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Diffstat (limited to 'extraplugins/alf09/src/org')
-rw-r--r--extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/Copy (2) of Alf.xtext583
-rw-r--r--extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/Copy of Alf.xtext1013
151 files changed, 0 insertions, 15737 deletions
diff --git a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/Alf.xtext b/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/Alf.xtext
deleted file mode 100644
index 614ce459b29..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/Alf.xtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,640 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-grammar org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.Alf with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
-generate alf ""
- Test rule
-Test :
- ('testExpression' expression += Expression)*
- ('testAssignmentExpression' assignExpression += AssignmentCompletion)*
- ('testStatement' statements += Statement)*
- ('testBlock' block = Block);
- //('testStatementSequence' statement += StatementSequence)* ;
-* PrimitiveLiterals
- value = BooleanValue ; // (suffix = SuffixExpression) ? ;
-enum BooleanValue :
- TRUE = 'true' |
- FALSE = 'false' ;
- value = IntegerValue ; // (suffix = SuffixExpression) ? ;
- value = '*' ; // (suffix = SuffixExpression) ? ;
-terminal IntegerValue :
- ('0' | '1'..'9' (('_')? '0'..'9')*) | //DECIMAL
- (('0b' | '0B') '0'..'1' (('_')? '0'..'1')*) | // BINARY
- (('0x'|'0X') ('0'..'9'|'a'..'f'|'A'..'F') (('_')? ('0'..'9'|'a'..'f'|'A'..'F'))*) | // HEX
- ('0' ('_')? '0'..'7' (('_')? '0'..'7')*) // OCT
- value = STRING ; // (suffix = SuffixExpression) ?;
-NameExpression :
- (((prefixOp = ('++'|'--') (path=QualifiedNamePath)? id = ID))
- |
- ((path=QualifiedNamePath)? id = ID
- (invocationCompletion = Tuple
- | sequenceConstructionCompletion = SequenceConstructionOrAccessCompletion
- | postfixOp = ('++'|'--'))?)) (suffix = SuffixExpression) ?
- ;
-QualifiedNamePath :
- (namespace+=UnqualifiedName'::')+
-UnqualifiedName :
- name = ID (templateBinding = TemplateBinding)?
-TemplateBinding :
- '<'bindings+=NamedTemplateBinding (',' bindings +=NamedTemplateBinding)*'>'
-NamedTemplateBinding :
- formal = ID '=>' actual = QualifiedNameWithBinding
-QualifiedNameWithBinding :
- id = ID (binding=TemplateBinding)? ('::' remaining=QualifiedNameWithBinding)?;
-Tuple :
- {Tuple}'('(tupleElements += TupleElement (',' tupleElements+=TupleElement)*)?')'
-TupleElement :
- argument = Expression
- * Expressions
- **************/
-Expression :
- ConditionalTestExpression
-ConditionalTestExpression :
- exp=ConditionalOrExpression ('?' whenTrue=ConditionalTestExpression ':' whenFalse=ConditionalTestExpression)?
-ConditionalOrExpression :
- exp+=ConditionalAndExpression ('||' exp+=ConditionalAndExpression)*
-ConditionalAndExpression :
- exp+=InclusiveOrExpression ('&&' exp+=InclusiveOrExpression)*
-InclusiveOrExpression :
- exp+=ExclusiveOrExpression ('|' exp+=ExclusiveOrExpression)*
-ExclusiveOrExpression :
- exp+=AndExpression ('^' exp+=AndExpression)*
-AndExpression :
- exp+=EqualityExpression ('&' exp+=EqualityExpression)*
-EqualityExpression :
- exp+=ClassificationExpression (op+=('==' | '!=') exp+=ClassificationExpression)*
-//enum EqualityOperator :
-// EQUALS = '==' |
-// NOT_EQUALS = '!='
-ClassificationExpression :
- exp=RelationalExpression (op=('instanceof' | 'hastype') typeName=NameExpression)?
-//enum ClassificationOperator :
-// INSTANCEOF = 'instanceof' |
-// HASTYPE = 'hastype'
-RelationalExpression :
- left=ShiftExpression (op=('<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=') right=ShiftExpression)?
-//RelationalOperator :
-// LOWER = '<' |
-// UPPER = '>' |
-// LOWER_EQUALS = '<=' |
-// UPPER_EQUALS = '>='
-ShiftExpression :
- exp+=AdditiveExpression (op=('<<' | '>>' | '>>>') exp+=AdditiveExpression)?
-//enum ShiftOperator :
-// LSHIFT = '<<' |
-// RSHIFT = '>>' |
-// URSHIFT = '>>>'
-AdditiveExpression :
- exp+=MultiplicativeExpression (op+=('+' | '-') exp+=MultiplicativeExpression)*
-//enum AdditiveOp :
-// PLUS = '+' |
-// MINUS = '-'
-MultiplicativeExpression :
- exp+=UnaryExpression (op+=('*' | '/' | '%') exp+=UnaryExpression)*
-//enum MultiplicativeOp :
-// MULT = '*' |
-// DIV = '/' |
-// MOD = '%'
- (op=('!'|'-'|'+'|'$'|'~'))?
- exp=PrimaryExpression ;
-//PrimaryExpression :
-// prefix = ValueSpecification (suffix = SuffixExpression)?
-PrimaryExpression :
- prefix = ValueSpecification
-SuffixExpression :
- OperationCallExpression |
- PropertyCallExpression |
- LinkOperationExpression |
- SequenceOperationExpression |
- SequenceReductionExpression |
- SequenceExpansionExpression |
- ClassExtentExpression
-OperationCallExpression :
- '.' operationName = ID tuple = Tuple (suffix = SuffixExpression)?
-// OperationCallExpressionWithoutDot :
-// operationName = ID tuple = Tuple (suffix = SuffixExpression)?
-// ;
-PropertyCallExpression :
- '.' propertyName = ID ('[' index=Expression ']')? (suffix = SuffixExpression)?
-LinkOperationExpression :
- '.' kind = LinkOperationKind tuple = LinkOperationTuple
-LinkOperationTuple :
- '('linkOperationTupleElement += LinkOperationTupleElement (',' linkOperationTupleElement += LinkOperationTupleElement)*')'
-//LinkOperationTupleElement :
-// objectOrRole = ID (('['roleIndex = Expression ']')? '=>' object = ID)?
-LinkOperationTupleElement :
- role = ID ('['roleIndex = Expression ']')? '=>' object = Expression
-enum LinkOperationKind :
- CREATE = 'createLink' |
- DESTROY = 'destroyLink' |
- CLEAR = 'clearAssoc'
-SequenceOperationExpression :
- //'->' operationName = ID tuple = Tuple (suffix = SuffixExpression) ?
- '->' operationName = QualifiedNameWithBinding tuple = Tuple (suffix = SuffixExpression) ?
-SequenceReductionExpression :
- '->' 'reduce' (isOrdered ?= 'ordered')? behavior = QualifiedNameWithBinding (suffix = SuffixExpression) ?
-SequenceExpansionExpression :
- SelectOrRejectOperation |
- CollectOrIterateOperation |
- ForAllOrExistsOrOneOperation |
- IsUniqueOperation
-SelectOrRejectOperation :
- '->' op = SelectOrRejectOperator name = ID '('expr=Expression')' (suffix = SuffixExpression) ?
-enum SelectOrRejectOperator :
- SELECT = 'select' |
- REJECT = 'reject'
-CollectOrIterateOperation :
- '->' op = CollectOrIterateOperator name = ID '('expr=Expression')' (suffix = SuffixExpression) ?
-enum CollectOrIterateOperator :
- COLLECT = 'collect' |
- ITERATE = 'iterate'
-ForAllOrExistsOrOneOperation :
- '->' op = ForAllOrExistsOrOneOperator name = ID '('expr=Expression')' (suffix = SuffixExpression) ?
-enum ForAllOrExistsOrOneOperator :
- FORALL = 'forAll' |
- EXISTS = 'exists' |
- ONE = 'one'
-IsUniqueOperation :
- '->' 'isUnique' name = ID '('expr=Expression')' (suffix = SuffixExpression) ?
-ValueSpecification :
- NameExpression |
- ThisExpression |
- SuperInvocationExpression |
- InstanceCreationExpression |
- ParenthesizedExpression |
- NullExpression
- ;
-NonLiteralValueSpecification :
- NameExpression |
- ParenthesizedExpression |
- InstanceCreationExpression |
- ThisExpression |
- SuperInvocationExpression
-ParenthesizedExpression :
- '('expOrTypeCast = Expression')' ((casted = NonLiteralValueSpecification) | (suffix = SuffixExpression))?
-NullExpression :
- {NullExpression} 'null'
-ThisExpression :
- {ThisExpression}'this' (suffix = SuffixExpression)?
-// SuperInvocationExpression :
-// //{SuperInvocationExpression} 'super' ('.' qualifiedNameRoot = ID '::' qualifiedNameRemaining = NameExpression)? //(suffix = SuffixExpression) ?
-// 'super' ('.' className = ID '::' operationCallWithoutDot = OperationCallExpressionWithoutDot | operationCall = OperationCallExpression)
-SuperInvocationExpression :
- //{SuperInvocationExpression} 'super' ('.' qualifiedNameRoot = ID '::' qualifiedNameRemaining = NameExpression)? //(suffix = SuffixExpression) ?
- //'super' ('.' className = ID '::' operationCallWithoutDot = OperationCallExpressionWithoutDot | operationCall = OperationCallExpression)
- //'super' ((tuple = Tuple) |
- // ('.' (path = QualifiedNamePath) operation = ID tuple = Tuple))
- 'super' ((tuple = Tuple) |
- ('.' operationName = QualifiedNameWithBinding tuple = Tuple))
-//InstanceCreationExpression :
- //'new' constructor=QualifiedNameWithBinding
- // (tuple = Tuple | sequenceConstuctionCompletion = SequenceConstructionCompletion) (suffix = SuffixExpression) ?
- //'new' constructor=QualifiedNameWithBinding
- // tuple = Tuple (suffix = SuffixExpression) ?
-InstanceCreationExpression :
- //'new' constructor=QualifiedNameWithBinding
- // (tuple = Tuple | sequenceConstuctionCompletion = SequenceConstructionCompletion) (suffix = SuffixExpression) ?
- 'new' constructor=QualifiedNameWithBinding
- tuple = InstanceCreationTuple (suffix = SuffixExpression) ?
-InstanceCreationTuple :
- {InstanceCreationTuple}'('(instanceCreationTupleElement += InstanceCreationTupleElement (',' instanceCreationTupleElement += InstanceCreationTupleElement)*)?')'
-//LinkOperationTupleElement :
-// objectOrRole = ID (('['roleIndex = Expression ']')? '=>' object = ID)?
-InstanceCreationTupleElement :
- role = ID '=>' object = Expression
-SequenceConstructionOrAccessCompletion :
- (multiplicityIndicator ?= '[' ((accessCompletion = AccessCompletion) | sequenceCompletion = PartialSequenceConstructionCompletion)) |
- (expression = SequenceConstructionExpression)
-AccessCompletion :
- accessIndex = Expression ']'
-PartialSequenceConstructionCompletion :
- ']' expression = SequenceConstructionExpression
-//SequenceConstructionCompletion :
-// (multiplicityIndicator ?= '['']')? expression = SequenceConstructionExpression
-SequenceConstructionExpression :
- '{'sequenceElement+=SequenceElement
- ((',' sequenceElement+=SequenceElement)* | ('..' rangeUpper=Expression))
- '}'
-SequenceElement :
- Expression | SequenceConstructionExpression
-ClassExtentExpression :
- {ClassExtentExpression} '.' 'allInstances' '(' ')'
- * Statements
- ****************/
-Block :
- '{' {Block}(sequence = StatementSequence)? '}'
-StatementSequence :
- (statements += DocumentedStatement)+
-DocumentedStatement :
- (comment = (ML_COMMENT | SL_COMMENT))? statement = Statement
-InlineStatement :
- '/*@' 'inline' '('langageName = ID')' body = STRING '*/'
-AnnotatedStatement :
- '//@' annotation = Annotation //block = Block
- statement = Statement
-Statement :
- (AnnotatedStatement |
- InlineStatement |
- BlockStatement |
- EmptyStatement |
- LocalNameDeclarationStatement |
- IfStatement |
- SwitchStatement |
- WhileStatement |
- DoStatement |
- ForStatement |
- BreakStatement |
- ReturnStatement |
- AcceptStatement |
- ClassifyStatement |
- InvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement |
- SuperInvocationStatement |
- ThisInvocationStatement |
- InstanceCreationInvocationStatement)
-Annotation :
- kind = AnnotationKind ('('args += ID (',' args += ID)* ')')?
-enum AnnotationKind :
- ISOLATED = 'isolated' |
- DETERMINED = 'determined' |
- ASSURED = 'assured' |
- PARALLEL = 'parallel'
-BlockStatement :
- block = Block
-EmptyStatement :
- {EmptyStatement} ';'
-LocalNameDeclarationStatement :
- 'let' varName = ID ':'
- type = QualifiedNameWithBinding
- (multiplicityIndicator?='[' ']')?
- //'=' init = Expression ';'
- '=' init = SequenceElement ';'
-IfStatement :
- 'if' sequentialClausses = SequentialClauses ( finalClause = FinalClause )? ;
-SequentialClauses :
- conccurentClauses += ConcurrentClauses
- ( 'else' 'if' conccurentClauses += ConcurrentClauses )* ;
-ConcurrentClauses :
- nonFinalClause += NonFinalClause
- ( 'or' 'if' nonFinalClause += NonFinalClause )* ;
-NonFinalClause :
- '(' condition = Expression ')' block = Block ;
-FinalClause :
- 'else' block = Block ;
-SwitchStatement :
- 'switch' '(' expression = Expression ')' '{'
- ( switchClause += SwitchClause )*
- ( defaultClause = SwitchDefaultClause )?
- '}' ;
-SwitchClause :
- switchCase += SwitchCase ( switchCase += SwitchCase )* statementSequence = NonEmptyStatementSequence ;
-SwitchCase :
- 'case' expression = Expression ':' ;
-SwitchDefaultClause :
- 'default' ':' statementSequence = NonEmptyStatementSequence ;
-NonEmptyStatementSequence :
- ( statement += DocumentedStatement )+ ;
-WhileStatement :
- 'while' '(' condition = Expression ')' block = Block ;
-DoStatement :
- 'do' block = Block 'while' '(' condition = Expression ')' ';' ;
-ForStatement :
- 'for' '(' control = ForControl ')' block = Block ;
-ForControl :
- loopVariableDefinition += LoopVariableDefinition( ',' loopVariableDefinition += LoopVariableDefinition )* ;
-LoopVariableDefinition :
- (name = ID 'in' expression1 = Expression ( '..' expression2 = Expression )?)
- | (type = QualifiedNameWithBinding name = ID ':' expression = Expression) ;
-BreakStatement :
- {BreakStatement}'break' ';' ;
-ReturnStatement :
- 'return' expression = Expression ';' ;
-AcceptStatement :
- clause = AcceptClause
- ( simpleAccept = SimpleAcceptStatementCompletion
- | compoundAccept = CompoundAcceptStatementCompletion ) ;
-SimpleAcceptStatementCompletion :
- {SimpleAcceptStatementCompletion}';' ;
-CompoundAcceptStatementCompletion :
- block = Block ( 'or' acceptBlock += AcceptBlock )* ;
-AcceptBlock :
- clause = AcceptClause block = Block ;
-AcceptClause :
- 'accept' '(' ( name = ID ':' )? qualifiedNameList = QualifiedNameList ')' ;
-ClassifyStatement :
- 'classify' expression = Expression clause = ClassificationClause ';' ;
-ClassificationClause :
- classifyFromClause = ClassificationFromClause ( classifyToClause = ClassificationToClause )?
- | ( reclassyAllClause = ReclassifyAllClause )? classifyToClause = ClassificationToClause ;
-ClassificationFromClause :
- 'from' qualifiedNameList = QualifiedNameList ;
-ClassificationToClause :
- 'to' qualifiedNameList = QualifiedNameList ;
-ReclassifyAllClause :
- {ReclassifyAllClause}'from' '*' ;
-QualifiedNameList :
- qualifiedName += QualifiedNameWithBinding ( ',' qualifiedName += QualifiedNameWithBinding )* ;
-InvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement :
- typePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart = NameExpression
- //(suffixCompletion = SuffixCompletion)?
- ((variableDeclarationCompletion = VariableDeclarationCompletion) |
- (assignmentCompletion = AssignmentCompletion))? ';'
-SuperInvocationStatement :
- _super = SuperInvocationExpression ';'//(suffix = SuffixCompletion)? ';'
-ThisInvocationStatement :
- //_this = ThisExpression suffix = SuffixCompletion (assignmentCompletion = AssignmentCompletion)? ';'
- _this = ThisExpression (assignmentCompletion = AssignmentCompletion)? ';'
-InstanceCreationInvocationStatement :
- _new = InstanceCreationExpression ';' //(suffix = SuffixCompletion)? ';'
-//SuffixCompletion :
-// suffix = SuffixExpression
-VariableDeclarationCompletion :
- (multiplicityIndicator ?= '[' ']')? variableName = ID initValue = AssignmentCompletion
-AssignmentCompletion :
- op=AssignmentOperator rightHandSide = SequenceElement
- //op=('=' | '+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '%=' | '/=' | '&=' |
- // '|=' | '^=' | '<<=' | '>>=' | '>>>=') rightHandSide = Expression
-enum AssignmentOperator :
- ASSIGN = '=' |
- PLUSASSIGN = '+=' |
- MINUSASSIGN = '-=' |
- MULTASSIGN = '*=' |
- MODASSIGN = '%=' |
- DIVASSIGN = '/=' |
- ANDASSIGN = '&=' |
- ORASSIGN = '|=' |
- XORASSIGN = '^=' |
- LSHIFTASSIGN = '<<=' |
- RSHIFTASSIGN = '>>=' |
-* Terminals
-//terminal DOUBLE_COLON : '::' ;
-terminal ID : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')* | ('\'' -> '\'') ;
-terminal STRING : '"' ( '\\' ('b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'"'|"'"|'\\') | !('\\'|'"') )* '"' ;
-terminal ML_COMMENT : '/*' !('@') -> '*/';
-terminal SL_COMMENT : '//' !('\n'|'\r'|'@')* ('\r'? '\n')?;
-//terminal IDENTIFIER : ID ;
-//terminal IDENTIFIER : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')* | ('\'' -> '\'') ;
-//terminal DOCUMENTATION_COMMENT : '/*' -> '*/' ;
-//terminal ML_COMMENT : '/°' -> '°/';
-//terminal SL_COMMENT : '°°' !('\n'|'\r')* ('\r'? '\n')?;
-//terminal WS : (' '|'\t'|'\r'|'\n')+; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/ b/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1eee1999feb..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf;
- * Use this class to register components to be used at runtime / without the Equinox extension registry.
- */
-public class AlfRuntimeModule extends org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.AbstractAlfRuntimeModule {
diff --git a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/ b/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/
deleted file mode 100644
index d8324e4296e..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf;
- * Initialization support for running Xtext languages
- * without equinox extension registry
- */
-public class AlfStandaloneSetup extends AlfStandaloneSetupGenerated{
- public static void doSetup() {
- new AlfStandaloneSetup().createInjectorAndDoEMFRegistration();
- }
diff --git a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/Copy (2) of Alf.xtext b/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/Copy (2) of Alf.xtext
deleted file mode 100644
index 918d55e86ad..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/Copy (2) of Alf.xtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,583 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-grammar org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.Alf with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
-generate alf ""
- Test rule
-Test :
- ('testExpression' expression += Expression)*
- ('testAssignmentExpression' assignExpression += AssignmentCompletion)*
- ('testStatement' statements += Statement)*
- ('testBlock' block = Block);
- //('testStatementSequence' statement += StatementSequence)* ;
-* PrimitiveLiterals
- value = BooleanValue ;
-enum BooleanValue :
- TRUE = 'true' |
- FALSE = 'false' ;
- value = IntegerValue ;
- value = '*' ;
-terminal IntegerValue :
- ('0' | '1'..'9' (('_')? '0'..'9')*) | //DECIMAL
- (('0b' | '0B') '0'..'1' (('_')? '0'..'1')*) | // BINARY
- (('0x'|'0X') ('0'..'9'|'a'..'f'|'A'..'F') (('_')? ('0'..'9'|'a'..'f'|'A'..'F'))*) | // HEX
- ('0' ('_')? '0'..'7' (('_')? '0'..'7')*) // OCT
- value = STRING ;
-NameExpression :
- ((prefixOp = ('++'|'--') (path=QualifiedNamePath)? id = ID))
- |
- ((path=QualifiedNamePath)? id = ID
- (invocationCompletion = Tuple
- | sequenceConstructionCompletion = SequenceConstructionOrAccessCompletion
- | postfixOp = ('++'|'--'))?) ;
-QualifiedNamePath :
- (namespace+=UnqualifiedName'::')+
-UnqualifiedName :
- name = ID (templateBinding = TemplateBinding)?
-TemplateBinding :
- '<'bindings+=NamedTemplateBinding (',' bindings +=NamedTemplateBinding)*'>'
-NamedTemplateBinding :
- formal = ID '=>' actual = QualifiedNameWithBinding
-QualifiedNameWithBinding :
- id = ID (binding=TemplateBinding)? ('::' remaining=QualifiedNameWithBinding)?;
-Tuple :
- {Tuple}'('(tupleElements += TupleElement (',' tupleElements+=TupleElement)*)?')'
-TupleElement :
- argument = Expression
- * Expressions
- **************/
-enum AssignmentOperator :
- ASSIGN = '=' |
- PLUSASSIGN = '+=' |
- MINUSASSIGN = '-=' |
- MULTASSIGN = '*=' |
- MODASSIGN = '%=' |
- DIVASSIGN = '/=' |
- ANDASSIGN = '&=' |
- ORASSIGN = '|=' |
- XORASSIGN = '^=' |
- LSHIFTASSIGN = '<<=' |
- RSHIFTASSIGN = '>>=' |
-Expression :
- ConditionalTestExpression
-ConditionalTestExpression :
- exp=ConditionalOrExpression ('?' whenTrue=ConditionalTestExpression ':' whenFalse=ConditionalTestExpression)?
-ConditionalOrExpression :
- exp+=ConditionalAndExpression ('||' exp+=ConditionalAndExpression)*
-ConditionalAndExpression :
- exp+=InclusiveOrExpression ('&&' exp+=InclusiveOrExpression)*
-InclusiveOrExpression :
- exp+=ExclusiveOrExpression ('|' exp+=ExclusiveOrExpression)*
-ExclusiveOrExpression :
- exp+=AndExpression ('^' exp+=AndExpression)*
-AndExpression :
- exp+=EqualityExpression ('&' exp+=EqualityExpression)*
-EqualityExpression :
- exp+=ClassificationExpression (op+=EqualityOperator exp+=ClassificationExpression)*
-enum EqualityOperator :
- EQUALS = '==' |
- NOT_EQUALS = '!='
-ClassificationExpression :
- exp=RelationalExpression (op=ClassificationOperator typeName=NameExpression)?
-enum ClassificationOperator :
- INSTANCEOF = 'instanceof' |
- HASTYPE = 'hastype'
-RelationalExpression :
- left=ShiftExpression (op=RelationalOperator right=ShiftExpression)?
-RelationalOperator :
- LOWER = '<' |
- UPPER = '>' |
- LOWER_EQUALS = '<=' |
-ShiftExpression :
- exp+=AdditiveExpression (op=ShiftOperator exp+=AdditiveExpression)?
-enum ShiftOperator :
- LSHIFT = '<<' |
- RSHIFT = '>>' |
- URSHIFT = '>>>'
-AdditiveExpression :
- exp+=MultiplicativeExpression (op+=AdditiveOp exp+=MultiplicativeExpression)*
-enum AdditiveOp :
- PLUS = '+' |
- MINUS = '-'
-MultiplicativeExpression :
- exp+=UnaryExpression (op+=MultiplicativeOp exp+=PrimaryExpression)*
-enum MultiplicativeOp :
- MULT = '*' |
- DIV = '/' |
- MOD = '%'
- (op=('!'|'-'|'+'|'$'|'~') | '(' cast = ID ')')?
- exp=PrimaryExpression ;
-PrimaryExpression :
- prefix = ValueSpecification (suffix = SuffixExpression)?
-SuffixExpression :
- OperationCallExpression |
- PropertyCallExpression |
- LinkOperationExpression |
- SequenceOperationExpression |
- SequenceReductionExpression |
- SequenceExpansionExpression |
- ClassExtentExpression
-OperationCallExpression :
- '.' operationName = ID tuple = Tuple (suffix = SuffixExpression)?
-PropertyCallExpression :
- '.' propertyName = ID ('[' index=Expression ']')? (suffix = SuffixExpression)?
-LinkOperationExpression :
- '.' kind = LinkOperationKind tuple = LinkOperationTuple
-LinkOperationTuple :
- '('linkOperationTupleElement += LinkOperationTupleElement (',' linkOperationTupleElement += LinkOperationTupleElement)*')'
-LinkOperationTupleElement :
- objectOrRole = ID (('['roleIndex = Expression ']')? '=>' object = ID)?
-enum LinkOperationKind :
- CREATE = 'createLink' |
- DESTROY = 'destroyLink' |
- CLEAR = 'clearAssoc'
-SequenceOperationExpression :
- '->' operationName = ID tuple = Tuple (suffix = SuffixExpression) ?
-SequenceReductionExpression :
- '->' 'reduce' (isOrdered ?= 'ordered')? behavior = QualifiedNameWithBinding
-SequenceExpansionExpression :
- SelectOrRejectOperation |
- CollectOrIterateOperation |
- ForAllOrExistsOrOneOperation |
- IsUniqueOperation
-SelectOrRejectOperation :
- '->' op = SelectOrRejectOperator name = ID '('expr=Expression')'
-enum SelectOrRejectOperator :
- SELECT = 'select' |
- REJECT = 'reject'
-CollectOrIterateOperation :
- '->' op = CollectOrIterateOperator name = ID '('expr=Expression')'
-enum CollectOrIterateOperator :
- COLLECT = 'collect' |
- ITERATE = 'iterate'
-ForAllOrExistsOrOneOperation :
- '->' op = ForAllOrExistsOrOneOperator name = ID '('expr=Expression')'
-enum ForAllOrExistsOrOneOperator :
- FORALL = 'forAll' |
- EXISTS = 'exists' |
- ONE = 'one'
-IsUniqueOperation :
- '->' 'isUnique' name = ID '('expr=Expression')'
-ValueSpecification :
- NameExpression |
- ThisExpression |
- SuperInvocationExpression |
- InstanceCreationExpression |
- ParenthesizedExpression |
- NullExpression
- ;
-ParenthesizedExpression :
- '('Expression')'
-NullExpression :
- {NullExpression} 'null'
-ThisExpression :
- {ThisExpression}'this'
-SuperInvocationExpression :
- {SuperInvocationExpression} 'super' ('.' qualifiedNameRoot = ID '::' qualifiedNameRemaining = NameExpression)?
-InstanceCreationExpression :
- 'new' constructor=QualifiedNameWithBinding
- (tuple = Tuple | sequenceConstuctionCompletion = SequenceConstructionCompletion)
-SequenceConstructionOrAccessCompletion :
- (multiplicityIndicator ?= '[' ((accessCompletion = AccessCompletion) | sequenceCompletion = PartialSequenceConstructionCompletion)) |
- (expression = SequenceConstructionExpression)
-AccessCompletion :
- accessIndex = Expression ']'
-PartialSequenceConstructionCompletion :
- ']' expression = SequenceConstructionExpression
-SequenceConstructionCompletion :
- (multiplicityIndicator ?= '['']')? expression = SequenceConstructionExpression
-SequenceConstructionExpression :
- '{'sequenceElement+=SequenceElement
- ((',' sequenceElement+=SequenceElement)* | ('..' rangeUpper=Expression))
- '}'
-SequenceElement :
- Expression | SequenceConstructionExpression
-ClassExtentExpression :
- {ClassExtentExpression} '.' 'allInstances' '(' ')'
- * Statements
- ****************/
-Block :
- '{' {Block}(sequence = StatementSequence)? '}'
-StatementSequence :
- (statements += DocumentedStatement)+
-InlineStatement :
- '/*@' 'inline' langageName = ID body = STRING '*/'
-AnnotatedStatement :
- '//@' annotation = Annotation block = Block
-DocumentedStatement :
- (comment = (ML_COMMENT | SL_COMMENT))? statement = Statement
-Statement :
- (AnnotatedStatement |
- InlineStatement |
- BlockStatement |
- EmptyStatement |
- LocalNameDeclarationStatement |
- IfStatement |
- SwitchStatement |
- WhileStatement |
- DoStatement |
- ForStatement |
- BreakStatement |
- ReturnStatement |
- AcceptStatement |
- ClassifyStatement |
- InvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement |
- SuperInvocationStatement |
- ThisInvocationStatement |
- InstanceCreationInvocationStatement)
-Annotation :
- kind = AnnotationKind ('('args += ID (',' args += ID)* ')')?
-enum AnnotationKind :
- ISOLATED = 'isolated' |
- DETERMINED = 'determined' |
- ASSURED = 'assured' |
- PARALLEL = 'parallel'
-BlockStatement :
- block = Block
-EmptyStatement :
- {EmptyStatement} ';'
-LocalNameDeclarationStatement :
- 'let' varName = ID ':'
- type = QualifiedNameWithBinding
- (multiplicityIndicator?='[' ']')?
- '=' init = Expression ';'
-IfStatement :
- 'if' sequentialClausses = SequentialClauses ( finalClause = FinalClause )? ;
-SequentialClauses :
- conccurentClauses += ConcurrentClauses
- ( 'else' 'if' conccurentClauses += ConcurrentClauses )* ;
-ConcurrentClauses :
- nonFinalClause += NonFinalClause
- ( 'or' 'if' nonFinalClause += NonFinalClause )* ;
-NonFinalClause :
- '(' condition = Expression ')' block = Block ;
-FinalClause :
- 'else' block = Block ;
-SwitchStatement :
- 'switch' '(' expression = Expression ')' '{'
- ( switchClause += SwitchClause )*
- ( defaultClause = SwitchDefaultClause )?
- '}' ;
-SwitchClause :
- switchCase += SwitchCase ( switchCase += SwitchCase )* statementSequence = NonEmptyStatementSequence ;
-SwitchCase :
- 'case' expression = Expression ':' ;
-SwitchDefaultClause :
- 'default' ':' statementSequence = NonEmptyStatementSequence ;
-NonEmptyStatementSequence :
- ( statement += DocumentedStatement )+ ;
-WhileStatement :
- 'while' '(' condition = Expression ')' block = Block ;
-DoStatement :
- 'do' block = Block 'while' '(' condition = Expression ')' ';' ;
-ForStatement :
- 'for' '(' control = ForControl ')' block = Block ;
-ForControl :
- loopVariableDefinition += LoopVariableDefinition( ',' loopVariableDefinition += LoopVariableDefinition )* ;
-LoopVariableDefinition :
- (name = ID 'in' expression1 = Expression ( '..' expression2 = Expression )?)
- | (type = QualifiedNameWithBinding name = ID ':' expression = Expression) ;
-BreakStatement :
- {BreakStatement}'break' ';' ;
-ReturnStatement :
- 'return' expression = Expression ';' ;
-AcceptStatement :
- clause = AcceptClause
- ( simpleAccept = SimpleAcceptStatementCompletion
- | compoundAccept = CompoundAcceptStatementCompletion ) ;
-SimpleAcceptStatementCompletion :
- {SimpleAcceptStatementCompletion}';' ;
-CompoundAcceptStatementCompletion :
- block = Block ( 'or' acceptBlock += AcceptBlock )* ;
-AcceptBlock :
- clause = AcceptClause block = Block ;
-AcceptClause :
- 'accept' '(' ( name = ID ':' )? qualifiedNameList = QualifiedNameList ')' ;
-ClassifyStatement :
- 'classify' expression = Expression clause = ClassificationClause ';' ;
-ClassificationClause :
- classifyFromClause = ClassificationFromClause ( classifyToClause = ClassificationToClause )?
- | ( reclassyAllClause = ReclassifyAllClause )? classifyToClause = ClassificationToClause ;
-ClassificationFromClause :
- 'from' qualifiedNameList = QualifiedNameList ;
-ClassificationToClause :
- 'to' qualifiedNameList = QualifiedNameList ;
-ReclassifyAllClause :
- {ReclassifyAllClause}'from' '*' ;
-QualifiedNameList :
- qualifiedName += QualifiedNameWithBinding ( ',' qualifiedName += QualifiedNameWithBinding )* ;
-InvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement :
- typePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart = NameExpression
- (suffixCompletion = SuffixCompletion)?
- ((variableDeclarationCompletion = VariableDeclarationCompletion) |
- (assignmentCompletion = AssignmentCompletion))? ';'
-SuperInvocationStatement :
- _super = SuperInvocationExpression (suffix = SuffixCompletion)? ';'
-ThisInvocationStatement :
- _this = ThisExpression suffix = SuffixCompletion (assignmentCompletion = AssignmentCompletion)? ';'
-InstanceCreationInvocationStatement :
- _new = InstanceCreationExpression (suffix = SuffixCompletion)? ';'
-SuffixCompletion :
- suffix = SuffixExpression
-VariableDeclarationCompletion :
- (multiplicityIndicator ?= '[' ']')? variableName = ID initValue = AssignmentCompletion
-AssignmentCompletion :
- op=AssignmentOperator rightHandSide = Expression
-* Terminals
-//terminal DOUBLE_COLON : '::' ;
-terminal ID : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')* | ('\'' -> '\'') ;
-terminal STRING : '"' ( '\\' ('b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'"'|"'"|'\\') | !('\\'|'"') )* '"' ;
-terminal ML_COMMENT : '/*' !('@')* '*/';
-terminal SL_COMMENT : '//' !('\n'|'\r'|'@')* ('\r'? '\n')?;
-//terminal IDENTIFIER : ID ;
-//terminal IDENTIFIER : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')* | ('\'' -> '\'') ;
-//terminal DOCUMENTATION_COMMENT : '/*' -> '*/' ;
-//terminal ML_COMMENT : '/°' -> '°/';
-//terminal SL_COMMENT : '°°' !('\n'|'\r')* ('\r'? '\n')?;
-//terminal WS : (' '|'\t'|'\r'|'\n')+; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/Copy of Alf.xtext b/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/Copy of Alf.xtext
deleted file mode 100644
index ccc7288a678..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/Copy of Alf.xtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1013 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-grammar org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.Alf with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
-generate alf ""
- Test rule
-Test :
- ('testExpression' expression += Expression)*
- ('testStatementSequence' statement += StatementSequence)*
- ('testUnit' unit += UnitDefinition) *;
-* PrimitiveLiterals
- value = BooleanValue ;
-terminal BooleanValue : 'true' | 'false' ;
- value = IntegerValue ;
- value = '*' ;
-terminal IntegerValue :
- ('0' | '1'..'9' (('_')? '0'..'9')*) | //DECIMAL
- (('0b' | '0B') '0'..'1' (('_')? '0'..'1')*) | // BINARY
- (('0x'|'0X') ('0'..'9'|'a'..'f'|'A'..'F') (('_')? ('0'..'9'|'a'..'f'|'A'..'F'))*) | // HEX
- ('0' ('_')? '0'..'7' (('_')? '0'..'7')*) // OCT
- ;
- value = STRING ;
-* UNITS *
-UnitDefinition :
- ( namespaceDeclaration = NamespaceDeclaration )?
- ( importDeclaration += ImportDeclaration )*
- //( <DOCUMENTATION_COMMENT> )? =>> To be added
- ( comment = DocumentationComment )?
- stereotypeAnnotations = StereotypeAnnotations
- namespaceDefinition = NamespaceDefinition ;
-DocumentationComment :
- comment = ML_COMMENT ;
-StereotypeAnnotations :
- {StereotypeAnnotations}( annotation += StereotypeAnnotation )* ;
-StereotypeAnnotation :
- '@' stereotype = QualifiedName
- ( '(' taggedValues = TaggedValues ')' )? ;
-TaggedValues :
- QualifiedNameList
- | TaggedValueList ;
-TaggedValueList :
- taggedValue += TaggedValue ( "," taggedValue += TaggedValue )* ;
-TaggedValue :
- name = Name '=>' value = LiteralExpression ;
-//| ( <PLUS> | <MINUS> )?
-NamespaceDeclaration :
- 'namespace' qualifiedName = QualifiedName ';' ;
-ImportDeclaration :
- visibility = ImportVisibilityIndicator 'import' importReference = ImportReference ';' ;
-enum ImportVisibilityIndicator :
- PUBLIC = 'public' |
- PRIVATE = 'private' ;
-ImportReference :
- colonQualifiedName = ColonQualifiedName ( '::' star='*' | aliasDefinition = AliasDefinition )?
- | dotQualifiedName = DotQualifiedName ( '.' star='*' | aliasDefinition = AliasDefinition )?
- | name = Name ( ( '::' | '.' ) star = '*' | alias = AliasDefinition )? ;
-AliasDefinition :
- 'as' name = Name ;
-NamespaceDefinition :
- PackageDefinition | ClassifierDefinition ;
-enum VisibilityIndicator :
- PUBLIC = 'public' |
- PRIVATE = 'private' |
- PROTECTED = 'protected' ;
-PackageDeclaration :
- 'package' name = Name ;
-PackageDefinition :
- declaration = PackageDeclaration body = PackageBody ;
-PackageDefinitionOrStub :
- declaration = PackageDeclaration ( ';' | body = PackageBody ) ;
-PackageBody :
- {PackageBody} '{'( packagedElement += PackagedElement )* '}' ;
-PackagedElement :
- // TO be added( <DOCUMENTATION_COMMENT> )?
- stereotypeAnnotations = StereotypeAnnotations
- importVisibility = ImportVisibilityIndicator
- packagedElementDefinition = PackagedElementDefinition ;
-PackagedElementDefinition :
- PackageDefinitionOrStub
- | ClassifierDefinitionOrStub ;
-ClassifierDefinition :
- ClassDefinition
- | ActiveClassDefinition
- | DataTypeDefinition
- | EnumerationDefinition
- | AssociationDefinition
- | SignalDefinition
- | ActivityDefinition ;
-ClassifierDefinitionOrStub :
- ClassDefinitionOrStub
- | ActiveClassDefinitionOrStub
- | DataTypeDefinitionOrStub
- | EnumerationDefinitionOrStub
- | AssociationDefinitionOrStub
- | SignalDefinitionOrStub
- | ActivityDefinitionOrStub ;
-ClassifierSignature :
- name = Name ( templateParameters = TemplateParameters )?
- ( specializationClause = SpecializationClause )? ;
-TemplateParameters :
- '<' classifierTemplateParameter += ClassifierTemplateParameter
- ( ',' classifierTemplateParameter += ClassifierTemplateParameter )* '>' ;
-ClassifierTemplateParameter :
- // To be added( <DOCUMENTATION_COMMENT> )?
- name = Name
- ( 'specializes' specialized = QualifiedName )? ;
-SpecializationClause :
- 'specializes' specialized = QualifiedNameList ;
-/* CLASSES */
-ClassDeclaration :
- ( abstract ?= 'abstract' )? 'class' signature = ClassifierSignature ;
-ClassDefinition :
- declaration = ClassDeclaration body = ClassBody ;
-ClassDefinitionOrStub :
- declaration = ClassDeclaration ( ';' | body = ClassBody ) ;
-ClassBody :
- {ClassBody}'{' ( classMember += ClassMember )* '}' ;
-ClassMember :
- // To be added( <DOCUMENTATION_COMMENT> )?
- stereotypeAnnotations = StereotypeAnnotations
- ( visibilityIndicator = VisibilityIndicator )?
- classMemberDefinition = ClassMemberDefinition ;
-ClassMemberDefinition :
- ClassifierDefinitionOrStub
- | FeatureDefinitionOrStub ;
-ActiveClassDeclaration :
- ( abstract ?= 'abstract' )? 'active' 'class' signature = ClassifierSignature ;
-ActiveClassDefinition :
- declaration = ActiveClassDeclaration body = ActiveClassBody ;
-ActiveClassDefinitionOrStub :
- declaration = ActiveClassDeclaration ( ';' | body = ActiveClassBody ) ;
-ActiveClassBody :
- {ActiveClassBody}'{' ( activerClassMember += ActiveClassMember )* '}'
- ( 'do' behaviorClause = BehaviorClause )? ;
-BehaviorClause :
- Block | Name ;
-ActiveClassMember :
- // To be added( <DOCUMENTATION_COMMENT> )?
- stereotypeAnnotations = StereotypeAnnotations
- ( visibilityIndicator = VisibilityIndicator )?
- activeClassMemberDefinition = ActiveClassMemberDefinition ;
-ActiveClassMemberDefinition :
- ClassMemberDefinition
- | ActiveFeatureDefinitionOrStub ;
-DataTypeDeclaration :
- ( abstract ?= 'abstract' )? 'datatype' signature = ClassifierSignature ;
-DataTypeDefinition :
- declaration = DataTypeDeclaration body = StructuredBody ;
-DataTypeDefinitionOrStub :
- declaration = DataTypeDeclaration ( ';' | body = StructuredBody ) ;
-StructuredBody :
- {StructureBody}'{' ( structuredMember += StructuredMember )* '}' ;
-StructuredMember :
- // To be added ( <DOCUMENTATION_COMMENT> )?
- stereotypeAnnotations = StereotypeAnnotations ( public ?= 'public' )? propertyDefinition = PropertyDefinition ;
-AssociationDeclaration :
- ( abstract ?= 'abstract' )? 'assoc' signature = ClassifierSignature ;
-AssociationDefinition :
- declaration = AssociationDeclaration body = StructuredBody ;
-AssociationDefinitionOrStub :
- declaration = AssociationDeclaration ( ';' | body = StructuredBody ) ;
-EnumerationDeclaration :
- 'enum' name = Name ( specializationClause = SpecializationClause )? ;
-EnumerationDefinition :
- declaration = EnumerationDeclaration body = EnumerationBody ;
-EnumerationDefinitionOrStub :
- declaration = EnumerationDeclaration ( ';' | body = EnumerationBody ) ;
-EnumerationBody :
- '{' name += EnumerationLiteralName ( ',' name += EnumerationLiteralName )* '}' ;
-EnumerationLiteralName :
- // To be added ( <DOCUMENTATION_COMMENT> )?
- Name ;
-/* SIGNALS */
-SignalDeclaration :
- ( abstract ?= 'abstract' )? 'signal' signature = ClassifierSignature ;
-SignalDefinition :
- declaration = SignalDeclaration body = StructuredBody ;
-SignalDefinitionOrStub :
- declaration = SignalDeclaration ( ';' | body = StructuredBody ) ;
-ActivityDeclaration :
- 'activity' name = Name ( templateParameters = TemplateParameters )?
- formalParameters = FormalParameters ( ':' typePart = TypePart )? ;
-ActivityDefinition :
- declaration = ActivityDeclaration body = Block ;
-ActivityDefinitionOrStub :
- declaration = ActivityDeclaration ( ';' | body = Block ) ;
-FormalParameters :
- {FormalParameters} '(' ( formalParameterList = FormalParameterList )? ')' ;
-FormalParameterList :
- formalParameter += FormalParameter ( ',' formalParameter += FormalParameter )* ;
-FormalParameter :
- // To be added ( <DOCUMENTATION_COMMENT> )?
- stereotypeAnnotations = StereotypeAnnotations
- direction = ParameterDirection
- name = Name ':' type = TypePart ;
-enum ParameterDirection :
- IN = 'in' |
- OUT = 'out' |
- INOUT = 'inout' ;
-FeatureDefinitionOrStub :
- AttributeDefinition
- | OperationDefinitionOrStub ;
-ActiveFeatureDefinitionOrStub :
- ReceptionDefinition
- | SignalReceptionDefinitionOrStub ;
-PropertyDefinition :
- declaration = PropertyDeclaration ';' ;
-AttributeDefinition :
- declaration = PropertyDeclaration ( attributeInitialize = AttributeInitializer )? ';' ;
-AttributeInitializer :
- '=' expression = InitializationExpression ;
-PropertyDeclaration :
- name = Name ':' ( 'compose' )? type = TypePart ;
-TypePart :
- typeName = TypeName ( multiplicity = Multiplicity )? ;
-Multiplicity :
- {Multiplicity} '[' ( range = MultiplicityRange )? ']'
- ( ordered ?= 'ordered' ( nonUnique ?= 'nonUnique' )? | nonUnique ?='nonUnique' ( ordered ?= 'ordered' )? | sequence ?= 'sequence' )? ;
-MultiplicityRange :
- ( lower = NUMBER_LITERAL '..' )? upper = NUMBER_LITERAL ;
-//UnlimitedNaturalLiteral = <DECIMAL_LITERAL> | <STAR>
-OperationDeclaration :
- ( abstract ?= 'abstract' )? name = Name formalParameters = FormalParameters
- ( ':' returnType = TypePart )? ( redefinition = RedefinitionClause )? ;
-OperationDefinitionOrStub :
- declaration = OperationDeclaration ( ';' | body = Block ) ;
-RedefinitionClause :
- 'redefines' redefinedOperations = QualifiedNameList ;
-ReceptionDefinition :
- 'receive' signalName = QualifiedName ';' ;
-SignalReceptionDeclaration :
- 'receive' 'signal' name = Name ( specializationClause = SpecializationClause )? ;
-SignalReceptionDefinitionOrStub :
- declaration = SignalReceptionDeclaration ( ';' | body = StructuredBody ) ;
-* Statements
-StatementSequence :
- {StatementSequence}( statement += DocumentedStatement )* ;
-DocumentedStatement :
- //( <DOCUMENTATION_COMMENT> )? Statement =>>> to be taken into account
- Statement ;
-Statement :
- BlockStatement |
- //AnnotatedStatement|
- //InLineStatement |
- LocalNameDeclarationOrExpressionStatement |
- LocalNameDeclarationStatement |
- IfStatement |
- SwitchStatement |
- WhileStatement |
- ForStatement |
- DoStatement |
- BreakStatement |
- ReturnStatement |
- AcceptStatement |
- ClassifyStatement |
- EmptyStatement
- ;
-/* BLOCK */
-Block :
- '{' statementSequence = StatementSequence '}' ;
-//AnnotatedStatement :
-// '/@' (annotation = Annotations) '\n' statement = Statement ;
-//Annotations :
-// annotation += Annotation ( '@' annotation+= Annotation )* ;
-//Annotation :
-// id = ID ( '(' nameList = NameList ')' )? ;
-//NameList :
-// name += Name ( ',' name+=Name )* ;
-//InLineStatement :
-// '/*@' id=ID '(' name = Name ')' ;
-// //<DOCUMENTATION_COMMENT> =>>> to be taken into account
-BlockStatement :
- block = Block ;
-EmptyStatement :
- {EmptyStatement} ';' ;
-LocalNameDeclarationOrExpressionStatement :
- qualifiedName = PotentiallyColonQualifiedName (qualifiednameToExpressionCompletion = NameToExpressionCompletion)?
- ( ( multiplicityIndicator = MultiplicityIndicator )? name = Name nameDeclarationCompletion = LocalNameDeclarationStatementCompletion
- | nameToExpressionCompletion = NameToExpressionCompletion ';'
- )
- | nonNameExpression = NonNameExpression ';' ;
-LocalNameDeclarationStatement :
- 'let' name = Name ':' type = TypeName ( multiplicityIndicator = MultiplicityIndicator )?
- localNameDeclarationCompletion = LocalNameDeclarationStatementCompletion ;
-TypeName :
- {TypeName}(qualifiedName = QualifiedName | 'any') ;
-LocalNameDeclarationStatementCompletion :
- '=' initialization = InitializationExpression ';' ;
-InitializationExpression :
- Expression
- | SequenceInitializationExpression
- | InstanceInitializationExpression ;
-InstanceInitializationExpression :
- 'new' tuple = Tuple ;
-IfStatement :
- 'if' sequentialClausses = SequentialClauses ( finalClause = FinalClause )? ;
-SequentialClauses :
- conccurentClauses += ConcurrentClauses
- ( 'else' 'if' conccurentClauses += ConcurrentClauses )* ;
-ConcurrentClauses :
- nonFinalClause += NonFinalClause
- ( 'or' 'if' nonFinalClause += NonFinalClause )* ;
-NonFinalClause :
- '(' condition = Expression ')' block = Block ;
-FinalClause :
- 'else' block = Block ;
-SwitchStatement :
- 'switch' '(' expression = Expression ')' '{'
- ( switchClause += SwitchClause )*
- ( defaultClause = SwitchDefaultClause )?
- '}' ;
-SwitchClause :
- switchCase += SwitchCase ( switchCase += SwitchCase )* statementSequence = NonEmptyStatementSequence ;
-SwitchCase :
- 'case' expression = Expression ':' ;
-SwitchDefaultClause :
- 'default' ':' statementSequence = NonEmptyStatementSequence ;
-NonEmptyStatementSequence :
- ( statement += Statement )+ ;
- // Should be: ( statement += DocumentedStatement )+ ;
-WhileStatement :
- 'while' '(' condition = Expression ')' block = Block ;
-DoStatement :
- 'do' block = Block 'while' '(' condition = Expression ')' ';' ;
-ForStatement :
- 'for' '(' control = ForControl ')' block = Block ;
-ForControl :
- loopVariableDefinition += LoopVariableDefinition( ',' loopVariableDefinition += LoopVariableDefinition )* ;
-LoopVariableDefinition :
- (name = Name 'in' expression1 = Expression ( '::' expression2 = Expression )?)
- | (type = QualifiedName name = Name ':' expression = Expression) ;
-BreakStatement :
- {BreakStatement}'break' ';' ;
-ReturnStatement :
- 'return' expression = Expression ';' ;
-AcceptStatement :
- clause = AcceptClause
- ( simpleAccept = SimpleAcceptStatementCompletion
- | compoundAccept = CompoundAcceptStatementCompletion ) ;
-SimpleAcceptStatementCompletion :
- {SimpleAcceptStatementCompletion}';' ;
-CompoundAcceptStatementCompletion :
- block = Block ( 'or' acceptBlock += AcceptBlock )* ;
-AcceptBlock :
- clause = AcceptClause block = Block ;
-AcceptClause :
- 'accept' '(' ( name = Name ':' )? qualifiedNameList = QualifiedNameList ')' ;
-ClassifyStatement :
- 'classify' expression = Expression clause = ClassificationClause ';' ;
-ClassificationClause :
- classifyFromClause = ClassificationFromClause ( classifyToClause = ClassificationToClause )?
