38 = 2;
- int LA38_0 = input.LA(1);
- if (((LA38_0 >= 49 && LA38_0 <= 51))) {
- alt38 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt38) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2230:1: (lv_variableDeclaration_0_0=
- // ruleVariableDirectionKind )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2230:1: (lv_variableDeclaration_0_0=
- // ruleVariableDirectionKind )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2231:3: lv_variableDeclaration_0_0=
- // ruleVariableDirectionKind
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getVariableDeclarationVariableDirectionKindParserRuleCall_0_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleVariableDirectionKind_in_ruleVariableDeclaration4973);
- lv_variableDeclaration_0_0 = ruleVariableDirectionKind();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "variableDeclaration",
- lv_variableDeclaration_0_0,
- "VariableDirectionKind");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- otherlv_1 = (Token) match(input, 48, FOLLOW_48_in_ruleVariableDeclaration4986);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getDollarSignKeyword_1());
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2251:1: ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2252:1: (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2252:1: (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2253:3: lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID
- {
- lv_name_2_0 = (Token) match(input, RULE_ID, FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleVariableDeclaration5003);
- newLeafNode(lv_name_2_0, grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_2_0());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(
- current,
- "name",
- lv_name_2_0,
- "ID");
- }
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2269:2: ( (otherlv_3= ':' ( (lv_type_4_0=
- // ruleDataTypeName ) ) (otherlv_5= '=' otherlv_6= '(' ( (lv_initValue_7_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_8= ')' )? ) | (otherlv_9= '=' otherlv_10= '(' ( (lv_initValue_11_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_12= ')' ) )
- int alt40 = 2;
- int LA40_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA40_0 == 26)) {
- alt40 = 1;
- }
- else if ((LA40_0 == 43)) {
- alt40 = 2;
- }
- else {
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 40, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt40) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2269:3: (otherlv_3= ':' ( (lv_type_4_0= ruleDataTypeName
- // ) ) (otherlv_5= '=' otherlv_6= '(' ( (lv_initValue_7_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_8= ')' )? )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2269:3: (otherlv_3= ':' ( (lv_type_4_0=
- // ruleDataTypeName ) ) (otherlv_5= '=' otherlv_6= '(' ( (lv_initValue_7_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_8= ')' )? )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2269:5: otherlv_3= ':' ( (lv_type_4_0=
- // ruleDataTypeName ) ) (otherlv_5= '=' otherlv_6= '(' ( (lv_initValue_7_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_8= ')' )?
- {
- otherlv_3 = (Token) match(input, 26, FOLLOW_26_in_ruleVariableDeclaration5022);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getColonKeyword_3_0_0());
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2273:1: ( (lv_type_4_0= ruleDataTypeName ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2274:1: (lv_type_4_0= ruleDataTypeName )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2274:1: (lv_type_4_0= ruleDataTypeName )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2275:3: lv_type_4_0= ruleDataTypeName
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getTypeDataTypeNameParserRuleCall_3_0_1_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDataTypeName_in_ruleVariableDeclaration5043);
- lv_type_4_0 = ruleDataTypeName();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "type",
- lv_type_4_0,
- "DataTypeName");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2291:2: (otherlv_5= '=' otherlv_6= '(' (
- // (lv_initValue_7_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_8= ')' )?
- int alt39 = 2;
- int LA39_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA39_0 == 43)) {
- alt39 = 1;
- }
- switch (alt39) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2291:4: otherlv_5= '=' otherlv_6= '(' (
- // (lv_initValue_7_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_8= ')'
- {
- otherlv_5 = (Token) match(input, 43, FOLLOW_43_in_ruleVariableDeclaration5056);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_3_0_2_0());
- otherlv_6 = (Token) match(input, 34, FOLLOW_34_in_ruleVariableDeclaration5068);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_6, grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_3_0_2_1());
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2299:1: ( (lv_initValue_7_0= ruleExpression )
- // )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2300:1: (lv_initValue_7_0= ruleExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2300:1: (lv_initValue_7_0= ruleExpression
- // )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2301:3: lv_initValue_7_0= ruleExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getInitValueExpressionParserRuleCall_3_0_2_2_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_ruleVariableDeclaration5089);
- lv_initValue_7_0 = ruleExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "initValue",
- lv_initValue_7_0,
- "Expression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- otherlv_8 = (Token) match(input, 35, FOLLOW_35_in_ruleVariableDeclaration5101);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_8, grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_3_0_2_3());
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2322:6: (otherlv_9= '=' otherlv_10= '(' (
- // (lv_initValue_11_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_12= ')' )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2322:6: (otherlv_9= '=' otherlv_10= '(' (
- // (lv_initValue_11_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_12= ')' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2322:8: otherlv_9= '=' otherlv_10= '(' (
- // (lv_initValue_11_0= ruleExpression ) ) otherlv_12= ')'
- {
- otherlv_9 = (Token) match(input, 43, FOLLOW_43_in_ruleVariableDeclaration5123);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_9, grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_3_1_0());
- otherlv_10 = (Token) match(input, 34, FOLLOW_34_in_ruleVariableDeclaration5135);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_10, grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_3_1_1());
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2330:1: ( (lv_initValue_11_0= ruleExpression ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2331:1: (lv_initValue_11_0= ruleExpression )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2331:1: (lv_initValue_11_0= ruleExpression )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2332:3: lv_initValue_11_0= ruleExpression
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getInitValueExpressionParserRuleCall_3_1_2_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_ruleVariableDeclaration5156);
- lv_initValue_11_0 = ruleExpression();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "initValue",
- lv_initValue_11_0,
- "Expression");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- otherlv_12 = (Token) match(input, 35, FOLLOW_35_in_ruleVariableDeclaration5168);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_12, grammarAccess.getVariableDeclarationAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_3_1_3());
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleVariableDeclaration"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVariableDirectionKind"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2360:1: entryRuleVariableDirectionKind returns [String current=null] :
- // iv_ruleVariableDirectionKind= ruleVariableDirectionKind EOF ;
- public final String entryRuleVariableDirectionKind() throws RecognitionException {
- String current = null;
- AntlrDatatypeRuleToken iv_ruleVariableDirectionKind = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2361:2: (iv_ruleVariableDirectionKind= ruleVariableDirectionKind
- // EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2362:2: iv_ruleVariableDirectionKind= ruleVariableDirectionKind
- // EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getVariableDirectionKindRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleVariableDirectionKind_in_entryRuleVariableDirectionKind5207);
- iv_ruleVariableDirectionKind = ruleVariableDirectionKind();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleVariableDirectionKind.getText();
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleVariableDirectionKind5218);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVariableDirectionKind"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleVariableDirectionKind"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2369:1: ruleVariableDirectionKind returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken
- // current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : (kw= 'in' | kw= 'out' | kw= 'inout' ) ;
- public final AntlrDatatypeRuleToken ruleVariableDirectionKind() throws RecognitionException {
- AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current = new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken();
- Token kw = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2372:28: ( (kw= 'in' | kw= 'out' | kw= 'inout' ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2373:1: (kw= 'in' | kw= 'out' | kw= 'inout' )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2373:1: (kw= 'in' | kw= 'out' | kw= 'inout' )
- int alt41 = 3;
- switch (input.LA(1)) {
- case 49: {
- alt41 = 1;
- }
- break;
- case 50: {
- alt41 = 2;
- }
- break;
- case 51: {
- alt41 = 3;
- }
- break;
- default:
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 41, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt41) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2374:2: kw= 'in'
- {
- kw = (Token) match(input, 49, FOLLOW_49_in_ruleVariableDirectionKind5256);
- current.merge(kw);
- newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getVariableDirectionKindAccess().getInKeyword_0());
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2381:2: kw= 'out'
- {
- kw = (Token) match(input, 50, FOLLOW_50_in_ruleVariableDirectionKind5275);
- current.merge(kw);
- newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getVariableDirectionKindAccess().getOutKeyword_1());
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2388:2: kw= 'inout'
- {
- kw = (Token) match(input, 51, FOLLOW_51_in_ruleVariableDirectionKind5294);
- current.merge(kw);
- newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getVariableDirectionKindAccess().getInoutKeyword_2());
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleVariableDirectionKind"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleDataTypeName"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2401:1: entryRuleDataTypeName returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleDataTypeName= ruleDataTypeName EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleDataTypeName() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleDataTypeName = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2402:2: (iv_ruleDataTypeName= ruleDataTypeName EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2403:2: iv_ruleDataTypeName= ruleDataTypeName EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getDataTypeNameRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDataTypeName_in_entryRuleDataTypeName5334);
- iv_ruleDataTypeName = ruleDataTypeName();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleDataTypeName;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDataTypeName5344);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleDataTypeName"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleDataTypeName"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2410:1: ruleDataTypeName returns [EObject current=null] : ( (
- // (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )? ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) ) ;
- public final EObject ruleDataTypeName() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token otherlv_1 = null;
- EObject lv_path_0_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2413:28: ( ( ( (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )? ( (otherlv_1=
- // RULE_ID ) ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2414:1: ( ( (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )? ( (otherlv_1=
- // RULE_ID ) ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2414:1: ( ( (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )? (
- // (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2414:2: ( (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )? ( (otherlv_1=
- // RULE_ID ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2414:2: ( (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName ) )?
