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Diffstat (limited to 'deprecated/deprecated-plugins/uml.deprecated/org.eclipse.papyrus.diagram.sequence/custom-src/org/eclipse/papyrus/diagram/sequence/edit/commands/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 829 deletions
diff --git a/deprecated/deprecated-plugins/uml.deprecated/org.eclipse.papyrus.diagram.sequence/custom-src/org/eclipse/papyrus/diagram/sequence/edit/commands/ b/deprecated/deprecated-plugins/uml.deprecated/org.eclipse.papyrus.diagram.sequence/custom-src/org/eclipse/papyrus/diagram/sequence/edit/commands/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e9d1188dcd..00000000000
--- a/deprecated/deprecated-plugins/uml.deprecated/org.eclipse.papyrus.diagram.sequence/custom-src/org/eclipse/papyrus/diagram/sequence/edit/commands/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,829 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 Conselleria de Infraestructuras y Transporte,
- * Generalitat de la Comunitat Valenciana . All rights reserved. This program
- * and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the
- * Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is
- * available at
- *
- * Contributors: Gabriel Merin Cubero (Prodevelop) – Sequence Diagram implementation
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.diagram.sequence.edit.commands;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point;
-import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference;
-import org.eclipse.emf.edit.command.AddCommand;
-import org.eclipse.emf.edit.command.RemoveCommand;
-import org.eclipse.emf.edit.command.SetCommand;
-import org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain.EditingDomain;
-import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.TransactionalEditingDomain;
-import org.eclipse.gef.ConnectionEditPart;
-import org.eclipse.gef.EditPart;
-import org.eclipse.gef.commands.Command;
-import org.eclipse.gef.requests.ReconnectRequest;
-import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.editparts.ConnectionNodeEditPart;
-import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.editparts.ShapeNodeEditPart;
-import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.CreateConnectionViewAndElementRequest;
-import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.CreateConnectionViewAndElementRequest.ConnectionViewAndElementDescriptor;
-import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.type.core.commands.DestroyElementCommand;
-import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.type.core.requests.DestroyElementRequest;
-import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.View;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.BehaviorExecutionSpecification;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.GeneralOrdering;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Message;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.MessageOccurrenceSpecification;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.OccurrenceSpecification;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLFactory;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.diagram.sequence.util.MessageCommonUtil;
-public class MessageOrderCommand extends Command {
- // To store the command List
- // Put the command
- private List<org.eclipse.emf.common.command.Command> commandList = new ArrayList<org.eclipse.emf.common.command.Command>();
- private ShapeNodeEditPart sourceEditPart = null;
- private ShapeNodeEditPart targetEditPart = null;
- private ConnectionViewAndElementDescriptor connectionViewElemDes = null;
- private DestroyElementRequest destroyRequest = null;
- private CreateConnectionViewAndElementRequest createRequest = null;
- private ReconnectRequest reconnectRequest = null;
- // Only for movement of a BES EditPart
- private BehaviorExecutionSpecificationEditPart besEditPart = null;
- private TransactionalEditingDomain transactionalEditingDomain;
- // New message creation
- public MessageOrderCommand(CreateConnectionViewAndElementRequest req) {
- createRequest = req;
- connectionViewElemDes = createRequest
- .getConnectionViewAndElementDescriptor();
- sourceEditPart = (ShapeNodeEditPart) createRequest.getSourceEditPart();
- targetEditPart = (ShapeNodeEditPart) createRequest.getTargetEditPart();
- transactionalEditingDomain = sourceEditPart.getEditingDomain();
- }
- // Re-orientation/Re-anchoring of one end of the message
- public MessageOrderCommand(ReconnectRequest req) {
- reconnectRequest = req;
- // Used below as old source EditPart
- sourceEditPart = (ShapeNodeEditPart) reconnectRequest
- .getConnectionEditPart().getSource();
- // Used below as old target EditPart
- targetEditPart = (ShapeNodeEditPart) reconnectRequest
- .getConnectionEditPart().getTarget();
- // Note: Since the reconnect command has still not been executed, the
- // connection EditPart still stores the old Source/Target EditPart. That
- // is the reason why it is not necessary to provide to the constructor
- // these values.