- | ( reclassyAllClause = ReclassifyAllClause )? classifyToClause = ClassificationToClause ;
-ClassificationFromClause :
- 'from' qualifiedNameList = QualifiedNameList ;
-ClassificationToClause :
- 'to' qualifiedNameList = QualifiedNameList ;
-ReclassifyAllClause :
- {ReclassifyAllClause}'from' '*' ;
-QualifiedNameList :
- qualifiedName += QualifiedName ( ',' qualifiedName += QualifiedName )* ;
-* Names
-Name :
- id = ID ;
-QualifiedName :
- unqualifiedName = UnqualifiedName ( completion = QualifiedNameCompletion)? ;
-//ADDED for implementation of QualifiedName
-QualifiedNameCompletion :
- ColonQualifiedNameCompletion | DotQualifiedNameCompletion ;
-PotentiallyAmbiguousQualifiedName :
- unqualifiedName = NameBinding ('::' colonCompletion += NameBinding)* ;
-//Simplified with respect to the real spec (i.e. no template-based qualified name possible with the '.' notation)
-ColonQualifiedName :
- unqualifiedName = UnqualifiedName completion = ColonQualifiedNameCompletion ;
-PotentiallyColonQualifiedName :
- unqualifiedName = UnqualifiedName (completion = ColonQualifiedNameCompletion)? ;
-ColonQualifiedNameCompletion :
- ( '::' binding += NameBinding )+ ;
-DotQualifiedName :
- unqualifiedName = UnqualifiedName completion = DotQualifiedNameCompletion ;
-DotQualifiedNameCompletion :
- ( '.' binding += NameBinding )+ ;
-UnqualifiedName :
- NameBinding ;
-NameBinding :
- name = Name ( templateBinding = TemplateBinding )? ;
-TemplateBinding :
- '<' ( NamedTemplateBinding | PositionalTemplateBinding ) '>' ;
-PositionalTemplateBinding :
- qualifiedName += QualifiedName ( ',' qualifiedName += QualifiedName )* ;
-NamedTemplateBinding :
- substitution += TemplateParameterSubstitution ( ',' substitution += TemplateParameterSubstitution )* ;
-TemplateParameterSubstitution :
- parameter = Name '=>' argument = QualifiedName ;
-* Expressions
-Expression :
- unary = UnaryExpression completion = ExpressionCompletion ;
-NonNameExpression :
- nonNameUnary = NonNameUnaryExpression completion = ExpressionCompletion ;
-NameToExpressionCompletion :
- ( nameToPrimary = NameToPrimaryExpression )? completion = PrimaryToExpressionCompletion ;
-PrimaryToExpressionCompletion :
- postfixCompletion = PostfixExpressionCompletion completion = ExpressionCompletion ;
-ExpressionCompletion :
- AssignmentExpressionCompletion | ConditionalExpressionCompletion ;
-PrimaryExpression :
- prefix = PrimaryExpressionPrefix
- completion = PrimaryExpressionCompletion ;
-//ADDED for prefix of PrimaryExpression////////
-PrimaryExpressionPrefix :
- ( NameOrPrimaryExpression | BaseExpression | ParenthesizedExpression ) ;
-BaseExpression :
- LiteralExpression
- | ThisExpression
- | SuperInvocationExpression
- | InstanceCreationOrSequenceConstructionExpression
- | SequenceAnyExpression ;
-NameToPrimaryExpression :
- '.' ( LinkOperationCompletion | ClassExtentExpressionCompletion )
- | SequenceConstructionExpressionCompletion
- | BehaviorInvocation ;
-PrimaryExpressionCompletion :
- {PrimaryExpressionCompletion}( completionItems += PrimaryExpressionCompletionItem)* ;
-//ADDED for PrimaryExpressionCompletion implem
-PrimaryExpressionCompletionItem :
- FeatureCompletion | SequenceOperationOrReductionOrExpansion | Index ;
-FeatureCompletion :
- feature = Feature (completion = FeatureInvocation)? ;
-LiteralExpression :
-NameOrPrimaryExpression :
- nameOrPrimary = PotentiallyAmbiguousQualifiedName ( toPrimary = NameToPrimaryExpression )? ;
-ThisExpression :
- {ThisExpression}'this' ( tuple = Tuple )? ;
-ParenthesizedExpression :
- '(' Expression ')' ;
-Feature :
- '.' nameBinding = NameBinding ;
-Tuple :
- {Tuple}'('
- ( namedTupleList = NamedTupleExpressionList | ( positionalTupleList = PositionalTupleExpressionList )? ) ')' ;
-PositionalTupleExpressionList :
- expression = Expression positionalTupleListCompletion = PositionalTupleExpressionListCompletion ;
-PositionalTupleExpressionListCompletion :
- {PositionalTupleExpressionListCompletion}( ',' expression += Expression )* ;
-NamedTupleExpressionList :
- namedExpression += NamedExpression ( ',' namedExpressions += NamedExpression )* ;
-NamedExpression :
- name = Name '=>' expression = Expression ;
-BehaviorInvocation :
- Tuple ;
-FeatureInvocation :
- Tuple ;
-SuperInvocationExpression :
- 'super' ( '.' qualifiedName = QualifiedName )? tuple = Tuple ;
-InstanceCreationOrSequenceConstructionExpression :
- 'new' qualifiedName = QualifiedName
- completion = InstanceCreationOrSequenceConstructionExpressionCompletion ;
-//ADDED for implem of InstanceCreationOrSequenceConstructionExpression
-InstanceCreationOrSequenceConstructionExpressionCompletion :
- SequenceConstructionExpressionCompletion | Tuple ;
-LinkOperationCompletion :
- linkOperation = LinkOperation tuple = LinkOperationTuple ;
-enum LinkOperation :
- CREATE ='createLink'
- | DESTROY = 'destroyLink'
- | CLEAR = 'clearAssoc' ;
-LinkOperationTuple :
- {LinkOperationOrTuple}'('
- ( name = Name
- ( index = Index
- ( '=>' indexedNameCompletion = IndexedNamedExpressionListCompletion
- | primaryToExpressionCompletion = PrimaryToExpressionCompletion positionalTupleCompletion = PositionalTupleExpressionListCompletion
- )
- | '=>' indexedNameCompletion = IndexedNamedExpressionListCompletion
- )
- | positionalTupleList = PositionalTupleExpressionList)? ')' ;
-IndexedNamedExpressionListCompletion :
- expression = Expression ( ',' indexedNameExpression += IndexedNamedExpression )* ;
-IndexedNamedExpression :
- name = Name ( index = Index )? '=>' expression = Expression ;
-ClassExtentExpressionCompletion :
- {ClassExtentExpressionCompletion}'allInstances' '(' ')' ;
-SequenceAnyExpression :
- {SequenceAnyExpression}'any' completion = SequenceConstructionExpressionCompletion
- | {SequenceAnyExpression}'null' ;
-SequenceConstructionExpressionCompletion :
- {SequenceConstructionExpressionCompletion}( multiplicityIndicator = MultiplicityIndicator )? '{'( sequenceElements = SequenceElements )? '}' ;
-MultiplicityIndicator :
- '[' ']' ;
-SequenceElements :
- expression = Expression ( '::' expressionCompletion = Expression | sequenceCompletion = SequenceElementListCompletion )
- | initializationExpression = SequenceInitializationExpression sequenceCompletion = SequenceElementListCompletion ;
-SequenceElementListCompletion :
- {SequenceElementListCompletion}( ',' sequenceElement += SequenceElement )* ( ',' )? ;
-SequenceElement :
- Expression | SequenceInitializationExpression ;
-SequenceInitializationExpression :
- ( 'new' )? '{' SequenceElements '}' ;
-Index :
- '[' Expression ']' ;
-SequenceOperationOrReductionOrExpansion :
- '->'
- ( qualifiedName = QualifiedName tuple = Tuple | 'reduce' ( 'ordered' )? qualifiedName = QualifiedName
- | expansionOperator = ExpansionOperator name = Name '(' expression = Expression ')') ;
-enum ExpansionOperator :
- SELECT = 'select' |
- COLLECT = 'collect' |
- REJECT = 'reject' |
- ITERATE = 'iterate' |
- FORALL = 'forAll' |
- EXISTS = 'exists'|
- ONE = 'one' ;
-PostfixExpressionCompletion :
- primaryCompletion = PrimaryExpressionCompletion ( postfixOperation = PostfixOperation )? ;
-PostfixOperation :
- operator = AffixOperator ;
-PrefixExpression :
- operator = AffixOperator expression = PrimaryExpression ;
-enum AffixOperator :
- INCR = '++' |
- DECR = '--' ;
-UnaryExpression :
- PostfixOrCastExpression | NonPostfixNonCastUnaryExpression ;
-PostfixOrCastExpression :
- NonNamePostfixOrCastExpression | NameOrPrimaryExpressionAlt ;
-// ADDED for implem of PostfixOrCastExpression
-NameOrPrimaryExpressionAlt :
- nameOrPrimary = NameOrPrimaryExpression completion = PostfixExpressionCompletion ;
-NonNameUnaryExpression :
- NonNamePostfixOrCastExpression | NonPostfixNonCastUnaryExpression ;
-NonNamePostfixOrCastExpression :
- '(' ( 'any' '(' castCompletion1 = CastCompletion | qualifiedName = PotentiallyAmbiguousQualifiedName
- ( ')' castCompletion2 = CastCompletion
- | nameToExpressionCompletion = NameToExpressionCompletion ')' postfixExpressionCompletion = PostfixExpressionCompletion
- )
- | nonNameExpression = NonNameExpression ')' postfixExpressionCompletion = PostfixExpressionCompletion)
- | baseExpression = BaseExpression postfixExpressionCompletion = PostfixExpressionCompletion ;
-NonPostfixNonCastUnaryExpression :
- PrefixExpression
- | NumericUnaryExpression
- | BooleanNegationExpression
- | BitStringComplementExpression
- | IsolationExpression ;
-BooleanNegationExpression :
- '!' unaryExpression = UnaryExpression ;
-BitStringComplementExpression :
- '~' unaryExpression = UnaryExpression ;
-NumericUnaryExpression :
- operator = NumericUnaryOperator unaryExpression = UnaryExpression ;
-enum NumericUnaryOperator :
- PLUS ='+' |
- MINUS = '-' ;
-IsolationExpression :
- '$' unaryExpression = UnaryExpression ;
-//CastExpression :
-// '(' typeName = TypeName ')' castCompletion = CastCompletion ;
-CastCompletion :
- PostfixOrCastExpression
- | BooleanNegationExpression
- | BitStringComplementExpression
- | IsolationExpression ;
-MultiplicativeExpression :
- unaryExpression = UnaryExpression completion = MultiplicativeExpressionCompletion ;
-MultiplicativeExpressionCompletion :
- {MultiplicativeExpressionCompletion}( multiplicativeOperator += MultiplicativeOperator unaryExpression += UnaryExpression )* ;
-enum MultiplicativeOperator :
- STAR = '*' |
- DIV = '/' |
- MOD = '%' ;
-AdditiveExpression :
- unaryExpression = UnaryExpression completion = AdditiveExpressionCompletion ;
-AdditiveExpressionCompletion :
- MultiplicativeExpressionCompletion
- ( {AdditiveExpressionCompletion.firstCompletion = current} additiveOperator += AdditiveOperator multiplicativeExpression += MultiplicativeExpression
- ( additiveOperator += AdditiveOperator multiplicativeExpression += MultiplicativeExpression)*)? ;
-enum AdditiveOperator :
- PLUS = '+' |
- MINUS = '-' ;
-ShiftExpression :
- unaryExpression = UnaryExpression completion = ShiftExpressionCompletion ;
-ShiftExpressionCompletion :
- AdditiveExpressionCompletion
- ({ShiftExpressionCompletion.firstCompletion = current} shiftOperator += ShiftOperator additiveExpression += AdditiveExpression
- ( shiftOperator += ShiftOperator additiveExpression += AdditiveExpression )*)? ;
-enum ShiftOperator :
- LSHIFT = '<<' |
- RSHIFT = '>>' |
- URSHIFT = '>>>' ;
-RelationalExpression :
- unaryExpression = UnaryExpression completion = RelationalExpressionCompletion ;
-RelationalExpressionCompletion :
- ShiftExpressionCompletion
- ({RelationalExpressionCompletion.firstCompletion = current}relationalOperator = RelationalOperator shiftExpression = ShiftExpression )? ;
-enum RelationalOperator :
- LT = '<' |
- GT = '>' |
- LE = '<=' |
- GE = '>=' ;
-ClassificationExpression :
- RelationalExpression ({ClassificationExpression.expression = current} completion = ClassificationExpressionCompletion)? ;
- //unaryExpression = UnaryExpression completion = ClassificationExpressionCompletion ;
-ClassificationExpressionCompletion :
- RelationalExpressionCompletion
- ({ClassificationExpressionCompletion.firstCompletion=current} classificationOperator = ClassificationOperator qualifiedName = QualifiedName )? ;
-enum ClassificationOperator :
- INSTANCEOF = 'instanceof' |
- HASTYPE = 'hastype' ;
-EqualityExpression :
- unaryExpression = UnaryExpression completion = ClassificationExpressionCompletion ;
-EqualityExpressionCompletion :
- ClassificationExpressionCompletion
- ( {EqualityExpressionCompletion.firstCompletion=current} equalityOperator += EqualityOperator classificationExpression += ClassificationExpression
- ( equalityOperator += EqualityOperator classificationExpression += ClassificationExpression)*)? ;
-enum EqualityOperator :
- EQ = '==' |
- NE = '!=' ;
-AndExpression :
- unaryExpression = UnaryExpression completion = AndExpressionCompletion ;
-AndExpressionCompletion :
- EqualityExpressionCompletion
- ( {AndExpressionCompletion.firstCompletion = current}'&' equalityExpression += EqualityExpression
- ( '&' equalityExpression += EqualityExpression )*)? ;
-ExclusiveOrExpression :
- unaryExpression = UnaryExpression completion = ExclusiveOrExpressionCompletion ;
-ExclusiveOrExpressionCompletion :
- AndExpressionCompletion
- ({ExclusiveOrExpressionCompletion.firstExpression=current} '^' andExpression += AndExpression
- ( '^' andExpression += AndExpression )*)? ;
-InclusiveOrExpression :
- unaryExpression = UnaryExpression completion = InclusiveOrExpressionCompletion ;
-InclusiveOrExpressionCompletion :
- ExclusiveOrExpressionCompletion
- ({InclusiveOrExpressionCompletion.firstCompletion=current} '|' exclusiveOrExpression += ExclusiveOrExpression
- ( '|' exclusiveOrExpression += ExclusiveOrExpression )*)? ;
-ConditionalAndExpression :
- unaryExpression = UnaryExpression completion = ConditionalAndExpressionCompletion ;
-ConditionalAndExpressionCompletion :
- InclusiveOrExpressionCompletion
- ({ConditionalAndExpressionCompletion.firstCompletion = current} '&&' inclusiveOrExpression += InclusiveOrExpression
- ( '&&' inclusiveOrExpression += InclusiveOrExpression )*)? ;
-ConditionalOrExpression :
- unaryExpression = UnaryExpression completion = ConditionalOrExpressionCompletion ;
-ConditionalOrExpressionCompletion :
- ConditionalAndExpressionCompletion
- ({ConditionalOrExpressionCompletion.firstCompletion = current} '||' conditionalAndExpression += ConditionalAndExpression
- ( '||' conditionalAndExpression += ConditionalAndExpression )*)? ;
-//ConditionalExpression :
-// unaryExpression = UnaryExpression completion = ConditionalExpressionCompletion ;
-ConditionalExpressionCompletion :
- ConditionalOrExpressionCompletion
- ({ConditionalExpressionCompletion.firstCompletion = current} '?' expression1 = ConditionalOrExpression ':' expression2 = ConditionalOrExpression )? ;
-AssignmentExpressionCompletion :
- operator = AssignmentOperator expression = Expression ;
-enum AssignmentOperator :
- ASSIGN = '='
- | PLUSASSIGN = '+='
- | MINUSASSIGN = '-='
- | STARASSIGN = '*='
- | SLASHASSIGN = '/='
- | REMASSIGN = '%='
- | ANSASSIGN = '&='
- | ORASSIGN = '|='
- | XORASSIGN = '^='
- | LSHIFTASSIGN = '<<='
- | RSHIFTASSIGN = '>>='
- | URSHIFTASSIGN = '>>>=' ;
-* Terminals
-//terminal DOUBLE_COLON : '::' ;
-terminal ID : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')* | ('\'' -> '\'') ;
-terminal STRING : '"' ( '\\' ('b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'"'|"'"|'\\') | !('\\'|'"') )* '"' ;
-//terminal IDENTIFIER : ID ;
-//terminal IDENTIFIER : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')* | ('\'' -> '\'') ;
-//terminal DOCUMENTATION_COMMENT : '/*' -> '*/' ;
-//terminal ML_COMMENT : '/°' -> '°/';
-//terminal SL_COMMENT : '°°' !('\n'|'\r')* ('\r'? '\n')?;
-//terminal WS : (' '|'\t'|'\r'|'\n')+; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/GenerateAlf.mwe2 b/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/GenerateAlf.mwe2
deleted file mode 100644
index fd626100672..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/GenerateAlf.mwe2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-module org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.Alf
-import org.eclipse.emf.mwe.utils.*
-import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.*
-import org.eclipse.xtext.ui.generator.*
-var grammarURI = "classpath:/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/Alf.xtext"
-var file.extensions = "alf"
-var projectName = "org.eclipse.papyrus.alf"
-var runtimeProject = "../${projectName}"
-Workflow {
- bean = StandaloneSetup {
- platformUri = "${runtimeProject}/.."
- }
- component = DirectoryCleaner {
- directory = "${runtimeProject}/src-gen"
- }
- component = DirectoryCleaner {
- directory = "${runtimeProject}.ui/src-gen"
- }
- component = Generator {
- pathRtProject = runtimeProject
- pathUiProject = "${runtimeProject}.ui"
- projectNameRt = projectName
- projectNameUi = "${projectName}.ui"
- language = {
- uri = grammarURI
- fileExtensions = file.extensions
- // Java API to access grammar elements (required by several other fragments)
- fragment = grammarAccess.GrammarAccessFragment {}
- // generates Java API for the generated EPackages
- fragment = ecore.EcoreGeneratorFragment {
- // referencedGenModels = "uri to genmodel, uri to next genmodel"
- }
- // the serialization component
- fragment = parseTreeConstructor.ParseTreeConstructorFragment {}
- // a custom ResourceFactory for use with EMF
- fragment = resourceFactory.ResourceFactoryFragment {
- fileExtensions = file.extensions
- }
- // The antlr parser generator fragment.
- fragment = parser.antlr.XtextAntlrGeneratorFragment {
- //options = {
- // backtrack = true
- //}
- }
- // java-based API for validation
- fragment = validation.JavaValidatorFragment {
- composedCheck = "org.eclipse.xtext.validation.ImportUriValidator"
- // composedCheck = "org.eclipse.xtext.validation.NamesAreUniqueValidator"
- // registerForImportedPackages = true
- }
- // scoping and exporting API
- fragment = scoping.ImportURIScopingFragment {}
- fragment = exporting.SimpleNamesFragment {}
- // scoping and exporting API
- //fragment = scoping.ImportNamespacesScopingFragment {}
- //fragment = exporting.QualifiedNamesFragment {}
- //fragment = builder.BuilderIntegrationFragment {}
- // formatter API
- fragment = formatting.FormatterFragment {}
- // labeling API
- fragment = labeling.LabelProviderFragment {}
- // outline API
- fragment = outline.OutlineTreeProviderFragment {}
- fragment = outline.QuickOutlineFragment {}
- // quickfix API
- fragment = quickfix.QuickfixProviderFragment {}
- // content assist API
- fragment = contentAssist.JavaBasedContentAssistFragment {}
- // generates a more lightweight Antlr parser and lexer tailored for content assist
- fragment = parser.antlr.XtextAntlrUiGeneratorFragment {
- //options = {
- // backtrack = true
- //}
- }
- // project wizard (optional)
- // fragment = projectWizard.SimpleProjectWizardFragment {
- // generatorProjectName = "${projectName}.generator"
- // modelFileExtension = file.extensions
- // }
- }
- }
diff --git a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/formatting/ b/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/formatting/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3add6fb48e7..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/formatting/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.formatting;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.formatting.impl.AbstractDeclarativeFormatter;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.formatting.impl.FormattingConfig;
- * This class contains custom formatting description.
- *
- * see :
- * on how and when to use it
- *
- * Also see {@link org.eclipse.xtext.xtext.XtextFormattingTokenSerializer} as an example
- */
-public class AlfFormatter extends AbstractDeclarativeFormatter {
- @Override
- protected void configureFormatting(FormattingConfig c) {
-// It's usually a good idea to activate the following three statements.
-// They will add and preserve newlines around comments
-// c.setLinewrap(0, 1, 2).before(getGrammarAccess().getSL_COMMENTRule());
-// c.setLinewrap(0, 1, 2).before(getGrammarAccess().getML_COMMENTRule());
-// c.setLinewrap(0, 1, 1).after(getGrammarAccess().getML_COMMENTRule());
- }
diff --git a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/scoping/ b/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/scoping/
deleted file mode 100644
index 32cddeaaec0..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/scoping/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.scoping;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-public class AlfPartialScope {
- private List<List<EObject>> nestedScopes ;
- private IGetNameStrategy nameStrategy ;
- private IBuildScopeStrategy buildScopeStrategy ;
- public AlfPartialScope(IGetNameStrategy nameStrategy, IBuildScopeStrategy buildScopeStrategy, EObject contextElement) {
- this.nameStrategy = nameStrategy ;
- this.buildScopeStrategy = buildScopeStrategy ;
- nestedScopes = buildScopeStrategy.buildScope(contextElement) ;
- }
- public String getElementName(EObject eObject) {
- return nameStrategy.getName(eObject) ;
- }
- public void buildScope(EObject contextElement) {
- nestedScopes = buildScopeStrategy.buildScope(contextElement) ;
- }
- public List<EObject> resolveByName(String elemName) {
- List<EObject> resolvedElements = new ArrayList<EObject>() ;
- Iterator<List<EObject>> nestedScopesIterator = nestedScopes.iterator() ;
- String normalizedElementName = elemName.startsWith("'") ?
- elemName.substring(1, elemName.length()-1) : // removes first and last '
- elemName ;
- while (nestedScopesIterator.hasNext() && resolvedElements.isEmpty()) {
- for (EObject elem : {
- if (getElementName(elem).equals(normalizedElementName))
- resolvedElements.add(elem) ;
- }
- }
- return resolvedElements ;
- }
- public List<List<EObject>> getScopeDetails() {
- return nestedScopes ;
- }
- public int getScopingLevel(EObject element) {
- for (int i = 0 ; i<nestedScopes.size() ; i++) {
- if (nestedScopes.get(i).contains(element))
- return i ;
- }
- return -1 ;
- }
- public interface IGetNameStrategy {
- public String getName(EObject element) ;
- }
- public interface IBuildScopeStrategy {
- public List<List<EObject>> buildScope(EObject contextElement) ;
- }
diff --git a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/scoping/ b/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/scoping/
deleted file mode 100644
index cbbb2d9ace9..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/scoping/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.scoping;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.scoping.impl.AbstractDeclarativeScopeProvider;
- * This class contains custom scoping description.
- *
- * see :
- * on how and when to use it
- *
- */
-public class AlfScopeProvider extends AbstractDeclarativeScopeProvider {
- public static AlfScopingTool scopingTool ;
diff --git a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/scoping/ b/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/scoping/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f909b79725..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/scoping/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,722 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.scoping;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.AcceptClause;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.AcceptStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.DocumentedStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.InvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.LocalNameDeclarationStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.LoopVariableDefinition;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SequenceExpansionExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.Statement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.AlfJavaValidator;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing.TypeExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing.TypeUtils;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Behavior;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Classifier;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ElementImport;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Enumeration;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.EnumerationLiteral;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.NamedElement;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Namespace;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Operation;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.PackageImport;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.PackageableElement;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Property;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Reception;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Signal;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.VisibilityKind;
-public abstract class AlfScopingTool {
- protected static List<EObject> removeDuplicateClassifiers(List<EObject> list) {
- List<EObject> intermediateFilteredList = new ArrayList<EObject>() ;
- HashMap<String, Classifier> classifiers = new HashMap<String, Classifier>() ;
- HashMap<String, Classifier> elementImports = new HashMap<String, Classifier>() ;
- for (EObject o : list) {
- if (o instanceof Classifier) {
- Classifier c = (Classifier) o ;
- if (classifiers.get(c.getQualifiedName()) == null) {
- classifiers.put(c.getQualifiedName(), c) ;
- intermediateFilteredList.add(c) ;
- }
- // else => nothing to be done, this is a duplicate
- }
- else if (o instanceof ElementImport) {
- ElementImport e = (ElementImport)o ;
- Classifier c = (Classifier)e.getImportedElement() ;
- if (elementImports.get(e.getAlias()) == null) {
- elementImports.put(e.getAlias(), c) ;
- intermediateFilteredList.add(e) ;
- }
- else {// need to check if element import aliases the same thing.
- Classifier alreadyInTheList = elementImports.get(e.getAlias()) ;
- if (! alreadyInTheList.getQualifiedName().equals(c.getQualifiedName())) {
- // The model is ill-formed, and there's no need to filter
- intermediateFilteredList.add(e) ;
- }
- // else => nothing to be done, this is a duplicate
- }
- }
- }
- // needs to make a second pass on the filtered list, to remove cases where aliases and names are the same, and represent the same element
- List<EObject> filteredList = new ArrayList<EObject>() ;
- for (int i = 0 ; i < intermediateFilteredList.size() ; i++) {
- String classifierName = (intermediateFilteredList.get(i) instanceof Classifier) ?
- ((Classifier)intermediateFilteredList.get(i)).getName() :
- ((ElementImport)intermediateFilteredList.get(i)).getAlias() ;
- String classifierQualifiedName = (intermediateFilteredList.get(i) instanceof Classifier) ?
- ((Classifier)intermediateFilteredList.get(i)).getQualifiedName() :
- ((Classifier)((ElementImport)intermediateFilteredList.get(i)).getImportedElement()).getQualifiedName() ;
- boolean duplicateFound = false ;
- for (int j = i + 1 ; j < intermediateFilteredList.size() && !duplicateFound ; j++) {
- String cddDuplicateClassifierName = (intermediateFilteredList.get(j) instanceof Classifier) ?
- ((Classifier)intermediateFilteredList.get(j)).getName() :
- ((ElementImport)intermediateFilteredList.get(j)).getAlias() ;
- if (cddDuplicateClassifierName.equals(classifierName)) {
- String cddDuplicateClassifierQualifiedName = (intermediateFilteredList.get(j) instanceof Classifier) ?
- ((Classifier)intermediateFilteredList.get(j)).getQualifiedName() :
- ((Classifier)((ElementImport)intermediateFilteredList.get(j)).getImportedElement()).getQualifiedName() ;
- if (cddDuplicateClassifierQualifiedName.equals(classifierQualifiedName)) {
- duplicateFound = true ;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!duplicateFound)
- filteredList.add(intermediateFilteredList.get(i)) ;
- }
- return filteredList ;
- }
- public abstract AlfPartialScope getVisibleVariablesOrParametersOrProperties(EObject context) ;
- public AlfPartialScope getVisibleOperationsOrBehaviors(EObject context) {
- AlfPartialScope.IGetNameStrategy nameStrategy = new OperationAndBehaviorNameStrategy() ;
- AlfPartialScope.IBuildScopeStrategy buildScopeStrategy = new OperationAndBehaviorBuildScopeStrategy() ;
- return new AlfPartialScope(nameStrategy, buildScopeStrategy, context) ;
- }
- public AlfPartialScope getVisibleBehaviors(EObject context) {
- AlfPartialScope.IGetNameStrategy nameStrategy = new BehaviorsNameStrategy() ;
- AlfPartialScope.IBuildScopeStrategy buildScopeStrategy = new BehaviorsBuildScopeStrategy() ;
- return new AlfPartialScope(nameStrategy, buildScopeStrategy, context) ;
- }
- public AlfPartialScope getVisibleClassifiers(EObject context) {
- AlfPartialScope.IGetNameStrategy nameStrategy = new ClassifiersNameStrategy() ;
- AlfPartialScope.IBuildScopeStrategy buildScopeStrategy = new ClassifiersBuildScopeStrategy() ;
- return new AlfPartialScope(nameStrategy, buildScopeStrategy, context) ;
- }
- public AlfPartialScope getVisiblePackages(EObject context) {
- if (context instanceof Package) {
- AlfPartialScope.IGetNameStrategy nameStrategy = new PackageNameStrategy() ;
- AlfPartialScope.IBuildScopeStrategy buildScopeStrategy = new PackagesBuildScopeStrategy() ;
- return new AlfPartialScope(nameStrategy, buildScopeStrategy, context) ;
- }
- AlfPartialScope.IGetNameStrategy nameStrategy = new PackageNameStrategy() ;
- AlfPartialScope.IBuildScopeStrategy buildScopeStrategy = new PackagesBuildScopeStrategy() ;
- return new AlfPartialScope(nameStrategy, buildScopeStrategy, context) ;
- }
- public boolean isAReturnStatementExpected(EObject context) {
- return false ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getExpectedReturnType(EObject context) {
- return null;
- }
- public AlfPartialScope getVisibleSignalReceptions(EObject context) {
- AlfPartialScope.IGetNameStrategy nameStrategy = new ReceptionsNameStrategy() ;
- AlfPartialScope.IBuildScopeStrategy buildScopeStrategy = new ReceptionsBuildScopeStrategy() ;
- return new AlfPartialScope(nameStrategy, buildScopeStrategy, context);
- }
- /*
- * Strategies for operations
- */
- protected class OperationAndBehaviorNameStrategy implements AlfPartialScope.IGetNameStrategy {
- public String getName(EObject element) {
- if (element instanceof Operation)
- return ((Operation)element).getName();
- else if (element instanceof Behavior)
- return ((Behavior)element).getName() ;
- else if (element instanceof ElementImport) {
- ElementImport eImport = (ElementImport)element ;
- if (eImport.getAlias() != null)
- return eImport.getAlias() ;
- else
- return ((Behavior)eImport.getImportedElement()).getName() ;
- }
- else if (element instanceof Reception) {
- return ((Reception)element).getName() ;
- }
- else
- return "Unexpected element kind..." ;
- }
- };
- protected class OperationAndBehaviorBuildScopeStrategy implements AlfPartialScope.IBuildScopeStrategy {
- public List<List<EObject>> buildScope(EObject contextElement) {
- List<List<EObject>> nestedScopes = new ArrayList<List<EObject>>() ;
- List<EObject> nestedList = new ArrayList<EObject>() ;
- // in the case where the context element is a Package or an ElementImport for a package, the scope can only contain behaviors
- Package potentialContextPackage = null ;
- if (contextElement instanceof Package) {
- potentialContextPackage = (Package)contextElement ;
- }
- else if (contextElement instanceof ElementImport) {
- ElementImport eImport = (ElementImport)contextElement ;
- if (eImport.getImportedElement() instanceof Package)
- potentialContextPackage = (Package)eImport.getImportedElement() ;
- }
- if (potentialContextPackage != null) {
- AlfPartialScope behaviorScope = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleBehaviors(contextElement) ;
- for (List<EObject> scope : behaviorScope.getScopeDetails()) {
- nestedScopes.add(scope) ;
- }
- return nestedScopes ;
- }
- // At this point, we have identified that the context element is not a package.
- // First scoping levels concern operations
- // retrieves the contextClassier (i.e. the owner of the contextOperation, or contextElement)
- Classifier contextClassifier ;
- if (contextElement instanceof Classifier) {
- contextClassifier = (Classifier)contextElement ;
- }
- else if (contextElement instanceof ElementImport && ((ElementImport)contextElement).getImportedElement() instanceof Classifier) {
- contextClassifier = (Classifier) ((ElementImport)contextElement).getImportedElement() ;
- }
- else {
- contextClassifier = AlfJavaValidator.getContextClassifier() ;
- }
- // add all the operations owned by the context classifier at the first scoping level
- nestedList.addAll(contextClassifier.getOperations()) ;
- // adds also receptions
- if (contextClassifier instanceof org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class) {
- nestedList.addAll(((Class)contextClassifier).getOwnedReceptions()) ;
- }
- nestedScopes.add(nestedList) ;
- // then builds other scoping levels based on context classifier inheritance hierarchy
- List<Classifier> currentGenerals = new ArrayList<Classifier>() ;
- currentGenerals.addAll(contextClassifier.getGenerals()) ;
- List<Classifier> nextGenerals ;
- while (!currentGenerals.isEmpty()) {
- nextGenerals = new ArrayList<Classifier>() ;
- nestedList = new ArrayList<EObject>() ;
- for (Classifier general : currentGenerals) {
- nextGenerals.addAll(general.getGenerals()) ;
- for (Operation o : general.getOperations())
- nestedList.add(o) ;
- if (general instanceof Class) {
- for (Reception r : ((Class)general).getOwnedReceptions()) {
- nestedList.add(r) ;
- }
- }
- }
- nestedScopes.add(nestedList) ;
- currentGenerals = nextGenerals ;
- }
- // finally feeds last scoping levels with behaviors (only if contextElement is not a Class)
- if (! ((contextElement instanceof Classifier) ||
- ((contextElement instanceof ElementImport &&
- ((ElementImport)contextElement).getImportedElement() instanceof Classifier)))) {
- AlfPartialScope behaviorScope = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleBehaviors(contextElement) ;
- for (List<EObject> scope : behaviorScope.getScopeDetails()) {
- nestedScopes.add(scope) ;
- }
- }
- return nestedScopes ;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Strategies for Receptions
- */
- protected class ReceptionsNameStrategy implements AlfPartialScope.IGetNameStrategy {
- public String getName(EObject element) {
- if (element instanceof Signal)
- return ((Signal)element).getName();
- else
- return "Unexpected element kind..." ;
- }
- };
- protected class ReceptionsBuildScopeStrategy implements AlfPartialScope.IBuildScopeStrategy {
- public List<List<EObject>> buildScope(EObject contextElement) {
- List<List<EObject>> nestedScopes = new ArrayList<List<EObject>>() ;
- List<EObject> nestedList = new ArrayList<EObject>() ;
- // retrieves the owner of the contextOperation
- Classifier contextClassifier = AlfJavaValidator.getContextClassifier() ;
- if (! (contextClassifier instanceof org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class)) {
- nestedScopes.add(nestedList) ;
- return nestedScopes ;
- }
- // add all the signals for which a Reception is defined
- for (org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Feature f : contextClassifier.allFeatures()) {
- if (f instanceof Reception)
- if (((Reception)f).getSignal() != null)
- nestedList.add(((Reception)f).getSignal()) ;
- }
- nestedScopes.add(nestedList) ;
- return nestedScopes ;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Strategies for Variables, Parameters and Properties
- */
- protected class VariableOrParameterOrPropertyNameStrategy implements AlfPartialScope.IGetNameStrategy {
- public String getName(EObject element) {
- if (element instanceof Property)
- return ((Property)element).getName();
- else if (element instanceof LocalNameDeclarationStatement){
- return ((LocalNameDeclarationStatement)element).getVarName() ;
- }
- else if (element instanceof InvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement) {
- InvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement statement = (InvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement)element ;
- return statement.getVariableDeclarationCompletion() != null ?
- statement.getVariableDeclarationCompletion().getVariableName() :
- "" ;
- }
- else if (element instanceof LoopVariableDefinition) {
- return ((LoopVariableDefinition)element).getName() ;
- }
- else if (element instanceof AcceptClause) {
- return ((AcceptClause)element).getName() ;
- }
- else if (element instanceof AcceptStatement) {
- return ((AcceptStatement)element).getClause().getName() ;
- }
- else if (element instanceof SequenceExpansionExpression) {
- SequenceExpansionExpression expression = (SequenceExpansionExpression)element ;
- return expression.getName() != null ?
- expression.getName() :
- "" ;
- }
- return "unexpected kind ..." ;
- }
- }
- protected abstract class VariableOrPropertyOrParameterBuildScopeStrategy implements AlfPartialScope.IBuildScopeStrategy {
- public abstract List<List<EObject>> buildScope(EObject contextElement) ;
- public boolean containsALocalNameDeclaration(DocumentedStatement previousDocumentStatement) {
- Statement statement = previousDocumentStatement.getStatement() ;
- if (statement instanceof LocalNameDeclarationStatement)
- return true ;
- if (statement instanceof InvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement) {
- //TODO : handle cases with implicit declarations, e.g., v = 14 ; // v is a variable of type Integer
- InvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement cddDclStatement = (InvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement)statement;
- if (cddDclStatement.getVariableDeclarationCompletion() != null) {
- return true ;
- }
- }
- if (statement instanceof AcceptStatement) {
- AcceptStatement cddDclStatement = (AcceptStatement)statement ;
- if (cddDclStatement.getSimpleAccept() != null && cddDclStatement.getClause().getName() != null)
- return true ;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Strategies for Classifiers
- */
- protected class ClassifiersNameStrategy implements AlfPartialScope.IGetNameStrategy {
- public String getName(EObject element) {
- if (element instanceof Classifier)
- return ((Classifier)element).getName() ;
- else if (element instanceof ElementImport) {
- ElementImport imported = (ElementImport)element ;
- return imported.getAlias() != null ? imported.getAlias() : ((Classifier)imported.getImportedElement()).getName() ;
- }
- else
- return "Unexpected element kind..." ;
- }
- };
- protected class ClassifiersBuildScopeStrategy implements AlfPartialScope.IBuildScopeStrategy {
- public List<List<EObject>> buildScope(EObject contextElement) {
- List<List<EObject>> nestedScopes = new ArrayList<List<EObject>>() ;
- List<EObject> nestedList = new ArrayList<EObject>() ;
- // first checks if contextElement represents a Package. In this case, builds a scope containing all classifiers visible from this package
- Package potentialContextPackage = null ;
- if (contextElement instanceof Package)
- potentialContextPackage = (Package)contextElement ;
- else if (contextElement instanceof ElementImport) {
- ElementImport eImport = (ElementImport)contextElement ;
- if (eImport.getImportedElement() instanceof Package)
- potentialContextPackage = (Package)eImport.getImportedElement() ;
- }
- if (potentialContextPackage != null) {
- List<EObject> importedClassifiers = processPublicallyImportedClassifiers(potentialContextPackage) ;
- importedClassifiers = removeDuplicateClassifiers(importedClassifiers) ;
- nestedScopes.add(importedClassifiers) ;
- return nestedScopes ;
- }
- // retrieves the owner of the contextOperation
- Classifier contextClassifier = AlfJavaValidator.getContextClassifier() ;
- // add the context classifier at the first scoping level
- nestedList.add(contextClassifier) ;
- // retrieves all package imports, and add all classifiers available at the root of this package
- for (PackageImport i : contextClassifier.getPackageImports()) {
- Package importedPackage = i.getImportedPackage() ;
- nestedList.addAll(processPublicallyImportedClassifiers(importedPackage)) ;
- }
- // retrieves all element imports. For those which concern a Classifier, either add the classifier if no alias is defined, or the element import if an alias is defined
- for (ElementImport i : contextClassifier.getElementImports()) {
- PackageableElement e = i.getImportedElement() ;
- if (e instanceof Classifier) {
- if (i.getAlias() != null)
- nestedList.add(i) ;
- else
- nestedList.add(e) ;
- }
- }
- nestedList = removeDuplicateClassifiers(nestedList) ;
- nestedScopes.add(nestedList) ;
- // Then process the implicit import of alf library
- nestedList = new ArrayList<EObject>() ;
- if (AlfJavaValidator.getAlfStandardLibrary() != null) {
- List<EObject> importedClassifiers = processPublicallyImportedClassifiers(AlfJavaValidator.getAlfStandardLibrary()) ;
- importedClassifiers.add(TypeUtils._Collection.extractActualType()) ;
- importedClassifiers.add(TypeUtils._Set.extractActualType()) ;
- importedClassifiers.add(TypeUtils._Bag.extractActualType()) ;
- importedClassifiers.add(TypeUtils._Queue.extractActualType()) ;
- importedClassifiers.add(TypeUtils._OrderedSet.extractActualType()) ;
- importedClassifiers.add(TypeUtils._List.extractActualType()) ;
- importedClassifiers.add(TypeUtils._Deque.extractActualType()) ;
- importedClassifiers.add(TypeUtils._Map.extractActualType()) ;
- //importedClassifiers.add(TypeUtils._Entry.extractActualType()) ;
- nestedList.addAll(removeDuplicateClassifiers(importedClassifiers)) ;
- nestedScopes.add(nestedList) ;
- }
- // Then process all classifiers at the same namespace level than the context classifier
- nestedList = new ArrayList<EObject>() ;
- Namespace namespaceOfContextClassifier = contextClassifier.getNamespace() ;
- for (Element e : namespaceOfContextClassifier.getOwnedElements()) {
- if (e instanceof Classifier && e != contextClassifier)
- nestedList.add(e) ;
- }
- nestedScopes.add(nestedList) ;
- return nestedScopes ;
- }
- private List<EObject> processPublicallyImportedClassifiers (Package p){
- List<EObject> importedClassifiers = new ArrayList<EObject>() ;
- for (NamedElement n : p.getOwnedMembers()) {
- if (n instanceof Classifier)
- if (((Classifier)n).getVisibility() != VisibilityKind.PRIVATE_LITERAL) {
- importedClassifiers.add(n) ;
- }
- }
- for (ElementImport eImport : p.getElementImports()) {
- if (eImport.getVisibility()!= VisibilityKind.PRIVATE_LITERAL) {
- PackageableElement element = eImport.getImportedElement() ;
- if (element instanceof Classifier) {
- if (eImport.getAlias() != null) {
- importedClassifiers.add(eImport) ;
- }
- else {
- importedClassifiers.add(element) ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for (PackageImport pImport : p.getPackageImports()) {
- if (pImport.getVisibility() != VisibilityKind.PRIVATE_LITERAL) {
- importedClassifiers.addAll(processPublicallyImportedClassifiers(pImport.getImportedPackage())) ;
- }
- }
- return importedClassifiers ;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Strategies for Packages
- */
- protected class PackageNameStrategy implements AlfPartialScope.IGetNameStrategy {
- public String getName(EObject element) {
- if (element instanceof Namespace)
- return ((Namespace)element).getName() ;
- else if (element instanceof ElementImport) {
- ElementImport eImport = (ElementImport)element ;
- return eImport.getAlias() != null ? eImport.getAlias() : eImport.getImportedElement().getName() ;
- }
- else
- return "Unexpected element kind..." ;
- }
- }
- protected class PackagesBuildScopeStrategy implements AlfPartialScope.IBuildScopeStrategy {
- public List<List<EObject>> buildScope(EObject contextElement) {
- List<List<EObject>> nestedScopes = new ArrayList<List<EObject>>() ;
- List<EObject> nestedList = new ArrayList<EObject>() ;
- if (contextElement instanceof Package) { // if the context element is a package, returns the scope related to this package.
- nestedScopes.add(processPublicallyImportedPackages((Package)contextElement)) ;
- return nestedScopes ;
- }
- Package root = (Package)AlfJavaValidator.getModel() ;
- // first process packages directly imported by the context classifier (either package import or element import)
- Classifier contextClassifier = AlfJavaValidator.getContextClassifier() ;
- nestedList.addAll(processPublicallyImportedPackages(contextClassifier)) ;
- nestedScopes.add(nestedList) ;
- // Then process the implicit import of alf library
- nestedList = new ArrayList<EObject>() ;
- if (AlfJavaValidator.getAlfStandardLibrary() != null) {
- nestedList.add(AlfJavaValidator.getAlfStandardLibrary()) ;
- nestedList.addAll(processPublicallyImportedPackages(AlfJavaValidator.getAlfStandardLibrary())) ;
- nestedScopes.add(nestedList) ;
- }
- // finally processes the root package
- nestedList = new ArrayList<EObject>() ;
- nestedList.add(root) ;
- nestedScopes.add(nestedList) ;
- return nestedScopes;
- }
- protected List<EObject> processPublicallyImportedPackages (Namespace namespace) {
- List<EObject> importedPackages = new ArrayList<EObject>() ;
- for (NamedElement ownedMember : namespace.getOwnedMembers()) {
- if (ownedMember.getVisibility() != VisibilityKind.PRIVATE_LITERAL && ownedMember instanceof Package)
- importedPackages.add(ownedMember) ;
- }
- for (ElementImport eImport : namespace.getElementImports()) {
- if (eImport.getVisibility() != VisibilityKind.PRIVATE_LITERAL ) {
- PackageableElement importedElement = eImport.getImportedElement() ;
- if (importedElement instanceof Package) {
- if (eImport.getAlias() != null)
- importedPackages.add(eImport) ;
- else
- importedPackages.add(importedElement) ;
- }
- }
- }
- for (PackageImport pImport : namespace.getPackageImports()) {
- if (pImport.getVisibility() != VisibilityKind.PRIVATE_LITERAL) {
- importedPackages.addAll(processPublicallyImportedPackages(pImport.getImportedPackage())) ;
- }
- }
- return importedPackages ;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Strategies for Behaviors
- */
- protected class BehaviorsNameStrategy implements AlfPartialScope.IGetNameStrategy {
- public String getName(EObject element) {
- if (element instanceof Behavior)
- return ((Behavior)element).getName() ;
- else if (element instanceof ElementImport) {
- ElementImport imported = (ElementImport)element ;
- return imported.getAlias() != null ? imported.getAlias() : ((Behavior)imported.getImportedElement()).getName() ;
- }
- else
- return "Unexpected element kind..." ;
- }
- };
- protected class BehaviorsBuildScopeStrategy implements AlfPartialScope.IBuildScopeStrategy {
- public List<List<EObject>> buildScope(EObject contextElement) {
- List<List<EObject>> nestedScopes = new ArrayList<List<EObject>>() ;
- List<EObject> nestedList = new ArrayList<EObject>() ;
- // first checks if contextElement represents a Package. In this case, builds a scope containing all behaviors visible from this package
- Package potentialContextPackage = null ;
- if (contextElement instanceof Package)
- potentialContextPackage = (Package)contextElement ;
- else if (contextElement instanceof ElementImport) {
- ElementImport eImport = (ElementImport)contextElement ;
- if (eImport.getImportedElement() instanceof Package)
- potentialContextPackage = (Package)eImport.getImportedElement() ;
- }
- if (potentialContextPackage != null) {
- nestedScopes.add(processPublicallyImportedBehaviors(potentialContextPackage)) ;
- return nestedScopes ;
- }
- // retrieves the contextOperation (i.e., the operation edited by the current editor)
- // retrieves the owner of the contextOperation
- Classifier contextClassifier = AlfJavaValidator.getContextClassifier() ;
- // retrieves all package imports, and add all behaviors available at the root of this package
- for (PackageImport i : contextClassifier.getPackageImports()) {
- Package importedPackage = i.getImportedPackage() ;
- nestedList.addAll(processPublicallyImportedBehaviors(importedPackage)) ;
- }
- // retrieves all element imports. For those which concern a Behavior, either add the behavior if no alias is defined, or the element import if an alias is defined
- for (ElementImport i : contextClassifier.getElementImports()) {
- PackageableElement e = i.getImportedElement() ;
- if (e instanceof Classifier) {
- if (i.getAlias() != null)
- nestedList.add(i) ;
- else
- nestedList.add(e) ;
- }
- }
- nestedList = removeDuplicateClassifiers(nestedList) ;
- nestedScopes.add(nestedList) ;
- // Then process the implicit import of alf library
- nestedList = new ArrayList<EObject>() ;
- if (AlfJavaValidator.getAlfStandardLibrary() != null) {
- List<EObject> importedClassifiers = processPublicallyImportedBehaviors(AlfJavaValidator.getAlfStandardLibrary()) ;
- importedClassifiers = removeDuplicateClassifiers(importedClassifiers) ;
- nestedList.addAll(importedClassifiers) ;
- nestedScopes.add(nestedList) ;
- }
- return nestedScopes ;
- }
- private List<EObject> processPublicallyImportedBehaviors (Package p){
- List<EObject> importedBehaviors = new ArrayList<EObject>() ;
- for (NamedElement n : p.getOwnedMembers()) {
- if (n instanceof Behavior) {
- if (((Behavior)n).getVisibility() != VisibilityKind.PRIVATE_LITERAL)
- importedBehaviors.add(n) ;
- }
- else if (n instanceof Package) {
- importedBehaviors.addAll(processPublicallyImportedBehaviors((Package)n)) ;
- }
- }
- for (ElementImport eImport : p.getElementImports()) {
- if (eImport.getVisibility()!= VisibilityKind.PRIVATE_LITERAL) {
- PackageableElement element = eImport.getImportedElement() ;
- if (element instanceof Behavior) {
- if (eImport.getAlias() != null)
- importedBehaviors.add(eImport) ;
- else
- importedBehaviors.add(element) ;
- }
- }
- }
- for (PackageImport pImport : p.getPackageImports()) {
- if (pImport.getVisibility() != VisibilityKind.PRIVATE_LITERAL) {
- importedBehaviors.addAll(processPublicallyImportedBehaviors(pImport.getImportedPackage())) ;
- }
- }
- return importedBehaviors ;
- }
- }
- protected class EnumerationLiteralNameStrategy implements AlfPartialScope.IGetNameStrategy {
- public String getName(EObject element) {
- if (element instanceof EnumerationLiteral) {
- return ((EnumerationLiteral)element).getName() ;
- }
- return "Unexpected element kind..." ;
- }
- }
- protected class EnumerationLiteralBuildScopeStrategy implements AlfPartialScope.IBuildScopeStrategy {
- public List<List<EObject>> buildScope(EObject contextElement) {
- List<List<EObject>> nestedScopes = new ArrayList<List<EObject>>() ;
- List<EObject> nestedList = new ArrayList<EObject>() ;
- if (!(contextElement instanceof Enumeration)) {
- nestedScopes.add(nestedList) ;
- return nestedScopes ;
- }
- Enumeration contextEnumeration = (Enumeration)contextElement ;
- // add all the literals owned by the context enumeration at the first scoping level
- nestedList.addAll(contextEnumeration.getOwnedLiterals()) ;
- nestedScopes.add(nestedList) ;
- // then builds other scoping levels based on context classifier inheritance hierarchy
- List<Classifier> currentGenerals = new ArrayList<Classifier>() ;
- currentGenerals.addAll(contextEnumeration.getGenerals()) ;
- List<Classifier> nextGenerals ;
- while (!currentGenerals.isEmpty()) {
- nextGenerals = new ArrayList<Classifier>() ;
- nestedList = new ArrayList<EObject>() ;
- for (Classifier general : currentGenerals) {
- nextGenerals.addAll(general.getGenerals()) ;
- if (general instanceof Enumeration) {
- for (EnumerationLiteral enumLiteral : ((Enumeration)general).getOwnedLiterals())
- nestedList.add(enumLiteral) ;
- }
- }
- nestedScopes.add(nestedList) ;
- currentGenerals = nextGenerals ;
- }
- return nestedScopes ;
- }
- }
- public AlfPartialScope getVisibleEnumerationLiterals(EObject context) {
- AlfPartialScope.IGetNameStrategy nameStrategy = new EnumerationLiteralNameStrategy() ;
- AlfPartialScope.IBuildScopeStrategy buildScopeStrategy = new EnumerationLiteralBuildScopeStrategy() ;
- return new AlfPartialScope(nameStrategy, buildScopeStrategy, context) ;
- }
diff --git a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/ b/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/
deleted file mode 100644
index e1abf5075ba..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax;
-public class ASTCommonFactory {
diff --git a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/ b/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/
deleted file mode 100644
index c8768d1359c..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1503 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.AdditiveExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.AndExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.BOOLEAN_LITERAL;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.BooleanValue;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.CollectOrIterateOperation;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ConditionalAndExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ExclusiveOrExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ForAllOrExistsOrOneOperation;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.INTEGER_LITERAL;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.InclusiveOrExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.IsUniqueOperation;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.LITERAL;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.LinkOperationTuple;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.MultiplicativeExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.NonLiteralValueSpecification;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.NullExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ParenthesizedExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.PrimaryExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.QualifiedNamePath;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.QualifiedNameWithBinding;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.STRING_LITERAL;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SelectOrRejectOperation;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SuffixExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.TupleElement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.UNLIMITED_LITERAL;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.UnqualifiedName;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.ArithmeticExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.BitStringUnaryExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.BooleanLiteralExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.BooleanUnaryExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.CastExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.ClassExtentExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.ClassificationExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.ConditionalLogicalExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.ConditionalTestExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.EqualityExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.Expression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.ExtentOrExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.FeatureInvocationExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.FeatureReference;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.ForAllOrExistsOrOneExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.InstanceCreationExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.InvocationExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.IsUniqueExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.IsolationExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.LinkOperationExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.LogicalExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.NameBinding;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.NameExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.NamedExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.NamedTemplateBinding;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.NamedTuple;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.NaturalLiteralExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.NumericUnaryExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.PositionalTuple;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.PropertyAccessExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.QualifiedName;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.RelationalExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.SelectOrRejectExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.SequenceAccessExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.SequenceConstructionExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.SequenceElements;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.SequenceExpressionList;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.SequenceOperationExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.SequenceRange;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.SequenceReductionExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.ShiftExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.StringLiteralExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.SuperInvocationExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.TemplateBinding;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.TemplateParameterSubstitution;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.ThisExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.Tuple;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.UnaryExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.UnboundedLiteralExpression;
-public class ASTExpressionFactory {
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.QualifiedName from a QualifiedNameWithBinding
- */
- public static final QualifiedName synthesizeQualifiedName(QualifiedNameWithBinding parsed) {
- QualifiedName synthesized = new QualifiedName() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property isAmbigous:boolean */
- // LIMITATION: The parser implementation only supports :: (no .)
- // Therefore, a qualified name is never ambiguous
- synthesized.isAmbiguous = false ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property nameBinding:List<NameBinding> */
- synthesized.nameBinding = new ArrayList<NameBinding>() ;
- synthesized.nameBinding.add(
- ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeNameBinding(parsed)) ;
- QualifiedNameWithBinding remaining = parsed.getRemaining() ;
- while(remaining != null) {
- synthesized.nameBinding.add(
- ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeNameBinding(remaining)) ;
- remaining = remaining.getRemaining() ;
- }
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.QualifiedName from a NameExpression
- */
- public static final QualifiedName synthesizeQualifiedName(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.NameExpression parsed) {
- QualifiedName synthesized = new QualifiedName() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property isAmbigous:boolean */
- // LIMITATION: The parser implementation only supports :: (no .)
- // Therefore, a qualified name is never ambiguous
- synthesized.isAmbiguous = false ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property nameBinding:List<NameBinding> */
- synthesized.nameBinding = new ArrayList<NameBinding>() ;
- if (parsed.getPath() != null) {
- QualifiedNamePath path = parsed.getPath() ;
- for (UnqualifiedName pathElement : path.getNamespace()) {
- synthesized.nameBinding.add(ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeNameBinding(pathElement)) ;
- }
- }
- // Finally add the last name binding (i.e.,
- // LIMITATION: The parser implementation does not support a template binding for the last element of the path
- NameBinding last = new NameBinding() ;
- = parsed.getId() ;
- synthesized.nameBinding.add(last) ;
- // TODO: raise an error in the cases where the following properties have a value:
- // - prefixOp
- // - invocationCompletion
- // - sequenceConstructionCompletion
- // - postfixOp
- // - suffix
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.QualifiedName from a NameExpression
- */
- public static final QualifiedName synthesizeQualifiedName(
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.Expression parsed) {
- // TODO Raise an error in the case where "parsed" does not finally resolve to a NameExpression
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ConditionalTestExpression tmp1 =
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ConditionalTestExpression)parsed ;
- if (tmp1.getWhenFalse() != null || tmp1.getWhenTrue() != null)
- // error
- return new QualifiedName() ;
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ConditionalOrExpression tmp2 = tmp1.getExp() ;
- if (tmp2.getExp().size() != 1)
- // error
- return new QualifiedName() ;
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ConditionalAndExpression tmp3 = tmp2.getExp().get(0) ;
- if (tmp3.getExp().size() != 1)
- // error
- return new QualifiedName() ;
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.InclusiveOrExpression tmp4 = tmp3.getExp().get(0) ;
- if (tmp4.getExp().size() != 1)
- // error
- return new QualifiedName() ;
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ExclusiveOrExpression tmp5 = tmp4.getExp().get(0) ;
- if (tmp5.getExp().size() != 1)
- // error
- return new QualifiedName() ;
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.AndExpression tmp6 = tmp5.getExp().get(0) ;
- if (tmp6.getExp().size() != 1)
- // error
- return new QualifiedName() ;
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.EqualityExpression tmp7 = tmp6.getExp().get(0) ;
- if (tmp7.getOp().size() != 0)
- // error
- return new QualifiedName() ;
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ClassificationExpression tmp8 = tmp7.getExp().get(0) ;
- if (tmp8.getOp() != null && !tmp8.getOp().equals(""))
- //error
- return new QualifiedName() ;
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.RelationalExpression tmp9 = tmp8.getExp() ;
- if (tmp9.getOp() != null && !tmp9.getOp().equals(""))
- // error
- return new QualifiedName() ;
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ShiftExpression tmp10 = tmp9.getLeft() ;
- if (tmp10.getExp().size() != 1)
- // error
- return new QualifiedName() ;
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.AdditiveExpression tmp11 = tmp10.getExp().get(0) ;
- if (tmp11.getExp().size() != 1)
- // error
- return new QualifiedName() ;
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.MultiplicativeExpression tmp12 = tmp11.getExp().get(0) ;
- if (tmp12.getExp().size() != 1)
- // error
- return new QualifiedName() ;
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.UnaryExpression tmp13 = tmp12.getExp().get(0) ;
- if (tmp13.getOp() != null && !tmp13.getOp().equals(""))
- // error
- return new QualifiedName() ;
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.PrimaryExpression tmp14 = tmp13.getExp() ;
- if (tmp14.getPrefix() == null)
- // error
- return new QualifiedName() ;
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ValueSpecification tmp15 = tmp14.getPrefix() ;
- if (! (tmp15 instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.NameExpression))
- // error
- return new QualifiedName() ;
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeQualifiedName((org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.NameExpression)tmp15) ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.QualifiedName from a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression
- */
- public static final QualifiedName synthesizeQualifiedName(Expression synthesized) {
- if (synthesized instanceof NameExpression)
- return ((NameExpression) synthesized).name ;
- return new QualifiedName() ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.NameBinding from a QualifiedNameWithBinding
- */
- public static final NameBinding synthesizeNameBinding(QualifiedNameWithBinding parsed) {
- NameBinding synthesized = new NameBinding() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property name:String */
- = "" + parsed.getId() ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property binding:TemplateBinding */
- if (parsed.getBinding() != null) {
- synthesized.binding =
- ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeTemplateBinding(parsed.getBinding()) ;
- }
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.NameBinding from a String
- */
- public static final NameBinding synthesizeNameBinding(String parsed) {
- NameBinding synthesized = new NameBinding() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property name:String */
- = "" + parsed ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.NameBinding from a UnqualifiedName
- */
- public static final NameBinding synthesizeNameBinding(UnqualifiedName parsed) {
- NameBinding synthesized = new NameBinding() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property name:String */
- = "" + parsed.getName() ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property binding:TemplateBinding */
- if (parsed.getTemplateBinding() != null) {
- synthesized.binding =
- ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeTemplateBinding(parsed.getTemplateBinding()) ;
- }
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a import alf.syntax.expressions.TemplateBinding from a TemplateBinding
- */
- public static final TemplateBinding synthesizeTemplateBinding(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.TemplateBinding parsed) {
- // LIMITATION: In this implementation of the Alf parser, only NamedTemplateBinding are supported
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeNamedTemplateBinding(parsed) ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.NamedTemplateBinding from a TemplateBinding
- */
- public static final NamedTemplateBinding synthesizeNamedTemplateBinding(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.TemplateBinding parsed) {
- NamedTemplateBinding synthesized = new NamedTemplateBinding() ;
- /*1. Synthesizes property substitution:List<TemplateParameterSubstitution> */
- synthesized.substitution = new ArrayList<TemplateParameterSubstitution>() ;
- for (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.NamedTemplateBinding s : parsed.getBindings()) {
- synthesized.substitution.add(
- ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeTemplateParameterSubstitution(s)) ;
- }
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.TemplateParameterSubstitution from a NamedTemplateBinding
- * NOTE: The class NamedTemplateBinding, from the implementation of the Alf grammar, is misleading
- * Should be TemplateParameterSubsitution
- */
- public static final TemplateParameterSubstitution synthesizeTemplateParameterSubstitution(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.NamedTemplateBinding parsed) {
- TemplateParameterSubstitution synthesized = new TemplateParameterSubstitution() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property parameterName:String */
- synthesized.parameterName = parsed.getFormal() ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property argumentName:QualifiedName */
- synthesized.argumentName =
- ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeQualifiedName(parsed.getActual()) ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from an Expression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeExpression(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.Expression parsed) {
- // In this implementation of the Alf parser, rule Expression can only
- // produce a ConditionalTestExpression
- // NOTE: In the Alf spec, Expression can also produce an AssignmentExpression,
- // which are not directly supported by our parser.