- int alt42 = 2;
- int LA42_0 = input.LA(1);
- if ((LA42_0 == RULE_ID)) {
- int LA42_1 = input.LA(2);
- if ((LA42_1 == 36)) {
- alt42 = 1;
- }
- }
- switch (alt42) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2415:1: (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2415:1: (lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2416:3: lv_path_0_0= ruleQualifiedName
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getDataTypeNameAccess().getPathQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleQualifiedName_in_ruleDataTypeName5390);
- lv_path_0_0 = ruleQualifiedName();
- state._fsp--;
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getDataTypeNameRule());
- }
- set(
- current,
- "path",
- lv_path_0_0,
- "QualifiedName");
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2432:3: ( (otherlv_1= RULE_ID ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2433:1: (otherlv_1= RULE_ID )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2433:1: (otherlv_1= RULE_ID )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2434:3: otherlv_1= RULE_ID
- {
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getDataTypeNameRule());
- }
- otherlv_1 = (Token) match(input, RULE_ID, FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleDataTypeName5411);
- newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getDataTypeNameAccess().getTypeDataTypeCrossReference_1_0());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleDataTypeName"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleNumberLiteralRule"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2453:1: entryRuleNumberLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleNumberLiteralRule= ruleNumberLiteralRule EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleNumberLiteralRule() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleNumberLiteralRule = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2454:2: (iv_ruleNumberLiteralRule= ruleNumberLiteralRule EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2455:2: iv_ruleNumberLiteralRule= ruleNumberLiteralRule EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNumberLiteralRuleRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleNumberLiteralRule_in_entryRuleNumberLiteralRule5447);
- iv_ruleNumberLiteralRule = ruleNumberLiteralRule();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleNumberLiteralRule;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleNumberLiteralRule5457);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleNumberLiteralRule"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleNumberLiteralRule"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2462:1: ruleNumberLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null] :
- // (this_IntegerLiteralRule_0= ruleIntegerLiteralRule | this_UnlimitedLiteralRule_1= ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule | this_RealLiteralRule_2= ruleRealLiteralRule ) ;
- public final EObject ruleNumberLiteralRule() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject this_IntegerLiteralRule_0 = null;
- EObject this_UnlimitedLiteralRule_1 = null;
- EObject this_RealLiteralRule_2 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2465:28: ( (this_IntegerLiteralRule_0= ruleIntegerLiteralRule |
- // this_UnlimitedLiteralRule_1= ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule | this_RealLiteralRule_2= ruleRealLiteralRule ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2466:1: (this_IntegerLiteralRule_0= ruleIntegerLiteralRule |
- // this_UnlimitedLiteralRule_1= ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule | this_RealLiteralRule_2= ruleRealLiteralRule )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2466:1: (this_IntegerLiteralRule_0= ruleIntegerLiteralRule |
- // this_UnlimitedLiteralRule_1= ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule | this_RealLiteralRule_2= ruleRealLiteralRule )
- int alt43 = 3;
- switch (input.LA(1)) {
- alt43 = 1;
- }
- break;
- case 29: {
- alt43 = 2;
- }
- break;
- alt43 = 3;
- }
- break;
- default:
- NoViableAltException nvae =
- new NoViableAltException("", 43, 0, input);
- throw nvae;
- }
- switch (alt43) {
- case 1:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2467:5: this_IntegerLiteralRule_0= ruleIntegerLiteralRule
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNumberLiteralRuleAccess().getIntegerLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_0());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleIntegerLiteralRule_in_ruleNumberLiteralRule5504);
- this_IntegerLiteralRule_0 = ruleIntegerLiteralRule();
- state._fsp--;
- current = this_IntegerLiteralRule_0;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2477:5: this_UnlimitedLiteralRule_1= ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNumberLiteralRuleAccess().getUnlimitedLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_1());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule_in_ruleNumberLiteralRule5531);
- this_UnlimitedLiteralRule_1 = ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule();
- state._fsp--;
- current = this_UnlimitedLiteralRule_1;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2487:5: this_RealLiteralRule_2= ruleRealLiteralRule
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNumberLiteralRuleAccess().getRealLiteralRuleParserRuleCall_2());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRealLiteralRule_in_ruleNumberLiteralRule5558);
- this_RealLiteralRule_2 = ruleRealLiteralRule();
- state._fsp--;
- current = this_RealLiteralRule_2;
- afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleNumberLiteralRule"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleIntegerLiteralRule"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2503:1: entryRuleIntegerLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleIntegerLiteralRule= ruleIntegerLiteralRule EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleIntegerLiteralRule() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleIntegerLiteralRule = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2504:2: (iv_ruleIntegerLiteralRule= ruleIntegerLiteralRule EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2505:2: iv_ruleIntegerLiteralRule= ruleIntegerLiteralRule EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getIntegerLiteralRuleRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleIntegerLiteralRule_in_entryRuleIntegerLiteralRule5593);
- iv_ruleIntegerLiteralRule = ruleIntegerLiteralRule();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleIntegerLiteralRule;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleIntegerLiteralRule5603);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleIntegerLiteralRule"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleIntegerLiteralRule"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2512:1: ruleIntegerLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null] : (
- // (lv_value_0_0= RULE_INTEGERLITERAL ) ) ;
- public final EObject ruleIntegerLiteralRule() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token lv_value_0_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2515:28: ( ( (lv_value_0_0= RULE_INTEGERLITERAL ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2516:1: ( (lv_value_0_0= RULE_INTEGERLITERAL ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2516:1: ( (lv_value_0_0= RULE_INTEGERLITERAL ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2517:1: (lv_value_0_0= RULE_INTEGERLITERAL )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2517:1: (lv_value_0_0= RULE_INTEGERLITERAL )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2518:3: lv_value_0_0= RULE_INTEGERLITERAL
- {
- lv_value_0_0 = (Token) match(input, RULE_INTEGERLITERAL, FOLLOW_RULE_INTEGERLITERAL_in_ruleIntegerLiteralRule5644);
- newLeafNode(lv_value_0_0, grammarAccess.getIntegerLiteralRuleAccess().getValueIntegerLiteralTerminalRuleCall_0());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getIntegerLiteralRuleRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(
- current,
- "value",
- lv_value_0_0,
- "IntegerLiteral");
- }
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleIntegerLiteralRule"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleUnlimitedLiteralRule"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2542:1: entryRuleUnlimitedLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule= ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleUnlimitedLiteralRule() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2543:2: (iv_ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule= ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule
- // EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2544:2: iv_ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule= ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralRuleRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule_in_entryRuleUnlimitedLiteralRule5684);
- iv_ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule = ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleUnlimitedLiteralRule5694);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleUnlimitedLiteralRule"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2551:1: ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null] : (
- // (lv_value_0_0= '*' ) ) ;
- public final EObject ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token lv_value_0_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2554:28: ( ( (lv_value_0_0= '*' ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2555:1: ( (lv_value_0_0= '*' ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2555:1: ( (lv_value_0_0= '*' ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2556:1: (lv_value_0_0= '*' )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2556:1: (lv_value_0_0= '*' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2557:3: lv_value_0_0= '*'
- {
- lv_value_0_0 = (Token) match(input, 29, FOLLOW_29_in_ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule5736);
- newLeafNode(lv_value_0_0, grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralRuleAccess().getValueAsteriskKeyword_0());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getUnlimitedLiteralRuleRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(current, "value", lv_value_0_0, "*");
- }
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleRealLiteralRule"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2578:1: entryRuleRealLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleRealLiteralRule= ruleRealLiteralRule EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleRealLiteralRule() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleRealLiteralRule = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2579:2: (iv_ruleRealLiteralRule= ruleRealLiteralRule EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2580:2: iv_ruleRealLiteralRule= ruleRealLiteralRule EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getRealLiteralRuleRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRealLiteralRule_in_entryRuleRealLiteralRule5784);