- transactionalEditingDomain = sourceEditPart.getEditingDomain();
- }
- // Destruction of a Message. A re-ordering of the ends must be done
- public MessageOrderCommand(DestroyElementRequest req) {
- destroyRequest = req;
- sourceEditPart = null;
- targetEditPart = null;
- transactionalEditingDomain = destroyRequest.getEditingDomain();
- }
- // Movement of a Behavior Execution Specification. A re-ordering of its
- // Start and Finish Message Occurrence Specifications should be done.
- public MessageOrderCommand(BehaviorExecutionSpecificationEditPart besEP) {
- besEditPart = besEP;
- transactionalEditingDomain = besEP.getEditingDomain();
- }
- @Override
- public boolean canExecute() {
- // TODO: Can execute should not return true in all cases
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public void execute() {
- super.execute();
- if (besEditPart != null) {
- // Get the BES
- BehaviorExecutionSpecification bes = (BehaviorExecutionSpecification) besEditPart
- .resolveSemanticElement();
- // If the BES has no Start/Finish values, nothing should be done
- // Note that if one value is null the other value should be null as
- // well. If not, the model is incorrect.
- if (bes.getStart() == null || bes.getFinish() == null)
- return;
- // Get the oldBefore MOS of Start MOS
- OccurrenceSpecification oldBefore = null;
- if (bes.getStart() != null
- && bes.getStart().getGeneralOrderings().size() > 0)
- oldBefore = bes.getStart().getGeneralOrderings().get(0)
- .getBefore();
- // Get the oldAfter MOS of Finish MOS
- OccurrenceSpecification oldAfter = null;
- if (bes.getFinish() != null
- && bes.getFinish().getGeneralOrderings().size() > 0)
- oldAfter = bes.getFinish().getGeneralOrderings().get(0)
- .getAfter();
- // Update BES figure
- besEditPart.getFigure().getUpdateManager().performUpdate();
- // Get the newBefore MOS of Start MOS
- ConnectionNodeEditPart startConnEP = MessageCommonUtil
- .getBESStartMessageEditPart(besEditPart);
- Point pStartMOS = MessageCommonUtil.getMessageEndIntersectionPoint(
- besEditPart, startConnEP, bes.getStart());
- OccurrenceSpecification newBefore = getMOSBeforePos(
- (LifelineEditPart) besEditPart.getParent(), pStartMOS,
- startConnEP);
- // If newBefore == null, then newBefore = StartMOS
- if (newBefore == null)
- newBefore = bes.getStart();
- // Get the newAfter MOS of Finish MOS
- ConnectionNodeEditPart finishConnEP = MessageCommonUtil
- .getBESFinishMessageEditPart(besEditPart);
- Point pFinishMOS = MessageCommonUtil
- .getMessageEndIntersectionPoint(besEditPart, finishConnEP,
- bes.getFinish());
- OccurrenceSpecification newAfter = getMOSAfterPos(
- (LifelineEditPart) besEditPart.getParent(), pFinishMOS,
- finishConnEP);
- // if newAfter== null, then newAfter = FinishMOS
- if (newAfter == null)
- newAfter = bes.getFinish();
- // To make changes
- EReference goAfterFeature = UMLPackage.eINSTANCE
- .getGeneralOrdering_After();
- EReference goBeforeFeature = UMLPackage.eINSTANCE
- .getGeneralOrdering_Before();
- if (oldBefore != newBefore) {
- // UPDATE oldBefore MOS
- if (oldBefore != bes.getStart()) {
- if (oldAfter == bes.getFinish())
- doSetCommand(oldBefore.getGeneralOrderings().get(0),
- goAfterFeature, oldBefore);
- else
- doSetCommand(oldBefore.getGeneralOrderings().get(0),
- goAfterFeature, oldAfter);
- }
- // UPDATE newBefore MOS
- if (newBefore != bes.getStart()) {
- doSetCommand(newBefore.getGeneralOrderings().get(0),
- goAfterFeature, bes.getStart());
- }
- // UPDATE Start MOS (from moving BES)
- // Update the Before feature of Start MOS with newBefore
- doSetCommand(bes.getStart().getGeneralOrderings().get(0),
- goBeforeFeature, newBefore);
- }
- if (oldAfter != newAfter) {
- // UPDATE oldAfter MOS
- if (oldAfter != bes.getFinish()) {
- if (oldBefore == bes.getStart())
- doSetCommand(oldAfter.getGeneralOrderings().get(0),