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeConditionalTestExpression((org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ConditionalTestExpression)parsed);
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a ParenthesizedExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeExpression(ParenthesizedExpression parsed) {
- // first check it is really a ParenthesizedExpression
- if (parsed.getCasted() == null) {
- // this is a ParenthesizedExpression
- Expression synthesized = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(parsed.getExpOrTypeCast()) ;
- if (parsed.getSuffix() != null)
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(synthesized, parsed.getSuffix()) ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- // this is not a ParenthesizedExpression, i.e., this is a cast expression
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeCastExpression(parsed) ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a NameExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeExpression(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.NameExpression exp) {
- // TODO Auto-generated method stub
- return new Expression();
- }
- public static final Expression synthesizeCastExpression(ParenthesizedExpression parsed) {
- CastExpression synthesized = new CastExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property operand:Expression */
- synthesized.operand = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizePrimaryExpression(parsed.getCasted()) ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property typeName:QualifiedName */
- synthesized.typeName = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeQualifiedName(parsed.getExpOrTypeCast()) ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a ConditionTestExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeConditionalTestExpression(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ConditionalTestExpression parsed) {
- // First checks if it is actually a ConditionalTestExpression
- if (parsed.getWhenFalse() != null || parsed.getWhenTrue() != null) {
- // This is a ConditionalTestExpression
- ConditionalTestExpression synthesized = new ConditionalTestExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property operand1:Expression */
- synthesized.operand1 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeConditionalLogicalExpression(parsed.getExp()) ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property operand2:Expression */
- synthesized.operand2 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeConditionalTestExpression(parsed.getWhenTrue()) ;
- /* 3. Synthesizes property operand3:Expression */
- synthesized.operand3 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeConditionalTestExpression(parsed.getWhenFalse()) ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- // This is not a ConditionalTestExpression
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeConditionalLogicalExpression(parsed.getExp()) ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a ConditionalOrExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeConditionalLogicalExpression(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ConditionalOrExpression parsed) {
- // First check if it is a ConditionalOrExpression
- if (parsed.getExp().size() == 1)
- // This is not a ConditionalOrExpression
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeConditionalLogicalExpression(parsed.getExp().get(0)) ;
- // This is a ConditionalOrExpression
- ConditionalLogicalExpression synthesized = new ConditionalLogicalExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property operand1:Expression */
- synthesized.operand1 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeConditionalLogicalExpression(parsed.getExp().get(0)) ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property operand2:Expression */
- synthesized.operand2 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeConditionalLogicalExpression(parsed.getExp().subList(1, parsed.getExp().size())) ;
- /* 3. Synthesizes property operator:String */
- synthesized.operator = "||" ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a ConditionalAndExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeConditionalLogicalExpression(
- ConditionalAndExpression parsed) {
- //first check if it is a ConditionalAndExpression
- if (parsed.getExp().size() == 1)
- // This is not a ConditionalAndExpression
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeLogicalExpression(parsed.getExp().get(0)) ;
- // This is a ConditionalAndExpression
- ConditionalLogicalExpression synthesized = new ConditionalLogicalExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property operand1:Expression */
- synthesized.operand1 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeLogicalExpression(parsed.getExp().get(0)) ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property operand2:Expression */
- synthesized.operand2 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeLogicalExpressionFromListOfInclusiveOrExpression (parsed.getExp().subList(1, parsed.getExp().size())) ;
- /* 3. Synthesizes property operator:String */
- synthesized.operator = "&&" ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a list ConditionalAndExpression
- * representing a flat ConditionalAndExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeConditionalLogicalExpression(
- List<ConditionalAndExpression> flatParsed) {
- //first check if it is a ConditionalAndExpression
- if (flatParsed.size() == 1)
- // This is not a flat ConditionalAndExpression
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeConditionalLogicalExpression(flatParsed.get(0)) ;
- // This is a flat ConditionalAndExpression
- ConditionalLogicalExpression synthesized = new ConditionalLogicalExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property operand1:Expression */
- synthesized.operand1 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeConditionalLogicalExpression(flatParsed.get(0)) ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property operand2:Expression */
- synthesized.operand2 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeConditionalLogicalExpression(flatParsed.subList(1, flatParsed.size())) ;
- /* 3. Synthesizes property operator:String */
- synthesized.operator = "&&" ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a InclusiveOrExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeLogicalExpression(
- InclusiveOrExpression parsed) {
- //first check if it is an InclusiveOrExpression
- if (parsed.getExp().size() == 1)
- // This is not an InclusiveOrExpression
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeLogicalExpression(parsed.getExp().get(0)) ;
- // This is an InclusiveOrExpression
- LogicalExpression synthesized = new LogicalExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property operand1:Expression */
- synthesized.operand1 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeLogicalExpression(parsed.getExp().get(0)) ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property operand2:Expression */
- synthesized.operand2 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeLogicalExpressionFromListOfExclusiveOrExpression(parsed.getExp().subList(1, parsed.getExp().size())) ;
- /* 3. Synthesizes property operator:String */
- synthesized.operator = "|" ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a list of InclusiveOrExpression
- * representing a flat InclusiveOrExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeLogicalExpressionFromListOfInclusiveOrExpression (
- List<InclusiveOrExpression> flatParsed) {
- //first check if it is a flat InclusiveOrExpression
- if (flatParsed.size() == 1)
- // This is not a flat InclusiveOrExpression
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeLogicalExpression(flatParsed.get(0)) ;
- // This is a flat InclusiveOrExpression
- LogicalExpression synthesized = new LogicalExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property operand1:Expression */
- synthesized.operand1 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeLogicalExpression(flatParsed.get(0)) ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property operand2:Expression */
- synthesized.operand2 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeLogicalExpressionFromListOfInclusiveOrExpression (flatParsed.subList(1, flatParsed.size())) ;
- /* 3. Synthesizes property operator:String */
- synthesized.operator = "|" ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a ExclusiveOrExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeLogicalExpression(
- ExclusiveOrExpression parsed) {
- //first check if it is an ExclusiveOrExpression
- if (parsed.getExp().size() == 1)
- // This is not an ExclusiveOrExpression
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeLogicalExpression(parsed.getExp().get(0)) ;
- // This is an InclusiveOrExpression
- LogicalExpression synthesized = new LogicalExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property operand1:Expression */
- synthesized.operand1 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeLogicalExpression(parsed.getExp().get(0));
- /* 2. Synthesizes property operand2:Expression */
- synthesized.operand2 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeLogicalExpressionFromListOfAndExpression(parsed.getExp().subList(1, parsed.getExp().size())) ;
- /* 3. Synthesizes property operator:String */
- synthesized.operator = "^" ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a list of ExclusiveOrExpression
- * representing a flat ExclusiveOrExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeLogicalExpressionFromListOfExclusiveOrExpression(
- List<ExclusiveOrExpression> flatParsed) {
- //first check if it is a flat ExclusiveOrExpression
- if (flatParsed.size() == 1)
- // This is not a flat ExclusiveOrExpression
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeLogicalExpression(flatParsed.get(0)) ;
- // This is a flat ExclusiveOrExpression
- LogicalExpression synthesized = new LogicalExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property operand1:Expression */
- synthesized.operand1 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeLogicalExpression(flatParsed.get(0)) ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property operand2:Expression */
- synthesized.operand2 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeLogicalExpressionFromListOfExclusiveOrExpression (flatParsed.subList(1, flatParsed.size())) ;
- /* 3. Synthesizes property operator:String */
- synthesized.operator = "^" ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a AndExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeLogicalExpression(AndExpression parsed) {
- //first check if it is an AndExpression
- if (parsed.getExp().size() == 1)
- // This is not an AndExpression
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeEqualityExpression(parsed.getExp().get(0)) ;
- // This is an AndOrExpression
- LogicalExpression synthesized = new LogicalExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property operand1:Expression */
- synthesized.operand1 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeEqualityExpression(parsed.getExp().get(0)) ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property operand2:Expression */
- synthesized.operand2 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeLogicalExpressionFromListOfEqualityExpression(parsed.getExp().subList(1, parsed.getExp().size())) ;
- /* 3. Synthesizes property operator:String */
- synthesized.operator = "&" ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a list of EqualityExpression
- * representing a flat AndExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeLogicalExpressionFromListOfEqualityExpression(
- List<org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.EqualityExpression> flatParsed) {
- //first check if it is a flat AndExpression
- if (flatParsed.size() == 1)
- // This is not a flat AndExpression
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeEqualityExpression(flatParsed.get(0)) ;
- // This is a flat AndExpression
- LogicalExpression synthesized = new LogicalExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property operand1:Expression */
- synthesized.operand1 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeEqualityExpression(flatParsed.get(0)) ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property operand2:Expression */
- synthesized.operand2 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeLogicalExpressionFromListOfEqualityExpression (flatParsed.subList(1, flatParsed.size())) ;
- /* 3. Synthesizes property operator:String */
- synthesized.operator = "&" ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a list of AndExpression
- * representing a flat AndExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeLogicalExpressionFromListOfAndExpression(
- List<AndExpression> flatParsed) {
- //first check if it is a flat AndExpression
- if (flatParsed.size() == 1)
- // This is not a flat AndExpression
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeLogicalExpression(flatParsed.get(0)) ;
- // This is a flat AndExpression
- LogicalExpression synthesized = new LogicalExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property operand1:Expression */
- synthesized.operand1 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeLogicalExpression(flatParsed.get(0)) ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property operand2:Expression */
- synthesized.operand2 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeLogicalExpressionFromListOfAndExpression (flatParsed.subList(1, flatParsed.size())) ;
- /* 3. Synthesizes property operator:String */
- synthesized.operator = "&" ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a EqualityExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeEqualityExpression(
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.EqualityExpression parsed) {
- //first check if it is an EqualityExpression
- if (parsed.getExp().size() == 1)
- // This is not an EqualityExpression
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeClassificationExpression(parsed.getExp().get(0)) ;
- // This is an EqualityExpression
- EqualityExpression synthesized = new EqualityExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property operand1:Expression */
- synthesized.operand1 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeClassificationExpression(parsed.getExp().get(0)) ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property operand2:Expression */
- synthesized.operand2 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeEqualityExpression(parsed.getExp().subList(1, parsed.getExp().size()),
- parsed.getOp().subList(1, parsed.getOp().size())) ;
- /* 3. Synthesizes property operator:String */
- synthesized.operator = parsed.getOp().get(0) ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a list of ClassificationExpression
- * and (equality) operators representing a flat EqualityExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeEqualityExpression(
- List<org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ClassificationExpression> flatParsed,
- List<String> operators) {
- //first check if it is a flat EqualityExpression
- if (flatParsed.size() == 1)
- // This is not a flat EqualityExpression
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeClassificationExpression(flatParsed.get(0)) ;
- // This is a flat EqualityExpression
- EqualityExpression synthesized = new EqualityExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property operand1:Expression */
- synthesized.operand1 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeClassificationExpression(flatParsed.get(0)) ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property operand2:Expression */
- synthesized.operand2 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeEqualityExpression (flatParsed.subList(1, flatParsed.size()),
- operators.subList(1, operators.size())) ;
- /* 3. Synthesizes property operator:String */
- synthesized.operator = operators.get(0) ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a ClassificationExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeClassificationExpression(
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ClassificationExpression parsed) {
- //first check if it is a ClassificationExpression
- if (parsed.getOp() == null || parsed.getOp().equals(""))
- // This is not a ClassificationExpression
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeRelationalExpression(parsed.getExp()) ;
- // This is a ClassificationExpression
- ClassificationExpression synthesized = new ClassificationExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property operand:Expression */
- synthesized.operand= ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeRelationalExpression(parsed.getExp()) ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property typename:QualifiedName */
- synthesized.typeName = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeQualifiedName(parsed.getTypeName()) ;
- /* 3. Synthesizes property operator:String */
- synthesized.operator = parsed.getOp() ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a RelationalExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeRelationalExpression(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.RelationalExpression parsed) {
- //first check if it is a RelationalExpression
- if (parsed.getOp() == null || parsed.getOp().equals(""))
- // This is not a RelationalExpression
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeShiftExpression(parsed.getLeft()) ;
- // This is a RelationalExpression
- RelationalExpression synthesized = new RelationalExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property operand1:Expression */
- synthesized.operand1= ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeShiftExpression(parsed.getLeft()) ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property operand2:Expression */
- synthesized.operand2 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeShiftExpression(parsed.getRight()) ;
- /* 3. Synthesizes property operator:String */
- synthesized.operator = parsed.getOp() ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a ShiftExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeShiftExpression(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ShiftExpression parsed) {
- //first check if it is a ShiftExpression
- if (parsed.getExp().size() == 1)
- // This is not a ShiftExpression
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeArithmeticExpression(parsed.getExp().get(0)) ;
- // This is a ShiftExpression
- ShiftExpression synthesized = new ShiftExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property operand1:Expression */
- synthesized.operand1= ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeArithmeticExpression(parsed.getExp().get(0)) ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property operand2:Expression */
- synthesized.operand2 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeArithmeticExpression(parsed.getExp().get(1)) ;
- /* 3. Synthesizes property operator:String */
- synthesized.operator = parsed.getOp() ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a AdditiveExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeArithmeticExpression(
- AdditiveExpression parsed) {
- //first check if it is a AdditiveExpression
- if (parsed.getExp().size() == 1)
- // This is not a ShiftExpression
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeArithmeticExpression(parsed.getExp().get(0)) ;
- // This is a ShiftExpression
- ArithmeticExpression synthesized = new ArithmeticExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property operand1:Expression */
- synthesized.operand1= ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeArithmeticExpression(parsed.getExp().get(0)) ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property operand2:Expression */
- synthesized.operand2 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeArithmeticExpressionFromListOfMultiplicativeExpression(parsed.getExp().subList(1, parsed.getExp().size()),
- parsed.getOp().subList(1, parsed.getOp().size())) ;
- /* 3. Synthesizes property operator:String */
- synthesized.operator = parsed.getOp().get(0) ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a list of AdditiveExpression
- * and (additive) operators representing a flat AdditiveExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeArithmeticExpressionFromListOfMultiplicativeExpression(
- List<MultiplicativeExpression> flatParsed, List<String> operators) {
- //first check if it is a flat AdditiveExpression
- if (flatParsed.size() == 1)
- // This is not a flat AdditiveExpression
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeArithmeticExpression(flatParsed.get(0)) ;
- // This is a flat AdditiveExpression
- EqualityExpression synthesized = new EqualityExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property operand1:Expression */
- synthesized.operand1 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeArithmeticExpression(flatParsed.get(0)) ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property operand2:Expression */
- synthesized.operand2 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeArithmeticExpressionFromListOfMultiplicativeExpression(flatParsed.subList(1, flatParsed.size()),
- operators.subList(1, operators.size())) ;
- /* 3. Synthesizes property operator:String */
- synthesized.operator = operators.get(0) ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a MultiplicativeExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeArithmeticExpression(
- MultiplicativeExpression parsed) {
- //first check if it is a MultiplicativeExpression
- if (parsed.getExp().size() == 1)
- // This is not a MultiplicativeExpression
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeUnaryExpression(parsed.getExp().get(0)) ;
- // This is a MultiplicativeExpression
- ArithmeticExpression synthesized = new ArithmeticExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property operand1:Expression */
- synthesized.operand1= ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeUnaryExpression(parsed.getExp().get(0)) ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property operand2:Expression */
- synthesized.operand2 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeArithmeticExpressionFromListOfUnaryExpression(parsed.getExp().subList(1, parsed.getExp().size()),
- parsed.getOp().subList(1, parsed.getOp().size())) ;
- /* 3. Synthesizes property operator:String */
- synthesized.operator = parsed.getOp().get(0) ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a list of UnaryExpression
- * and (multiplicative) operators representing a flat MultiplicativeExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeArithmeticExpressionFromListOfUnaryExpression(
- List<org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.UnaryExpression> flatParsed,
- List<String> operators) {
- //first check if it is a flat MultiplicativeExpression
- if (flatParsed.size() == 1)
- // This is not a flat MultiplicativeExpression
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeUnaryExpression(flatParsed.get(0)) ;
- // This is a flat MultiplicativeExpression
- EqualityExpression synthesized = new EqualityExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property operand1:Expression */
- synthesized.operand1 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeUnaryExpression(flatParsed.get(0)) ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property operand2:Expression */
- synthesized.operand2 = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeArithmeticExpressionFromListOfUnaryExpression(flatParsed.subList(1, flatParsed.size()),
- operators.subList(1, operators.size())) ;
- /* 3. Synthesizes property operator:String */
- synthesized.operator = operators.get(0) ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a UnaryExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeUnaryExpression(
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.UnaryExpression parsed) {
- //first check if it is a UnaryExpression
- if (parsed.getOp() == null || parsed.getOp().equals(""))
- // This is not a UnaryExpression
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizePrimaryExpression(parsed.getExp()) ;
- // This is a UnaryExpression
- UnaryExpression synthesized = new UnaryExpression() ;
- // depending on the operator, synthesizes the right kind of UnaryExpression
- if (parsed.getOp().equals("!"))
- synthesized = new BooleanUnaryExpression() ;
- else if (parsed.getOp().equals("$"))
- synthesized = new IsolationExpression() ;
- else if (parsed.getOp().equals("~"))
- synthesized = new BitStringUnaryExpression() ;
- else // "+" or "-" unary operators
- synthesized = new NumericUnaryExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property operand1:Expression */
- synthesized.operand= ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizePrimaryExpression(parsed.getExp()) ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property operator:String */
- synthesized.operator = parsed.getOp() ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a PrimaryExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizePrimaryExpression(PrimaryExpression exp) {
- if (exp.getPrefix() instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.LITERAL)
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeLiteralExpression(
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.LITERAL) exp.getPrefix()) ;
- else if (exp.getPrefix() instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ThisExpression)
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeThisExpression(
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ThisExpression) exp.getPrefix()) ;
- else if (exp.getPrefix() instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SuperInvocationExpression)
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeSuperInvocationExpression(
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SuperInvocationExpression) exp.getPrefix()) ;
- else if (exp.getPrefix() instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.InstanceCreationExpression)
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeInstanceCreationExpression(
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.InstanceCreationExpression) exp.getPrefix()) ;
- else if (exp.getPrefix() instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ParenthesizedExpression)
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ParenthesizedExpression) exp.getPrefix()) ;
- else if (exp.getPrefix() instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.NameExpression)
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.NameExpression) exp.getPrefix()) ;
- else // NullExpression
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeSequenceConstructionExpression(
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.NullExpression) exp.getPrefix()) ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a NullExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeSequenceConstructionExpression(
- NullExpression exp) {
- SequenceConstructionExpression synthesized = new SequenceConstructionExpression() ;
- /*. No property to synthesize */
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a NonLiteralValueSpecification
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizePrimaryExpression(NonLiteralValueSpecification exp) {
- if (exp instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ThisExpression)
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeThisExpression(
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ThisExpression) exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SuperInvocationExpression)
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeSuperInvocationExpression(
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SuperInvocationExpression) exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.InstanceCreationExpression)
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeInstanceCreationExpression(
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.InstanceCreationExpression) exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ParenthesizedExpression)
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ParenthesizedExpression) exp) ;
- else // NameExpression
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.NameExpression) exp) ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a LITERAL
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeLiteralExpression(LITERAL parsed) {
- if (parsed instanceof INTEGER_LITERAL) {
- NaturalLiteralExpression synthesized = new NaturalLiteralExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property image:String */
- synthesized.image = ((INTEGER_LITERAL) parsed).getValue() ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- else if (parsed instanceof UNLIMITED_LITERAL) {
- UnboundedLiteralExpression synthesized = new UnboundedLiteralExpression() ;
- /*. No properties to synthesize */
- return synthesized ;
- }
- else if (parsed instanceof STRING_LITERAL) {
- StringLiteralExpression synthesized = new StringLiteralExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property image:String */
- synthesized.image = ((STRING_LITERAL) parsed).getValue() ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- BooleanLiteralExpression synthesized = new BooleanLiteralExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property image:String */
- if (castedExp.getValue() == BooleanValue.TRUE)
- synthesized.image = "true" ;
- else
- synthesized.image = "false" ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a ThisExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeThisExpression(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ThisExpression parsed) {
- ThisExpression synthesized = new ThisExpression() ;
- /*. No properties to synthesize */
- if (parsed.getSuffix() != null)
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(synthesized, parsed.getSuffix()) ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a SuperInvocationExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeSuperInvocationExpression(
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SuperInvocationExpression parsed) {
- SuperInvocationExpression synthesized = new SuperInvocationExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property target:QualifiedName */
- if (parsed.getOperationName() != null)
- = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeQualifiedName(parsed.getOperationName()) ;
- /* 2. Synthesizes property tuple:Tuple */
- synthesized.tuple = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeTuple(parsed.getTuple(), synthesized) ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Tuple from a Tuple
- */
- public static final Tuple synthesizeTuple(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.Tuple parsed,
- InvocationExpression invocation) {
- // LIMITATION: This implementation of the Alf Parser only supports positional tuples
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizePositionalTuple(parsed, invocation);
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.PositionalTuple from a Tuple
- */
- public static final Tuple synthesizePositionalTuple(
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.Tuple parsed,
- InvocationExpression invocation) {
- PositionalTuple synthesized = new PositionalTuple() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property expression:List<Expression> */
- synthesized.expression = new ArrayList<Expression>() ;
- for (TupleElement t :parsed.getTupleElements()) {
- synthesized.expression.add(ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(t.getArgument())) ;
- }
- /* 2. Synthesizes property invocation:InvocationExpression */
- synthesized.invocation = invocation ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Tuple from a LinkOperationTuple
- */
- public static final Tuple synthesizeNamedTupleFromLinkOperationExpression(LinkOperationTuple tuple,
- LinkOperationExpression invocation) {
- NamedTuple synthesized = new NamedTuple() ;
- /*1. Synthesize property invocation:InvocationExpression */
- synthesized.invocation = invocation ;
- /*2. Synthesize property namedExpression:List<NamedExpression> */
- synthesized.namedExpression = new ArrayList<NamedExpression>() ;
- //NamedExpression n ;
- // Hypothesis: All LinkOperationTupleElement have both a "objectOrRole" and an "object"
-// for (LinkOperationTupleElement t : tuple.getLinkOperationTupleElement()) {
-// n = new NamedExpression() ;
-// = t.getObjectOrRole() ;
-// if (t.getRoleIndex() != null)
-// n.index = this.synthesizeExpression(t.getRoleIndex()) ;
-// n.expression = this.synthesizeNameExpression(t.getObject()) ;
-// synthesized.namedExpression.add(n) ;
-// }
- return synthesized ;
- }
- public static final Expression synthesizeNameExpression(String object) {
- // TODO Auto-generated method stub
- return null;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a InstanceCreationExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeInstanceCreationExpression(
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.InstanceCreationExpression parsed) {
- InstanceCreationExpression synthesized = new InstanceCreationExpression() ;
- /* 1. Synthesizes property target:QualifiedName */
- synthesized.constructor = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeQualifiedName(parsed.getConstructor()) ;
-// /* 2. Synthesizes property tuple:Tuple */
-// synthesized.tuple = this.synthesizeTuple(parsed.getTuple(), synthesized) ;
- if (parsed.getSuffix() != null)
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(synthesized, parsed.getSuffix()) ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression
- * and a SuffixExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeExpression(
- Expression synthesized, SuffixExpression suffix) {
- if (suffix instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.OperationCallExpression)
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeFeatureInvocationExpression(
- synthesized,
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.OperationCallExpression)suffix) ;
- if (suffix instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.PropertyCallExpression)
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizePropertyAccessExpression(
- synthesized,
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.PropertyCallExpression)suffix) ;
- if (suffix instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.LinkOperationExpression)
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeLinkOperationExpression(
- synthesized,
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.LinkOperationExpression)suffix) ;
- if (suffix instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SequenceOperationExpression)
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeSequenceOperationExpression(
- synthesized,
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SequenceOperationExpression)suffix) ;
- if (suffix instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SequenceReductionExpression)
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeSequenceReductionExpression(
- synthesized,
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SequenceReductionExpression)suffix) ;
- if (suffix instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SequenceExpansionExpression)
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeSequenceExpansionExpression(
- synthesized,
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SequenceExpansionExpression)suffix) ;
- else // org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ClassExtentExpression
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeClassExtentExpression(
- synthesized,
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ClassExtentExpression)suffix) ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression
- * and a suffix OperationCallExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeFeatureInvocationExpression(
- Expression target, org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.OperationCallExpression suffix) {
- FeatureInvocationExpression synthesized = new FeatureInvocationExpression() ;
- /*1. Synthesizes property tuple:Tuple */
- synthesized.tuple = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeTuple(suffix.getTuple(), synthesized) ;
- /*2. Synthesizes property target:FeatureReference */
- FeatureReference featureReference = new FeatureReference() ;
- featureReference.expression = target ;
- featureReference.nameBinding = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeNameBinding(suffix.getOperationName()) ;
- = featureReference ;
- if (suffix.getSuffix() != null)
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(synthesized, suffix.getSuffix()) ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression
- * and a suffix PropertyCallExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizePropertyAccessExpression(Expression target,
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.PropertyCallExpression suffix) {
- PropertyAccessExpression synthesized = new PropertyAccessExpression() ;
- /*1. Synthesize property featureReference */
- FeatureReference featureReference = new FeatureReference() ;
- featureReference.expression = target ;
- // LIMITATION: in this version of the Alf parser, no binding can be specified in a property access expression
- NameBinding nameBinding = new NameBinding() ;
- = suffix.getPropertyName() ;
- featureReference.nameBinding = nameBinding ;
- synthesized.featureReference = featureReference ;
- Expression resultingExpression = synthesized ;
- // in the case where an index is specified, needs to synthesize a SequenceAccessExpression
- if (suffix.getIndex() != null) {
- SequenceAccessExpression synthesizedAccessExpression = new SequenceAccessExpression() ;
- synthesizedAccessExpression.primary = synthesized ;
- synthesizedAccessExpression.index =
- ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(suffix.getIndex()) ;
- resultingExpression = synthesizedAccessExpression ;
- }
- if (suffix.getSuffix() != null)
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(resultingExpression, suffix.getSuffix()) ;
- return resultingExpression ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression
- * and a suffix LinkCallExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeLinkOperationExpression(
- Expression target, org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.LinkOperationExpression suffix) {
- LinkOperationExpression synthesized = new LinkOperationExpression() ;
- /*1. Synthesize property tuple:Tuple */
- synthesized.tuple = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeNamedTupleFromLinkOperationExpression(suffix.getTuple(), synthesized) ;
- /*2. Synthesize property associationName:QualifiedName */
- synthesized.associationName = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeQualifiedName(target) ;
- /*3. Synthesize property operation:String */
- switch (suffix.getKind()) {
- case CLEAR:
- synthesized.operation = "clearAssoc" ;
- break;
- case CREATE:
- synthesized.operation = "createLink" ;
- break;
- case DESTROY:
- synthesized.operation = "destroyLink" ;
- break;
- }
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /**
- * Build a alf.syntax.expressions.SequenceConstructionExpression from a SequenceConstructionExpression
- * @param parsed
- * @return The SequenceConstructionExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeSequenceConstructionExpression(
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SequenceConstructionExpression parsed){
- SequenceConstructionExpression synthesized = null;
- if(parsed != null){
- synthesized = new SequenceConstructionExpression();
- if(parsed.getSequenceElement()!=null){
- /*0. Determine if we want to generate a SequenceExpressionList or a SequenceRange*/
- if(parsed.getRangeUpper() != null){
- SequenceRange seqRange = new SequenceRange();
- seqRange.rangeUpper = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(parsed.getRangeUpper());
- NaturalLiteralExpression literalExp = new NaturalLiteralExpression();
- literalExp.image = "0";
- seqRange.rangeLower = literalExp;
- }else{
- synthesized.elements = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeSequenceExpressionList(
- parsed.getSequenceElement());
- }
- }
- }
- return synthesized;
- }
- /**
- * Build an alf.syntax.expressions.SequenceExpressionList from a list of SequenceElement
- * @param seqElts
- * @return The SequenceExpressionList
- */
- public static final SequenceElements synthesizeSequenceExpressionList(
- EList<org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SequenceElement> seqElts){
- SequenceExpressionList synthesized = null;
- if(seqElts!=null){
- synthesized = new SequenceExpressionList();
- synthesized.element = new ArrayList<Expression>();
- for(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SequenceElement seqElt : seqElts){
- /*1.1 If it is not an Expression it is a SequenceConstructionExpression*/
- if(seqElt instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.impl.SequenceConstructionExpressionImpl){
- synthesized.element.add(ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeSequenceConstructionExpression(
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SequenceConstructionExpression)seqElt));
- }else{
- synthesized.element.add(ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ConditionalTestExpression)seqElt));
- }
- }
- //TODO : upper and lower must be computed
- }
- return synthesized;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression
- * and a suffix SequenceOperationExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeSequenceOperationExpression(
- Expression target, org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SequenceOperationExpression suffix) {
- SequenceOperationExpression synthesized = new SequenceOperationExpression() ;
- /*1. Synthesize property tuple:Tuple */
- synthesized.tuple = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeTuple(suffix.getTuple(), synthesized) ;
- /*2. Synthesize property associationName:QualifiedName */
- synthesized.operation = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeQualifiedName(target) ;
- if (suffix.getSuffix() != null) {
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(synthesized, suffix.getSuffix()) ;
- }
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression
- * and a suffix SequenceReductionExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeSequenceReductionExpression(
- Expression target, org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SequenceReductionExpression suffix) {
- SequenceReductionExpression synthesized = new SequenceReductionExpression() ;
- /*1. Synthesize property behaviorName:QualifiedName */
- synthesized.behaviorName = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeQualifiedName(suffix.getBehavior()) ;
- /*2. Synthesize property isOrdered:boolean */
- synthesized.isOrdered = suffix.isIsOrdered() ;
- /*3. Synthesize property primary:ExtentOrExpression */
- synthesized.primary = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExtentOrExpression(target) ;
- if (suffix.getSuffix() != null) {
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(synthesized, suffix.getSuffix()) ;
- }
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression
- * and a suffix SequenceExpansionExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeSequenceExpansionExpression(
- Expression target, org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SequenceExpansionExpression suffix) {
- if (suffix instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SelectOrRejectOperation) {
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeSelectOrRejectExpression(target,
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SelectOrRejectOperation)suffix) ;
- }
- else if (suffix instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ForAllOrExistsOrOneOperation) {
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeForAllOrExistsOrOneExpression(target,
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ForAllOrExistsOrOneOperation)suffix) ;
- }
- else if (suffix instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.CollectOrIterateOperation) {
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeCollectOrIterateExpression(target,
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.CollectOrIterateOperation)suffix) ;
- }
- else { // instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.IsUniqueOperation
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeIsUniqueExpression(target,
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.IsUniqueOperation)suffix) ;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression
- * and a suffix SelectOrRejectExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeSelectOrRejectExpression(Expression target,
- SelectOrRejectOperation suffix) {
- SelectOrRejectExpression synthesized = new SelectOrRejectExpression() ;
- /*1. Synthesize property argument:Expression */
- synthesized.argument = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(suffix.getExpr());
- /*2. Synthesize property operation:String */
- switch (suffix.getOp()) {
- case SELECT:
- synthesized.operation = "select" ;
- break;
- case REJECT:
- synthesized.operation = "reject" ;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- /*3. Synthesize property variable:String */
- synthesized.variable = suffix.getName() ;
- /*4. Synthesize property primary:ExtentOrExpression */
- synthesized.primary = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExtentOrExpression(target) ;
- if (suffix.getSuffix() != null) {
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(synthesized, suffix.getSuffix()) ;
- }
- return synthesized;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression
- * and a suffix ForAllOrExistsOrOneExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeForAllOrExistsOrOneExpression(
- Expression target, ForAllOrExistsOrOneOperation suffix) {
- ForAllOrExistsOrOneExpression synthesized = new ForAllOrExistsOrOneExpression() ;
- /*1. Synthesize property argument:Expression */
- synthesized.argument = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(suffix.getExpr());
- /*2. Synthesize property operation:String */
- switch (suffix.getOp()) {
- case EXISTS:
- synthesized.operation = "exists" ;
- break;
- case FORALL:
- synthesized.operation = "forAll" ;
- break;
- case ONE:
- synthesized.operation = "one" ;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- /*3. Synthesize property variable:String */
- synthesized.variable = suffix.getName() ;
- /*4. Synthesize property primary:ExtentOrExpression */
- synthesized.primary = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExtentOrExpression(target) ;
- if (suffix.getSuffix() != null) {
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(synthesized, suffix.getSuffix()) ;
- }
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression
- * and a suffix ForAllOrExistsOrOneExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeCollectOrIterateExpression(Expression target,
- CollectOrIterateOperation suffix) {
- ForAllOrExistsOrOneExpression synthesized = new ForAllOrExistsOrOneExpression() ;
- /*1. Synthesize property argument:Expression */
- synthesized.argument = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(suffix.getExpr());
- /*2. Synthesize property operation:String */
- switch (suffix.getOp()) {
- case COLLECT:
- synthesized.operation = "collect" ;
- break;
- case ITERATE:
- synthesized.operation = "iterate" ;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- /*3. Synthesize property variable:String */
- synthesized.variable = suffix.getName() ;
- /*4. Synthesize property primary:ExtentOrExpression */
- synthesized.primary = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExtentOrExpression(target) ;
- if (suffix.getSuffix() != null) {
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(synthesized, suffix.getSuffix()) ;
- }
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression
- * and a suffix IsUniqueExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeIsUniqueExpression(Expression target,
- IsUniqueOperation suffix) {
- IsUniqueExpression synthesized = new IsUniqueExpression() ;
- /*1. Synthesize property argument:Expression */
- synthesized.argument = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(suffix.getExpr());
- /*2. Synthesize property variable:String */
- synthesized.variable = suffix.getName() ;
- /*3. Synthesize property primary:ExtentOrExpression */
- synthesized.primary = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExtentOrExpression(target) ;
- if (suffix.getSuffix() != null) {
- return ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(synthesized, suffix.getSuffix()) ;
- }
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression from a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression
- * and a suffix ClassExtentExpression
- */
- public static final Expression synthesizeClassExtentExpression(Expression target,
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ClassExtentExpression suffix) {
- ClassExtentExpression synthesized = new ClassExtentExpression() ;
- /*1. Synthesize property className:QualifiedName */
- synthesized.className = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeQualifiedName(target) ;
- return synthesized ;
- }
- /*
- * Synthesizes a alf.syntax.expressions.ExtentOrExpression
- * from a alf.syntax.expressions.Expression
- */
- public static final ExtentOrExpression synthesizeExtentOrExpression(
- Expression target) {
- ExtentOrExpression synthesized = new ExtentOrExpression() ;
- /* 1. Case where it is an Extent: Tries to synthesize property name:QualifiedName */
- QualifiedName tryQualifiedName = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeQualifiedName(target) ;
- if (tryQualifiedName.nameBinding != null &&
- !tryQualifiedName.nameBinding.isEmpty()) {
- = tryQualifiedName ;
- }
- else { // this is not an extent expression.
- /* 2. Synthesize property nonNameExpression:Expression */
- synthesized.nonNameExpression = target ;
- }
- return synthesized ;
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index ea3af80ea22..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.QualifiedName;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements.AcceptBlock;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements.AcceptStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements.Block;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements.ConcurrentClauses;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements.IfStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements.LocalNameDeclarationStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements.NonFinalClause;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements.QualifiedNameList;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements.Statement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements.WhileStatement;
-public class ASTStatementFactory {
- /**
- * Build an alf.syntax.statements.Block from Block
- * @param parsed
- * @return alf.syntax.statements.Block
- */
- public static final Block synthesizeBlock(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.Block parsed){
- Block synthesized = null;
- if(parsed!=null){
- synthesized = new Block();
- /*1. Retrieve all statements*/
- synthesized.statement = new ArrayList<Statement>();
- if(parsed.getSequence()!=null){
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.StatementSequence seq = parsed.getSequence();
- if(seq.getStatements() != null){
- for(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.DocumentedStatement dst :seq.getStatements()){
- synthesized.statement.add(
- ASTStatementFactory.synthesizeStatement(dst));
- }
- }
- }
- //TODO AssignmentBefore and AssignmentAfter
- }
- return synthesized;
- }
- /**
- * Build an alf.syntax.statements.Statement from DocumentedStatement
- * @param stmt
- * @return
- */
- public static final Statement synthesizeStatement(
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.DocumentedStatement docstmt){
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.Statement stmt = docstmt.getStatement();
- Statement synthesized = null;
- if(stmt instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.impl.AnnotatedStatementImpl){
- }
- else if(stmt instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.impl.BlockStatementImpl){
- }
- else if(stmt instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.impl.EmptyStatementImpl){
- }
- else if(stmt instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.impl.LocalNameDeclarationStatementImpl){
- synthesized = ASTStatementFactory.synthesizeLocalNameDeclarationStatement(
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.LocalNameDeclarationStatement)stmt);
- }
- else if(stmt instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.impl.IfStatementImpl){
- }
- else if(stmt instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.impl.SwitchStatementImpl){
- }
- else if(stmt instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.impl.WhileStatementImpl){
- synthesized = ASTStatementFactory.synthesizeWhileStatement(
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.WhileStatement)stmt);
- }
- else if(stmt instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.impl.DoStatementImpl){
- }
- else if(stmt instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.impl.ForStatementImpl){
- }
- else if(stmt instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.impl.BreakStatementImpl){
- }
- else if(stmt instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.impl.ReturnStatementImpl){
- }
- else if(stmt instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.impl.AcceptStatementImpl){
- synthesized = ASTStatementFactory.synthesizeAcceptStatement(
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.AcceptStatement)stmt);
- }
- else if(stmt instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.impl.ClassifyStatementImpl){
- }
- else if(stmt instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.impl.InvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatementImpl){
- }
- else if(stmt instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.impl.SuperInvocationStatementImpl){
- }
- else if(stmt instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.impl.ThisInvocationStatementImpl){
- }
- else if(stmt instanceof org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.impl.InstanceCreationInvocationStatementImpl){
- }
- return synthesized;
- }
- /**
- * Build an alf.syntax.statements.AcceptStatement from an AcceptStatement
- * @param accept
- * @return The AcceptStatement
- */
- public static final AcceptStatement synthesizeAcceptStatement(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.AcceptStatement parsed){
- AcceptStatement synthesized = null;
- if(parsed != null){
- synthesized = new AcceptStatement();
- synthesized.acceptBlock = new ArrayList<AcceptBlock>();
- /*1. Determine whether the accept is simple or compound*/
- if(parsed.getCompoundAccept() != null){
- synthesized.isSimple = false;
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.CompoundAcceptStatementCompletion accept = parsed.getCompoundAccept();
- /*1.1 Retrieve the block of the top AcceptStatement*/
- AcceptBlock tmpAcceptBlock = ASTStatementFactory.synthesizeAcceptBlock(parsed.getClause());
- tmpAcceptBlock.block = ASTStatementFactory.synthesizeBlock(accept.getBlock());
- synthesized.acceptBlock.add(tmpAcceptBlock);
- /*1.2 Retrieve the list of AcceptBlock of the CompoundStatement*/
- for(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.AcceptBlock block: accept.getAcceptBlock()){
- synthesized.acceptBlock.add(ASTStatementFactory.synthesizeAcceptBlock(block));
- }
- }else{
- synthesized.isSimple = true;
- synthesized.acceptBlock.add(ASTStatementFactory.synthesizeAcceptBlock(parsed.getClause()));
- }
- /*3. Determine which behavior contains this AcceptStatement*/
- //TODO Assign the ElementReference to the behavior attribute
- /*4. Determine the context behavior*/
- //TODO Assign the behavior attribute to the context behavior evaluation provided by AlfJavaValidator
- }
- return synthesized;
- }
- /**
- * Build an alf.syntax.statements.AcceptBlock from an AcceptClause
- * @param parsed
- * @return The AcceptBlock
- */
- public static final AcceptBlock synthesizeAcceptBlock(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.AcceptClause parsed){
- AcceptBlock synthesized = null;
- if(parsed != null){
- synthesized = new AcceptBlock();
- /*1. Local name which holds the signal instance*/
- = parsed.getName();
- /*2. Retrieve the list of signal accepted by this AcceptBlock*/
- if(parsed.getQualifiedNameList() != null){
- synthesized.signalNames = new QualifiedNameList();
- = new ArrayList<QualifiedName>();
- for(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.QualifiedNameWithBinding sigName :
- parsed.getQualifiedNameList().getQualifiedName()){
- ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeQualifiedName(sigName));
- }
- }
- /*3 Set up the element reference on the signal*/
- //TODO Assign the ElementReference to the signal attribute
- }
- return synthesized;
- }
- /**
- * Build an alf.syntax.statements.AcceptBlock from an AcceptBlock
- * @param parsed
- * @return The AcceptBlock
- */
- public static final AcceptBlock synthesizeAcceptBlock(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.AcceptBlock parsed){
- AcceptBlock synthesized = null;
- if(parsed!=null){
- synthesized = ASTStatementFactory.synthesizeAcceptBlock(parsed.getClause());
- synthesized.block = ASTStatementFactory.synthesizeBlock(parsed.getBlock());
- }
- return synthesized;
- }
- /**
- * Build an alf.syntax.statements.LocalNameDeclarationStatement from an LocalNameDeclarationStatement
- * @param parsed
- * @return The LocalNameDeclarationStatement
- */
- public static final LocalNameDeclarationStatement synthesizeLocalNameDeclarationStatement(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.LocalNameDeclarationStatement parsed){
- LocalNameDeclarationStatement synthesized = null;
- if(parsed!=null){
- synthesized = new LocalNameDeclarationStatement();
- /*1. Determine if the multiplicity is specified*/
- synthesized.hasMultiplicity = parsed.isMultiplicityIndicator();
- /*2. Determine the name of the local name being declared*/
- = parsed.getVarName();
- /*3. Determine the type of the local name being declared*/
- synthesized.typeName = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeQualifiedName(parsed.getType());
- /*4 Build the expression to evaluated in order to provide the initial value*/
- if(parsed.getInit() != null){
- /*If it is not an Expression it is a SequenceConstructionExpression*/
- if(parsed.getInit() instanceof
- org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.impl.SequenceConstructionExpressionImpl){
- synthesized.expression = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeSequenceConstructionExpression(
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SequenceConstructionExpression)parsed.getInit());
- }else{
- synthesized.expression = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(
- (org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ConditionalTestExpression)parsed.getInit());
- }
- }
- /*5. type attribute should be assigned to an ElementReference referencing the type*/
- if(synthesized.expression.type != null){
- synthesized.type = synthesized.expression.type;
- }
- }
- return synthesized;
- }
- /**
- * Build an alf.syntax.statements.WhileStatement from an WhileStatement
- * @param parsed
- * @return The WhileStatement
- */
- public static final WhileStatement synthesizeWhileStatement(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.WhileStatement parsed){
- WhileStatement synthesized = null;
- if(parsed!=null){
- /*Condition and Block shall be valid*/
- if(parsed.getCondition() != null && parsed.getBlock() != null){
- synthesized = new WhileStatement();
- synthesized.condition = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(parsed.getCondition());
- synthesized.body = ASTStatementFactory.synthesizeBlock(parsed.getBlock());
- }
- }
- return synthesized;
- }
- /**
- * Build an alf.syntax.statements.IfStatement from an IfStatement
- * @param parsed
- * @return The IfStatement
- */
- public static final IfStatement synthesizeIfStatement(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.IfStatement parsed){
- IfStatement synthesized = null;
- if(parsed!=null){
- synthesized = new IfStatement();
- synthesized.finalClause = ASTStatementFactory.synthesizeBlock(parsed.getFinalClause());
- synthesized.nonFinalClauses = ASTStatementFactory.
- synthesizeConcurrentClausesList(parsed.getSequentialClausses());
- }
- return synthesized;
- }
- /**
- * Build an alf.syntax.statements.Block from a FinalClause
- * @param parsed
- * @return The Block
- */
- public static final Block synthesizeBlock(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.FinalClause parsed){
- Block synthesized = null;
- if(parsed!=null && parsed.getBlock()!=null){
- synthesized = ASTStatementFactory.synthesizeBlock(parsed.getBlock());
- }
- return synthesized;
- }
- /**
- * Build an alf.syntax.statements.NonFinalClause from a NonFinalClause
- * @param parsed
- * @return
- */
- public static final NonFinalClause synthesizeNonFinalClause(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.NonFinalClause parsed){
- NonFinalClause synthesized = null;
- if(parsed != null && (parsed.getBlock() != null && parsed.getCondition() != null)){
- synthesized = new NonFinalClause();
- synthesized.condition = ASTExpressionFactory.synthesizeExpression(parsed.getCondition());
- synthesized.body = ASTStatementFactory.synthesizeBlock(parsed.getBlock());
- }
- return synthesized;
- }
- /**
- * Build an alf.syntax.statements.ConcurrentClauses from a ConcurrentClauses
- * @param parsed
- * @return The ConcurrentClauses
- */
- public static final ConcurrentClauses synthesizeConcurrentClauses(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ConcurrentClauses parsed){
- ConcurrentClauses synthesized = null;
- if(parsed!=null && parsed.getNonFinalClause().size() >= 1){
- synthesized = new ConcurrentClauses();
- synthesized.clause = new ArrayList<NonFinalClause>();
- for(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.NonFinalClause nonFinalClause :parsed.getNonFinalClause()){
- NonFinalClause clause = ASTStatementFactory.synthesizeNonFinalClause(nonFinalClause);
- if(clause!=null){
- synthesized.clause.add(clause);
- }
- }
- }
- return synthesized;
- }
- public static final List<ConcurrentClauses> synthesizeConcurrentClausesList(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SequentialClauses parsed){
- List<ConcurrentClauses> synthesized = null;
- if(parsed!=null && parsed.getConccurentClauses().size()>=1){
- synthesized = new ArrayList<ConcurrentClauses>();
- for(org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ConcurrentClauses concClause: parsed.getConccurentClauses()){
- ConcurrentClauses clause = ASTStatementFactory.synthesizeConcurrentClauses(concClause);
- if(clause!=null){
- synthesized.add(clause);
- }
- }
- }
- return synthesized;
- }
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index 70ca0ba8027..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax;
-public class ASTUnitFactory {
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/common/
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@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common;
-public class AssignedSource {
- // Synthesized properties
- protected int lower ;
- protected String name ;
- protected SyntaxElement source ;
- protected ElementReference type ;
- protected int upper ;
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/common/
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@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common;
-import java.util.List;
-public abstract class DocumentedElement {
- protected List<String> documentation ;
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index b106f9a261b..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/common/
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@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common;
-public abstract class ElementReference {
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index 401e52affde..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element;
-public class ExternalElementReference extends ElementReference {
- // Synthesized properties
- protected Element element ;
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index 2839da4a9f2..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common;
-public class InternalElementReference extends ElementReference {
- // Synthesized properties
- protected SyntaxElement element ;
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index 4706a88b86c..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common;
-public abstract class SyntaxElement {
diff --git a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/ b/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
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index 47fd23784ee..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class ArithmeticExpression extends BinaryExpression {
- // derived properties
- protected boolean isConcatenation ;
- // constraints
- /*
- * An arithmetic expression is a string concatenation expression if its type is String.
- */
- protected void checkArithmeticExpressionIsConcatenationDerivation () {
- }
- /*
- * An arithmetic expression has a multiplicity lower bound of 0 if the lower bound if either operand
- * expression is 0 and 1 otherwise.
- */
- protected void checkArithmeticExpressionLowerDerivation () {
- }
- /*
- * The operands of an arithmetic expression must both have type Integer, unless the operator is +, in which
- * case they may also both have type String.
- */
- protected void checkArithmeticExpressionOperandTypes () {
- }
- /*
- * The type of an arithmetic expression is the same as the type of its operands.
- */
- protected void checkArithmeticExpressionTypeDerivation () {
- }
- /*
- * An arithmetic expression has a multiplicity upper bound of 1.
- */
- protected void checkArithmeticExpressionUpperDerivation () {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.AssignedSource;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.ElementReference;
-public class AssignmentExpression extends Expression {
- // Synthesized Properties
- protected LeftHandSide leftHandSide ;
- protected String operator ;
- protected Expression rightHandSide ;
- // Derived Properties
- protected AssignedSource assignment ;
- protected Expression expression ;
- protected ElementReference feature ;
- protected boolean isArithmetic ;
- protected boolean isBitStringConversion ;
- protected boolean isCollectionConversion ;
- protected boolean isDataValueUpdate ;
- protected boolean isDefinition ;
- protected boolean isFeature ;
- protected boolean isIndexed ;
- protected boolean isSimple ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The new assigned source for an assignment to a local name is the assignment expression. If the
- * assignment is a definition, then the type is given by the right hand side, the multiplicity upper bound is 1
- * if the upper bound of the right hand side is 1 and otherwise * and the multiplicity lower bound is 0.
- * Otherwise, the type and multiplicity are the same as the left hand side.
- */
- public void checkAssignmentExpressionAssignmentDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The assigned source of a name before the right-hand side expression of an assignment expression is the
- * same as the assigned source before the assignment expression. The assigned source of a name before the
- * left-hand side is the assigned source after the right-hand side expression.
- */
- public void checkAssignmentExpressionAssignmentsBefore() {
- }
- /*
- * For a compound assignment, both the left-hand and right-hand sides must have a multiplicity upper
- * bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkAssignmentExpressionCompoundAssignmentMultiplicityConformance () {
- }
- /*
- * For a compound assignment, both the left-hand side and the right-hand side must have the same type,
- * consistent with the arithmetic or logical operator used in the compound assignment operator.
- */
- public void checkAssignmentExpressionCompoundAssignmentTypeConformance () {
- }
- /*
- * For a compound assignment, the effective expression is the left-hand side treated as a name expression,
- * property access expression or sequence access expression, as appropriate for evaluation to obtain the
- * original value to be updated.
- */
- public void checkAssignmentExpressionExpressionDerivation () {
- }
- /*
- * If the left-hand side of an assignment expression is a feature, then the feature of the assignment is the
- * referent of the left-hand side.
- */
- public void checkAssignmentExpressionFeatureDerivation () {
- }
- /*
- * An assignment expression is an arithmetic assignment if its operator is a compound assignment operator
- * for an arithmetic operation.
- */
- public void checkAssignmentExpressionIsArithmeticDerivation () {
- }
- /*
- * An assignment requires BitString conversion if the type of the left-hand side is BitString and either the
- * type of the right-hand side is Integer or collection conversion is required and the type of the right-hand
- * side is a collection class whose argument type is Integer.
- */
- public void checkAssignmentExpressionIsBitStringConversionDerivation () {
- }
- /*
- * An assignment requires collection conversion if the type of the right-hand side is a collection class and
- * its multiplicity upper bound is 1, and the type of the left-hand side is not a collection class.
- */
- public void checkAssignmentExpressionIsCollectionConversionDerivation () {
- }
- /*
- * An assignment expression is a data value update if its left hand side is an attribute of a data value held in
- * a local name or parameter.
- */
- public void checkAssignmentExpressionIsDataValueUpdateDerivation () {
- }
- /*
- * An assignment expression is a definition if it is a simple assignment and its left hand side is a local name
- * for which there is no assignment before the expression.
- */
- public void checkAssignmentExpressionIsDefinitionDerivation () {
- }
- /*
- * The left hand side of an assignment expression is a feature if it is a kind of FeatureLeftHandSide.
- */
- public void checkAssignmentExpressionIsFeatureDerivation () {
- }
- /*
- * The left hand side of an assignment expression is indexed if it has an index.
- */
- public void checkAssignmentExpressionIsIndexedDerivation () {
- }
- /*
- * An assignment expression is a simple assignment if the assignment operator is "=".
- */
- public void checkAssignmentExpressionIsSimpleDerivation () {
- }
- /*
- * An assignment expression has the same multiplicity lower bound as its right-hand side expression.
- */
- public void checkAssignmentExpressionLowerDerivation () {
- }
- /*
- * If the left-hand side of a simple assignment is not a new local name and the multiplicity upper bound of
- * the left-hand side is less than or equal to 1, then the multiplicity upper bound of the right-hand side
- * cannot be greater than that of the left-hand side.
- */
- public void checkAssignmentExpressionSimpleAssignmentMultiplicityConformance () {
- }
- /*
- * If the left-hand side of a simple assignment is not a new local name, and the right-hand side is not null,
- * then the left-hand side must either be untyped or have a type that conforms to the type of the right-hand
- * side expression.
- */
- public void checkAssignmentExpressionSimpleAssignmentTypeConformance () {
- }
- /*
- * An assignment expression has the same type as its right-hand side expression.
- */
- public void checkAssignmentExpressionTypeDerivation () {
- }
- /*
- * An assignment expression has the same multiplicity upper bound as its right-hand side expression.
- */
- public void checkAssignmentExpressionUpperDerivation () {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * The assignments after an assignment expression are the assignments after the left-hand side, updated by
- * the assignment from the assignment statement, if any.
- */
- public List<AssignedSource> updateAssignments ( ) {
- return new ArrayList<AssignedSource>() ;
- }
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index 101ebea21c5..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class BehaviorInvocationExpression extends InvocationExpression {
- //Synthesized Properties
- protected QualifiedName target ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * An input argument expression must be assignable to its corresponding parameter. An output parameter
- * must be assignable to its corresponding argument expression. (Note that this implies that the type of an
- * argument expression for an inout parameter must be the same as the type of that parameter.)
- */
- public void checkBehaviorInvocationExpressionArgumentCompatibility () {
- }
- /*
- * If the target qualified name disambiguates to a feature reference, then the feature of a behavior
- * invocation expression is that feature reference.
- */
- public void checkBehaviorInvocationExpressionFeatureDerivation () {
- }
- /*
- * If the target qualified name does not disambiguate to a feature reference, then it must resolve to a
- * behavior or an association end. Otherwise it must resolve to a single feature referent according to the
- * overloading resolution rules, unless it is an implicit destructor call (in which case it has no referent).
- */
- public void checkBehaviorInvocationExpressionReferentConstraint () {
- }
- /*
- * The referent of a behavior invocation expression is the behavior named by the target or, if the target
- * disambiguates to a feature reference, the operation or signal being invoked.
- */
- public void checkBehaviorInvocationExpressionReferentDerivation () {
- }
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index a90f4a1c9fb..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.AssignedSource;
-public abstract class BinaryExpression extends Expression {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public Expression operand1 ;
- public Expression operand2 ;
- public String operator ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The assignments in the operand expressions of a binary expression must be valid (as determined by the
- * validateAssignments helper operation).
- */
- public void checkBinaryExpressionOperandAssignments() {
- }
- /*
- * The operands of a binary expression must both have a multiplicity upper bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkBinaryExpressionOperandMultiplicity() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * The assignments after a binary expression include all the assignments before the expression that are not
- * reassigned in either operand expression, plus the new assignments from each of the operand expressions.
- */
- public List<AssignedSource> updateAssignments ( ) {
- return new ArrayList<AssignedSource>() ;
- }
- /*
- * In general the assignments before the operand expressions of a binary expression are the same as those
- * before the binary expression and, if an assignment for a name is changed in one operand expression,
- * then the assignment for that name may not change in the other operand expression. (This is overridden
- * for conditional logical expressions.)
- */
- public boolean validateAssignments ( ) {
- return false ;
- }
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-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class BitStringUnaryExpression extends UnaryExpression {
- // Derived Properties
- protected boolean isBitStringConversion ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * BitString conversion is required if the operand expression of a BitString unary expression has type
- * Integer.
- */
- public void checkBitStringUnaryExpresionIsBitStringConversionDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A BitString unary expression has the same multiplicity lower bound as its operand expression.
- */
- public void checkBitStringUnaryExpressionLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The operand expression of a BitString unary expression must have type BitString or Integer and a
- * multiplicity upper bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkBitStringUnaryExpressionOperand() {
- }
- /*
- * A BitString unary expression has type BitString.
- */
- public void checkBitStringUnaryExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A BitString unary expression has a multiplicity upper bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkBitStringUnaryExpressionUpperDerivation() {
- }
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@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class BooleanLiteralExpression extends LiteralExpression {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public String image ;
- //Constraints
- /*
- * The type of a boolean literal expression is Boolean.
- */
- public void checkBooleanLiteralExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class BooleanUnaryExpression extends UnaryExpression {
- // Constraints
- /*
- * A Boolean unary expression has the same multiplicity lower bound as its operand expression.
- */
- public void checkBooleanUnaryExpressionLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The operand expression of a Boolean unary expression must have type Boolean and a multiplicity upper
- * bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkBooleanUnaryExpressionOperand() {
- }
- /*
- * A Boolean unary expression has type Boolean.
- */
- public void checkBooleanUnaryExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A Boolean unary expression has a multiplicity upper bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkBooleanUnaryExpressionUpperDerivation() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
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@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.AssignedSource;
-public class CastExpression extends Expression {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public Expression operand ;
- public QualifiedName typeName ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The assignments before the operand of a cast expression are the same as those before the cast
- * expression.
- */
- public void checkCastExpressionAssignmentsBefore() {
- }
- /*
- * A cast expression has a multiplicity lower bound of 0.
- */
- public void checkCastExpressionLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The type of a cast expression is the referent of the given type name (if there is one).
- */
- public void checkCastExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * If the cast expression has a type name, then it must resolve to a classifier.
- */
- public void checkCastExpressionTypeResolution() {
- }
- /*
- * A cast expression has a multiplicity upper bound that is the same as the upper bound of its operand
- * expression.
- */
- public void checkCastExpressionUpperDerivation() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * The assignments after a cast expression are the same as those after its operand expression.
- */
- public List<AssignedSource> updateAssignments ( ) {
- return new ArrayList<AssignedSource>() ;
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
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@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class ClassExtentExpression extends Expression {
- //Synthesized Properties
- public QualifiedName className ;
- //Constraints
- /*
- * The given type name must resolve to a non-template class.
- */
- public void checkClassExtentExpressionExtentType() {
- }
- /*
- * The multiplicity lower bound of a class extent expression is 0.
- */
- public void checkClassExtentExpressionLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The type of a class extent expression is the given class.
- */
- public void checkClassExtentExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The multiplicity upper bound of a class expression is *.
