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authorMickael ADAM2016-03-16 14:49:43 +0000
committerMickael ADAM2016-09-01 09:55:09 +0000
commit75ecec82c71fc8aa66cca8eb69e9af6826d1fdfb (patch)
tree590f763976234be004160837806de13410011579 /plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette
parent54b12e645d111ca4f66fef2c512ac53ecfbfc0eb (diff)
Bug 482669 - [Palette] New Palette configuration models shall be
editable with an advance UI Patch set 27: - rebase & maj dependency version Patch set 25: - Fix dependency version Patch set 24: - update version to 3.0.0 or 2.1 - take into account of new elemntType version (no more Ids) - refactor ProdileWSModelIndexer to use URI Patch set 23: - rebase - remove CustomElmtTypeFactory Patch set 20: - Fix missing id in manual created advices Patch set 17: - Fix bugs from NiF review patch set 16: - Fix a bug of drag a stereotype then a metaclass => NPE patch set 16: - fix ProfileWorkspaceModelIndex - add shouldIndex(IFile file) to IndexHandler patch set 15: - fix a Patch set 14: - some minors fixes Patch set 13: - Finalize properties view for actions - implements validators. - Adds plugins to oep.customization.feature Patch set 12: - implement properties view for SetValue Advice, SetStereotype and Runtime advice. - new Explorer dialog(Stereotype, Profile, GenericElement) -... Patch set 11: - final implementation of apply stereotype action properties view - fix feedback from NIF previous review. - fix enable button of generic multipleValueEditor - Styled text for stereotype explorer - add profile explorer - add stereotype attribute explorer - many fixes Patch set 10: - Move created plugin in customization feature Patch set 9: -Fix pom dependencies Patch set 8: - implementation of property view for StereotypesToAplly of Action. - create a Icon Value editor instead of IconDescriptor - Create stereotype selection dialog which display all available stereotype - Create Profile workspace indexer Patch set X: - create StringWithClear Editor - rename property plugin - remove assistant and newChild implementation for palette - use of icon 12*12 from oep.infr.widget Patch set 5: - Fix pom file Patch set 4: - inlude all changes from palette customization branch Patch set 3: - Adds clear filter button for icon explorer. - Adds some newChild management requirement. Patch set 2: - Gets all declared advice kind in add actions. - Adds icon+description to AdviceKindExtensionPoint. - Adds createAdviceBindingConfiguration to AbstractAdviceBindingFactory. - Gets default actions EMF properties view when no View defined in ctx - Manage action buttons enable. Patch set 1: - Adds actions management - Adds properties View for adviceConfiguration - Adds ctrl+clic to create old local palette Conflicts: plugins/uml/properties/ Change-Id: I1f5caeb9eb411df2886f29ae02d807bb69b79be2 Signed-off-by: Mickael ADAM <>
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette')
30 files changed, 12350 insertions, 9137 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/.classpath b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/.classpath
index 2d1a4302f04..eca7bdba8f0 100644
--- a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/.classpath
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/.classpath
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/J2SE-1.5"/>
- <classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.pde.core.requiredPlugins"/>
- <classpathentry kind="src" path="src"/>
- <classpathentry kind="output" path="bin"/>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/JavaSE-1.8"/>
+ <classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.pde.core.requiredPlugins"/>
+ <classpathentry kind="src" path="src"/>
+ <classpathentry kind="output" path="bin"/>
diff --git a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
index 4759947300a..b3aa6d60f94 100644
--- a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
@@ -1,291 +1,291 @@
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-org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_new_line_before_catch_in_try_statement=do not insert
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-org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_new_line_before_else_in_if_statement=do not insert
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-org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_after_opening_angle_bracket_in_type_parameters=do not insert
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-org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_closing_angle_bracket_in_type_parameters=do not insert
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-org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_closing_paren_in_enum_constant=do not insert
-org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_closing_paren_in_for=do not insert
-org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_closing_paren_in_if=do not insert
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-org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_comma_in_constructor_declaration_throws=do not insert
-org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_comma_in_enum_constant_arguments=do not insert
-org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_comma_in_enum_declarations=do not insert
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-org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_angle_bracket_in_parameterized_type_reference=do not insert
-org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_angle_bracket_in_type_arguments=do not insert
-org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_angle_bracket_in_type_parameters=do not insert
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-org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_bracket_in_array_reference=do not insert
-org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_bracket_in_array_type_reference=do not insert
-org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_paren_in_annotation=do not insert
-org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_paren_in_annotation_type_member_declaration=do not insert
-org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_paren_in_constructor_declaration=do not insert
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+org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_after_at_in_annotation_type_declaration=do not insert
+org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_after_opening_angle_bracket_in_parameterized_type_reference=do not insert
+org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_after_opening_angle_bracket_in_type_arguments=do not insert
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+org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_after_opening_paren_in_enum_constant=do not insert
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+org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_after_opening_paren_in_method_invocation=do not insert
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+org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_closing_paren_in_enum_constant=do not insert
+org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_closing_paren_in_for=do not insert
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+org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_comma_in_annotation=do not insert
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+org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_comma_in_constructor_declaration_throws=do not insert
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+org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_angle_bracket_in_type_parameters=do not insert
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+org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_before_opening_bracket_in_array_type_reference=do not insert
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+org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_between_empty_braces_in_array_initializer=do not insert
+org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_between_empty_brackets_in_array_allocation_expression=do not insert
+org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_between_empty_parens_in_annotation_type_member_declaration=do not insert
+org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_between_empty_parens_in_constructor_declaration=do not insert
+org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_between_empty_parens_in_enum_constant=do not insert
+org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_between_empty_parens_in_method_declaration=do not insert
+org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_between_empty_parens_in_method_invocation=do not insert
diff --git a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
index 980dac227c5..5527cdd7295 100644
--- a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
@@ -2,14 +2,32 @@ Manifest-Version: 1.0
Export-Package: org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette,
-Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.pde;bundle-version="[3.12.0,4.0.0)",
+Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.uml2.uml;bundle-version="[5.2.0,6.0.0)",
+ org.eclipse.pde;bundle-version="[3.12.0,4.0.0)",
- org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common;bundle-version="[3.0.0,4.0.0)";visibility:=reexport
+ org.eclipse.core.runtime;bundle-version="[3.12.0,4.0.0)",
+ org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui;bundle-version="[1.8.0,2.0.0)",
+ org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.core.log;bundle-version="[1.2.0,2.0.0)",
+ org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.core.sasheditor;bundle-version="[2.0.0,3.0.0)",
+ org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.core;bundle-version="[2.0.0,3.0.0)",
+ org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.emf;bundle-version="[2.0.0,3.0.0)",
+ org.eclipse.papyrus.emf.facet.custom.ui;bundle-version="[2.0.0,3.0.0)",
+ org.eclipse.papyrus.emf.facet.custom.core;bundle-version="[2.0.0,3.0.0)",
+ org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common;bundle-version="[3.0.0,4.0.0)",
+ org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration;bundle-version="[3.0.0,4.0.0)",
+ org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.editor;bundle-version="[3.0.0,4.0.0)",
+ org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.widgets;bundle-version="[3.0.0,4.0.0)",
+ org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.gmfdiag.dnd;bundle-version="[1.2.0,2.0.0)",
+ org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.types;bundle-version="[3.0.0,4.0.0)",
+ org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.types.editor;bundle-version="[3.0.0,4.0.0)",
+ org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.edit;bundle-version="[3.0.0,4.0.0)"
Bundle-Vendor: %providerName
Bundle-ClassPath: .
-Bundle-Version: 2.0.0.qualifier
+Bundle-Version: 3.0.0.qualifier
Bundle-Localization: plugin
Bundle-Name: %pluginName
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-SymbolicName: org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette;singleton:=true
-Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.5
+Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.8
diff --git a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/pom.xml b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/pom.xml
index c1b165930da..f8b06ae6bc6 100644
--- a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/pom.xml
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/pom.xml
@@ -7,6 +7,6 @@
- <version>2.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
+ <version>3.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
</project> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/
index ade2f5a6bed..39c59829cd1 100644
--- a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/
@@ -1,36 +1,301 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 CEA LIST.
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette;
-import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
- * Messages for the plugin
- */
-public class Messages extends NLS {
- private static final String BUNDLE_NAME = "org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.messages"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- public static String BundleIconExplorerDialog_Message;
- public static String BundleIconExplorerDialog_Title;
- public static String BundleIconExplorerDialog_UnknownFileName;
- static {
- // initialize resource bundle
- NLS.initializeMessages(BUNDLE_NAME, Messages.class);
- }
- private Messages() {
- }
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 CEA LIST.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette;
+import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
+ * Messages for the plugin
+ */
+public class Messages extends NLS {
+ private static final String BUNDLE_NAME = "org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.messages"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ static {
+ // initialize resource bundle
+ NLS.initializeMessages(BUNDLE_NAME, Messages.class);
+ }
+ private Messages() {
+ }
+ public static String BundleIconExplorerDialog_Message;
+ public static String BundleIconExplorerDialog_Title;
+ public static String BundleIconExplorerDialog_UnknownFileName;
+ public static String ExportPaletteConfigurationWizard_error_cant_read_file;
+ public static String ExportPaletteConfigurationWizard_error_file_not_existe;
+ public static String ExportPaletteConfigurationWizard_Export_description;
+ public static String ExportPaletteConfigurationWizard_ExportWiazrdLabel;
+ public static String ExportPaletteConfigurationWizard_export_palette;
+ public static String PaletteConfigurationWizard_EditionPaletteInfoPageWizard_Tilte;
+ public static String PaletteConfigurationWizard_EditPaletteWizardLabel;
+ public static String PaletteConfigurationWizard_NewPaletteContentPageWizard_Description;
+ public static String PaletteConfigurationWizard_NewPaletteContentPageWizard_Title;
+ public static String PaletteConfigurationWizard_NewPaletteDefaultName;
+ public static String PaletteConfigurationWizard_PaletteInfoPageWizard_Description;
+ public static String PaletteConfigurationWizard_NewPaletteInfoPageWizard_Title;
+ public static String PaletteConfigurationWizard_NewPaletteWizardLabel;
+ public static String PaletteConfigurationWizard_ImpossibleToReadDefinitionOfTheFile;
+ public static String PaletteConfigurationWizard_FileDontExist;
+ public static String PaletteConfigurationContentPage_NewTool;
+ public static String PaletteConfigurationContentPage_Separator;
+ public static String PaletteConfigurationContentPage_Stack;
+ public static String PaletteConfigurationContentPage_UMLTools;
+ public static String PaletteConfigurationContentPage_UnknownElement;
+ public static String PaletteConfigurationContentPage_CreateAnElementWithAStereotype;
+ public static String PaletteConfigurationContentPage_Drawer;
+ // ///////////////////////// Palette Customisation
+ // /////////////////////////////////////
+ public static String Dialog_Export_Palette_Tooltip;
+ /** Tooltip for the add button */
+ public static String PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_AddButtonTooltip;
+ /** Tooltip for the remove button */
+ public static String PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_RemoveButtonTooltip;
+ public static String AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_ConfigureDeploymentOfThePalette;
+ public static String AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_Deploy;
+ public static String AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_Editor;
+ public static String AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_Error_UserCancelDialog;
+ public static String AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_Error_ContentDialogNotValid;
+ public static String AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_Error_SomeErrorsOccured;
+ public static String AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_Identifier;
+ public static String AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_Priority;
+ public static String AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_Profiles;
+ public static String AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_Success;
+ public static String AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_ThePaletteConfigurationHasBeenSuccessfullyDeployedAndActivated;
+ public static String AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_TheSelectedElementIsNotAFile;
+ /** label for the available palettes viewer */
+ public static String Available_Palettes;
+ /** label for the palette tree viewer */
+ public static String Palette_Viewer;
+ /** label for the palette name in the wizard */
+ public static String Local_Palette_Name;
+ /** label for the palette id in the wizard */
+ public static String Local_Palette_Id;
+ /** label for the editor id in the palette wizard */
+ public static String Local_Palette_Editor_Id;
+ /** tooltip for the palette name in the palette wizard */
+ public static String Local_Palette_Name_Tooltip;
+ /** tooltip for the palette id in the palette wizard */
+ public static String Local_Palette_Id_Tooltip;
+ /** tooltip for the editor id in the palette wizard */
+ public static String Local_Palette_Editor_Id_Tooltip;
+ /** label for the provider priority in the palette wizard */
+ public static String Local_Palette_Priority;
+ /** tooltip for the provider priority in the palette wizard */
+ public static String Local_Palette_Priority_Tooltip;
+ /** label for the advanced button, when advanced are not shown */
+ public static String Dialog_Advanced_Button_Closed;
+ /** label for the advanced button, when advanced are shown */
+ public static String Dialog_Advanced_Button_Opened;
+ /** Error message for the wizard page, when priority is not correctly filled */
+ public static String Local_Palette_Error_Priority;
+ /**
+ * Error message for the wizard page, when palette ID is not correctly
+ * filled
+ */
+ public static String Local_Palette_Error_PaletteId;
+ /** Error message for the wizard page, when name is not correctly filled */
+ public static String Local_Palette_Error_Name;
+ /**
+ * Error message for the wizard page, when Editor ID is not correctly filled
+ */
+ public static String Local_Palette_Error_EditorId;
+ /** Name of the information page */
+ public static String Local_Palette_InfoPage_Name;
+ /** Title of the information page */
+ public static String Local_Palette_InfoPage_Title;
+ /** Name of the content page */
+ public static String Local_Palette_ContentPage_Name;
+ /** Title of the content page */
+ public static String Local_Palette_ContentPage_Title;
+ /** name of the available tools group */
+ public static String Local_Palette_Available_Tools;
+ /** tooltip for the show/hide drawer button */
+ public static String Local_Palette_ShowDrawers_Tooltip;
+ /** tooltip for the show/hide drawer button */
+ public static String Local_Palette_ShowTools_Tooltip;
+ /** palette preview label */
+ public static String Local_Palette_Palette_Preview;
+ /** Title for dialog box when palette to delete is not a local palette */
+ public static String Dialog_Not_Local_Palette_Title;
+ /** Message for dialog box when palette to delete is not a local palette */
+ public static String Dialog_Not_Local_Palette_Message;
+ /** Title for dialog box when palette to restore is not an extended palette */
+ public static String Dialog_Not_Extended_Palette_Title;
+ /** Message for dialog box when palette to restore is not an extended palette */
+ public static String Dialog_Not_Extended_Palette_Message;
+ /** Tooltip for the restore palette button. */
+ public static String Dialog_Restore_Palette_Tooltip;
+ /** tooltip for the delete palette button */
+ public static String Dialog_Delete_Palette_Tooltip;
+ /** tooltip for the create palette button */
+ public static String Dialog_Create_Palette_Tooltip;
+ /** tooltip for the edit palette button */
+ public static String Dialog_Edit_Palette_Tooltip;
+ /** tooltip for the create drawer button */
+ public static String Local_Palette_Create_Drawer_Tooltip;
+ /** tooltip for the create separator button */
+ public static String Local_Palette_Create_Separator_Tooltip;
+ /** tooltip for the create separator button */
+ public static String Local_Palette_Create_Tool_Tooltip;
+ /** tooltip for the create stack button */
+ public static String Local_Palette_Create_Stack_Tooltip;
+ /** name of the drawer wizard page */
+ public static String Wizard_Drawer_Page_Name;
+ /** title of the drawer wizard page */
+ public static String Wizard_Drawer_Page_Title;
+ /** error on the name in the drawer wizard */
+ public static String Wizard_Drawer_Error_Name;
+ /** error on the id in the drawer wizard */
+ public static String Wizard_Drawer_Error_Id;
+ /** error on the icon in the drawer wizard */
+ public static String Wizard_Drawer_Error_Icon;
+ /** label for the id field */
+ public static String Wizard_Drawer_Id;
+ /** tooltip for the id field */
+ public static String Wizard_Drawer_Id_Tooltip;
+ /** label for the name field */
+ public static String Wizard_Drawer_Name;
+ /** tooltip for the name field */
+ public static String Wizard_Drawer_Name_Tooltip;
+ /** tooltip for the icon field */
+ public static String Wizard_Drawer_Icon_Tooltip;
+ /** name for the icon field */
+ public static String Wizard_Drawer_Icon;
+ /** tooltip for the tool item */
+ public static String Local_Palette_SwitchToolsContentProvider_Tooltip;
+ /**
+ * tooltip for the edit local palette action disabled because of bad
+ * selection
+ */
+ public static String PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_EditButtonTooltip_LocalPaletteNotSelected;
+ /** tooltip for the edit local palette action */
+ public static String PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_EditButtonTooltip_LocalPaletteSelected;
+ /**
+ * tooltip for the edit local palette action disabled because of missing
+ * profiles
+ */
+ public static String PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_EditButtonTooltip_MissingProfile;
+ /** label for the name text editor for a given proxy */
+ public static String Local_Palette_Entry_Name;
+ /** label for the description editor for a given proxy */
+ public static String Local_Palette_Entry_Description;
+ /** label for the group information about entry */
+ public static String Local_Palette_Entry_Information;
+ /** label for the icon information about entry */
+ public static String Local_Palette_Entry_Icon;
+ /** label for the referenced entry information about entry */
+ public static String Local_Palette_Entry_Reference;
+ /** label for the composite displaying the lis of aspect actions */
+ public static String Aspect_Action_Information_List_Label;
+ /** label for the tooltip of the edit drawer icon */
+ public static String PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_EditButtonTooltip;
diff --git a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..35ad4b1a6b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 CEA LIST and others.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Mickael ADAM (ALL4TEC) - Initial API and Implementation
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.types.presentation.TypesConfigurationsEditorPlugin;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.presentation.PaletteConfigurationEditorPlugin;
+ * The palette customization plugin constants.
+ */
+public class PaletteConstants {
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ */
+ private PaletteConstants() {
+ // to prevent instantiation
+ }
+ /** the file extension for palette configuration */
+ public static final String PALETTECONFIGURATION_EXTENSION = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(PaletteConfigurationEditorPlugin.INSTANCE.getString("_UI_PaletteconfigurationEditorFilenameExtensions").split("\\s*,\\s*"))).get(0); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+ /** the file extension for element type files */
+ public static final String ELEMENTTYPE_EXTENSION = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(TypesConfigurationsEditorPlugin.INSTANCE.getString("_UI_ElementtypesconfigurationsEditorFilenameExtensions").split("\\s*,\\s*"))).get(0); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+ /** The postfix for semantic element type model file. */
+ public static final String ELEMENTTYPE_SEMENTIC_IDENTIFIER_POSTFIX = "_Semantic"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ /** The postfix for ui element type model file. */
+ public static final String ELEMENTTYPE_UI_IDENTIFIER_POSTFIX = "_UI";//$NON-NLS-1$
+ /** The enumeration of the context of the palette configuration model in case of customization */
+ public enum PaletteModelContextEnum {
+ New, // It's a new palette from scratch. Files will be place on local folder.
+ Workspace, // It's a workspace palette. Files will be place on WS.
+ Plugin, // It's a palette coming from a plugin definition. It's read-only, a copy and associated files will be placed on local folder
+ Local // It's come from the local folder
+ };
diff --git a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c6b92702601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 CEA LIST and others.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Mickael ADAM (ALL4TEC) - Initial API and Implementation
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.dialog;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.command.Command;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.command.CompoundCommand;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Adapter;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.provider.EcoreItemProviderAdapterFactory;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet;
+import org.eclipse.emf.edit.command.AddCommand;
+import org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain.AdapterFactoryEditingDomain;
+import org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.ComposedAdapterFactory;
+import org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.ReflectiveItemProviderAdapterFactory;
+import org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.resource.ResourceItemProviderAdapterFactory;
+import org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.resource.ResourceSetItemProvider;
+import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.impl.TransactionalEditingDomainImpl;
+import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service.ProviderPriority;
+import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.Wizard;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.Messages;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.PaletteConstants;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.PaletteConstants.PaletteModelContextEnum;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.utils.PaletteUtils;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.types.ElementTypeSetConfiguration;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.types.ElementTypesConfigurationsFactory;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PaletteUtil;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PapyrusPalettePreferences;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.PapyrusPaletteService;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.PapyrusPaletteService.ProviderDescriptor;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.PaletteConfiguration;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.PaletteRessourcesConstants;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.provider.CustomPaletteconfigurationItemProviderAdapterFactory;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.utils.CreatePaletteItemUtil;
+import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
+ * Abstract class for wizard of edition of palette configuration models.
+ */
+public abstract class AbstractPaletteConfigurationWizard extends Wizard {
+ /**
+ * The dot string constant.
+ */
+ protected static final String STR_DOT = "."; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ /** the palette resource */
+ protected Resource paletteResource;
+ /** the element type resource for the ui */
+ protected Resource elementTypeUIResource;
+ /** the element type resource for the semantic */
+ protected Resource elementTypeSemResource;
+ /** the string builder */
+ protected StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
+ /** customizer used by the palette viewer */
+ protected ProviderDescriptor descriptor;
+ /** the editing domain */
+ protected AdapterFactoryEditingDomain editingDomain;
+ /** the adapter factory */
+ protected ComposedAdapterFactory adapterFactory;
+ /** The context of the palette contribution */
+ protected PaletteModelContextEnum paletteContext;
+ /** Editor part in which the palette is displayed */
+ protected IEditorPart editorPart;
+ /** the provider priority */
+ protected ProviderPriority priority;
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ */
+ public AbstractPaletteConfigurationWizard(final IEditorPart part, final ProviderDescriptor descriptor) {
+ this.editorPart = part;
+ this.descriptor = descriptor;
+ // initialize the context
+ paletteContext = PaletteUtils.getPaletteModelContext(descriptor);
+ ProviderPriority localPalettePriority = null;
+ if (PaletteModelContextEnum.New.equals(paletteContext)) {
+ // Create New Palette
+ setWindowTitle(Messages.PaletteConfigurationWizard_NewPaletteWizardLabel);
+ } else {
+ // Edit Palette
+ localPalettePriority = PapyrusPalettePreferences.getLocalPalettePriority(descriptor.getContributionID());
+ setWindowTitle(Messages.PaletteConfigurationWizard_EditPaletteWizardLabel);
+ }
+ initPriority(localPalettePriority);
+ initializeEditingDomain();
+ createResources();
+ }
+ /**
+ * inits the priority value
+ *
+ * @param value
+ * value to set
+ */
+ protected void initPriority(final ProviderPriority value) {
+ if (null != value) {
+ this.priority = value;
+ } else {
+ // by default, Medium
+ this.priority = ProviderPriority.MEDIUM;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * unloads resources.
+ */
+ protected void unloadRessources() {
+ if (null != paletteResource && paletteResource.isLoaded()) {
+ paletteResource.unload();
+ }
+ if (null != elementTypeSemResource && elementTypeSemResource.isLoaded()) {
+ elementTypeSemResource.unload();
+ }
+ if (null != elementTypeUIResource && elementTypeUIResource.isLoaded()) {
+ elementTypeUIResource.unload();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * delete resources.
+ */
+ public void deleteResource() {
+ unloadRessources();
+ try {
+ if (null != paletteResource) {
+ paletteResource.delete(Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
+ }
+ if (null != elementTypeSemResource) {
+ elementTypeSemResource.delete(Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
+ }
+ if (null != elementTypeUIResource) {
+ elementTypeUIResource.delete(Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ Activator.log.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Clear the string builder.
+ */
+ protected void clearStringBuilder() {
+ stringBuilder.setLength(0); // set length of buffer to 0
+ stringBuilder.trimToSize(); // trim the underlying buffer
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean performFinish() {
+ // Save files
+ saveResources();
+ // Load models on papyrus( Palettes, element types, etc...)
+ deployModels();
+ // unload ressources
+ unloadRessources();
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Load models on papyrus( Palettes, element types, etc...).
+ */
+ abstract protected void deployModels();
+ /**
+ * save resources()
+ */
+ abstract protected void saveResources();
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean performCancel() {
+ unloadRessources();
+ return super.performCancel();
+ }
+ /**
+ * create the resource and set it the palette configuration model
+ */
+ protected void createResources() {
+ createPaletteResource();
+ createElementTypesResources();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create Element type resources.