- goBeforeFeature, oldAfter);
- else
- doSetCommand(oldAfter.getGeneralOrderings().get(0),
- goBeforeFeature, oldBefore);
- }
- // UPDATE newAfter MOS
- if (newAfter != bes.getFinish()) {
- doSetCommand(newAfter.getGeneralOrderings().get(0),
- goBeforeFeature, bes.getFinish());
- }
- // UPDATE Finish MOS (from moving BES)
- // Update the After feature of Finish MOS with newAfter
- doSetCommand(bes.getFinish().getGeneralOrderings().get(0),
- goAfterFeature, newAfter);
- }
- }
- // Creation of a new message
- else if (createRequest != null) {
- View newMsgView = (View) connectionViewElemDes
- .getAdapter(View.class);
- ConnectionEditPart newMsgEditPart = (ConnectionEditPart) sourceEditPart
- .getViewer().getEditPartRegistry().get(newMsgView);
- // Needed to update the points of the connection figure
- newMsgEditPart.getFigure().getUpdateManager().performUpdate();
- orderLifelinesAddMessage(newMsgEditPart);
- }
- // Destruction of a message
- else if (destroyRequest != null) {
- if (destroyRequest.getElementToDestroy() instanceof Message) {
- orderLifelinesDelMessage();
- }
- }
- // Re-orientation/Re-anchoring of a existing message
- else if (reconnectRequest != null) {
- Element endElement;
- ShapeNodeEditPart endElementEditPart;
- Message msgElement;
- ConnectionEditPart msgElementEditPart;
- MessageOccurrenceSpecification endMOS;
- // Message
- msgElementEditPart = reconnectRequest.getConnectionEditPart();
- msgElement = (Message) ((ConnectionNodeEditPart) msgElementEditPart)
- .resolveSemanticElement();
- // Old Source End
- if (reconnectRequest.isMovingStartAnchor()) {
- endElement = (Element) sourceEditPart.resolveSemanticElement();
- endMOS = (MessageOccurrenceSpecification) msgElement
- .getSendEvent();
- }
- // Old Target End
- else {
- endElement = (Element) targetEditPart.resolveSemanticElement();
- endMOS = (MessageOccurrenceSpecification) msgElement
- .getReceiveEvent();
- }
- // Remove ordering from the old end
- if (endElement instanceof BehaviorExecutionSpecification) {
- orderBESDelMOS((BehaviorExecutionSpecification) endElement,
- endMOS);
- }
- orderLifelineDelMOS(endMOS);
- // To make a copy of the GeneralOrdering list
- BasicEList<GeneralOrdering> goList = new BasicEList<GeneralOrdering>();
- goList.addAll(endMOS.getGeneralOrderings());
- for (Iterator<GeneralOrdering> i = goList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
- GeneralOrdering go =;
- i.remove();
- DestroyElementCommand.destroy(go);
- }
- // Add the ordering to the new end
- // New Source End
- if (reconnectRequest.isMovingStartAnchor()) {
- endElementEditPart = ((ShapeNodeEditPart) reconnectRequest
- .getConnectionEditPart().getSource());
- }
- // New Target End
- else {
- endElementEditPart = ((ShapeNodeEditPart) reconnectRequest
- .getConnectionEditPart().getTarget());
- }
- orderLifelineAddMOS(msgElementEditPart, endElementEditPart);
- }
- }
- public void orderLifelinesAddMessage(ConnectionEditPart newMsgEditPart) {
- orderLifelineAddMOS(newMsgEditPart, sourceEditPart);
- orderLifelineAddMOS(newMsgEditPart, targetEditPart);
- }
- public void orderLifelineAddMOS(ConnectionEditPart msgEditPart,
- ShapeNodeEditPart elementEditPart) {
- // Order the MOS in the Lifeline
- // Obtain the LifelineEditPart
- LifelineEditPart lifelineEditPart;
- if (elementEditPart instanceof BehaviorExecutionSpecificationEditPart) {
- lifelineEditPart = (LifelineEditPart) elementEditPart.getParent();
- } else {
- lifelineEditPart = (LifelineEditPart) elementEditPart;
- }
- // Do the ordering
- Message msg = (Message) ((ConnectionNodeEditPart) msgEditPart)
- .resolveSemanticElement();
- MessageOccurrenceSpecification currentMOS;
- Point currentPos; // Position of the currentMOS
- MessageOccurrenceSpecification beforeMOS = null;
- MessageOccurrenceSpecification afterMOS = null;