- */
- public void checkClassExtentExpressionUpperDerivation() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
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@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.ElementReference;
-public class ClassificationExpression extends UnaryExpression {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public QualifiedName typeName ;
- // Derived Properties
- public boolean isDirect ;
- public ElementReference referent ;
- //Constraints
- /*
- * A classification expression is direct if its operator is "hastype".
- */
- public void checkClassificationExpressionIsDirectDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A classification expression has a multiplicity lower bound that is the same as the lower bound of its
- * operand expression.
- */
- public void checkClassificationExpressionLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The operand expression of a classification expression must have a multiplicity upper bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkClassificationExpressionOperand() {
- }
- /*
- * The referent of a classification expression is the classifier to which the type name resolves.
- */
- public void checkClassificationExpressionReferentDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A classification expression has type Boolean.
- */
- public void checkClassificationExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The type name in a classification expression must resolve to a classifier.
- */
- public void checkClassificationExpressionTypeName() {
- }
- /*
- * A classification expression has a multiplicity upper bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkClassificationExpressionUpperDerivation() {
- }
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@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class CollectOrIterateExpression extends SequenceExpansionExpression {
- // Constraints
- /*
- * A collect or iterate expression has a multiplicity lower bound that is the product of the bounds of its
- * primary and argument expressions.
- */
- public void checkCollectOrIterateExpressionLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A collect or iterate expression has the same type as its argument expression.
- */
- public void checkCollectOrIterateExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A collect or iterate expression has a multiplicity upper bound that is the product of the bounds of its
- * primary and argument expressions.
- */
- public void checkCollectOrIterateExpressionUpperDerivation() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
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@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.AssignedSource;
-public class ConditionalLogicalExpression extends BinaryExpression {
- // Constraints
- /*
- * A conditional logical expression has a multiplicity lower bound of 0 if the lower bound if either operand
- * expression is 0 and 1 otherwise.
- */
- public void checkConditionalLogicalExpressionLower() {
- }
- /*
- * The operands of a conditional logical expression must have type Boolean.
- */
- public void checkConditionalLogicalExpressionOperands() {
- }
- /*
- * A conditional logical expression has type Boolean.
- */
- public void checkConditionalLogicalExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A conditional logical expression has a multiplicity upper bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkConditionalLogicalExpressionUpper() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * If a name has the same assigned source after the second operand expression as before it, then that is its
- * assigned source after the conditional logical expression. If a name is unassigned before the second
- * operand expression, then it is considered unassigned after the conditional logical expression, even if it
- * has an assigned source after the second operand expression. Otherwise its assigned source after the
- * conditional logical expression is the conditional logical expression itself.
- */
- public List<AssignedSource> updateAssignments() {
- return new ArrayList<AssignedSource>() ;
- }
- /*
- * The assignments before the first operand expression of a conditional logical expression are the same as
- * those before the conditional logical expression. The assignments before the second operand expression
- * are the same as those after the first operand expression.(non-Javadoc)
- */
- public boolean validateAssignments() {
- return false ;
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.AssignedSource;
-public class ConditionalTestExpression extends Expression {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public Expression operand1 ;
- public Expression operand2 ;
- public Expression operand3 ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * If a name is unassigned after the first operand expression and has an assigned source after one of the
- * other operand expression, then it must have an assigned source after both of those expressions.
- */
- public void checkConditionalTestExpressionAssignmentsAfter() {
- }
- /*
- * The assignments before the first operand expression of a conditional-test expression are the same as
- * those before the conditional-test expression. The assignments before the second and third operand
- * expressions are the same as those after the first operand expression.
- */
- public void checkConditionalTestExpressionAssignmentsBefore() {
- }
- /*
- * The first operand expression of a conditional-test expression must be of type Boolean and have a
- * multiplicity upper bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkConditionalTestExpressionCondition() {
- }
- /*
- * The multiplicity lower bound of a conditional-test operator expression is the minimum of the
- * multiplicity lower bounds of its second and third operand expressions.
- */
- public void checkConditionalTestExpressionLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The type of a conditional-test operator expression is the effective common ancestor (if one exists) of the
- * types of its second and third operand expressions.
- */
- public void checkConditionalTestExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The multiplicity upper bound of a conditional-test operator expression is the maximum of the
- * multiplicity upper bounds of its second and third operand expressions.
- */
- public void checkConditionalTestExpressionUpperDerivation() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * Returns unchanged all assignments for local names that are not reassigned in either the second or third
- * operand expressions. Any local names that have different assignments after the second and third operand
- * expressions are adjusted to have the conditional-test expression as their assigned source.
- */
- public List<AssignedSource> updateAssignments() {
- return new ArrayList<AssignedSource>() ;
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class EqualityExpression extends BinaryExpression {
- // Derived Properties
- public boolean isNegated ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * An equality expression is negated if its operator is "!=".
- */
- public void checkEqualityExpressionIsNegatedDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * An equality expression has a multiplicity lower bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkEqualityExpressionLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * An equality expression has type Boolean.
- */
- public void checkEqualityExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * An equality expression has a multiplicity upper bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkEqualityExpressionUpperDerivation() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
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@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.AssignedSource;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.ElementReference;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.SyntaxElement;
-public class Expression extends SyntaxElement {
- // Derived Properties
- public List<AssignedSource> assignmentAfter ;
- public List<AssignedSource> assignmentBefore ;
- public int lower ;
- public ElementReference type ;
- public int upper ;
- //Constraints
- /*
- * The assignments after an expression are given by the result of the updateAssignments helper operation.
- */
- public void checkExpressionAssignmentsAfterDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * No name may be assigned more than once before or after an expression.
- */
- public void checkExpressionUniqueAssignments() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * Returns the assignments from before this expression updated for any assignments made in the
- expression. By default, this is the same set as the assignments before the expression. This operation is
- redefined only in subclasses of Expression for kinds of expressions that make assignments.
- */
- public List<AssignedSource> updateAssignments() {
- return new ArrayList<AssignedSource>() ;
- }
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@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class ExtentOrExpression {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public QualifiedName name ;
- public Expression nonNameExpression ;
- //Derived Properties
- public Expression expression ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The effective expression for the target is the parsed primary expression, if the target is not a qualified
- name, a name expression, if the target is a qualified name other than a class name, or a class extent
- expression, if the target is the qualified name of a class.
- */
- public void checkExtentOrExpressionExpressionDerivation() {
- }
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@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class FeatureInvocationExpression extends InvocationExpression {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public FeatureReference target ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * An alternative constructor invocation may only occur in an expression statement as the first statement in
- * the definition for the method of a constructor operation.
- */
- public void checkFeatureInvocationExpressionAlternativeConstructor() {
- }
- /*
- * If a feature invocation expression has an explicit target, then that is its feature. Otherwise, it is an
- * alternative constructor call with its feature determined implicitly.
- */
- public void checkFeatureInvocationExpressionFeatureDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * If there is no target feature expression, then the implicit feature with the same name as the target type
- * must be a constructor.
- */
- public void checkFeatureInvocationExpressionImplicitAlternativeConstructor() {
- }
- /*
- * If a feature invocation expression is an implicit object destruction, it has no referent. Otherwise, its
- * referent is the referent of its feature.
- */
- public void checkFeatureInvocationExpressionReferentDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * If a feature invocation expression is not an implicit destructor call, then it must be possible to determine
- * a single valid referent for it according to the overloading resolution rules.
- */
- public void checkFeatureInvocationExpressionReferentExists() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class FeatureLeftHandSide extends LeftHandSide {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public FeatureReference feature ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The assignments after a feature left-hand side are the assignments after the expression of the feature
- * reference or, if there is an index, those after the index expression.
- */
- public void checkFeatureLeftHandSideAssignmentAfterDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The assignments before the expression of the feature reference of a feature left-hand side are the
- * assignments before the feature left-hand side.
- */
- public void checkFeatureLeftHandSideAssignmentBeforeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * If a feature left-hand side has an index, then the assignments before the index expression are the
- * assignments after the expression of the feature reference.
- */
- public void checkFeatureLeftHandSideAssignmentsBefore() {
- }
- /*
- * The expression of the feature reference of a feature left-hand side must have a multiplicity upper bound
- * of 1.
- */
- public void checkFeatureLeftHandSideFeatureExpression() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
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@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.ElementReference;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.SyntaxElement;
-public class FeatureReference extends SyntaxElement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- /*
- * The target expression.
- */
- public Expression expression ;
- /*
- * The name of the feature
- */
- public NameBinding nameBinding ;
- //Derived Properties
- public ElementReference referent ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The features referenced by a feature reference include the features of the type of the target expression
- * and the association ends of any binary associations whose opposite ends are typed by the type of the
- * target expression.
- */
- public void checkFeatureReferenceReferentDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The target expression of the feature reference may not be untyped, nor may it have a primitive or
- * enumeration type.
- */
- public void checkFeatureReferenceTargetType() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class ForAllOrExistsOrOneExpression extends SequenceExpansionExpression {
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The argument of a forAll, exists or one expression must have type Boolean and a multiplicity upper
- * bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkForAllOrExistOrOneExpressionArgument() {
- }
- /*
- * A forAll, exists or one expression has a multiplicity lower bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkForAllOrExistOrOneExpressionLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A forAll, exists or one expression has the type Boolean.
- */
- public void checkForAllOrExistOrOneExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A forAll, exists or one expression has a multiplicity upper bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkForAllOrExistOrOneExpressionUpperDerivation() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.AssignedSource;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.ElementReference;
-public class IncrementOrDecrementExpression extends Expression {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public boolean isPrefix ;
- public LeftHandSide operand ;
- // Derived Properties
- public AssignedSource assignment ;
- public Expression expression ;
- public ElementReference feature ;
- public boolean isDataValueUpdate ;
- public boolean isFeature ;
- public boolean isIndexed ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * If the operand of an increment or decrement expression is a name, then the assignment for the
- * expression is a new assigned source for the name with the expression as the source.
- */
- public void checkIncrementOrDecrementExpressionAssignment() {
- }
- /*
- * The assignments before the operand of an increment or decrement expression are the same as those
- * before the increment or decrement expression.
- */
- public void checkIncrementOrDecrementExpressionAssignmentsBefore() {
- }
- /*
- * The effective expression for the operand of an increment or decrement expression is the operand treated
- * as a name expression, property access expression or sequence access expression, as appropriate for
- * evaluation to obtain the original value to be updated.
- */
- public void checkIncrementOrDecrementExpressionExpressionDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * If the operand of an increment or decrement expression is a feature, then the referent for the operand.
- */
- public void checkIncrementOrDecrementExpressionFeature() {
- }
- /*
- * An increment or decrement expression is a data value update if its operand is an attribute of a data value
- * held in a local name or parameter.
- */
- public void checkIncrementOrDecrementExpressionIsDataValueUpdate() {
- }
- /*
- * An increment or decrement expression has a feature as its operand if the operand is a kind of
- * FeatureLeftHandSide.
- */
- public void checkIncrementOrDecrementExpressionIsFeatureDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * An increment or decrement expression is indexed if its operand is indexed.
- */
- public void checkIncrementOrDecrementExpressionIsIndexedDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * An increment or decrement expression has the same multiplicity lower bound as its operand expression.
- */
- public void checkIncrementOrDecrementExpressionLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The operand expression must have type Integer and a multiplicity upper bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkIncrementOrDecrementExpressionOperand() {
- }
- /*
- * An increment or decrement expression has type Integer.
- */
- public void checkIncrementOrDecrementExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * An increment or decrement expression has a multiplicity upper bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkIncrementOrDecrementExpressionUpperDerivation() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * The assignments after an increment and decrement expression include all those after its operand
- * expression. Further, if the operand expression, considered as a left hand side, is a local name, then this is
- * reassigned.
- */
- public List<AssignedSource> updateAssignments() {
- return new ArrayList<AssignedSource>() ;
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.ElementReference;
-public class InstanceCreationExpression extends InvocationExpression {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public QualifiedName constructor ;
- // Derived Properties
- public boolean isConstructorless ;
- public boolean isObjectCreation ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The constructor name must resolve to a constructor operation (that is compatible with the tuple
- * argument expressions), a class or a data type, but not both a class and a data type.
- */
- public void checkInstanceCreationExpressionConstructor() {
- }
- /*
- * If an instance creation expression is a data value creation (not an object creation), then the tuple
- * argument expressions are matched with the attributes of the named type.
- */
- public void checkInstanceCreationExpressionDataTypeCompatibility() {
- }
- /*
- * There is no feature for an instance creation expression.
- */
- public void checkInstanceCreationExpressionFeatureDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * An instance creation expression is constructorless if its referent is a class.
- */
- public void checkInstanceCreationExpressionIsConstructorlessDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * An instance creation expression is an object creation if its referent is not a data type.
- */
- public void checkInstanceCreationExpressionIsObjectCreationDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The referent of an instance creation expression is the constructor operation, class or data type to which
- * the constructor name resolves.
- */
- public void checkInstanceCreationExpressionReferentDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * If the expression is constructorless, then its tuple must be empty.
- */
- public void checkInstanceCreationExpressionTuple() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * Returns the parameters of a constructor operation or the attributes of a data type, or an empty set for a
- * constructorless instance creation.
- */
- public List<ElementReference> parameterElements ( ) {
- return new ArrayList<ElementReference>() ;
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
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@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.AssignedSource;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.ElementReference;
-public abstract class InvocationExpression extends Expression {
- // Synthesized Properties
- /*
- * The tuple for the invocation expression.
- */
- public Tuple tuple ;
- // Derived Properties
- public FeatureReference feature ;
- public boolean isAssociationEnd ;
- public boolean isBehavior ;
- public boolean isDestructor ;
- public boolean isImplicit ;
- public boolean isOperation ;
- public boolean isSignal ;
- public List<ElementReference> parameter ;
- public ElementReference referent ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The assignments before the target expression of the feature reference of an invocation expression (if
- * any) are the same as the assignments before the invocation expression.
- */
- public void checkInvocationExpressionAssignmentsBefore() {
- }
- /*
- * An invocation expression is an association end read if its referent is an association end.
- */
- public void checkInvocationExpressionIsAssociationEndDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * An invocation expression is a behavior invocation if its referent is a behavior.
- */
- public void checkInvocationExpressionIsBehaviorDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * An invocation expression is a destructor call either implicitly or if it is an explicit operation call to a
- * destructor operation.
- */
- public void checkInvocationExpressionIsDestructorDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * An invocation expression is an implicit object destruction if it has a feature with the name "destroy" and
- * no explicit referents.
- */
- public void checkInvocationExpressionIsImplicitDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * An invocation expression is an operation call if its referent is an operation.
- */
- public void checkInvocationExpressionIsOperationDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * An invocation expression is a signal send if its referent is a signal.
- */
- public void checkInvocationExpressionIsSignalDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The multiplicity lower bound of an invocation expression is determined by the return parameter (if any)
- * of the referent.
- */
- public void checkInvocationExpressionLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The parameters of an invocation expression are given by the result of the parameterElements helper
- * operation.
- */
- public void checkInvocationExpressionParameterDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The type of an invocation expression is determined by the return parameter (if any) of the referent.
- */
- public void checkInvocationExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The multiplicity upper bound of an invocation expression is determined by the return parameter (if any)
- * of the referent.
- */
- public void checkInvocationExpressionUpperDerivation() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * Returns references to the elements that act as the parameters of the referent. For a behavior or operation,
- * these are the owned parameters, in order. Otherwise (by default), they are actually any properties of the
- * referent (e.g., signal attributes), which are treated as if they were in parameters. (This is defined as a
- * helper operation, so that it can be overridden by subclasses of InvocationExpression, if necessary.)
- */
- public List<ElementReference>parameterElements() {
- return new ArrayList<ElementReference>() ;
- }
- /*
- * The assignments after an invocation expression are the same as those after the tuple of the expression.
- */
- public List<AssignedSource> updateAssignments ( ) {
- return new ArrayList<AssignedSource>() ;
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class IsUniqueExpression extends SequenceExpansionExpression {
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The argument of an isUnique expression must have a multiplicity upper bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkIsUniqueExpressionExpressionArgument() {
- }
- /*
- * An isUnique expression has a multiplicity lower bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkIsUniqueExpressionLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * An isUnique expression has the type Boolean.
- */
- public void checkIsUniqueExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * An isUnique expression has a multiplicity upper bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkIsUniqueExpressionUpperDerivation() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class IsolationExpression extends UnaryExpression {
- // Constraints
- /*
- * An isolation expression has the multiplicity lower bound of its operand expression.
- */
- public void checkIsolationExpressionLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * An isolation expression has the type of its operand expression.
- */
- public void checkIsolationExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * An isolation expression has the multiplicity upper bound of its operand expression.
- */
- public void checkIsolationExpressionUpperDerivation() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
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@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.AssignedSource;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.SyntaxElement;
-public class LeftHandSide extends SyntaxElement {
- // Derived Properties
- public List<AssignedSource> assignmentAfter ;
- public List<AssignedSource> assignmentBefore ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * If a left-hand side has an index, then the index expression must have a multiplicity upper bound no
- * greater than 1.
- */
- public void checkLeftHandSideIndexExpression() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
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@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.ElementReference;
-public class LinkOperationExpression extends InvocationExpression {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public QualifiedName associationName ;
- public String operation ;
- // Derived Properties
- public boolean isClear ;
- public boolean isCreation ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * Each argument expression must be assignable to its corresponding expression.
- */
- public void checkLinkOperationExpressionArgumentCompatibility() {
- }
- /*
- * The qualified name of a link operation expression must resolve to a single association.
- */
- public void checkLinkOperationExpressionAssociationReference() {
- }
- /*
- * There is no feature for a link operation expression.
- */
- public void checkLinkOperationExpressionFeatureDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A link operation expression is for clearing an association if the operation is "clearAssoc".
- */
- public void checkLinkOperationExpressionIsClearDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A link operation expression is for link creation if its operation is "createLink".
- */
- public void checkLinkOperationExpressionIsCreationDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The referent for a link operation expression is the named association.
- */
- public void checkLinkOperationExpressionReferentDerivation() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * For a clear association operation, returns a single, typeless parameter. Otherwise, returns the ends of the
- * named association.
- */
- public List<ElementReference> parameterElements() {
- return new ArrayList<ElementReference>() ;
- }
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@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public abstract class LiteralExpression extends Expression {
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The multiplicity lower bound of a literal expression is always 1.
- */
- public void checkLiteralExpressionLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The type of a literal expression is given by the type of the literal, as defined for each subclass below.
- */
- public void checkLiteralExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The multiplicity upper bound of a literal expression is always 1.
- */
- public void checkLiteralExpressionUpperDerivation() {
- }
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@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class LogicalExpression extends BinaryExpression {
- // Derived Properties
- public boolean isBitStringConversion1 ;
- public boolean isBitStringConversion2 ;
- public boolean isBitWise ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * BitString conversion is required if the first operand expression of a shift expression has type Integer.
- */
- public void checkLogicalExpressionIsBitStringConversion1Derivation() {
- }
- /*
- * BitString conversion is required if the second operand expression of a shift expression has type Integer.
- */
- public void checkLogicalExpressionIsBitStringConversion2Derivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A logical expression is bit-wise if the type of its first operand is not Boolean.
- */
- public void checkLogicalExpressionIsBitWiseDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A logical expression has a multiplicity lower bound of 0 if the lower bound if either operand expression
- * is 0 and 1 otherwise.
- */
- public void checkLogicalExpressionLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The operands of a logical expression must have type Boolean.
- */
- public void checkLogicalExpressionOperands() {
- }
- /*
- * A logical expression has type Boolean.
- */
- public void checkLogicalExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A logical expression has a multiplicity upper bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkLogicalExpressionUpperDerivation() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
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@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.SyntaxElement;
-public class NameBinding extends SyntaxElement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public TemplateBinding binding ;
- public String name ;
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
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@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.AssignedSource;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.ElementReference;
-public class NameExpression extends Expression {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public QualifiedName name ;
- // Derived Properties
- public AssignedSource assignment ;
- public ElementReference enumerationLiteral ;
- public PropertyAccessExpression propertyAccess ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * If the name in a name expression is a local or parameter name, then its assignment is its assigned source
- * before the expression.
- */
- public void checkNameExpressionAssignmentDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * If the name in a name expression resolves to an enumeration literal name, then that is the enumeration
- * literal for the expression.
- */
- public void checkNameExpressionEnumerationLiteralDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The multiplicity lower bound of a name expression is determined by its name.
- */
- public void checkNameExpressionLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * If the name in a name expression disambiguates to a feature reference, then the equivalent property
- * access expression has the disambiguation of the name as its feature. The assignments before the property
- * access expression are the same as those before the name expression.
- */
- public void checkNameExpressionPropertyAccessDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * If the name referenced by this expression is not a disambiguated feature reference or a local or
- * parameter name, then it must resolve to exactly one enumeration literal.
- */
- public void checkNameExpressionResolution() {
- }
- /*
- * The type of a name expression is determined by its name. If the name is a local name or parameter with
- * an assignment, then the type of the name expression is the type of that assignment. If the name is an
- * enumeration literal, then the type of the name expression is the corresponding enumeration. If the name
- * disambiguates to a feature reference, then the type of the name expression is the type of the equivalent
- * property access expression.
- */
- public void checkNameExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The multiplicity upper bound of a name expression is determined by its name.
- */
- public void checkNameExpressionUpperDerivation() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class NameLeftHandSide extends LeftHandSide {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public QualifiedName target ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The assignments after a name left-hand side are the same as the assignments before.
- */
- public void checkNameLeftHandSideAssignmentAfterDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * If a name left-hand side has an index, then the target name must already have an assigned source and the
- * assignments before the index expression are the assignments before the left-hand side.
- */
- public void checkNameLeftHandSideAssignmentsBefore() {
- }
- /*
- * The target of a name left hand side may not already have an assigned source that is a loop variable
- * definition, an annotation, a sequence expansion expression or a parameter that is an in parameter.
- */
- public void checkNameLeftHandSideTargetAssignment() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.SyntaxElement;
-public class NamedExpression extends SyntaxElement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public Expression expression ;
- public Expression index ;
- public String name ;
- // Derived Properties
- public boolean isBitStringConverstion ;
- public boolean isCollectionConversion ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * Bit string conversion is required if the type of the type of the corresponding parameter is BitString, or a
- * collection class instantiated with a BitString type, and the type of the argument expression is not
- * BitString.
- */
- public void checkNamedExpressionIsBitStringConversionDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * Collection conversion is required if the type of the corresponding parameter is a collection class and the
- * type of the argument expression is not.
- */
- public void checkNamedExpressionIsCollectionConversionDerivation() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import java.util.List;
-public class NamedTemplateBinding extends TemplateBinding {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public List<TemplateParameterSubstitution> substitution ;
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import java.util.List;
-public class NamedTuple extends Tuple {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public List<NamedExpression> namedExpression ;
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@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class NaturalLiteralExpression extends LiteralExpression {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public String image ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The type of a natural literal is the Alf library type Natural.
- * NOTE: If the context of a natural literal expression unambiguously requires either an Integer or an
- * UnlimitedNatural value, then the result of the literal expression is implicitly downcast to the required
- * type. If the context is ambiguous, however, than an explicit cast to Integer or UnlimitedNatural must be
- * used.
- */
- public void checkNaturalLiteralExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class NumericUnaryExpression extends UnaryExpression {
- // Constraints
- /*
- * A numeric unary expression has the same multiplicity lower bound as its operand expression.
- */
- public void checkNumericUnaryExpressionLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The operand expression must have type Integer and a multiplicity upper bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkNumericUnaryExpressionOperand() {
- }
- /*
- * A numeric unary expression must have type Integer.
- */
- public void checkNumericUnaryExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A numeric unary expression has a multiplicity upper bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkNumericUnaryExpressionUpperDerivation() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class OutputNamedExpression extends NamedExpression {
- // Derived Properties
- public LeftHandSide leftHandSide ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The argument for an output parameter must be either be null, a name expression, a property access
- * expression, or a sequence access expression whose primary expression is a name expression or a
- * property access expression.
- */
- public void checkOutputNamedExpressionForm() {
- }
- /*
- * The equivalent left-hand side for an output named expression depends on the kind of expression. If the
- * expression is a name expression with no disambiguation, then the left-hand side is a name left-hand side
- * with the name from the name expression. If the expression is a name expression that disambiguates to a
- * feature reference, then the left-hand side is a feature left-hand side for that feature reference. If the
- * expression is a property access expression, then the left-hand side is a feature left-hand side for the
- * feature reference of the property access expression. If the expression is a sequence access expression,
- * then the left-hand side is a name left-hand side or feature left-hand side, as above, depending on whether
- * the primary expression of the sequence access expression is a name expression or property access
- * expression, and an index given by the index expression of the sequence access expression. Otherwise the
- * left-hand side is empty.
- */
- public void checkOutputNamedExpressionLeftHandSideDerivation() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class PositionalTemplateBinding extends TemplateBinding {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public QualifiedName argumentName ;
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import java.util.List;
-public class PositionalTuple extends Tuple {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public List<Expression> expression ;
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@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.AssignedSource;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.ElementReference;
-public class PropertyAccessExpression extends Expression {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public FeatureReference featureReference ;
- // Derived Properties
- public ElementReference feature ;
- //Constraints
- /*
- * The assignments before the expression of the feature reference of a property access expression are the
- * same as before the property access expression.
- */
- public void checkPropertyAccessExpressionAssignmentsBefore() {
- }
- /*
- * The feature of a property access expression is the structural feature to which its feature reference
- * resolves.
- */
- public void checkPropertyAccessExpressionFeatureDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The feature reference for a property access expression must resolve to a single structural feature.
- */
- public void checkPropertyAccessExpressionFeatureResolution() {
- }
- /*
- * The multiplicity upper bound of a property access expression is given by the product of the multiplicity
- * upper bounds of the referenced feature and the target expression.
- */
- public void checkPropertyAccessExpressionLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The type of a property access expression is the type of the referenced feature.
- */
- public void checkPropertyAccessExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The multiplicity upper bound of a property access expression is given by the product of the multiplicity
- * upper bounds of the referenced feature and the target expression.
- */
- public void checkPropertyAccessExpressionUpperDerivation() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * The assignments after a property access expression are the same as those after the target expression of
- * its feature reference.
- */
- public List<AssignedSource> updateAssignments() {
- return new ArrayList<AssignedSource>() ;
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
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@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.ElementReference;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.SyntaxElement;
-public class QualifiedName extends SyntaxElement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- /*
- * Whether this qualified name is ambiguous.
- */
- public boolean isAmbiguous = false ;
- /*
- * The sequence of individual name bindings in this qualified name.
- */
- public List<NameBinding> nameBinding ;
- // Derived Properties
- /*
- * The disambiguation into a feature reference of a syntactic element initially parsed as a qualified
- * name.
- */
- public FeatureReference disambiguation() {
- // LIMITATION: The parser implementation only supports :: (no .)
- // Therefore, a qualified name is never ambiguous
- return null ;
- }
- /*
- * Indicates whether this qualified name has been disambiguated to a feature reference.
- */
- public boolean isFeatureReference() {
- // LIMITATION: The parser implementation only supports :: (no .)
- // Therefore, a qualified name is never ambiguous
- return false ;
- }
- /*
- * The complete path name for the qualified name, with individual name bindings separated by "::"
- * punctuation.
- */
- public String pathName() {
- String path = "" ;
- String doubleColon = "::" ;
- boolean first = true ;
- for (NameBinding n : this.nameBinding) {
- path += (first ? "" : doubleColon) + ;
- if (first)
- first = false ;
- // TODO: Take into account template bindings
- }
- return path ;
- }
- /*
- * The qualified name corresponding to the qualification part of this qualified name, if any.
- */
- public QualifiedName qualification() {
- // TODO
- return null ;
- }
- /*
- * The possible referents to which this qualified name may resolve. (Note that the UML rules for
- * namespaces in general allow a namespace to contain elements of different kinds with the same
- * name.) If the qualified name is for a template instantiation, then the referent is the equivalent bound
- * element.
- */
- public List<ElementReference> referent() {
- // TODO
- return new ArrayList<ElementReference>() ;
- }
- public QualifiedName templateName() {
- // TODO
- return null ;
- }
- /*
- * The rightmost individual name binding in the qualified name, without the qualification.
- */
- public NameBinding unqualifiedName() {
- // TODO
- return null ;
- }
- //Constraints
- /*
- * If a qualified name is not ambiguous or it resolves to a namespace, then it is has no disambiguation.
- * Otherwise, its disambiguation is a feature reference with a name given by the unqualified name of the
- * qualified name and a target expression determined by the disambiguation of the qualification of the
- * qualified name.
- */
- public void checkQualifiedNameDisambiguationDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A qualified name is a feature reference is its disambiguation is not empty.
- */
- public void checkQualifiedNameIsFeatureReferenceDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * If a qualified name is a local name, then the reference must be within the same local scope as the
- * definition of the named element.
- */
- public void checkQualifiedNameLocalName() {
- }
- /*
- * If a qualified name is an unqualified, non-local name, then it must be visible in the current scope of the
- * use of the name.
- */
- public void checkQualifiedNameNonLocalUnqualifiedName() {
- }
- /*
- * The path name for a qualified name consists of the string representation of each of the name bindings,
- * separated by "::" punctuation. The string representation of a name binding is its name followed by the
- * representation of its template binding, if it has one. The string representation of a positional template
- * binding consists of an ordered list of the path names of its argument qualified names separated by
- * commas, all surrounded by the angle brackets "<" and ">". The string representation of a named
- * template binding consists of an ordered list of its template parameter substitutions, each consisting of the
- * formal parameter name followed by "=>" followed by the path name of the argument qualified name,
- * separated by commas, all surrounded by the angle brackets "<" and ">".
- */
- public void checkQualifiedNamePathNameDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The qualification of a qualified name is a empty if the qualified name has only one name binding.
- * Otherwise it is the qualified name consisting of all the name bindings of the original qualified name
- * except for the last one. The qualification of a qualified name is considered ambiguous if the qualified
- * name is ambiguous and has more than two name bindings.
- */
- public void checkQualifiedNameQualificationDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * If a qualified name has a qualification, then its unqualified name must name an element of the
- * namespace named by the qualification, where the first name in the qualification must name an element
- * of the current scope.
- */
- public void checkQualifiedNameQualifiedResolution() {
- }
- /*
- * The referents of a qualified name are the elements to which the name may resolve in the current scope,
- * according to the UML rules for namespaces and named elements.
- */
- public void checkQualifiedNameReferentDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * If the unqualified name of a qualified name has a template binding, then the template name must resolve
- * to a template. The template binding must have an argument name for each of the template parameters
- * and each argument name must resolve to a classifier. If the template parameter has constraining
- * classifiers, then the referent of the corresponding argument name must conform to all those constraining
- * classifiers.
- */
- public void checkQualifiedNameTemplateBinding() {
- }
- /*
- * If the last name binding in a qualified name has a template binding, then the template name is a qualified
- * name with the same template bindings as the original qualified name, but with the template binding
- * removed on the last name binding.
- */
- public void checkQualifiedNameTemplateNameDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The unqualified name of a qualified name is the last name binding.
- */
- public void checkQualifiedNameUnqualifiedNameDerivation() {
- }
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@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class RelationalExpression extends BinaryExpression {
- // Derived Properties
- public boolean isUnlimitedNatural ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * A relational expression has a multiplicity lower bound of 0 if the lower bound if either operand
- * expression is 0 and 1 otherwise.
- */
- public void checkRelationalExpressionIsLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The type of a relational expression is Boolean.
- */
- public void checkRelationalExpressionIsTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A relational expression is an UnlimitedNatural comparison if either one of its operands has type
- * UnlimitedNatural.
- */
- public void checkRelationalExpressionIsUnlimitedNaturalDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A relational expression has a multiplicity upper bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkRelationalExpressionIsUpperDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The operand expressions for a comparison operator must have type Integer, UnlimitedNatural or
- * Natural. However, it is not allowed to have one operand expression be Integer and the other be
- * UnlimitedNatural.
- */
- public void checkRelationalExpressionOperandTypes() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
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@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class SelectOrRejectExpression extends SequenceExpansionExpression {
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The argument of a select or reject expression must have type Boolean and a multiplicity upper bound of
- * 1.
- */
- public void checkSelectOrRejectExpressionArgument() {
- }
- /*
- * A select or reject expression has a multiplicity lower bound of 0.
- */
- public void checkSelectOrRejectExpressionLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A select or reject expression has the same type as its primary expression.
- */
- public void checkSelectOrRejectExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A select or reject expression has a multiplicity upper bound of *.
- */
- public void checkSelectOrRejectExpressionUpperDerivation() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
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@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class SequenceAccessExpression extends Expression {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public Expression index ;
- public Expression primary ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The multiplicity upper bound of the index of a sequence access expression must be 1.
- */
- public void checkSequenceAccessExpressionIndexMultiplicity() {
- }
- /*
- * The type of the index of a sequence access expression must be Integer.
- */
- public void checkSequenceAccessExpressionIndexType() {
- }
- /*
- * The multiplicity lower bound of a sequence access expression is 0.
- */
- public void checkSequenceAccessExpressionLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The type of a sequence access expression is the same as the type of its primary expression.
- */
- public void checkSequenceAccessExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The multiplicity upper bound of a sequence access expression is 1.
- */
- public void checkSequenceAccessExpressionUpperDerivation() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
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@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class SequenceConstructionExpression extends Expression {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public SequenceElements elements ;
- public boolean hasMultiplicity = false ;
- public QualifiedName typeName ;
- //Constraints
- /*
- * If a sequence construction expression has multiplicity, then its multiplicity lower bound is given by its
- * elements, if this is not empty, and zero otherwise. If a sequence construction expression does not have
- * multiplicity, then its multiplicity lower bound is one.
- */
- public void checkSequenceConstructionExpressionLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The type name of a sequence construction expression must resolve to a non-template classifier. If the
- * expression does not have multiplicity, then this classifier must be the instantiation of a collection class.
- */
- public void checkSequenceConstructionExpressionType() {
- }
- /*
- * The type of a sequence construction expression is the named type.
- */
- public void checkSequenceConstructionExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * If a sequence construction expression has multiplicity, then its multiplicity upper bound is given by its
- * elements, if this is not empty, and zero otherwise. If a sequence construction expression does not have
- * multiplicity, then its multiplicity upper bound is one.
- */
- public void checkSequenceConstructionExpressionUpperDerivation() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.SyntaxElement;
-public abstract class SequenceElements extends SyntaxElement {
- // Derived Properties
- public int lower ;
- public int upper ;
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.AssignedSource;
-public abstract class SequenceExpansionExpression extends Expression {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public Expression argument ;
- public String operation ;
- public ExtentOrExpression primary ;
- public String variable ;
- // Derived Properties
- public AssignedSource variableSource ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The assignments before the argument expression of a sequence expansion expression include those after
- * the primary expression plus one for the expansion variable.
- */
- public void checkSequenceExpansionExpressionAssignmentsBeforeArgument() {
- }
- /*
- * The assignments before the primary expression of a sequence expansion expression are the same as the
- * assignments before the sequence expansion expression.
- */
- public void checkSequenceExpansionExpressionAssignmentsBeforePrimary() {
- }
- /*
- * The expansion variable may not be assigned within the argument expression.
- */
- public void checkSequenceExpansionExpressionVariableAssignment() {
- }
- /*
- * The expansion variable name may not conflict with any name already assigned after the primary
- * expression.
- */
- public void checkSequenceExpansionExpressionVariableName() {
- }
- /*
- * The assigned source for the expansion variable of a sequence expansion expression is the expression
- * itself.
- */
- public void checkSequenceExpansionExpressionVariableSourceDerivation() {
- }
- //Helper Operations
- /*
- * The assignments after a sequence expansion expression are the same as after its primary expression.
- */
- public List<AssignedSource> updateAssignments() {
- return new ArrayList<AssignedSource>() ;
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import java.util.List;
-public class SequenceExpressionList extends SequenceElements {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public List<Expression> element ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The multiplicity lower bound of the elements of a sequence expression list is given by the sum of the
- * lower bounds of each of the expressions in the list.
- */
- public void checkSequenceExpressionListLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The multiplicity lower bound of the elements of a sequence expression list is given by the sum of the
- * lower bounds of each of the expressions in the list. If any of the expressions in the list have an
- * unbounded upper bound, then the sequence expression list also has an unbounded upper bound.
- */
- public void checkSequenceExpressionListUpperDerivation() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.AssignedSource;
-public class SequenceOperationExpression extends InvocationExpression {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public QualifiedName operation ;
- public ExtentOrExpression primary ;
- // Derived Properties
- public boolean isBitStringConversion ;
- public boolean isCollectionConversion ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The type of an input argument expression of a sequence operation parameter must be assignable to its
- * corresponding parameter. The type of an output parameter must be assignable to its corresponding
- * argument expression. (Note that this implies that the type of an argument expression for an inout
- * parameter must be the same as the type of that parameter.)
- */
- public void checkSequenceOperationExpressionArgumentCompatibility() {
- }
- /*
- * The assignments before the primary expression of a sequence operation expression are the same as the
- * assignments before the sequence operation expression.
- */
- public void checkSequenceOperationExpressionAssignmentsBefore() {
- }
- /*
- * There is no feature for a sequence operation expression.
- */
- public void checkSequenceOperationExpressionFeatureDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * BitString conversion is required if type of the first parameter of the referent of a sequence operation
- * expression is BitString and either the type of its primary expression is Integer or collection conversion is
- * required and the type of its primary expression is a collection class whose argument type is Integer.
- */
- public void checkSequenceOperationExpressionIsBitStringConversionDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * Collection conversion is required if the type of the primary expression of a sequence operation
- * expression is a collection class.
- */
- public void checkSequenceOperationExpressionIsCollectionConversionDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * There must be a single behavior that is a resolution of the operation qualified name of a sequence
- * operation expression with a least one parameter, whose first parameter has direction in or inout, has
- * multiplicity [0..*] and to which the target primary expression is assignable.
- */
- public void checkSequenceOperationExpressionOperationReferent() {
- }
- /*
- * The referent for a sequence operation expression is the behavior named by the operation for the
- * expression.
- */
- public void checkSequenceOperationExpressionReferentDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * If the first parameter of the referent has direction inout, then the parameter type must have the same type
- as the primary expression.
- */
- public void checkSequenceOperationExpressionTargetCompatibility() {
- }
- //Helper Operations
- /*
- * The assignments after a sequence operation expression include those made in the primary expression
- * and those made in the tuple and, for an "in place" operation (one whose first parameter is inout), that
- * made by the sequence operation expression itself.
- */
- public List<AssignedSource> updateAssignments() {
- return new ArrayList<AssignedSource>() ;
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class SequenceRange extends SequenceElements {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public Expression rangeLower ;
- public Expression rangeUpper ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The multiplicity lower bound of a sequence range is 0.
- */
- public void checkSequenceRangeLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The multiplicity uper bound of a sequence range is * (since it is not possible, in general, to statically
- * determine a more constrained upper bound).
- */
- public void checkSequenceRangeUpperDerivation() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.AssignedSource;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.ElementReference;
-public class SequenceReductionExpression extends Expression {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public QualifiedName behaviorName ;
- public boolean isOrdered = false ;
- public ExtentOrExpression primary ;
- // Derived Properties
- public ElementReference referent ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The assignments before the target expression of a sequence reduction expression are the same as the
- * assignments before the sequence reduction expression.
- */
- public void checkSequenceReductionExpressionAssignmentsBefore() {
- }
- /*
- * The behavior name in a sequence reduction expression must denote a behavior.
- */
- public void checkSequenceReductionExpressionBehavior() {
- }
- /*
- * The referent behavior must have two in parameters, a return parameter and no other parameters. The
- * parameters must all have the same type as the argument expression and multiplicity [1..1].
- */
- public void checkSequenceReductionExpressionBehaviorParameters() {
- }
- /*
- * A sequence reduction expression has a multiplicity lower bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkSequenceReductionExpressionLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The referent for a sequence reduction expression is the behavior denoted by the behavior name of the
- * expression.
- */
- public void checkSequenceReductionExpressionReferentDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A sequence reduction expression has the same type as its primary expression.
- */
- public void checkSequenceReductionExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A sequence reduction expression has a multiplicity upper bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkSequenceReductionExpressionUpperDerivation() {
- }
- //Helper Operations
- /*
- * The assignments after a sequence reduction expression are the same as after its primary expression.
- */
- public List<AssignedSource> updateAssignments() {
- return new ArrayList<AssignedSource>() ;
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class ShiftExpression extends BinaryExpression {
- // Derived Properties
- public boolean isBitStringConversion ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * BitString conversion is required if the first operand expression of a shift expression has type Integer.
- */
- public void checkShiftExpressionIsBitStringConversionDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A shift expression has a multiplicity lower bound of 0 if the lower bound if either operand expression is
- * 0 and 1 otherwise.
- */
- public void checkShiftExpressionLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The operands of a shift expression must have type BitString or Integer.
- */
- public void checkShiftExpressionOperands() {
- }
- /*
- * A shift expression has type BitString.
- */
- public void checkShiftExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A shift expression has a multiplicity upper bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkShiftExpressionUpperDerivation() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class StringLiteralExpression extends LiteralExpression {
- //Synthesized Properties
- public String image ;
- //Constraints
- /*
- * The type of a string literal expression is String.
- */
- public void checkStringLiteralExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class SuperInvocationExpression extends InvocationExpression {
- // Synthesized Properties
- /*
- * The name of the operation to be invoked, optionally qualified with the name of the appropriate
- * superclass.
- */
- public QualifiedName target ;
- //Constraints
- /*
- * If the referent is the method of a constructor operation, the super invocation expression must occur in an
- * expression statement at the start of the definition for the method of a constructor operation, such that any
- * statements preceding it are also super constructor invocations.
- */
- public void checkSuperInvocationExpressionConstructorCall() {
- }
- /*
- * If the referent is the method of a destructor operation, the super invocation expression must occur in an
- * within the method of a destructor operation.
- */
- public void checkSuperInvocationExpressionDestructorCall() {
- }
- /*
- * There is no feature for a super invocation.
- */
- public void checkSuperInvocationExpressionFeatureDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * If the target is empty, the referent must be the method for a constructor operation.
- */
- public void checkSuperInvocationExpressionImplicitTarget() {
- }
- /*
- * It must be possible to identify a single valid operation denoted by the target of a super invocation
- * expression that satisfies the overloading resolution rules.
- */
- public void checkSuperInvocationExpressionOperation() {
- }
- /*
- * If the target has a qualification, then this must resolve to one of the superclasses of the current context
- * class.
- */
- public void checkSuperInvocationExpressionQualification() {
- }
- /*
- * The referent of a super invocation expression is the method behavior of the operation identified using
- * the overloading resolution rules.
- */
- public void checkSuperInvocationExpressionReferentDerivation() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
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@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.SyntaxElement;
-public abstract class TemplateBinding extends SyntaxElement {
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-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import org.eclipse.internal.xtend.expression.ast.SyntaxElement;
-public class TemplateParameterSubstitution extends SyntaxElement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public QualifiedName argumentName ;
- public String parameterName ;
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@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class ThisExpression extends Expression {
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The multiplicity lower bound of a this expression is always 1.
- */
- public void checkThisExpressionLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The static type of a this expression is the statically determined context classifier for the context in which
- * the this expression occurs.
- */
- public void checkThisExpressionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The multiplicity upper bound of a this expression is always 1.
- */
- public void checkThisExpressionUpperDerivation() {
- }
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@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.SyntaxElement;
-public abstract class Tuple extends SyntaxElement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- /*
- * The invocation expression of which this tuple is a part.
- */
- public InvocationExpression invocation ;
- // Derived Properties
- public List<NamedExpression> input ;
- public List<OutputNamedExpression> output ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * A name may be assigned in at most one argument expression of a tuple.
- */
- public void checkTupleAssignmentsAfter() {
- }
- /*
- * The assignments before each expression in a tuple are the same as the assignments before the tuple,
- * except in the case of a name expression that defines a new local name, in which case the assigned source
- * for the new name is included in the assignments before the name expression. (Note that the assigned
- * source for a new name is included before the name expression so that the nameExpressionResolution
- * constraint is not violated.) The assignments before the tuple are the same as the assignments after the
- * feature reference of the invocation of the tuple, if the invocation has one, or otherwise the assignments
- * before the invocation.
- */
- public void checkTupleAssignmentsBefore() {
- }
- /*
- * A tuple has the same number of inputs as its invocation has input parameters. For each input parameter,
- * the tuple has a corresponding input with the same name as the parameter and an expression that is the
- * matching argument from the tuple, or an empty sequence construction expression if there is no matching
- * argument.
- */
- public void checkTupleInputDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * An input parameter may only have a null argument if it has a multiplicity lower bound of 0.
- */
- public void checkTupleNullInputs() {
- }
- /*
- * A tuple has the same number of outputs as its invocation has output parameters. For each output
- * parameter, the tuple has a corresponding output with the same name as the parameter and an expression
- * that is the matching argument from the tuple, or an empty sequence construction expression if there is no
- * matching argument.
- */
- public void checkTupleOutputDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * An output parameter may only have a null argument if it is an out parameter.
- */
- public void checkTupleOutputs() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/expressions/
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@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.AssignedSource;
-public class UnaryExpression extends Expression {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public Expression operand ;
- public String operator ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The assignments before the operand of a unary expression are the same as those before the unary
- * expression.
- */
- public void checkUnaryExpressionAssignmentsBefore() {
- }
- //Helper Operations
- /*
- * By default, the assignments after a unary expression are the same as those after its operand expression.
- */
- public List<AssignedSource> updateAssignments() {
- return new ArrayList<AssignedSource>() ;
- }
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@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions;
-public class UnboundedLiteralExpression extends LiteralExpression {
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The type of an unbounded literal expression is UnlimitedNatural.
- */
- public void checkUnboundedLiteralExpressionDerivation() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/statements/
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@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.ElementReference;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.SyntaxElement;
-public class AcceptBlock extends SyntaxElement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public Block block ;
- public String name ;
- public QualifiedNameList signalNames ;
- // Derived Properties
- public List<ElementReference> signal ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The signals of an accept block are the referents of the signal names of the accept block.
- */
- public void checkAcceptBlockSignalDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * All signal names in an accept block must resolve to signals.
- */
- public void checkAcceptBlockSignalNames() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/statements/
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@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.ElementReference;
-public class AcceptStatement extends Statement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public List<AcceptBlock> acceptBlock ;
- // Derived Properties
- public ElementReference behavior ;
- public boolean isSimple ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * If a name is assigned in any block of an accept statement, then the assigned source of the name after the
- * accept statement is the accept statement itself.
- */
- public void checkAcceptStatementAssignmentsAfter() {
- }
- /*
- * The assignments before any block of an accept statement are the assignments before the accept
- * statement.
- */
- public void checkAcceptStatementAssignmentsBefore() {
- }
- /*
- * For a compound accept statement, a local name defined in an accept block has the accept block as its
- * assigned source before the block associated with the accept block. The type of the local name is the
- * effective common ancestor of the specified signals for that accept clause, if one exists, and it is untyped
- * otherwise. However, the local name is considered unassigned after the accept statement.
- */
- public void checkAcceptStatementCompoundAcceptLocalName() {
- }
- /*
- * An accept statement can only be used within the definition of an active behavior or the classifier
- * behavior of an active class.
- */
- public void checkAcceptStatementContext() {
- }
- /*
- * The enclosing statement for all statements in the blocks of all accept blocks of an accept statement is the
- * accept statement.
- */
- public void checkAcceptStatementEnclosedStatements() {
- }
- /*
- * An accept statement is simple if it has exactly one accept block and that accept block does not have a
- * block.
- */
- public void checkAcceptStatementIsSimpleDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * Any name defined in an accept block of an accept statement must be unassigned before the accept
- * statement.
- */
- public void checkAcceptStatementNames() {
- }
- /*
- * If a name is unassigned before an accept statement and assigned in any block of an accept statement,
- * then it must be assigned in every block.
- */
- public void checkAcceptStatementNewAssignments() {
- }
- /*
- * The containing behavior of an accept statement must have receptions for all signals from all accept
- * blocks of the accept statement. No signal may be referenced in more than one accept block of an accept
- * statement.
- */
- public void checkAcceptStatementSignals() {
- }
- /*
- * A local name specified in the accept block of a simple accept statement has the accept statement as its
- * assigned source after the accept statement. The type of the local name is the effective common ancestor
- * of the specified signals, if one exists, and it is untyped otherwise.
- */
- public void checkAcceptStatementSimpleAcceptLocalName() {
- }
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@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.SyntaxElement;
-public class Annotation extends SyntaxElement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public List<String> argument ;
- public String identifier ;
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/statements/
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@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.AssignedSource;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.SyntaxElement;
-public class Block extends SyntaxElement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public List<Statement> statement ;
- // Derived Properties
- public List<AssignedSource> assignmentAfter ;
- public List<AssignedSource> assignmentBefore ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * If a block is not empty, then the assignments after the block are the same as the assignments after the
- * last statement of the block. Otherwise they are the same as the assignments before the block.
- */
- public void checkBlockAssignmentAfterDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The assignments before each statement in a block other than the first are the same as the assignments
- * after the previous statement.
- */
- public void checkBlockAssignmentsBeforeStatements() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/statements/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements;
-public class BlockStatement extends Statement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public Block block ;
- // Derived Properties
- public boolean isParallel ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The assignments after a block statement are the same as the assignments after the block of the block
- * statement.
- */
- public void checkBlockStatementAssignmentsAfter() {
- }
- /*
- * The assignments before the block of a block statement are the same as the assignments before the block
- * statement.
- */
- public void checkBlockStatementAssignmentsBefore() {
- }
- /*
- * The enclosing statement for all the statements in the block of a block statement is the block statement.
- */
- public void checkBlockStatementEnclosedStatements() {
- }
- /*
- * A block statement is parallel if it has a @parallel annotation.
- */
- public void checkBlockStatementIsParallelDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * In a parallel block statement, any name assigned in one statement of the block may not be further
- * assigned in any subsequent statement in the same block.
- */
- public void checkBlockStatementParallelAssignments() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * In addition to an @isolated annotation, a block statement may have a @parallel annotation. It may not
- have any arguments.
- */
- public boolean annotationAllowed (Annotation annotation ) {
- return false ;
- }
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@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements;
-public class BreakStatement extends Statement {
- // Derived Properties
- public Statement target ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The target of a break statement may not have a @parallel annotation.
- */
- public void checkBreakStatementNonparallelTarget() {
- }
- /*
- * The target of a break statement is the innermost switch, while, do or for statement enclosing the break
- * statement.
- */
- public void checkBreakStatementTargetDerivation() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * A break statement may not have any annotations.
- */
- public boolean annotationAllowed (Annotation annotation) {
- return false ;
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/statements/
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@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.ElementReference;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.Expression;
-public class ClassifyStatement extends Statement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public Expression expression ;
- public QualifiedNameList fromList ;
- public boolean isReclassifyAll = false ;
- public QualifiedNameList toList ;
- // Derived Properties
- public List<ElementReference> fromClass ;
- public List<ElementReference> toClass ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The assignments after a classify statement are the same as the assignments after its expression.
- */
- public void checkClassifyStatementAssignmentsAfter() {
- }
- /*
- * The assignments before the expression of a classify statement are the same as the assignments before the
- * statement.
- */
- public void checkClassifyStatementAssignmentsBefore() {
- }
- /*
- * All the from and to classes of a classify statement must be subclasses of the type of the target expression
- * and none of them may have a common superclass that is a subclass of the type of the target expression
- * (that is, they must be disjoint subclasses).
- */
- public void checkClassifyStatementClasses() {
- }
- /*
- * All qualified names listed in the from or to lists of a classify statement must resolve to classes.
- */
- public void checkClassifyStatementClassNames() {
- }
- /*
- * The expression in a classify statement must have a class as its type and multiplicity upper bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkClassifyStatementExpression() {
- }
- /*
- * The from classes of a classify statement are the class referents of the qualified names in the from list for
- * the statement.
- */
- public void checkClassifyStatementFromClassDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The to classes of a classify statement are the class referents of the qualified names in the to list for the
- * statement.
- */
- public void checkClassifyStatementToClassDerivation() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/statements/
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@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.SyntaxElement;
-public class ConcurrentClauses extends SyntaxElement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public List<NonFinalClause> clause ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The assignments before each of the clauses in a set of concurrent clauses are the same as the
- * assignments before the concurrent clauses.
- */
- public void checkConcurrentClausesAssignmentsBefore() {
- }
- /*
- * The same name may not be assigned in more than one conditional expression within the same
- * concurrent set of clauses.
- */
- public void checkConcurrentClausesConditionAssignments() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/statements/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.Expression;
-public class DoStatement extends Statement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public Block body ;
- public Expression condition ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * If the assigned source for a name after the condition expression is different than before the do statement,
- * then the assigned source of the name after the do statement is the do statement. Otherwise it is the same
- * as before the do statement.
- */
- public void checkDoStatementAssignmentsAfter() {
- }
- /*
- * The assignments before the block of a do statement are the same as the assignments before the do
- * statement. The assignments before the condition expression of a do statement are the same assignments
- * after the block.
- */
- public void checkDoStatementAssignmentsBefore() {
- }
- /*
- * The condition expression of a do statement must have type Boolean and a multiplicity upper bound of 1.
- */
- public void checkDoStatementCondition() {
- }
- /*
- * The enclosing statement for all statements in the body of a do statement are the do statement.
- */
- public void checkDoStatementEnclosedStatements() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/statements/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements;
-public class EmptyStatement extends Statement {
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The assignments after and empty statement are the same as the assignments before the statement.
- */
- public void checkEmptyStatementAssignmentsAfter() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- public boolean annotationAllowed (Annotation annotation) {
- return false ;
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/statements/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.Expression;
-public class ExpressionStatement extends Statement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public Expression expression ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The assignments after an expression statement are the same as the assignments after its expression.
- */
- public void checkExpressionStatementAssignmentsAfter() {
- }
- /*
- * The assignments before the expression of an expression statement are the same as the assignments
- * before the statement.
- */
- public void checkExpressionStatementAssignmentsBefore() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/statements/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements;
-import java.util.List;
-public class ForStatement extends Statement{
- // Synthesized Properties
- public Block body ;
- public List<LoopVariableDefinition> variableDefinition ;
- // Derived Properties
- public boolean isParallel ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The loop variables are unassigned after a for statement. Other than the loop variables, if the assigned
- * source for a name after the body of a for statement is the same as after the for variable definitions, then
- * the assigned source for the name after the for statement is the same as after the for variable definitions.
- * If a name is unassigned after the for variable definitions, then it is unassigned after the for statement
- * (even if it is assigned in the body of the for statement). If, after the loop variable definitions, a name has
- * an assigned source, and it has a different assigned source after the body of the for statement, then the
- * assigned source after the for statement is the for statement itself.
- */
- public void checkForStatementAssignmentsAfter() {
- }
- /*
- * The assignments before a loop variable definition in a for statement are the same as before the for
- * statement. The assignments before the body of the statement include all the assignments before the
- * statement plus any new assignments from the loop variable definitions, except that, if the statement is
- * parallel, the assigned sources of any names given in @parallel annotations are changed to be the for
- * statement itself.
- */
- public void checkForStatementAssignmentsBefore() {
- }
- /*
- * The enclosing statement for all statements in the body of a for statement are the for statement.
- */
- public void checkForStatementEnclosedStatements() {
- }
- /*
- * A for statement is parallel if it has a @parallel annotation.
- */
- public void checkForStatementIsParallelDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The assigned sources for loop variables after the body of a for statement must be the for statement (the
- * same as before the body).
- */
- public void checkForStatementLoopVariables() {
- }
- /*
- * A @parallel annotation of a for statement may include a list of names. Each such name must be already
- * assigned after the loop variable definitions of the for statement, with a multiplicity of [0..*]. These
- * names may only be used within the body of the for statement as the first argument to for the
- * CollectionFunctions::add behavior.
- */
- public void checkForStatementParallelAnnotationNames() {
- }
- /*
- * If, after the loop variable definitions of a parallel for statement, a name has an assigned source, then it
- * must have the same assigned source after the block of the for statement. Other than for names defined in
- * the @parallel annotation of the for statement, the assigned source for such names is the same after the
- * for statement as before it. Any names defined in the @parallel annotation have the for statement itself as
- * their assigned source after the for statement. Other than names given in the @parallel annotation, if a
- * name is unassigned after the loop variable definitions, then it is considered unassigned after the for
- * statement, even if it is assigned in the block of the for statement.
- */
- public void checkForStatementParallelAssignmentsAfter() {
- }
- /*
- * The isFirst attribute of the first loop variable definition for a for statement is true while the isFirst
- * attribute if false for any other definitions.
- */
- public void checkForStatementVariableDefinitions() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * In addition to an @isolated annotation, a for statement may have a @parallel annotation.