+ */
+ protected void createElementTypesResources() {
+ URI elementTypeUIURI = null;
+ URI elementTypeSemURI = null;
+ File elementTypeUIFile = null;
+ File elementTypeSemFile = null;
+ switch (paletteContext) {
+ case New:
+ PaletteConfiguration paletteModel = (PaletteConfiguration) paletteResource.getContents().get(0);
+ clearStringBuilder();
+ stringBuilder.append(paletteModel.getId());
+ stringBuilder.append(PaletteConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_UI_IDENTIFIER_POSTFIX);
+ stringBuilder.append(STR_DOT);
+ stringBuilder.append(PaletteConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_EXTENSION);
+ String pathUI = Activator.getDefault().getStateLocation().append(stringBuilder.toString()).toString();
+ clearStringBuilder();
+ stringBuilder.append(paletteModel.getId());
+ stringBuilder.append(PaletteConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_SEMENTIC_IDENTIFIER_POSTFIX);
+ stringBuilder.append(STR_DOT);
+ stringBuilder.append(PaletteConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_EXTENSION);
+ String pathSem = Activator.getDefault().getStateLocation().append(stringBuilder.toString()).toString();
+ elementTypeUIFile = new File(pathUI);
+ elementTypeSemFile = new File(pathSem);
+ break;
+ case Local:
+ clearStringBuilder();
+ stringBuilder.append(((PapyrusPaletteService.LocalExtendedProviderDescriptor) descriptor).getContributionID());
+ stringBuilder.append(PaletteConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_UI_IDENTIFIER_POSTFIX);
+ stringBuilder.append(STR_DOT);
+ stringBuilder.append(PaletteConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_EXTENSION);
+ elementTypeUIFile = Activator.getDefault().getStateLocation().append(stringBuilder.toString()).toFile();
+ clearStringBuilder();
+ stringBuilder.append(((PapyrusPaletteService.LocalExtendedProviderDescriptor) descriptor).getContributionID());
+ stringBuilder.append(PaletteConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_SEMENTIC_IDENTIFIER_POSTFIX);
+ stringBuilder.append(STR_DOT);
+ stringBuilder.append(PaletteConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_EXTENSION);
+ elementTypeSemFile = Activator.getDefault().getStateLocation().append(stringBuilder.toString()).toFile();
+ break;
+ case Plugin:
+ String path = PapyrusPalettePreferences.getPaletteRedefinition(descriptor.getContributionID());
+ path = path.substring(0, path.length() - PaletteConstants.PALETTECONFIGURATION_EXTENSION.length() - 1);
+ clearStringBuilder();
+ stringBuilder.append(path);
+ stringBuilder.append(PaletteConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_UI_IDENTIFIER_POSTFIX);
+ stringBuilder.append(STR_DOT);
+ stringBuilder.append(PaletteConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_EXTENSION);
+ elementTypeUIFile = Activator.getDefault().getStateLocation().append(stringBuilder.toString()).toFile();
+ clearStringBuilder();
+ stringBuilder.append(path);
+ stringBuilder.append(PaletteConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_SEMENTIC_IDENTIFIER_POSTFIX);
+ stringBuilder.append(STR_DOT);
+ stringBuilder.append(PaletteConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_EXTENSION);
+ elementTypeSemFile = Activator.getDefault().getStateLocation().append(stringBuilder.toString()).toFile();
+ break;
+ case Workspace:
+ Object contributions = ((PapyrusPaletteService.LocalProviderDescriptor) descriptor).getDescription().getContributions();
+ if (contributions instanceof String) {
+ elementTypeUIFile = new File(((String) contributions).replace(STR_DOT + PaletteConstants.PALETTECONFIGURATION_EXTENSION, PaletteConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_UI_IDENTIFIER_POSTFIX + STR_DOT +
+ elementTypeSemFile = new File(((String) contributions).replace(STR_DOT + PaletteConstants.PALETTECONFIGURATION_EXTENSION, PaletteConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_SEMENTIC_IDENTIFIER_POSTFIX + STR_DOT + PaletteConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_EXTENSION));
+ elementTypeUIURI = URI.createPlatformResourceURI(elementTypeUIFile.getPath(), false);
+ elementTypeSemURI = URI.createPlatformResourceURI(elementTypeSemFile.getPath(), false);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (null == elementTypeUIFile || null == elementTypeSemURI) {
+ elementTypeUIURI = URI.createFileURI(elementTypeUIFile.getAbsolutePath());
+ elementTypeSemURI = URI.createFileURI(elementTypeSemFile.getAbsolutePath());
+ }
+ // Create resource
+ elementTypeUIResource = editingDomain.getResourceSet().createResource(elementTypeUIURI);
+ elementTypeSemResource = editingDomain.getResourceSet().createResource(elementTypeSemURI);
+ if (!PaletteUtils.notErrorOnFile(elementTypeUIFile) && !PaletteUtils.notErrorOnFile(elementTypeSemFile)) {
+ ElementTypeSetConfiguration emptyElementTypeModelUI = getEmptyElementTypeModel(elementTypeUIResource.getURI().lastSegment().replace(STR_DOT + PaletteConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_EXTENSION, ""));//$NON-NLS-1$
+ ElementTypeSetConfiguration emptyElementTypeModelSem = getEmptyElementTypeModel(elementTypeSemResource.getURI().lastSegment().replace(STR_DOT + PaletteConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_EXTENSION, ""));//$NON-NLS-1$
+ // Add it to the resource
+ CompoundCommand compoundCommand = new CompoundCommand();
+ compoundCommand.append(new AddCommand(editingDomain, elementTypeUIResource.getContents(), emptyElementTypeModelUI));
+ compoundCommand.append(new AddCommand(editingDomain, elementTypeSemResource.getContents(), emptyElementTypeModelSem));
+ editingDomain.getCommandStack().execute(compoundCommand);
+ }
+ if (null != elementTypeUIResource || null != elementTypeSemResource) {
+ try {
+ elementTypeUIResource.load(Collections.emptyMap());
+ elementTypeSemResource.load(Collections.emptyMap());
+ elementTypeUIResource.getResourceSet().getLoadOptions().put(PaletteRessourcesConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_UI_RESSOURCE_IDENTIFIER, elementTypeUIResource);
+ elementTypeSemResource.getResourceSet().getLoadOptions().put(PaletteRessourcesConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_SEMENTIC_RESSOURCE_IDENTIFIER, elementTypeSemResource);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ Activator.log.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return An empty Element type model with intialIdentifier as identifier.
+ */
+ protected ElementTypeSetConfiguration getEmptyElementTypeModel(final String initialIdentifer) {
+ // Create elementType models
+ ElementTypeSetConfiguration elementTypeUI = ElementTypesConfigurationsFactory.eINSTANCE.createElementTypeSetConfiguration();
+ elementTypeUI.setIdentifier(initialIdentifer);
+ elementTypeUI.setName(initialIdentifer);
+ elementTypeUI.setMetamodelNsURI(initialIdentifer);
+ return elementTypeUI;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create palette resource.
+ */
+ protected void createPaletteResource() {
+ URI fileURI = null;
+ switch (paletteContext) {
+ case New:
+ // Create a volatile default file (not to be save)
+ // Create a initial void model
+ PaletteConfiguration paletteModel = CreatePaletteItemUtil.createInitialModel();
+ clearStringBuilder();
+ stringBuilder.append("NewPalette");//$NON-NLS-1$
+ stringBuilder.append(STR_DOT);
+ stringBuilder.append(PaletteConstants.PALETTECONFIGURATION_EXTENSION);
+ String path = Activator.getDefault().getStateLocation().append(stringBuilder.toString()).toString();// $NON-NLS-1$
+ fileURI = URI.createFileURI(path);
+ paletteResource = editingDomain.getResourceSet().createResource(fileURI);
+ // Add it to the resource
+ Command addCommand = new AddCommand(editingDomain, paletteResource.getContents(), paletteModel);
+ editingDomain.getCommandStack().execute(addCommand);
+ break;
+ case Local:
+ clearStringBuilder();
+ stringBuilder.append(((PapyrusPaletteService.LocalExtendedProviderDescriptor) descriptor).getContributionID());
+ stringBuilder.append(STR_DOT);
+ stringBuilder.append(PaletteConstants.PALETTECONFIGURATION_EXTENSION);
+ File file = Activator.getDefault().getStateLocation().append(stringBuilder.toString()).toFile();
+ if (PaletteUtils.notErrorOnFile(file)) {
+ fileURI = URI.createFileURI(file.getAbsolutePath());
+ paletteResource = editingDomain.getResourceSet().createResource(fileURI);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Plugin:
+ fileURI = PaletteUtil.getRedefinitionFileURI(descriptor.getContributionID());
+ if (null != fileURI) {
+ paletteResource = editingDomain.getResourceSet().createResource(fileURI);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Workspace:
+ Object contributions = ((PapyrusPaletteService.LocalProviderDescriptor) descriptor).getDescription().getContributions();
+ if (contributions instanceof String) {
+ fileURI = URI.createPlatformResourceURI((String) contributions, false);
+ paletteResource = editingDomain.getResourceSet().createResource(fileURI);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (null != paletteResource) {
+ try {
+ paletteResource.load(Collections.emptyMap());
+ paletteResource.getResourceSet().getLoadOptions().put(PaletteRessourcesConstants.PALETTE_RESSOURCE_IDENTIFIER, paletteResource);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ Activator.log.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * This sets up the editing domain for the model editor.
+ */
+ protected void initializeEditingDomain() {
+ // Create an adapter factory that yields item providers.
+ //
+ adapterFactory = new ComposedAdapterFactory(ComposedAdapterFactory.Descriptor.Registry.INSTANCE);
+ adapterFactory.addAdapterFactory(new ResourceItemProviderAdapterFactory() {
+ @Override
+ public Adapter createResourceSetAdapter() {
+ return new ResourceSetItemProvider(this) {
+ @Override
+ public Collection<?> getChildren(final Object object) {
+ ResourceSet resourceSet = (ResourceSet) object;
+ if (!resourceSet.getResources().isEmpty() && resourceSet.getResources().get(0).getContents().get(0) instanceof PaletteConfiguration) {
+ return ((PaletteConfiguration) resourceSet.getResources().get(0).getContents().get(0)).getDrawerConfigurations(); // For Drawers as root
+ }
+ return Collections.emptyList();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ });
+ adapterFactory.addAdapterFactory(new CustomPaletteconfigurationItemProviderAdapterFactory());
+ adapterFactory.addAdapterFactory(new EcoreItemProviderAdapterFactory());
+ adapterFactory.addAdapterFactory(new ReflectiveItemProviderAdapterFactory());
+ // Create the editing domain with a special command stack.
+ editingDomain = new TransactionalEditingDomainImpl(adapterFactory);
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
index ca10c220bc8..5a1ffad1299 100644
--- a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
@@ -1,547 +1,574 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 CEA LIST.
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.dialog;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProvider;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProviderListener;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeContentProvider;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeSelection;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredSelection;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TreeViewer;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Messages;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.palette.AspectToolService;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.palette.IAspectAction;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.palette.IAspectActionProvider;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.palette.IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.palette.IPostAction;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.palette.IPreAction;
-import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;
-import org.eclipse.ui.part.PageBook;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Profile;
- * Class in charge of the composite in the {@link LocalPaletteContentPage}
- */
-public class AspectActionsInformationComposite {
- /** add icon path */
- private static final String ICONS_ADD = "/icons/obj16/Add_16x16.gif";
- /** remove icon path */
- protected static final String ICONS_REMOVE = "/icons/delete.gif";
- /** move up icon path */
- protected static final String ICONS_UP = "/icons/arrow_up.gif";
- /** move down icon path */
- protected static final String ICONS_DOWN = "/icons/arrow_down.gif";
- /** proxy name text */
- protected Text nameText;
- /** proxy description text */
- protected Text descriptionText;
- /** proxy icon text */
- protected Text iconText;
- /** referenced proxy text */
- protected Text referencedText;
- /** current selected action proxy */
- protected PaletteEntryProxy selectedEntryProxy;
- /** tree viewer for the list of aspect actions */
- protected TreeViewer viewer;
- /** page book where specific pages are displayed for configuration of the aspect actions */
- protected PageBook actionDescriptionComposite;
- /** list of applied profiles */
- protected List<Profile> appliedProfiles;
- /** remove aspect action button */
- protected Button removeActionButton;
- /** add aspect action button */
- protected Button addActionButton;
- /** move up aspect action button */
- protected Button moveUpActionButton;
- /** move down aspect action button */
- protected Button moveDownActionButton;
- /**
- * Creates the content for this composite
- *
- * @param parent
- * the conainer of the created content
- * @return the created composite
- */
- public Composite createComposite(Composite parent, List<Profile> appliedProfiles) {
- this.appliedProfiles = appliedProfiles;
- Composite composite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
- GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(2, false);
- layout.marginWidth = 0;
- layout.marginHeight = 0;
- composite.setLayout(layout);
- GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
- data.horizontalSpan = 4;
- composite.setLayoutData(data);
- // composite for the list of aspect actions
- Composite actionList = new Composite(composite, SWT.NONE);
- layout = new GridLayout(5, false);
- layout.marginWidth = 0;
- layout.marginHeight = 0;
- actionList.setLayout(layout);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, false, true);
- actionList.setLayoutData(data);
- Label aspectListLabel = new Label(actionList, SWT.LEAD);
- aspectListLabel.setText(Messages.Aspect_Action_Information_List_Label);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false);
- data.horizontalIndent = 5;
- aspectListLabel.setLayoutData(data);
- addActionButton = new Button(actionList, SWT.NONE);
- addActionButton.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, ICONS_ADD));
- addActionButton.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
- public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
- addButtonPressed();
- }
- public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
- }
- public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) {
- }
- });
- removeActionButton = new Button(actionList, SWT.NONE);
- removeActionButton.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, ICONS_REMOVE));
- removeActionButton.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
- // remove the selected aspect action(s)
- ITreeSelection selection = (ITreeSelection) viewer.getSelection();
- if (selection != null && selection.size() > 0) {
- for (Object selected : selection.toList()) {
- if (selected instanceof IPostAction && selectedEntryProxy instanceof IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
- ((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPostActions().remove(selected);
- } else if (selected instanceof IPreAction && selectedEntryProxy instanceof IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
- ((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPreActions().remove(selected);
- }
- }
- }
- setSelectedEntryProxy(selectedEntryProxy);
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) {
- }
- });
- moveUpActionButton = new Button(actionList, SWT.NONE);
- moveUpActionButton.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, ICONS_UP));
- moveUpActionButton.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
- IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) viewer.getSelection();
- if (selection != null && selection.size() > 0 && selectedEntryProxy instanceof IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
- IAspectAction action = (IAspectAction) selection.getFirstElement();
- List<IPreAction> initialPreList = ((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPreActions();
- List<IPostAction> initialPostList = ((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPostActions();
- if (action instanceof IPreAction) {
- // move from pre action list
- if (initialPreList.indexOf(action) > 0) {
- Collections.swap(initialPreList, initialPreList.indexOf(action), initialPreList.indexOf(action) - 1);
- }
- } else if (action instanceof IPostAction) {
- if (initialPostList.indexOf(action) > 0) {
- Collections.swap(initialPostList, initialPostList.indexOf(action), initialPostList.indexOf(action) - 1);
- }
- }
- // update content
- viewer.setInput(selectedEntryProxy);
- // restore selection
- viewer.setSelection(new StructuredSelection(action), true);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) {
- }
- });
- moveDownActionButton = new Button(actionList, SWT.NONE);
- moveDownActionButton.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, ICONS_DOWN));
- moveDownActionButton.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
- IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) viewer.getSelection();
- if (selection != null && selection.size() > 0 && selectedEntryProxy instanceof IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
- IAspectAction action = (IAspectAction) selection.getFirstElement();
- List<IPreAction> initialPreList = ((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPreActions();
- List<IPostAction> initialPostList = ((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPostActions();
- if (action instanceof IPreAction) {
- // move from pre action list
- if (initialPreList.indexOf(action) < initialPreList.size() - 1) {
- Collections.swap(initialPreList, initialPreList.indexOf(action), initialPreList.indexOf(action) + 1);
- }
- } else if (action instanceof IPostAction) {
- if (initialPostList.indexOf(action) < initialPostList.size() - 1) {
- Collections.swap(initialPostList, initialPostList.indexOf(action), initialPostList.indexOf(action) + 1);
- }
- }
- // update content
- viewer.setInput(selectedEntryProxy);
- // restore selection
- viewer.setSelection(new StructuredSelection(action), true);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) {
- }
- });
- updateButtons();
- viewer = new TreeViewer(actionList, SWT.BORDER);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
- data.horizontalSpan = 5;
- data.heightHint = 150;
- viewer.getControl().setLayoutData(data);
- viewer.setLabelProvider(new AspectActionLabelProvider());
- viewer.setContentProvider(new AspectActionContentProvider());
- viewer.addSelectionChangedListener(new ISelectionChangedListener() {
- public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
- handleActionListSelectionChanged(event);
- }
- });
- actionDescriptionComposite = new PageBook(composite, SWT.NONE);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
- actionDescriptionComposite.setLayoutData(data);
- return composite;
- }
- /**
- * Action run when the button add is pressed
- */
- protected void addButtonPressed() {
- Menu menu = new Menu(addActionButton);
- for (IAspectActionProvider factory : AspectToolService.getInstance().getProviders()) {
- // check if action can be added (not present if one instance allowed)
- if (factory.isEnable(selectedEntryProxy)) {
- MenuItem item = new MenuItem(menu, SWT.NONE);
- item.setText(factory.getName());
- item.setImage(factory.getImage());
- item.setData(factory);
- item.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener() {
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
- IAspectActionProvider factory = (IAspectActionProvider) ((MenuItem) e.getSource()).getData();
- IAspectAction action = factory.createAction(null);
- if (selectedEntryProxy instanceof IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
- if (action instanceof IPostAction) {
- ((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPostActions().add((IPostAction) action);
- } else if (action instanceof IPreAction) {
- ((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPreActions().add((IPreAction) action);
- }
- setSelectedEntryProxy(selectedEntryProxy);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
- }
- });
- }
- }
- menu.setVisible(true);
- }
- /**
- * Handles the selection changed event in the tree viewer of actions
- *
- * @param event
- * the event fired by the tree viewer or <code>null</code>
- */
- protected void handleActionListSelectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
- if (event == null) {
- actionDescriptionComposite.showPage(new Composite(actionDescriptionComposite, SWT.NONE));
- removeActionButton.setEnabled(false);
- } else {
- IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) event.getSelection();
- if (selection != null && selection.getFirstElement() instanceof IAspectAction) {
- // udpate the page book where parameters are handled
- actionDescriptionComposite.showPage(((IAspectAction) selection.getFirstElement()).createConfigurationComposite(actionDescriptionComposite, selectedEntryProxy, appliedProfiles));
- removeActionButton.setEnabled(true);
- } else {
- actionDescriptionComposite.showPage(new Composite(actionDescriptionComposite, SWT.NONE));
- removeActionButton.setEnabled(false);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sets the new Selected entry
- *
- * @param selectedConfiguration
- * the selectedConfiguration to set
- */
- public void setSelectedEntryProxy(PaletteEntryProxy selectedEntryProxy) {
- // should save the content for the previous selected entry proxy...
- this.selectedEntryProxy = selectedEntryProxy;
- if (viewer != null) {
- viewer.setInput(selectedEntryProxy);
- // select first action
- handleActionListSelectionChanged(null);
- // select first post action
- if (selectedEntryProxy instanceof IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy && ((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPostActions().size() > 0) {
- viewer.setSelection(new StructuredSelection(((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPostActions().get(0)), true);
- }
- // select first pre action
- else if (selectedEntryProxy instanceof IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy && ((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPreActions().size() > 0) {
- viewer.setSelection(new StructuredSelection(((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPreActions().get(0)), true);
- }
- updateButtons();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Call this method to update the buttons enablement.
- */
- protected void updateButtons() {
- if (selectedEntryProxy instanceof IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
- addActionButton.setEnabled(true);
- if (((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPreActions().isEmpty() && !((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPostActions().isEmpty()) {
- removeActionButton.setEnabled(true);
- moveUpActionButton.setEnabled(true);
- moveDownActionButton.setEnabled(true);
- } else {
- removeActionButton.setEnabled(false);
- moveUpActionButton.setEnabled(false);
- moveDownActionButton.setEnabled(false);
- }
- } else {
- addActionButton.setEnabled(false);
- removeActionButton.setEnabled(false);
- moveUpActionButton.setEnabled(false);
- moveDownActionButton.setEnabled(false);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Content provider for the aspect action list
- */
- protected class AspectActionContentProvider implements ITreeContentProvider {
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public Object[] getChildren(Object parentElement) {
- if (parentElement instanceof IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
- List<IAspectAction> actions = new ArrayList<IAspectAction>();
- actions.addAll(((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) parentElement).getPostActions());
- actions.addAll(((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) parentElement).getPreActions());
- return actions.toArray();
- }
- return new Object[0];
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public Object getParent(Object element) {
- if (element instanceof IAspectAction) {
- return selectedEntryProxy;
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public boolean hasChildren(Object element) {
- return getChildren(element) != null && getChildren(element).length > 0;
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) {
- return getChildren(inputElement);
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void dispose() {
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void inputChanged(Viewer viewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput) {
- }
- }
- /**
- * Label provider for the aspect actions viewer
- */
- protected class AspectActionLabelProvider implements ILabelProvider {
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public Image getImage(Object element) {
- if (element instanceof IAspectAction) {
- return ((IAspectAction) element).getImage();
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public String getText(Object element) {
- if (element instanceof IAspectAction) {
- return ((IAspectAction) element).getLabel();
- }
- return "notAnAction";
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void addListener(ILabelProviderListener listener) {
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void dispose() {
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public boolean isLabelProperty(Object element, String property) {
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void removeListener(ILabelProviderListener listener) {
- }
- }
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 CEA LIST.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.dialog;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProvider;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProviderListener;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeContentProvider;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeSelection;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredSelection;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TreeViewer;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.Messages;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.palette.AspectToolService;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.palette.IAspectAction;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.palette.IAspectActionProvider;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.palette.IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.palette.IPostAction;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.palette.IPreAction;
+import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;
+import org.eclipse.ui.part.PageBook;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Profile;
+ * Class in charge of the composite in the {@link LocalPaletteContentPage}
+ */
+public class AspectActionsInformationComposite {
+ /** add icon path */
+ private static final String ICONS_ADD = "/icons/obj16/Add_16x16.gif";
+ /** remove icon path */
+ protected static final String ICONS_REMOVE = "/icons/delete.gif";
+ /** move up icon path */
+ protected static final String ICONS_UP = "/icons/arrow_up.gif";
+ /** move down icon path */
+ protected static final String ICONS_DOWN = "/icons/arrow_down.gif";
+ /** proxy name text */
+ protected Text nameText;
+ /** proxy description text */
+ protected Text descriptionText;
+ /** proxy icon text */
+ protected Text iconText;
+ /** referenced proxy text */
+ protected Text referencedText;
+ /** current selected action proxy */
+ protected PaletteEntryProxy selectedEntryProxy;
+ /** tree viewer for the list of aspect actions */
+ protected TreeViewer viewer;
+ /** page book where specific pages are displayed for configuration of the aspect actions */
+ protected PageBook actionDescriptionComposite;
+ /** list of applied profiles */
+ protected List<Profile> appliedProfiles;
+ /** remove aspect action button */
+ protected Button removeActionButton;
+ /** add aspect action button */
+ protected Button addActionButton;
+ /** move up aspect action button */
+ protected Button moveUpActionButton;
+ /** move down aspect action button */
+ protected Button moveDownActionButton;
+ /**
+ * Creates the content for this composite
+ *
+ * @param parent
+ * the conainer of the created content
+ * @return the created composite
+ */
+ public Composite createComposite(Composite parent, List<Profile> appliedProfiles) {
+ this.appliedProfiles = appliedProfiles;
+ Composite composite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
+ GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(2, false);
+ layout.marginWidth = 0;
+ layout.marginHeight = 0;
+ composite.setLayout(layout);
+ GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
+ data.horizontalSpan = 4;
+ composite.setLayoutData(data);
+ // composite for the list of aspect actions
+ Composite actionList = new Composite(composite, SWT.NONE);
+ layout = new GridLayout(5, false);
+ layout.marginWidth = 0;
+ layout.marginHeight = 0;
+ actionList.setLayout(layout);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, false, true);
+ actionList.setLayoutData(data);
+ Label aspectListLabel = new Label(actionList, SWT.LEAD);
+ aspectListLabel.setText(Messages.Aspect_Action_Information_List_Label);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false);
+ data.horizontalIndent = 5;
+ aspectListLabel.setLayoutData(data);
+ addActionButton = new Button(actionList, SWT.NONE);
+ addActionButton.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, ICONS_ADD));
+ addActionButton.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
+ @Override
+ public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
+ addButtonPressed();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) {
+ }
+ });
+ removeActionButton = new Button(actionList, SWT.NONE);
+ removeActionButton.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, ICONS_REMOVE));
+ removeActionButton.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
+ // remove the selected aspect action(s)
+ ITreeSelection selection = (ITreeSelection) viewer.getSelection();
+ if (selection != null && selection.size() > 0) {
+ for (Object selected : selection.toList()) {
+ if (selected instanceof IPostAction && selectedEntryProxy instanceof IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
+ ((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPostActions().remove(selected);
+ } else if (selected instanceof IPreAction && selectedEntryProxy instanceof IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
+ ((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPreActions().remove(selected);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ setSelectedEntryProxy(selectedEntryProxy);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) {
+ }
+ });
+ moveUpActionButton = new Button(actionList, SWT.NONE);
+ moveUpActionButton.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, ICONS_UP));
+ moveUpActionButton.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
+ IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) viewer.getSelection();
+ if (selection != null && selection.size() > 0 && selectedEntryProxy instanceof IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
+ IAspectAction action = (IAspectAction) selection.getFirstElement();
+ List<IPreAction> initialPreList = ((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPreActions();
+ List<IPostAction> initialPostList = ((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPostActions();
+ if (action instanceof IPreAction) {
+ // move from pre action list
+ if (initialPreList.indexOf(action) > 0) {
+ Collections.swap(initialPreList, initialPreList.indexOf(action), initialPreList.indexOf(action) - 1);
+ }
+ } else if (action instanceof IPostAction) {
+ if (initialPostList.indexOf(action) > 0) {
+ Collections.swap(initialPostList, initialPostList.indexOf(action), initialPostList.indexOf(action) - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ // update content
+ viewer.setInput(selectedEntryProxy);
+ // restore selection
+ viewer.setSelection(new StructuredSelection(action), true);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) {
+ }
+ });
+ moveDownActionButton = new Button(actionList, SWT.NONE);
+ moveDownActionButton.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, ICONS_DOWN));
+ moveDownActionButton.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
+ IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) viewer.getSelection();
+ if (selection != null && selection.size() > 0 && selectedEntryProxy instanceof IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
+ IAspectAction action = (IAspectAction) selection.getFirstElement();
+ List<IPreAction> initialPreList = ((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPreActions();
+ List<IPostAction> initialPostList = ((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPostActions();
+ if (action instanceof IPreAction) {
+ // move from pre action list
+ if (initialPreList.indexOf(action) < initialPreList.size() - 1) {
+ Collections.swap(initialPreList, initialPreList.indexOf(action), initialPreList.indexOf(action) + 1);
+ }
+ } else if (action instanceof IPostAction) {
+ if (initialPostList.indexOf(action) < initialPostList.size() - 1) {
+ Collections.swap(initialPostList, initialPostList.indexOf(action), initialPostList.indexOf(action) + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ // update content
+ viewer.setInput(selectedEntryProxy);
+ // restore selection
+ viewer.setSelection(new StructuredSelection(action), true);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) {
+ }
+ });
+ updateButtons();
+ viewer = new TreeViewer(actionList, SWT.BORDER);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
+ data.horizontalSpan = 5;
+ data.heightHint = 150;
+ viewer.getControl().setLayoutData(data);
+ viewer.setLabelProvider(new AspectActionLabelProvider());
+ viewer.setContentProvider(new AspectActionContentProvider());
+ viewer.addSelectionChangedListener(new ISelectionChangedListener() {
+ @Override
+ public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
+ handleActionListSelectionChanged(event);
+ }
+ });
+ actionDescriptionComposite = new PageBook(composite, SWT.NONE);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
+ actionDescriptionComposite.setLayoutData(data);
+ return composite;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Action run when the button add is pressed
+ */
+ protected void addButtonPressed() {
+ Menu menu = new Menu(addActionButton);
+ for (IAspectActionProvider factory : AspectToolService.getInstance().getProviders()) {
+ // check if action can be added (not present if one instance allowed)
+ if (factory.isEnable(selectedEntryProxy)) {
+ MenuItem item = new MenuItem(menu, SWT.NONE);
+ item.setText(factory.getName());
+ item.setImage(factory.getImage());
+ item.setData(factory);
+ item.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener() {
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
+ IAspectActionProvider factory = (IAspectActionProvider) ((MenuItem) e.getSource()).getData();
+ IAspectAction action = factory.createAction(null);
+ if (selectedEntryProxy instanceof IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
+ if (action instanceof IPostAction) {
+ ((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPostActions().add((IPostAction) action);
+ } else if (action instanceof IPreAction) {
+ ((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPreActions().add((IPreAction) action);
+ }
+ setSelectedEntryProxy(selectedEntryProxy);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ menu.setVisible(true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles the selection changed event in the tree viewer of actions
+ *
+ * @param event
+ * the event fired by the tree viewer or <code>null</code>
+ */
+ protected void handleActionListSelectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
+ if (event == null) {
+ actionDescriptionComposite.showPage(new Composite(actionDescriptionComposite, SWT.NONE));
+ removeActionButton.setEnabled(false);
+ } else {
+ IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) event.getSelection();
+ if (selection != null && selection.getFirstElement() instanceof IAspectAction) {
+ // udpate the page book where parameters are handled
+ actionDescriptionComposite.showPage(((IAspectAction) selection.getFirstElement()).createConfigurationComposite(actionDescriptionComposite, selectedEntryProxy, appliedProfiles));
+ removeActionButton.setEnabled(true);
+ } else {
+ actionDescriptionComposite.showPage(new Composite(actionDescriptionComposite, SWT.NONE));
+ removeActionButton.setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the new Selected entry
+ *
+ * @param selectedConfiguration
+ * the selectedConfiguration to set
+ */
+ public void setSelectedEntryProxy(PaletteEntryProxy selectedEntryProxy) {
+ // should save the content for the previous selected entry proxy...