- if (msgEditPart.getSource() == elementEditPart) {
- currentMOS = (MessageOccurrenceSpecification) msg.getSendEvent();
- currentPos = elementEditPart.getSourceConnectionAnchor(msgEditPart)
- .getReferencePoint();
- } else {
- currentMOS = (MessageOccurrenceSpecification) msg.getReceiveEvent();
- currentPos = elementEditPart.getTargetConnectionAnchor(msgEditPart)
- .getReferencePoint();
- }
- beforeMOS = getMOSBeforePos(lifelineEditPart, currentPos, msgEditPart);
- afterMOS = getMOSAfterPos(lifelineEditPart, currentPos, msgEditPart);
- // 1.- order current MOS - GeneralOrdering currentGO =
- createGeneralOrderingInMOS(currentMOS, beforeMOS, afterMOS);
- // Feature to make updates
- EReference feature;
- // 2.- Update beforeMOS GeneralOrdering
- if (beforeMOS != null && beforeMOS.getGeneralOrderings().size() > 0) {
- feature = UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getGeneralOrdering_After();
- doSetCommand(beforeMOS.getGeneralOrderings().get(0), feature,
- currentMOS);
- }
- // 3.- Update afterMOS GeneralOrdering
- if (afterMOS != null && afterMOS.getGeneralOrderings().size() > 0) {
- feature = UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getGeneralOrdering_Before();
- doSetCommand(afterMOS.getGeneralOrderings().get(0), feature,
- currentMOS);
- }
- // In case the target was a BES, order the MOS in the BES
- if (elementEditPart instanceof BehaviorExecutionSpecificationEditPart) {
- orderBESAddMOS(
- (BehaviorExecutionSpecificationEditPart) elementEditPart,
- currentMOS);
- }
- }
- public MessageOccurrenceSpecification getMOSBeforePos(
- LifelineEditPart lifelineEP, Point pos, ConnectionEditPart msgEP) {
- return getMOSAfterOrBeforePos(lifelineEP, pos, msgEP, true);
- }
- public MessageOccurrenceSpecification getMOSAfterPos(
- LifelineEditPart lifelineEP, Point pos, ConnectionEditPart msgEP) {
- return getMOSAfterOrBeforePos(lifelineEP, pos, msgEP, false);
- }
- private MessageOccurrenceSpecification getMOSAfterOrBeforePos(
- LifelineEditPart lifelineEP, Point pos, ConnectionEditPart msgEP,
- boolean before) {
- // return the MOS before or after the position indicated by pos
- List<EditPart> linksList = new BasicEList<EditPart>();
- Point auxPos = null;
- MessageOccurrenceSpecification auxMOS = null;
- Point returnPos = null;
- MessageOccurrenceSpecification returnMOS = null;
- // Lifeline source connections (Remove itself)
- linksList.clear();
- linksList.addAll(lifelineEP.getSourceConnections());
- // Remove current link
- linksList.remove(msgEP);
- // Remove links whose semantic element is different from Message
- MessageCommonUtil.removeNonMessageConnections(linksList);
- for (Iterator i = linksList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
- ConnectionEditPart currentLink = (ConnectionEditPart);
- if (currentLink instanceof ConnectionNodeEditPart) {
- auxPos = lifelineEP.getSourceConnectionAnchor(currentLink)
- .getReferencePoint(); // intersection point
- Message msg = (Message) ((ConnectionNodeEditPart) currentLink)
- .resolveSemanticElement();
- auxMOS = (MessageOccurrenceSpecification) msg.getSendEvent(); // currentMOS
- if (before && auxPos.y <= pos.y) {
- if (returnPos == null || auxPos.y >= returnPos.y) {
- returnPos = auxPos;
- returnMOS = auxMOS;
- }
- }
- if (!before && auxPos.y >= pos.y) {
- if (returnPos == null || auxPos.y <= returnPos.y) {
- returnPos = auxPos;
- returnMOS = auxMOS;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Lifeline target connections
- linksList.clear();
- linksList.addAll(lifelineEP.getTargetConnections());
- // Remove current link
- linksList.remove(msgEP);
- // Remove links whose semantic element is different from Message
- MessageCommonUtil.removeNonMessageConnections(linksList);
- for (Iterator i = linksList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