- iv_ruleRealLiteralRule = ruleRealLiteralRule();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleRealLiteralRule;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRealLiteralRule5794);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleRealLiteralRule"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleRealLiteralRule"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2587:1: ruleRealLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null] : (
- // (lv_value_0_0= RULE_REALLITERAL ) ) ;
- public final EObject ruleRealLiteralRule() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token lv_value_0_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2590:28: ( ( (lv_value_0_0= RULE_REALLITERAL ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2591:1: ( (lv_value_0_0= RULE_REALLITERAL ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2591:1: ( (lv_value_0_0= RULE_REALLITERAL ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2592:1: (lv_value_0_0= RULE_REALLITERAL )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2592:1: (lv_value_0_0= RULE_REALLITERAL )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2593:3: lv_value_0_0= RULE_REALLITERAL
- {
- lv_value_0_0 = (Token) match(input, RULE_REALLITERAL, FOLLOW_RULE_REALLITERAL_in_ruleRealLiteralRule5835);
- newLeafNode(lv_value_0_0, grammarAccess.getRealLiteralRuleAccess().getValueRealLiteralTerminalRuleCall_0());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRealLiteralRuleRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(
- current,
- "value",
- lv_value_0_0,
- "RealLiteral");
- }
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleRealLiteralRule"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleDateTimeLiteralRule"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2617:1: entryRuleDateTimeLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleDateTimeLiteralRule= ruleDateTimeLiteralRule EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleDateTimeLiteralRule() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleDateTimeLiteralRule = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2618:2: (iv_ruleDateTimeLiteralRule= ruleDateTimeLiteralRule EOF
- // )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2619:2: iv_ruleDateTimeLiteralRule= ruleDateTimeLiteralRule EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getDateTimeLiteralRuleRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDateTimeLiteralRule_in_entryRuleDateTimeLiteralRule5875);
- iv_ruleDateTimeLiteralRule = ruleDateTimeLiteralRule();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleDateTimeLiteralRule;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDateTimeLiteralRule5885);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleDateTimeLiteralRule"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleDateTimeLiteralRule"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2626:1: ruleDateTimeLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null] : (
- // (lv_value_0_0= RULE_DATETIMELITERAL ) ) ;
- public final EObject ruleDateTimeLiteralRule() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token lv_value_0_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2629:28: ( ( (lv_value_0_0= RULE_DATETIMELITERAL ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2630:1: ( (lv_value_0_0= RULE_DATETIMELITERAL ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2630:1: ( (lv_value_0_0= RULE_DATETIMELITERAL ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2631:1: (lv_value_0_0= RULE_DATETIMELITERAL )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2631:1: (lv_value_0_0= RULE_DATETIMELITERAL )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2632:3: lv_value_0_0= RULE_DATETIMELITERAL
- {
- lv_value_0_0 = (Token) match(input, RULE_DATETIMELITERAL, FOLLOW_RULE_DATETIMELITERAL_in_ruleDateTimeLiteralRule5926);
- newLeafNode(lv_value_0_0, grammarAccess.getDateTimeLiteralRuleAccess().getValueDateTimeLiteralTerminalRuleCall_0());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getDateTimeLiteralRuleRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(
- current,
- "value",
- lv_value_0_0,
- "DateTimeLiteral");
- }
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleDateTimeLiteralRule"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleBooleanLiteralRule"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2656:1: entryRuleBooleanLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleBooleanLiteralRule= ruleBooleanLiteralRule EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleBooleanLiteralRule() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleBooleanLiteralRule = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2657:2: (iv_ruleBooleanLiteralRule= ruleBooleanLiteralRule EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2658:2: iv_ruleBooleanLiteralRule= ruleBooleanLiteralRule EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralRuleRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleBooleanLiteralRule_in_entryRuleBooleanLiteralRule5966);
- iv_ruleBooleanLiteralRule = ruleBooleanLiteralRule();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleBooleanLiteralRule;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleBooleanLiteralRule5976);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleBooleanLiteralRule"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleBooleanLiteralRule"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2665:1: ruleBooleanLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null] : (
- // (lv_value_0_0= RULE_BOOLEANLITERAL ) ) ;
- public final EObject ruleBooleanLiteralRule() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token lv_value_0_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2668:28: ( ( (lv_value_0_0= RULE_BOOLEANLITERAL ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2669:1: ( (lv_value_0_0= RULE_BOOLEANLITERAL ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2669:1: ( (lv_value_0_0= RULE_BOOLEANLITERAL ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2670:1: (lv_value_0_0= RULE_BOOLEANLITERAL )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2670:1: (lv_value_0_0= RULE_BOOLEANLITERAL )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2671:3: lv_value_0_0= RULE_BOOLEANLITERAL
- {
- lv_value_0_0 = (Token) match(input, RULE_BOOLEANLITERAL, FOLLOW_RULE_BOOLEANLITERAL_in_ruleBooleanLiteralRule6017);
- newLeafNode(lv_value_0_0, grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralRuleAccess().getValueBooleanLiteralTerminalRuleCall_0());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getBooleanLiteralRuleRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(
- current,
- "value",
- lv_value_0_0,
- "BooleanLiteral");
- }
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleBooleanLiteralRule"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleNullLiteralRule"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2695:1: entryRuleNullLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleNullLiteralRule= ruleNullLiteralRule EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleNullLiteralRule() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleNullLiteralRule = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2696:2: (iv_ruleNullLiteralRule= ruleNullLiteralRule EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2697:2: iv_ruleNullLiteralRule= ruleNullLiteralRule EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNullLiteralRuleRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleNullLiteralRule_in_entryRuleNullLiteralRule6057);
- iv_ruleNullLiteralRule = ruleNullLiteralRule();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleNullLiteralRule;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleNullLiteralRule6067);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleNullLiteralRule"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleNullLiteralRule"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2704:1: ruleNullLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null] : (
- // (lv_value_0_0= RULE_NULLLITERAL ) ) ;
- public final EObject ruleNullLiteralRule() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token lv_value_0_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2707:28: ( ( (lv_value_0_0= RULE_NULLLITERAL ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2708:1: ( (lv_value_0_0= RULE_NULLLITERAL ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2708:1: ( (lv_value_0_0= RULE_NULLLITERAL ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2709:1: (lv_value_0_0= RULE_NULLLITERAL )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2709:1: (lv_value_0_0= RULE_NULLLITERAL )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2710:3: lv_value_0_0= RULE_NULLLITERAL
- {
- lv_value_0_0 = (Token) match(input, RULE_NULLLITERAL, FOLLOW_RULE_NULLLITERAL_in_ruleNullLiteralRule6108);
- newLeafNode(lv_value_0_0, grammarAccess.getNullLiteralRuleAccess().getValueNullLiteralTerminalRuleCall_0());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getNullLiteralRuleRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(
- current,
- "value",
- lv_value_0_0,
- "NullLiteral");
- }
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleNullLiteralRule"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleDefaultLiteralRule"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2734:1: entryRuleDefaultLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleDefaultLiteralRule= ruleDefaultLiteralRule EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleDefaultLiteralRule() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleDefaultLiteralRule = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2735:2: (iv_ruleDefaultLiteralRule= ruleDefaultLiteralRule EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2736:2: iv_ruleDefaultLiteralRule= ruleDefaultLiteralRule EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getDefaultLiteralRuleRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDefaultLiteralRule_in_entryRuleDefaultLiteralRule6148);
- iv_ruleDefaultLiteralRule = ruleDefaultLiteralRule();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleDefaultLiteralRule;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDefaultLiteralRule6158);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleDefaultLiteralRule"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleDefaultLiteralRule"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2743:1: ruleDefaultLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null] : (
- // (lv_value_0_0= '/' ) ) ;
- public final EObject ruleDefaultLiteralRule() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token lv_value_0_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2746:28: ( ( (lv_value_0_0= '/' ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2747:1: ( (lv_value_0_0= '/' ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2747:1: ( (lv_value_0_0= '/' ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2748:1: (lv_value_0_0= '/' )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2748:1: (lv_value_0_0= '/' )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2749:3: lv_value_0_0= '/'
- {
- lv_value_0_0 = (Token) match(input, 30, FOLLOW_30_in_ruleDefaultLiteralRule6200);