+ this.selectedEntryProxy = selectedEntryProxy;
+ if (viewer != null) {
+ viewer.setInput(selectedEntryProxy);
+ // select first action
+ handleActionListSelectionChanged(null);
+ // select first post action
+ if (selectedEntryProxy instanceof IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy && ((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPostActions().size() > 0) {
+ viewer.setSelection(new StructuredSelection(((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPostActions().get(0)), true);
+ }
+ // select first pre action
+ else if (selectedEntryProxy instanceof IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy && ((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPreActions().size() > 0) {
+ viewer.setSelection(new StructuredSelection(((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPreActions().get(0)), true);
+ }
+ updateButtons();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Call this method to update the buttons enablement.
+ */
+ protected void updateButtons() {
+ if (selectedEntryProxy instanceof IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
+ addActionButton.setEnabled(true);
+ if (((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPreActions().isEmpty() && !((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getPostActions().isEmpty()) {
+ removeActionButton.setEnabled(true);
+ moveUpActionButton.setEnabled(true);
+ moveDownActionButton.setEnabled(true);
+ } else {
+ removeActionButton.setEnabled(false);
+ moveUpActionButton.setEnabled(false);
+ moveDownActionButton.setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ } else {
+ addActionButton.setEnabled(false);
+ removeActionButton.setEnabled(false);
+ moveUpActionButton.setEnabled(false);
+ moveDownActionButton.setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Content provider for the aspect action list
+ */
+ protected class AspectActionContentProvider implements ITreeContentProvider {
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object[] getChildren(Object parentElement) {
+ if (parentElement instanceof IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
+ List<IAspectAction> actions = new ArrayList<IAspectAction>();
+ actions.addAll(((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) parentElement).getPostActions());
+ actions.addAll(((IPaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) parentElement).getPreActions());
+ return actions.toArray();
+ }
+ return new Object[0];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object getParent(Object element) {
+ if (element instanceof IAspectAction) {
+ return selectedEntryProxy;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasChildren(Object element) {
+ return getChildren(element) != null && getChildren(element).length > 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) {
+ return getChildren(inputElement);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dispose() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void inputChanged(Viewer viewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput) {
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Label provider for the aspect actions viewer
+ */
+ protected class AspectActionLabelProvider implements ILabelProvider {
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Image getImage(Object element) {
+ if (element instanceof IAspectAction) {
+ return ((IAspectAction) element).getImage();
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public String getText(Object element) {
+ if (element instanceof IAspectAction) {
+ return ((IAspectAction) element).getLabel();
+ }
+ return "notAnAction";
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void addListener(ILabelProviderListener listener) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dispose() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean isLabelProperty(Object element, String property) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void removeListener(ILabelProviderListener listener) {
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
deleted file mode 100644
index fed5f51c1c6..00000000000
--- a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 CEA LIST.
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.dialog;
-import java.util.Comparator;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
-import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogSettings;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
-import org.eclipse.pde.core.plugin.IPluginBase;
-import org.eclipse.pde.core.plugin.IPluginModelBase;
-import org.eclipse.pde.internal.ui.PDEPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
-import org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.FilteredItemsSelectionDialog;
- * This dialog allows user to browse the available plugins and select some
- */
-public class BundleExplorerDialog extends FilteredItemsSelectionDialog {
- private static final String DIALOG_SETTINGS = "org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.widgets.toolbox.BundleExplorerDialog";
- private IPluginModelBase[] fModels;
- /**
- * Creates a new BundleExplorerDialog.
- *
- * @param shell
- * the parent shell for the dialog
- * @param multi
- * <code>true</code> if multi selection is allowed
- */
- public BundleExplorerDialog(Shell shell, boolean multi, IPluginModelBase[] models) {
- super(shell, multi);
- setTitle("Plug-in Selection");
- setMessage("Select a Plug-in:");
- fModels = models;
- PDEPlugin.getDefault().getLabelProvider().connect(this);
- setListLabelProvider(PDEPlugin.getDefault().getLabelProvider());
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- @Override
- protected Control createExtendedContentArea(Composite parent) {
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- @Override
- protected ItemsFilter createFilter() {
- return new PluginSearchItemsFilter();
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- @Override
- protected void fillContentProvider(AbstractContentProvider contentProvider, ItemsFilter itemsFilter, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) throws CoreException {
- for (int i = 0; i < fModels.length; i++) {
- contentProvider.add(fModels[i], itemsFilter);
- progressMonitor.worked(1);
- }
- progressMonitor.done();
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- @Override
- protected IDialogSettings getDialogSettings() {
- IDialogSettings settings = Activator.getDefault().getDialogSettings().getSection(DIALOG_SETTINGS);
- if (settings == null) {
- settings = Activator.getDefault().getDialogSettings().addNewSection(DIALOG_SETTINGS);
- }
- return settings;
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- @Override
- public String getElementName(Object item) {
- if (item instanceof IPluginModelBase) {
- IPluginModelBase model = (IPluginModelBase) item;
- return model.getPluginBase().getId();
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- @Override
- protected Comparator<?> getItemsComparator() {
- return new PluginSearchComparator();
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- @Override
- protected IStatus validateItem(Object item) {
- return new Status(IStatus.OK, Activator.ID, 0, "", null); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- private class PluginSearchItemsFilter extends ItemsFilter {
- @Override
- public boolean isConsistentItem(Object item) {
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean matchItem(Object item) {
- String id = null;
- if (item instanceof IPluginModelBase) {
- IPluginModelBase model = (IPluginModelBase) item;
- id = model.getPluginBase().getId();
- }
- return (matches(id));
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean matches(String text) {
- String pattern = patternMatcher.getPattern();
- if (pattern.indexOf("*") != 0 && pattern.indexOf("?") != 0 && pattern.indexOf(".") != 0) {//$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
- pattern = "*" + pattern; //$NON-NLS-1$
- patternMatcher.setPattern(pattern);
- }
- return patternMatcher.matches(text);
- }
- }
- private class PluginSearchComparator implements Comparator {
- public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
- int id1 = getId(o1);
- int id2 = getId(o2);
- if (id1 != id2) {
- return id1 - id2;
- }
- return compareSimilarObjects(o1, o2);
- }
- private int getId(Object element) {
- if (element instanceof IPluginModelBase) {
- return 100;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- private int compareSimilarObjects(Object o1, Object o2) {
- if (o1 instanceof IPluginModelBase && o2 instanceof IPluginModelBase) {
- IPluginModelBase ipmb1 = (IPluginModelBase) o1;
- IPluginModelBase ipmb2 = (IPluginModelBase) o2;
- return comparePlugins(ipmb1.getPluginBase(), ipmb2.getPluginBase());
- }
- return 0;
- }
- private int comparePlugins(IPluginBase ipmb1, IPluginBase ipmb2) {
- return ipmb1.getId().compareTo(ipmb2.getId());
- }
- }
diff --git a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
deleted file mode 100644
index edaf7837c95..00000000000
--- a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,501 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 CEA LIST.
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
- * Camille Letavernier (CEA LIST) - Bug fix
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.dialog;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Enumeration;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.LabelProvider;
-import org.eclipse.jface.window.Window;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.Messages;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
-import org.eclipse.pde.core.plugin.IPluginModel;
-import org.eclipse.pde.core.plugin.PluginRegistry;
-import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;
-import org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.FilteredList;
-import org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.SelectionStatusDialog;
-import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
- * Selection dialog for icons in bundles
- */
-public class BundleIconExplorerDialog extends SelectionStatusDialog {
- /** gif file extension */
- protected static final String GIF_EXTENSION = ".gif"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- /** length of the extension */
- public static final int GIF_EXTENSION_LENGTH = GIF_EXTENSION.length();
- /** protocol for platform plugin URLs */
- protected static final String PLUGIN_PROTOCOL = "platform:/plugin/"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- /** indicates if several icons can be selected at the same time */
- protected final boolean allowMultiple;
- /** list that displays icons */
- protected FilteredList filteredList;
- /** text where a filter can be entered for the icon names */
- protected Text filterText;
- /** current filter string */
- protected String filter = null;
- /** initial value */
- protected String initialValue;
- /** current displayed bundle name */
- protected String currentBundleName = "org.eclipse.uml2.uml.edit"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- private Text text;
- /**
- * Creates a new Icon Bundle Explorer Dialog
- *
- * @param parentShell
- * the parent shell for the dialog
- */
- public BundleIconExplorerDialog(Shell parentShell, boolean allowMultiple, String initialValue, String bundle) {
- super(parentShell);
- this.allowMultiple = allowMultiple;
- this.initialValue = initialValue;
- this.currentBundleName = bundle;
- setTitle(Messages.BundleIconExplorerDialog_Title);
- setMessage(Messages.BundleIconExplorerDialog_Message);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a new Icon Bundle Explorer Dialog
- *
- * @param parentShell
- * the parent shell for the dialog
- */
- public BundleIconExplorerDialog(Shell parentShell, String initialValue) {
- this(parentShell, false, initialValue, retrieveBundleId(initialValue));
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the bundle from which the
- *
- * @param initialValue
- * the initial value from which the bundle has to be retrieved
- * @return the bundle id
- */
- protected static String retrieveBundleId(String initialValue) {
- if (initialValue.startsWith(PLUGIN_PROTOCOL)) {
- String tmp = initialValue.substring(PLUGIN_PROTOCOL.length());
- int bundleIdEndIndex = tmp.indexOf("/");
- return tmp.substring(0, bundleIdEndIndex);
- }
- return "org.eclipse.uml2.uml.edit";
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- protected Control createDialogArea(Composite parent) {
- Composite composite = (Composite) super.createDialogArea(parent);
- initializeDialogUnits(composite);
- // creates the message area, as defined in the super class
- createMessageArea(composite);
- createComboArea(composite);
- createFilterText(composite);
- createFilteredList(composite);
- refreshList();
- return composite;
- }
- /**
- * Refresh the content of the
- */
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- protected void refreshList() {
- // check selection
- currentBundleName = text.getText().trim();
- Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle(currentBundleName);
- if (bundle == null) {
- Activator.getDefault().getLog().log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, "impossible to find bundle with id: " + currentBundleName));
- return;
- }
- Enumeration<URL> e = bundle.findEntries("", "*" + GIF_EXTENSION, true); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
- List<ImageProxy> selectedProxy = new ArrayList<ImageProxy>();
- List<ImageProxy> images = new ArrayList<ImageProxy>();
- if (e == null) {
- return;
- }
- while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
- ImageProxy proxy = new ImageProxy(e.nextElement());
- if (proxy.isDisplayed()) {
- images.add(proxy);
- // check if the proxy corresponds to the initialValue
- if (proxy.isInitial()) {
- selectedProxy.add(proxy);
- }
- }
- }
- filteredList.setElements(images.toArray());
- // select objects
- if (!selectedProxy.isEmpty()) {
- filteredList.setSelection(selectedProxy.toArray());
- }
- }
- /**
- * Creates an area where users can select bundles where icons should be selected
- *
- * @param composite
- * the parent composite of the controls created in this area
- */
- protected void createComboArea(Composite composite) {
- Composite parent = new Composite(composite, SWT.NONE);
- GridData data = new GridData();
- data.grabExcessVerticalSpace = false;
- data.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
- data.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
- data.verticalAlignment = GridData.BEGINNING;
- parent.setLayoutData(data);
- parent.setFont(parent.getFont());
- GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(3, false);
- parent.setLayout(layout);
- Label label = new Label(parent, SWT.NONE);
- label.setText("Bundle");
- text = new Text(parent, SWT.READ_ONLY | SWT.BORDER);
- data = new GridData();
- data.grabExcessVerticalSpace = false;
- data.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
- data.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
- data.verticalAlignment = GridData.BEGINNING;
- text.setLayoutData(data);
- text.setText(currentBundleName);
- Button selectBundleButton = new Button(parent, SWT.NONE);
- selectBundleButton.setText("...");
- selectBundleButton.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
- handleManageBundlesButtonPressed();
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) {
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * Handles action when user press the Manage bundle button in the combo area
- */
- protected void handleManageBundlesButtonPressed() {
- // open a dialog
- BundleExplorerDialog dialog = new BundleExplorerDialog(getParentShell(), false, PluginRegistry.getActiveModels(true));
- if (Window.OK == {
- text.setText(((IPluginModel) dialog.getFirstResult()).getPlugin().getId());
- refreshList();
- }
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- protected void computeResult() {
- List<Object> proxies = Arrays.asList(getSelectedElements());
- List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(proxies.size());
- for (Object proxy : proxies) {
- results.add(((ImageProxy) proxy).getPluginPath());
- }
- setResult(results);
- }
- /**
- * Returns an array of the currently selected elements.
- * To be called within or after open().
- *
- * @return returns an array of the currently selected elements.
- */
- protected Object[] getSelectedElements() {
- Assert.isNotNull(filteredList);
- return filteredList.getSelection();
- }
- /**
- * Creates an area where a filter can be entered. This filter will restrict the list of available icons.
- *
- * @param parent
- * the parent composite where to create the filter text
- * @return the created text area
- */
- protected Text createFilterText(Composite parent) {
- Text text = new Text(parent, SWT.BORDER);
- GridData data = new GridData();
- data.grabExcessVerticalSpace = false;
- data.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
- data.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
- data.verticalAlignment = GridData.BEGINNING;
- text.setLayoutData(data);
- text.setFont(parent.getFont());
- text.setText((filter == null ? "" : filter)); //$NON-NLS-1$
- Listener listener = new Listener() {
- public void handleEvent(Event e) {
- filteredList.setFilter("*" + filterText.getText()); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- };
- text.addListener(SWT.Modify, listener);
- text.addKeyListener(new KeyListener() {
- public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
- if (e.keyCode == SWT.ARROW_DOWN) {
- filteredList.setFocus();
- }
- }
- public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
- }
- });
- filterText = text;
- return text;
- }
- /**
- * Creates a filtered list.
- *
- * @param parent
- * the parent composite.
- * @return returns the filtered list widget.
- */
- protected FilteredList createFilteredList(Composite parent) {
- int flags = SWT.BORDER | SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.H_SCROLL | (allowMultiple ? SWT.MULTI : SWT.SINGLE);
- FilteredList list = new FilteredList(parent, flags, new BundleIconLabelProvider(), true, true, true);
- GridData data = new GridData();
- data.widthHint = convertWidthInCharsToPixels(60);
- data.heightHint = convertHeightInCharsToPixels(18);
- data.grabExcessVerticalSpace = true;
- data.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
- data.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
- data.verticalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
- list.setLayoutData(data);
- list.setFont(parent.getFont());
- list.setFilter((filter == null ? "" : filter)); //$NON-NLS-1$
- filteredList = list;
- return list;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the bundle identifier for the current image
- *
- * @return the bundle identifier for the current image
- */
- public String getCurrentBundleName() {
- return currentBundleName;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the path to the icon in the bundle
- *
- * @return the path to the icon in the bundle
- */
- public String getIconPath() {
- List<Object> proxies = Arrays.asList(getSelectedElements());
- if (proxies.size() == 1) {
- return ((ImageProxy) proxies.get(0)).getLocalPath();
- }
- return "";
- }
- /**
- * label provider for the icons in Bundle
- */
- public class BundleIconLabelProvider extends LabelProvider {
- /**
- * Creates a new BundleIconLabelProvider.
- */
- public BundleIconLabelProvider() {
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Image getImage(Object element) {
- if (element instanceof ImageProxy) {
- // int index = ((String)element).indexOf(currentBundleName);
- // String path = ((String)element).substring(index+currentBundleName.length());
- // return Activator.getImage(currentBundleName, path);
- return ((ImageProxy) element).getImage();
- }
- return super.getImage(element);
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public String getText(Object element) {
- if (element instanceof ImageProxy) {
- return ((ImageProxy) element).getText();
- }
- return super.getText(element);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Proxy for images
- */
- protected class ImageProxy {
- /** proxied image */
- private final Image image;
- /** full plugin path */
- private String path;
- /** local path inside the plugin */
- private String localPath;
- /** local path inside the plugin */
- private String fileName;
- /**
- * Creates an Image Proxy
- *
- * @param url
- * the url of the image to proxy
- */
- public ImageProxy(URL url) {
- localPath = url.getPath();
- path = PLUGIN_PROTOCOL + getCurrentBundleName() + localPath;
- image = org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator.getImage(path, ""); //$NON-NLS-1$
- int index = localPath.lastIndexOf('/');
- if (index > 0 && index < localPath.length()) {
- fileName = localPath.substring(index + 1, localPath.length() - GIF_EXTENSION_LENGTH);
- } else {
- fileName = Messages.BundleIconExplorerDialog_UnknownFileName;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Checks if this proxy corresponds to the initial value
- *
- * @return <code>true</code> if this is the initial value proxy
- */
- public boolean isInitial() {
- return initialValue.equals(path);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the real image
- *
- * @return the real image
- */
- public Image getImage() {
- return image;
- }
- /**
- * Returns <code>true</code> if this image is correct
- *
- * @return <code>true</code> if this image is correct
- */
- public boolean isDisplayed() {
- Rectangle bounds = image.getBounds();
- if (bounds.height == 16 && bounds.width == 16) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the text to display
- *
- * @return the text to display
- */
- public String getText() {
- return fileName;
- }
- public String getPluginPath() {
- return path;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the path to the icon in the bundle
- *
- * @return the path to the icon in the bundle
- */
- public String getLocalPath() {
- return localPath;
- }
- }
diff --git a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
index a508977852f..6dce046b3d6 100644
--- a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
@@ -1,339 +1,349 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 CEA LIST.
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.dialog;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.jface.window.Window;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Messages;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.Configuration;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.IconDescriptor;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.PaletteconfigurationFactory;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.ToolConfiguration;
-import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Profile;
- * Class in charge of the composite in the {@link LocalPaletteContentPage}
- */
-public class ConfigurationInformationComposite {
- /** current selected entry proxy */
- protected Configuration selectedConfiguration;
- /** proxy name text */
- protected Text nameText;
- /** proxy description text */
- protected Text descriptionText;
- /** proxy icon text */
- protected Text iconText;
- /** referenced proxy text */
- protected Text referencedText;
- /** list of applied profiles */
- protected List<Profile> appliedProfiles;
- /** button for icon selection */
- protected Button iconButton;
- /** protocol for platform plugin URLs */
- protected static final String PLUGIN_PROTOCOL = "platform:/plugin/"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- /**
- * Creates the content of the information composite
- *
- * @param parent
- * the composite where to add created controls
- * @param appliedProfiles
- * the list of applied profiles
- * @return the newly created composite
- */
- public Composite createComposite(final Composite parent, List<Profile> appliedProfiles) {
- this.appliedProfiles = appliedProfiles;
- Composite composite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
- GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(3, false);
- composite.setLayout(layout);
- GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
- data.widthHint = 260;
- data.horizontalIndent = 10;
- composite.setLayoutData(data);
- Label entryInformationLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
- entryInformationLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Entry_Information);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false);
- data.horizontalSpan = 3;
- entryInformationLabel.setLayoutData(data);
- Label nameLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
- nameLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Entry_Name);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, false, false);
- nameLabel.setLayoutData(data);
- nameText = new Text(composite, SWT.LEAD | SWT.BORDER);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false);
- nameText.setLayoutData(data);
- nameText.addFocusListener(new NameFocusListener());
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false);
- data.horizontalSpan = 2;
- nameText.setLayoutData(data);
- Label referencedLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
- referencedLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Entry_Reference);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.BEGINNING, true, false);
- referencedLabel.setLayoutData(data);
- referencedText = new Text(composite, SWT.LEAD | SWT.BORDER | SWT.READ_ONLY);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false);
- referencedText.setLayoutData(data);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false);
- data.horizontalSpan = 2;
- referencedText.setLayoutData(data);
- Label descriptionLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
- descriptionLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Entry_Description);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.BEGINNING, true, false);
- descriptionLabel.setLayoutData(data);
- descriptionText = new Text(composite, SWT.WRAP | SWT.BORDER);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
- data.horizontalSpan = 2;
- data.widthHint = 160;
- descriptionText.setLayoutData(data);
- descriptionText.addFocusListener(new DescriptionFocusListener());
- Label iconLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
- iconLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Entry_Icon);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.BEGINNING, true, false);
- iconLabel.setLayoutData(data);
- iconText = new Text(composite, SWT.LEAD | SWT.BORDER);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false);
- iconText.setLayoutData(data);
- iconText.addFocusListener(new IconFocusListener());
- iconButton = new Button(composite, SWT.NONE);
- iconButton.setText("Select...");
- iconButton.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
- BundleIconExplorerDialog dialog = new BundleIconExplorerDialog(parent.getShell(), iconText.getText());
- if (Window.OK == {
- Object[] values = dialog.getResult();
- if (values.length != 1) {
- Activator.log.error("Waiting one icon path, but found " + values.length, null);
- } else {
- iconText.setText(values[0].toString());
- String bundleId = dialog.getCurrentBundleName();
- String iconPath = dialog.getIconPath();
- updateIconInConfiguration(bundleId, iconPath);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) {
- }
- });
- return composite;
- }
- private void updateIconInConfiguration(String bundleId, String iconPath) {
- if (selectedConfiguration != null) {
- IconDescriptor descriptor = PaletteconfigurationFactory.eINSTANCE.createIconDescriptor();
- if (bundleId != null && iconPath != null) {
- descriptor.setPluginID(bundleId);
- descriptor.setIconPath(iconPath);
- }
- selectedConfiguration.setIcon(descriptor);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Updates the name field in the information area
- */
- protected void updateNameEntryField() {
- if (selectedConfiguration != null) {
- nameText.setText((selectedConfiguration.getLabel() != null) ? selectedConfiguration.getLabel() : "");
- nameText.setEnabled(true);
- } else {
- nameText.setText("");
- nameText.setEnabled(false);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Updates the reference field in the information area
- */
- protected void updateReferencedEntryField() {
- if (selectedConfiguration instanceof ToolConfiguration) {
- ToolConfiguration configuration = ((ToolConfiguration) selectedConfiguration);
- } else {
- referencedText.setText("");
- referencedText.setEnabled(false);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Updates the description field in the information area
- */
- protected void updateDescriptionEntryField() {
- if (selectedConfiguration != null) {
- descriptionText.setText((selectedConfiguration.getDescription() != null) ? selectedConfiguration.getDescription() : "");
- descriptionText.setEnabled(true);
- } else {
- descriptionText.setText("");
- descriptionText.setEnabled(false);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Updates the icon field in the information area
- */
- protected void updateIconEntryField() {
- if (selectedConfiguration != null) {
- IconDescriptor descriptor = selectedConfiguration.getIcon();
- if (descriptor != null) {
- String iconPath = descriptor.getIconPath();
- String bundleId = descriptor.getPluginID();
- if (iconPath != null && bundleId != null) {
- iconText.setText(PLUGIN_PROTOCOL + bundleId + iconPath);
- }
- }
- iconText.setEnabled(true);
- } else {
- iconText.setText("");
- iconText.setEnabled(true);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sets the new Selected entry
- *
- * @param configuration
- * the selectedConfiguration to set
- */
- public void setSelectedConfiguration(Configuration configuration) {
- this.selectedConfiguration = configuration;
- updateNameEntryField();
- updateIconEntryField();
- updateReferencedEntryField();
- updateDescriptionEntryField();
- }
- /**
- * focus listener for the name text field
- */
- protected class NameFocusListener implements FocusListener {
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
- if (selectedConfiguration != null) {
- selectedConfiguration.setLabel(nameText.getText().trim());
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * focus listener for the name text field
- */
- protected class DescriptionFocusListener implements FocusListener {
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
- if (selectedConfiguration != null) {
- selectedConfiguration.setDescription(descriptionText.getText().trim());
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * focus listener for the name text field
- */
- protected class IconFocusListener implements FocusListener {
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
- String text = iconText.getText();
- if (selectedConfiguration != null && text != null && !text.equals("")) {
- // parse the text....