- */
- public boolean annotationAllowed (Annotation annotation) {
- return false ;
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/statements/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements;
-import java.util.List;
-public class IfStatement extends Statement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public Block finalClause ;
- public List<ConcurrentClauses> nonFinalClauses ;
- // Derived Properties
- public boolean isAssured ;
- public boolean isDetermined ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * If an if statement does not have a final else clause, then any name that is unassigned before the if
- * statement is unassigned after the if statement. If an if statement does have a final else clause, then any
- * name that is unassigned before the if statement and is assigned after any one clause of the if statement
- * must also be assigned after every other clause. The type of such names after the if statement is the
- * effective common ancestor of the types of the name in each clause with a multiplicity lower bound that
- * is the minimum of the lower bound for the name in each clause and a multiplicity upper bound that is the
- * maximum for the name in each clause. For a name that has an assigned source after any clause of an if
- * statement that is different than before that clause, then the assigned source after the if statement is the if
- * statement. Otherwise, the assigned source of a name after the if statement is the same as before the if
- * statement.
- */
- public void checkIfStatementAssignmentsAfter() {
- }
- /*
- * The assignments before all the non-final clauses of an if statement are the same as the assignments
- * before the if statement. If the statement has a final clause, then the assignments before that clause are
- * also the same as the assignments before the if statement.
- */
- public void checkIfStatementAssignmentsBefore() {
- }
- /*
- * The enclosing statement of all the statements in the bodies of all non-final clauses and in the final clause
- * (if any) of an if statement is the if statement.
- */
- public void checkIfStatementEnclosedStatements() {
- }
- /*
- * An if statement is assured if it has an @assured annotation.
- */
- public void checkIfStatementIsAssuredDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * An if statement is determined if it has an @determined annotation.
- */
- public void checkIfStatementIsDeterminedDerivation() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * In addition to an @isolated annotation, an if statement may have @assured and @determined
- * annotations. They may not have arguments.
- */
- public boolean annotationAllowed (Annotation annotation) {
- return false ;
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/statements/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements;
-public class InLineStatement extends Statement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public String code ;
- public String language ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The assignments after an in-line statement are the same as the assignments before the statement.
- */
- public void checkInLineStatementAssignmentsAfter() {
- }
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index 928eaad5f0b..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/statements/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.ElementReference;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.Expression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.QualifiedName;
-public class LocalNameDeclarationStatement extends Statement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public Expression expression ;
- public boolean hasMultiplicity = false ;
- public String name ;
- public QualifiedName typeName ;
- // Derived Properties
- public ElementReference type ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The assignments after a local name declaration statement are the assignments before the statement plus a
- * new assignment for the local name defined by the statement. The assigned source for the local name is
- * the local name declaration statement. The local name has the type denoted by the type name if this is not
- * empty and is untyped otherwise. If the statement has multiplicity, then the multiplicity of the local name
- * is [0..*], otherwise it is [0..1].
- */
- public void checkLocalNameDeclarationStatementAssignmentsAfter() {
- }
- /*
- * The assignments before the expression of a local name declaration statement are the same as the
- * assignments before the statement.
- */
- public void checkLocalNameDeclarationStatementAssignmentsBefore() {
- }
- /*
- * If a local name declaration statement does not have multiplicity, then the multiplicity of upper bound of
- * the assigned expression must not be greater than 1.
- */
- public void checkLocalNameDeclarationStatementExpressionMultiplicity() {
- }
- /*
- * The local name in a local name declaration statement must be unassigned before the statement and
- * before the expression in the statement. It must remain unassigned after the expression.
- */
- public void checkLocalNameDeclarationStatementLocalName() {
- }
- /*
- * If the type name in a local name declaration statement is not empty, then it must resolve to a nontemplate
- * classifier and the expression must be assignable to that classifier.
- */
- public void checkLocalNameDeclarationStatementType() {
- }
- /*
- * The type of a local name declaration statement with a type name is the single classifier referent of the
- * type name. Otherwise it is the type of the expression of the statement.
- */
- public void checkLocalNameDeclarationStatementTypeDerivation() {
- }
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index a68fa33b710..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/statements/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.AssignedSource;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.ElementReference;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.SyntaxElement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.Expression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.QualifiedName;
-public class LoopVariableDefinition extends SyntaxElement{
- // Synthesized Properties
- public Expression expression1 ;
- public Expression expression2 ;
- public boolean typeIsInferred = true ;
- public QualifiedName typeName ;
- public String variable ;
- // Derived Properties
- public List<AssignedSource> assignmentAfter ;
- public List<AssignedSource> assignmentBefore ;
- public boolean isCollectionConversion ;
- public boolean isFirst ;
- public ElementReference type ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The assignments after a loop variable definition include the assignments after the expression (or
- * expressions) of the definition plus a new assigned source for the loop variable itself. The assigned
- * source for the loop variable is the loop variable definition. The multiplicity upper bound for the variable
- * is 1. The multiplicity lower bound is 1 if the loop variable definition is the first in a for statement and 0
- * otherwise. If collection conversion is not required, then the variable has the inferred or declared type
- * from the definition. If collection conversion is required, then the variable has the argument type of the
- * collection class.
- */
- public void checkLoopVariableDefinitionAssignmentAfterDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The assignments before the expressions of a loop variable definition are the assignments before the loop
- * variable definition.
- */
- public void checkLoopVariableDefinitionAssignmentsBefore() {
- }
- /*
- * If the type of a loop variable definition is not inferred, then the first expression of the definition must
- * have a type that conforms to the declared type.
- */
- public void checkLoopVariableDefinitionDeclaredType() {
- }
- /*
- * If a loop variable definition has two expressions, then both expressions must have type Integer and a
- * multiplicity upper bound of 1, and no name may be newly assigned or reassigned in more than one of
- * the expressions.
- */
- public void checkLoopVariableDefinitionRangeExpressions() {
- }
- /*
- * If the type of a loop variable is not inferred, then the variable has the type denoted by the type name, if it
- * is not empty, and is untyped otherwise. If the type is inferred, them the variable has the same as the type
- * of the expression in its definition.
- */
- public void checkLoopVariableDefinitionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * If a loop variable definition has a type name, then this name must resolve to a non-template classifier.
- */
- public void checkLoopVariableDefinitionTypeName() {
- }
- /*
- * The variable name given in a loop variable definition must be unassigned after the expression or
- * expressions in the definition.
- */
- public void checkLoopVariableDefinitionVariable() {
- }
- /*
- * Collection conversion is required for a loop variable definition if the type for the definition is the
- * instantiation of a collection class and the multiplicity upper bound of the first expression is no greater
- * than 1.
- */
- public void checkLoopVariableIsCollectionConversionDerivation() {
- }
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index dce8a9c2ee9..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/statements/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.AssignedSource;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.SyntaxElement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.Expression;
-public class NonFinalClause extends SyntaxElement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public Block body ;
- public Expression condition ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The assignments before the body of a non-final clause are the assignments after the condition.
- */
- public void checkNonFinalClauseAssignmentsBeforeBody() {
- }
- /*
- * If a name is unassigned before the condition expression of a non-final clause, then it must be unassigned
- * after that expression (i.e., new local names may not be defined in the condition).
- */
- public void checkNonFinalClauseConditionLocalNames() {
- }
- /*
- * The condition of a non-final clause must have type Boolean and a multiplicity upper bound no greater
- * than 1.
- */
- public void checkNonFinalClauseConditionType() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * The assignments after a non-final clause are the assignments after the block of the clause.
- */
- public List<AssignedSource> assignmentsAfter() {
- return new ArrayList<AssignedSource>() ;
- }
- /*
- * The assignments before a non-final clause are the assignments before the condition of the clause.
- */
- public List<AssignedSource> assignmentsBefore() {
- return new ArrayList<AssignedSource>() ;
- }
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index 8d8426009cb..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/statements/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.SyntaxElement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.QualifiedName;
-public class QualifiedNameList extends SyntaxElement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public List<QualifiedName> name ;
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index 479ab9b12cc..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/statements/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.ElementReference;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.Expression;
-public class ReturnStatement extends Statement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public Expression expression ;
- // Derived Properties
- public ElementReference behavior ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The assignments after a return statement are the same as the assignments after the expression of the
- * return statement.
- */
- public void checkReturnStatementAssignmentsAfter() {
- }
- /*
- * The assignments before the expression of a return statement are the same as the assignments before the
- * statement.
- */
- public void checkReturnStatementAssignmentsBefore() {
- }
- /*
- * The behavior containing the return statement must have a return parameter. The expression of the return
- * statement must be assignable to that return parameter.
- */
- public void checkReturnStatementContext() {
- }
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index 3ef3309ec85..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/statements/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.AssignedSource;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.DocumentedElement;
-public abstract class Statement extends DocumentedElement{
- // Synthesized Properties
- public List<Annotation> annotation ;
- // Derived Properties
- public List<AssignedSource> assignmentAfter ;
- public List<AssignedSource> assignmentBefore ;
- public Statement enclosingStatement ;
- public boolean isIsolated ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * All the annotations of a statement must be allowed, as given by the annotationAllowed operation for the
- * statement.
- */
- public void checkStatementAnnotationsAllowed() {
- }
- /*
- * A statement is isolated if it has an @isolated annotation.
- */
- public void checkStatementIsIsolatedDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * No name may be assigned more than once before or after a statement.
- */
- public void checkStatementUniqueAssignments() {
- }
- //Helper Operations
- /*
- * Returns true if the given annotation is allowed for this kind of statement. By default, only an @isolated
- * annotation is allowed, with no arguments. This operation is redefined only in subclasses of Statement for
- * kinds of statements that allow different annotations than this default.
- */
- public boolean annotationAllowed(Annotation annotation) {
- return false ;
- }
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index 29a4e0dd451..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/statements/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.AssignedSource;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.SyntaxElement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.Expression;
-public class SwitchClause extends SyntaxElement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public Block block ;
- public List<Expression> _case ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The assignments before any case expression of a switch clause are the same as the assignments before
- * the clause. The assignments before the block of a switch clause are the assignments after all case
- * expressions.
- */
- public void checkSwitchClauseAssignmentsBefore() {
- }
- /*
- * If a name is unassigned before a switch clause, then it must be unassigned after all case expressions of
- * the clause (i.e., new local names may not be defined in case expressions).
- */
- public void checkSwitchClauseCaseLocalNames() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * The assignments after a switch clause are the assignments after the block of the switch clause.
- */
- public List<AssignedSource> assignmentsAfter() {
- return new ArrayList<AssignedSource>() ;
- }
- /*
- * The assignments before a switch clause are the assignments before any case expression of the clause.
- */
- public List<AssignedSource> assignmentsBefore() {
- return new ArrayList<AssignedSource>() ;
- }
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index f0c465e99f8..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/statements/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.Expression;
-public class SwitchStatement extends Statement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public Block defaultClause ;
- public Expression expression ;
- public List<SwitchClause> nonDefaultClause ;
- // Derived Properties
- public boolean isAssured ;
- public boolean isDetermined ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * If a switch statement does not have a final default clause, then any name that is unassigned before the
- * switch statement is unassigned after the switch statement. If a switch statement does have a final default
- * clause, then any name that is unassigned before the switch statement and is assigned after any one clause
- * of the switch statement must also be assigned after every other clause. The type of such names after the
- * switch statement is the effective common ancestor of the types of the name in each clause with a
- * multiplicity lower bound that is the minimum of the lower bound for the name in each clause and a
- * multiplicity upper bound that is the maximum for the name in each clause.
- */
- public void checkSwitchStatementAssignments() {
- }
- /*
- * If a name has an assigned source after any clause of a switch statement that is different than before that
- * clause (including newly defined names), the assigned source after the switch statement is the switch
- * statement. Otherwise, the assigned source of a name after the switch statement is the same as before the
- * switch statement.
- */
- public void checkSwitchStatementAssignmentsAfter() {
- }
- /*
- * The assignments before all clauses of a switch statement are the same as the assignments before the
- * switch statement.
- */
- public void checkSwitchStatementAssignmentsBefore() {
- }
- /*
- * The same local name may not be assigned in more than one case expression in a switch statement.
- */
- public void checkSwitchStatementCaseAssignments() {
- }
- public void checkSwitchStatementEnclosedStatements() {
- }
- public void checkSwitchStatementExpression() {
- }
- /*
- * An switch statement is assured if it has an @assured annotation.
- */
- public void checkSwitchStatementIsAssuredDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * An switch statement is determined if it has an @determined annotation.
- */
- public void checkSwitchStatementIsDeterminedDerivation() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * In addition to an @isolated annotation, a switch statement may have @assured and @determined
- * annotations. They may not have arguments.
- */
- public boolean annotationAllowed(Annotation annotation) {
- return false ;
- }
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index f89aec0bc56..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/statements/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.Expression;
-public class WhileStatement extends Statement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public Block body ;
- public Expression condition ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * If a name is assigned before the block, but the assigned source for the name after the block is different
- * than before the block, then the assigned source of the name after the while statement is the while
- * statement. Otherwise it is the same as before the block. If a name is unassigned before the block of a
- * while statement, then it is unassigned after the while statement, even if it is assigned after the block.
- */
- public void checkWhileStatementAssignmentsAfter() {
- }
- /*
- * The assignments before the condition expression of a while statement are the same as the assignments
- * before the while statement. The assignments before the block of the while statement are the same as the
- * assignments after the condition expression.
- */
- public void checkWhileStatementAssignmentsBefore() {
- }
- /*
- * The condition expression of a while statement must have type Boolean and a multiplicity upper bound of
- * 1.
- */
- public void checkWhileStatementCondition() {
- }
- /*
- * The enclosing statement for all statements in the body of a while statement are the while statement.
- */
- public void checkWhileStatementEnclosedStatements() {
- }
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index fd4b695e40d..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/units/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-public class ActiveClassDefinition extends ClassDefinition {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public ActivityDefinition classifierBehavior ;
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * Returns true if the given unit definition matches this active class definition considered as a class
- * definition and the subunit is for an active class definition.
- */
- public boolean matchForStub(UnitDefinition unit) {
- return false ;
- }
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index e40522bc2e0..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/units/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements.Block;
-public class ActivityDefinition extends ClassifierDefinition {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public Block body ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * If an activity definition is primitive, then it must have a body that is empty.
- */
- public void checkActivityDefinitionPrimitive() {
- }
- /*
- * An activity definition may not have a specialization list.
- */
- public void checkActivityDefinitionSpecialization() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * In addition to the annotations allowed for classifiers in general, an activity definition allows @primitive
- * annotations and any stereotype whose metaclass is consistent with Activity.
- */
- public boolean annotationAllowed(StereotypeAnnotation annotation) {
- return super.annotationAllowed(annotation) && false ;
- }
- /*
- * Returns true if the given unit definition matches this activity definition considered as a classifier
- * definition and the subunit is for an activity definition. In addition, the subunit definition must have
- * formal parameters that match each of the formal parameters of the stub definition, in order. Two formal
- * parameters match if they have the same direction, name, multiplicity bounds, ordering, uniqueness and
- * type reference.
- */
- public boolean matchForStub(UnitDefinition unit) {
- return false ;
- }
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index 0acab8500c0..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/units/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-public class AssociationDefinition extends ClassifierDefinition {
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The specialization referents of an association definition must all be associations.
- */
- public void checkAssociationDefinitionSpecializationReferent() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * In addition to the annotations allowed for classifiers in general, an association definition allows an
- * annotation for any stereotype whose metaclass is consistent with Association.
- */
- public boolean annotationAllowed(StereotypeAnnotation annotation) {
- return super.annotationAllowed(annotation) && false ;
- }
- /*
- * Return true if the given member is either an AssociationDefinition or an imported member whose
- * referent is an AssociationDefinition or an Association.
- */
- public boolean isSameKindAs(Member member) {
- return false ;
- }
- /*
- * Returns true if the given unit definition matches this association definition considered as a classifier
- * definition and the subunit is for an association definition.
- */
- public boolean matchForStub(UnitDefinition unit) {
- return false ;
- }
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index ad04db319fe..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/units/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-public class ClassDefinition extends ClassifierDefinition {
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The specialization referents of a class definition must all be classes. A class definition may not have any
- * referents that are active classes unless this is an active class definition.
- */
- public void checkClassDefinitionSpecializationReferent() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * In addition to the annotations allowed for classifiers in general, a class definition allows an annotation
- * for any stereotype whose metaclass is consistent with Class.
- */
- public boolean annotationAllowed(StereotypeAnnotation annotation) {
- return super.annotationAllowed(annotation) && false ;
- }
- /*
- * Return true if the given member is either a ClassDefinition or an imported member whose referent is a
- * ClassDefinition or a Class.
- */
- public boolean isSameKindAs(Member member) {
- return false ;
- }
- /*
- * Returns true if the given unit definition matches this class definition considered as a classifier definition
- * and the subunit is for a class definition.
- */
- public boolean matchForStub(UnitDefinition unit) {
- return false ;
- }
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index 5e15a172615..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/units/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.ElementReference;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.QualifiedName;
-public class ClassifierDefinition extends NamespaceDefinition {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public boolean isAbstract = false ;
- public QualifiedName specialization ;
- // Derived Properties
- public List<ElementReference> specializationReferent ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The members of a classifier definition include non-private members inherited from the classifiers it
- * specializes. The visibility of inherited members is as specified in the UML Superstructure, Subclause
- * 7.3.8.
- */
- public void checkClassifierDefinitionInheritedMembers() {
- }
- /*
- * Each name listed in the specialization list for a classifier definition must have a single classifier referent.
- * None of these referents may be templates.
- */
- public void checkClassifierDefinitionSpecialization() {
- }
- /*
- * The specialization referents of a classifier definition are the classifiers denoted by the names in the
- * specialization list for the classifier definition.
- */
- public void checkClassifierDefinitionSpecializationReferentDerivation() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * The namespace definition associated with the given unit definition must be a classifier definition. The
- * subunit classifier definition may be abstract if and only if the subunit classifier definition is abstract. The
- * subunit classifier definition must have the same specialization referents as the stub classifier definition.
- * (Note that it is the referents that must match, not the exact names or the ordering of those names in the
- * specialization list.) The subunit classifier definition must also have a matching classifier template
- * parameter for each classifier template parameter of the stub classifier definition. Two template
- * parameters match if they have same names and the same specialization referents.
- */
- public boolean matchForStub(UnitDefinition unit) {
- return false ;
- }
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index b1f6e954d77..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/units/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-public class ClassifierTemplateParameter extends ClassifierDefinition {
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * Annotations are not allowed on classifier template parameters.
- */
- public boolean annotationAllowed(StereotypeAnnotation annotation) {
- return false ;
- }
- /*
- * Return true if the given member is a classifier template parameter.
- */
- public boolean isSameKindAs(Member member) {
- return false ;
- }
- /*
- * Returns false. (Classifier template parameters cannot be stubs.)
- */
- public boolean matchForStub(UnitDefinition unit) {
- return false ;
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/units/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-public class DataTypeDefinition extends ClassifierDefinition {
- // Constraints
- /*
- * If a data type is primitive, then it may not have any owned members.
- */
- public void checkDataTypeDefinitionPrimitive() {
- }
- /*
- * The specialization referents of a data type definition must all be data types.
- */
- public void checkDataTypeDefinitionSpecializationReferent() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * In addition to the annotations allowed for classifiers in general, a data type definition allows @primitive
- * annotations plus any stereotype whose metaclass is consistent with DataType.
- */
- public boolean annotationAllowed(StereotypeAnnotation annotation) {
- return super.annotationAllowed(annotation) && false ;
- }
- /*
- * Return true if the given member is either a DataTypeDefinition or an imported member whose referent
- * is a DataTypeDefinition or a DataType.
- */
- public boolean isSameKindAs(Member member) {
- return false ;
- }
- /*
- * Returns true if the given unit definition matches this data type definition considered as a classifier
- * definition and the subunit is for a data type definition.
- */
- public boolean matchForStub(UnitDefinition unit) {
- return false ;
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/units/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-public class ElementImportReference extends ImportReference {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public String alias ;
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/units/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-public class EnumerationDefinition extends ClassifierDefinition {
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The specialization referents of a class definition must all be classes. A class definition may not have any
- * referents that are active classes unless this is an active class definition.
- */
- public void checkClassDefinitionSpecializationReferent() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * In addition to the annotations allowed for classifiers in general, an enumeration definition allows an
- * annotation for any stereotype whose metaclass is consistent with Enumeration.
- */
- public boolean annotationAllowed(StereotypeAnnotation annotation) {
- return super.annotationAllowed(annotation) && false ;
- }
- /*
- * Return true if the given member is either an EnumerationDefinition or an imported member whose
- * referent is an EnumerationDefinition or an Enumeration.
- */
- public boolean isSameKindAs(Member member) {
- return false ;
- }
- /*
- * Returns true if the given unit definition matches this enumeration definition considered as a classifier
- * definition and the subunit is for an enumeration definition.
- */
- public boolean matchForStub(UnitDefinition unit) {
- return false ;
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/units/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-public class EnumerationLiteralName {
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * Returns false. (Enumeration literal name cannot have annotations.)
- */
- public boolean annotationAllowed(StereotypeAnnotation annotation) {
- return false ;
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/units/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-public class FormalParameter extends TypedElementDefinition {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public String direction ;
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * Returns true if the annotation is for a stereotype that has a metaclass consistent with Parameter.
- */
- public boolean annotationAllowed(StereotypeAnnotation annotation) {
- return false ;
- }
- /*
- * Return true if the given member is a FormalParameter.
- */
- public boolean isSameKindAs(Member member) {
- return false ;
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/units/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.ElementReference;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.SyntaxElement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.QualifiedName;
-public class ImportReference extends SyntaxElement {
- public QualifiedName referentName ;
- public UnitDefinition unit ;
- public String visibility ;
- //Derived Properties
- public ElementReference referent ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The referent name of an import reference must resolve to a single element with public or empty
- * visibility.
- */
- public void checkImportReferenceReferent() {
- }
- /*
- * The referent of an import reference is the element denoted by the referent name.
- */
- public void checkImportReferenceReferentDerivation() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/units/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.ElementReference;
-public class ImportedMember extends Member {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public ElementReference referent ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * An imported element is a feature if its referent is a feature.
- */
- public void checkImportedElementFeatureDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * An imported element is not a stub.
- */
- public void checkImportedElementNotStub() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * Returns false. (Imported members do not have annotations.)
- */
- public boolean annotationAllowed(StereotypeAnnotation annotation) {
- return false ;
- }
- /*
- * If the given member is not an imported member, then return the result of checking whether the given
- * member is distinguishable from this member. Else, if the element of the referent for this member is an
- * Alf member, then return the result of checking whether that element is distinguishable from the given
- * member. Else, if the element of the referent for the given member is an Alf member, then return the
- * result of checking whether that element is distinguishable from this member. Else, the referents for both
- * this and the given member are UML elements, so return the result of checking their distinguishability
- * according to the rules of the UML superstructure.
- */
- public boolean isSameKindAs(Member member) {
- return false ;
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/units/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.DocumentedElement;
-public class Member extends DocumentedElement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public List<StereotypeAnnotation> annotation ;
- public boolean isStub = false ;
- public String name ;
- public NamespaceDefinition namespace ;
- public String visibility ;
- // Derived Properties
- public boolean isExternal ;
- public boolean isFeature = false ;
- public boolean isPrimitive ;
- public UnitDefinition subunit ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * All stereotype annotations for a member must be allowed, as determined using the stereotypeAllowed
- * operation.
- */
- public void checkMemberAnnotations() {
- }
- /*
- * If a member is external then it must be a stub.
- */
- public void checkMemberExternal() {
- }
- /*
- * A member is external if it has an @external derivation.
- */
- public void checkMemberIsExternalDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A member is primitive if it has a @primitive annotation.
- */
- public void checkMemberIsPrimitiveDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * If a member is primitive, then it may not be a stub and it may not have any owned members that are
- * template parameters.
- */
- public void checkMemberPrimitive() {
- }
- /*
- * If a member is a stub and is not external, then there must be a single subunit with the same qualified
- * name as the stub that matches the stub, as determined by the matchForStub operation.
- */
- public void checkMemberStub() {
- }
- /*
- * If a member is a stub, then the it must not have any stereotype annotations that are the same as its
- * subunit. Two stereotype annotations are the same if they are for the same stereotype.
- */
- public void checkMemberStubStereotypes() {
- }
- /*
- * If the member is a stub and is not external, then its corresponding subunit is a unit definition with the
- * same fully qualified name as the stub.
- */
- public void checkMemberSubunitDerivation() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * Returns true of the given stereotype annotation is allowed for this kind of element.
- */
- public boolean annotationAllowed(StereotypeAnnotation annotation) {
- return false ;
- }
- /*
- * Returns true if this member is distinguishable from the given member. Two members are distinguishable
- * if their names are different or the they are of different kinds (as determined by the isSameKindAs
- * operation). However, in any case that the UML Superstructure considers two names to be
- * distinguishable if they are different, an Alf implementation may instead impose the stronger requirement
- * that the names not be conflicting.
- */
- public boolean isDistinguishableFrom(Member member) {
- return false ;
- }
- /*
- * Returns true if this member is of the same kind as the given member.
- */
- public boolean isSameKindAs(Member member) {
- return false ;
- }
- /*
- * Returns true of the given unit definition is a legal match for this member as a stub. By default, always
- * returns false.
- */
- public boolean matchForStub(UnitDefinition unit) {
- return false ;
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/units/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-import java.util.List;
-public class NamespaceDefinition extends Member {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public List<Member> ownedMember ;
- public UnitDefinition unit ;
- // Derived Properties
- public List<Member> member ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The members of a namespace definition include references to all owned members. Also, if the
- * namespace definition has a unit with imports, then the members include imported members with
- * referents to all imported elements. The imported elements and their visibility are determined as given in
- * the UML Superstructure. The name of an imported member is the name of the imported element or its
- * alias, if one has been given for it. Elements that would be indistinguishable from each other or from an
- * owned member (as determined by the Member::isDistinguishableFrom operation) are not imported.
- */
- public void checkNamespaceDefinitionMemberDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The members of a namespace must be distinguishable as determined by the
- * Member::isDistinguishableFrom operation.
- */
- public void checkNamespaceDefinitionMemberDistinguishaibility() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * Returns true if the annotation is @external.
- */
- public boolean annotationAllowed(StereotypeAnnotation annotation) {
- return false ;
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/units/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.ElementReference;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements.Block;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements.QualifiedNameList;
-public class OperationDefinition extends NamespaceDefinition{
- // Synthesized Properties
- public Block body ;
- public boolean isAbstract = false ;
- public QualifiedNameList redefinition ;
- // Derived Properties
- public boolean isConstructor ;
- public boolean isDestructor ;
- public List<ElementReference> redefinedOperations ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * If an operation definition is a constructor, any redefined operation for it must also be a constructor. The
- * body of a constructor may contain an alternative constructor invocation for another constructor in the
- * same class or super constructor invocations for constructors in immediate superclasses.
- */
- public void checkOperationDefinitionConstructor() {
- }
- /*
- * An operation definition cannot be both a constructor and a destructor.
- */
- public void checkOperationDefinitionConstructorDestructor() {
- }
- /*
- * If an operation definition is a destructor, any redefined operation for it must also be a destructor.
- */
- public void checkOperationDefinitionDestructor() {
- }
- /*
- * An operation definition is a constructor if it has a @Create annotation.
- */
- public void checkOperationDefinitionIsConstructorDefinition() {
- }
- /*
- * An operation definition is a destructor if it has a @Destroy annotation.
- */
- public void checkOperationDefinitionIsDestructorDefinition() {
- }
- /*
- * An operation definition is a feature.
- */
- public void checkOperationDefinitionIsFeatureDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The namespace for an operation definition must be a class definition. If the operation definition is
- * abstract, then the class definition must be abstract.
- */
- public void checkOperationDefinitionNamespace() {
- }
- /*
- * The redefined operations of an operation definition must have formal parameters that match each of the
- * formal parameters of this operation definition, in order. Two formal parameters match if they have the
- * same direction, name, multiplicity bounds, ordering, uniqueness and type reference.
- */
- public void checkOperationDefinitionRedefinedOperations() {
- }
- /*
- * If an operation definition has a redefinition list, its redefined operations are the referent operations of the
- * names in the redefinition list for the operation definition. Otherwise, the redefined operations are any
- * operations that would otherwise be indistinguishable from the operation being defined in this operation
- * definition.
- */
- public void checkOperationDefinitionRedefinedOperationsDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * Each name in the redefinition list of an operation definition must have a signal referent that is an
- * operation. This operation must be a non-private operation that is a member of a specialization referent of
- * the class definition of the operation definition.
- */
- public void checkOperationDefinitionRedefinition() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * Returns true if the annotation is for a stereotype that has a metaclass consistent with Operation.
- */
- public boolean annotationAllowed(StereotypeAnnotation annotation) {
- return false ;
- }
- /*
- * Return true if the given member is either an OperationDefinition or an imported member whose referent
- * is an OperationDefinition or an Operation, and the formal parameters of this operation definition match,
- * in order, the parameters of the other operation definition or operation. In this context, matching means
- * the same name and type (per UML Superstructure, Subclause 7.3.5).
- */
- public boolean isSameKindAs(Member member) {
- return false ;
- }
- /*
- * The namespace definition associated with the given unit definition must be an activity definition with no
- * template parameters. In addition, the subunit definition must have formal parameters that match each of
- * the formal parameters of the stub definition, in order. Two formal parameters match if they have the
- * same direction, name, multiplicity bounds, ordering, uniqueness and type reference.
- */
- public boolean matchForStub(UnitDefinition unit) {
- return false ;
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/units/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Profile;
-public class PackageDefinition extends NamespaceDefinition {
- // Derived Properties
- public List<Profile> appliedProfile ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The applied profiles of a package definition are the profiles listed in any @apply annotations on the
- * package.
- */
- public void checkPackageDefinitionAppliedProfileDerivation() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * In addition to the annotations allowed on any namespace definition, a package definition allows @apply
- * annotations plus any stereotype whose metaclass is consistent with Package.
- */
- public boolean annotationAllowed(StereotypeAnnotation annotation) {
- return false ;
- }
- /*
- * Return true if the given member is either a PackageDefinition or an imported member whose referent is
- * a PackageDefinition or a Package.
- */
- public boolean isSameKindAs(Member member) {
- return false ;
- }
- /*
- * Returns true of the namespace definition associated with the given unit definition is a package
- * definition.
- */
- public boolean matchForStub(UnitDefinition unit) {
- return false ;
- }
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index f92cdfc0e63..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/units/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-public class PackageImportReference extends ImportReference {
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The referent of a package import must be a package.
- */
- public void checkPackageImportReferenceReferent() {
- }
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index 375106a0286..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/units/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.Expression;
-public class PropertyDefinition extends TypedElementDefinition {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public Expression initializer ;
- public boolean isComposite = false ;
- // Derived Properties
- public boolean isBitStringConversion ;
- public boolean isCollectionConversion ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * If a property definition has an initializer, then the initializer expression must be assignable to the
- * property definition.
- */
- public void checkPropertyDefinitionInitializer() {
- }
- /*
- * A property definition requires BitString conversion if its type is BitString and the type of its initializer is
- * Integer or a collection class whose argument type is Integer.
- */
- public void checkPropertyDefinitionIsBitStringConversion() {
- }
- /*
- * A property definition requires collection conversion if its initializer has a collection class as its type and
- * the property definition does not.
- */
- public void checkPropertyDefinitionIsCollectionConversionDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * A property definition is a feature.
- */
- public void checkPropertyDefinitionIsFeatureDerivation() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * Returns true if the annotation is for a stereotype that has a metaclass consistent with Property.
- */
- public boolean annotationAllowed(StereotypeAnnotation annotation) {
- return false ;
- }
- /*
- * Return true if the given member is either a PropertyDefinition or an imported member whose referent is
- * a PropertyDefinition or a Property.
- */
- public boolean isSameKindAs(Member member) {
- return false ;
- }
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index 3b08f836e89..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/units/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.ElementReference;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.QualifiedName;
-public class ReceptionDefinition extends Member {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public QualifiedName signalName ;
- // Derived Properties
- public ElementReference signal ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * A reception definition is a feature.
- */
- public void checkReceptionDefinitionIsFeatureDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The signal for a reception definition is the signal referent of the signal name for the reception definition.
- */
- public void checkReceptionDefinitionSignalDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The signal name for a reception definition must have a single referent that is a signal. This referent must
- * not e a template.
- */
- public void checkReceptionDefinitionSignalName() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * Returns true if the annotation is for a stereotype that has a metaclass consistent with Reception.
- */
- public boolean annotationAllowed(StereotypeAnnotation annotation) {
- return false ;
- }
- /*
- * Return true if the given member is either a ReceptionDefinition, a SignalReceptionDefinition or an
- * imported member whose referent is a ReceptionDefinition, a SignalReceptionDefinition or a Reception.
- */
- public boolean isSameKindAs(Member member) {
- return false ;
- }
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index ce708a4137e..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/units/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-public class SignalDefinition extends ClassifierDefinition {
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The specialization referents of a signal definition must all be signals.
- */
- public void checkSignalDefinitionSpecializationReferent() {
- }
- // Helper Operations
- /*
- * In addition to the annotations allowed for classifiers in general, a signal definition allows an annotation
- * for any stereotype whose metaclass is consistent with Signal.
- */
- public boolean annotationAllowed(StereotypeAnnotation annotation) {
- return false ;
- }
- /*
- * Return true if the given member is either a SignalDefinition or an imported member whose referent is a
- * SignalDefinition or a Reception (where signal reception definitions are considered to be kinds of signal
- * definitions).
- */
- public boolean isSameKindAs(Member member) {
- return false ;
- }
- /*
- * Returns true if the given unit definition matches this signal definition considered as a classifier
- * definition and the subunit is for a signal definition.
- */
- public boolean matchForStub(UnitDefinition unit) {
- return false ;
- }
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-public class SignalReceptionDefinition extends SignalDefinition {
- // Constraints
- /*
- * A signal reception definition is a feature.
- */
- public void checkSignalReceptionDefinitionIsFeatureDerivation() {
- }
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--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/syntax/units/
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-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.SyntaxElement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.QualifiedName;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.statements.QualifiedNameList;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Stereotype;
-public class StereotypeAnnotation extends SyntaxElement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public QualifiedNameList names ;
- public QualifiedName stereotypeName ;
- public TaggedValueList taggedValues ;
- // Derived Properties
- public Stereotype stereotype ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * If the stereotype name of a stereotype annotation is "apply", then it must have a name list and all of the
- * names in the list must resolve to profiles.
- */
- public void checkStereotypeAnnotationApply() {
- }
- /*
- * If the stereotype name of a stereotype annotation is "external", then it may optionally have a single
- * tagged value with the name "file" and no operator.
- */
- public void checkStereotypeAnnotationExternal() {
- }
- /*
- * If a stereotype annotation has a stereotype and a list of names, then all the names in the list must resolve
- * to visible model elements and the stereotype must have a single attribute with a (metaclass) type and
- * multiplicity that are consistent with the types and number of the elements denoted by the given names.
- */
- public void checkStereotypeAnnotationNames() {
- }
- /*
- * If the stereotype name of a stereotype annotation is "primitive", then it may not have tagged values or
- * names.
- */
- public void checkStereotypeAnnotationPrimitive() {
- }
- /*
- * Unless the stereotype name is "apply", "primitive" or "external" then the stereotype for a stereotype
- * annotation is the stereotype denoted by the stereotype name.
- */
- public void checkStereotypeAnnotationStereotypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The stereotype name of a stereotype annotation must either be one of "apply", "primitive" or "external",
- * or it must denote a single stereotype from a profile applied to an enclosing package. The stereotype
- * name does not need to be qualified if there is only one applied profile with a stereotype of that name or
- * if the there is a standard UML profile with the name.
- */
- public void checkStereotypeAnnotationStereotypeName() {
- }
- /*
- * If a stereotype annotation has a stereotype and tagged values, then the each tagged value must have the
- * name of an attribute of the stereotype and a value that is legally interpretable for the type of that
- * attribute.
- */
- public void checkStereotypeAnnotationTaggedValues() {
- }
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@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.SyntaxElement;
-public class TaggedValue extends SyntaxElement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public String name ;
- public String operator ;
- public String value ;
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@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.SyntaxElement;
-public class TaggedValueList extends SyntaxElement {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public List<TaggedValue> taggedValue ;
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-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.ElementReference;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.QualifiedName;
-public class TypedElementDefinition extends Member {
- // Synthesized Properties
- public boolean isNonunique = false ;
- public boolean isOrdered = false ;
- public String lowerBound ;
- public QualifiedName typeName ;
- public String upperBound = "1" ;
- // Derived Properties
- public int lower ;
- public ElementReference type ;
- public int upper ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * If the lower bound string image of a typed element definition is not empty, then the integer lower bound
- * is the integer value of the lower bound string. Otherwise the lower bound is equal to the upper bound,
- * unless the upper bound is unbounded, in which case the lower bound is 0.
- */
- public void checkTypedElementDefinitionLowerDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The type of a typed element definition is the single classifier referent of the type name.
- */
- public void checkTypedElementDefinitionTypeDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The type name of a typed element definition must have a single classifier referent. This referent may not
- * be a template.
- */
- public void checkTypedElementDefinitionTypeName() {
- }
- /*
- * The unlimited natural upper bound value is the unlimited natural value of the uper bound string (with
- * "*" representing the unbounded value).
- */
- public void checkTypedElementDefinitionUpperDerivation() {
- }
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@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.units;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.DocumentedElement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.common.ElementReference;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.syntax.expressions.QualifiedName;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Profile;
-public class UnitDefinition extends DocumentedElement {
- // Synthesized properties
- public List<ImportReference> _import ;
- public NamespaceDefinition definition ;
- public QualifiedName namespaceName ;
- // Derived Properties
- public List<Profile> appliedProfile ;
- public boolean isModelLibrary ;
- public ElementReference namespace ;
- // Constraints
- /*
- * The profiles applied to a unit definition include any profiles applied to the containing namespace of the
- * unit definition. If the unit definition is for a package, then the applied profiles for the unit definition also
- * include the applied profiles for its associated package definition.
- */
- public void checkUnitDefinitionAppliedProfileDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * Unless the unit definition is a model library, it has private package import references for all the subpackages
- * of the Alf::Library package.
- */
- public void checkUnitDefinitionImplicitImports() {
- }
- /*
- * A unit definition is for a model library if its associated namespace definition has a stereotype annotation
- * for the UML standard stereotype ModelLibrary.
- */
- public void checkUnitDefinitionIsModelLibraryDerivation() {
- }
- /*
- * The declared namespace name for a unit definition, if any, must resolve to a UML namespace of an Alf
- * unit definition. If it is an Alf unit definition, then it must have a stub for this unit definition.
- */
- public void checkUnitDefinitionNamespace() {
- }
- /*
- * If a unit definition has a declared namespace name, then the containing namespace for the unit is the
- * referent for that name.
- */
- public void checkUnitDefinitionNamespaceDerivation() {
- }
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@@ -1,1441 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException;
-import org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.OperationHistoryFactory;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
-import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet;
-import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.command.CommandResult;
-import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.commands.core.command.AbstractTransactionalCommand;
-import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.AcceptBlock;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.AcceptStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.AlfPackage;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.AssignmentOperator;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ClassificationClause;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ClassificationFromClause;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ClassificationToClause;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ClassifyStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ConcurrentClauses;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.DoStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.DocumentedStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ForStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.IfStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.InstanceCreationInvocationStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.InvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.LocalNameDeclarationStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.LoopVariableDefinition;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.NameExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.NonEmptyStatementSequence;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.NonFinalClause;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.PropertyCallExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.QualifiedNameList;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.QualifiedNameWithBinding;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ReturnStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.StatementSequence;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SuffixExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SuperInvocationStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ThisInvocationStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.TupleElement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.UnqualifiedName;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.VariableDeclarationCompletion;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.WhileStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.scoping.AlfPartialScope;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.scoping.AlfScopeProvider;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing.AssignmentPolicy;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing.ErrorTypeFacade;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing.MultiplicityFacade;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing.MultiplicityFacadeFactory;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing.SignatureFacade;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing.TypeExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing.TypeExpressionFactory;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing.TypeFacade;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing.TypeFacadeFactory;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing.TypeUtils;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing.VoidFacade;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.core.utils.EditorUtils;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.extensionpoints.uml2.library.RegisteredLibrary;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.extensionpoints.uml2.utils.Util;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Classifier;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Comment;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Model;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Namespace;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Operation;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.PackageImport;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Parameter;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ParameterDirectionKind;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLFactory;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.resource.UMLResource;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.resource.UMLResource.Factory;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.util.UMLUtil.UML2EcoreConverter;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.validation.Check;
-import org.eclipse.xtext.validation.EValidatorRegistrar;
-public class AlfJavaValidator extends AbstractAlfJavaValidator {
- private static Element contextElement ;
- private static Classifier contextClassifier ;
- private static Namespace model ;
- private static Package alfStandardLibrary ; // TODO: include the library as part of the plug-in
- public static PredefinedBehaviorsAndTypesUtils predefinedBehaviorsAndTypes ;
- public static Package getAlfStandardLibrary() {
- return alfStandardLibrary;
- }
- public static boolean validate() {
- return true ;
- }
- public static Namespace getModel() {
- return model;
- }
- public static void setModel(Namespace model) {
- AlfJavaValidator.model = model;
- }
- public static void setContextElement(Element _contextElement) {
- contextElement = _contextElement ;
- }
- public static Element getContextElement() {
- return contextElement ;
- }
- public static Classifier getContextClassifier() {
- return contextClassifier ;
- }
- public static void setContextClassifier(Classifier contextClassifier) {
- AlfJavaValidator.contextClassifier = contextClassifier ;
- alfStandardLibrary = null ;
- //if (alfStandardLibrary == null) {
- for (PackageImport pImport : contextClassifier.getModel().getPackageImports()) {
- Package p = pImport.getImportedPackage() ;
- if (p.getQualifiedName().equals("Alf")) {
- //alfStandardLibrary = (Package)p.getOwnedMembers().get(0) ;
- alfStandardLibrary = (Package)p ;
- }
- }
- //}
- if (alfStandardLibrary != null) {
- predefinedBehaviorsAndTypes = new PredefinedBehaviorsAndTypesUtils() ;
- predefinedBehaviorsAndTypes.init(alfStandardLibrary) ;
- }
- else {
- String question = "The context model " +
- contextClassifier.getModel().getName() +
- " does not import the standard Alf library. This import is required for static validation of Alf expressions and statements. \n\n Do you want to generate this import?" ;
- boolean doGenerateImport = MessageDialog.openQuestion(
- new Shell(),
- "Alf editor",
- question);
- if (doGenerateImport) {
- RegisteredLibrary[] libraries = RegisteredLibrary.getRegisteredLibraries() ;
- RegisteredLibrary alfLibrary = null ;
- for (RegisteredLibrary l : libraries) {
- if (l.getName().equals("AlfLibrary"))
- alfLibrary = l ;
- }
- if (alfLibrary != null) {
- // Creates and executes the update command
- UpdateImportCommand updateCommand = new UpdateImportCommand(contextClassifier.getModel(), alfLibrary);
- try {
- OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory().execute(updateCommand, new NullProgressMonitor(), null);
- setContextClassifier(contextClassifier) ;
- } catch (ExecutionException e) {
- }
- }
- else {
- MessageDialog.openError(
- new Shell(),
- "Alf editor",
- "Could not find standard Alf library") ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @author CEA LIST
- *
- * A command for updating the context UML model
- */
- protected static class UpdateImportCommand extends AbstractTransactionalCommand {
- private Model model;
- private RegisteredLibrary library ;
- /*
- * (non-Javadoc)
- *
- * @see
- * org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.commands.core.command.AbstractTransactionalCommand#doExecuteWithResult(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor
- * , org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable)
- */
- @Override
- protected CommandResult doExecuteWithResult(IProgressMonitor arg0, IAdaptable arg1) throws ExecutionException {
- URI libraryUri = library.uri;
- ResourceSet resourceSet = Util.getResourceSet(contextClassifier) ;
- Resource libraryResource = resourceSet.getResource(libraryUri, true) ;
- Package libraryObject = (Package)libraryResource.getContents().get(0) ;
- model.createPackageImport(libraryObject) ;
- return CommandResult.newOKCommandResult(model);
- }
- public UpdateImportCommand(Model model, RegisteredLibrary library) {
- super(EditorUtils.getTransactionalEditingDomain(), "Model Update", getWorkspaceFiles(model));
- this.model = model ;
- this.library = library ;
- //this.operation = operation;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void register(EValidatorRegistrar registrar) {
- // alf validator is not registered for a specific language
- super.register(registrar) ;
- }
- /**
- * @param tupleElement
- *
- * Checks the following rule:
- * 1. the expression associated with the tuple must not encapsulate any error
- */
- @Check
- public void checkTupleElement(TupleElement tupleElement) {
- TypeExpression exp = new TypeUtils().getTypeOfExpression(tupleElement.getArgument()) ;
- if (exp.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)exp.getTypeFacade() ;
- error(error.getLabel(), error.getErrorSource(), error.getStructuralFeature(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param statement LocalNameDeclarationStatement
- *
- * Checks the following rules:
- * 1. the local variable name must be available
- * 2. the type must be resolved
- * 3. the init expression must be type/multiplicity compatible with the variable type
- */
- @Check
- public void checkLocalNameDeclarationStatement(LocalNameDeclarationStatement statement) {
- // 1. checks that the local variable name is available
- if (statement.getVarName() != null) {
- AlfPartialScope variablesScope = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleVariablesOrParametersOrProperties(statement) ;
- List<EObject> resolved = variablesScope.resolveByName(statement.getVarName()) ;
- if (! resolved.isEmpty()) {// name is already used
- // needs to determine if the scoping level where it is used is conflicting (i.e., it is in the first scoping level)
- if (variablesScope.getScopingLevel(resolved.get(0)) == 0 && resolved.get(0) != statement) {
- // There is a name conflict
- error("Local name " + statement.getVarName() + " is not available" , AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getLocalNameDeclarationStatement_VarName()) ;
- }
- }
- }
- // 2. checks that type can be resolved, and that potentially required template bindings are specified
- TypeFacade variableType = null ;
- if (statement.getType() != null) {
- variableType = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createVoidFacade(statement.getType()) ;
- if (variableType instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) { // Type could not be resolved
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)variableType ;
- error(error.getLabel(), error.getErrorSource(), error.getStructuralFeature(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- variableType = null ;
- }
- else if (variableType.isATemplate()){
- if (statement.getType().getBinding() == null) {
- String errorMessage = variableType.getLabel() + " is a template. All its parameters shall be bound." ;
- error(errorMessage, statement, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getLocalNameDeclarationStatement_Type(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- }
- }
- }
- // 3. checks the init expression
- if (statement.getInit() != null) {
- TypeExpression typeOfInit = new TypeUtils().getTypeOfSequenceElement(statement.getInit()) ;
- // first checks that init expression is valid
- if (typeOfInit.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)typeOfInit.getTypeFacade() ;
- error(error.getLabel(), error.getErrorSource(), error.getStructuralFeature(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- }
- else {
- // Type expression is valid
- // In the case where type has been validated at step 2., checks if the type of init expression is compatible with variable type
- if (variableType != null) {
- int lowerBound = statement.isMultiplicityIndicator() ? 0 : 1 ;
- int upperBound = statement.isMultiplicityIndicator() ? -1 : 1 ;
- boolean isUnique = statement.isMultiplicityIndicator() ? false : true ;
- boolean isOrdered = statement.isMultiplicityIndicator() ? true : false ;
- TypeExpression expectedType = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(variableType, lowerBound, upperBound, isUnique, isOrdered) ;
- if (expectedType.isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfInit) == 0) {
- error("Found an expression of type " + typeOfInit.getLabel() + ". Expecting an expression of type " + expectedType.getLabel(), AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getLocalNameDeclarationStatement_Init()) ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param statement IfStatement
- *
- * Checks the following rule:
- * 1. The condition associated with each clause must be a boolean expression
- */
- @Check
- public void checkIfStatement(IfStatement statement) {
- for (ConcurrentClauses concurrentClause : statement.getSequentialClausses().getConccurentClauses()) {
- for (NonFinalClause nonFinalClause : concurrentClause.getNonFinalClause()) {
- TypeExpression typeOfCondition = new TypeUtils().getTypeOfExpression(nonFinalClause.getCondition()) ;
- if (typeOfCondition.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)typeOfCondition.getTypeFacade() ;
- error(error.getLabel(), error.getErrorSource(), error.getStructuralFeature(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- }
- else {
- if (TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(TypeUtils._boolean).isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfCondition) == 0) {
- String errorMessage = "Expecting an expression of type Boolean. Found an expression of type " + typeOfCondition.getLabel() ;
- error(errorMessage, nonFinalClause, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getNonFinalClause_Condition(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param statement WhileStatement
- *
- * Checks the following rule:
- * 1. The condition associated with the while must be a boolean expression
- */
- @Check
- public void checkWhileStatement(WhileStatement statement) {
- TypeExpression typeOfCondition = new TypeUtils().getTypeOfExpression(statement.getCondition()) ;
- if (typeOfCondition.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)typeOfCondition.getTypeFacade() ;
- error(error.getLabel(), error.getErrorSource(), error.getStructuralFeature(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- }
- else {
- if (TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(TypeUtils._boolean).isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfCondition) == 0) {
- String errorMessage = "Expecting an expression of type Boolean. Found an expression of type " + typeOfCondition.getLabel() ;
- error(errorMessage, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getWhileStatement_Condition()) ;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param statement DoStatement
- *
- * Checks the following rule:
- * 1. The condition associated with the DoStatement must be a boolean expression
- */
- @Check
- public void checkDoStatement(DoStatement statement) {
- TypeExpression typeOfCondition = new TypeUtils().getTypeOfExpression(statement.getCondition()) ;
- if (typeOfCondition.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)typeOfCondition.getTypeFacade() ;
- error(error.getLabel(), error.getErrorSource(), error.getStructuralFeature(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- }
- else {
- if (TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(TypeUtils._boolean).isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfCondition) == 0) {
- String errorMessage = "Expecting an expression of type Boolean. Found an expression of type " + typeOfCondition.getLabel() ;
- error(errorMessage, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getDoStatement_Condition()) ;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param statement ForStatement
- *
- * Checks the following rule:
- * 1. Loop variable names must not be available (i.e., not used in the scope of the statement)
- * 2. Loop variable names must not duplicate (i.e., two loop variables for this statement must not have the same name)
- * 3. if the loop variable definition uses the syntax option with keyword "in", following rules must be checked:
- * 3.a. if only expression1 is specified, the upper bound of expression 1 must be greater than 1
- * 3.b. if both expression1 and expression2 are specified, they must be type compatible and represent number values (TODO: check other constraints in the spec)
- * 4. if the loop variable definition uses the syntax option with keyword ":", following rules must be checked:
- * 4.a. type must be resolved
- * 4.b. the domain value "expression" must be type-compatible with the variable and must be a collection
- */
- @Check
- public void checkForStatement(ForStatement statement) {
- // 1. Loop variable names must not be available (i.e., not used in the scope of the statement)
- AlfPartialScope variablesScope = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleVariablesOrParametersOrProperties(statement) ;
- Map<String, Integer> declaredVariables = new HashMap<String, Integer>() ;
- for (LoopVariableDefinition loopVariable : statement.getControl().getLoopVariableDefinition()) {
- Integer variableDefinitionCounter = declaredVariables.get(loopVariable.getName()) ;
- if (variableDefinitionCounter == null) {
- declaredVariables.put(loopVariable.getName(), new Integer(1)) ;
- }
- else {
- declaredVariables.put(loopVariable.getName(), variableDefinitionCounter.intValue() + 1) ;
- }
- List<EObject> visibleVariables = variablesScope.resolveByName(loopVariable.getName()) ;
- if (! visibleVariables.isEmpty()) { // potentially conflicting name
- if (variablesScope.getScopingLevel(visibleVariables.get(0)) == 0) {
- // There is actually a conflict
- error("Local name " + loopVariable.getName() + " is not available" ,
- loopVariable,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getLocalNameDeclarationStatement_VarName(),
- statement.getControl().getLoopVariableDefinition().indexOf(loopVariable)) ;
- }
- }
- }
- // 2. Loop variable names must not duplicate (i.e., two loop variables for this statement must not have the same name)
- boolean duplicationFound = false ;
- for (Integer i : declaredVariables.values()) {
- if (i.intValue() > 1)
- duplicationFound = true ;
- }
- if (duplicationFound) {
- error("Duplicate loop variable definitions" , AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getForStatement_Control()) ;
- }
- for (LoopVariableDefinition loopVariable : statement.getControl().getLoopVariableDefinition()) {
- // 3. if the loop variable definition uses the syntax option with keyword "in", following rules must be checked:
- // 3.a. if only expression1 is specified, the upper bound of expression 1 must be greater than 1
- if (loopVariable.getExpression1() != null && loopVariable.getExpression2() == null) {
- TypeExpression typeOfExpression1 = new TypeUtils().getTypeOfExpression(loopVariable.getExpression1()) ;
- if (typeOfExpression1.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)typeOfExpression1.getTypeFacade() ;
- error(error.getLabel(), error.getErrorSource(), error.getStructuralFeature(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- }
- else {
- int upperBound = typeOfExpression1.getMultiplicity().getUpperBound() ;
- if (! (upperBound > 1 || upperBound == -1)) {
- String errorMessage = "Invalid upper bound multiplicity (" + upperBound + "). A collection is expected." ;
- error(errorMessage, loopVariable, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getLoopVariableDefinition_Expression1(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- }
- }
- }
- // 3.b. if both expression1 and expression2 are specified, they must be type compatible and represent number values (TODO: check other constraints in the spec)
- else if (loopVariable.getExpression1() != null && loopVariable.getExpression2() != null) {
- TypeExpression typeOfExpression1 = new TypeUtils().getTypeOfExpression(loopVariable.getExpression1()) ;
- boolean errorInExpressions = false ;
- if (typeOfExpression1.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)typeOfExpression1.getTypeFacade() ;
- error(error.getLabel(), error.getErrorSource(), error.getStructuralFeature(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- errorInExpressions = true ;
- }
- TypeExpression typeOfExpression2 = new TypeUtils().getTypeOfExpression(loopVariable.getExpression2()) ;
- if (typeOfExpression2.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)typeOfExpression2.getTypeFacade() ;
- error(error.getLabel(), error.getErrorSource(), error.getStructuralFeature(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- errorInExpressions = true ;
- }
- if (! errorInExpressions) { // both Expression must be type compatible and resolve to a scalar number value
- TypeFacade typeFacadeOfExpression1 = typeOfExpression1.getTypeFacade() ;
- int upperBoundExpression1 = typeOfExpression1.getMultiplicityFacade().getUpperBound() ;
- String errorMessageForExpression1 = "" ;
- if (!isANumberType(typeFacadeOfExpression1)) {
- if (upperBoundExpression1 > 1 || upperBoundExpression1 == -1)
- errorMessageForExpression1 += "A scalar number value is expected" ;
- else
- errorMessageForExpression1 += "A number value is expected" ;
- }
- else {
- if (upperBoundExpression1 > 1 || upperBoundExpression1 == -1)
- errorMessageForExpression1 += "A scalar value is expected" ;
- }
- if (!(errorMessageForExpression1.length() == 0)) {
- error(errorMessageForExpression1, loopVariable, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getLoopVariableDefinition_Expression1(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- }
- TypeFacade typeFacadeOfExpression2 = typeOfExpression2.getTypeFacade() ;
- int upperBoundExpression2 = typeOfExpression2.getMultiplicityFacade().getUpperBound() ;
- String errorMessageForExpression2 = "" ;
- if (!isANumberType(typeFacadeOfExpression2)) {
- if (upperBoundExpression2 > 1 || upperBoundExpression2 == -1)
- errorMessageForExpression2 += "A scalar number value is expected" ;
- else
- errorMessageForExpression2 += "A number value is expected" ;
- }
- else {
- if (upperBoundExpression2 > 1 || upperBoundExpression2 == -1)
- errorMessageForExpression2 += "A scalar value is expected" ;
- }
- if (!(errorMessageForExpression2.length() == 0)) {
- error(errorMessageForExpression2, loopVariable, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getLoopVariableDefinition_Expression2(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- }
- }
- }
- //4. if the loop variable definition uses the syntax option with keyword ":", following rules must be checked:
- else if (loopVariable.getType() != null) {
- // 4.a. type must be resolved
- TypeFacade typeOfVariable = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createVoidFacade(loopVariable.getType()) ;
- if (typeOfVariable instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)typeOfVariable ;
- error(error.getLabel(), error.getErrorSource(), error.getStructuralFeature(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- }
- else { // 4.b. the domain value "expression" must be type-compatible with the variable and must be a collection
- TypeExpression typeOfDomain = new TypeUtils().getTypeOfExpression(loopVariable.getExpression()) ;
- if (typeOfDomain.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)typeOfDomain.getTypeFacade() ;
- error (error.getLabel(), error.getErrorSource(), error.getStructuralFeature(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- }
- else {
- int upperBound = typeOfDomain.getMultiplicity().getUpperBound() ;
- if (! (upperBound > 1 || upperBound == -1)) {
- String errorMessage = "Invalid upper bound multiplicity (" + upperBound + "). A collection is expected." ;
- error(errorMessage, loopVariable, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getLoopVariableDefinition_Expression(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- }
- if (typeOfVariable.isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfDomain.getTypeFacade()) == 0) {
- String errorMessage = "Cannot convert from " + typeOfDomain.getTypeFacade().getLabel() + " to " + typeOfVariable.getLabel() ;
- error(errorMessage, loopVariable, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getLoopVariableDefinition_Type(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param statement
- *
- * Checks the following rule:
- * 1. That a return value is actually expected from the context of the ALF specification
- * 2. If a return value is expected, the returned value must be type/multiplicity compatible
- * 3. There must be no statement in the containing statement sequence after the return statement.