- newLeafNode(lv_value_0_0, grammarAccess.getDefaultLiteralRuleAccess().getValueSolidusKeyword_0());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getDefaultLiteralRuleRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(current, "value", lv_value_0_0, "/");
- }
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleDefaultLiteralRule"
- // $ANTLR start "entryRuleStringLiteralRule"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2770:1: entryRuleStringLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null] :
- // iv_ruleStringLiteralRule= ruleStringLiteralRule EOF ;
- public final EObject entryRuleStringLiteralRule() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- EObject iv_ruleStringLiteralRule = null;
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2771:2: (iv_ruleStringLiteralRule= ruleStringLiteralRule EOF )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2772:2: iv_ruleStringLiteralRule= ruleStringLiteralRule EOF
- {
- newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getStringLiteralRuleRule());
- pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleStringLiteralRule_in_entryRuleStringLiteralRule6248);
- iv_ruleStringLiteralRule = ruleStringLiteralRule();
- state._fsp--;
- current = iv_ruleStringLiteralRule;
- match(input, EOF, FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStringLiteralRule6258);
- }
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "entryRuleStringLiteralRule"
- // $ANTLR start "ruleStringLiteralRule"
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2779:1: ruleStringLiteralRule returns [EObject current=null] : (
- // (lv_value_0_0= RULE_STRING ) ) ;
- public final EObject ruleStringLiteralRule() throws RecognitionException {
- EObject current = null;
- Token lv_value_0_0 = null;
- enterRule();
- try {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2782:28: ( ( (lv_value_0_0= RULE_STRING ) ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2783:1: ( (lv_value_0_0= RULE_STRING ) )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2783:1: ( (lv_value_0_0= RULE_STRING ) )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2784:1: (lv_value_0_0= RULE_STRING )
- {
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2784:1: (lv_value_0_0= RULE_STRING )
- // ../org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/parser/antlr/internal/InternalConstraintWithVSLl.g:2785:3: lv_value_0_0= RULE_STRING
- {
- lv_value_0_0 = (Token) match(input, RULE_STRING, FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleStringLiteralRule6299);
- newLeafNode(lv_value_0_0, grammarAccess.getStringLiteralRuleAccess().getValueSTRINGTerminalRuleCall_0());
- if (current == null) {
- current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getStringLiteralRuleRule());
- }
- setWithLastConsumed(
- current,
- "value",
- lv_value_0_0,
- "STRING");
- }
- }
- }
- leaveRule();
- }
- catch (RecognitionException re) {
- recover(input, re);
- appendSkippedTokens();
- } finally {
- }
- return current;
- }
- // $ANTLR end "ruleStringLiteralRule"
- // Delegated rules
- protected DFA16 dfa16 = new DFA16(this);
- static final String DFA16_eotS =
- "\13\uffff";
- static final String DFA16_eofS =
- "\13\uffff";
- static final String DFA16_minS =
- "\1\4\3\uffff\1\4\4\uffff\1\20\1\uffff";
- static final String DFA16_maxS =
- "\1\63\3\uffff\1\63\4\uffff\1\53\1\uffff";
- static final String DFA16_acceptS =
- "\1\uffff\1\1\1\2\1\3\1\uffff\1\6\1\7\1\10\1\4\1\uffff\1\5";
- static final String DFA16_specialS =
- "\13\uffff}>";
- static final String[] DFA16_transitionS = {
- "\1\2\6\1\22\uffff\2\1\3\uffff\1\7\2\uffff\2\3\1\uffff\1\4\3" +
- "\uffff\1\5\1\uffff\2\5\4\6",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "\1\11\6\10\20\uffff\4\10\1\uffff\1\10\1\uffff\1\10\2\uffff" +
- "\2\10\1\uffff\1\10\3\uffff\1\10\1\uffff\6\10",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "\12\10\1\uffff\5\10\1\uffff\2\10\1\uffff\1\10\4\uffff\2\10" +
- "\1\12",
- ""
- };
- static final short[] DFA16_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA16_eotS);
- static final short[] DFA16_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA16_eofS);
- static final char[] DFA16_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA16_minS);
- static final char[] DFA16_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA16_maxS);
- static final short[] DFA16_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA16_acceptS);
- static final short[] DFA16_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA16_specialS);
- static final short[][] DFA16_transition;
- static {
- int numStates = DFA16_transitionS.length;
- DFA16_transition = new short[numStates][];
- for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) {
- DFA16_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA16_transitionS[i]);
- }
- }
- class DFA16 extends DFA {
- public DFA16(BaseRecognizer recognizer) {
- this.recognizer = recognizer;
- this.decisionNumber = 16;
- this.eot = DFA16_eot;
- this.eof = DFA16_eof;
- this.min = DFA16_min;
- this.max = DFA16_max;
- this.accept = DFA16_accept;
- this.special = DFA16_special;
- this.transition = DFA16_transition;
- }
- @Override
- public String getDescription() {
- return "935:1: (this_Literal_0= ruleLiteral | this_NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_1= ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall | this_Interval_2= ruleInterval | this_CollectionOrTuple_3= ruleCollectionOrTuple | this_Tuple_4= ruleTuple | this_TimeExpression_5= ruleTimeExpression | this_VariableDeclaration_6= ruleVariableDeclaration | (otherlv_7= '(' this_Expression_8= ruleExpression otherlv_9= ')' ) )";
- }
- }
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleConstraintRule_in_entryRuleConstraintRule75 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleConstraintRule85 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleConstraintSpecification_in_ruleConstraintRule130 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleConstraintSpecification_in_entryRuleConstraintSpecification166 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleConstraintSpecification176 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_ruleConstraintSpecification221 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_entryRuleExpression256 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleExpression266 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAndOrXorExpression_in_ruleExpression311 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAndOrXorExpression_in_entryRuleAndOrXorExpression346 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleAndOrXorExpression356 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleEqualityExpression_in_ruleAndOrXorExpression402 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000070002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleAndOrXorExpression423 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_17_in_ruleAndOrXorExpression452 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_18_in_ruleAndOrXorExpression481 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleEqualityExpression_in_ruleAndOrXorExpression518 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000070002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleEqualityExpression_in_entryRuleEqualityExpression556 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleEqualityExpression566 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRelationalExpression_in_ruleEqualityExpression612 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000180002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_ruleEqualityExpression633 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_20_in_ruleEqualityExpression662 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRelationalExpression_in_ruleEqualityExpression699 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000180002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRelationalExpression_in_entryRuleRelationalExpression737 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRelationalExpression747 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleConditionalExpression_in_ruleRelationalExpression793 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000001E00002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_21_in_ruleRelationalExpression814 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_22_in_ruleRelationalExpression843 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_23_in_ruleRelationalExpression872 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_24_in_ruleRelationalExpression901 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleConditionalExpression_in_ruleRelationalExpression938 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000001E00002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleConditionalExpression_in_entryRuleConditionalExpression976 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleConditionalExpression986 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAdditiveExpression_in_ruleConditionalExpression1032 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000002000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_25_in_ruleConditionalExpression1051 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAdditiveExpression_in_ruleConditionalExpression1085 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000004000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_26_in_ruleConditionalExpression1097 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAdditiveExpression_in_ruleConditionalExpression1118 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleAdditiveExpression_in_entryRuleAdditiveExpression1156 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleAdditiveExpression1166 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleMultiplicativeExpression_in_ruleAdditiveExpression1212 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000018000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_27_in_ruleAdditiveExpression1233 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_28_in_ruleAdditiveExpression1262 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleMultiplicativeExpression_in_ruleAdditiveExpression1299 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000018000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleMultiplicativeExpression_in_entryRuleMultiplicativeExpression1337 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleMultiplicativeExpression1347 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleUnaryExpression_in_ruleMultiplicativeExpression1393 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x00000000E0000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_29_in_ruleMultiplicativeExpression1414 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_ruleMultiplicativeExpression1443 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31_in_ruleMultiplicativeExpression1472 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleUnaryExpression_in_ruleMultiplicativeExpression1509 