- if (!text.startsWith(PLUGIN_PROTOCOL)) {
- return;
- }
- text = text.substring(PLUGIN_PROTOCOL.length(), text.length());
- int i = text.indexOf("/");
- if (i < 1) {
- return;
- }
- String bundlePath = text.substring(0, i);
- String iconPath = text.substring(bundlePath.length(), text.length());
- updateIconInConfiguration(bundlePath, iconPath);
- }
- }
- }
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 CEA LIST.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.dialog;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.eclipse.jface.window.Window;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.Messages;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.widgets.editors.BundleIconExplorerDialog;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.Configuration;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.IconDescriptor;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.PaletteconfigurationFactory;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.ToolConfiguration;
+import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Profile;
+ * Class in charge of the composite in the {@link LocalPaletteContentPage}
+ */
+public class ConfigurationInformationComposite {
+ /** current selected entry proxy */
+ protected Configuration selectedConfiguration;
+ /** proxy name text */
+ protected Text nameText;
+ /** proxy description text */
+ protected Text descriptionText;
+ /** proxy icon text */
+ protected Text iconText;
+ /** referenced proxy text */
+ protected Text referencedText;
+ /** list of applied profiles */
+ protected List<Profile> appliedProfiles;
+ /** button for icon selection */
+ protected Button iconButton;
+ /** protocol for platform plugin URLs */
+ protected static final String PLUGIN_PROTOCOL = "platform:/plugin/"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ /**
+ * Creates the content of the information composite
+ *
+ * @param parent
+ * the composite where to add created controls
+ * @param appliedProfiles
+ * the list of applied profiles
+ * @return the newly created composite
+ */
+ public Composite createComposite(final Composite parent, List<Profile> appliedProfiles) {
+ this.appliedProfiles = appliedProfiles;
+ Composite composite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
+ GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(3, false);
+ composite.setLayout(layout);
+ GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
+ data.widthHint = 260;
+ data.horizontalIndent = 10;
+ composite.setLayoutData(data);
+ Label entryInformationLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
+ entryInformationLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Entry_Information);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false);
+ data.horizontalSpan = 3;
+ entryInformationLabel.setLayoutData(data);
+ Label nameLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
+ nameLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Entry_Name);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, false, false);
+ nameLabel.setLayoutData(data);
+ nameText = new Text(composite, SWT.LEAD | SWT.BORDER);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false);
+ nameText.setLayoutData(data);
+ nameText.addFocusListener(new NameFocusListener());
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false);
+ data.horizontalSpan = 2;
+ nameText.setLayoutData(data);
+ Label referencedLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
+ referencedLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Entry_Reference);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.BEGINNING, true, false);
+ referencedLabel.setLayoutData(data);
+ referencedText = new Text(composite, SWT.LEAD | SWT.BORDER | SWT.READ_ONLY);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false);
+ referencedText.setLayoutData(data);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false);
+ data.horizontalSpan = 2;
+ referencedText.setLayoutData(data);
+ Label descriptionLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
+ descriptionLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Entry_Description);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.BEGINNING, true, false);
+ descriptionLabel.setLayoutData(data);
+ descriptionText = new Text(composite, SWT.WRAP | SWT.BORDER);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
+ data.horizontalSpan = 2;
+ data.widthHint = 160;
+ descriptionText.setLayoutData(data);
+ descriptionText.addFocusListener(new DescriptionFocusListener());
+ Label iconLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
+ iconLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Entry_Icon);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.BEGINNING, true, false);
+ iconLabel.setLayoutData(data);
+ iconText = new Text(composite, SWT.LEAD | SWT.BORDER);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false);
+ iconText.setLayoutData(data);
+ iconText.addFocusListener(new IconFocusListener());
+ iconButton = new Button(composite, SWT.NONE);
+ iconButton.setText("Select...");
+ iconButton.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
+ BundleIconExplorerDialog dialog = new BundleIconExplorerDialog(parent.getShell(), iconText.getText());
+ if (Window.OK == {
+ Object[] values = dialog.getResult();
+ if (values.length != 1) {
+ Activator.log.error("Waiting one icon path, but found " + values.length, null);//$NON-NLS-1$
+ } else {
+ iconText.setText(values[0].toString());
+ String bundleId = dialog.getCurrentBundleName();
+ String iconPath = dialog.getIconPath();
+ updateIconInConfiguration(bundleId, iconPath);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) {
+ }
+ });
+ return composite;
+ }
+ private void updateIconInConfiguration(String bundleId, String iconPath) {
+ if (selectedConfiguration != null) {
+ IconDescriptor descriptor = PaletteconfigurationFactory.eINSTANCE.createIconDescriptor();
+ if (bundleId != null && iconPath != null) {
+ descriptor.setPluginID(bundleId);
+ descriptor.setIconPath(iconPath);
+ }
+ selectedConfiguration.setIcon(descriptor);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates the name field in the information area
+ */
+ protected void updateNameEntryField() {
+ if (selectedConfiguration != null) {
+ nameText.setText((selectedConfiguration.getLabel() != null) ? selectedConfiguration.getLabel() : "");
+ nameText.setEnabled(true);
+ } else {
+ nameText.setText("");
+ nameText.setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates the reference field in the information area
+ */
+ protected void updateReferencedEntryField() {
+ if (selectedConfiguration instanceof ToolConfiguration) {
+ ToolConfiguration configuration = ((ToolConfiguration) selectedConfiguration);
+ } else {
+ referencedText.setText("");
+ referencedText.setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates the description field in the information area
+ */
+ protected void updateDescriptionEntryField() {
+ if (selectedConfiguration != null) {
+ descriptionText.setText((selectedConfiguration.getDescription() != null) ? selectedConfiguration.getDescription() : "");
+ descriptionText.setEnabled(true);
+ } else {
+ descriptionText.setText("");
+ descriptionText.setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates the icon field in the information area
+ */
+ protected void updateIconEntryField() {
+ if (selectedConfiguration != null) {
+ IconDescriptor descriptor = selectedConfiguration.getIcon();
+ if (descriptor != null) {
+ String iconPath = descriptor.getIconPath();
+ String bundleId = descriptor.getPluginID();
+ if (iconPath != null && bundleId != null) {
+ iconText.setText(PLUGIN_PROTOCOL + bundleId + iconPath);
+ }
+ }
+ iconText.setEnabled(true);
+ } else {
+ iconText.setText("");
+ iconText.setEnabled(true);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the new Selected entry
+ *
+ * @param configuration
+ * the selectedConfiguration to set
+ */
+ public void setSelectedConfiguration(Configuration configuration) {
+ this.selectedConfiguration = configuration;
+ updateNameEntryField();
+ updateIconEntryField();
+ updateReferencedEntryField();
+ updateDescriptionEntryField();
+ }
+ /**
+ * focus listener for the name text field
+ */
+ protected class NameFocusListener implements FocusListener {
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
+ if (selectedConfiguration != null) {
+ selectedConfiguration.setLabel(nameText.getText().trim());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * focus listener for the name text field
+ */
+ protected class DescriptionFocusListener implements FocusListener {
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
+ if (selectedConfiguration != null) {
+ selectedConfiguration.setDescription(descriptionText.getText().trim());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * focus listener for the name text field
+ */
+ protected class IconFocusListener implements FocusListener {
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
+ String text = iconText.getText();
+ if (selectedConfiguration != null && text != null && !text.equals("")) {
+ // parse the text....
+ if (!text.startsWith(PLUGIN_PROTOCOL)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ text = text.substring(PLUGIN_PROTOCOL.length(), text.length());
+ int i = text.indexOf("/");
+ if (i < 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ String bundlePath = text.substring(0, i);
+ String iconPath = text.substring(bundlePath.length(), text.length());
+ updateIconInConfiguration(bundlePath, iconPath);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
index 830640b2e5c..41cf5e622d7 100644
--- a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
@@ -1,419 +1,425 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2009 CEA LIST.
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.dialog;
-import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog;
-import org.eclipse.jface.window.Window;
-import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardPage;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Messages;
-import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget;
- * Wizard page for information about the new drawer
- */
-public class DrawerInformationPage extends WizardPage implements Listener {
- /** text area for the name of the palette definition */
- protected Text nameText;
- /** text area for the id of the palette definition */
- protected Text idText;
- /** parent composite for advanced fields */
- protected Composite advancedComposite;
- /** Button to show/hide advanced fields */
- protected Button advancedButton;
- /** drawer ID */
- protected String drawerID;
- /** palette name */
- protected String name;
- /** image descriptor for the drawer icon */
- protected String imageDescriptorPath;
- /** Text area for icon path */
- protected Text imageText;
- /** drawer proxy to edit, if one exists */
- protected final PaletteLocalDrawerProxy drawerProxy;
- /** path to the icon */
- protected static final String WIZARD_ICON = "/icons/new_drawer_wiz.gif";
- /**
- * Creates a new wizard page with the given name, title, and image.
- *
- * @param part
- * the editor part in which the wizard was created
- */
- public DrawerInformationPage() {
- super(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Page_Name, Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Page_Title, Activator.getImageDescriptor(WIZARD_ICON));
- drawerProxy = null;
- }
- /**
- * Creates a new wizard page with the given name, title, and image.
- *
- * @param part
- * the editor part in which the wizard was created
- */
- public DrawerInformationPage(PaletteLocalDrawerProxy drawerProxy) {
- super(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Page_Name, Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Page_Title, Activator.getImageDescriptor(WIZARD_ICON));
- this.drawerProxy = drawerProxy;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void createControl(Composite parent) {
- // initialize dialog units
- initializeDialogUnits(parent);
- // initialize values
- intializeValues();
- // Create a new composite as there is the title bar seperator
- // to deal with
- Composite control = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
- GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(2, false);
- control.setLayout(layout);
- control.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true));
- setControl(control);
- createNameControl(control);
- createAdvancedControls(control);
- // end of the control creation
- Dialog.applyDialogFont(control);
- validatePage();
- // Show description on opening
- setErrorMessage(null);
- setMessage(null);
- setPageComplete(false);
- setControl(control);
- }
- /**
- * initializes fields using context information
- */
- protected void intializeValues() {
- initName();
- initDrawerID();
- initImageDescriptor();
- }
- /**
- * Returns the current value of palette name
- *
- * @return the current value of palette name
- */
- public String getDrawerName() {
- return name;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the current value of palette ID
- *
- * @return the current value of palette ID
- */
- public String getDrawerID() {
- return drawerID;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the current value of path for image descriptor
- *
- * @return the current value of path for image descriptor
- */
- public String getImageDescriptorPath() {
- return imageDescriptorPath;
- }
- /**
- * inits the name field value
- */
- protected void initName() {
- if (drawerProxy == null) {
- name = "";
- } else {
- name = drawerProxy.getLabel();
- }
- }
- /**
- * inits the palette id value
- */
- protected void initDrawerID() {
- if (drawerProxy == null) {
- drawerID = "drawer_" + System.currentTimeMillis();
- } else {
- drawerID = drawerProxy.getId();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Inits the image descriptor
- */
- protected void initImageDescriptor() {
- if (drawerProxy == null) {
- imageDescriptorPath = "/icons/drawer.gif";
- } else {
- imageDescriptorPath = drawerProxy.getImagePath();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Validates the content of the fields in this page
- */
- protected boolean validatePage() {
- boolean valid = true;
- if (advancedComposite != null && !advancedComposite.isDisposed()) {
- if ("".equals(getDrawerID())) {
- setErrorMessage(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Error_Id);
- valid = false;
- } else if ("".equals(getImageDescriptorPath())) {
- setErrorMessage(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Error_Icon);
- valid = false;
- }
- }
- if ("".equals(getDrawerName())) {
- setErrorMessage(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Error_Name);
- valid = false;
- }
- if (valid) {
- setMessage(null);
- setErrorMessage(null);
- }
- return valid;
- }
- /**
- * Creates the widget for advanced options.
- *
- * @param parent
- * the parent composite
- */
- protected void createAdvancedControls(Composite parent) {
- advancedButton = new Button(parent, SWT.PUSH);
- advancedButton.setFont(parent.getFont());
- advancedButton.setText(Messages.Dialog_Advanced_Button_Closed);
- GridData data = setButtonLayoutData(advancedButton);
- data.horizontalAlignment = GridData.BEGINNING;
- data.horizontalSpan = 2;
- advancedButton.setLayoutData(data);
- advancedButton.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
- @Override
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
- handleAdvancedButtonSelect();
- }
- });
- }
- public Composite createAdvancedComposite(Composite parent) {
- advancedComposite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
- advancedComposite.setFont(parent.getFont());
- advancedComposite.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true, 2, 1));
- GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(3, false);
- layout.marginHeight = 0;
- layout.marginWidth = 0;
- advancedComposite.setLayout(layout);
- createIconControl(advancedComposite);
- createIDControl(advancedComposite);
- advancedComposite.getParent().layout();
- return advancedComposite;
- }
- /**
- * creates the control area for the icon path definition
- *
- * @param composite
- * the parent composite
- */
- protected void createIconControl(final Composite composite) {
- final Label iconLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
- iconLabel.setText(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Icon);
- iconLabel.setToolTipText(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Icon_Tooltip);
- imageText = new Text(composite, SWT.BORDER | SWT.READ_ONLY);
- imageText.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false));
- imageText.setToolTipText(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Icon_Tooltip);
- // initialize, then add the listener...
- initialPopulateDrawerIconField();
- // imageText.addListener(SWT.Modify, this);
- Button button = new Button(composite, SWT.NONE);
- button.setText("...");
- button.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
- BundleIconExplorerDialog dialog = new BundleIconExplorerDialog(composite.getShell(), imageText.getText());
- if (Window.OK == {
- Object[] values = dialog.getResult();
- if (values.length != 1) {
- Activator.log.error("Waiting one icon path, but found " + values.length, null);
- } else {
- imageDescriptorPath = values[0].toString();
- imageText.setText(imageDescriptorPath);
- }
- }
- setPageComplete(validatePage());
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) {
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * Shows/hides the advanced option widgets.
- */
- protected void handleAdvancedButtonSelect() {
- Composite composite = (Composite) getControl();
- if (advancedComposite != null) {
- advancedComposite.dispose();
- advancedComposite = null;
- advancedButton.setText(Messages.Dialog_Advanced_Button_Closed);
- } else {
- createAdvancedComposite(composite);
- advancedButton.setText(Messages.Dialog_Advanced_Button_Opened);
- }
- }
- /**
- * creates the control area for the id definition
- *
- * @param control
- * the parent composite
- */
- protected void createIDControl(Composite control) {
- final Label idLabel = new Label(control, SWT.NONE);
- idLabel.setText(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Id);
- idLabel.setToolTipText(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Id_Tooltip);
- idText = new Text(control, SWT.BORDER);
- GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false);
- data.horizontalSpan = 2;
- idText.setLayoutData(data);
- idText.setToolTipText(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Id_Tooltip);
- // initialize, then add the listener...
- initialPopulateDrawerIDField();
- idText.addListener(SWT.Modify, this);
- }
- /**
- * intialize the field using current value of the palette id
- */
- protected void initialPopulateDrawerIconField() {
- imageText.setText(imageDescriptorPath);
- }
- /**
- * intialize the field using current value of the palette id
- */
- protected void initialPopulateDrawerIDField() {
- idText.setText(drawerID);
- }
- /**
- * creates the control area for the name definition
- *
- * @param control
- * the parent composite
- */
- protected void createNameControl(Composite control) {
- final Label nameLabel = new Label(control, SWT.NONE);
- nameLabel.setText(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Name);
- nameLabel.setToolTipText(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Name_Tooltip);
- nameText = new Text(control, SWT.BORDER);
- nameText.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false));
- nameText.setToolTipText(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Name_Tooltip);
- // initialize, then add the listener...
- initialPopulateNameField();
- nameText.addListener(SWT.Modify, this);
- }
- /**
- * initialize name field
- */
- protected void initialPopulateNameField() {
- nameText.setText(name);
- }
- /**
- * The <code>WizardNewFileCreationPage</code> implementation of this <code>Listener</code> method handles all events and enablements for controls
- * on this page. Subclasses may extend.
- */
- public void handleEvent(Event event) {
- Widget widget = event.widget;
- if (widget.equals(nameText)) {
- name = nameText.getText();
- } else if (widget.equals(idText)) {
- drawerID = idText.getText();
- }
- setPageComplete(validatePage());
- }
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 CEA LIST.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.dialog;
+import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog;
+import org.eclipse.jface.window.Window;
+import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardPage;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.Messages;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.widgets.editors.BundleIconExplorerDialog;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
+import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget;
+ * Wizard page for information about the new drawer
+ */
+public class DrawerInformationPage extends WizardPage implements Listener {
+ /** text area for the name of the palette definition */
+ protected Text nameText;
+ /** text area for the id of the palette definition */
+ protected Text idText;
+ /** parent composite for advanced fields */
+ protected Composite advancedComposite;
+ /** Button to show/hide advanced fields */
+ protected Button advancedButton;
+ /** drawer ID */
+ protected String drawerID;
+ /** palette name */
+ protected String name;
+ /** image descriptor for the drawer icon */
+ protected String imageDescriptorPath;
+ /** Text area for icon path */
+ protected Text imageText;
+ /** drawer proxy to edit, if one exists */
+ protected final PaletteLocalDrawerProxy drawerProxy;
+ /** path to the icon */
+ protected static final String WIZARD_ICON = "/icons/new_drawer_wiz.gif";
+ /**
+ * Creates a new wizard page with the given name, title, and image.
+ *
+ * @param part
+ * the editor part in which the wizard was created
+ */
+ public DrawerInformationPage() {
+ super(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Page_Name, Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Page_Title, Activator.getImageDescriptor(WIZARD_ICON));
+ drawerProxy = null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new wizard page with the given name, title, and image.
+ *
+ * @param part
+ * the editor part in which the wizard was created
+ */
+ public DrawerInformationPage(PaletteLocalDrawerProxy drawerProxy) {
+ super(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Page_Name, Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Page_Title, Activator.getImageDescriptor(WIZARD_ICON));
+ this.drawerProxy = drawerProxy;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void createControl(Composite parent) {
+ // initialize dialog units
+ initializeDialogUnits(parent);
+ // initialize values
+ intializeValues();
+ // Create a new composite as there is the title bar seperator
+ // to deal with
+ Composite control = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
+ GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(2, false);
+ control.setLayout(layout);
+ control.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true));
+ setControl(control);
+ createNameControl(control);
+ createAdvancedControls(control);
+ // end of the control creation
+ Dialog.applyDialogFont(control);
+ validatePage();
+ // Show description on opening
+ setErrorMessage(null);
+ setMessage(null);
+ setPageComplete(false);
+ setControl(control);
+ }
+ /**
+ * initializes fields using context information
+ */
+ protected void intializeValues() {
+ initName();
+ initDrawerID();
+ initImageDescriptor();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the current value of palette name
+ *
+ * @return the current value of palette name
+ */
+ public String getDrawerName() {
+ return name;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the current value of palette ID
+ *
+ * @return the current value of palette ID
+ */
+ public String getDrawerID() {
+ return drawerID;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the current value of path for image descriptor
+ *
+ * @return the current value of path for image descriptor
+ */
+ public String getImageDescriptorPath() {
+ return imageDescriptorPath;
+ }
+ /**
+ * inits the name field value
+ */
+ protected void initName() {
+ if (drawerProxy == null) {
+ name = "";
+ } else {
+ name = drawerProxy.getLabel();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * inits the palette id value
+ */
+ protected void initDrawerID() {
+ if (drawerProxy == null) {
+ drawerID = "drawer_" + System.currentTimeMillis();
+ } else {
+ drawerID = drawerProxy.getId();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Inits the image descriptor
+ */
+ protected void initImageDescriptor() {
+ if (drawerProxy == null) {
+ imageDescriptorPath = "/icons/drawer.gif";
+ } else {
+ imageDescriptorPath = drawerProxy.getImagePath();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Validates the content of the fields in this page
+ */
+ protected boolean validatePage() {
+ boolean valid = true;
+ if (advancedComposite != null && !advancedComposite.isDisposed()) {
+ if ("".equals(getDrawerID())) {
+ setErrorMessage(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Error_Id);
+ valid = false;
+ } else if ("".equals(getImageDescriptorPath())) {
+ setErrorMessage(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Error_Icon);
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ("".equals(getDrawerName())) {
+ setErrorMessage(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Error_Name);
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (valid) {
+ setMessage(null);
+ setErrorMessage(null);
+ }
+ return valid;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the widget for advanced options.
+ *
+ * @param parent
+ * the parent composite
+ */
+ protected void createAdvancedControls(Composite parent) {
+ advancedButton = new Button(parent, SWT.PUSH);
+ advancedButton.setFont(parent.getFont());
+ advancedButton.setText(Messages.Dialog_Advanced_Button_Closed);
+ GridData data = setButtonLayoutData(advancedButton);
+ data.horizontalAlignment = GridData.BEGINNING;
+ data.horizontalSpan = 2;
+ advancedButton.setLayoutData(data);
+ advancedButton.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
+ @Override
+ public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
+ handleAdvancedButtonSelect();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ public Composite createAdvancedComposite(Composite parent) {
+ advancedComposite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
+ advancedComposite.setFont(parent.getFont());
+ advancedComposite.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true, 2, 1));
+ GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(3, false);
+ layout.marginHeight = 0;
+ layout.marginWidth = 0;
+ advancedComposite.setLayout(layout);
+ createIconControl(advancedComposite);
+ createIDControl(advancedComposite);
+ advancedComposite.getParent().layout();
+ return advancedComposite;
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the control area for the icon path definition
+ *
+ * @param composite
+ * the parent composite
+ */
+ protected void createIconControl(final Composite composite) {
+ final Label iconLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
+ iconLabel.setText(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Icon);
+ iconLabel.setToolTipText(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Icon_Tooltip);
+ imageText = new Text(composite, SWT.BORDER | SWT.READ_ONLY);
+ imageText.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false));
+ imageText.setToolTipText(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Icon_Tooltip);
+ // initialize, then add the listener...
+ initialPopulateDrawerIconField();
+ // imageText.addListener(SWT.Modify, this);
+ Button button = new Button(composite, SWT.NONE);
+ button.setText("...");
+ button.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
+ BundleIconExplorerDialog dialog = new BundleIconExplorerDialog(composite.getShell(), imageText.getText());
+ if (Window.OK == {
+ Object[] values = dialog.getResult();
+ if (values.length != 1) {
+ Activator.log.error("Waiting one icon path, but found " + values.length, null);
+ } else {
+ imageDescriptorPath = values[0].toString();
+ imageText.setText(imageDescriptorPath);
+ }
+ }
+ setPageComplete(validatePage());
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) {
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Shows/hides the advanced option widgets.
+ */
+ protected void handleAdvancedButtonSelect() {
+ Composite composite = (Composite) getControl();
+ if (advancedComposite != null) {
+ advancedComposite.dispose();
+ advancedComposite = null;
+ advancedButton.setText(Messages.Dialog_Advanced_Button_Closed);
+ } else {
+ createAdvancedComposite(composite);
+ advancedButton.setText(Messages.Dialog_Advanced_Button_Opened);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the control area for the id definition
+ *
+ * @param control
+ * the parent composite
+ */
+ protected void createIDControl(Composite control) {
+ final Label idLabel = new Label(control, SWT.NONE);
+ idLabel.setText(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Id);
+ idLabel.setToolTipText(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Id_Tooltip);
+ idText = new Text(control, SWT.BORDER);
+ GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false);
+ data.horizontalSpan = 2;
+ idText.setLayoutData(data);
+ idText.setToolTipText(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Id_Tooltip);
+ // initialize, then add the listener...