- */
- @Check
- public void checkReturnStatement(ReturnStatement statement) {
- // 1. Checks that a return value is actually expected from the context of the ALF specification
- boolean returnStatementExpected = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.isAReturnStatementExpected(statement) ;
- if (returnStatementExpected == false) {
- String errorMessage = "No return statement expected" ;
- error (errorMessage, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getReturnStatement_Expression()) ;
- }
- else {
- // 2. If a return value is expected, the returned value must be type/multiplicity compatible
- TypeExpression expectedReturnType = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getExpectedReturnType(statement) ;
- TypeExpression actualReturnType = new TypeUtils().getTypeOfExpression(statement.getExpression()) ;
- if (actualReturnType.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)actualReturnType.getTypeFacade() ;
- error(error.getLabel(), error.getErrorSource(), error.getStructuralFeature(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- }
- else {
- if (expectedReturnType.isCompatibleWithMe(actualReturnType) == 0) {
- String errorMessage = "An expression of type " + expectedReturnType.getLabel() + " is expected. Found an expression of type " + actualReturnType.getLabel() ;
- error (errorMessage, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getReturnStatement_Expression()) ;
- }
- }
- }
- // 3. There must be no statement (in the containing statement sequence) after the return statement.
- EObject cddStatementSequence = statement.eContainer() ;
- DocumentedStatement contextDocumentedStatement = null ;
- while (cddStatementSequence != null &&
- ! ((cddStatementSequence instanceof StatementSequence) || (cddStatementSequence instanceof NonEmptyStatementSequence))) {
- if (contextDocumentedStatement == null && cddStatementSequence instanceof DocumentedStatement)
- contextDocumentedStatement = (DocumentedStatement)cddStatementSequence ;
- cddStatementSequence = cddStatementSequence.eContainer() ;
- }
- if (cddStatementSequence != null && contextDocumentedStatement != null) {
- int statementIndex = 0 ;
- int numberOfStatements = 0 ;
- if (cddStatementSequence instanceof StatementSequence) {
- statementIndex = ((StatementSequence)cddStatementSequence).getStatements().indexOf(contextDocumentedStatement) ;
- numberOfStatements = ((StatementSequence)cddStatementSequence).getStatements().size() ;
- }
- else {
- statementIndex = ((NonEmptyStatementSequence)cddStatementSequence).getStatement().indexOf(contextDocumentedStatement) ;
- numberOfStatements = ((NonEmptyStatementSequence)cddStatementSequence).getStatement().size() ;
- }
- String errorMessage = "The statement cannot be reached" ;
- for (int i = statementIndex + 1 ; i < numberOfStatements ; i++) {
- DocumentedStatement current = null ;
- if (cddStatementSequence instanceof StatementSequence)
- current = ((StatementSequence)cddStatementSequence).getStatements().get(i) ;
- else
- current = ((NonEmptyStatementSequence)cddStatementSequence).getStatement().get(i) ;
- error(errorMessage, current, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getDocumentedStatement_Statement(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param statement
- *
- * Checks the following rules:
- * 1. Checks that the context classifier is active
- * 2. Each (if specified) must be available.
- * 3. There must be a Reception for each Signal identified in each AcceptClause.qualifiedNameList
- * 4. Each Signal must be used only once
- */
- @Check
- public void checkAcceptStatement(AcceptStatement statement) {
- //1. Checks that the context classifier is active
- if (! (contextClassifier instanceof Class) || !((Class)contextClassifier).isActive()) {
- error("The context classifier must be an active class", AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getAcceptStatement_Clause()) ;
- }
- //2. Each (if specified) must be available.
- AlfPartialScope vppScope = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleVariablesOrParametersOrProperties(statement) ;
- if (statement.getClause().getName() != null ) {
- List<EObject> visibleElements = vppScope.resolveByName(statement.getClause().getName()) ;
- if (! visibleElements.isEmpty() && vppScope.getScopingLevel(visibleElements.get(0)) == 0) {
- String errorMessage = "Local name " + statement.getClause().getName() + " is not available" ;
- error(errorMessage, statement.getClause(), AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getAcceptClause_Name(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- }
- }
- if (statement.getCompoundAccept() != null) {
- for (AcceptBlock block : statement.getCompoundAccept().getAcceptBlock()) {
- if (block.getClause() != null && block.getClause().getName() != null) {
- List<EObject> visibleElements = vppScope.resolveByName(block.getClause().getName()) ;
- if (! visibleElements.isEmpty() && vppScope.getScopingLevel(visibleElements.get(0)) == 0) {
- String errorMessage = "Local name " + block.getClause().getName() + " is not available" ;
- error(errorMessage, block.getClause(), AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getAcceptClause_Name(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //3. There must be a Reception for each Signal identified in each AcceptClause.qualifiedNameList
- AlfPartialScope signalReceptionScope = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleSignalReceptions(statement) ;
- List<TypeFacade> signalReceptionTypeFacade = new ArrayList<TypeFacade>() ;
- for (List<EObject> l : signalReceptionScope.getScopeDetails()) {
- for (EObject m : l) {
- signalReceptionTypeFacade.add(TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createTypeFacade(m)) ;
- }
- }
- Map<Classifier, List<QualifiedNameWithBinding>> allReferencedSignals= new HashMap<Classifier, List<QualifiedNameWithBinding>>() ;
- if (statement.getClause().getQualifiedNameList() != null) {
- QualifiedNameList list = statement.getClause().getQualifiedNameList() ;
- int index = 0 ;
- for (QualifiedNameWithBinding qualifiedName : list.getQualifiedName()) {
- TypeFacade type = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createVoidFacade(qualifiedName) ;
- if (type instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)type ;
- error(error.getLabel(), error.getErrorSource(), error.getStructuralFeature(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- }
- else {
- Classifier actualReferencedClassifier = type.extractActualType() ;
- List<QualifiedNameWithBinding> existingReferences = allReferencedSignals.get(actualReferencedClassifier) ;
- if (existingReferences == null) {
- existingReferences = new ArrayList<QualifiedNameWithBinding>() ;
- }
- existingReferences.add(qualifiedName) ;
- allReferencedSignals.put(actualReferencedClassifier, existingReferences) ;
- boolean found = false ;
- Iterator<TypeFacade> i = signalReceptionTypeFacade.iterator() ;
- while (i.hasNext() && !found) {
- TypeFacade current = ;
- if (current.isCompatibleWithMe(type)!=0)
- found = true ;
- }
- if (!found) {
- String errorMessage = "The context classifier does not define any reception for " + type.getLabel() ;
- error(errorMessage, list, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getQualifiedNameList_QualifiedName(), index) ;
- }
- }
- index ++ ;
- }
- }
- //4. Each Signal must be used only once
- for (Classifier key : allReferencedSignals.keySet()) {
- List<QualifiedNameWithBinding> referencesToKey = allReferencedSignals.get(key) ;
- if (referencesToKey.size()>1) {
- for (QualifiedNameWithBinding qualifiedName : referencesToKey) {
- String errorMessage = "No signal may be named in more than one accept clause" ;
- QualifiedNameList containingList = (QualifiedNameList)qualifiedName.eContainer() ;
- int index = containingList.getQualifiedName().indexOf(qualifiedName) ;
- error(errorMessage, containingList, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getQualifiedNameList_QualifiedName(), index - 1 ) ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param statement
- *
- * Checks the following rules:
- * 1. The static type of the target expression must be a Class
- * and it must evaluate to a single object
- * 2. All qualified names in from or to lists must resolve to classes
- * 3. All the classes in the from and to lists must be subclasses of the static type of the target expression
- * 4. None of them may have a common superclass of the static type of the target expression (i.e., disjoint subclasses)
- *
- */
- @Check
- public void checkClassifyStatement(ClassifyStatement statement) {
- // 1. The static type of the target expression must be a Class...
- Classifier actualStaticType = null ;
- TypeExpression staticType = new TypeUtils().getTypeOfExpression(statement.getExpression()) ;
- boolean errorFound = false ;
- if (staticType.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)staticType.getTypeFacade() ;
- error(error.getLabel(), error.getErrorSource(), error.getStructuralFeature(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- errorFound = true ;
- }
- else {
- actualStaticType = staticType.getTypeFacade().extractActualType() ;
- }
- if (actualStaticType == null || !(actualStaticType instanceof Class)) {
- String errorMessage = "The type of the target expression must be a class" ;
- error(errorMessage, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getClassifyStatement_Expression()) ;
- errorFound = true ;
- }
- else {
- //... and it must evaluate to a single object
- int upperBound = staticType.getMultiplicityFacade().getUpperBound() ;
- if (upperBound > 1 || upperBound == -1) {
- String errorMessage = "The target expression must evaluate to a single object" ;
- error(errorMessage, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getClassifyStatement_Expression()) ;
- errorFound = true ;
- }
- }
- // 2. All qualified names in from or to lists must resolve to classes
- ClassificationClause classificationClause = statement.getClause() ;
- List<Class> fromClasses = new ArrayList<Class>() ;
- List<Class> toClasses = new ArrayList<Class>() ;
- if (classificationClause == null)
- return ;
- boolean isAReclassifyFromAll = false ;
- if (classificationClause.getClassifyFromClause() == null &&
- classificationClause.getClassifyToClause() == null &&
- classificationClause.getReclassyAllClause() == null)
- return ;
- if (classificationClause.getReclassyAllClause() != null)
- // nothing to do with the from list
- isAReclassifyFromAll = true ;
- if (classificationClause.getClassifyFromClause() != null) {
- ClassificationFromClause fromClause = classificationClause.getClassifyFromClause() ;
- for (QualifiedNameWithBinding name : fromClause.getQualifiedNameList().getQualifiedName()) {
- TypeFacade type = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createVoidFacade(name) ;
- if (type instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)type ;
- error(error.getLabel(), error.getErrorSource(), error.getStructuralFeature(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- errorFound = true ;
- }
- else {
- Classifier actualType = type.extractActualType(type) ;
- if (actualType == null || !(actualType instanceof Class)) {
- String errorMessage = "All types in the 'from' list must be Classes" ;
- int index = fromClause.getQualifiedNameList().getQualifiedName().indexOf(name) ;
- error(errorMessage,
- fromClause.getQualifiedNameList(),
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getQualifiedNameList_QualifiedName(),
- index) ;
- }
- else {
- fromClasses.add((Class)actualType) ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (classificationClause.getClassifyToClause() != null) {
- ClassificationToClause toClause = classificationClause.getClassifyToClause() ;
- for (QualifiedNameWithBinding name : toClause.getQualifiedNameList().getQualifiedName()) {
- TypeFacade type = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createVoidFacade(name) ;
- if (type instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)type ;
- error(error.getLabel(), error.getErrorSource(), error.getStructuralFeature(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- errorFound = true ;
- }
- else {
- Classifier actualType = type.extractActualType(type) ;
- if (actualType == null || !(actualType instanceof Class)) {
- String errorMessage = "All types in the 'from' list must be Classes" ;
- int index = toClause.getQualifiedNameList().getQualifiedName().indexOf(name) ;
- error(errorMessage,
- toClause.getQualifiedNameList(),
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getQualifiedNameList_QualifiedName(),
- index) ;
- }
- else {
- toClasses.add((Class)actualType) ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // 3. All the classes in the from and to lists must be subclasses of the static type of the target expression
- if (errorFound)
- return ; // not necessary to check the remaining
- List<Classifier> fromGenerals = new ArrayList<Classifier>() ;
- List<Classifier> toGenerals = new ArrayList<Classifier>() ;
- if (actualStaticType != null && !errorFound) {
- String errorMessage = "All classes in the 'from' list must be subclasses of the target expression type" ;
- int index = 0 ;
- for (Class c : fromClasses) {
- if (! c.allParents().contains(actualStaticType)) {
- error(errorMessage,
- classificationClause.getClassifyFromClause(),
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getClassificationFromClause_QualifiedNameList(),
- index) ;
- errorFound = true ;
- }
- fromGenerals.addAll(c.allParents()) ;
- index++ ;
- }
- errorMessage = "All classes in the 'to' list must be subclasses of the target expression type" ;
- index = 0 ;
- for (Class c : toClasses) {
- if (! c.allParents().contains(actualStaticType)) {
- error(errorMessage,
- classificationClause.getClassifyToClause(),
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getClassificationToClause_QualifiedNameList(),
- index) ;
- errorFound = true ;
- }
- index++ ;
- toGenerals.addAll(c.allParents()) ;
- }
- }
- // 4. None of them may have a common superclass of the static type of the target expression (i.e., disjoint subclasses)
- if (errorFound)
- return ; // not necessary to go further
- fromGenerals.retainAll(toGenerals) ;
- for (Classifier c : fromGenerals) {
- if (c.allParents().contains(actualStaticType)) {
- String errorMessage = "Superclasses of classes in 'to' and 'from' lists must be disjoint subclasses of the target expression type" ;
- error(errorMessage, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getClassifyStatement_Clause()) ;
- return ;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param statement
- * Checks the following rules:
- * 1. The statement must respect construction rules of:
- * 1.a Invocation, or
- * 1.b Variable declaration, or
- * 1.c Assignment expression
- * 2. According to the construction rule, delegate to the appropriate check method
- */
- @Check
- public void checkInvocationOrAssignmentOrDeclarationStatement(InvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement statement) {
- //1. The statement must respect construction rules of:
- // 1.b Variable declaration
- if (statement.getVariableDeclarationCompletion() != null) {
- checkVariableDeclarationStatement(statement) ;
- }
- // 1.c Assignment expression
- else if (statement.getAssignmentCompletion() != null) {
- checkAssignmentExpression(statement) ;
- }
- // 1.a Invocation or prefix or suffix
- else {
- checkInvocationOrPrefixOrSuffixStatement(statement) ;
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param statement
- * Checks the following rules:
- * 1. typePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart must have an invocation completion, or a postfixOp, or a prefixOp
- * 2. if it is an invocation:
- * 2.a The name must resolve to a Behavior or an Operation
- * 2.b Arguments must be type compatibles with the parameters of referenced behavior or operation
- * 3. if it is a prefixOp:
- * 3.a the name must resolve to an assignable property, parameter or local variable
- * 3.b the operator must be available for the type of the nameExpression
- * 4. if it is a postfixOp:
- * 4.a the name must resolve to an assignable property, parameter or local variable
- * 4.b the operator must be available for the type of the nameExpression
- */
- private void checkInvocationOrPrefixOrSuffixStatement(InvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement statement) {
- // 1. typePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart must have an invocation completion, or a postfixOp, or a prefixOp
- boolean isAnInvocation = statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getInvocationCompletion() != null ;
- boolean isAPrefixExpression = statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getPrefixOp() != null ;
- boolean isAPostfixExpression = statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getPostfixOp() != null ;
- boolean hasASuffix = statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getSuffix() != null ;
- int resolvedKindOfExpression = 0 ;
- resolvedKindOfExpression += isAnInvocation ? 1 : 0 ;
- resolvedKindOfExpression += isAPrefixExpression ? 1 : 0 ;
- resolvedKindOfExpression += isAPostfixExpression ? 1 : 0 ;
- resolvedKindOfExpression += hasASuffix ? 1 : 0 ;
- if ((resolvedKindOfExpression > 1 && !hasASuffix) || resolvedKindOfExpression==0) {
- String errorMessage = "An invocation expression, OR a prefix expression, OR a postfix expression is expected." ;
- error(errorMessage, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getInvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement_TypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart()) ;
- return ;
- }
- //2. if it is an invocation:
- if (isAnInvocation || hasASuffix) {
- // 2.a The name must resolve to a Variable, a Parameter, a Property, a Behavior or an Operation (TODO: can also be an association)
- NameExpression varOrParamOrPropOrOpOrBehav = statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart() ;
- TypeExpression typeOfPrefix = new TypeUtils().getTypeOfNameExpression(varOrParamOrPropOrOpOrBehav) ;
- if (typeOfPrefix.getTypeFacade() != null && typeOfPrefix.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)typeOfPrefix.getTypeFacade() ;
- error(error.getLabel(), error.getErrorSource(), error.getStructuralFeature(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- return ;
- }
- if (hasASuffix) {
- // The last suffix must be an invocation
- SuffixExpression suffix = statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getSuffix() ;
- SuffixExpression lastSuffix = suffix ;
- boolean suffixHasASuffix = false ;
- do {
- suffixHasASuffix = false ;
- for (Iterator<EObject> content = suffix.eContents().iterator() ; content.hasNext() && !suffixHasASuffix ; ) {
- EObject cddSuffix = ;
- if (cddSuffix instanceof SuffixExpression) {
- lastSuffix = (SuffixExpression)cddSuffix ;
- suffixHasASuffix = true ;
- }
- }
- if (suffixHasASuffix)
- suffix = lastSuffix ;
- } while (suffixHasASuffix) ;
- if (lastSuffix instanceof PropertyCallExpression) {
- error("An invocation is expected",
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getInvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement_TypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart()) ;
- return ;
- }
- }
- //}
- }
- // 3. if it is a prefixOp: or // 4. if it is a postfixOp:
- else if (isAPrefixExpression || isAPostfixExpression) {
- TypeExpression typeOfAssignedElement = new TypeUtils().getTypeOfNameExpression(statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart()) ;
- if (typeOfAssignedElement.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)typeOfAssignedElement.getTypeFacade() ;
- error(error.getLabel(), error.getErrorSource(), error.getStructuralFeature(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- return ;
- }
- //1. The assigned part must be assignable, i.e.:
- if (statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getPath() != null ||
- (statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getInvocationCompletion() != null
- && statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getSuffix() == null) ||
- (statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getSequenceConstructionCompletion() != null) ||
- (statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getId()==null) ||
- (statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getId().length() == 0)) {
- error("The assigned part must resolve to an assignable property, parameter or local variable",
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getInvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement_TypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart()) ;
- return ;
- }
- //1.a It must resolve to a property, or
- //1.b It must resolve to a local variable, or
- //1.c It must resolve to an out or inout parameter
- if (statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getSuffix() == null) {
- AlfPartialScope varParamPropScope = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleVariablesOrParametersOrProperties(statement) ;
- EObject resolved = varParamPropScope.resolveByName(statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getId()).get(0) ;
- String potentialAssignmentError = AssignmentPolicy.eInstance.isAssignable(resolved) ;
- if (!(potentialAssignmentError.length() == 0)) {
- error(potentialAssignmentError, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getInvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement_TypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart()) ;
- return ;
- }
- }
- else {// a suffix is specified
- // The last suffix must be a property call expression
- SuffixExpression suffix = statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getSuffix() ;
- SuffixExpression lastSuffix = suffix ;
- boolean suffixHasASuffix = false ;
- do {
- suffixHasASuffix = false ;
- for (Iterator<EObject> content = suffix.eContents().iterator() ; content.hasNext() && !suffixHasASuffix ; ) {
- EObject cddSuffix = ;
- if (cddSuffix instanceof SuffixExpression) {
- lastSuffix = (SuffixExpression)cddSuffix ;
- suffixHasASuffix = true ;
- }
- }
- if (suffixHasASuffix)
- suffix = lastSuffix ;
- } while (suffixHasASuffix) ;
- if (! (lastSuffix instanceof PropertyCallExpression)) {
- error("The assigned part must resolve to an assignable property, parameter or local variable",
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getInvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement_TypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart()) ;
- return ;
- }
- }
- TypeExpression integerExpression = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(TypeUtils._integer) ;
- TypeExpression naturalExpression = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(TypeUtils._natural) ;
- TypeExpression unlimitedExpression = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(TypeUtils._unlimited) ;
- String operator = isAPrefixExpression ? statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getPrefixOp() : statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getPostfixOp() ;
- EStructuralFeature feature = isAPrefixExpression ? AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getNameExpression_PrefixOp() : AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getNameExpression_PostfixOp() ;
- if (! (integerExpression.isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfAssignedElement)!= 0 ||
- naturalExpression.isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfAssignedElement)!= 0 ||
- unlimitedExpression.isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfAssignedElement)!= 0)) {
- error("Operator " + operator + " does not apply to " + typeOfAssignedElement.getLabel() ,
- statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart(),
- feature,
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param statement
- *
- * Checks the following rule:
- * 1. typePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart must resolve to a type
- * 2. the variable name must be available
- * 3. initValue must respect the following sub-rules:
- * 3.a the type of the expression must be compatible with the type of the variable
- * 3.b the assignment operator must be '='
- */
- private void checkVariableDeclarationStatement(InvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement statement) {
- // 1. typePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart must resolve to a type
- VoidFacade actualVariableType = null ;
- TypeFacade cddVariableType = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createVoidFacade(statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart()) ;
- if (cddVariableType instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)cddVariableType ;
- error(error.getLabel(), error.getErrorSource(), error.getStructuralFeature(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- }
- else {
- actualVariableType = (VoidFacade)cddVariableType ;
- }
- VariableDeclarationCompletion declaration = statement.getVariableDeclarationCompletion() ;
- TypeExpression variableTypeExpression = null ;
- if (actualVariableType != null) {
- if (declaration.isMultiplicityIndicator())
- variableTypeExpression = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(actualVariableType, 0, -1, false, true) ;
- else
- variableTypeExpression = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(actualVariableType, 1, 1, true, false) ;
- }
- // 2. the variable name must be available
- AlfPartialScope vppScope = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleVariablesOrParametersOrProperties(statement) ;
- if (declaration.getVariableName() != null ) {
- List<EObject> visibleElements = vppScope.resolveByName(declaration.getVariableName()) ;
- if (! visibleElements.isEmpty() && vppScope.getScopingLevel(visibleElements.get(0)) == 0) {
- String errorMessage = "Local name " + declaration.getVariableName() + " is not available" ;
- error(errorMessage, declaration, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getVariableDeclarationCompletion_VariableName(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- }
- }
- //3. initValue must respect the following sub-rules:
- if (declaration.getInitValue() != null && declaration.getInitValue().getRightHandSide() != null) {
- TypeExpression typeOfInit = new TypeUtils().getTypeOfSequenceElement(declaration.getInitValue().getRightHandSide()) ;
- if (typeOfInit == null) {
- String errorMessage = "Init value is missing" ;
- error(errorMessage, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getInvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement_VariableDeclarationCompletion()) ;
- return ;
- }
- if (typeOfInit.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)typeOfInit.getTypeFacade() ;
- error(error.getLabel(), error.getErrorSource(), error.getStructuralFeature(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- return ;
- }
- if (variableTypeExpression != null) {
- // 3.a the type of the expression must be compatible with the type of the variable
- if (variableTypeExpression.isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfInit) == 0) {
- String errorMessage = "Expecting an expression of type " + variableTypeExpression.getLabel() +
- ". Found an expression of type " + typeOfInit.getLabel() + "." ;
- error(errorMessage,
- declaration.getInitValue(),
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getAssignmentCompletion_RightHandSide(),
- }
- // 3.b the assignment operator must be '='
- else if (declaration.getInitValue().getOp() != AssignmentOperator.ASSIGN) {
- String errorMessage = "Expecting assignment operator '='" ;
- error(errorMessage,
- declaration.getInitValue(),
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getAssignmentCompletion_Op(),
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param statement
- *
- * Checks the following rules:
- * 1. The left part must be assignable, i.e.:
- * 1.a It must resolve to a property, or
- * 1.b It must resolve to a local variable, or
- * 1.c It must resolve to an out or inout parameter
- * 1.d It resolves to an association end TODO: Not supported yet
- * 2. If the assignment operator is "=", the right part must be type compatible with the left part
- * 3. If the assignment operator is not "=" (e.g. +=, -=, etc.), there must be a matching signature for this operator
- */
- private void checkAssignmentExpression(InvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement statement) {
- boolean errorInExpressions = false ;
- // first infer type of the left part
- TypeExpression typeOfLeft = new TypeUtils().getTypeOfNameExpression(statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart()) ;
- if (typeOfLeft.getTypeFacade() == null || typeOfLeft.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)typeOfLeft.getTypeFacade() ;
- error(error.getLabel(), error.getErrorSource(), error.getStructuralFeature(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- errorInExpressions = true ;
- }
- // then infer type of the right part
- TypeExpression typeOfRight = null ;
- if (statement.getAssignmentCompletion().getRightHandSide() != null) {
- typeOfRight = new TypeUtils().getTypeOfSequenceElement(statement.getAssignmentCompletion().getRightHandSide()) ;
- if (typeOfRight == null || typeOfRight.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)typeOfRight.getTypeFacade() ;
- error(error.getLabel(), error.getErrorSource(), error.getStructuralFeature(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- errorInExpressions = true ;
- }
- }
- if (errorInExpressions) // not necessary to validate further
- return ;
- //1. The left part must be assignable, i.e.:
- if (statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getPath() != null ||
- (statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getInvocationCompletion() != null
- && statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getSuffix() == null) ||
- (statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getPrefixOp()!=null) ||
- (statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getPostfixOp()!=null) ||
- (statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getSequenceConstructionCompletion() != null)) {
- if (statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getSequenceConstructionCompletion() != null) {
- if (statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getSequenceConstructionCompletion().getAccessCompletion() != null)
- return ;
- }
- error("The left part of the assignment must resolve to an assignable property, parameter or local variable",
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getInvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement_TypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart()) ;
- // NOTE: this an approximation. Cf. => rule 1.d It resolves to an association end TODO: Not supported yet
- return ;
- }
- //1.a It must resolve to a property, or
- //1.b It must resolve to a local variable, or
- //1.c It must resolve to an out or inout parameter
- if (statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getSuffix() == null) {
- AlfPartialScope varParamPropScope = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleVariablesOrParametersOrProperties(statement) ;
- EObject resolved = varParamPropScope.resolveByName(statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getId()).get(0) ;
- String potentialAssignmentError = AssignmentPolicy.eInstance.isAssignable(resolved) ;
- if (!(potentialAssignmentError.length() == 0)) {
- error(potentialAssignmentError, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getInvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement_TypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart()) ;
- }
- }
- else {// a suffix is specified
- // The last suffix must be a property call expression
- SuffixExpression suffix = statement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getSuffix() ;
- SuffixExpression lastSuffix = suffix ;
- boolean suffixHasASuffix = false ;
- do {
- suffixHasASuffix = false ;
- for (Iterator<EObject> content = suffix.eContents().iterator() ; content.hasNext() && !suffixHasASuffix ; ) {
- EObject cddSuffix = ;
- if (cddSuffix instanceof SuffixExpression) {
- lastSuffix = (SuffixExpression)cddSuffix ;
- suffixHasASuffix = true ;
- }
- }
- if (suffixHasASuffix)
- suffix = lastSuffix ;
- } while (suffixHasASuffix) ;
- if (! (lastSuffix instanceof PropertyCallExpression)) {
- error("The left part of the assignment must resolve to an assignable property, parameter or local variable",
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getInvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement_TypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart()) ;
- return ;
- }
- }
- // 2. If the assignment operator is "=", the right part must be type compatible with the left part
- if (statement.getAssignmentCompletion().getOp() == AssignmentOperator.ASSIGN) {
- if (typeOfRight.getTypeFacade() == TypeUtils._undefined) {
- String errorMessage = "Right part is untyped" ;
- error(errorMessage, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getInvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement_AssignmentCompletion()) ;
- }
- else if (typeOfLeft.isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfRight) == 0) {
- String errorMessage = "Cannot assign " + typeOfRight.getLabel() + " to " + typeOfLeft.getLabel() ;
- error(errorMessage, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getInvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement_AssignmentCompletion()) ;
- }
- }
- else { // 3. If the assignment operator is not "=" (e.g. +=, -=, etc.), there must be a matching signature for this operator
- String assignmentOp = assignmentOpToString(statement.getAssignmentCompletion().getOp()) ;
- List<SignatureFacade> candidates = AlfJavaValidator.predefinedBehaviorsAndTypes.getSignatures(assignmentOp) ;
- List<TypeExpression> arguments = new ArrayList<TypeExpression>() ;
- arguments.add(typeOfLeft) ;
- arguments.add(typeOfRight) ;
- List<SignatureFacade> matchingSignatures = SignatureFacade.findNearestSignature(arguments, candidates) ;
- if (matchingSignatures.isEmpty()) {
- String errorMessage = "Operator " + assignmentOp + " does not apply to arguments (" ;
- boolean first = true ;
- for (TypeExpression argType : arguments) {
- if (!first)
- errorMessage += ", " ;
- else
- first = false ;
- errorMessage += argType.getLabel() ;
- }
- errorMessage += ")" ;
- error(errorMessage, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getInvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement_AssignmentCompletion()) ;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param statement
- *
- * Checks the following rule:
- * 1. The associated SuperInvocationExpression must be valid
- */
- @Check
- public void checkSuperInvocationStatement(SuperInvocationStatement statement) {
- TypeExpression typeOfSuperInvocationExp = new TypeUtils().getTypeOfSuperInvocationExpression(statement.get_super()) ;
- if (typeOfSuperInvocationExp.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)typeOfSuperInvocationExp.getTypeFacade() ;
- error(error.getLabel(), error.getErrorSource(), error.getStructuralFeature(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- return ;
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param statement
- *
- * Checks the following rules:
- * 1. The associated ThisExpression must be valid
- * 2. If an assignment is specified:
- * 2.a The left part must resolve to a property call expression
- * 2.b If the assignment operator is "=", the right part must be type compatible with the left part
- * 2.c If the assignment operator is not "=" (e.g. +=, -=, etc.), there must be a matching signature for this operator
- * 3. If no assignment is specified, the suffix must resolve to an invocation
- */
- @Check
- public void checkThisInvocationStatement(ThisInvocationStatement statement) {
- // 1. The associated ThisExpression must be valid
- TypeExpression typeOfThisExpression = new TypeUtils().getTypeOfThisExpression(statement.get_this()) ;
- if (typeOfThisExpression.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)typeOfThisExpression.getTypeFacade() ;
- error(error.getLabel(), error.getErrorSource(), error.getStructuralFeature(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- // return ;
- }
- // 2. If an assignment is specified
- if (statement.getAssignmentCompletion() != null ) {
- // 2.a The left part must resolve to a property call expression
- if (statement.get_this().getSuffix() == null) {
- error("A Property call expression is missing",
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getThisInvocationStatement__this()) ;
- //return ;
- }
- else {
- // The last suffix must be an invocation
- SuffixExpression suffix = statement.get_this().getSuffix() ;
- SuffixExpression lastSuffix = suffix ;
- boolean suffixHasASuffix = false ;
- do {
- suffixHasASuffix = false ;
- for (Iterator<EObject> content = suffix.eContents().iterator() ; content.hasNext() && !suffixHasASuffix ; ) {
- EObject cddSuffix = ;
- if (cddSuffix instanceof SuffixExpression) {
- lastSuffix = (SuffixExpression)cddSuffix ;
- suffixHasASuffix = true ;
- }
- }
- if (suffixHasASuffix)
- suffix = lastSuffix ;
- } while (suffixHasASuffix) ;
- if (!(lastSuffix instanceof PropertyCallExpression)) {
- error("The expression should resolve to a Property",
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getThisInvocationStatement__this()) ;
- //return ;
- }
- }
- TypeExpression typeOfAssignment = null ;
- if (statement.getAssignmentCompletion().getRightHandSide() == null)
- return ;
- else {
- typeOfAssignment = new TypeUtils().getTypeOfSequenceElement(statement.getAssignmentCompletion().getRightHandSide()) ;
- if (typeOfAssignment.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)typeOfAssignment.getTypeFacade() ;
- error(error.getLabel(), error.getErrorSource(), error.getStructuralFeature(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- return ;
- }
- if (typeOfThisExpression.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return ;
- }
- // 2.b If the assignment operator is "=", the right part must be type compatible with the left part
- if (statement.getAssignmentCompletion().getOp() == AssignmentOperator.ASSIGN) {
- if (typeOfAssignment.getTypeFacade() == TypeUtils._undefined) {
- String errorMessage = "Right part is untyped" ;
- error(errorMessage, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getInvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement_AssignmentCompletion()) ;
- }
- else if (typeOfThisExpression.isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfAssignment) == 0) {
- String errorMessage = "Cannot assign " + typeOfAssignment.getLabel() + " to " + typeOfThisExpression.getLabel() ;
- error(errorMessage, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getThisInvocationStatement_AssignmentCompletion()) ;
- }
- }
- else { // 2.c If the assignment operator is not "=" (e.g. +=, -=, etc.), there must be a matching signature for this operator
- String assignmentOp = assignmentOpToString(statement.getAssignmentCompletion().getOp()) ;
- List<SignatureFacade> candidates = AlfJavaValidator.predefinedBehaviorsAndTypes.getSignatures(assignmentOp) ;
- List<TypeExpression> arguments = new ArrayList<TypeExpression>() ;
- arguments.add(typeOfThisExpression) ;
- arguments.add(typeOfAssignment) ;
- List<SignatureFacade> matchingSignatures = SignatureFacade.findNearestSignature(arguments, candidates) ;
- if (matchingSignatures.isEmpty()) {
- String errorMessage = "Operator " + assignmentOp + " does not apply to arguments (" ;
- boolean first = true ;
- for (TypeExpression argType : arguments) {
- if (!first)
- errorMessage += ", " ;
- else
- first = false ;
- errorMessage += argType.getLabel() ;
- }
- errorMessage += ")" ;
- error(errorMessage, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getThisInvocationStatement_AssignmentCompletion()) ;
- }
- }
- }
- else { // 3. If no assignment is specified, the suffix must resolve to an invocation
- if (statement.get_this().getSuffix() == null) {
- error("An invocation expression is expected",
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getThisInvocationStatement__this()) ;
- return ;
- }
- else {
- // The last suffix must be an invocation
- SuffixExpression suffix = statement.get_this().getSuffix() ;
- SuffixExpression lastSuffix = suffix ;
- boolean suffixHasASuffix = false ;
- do {
- suffixHasASuffix = false ;
- for (Iterator<EObject> content = suffix.eContents().iterator() ; content.hasNext() && !suffixHasASuffix ; ) {
- EObject cddSuffix = ;
- if (cddSuffix instanceof SuffixExpression) {
- lastSuffix = (SuffixExpression)cddSuffix ;
- suffixHasASuffix = true ;
- }
- }
- if (suffixHasASuffix)
- suffix = lastSuffix ;
- } while (suffixHasASuffix) ;
- if (lastSuffix instanceof PropertyCallExpression) {
- error("An assignment is expected",
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getThisInvocationStatement__this()) ;
- return ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param statement
- *
- * Checks the following rule:
- * 1. The InstanceCreationExpression must be valid
- * 2. If a suffix is specified, it must resolve to an invocation
- */
- @Check
- public void checkInstanceCreationInvocationStatement(InstanceCreationInvocationStatement statement) {
- // 1. The InstanceCreationExpression must be valid
- TypeExpression typeOfInstanceCreationExpression = new TypeUtils().getTypeOfInstanceCreationExpression(statement.get_new()) ;
- if (typeOfInstanceCreationExpression.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)typeOfInstanceCreationExpression.getTypeFacade() ;
- error(error.getLabel(), error.getErrorSource(), error.getStructuralFeature(), INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX) ;
- return ;
- }
- // 2. If a suffix is specified, it must resolve to an invocation
- // The last suffix must be an invocation
- SuffixExpression suffix = statement.get_new().getSuffix() ;
- SuffixExpression lastSuffix = suffix ;
- boolean suffixHasASuffix = false ;
- do {
- suffixHasASuffix = false ;
- for (Iterator<EObject> content = suffix.eContents().iterator() ; content.hasNext() && !suffixHasASuffix ; ) {
- EObject cddSuffix = ;
- if (cddSuffix instanceof SuffixExpression) {
- lastSuffix = (SuffixExpression)cddSuffix ;
- suffixHasASuffix = true ;
- }
- }
- if (suffixHasASuffix)
- suffix = lastSuffix ;
- } while (suffixHasASuffix) ;
- if (lastSuffix instanceof PropertyCallExpression) {
- error("An invocation is expected",
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getInstanceCreationInvocationStatement__new()) ;
- return ;
- }
- }
- private String assignmentOpToString(AssignmentOperator operator) {
- switch (operator) {
- return "&" ;
- return "/" ;
- return "<<" ;
- return "-" ;
- return "%" ;
- return "*" ;
- case ORASSIGN:
- return "|" ;
- return "+" ;
- return ">>" ;
- return ">>>" ;
- return "^" ;
- case ASSIGN:
- return "=" ;
- }
- return "" ; // not reachable
- }
- private boolean isANumberType(TypeFacade typeFacade) {
- return TypeUtils._integer.isCompatibleWithMe(typeFacade) == 3 ||
- TypeUtils._natural.isCompatibleWithMe(typeFacade) == 3 ||
- TypeUtils._unlimited.isCompatibleWithMe(typeFacade) == 3 ;
- }
- @Check
- public void checkTemplateBindingInNameExpression(UnqualifiedName expression) {
- if (expression.getTemplateBinding() != null) {
- String errorMessage = "Template bindings are not supported in name expressions." ; // TODO
- warning(errorMessage, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getUnqualifiedName_TemplateBinding()) ;
- }
- }
- @Check
- public void checkTemplateBindingInQualifiedNameWithBinding(QualifiedNameWithBinding expression) {
- //if (expression.getBinding() != null) {
- // String errorMessage = "Template bindings are not supported in this version of the Alf editor." ; // TODO
- // warning(errorMessage, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getQualifiedNameWithBinding_Binding()) ;
- //}
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/validation/ b/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/validation/
deleted file mode 100644
index f273545ce48..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/validation/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation;
-public class NamingUtils {
- /**
- * Checks if a string represents a valid Java-name:
- * - it starts with a letter or "_"
- * - other characters are either letters, figures or "_"
- *
- * @param name
- * @return true if the name is Java-compliant, false otherwise
- */
- public static boolean isJavaCompliant(String name) {
- if (name.length() == 0)
- return false ;
- int firstChar = 0 ;
- char[] dst = new char[name.length()] ;
- name.getChars(0, name.length(), dst, firstChar) ;
- if (dst[0] >= 'a' && dst[0] <= 'z')
- ;
- else if (dst [0] >= 'A' && dst[0] <= 'Z')
- ;
- else if (dst [0] == '_')
- ;
- else
- return false ;
- for (int i = 1 ; i<dst.length ; i++) {
- if (dst[i] >= 'a' && dst[i] <= 'z')
- ;
- else if (dst [i] >= 'A' && dst[i] <= 'Z')
- ;
- else if (dst [i] >= '0' && dst[i] <= '9')
- ;
- else if (dst [i] == '_')
- ;
- else
- return false ;
- }
- return true ;
- }
diff --git a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/validation/ b/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/validation/
deleted file mode 100644
index 33482dd32d9..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/validation/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing.SignatureFacade;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing.SignatureFacadeFactory;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing.TypeExpressionFactory;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing.TypeFacade;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing.TypeFacadeFactory;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing.TypeUtils;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Behavior;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Classifier;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ElementImport;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.NamedElement;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.PackageImport;
-public class PredefinedBehaviorsAndTypesUtils {
- private Map<String, List<SignatureFacade>> behaviorMap = new HashMap<String, List<SignatureFacade>>();
- private Map<String, TypeFacade> typeMap = new HashMap<String, TypeFacade>() ;
- private List<Behavior> behaviorInsertedAsElementImport = new ArrayList<Behavior>() ;
- private List<Classifier> classifierInsertedAsElementImport = new ArrayList<Classifier>();
- //private List<Behavior> predefinedCollectionFunctions = new ArrayList<Behavior>() ;
- //private Map<String, SignatureFacade> predefinedCollectionFunctionsMap = new HashMap<String, SignatureFacade>() ;
- public void init(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package library) {
- behaviorMap = new HashMap<String, List<SignatureFacade>>();
- typeMap = new HashMap<String, TypeFacade>() ;
- behaviorInsertedAsElementImport = new ArrayList<Behavior>() ;
- classifierInsertedAsElementImport = new ArrayList<Classifier>() ;
- TypeUtils.predefinedCollectionFunctions = new HashMap<String, SignatureFacade>() ;
- localInit(library) ;
- // initializes predefined type facades from TypeUtils
- TypeUtils._bitString = typeMap.get("BitString") ;
- TypeUtils._boolean = typeMap.get("Boolean") ;
- TypeUtils._integer = typeMap.get("Integer") ;
- TypeUtils._natural = typeMap.get("Natural") ;
- TypeUtils._string = typeMap.get("String") ;
- TypeUtils._undefined = new TypeFacade();
- TypeUtils._unlimited = typeMap.get("UnlimitedNatural") ;
- TypeUtils._nullExpression = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(TypeUtils._undefined) ;
- TypeUtils._Collection = typeMap.get("Collection") ;
- TypeUtils._Set = typeMap.get("Set");
- TypeUtils._Bag = typeMap.get("Bag") ;
- TypeUtils._Queue = typeMap.get("Queue") ;
- TypeUtils._OrderedSet = typeMap.get("OrderedSet") ;
- TypeUtils._List = typeMap.get("List") ;
- TypeUtils._Deque = typeMap.get("Deque") ;
- TypeUtils._Map = typeMap.get("Map") ;
- TypeUtils._Entry = typeMap.get("Entry") ;
- }
- private void localInit(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package library) {
- if (library.getQualifiedName().equals("Alf::Library::CollectionFunctions")) {
- this.initCollectionFunctions(library) ;
- }
- for (NamedElement n : library.getOwnedMembers()) {
- if (n instanceof Behavior) {
- insertSignatureFacade(SignatureFacadeFactory.eInstance.createSignatureFacade(n)) ;
- }
- else if (n instanceof Classifier) {
- insertTypeFacade(TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createTypeFacade(n)) ;
- }
- else if (n instanceof org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package) {
- localInit((org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package)n) ;
- }
- }
- for (ElementImport eImport : library.getElementImports()) {
- if (eImport.getImportedElement() instanceof Behavior) {
- insertSignatureFacade(new SignatureFacade(eImport)) ;
- behaviorInsertedAsElementImport.add((Behavior)eImport.getImportedElement()) ;
- }
- else if (eImport.getImportedElement() instanceof Classifier) {
- insertTypeFacade(TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createTypeFacade(eImport)) ;
- classifierInsertedAsElementImport.add((Classifier)eImport.getImportedElement()) ;
- }
- else if (eImport.getImportedElement() instanceof org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package) {
- localInit((org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package)eImport.getImportedElement()) ;
- }
- }
- for (PackageImport pImport : library.getPackageImports()) {
- localInit(pImport.getImportedPackage()) ;
- }
- TypeUtils._Collection = typeMap.get("Collection") ;
- TypeUtils._Set = typeMap.get("Set");
- TypeUtils._Bag = typeMap.get("Bag") ;
- TypeUtils._Queue = typeMap.get("Queue") ;
- TypeUtils._OrderedSet = typeMap.get("OrderedSet") ;
- TypeUtils._List = typeMap.get("List") ;
- TypeUtils._Deque = typeMap.get("Deque") ;
- TypeUtils._Map = typeMap.get("Map") ;
- TypeUtils._Entry = typeMap.get("Entry") ;
- }
- private void initCollectionFunctions(Package library) {
- for (NamedElement element : library.getOwnedMembers()) {
- if (element instanceof Behavior) {
- SignatureFacade s = SignatureFacadeFactory.eInstance.createSignatureFacade(element) ;
- TypeUtils.predefinedCollectionFunctions.put(s.getName(), s) ;
- }
- }
- for (ElementImport eImport : library.getElementImports()) {
- if (eImport.getImportedElement() instanceof Behavior) {
- SignatureFacade s = SignatureFacadeFactory.eInstance.createSignatureFacade(eImport) ;
- TypeUtils.predefinedCollectionFunctions.put(eImport.getAlias() == null || eImport.getAlias().isEmpty() ? s.getName() : eImport.getAlias(), s) ;
- }
- }
- }
- public List<SignatureFacade> getSignatures(String name) {
- return behaviorMap.get(name) ;
- }
- public TypeFacade getClassifier(String name) {
- return typeMap.get(name) ;
- }
- private void insertSignatureFacade(SignatureFacade s) {
- for (Behavior b : behaviorInsertedAsElementImport) {
- if (s.equals(b))
- return ;
- }
- List<SignatureFacade> l = behaviorMap.get(s.getName()) ;
- if (l == null) {
- l = new ArrayList<SignatureFacade>() ;
- behaviorMap.put(s.getName(), l) ;
- }
- l.add(s) ;
- }
- private void insertTypeFacade(TypeFacade t) {
- for (Classifier c : classifierInsertedAsElementImport) {
- if (t.equals(c))
- return ;
- }
- if (typeMap.get(t.getLabel()) == null)
- typeMap.put(t.getLabel(), t) ;
- }
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- * Copyright (c) 2011 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.AcceptClause;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.AcceptStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.InvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.LocalNameDeclarationStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.LoopVariableDefinition;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Property;
-public class AssignmentPolicy {
- public static AssignmentPolicy eInstance = new AssignmentPolicy() ;
- public String isAssignable(EObject namedElement) {
- String commonSuffix = " cannot be the target of an assignment" ;
- if (namedElement instanceof Property) {
- Property property = (Property)namedElement ;
- if (property.isReadOnly())
- return "A read-only property" + commonSuffix ;
- else
- return "";
- }
- else if (namedElement instanceof LocalNameDeclarationStatement) {
- return "" ;
- }
- else if (namedElement instanceof InvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement) {
- return "" ;
- }
- else if (namedElement instanceof LoopVariableDefinition) {
- return "A local loop variable" + commonSuffix ;
- }
- else if (namedElement instanceof AcceptClause) {
- return "A local accept variable" + commonSuffix ;
- }
- else if (namedElement instanceof AcceptStatement) {
- return "A local accept variable" + commonSuffix ;
- }
- return "Could not determine if the element is assignable";
- }
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- * Copyright (c) 2011 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.DataType;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Property;
-public class DefaultConstructorFacade extends SignatureFacade {
- private Class classToBeConstructed ;
- private DataType datatypeToBeConstructed ;
- public DefaultConstructorFacade(Class c) {
- super(c) ;
- this.classToBeConstructed = c ;
- this.setReturnType(TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(c)) ;
- }
- public DefaultConstructorFacade(DataType d) {
- super(d) ;
- this.datatypeToBeConstructed = d ;
- for (Property p : d.getAllAttributes()) {
- TypeExpression typeOfArgument = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(p) ;
- parameters.add(TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(p)) ;
- parametersMap.put(p.getName(), typeOfArgument) ;
- }
- this.setReturnType(TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(d)) ;
- }
- @Override
- public String getName() {
- return classToBeConstructed.getName();
- }
- @Override
- public boolean hasReturnType() {
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public String getLabel() {
- String label = classToBeConstructed != null ? classToBeConstructed.getName() : datatypeToBeConstructed.getName() ;
- label += "(" ;
- boolean first = true ;
- for (TypeExpression t : parameters) {
- if (first) first = false ; else label += ", " ;
- label += t.getLabel() ;
- }
- label += ") : " + this.getReturnType().getLabel() ;
- return label ;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isAConstructor() {
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isADestructor(){
- return false ;
- }
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-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing;
-public class DefaultDestructorFacade extends SignatureFacade {
- public DefaultDestructorFacade() {
- super() ;
- }
- @Override
- public String getName() {
- return "destroy";
- }
- @Override
- public boolean hasReturnType() {
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public String getLabel() {
- return "destroy()" ;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isAConstructor() {
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isADestructor(){
- return true ;
- }
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- * Copyright (c) 2011 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature;
-public class ErrorTypeFacade extends TypeFacade {
- private String errorMessage = "" ;
- private EStructuralFeature structuralFeature ;
- private EObject errorSource ;
- @Override
- public String getLabel() {
- return errorMessage ;
- }
- public void setMessage(String message) {
- errorMessage = "" + message ;
- }
- public EStructuralFeature getStructuralFeature() {
- return structuralFeature;
- }
- public void setStructuralFeature(EStructuralFeature structuralFeature) {
- this.structuralFeature = structuralFeature ;
- }
- public EObject getErrorSource() {
- return errorSource;
- }
- public void setErrorSource(EObject errorSource) {
- this.errorSource = errorSource ;
- }
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- * Copyright (c) 2011 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing;
-public class MultiplicityFacade {
- private int lowerBound = 0;
- private int upperBound = 0;
- private boolean nonUnique = false ;
- private boolean ordered = false ;
- public String getLabel() {
- if (lowerBound == upperBound) {
- if (lowerBound == 1)
- return "" ;
- if (lowerBound == -1)
- return "[*]" ;
- return "[" + lowerBound + "]" ;
- }
- else {
- if (upperBound == -1) {
- if (lowerBound == 0) {
- return "[*]" ;
- }
- else {
- return "[" + lowerBound + "..*]" ;
- }
- }
- else {
- return "[" + lowerBound + ".." + upperBound + "]";
- }
- }
- }
- public boolean isCompatibleWithMe(MultiplicityFacade multiplicity) {
- //boolean lowerBoundCompatible = multiplicity.lowerBound >= this.lowerBound ;
- boolean upperBoundCompatible = true ;
- switch (this.upperBound) {
- case -1:
- break;
- default:
- if (multiplicity.upperBound == -1)
- upperBoundCompatible = false ;
-// else
-// upperBoundCompatible = multiplicity.upperBound <= this.upperBound ;
- break;
- }
- //return lowerBoundCompatible && upperBoundCompatible;
- return upperBoundCompatible ;
- }
- public void setLowerBound(int lowerBound) {
- this.lowerBound = lowerBound ;
- }
- public void setUpperBound(int lowerBound) {
- this.upperBound = lowerBound ;
- }
- public int getLowerBound() {
- return lowerBound;
- }
- public int getUpperBound() {
- return upperBound;
- }
- public boolean isUnique() {
- return !nonUnique ;
- }
- public boolean isOrdered() {
- return ordered ;
- }
- public boolean isSequence() {
- return ordered && nonUnique ;
- }
- public void setIsUnique(boolean isUnique) {
- nonUnique = !isUnique ;
- }
- public void setIsOrdered(boolean isOrdered) {
- ordered = isOrdered ;
- }
- public void setIsSequence(boolean isSequence) {
- ordered = true ;
- nonUnique = true ;
- }
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- * Copyright (c) 2011 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.LocalNameDeclarationStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.LoopVariableDefinition;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.MultiplicityElement;
-public class MultiplicityFacadeFactory {
- public static MultiplicityFacadeFactory eInstance = new MultiplicityFacadeFactory() ;
- public MultiplicityFacade createMultiplicityFacade(int lowerBound, int upperBound, boolean isUnique, boolean isOrdered) {
- MultiplicityFacade result = new MultiplicityFacade() ;
- result.setLowerBound(lowerBound) ;
- result.setUpperBound(upperBound) ;
- result.setIsUnique(isUnique) ;
- result.setIsOrdered(isOrdered) ;
- return result ;
- }
- public MultiplicityFacade createMultiplicityFacade(int upperBound) {
- if (upperBound == -1)
- return createMultiplicityFacade(0, upperBound, false, true) ;
- else
- return createMultiplicityFacade(upperBound, upperBound, true, false) ;
- }
- public MultiplicityFacade createMultiplicityFacade() {
- return createMultiplicityFacade(1, 1, true, false) ;
- }
- public MultiplicityFacade createMultiplicityFacade(EObject multiplicityElement) {
- // To be overriden
- if (multiplicityElement instanceof MultiplicityElement) {
- MultiplicityElement m = (MultiplicityElement)multiplicityElement ;
- return createMultiplicityFacade(m.getLower(), m.getUpper(), m.isUnique(), m.isOrdered()) ;
- }
- else if (multiplicityElement instanceof LocalNameDeclarationStatement) {
- LocalNameDeclarationStatement statement = (LocalNameDeclarationStatement)multiplicityElement ;
- int lower = statement.isMultiplicityIndicator() ? 0 : 1 ;
- int upper = statement.isMultiplicityIndicator() ? -1 : 1 ;
- boolean isUnique = statement.isMultiplicityIndicator() ? false : true ;
- boolean isOrdered = statement.isMultiplicityIndicator() ? true : false ;
- return createMultiplicityFacade(lower, upper, isUnique, isOrdered) ;
- }
- else if (multiplicityElement instanceof LoopVariableDefinition) {
- // Correctly handled by the following return statement
- }
- return createMultiplicityFacade() ;
- }
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- * Copyright (c) 2011 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing;
-public class OperationFacade {
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- * Copyright (c) 2011 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing;
-public class PropertyFacade {
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- * Copyright (c) 2011 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Behavior;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ElementImport;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Operation;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Parameter;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ParameterDirectionKind;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ParameterableElement;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Property;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Reception;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.TemplateParameter;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.TemplateableElement;
-public class SignatureFacade {
- private String name = "";
- protected List<TypeExpression> parameters = new ArrayList<TypeExpression>();
- //
- protected Map<String, TypeExpression> parametersMap = new HashMap<String, TypeExpression>() ;
- //
- //private TypeExpression returnType = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(TypeUtils._undefined, 0, 0, false, false) ;
- private TypeExpression returnType = null ;
- private EObject actualSignatureObject = null ;
- public EObject getActualSignatureObject() {
- return actualSignatureObject;
- }
- public SignatureFacade() {
- }
- public SignatureFacade(EObject o) {
- if (o instanceof Operation) {
- Operation operation = (Operation)o ;
- this.actualSignatureObject = operation ;
- = operation.getName() ;
- for (Parameter p : operation.getOwnedParameters()) {
- if (p.getDirection() == ParameterDirectionKind.RETURN_LITERAL)
- returnType = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(p) ;
- else {
- TypeExpression typeOfP = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(p) ;
- parameters.add(typeOfP) ;
- parametersMap.put(p.getName(), typeOfP) ;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (o instanceof Behavior) {
- Behavior behavior = (Behavior) o ;
- this.actualSignatureObject = behavior ;
- = behavior.getName() ;
- for (Parameter p : behavior.getOwnedParameters()) {
- if (p.getDirection() == ParameterDirectionKind.RETURN_LITERAL)
- returnType = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(p) ;
- else {
- TypeExpression typeOfP = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(p) ;
- parameters.add(typeOfP) ;
- parametersMap.put(p.getName(), typeOfP) ;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (o instanceof ElementImport) {
- ElementImport eImport = (ElementImport)o ;
- if (eImport.getImportedElement() instanceof Behavior) {
- Behavior b = (Behavior)eImport.getImportedElement() ;
- this.actualSignatureObject = b ;
- if (eImport.getAlias() != null)
- = eImport.getAlias() ;
- else
- = b.getName() ;
- for (Parameter p : b.getOwnedParameters()) {
- if (p.getDirection() == ParameterDirectionKind.RETURN_LITERAL)
- returnType = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(p) ;
- else {
- TypeExpression typeOfP = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(p) ;
- parameters.add(typeOfP) ;
- parametersMap.put(p.getName(), typeOfP) ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (o instanceof Reception) {
- Reception r = (Reception)o ;
- this.actualSignatureObject = r ;
- = r.getName() ;
- if (r.getSignal() != null) {
- for (Property p : r.getSignal().getAllAttributes()) {
- TypeExpression typeOfP = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(p) ;
- parameters.add(typeOfP) ;
- parametersMap.put(p.getName(), typeOfP) ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public String getName() {
- return name ;
- }
- public void setName(String name) {
- = "" + name ;
- }
- public List<TypeExpression> getParameters() {
- return parameters ;
- }
- public boolean hasReturnType() {
- return returnType != null ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getReturnType() {
- return returnType ;
- }
- public void setReturnType(TypeExpression returnType) {
- this.returnType = returnType ;
- }
- public String isCompatibleWithMe(List<TypeExpression> arguments, boolean getErrorMessage) {
- int compatibilityLevel = this.isCompatibleWithMe(arguments) ;
- String errorMessage = "" ;
- if (compatibilityLevel == 0) {
- errorMessage += this.getLabel() + " does not apply to arguments " ;
- String argumentsString = "(" ;
- boolean first = true ;
- for (TypeExpression type : arguments) {
- if (!first) argumentsString += ", " ; else first = false ;
- argumentsString += type.getLabel() ;
- }
- argumentsString += ")" ;
- errorMessage += argumentsString ;
- }
- return errorMessage ;
- }
- public String getLabel() {
- String label = name + "(" ;
- boolean first = true ;
- for (TypeExpression type : parameters) {
- if (!first) label += ", " ; else first = false ;
- label += type.getLabel() ;
- }
- label += ")" ;
- return label ;
- }
- public int isCompatibleWithMe(List<TypeExpression> arguments) {
- if (arguments.size() != parameters.size())
- return 0 ;
- else if (arguments.size() == 0 )
- return 3 ;
- int compatibilityLevel = 0 ;
- boolean first = true ;
- for (int i = 0 ; i < parameters.size() ; i++) {
- int currentCompatibilityLevel = parameters.get(i).isCompatibleWithMe(arguments.get(i)) ;
- if (first && currentCompatibilityLevel < 3)
- return 0 ; //TODO: temporary solution. this is to give a higher value to the first argument if it perfectly matches. Should probably consider the context... Check the spec...