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x00000000E0000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleUnaryExpression_in_entryRuleUnaryExpression1547 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleUnaryExpression1557 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_32_in_ruleUnaryExpression1603 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_28_in_ruleUnaryExpression1632 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_27_in_ruleUnaryExpression1661 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleUnaryExpression_in_ruleUnaryExpression1698 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePrimaryExpression_in_ruleUnaryExpression1726 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePrimaryExpression_in_entryRulePrimaryExpression1762 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRulePrimaryExpression1772 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleValueSpecification_in_rulePrimaryExpression1818 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000200000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_33_in_rulePrimaryExpression1831 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000010L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSuffixExpression_in_rulePrimaryExpression1852 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleValueSpecification_in_entryRuleValueSpecification1890 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleValueSpecification1900 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleLiteral_in_ruleValueSpecification1947 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_in_ruleValueSpecification1974 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleInterval_in_ruleValueSpecification2001 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleCollectionOrTuple_in_ruleValueSpecification2028 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTuple_in_ruleValueSpecification2055 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTimeExpression_in_ruleValueSpecification2082 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleVariableDeclaration_in_ruleValueSpecification2109 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_34_in_ruleValueSpecification2127 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_ruleValueSpecification2149 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000800000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_35_in_ruleValueSpecification2160 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSuffixExpression_in_entryRuleSuffixExpression2197 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleSuffixExpression2207 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePropertyCallExpression_in_ruleSuffixExpression2254 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleOperationCallExpression_in_ruleSuffixExpression2281 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePropertyCallExpression_in_entryRulePropertyCallExpression2316 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRulePropertyCallExpression2326 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_rulePropertyCallExpression2371 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000200000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_33_in_rulePropertyCallExpression2384 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000010L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSuffixExpression_in_rulePropertyCallExpression2405 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleOperationCallExpression_in_entryRuleOperationCallExpression2443 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleOperationCallExpression2453 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleOperationCallExpression2498 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000400000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_34_in_ruleOperationCallExpression2510 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD16D780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleListOfValues_in_ruleOperationCallExpression2531 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000800000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_35_in_ruleOperationCallExpression2544 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000200000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_33_in_ruleOperationCallExpression2557 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000010L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleSuffixExpression_in_ruleOperationCallExpression2578 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleLiteral_in_entryRuleLiteral2616 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleLiteral2626 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleNumberLiteralRule_in_ruleLiteral2673 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDateTimeLiteralRule_in_ruleLiteral2700 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleBooleanLiteralRule_in_ruleLiteral2727 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleNullLiteralRule_in_ruleLiteral2754 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDefaultLiteralRule_in_ruleLiteral2781 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStringLiteralRule_in_ruleLiteral2808 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall_in_entryRuleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall2843 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall2853 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleQualifiedName_in_ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall2899 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000010L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall2920 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000400000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_34_in_ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall2933 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD16D780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleListOfValues_in_ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall2954 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000800000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_35_in_ruleNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall2967 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleQualifiedName_in_entryRuleQualifiedName3005 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleQualifiedName3015 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleQualifiedName3060 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000001000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_36_in_ruleQualifiedName3072 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000012L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleQualifiedName_in_ruleQualifiedName3093 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleInterval_in_entryRuleInterval3130 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleInterval3140 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_37_in_ruleInterval3178 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_38_in_ruleInterval3202 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_ruleInterval3237 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000008000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_39_in_ruleInterval3249 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_ruleInterval3270 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000006000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_37_in_ruleInterval3289 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_38_in_ruleInterval3320 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleCollectionOrTuple_in_entryRuleCollectionOrTuple3357 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleCollectionOrTuple3367 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_40_in_ruleCollectionOrTuple3404 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleListOfValues_in_ruleCollectionOrTuple3425 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000020000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_41_in_ruleCollectionOrTuple3437 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTuple_in_entryRuleTuple3473 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTuple3483 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_40_in_ruleTuple3520 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000010L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleListOfValueNamePairs_in_ruleTuple3541 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000020000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_41_in_ruleTuple3553 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleListOfValues_in_entryRuleListOfValues3589 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleListOfValues3599 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_ruleListOfValues3645 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000040000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_42_in_ruleListOfValues3658 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_ruleListOfValues3679 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000040000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleListOfValueNamePairs_in_entryRuleListOfValueNamePairs3717 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleListOfValueNamePairs3727 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleValueNamePair_in_ruleListOfValueNamePairs3773 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000040000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_42_in_ruleListOfValueNamePairs3786 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000010L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleValueNamePair_in_ruleListOfValueNamePairs3807 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000040000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleValueNamePair_in_entryRuleValueNamePair3845 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleValueNamePair3855 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleValueNamePair3900 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000080000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_43_in_ruleValueNamePair3912 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_ruleValueNamePair3933 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleTimeExpression_in_entryRuleTimeExpression3969 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleTimeExpression3979 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleInstantObsExpression_in_ruleTimeExpression4026 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDurationObsExpression_in_ruleTimeExpression4053 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleJitterExp_in_ruleTimeExpression4080 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleInstantObsExpression_in_entryRuleInstantObsExpression4115 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleInstantObsExpression4125 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_44_in_ruleInstantObsExpression4162 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000010L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleInstantObsName_in_ruleInstantObsExpression4183 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000200400000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_34_in_ruleInstantObsExpression4196 