+ initialPopulateDrawerIDField();
+ idText.addListener(SWT.Modify, this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * intialize the field using current value of the palette id
+ */
+ protected void initialPopulateDrawerIconField() {
+ imageText.setText(imageDescriptorPath);
+ }
+ /**
+ * intialize the field using current value of the palette id
+ */
+ protected void initialPopulateDrawerIDField() {
+ idText.setText(drawerID);
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the control area for the name definition
+ *
+ * @param control
+ * the parent composite
+ */
+ protected void createNameControl(Composite control) {
+ final Label nameLabel = new Label(control, SWT.NONE);
+ nameLabel.setText(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Name);
+ nameLabel.setToolTipText(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Name_Tooltip);
+ nameText = new Text(control, SWT.BORDER);
+ nameText.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false));
+ nameText.setToolTipText(Messages.Wizard_Drawer_Name_Tooltip);
+ // initialize, then add the listener...
+ initialPopulateNameField();
+ nameText.addListener(SWT.Modify, this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * initialize name field
+ */
+ protected void initialPopulateNameField() {
+ nameText.setText(name);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The <code>WizardNewFileCreationPage</code> implementation of this <code>Listener</code> method handles all events and enablements for controls
+ * on this page. Subclasses may extend.
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(Event event) {
+ Widget widget = event.widget;
+ if (widget.equals(nameText)) {
+ name = nameText.getText();
+ } else if (widget.equals(idText)) {
+ drawerID = idText.getText();
+ }
+ setPageComplete(validatePage());
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..85dce028af4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 CEA LIST.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Mickael ADAM (ALL4TEC) - Initial API and Implementation
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.dialog;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredSelection;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.Messages;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.PaletteConstants;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.utils.PaletteUtils;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.types.ElementTypeSetConfiguration;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.PapyrusPaletteService.ProviderDescriptor;
+import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
+import org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.WizardNewFileCreationPage;
+ * Wizard to export an existing Palette Definition and its associated models files.
+ */
+public class ExportPaletteConfigurationWizard extends AbstractPaletteConfigurationWizard {
+ /** content page */
+ protected PaletteConfigurationContentPage contentPage;
+ /** the new file creation page of the wizard */
+ private WizardNewFileCreationPage newFileCreationPage;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new local Palette Wizard.
+ *
+ * @param part
+ * the editor part where the palette is available
+ * @param descriptor
+ * the descriptor to edit
+ */
+ public ExportPaletteConfigurationWizard(final IEditorPart part, final ProviderDescriptor descriptor) {
+ super(part, descriptor);
+ setWindowTitle(Messages.ExportPaletteConfigurationWizard_ExportWiazrdLabel);
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void addPages() {
+ super.addPages();
+ newFileCreationPage = new WizardNewFileCreationPage("", new StructuredSelection());//$NON-NLS-1$
+ newFileCreationPage.setTitle(Messages.ExportPaletteConfigurationWizard_export_palette);
+ newFileCreationPage.setDescription(Messages.ExportPaletteConfigurationWizard_Export_description);
+ addPage(newFileCreationPage);
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ protected void saveResources() {
+ // Get the wanted location
+ String selectedPath = newFileCreationPage.getContainerFullPath().append(newFileCreationPage.getFileName()).toString();
+ clearStringBuilder();
+ stringBuilder.append(selectedPath);
+ stringBuilder.append(STR_DOT);
+ stringBuilder.append(PaletteConstants.PALETTECONFIGURATION_EXTENSION);
+ // Set new path
+ paletteResource.setURI(URI.createFileURI(stringBuilder.toString()));
+ clearStringBuilder();
+ stringBuilder.append(selectedPath);
+ stringBuilder.append(PaletteConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_UI_IDENTIFIER_POSTFIX);
+ stringBuilder.append(STR_DOT);
+ stringBuilder.append(PaletteConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_EXTENSION);
+ elementTypeUIResource.setURI(URI.createFileURI(stringBuilder.toString()));
+ clearStringBuilder();
+ stringBuilder.append(selectedPath);
+ stringBuilder.append(PaletteConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_SEMENTIC_IDENTIFIER_POSTFIX);
+ stringBuilder.append(STR_DOT);
+ stringBuilder.append(PaletteConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_EXTENSION);
+ elementTypeSemResource.setURI(URI.createFileURI(stringBuilder.toString()));
+ // Save
+ try {
+ // Checks if model are not void and are useful
+ if (!((ElementTypeSetConfiguration) elementTypeUIResource.getContents().get(0)).getElementTypeConfigurations().isEmpty()) {
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ Activator.log.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ protected void deployModels() {
+ // Nothings to loads
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
index 886a77e2eec..3f54ff2dbdd 100644
--- a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
@@ -1,2413 +1,2463 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2009, 2014 CEA LIST and others.
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
- * Christian W. Damus (CEA) - bug 422257
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.dialog;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable;
-import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notification;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EContentAdapter;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
-import org.eclipse.gef.palette.CombinedTemplateCreationEntry;
-import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteContainer;
-import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteDrawer;
-import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteEntry;
-import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteRoot;
-import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteStack;
-import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteToolbar;
-import org.eclipse.gef.palette.ToolEntry;
-import org.eclipse.gef.ui.palette.PaletteCustomizer;
-import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service.ProviderPriority;
-import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog;
-import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor;
-import org.eclipse.jface.util.LocalSelectionTransfer;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DoubleClickEvent;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IDoubleClickListener;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProvider;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProviderListener;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeContentProvider;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TreeViewer;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerComparator;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerFilter;
-import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardPage;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.emf.facet.custom.core.ICustomizationCatalogManagerFactory;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.emf.facet.custom.core.ICustomizationManager;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.emf.facet.custom.core.ICustomizationManagerFactory;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.emf.facet.custom.core.internal.CustomizationCatalogManager;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.emf.facet.custom.metamodel.v0_2_0.custom.Customization;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.emf.facet.custom.ui.internal.CustomizedLabelProvider;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.emf.facet.custom.ui.internal.CustomizedTreeContentProvider;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.emf.utils.EMFHelper;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Messages;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PaletteUtil;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PapyrusPalettePreferences;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.AspectCreationEntry;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.IPapyrusPaletteConstant;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.PaletteConfigurationUtils;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.PapyrusPaletteService;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.palette.StereotypeAspectActionProvider;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.Configuration;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.DrawerConfiguration;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.LeafConfiguration;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.PaletteConfiguration;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.PaletteconfigurationPackage;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.SeparatorConfiguration;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.StackConfiguration;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.ToolConfiguration;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.util.PaletteconfigurationSwitch;
-import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
-import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND;
-import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceAdapter;
-import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceEvent;
-import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceListener;
-import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetEvent;
-import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetListener;
-import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.Transfer;
-import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.TreeDropTargetEffect;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ToolBar;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ToolItem;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TreeItem;
-import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Profile;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Stereotype;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage;
-import org.w3c.dom.Document;
- * Wizard page for information about the new local palette definition
- */
-public class ExtendedPaletteContentPage extends WizardPage implements Listener {
- /** editor part in which the palette is created */
- protected IEditorPart editorPart;
- /** available tools viewer */
- protected TreeViewer availableToolsViewer;
- /** label provider for the tree viewer */
- protected PaletteLabelProvider paletteLabelProvider;
- /** icon path when tools are hidden */
- protected static final String HIDDEN_TOOLS_ICON = "/icons/tools_hidden.gif";
- /** icon path when tools are shown */
- protected static final String SHOWN_TOOLS_ICON = "/icons/tools_shown.gif";
- /** path to the icon */
- protected static final String WIZARD_ICON = "/icons/local_desc_wiz.png";
- /** icon path when drawers are hidden */
- protected static final String SHOWN_DRAWERS_ICON = "/icons/drawers_shown.gif";
- /** icon path when drawers are shown */
- protected static final String HIDDEN_DRAWERS_ICON = "/icons/drawers_hidden.gif";
- /** icon path for the add button */
- protected static final String ADD_ICON = "/icons/arrow_right.gif";
- /** icon path for the remove button */
- protected static final String REMOVE_ICON = "/icons/arrow_left.gif";
- /** icon path for the delete button */
- protected static final String DELETE_ICON = "/icons/delete.gif";
- /** icon path for the create drawer button */
- protected static final String CREATE_DRAWERS_ICON = "/icons/new_drawer.gif";
- /** icon path for the create separator button */
- protected String CREATE_SEPARATOR_ICON = "/icons/separator.gif";
- /** icon path for the create stack button */
- protected String CREATE_STACK_ICON = "/icons/stack.gif";
- /** icon path for the delete drawer button */
- protected static final String DELETE_DRAWERS_ICON = "/icons/delete.gif";
- /** icon for the content provider switch button */
- protected String SWITCH_CONTENT_PROVIDER_ICON = "/icons/switch_provider.gif";
- /** label for the standard tools */
- protected static final String UML_TOOLS_LABEL = "UML tools";
- /** icon path for the edit drawer button */
- protected static final String EDIT_ICON = "/icons/obj16/file.gif";
- /** instance of the filter used to show/hide drawers */
- protected final ViewerFilter drawerFilter = new DrawerFilter();
- /** instance of the filter used to show/hide tools */
- protected final ViewerFilter toolFilter = new ToolFilter();
- /** stored preferences */
- protected List<String> storedPreferences;
- /** add button */
- protected Button addButton;
- /** remove button */
- protected Button removeButton;
- /** tree viewer for the new palette */
- protected TreeViewer paletteTreeViewer;
- /** document for element creation */
- protected Document document;
- /** content node for the palette viewer */
- protected PaletteContainerProxy contentNode;
- /** combo to select which profile tools should be visible */
- protected Combo profileCombo;
- /** list of profiles that can provide tools */
- protected List<String> profileComboList = new ArrayList<String>();
- /** tool item in charge of toggling content providers in the available tool viewer */
- protected ToolItem toggleContentProvider;
- /** required profile by this palette */
- protected Set<String> requiredProfiles;
- /** palette customizer used for the palette */
- protected PaletteCustomizer customizer;
- /** current selected entry proxy */
- protected Configuration selectedConfiguration;
- /** class in charge of the information composite */
- protected ConfigurationInformationComposite informationComposite = new ConfigurationInformationComposite();
- /** class in charge of the aspect tool information composite */
- protected AspectActionsInformationComposite aspectActionComposite = new AspectActionsInformationComposite();
- /** toolbar above tools */
- protected ToolBar toolbar;
- /** validator key for toolbar items */
- protected final static String VALIDATOR = "validator";
- /** priority of the current edited palette */
- protected ProviderPriority priority;
- /** resource set that contains the palette configuration resource */
- private ResourceSet resourceSet;
- /** palette configuration resource */
- private Resource resourceToEdit;
- /** customization manager for the content provider */
- // TODO: EMFFACET: pb of ResourceSET
- private ICustomizationManager manager = ICustomizationManagerFactory.DEFAULT.getOrCreateICustomizationManager(new ResourceSetImpl());
- /**
- * Creates a new wizard page with the given name, title, and image.
- *
- * @param part
- * the editor part in which the wizard was created
- */
- public ExtendedPaletteContentPage(IEditorPart part, PaletteCustomizer customizer) {
- super(Messages.Local_Palette_ContentPage_Name, Messages.Local_Palette_ContentPage_Title, Activator.getImageDescriptor(WIZARD_ICON));
- this.editorPart = part;
- this.customizer = customizer;
- }
- @Override
- public void dispose() {
- super.dispose();
- if (resourceSet != null) {
- EMFHelper.unload(resourceSet);
- }
- if (manager != null) {
- EMFHelper.unload(manager.getResourceSet());
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sets the priority of the current edited palette
- *
- * @param priority
- * the priority of the current edited palette
- */
- public void setPriority(ProviderPriority priority) {
- this.priority = priority;
- }
- /**
- * @return the resourceSet
- */
- public ResourceSet getResourceSet() {
- return resourceSet;
- }
- /**
- * @return the resourceToEdit
- */
- public Resource getResourceToEdit() {
- return resourceToEdit;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the list of required profiles by this local palette definition
- *
- * @return the profiles required by this palette
- */
- public Set<String> getRequiredProfiles() {
- return requiredProfiles;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void createControl(Composite parent) {
- // initialize dialog units
- initializeDialogUnits(parent);
- // Create a new composite as there is the title bar seperator
- // to deal with
- Composite control = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
- GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(4, false);
- control.setLayout(layout);
- control.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true));
- setControl(control);
- // create Available Tools Group
- createAvailableToolsGroup();
- // create add/remove buttons
- createAddRemoveButtons();
- // create Palette Group
- createPalettePreviewGroup();
- // create tool description group (custom name, description, and perhaphs icon.... Just under this group, another one with aspect actions)
- createToolDescriptionGroup();
- // just under, creates a new line of composites...
- createAspectActionComposite();
- // add listeners inter-groups
- ISelectionChangedListener listener = createToolsViewerSelectionChangeListener();
- availableToolsViewer.addSelectionChangedListener(listener);
- paletteTreeViewer.addSelectionChangedListener(listener);
- resourceToEdit.eAdapters().add(new EContentAdapter() {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public void notifyChanged(Notification notification) {
- super.notifyChanged(notification);
- paletteTreeViewer.refresh();
- }
- });
- // end of the control creation
- Dialog.applyDialogFont(control);
- validatePage();
- // Show description on opening
- setErrorMessage(null);
- setMessage(null);
- setControl(control);
- }
- /**
- * Creates the composite group that presents information about ascpect actions for aspect tools
- */
- protected void createAspectActionComposite() {
- aspectActionComposite.createComposite((Composite) getControl(), getAllAppliedProfiles());
- }
- /**
- * Creates the composite group that presents information about current selected tool
- */
- protected void createToolDescriptionGroup() {
- informationComposite.createComposite((Composite) getControl(), getAllAppliedProfiles());
- }
- /**
- * update the preferences to have all tools accessible
- */
- protected void updatePreferences() {
- // change => set to no hidden palettes
- storedPreferences = PapyrusPalettePreferences.getHiddenPalettes(editorPart);
- // remove all, but should only remove visible palettes
- for (String id : storedPreferences) {
- PapyrusPalettePreferences.changePaletteVisibility(id, editorPart, true);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Restore preferences
- */
- public void restorePreferences() {
- // remove all, but should only remove visible palettes
- for (String id : storedPreferences) {
- PapyrusPalettePreferences.changePaletteVisibility(id, editorPart, false);
- }
- }
- /**
- * creates the palette preview group
- */
- protected void createPalettePreviewGroup() {
- Composite parent = (Composite) getControl();
- Composite paletteComposite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
- GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(2, true);
- layout.marginHeight = 0;
- layout.marginWidth = 0;
- paletteComposite.setLayout(layout);
- GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
- paletteComposite.setLayoutData(data);
- Label label = new Label(paletteComposite, SWT.NONE);
- label.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Palette_Preview);
- data = new GridData(SWT.LEFT, SWT.CENTER, true, false);
- label.setLayoutData(data);
- toolbar = new ToolBar(paletteComposite, SWT.HORIZONTAL);
- data = new GridData(SWT.RIGHT, SWT.FILL, false, false);
- toolbar.setLayoutData(data);
- populatePalettePreviewToolBar(toolbar);
- Tree tree = new Tree(paletteComposite, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.BORDER);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true, 2, 1);
- data.widthHint = 185;
- // Make the tree this tall even when there is nothing in it. This will keep the
- // dialog from shrinking to an unusually small size.
- data.heightHint = 200;
- tree.setLayoutData(data);
- paletteTreeViewer = new TreeViewer(tree);
- paletteTreeViewer.setContentProvider(new ExtendedPaletteContentProvider());
- paletteTreeViewer.setLabelProvider(new ExtendedPaletteLabelProvider());
- paletteTreeViewer.addSelectionChangedListener(new ISelectionChangedListener() {
- public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
- handlePalettePreviewSelectionChanged(event);
- }
- });
- addPalettePreviewDropSupport();
- addPalettePreviewDragSupport();
- addPalettePreviewEditSupport();
- paletteTreeViewer.setInput(resourceToEdit);
- }
- /**
- * handle the selection change event for the palette preview
- *
- * @param event
- * the event that is thrown by the palette viewer
- */
- protected void handlePalettePreviewSelectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
- // retrieve current selection
- Configuration configuration = getSelectedConfiguration();
- if (configuration != null) {
- selectedConfiguration = configuration;
- // update the current selected palette entry proxy
- informationComposite.setSelectedConfiguration(selectedConfiguration);
- } else {
- selectedConfiguration = null;
- informationComposite.setSelectedConfiguration(null);
- }
- // update toolbar
- if (toolbar != null && !toolbar.isDisposed()) {
- for (int i = 0; i < toolbar.getItemCount(); i++) {
- ToolItem item = toolbar.getItem(i);
- Object validator = item.getData(VALIDATOR);
- if (validator instanceof ToolBarItemValidator) {
- item.setEnabled(((ToolBarItemValidator) validator).isEnable());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Adds the behavior for the double click strategy
- */
- protected void addPalettePreviewEditSupport() {
- paletteTreeViewer.addDoubleClickListener(new IDoubleClickListener() {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void doubleClick(DoubleClickEvent event) {
- // nothing here
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * Add drop behavior for the palette preview
- */
- protected void addPalettePreviewDropSupport() {
- // transfer types
- Transfer[] transfers = new Transfer[] { LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer() };
- // drag listener
- DropTargetListener listener = new TreeDropTargetEffect(paletteTreeViewer.getTree()) {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public void drop(DropTargetEvent event) {
- super.drop(event);
- IStructuredSelection transferedSelection = (IStructuredSelection) LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer().nativeToJava(event.currentDataType);
- Object objectToTransfer = transferedSelection.getFirstElement();
- if (!(objectToTransfer instanceof IAdaptable)) {
- return;
- }
- final EObject eobjectToTransfer = EMFHelper.getEObject(objectToTransfer);
- Object targetObject = ((TreeItem) event.item).getData();
- if (!(targetObject instanceof IAdaptable)) {
- return;
- }
- final EObject targetEObject = EMFHelper.getEObject(targetObject);
- if (targetEObject == null) {
- return;
- }
- new PaletteconfigurationSwitch<Object>() {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Object caseDrawerConfiguration(DrawerConfiguration drawerConfigurationToMove) {
- if (targetEObject instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
- // move the drawer before the target drawer configuration
- PaletteConfiguration paletteConfiguration = (PaletteConfiguration) ((DrawerConfiguration) targetEObject).eContainer();
- PaletteConfigurationUtils.moveDrawerConfiguration(paletteConfiguration, drawerConfigurationToMove, (DrawerConfiguration) targetEObject);
- }
- return super.caseDrawerConfiguration(drawerConfigurationToMove);
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Object caseSeparatorConfiguration(SeparatorConfiguration separatorConfigurationToMove) {
- if (targetEObject instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
- PaletteConfigurationUtils.moveSeparatorConfiguration(((DrawerConfiguration) targetEObject), separatorConfigurationToMove);
- } else if (targetEObject instanceof StackConfiguration) {
- PaletteConfigurationUtils.moveSeparatorConfiguration(((StackConfiguration) targetEObject), separatorConfigurationToMove);
- } else if (targetEObject instanceof ToolConfiguration) {
- PaletteConfigurationUtils.moveSeparatorConfiguration(((ToolConfiguration) targetEObject), separatorConfigurationToMove);
- } else if (targetEObject instanceof SeparatorConfiguration) {
- PaletteConfigurationUtils.moveSeparatorConfiguration(((SeparatorConfiguration) targetEObject), separatorConfigurationToMove);
- }
- return super.caseSeparatorConfiguration(separatorConfigurationToMove);
- };
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Object caseStackConfiguration(StackConfiguration stackConfigurationToMove) {
- if (targetEObject instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
- PaletteConfigurationUtils.moveStackConfiguration(((DrawerConfiguration) targetEObject), stackConfigurationToMove);
- } else if (targetEObject instanceof StackConfiguration) {
- PaletteConfigurationUtils.moveStackConfiguration(((StackConfiguration) targetEObject), stackConfigurationToMove);
- } else if (targetEObject instanceof ToolConfiguration) {
- PaletteConfigurationUtils.moveStackConfiguration(((ToolConfiguration) targetEObject), stackConfigurationToMove);
- } else if (targetEObject instanceof SeparatorConfiguration) {
- PaletteConfigurationUtils.moveStackConfiguration(((SeparatorConfiguration) targetEObject), stackConfigurationToMove);
- }
- return super.caseStackConfiguration(stackConfigurationToMove);
- };
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Object caseToolConfiguration(ToolConfiguration toolConfigurationToMove) {
- if (targetEObject instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
- PaletteConfigurationUtils.moveToolConfiguration(((DrawerConfiguration) targetEObject), toolConfigurationToMove);
- } else if (targetEObject instanceof StackConfiguration) {
- PaletteConfigurationUtils.moveToolConfiguration(((StackConfiguration) targetEObject), toolConfigurationToMove);
- } else if (targetEObject instanceof ToolConfiguration) {
- PaletteConfigurationUtils.moveToolConfiguration(((ToolConfiguration) targetEObject), toolConfigurationToMove);
- } else if (targetEObject instanceof SeparatorConfiguration) {
- PaletteConfigurationUtils.moveToolConfiguration(((SeparatorConfiguration) targetEObject), toolConfigurationToMove);
- }
- return super.caseToolConfiguration(toolConfigurationToMove);
- };
- }.doSwitch(eobjectToTransfer);
- setPageComplete(validatePage());
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public void dragOver(DropTargetEvent event) {
- super.dragOver(event);
- IStructuredSelection transferedSelection = (IStructuredSelection) LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer().nativeToJava(event.currentDataType);
- // check selection is compatible for drop target
- TreeItem item = paletteTreeViewer.getTree().getItem(paletteTreeViewer.getTree().toControl(new Point(event.x, event.y)));
- checkSelectionForDrop(transferedSelection, item, event);
- }
- };
- paletteTreeViewer.addDropSupport(DND.DROP_LINK | DND.DROP_MOVE, transfers, listener);
- }
- /**
- * Adds drag ability to the palette preview composite
- */
- protected void addPalettePreviewDragSupport() {
- // transfer types
- Transfer[] transfers = new Transfer[] { LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer() };
- // drag listener
- DragSourceListener listener = new DragSourceAdapter() {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public void dragStart(DragSourceEvent event) {
- super.dragStart(event);
- = paletteTreeViewer.getSelection();
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public void dragSetData(DragSourceEvent event) {
- super.dragSetData(event);
- LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer().setSelection(paletteTreeViewer.getSelection());
- }
- };
- paletteTreeViewer.addDragSupport(DND.DROP_MOVE, transfers, listener);
- }
- /**
- * Checks if the selection can be added to the target widget
- *
- * @param transferedSelection
- * the selection to be dropped
- * @param widget
- * the widget where to drop
- */
- protected void checkSelectionForDrop(IStructuredSelection transferedSelection, TreeItem item, final DropTargetEvent event) {
- event.detail = DND.DROP_NONE;
- final Object objectToTransfer = transferedSelection.getFirstElement();
- if (!(objectToTransfer instanceof IAdaptable)) {
- return;
- }
- final EObject eobjectToTransfer = EMFHelper.getEObject(objectToTransfer);
- // handle only first selected element
- if (item == null) {
- // adding to the root, should only be a drawer
- if (eobjectToTransfer instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
- event.detail = DND.DROP_LINK;
- }
- } else {
- Object targetObject = item.getData();
- if (!(targetObject instanceof IAdaptable)) {
- event.detail = DND.DROP_NONE;
- return;
- }
- final EObject targetEObject = EMFHelper.getEObject(targetObject);
- if (targetEObject == null) {
- event.detail = DND.DROP_NONE;
- return;
- }
- new PaletteconfigurationSwitch<Object>() {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Object caseDrawerConfiguration(DrawerConfiguration object) {
- if (targetEObject instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
- event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
- }
- return object;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Object caseSeparatorConfiguration(SeparatorConfiguration object) {
- if (targetEObject instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
- event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
- } else if (targetEObject instanceof StackConfiguration) {
- event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
- } else if (targetEObject instanceof ToolConfiguration) {
- event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
- } else if (targetEObject instanceof SeparatorConfiguration) {
- event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
- }
- return object;
- };
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Object caseStackConfiguration(StackConfiguration object) {
- if (targetEObject instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
- event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
- } else if (targetEObject instanceof StackConfiguration) {
- event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
- } else if (targetEObject instanceof ToolConfiguration) {
- event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
- } else if (targetEObject instanceof SeparatorConfiguration) {
- event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
- }
- return object;
- };
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Object caseToolConfiguration(ToolConfiguration object) {
- if (targetEObject instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
- event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
- } else if (targetEObject instanceof StackConfiguration) {
- event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
- } else if (targetEObject instanceof ToolConfiguration) {
- event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
- } else if (targetEObject instanceof SeparatorConfiguration) {
- event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
- }
- return object;
- };
- }.doSwitch(eobjectToTransfer);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sets an empty content for the palette preview
- */
- public void initializeContent() {
- contentNode = new PaletteContainerProxy(null);
- // adds a default local drawer
- PaletteLocalDrawerProxy proxy = new PaletteLocalDrawerProxy("Default", generateID("Drawer_"), "/icons/drawer.gif", "Default Drawer");
- contentNode.addChild(proxy);
- setPageComplete(false);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the initial content for the palette preview
- *
- * @param descriptor
- * the descriptor that contains the configuration file to load
- */
- public void initializeContent(PapyrusPaletteService.ExtendedProviderDescriptor descriptor) {
- resourceSet = createResourceSet();
- resourceToEdit = getResourceSet().createResource(descriptor.getRedefinitionFileURI());
- // check resource is not null;
- if (resourceToEdit == null) {
- Activator.log.error("No resource has been created for uri :" + descriptor.getRedefinitionFileURI(), null);
- }
- try {
- resourceToEdit.load(Collections.emptyMap());
- } catch (IOException e) {
- Activator.log.error("Impossible to load configuration file", e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Creates and returns the resource set used to modidy the content of the palette configuration
- *
- * @return the newly created ResourceSet.