- if (currentCompatibilityLevel == 0)
- return 0 ;
- else {
- compatibilityLevel += currentCompatibilityLevel ;
- }
- first = false ;
- }
- return compatibilityLevel ;
- }
- public String isCompatibleWithMe(Map<String,TypeExpression> arguments) {
- if (arguments.keySet().size() == 0 )
- return "" ;
- String compatibility = "" ;
- for (String parameterName : arguments.keySet()) {
- if (parametersMap.get(parameterName) == null) {
- compatibility += "Parameter " + parameterName + " is undefined\n";
- }
- else {
- int compatibilityLevel = parametersMap.get(parameterName).isCompatibleWithMe(arguments.get(parameterName)) ;
- if (compatibilityLevel == 0) {
- compatibility += "Parameter " + parameterName + " requires an argument of type " + parametersMap.get(parameterName).getLabel() + "\n" ;
- }
- }
- }
- return compatibility ;
- }
- public static List<SignatureFacade> findNearestSignature(List<TypeExpression> arguments, List<SignatureFacade> candidates) {
- List<SignatureFacade> matchingSignatures = new ArrayList<SignatureFacade>() ;
- int bestScore = 0 ;
- for (SignatureFacade cddMatchingSignature : candidates) {
- int currentScore = cddMatchingSignature.isCompatibleWithMe(arguments) ;
- if (currentScore != 0) {
- if (currentScore >= bestScore) {
- if (currentScore > bestScore)
- matchingSignatures.clear() ;
- matchingSignatures.add(cddMatchingSignature) ;
- bestScore = currentScore ;
- }
- }
- }
- return matchingSignatures ;
- }
- public static List<SignatureFacade> findNearestConstructorSignature(Map<String, TypeExpression> arguments, List<SignatureFacade> candidates) {
- List<SignatureFacade> matchingSignatures = new ArrayList<SignatureFacade>() ;
- for (SignatureFacade cddMatchingSignature : candidates) {
- String compatibility = cddMatchingSignature.isCompatibleWithMe(arguments) ;
- if (compatibility.isEmpty()) {
- matchingSignatures.add(cddMatchingSignature) ;
- }
- }
- return matchingSignatures ;
- }
- public List<SignatureFacade> isNotDistinguishableFrom(List<SignatureFacade> candidates) {
- List<SignatureFacade> matchingSignatures = new ArrayList<SignatureFacade>() ;
- for (SignatureFacade cddMatchingSignature : candidates) {
- if ( {
- if (this.parameters.size() == cddMatchingSignature.parameters.size()) {
- boolean parameterThatDoesNotMatchFound = false ;
- for (int i = 0 ; i < this.parameters.size() && !parameterThatDoesNotMatchFound ; ) {
- int compatibilityLevel = this.parameters.get(i).isCompatibleWithMe(cddMatchingSignature.getParameters().get(i)) ;
- if (compatibilityLevel != 3)
- parameterThatDoesNotMatchFound = true ;
- i++ ;
- }
- if (!parameterThatDoesNotMatchFound) {
- matchingSignatures.add(cddMatchingSignature) ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return matchingSignatures ;
- }
- public boolean equals(Operation o) {
- return this.actualSignatureObject == o ;
- }
- public boolean equals(Behavior b) {
- return this.actualSignatureObject == b ;
- }
- public boolean isAConstructor() {
- Element signature = null ;
- if (actualSignatureObject instanceof Operation || actualSignatureObject instanceof Behavior)
- signature = (Element)actualSignatureObject ;
- else if (actualSignatureObject instanceof ElementImport)
- signature = (Element)((ElementImport)actualSignatureObject).getImportedElement() ;
- if (signature == null)
- return false ;
- return signature.getAppliedStereotype("Standard::Create") != null ;
- }
- public boolean isADestructor() {
- Element signature = null ;
- if (actualSignatureObject instanceof Operation || actualSignatureObject instanceof Behavior)
- signature = (Element)actualSignatureObject ;
- else if (actualSignatureObject instanceof ElementImport)
- signature = (Element)((ElementImport)actualSignatureObject).getImportedElement() ;
- if (signature == null)
- return false ;
- return signature.getAppliedStereotype("Standard::Destroy") != null ;
- }
- public Map<String, TypeExpression> getParametersMap() {
- return this.parametersMap ;
- }
- public boolean isATemplate() {
- if (this.actualSignatureObject instanceof TemplateableElement) {
- return ((TemplateableElement)this.actualSignatureObject).isTemplate() ;
- }
- return false ;
- }
- public SignatureFacade bindTemplate(Map<TemplateParameter, ParameterableElement> substitutions) {
- // Templates are not supported in this version of the editor
- return this ;
- }
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- * Copyright (c) 2011 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.InstanceCreationExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.InstanceCreationTupleElement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.QualifiedNameWithBinding;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.scoping.AlfScopeProvider;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Classifier;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.DataType;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Enumeration;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.PrimitiveType;
-public class SignatureFacadeFactory {
- public static SignatureFacadeFactory eInstance = new SignatureFacadeFactory() ;
- public SignatureFacade createSignatureFacade(EObject o) {
- return new SignatureFacade(o) ;
- }
- public SignatureFacade createConstructorFacade(InstanceCreationExpression exp) throws Exception {
- List<TypeExpression> arguments = new ArrayList<TypeExpression>() ;
- Map<String, TypeExpression> argumentsMap = new HashMap<String, TypeExpression>() ;
- if (exp.getTuple().getInstanceCreationTupleElement() != null) {
- for (InstanceCreationTupleElement tupleElement : exp.getTuple().getInstanceCreationTupleElement()) {
- TypeExpression typeOfArgument = new TypeUtils().getTypeOfExpression(tupleElement.getObject()) ;
- if (typeOfArgument.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- throw new TypeInferenceException(typeOfArgument) ;
- arguments.add(typeOfArgument) ;
- argumentsMap.put(tupleElement.getRole(), typeOfArgument) ;
- }
- }
- // first try to determine if the expression directly refers to a Class or a DataType
- TypeFacade cddClassifier = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createVoidFacade(exp.getConstructor()) ;
- boolean errorInResolutionOfClassifier = false ;
- if (cddClassifier instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- errorInResolutionOfClassifier = true ;
- }
- else {
- Classifier referencedType = cddClassifier.extractActualType() ;
- if (referencedType instanceof PrimitiveType) {
- throw new Exception("Constructor invocations do not apply to primitive types") ;
- }
- if (referencedType instanceof Enumeration) {
- throw new Exception("Constructor invocations do not apply to enumerations") ;
- }
- if (referencedType.isAbstract()) {
- throw new Exception("Abstract classifiers cannot be instantiated") ;
- }
- // The classifier has been resolved. Must determine if arguments match with possible constructors
- if (referencedType instanceof org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class) {
- List<EObject> visibleConstructor = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleOperationsOrBehaviors(referencedType).resolveByName(referencedType.getName()) ;
- if (visibleConstructor.size() > 1) {
- // try to match with arguments
- // if does not match, raise an exception
- List<SignatureFacade> visibleConstructorSignatures = new ArrayList<SignatureFacade>() ;
- for (EObject cddConstructor : visibleConstructor) {
- SignatureFacade cddConstructorSignature = SignatureFacadeFactory.eInstance.createSignatureFacade(cddConstructor) ;
- if (cddConstructorSignature.isAConstructor())
- visibleConstructorSignatures.add(cddConstructorSignature) ;
- }
- List<SignatureFacade> matchingSignatures = SignatureFacade.findNearestSignature(arguments, visibleConstructorSignatures) ;
- if (matchingSignatures.size() > 1) {
- String errorMessage = referencedType.getName() + "(" ;
- boolean first = true ;
- for (TypeExpression arg : arguments) {
- if (first) first = false ; else errorMessage += ", " ;
- errorMessage += arg.getLabel() ;
- }
- errorMessage += ") resolves to multiple constructors" ;
- throw new Exception(errorMessage) ;
- }
- else if (matchingSignatures.size() == 0) {
- String errorMessage = "Constructor " + referencedType.getName() + "(" ;
- boolean first = true ;
- for (TypeExpression arg : arguments) {
- if (first) first = false ; else errorMessage += ", " ;
- errorMessage += arg.getLabel() ;
- }
- errorMessage += ") is undefined" ;
- throw new Exception(errorMessage) ;
- }
- else { // exactly one match
- return matchingSignatures.get(0) ;
- }
- }
- else if (visibleConstructor.size() == 0) {
- if (arguments.size() > 0) {
- // Throw an exception
- String errorMessage = "Constructor " + referencedType.getName() + "(";
- boolean first = true ;
- for (TypeExpression t : arguments) {
- if (first) first = false ; else errorMessage += ", " ;
- errorMessage += t.getLabel() ;
- }
- errorMessage += ") is undefined" ;
- throw new Exception(errorMessage) ;
- }
- return new DefaultConstructorFacade((Class)referencedType) ;
- }
- else { // exactly one constructor found
- // Tries to determine if arguments match
- SignatureFacade constructor = createSignatureFacade(visibleConstructor.get(0)) ;
- if (!constructor.isAConstructor()) {
- // Throw an exception
- String errorMessage = "Constructor " + referencedType.getName() + "(";
- boolean first = true ;
- for (TypeExpression t : arguments) {
- if (first) first = false ; else errorMessage += ", " ;
- errorMessage += t.getLabel() ;
- }
- errorMessage += ") is undefined" ;
- throw new Exception(errorMessage) ;
- }
- String potentialErrorMessage = constructor.isCompatibleWithMe(argumentsMap) ;
- if (potentialErrorMessage.length() == 0)
- return constructor ;
- else
- throw new Exception(potentialErrorMessage) ;
- }
- }
- else if (referencedType instanceof DataType){ // This is a data type.
- //must match arguments with visible properties of the data type
- SignatureFacade defaultDataTypeConstructor = new DefaultConstructorFacade((DataType)referencedType) ;
- String errorMessage = defaultDataTypeConstructor.isCompatibleWithMe(argumentsMap) ;
- if (!(errorMessage.length() == 0))
- throw new Exception(errorMessage) ;
- else
- return defaultDataTypeConstructor ;
- }
- }
- if (errorInResolutionOfClassifier) {
- // We can try again, but considering that:
- // - the last element in the qualified name as the name of a constructor
- // - the element before the last element is a class name
- if (exp.getConstructor().getRemaining() == null)
- throw new Exception("Constructor " + exp.getConstructor().getId() + " is undefined") ;
- QualifiedNameWithBinding remaining = exp.getConstructor() ;
- QualifiedNameWithBinding cddClassName = exp.getConstructor() ;
- QualifiedNameWithBinding cddConstructorName = exp.getConstructor() ;
- EObject previousPackage = null ;
- while (cddConstructorName.getRemaining() != null) {
- cddClassName = cddConstructorName ;
- cddConstructorName = cddConstructorName.getRemaining() ;
- }
- if (remaining != cddClassName) {
- List<EObject> visiblePackages = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisiblePackages(exp).resolveByName(remaining.getId()) ;
- if (visiblePackages.isEmpty()) {
- throw new Exception("Could not resolve package " + remaining.getId()) ;
- }
- else if (visiblePackages.size() > 1) {
- throw new Exception(remaining.getId() + " resolves to multiple packages") ;
- }
- else {
- List<EObject> nestedVisiblePackages ;
- previousPackage = visiblePackages.get(0) ;
- remaining = remaining.getRemaining() ;
- while (remaining != cddClassName) {
- nestedVisiblePackages = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisiblePackages(previousPackage).resolveByName(remaining.getId()) ;
- if (nestedVisiblePackages.isEmpty()) {
- throw new Exception("Could not resolve package " + remaining.getId()) ;
- }
- else if (nestedVisiblePackages.size() > 1) {
- throw new Exception(remaining.getId() + " resolves to multiple packages") ;
- }
- previousPackage = nestedVisiblePackages.get(0) ;
- remaining = remaining.getRemaining() ;
- }
- }
- }
- // At this point, the (potential) path has been validated
- // cddClassName should resolve to a classifier
- List<EObject> visibleClassifiers = null ;
- EObject resolvedClassifier = null ;
- if (previousPackage != null)
- visibleClassifiers = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleClassifiers(previousPackage).resolveByName(cddClassName.getId()) ;
- else
- visibleClassifiers = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleClassifiers(exp).resolveByName(cddClassName.getId()) ;
- if (visibleClassifiers.isEmpty()) {
- throw new Exception("Could not resolve classifier " + cddClassName.getId()) ;
- }
- else if (visibleClassifiers.size() > 1) {
- throw new Exception(remaining.getId() + " resolves to multiple classifiers.") ;
- }
- else {
- resolvedClassifier = visibleClassifiers.get(0) ;
- }
- List<EObject> visibleConstructor = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleOperationsOrBehaviors(resolvedClassifier).resolveByName(cddConstructorName.getId()) ;
- if (visibleConstructor.size() > 1) {
- // try to match with arguments
- // if does not match, raise an exception
- List<SignatureFacade> visibleConstructorSignatures = new ArrayList<SignatureFacade>() ;
- for (EObject cddConstructor : visibleConstructor) {
- SignatureFacade cddConstructorSignature = SignatureFacadeFactory.eInstance.createSignatureFacade(cddConstructor) ;
- if (cddConstructorSignature.isAConstructor())
- visibleConstructorSignatures.add(cddConstructorSignature) ;
- }
- List<SignatureFacade> matchingSignatures = SignatureFacade.findNearestSignature(arguments, visibleConstructorSignatures) ;
- if (matchingSignatures.size() > 1) {
- String errorMessage = cddConstructorName.getId() + "(" ;
- boolean first = true ;
- for (TypeExpression arg : arguments) {
- if (first) first = false ; else errorMessage += ", " ;
- errorMessage += arg.getLabel() ;
- }
- errorMessage += ") resolves to multiple constructors" ;
- throw new Exception(errorMessage) ;
- }
- else if (matchingSignatures.size() == 0) {
- String errorMessage = "Constructor " + cddConstructorName.getId() + "(" ;
- boolean first = true ;
- for (TypeExpression arg : arguments) {
- if (first) first = false ; else errorMessage += ", " ;
- errorMessage += arg.getLabel() ;
- }
- errorMessage += ") is undefined" ;
- throw new Exception(errorMessage) ;
- }
- else { // exactly one match
- return matchingSignatures.get(0) ;
- }
- }
- else if (visibleConstructor.size() == 0) {
- String errorMessage = "Constructor " + cddConstructorName.getId() + "(" ;
- boolean first = true ;
- for (TypeExpression arg : arguments) {
- if (first) first = false ; else errorMessage += ", " ;
- errorMessage += arg.getLabel() ;
- }
- errorMessage += ") is undefined" ;
- throw new Exception(errorMessage) ;
- }
- else { // exactly one constructor
- // Tries to determine if arguments match
- SignatureFacade constructor = createSignatureFacade(visibleConstructor.get(0)) ;
- if (!constructor.isAConstructor()) {
- // Throw an exception
- String errorMessage = "Constructor " + cddConstructorName.getId() + "(";
- boolean first = true ;
- for (TypeExpression t : arguments) {
- if (first) first = false ; else errorMessage += ", " ;
- errorMessage += t.getLabel() ;
- }
- errorMessage += ") is undefined" ;
- throw new Exception(errorMessage) ;
- }
- String potentialErrorMessage = constructor.isCompatibleWithMe(arguments, true) ;
- if (potentialErrorMessage.length() == 0)
- return constructor ;
- else
- throw new Exception(potentialErrorMessage) ;
- }
- }
- throw new Exception("Not supported case") ;
- }
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- * Copyright (c) 2011 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing;
-public class TypeExpression {
- private TypeFacade type ;
- private MultiplicityFacade multiplicity ;
- public String getLabel() {
- String label = "" ;
- label += type.getLabel() ;
- label += multiplicity.getLabel() ;
- return label ;
- }
- public TypeFacade getTypeFacade() {
- return type ;
- }
- public MultiplicityFacade getMultiplicityFacade() {
- return multiplicity ;
- }
- public int isCompatibleWithMe(TypeExpression t) {
- if (t == TypeUtils._nullExpression)
- return 3 ;
- int typeCompatibilityLevel = type.isCompatibleWithMe(t.type) ;
- if (typeCompatibilityLevel == 0)
- return 0 ;
- boolean isCompatible = multiplicity.isCompatibleWithMe(t.multiplicity) ;
- if (isCompatible)
- return typeCompatibilityLevel ;
- else
- return 0 ;
- }
- public void setType(TypeFacade type) {
- this.type = type;
- }
- public MultiplicityFacade getMultiplicity() {
- return multiplicity;
- }
- public void setMultiplicity(MultiplicityFacade multiplicity) {
- this.multiplicity = multiplicity;
- }
- public boolean isACollection() {
- boolean isACollection =
- this.multiplicity.getUpperBound() == -1 || this.multiplicity.getUpperBound() > 1 ||
- this.type.isACollection();
- return isACollection ;
- }
- public boolean isOrdered() {
- return this.multiplicity.isOrdered() || this.type.isOrdered() ;
- // To be completed with collection classes
- }
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- * Copyright (c) 2011 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-public class TypeExpressionFactory {
- public static TypeExpressionFactory eInstance = new TypeExpressionFactory() ;
- public TypeExpression createTypeExpression(EObject typeExpressionSource) {
- TypeExpression result = new TypeExpression() ;
- result.setType(TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createTypeFacade(typeExpressionSource)) ;
- result.setMultiplicity(MultiplicityFacadeFactory.eInstance.createMultiplicityFacade(typeExpressionSource)) ;
- return result ;
- }
- public TypeExpression createTypeExpression(TypeFacade type) {
- TypeExpression result = new TypeExpression() ;
- result.setType(type) ;
- result.setMultiplicity (MultiplicityFacadeFactory.eInstance.createMultiplicityFacade()) ;
- return result ;
- }
- public TypeExpression createTypeExpression(TypeFacade type, int lowerBound, int upperBound, boolean isUnique, boolean isOrdered) {
- TypeExpression result = new TypeExpression() ;
- result.setType(type) ;
- result.setMultiplicity (MultiplicityFacadeFactory.eInstance.createMultiplicityFacade(lowerBound, upperBound, isUnique, isOrdered)) ;
- return result ;
- }
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- * Copyright (c) 2011 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.Expression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SequenceExpansionExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SuffixExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.AlfJavaValidator;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Classifier;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ElementImport;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Operation;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ParameterableElement;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.TemplateParameter;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.TypedElement;
-public class TypeFacade {
- protected EObject typeObject ;
- public void setTypeObject(EObject typeObject) {
- this.typeObject = typeObject ;
- //TODO this.templateBindingFacade = TemplateBindingFacadeFactory.eInstance.createTemplateBindingFacade(typeObject) ;
- }
- public String getLabelWithoutBinding() {
- if (typeObject == null)
- return "<Undefined>" ;
- return "" ;
- }
- public int isCompatibleWithMe(TypeFacade type) {
- Classifier myType = extractActualType(this) ;
- if (myType == null) // i.e. any
- return 3 ;
- Classifier hisType = extractActualType(type) ;
- if (hisType == null)
- return 0 ;
- if (perfectMatch(myType, hisType))
- return 3 ;
- //else if (autoConversionMatch(myType, hisType)) TODO: temporarily commented. Rules need to be clarified
- // return 2 ;
- else if (inheritanceMatch(myType, hisType))
- return 1 ;
- else
- return 0 ;
- }
- private boolean perfectMatch(Classifier myType, Classifier hisType) {
- boolean myTypeIsPredefined =
- myType.getName().equals("Integer") ||
- myType.getName().equals("String") ||
- myType.getName().equals("Boolean") ||
- myType.getName().equals("UnlimitedNatural");
- boolean hisTypeIsPredefined =
- hisType.getName().equals("Integer") ||
- hisType.getName().equals("String") ||
- hisType.getName().equals("Boolean") ||
- hisType.getName().equals("UnlimitedNatural");
- if (myTypeIsPredefined && hisTypeIsPredefined)
- return myType.getName().equals(hisType.getName()) ;
- return myType == hisType ;
- }
- private boolean autoConversionMatch(Classifier myType, Classifier hisType) {
- String autoConvertionOperatorName = "To" + myType.getName() ;
- List<SignatureFacade> availableConversionOperator =
- AlfJavaValidator.predefinedBehaviorsAndTypes.getSignatures(autoConvertionOperatorName) ;
- if (availableConversionOperator.isEmpty())
- return false ;
- else {
- int numberOfMatchingOperators = 0 ;
- for (SignatureFacade cddMatchingConvertionOperator : availableConversionOperator) {
- Classifier parameterType = extractActualType(cddMatchingConvertionOperator.getParameters().get(0).getTypeFacade()) ;
- Classifier returnType = extractActualType(cddMatchingConvertionOperator.getReturnType().getTypeFacade()) ;
- if (perfectMatch(parameterType, hisType) && perfectMatch(returnType, myType))
- numberOfMatchingOperators++ ;
- }
- return numberOfMatchingOperators == 1 ;
- }
- }
- private boolean inheritanceMatch(Classifier myType, Classifier hisType) {
- return hisType.getGenerals().contains(myType) ;
- }
- public static Classifier extractActualType(TypeFacade t) {
- Classifier actualType = null ;
- if (t.typeObject instanceof Classifier)
- actualType = (Classifier)t.typeObject ;
- else if (t.typeObject instanceof ElementImport){
- ElementImport eImport = (ElementImport)t.typeObject ;
- if (eImport.getImportedElement() instanceof Classifier)
- actualType = (Classifier)eImport.getImportedElement() ;
- }
- else if (t.typeObject instanceof TypedElement) {
- actualType = (Classifier)((TypedElement)t.typeObject).getType() ;
- }
- else if (t instanceof VoidFacade) {
- actualType = extractActualType(((VoidFacade)t).getTypeFacade()) ;
- }
- else if (t.typeObject instanceof SequenceExpansionExpression) {
- // first retrieves the expression nesting this sequence variable
- EObject cddExpression = t.typeObject.eContainer() ;
- while (! (cddExpression instanceof Expression))
- cddExpression = cddExpression.eContainer() ;
- // infers the type of the nesting expression, ignoring the t.typeObject suffix
- TypeExpression typeOfPrefix = new TypeUtils((SuffixExpression)t.typeObject).getTypeOfExpression((Expression)cddExpression) ;
- actualType = extractActualType(typeOfPrefix.getTypeFacade()) ;
- for (Operation o : actualType.getAllOperations()) {
- if (o.getName().equals("toSequence")) {
- actualType = (Classifier) (o.getReturnResult() != null ? o.getReturnResult().getType() : actualType) ;
- }
- }
- }
- return actualType ;
- }
- public Classifier extractActualType() {
- return extractActualType(this) ;
- }
- public boolean isAbstract() {
- Classifier myType = extractActualType() ;
- return myType != null ? myType.isAbstract() : false ;
- }
- public boolean isATemplate() {
- Classifier myType = extractActualType() ;
- return myType != null ? myType.isTemplate() : false ;
- }
- public boolean equals(Classifier c) {
- return this.typeObject == c ;
- }
- public boolean isACollection() {
- return
- this.isCompatibleWithMe(TypeUtils._Collection) > 0
- || this.isCompatibleWithMe(TypeUtils._Set) > 0
- || this.isCompatibleWithMe(TypeUtils._Bag) > 0
- || this.isCompatibleWithMe(TypeUtils._Queue) > 0
- || this.isCompatibleWithMe(TypeUtils._OrderedSet) > 0
- || this.isCompatibleWithMe(TypeUtils._List) > 0
- || this.isCompatibleWithMe(TypeUtils._Deque) > 0
- || this.isCompatibleWithMe(TypeUtils._Map) > 0 ;
- }
- public boolean isOrdered() {
- // TODO Auto-generated method stub
- return false;
- }
- public String getLabel() {
- return "" ; // TODO: uncomment when template bindings are supported + this.templateBindingFacade.getLabel() ;
- }
- public void bindTemplate(Map<TemplateParameter, ParameterableElement> substitutions) {
- // Templates are not supported in this version of the alf editor
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index f9f42e2beb8..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/validation/typing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.AcceptClause;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.AcceptStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.AlfPackage;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ClassificationExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.Expression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.InvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.LocalNameDeclarationStatement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.LoopVariableDefinition;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.NameExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.NamedTemplateBinding;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.QualifiedNameWithBinding;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SequenceExpansionExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SuperInvocationExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.UnqualifiedName;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.scoping.AlfScopeProvider;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Classifier;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ElementImport;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.NamedElement;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Parameter;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ParameterableElement;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Property;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.TemplateParameter;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.TypedElement;
-public class TypeFacadeFactory {
- public static TypeFacadeFactory eInstance = new TypeFacadeFactory() ;
- public TypeFacade createTypeFacade(EObject typeObject) {
- TypeFacade result = new TypeFacade() {
- @Override
- public String getLabelWithoutBinding() {
- try {
- if (typeObject instanceof Classifier)
- return ((Classifier)typeObject).getName() ;
- if (typeObject instanceof ElementImport) {
- ElementImport eImport = (ElementImport)typeObject ;
- if (eImport.getAlias()!=null )
- return eImport.getAlias() ;
- else
- return ((Classifier)eImport.getImportedElement()).getName() ;
- }
- if (typeObject instanceof Parameter) {
- return ((Parameter)typeObject).getType().getName() ;
- }
- if (typeObject instanceof TypedElement) {
- return ((TypedElement)typeObject).getType().getName() ;
- }
- if (typeObject instanceof SequenceExpansionExpression) {
- TypeFacade t = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createTypeFacade(typeObject) ;
- return t.extractActualType().getName() ;
- }
- }
- catch (NullPointerException e) { // occurs when no type can be derived from typeObject (i.e., typeObject.getType() == null)
- return "any" ;
- }
- return super.getLabel() ;
- }
- @Override
- public String getLabel() {
- try {
- if (typeObject instanceof Classifier)
- return ((Classifier)typeObject).getName() + super.getLabel() ;
- if (typeObject instanceof ElementImport) {
- ElementImport eImport = (ElementImport)typeObject ;
- if (eImport.getAlias()!=null )
- return eImport.getAlias() + super.getLabel() ;
- else
- return ((Classifier)eImport.getImportedElement()).getName() + super.getLabel() ;
- }
- if (typeObject instanceof Parameter) {
- return ((Parameter)typeObject).getType().getName() + super.getLabel() ;
- }
- if (typeObject instanceof TypedElement) {
- return ((TypedElement)typeObject).getType().getName() + super.getLabel() ;
- }
- if (typeObject instanceof SequenceExpansionExpression) {
- TypeFacade t = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createTypeFacade(typeObject) ;
- return t.extractActualType().getName() + super.getLabel() ;
- }
- if (typeObject == null)
- return "any" ;
- }
- catch (NullPointerException e) { // occurs when no type can be derived from typeObject (i.e., typeObject.getType() == null)
- return "any" ;
- }
- return super.getLabel() ;
- }
- };
- if (typeObject instanceof Classifier)
- result.setTypeObject(typeObject) ;
- else if (typeObject instanceof ElementImport)
- result.setTypeObject(typeObject) ;
- else if (typeObject instanceof Parameter)
- result.setTypeObject(typeObject) ;
- else if (typeObject instanceof LocalNameDeclarationStatement) {
- LocalNameDeclarationStatement statement = (LocalNameDeclarationStatement)typeObject ;
- if (statement.getType() != null) {
- result.setTypeObject(createVoidFacade(statement.getType()).typeObject);
- }
- }
- else if (typeObject instanceof LoopVariableDefinition) {
- LoopVariableDefinition loopVariable = (LoopVariableDefinition)typeObject ;
- if (loopVariable.getType() != null) {
- result.setTypeObject(createVoidFacade(loopVariable.getType()).typeObject) ;
- }
- else if (loopVariable.getExpression1() != null) {
- TypeExpression typeOfExpression1 = new TypeUtils().getTypeOfExpression(loopVariable.getExpression1()) ;
- if (loopVariable.getExpression2() != null) {
- TypeExpression typeOfExpression2 = new TypeUtils().getTypeOfExpression(loopVariable.getExpression2()) ;
- int _1_2_compatibility = typeOfExpression1.isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfExpression2) ;
- int _2_1_compatibility = typeOfExpression2.isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfExpression1) ;
- if (_1_2_compatibility == _2_1_compatibility) {
- if (_1_2_compatibility != 0) {
- result.setTypeObject(typeOfExpression1.getTypeFacade().typeObject) ;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (_1_2_compatibility > _2_1_compatibility)
- result.setTypeObject(typeOfExpression1.getTypeFacade().typeObject) ;
- else
- result.setTypeObject(typeOfExpression2.getTypeFacade().typeObject) ;
- }
- }
- else {
- result.setTypeObject(typeOfExpression1.getTypeFacade().typeObject) ;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (typeObject instanceof Property) {
- result.setTypeObject(typeObject) ;
- }
- else if (typeObject instanceof SequenceExpansionExpression) {
- result.setTypeObject(typeObject) ;
- }
- else if (typeObject instanceof AcceptStatement) {
- // first extract the accept clause
- AcceptClause acceptClause = (AcceptClause)((AcceptStatement)typeObject).getClause() ;
- if (acceptClause.getQualifiedNameList() != null && !(acceptClause.getQualifiedNameList().getQualifiedName().isEmpty())) {
- // TODO : getQualifiedName is a collection. Should compute the least common ancestor.
- TypeFacade f = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createVoidFacade(acceptClause.getQualifiedNameList().getQualifiedName().get(0)) ;
- result.setTypeObject(f.extractActualType()) ;
- }
- else {
- result.setTypeObject(typeObject) ;
- }
- }
- return result ;
- }
- public ErrorTypeFacade createErrorTypeFacade(String message, EObject source, EStructuralFeature structuralFeature) {
- ErrorTypeFacade result = new ErrorTypeFacade() ;
- result.setMessage(message) ;
- result.setErrorSource(source) ;
- result.setStructuralFeature(structuralFeature) ;
- return result ;
- }
- public TypeFacade createVoidFacade(Expression exp) {
- NameExpression actualNameExpression = null ;
- for (Iterator<EObject> i = exp.eAllContents() ; i.hasNext() && actualNameExpression == null ; ) {
- EObject o = ;
- if (o instanceof NameExpression)
- actualNameExpression = (NameExpression)o ;
- }
- if (actualNameExpression == null)
- return createErrorTypeFacade("A type expression is expected", exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getConditionalTestExpression_Exp()) ;
- else
- return createVoidFacade(actualNameExpression) ;
- }
- public TypeFacade createVoidFacade(NameExpression exp) {
- //if (! (exp.eContainer() instanceof ClassificationExpression ||
- // exp.eContainer() instanceof SuperInvocationExpression ||
- // exp.eContainer() instanceof InvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement)) {
- // return createErrorTypeFacade("A type expression is expected", exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getNameExpression_Id()) ;
- //}
- EObject previousPackage = null ;
- if (exp.getPath() != null) {
- List<UnqualifiedName> path = exp.getPath().getNamespace() ;
- // first resolves the first element of the path
- List<EObject> visiblePackages = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisiblePackages(exp).resolveByName(path.get(0).getName()) ;
- if (visiblePackages.isEmpty()) {
- return createErrorTypeFacade("Could not resolve package " + path.get(0).getName(), path.get(0), AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getUnqualifiedName_Name()) ;
- }
- else if (visiblePackages.size() > 1) {
- return createErrorTypeFacade(path.get(0).getName() + " resolves to multiple packages", exp.getPath(), AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getQualifiedNamePath_Namespace()) ;
- }
- else {
- List<EObject> nestedVisiblePackages ;
- previousPackage = visiblePackages.get(0) ;
- for (int i = 1 ; i<path.size() ; i++) {
- nestedVisiblePackages = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisiblePackages(previousPackage).resolveByName(path.get(i).getName()) ;
- if (nestedVisiblePackages.isEmpty()) {
- return createErrorTypeFacade("Could not resolve package " + path.get(i).getName(), path.get(i), AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getUnqualifiedName_Name()) ;
- }
- else if (nestedVisiblePackages.size() > 1) {
- return createErrorTypeFacade(path.get(i).getName() + " resolves to multiple packages", exp.getPath(), AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getQualifiedNamePath_Namespace()) ;
- }
- previousPackage = nestedVisiblePackages.get(0) ;
- }
- }
- }
- // At this point, the path has been validated, can check the final id.
- EObject container = exp.eContainer() ;
- if (container instanceof InvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement) {
- InvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement cddDclStatement = (InvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement)container ;
- if (cddDclStatement.getVariableDeclarationCompletion() != null) {
- if (cddDclStatement.getTypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart().getSuffix() != null) {
- return createErrorTypeFacade("A type expression is expected", cddDclStatement, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getInvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement_TypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart()) ;
- }
- if (exp.getInvocationCompletion() != null ||
- exp.getPostfixOp() != null ||
- exp.getPrefixOp() != null ||
- exp.getSequenceConstructionCompletion() != null ) {// TODO: handle sequence constructions
- return createErrorTypeFacade("A type expression is expected", cddDclStatement, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getInvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement_TypePart_OR_assignedPart_OR_invocationPart()) ;
- }
- List<EObject> visibleClassifiers = null ;
- if (previousPackage == null)
- visibleClassifiers = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleClassifiers(exp).resolveByName(exp.getId()) ;
- else
- visibleClassifiers = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleClassifiers(previousPackage).resolveByName(exp.getId()) ;
- if (visibleClassifiers.isEmpty()) {
- return createErrorTypeFacade("Could not resolve classifier " + exp.getId(), exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getNameExpression_Id()) ;
- }
- else if (visibleClassifiers.size() > 1) {
- return createErrorTypeFacade(exp.getId() + " resolves to multiple classifiers",
- cddDclStatement, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getNameExpression_Id()) ;
- }
- return new VoidFacade(createTypeFacade(visibleClassifiers.get(0))) ;
- }
- }
- else if (container instanceof ClassificationExpression) {
- // TODO
- }
- else if (container instanceof SuperInvocationExpression) {
- // TODO: Not to be handled here => Should not resolve to a type
- }
- List<EObject> visibleClassifiers = null ;
- if (previousPackage == null)
- visibleClassifiers = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleClassifiers(exp).resolveByName(exp.getId()) ;
- else
- visibleClassifiers = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleClassifiers(previousPackage).resolveByName(exp.getId()) ;
- if (visibleClassifiers.isEmpty()) {
- return createErrorTypeFacade("Could not resolve classifier " + exp.getId(), exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getNameExpression_Id()) ;
- }
- else if (visibleClassifiers.size() > 1) {
- return createErrorTypeFacade(exp.getId() + " resolves to multiple classifiers",
- exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getNameExpression_Id()) ;
- }
- return new VoidFacade(createTypeFacade(visibleClassifiers.get(0))) ;
- }
- public TypeFacade createVoidFacade(QualifiedNameWithBinding exp) {
- QualifiedNameWithBinding remaining = exp ;
- EObject previousPackage = null ;
- if (exp.getRemaining()!=null) { // A path is specified
- List<EObject> visiblePackages = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisiblePackages(exp).resolveByName(exp.getId()) ;
- if (visiblePackages.isEmpty()) {
- return createErrorTypeFacade("Could not resolve package " + exp.getId(), exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getQualifiedNameWithBinding_Id()) ;
- }
- else if (visiblePackages.size() > 1) {
- return createErrorTypeFacade(exp.getId() + " resolves to multiple packages", exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getQualifiedNameWithBinding_Id()) ;
- }
- else {
- List<EObject> nestedVisiblePackages ;
- previousPackage = visiblePackages.get(0) ;
- remaining = exp.getRemaining() ;
- while (remaining.getRemaining() != null) {
- nestedVisiblePackages = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisiblePackages(previousPackage).resolveByName(remaining.getId()) ;
- if (nestedVisiblePackages.isEmpty()) {
- return createErrorTypeFacade("Could not resolve package " + remaining.getId(), remaining, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getQualifiedNameWithBinding_Id()) ;
- }
- else if (nestedVisiblePackages.size() > 1) {
- return createErrorTypeFacade(remaining.getId() + " resolves to multiple packages", remaining, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getQualifiedNameWithBinding_Id()) ;
- }
- previousPackage = nestedVisiblePackages.get(0) ;
- remaining = remaining.getRemaining() ;
- }
- }
- }
- // At this point, the (potential) path has been validated, can check the final id.
- // The last should resolve to a classifier
- List<EObject> visibleClassifiers = null ;
- if (previousPackage != null)
- visibleClassifiers = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleClassifiers(previousPackage).resolveByName(remaining.getId()) ;
- else
- visibleClassifiers = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleClassifiers(exp).resolveByName(remaining.getId()) ;
- if (visibleClassifiers.isEmpty()) {
- return createErrorTypeFacade("Could not resolve classifier " + remaining.getId(),remaining,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getQualifiedNameWithBinding_Id()) ;
- }
- else if (visibleClassifiers.size() > 1) {
- return createErrorTypeFacade(remaining.getId() + " resolves to multiple classifiers.", remaining,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getQualifiedNameWithBinding_Id()) ;
- }
- // Need to check that potential binding is valid
- Classifier resolvedClassifier = (Classifier)visibleClassifiers.get(0) ;
- if (!resolvedClassifier.isTemplate()) {
- if (remaining.getBinding()!= null) {
- return createErrorTypeFacade(remaining.getId() + " is not a template", remaining,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getQualifiedNameWithBinding_Binding()) ;
- }
- else {
- return new VoidFacade(createTypeFacade(visibleClassifiers.get(0))) ;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (remaining.getBinding()!= null) {
- // Needs to check that the binding is correct:
- List<ParameterableElement> orderedListOfParameteredElements = new ArrayList<ParameterableElement>() ;
- Map<String, ParameterableElement> mapOfParameteredElements = new HashMap<String, ParameterableElement>() ;
- for (TemplateParameter tp : resolvedClassifier.getOwnedTemplateSignature().getOwnedParameters()) {
- ParameterableElement p = tp.getParameteredElement() ;
- if (p != null) {
- orderedListOfParameteredElements.add(p) ;
- mapOfParameteredElements.put(((NamedElement)p).getName(), p) ;
- }
- }
- // Builds the substitutions map
- Map<TemplateParameter, ParameterableElement> substitutionsMap = new HashMap<TemplateParameter, ParameterableElement>() ;
- for (NamedTemplateBinding ntp : remaining.getBinding().getBindings()) {
- ParameterableElement formal = mapOfParameteredElements.get(ntp.getFormal()) ;
- if (formal == null) {
- return createErrorTypeFacade("Template parameter " + ntp.getFormal() + " is undefined for classifier " + remaining.getId() , ntp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getNamedTemplateBinding_Formal()) ;
- }
- TypeFacade actual = createVoidFacade(ntp.getActual()) ;
- if (actual instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return actual ;
- substitutionsMap.put(formal.getTemplateParameter(), actual.extractActualType()) ;
- }
- // Checks the number of specified substitution
- if (remaining.getBinding().getBindings().size() != orderedListOfParameteredElements.size()) {
- String errorMessage = "" ;
- if (remaining.getBinding().getBindings().size() > orderedListOfParameteredElements.size())
- errorMessage = "Too many template bindings specified for " + remaining.getId() ;
- else {
- errorMessage = "Template bindings are missing for " + remaining.getId() ;
- }
- return createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, remaining,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getQualifiedNameWithBinding_Binding()) ;
- }
- // Now, can create the void facade, and bind it with appropriate substitutions
- VoidFacade boundResolvedClassifier = new VoidFacade(createTypeFacade(visibleClassifiers.get(0))) ;
-// HashMap<Object, EObject> actualSubsitutionsMap = new HashMap<Object, EObject>() ;
-// for (ParameterableElement p : orderedListOfParameteredElements) {
-// actualSubsitutionsMap.put(TemplateBindingUtils.getParameteredElementName(p),
-// subsitutionsMap.get(p) ) ;
-// }
- boundResolvedClassifier.bindTemplate(substitutionsMap) ;
- return boundResolvedClassifier;
- }
- else {
- // Binding is not specified. It is up to the caller to perform implicit bindings.
- return new VoidFacade(createTypeFacade(visibleClassifiers.get(0))) ;
- }
- }
- }
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-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature;
-public class TypeInferenceException extends Exception {
- protected String errorMessage = "" ;
- public String getErrorMessage() {
- return errorMessage;
- }
- protected EObject errorSource = null ;
- public EObject getErrorSource() {
- return errorSource;
- }
- protected EStructuralFeature errorFeature = null ;
- public EStructuralFeature getErrorFeature() {
- return errorFeature;
- }
- public TypeInferenceException(TypeExpression typeOfArgument) {
- // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
- if (typeOfArgument != null && typeOfArgument.getTypeFacade() != null) {
- if (typeOfArgument.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade e = (ErrorTypeFacade)typeOfArgument.getTypeFacade() ;
- this.errorMessage += e.getLabel() ;
- this.errorSource = e.getErrorSource() ;
- this.errorFeature = e.getStructuralFeature() ;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- *
- */
- private static final long serialVersionUID = -152485940032266338L;
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index c63e834dddc..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/validation/typing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1799 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.AdditiveExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.AlfPackage;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.AndExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.BOOLEAN_LITERAL;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ClassExtentExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ClassificationExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.CollectOrIterateOperation;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ConditionalAndExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ConditionalOrExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ConditionalTestExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.EqualityExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ExclusiveOrExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.Expression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ForAllOrExistsOrOneOperation;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.INTEGER_LITERAL;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.InclusiveOrExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.InstanceCreationExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.IsUniqueOperation;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.LITERAL;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.LinkOperationExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.MultiplicativeExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.NameExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.NonLiteralValueSpecification;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.NullExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.OperationCallExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.Tuple;
-//import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.OperationCallExpressionWithoutDot;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ParenthesizedExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.PrimaryExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.PropertyCallExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.RelationalExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.STRING_LITERAL;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SelectOrRejectOperation;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SequenceConstructionExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SequenceConstructionOrAccessCompletion;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SequenceElement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SequenceExpansionExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SequenceOperationExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SequenceReductionExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ShiftExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SuffixExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.SuperInvocationExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ThisExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.TupleElement;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.UNLIMITED_LITERAL;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.UnaryExpression;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.UnqualifiedName;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.alf.ValueSpecification;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.scoping.AlfScopeProvider;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.AlfJavaValidator;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Behavior;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Classifier;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Enumeration;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Operation;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Parameter;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ParameterDirectionKind;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ParameterableElement;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.PrimitiveType;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.TemplateParameter;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.TemplateableElement;
-public class TypeUtils {
- public static TypeFacade _undefined ;
- public static TypeFacade _integer ;
- public static TypeFacade _boolean ;
- public static TypeFacade _unlimited ;
- public static TypeFacade _natural ;
- public static TypeFacade _string ;
- public static TypeFacade _bitString ;
- public static TypeExpression _nullExpression ;
- public static TypeFacade _Collection ;
- public static TypeFacade _Set ;
- public static TypeFacade _Bag ;
- public static TypeFacade _Queue ;
- public static TypeFacade _OrderedSet ;
- public static TypeFacade _List ;
- public static TypeFacade _Deque ;
- public static TypeFacade _Map ;
- public static TypeFacade _Entry ;
- public static Map<String, SignatureFacade> predefinedCollectionFunctions ;
- private SuffixExpression suffixToBeIgnored = null ;
- public TypeUtils() {
- }
- public TypeUtils(SuffixExpression suffixToBeIgnored) {
- this.suffixToBeIgnored = suffixToBeIgnored ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfExpression(Expression exp) {
- return getTypeOfConditionalTestExpression((ConditionalTestExpression)exp) ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfConditionalTestExpression(ConditionalTestExpression exp) {
- if (exp.getWhenTrue() != null) {
- TypeExpression typeOfCondition = getTypeOfConditionalOrExpression(exp.getExp()) ;
- if (typeOfCondition.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)typeOfCondition.getTypeFacade() ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- else {
- if (TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(TypeUtils._boolean).isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfCondition) != 3) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade("An expression of type Boolean is expected. Found an expression of type " + typeOfCondition.getLabel(), exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getConditionalTestExpression_Exp()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- }
- TypeExpression typeOfWhenTrue = getTypeOfConditionalTestExpression(exp.getWhenTrue()) ;
- if (typeOfWhenTrue.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)typeOfWhenTrue.getTypeFacade() ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- if (exp.getWhenFalse() == null) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade("The \'when false\' alternative is missing", exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getConditionalTestExpression_WhenFalse()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- else {
- TypeExpression typeOfWhenFalse = getTypeOfConditionalTestExpression(exp.getWhenFalse()) ;
- if (typeOfWhenFalse.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = (ErrorTypeFacade)typeOfWhenFalse.getTypeFacade() ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- else {
- int falseTrueCompatibility = typeOfWhenFalse.isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfWhenTrue) ;
- int trueFalseCompatibility = typeOfWhenTrue.isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfWhenFalse) ;
- if (falseTrueCompatibility == trueFalseCompatibility) {
- if (falseTrueCompatibility == 0) {// No type compatibility between the two alternatives
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade("The \'when true\' and \'when false\' alternatives must be type compatible", exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getConditionalTestExpression_WhenTrue()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- else
- return typeOfWhenTrue ;
- }
- else if (falseTrueCompatibility > trueFalseCompatibility)
- return typeOfWhenFalse ;
- else // falseTrueCompatibility < trueFalseCompatibility
- return typeOfWhenTrue ;
- }
- }
- }
- return getTypeOfConditionalOrExpression((ConditionalOrExpression)exp.getExp()) ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfConditionalOrExpression(ConditionalOrExpression exp) {
- if (exp.getExp().size() > 1) {
- TypeExpression previous = getTypeOfConditionalAndExpression(exp.getExp().get(0)) ;
- if (previous.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return previous ;
- else if (TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(_boolean).isCompatibleWithMe(previous) == 0) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade("Expecting an expression of type Boolean. Found an expression of type " + previous.getLabel(), exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getConditionalAndExpression_Exp()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- TypeExpression current = null ;
- for (int i = 1 ; i<exp.getExp().size() ; i++) {
- List<TypeExpression> argumentTypes = new ArrayList<TypeExpression>() ;
- argumentTypes.add(previous) ;
- current = getTypeOfConditionalAndExpression(exp.getExp().get(i)) ;
- if (current.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return current ;
- else if (TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(_boolean).isCompatibleWithMe(current) == 0) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade("Operator || is undefined for (" + previous.getLabel() + ", " + current.getLabel() + ")", exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getConditionalAndExpression_Exp()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- previous = current ;
- }
- return current ;
- }
- return getTypeOfConditionalAndExpression((ConditionalAndExpression)exp.getExp().get(0)) ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfConditionalAndExpression(ConditionalAndExpression exp) {
- if (exp.getExp().size() > 1) {
- TypeExpression previous = getTypeOfInclusiveOrExpression(exp.getExp().get(0)) ;
- if (previous.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return previous ;
- else if (TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(_boolean).isCompatibleWithMe(previous) == 0) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade("Expecting an expression of type Boolean. Found an expression of type " + previous.getLabel(), exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getConditionalAndExpression_Exp()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- TypeExpression current = null ;
- for (int i = 1 ; i<exp.getExp().size() ; i++) {
- List<TypeExpression> argumentTypes = new ArrayList<TypeExpression>() ;
- argumentTypes.add(previous) ;
- current = getTypeOfInclusiveOrExpression(exp.getExp().get(i)) ;
- if (current.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return current ;
- else if (TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(_boolean).isCompatibleWithMe(current) == 0) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade("Operator && is undefined for (" + previous.getLabel() + ", " + current.getLabel() + ")", exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getConditionalAndExpression_Exp()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- previous = current ;
- }
- return current ;
- }
- return getTypeOfInclusiveOrExpression(exp.getExp().get(0)) ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfInclusiveOrExpression(InclusiveOrExpression exp) {
- if (exp.getExp().size() > 1) {
- TypeExpression previous = getTypeOfExclusiveOrExpression(exp.getExp().get(0)) ;
- if (previous.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return previous ;
- TypeExpression current = null ;
- for (int i = 1 ; i<exp.getExp().size() ; i++) {
- List<TypeExpression> argumentTypes = new ArrayList<TypeExpression>() ;
- argumentTypes.add(previous) ;
- current = getTypeOfExclusiveOrExpression(exp.getExp().get(i)) ;
- if (current.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return current ;
- argumentTypes.add(current) ;
- List<SignatureFacade> availableSignatures = AlfJavaValidator.predefinedBehaviorsAndTypes.getSignatures("|") ;
- List<SignatureFacade> applicableSignatures = SignatureFacade.findNearestSignature(argumentTypes, availableSignatures) ;
- if (applicableSignatures.isEmpty() || applicableSignatures.size()>1 ) {
- String message = "Operator | is undefined for (" + previous.getLabel() + ", " + current.getLabel() + ")";
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(message, exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getExclusiveOrExpression_Exp()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- else
- current = applicableSignatures.get(0).getReturnType() ;
- previous = current ;
- }
- return current ;
- }
- return getTypeOfExclusiveOrExpression(exp.getExp().get(0)) ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfExclusiveOrExpression(ExclusiveOrExpression exp) {
- if (exp.getExp().size() > 1) {
- TypeExpression previous = getTypeOfAndExpression(exp.getExp().get(0)) ;
- if (previous.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return previous ;
- TypeExpression current = null ;
- for (int i = 1 ; i<exp.getExp().size() ; i++) {
- List<TypeExpression> argumentTypes = new ArrayList<TypeExpression>() ;
- argumentTypes.add(previous) ;
- current = getTypeOfAndExpression(exp.getExp().get(i)) ;
- if (current.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return current ;
- argumentTypes.add(current) ;
- List<SignatureFacade> availableSignatures = AlfJavaValidator.predefinedBehaviorsAndTypes.getSignatures("^") ;
- List<SignatureFacade> applicableSignatures = SignatureFacade.findNearestSignature(argumentTypes, availableSignatures) ;
- if (applicableSignatures.isEmpty() || applicableSignatures.size()>1 ) {
- String message = "Operator ^ is undefined for (" + previous.getLabel() + ", " + current.getLabel() + ")";
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(message, exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getExclusiveOrExpression_Exp()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- else
- current = applicableSignatures.get(0).getReturnType() ;
- previous = current ;
- }
- return current ;
- }
- return getTypeOfAndExpression(exp.getExp().get(0)) ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfAndExpression(AndExpression exp) {
- if (exp.getExp().size() > 1) {
- TypeExpression previous = getTypeOfEqualityExpression(exp.getExp().get(0)) ;
- if (previous.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return previous ;
- TypeExpression current = null ;
- for (int i = 1 ; i<exp.getExp().size() ; i++) {
- List<TypeExpression> argumentTypes = new ArrayList<TypeExpression>() ;
- argumentTypes.add(previous) ;
- current = getTypeOfEqualityExpression(exp.getExp().get(i)) ;
- if (current.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return current ;
- argumentTypes.add(current) ;
- List<SignatureFacade> availableSignatures = AlfJavaValidator.predefinedBehaviorsAndTypes.getSignatures("&") ;
- List<SignatureFacade> applicableSignatures = SignatureFacade.findNearestSignature(argumentTypes, availableSignatures) ;
- if (applicableSignatures.isEmpty() || applicableSignatures.size()>1 ) {
- String message = "Operator & is undefined for (" + previous.getLabel() + ", " + current.getLabel() + ")";
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(message, exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getAndExpression_Exp()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- else
- current = applicableSignatures.get(0).getReturnType() ;
- previous = current ;
- }
- return current ;
- }
- return getTypeOfEqualityExpression(exp.getExp().get(0)) ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfEqualityExpression(EqualityExpression exp) {
- if (exp.getExp().size() > 1) {
- for (ClassificationExpression classificationExp : exp.getExp()) {
- TypeExpression argType = getTypeOfClassificationExpression(classificationExp) ;
- if (argType.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return argType ;
- }
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(_boolean);
- }
- return getTypeOfClassificationExpression(exp.getExp().get(0)) ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfClassificationExpression(ClassificationExpression exp) {
- if (exp.getOp() != null) {
- TypeExpression typeOfClassifiedPart = getTypeOfRelationalExpression(exp.getExp()) ;
- if (typeOfClassifiedPart.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return typeOfClassifiedPart ;
- TypeFacade typeOfClassificationPart = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createVoidFacade(exp.getTypeName()) ;
- if (typeOfClassificationPart instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(typeOfClassificationPart) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(_boolean);
- }
- return getTypeOfRelationalExpression(exp.getExp()) ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfRelationalExpression(RelationalExpression exp) {
- if (exp.getOp() != null) {
- TypeExpression typeOfLeft = getTypeOfShiftExpression(exp.getLeft()) ;
- if (typeOfLeft.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return typeOfLeft ;
- if (exp.getRight() != null) {
- TypeExpression typeOfRight = getTypeOfShiftExpression(exp.getRight()) ;
- if (typeOfRight.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return typeOfRight ;
- List<SignatureFacade> availableSignatures = AlfJavaValidator.predefinedBehaviorsAndTypes.getSignatures(exp.getOp()) ;
- List<TypeExpression> argumentTypes = new ArrayList<TypeExpression>() ;
- argumentTypes.add(typeOfLeft) ;
- argumentTypes.add(typeOfRight) ;
- List<SignatureFacade> applicableSignatures = SignatureFacade.findNearestSignature(argumentTypes, availableSignatures) ;
- if (applicableSignatures.isEmpty() || applicableSignatures.size()>1) {
- String message = "Operator " + exp.getOp() + " is undefined for (" + typeOfLeft.getLabel() + ", " + typeOfRight.getLabel() + ")";
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(message, exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getRelationalExpression_Op()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- else {
- return applicableSignatures.get(0).getReturnType() ;
- }
- }
- else {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade("Right operand missing", exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getRelationalExpression_Left()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- }
- return getTypeOfShiftExpression(exp.getLeft()) ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfShiftExpression(ShiftExpression exp) {
- if (exp.getOp() != null) {
- if (exp.getExp().size() == 2) {
- TypeExpression typeOfLeft = getTypeOfAdditiveExpression(exp.getExp().get(0)) ;
- if (typeOfLeft.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return typeOfLeft ;
- TypeExpression typeOfRight = getTypeOfAdditiveExpression(exp.getExp().get(1)) ;
- if (typeOfRight.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return typeOfRight ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(_bitString); // TODO: rely on PrimitiveBehaviors as soon as AlfLibrary is complete
- }
- else if (exp.getExp().size() == 1) {
- TypeExpression typeOfLeft = getTypeOfAdditiveExpression(exp.getExp().get(0)) ;
- if (typeOfLeft.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return typeOfLeft ;
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade("Right operand missing", exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getShiftExpression_Exp()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- }
- return getTypeOfAdditiveExpression(exp.getExp().get(0)) ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfAdditiveExpression(AdditiveExpression exp) {
- if (exp.getExp().size() > 1) {
- TypeExpression previous = getTypeOfMultiplicativeExpression(exp.getExp().get(0)) ;
- if (previous.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return previous ;
- TypeExpression current = null ;
- for (int i = 1 ; i<exp.getExp().size() ; i++) {
- List<TypeExpression> argumentTypes = new ArrayList<TypeExpression>() ;
- argumentTypes.add(previous) ;
- current = getTypeOfMultiplicativeExpression(exp.getExp().get(i)) ;
- if (current.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return current ;
- argumentTypes.add(current) ;
- List<SignatureFacade> availableSignatures = AlfJavaValidator.predefinedBehaviorsAndTypes.getSignatures(exp.getOp().get(i-1)) ;
- List<SignatureFacade> applicableSignatures = SignatureFacade.findNearestSignature(argumentTypes, availableSignatures) ;
- if (applicableSignatures.isEmpty() || applicableSignatures.size()>1 ) {
- String message = "Operator " + exp.getOp().get(i-1) + " is undefined for (" + previous.getLabel() + ", " + current.getLabel() + ")";
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(message, exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getAdditiveExpression_Exp()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- else
- current = applicableSignatures.get(0).getReturnType() ;
- previous = current ;
- }
- return current ;
- }
- return getTypeOfMultiplicativeExpression(exp.getExp().get(0)) ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfMultiplicativeExpression(MultiplicativeExpression exp) {
- if (exp.getExp() == null || exp.getExp().size() == 0)
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(_undefined) ;
- if (exp.getExp().size() > 1) {
- TypeExpression previous = getTypeOfUnaryExpression(exp.getExp().get(0)) ;
- if (previous.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return previous ;
- TypeExpression current = null ;
- for (int i = 1 ; i<exp.getExp().size() ; i++) {
- List<TypeExpression> argumentTypes = new ArrayList<TypeExpression>() ;
- argumentTypes.add(previous) ;
- current = getTypeOfUnaryExpression(exp.getExp().get(i)) ;
- if (current.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return current ;
- argumentTypes.add(current) ;
- List<SignatureFacade> availableSignatures = AlfJavaValidator.predefinedBehaviorsAndTypes.getSignatures(exp.getOp().get(i-1)) ;
- List<SignatureFacade> applicableSignatures = SignatureFacade.findNearestSignature(argumentTypes, availableSignatures) ;
- if (applicableSignatures.isEmpty() || applicableSignatures.size()>1) {
- String message = "Operator " + exp.getOp().get(i-1) + " is undefined for (" + previous.getLabel() + ", " + current.getLabel() + ")";
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(message, exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getMultiplicativeExpression_Exp()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- else
- current = applicableSignatures.get(0).getReturnType() ;
- previous = current ;
- }
- return current ;
- }
- return getTypeOfUnaryExpression(exp.getExp().get(0)) ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfUnaryExpression(UnaryExpression exp) {
- TypeExpression typeOfExp = getTypeOfPrimaryExpression(exp.getExp()) ;
- if (typeOfExp.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return typeOfExp ;
- if (exp.getOp() != null) {
- // '!'|'-'|'+'|'$'|'~'
- if (exp.getOp().equals("!")) {
- TypeExpression booleanExpression = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(_boolean) ;
- if (booleanExpression.isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfExp) == 0) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- "Unrary operator ! does not apply to " + typeOfExp.getLabel(),
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getUnaryExpression_Op()) ;
- typeOfExp = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- }
- else if (exp.getOp().equals("-") || exp.getOp().equals("+")) {
- TypeExpression integerExpression = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(_integer) ;
- TypeExpression naturalExpression = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(_natural) ;
- TypeExpression unlimitedExpression = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(_unlimited) ;
- if (! (integerExpression.isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfExp)!=0 ||
- naturalExpression.isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfExp) !=0 ||
- unlimitedExpression.isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfExp) !=0)) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- "Unary operator " + exp.getOp() + " does not apply to "+ typeOfExp.getLabel(),
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getUnaryExpression_Op()) ;
- typeOfExp = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- }
- else if (exp.getOp().equals("$")) {
- // Nothing special to do here
- }
- else if (exp.getOp().equals("~")) {
- TypeExpression integerExpression = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(_integer) ;
- TypeExpression bitstringExpression = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(_bitString) ;
- if (! (integerExpression.isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfExp)!=0 ||
- bitstringExpression.isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfExp) !=0)) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- "Unary operator " + exp.getOp() + " does not apply to "+ typeOfExp.getLabel(),
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getUnaryExpression_Op()) ;
- typeOfExp = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- }
- else {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- "Undefined unary operator",
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getUnaryExpression_Op()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- }
- return typeOfExp ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfPrimaryExpression(PrimaryExpression exp) {
- return getTypeOfValueSpecification(exp.getPrefix()) ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfValueSpecification(ValueSpecification exp) {
- TypeExpression type = null ;
- if (exp instanceof NameExpression)
- type = getTypeOfNameExpression((NameExpression)exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof LITERAL)
- type = getTypeOfLITERAL((LITERAL)exp);
- else if (exp instanceof ThisExpression)
- type = getTypeOfThisExpression((ThisExpression)exp);
- else if (exp instanceof SuperInvocationExpression)
- type = getTypeOfSuperInvocationExpression((SuperInvocationExpression)exp);
- else if (exp instanceof InstanceCreationExpression)
- type = getTypeOfInstanceCreationExpression((InstanceCreationExpression)exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof ParenthesizedExpression)
- type = getTypeOfParenthesizedExpression((ParenthesizedExpression)exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof NullExpression)
- type = getTypeOfNullExpression((NullExpression)exp) ;
- return type ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfNullExpression(NullExpression exp) {
- return TypeUtils._nullExpression ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfInstanceCreationExpression(InstanceCreationExpression exp) {
- if (exp.getTuple() != null) {
- // first try to determine if the expression directly refers to a Class or a DataType
- try {
- SignatureFacade s = SignatureFacadeFactory.eInstance.createConstructorFacade(exp) ;
- if (s.hasReturnType()) {
- if (exp.getSuffix() != null && exp.getSuffix() != suffixToBeIgnored) {
- return getTypeOfSuffixExpression(exp.getSuffix(), s.getReturnType()) ;
- }
- return s.getReturnType() ;
- }
- else {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- "Constructor " + exp.getConstructor().getId() + " is illformed (no return type defined)",
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getInstanceCreationExpression_Constructor()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = null ;
- if (e instanceof TypeInferenceException) {
- TypeInferenceException tie = (TypeInferenceException)e ;
- error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- tie.getErrorMessage(),
- tie.getErrorSource(),
- tie.getErrorFeature()) ;
- }
- else {
- error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- e.getMessage(),
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getInstanceCreationExpression_Constructor()) ;
- }
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- }
- else {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- "An instance creation or sequence creation is expected",
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getInstanceCreationExpression_Constructor()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfSuperInvocationExpression(SuperInvocationExpression exp) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- "SuperInvocationExpression are not supported in this version of the Alf editor",
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getSuperInvocationExpression_OperationName()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfNonLiteralValueSpecification(NonLiteralValueSpecification exp) {
- if (exp instanceof NameExpression)
- return getTypeOfNameExpression((NameExpression)exp) ;
- if (exp instanceof ThisExpression)
- return getTypeOfThisExpression((ThisExpression)exp);
- if (exp instanceof SuperInvocationExpression)
- return getTypeOfSuperInvocationExpression((SuperInvocationExpression)exp) ;
- if (exp instanceof InstanceCreationExpression)
- return getTypeOfInstanceCreationExpression((InstanceCreationExpression)exp) ;
- if (exp instanceof ParenthesizedExpression)
- return getTypeOfParenthesizedExpression((ParenthesizedExpression)exp) ;
- return null ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfLITERAL(LITERAL exp) {
- TypeFacade t = _undefined ;
- if (exp instanceof BOOLEAN_LITERAL)
- t = _boolean ;
- else if (exp instanceof STRING_LITERAL)
- t = _string ;
- else if (exp instanceof INTEGER_LITERAL)
- t = _integer ;
- else if (exp instanceof UNLIMITED_LITERAL)
- t = _unlimited ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(t) ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfParenthesizedExpression(ParenthesizedExpression exp) {
- if (exp.getCasted() != null) // && exp.getSuffix() == null)
- return getTypeOfCastExpression(exp) ;
- TypeExpression typeOfParenthesizedExpression = getTypeOfExpression((Expression)exp.getExpOrTypeCast()) ;
- if (typeOfParenthesizedExpression.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- return typeOfParenthesizedExpression ;
- }
- if (exp.getSuffix() != null && exp.getSuffix() != suffixToBeIgnored)
- return getTypeOfSuffixExpression(exp.getSuffix(), typeOfParenthesizedExpression) ;
- return typeOfParenthesizedExpression ;
- }
- protected TypeExpression getTypeOfCastExpression(ParenthesizedExpression exp) {
- TypeExpression typeOfCastedPart = getTypeOfNonLiteralValueSpecification(exp.getCasted()) ;
- if (typeOfCastedPart.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return typeOfCastedPart ;
- TypeFacade castingTypeFacade = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createVoidFacade(exp.getExpOrTypeCast()) ;
- TypeExpression result = new TypeExpression() ;
- result.setType(castingTypeFacade) ;
- result.setMultiplicity(typeOfCastedPart.getMultiplicity()) ;
- return result ;
- }
- protected boolean isACastExpression(NameExpression exp) {
- EObject container = exp.eContainer() ;
- EObject cddCastingPart = exp ;
- while (container != null && ! (container instanceof ParenthesizedExpression)) {
- cddCastingPart = container ;
- container = container.eContainer() ;
- }
- if (container == null)
- return false ;
- else {
- ParenthesizedExpression cddCastExpression = (ParenthesizedExpression)container ;
- if (cddCastingPart.eContainingFeature() == AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getParenthesizedExpression_ExpOrTypeCast())
- return cddCastExpression.getCasted() != null ;
- else
- return false ;
- }
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfNameExpression(NameExpression exp) {
- //
- //if (exp.eContainer() instanceof ClassificationExpression ||
- // exp.eContainer() instanceof SuperInvocationExpression ||
- // exp.eContainer() instanceof InvocationOrAssignementOrDeclarationStatement ||
- // isACastExpression(exp)) {
- // return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(_undefined);
- //}
- EObject previousPackage = null ;
- if (exp.getPath() != null) {
- List<UnqualifiedName> path = exp.getPath().getNamespace() ;
- // first resolves the first element of the path
- List<EObject> visiblePackages = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisiblePackages(exp).resolveByName(path.get(0).getName()) ;
- if (visiblePackages.isEmpty()) {
- // Try to find a classifier
- List<EObject> visibleClassifiers = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleClassifiers(exp).resolveByName(path.get(0).getName()) ;
- if (visibleClassifiers.isEmpty()) {
- // No classifier found
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade("Could not resolve package " + path.get(0).getName(), path.get(0), AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getUnqualifiedName_Name()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- else if (visibleClassifiers.size() > 1) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(path.get(0).getName() + " resolves to multiple classifiers", exp.getPath(), AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getQualifiedNamePath_Namespace()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- else {
- // Then walks through the path, which shall contain only references to (nested) classifiers
- List<EObject> nestedVisibleClassifiers ;
- EObject previousClassifier = visibleClassifiers.get(0) ;
- for (int i = 1 ; i<path.size() ; i++) {
- nestedVisibleClassifiers = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleClassifiers(previousClassifier).resolveByName(path.get(i).getName()) ;
- if (nestedVisibleClassifiers.isEmpty()) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade("Could not resolve classifier " + path.get(i).getName(), path.get(i), AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getUnqualifiedName_Name()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- else if (nestedVisibleClassifiers.size() > 1) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(path.get(i).getName() + " resolves to multiple classifiers", exp.getPath(), AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getQualifiedNamePath_Namespace()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- previousClassifier = nestedVisibleClassifiers.get(0) ;
- }
- // TODO : Check if this is reasonable => We make the assumption than the final id can only be a reference to an enumeration
- if (previousClassifier instanceof Enumeration) {
- List<EObject> visibleEnumerationLiterals = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleEnumerationLiterals(previousClassifier).resolveByName(exp.getId()) ;
- if (visibleEnumerationLiterals.isEmpty()) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade("Could not resolve enumeration literal " + exp.getId(), exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getNameExpression_Id()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- else if (visibleEnumerationLiterals.size() > 1) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(exp.getId() + " resolves to multiple enumeration literals", exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getNameExpression_Id()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- else {
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(previousClassifier) ;
- }
- }
- else {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(path.get(path.size()-1).getName() + " does not resolve to an enumeration", exp.getPath(), AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getQualifiedNamePath_Namespace()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- }
- }
- else if (visiblePackages.size() > 1) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(path.get(0).getName() + " resolves to multiple packages", exp.getPath(), AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getQualifiedNamePath_Namespace()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- else {
- List<EObject> nestedVisiblePackages ;
- previousPackage = visiblePackages.get(0) ;
- for (int i = 1 ; i<path.size() ; i++) {
- nestedVisiblePackages = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisiblePackages(previousPackage).resolveByName(path.get(i).getName()) ;
- if (nestedVisiblePackages.isEmpty()) {
- // Try to find a classifier
- List<EObject> visibleClassifiers = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleClassifiers(exp).resolveByName(path.get(i).getName()) ;
- if (visibleClassifiers.isEmpty()) {
- // No classifier found
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade("Could not resolve package " + path.get(i).getName(), path.get(i), AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getUnqualifiedName_Name()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- else if (visibleClassifiers.size() > 1) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(path.get(0).getName() + " resolves to multiple classifiers", exp.getPath(), AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getQualifiedNamePath_Namespace()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- else {
- // Then walks through the path, which shall contain only references to (nested) classifiers
- List<EObject> nestedVisibleClassifiers ;
- EObject previousClassifier = visibleClassifiers.get(0) ;
- for (int j = i ; j<path.size() ; j++) {
- nestedVisibleClassifiers = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleClassifiers(previousClassifier).resolveByName(path.get(j).getName()) ;
- if (nestedVisibleClassifiers.isEmpty()) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade("Could not resolve classifier " + path.get(j).getName(), path.get(j), AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getUnqualifiedName_Name()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- else if (nestedVisibleClassifiers.size() > 1) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(path.get(j).getName() + " resolves to multiple classifiers", exp.getPath(), AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getQualifiedNamePath_Namespace()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- previousClassifier = nestedVisibleClassifiers.get(0) ;
- }
- // TODO : Check if this is reasonable => We make the assumption than the final id can only be a reference to an enumeration
- if (previousClassifier instanceof Enumeration) {
- List<EObject> visibleEnumerationLiterals = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleEnumerationLiterals(previousClassifier).resolveByName(exp.getId()) ;
- if (visibleEnumerationLiterals.isEmpty()) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade("Could not resolve enumeration literal " + exp.getId(), exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getNameExpression_Id()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- else if (visibleEnumerationLiterals.size() > 1) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(exp.getId() + " resolves to multiple enumeration literals", exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getNameExpression_Id()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- else {
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(previousClassifier) ;
- }
- }
- else {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(path.get(path.size()-1).getName() + " does not resolve to an enumeration", exp.getPath(), AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getQualifiedNamePath_Namespace()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- }
- }
- else if (nestedVisiblePackages.size() > 1) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(path.get(i).getName() + " resolves to multiple packages", exp.getPath(), AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getQualifiedNamePath_Namespace()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- previousPackage = nestedVisiblePackages.get(0) ;
- }
- }
- }
- // TODO handle the case of a sequence construction expression
- TypeExpression typeOfPrefix = null ;
- if (exp.getPath() == null) {
- if (exp.getInvocationCompletion()==null) { // && exp.getSequenceConstructionCompletion() == null) {
- List<EObject> visibleVariableOrParametersOrProperties = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleVariablesOrParametersOrProperties(exp).resolveByName(exp.getId()) ;
- if (visibleVariableOrParametersOrProperties.isEmpty()) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- "Could not resolve local variable, property or parameter " + exp.getId(),
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getNameExpression_Id()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- else if (visibleVariableOrParametersOrProperties.size()>1) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- exp.getId() + " resolves to multiple elements",
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getNameExpression_Id()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- else {
- EObject resolved = visibleVariableOrParametersOrProperties.get(0) ;
- typeOfPrefix = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(resolved) ;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- // TODO: Handle associations here ?