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_ruleInstantObsExpression4217 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000800000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_35_in_ruleInstantObsExpression4229 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000200000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_45_in_ruleInstantObsExpression4244 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000400000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_34_in_ruleInstantObsExpression4256 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_ruleInstantObsExpression4277 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000800000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_35_in_ruleInstantObsExpression4289 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleInstantObsName_in_entryRuleInstantObsName4327 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleInstantObsName4337 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleQualifiedName_in_ruleInstantObsName4383 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000010L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleInstantObsName4404 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDurationObsExpression_in_entryRuleDurationObsExpression4440 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDurationObsExpression4450 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_46_in_ruleDurationObsExpression4487 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000010L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDurationObsName_in_ruleDurationObsExpression4508 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000200400000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_34_in_ruleDurationObsExpression4521 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_ruleDurationObsExpression4542 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000800000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_35_in_ruleDurationObsExpression4554 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000200000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_45_in_ruleDurationObsExpression4569 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000400000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_34_in_ruleDurationObsExpression4581 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_ruleDurationObsExpression4602 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000800000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_35_in_ruleDurationObsExpression4614 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDurationObsName_in_entryRuleDurationObsName4652 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDurationObsName4662 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleQualifiedName_in_ruleDurationObsName4708 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000010L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleDurationObsName4729 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleJitterExp_in_entryRuleJitterExp4765 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleJitterExp4775 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_47_in_ruleJitterExp4812 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000100000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleInstantObsExpression_in_ruleJitterExp4833 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000810000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_28_in_ruleJitterExp4846 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000100000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleInstantObsExpression_in_ruleJitterExp4867 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000800000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_35_in_ruleJitterExp4881 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleVariableDeclaration_in_entryRuleVariableDeclaration4917 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleVariableDeclaration4927 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleVariableDirectionKind_in_ruleVariableDeclaration4973 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0001000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_48_in_ruleVariableDeclaration4986 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000010L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleVariableDeclaration5003 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000080004000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_26_in_ruleVariableDeclaration5022 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000010L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDataTypeName_in_ruleVariableDeclaration5043 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000080000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_43_in_ruleVariableDeclaration5056 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000400000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_34_in_ruleVariableDeclaration5068 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_ruleVariableDeclaration5089 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000800000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_35_in_ruleVariableDeclaration5101 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_43_in_ruleVariableDeclaration5123 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000400000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_34_in_ruleVariableDeclaration5135 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x000FD165780007F0L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleExpression_in_ruleVariableDeclaration5156 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000800000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_35_in_ruleVariableDeclaration5168 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleVariableDirectionKind_in_entryRuleVariableDirectionKind5207 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleVariableDirectionKind5218 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_49_in_ruleVariableDirectionKind5256 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_50_in_ruleVariableDirectionKind5275 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_51_in_ruleVariableDirectionKind5294 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDataTypeName_in_entryRuleDataTypeName5334 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDataTypeName5344 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleQualifiedName_in_ruleDataTypeName5390 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000010L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleDataTypeName5411 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleNumberLiteralRule_in_entryRuleNumberLiteralRule5447 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleNumberLiteralRule5457 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleIntegerLiteralRule_in_ruleNumberLiteralRule5504 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule_in_ruleNumberLiteralRule5531 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRealLiteralRule_in_ruleNumberLiteralRule5558 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleIntegerLiteralRule_in_entryRuleIntegerLiteralRule5593 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleIntegerLiteralRule5603 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INTEGERLITERAL_in_ruleIntegerLiteralRule5644 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule_in_entryRuleUnlimitedLiteralRule5684 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleUnlimitedLiteralRule5694 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_29_in_ruleUnlimitedLiteralRule5736 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRealLiteralRule_in_entryRuleRealLiteralRule5784 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRealLiteralRule5794 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_REALLITERAL_in_ruleRealLiteralRule5835 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDateTimeLiteralRule_in_entryRuleDateTimeLiteralRule5875 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDateTimeLiteralRule5885 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_DATETIMELITERAL_in_ruleDateTimeLiteralRule5926 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleBooleanLiteralRule_in_entryRuleBooleanLiteralRule5966 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleBooleanLiteralRule5976 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_BOOLEANLITERAL_in_ruleBooleanLiteralRule6017 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleNullLiteralRule_in_entryRuleNullLiteralRule6057 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleNullLiteralRule6067 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_NULLLITERAL_in_ruleNullLiteralRule6108 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDefaultLiteralRule_in_entryRuleDefaultLiteralRule6148 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDefaultLiteralRule6158 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_ruleDefaultLiteralRule6200 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleStringLiteralRule_in_entryRuleStringLiteralRule6248 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000000L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleStringLiteralRule6258 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
- public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleStringLiteralRule6299 = new BitSet(new long[] { 0x0000000000000002L });
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/services/ b/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/services/
deleted file mode 100644
index 32f6207a1b6..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/services/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,621 +0,0 @@
- * generated by Xtext
- */
-import org.eclipse.xtext.Assignment;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.Grammar;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.GrammarUtil;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.ParserRule;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.RuleCall;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.TerminalRule;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.service.AbstractElementFinder.AbstractGrammarElementFinder;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.service.GrammarProvider;
-public class ConstraintWithVSLlGrammarAccess extends AbstractGrammarElementFinder {
- public class ConstraintRuleElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder {
- private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil.findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "ConstraintRule");
- private final Assignment cSpecificationAssignment = (Assignment) rule.eContents().get(1);
- private final RuleCall cSpecificationConstraintSpecificationParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cSpecificationAssignment.eContents().get(0);
- // ConstraintRule:
- // specification=ConstraintSpecification?;
- @Override
- public ParserRule getRule() {
- return rule;
- }
- // specification=ConstraintSpecification?
- public Assignment getSpecificationAssignment() {