- */
- protected ResourceSet createResourceSet() {
- return new ResourceSetImpl();
- }
- /**
- * populates the preview palette toolbar
- *
- * @param toolbar
- * the toolbar to populate
- */
- protected void populatePalettePreviewToolBar(ToolBar toolbar) {
- ConfigurationSelectedValidator validator = new ConfigurationSelectedValidator();
- DrawerConfigurationSelectedValidator drawerConfigurationSelectedValidator = new DrawerConfigurationSelectedValidator();
- createToolBarItem(toolbar, DELETE_ICON, Messages.PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_RemoveButtonTooltip, createRemoveElementListener(), validator);
- createToolBarItem(toolbar, CREATE_DRAWERS_ICON, Messages.Local_Palette_Create_Drawer_Tooltip, createNewDrawerListener(), null);
- createToolBarItem(toolbar, CREATE_SEPARATOR_ICON, Messages.Local_Palette_Create_Separator_Tooltip, createNewSeparatorListener(), validator);
- createToolBarItem(toolbar, CREATE_STACK_ICON, Messages.Local_Palette_Create_Stack_Tooltip, createNewStackListener(), drawerConfigurationSelectedValidator);
- }
- /**
- * Creates the listener for the remove item(s) button
- *
- * @return the listener for the remove button
- */
- protected Listener createRemoveElementListener() {
- return new Listener() {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void handleEvent(Event event) {
- IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection();
- if (selection == null || selection.size() < 1) {
- return;
- }
- Iterator<?> it = selection.iterator();
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- Object o =;
- if (o instanceof IAdaptable) {
- EObject eobject = EMFHelper.getEObject(o);
- if (eobject instanceof Configuration) {
- PaletteConfigurationUtils.removeConfiguration((Configuration) eobject);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
- }
- /**
- * Creates the listener for the new drawer tool item
- *
- * @return the listener created
- */
- protected Listener createNewDrawerListener() {
- return new Listener() {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void handleEvent(Event event) {
- PaletteConfiguration paletteConfiguration = (PaletteConfiguration) EcoreUtil.getObjectByType(resourceToEdit.getContents(), PaletteconfigurationPackage.eINSTANCE.getPaletteConfiguration());
- if (paletteConfiguration != null) {
- PaletteConfigurationUtils.createDrawer(paletteConfiguration);
- } else {
- Activator.log.error("Impossible to find the palette configuration", null);
- }
- setPageComplete(validatePage());
- }
- };
- }
- /**
- * Creates the listener for the new stack tool item
- *
- * @return the listener created
- */
- protected Listener createNewStackListener() {
- return new Listener() {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void handleEvent(Event event) {
- Configuration selectedConfiguration = getSelectedConfiguration();
- if (selectedConfiguration instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
- PaletteConfigurationUtils.createStack(((DrawerConfiguration) selectedConfiguration));
- } else if (selectedConfiguration instanceof LeafConfiguration) {
- PaletteConfigurationUtils.createStack(((LeafConfiguration) selectedConfiguration));
- } else {
- Activator.log.error("Invalid selection to create a Stack: " + selectedConfiguration, null);
- }
- // paletteTreeViewer.refresh();
- setPageComplete(validatePage());
- }
- };
- }
- /**
- * Generates the ID for a local element
- *
- * @param base
- * the begining of the id
- * @return the separator id
- */
- protected String generateID(String base) {
- StringBuffer id = new StringBuffer();
- id.append(base);
- id.append("_");
- id.append(System.currentTimeMillis());
- return id.toString();
- }
- /**
- * Creates the listener for the new separator tool item
- *
- * @return the listener created
- */
- protected Listener createNewSeparatorListener() {
- return new Listener() {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void handleEvent(Event event) {
- Configuration selectedConfiguration = getSelectedConfiguration();
- if (selectedConfiguration instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
- PaletteConfigurationUtils.createSeparator(((DrawerConfiguration) selectedConfiguration));
- } else if (selectedConfiguration instanceof LeafConfiguration) {
- PaletteConfigurationUtils.createSeparator(((LeafConfiguration) selectedConfiguration));
- } else {
- Activator.log.error("Invalid selection to create a separator: " + selectedConfiguration, null);
- }
- setPageComplete(validatePage());
- }
- };
- }
- /**
- * Returns the current selected configuration
- *
- * @return the current selected configuration or <code>null</code> if the element is not translatable into a {@link Configuration}
- */
- protected Configuration getSelectedConfiguration() {
- // retrieve selection
- if (paletteTreeViewer != null && !paletteTreeViewer.getControl().isDisposed()) {
- // retrieve selection. first element should be a drawer
- IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection();
- if (selection == null) {
- return null;
- } else {
- Object object = selection.getFirstElement();
- if (object instanceof IAdaptable) {
- EObject eobject = EMFHelper.getEObject(object);
- if (eobject instanceof Configuration) {
- return (Configuration) eobject;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Creates a toolbar item.
- *
- * @param toolbar
- * the parent toolbar
- * @param itemIcon
- * path for icon
- * @param tooltip
- * tooltip text for the toolbar item
- * @param listener
- * listener for tool bar item
- */
- protected void createToolBarItem(ToolBar toolbar, String itemIcon, String tooltip, Listener listener, ToolBarItemValidator validator) {
- ToolItem item = new ToolItem(toolbar, SWT.BORDER);
- item.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, itemIcon));
- item.setToolTipText(tooltip);
- item.addListener(SWT.Selection, listener);
- item.setData(VALIDATOR, validator);
- }
- /**
- * creates the buttons to add/remove entries
- */
- protected void createAddRemoveButtons() {
- Composite composite = new Composite((Composite) getControl(), SWT.NONE);
- GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(1, true);
- composite.setLayout(layout);
- GridData data = new GridData(SWT.CENTER, SWT.CENTER, false, true);
- composite.setLayoutData(data);
- addButton = new Button(composite, SWT.NONE);
- addButton.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, ADD_ICON));
- addButton.setToolTipText(Messages.PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_AddButtonTooltip);
- addButton.addMouseListener(createAddButtonListener());
- addButton.setEnabled(false);
- addButton.addListener(SWT.MouseUp, this);
- removeButton = new Button(composite, SWT.NONE);
- removeButton.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, REMOVE_ICON));
- removeButton.setToolTipText(Messages.PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_RemoveButtonTooltip);
- removeButton.addMouseListener(createRemoveButtonListener());
- removeButton.setEnabled(false);
- removeButton.addListener(SWT.MouseUp, this);
- }
- /**
- * selection listener for the tools viewer , to update the state of the add button
- *
- * @return the new created selection listener
- */
- protected ISelectionChangedListener createToolsViewerSelectionChangeListener() {
- return new ISelectionChangedListener() {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
- // get source and target selection
- // check source entry can be added to target entry
- Object source = ((IStructuredSelection) availableToolsViewer.getSelection()).getFirstElement();
- Object target = ((IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection()).getFirstElement();
- // manage add button
- if (isAddValidTarget(source, target)) {
- addButton.setEnabled(true);
- } else {
- addButton.setEnabled(false);
- }
- // manage remove button
- if (isRemoveValidSource(target)) {
- removeButton.setEnabled(true);
- } else {
- removeButton.setEnabled(false);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if the source can be added to the target
- *
- * @param source
- * the source object
- * @param target
- * the target object
- * @return <code>true</code> if the source can be added to the target
- */
- protected boolean isAddValidTarget(Object source, Object target) {
- if (!(source instanceof PaletteEntry)) {
- return false;
- }
- // case1: source is a drawer.
- // it can only be added to the root element (no selection)
- // case2: source is a palette tool
- // it can't be added to the root element
- // it can only be added to a container element (drawer or stack)
- if (source instanceof PaletteDrawer) {
- if (target == null) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- } else if (source instanceof ToolEntry) {
- if (target instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
- // EntryType type = ((PaletteEntryProxy)target).getType();
- // switch(type) {
- // case DRAWER:
- // case STACK:
- // return true;
- // default:
- // return false;
- // }
- }
- return false;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if the source can be added to the target
- *
- * @param source
- * the source object
- * @return <code>true</code> if the source can be removed (not null and instanceof
- * PaletteEntryProxy)
- */
- protected boolean isRemoveValidSource(Object source) {
- if (source instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- };
- }
- /**
- * Creates the add button listener
- */
- protected MouseListener createAddButtonListener() {
- return new MouseListener() {
- public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
- // // add the element selected on the left to the right tree
- // // check the selection.
- // IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection)availableToolsViewer.getSelection();
- // if(selection == null || selection.size() < 1) {
- // return;
- // }
- // PaletteEntry entry = (PaletteEntry)selection.getFirstElement();
- // if(entry == null) {
- // return;
- // }
- //
- // // find the selection on the right
- // selection = (IStructuredSelection)paletteTreeViewer.getSelection();
- //
- // PaletteEntryProxy parentNode = (PaletteEntryProxy)selection.getFirstElement();
- // // Bugfix: only drawers can be added to root element
- // if(parentNode == null && entry instanceof PaletteDrawer) {
- // parentNode = (PaletteContainerProxy)paletteTreeViewer.getInput();
- // }
- //
- // // check we have a containe here
- // if(!(parentNode instanceof PaletteContainerProxy)) {
- // return;
- // }
- //
- // // create a new entry in the document
- // PaletteEntryProxy proxy = createNodeFromEntry(entry);
- // ((PaletteContainerProxy)parentNode).addChild(proxy);
- //
- // paletteTreeViewer.expandToLevel(parentNode, 1);
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
- // do nothing
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) {
- // do nothing
- }
- };
- }
- // /**
- // * Creates a node in the xml document from the given entry
- // *
- // * @param entry
- // * the palette entry from which to create the node
- // * @param parentNode
- // * the parent node for the newly created node
- // * @return the created entry proxy or <code>null</code>
- // */
- // protected PaletteEntryProxy createNodeFromEntry(Object entry) {
- // PaletteEntryProxy entryProxy = null;
- //
- // if(entry instanceof AspectCreationEntry) {
- // // should modify id of the element here, otherwise, different elements would have the same id...
- // entryProxy = new PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy(((AspectCreationEntry)entry).clone());
- // } else if(entry instanceof CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) {
- // CombinedTemplateCreationEntry originalEntry = (CombinedTemplateCreationEntry)entry;
- // // create a new Aspect entry proxy
- // AspectCreationEntry aspectEntry = new AspectCreationEntry(originalEntry.getLabel(), originalEntry.getDescription(), originalEntry.getId() + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis(), originalEntry.getSmallIcon(), originalEntry, new HashMap<Object, Object>());
- // entryProxy = new PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy(aspectEntry);
- // } else if(entry instanceof PaletteContainer) {
- // entryProxy = new PaletteContainerProxy((PaletteContainer)entry);
- // } else if(entry instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
- // entryProxy = ((PaletteEntryProxy)entry);
- // }
- // return entryProxy;
- // }
- /**
- * Creates the add button listener
- */
- protected MouseListener createRemoveButtonListener() {
- return new MouseListener() {
- public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
- // remove the element selected on the right
- // add the element selected on the left to the right tree
- // check the selection.
- IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection();
- if (selection == null || selection.size() < 1) {
- return;
- }
- PaletteEntryProxy proxyToDelete = (PaletteEntryProxy) selection.getFirstElement();
- if (proxyToDelete == null) {
- return;
- }
- // create a new entry in the document
- // get container of the proxy to be deleted
- PaletteContainerProxy parentProxy = proxyToDelete.getParent();
- parentProxy.removeChild(proxyToDelete);
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
- // do nothing
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) {
- // do nothing
- }
- };
- }
- /**
- * creates the available entries group
- */
- protected void createAvailableToolsGroup() {
- Composite parent = (Composite) getControl();
- Composite availableToolsComposite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
- GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(2, true);
- layout.marginHeight = 0;
- layout.marginWidth = 0;
- availableToolsComposite.setLayout(layout);
- GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
- availableToolsComposite.setLayoutData(data);
- Label label = new Label(availableToolsComposite, SWT.NONE);
- label.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Available_Tools);
- data = new GridData(SWT.LEFT, SWT.CENTER, true, false);
- label.setLayoutData(data);
- ToolBar toolbar = new ToolBar(availableToolsComposite, SWT.HORIZONTAL);
- data = new GridData(SWT.RIGHT, SWT.FILL, false, false);
- toolbar.setLayoutData(data);
- populateAvailableToolsToolBar(toolbar);
- createProfileCombo(availableToolsComposite);
- Tree tree = new Tree(availableToolsComposite, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.BORDER);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true, 2, 1);
- data.widthHint = 185;
- // Make the tree this tall even when there is nothing in it. This will keep the
- // dialog from shrinking to an unusually small size.
- data.heightHint = 200;
- tree.setLayoutData(data);
- availableToolsViewer = new TreeViewer(tree);
- availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new UMLToolsTreeContentProvider());
- paletteLabelProvider = new PaletteLabelProvider();
- availableToolsViewer.setLabelProvider(paletteLabelProvider);
- ViewerComparator labelComparator = new LabelViewerComparator();
- availableToolsViewer.setComparator(labelComparator);
- // remove the note stack and standard group
- availableToolsViewer.addFilter(new ViewerFilter() {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public boolean select(Viewer viewer, Object parentElement, Object element) {
- if (element instanceof PaletteStack && "noteStack".equals(((PaletteStack) element).getId())) {
- return false;
- } else if (element instanceof PaletteToolbar && "standardGroup".equals(((PaletteToolbar) element).getId())) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- });
- availableToolsViewer.addFilter(new DrawerFilter());
- // add drag support
- addAvailableToolsDragSupport();
- // availableToolsViewer.setInput(getAllVisibleStandardEntries());
- }
- /**
- * Creates the profile combo
- *
- * @param availableToolsComposite
- * the available tools composite
- * @return the created combo
- */
- protected Combo createProfileCombo(Composite availableToolsComposite) {
- // retrieve top package, to know which profiles are available
- // creates the combo
- profileCombo = new Combo(availableToolsComposite, SWT.BORDER | SWT.READ_ONLY);
- GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false, 2, 1);
- profileCombo.setLayoutData(data);
- // retrieve all applied profiles
- List<Profile> profiles = getAllAppliedProfiles();
- int profileNumber = profiles.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < profileNumber; i++) {
- profileComboList.add(i, profiles.get(i).getName());
- }
- profileComboList.add(UML_TOOLS_LABEL);
- profileCombo.setItems(profileComboList.toArray(new String[] {}));
- // add selection listener for the combo. selects the "UML tools" item
- ProfileComboSelectionListener listener = new ProfileComboSelectionListener();
- profileCombo.addSelectionListener(listener);
- profileCombo.addModifyListener(listener);
- //;
- return profileCombo;
- }
- /**
- * returns the list of applied profile for the nearest package of the top element
- *
- * @return the list of applied profile for the nearest package of the top element or an empty
- * list
- */
- protected List<Profile> getAllAppliedProfiles() {
- Package topPackage = null;
- if (editorPart instanceof DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) {
- EObject element = ((DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) editorPart).getDiagram().getElement();
- if (element instanceof org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element) {
- topPackage = ((org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element) element).getNearestPackage();
- }
- }
- if (topPackage != null) {
- return topPackage.getAllAppliedProfiles();
- }
- return Collections.emptyList();
- }
- /**
- * Add drag support from the available tools viewer
- */
- protected void addAvailableToolsDragSupport() {
- // transfer types
- Transfer[] transfers = new Transfer[] { LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer() };
- // drag listener
- DragSourceListener listener = new DragSourceAdapter() {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public void dragStart(DragSourceEvent event) {
- super.dragStart(event);
- = availableToolsViewer.getSelection();
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public void dragSetData(DragSourceEvent event) {
- super.dragSetData(event);
- LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer().setSelection(availableToolsViewer.getSelection());
- }
- };
- availableToolsViewer.addDragSupport(DND.DROP_LINK, transfers, listener);
- }
- /**
- * Adds elements to the tool bar for available tools viewer
- *
- * @param toolbar
- * the toolbar to populate
- */
- protected void populateAvailableToolsToolBar(ToolBar toolbar) {
- toggleContentProvider = createCheckToolBarItem(toolbar, SWITCH_CONTENT_PROVIDER_ICON, Messages.Local_Palette_SwitchToolsContentProvider_Tooltip, createSwitchToolsContentProviderListener());
- toggleContentProvider.setSelection(true);
- toggleContentProvider.setEnabled(false);
- createCheckToolBarItem(toolbar, SHOWN_TOOLS_ICON, Messages.Local_Palette_ShowTools_Tooltip, createsShowToolListener());
- }
- /**
- * Creates the listener for the available tools content provider
- *
- * @return the listener created
- */
- protected Listener createSwitchToolsContentProviderListener() {
- return new Listener() {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void handleEvent(Event event) {
- if (!(event.widget instanceof ToolItem)) {
- return;
- }
- ToolItem item = ((ToolItem) event.widget);
- // retrieve current profile selected in the combo profile
- int index = profileCombo.getSelectionIndex();
- Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries = getAllVisibleStandardEntries();
- Profile profile = getAllAppliedProfiles().get(index);
- if (item.getSelection()) {
- availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new ProfileToolsStereotypeMetaclassTreeContentProvider(profile, standardEntries));
- item.setSelection(true);
- } else {
- availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new ProfileToolsMetaclassStereotypeTreeContentProvider(profile, standardEntries));
- item.setSelection(false);
- }
- // generate tools for given profile
- availableToolsViewer.setInput(profile);
- }
- };
- }
- /**
- * creates the tool item for drawers visibility listener
- *
- * @return the listener for the tool button
- */
- protected Listener createShowDrawerListener() {
- return new Listener() {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void handleEvent(Event event) {
- if (!(event.widget instanceof ToolItem)) {
- return;
- }
- ToolItem item = ((ToolItem) event.widget);
- if (item.getSelection()) {
- // elements should be hidden
- availableToolsViewer.addFilter(drawerFilter);
- item.setSelection(true);
- } else {
- availableToolsViewer.removeFilter(drawerFilter);
- item.setSelection(false);
- }
- }
- };
- }
- /**
- * creates the tool item for tools visibility listener
- *
- * @return the listener for the tool button
- */
- protected Listener createsShowToolListener() {
- return new Listener() {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void handleEvent(Event event) {
- if (!(event.widget instanceof ToolItem)) {
- return;
- }
- ToolItem item = ((ToolItem) event.widget);
- if (item.getSelection()) {
- // elements should be hidden
- availableToolsViewer.addFilter(toolFilter);
- item.setSelection(true);
- } else {
- availableToolsViewer.removeFilter(toolFilter);
- item.setSelection(false);
- }
- }
- };
- }
- /**
- * Creates a toolbar item which can be checked.
- *
- * @param toolbar
- * the parent toolbar
- * @param shownElementsIcon
- * path for shown elements icon
- * @param listener
- * listener for button action
- * @param tooltip
- * tooltip text for the toolbar item
- */
- protected ToolItem createCheckToolBarItem(ToolBar toolbar, String shownElementsIcon, String tooltip, Listener listener) {
- ToolItem item = new ToolItem(toolbar, SWT.CHECK | SWT.BORDER);
- item.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, shownElementsIcon));
- item.setToolTipText(tooltip);
- item.addListener(SWT.Selection, listener);
- return item;
- }
- /**
- * Validates the content of the fields in this page
- */
- protected boolean validatePage() {
- boolean valid = true;
- if (valid) {
- setMessage(null);
- setErrorMessage(null);
- }
- return valid;
- }
- /**
- * The <code>WizardNewFileCreationPage</code> implementation of this <code>Listener</code> method handles all events and enablements for controls
- * on this page. Subclasses may extend.
- */
- public void handleEvent(Event event) {
- setPageComplete(validatePage());
- }
- /**
- * Content provider for available tools viewer
- */
- public class UMLToolsTreeContentProvider implements ITreeContentProvider {
- /**
- * Constructor
- *
- * @param viewer
- * The viewer whose ContentProvider this content provider is
- */
- public UMLToolsTreeContentProvider() {
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) {
- Object[] elements = null;
- if (inputElement instanceof Collection<?>) {
- elements = ((Collection<?>) inputElement).toArray();
- } else if (inputElement instanceof PaletteRoot) {
- // paletteUil.getAllEntries(...) to add drawers
- // if so, uncomment the addFilterbutton for drawers in populate tool bar
- elements = PaletteUtil.getAllToolEntries(((PaletteRoot) inputElement)).toArray();
- }
- if (elements == null) {
- elements = new Object[0];
- }
- return elements;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void dispose() {
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void inputChanged(Viewer viewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput) {
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public Object[] getChildren(Object parentElement) {
- Object[] elements = null;
- if (parentElement instanceof Collection<?>) {
- elements = ((Collection<?>) parentElement).toArray();
- } else if (parentElement instanceof PaletteRoot) {
- // paletteUil.getAllEntries(...) to add drawers
- // if so, uncomment the addFilterbutton for drawers in populate tool bar
- elements = PaletteUtil.getAllToolEntries(((PaletteRoot) parentElement)).toArray();
- }
- return elements;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public Object getParent(Object element) {
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public boolean hasChildren(Object element) {
- return getChildren(element) != null && getChildren(element).length > 0;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Label provider for palette tools.
- * <P>
- * We should be using the Palette label provider from GEF, if it was not with visibility "package"...
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.gef.ui.palette.customize.PaletteLabelProvider </P>
- *
- */
- public class PaletteLabelProvider implements ILabelProvider {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public Image getImage(Object element) {
- if (element instanceof PaletteEntry) {
- ImageDescriptor descriptor = ((PaletteEntry) element).getSmallIcon();
- if (descriptor == null) {
- return null;
- }
- return Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, descriptor);
- } else if (element instanceof Stereotype) {
- return Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, "/icons/stereotype.gif");
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public String getText(Object element) {
- if (element instanceof PaletteEntry) {
- return ((PaletteEntry) element).getLabel();
- } else if (element instanceof Stereotype) {
- return ((Stereotype) element).getName();
- }
- return "unknown element";
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void addListener(ILabelProviderListener listener) {
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void dispose() {
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public boolean isLabelProperty(Object element, String property) {
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void removeListener(ILabelProviderListener listener) {
- }
- }
- /**
- * Label provider for palette tools.
- * <P>
- * We should be using the Palette label provider from GEF, if it was not with visibility "package"...
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.gef.ui.palette.customize.PaletteLabelProvider </P>
- *
- */
- public class ExtendedPaletteLabelProvider extends CustomizedLabelProvider {
- /**
- * Constructor.
- */
- public ExtendedPaletteLabelProvider() {
- super(manager);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Filter for the viewer. Hide/show Drawers
- */
- public class DrawerFilter extends ViewerFilter {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public boolean select(Viewer viewer, Object parentElement, Object element) {
- if (element instanceof PaletteDrawer) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Filter for the viewer. Hide/show Drawers
- */
- public class ToolFilter extends ViewerFilter {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public boolean select(Viewer viewer, Object parentElement, Object element) {
- if (element instanceof ToolEntry) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Content Provider for the palette preview
- */
- public class ExtendedPaletteContentProvider extends CustomizedTreeContentProvider {
- private CustomizationCatalogManager catalogManager;
- private ResourceSet catalogManagerResourceSet;
- /**
- * Constructor.
- */
- public ExtendedPaletteContentProvider() {
- super(manager);
- // TODO: EMFFACET refactor this code
- catalogManagerResourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl();
- catalogManager = (CustomizationCatalogManager) ICustomizationCatalogManagerFactory.DEFAULT.getOrCreateCustomizationCatalogManager(catalogManagerResourceSet);
- List<Customization> paletteCustomizations = catalogManager.getCustomizationsByName("PaletteConfiguration");
- if (paletteCustomizations.size() > 0) {
- // manager.setShowTypeOfLinks(false);
- // manager.registerCustomization(paletteCustomization);
- // manager.loadCustomizations();
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void dispose() {
- super.dispose();
- if (catalogManagerResourceSet != null) {
- EMFHelper.unload(catalogManagerResourceSet);
- catalogManagerResourceSet = null;
- }
- catalogManager = null;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public Object[] getRootElements(Object inputElement) {
- if (inputElement instanceof PaletteConfiguration) {
- return ((PaletteConfiguration) inputElement).getDrawerConfigurations().toArray();
- } else if (inputElement instanceof Resource) {
- List<EObject> roots = ((Resource) inputElement).getContents();
- if (roots != null && !roots.isEmpty()) {
- EObject rootObject = roots.get(0);
- if (rootObject instanceof PaletteConfiguration) {
- return ((PaletteConfiguration) rootObject).getDrawerConfigurations().toArray();
- }
- }
- }
- return new Object[0];
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public boolean hasChildren(Object element) {
- Object[] children = getChildren(element);
- if (children == null) {
- return false;
- }
- if (children.length == 0) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Performs all action on finish
- *
- * @param id
- * the path for the file
- */
- public void performFinish(String path) {
- if (resourceToEdit != null) {
- try {
- } catch (IOException e) {
- Activator.log.error(e);
- }
- }
- // // creates the document
- // Document document = createXMLDocumentFromPalettePreview();
- // saveDocument(document, path);
- // requiredProfiles = collectRequiredProfiles();
- }
- // /**
- // * collect the required profiles from all tool provided by the local palette definition
- // */
- // protected Set<String> collectRequiredProfiles() {
- // Set<String> profiles = new HashSet<String>();
- // PaletteContainerProxy rootProxy = (PaletteContainerProxy)paletteTreeViewer.getInput();
- // collectRequiredProfiles(rootProxy.getChildren(), profiles);
- // return profiles;
- // }
- //
- // /**
- // * collect the required profiles from all tool provided by the local palette definition
- // */
- // protected void collectRequiredProfiles(List<PaletteEntryProxy> proxies, Set<String> requiredProfiles) {
- // for(PaletteEntryProxy proxy : proxies) {
- // // add profile(s) if relevant, check for children
- //
- // if(proxy instanceof PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
- // // list of profiles
- // for(String stereotypeQN : ((PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy)proxy).getStereotypesQNList()) {
- // // retrieve list of profiles from the stereotype QN (only remove last segment
- // // ?!)