- ConnectionEditPart currentLink = (ConnectionEditPart);
- if (currentLink instanceof ConnectionNodeEditPart) {
- auxPos = lifelineEP.getTargetConnectionAnchor(currentLink)
- .getReferencePoint(); // intersection point
- Message msg = (Message) ((ConnectionNodeEditPart) currentLink)
- .resolveSemanticElement();
- auxMOS = (MessageOccurrenceSpecification) msg.getReceiveEvent(); // currentMOS
- if (before && auxPos.y <= pos.y) {
- if (returnPos == null || auxPos.y >= returnPos.y) {
- returnPos = auxPos;
- returnMOS = auxMOS;
- }
- }
- if (!before && auxPos.y >= pos.y) {
- if (returnPos == null || auxPos.y <= returnPos.y) {
- returnPos = auxPos;
- returnMOS = auxMOS;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // BehaviorsExecutionSpecifications contained in the Lifeline
- for (Iterator i = lifelineEP.getChildren().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
- Object next =;
- if (next instanceof BehaviorExecutionSpecificationEditPart) {
- BehaviorExecutionSpecificationEditPart besEP = (BehaviorExecutionSpecificationEditPart) next;
- // BehaviorExecutionSpecification source connections
- linksList.clear();
- linksList.addAll(besEP.getSourceConnections());
- // Remove current link
- linksList.remove(msgEP);
- // Remove links whose semantic element is different from Message
- MessageCommonUtil.removeNonMessageConnections(linksList);
- for (Iterator j = linksList.iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
- ConnectionEditPart currentLink = (ConnectionEditPart) j
- .next();
- if (currentLink instanceof ConnectionNodeEditPart) {
- auxPos = besEP.getSourceConnectionAnchor(currentLink)
- .getReferencePoint(); // intersection point
- Message msg = (Message) ((ConnectionNodeEditPart) currentLink)
- .resolveSemanticElement();
- auxMOS = (MessageOccurrenceSpecification) msg
- .getSendEvent(); // currentMOS
- if (before && auxPos.y <= pos.y) {
- if (returnPos == null || auxPos.y >= returnPos.y) {
- returnPos = auxPos;
- returnMOS = auxMOS;
- }
- }
- if (!before && auxPos.y >= pos.y) {
- if (returnPos == null || auxPos.y <= returnPos.y) {
- returnPos = auxPos;
- returnMOS = auxMOS;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // BehaviorExecutionSpecification target connections
- linksList.clear();
- linksList.addAll(besEP.getTargetConnections());
- // Remove current link
- linksList.remove(msgEP);
- // Remove links whose semantic element is different from Message
- MessageCommonUtil.removeNonMessageConnections(linksList);
- for (Iterator j = linksList.iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
- ConnectionEditPart currentLink = (ConnectionEditPart) j
- .next();
- if (currentLink instanceof ConnectionNodeEditPart) {
- auxPos = besEP.getTargetConnectionAnchor(currentLink)
- .getReferencePoint(); // intersection point
- Message msg = (Message) ((ConnectionNodeEditPart) currentLink)
- .resolveSemanticElement();
- auxMOS = (MessageOccurrenceSpecification) msg
- .getReceiveEvent(); // currentMOS
- if (before && auxPos.y <= pos.y) {
- if (returnPos == null || auxPos.y >= returnPos.y) {
- returnPos = auxPos;
- returnMOS = auxMOS;
- }
- }
- if (!before && auxPos.y >= pos.y) {
- if (returnPos == null || auxPos.y <= returnPos.y) {
- returnPos = auxPos;
- returnMOS = auxMOS;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } // end if bes
- } // end for bes
- return returnMOS;
- }
- public GeneralOrdering createGeneralOrderingInMOS(
- MessageOccurrenceSpecification currentMOS,
- MessageOccurrenceSpecification beforeMOS,
- MessageOccurrenceSpecification afterMOS) {
- GeneralOrdering currentGO = null;
- // Not in a Transactional domain so we cannot use
- // currentMOS.createGeneralOrdering("Name")
- currentGO = UMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createGeneralOrdering();
- // Assign Name