- return cSpecificationAssignment;
- }
- // ConstraintSpecification
- public RuleCall getSpecificationConstraintSpecificationParserRuleCall_0() {
- return cSpecificationConstraintSpecificationParserRuleCall_0;
- }
- }
- public class ConstraintSpecificationElements extends AbstractParserRuleElementFinder {
- private final ParserRule rule = (ParserRule) GrammarUtil.findRuleForName(getGrammar(), "ConstraintSpecification");
- private final Assignment cExpressionAssignment = (Assignment) rule.eContents().get(1);
- private final RuleCall cExpressionExpressionParserRuleCall_0 = (RuleCall) cExpressionAssignment.eContents().get(0);
- // ConstraintSpecification:
- // expression=Expression;
- @Override
- public ParserRule getRule() {
- return rule;
- }
- // expression=Expression
- public Assignment getExpressionAssignment() {
- return cExpressionAssignment;
- }
- // Expression
- public RuleCall getExpressionExpressionParserRuleCall_0() {
- return cExpressionExpressionParserRuleCall_0;
- }
- }
- private ConstraintRuleElements pConstraintRule;
- private ConstraintSpecificationElements pConstraintSpecification;
- private final GrammarProvider grammarProvider;
- private VSLGrammarAccess gaVSL;
- @Inject
- public ConstraintWithVSLlGrammarAccess(GrammarProvider grammarProvider,
- VSLGrammarAccess gaVSL) {
- this.grammarProvider = grammarProvider;
- this.gaVSL = gaVSL;
- }
- @Override
- public Grammar getGrammar() {
- return grammarProvider.getGrammar(this);
- }
- public VSLGrammarAccess getVSLGrammarAccess() {
- return gaVSL;
- }
- // ConstraintRule:
- // specification=ConstraintSpecification?;
- public ConstraintRuleElements getConstraintRuleAccess() {
- return (pConstraintRule != null) ? pConstraintRule : (pConstraintRule = new ConstraintRuleElements());
- }
- public ParserRule getConstraintRuleRule() {
- return getConstraintRuleAccess().getRule();
- }
- // ConstraintSpecification:
- // expression=Expression;
- public ConstraintSpecificationElements getConstraintSpecificationAccess() {
- return (pConstraintSpecification != null) ? pConstraintSpecification : (pConstraintSpecification = new ConstraintSpecificationElements());
- }
- public ParserRule getConstraintSpecificationRule() {
- return getConstraintSpecificationAccess().getRule();
- }
- // Expression:
- // exp=AndOrXorExpression;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.ExpressionElements getExpressionAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getExpressionAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getExpressionRule() {
- return getExpressionAccess().getRule();
- }
- // AndOrXorExpression:
- // exp+=EqualityExpression (op+=("and" | "or" | "xor") exp+=EqualityExpression)*;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.AndOrXorExpressionElements getAndOrXorExpressionAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getAndOrXorExpressionAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getAndOrXorExpressionRule() {
- return getAndOrXorExpressionAccess().getRule();
- }
- // EqualityExpression:
- // exp+=RelationalExpression (op+=("==" | "<>") exp+=RelationalExpression)*;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.EqualityExpressionElements getEqualityExpressionAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getEqualityExpressionAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getEqualityExpressionRule() {
- return getEqualityExpressionAccess().getRule();
- }
- // RelationalExpression:
- // exp+=ConditionalExpression (op+=("<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=") exp+=ConditionalExpression)*;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.RelationalExpressionElements getRelationalExpressionAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getRelationalExpressionAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getRelationalExpressionRule() {
- return getRelationalExpressionAccess().getRule();
- }
- // ConditionalExpression:
- // exp+=AdditiveExpression (op+="?" exp+=AdditiveExpression ":" exp+=AdditiveExpression)?;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.ConditionalExpressionElements getConditionalExpressionAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getConditionalExpressionAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getConditionalExpressionRule() {
- return getConditionalExpressionAccess().getRule();
- }
- // AdditiveExpression:
- // exp+=MultiplicativeExpression (op+=("+" | "-") exp+=MultiplicativeExpression)*;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.AdditiveExpressionElements getAdditiveExpressionAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getAdditiveExpressionAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getAdditiveExpressionRule() {
- return getAdditiveExpressionAccess().getRule();
- }
- // MultiplicativeExpression:
- // exp+=UnaryExpression (op+=("*" | "/" | "mod") exp+=UnaryExpression)*;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.MultiplicativeExpressionElements getMultiplicativeExpressionAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getMultiplicativeExpressionAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getMultiplicativeExpressionRule() {
- return getMultiplicativeExpressionAccess().getRule();
- }
- // UnaryExpression:
- // op=("not" | "-" | "+") unary=UnaryExpression | exp=PrimaryExpression;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.UnaryExpressionElements getUnaryExpressionAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getUnaryExpressionAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getUnaryExpressionRule() {
- return getUnaryExpressionAccess().getRule();
- }
- // PrimaryExpression:
- // prefix=ValueSpecification ("." suffix=SuffixExpression)?;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.PrimaryExpressionElements getPrimaryExpressionAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getPrimaryExpressionAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getPrimaryExpressionRule() {
- return getPrimaryExpressionAccess().getRule();
- }
- // ValueSpecification:
- // Literal | NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall | Interval | CollectionOrTuple | Tuple | TimeExpression | VariableDeclaration |
- // "(" Expression ")";
- public VSLGrammarAccess.ValueSpecificationElements getValueSpecificationAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getValueSpecificationAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getValueSpecificationRule() {
- return getValueSpecificationAccess().getRule();
- }
- // SuffixExpression:
- // PropertyCallExpression | OperationCallExpression;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.SuffixExpressionElements getSuffixExpressionAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getSuffixExpressionAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getSuffixExpressionRule() {
- return getSuffixExpressionAccess().getRule();
- }
- // PropertyCallExpression:
- // property=[uml::Property] ("." suffix=SuffixExpression)?;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.PropertyCallExpressionElements getPropertyCallExpressionAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getPropertyCallExpressionAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getPropertyCallExpressionRule() {
- return getPropertyCallExpressionAccess().getRule();
- }
- // OperationCallExpression:
- // operation=[uml::Operation] "(" arguments=ListOfValues? ")" ("." suffix=SuffixExpression)?;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.OperationCallExpressionElements getOperationCallExpressionAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getOperationCallExpressionAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getOperationCallExpressionRule() {
- return getOperationCallExpressionAccess().getRule();
- }
- // Literal:
- // NumberLiteralRule | DateTimeLiteralRule | BooleanLiteralRule | NullLiteralRule | DefaultLiteralRule |
- // StringLiteralRule;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.LiteralElements getLiteralAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getLiteralAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getLiteralRule() {
- return getLiteralAccess().getRule();
- }
- // NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall:
- // path=QualifiedName? // can resolve to :
- // // - EnumSpecification,
- // // - VariableCallExpression
- // // - PropertyCallExpression
- // // - ChoiceExpression
- // id=[uml::NamedElement] ("(" arguments=ListOfValues? ")")?;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallElements getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallRule() {
- return getNameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCallAccess().getRule();
- }
- // QualifiedName:
- // path=[uml::Namespace] "::" remaining=QualifiedName?;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.QualifiedNameElements getQualifiedNameAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getQualifiedNameAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getQualifiedNameRule() {
- return getQualifiedNameAccess().getRule();
- }
- // Interval:
- // ("]" | isLowerIncluded="[") lower=Expression ".." upper=Expression (isUpperIncluded="]" | "[");
- public VSLGrammarAccess.IntervalElements getIntervalAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getIntervalAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getIntervalRule() {
- return getIntervalAccess().getRule();
- }
- // CollectionOrTuple:
- // "{" listOfValues=ListOfValues "}";
- public VSLGrammarAccess.CollectionOrTupleElements getCollectionOrTupleAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getCollectionOrTupleAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getCollectionOrTupleRule() {
- return getCollectionOrTupleAccess().getRule();
- }
- // Tuple:
- // "{" listOfValueNamePairs=ListOfValueNamePairs "}";
- public VSLGrammarAccess.TupleElements getTupleAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getTupleAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getTupleRule() {
- return getTupleAccess().getRule();
- }
- // ListOfValues:
- // values+=Expression ("," values+=Expression)*;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.ListOfValuesElements getListOfValuesAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getListOfValuesAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getListOfValuesRule() {
- return getListOfValuesAccess().getRule();
- }
- // ListOfValueNamePairs:
- // valueNamePairs+=ValueNamePair ("," valueNamePairs+=ValueNamePair)*;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.ListOfValueNamePairsElements getListOfValueNamePairsAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getListOfValueNamePairsAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getListOfValueNamePairsRule() {
- return getListOfValueNamePairsAccess().getRule();
- }
- // ValueNamePair:
- // property=[uml::Property] "=" value=Expression;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.ValueNamePairElements getValueNamePairAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getValueNamePairAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getValueNamePairRule() {
- return getValueNamePairAccess().getRule();