- // String profileName = PaletteUtil.findProfileNameFromStereotypeName(stereotypeQN);
- // requiredProfiles.add(profileName);
- // }
- // }
- //
- // if(proxy.getChildren() != null) {
- // collectRequiredProfiles(proxy.getChildren(), requiredProfiles);
- // }
- // }
- // }
- //
- // /**
- // * Saves the xml document into file
- // *
- // * @param document
- // * the document to save
- // * @param path
- // * name of the file
- // * @return the file created or updated
- // */
- // protected File saveDocument(Document document, String path) {
- // File file = null;
- // try {
- // // create the file that stores the XML configuration
- // file = Activator.getDefault().getStateLocation().append(path).toFile();
- // TransformerFactory tranFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
- // Transformer aTransformer;
- //
- // aTransformer = tranFactory.newTransformer();
- //
- // Source src = new DOMSource(document);
- // Result dest = new StreamResult(file);
- // aTransformer.transform(src, dest);
- // } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) {
- // Activator.log.error(e);
- // } catch (TransformerException e) {
- // Activator.log.error(e);
- // }
- // return file;
- //
- // }
- //
- // /**
- // * Creates the document from the palette preview
- // *
- // * @return the dom structure of the document
- // */
- // protected Document createXMLDocumentFromPalettePreview() {
- // DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
- // documentBuilderFactory.setNamespaceAware(true);
- // DocumentBuilder documentBuilder;
- // try {
- // documentBuilder = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
- // document = documentBuilder.newDocument();
- // Element paletteDefElement = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.PALETTE_DEFINITION);
- // document.appendChild(paletteDefElement);
- // Element contentElement = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.CONTENT);
- // paletteDefElement.appendChild(contentElement);
- //
- // generateXMLPaletteContent(document, contentElement);
- // return document;
- // } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
- // Activator.getDefault().logError("impossible to create the palette tree viewer content", e);
- // }
- // return null;
- // }
- //
- // /**
- // * Generates the xml content for the palette
- // *
- // * @param document
- // * the document to fill
- // * @param contentElement
- // * the root for the xml content
- // */
- // protected void generateXMLPaletteContent(Document document, Element contentElement) {
- // PaletteContainerProxy rootProxy = (PaletteContainerProxy)paletteTreeViewer.getInput();
- // for(PaletteEntryProxy proxy : rootProxy.getChildren()) {
- // generateXMLPaletteContainerProxy(document, contentElement, proxy);
- // }
- // }
- //
- // /**
- // * Generates the xml content for the given container
- // *
- // * @param document
- // * the document to fill
- // * @param containerProxy
- // * the entry proxy
- // */
- // protected void generateXMLPaletteContainerProxy(Document document, Element contentElement, PaletteEntryProxy containerProxy) {
- //
- // Element element = null;
- // List<PaletteEntryProxy> children = containerProxy.getChildren();
- // // generate the element
- // switch(containerProxy.getType()) {
- // case DRAWER:
- // element = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.DRAWER);
- // element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.NAME, containerProxy.getLabel());
- // if(containerProxy instanceof PaletteLocalDrawerProxy) {
- // element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ICON_PATH, ((PaletteLocalDrawerProxy)containerProxy).getImagePath());
- // }
- // break;
- // case TOOL:
- // element = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.TOOL);
- // break;
- // case SEPARATOR:
- // element = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.SEPARATOR);
- // break;
- // case STACK:
- // element = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.STACK);
- // break;
- // case ASPECT_TOOL:
- // element = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ASPECT_TOOL);
- // // try to cast the element into PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy
- // if(containerProxy instanceof PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
- // PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy aspectEntryProxy = (PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy)containerProxy;
- // // element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ID, aspectEntryProxy.getId());
- // element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.NAME, aspectEntryProxy.getLabel());
- // element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.DESCRIPTION, aspectEntryProxy.getEntry().getDescription());
- // element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.REF_TOOL_ID, aspectEntryProxy.getReferencedPaletteID());
- //
- // if(aspectEntryProxy.getImagePath() != null && !aspectEntryProxy.getImagePath().equals("")) {
- // element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ICON_PATH, aspectEntryProxy.getImagePath());
- // }
- //
- //
- // // add post action, stereotype list
- // for(IAspectAction action : ((PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy)containerProxy).getPostActions()) {
- // Element postActionNode = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.POST_ACTION);
- // postActionNode.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ID, action.getFactoryId());
- //;
- // element.appendChild(postActionNode);
- // }
- // }
- // default:
- // break;
- // }
- //
- // element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ID, containerProxy.getId());
- // contentElement.appendChild(element);
- //
- // if(children != null) {
- // for(PaletteEntryProxy proxy : children) {
- // generateXMLPaletteContainerProxy(document, element, proxy);
- // }
- // }
- // }
- // public enum EntryType {
- // }
- /**
- * Comparator for the label viewers
- */
- public class LabelViewerComparator extends ViewerComparator {
- /**
- * Creates a new LabelViewerComparator.
- */
- public LabelViewerComparator() {
- super();
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public int compare(Viewer testViewer, Object e1, Object e2) {
- String label1 = "";
- String label2 = "";
- if (e1 instanceof PaletteEntry) {
- label1 = ((PaletteEntry) e1).getLabel();
- } else if (e1 instanceof Stereotype) {
- label1 = ((Stereotype) e1).getName();
- }
- if (e2 instanceof PaletteEntry) {
- label2 = ((PaletteEntry) e2).getLabel();
- } else if (e2 instanceof Stereotype) {
- label2 = ((Stereotype) e2).getName();
- }
- if (label1 == null) {
- return 1;
- }
- if (label2 == null) {
- return -1;
- }
- return label1.compareTo(label2);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Listener for the profile combo. It changes the input of the following viewer.
- */
- public class ProfileComboSelectionListener implements SelectionListener, ModifyListener {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
- // nothing to do
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
- handleSelectionChanged();
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void modifyText(ModifyEvent e) {
- handleSelectionChanged();
- }
- /**
- * handles the change selection for the combo
- */
- protected void handleSelectionChanged() {
- int index = profileCombo.getSelectionIndex();
- if (index < 0 || index >= profileCombo.getItems().length) {
- return;
- }
- String name = profileComboList.get(index);
- Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries = getAllVisibleStandardEntries();
- // retrieve the profile or uml standards tools to display
- if (UML_TOOLS_LABEL.equals(name)) {
- // change content provider
- availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new UMLToolsTreeContentProvider());
- availableToolsViewer.setInput(standardEntries);
- toggleContentProvider.setEnabled(false);
- } else {
- if (toggleContentProvider != null && !toggleContentProvider.isDisposed()) {
- toggleContentProvider.setEnabled(true);
- }
- // switch content provider
- // this is a profile in case of uml2 tools
- Profile profile = getAllAppliedProfiles().get(index);
- if (toggleContentProvider.getSelection()) {
- availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new ProfileToolsStereotypeMetaclassTreeContentProvider(profile, standardEntries));
- } else {
- availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new ProfileToolsMetaclassStereotypeTreeContentProvider(profile, standardEntries));
- }
- // generate tools for given profile
- availableToolsViewer.setInput(profile);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Content provider for the available tools viewer, when the tools to see are coming from a
- * profile
- */
- public class ProfileToolsStereotypeMetaclassTreeContentProvider implements ITreeContentProvider {
- /** standard uml tools palette entries */
- final protected Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries;
- /**
- * Creates a new ProfileToolsStereotypeMetaclassTreeContentProvider.
- *
- * @param profile
- * the profile for which tools are built
- * @param standardEntries
- * list of standard uml tools palette entries
- */
- public ProfileToolsStereotypeMetaclassTreeContentProvider(Profile profile, Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries) {
- this.standardEntries = standardEntries;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public Object[] getChildren(Object parentElement) {
- if (parentElement instanceof Profile) {
- return ((Profile) parentElement).getOwnedStereotypes().toArray();
- } else if (parentElement instanceof Stereotype) {
- List<PaletteEntry> entries = new ArrayList<PaletteEntry>();
- Stereotype stereotype = (Stereotype) parentElement;
- for (PaletteEntry entry : standardEntries) {
- // retrieve the element type created by the tool.
- if (entry instanceof CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) {
- EClass toolMetaclass = PaletteUtil.getToolMetaclass((CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) entry);
- if (toolMetaclass != null) {
- List<Class> metaclasses = stereotype.getAllExtendedMetaclasses();
- for (Class stMetaclass : metaclasses) {
- // get Eclass
- java.lang.Class<?> metaclassClass = stMetaclass.getClass();
- if (metaclassClass != null) {
- EClassifier metaClassifier = UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getEClassifier(stMetaclass.getName());
- if (((EClass) metaClassifier).isSuperTypeOf(toolMetaclass)) {
- // should create the palette entry
- Map<Object, Object> properties = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
- properties.put(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ASPECT_ACTION_KEY, StereotypeAspectActionProvider.createConfigurationNode(stereotype.getQualifiedName()));
- AspectCreationEntry aspectEntry = new AspectCreationEntry(stereotype.getName() + " (" + entry.getLabel() + ")", "Create an element with a stereotype", entry.getId() + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis(),
- entry.getSmallIcon(), (CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) entry, properties);
- entries.add(aspectEntry);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return entries.toArray();
- } else {
- return new Object[0];
- }
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public Object getParent(Object element) {
- if (element instanceof Stereotype) {
- return ((Stereotype) element).getProfile();
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public boolean hasChildren(Object element) {
- if (element instanceof Profile) {
- return true;
- } else if (element instanceof Stereotype) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) {
- if (inputElement instanceof Profile) {
- List<Stereotype> stereotypes = ((Profile) inputElement).getOwnedStereotypes();
- return stereotypes.toArray();
- }
- return new Object[0];
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void dispose() {
- // nothing to do here
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void inputChanged(Viewer viewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput) {
- // nothing to do here
- }
- }
- /**
- * Content provider for the available tools viewer, when the
- */
- public class ProfileToolsMetaclassStereotypeTreeContentProvider implements ITreeContentProvider {
- /** standard uml tools palette entries */
- final protected Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries;
- /** profile to display */
- final protected Profile profile;
- /**
- * Creates a new ProfileToolsMetaclassStereotypeTreeContentProvider.
- *
- * @param profile
- * the profile for which tools are built
- * @param standardEntries
- * list of standard uml tools palette entries
- */
- public ProfileToolsMetaclassStereotypeTreeContentProvider(Profile profile, Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries) {
- this.profile = profile;
- this.standardEntries = standardEntries;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public Object[] getChildren(Object parentElement) {
- if (parentElement instanceof Profile) {
- return standardEntries.toArray();
- } else if (parentElement instanceof AspectCreationEntry) {
- return new Object[0];
- } else if (parentElement instanceof PaletteEntry) {
- List<AspectCreationEntry> entries = new ArrayList<AspectCreationEntry>();
- // display all stereotypes applicable to the type of element created by this tool
- if (parentElement instanceof CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) {
- CombinedTemplateCreationEntry entry = (CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) parentElement;
- EClass toolMetaclass = PaletteUtil.getToolMetaclass(entry);
- if (toolMetaclass != null) {
- for (Stereotype stereotype : profile.getOwnedStereotypes()) {
- List<Class> metaclasses = stereotype.getAllExtendedMetaclasses();
- for (Class stMetaclass : metaclasses) {
- // get Eclass
- EClassifier metaClassifier = UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getEClassifier(stMetaclass.getName());
- if (((EClass) metaClassifier).isSuperTypeOf(toolMetaclass)) {
- // should create the palette entry
- Map<Object, Object> properties = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
- // ArrayList<String> stereotypesQNToApply = new ArrayList<String>();
- properties.put(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ASPECT_ACTION_KEY, StereotypeAspectActionProvider.createConfigurationNode(stereotype.getQualifiedName()));
- AspectCreationEntry aspectEntry = new AspectCreationEntry(stereotype.getName() + " (" + entry.getLabel() + ")", "Create an element with a stereotype", entry.getId() + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis(), entry.getSmallIcon(),
- entry, properties);
- entries.add(aspectEntry);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return entries.toArray();
- } else {
- return new Object[0];
- }
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public Object getParent(Object element) {
- if (element instanceof Stereotype) {
- return ((Stereotype) element).getProfile();
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public boolean hasChildren(Object element) {
- if (element instanceof Profile) {
- return true;
- } else if (element instanceof AspectCreationEntry) {
- return false;
- } else if (element instanceof PaletteEntry) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) {
- if (inputElement instanceof Profile) {
- return standardEntries.toArray();
- }
- return new Object[0];
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void dispose() {
- // nothing to do here
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void inputChanged(Viewer viewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput) {
- // nothing to do here
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the list of all visible palette entries
- *
- * @return the list of all visible palette entries
- */
- protected Collection<PaletteEntry> getAllVisibleStandardEntries() {
- HashSet<PaletteEntry> result = new HashSet<PaletteEntry>();
- for (PaletteEntry entry : PaletteUtil.getAvailableEntriesSet(editorPart, priority).values()) {
- // the entry is not just a defineOnly entry but a visible one
- if (getRootParent(entry) != null) {
- result.add(entry);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the Root element for the palette entry. It searches recursively from parent to parent, until it find the root element
- *
- * @param entry
- * the palette entry for which root element is searched
- * @return the root element or <code>null</code> if none was found
- */
- protected PaletteRoot getRootParent(PaletteEntry entry) {
- PaletteContainer parent = entry.getParent();
- if (parent instanceof PaletteRoot) {
- return (PaletteRoot) parent;
- } else if (parent != null) {
- return getRootParent(parent);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Item validator
- */
- protected abstract class ToolBarItemValidator {
- /**
- * Checks if the button should be enable or not
- *
- * @return <code>true</code> if the button should be enable
- */
- public abstract boolean isEnable();
- }
- /**
- * validator for the create separator or stack tool item. Only valid when selection is a {@link Configuration}
- */
- protected class ConfigurationSelectedValidator extends ToolBarItemValidator {
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- @Override
- public boolean isEnable() {
- return getSelectedConfiguration() != null;
- }
- }
- /**
- * validator for the create stack tool item. Only valid when selection is a {@link DrawerConfiguration}
- */
- protected class DrawerConfigurationSelectedValidator extends ToolBarItemValidator {
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- @Override
- public boolean isEnable() {
- return getSelectedConfiguration() instanceof DrawerConfiguration;
- }
- }
+ * Copyright (c) 2009, 2014 CEA LIST and others.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
+ * Christian W. Damus (CEA) - bug 422257
+ * Mickael ADAM (ALL4TEC) - adaptation to use paletteConfiguration model instead of eclipse palette xml file
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.dialog;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notification;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EContentAdapter;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.CombinedTemplateCreationEntry;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteContainer;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteDrawer;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteEntry;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteRoot;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteStack;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteToolbar;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.ToolEntry;
+import org.eclipse.gef.ui.palette.PaletteCustomizer;
+import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service.ProviderPriority;
+import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog;
+import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor;
+import org.eclipse.jface.util.LocalSelectionTransfer;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DoubleClickEvent;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IDoubleClickListener;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProvider;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProviderListener;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeContentProvider;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TreeViewer;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerComparator;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerFilter;
+import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardPage;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.Messages;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.emf.facet.custom.core.ICustomizationCatalogManagerFactory;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.emf.facet.custom.core.ICustomizationManager;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.emf.facet.custom.core.ICustomizationManagerFactory;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.emf.facet.custom.core.internal.CustomizationCatalogManager;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.emf.facet.custom.metamodel.v0_2_0.custom.Customization;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.emf.facet.custom.ui.internal.CustomizedLabelProvider;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.emf.facet.custom.ui.internal.CustomizedTreeContentProvider;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.emf.utils.EMFHelper;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PaletteUtil;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PapyrusPalettePreferences;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.AspectCreationEntry;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.IPapyrusPaletteConstant;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.PaletteConfigurationUtils;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.PapyrusPaletteService;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.palette.StereotypeAspectActionProvider;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.Configuration;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.DrawerConfiguration;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.LeafConfiguration;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.PaletteConfiguration;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.PaletteconfigurationPackage;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.SeparatorConfiguration;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.StackConfiguration;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.ToolConfiguration;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.util.PaletteconfigurationSwitch;
+import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
+import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND;
+import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceAdapter;
+import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceEvent;
+import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceListener;
+import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetEvent;
+import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetListener;
+import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.Transfer;
+import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.TreeDropTargetEffect;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ToolBar;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ToolItem;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TreeItem;
+import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Profile;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Stereotype;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage;
+import org.w3c.dom.Document;
+ * Wizard page for information about the new local palette definition
+ */
+public class ExtendedPaletteContentPage extends WizardPage implements Listener {
+ /** editor part in which the palette is created */
+ protected IEditorPart editorPart;
+ /** available tools viewer */
+ protected TreeViewer availableToolsViewer;
+ /** label provider for the tree viewer */
+ protected PaletteLabelProvider paletteLabelProvider;
+ /** icon path when tools are hidden */
+ protected static final String HIDDEN_TOOLS_ICON = "/icons/tools_hidden.gif";
+ /** icon path when tools are shown */
+ protected static final String SHOWN_TOOLS_ICON = "/icons/tools_shown.gif";
+ /** path to the icon */
+ protected static final String WIZARD_ICON = "/icons/local_desc_wiz.png";
+ /** icon path when drawers are hidden */
+ protected static final String SHOWN_DRAWERS_ICON = "/icons/drawers_shown.gif";
+ /** icon path when drawers are shown */
+ protected static final String HIDDEN_DRAWERS_ICON = "/icons/drawers_hidden.gif";
+ /** icon path for the add button */
+ protected static final String ADD_ICON = "/icons/arrow_right.gif";
+ /** icon path for the remove button */
+ protected static final String REMOVE_ICON = "/icons/arrow_left.gif";
+ /** icon path for the delete button */
+ protected static final String DELETE_ICON = "/icons/delete.gif";
+ /** icon path for the create drawer button */
+ protected static final String CREATE_DRAWERS_ICON = "/icons/new_drawer.gif";
+ /** icon path for the create separator button */
+ protected String CREATE_SEPARATOR_ICON = "/icons/separator.gif";
+ /** icon path for the create stack button */
+ protected String CREATE_STACK_ICON = "/icons/stack.gif";
+ /** icon path for the delete drawer button */
+ protected static final String DELETE_DRAWERS_ICON = "/icons/delete.gif";
+ /** icon for the content provider switch button */
+ protected String SWITCH_CONTENT_PROVIDER_ICON = "/icons/switch_provider.gif";
+ /** label for the standard tools */
+ protected static final String UML_TOOLS_LABEL = "UML tools";
+ /** icon path for the edit drawer button */
+ protected static final String EDIT_ICON = "/icons/obj16/file.gif";
+ /** instance of the filter used to show/hide drawers */
+ protected final ViewerFilter drawerFilter = new DrawerFilter();
+ /** instance of the filter used to show/hide tools */
+ protected final ViewerFilter toolFilter = new ToolFilter();
+ /** stored preferences */
+ protected List<String> storedPreferences;
+ /** add button */
+ protected Button addButton;
+ /** remove button */
+ protected Button removeButton;
+ /** tree viewer for the new palette */
+ protected TreeViewer paletteTreeViewer;
+ /** document for element creation */
+ protected Document document;
+ /** content node for the palette viewer */
+ protected PaletteContainerProxy contentNode;
+ /** combo to select which profile tools should be visible */
+ protected Combo profileCombo;
+ /** list of profiles that can provide tools */
+ protected List<String> profileComboList = new ArrayList<String>();
+ /** tool item in charge of toggling content providers in the available tool viewer */
+ protected ToolItem toggleContentProvider;
+ /** required profile by this palette */
+ protected Set<String> requiredProfiles;
+ /** palette customizer used for the palette */
+ protected PaletteCustomizer customizer;
+ /** current selected entry proxy */
+ protected Configuration selectedConfiguration;
+ /** class in charge of the information composite */
+ protected ConfigurationInformationComposite informationComposite = new ConfigurationInformationComposite();
+ /** class in charge of the aspect tool information composite */
+ protected AspectActionsInformationComposite aspectActionComposite = new AspectActionsInformationComposite();
+ /** toolbar above tools */
+ protected ToolBar toolbar;
+ /** validator key for toolbar items */
+ protected final static String VALIDATOR = "validator";
+ /** priority of the current edited palette */
+ protected ProviderPriority priority;
+ /** resource set that contains the palette configuration resource */
+ private ResourceSet resourceSet;
+ /** palette configuration resource */
+ private Resource resourceToEdit;
+ /** customization manager for the content provider */
+ // TODO: EMFFACET: pb of ResourceSET
+ private ICustomizationManager manager = ICustomizationManagerFactory.DEFAULT.getOrCreateICustomizationManager(new ResourceSetImpl());
+ /**
+ * Creates a new wizard page with the given name, title, and image.
+ *
+ * @param part
+ * the editor part in which the wizard was created
+ */
+ public ExtendedPaletteContentPage(IEditorPart part, PaletteCustomizer customizer) {
+ super(Messages.Local_Palette_ContentPage_Name, Messages.Local_Palette_ContentPage_Title, Activator.getImageDescriptor(WIZARD_ICON));
+ this.editorPart = part;
+ this.customizer = customizer;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void dispose() {
+ super.dispose();
+ if (resourceSet != null) {
+ EMFHelper.unload(resourceSet);
+ }
+ if (manager != null) {
+ EMFHelper.unload(manager.getResourceSet());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the priority of the current edited palette
+ *
+ * @param priority
+ * the priority of the current edited palette
+ */
+ public void setPriority(ProviderPriority priority) {
+ this.priority = priority;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return the resourceSet
+ */
+ public ResourceSet getResourceSet() {
+ return resourceSet;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return the resourceToEdit
+ */
+ public Resource getResourceToEdit() {
+ return resourceToEdit;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the list of required profiles by this local palette definition
+ *
+ * @return the profiles required by this palette
+ */
+ public Set<String> getRequiredProfiles() {
+ return requiredProfiles;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void createControl(Composite parent) {
+ // initialize dialog units
+ initializeDialogUnits(parent);
+ // Create a new composite as there is the title bar seperator
+ // to deal with
+ Composite control = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
+ GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(4, false);
+ control.setLayout(layout);
+ control.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true));
+ setControl(control);
+ // create Available Tools Group
+ createAvailableToolsGroup();
+ // create add/remove buttons
+ createAddRemoveButtons();
+ // create Palette Group
+ createPalettePreviewGroup();
+ // create tool description group (custom name, description, and perhaphs icon.... Just under this group, another one with aspect actions)
+ createToolDescriptionGroup();
+ // just under, creates a new line of composites...
+ createAspectActionComposite();
+ // add listeners inter-groups
+ ISelectionChangedListener listener = createToolsViewerSelectionChangeListener();
+ availableToolsViewer.addSelectionChangedListener(listener);
+ paletteTreeViewer.addSelectionChangedListener(listener);
+ resourceToEdit.eAdapters().add(new EContentAdapter() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void notifyChanged(Notification notification) {
+ super.notifyChanged(notification);
+ paletteTreeViewer.refresh();
+ }
+ });
+ // end of the control creation
+ Dialog.applyDialogFont(control);
+ validatePage();
+ // Show description on opening
+ setErrorMessage(null);
+ setMessage(null);
+ setControl(control);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the composite group that presents information about ascpect actions for aspect tools
+ */
+ protected void createAspectActionComposite() {
+ aspectActionComposite.createComposite((Composite) getControl(), getAllAppliedProfiles());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the composite group that presents information about current selected tool
+ */
+ protected void createToolDescriptionGroup() {
+ informationComposite.createComposite((Composite) getControl(), getAllAppliedProfiles());
+ }
+ /**
+ * update the preferences to have all tools accessible
+ */
+ protected void updatePreferences() {
+ // change => set to no hidden palettes
+ storedPreferences = PapyrusPalettePreferences.getHiddenPalettes(editorPart);
+ // remove all, but should only remove visible palettes
+ for (String id : storedPreferences) {
+ PapyrusPalettePreferences.changePaletteVisibility(id, editorPart, true);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Restore preferences
+ */
+ public void restorePreferences() {
+ // remove all, but should only remove visible palettes
+ for (String id : storedPreferences) {
+ PapyrusPalettePreferences.changePaletteVisibility(id, editorPart, false);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the palette preview group
+ */
+ protected void createPalettePreviewGroup() {
+ Composite parent = (Composite) getControl();
+ Composite paletteComposite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
+ GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(2, true);
+ layout.marginHeight = 0;
+ layout.marginWidth = 0;
+ paletteComposite.setLayout(layout);
+ GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
+ paletteComposite.setLayoutData(data);
+ Label label = new Label(paletteComposite, SWT.NONE);
+ label.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Palette_Preview);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.LEFT, SWT.CENTER, true, false);
+ label.setLayoutData(data);
+ toolbar = new ToolBar(paletteComposite, SWT.HORIZONTAL);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.RIGHT, SWT.FILL, false, false);
+ toolbar.setLayoutData(data);
+ populatePalettePreviewToolBar(toolbar);
+ Tree tree = new Tree(paletteComposite, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.BORDER);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true, 2, 1);
+ data.widthHint = 185;
+ // Make the tree this tall even when there is nothing in it. This will keep the
+ // dialog from shrinking to an unusually small size.