- // TODO: Handle ClassExtent here ?
- }
- if (exp.getInvocationCompletion()!=null ) { //&& exp.getSequenceConstructionCompletion() == null ) {
- List<TypeExpression> arguments = new ArrayList<TypeExpression>() ;
- for (TupleElement e : exp.getInvocationCompletion().getTupleElements()) {
- TypeExpression type = getTypeOfExpression(e.getArgument()) ;
- if (type.getTypeFacade() != null && type.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return type ;
- arguments.add(type) ;
- }
- List<EObject> visibleOperationOrBehaviors = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleOperationsOrBehaviors(previousPackage != null ? previousPackage : exp).resolveByName(exp.getId()) ;
- if (visibleOperationOrBehaviors.isEmpty()) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- "Could not resolve operation or behavior " + exp.getId(),
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getNameExpression_Id()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- else if (visibleOperationOrBehaviors.size()>1) {
- List<SignatureFacade> availableSignatures = new ArrayList<SignatureFacade>() ;
- for (EObject operation : visibleOperationOrBehaviors) {
- availableSignatures.add(SignatureFacadeFactory.eInstance.createSignatureFacade(operation)) ;
- }
- List<SignatureFacade> selectedSignatures = SignatureFacade.findNearestSignature(arguments, availableSignatures) ;
- if (selectedSignatures.size() > 1) { // could not infer the actual operations even with type of arguments
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- exp.getId() + " resolves to multiple elements",
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getNameExpression_Id()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- else if (selectedSignatures.size() == 0) {
- String errorMessage = exp.getId() + " does not apply to arguments (" ;
- boolean first = true ;
- for (TypeExpression argType : arguments) {
- if (!first)
- errorMessage += ", " ;
- else
- first = false ;
- errorMessage += argType.getLabel() ;
- }
- errorMessage += ")" ;
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- errorMessage,
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getNameExpression_Id()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- else {
- typeOfPrefix = selectedSignatures.get(0).getReturnType() ;
- }
- }
- else {
- SignatureFacade operationOrBehaviorSignature = SignatureFacadeFactory.eInstance.createSignatureFacade(visibleOperationOrBehaviors.get(0)) ;
- String argumentsAreCompatible = operationOrBehaviorSignature.isCompatibleWithMe(arguments, true) ;
- if (! (argumentsAreCompatible.length() == 0)) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- argumentsAreCompatible,
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getNameExpression_InvocationCompletion()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- typeOfPrefix = operationOrBehaviorSignature.getReturnType() ;
- }
- }
- if (exp.getSequenceConstructionCompletion() != null) {
- SequenceConstructionOrAccessCompletion sequenceAccessOrConstruction = exp.getSequenceConstructionCompletion() ;
- if (sequenceAccessOrConstruction.getAccessCompletion() != null) {
- int prefixUpperBound = typeOfPrefix.getMultiplicity().getUpperBound() ;
- boolean prefixIsOrdered = typeOfPrefix.getMultiplicity().isOrdered() ;
- if (! (prefixUpperBound == -1 || prefixUpperBound > 1)) {
- String errorMessage = "Unexpected index. " + exp.getId() + " is not a collection." ;
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- errorMessage,
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getNameExpression_SequenceConstructionCompletion()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- else if (!prefixIsOrdered){
- String errorMessage = "Unexpected index. " + exp.getId() + " is not ordered." ;
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- errorMessage,
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getNameExpression_SequenceConstructionCompletion()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- TypeExpression typeOfIndex = getTypeOfExpression(sequenceAccessOrConstruction.getAccessCompletion().getAccessIndex()) ;
- if (typeOfIndex.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- return typeOfIndex ;
- }
- else if (! (_integer.isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfIndex.getTypeFacade())== 3 || _natural.isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfIndex.getTypeFacade())==3)) {
- String errorMessage = "Expecting an expression of type Integer. Found an expression of type " + typeOfIndex.getLabel() ;
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- errorMessage,
- sequenceAccessOrConstruction,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getAccessCompletion_AccessIndex()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- else {
- // need to change the multiplicity of typeOfPrefix
- //typeOfPrefix.setMultiplicity(MultiplicityFacadeFactory.eInstance.createMultiplicityFacade(0, 1, false, false)) ;
- typeOfPrefix.setMultiplicity(MultiplicityFacadeFactory.eInstance.createMultiplicityFacade(1, 1, false, false)) ; // TODO: 1..1 is temporary
- }
- }
- }
- if (exp.getSuffix() != null && exp.getSuffix() != suffixToBeIgnored) {
- return getTypeOfSuffixExpression(exp.getSuffix(), typeOfPrefix) ;
- }
- return typeOfPrefix ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfThisExpression(ThisExpression exp) {
- TypeExpression typeOfPrefix = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(AlfJavaValidator.getContextClassifier()) ;
- if (typeOfPrefix.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return typeOfPrefix ;
- if (exp.getSuffix() != null && exp.getSuffix() != suffixToBeIgnored) {
- return getTypeOfSuffixExpression(exp.getSuffix(), typeOfPrefix) ;
- }
- return typeOfPrefix ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfSuffixExpression(SuffixExpression exp, TypeExpression propagatedTypeOfPrefix) {
- // TODO: Support all cases
- EObject source = exp.eContainer() ;
- EStructuralFeature containtFeature = exp.eContainingFeature() ;
- ///////////////////////////
- TypeExpression typeOfPrefix = propagatedTypeOfPrefix ;
- if (typeOfPrefix == null) {
- String errorMessage = "Type of prefix is undefined. Could not validate suffix." ;
- ErrorTypeFacade error =
- TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, source, containtFeature) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- else if (typeOfPrefix.getTypeFacade() == TypeUtils._undefined) {
- String errorMessage = "The invocation prefix has no return parameter." ;
- ErrorTypeFacade error =
- TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, source, containtFeature) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- // If the of prefix is of multiplicity 1 and if it has an operation toSequence (i.e., it is a collection class)
- // Then, depending on the kind of suffix, it may be necessary to propagate a sequence has the prefix type
- if (typeOfPrefix.getMultiplicity().getUpperBound() == 1 &&
- (exp instanceof SequenceOperationExpression ||
- exp instanceof SelectOrRejectOperation
- // || exp.getSuffix() instanceof ... TODO
- )) {
- Classifier actualPrefixType = typeOfPrefix.getTypeFacade().extractActualType() ;
- if( actualPrefixType != null) {
- Operation toSequenceOperation = null ;
- for (int i = 0 ; i<actualPrefixType.getAllOperations().size() && toSequenceOperation == null ; i++) {
- Operation o = actualPrefixType.getAllOperations().get(i) ;
- if (o.getName().equals("toSequence"))
- toSequenceOperation = o ;
- }
- if (toSequenceOperation != null) {
- typeOfPrefix = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(toSequenceOperation.getReturnResult()) ;
- }
- }
- }
- if (exp instanceof ClassExtentExpression) {
- // TODO
- String errorMessage = "Class extent expressions are not supported in this version of the Alf editor" ;
- ErrorTypeFacade unsupportedCase =
- TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, source, containtFeature) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(unsupportedCase) ;
- }
- else if (exp instanceof LinkOperationExpression) {
- // TODO
- String errorMessage = "Link operation expressions are not supported in this version of the Alf editor" ;
- ErrorTypeFacade unsupportedCase =
- TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, source, containtFeature) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(unsupportedCase) ;
- }
- else if (exp instanceof OperationCallExpression) {
- return getTypeOfOperationCallExpression((OperationCallExpression)exp, typeOfPrefix) ;
- }
- else if (exp instanceof PropertyCallExpression) {
- return getTypeOfPropertyCallExpression((PropertyCallExpression)exp, typeOfPrefix) ;
- }
- else if (exp instanceof SequenceExpansionExpression) {
- return getTypeOfSequenceExpansionExpression((SequenceExpansionExpression) exp, typeOfPrefix) ;
- }
- else if (exp instanceof SequenceOperationExpression) {
- return getTypeOfSequenceOperationExpression((SequenceOperationExpression)exp, typeOfPrefix) ;
- }
- else {// exp instanceof SequenceReductionExpression
- return getTypeOfSequenceReductionExpression((SequenceReductionExpression) exp, typeOfPrefix) ;
- }
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfSequenceOperationExpression(SequenceOperationExpression exp, TypeExpression typeOfPrefix) {
- if (exp.getOperationName() == null) {
- String errorMessage = "Sequence function is missing" ;
- ErrorTypeFacade unsupportedCase =
- TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getSequenceOperationExpression_OperationName()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(unsupportedCase) ;
- }
- // first tries to resolve the behavior name
- SignatureFacade s = null ;
- TypeFacade cddBehaviorFacade = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createVoidFacade(exp.getOperationName()) ;
- if (cddBehaviorFacade instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- // the behavior has not been found using default strategies.
- // Tries to find it in predefined collection functions
- s = TypeUtils.predefinedCollectionFunctions.get(exp.getOperationName().getId()) ;
- if (s == null) {
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(cddBehaviorFacade) ;
-// EObject source = exp.eContainer() ;
-// EStructuralFeature containingFeature = exp.eContainingFeature() ;
-// String errorMessage = "Could not resolve collection function " + exp.getOperationName().getId() ;
-// ErrorTypeFacade unsupportedCase =
-// TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, source, containingFeature) ;
-// return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(unsupportedCase) ;
- }
- }
- else {
- Classifier cddBehavior = cddBehaviorFacade.extractActualType() ;
- if (! (cddBehavior instanceof Behavior)) {
- String errorMessage = cddBehavior.getName() + " does not resolve to a Behavior" ;
- ErrorTypeFacade unsupportedCase =
- TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getSequenceOperationExpression_OperationName()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(unsupportedCase) ;
- }
- else {
- s = SignatureFacadeFactory.eInstance.createSignatureFacade(cddBehavior) ;
- }
- }
- if (s.isATemplate()) {
- // A binding needs to be done, with the type of the prefix as an actual.
- Map<TemplateParameter, ParameterableElement> substitutions = new HashMap<TemplateParameter, ParameterableElement>() ;
- for (TemplateParameter tp : ((TemplateableElement)s.getActualSignatureObject()).getOwnedTemplateSignature().getOwnedParameters()) {
- substitutions.put(tp,typeOfPrefix.getTypeFacade().extractActualType()) ;
- }
- String sLabelInCaseOfErrorInBinding = "" + s.getLabel() ;
- s = s.bindTemplate(substitutions) ;
- if (s == null) { // a problem occurred with binding
- EObject source = exp.eContainer() ;
- EStructuralFeature containtFeature = exp.eContainingFeature() ;
- String errorMessage = "Could not implicitly bind behavior " + sLabelInCaseOfErrorInBinding + " with actual parameter " + typeOfPrefix.getTypeFacade().getLabel() ;
- ErrorTypeFacade unsupportedCase =
- TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, source, containtFeature) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(unsupportedCase) ;
- }
- }
- // The signature has been resolved.
- // Needs to determine if this is a valid signature. i.e. must have its first parameter with direction in or inout, and multiplicity *
- if (s.getParameters().isEmpty()) {
- EObject source = exp.eContainer() ;
- EStructuralFeature containtFeature = exp.eContainingFeature() ;
- String errorMessage = "Invalid sequence function. Should at least one in or inout parameter with multiplicity *" ;
- ErrorTypeFacade unsupportedCase =
- TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, source, containtFeature) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(unsupportedCase) ;
- }
- Behavior sequenceFunction = (Behavior)s.getActualSignatureObject() ;
- Parameter firstParameter = sequenceFunction.getOwnedParameters().get(0) ;
- if (((firstParameter.getDirection()!= ParameterDirectionKind.IN_LITERAL) && (firstParameter.getDirection() != ParameterDirectionKind.INOUT_LITERAL)) ||
- firstParameter.getUpper() != -1) {
- EObject source = exp.eContainer() ;
- EStructuralFeature containtFeature = exp.eContainingFeature() ;
- String errorMessage = "Invalid sequence function. The first parameter should have direction in or inout, with multiplicity *" ;
- ErrorTypeFacade unsupportedCase =
- TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, source, containtFeature) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(unsupportedCase) ;
- }
- // Then determines if arguments match parameters of the signature
- List<TypeExpression> arguments = new ArrayList<TypeExpression>() ;
- arguments.add(typeOfPrefix) ;
- for (TupleElement e : exp.getTuple().getTupleElements()) {
- TypeExpression argType = getTypeOfExpression(e.getArgument()) ;
- if (argType.getTypeFacade() != null && argType.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return argType ;
- arguments.add(argType) ;
- }
- String argumentsAreCompatible = s.isCompatibleWithMe(arguments, true) ;
- if (! (argumentsAreCompatible.length() == 0)) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- argumentsAreCompatible,
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getSequenceOperationExpression_OperationName()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- TypeExpression typeOfSuffix = s.getReturnType() ;
- if (exp.getSuffix() != null) {
- return this.getTypeOfSuffixExpression(exp.getSuffix(), typeOfSuffix) ;
- }
- return typeOfSuffix ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfSequenceReductionExpression(SequenceReductionExpression exp, TypeExpression typeOfPrefix) {
- int upperBoundOfPrefix = typeOfPrefix.getMultiplicityFacade().getUpperBound() ;
- // first check if the prefix is a collection
- if (!(upperBoundOfPrefix > 1) && upperBoundOfPrefix != -1) {
- EObject source = exp.eContainer() ;
- EStructuralFeature containtFeature = exp.eContainingFeature() ;
- String errorMessage = "Prefix must be a collection" ;
- ErrorTypeFacade unsupportedCase =
- TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, source, containtFeature) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(unsupportedCase) ;
- }
- if (exp.getBehavior() == null) {
- String errorMessage = "Reduction behavior is missing" ;
- ErrorTypeFacade unsupportedCase =
- TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getSequenceReductionExpression_Behavior()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(unsupportedCase) ;
- }
- // first tries to resolve the behavior name
- TypeFacade cddBehaviorFacade = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createVoidFacade(exp.getBehavior()) ;
- if (cddBehaviorFacade instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(cddBehaviorFacade) ;
- Classifier cddBehavior = cddBehaviorFacade.extractActualType() ;
- if (! (cddBehavior instanceof Behavior)) {
- String errorMessage = cddBehavior.getName() + " does not resolve to a Behavior" ;
- ErrorTypeFacade unsupportedCase =
- TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getSequenceReductionExpression_Behavior()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(unsupportedCase) ;
- }
- Behavior behavior = (Behavior)cddBehavior ;
- // check that the behavior is a valid reduction behavior
- // i.e., it has exactly two in parameters and one return parameter, all with multiplicity 1
- int n_inputParameters = 0 ;
- boolean invalidReductionBehavior = false ;
- boolean returnParameterFound = false ;
- Classifier paramsType = null ;
- for (int i = 0 ; i < behavior.getOwnedParameters().size() && !invalidReductionBehavior ; i++) {
- Parameter p = behavior.getOwnedParameters().get(i) ;
- switch (p.getDirection()) {
- case IN_LITERAL:
- n_inputParameters++ ;
- if (n_inputParameters > 2) {
- invalidReductionBehavior = true ;
- break ;
- }
- if (p.getLower() != 1 || p.getUpper() != 1) {
- invalidReductionBehavior = true ;
- break ;
- }
- if (paramsType == null) {
- paramsType = (Classifier)p.getType() ;
- if (paramsType == null) invalidReductionBehavior = true ;
- }
- else {
- if (paramsType != ((Classifier)p.getType()))
- invalidReductionBehavior = true ;
- }
- break;
- invalidReductionBehavior = true ;
- break;
- invalidReductionBehavior = true ;
- break;
- returnParameterFound = true ;
- if (p.getLower() != 1 || p.getUpper() != 1) {
- invalidReductionBehavior = true ;
- break ;
- }
- if (paramsType == null) {
- paramsType = (Classifier)p.getType() ;
- if (paramsType == null) invalidReductionBehavior = true ;
- }
- else {
- if (paramsType != ((Classifier)p.getType()))
- invalidReductionBehavior = true ;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- SignatureFacade behaviorFacade = SignatureFacadeFactory.eInstance.createSignatureFacade(behavior) ;
- if (! (!invalidReductionBehavior && returnParameterFound)) {
- String errorMessage = behaviorFacade.getLabel() + " is not a valid reduction behavior. It should have exactly two in parameters, one return parameter, all with multiplicity [1..1], and all with the same type." ;
- ErrorTypeFacade unsupportedCase =
- TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getSequenceReductionExpression_Behavior()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(unsupportedCase) ;
- }
- // The signature is valid. Finally needs to determine if the type of the elements in the collection is compatible with the type of the parameters
- if (TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createTypeFacade(paramsType).isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfPrefix.getTypeFacade()) == 0) {
- String errorMessage = behaviorFacade.getLabel() + " does not apply to arguments of type " + typeOfPrefix.getTypeFacade().getLabel() ;
- ErrorTypeFacade unsupportedCase =
- TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getSequenceReductionExpression_Behavior()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(unsupportedCase) ;
- }
- TypeExpression typeOfExpression = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(typeOfPrefix.getTypeFacade()) ;
- if (exp.getSuffix() != null && exp.getSuffix() != suffixToBeIgnored)
- return getTypeOfSuffixExpression(exp.getSuffix(), typeOfExpression) ;
- return typeOfExpression ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfSequenceExpansionExpression(SequenceExpansionExpression exp, TypeExpression typeOfPrefix) {
- if (exp instanceof SelectOrRejectOperation) {
- return getTypeOfSelectOrRejectOperation((SelectOrRejectOperation)exp, typeOfPrefix) ;
- }
- else if (exp instanceof CollectOrIterateOperation) {
- return getTypeOfCollectOrIterateOperation((CollectOrIterateOperation)exp, typeOfPrefix) ;
- }
- else if (exp instanceof ForAllOrExistsOrOneOperation) {
- return getTypeOfForAllOrExistsOrOneOperation((ForAllOrExistsOrOneOperation)exp, typeOfPrefix) ;
- }
- else { // exp instanceof IsUniqueOperation
- return getTypeOfIsUniqueOperation((IsUniqueOperation)exp, typeOfPrefix) ;
- }
- }
- private TypeExpression getTypeOfIsUniqueOperation(IsUniqueOperation exp, TypeExpression typeOfPrefix) {
- if (exp.getName() == null) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- "Local variable definition is missing",
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getSequenceExpansionExpression_Name()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- // first check that the local variable name is not already used
- if (! AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleVariablesOrParametersOrProperties(exp.eContainer()).resolveByName(exp.getName()).isEmpty()) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- "Local name " + exp.getName() + " is not available",
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getSequenceExpansionExpression_Name()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- TypeExpression typeOfCondition = getTypeOfExpression(exp.getExpr()) ;
- if (typeOfCondition.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return typeOfCondition ;
- int upperBound = typeOfCondition.getMultiplicity().getUpperBound() ;
- if (upperBound == 0) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- "Expression must be typed",
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getSequenceExpansionExpression_Expr()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- TypeExpression typeOfExpression = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(TypeUtils._boolean) ;
- if (exp.getSuffix() != null && exp.getSuffix() != suffixToBeIgnored)
- return getTypeOfSuffixExpression(exp.getSuffix(), typeOfExpression) ;
- return typeOfExpression ;
- }
- private TypeExpression getTypeOfForAllOrExistsOrOneOperation(ForAllOrExistsOrOneOperation exp, TypeExpression typeOfPrefix) {
- if (exp.getName() == null) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- "Local variable definition is missing",
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getSequenceExpansionExpression_Name()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- // first check that the local variable name is not already used
- if (! AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleVariablesOrParametersOrProperties(exp.eContainer()).resolveByName(exp.getName()).isEmpty()) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- "Local name " + exp.getName() + " is not available",
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getSequenceExpansionExpression_Name()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- TypeExpression typeOfCondition = getTypeOfExpression(exp.getExpr()) ;
- if (typeOfCondition.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return typeOfCondition ;
- if (TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(TypeUtils._boolean).isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfCondition) == 0) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- "Expecting an expression of type Boolean. Found an expression of type " + typeOfCondition.getLabel(),
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getSequenceExpansionExpression_Expr()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- TypeExpression typeOfExpression = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(TypeUtils._boolean) ;
- if (exp.getSuffix() != null && exp.getSuffix() != suffixToBeIgnored)
- return getTypeOfSuffixExpression(exp.getSuffix(), typeOfExpression) ;
- return typeOfExpression ;
- }
- private TypeExpression getTypeOfCollectOrIterateOperation(CollectOrIterateOperation exp, TypeExpression typeOfPrefix) {
- if (exp.getName() == null) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- "Local variable definition is missing",
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getSequenceExpansionExpression_Name()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- // first check that the local variable name is not already used
- if (! AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleVariablesOrParametersOrProperties(exp.eContainer()).resolveByName(exp.getName()).isEmpty()) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- "Local name " + exp.getName() + " is not available",
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getSequenceExpansionExpression_Name()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- TypeExpression typeOfCondition = getTypeOfExpression(exp.getExpr()) ;
- if (typeOfCondition.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return typeOfCondition ;
- int lowerBound = typeOfPrefix.getMultiplicity().getLowerBound() * typeOfCondition.getMultiplicity().getLowerBound() ;
- int upperBound = typeOfPrefix.getMultiplicity().getUpperBound() * typeOfCondition.getMultiplicity().getUpperBound() ;
- lowerBound = lowerBound < 0 ? -1 : lowerBound ;
- upperBound = upperBound < 0 ? -1 : upperBound ;
- if (upperBound == 0) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- "Expression must be typed",
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getSequenceExpansionExpression_Expr()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- TypeExpression typeOfExpression = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(typeOfCondition.getTypeFacade()) ;
- typeOfExpression.setMultiplicity(
- MultiplicityFacadeFactory.eInstance.createMultiplicityFacade(
- lowerBound, // Lower bound
- upperBound, // Upper bound
- typeOfPrefix.getMultiplicity().isUnique(), // is unique
- typeOfPrefix.getMultiplicity().isOrdered())) ; // is ordered
- if (exp.getSuffix() != null && exp.getSuffix() != suffixToBeIgnored)
- return getTypeOfSuffixExpression(exp.getSuffix(), typeOfExpression) ;
- return typeOfExpression ;
- }
- private TypeExpression getTypeOfSelectOrRejectOperation(SelectOrRejectOperation exp, TypeExpression typeOfPrefix) {
- if (exp.getName() == null) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- "Local variable definition is missing",
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getSequenceExpansionExpression_Name()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- // first check that the local variable name is not already used
- if (! AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleVariablesOrParametersOrProperties(exp.eContainer()).resolveByName(exp.getName()).isEmpty()) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- "Local name " + exp.getName() + " is not available",
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getSequenceExpansionExpression_Name()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- TypeExpression typeOfCondition = getTypeOfExpression(exp.getExpr()) ;
- if (typeOfCondition.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return typeOfCondition ;
- if (TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(TypeUtils._boolean).isCompatibleWithMe(typeOfCondition) == 0) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- "Expecting an expression of type Boolean. Found an expression of type " + typeOfCondition.getLabel(),
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getSequenceExpansionExpression_Expr()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- TypeExpression typeOfExpression = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(typeOfPrefix.getTypeFacade()) ;
- typeOfExpression.setMultiplicity(
- MultiplicityFacadeFactory.eInstance.createMultiplicityFacade(
- 0, // Lower bound
- typeOfPrefix.getMultiplicity().getUpperBound(), // Upper bound
- typeOfPrefix.getMultiplicity().isUnique(), // is unique
- typeOfPrefix.getMultiplicity().isOrdered())) ; // is ordered
- if (exp.getSuffix() != null && exp.getSuffix() != suffixToBeIgnored)
- return getTypeOfSuffixExpression(exp.getSuffix(), typeOfExpression) ;
- return typeOfExpression ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfPropertyCallExpression(PropertyCallExpression exp, TypeExpression typeOfPrefix) {
- Classifier type = typeOfPrefix.getTypeFacade().extractActualType() ;
- EObject source = exp.eContainer() ;
- EStructuralFeature containtFeature = exp.eContainingFeature() ;
- if (type == null) {
- String errorMessage = "Type of prefix is \"any\". Could not validate suffix." ;
- ErrorTypeFacade error =
- TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, source, containtFeature) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- List<EObject> matchingProperties = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleVariablesOrParametersOrProperties(type).resolveByName(exp.getPropertyName()) ;
- if (matchingProperties.size() == 0) {
- String errorMessage = "Could not resolve property " + exp.getPropertyName() + " for classifier " + type.getName() ;
- ErrorTypeFacade error =
- TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, source, containtFeature) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- else if (matchingProperties.size() > 1) {
- String errorMessage = exp.getPropertyName() + " matches multiple properties. Classifier " + type.getName() + " is illformed. Duplicate properties should be renamed or deleted.";
- ErrorTypeFacade error =
- TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, source, containtFeature) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- else { // exactly one property is matched
- int upperBoundOfPrefix = typeOfPrefix.getMultiplicityFacade().getUpperBound() ;
- if (upperBoundOfPrefix == -1 || upperBoundOfPrefix > 1) {
- String errorMessage = "The prefix of this property call is a collection. An index should be used to access property " + exp.getPropertyName() ;
- ErrorTypeFacade error =
- TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, source, containtFeature) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- else {
- TypeExpression typeOfSuffix = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(matchingProperties.get(0)) ;
- // Before building the type of this suffix, needs to check if there is a valid index
- if (exp.getIndex() != null) {
- if (typeOfSuffix.isACollection()) {
- // TODO needs to validate the index
- TypeExpression typeOfIndex = getTypeOfExpression(exp.getIndex()) ;
- if (typeOfIndex.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) {
- return typeOfIndex ;
- }
- else if (typeOfIndex.isACollection() || typeOfIndex.getTypeFacade() != TypeUtils._integer) {
- String errorMessage = "Expecting an expression of type Integer. Found an expression of type " + typeOfIndex.getLabel() ;
- ErrorTypeFacade error =
- TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, exp, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getPropertyCallExpression_Index()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- else if (! typeOfSuffix.isOrdered()) {
- String errorMessage = "Unexpected index. " + exp.getPropertyName() + " is not ordered." ;
- ErrorTypeFacade error =
- TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, source, containtFeature) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- else {
- typeOfSuffix = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(typeOfSuffix.getTypeFacade()) ;
- }
- }
- else {
- String errorMessage = "Unexpected index. " + exp.getPropertyName() + " is not a collection." ;
- ErrorTypeFacade error =
- TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, source, containtFeature) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- }
- if (exp.getSuffix() != null && exp.getSuffix() != suffixToBeIgnored)
- return getTypeOfSuffixExpression(exp.getSuffix(), typeOfSuffix) ;
- else
- return typeOfSuffix ;
- }
- }
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfOperationCallExpression(OperationCallExpression exp, TypeExpression typeOfPrefix) {
- Classifier type = typeOfPrefix.getTypeFacade().extractActualType() ;
- EObject source = exp.eContainer() ;
- EStructuralFeature containingFeature = exp.eContainingFeature() ;
- if (type == null) {
- String errorMessage = "Type of prefix is \"any\". Could not validate suffix." ;
- ErrorTypeFacade error =
- TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, source, containingFeature) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- List<TypeExpression> arguments = new ArrayList<TypeExpression>() ;
- for (TupleElement e : exp.getTuple().getTupleElements()) {
- TypeExpression argType = getTypeOfExpression(e.getArgument()) ;
- if (argType.getTypeFacade() != null && argType.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return argType ;
- arguments.add(argType) ;
- }
- List<EObject> matchingOperations = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisibleOperationsOrBehaviors(type).resolveByName(exp.getOperationName()) ;
- TypeExpression typeOfSuffix ;
- if (matchingOperations.size() == 0) {
- String errorMessage = "" ;
- ErrorTypeFacade error = null ;
- if (exp.getOperationName().equals("destroy")) {// This is the case of the default destructor
- if (typeOfPrefix.getTypeFacade().extractActualType() instanceof PrimitiveType)
- errorMessage += "Primitive types do not have destructors." ;
- else if (arguments.size() > 0)
- errorMessage += "Default destructor has not parameters" ;
- if (! (errorMessage.length() == 0)) {
- error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, source, containingFeature) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(_undefined) ;
- }
- errorMessage = "Could not resolve operation " + exp.getOperationName() + " for classifier " + type.getName() ;
- error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, source, containingFeature) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- else if (matchingOperations.size() > 1) {
- List<SignatureFacade> availableSignatures = new ArrayList<SignatureFacade>() ;
- for (EObject operation : matchingOperations) {
- availableSignatures.add(SignatureFacadeFactory.eInstance.createSignatureFacade(operation)) ;
- }
- List<SignatureFacade> selectedSignatures = SignatureFacade.findNearestSignature(arguments, availableSignatures) ;
- if (selectedSignatures.size() > 1) { // could not infer the actual operations even with type of arguments
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- exp.getOperationName() + " resolves to multiple elements",
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getOperationCallExpression_OperationName()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- else if (selectedSignatures.size() == 0) {
- String errorMessage = exp.getOperationName() + " does not apply to arguments (" ;
- boolean first = true ;
- for (TypeExpression argType : arguments) {
- if (!first)
- errorMessage += ", " ;
- else
- first = false ;
- errorMessage += argType.getLabel() ;
- }
- errorMessage += ")" ;
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- errorMessage,
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getOperationCallExpression_OperationName()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- else {
- SignatureFacade operationSignature = selectedSignatures.get(0) ;
- String argumentsAreCompatible = operationSignature.isCompatibleWithMe(arguments, true) ;
- if (! (argumentsAreCompatible.length() == 0)) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- argumentsAreCompatible,
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getOperationCallExpression_OperationName()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- typeOfSuffix = selectedSignatures.get(0).getReturnType() ;
- }
- }
- else { // exactly one operation is matched
- typeOfSuffix = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(matchingOperations.get(0)) ;
- SignatureFacade operationSignature = new SignatureFacade(matchingOperations.get(0)) ;
- String argumentsAreCompatible = operationSignature.isCompatibleWithMe(arguments, true) ;
- if (! (argumentsAreCompatible.length() == 0)) {
- ErrorTypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(
- argumentsAreCompatible,
- exp,
- AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getOperationCallExpression_OperationName()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error);
- }
- typeOfSuffix = operationSignature.getReturnType() ;
- }
- if (exp.getSuffix() != null && exp.getSuffix() != suffixToBeIgnored)
- return getTypeOfSuffixExpression(exp.getSuffix(), typeOfSuffix) ;
- else
- return typeOfSuffix ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfSequenceElement (SequenceElement s) {
- if (s instanceof Expression)
- return getTypeOfExpression((Expression)s) ;
- else // instanceof SequenceConstructionExpression
- return getTypeOfSequenceConstructionExpression((SequenceConstructionExpression)s) ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfSequenceConstructionExpression (SequenceConstructionExpression s) {
- String errorMessage = "";
- ErrorTypeFacade error = null ;
- if (s.getSequenceElement() == null || s.getSequenceElement().isEmpty()) {
- errorMessage = "Invalid sequence construction expression." ;
- error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance
- .createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, s, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getSequenceConstructionExpression_SequenceElement()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- TypeExpression baseType = this.getTypeOfSequenceElement(s.getSequenceElement().get(0)) ;
- if (baseType.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return baseType ;
- if (s.getRangeUpper() != null) { // Sequence is specified as a range
- TypeExpression upperType = this.getTypeOfExpression(s.getRangeUpper()) ;
- if (upperType.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return upperType ;
- if (upperType.isCompatibleWithMe(baseType) != 0)
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(upperType.getTypeFacade(), 0, -1, false, true) ;
- else if (baseType.isCompatibleWithMe(upperType) != 0)
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(baseType.getTypeFacade(), 0, -1, false, true) ;
- else {
- errorMessage += "All the elements in the sequence must be type compatible." ;
- error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance
- .createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, s, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getSequenceConstructionExpression_SequenceElement()) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- }
- else {// Values contained in the sequence are enumerated
- List<TypeExpression> typeOfSequenceElements = new ArrayList<TypeExpression>() ;
- typeOfSequenceElements.add(baseType) ;
- for (int i = 1 ; i < s.getSequenceElement().size() ; i ++) {
- TypeExpression t = this.getTypeOfSequenceElement(s.getSequenceElement().get(i)) ;
- if (t.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return t ;
- else
- typeOfSequenceElements.add(t) ;
- }
- TypeExpression commonSuperType = this.findCommonSuperType(typeOfSequenceElements) ;
- if (commonSuperType == null) {
- errorMessage = "All the elements in the sequence must be type compatible." ;
- error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance
- .createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, s, AlfPackage.eINSTANCE.getSequenceConstructionExpression_SequenceElement()) ;
- commonSuperType = TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
- else {
- commonSuperType.setMultiplicity(MultiplicityFacadeFactory.eInstance.createMultiplicityFacade(-1)) ;
- }
- return commonSuperType ;
- }
- }
- private TypeExpression findCommonSuperType(List<TypeExpression> l) {
- TypeExpression mostGeneral = l.get(0) ;
- for (int i = 1 ; i < l.size() && mostGeneral != null ; i ++) {
- TypeExpression current = l.get(i) ;
- if (mostGeneral == current)
- ;
- else if (current.isCompatibleWithMe(mostGeneral) != 0)
- ;
- else if (mostGeneral.isCompatibleWithMe(current) != 0)
- mostGeneral = current ;
- else
- mostGeneral = null ;
- }
- return mostGeneral ;
- }
- public TypeExpression getTypeOfCandidateExpression(EObject exp) {
- // EObject cddExpression = o ;
- if (exp instanceof Tuple)
- return getTypeOfCandidateExpression(exp.eContainer()) ;
- else if (exp instanceof Expression)
- return getTypeOfExpression((Expression) exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof ConditionalTestExpression)
- return getTypeOfConditionalTestExpression((ConditionalTestExpression)exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof ConditionalOrExpression)
- return getTypeOfConditionalOrExpression((ConditionalOrExpression) exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof ConditionalAndExpression)
- return getTypeOfConditionalAndExpression((ConditionalAndExpression) exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof InclusiveOrExpression)
- return getTypeOfInclusiveOrExpression((InclusiveOrExpression) exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof ExclusiveOrExpression)
- return getTypeOfExclusiveOrExpression((ExclusiveOrExpression) exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof AndExpression)
- return getTypeOfAndExpression((AndExpression) exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof EqualityExpression)
- return getTypeOfEqualityExpression((EqualityExpression) exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof ClassificationExpression)
- return getTypeOfClassificationExpression((ClassificationExpression) exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof RelationalExpression)
- return getTypeOfRelationalExpression((RelationalExpression) exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof ShiftExpression)
- return getTypeOfShiftExpression((ShiftExpression) exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof AdditiveExpression)
- return getTypeOfAdditiveExpression((AdditiveExpression) exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof MultiplicativeExpression)
- return getTypeOfMultiplicativeExpression((MultiplicativeExpression) exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof UnaryExpression)
- return getTypeOfUnaryExpression((UnaryExpression) exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof PrimaryExpression)
- return getTypeOfPrimaryExpression((PrimaryExpression) exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof ValueSpecification)
- return getTypeOfValueSpecification((ValueSpecification)exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof NullExpression)
- return getTypeOfNullExpression((NullExpression) exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof InstanceCreationExpression)
- return getTypeOfInstanceCreationExpression((InstanceCreationExpression) exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof SuperInvocationExpression)
- return getTypeOfSuperInvocationExpression((SuperInvocationExpression) exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof NonLiteralValueSpecification)
- return getTypeOfNonLiteralValueSpecification((NonLiteralValueSpecification) exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof LITERAL)
- return getTypeOfLITERAL((LITERAL) exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof ParenthesizedExpression)
- return getTypeOfParenthesizedExpression((ParenthesizedExpression) exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof NameExpression)
- return getTypeOfNameExpression((NameExpression) exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof ThisExpression)
- return getTypeOfThisExpression((ThisExpression) exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof SequenceOperationExpression) {
- // This is a suffix expression
- // First determine type of prefix.
- TypeUtils localTypeUtil = new TypeUtils((SuffixExpression)exp) ;
- TypeExpression typeOfPrefix = localTypeUtil.getTypeOfCandidateExpression(exp.eContainer()) ;
- if (typeOfPrefix.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return typeOfPrefix ;
- return getTypeOfSequenceOperationExpression((SequenceOperationExpression) exp, typeOfPrefix) ;
- }
- else if (exp instanceof SequenceReductionExpression) {
- // This is a suffix expression
- // First determine type of prefix.
- TypeUtils localTypeUtil = new TypeUtils((SuffixExpression)exp) ;
- TypeExpression typeOfPrefix = localTypeUtil.getTypeOfCandidateExpression(exp.eContainer()) ;
- if (typeOfPrefix.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return typeOfPrefix ;
- return getTypeOfSequenceReductionExpression((SequenceReductionExpression) exp, typeOfPrefix) ;
- }
- else if (exp instanceof SequenceExpansionExpression) {
- // This is a suffix expression
- // First determine type of prefix.
- TypeUtils localTypeUtil = new TypeUtils((SuffixExpression)exp) ;
- TypeExpression typeOfPrefix = localTypeUtil.getTypeOfCandidateExpression(exp.eContainer()) ;
- if (typeOfPrefix.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return typeOfPrefix ;
- return getTypeOfSequenceExpansionExpression((SequenceExpansionExpression) exp, typeOfPrefix) ;
- }
- else if (exp instanceof IsUniqueOperation) {
- // This is a suffix expression
- // First determine type of prefix.
- TypeUtils localTypeUtil = new TypeUtils((SuffixExpression)exp) ;
- TypeExpression typeOfPrefix = localTypeUtil.getTypeOfCandidateExpression(exp.eContainer()) ;
- if (typeOfPrefix.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return typeOfPrefix ;
- return getTypeOfIsUniqueOperation((IsUniqueOperation) exp, typeOfPrefix) ;
- }
- else if (exp instanceof ForAllOrExistsOrOneOperation) {
- // This is a suffix expression
- // First determine type of prefix.
- TypeUtils localTypeUtil = new TypeUtils((SuffixExpression)exp) ;
- TypeExpression typeOfPrefix = localTypeUtil.getTypeOfCandidateExpression(exp.eContainer()) ;
- if (typeOfPrefix.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return typeOfPrefix ;
- return getTypeOfForAllOrExistsOrOneOperation((ForAllOrExistsOrOneOperation) exp, typeOfPrefix) ;
- }
- else if (exp instanceof CollectOrIterateOperation) {
- // This is a suffix expression
- // First determine type of prefix.
- TypeUtils localTypeUtil = new TypeUtils((SuffixExpression)exp) ;
- TypeExpression typeOfPrefix = localTypeUtil.getTypeOfCandidateExpression(exp.eContainer()) ;
- if (typeOfPrefix.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return typeOfPrefix ;
- return getTypeOfCollectOrIterateOperation((CollectOrIterateOperation) exp, typeOfPrefix) ;
- }
- else if (exp instanceof SelectOrRejectOperation) {
- // This is a suffix expression
- // First determine type of prefix.
- TypeUtils localTypeUtil = new TypeUtils((SuffixExpression)exp) ;
- TypeExpression typeOfPrefix = localTypeUtil.getTypeOfCandidateExpression(exp.eContainer()) ;
- if (typeOfPrefix.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return typeOfPrefix ;
- return getTypeOfSelectOrRejectOperation((SelectOrRejectOperation) exp, typeOfPrefix) ;
- }
- else if (exp instanceof PropertyCallExpression) {
- // This is a suffix expression
- // First determine type of prefix.
- TypeUtils localTypeUtil = new TypeUtils((SuffixExpression)exp) ;
- TypeExpression typeOfPrefix = localTypeUtil.getTypeOfCandidateExpression(exp.eContainer()) ;
- if (typeOfPrefix.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return typeOfPrefix ;
- return getTypeOfPropertyCallExpression((PropertyCallExpression) exp, typeOfPrefix) ;
- }
- else if (exp instanceof OperationCallExpression) {
- // This is a suffix expression
- // First determine type of prefix.
- TypeUtils localTypeUtil = new TypeUtils((SuffixExpression)exp) ;
- TypeExpression typeOfPrefix = localTypeUtil.getTypeOfCandidateExpression(exp.eContainer()) ;
- if (typeOfPrefix.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade)
- return typeOfPrefix ;
- return getTypeOfOperationCallExpression((OperationCallExpression) exp, typeOfPrefix) ;
- }
- else if (exp instanceof SequenceElement)
- return getTypeOfSequenceElement ((SequenceElement) exp) ;
- else if (exp instanceof SequenceConstructionExpression)
- return getTypeOfSequenceConstructionExpression ((SequenceConstructionExpression) exp) ;
- String errorMessage = "Not an expression." ;
- TypeFacade error = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createErrorTypeFacade(errorMessage, exp, null) ;
- return TypeExpressionFactory.eInstance.createTypeExpression(error) ;
- }
diff --git a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/validation/typing/ b/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/validation/typing/
deleted file mode 100644
index c3e5613a44a..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/alf09/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/alf/validation/typing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.alf.validation.typing;
-public class VoidFacade extends TypeFacade {
- private TypeFacade typeFacade ;
- public VoidFacade(TypeFacade typeFacade) {
- this.typeFacade = typeFacade ;
- this.typeObject = typeFacade.typeObject ;
- }
- public TypeFacade getTypeFacade() {
- return typeFacade ;
- }
- @Override
- public String getLabel() {
- return typeFacade != null ? typeFacade.getLabel() : "" ;
- }

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