- currentGO.setName(currentMOS.getName() + "_GO");
- // Add the new generalOrdering to the MOS
- EReference featureGO = UMLPackage.eINSTANCE
- .getInteractionFragment_GeneralOrdering();
- doAddCommand(currentMOS, featureGO, currentGO);
- // features
- EReference featureBefore = UMLPackage.eINSTANCE
- .getGeneralOrdering_Before();
- EReference featureAfter = UMLPackage.eINSTANCE
- .getGeneralOrdering_After();
- // currentGO.setBefore(beforeMOS);
- if (beforeMOS != null) {
- doSetCommand(currentGO, featureBefore, beforeMOS);
- } else {
- doSetCommand(currentGO, featureBefore, currentMOS);
- }
- // currentGO.setAfter(afterMOS);
- if (afterMOS != null) {
- doSetCommand(currentGO, featureAfter, afterMOS);
- } else {
- doSetCommand(currentGO, featureAfter, currentMOS);
- }
- if (currentMOS.getGeneralOrderings().size() > 0) {
- return currentMOS.getGeneralOrderings().get(0);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- public void doSetCommand(Object owner, Object feature, Object value) {
- EditingDomain editingDomain = getEditingDomain();
- org.eclipse.emf.common.command.Command cmd = SetCommand.create(
- editingDomain, owner, feature, value);
- commandList.add(cmd);
- editingDomain.getCommandStack().execute(cmd);
- }
- public void doAddCommand(Object owner, Object feature, Object value) {
- EditingDomain editingDomain = getEditingDomain();
- org.eclipse.emf.common.command.Command cmd = AddCommand.create(
- editingDomain, owner, feature, value);
- commandList.add(cmd);
- editingDomain.getCommandStack().execute(cmd);
- }
- public void doRemoveCommand(Object owner, Object feature, Object value) {
- EditingDomain editingDomain = getEditingDomain();
- org.eclipse.emf.common.command.Command cmd = RemoveCommand.create(
- editingDomain, owner, feature, value);
- commandList.add(cmd);
- editingDomain.getCommandStack().execute(cmd);
- }
- public TransactionalEditingDomain getEditingDomain() {
- return transactionalEditingDomain;
- }
- @Override
- public void undo() {
- for (int i = commandList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (getEditingDomain().getCommandStack().getUndoCommand() == commandList
- .get(i)) {
- getEditingDomain().getCommandStack().undo();
- }
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void redo() {
- for (int i = 0; i < commandList.size(); i++) {
- if (getEditingDomain().getCommandStack().getRedoCommand() == commandList
- .get(i)) {
- getEditingDomain().getCommandStack().redo();
- }
- }
- }
- public void orderLifelinesDelMessage() {
- Message msg = (Message) destroyRequest.getElementToDestroy();
- // Obtain the elements to destroy
- MessageOccurrenceSpecification msgSend = null;
- MessageOccurrenceSpecification msgReceive = null;
- if (msg.getSendEvent() instanceof MessageOccurrenceSpecification) {
- msgSend = (MessageOccurrenceSpecification) msg.getSendEvent();
- Element src = MessageCommonUtil.getMessageSrc(msg);
- // If source element is a BES, update BES.start && BES.finish
- // attributes
- if (src instanceof BehaviorExecutionSpecification) {
- orderBESDelMOS((BehaviorExecutionSpecification) src, msgSend);
- }
- // Reorder MOS's in its corresponding Lifeline
- orderLifelineDelMOS(msgSend);
- }
- if (msg.getReceiveEvent() instanceof MessageOccurrenceSpecification) {
- msgReceive = (MessageOccurrenceSpecification) msg.getReceiveEvent();
- Element dst = MessageCommonUtil.getMessageDst(msg);
- // If target element is a BES, update BES.start && BES.finish
- // attributes
- if (dst instanceof BehaviorExecutionSpecification) {
- orderBESDelMOS((BehaviorExecutionSpecification) dst, msgReceive);
- }
- // Reorder MOS's in its corresponding Lifeline
- orderLifelineDelMOS(msgReceive);
- }
- }
- public void orderLifelineDelMOS(MessageOccurrenceSpecification mos) {
- OccurrenceSpecification beforeOS = null;