- }
- // TimeExpression:
- // InstantObsExpression | DurationObsExpression | JitterExp;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.TimeExpressionElements getTimeExpressionAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getTimeExpressionAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getTimeExpressionRule() {
- return getTimeExpressionAccess().getRule();
- }
- // InstantObsExpression:
- // "@" id=InstantObsName ("(" index=Expression ")")? ("when" "(" condition=Expression ")")?;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.InstantObsExpressionElements getInstantObsExpressionAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getInstantObsExpressionAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getInstantObsExpressionRule() {
- return getInstantObsExpressionAccess().getRule();
- }
- // InstantObsName:
- // path=QualifiedName? instantId=[uml::TimeObservation];
- public VSLGrammarAccess.InstantObsNameElements getInstantObsNameAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getInstantObsNameAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getInstantObsNameRule() {
- return getInstantObsNameAccess().getRule();
- }
- // DurationObsExpression:
- // "&" id=DurationObsName ("(" index=Expression ")")? ("when" "(" condition=Expression ")")?;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.DurationObsExpressionElements getDurationObsExpressionAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getDurationObsExpressionAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getDurationObsExpressionRule() {
- return getDurationObsExpressionAccess().getRule();
- }
- // DurationObsName:
- // path=QualifiedName? durationId=[uml::DurationObservation];
- public VSLGrammarAccess.DurationObsNameElements getDurationObsNameAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getDurationObsNameAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getDurationObsNameRule() {
- return getDurationObsNameAccess().getRule();
- }
- // JitterExp:
- // "jitter(" firstInstant=InstantObsExpression ("-" secondInstant=InstantObsExpression)? ")";
- public VSLGrammarAccess.JitterExpElements getJitterExpAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getJitterExpAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getJitterExpRule() {
- return getJitterExpAccess().getRule();
- }
- // VariableDeclaration:
- // variableDeclaration=VariableDirectionKind? "$" name=ID (":" type=DataTypeName ("=" "(" initValue=Expression ")")? |
- // "=" "(" initValue=Expression ")");
- public VSLGrammarAccess.VariableDeclarationElements getVariableDeclarationAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getVariableDeclarationAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getVariableDeclarationRule() {
- return getVariableDeclarationAccess().getRule();
- }
- // VariableDirectionKind:
- // "in" | "out" | "inout";
- public VSLGrammarAccess.VariableDirectionKindElements getVariableDirectionKindAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getVariableDirectionKindAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getVariableDirectionKindRule() {
- return getVariableDirectionKindAccess().getRule();
- }
- // DataTypeName:
- // path=QualifiedName? type=[uml::DataType];
- public VSLGrammarAccess.DataTypeNameElements getDataTypeNameAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getDataTypeNameAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getDataTypeNameRule() {
- return getDataTypeNameAccess().getRule();
- }
- // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // //LITERAL
- // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // NumberLiteralRule:
- // IntegerLiteralRule | UnlimitedLiteralRule | RealLiteralRule;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.NumberLiteralRuleElements getNumberLiteralRuleAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getNumberLiteralRuleAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getNumberLiteralRuleRule() {
- return getNumberLiteralRuleAccess().getRule();
- }
- // IntegerLiteralRule:
- // value=IntegerLiteral;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.IntegerLiteralRuleElements getIntegerLiteralRuleAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getIntegerLiteralRuleAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getIntegerLiteralRuleRule() {
- return getIntegerLiteralRuleAccess().getRule();
- }
- // terminal IntegerLiteral:
- // ("+" | "-")? ("0".."9"+ | "0x" ("0".."9" | "A".."F" | "a".."f")+ | "0b" "0".."1"+);
- public TerminalRule getIntegerLiteralRule() {
- return gaVSL.getIntegerLiteralRule();
- }
- // //UnlimitedLiteralRule :
- // // value = UnlimitedLiteral ;
- // //terminal UnlimitedLiteral :
- // // '*' ;
- // UnlimitedLiteralRule:
- // value="*";
- public VSLGrammarAccess.UnlimitedLiteralRuleElements getUnlimitedLiteralRuleAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getUnlimitedLiteralRuleAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getUnlimitedLiteralRuleRule() {
- return getUnlimitedLiteralRuleAccess().getRule();
- }
- // RealLiteralRule:
- // value=RealLiteral;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.RealLiteralRuleElements getRealLiteralRuleAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getRealLiteralRuleAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getRealLiteralRuleRule() {
- return getRealLiteralRuleAccess().getRule();
- }
- // terminal RealLiteral:
- // ("+" | "-")? "0".."9"+ "." "0".."9"+ ("E" ("+" | "-")? "0".."9"+)?;
- public TerminalRule getRealLiteralRule() {
- return gaVSL.getRealLiteralRule();
- }
- // //DateTimeLiteral:
- // // TimeString (DateString)? (DayString)? |
- // // DateString (DayString)? |
- // // DayString ;
- // //terminal DateString :
- // // ('0'..'9')('0'..'9')('0'..'9')('0'..'9')'/'('0'('0'..'9')|'1'('0'..'2'))'/'(('0'..'2')('0'..'9')|'3' ('0'|'1')) ;
- // //terminal TimeString :
- // // (('0'..'1')('0'..'9')|'2'('0'..'3'))':'('0'..'5')('0'..'9')(':'('0'..'5')('0'..'9')(':'('0'..'9')('0'..'9'))?)? ;
- // //terminal DayString :
- // // "Mon" | "Tue" | "Wed" | "Thr" | "Fri" | "Sat" | "Sun" ;
- // DateTimeLiteralRule:
- // value=DateTimeLiteral;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.DateTimeLiteralRuleElements getDateTimeLiteralRuleAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getDateTimeLiteralRuleAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getDateTimeLiteralRuleRule() {
- return getDateTimeLiteralRuleAccess().getRule();
- }
- // terminal DateTimeLiteral:
- // (("0".."1" "0".."9" | "2" "0".."3") ":" "0".."5" "0".."9" (":" "0".."5" "0".."9" (":" "0".."9" "0".."9")?)?) (" "
- // "0".."9" "0".."9" "0".."9" "0".."9" "/" ("0" "0".."9" | "1" "0".."2") "/" ("0".."2" "0".."9" | "3" ("0" | "1")))? (" "
- // ("Mon" | "Tue" | "Wed" | "Thr" | "Fri" | "Sat" | "Sun"))? | ("0".."9" "0".."9" "0".."9" "0".."9" "/" ("0" "0".."9" |
- // "1" "0".."2") "/" ("0".."2" "0".."9" | "3" ("0" | "1"))) (" " ("Mon" | "Tue" | "Wed" | "Thr" | "Fri" | "Sat" |
- // "Sun"))? | ("Mon" | "Tue" | "Wed" | "Thr" | "Fri" | "Sat" | "Sun");
- public TerminalRule getDateTimeLiteralRule() {
- return gaVSL.getDateTimeLiteralRule();
- }
- // BooleanLiteralRule:
- // value=BooleanLiteral;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.BooleanLiteralRuleElements getBooleanLiteralRuleAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getBooleanLiteralRuleAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getBooleanLiteralRuleRule() {
- return getBooleanLiteralRuleAccess().getRule();
- }
- // terminal BooleanLiteral:
- // "true" | "false";
- public TerminalRule getBooleanLiteralRule() {
- return gaVSL.getBooleanLiteralRule();
- }
- // NullLiteralRule:
- // value=NullLiteral;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.NullLiteralRuleElements getNullLiteralRuleAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getNullLiteralRuleAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getNullLiteralRuleRule() {
- return getNullLiteralRuleAccess().getRule();
- }
- // terminal NullLiteral:
- // "null";
- public TerminalRule getNullLiteralRule() {
- return gaVSL.getNullLiteralRule();
- }
- // //DefaultLiteralRule :
- // // value = DefaultLiteral ;
- // //terminal DefaultLiteral :
- // // '/' ;
- // DefaultLiteralRule:
- // value="/";
- public VSLGrammarAccess.DefaultLiteralRuleElements getDefaultLiteralRuleAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getDefaultLiteralRuleAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getDefaultLiteralRuleRule() {
- return getDefaultLiteralRuleAccess().getRule();
- }
- // StringLiteralRule:
- // value=STRING;
- public VSLGrammarAccess.StringLiteralRuleElements getStringLiteralRuleAccess() {
- return gaVSL.getStringLiteralRuleAccess();
- }
- public ParserRule getStringLiteralRuleRule() {
- return getStringLiteralRuleAccess().getRule();
- }
- // terminal ID:
- // "^"? ("a".."z" | "A".."Z" | "_") ("a".."z" | "A".."Z" | "_" | "0".."9")*;
- public TerminalRule getIDRule() {
- return gaVSL.getIDRule();
- }
- // terminal INT returns ecore::EInt:
- // "0".."9"+;
- public TerminalRule getINTRule() {
- return gaVSL.getINTRule();
- }
- // terminal STRING:
- // "\"" ("\\" ("b" | "t" | "n" | "f" | "r" | "u" | "\"" | "\'" | "\\") | !("\\" | "\""))* "\"" | "\'" ("\\" ("b" | "t" |
- // "n" | "f" | "r" | "u" | "\"" | "\'" | "\\") | !("\\" | "\'"))* "\'";
- public TerminalRule getSTRINGRule() {
- return gaVSL.getSTRINGRule();
- }
- // terminal ML_COMMENT:
- // "/ *"->"* /";
- public TerminalRule getML_COMMENTRule() {
- return gaVSL.getML_COMMENTRule();
- }
- // terminal SL_COMMENT:
- // "//" !("\n" | "\r")* ("\r"? "\n")?;
- public TerminalRule getSL_COMMENTRule() {
- return gaVSL.getSL_COMMENTRule();
- }
- // terminal WS:
- // (" " | "\t" | "\r" | "\n")+;
- public TerminalRule getWSRule() {
- return gaVSL.getWSRule();
- }
- // terminal ANY_OTHER:
- // .;
- public TerminalRule getANY_OTHERRule() {
- return gaVSL.getANY_OTHERRule();
- }
diff --git a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/validation/ b/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/validation/
deleted file mode 100644
index 99869c944b7..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/marte/textedit/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext/src-gen/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/textedit/constraintwithvsl/xtext/validation/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.validation;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.vsl.validation.VSLJavaValidator;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.validation.ComposedChecks;
-@ComposedChecks(validators = { org.eclipse.xtext.validation.ImportUriValidator.class, org.eclipse.xtext.validation.NamesAreUniqueValidator.class })
-public class AbstractConstraintWithVSLlJavaValidator extends VSLJavaValidator {
- @Override
- protected List<EPackage> getEPackages() {
- List<EPackage> result = new ArrayList<EPackage>();
- result.add(org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.textedit.constraintwithvsl.xtext.constraintWithVSLl.ConstraintWithVSLlPackage.eINSTANCE);
- return result;
- }

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