- OccurrenceSpecification afterOS = null;
- EReference beforeFeature = UMLPackage.eINSTANCE
- .getGeneralOrdering_Before();
- EReference afterFeature = UMLPackage.eINSTANCE
- .getGeneralOrdering_After();
- if (mos.getGeneralOrderings().size() > 0) {
- beforeOS = mos.getGeneralOrderings().get(0).getBefore();
- afterOS = mos.getGeneralOrderings().get(0).getAfter();
- }
- if (beforeOS != null && beforeOS != mos
- && beforeOS.getGeneralOrderings().size() > 0) {
- if (afterOS == mos) {
- doSetCommand(beforeOS.getGeneralOrderings().get(0),
- afterFeature, beforeOS);
- } else {
- doSetCommand(beforeOS.getGeneralOrderings().get(0),
- afterFeature, afterOS);
- }
- }
- if (afterOS != null && afterOS != mos
- && afterOS.getGeneralOrderings().size() > 0) {
- if (beforeOS == mos) {
- doSetCommand(afterOS.getGeneralOrderings().get(0),
- beforeFeature, afterOS);
- } else {
- doSetCommand(afterOS.getGeneralOrderings().get(0),
- beforeFeature, beforeOS);
- }
- }
- }
- public void orderBESDelMOS(BehaviorExecutionSpecification bes,
- MessageOccurrenceSpecification mos) {
- EReference featureStart = UMLPackage.eINSTANCE
- .getExecutionSpecification_Start();
- EReference featureFinish = UMLPackage.eINSTANCE
- .getExecutionSpecification_Finish();
- // Do nothing.
- if (mos != bes.getStart() && mos != bes.getFinish()) {
- return;
- }
- // Not really necessary because References are removed automatically
- // when the element is deleted.
- if (bes.getStart() == mos && bes.getFinish() == mos) {
- doSetCommand(bes, featureStart, null);
- doSetCommand(bes, featureFinish, null);
- return;
- }
- if (bes.getStart() == mos) {
- if (mos.getGeneralOrderings().size() > 0) {
- doSetCommand(bes, featureStart, mos.getGeneralOrderings()
- .get(0).getAfter());
- }
- } else if (bes.getFinish() == mos) {
- if (mos.getGeneralOrderings().size() > 0) {
- doSetCommand(bes, featureFinish, mos.getGeneralOrderings().get(
- 0).getBefore());
- }
- }
- }
- public void orderBESAddMOS(
- BehaviorExecutionSpecificationEditPart besEditPart,
- MessageOccurrenceSpecification currentMOS) {
- BehaviorExecutionSpecification bes = (BehaviorExecutionSpecification) besEditPart
- .resolveSemanticElement();
- EReference featureStart, featureFinish;
- featureStart = UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getExecutionSpecification_Start();
- featureFinish = UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getExecutionSpecification_Finish();
- // Case is the first MOS on the BES
- if (bes.getStart() == null && bes.getFinish() == null) {
- doSetCommand(bes, featureStart, currentMOS);
- doSetCommand(bes, featureFinish, currentMOS);
- }
- if ((bes.getStart() != null)) {
- // Check if currentMOS is before bes.startMOS
- if (isOS1BeforeOS2(currentMOS, bes.getStart())) {
- doSetCommand(bes, featureStart, currentMOS);
- }
- }
- if (bes.getFinish() != null) {
- // Check if currentMOS is after bes.finishMOS
- if (isOS1AfterOS2(currentMOS, bes.getFinish())) {
- doSetCommand(bes, featureFinish, currentMOS);
- }
- }
- }
- public static boolean isOS1BeforeOS2(OccurrenceSpecification os1,
- OccurrenceSpecification os2) {
- // Check if non of the input parameters is null
- if (os1 == null || os2 == null) {
- return false;
- }
- if (os1.getGeneralOrderings().size() > 0) {
- if (os1.getGeneralOrderings().get(0).getAfter() == null
- || os1 == os1.getGeneralOrderings().get(0).getAfter()) {
- return false;
- }
- if (os1.getGeneralOrderings().get(0).getAfter() == os2) {
- return true;
- } else {
- return isOS1BeforeOS2(os1.getGeneralOrderings().get(0)
- .getAfter(), os2);
- }
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- public static boolean isOS1AfterOS2(OccurrenceSpecification os1,
- OccurrenceSpecification os2) {
- return isOS1BeforeOS2(os2, os1);
- }

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