+ data.heightHint = 200;
+ tree.setLayoutData(data);
+ paletteTreeViewer = new TreeViewer(tree);
+ paletteTreeViewer.setContentProvider(new ExtendedPaletteContentProvider());
+ paletteTreeViewer.setLabelProvider(new ExtendedPaletteLabelProvider());
+ paletteTreeViewer.addSelectionChangedListener(new ISelectionChangedListener() {
+ @Override
+ public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
+ handlePalettePreviewSelectionChanged(event);
+ }
+ });
+ addPalettePreviewDropSupport();
+ addPalettePreviewDragSupport();
+ addPalettePreviewEditSupport();
+ paletteTreeViewer.setInput(resourceToEdit);
+ }
+ /**
+ * handle the selection change event for the palette preview
+ *
+ * @param event
+ * the event that is thrown by the palette viewer
+ */
+ protected void handlePalettePreviewSelectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
+ // retrieve current selection
+ Configuration configuration = getSelectedConfiguration();
+ if (configuration != null) {
+ selectedConfiguration = configuration;
+ // update the current selected palette entry proxy
+ informationComposite.setSelectedConfiguration(selectedConfiguration);
+ } else {
+ selectedConfiguration = null;
+ informationComposite.setSelectedConfiguration(null);
+ }
+ // update toolbar
+ if (toolbar != null && !toolbar.isDisposed()) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < toolbar.getItemCount(); i++) {
+ ToolItem item = toolbar.getItem(i);
+ Object validator = item.getData(VALIDATOR);
+ if (validator instanceof ToolBarItemValidator) {
+ item.setEnabled(((ToolBarItemValidator) validator).isEnable());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds the behavior for the double click strategy
+ */
+ protected void addPalettePreviewEditSupport() {
+ paletteTreeViewer.addDoubleClickListener(new IDoubleClickListener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void doubleClick(DoubleClickEvent event) {
+ // nothing here
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add drop behavior for the palette preview
+ */
+ protected void addPalettePreviewDropSupport() {
+ // transfer types
+ Transfer[] transfers = new Transfer[] { LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer() };
+ // drag listener
+ DropTargetListener listener = new TreeDropTargetEffect(paletteTreeViewer.getTree()) {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void drop(DropTargetEvent event) {
+ super.drop(event);
+ IStructuredSelection transferedSelection = (IStructuredSelection) LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer().nativeToJava(event.currentDataType);
+ Object objectToTransfer = transferedSelection.getFirstElement();
+ if (!(objectToTransfer instanceof IAdaptable)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ final EObject eobjectToTransfer = EMFHelper.getEObject(objectToTransfer);
+ Object targetObject = ((TreeItem) event.item).getData();
+ if (!(targetObject instanceof IAdaptable)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ final EObject targetEObject = EMFHelper.getEObject(targetObject);
+ if (targetEObject == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ new PaletteconfigurationSwitch<Object>() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object caseDrawerConfiguration(DrawerConfiguration drawerConfigurationToMove) {
+ if (targetEObject instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
+ // move the drawer before the target drawer configuration
+ PaletteConfiguration paletteConfiguration = (PaletteConfiguration) ((DrawerConfiguration) targetEObject).eContainer();
+ PaletteConfigurationUtils.moveDrawerConfiguration(paletteConfiguration, drawerConfigurationToMove, (DrawerConfiguration) targetEObject);
+ }
+ return super.caseDrawerConfiguration(drawerConfigurationToMove);
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object caseSeparatorConfiguration(SeparatorConfiguration separatorConfigurationToMove) {
+ if (targetEObject instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
+ PaletteConfigurationUtils.moveSeparatorConfiguration(((DrawerConfiguration) targetEObject), separatorConfigurationToMove);
+ } else if (targetEObject instanceof StackConfiguration) {
+ PaletteConfigurationUtils.moveSeparatorConfiguration(((StackConfiguration) targetEObject), separatorConfigurationToMove);
+ } else if (targetEObject instanceof ToolConfiguration) {
+ PaletteConfigurationUtils.moveSeparatorConfiguration(((ToolConfiguration) targetEObject), separatorConfigurationToMove);
+ } else if (targetEObject instanceof SeparatorConfiguration) {
+ PaletteConfigurationUtils.moveSeparatorConfiguration(((SeparatorConfiguration) targetEObject), separatorConfigurationToMove);
+ }
+ return super.caseSeparatorConfiguration(separatorConfigurationToMove);
+ };
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object caseStackConfiguration(StackConfiguration stackConfigurationToMove) {
+ if (targetEObject instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
+ PaletteConfigurationUtils.moveStackConfiguration(((DrawerConfiguration) targetEObject), stackConfigurationToMove);
+ } else if (targetEObject instanceof StackConfiguration) {
+ PaletteConfigurationUtils.moveStackConfiguration(((StackConfiguration) targetEObject), stackConfigurationToMove);
+ } else if (targetEObject instanceof ToolConfiguration) {
+ PaletteConfigurationUtils.moveStackConfiguration(((ToolConfiguration) targetEObject), stackConfigurationToMove);
+ } else if (targetEObject instanceof SeparatorConfiguration) {
+ PaletteConfigurationUtils.moveStackConfiguration(((SeparatorConfiguration) targetEObject), stackConfigurationToMove);
+ }
+ return super.caseStackConfiguration(stackConfigurationToMove);
+ };
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object caseToolConfiguration(ToolConfiguration toolConfigurationToMove) {
+ if (targetEObject instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
+ PaletteConfigurationUtils.moveToolConfiguration(((DrawerConfiguration) targetEObject), toolConfigurationToMove);
+ } else if (targetEObject instanceof StackConfiguration) {
+ PaletteConfigurationUtils.moveToolConfiguration(((StackConfiguration) targetEObject), toolConfigurationToMove);
+ } else if (targetEObject instanceof ToolConfiguration) {
+ PaletteConfigurationUtils.moveToolConfiguration(((ToolConfiguration) targetEObject), toolConfigurationToMove);
+ } else if (targetEObject instanceof SeparatorConfiguration) {
+ PaletteConfigurationUtils.moveToolConfiguration(((SeparatorConfiguration) targetEObject), toolConfigurationToMove);
+ }
+ return super.caseToolConfiguration(toolConfigurationToMove);
+ };
+ }.doSwitch(eobjectToTransfer);
+ setPageComplete(validatePage());
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dragOver(DropTargetEvent event) {
+ super.dragOver(event);
+ IStructuredSelection transferedSelection = (IStructuredSelection) LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer().nativeToJava(event.currentDataType);
+ // check selection is compatible for drop target
+ TreeItem item = paletteTreeViewer.getTree().getItem(paletteTreeViewer.getTree().toControl(new Point(event.x, event.y)));
+ checkSelectionForDrop(transferedSelection, item, event);
+ }
+ };
+ paletteTreeViewer.addDropSupport(DND.DROP_LINK | DND.DROP_MOVE, transfers, listener);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds drag ability to the palette preview composite
+ */
+ protected void addPalettePreviewDragSupport() {
+ // transfer types
+ Transfer[] transfers = new Transfer[] { LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer() };
+ // drag listener
+ DragSourceListener listener = new DragSourceAdapter() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dragStart(DragSourceEvent event) {
+ super.dragStart(event);
+ = paletteTreeViewer.getSelection();
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dragSetData(DragSourceEvent event) {
+ super.dragSetData(event);
+ LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer().setSelection(paletteTreeViewer.getSelection());
+ }
+ };
+ paletteTreeViewer.addDragSupport(DND.DROP_MOVE, transfers, listener);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks if the selection can be added to the target widget
+ *
+ * @param transferedSelection
+ * the selection to be dropped
+ * @param widget
+ * the widget where to drop
+ */
+ protected void checkSelectionForDrop(IStructuredSelection transferedSelection, TreeItem item, final DropTargetEvent event) {
+ event.detail = DND.DROP_NONE;
+ final Object objectToTransfer = transferedSelection.getFirstElement();
+ if (!(objectToTransfer instanceof IAdaptable)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ final EObject eobjectToTransfer = EMFHelper.getEObject(objectToTransfer);
+ // handle only first selected element
+ if (item == null) {
+ // adding to the root, should only be a drawer
+ if (eobjectToTransfer instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
+ event.detail = DND.DROP_LINK;
+ }
+ } else {
+ Object targetObject = item.getData();
+ if (!(targetObject instanceof IAdaptable)) {
+ event.detail = DND.DROP_NONE;
+ return;
+ }
+ final EObject targetEObject = EMFHelper.getEObject(targetObject);
+ if (targetEObject == null) {
+ event.detail = DND.DROP_NONE;
+ return;
+ }
+ new PaletteconfigurationSwitch<Object>() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object caseDrawerConfiguration(DrawerConfiguration object) {
+ if (targetEObject instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
+ event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
+ }
+ return object;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object caseSeparatorConfiguration(SeparatorConfiguration object) {
+ if (targetEObject instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
+ event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
+ } else if (targetEObject instanceof StackConfiguration) {
+ event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
+ } else if (targetEObject instanceof ToolConfiguration) {
+ event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
+ } else if (targetEObject instanceof SeparatorConfiguration) {
+ event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
+ }
+ return object;
+ };
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object caseStackConfiguration(StackConfiguration object) {
+ if (targetEObject instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
+ event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
+ } else if (targetEObject instanceof StackConfiguration) {
+ event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
+ } else if (targetEObject instanceof ToolConfiguration) {
+ event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
+ } else if (targetEObject instanceof SeparatorConfiguration) {
+ event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
+ }
+ return object;
+ };
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object caseToolConfiguration(ToolConfiguration object) {
+ if (targetEObject instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
+ event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
+ } else if (targetEObject instanceof StackConfiguration) {
+ event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
+ } else if (targetEObject instanceof ToolConfiguration) {
+ event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
+ } else if (targetEObject instanceof SeparatorConfiguration) {
+ event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
+ }
+ return object;
+ };
+ }.doSwitch(eobjectToTransfer);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets an empty content for the palette preview
+ */
+ public void initializeContent() {
+ contentNode = new PaletteContainerProxy(null);
+ // adds a default local drawer
+ PaletteLocalDrawerProxy proxy = new PaletteLocalDrawerProxy("Default", generateID("Drawer_"), "/icons/drawer.gif", "Default Drawer");
+ contentNode.addChild(proxy);
+ setPageComplete(false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the initial content for the palette preview
+ *
+ * @param descriptor
+ * the descriptor that contains the configuration file to load
+ */
+ public void initializeContent(PapyrusPaletteService.ExtendedProviderDescriptor descriptor) {
+ resourceSet = createResourceSet();
+ URI redefinitionFileURI = PaletteUtil.getRedefinitionFileURI(descriptor.getContributionID());
+ resourceToEdit = getResourceSet().createResource(redefinitionFileURI);
+ // check resource is not null;
+ if (resourceToEdit == null) {
+ Activator.log.error("No resource has been created for uri :" + redefinitionFileURI, null);
+ }
+ try {
+ resourceToEdit.load(Collections.emptyMap());
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ Activator.log.error("Impossible to load configuration file", e);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates and returns the resource set used to modidy the content of the palette configuration
+ *
+ * @return the newly created ResourceSet.
+ */
+ protected ResourceSet createResourceSet() {
+ return new ResourceSetImpl();
+ }
+ /**
+ * populates the preview palette toolbar
+ *
+ * @param toolbar
+ * the toolbar to populate
+ */
+ protected void populatePalettePreviewToolBar(ToolBar toolbar) {
+ ConfigurationSelectedValidator validator = new ConfigurationSelectedValidator();
+ DrawerConfigurationSelectedValidator drawerConfigurationSelectedValidator = new DrawerConfigurationSelectedValidator();
+ createToolBarItem(toolbar, DELETE_ICON, Messages.PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_RemoveButtonTooltip, createRemoveElementListener(), validator);
+ createToolBarItem(toolbar, CREATE_DRAWERS_ICON, Messages.Local_Palette_Create_Drawer_Tooltip, createNewDrawerListener(), null);
+ createToolBarItem(toolbar, CREATE_SEPARATOR_ICON, Messages.Local_Palette_Create_Separator_Tooltip, createNewSeparatorListener(), validator);
+ createToolBarItem(toolbar, CREATE_STACK_ICON, Messages.Local_Palette_Create_Stack_Tooltip, createNewStackListener(), drawerConfigurationSelectedValidator);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the listener for the remove item(s) button
+ *
+ * @return the listener for the remove button
+ */
+ protected Listener createRemoveElementListener() {
+ return new Listener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(Event event) {
+ IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection();
+ if (selection == null || selection.size() < 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Iterator<?> it = selection.iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ Object o =;
+ if (o instanceof IAdaptable) {
+ EObject eobject = EMFHelper.getEObject(o);
+ if (eobject instanceof Configuration) {
+ PaletteConfigurationUtils.removeConfiguration((Configuration) eobject);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the listener for the new drawer tool item
+ *
+ * @return the listener created
+ */
+ protected Listener createNewDrawerListener() {
+ return new Listener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(Event event) {
+ PaletteConfiguration paletteConfiguration = (PaletteConfiguration) EcoreUtil.getObjectByType(resourceToEdit.getContents(), PaletteconfigurationPackage.eINSTANCE.getPaletteConfiguration());
+ if (paletteConfiguration != null) {
+ PaletteConfigurationUtils.createDrawer(paletteConfiguration);
+ } else {
+ Activator.log.error("Impossible to find the palette configuration", null);
+ }
+ setPageComplete(validatePage());
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the listener for the new stack tool item
+ *
+ * @return the listener created
+ */
+ protected Listener createNewStackListener() {
+ return new Listener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(Event event) {
+ Configuration selectedConfiguration = getSelectedConfiguration();
+ if (selectedConfiguration instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
+ PaletteConfigurationUtils.createStack(((DrawerConfiguration) selectedConfiguration));
+ } else if (selectedConfiguration instanceof LeafConfiguration) {
+ PaletteConfigurationUtils.createStack(((LeafConfiguration) selectedConfiguration));
+ } else {
+ Activator.log.error("Invalid selection to create a Stack: " + selectedConfiguration, null);
+ }
+ // paletteTreeViewer.refresh();
+ setPageComplete(validatePage());
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generates the ID for a local element
+ *
+ * @param base
+ * the begining of the id
+ * @return the separator id
+ */
+ protected String generateID(String base) {
+ StringBuffer id = new StringBuffer();
+ id.append(base);
+ id.append("_");
+ id.append(System.currentTimeMillis());
+ return id.toString();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the listener for the new separator tool item
+ *
+ * @return the listener created
+ */
+ protected Listener createNewSeparatorListener() {
+ return new Listener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(Event event) {
+ Configuration selectedConfiguration = getSelectedConfiguration();
+ if (selectedConfiguration instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
+ PaletteConfigurationUtils.createSeparator(((DrawerConfiguration) selectedConfiguration));
+ } else if (selectedConfiguration instanceof LeafConfiguration) {
+ PaletteConfigurationUtils.createSeparator(((LeafConfiguration) selectedConfiguration));
+ } else {
+ Activator.log.error("Invalid selection to create a separator: " + selectedConfiguration, null);
+ }
+ setPageComplete(validatePage());
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the current selected configuration
+ *
+ * @return the current selected configuration or <code>null</code> if the element is not translatable into a {@link Configuration}
+ */
+ protected Configuration getSelectedConfiguration() {
+ // retrieve selection
+ if (paletteTreeViewer != null && !paletteTreeViewer.getControl().isDisposed()) {
+ // retrieve selection. first element should be a drawer
+ IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection();
+ if (selection == null) {
+ return null;
+ } else {
+ Object object = selection.getFirstElement();
+ if (object instanceof IAdaptable) {
+ EObject eobject = EMFHelper.getEObject(object);
+ if (eobject instanceof Configuration) {
+ return (Configuration) eobject;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a toolbar item.
+ *
+ * @param toolbar
+ * the parent toolbar
+ * @param itemIcon
+ * path for icon
+ * @param tooltip
+ * tooltip text for the toolbar item
+ * @param listener
+ * listener for tool bar item
+ */
+ protected void createToolBarItem(ToolBar toolbar, String itemIcon, String tooltip, Listener listener, ToolBarItemValidator validator) {
+ ToolItem item = new ToolItem(toolbar, SWT.BORDER);
+ item.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, itemIcon));
+ item.setToolTipText(tooltip);
+ item.addListener(SWT.Selection, listener);
+ item.setData(VALIDATOR, validator);
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the buttons to add/remove entries
+ */
+ protected void createAddRemoveButtons() {
+ Composite composite = new Composite((Composite) getControl(), SWT.NONE);
+ GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(1, true);
+ composite.setLayout(layout);
+ GridData data = new GridData(SWT.CENTER, SWT.CENTER, false, true);
+ composite.setLayoutData(data);
+ addButton = new Button(composite, SWT.NONE);
+ addButton.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, ADD_ICON));
+ addButton.setToolTipText(Messages.PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_AddButtonTooltip);
+ addButton.addMouseListener(createAddButtonListener());
+ addButton.setEnabled(false);
+ addButton.addListener(SWT.MouseUp, this);
+ removeButton = new Button(composite, SWT.NONE);
+ removeButton.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, REMOVE_ICON));
+ removeButton.setToolTipText(Messages.PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_RemoveButtonTooltip);
+ removeButton.addMouseListener(createRemoveButtonListener());
+ removeButton.setEnabled(false);
+ removeButton.addListener(SWT.MouseUp, this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * selection listener for the tools viewer , to update the state of the add button
+ *
+ * @return the new created selection listener
+ */
+ protected ISelectionChangedListener createToolsViewerSelectionChangeListener() {
+ return new ISelectionChangedListener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
+ // get source and target selection
+ // check source entry can be added to target entry
+ Object source = ((IStructuredSelection) availableToolsViewer.getSelection()).getFirstElement();
+ Object target = ((IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection()).getFirstElement();
+ // manage add button
+ if (isAddValidTarget(source, target)) {
+ addButton.setEnabled(true);
+ } else {
+ addButton.setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ // manage remove button
+ if (isRemoveValidSource(target)) {
+ removeButton.setEnabled(true);
+ } else {
+ removeButton.setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the source can be added to the target
+ *
+ * @param source
+ * the source object
+ * @param target
+ * the target object
+ * @return <code>true</code> if the source can be added to the target
+ */
+ protected boolean isAddValidTarget(Object source, Object target) {
+ if (!(source instanceof PaletteEntry)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // case1: source is a drawer.
+ // it can only be added to the root element (no selection)
+ // case2: source is a palette tool
+ // it can't be added to the root element
+ // it can only be added to a container element (drawer or stack)
+ if (source instanceof PaletteDrawer) {
+ if (target == null) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ } else if (source instanceof ToolEntry) {
+ if (target instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
+ // EntryType type = ((PaletteEntryProxy)target).getType();
+ // switch(type) {
+ // case DRAWER:
+ // case STACK:
+ // return true;
+ // default:
+ // return false;
+ // }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the source can be added to the target
+ *
+ * @param source
+ * the source object
+ * @return <code>true</code> if the source can be removed (not null and instanceof
+ * PaletteEntryProxy)
+ */
+ protected boolean isRemoveValidSource(Object source) {
+ if (source instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the add button listener
+ */
+ protected MouseListener createAddButtonListener() {
+ return new MouseListener() {
+ @Override
+ public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
+ // // add the element selected on the left to the right tree
+ // // check the selection.
+ // IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection)availableToolsViewer.getSelection();
+ // if(selection == null || selection.size() < 1) {
+ // return;
+ // }
+ // PaletteEntry entry = (PaletteEntry)selection.getFirstElement();
+ // if(entry == null) {
+ // return;
+ // }
+ //
+ // // find the selection on the right
+ // selection = (IStructuredSelection)paletteTreeViewer.getSelection();
+ //
+ // PaletteEntryProxy parentNode = (PaletteEntryProxy)selection.getFirstElement();
+ // // Bugfix: only drawers can be added to root element
+ // if(parentNode == null && entry instanceof PaletteDrawer) {
+ // parentNode = (PaletteContainerProxy)paletteTreeViewer.getInput();
+ // }
+ //
+ // // check we have a containe here
+ // if(!(parentNode instanceof PaletteContainerProxy)) {
+ // return;
+ // }
+ //
+ // // create a new entry in the document
+ // PaletteEntryProxy proxy = createNodeFromEntry(entry);
+ // ((PaletteContainerProxy)parentNode).addChild(proxy);
+ //
+ // paletteTreeViewer.expandToLevel(parentNode, 1);
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
+ // do nothing
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) {
+ // do nothing
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ // /**
+ // * Creates a node in the xml document from the given entry
+ // *
+ // * @param entry
+ // * the palette entry from which to create the node
+ // * @param parentNode
+ // * the parent node for the newly created node
+ // * @return the created entry proxy or <code>null</code>
+ // */
+ // protected PaletteEntryProxy createNodeFromEntry(Object entry) {
+ // PaletteEntryProxy entryProxy = null;
+ //
+ // if(entry instanceof AspectCreationEntry) {
+ // // should modify id of the element here, otherwise, different elements would have the same id...
+ // entryProxy = new PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy(((AspectCreationEntry)entry).clone());
+ // } else if(entry instanceof CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) {
+ // CombinedTemplateCreationEntry originalEntry = (CombinedTemplateCreationEntry)entry;
+ // // create a new Aspect entry proxy
+ // AspectCreationEntry aspectEntry = new AspectCreationEntry(originalEntry.getLabel(), originalEntry.getDescription(), originalEntry.getId() + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis(), originalEntry.getSmallIcon(), originalEntry, new HashMap<Object, Object>());
+ // entryProxy = new PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy(aspectEntry);
+ // } else if(entry instanceof PaletteContainer) {
+ // entryProxy = new PaletteContainerProxy((PaletteContainer)entry);
+ // } else if(entry instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
+ // entryProxy = ((PaletteEntryProxy)entry);
+ // }
+ // return entryProxy;
+ // }
+ /**
+ * Creates the add button listener
+ */
+ protected MouseListener createRemoveButtonListener() {
+ return new MouseListener() {
+ @Override
+ public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
+ // remove the element selected on the right
+ // add the element selected on the left to the right tree
+ // check the selection.
+ IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection();
+ if (selection == null || selection.size() < 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ PaletteEntryProxy proxyToDelete = (PaletteEntryProxy) selection.getFirstElement();
+ if (proxyToDelete == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // create a new entry in the document
+ // get container of the proxy to be deleted
+ PaletteContainerProxy parentProxy = proxyToDelete.getParent();
+ parentProxy.removeChild(proxyToDelete);
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
+ // do nothing
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) {
+ // do nothing
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the available entries group
+ */
+ protected void createAvailableToolsGroup() {
+ Composite parent = (Composite) getControl();
+ Composite availableToolsComposite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
+ GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(2, true);
+ layout.marginHeight = 0;
+ layout.marginWidth = 0;
+ availableToolsComposite.setLayout(layout);
+ GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
+ availableToolsComposite.setLayoutData(data);
+ Label label = new Label(availableToolsComposite, SWT.NONE);
+ label.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Available_Tools);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.LEFT, SWT.CENTER, true, false);
+ label.setLayoutData(data);
+ ToolBar toolbar = new ToolBar(availableToolsComposite, SWT.HORIZONTAL);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.RIGHT, SWT.FILL, false, false);
+ toolbar.setLayoutData(data);
+ populateAvailableToolsToolBar(toolbar);
+ createProfileCombo(availableToolsComposite);
+ Tree tree = new Tree(availableToolsComposite, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.BORDER);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true, 2, 1);
+ data.widthHint = 185;
+ // Make the tree this tall even when there is nothing in it. This will keep the
+ // dialog from shrinking to an unusually small size.
+ data.heightHint = 200;
+ tree.setLayoutData(data);
+ availableToolsViewer = new TreeViewer(tree);
+ availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new UMLToolsTreeContentProvider());
+ paletteLabelProvider = new PaletteLabelProvider();
+ availableToolsViewer.setLabelProvider(paletteLabelProvider);
+ ViewerComparator labelComparator = new LabelViewerComparator();
+ availableToolsViewer.setComparator(labelComparator);
+ // remove the note stack and standard group
+ availableToolsViewer.addFilter(new ViewerFilter() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean select(Viewer viewer, Object parentElement, Object element) {
+ if (element instanceof PaletteStack && "noteStack".equals(((PaletteStack) element).getId())) {
+ return false;
+ } else if (element instanceof PaletteToolbar && "standardGroup".equals(((PaletteToolbar) element).getId())) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ availableToolsViewer.addFilter(new DrawerFilter());
+ // add drag support
+ addAvailableToolsDragSupport();
+ // availableToolsViewer.setInput(getAllVisibleStandardEntries());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the profile combo
+ *
+ * @param availableToolsComposite
+ * the available tools composite
+ * @return the created combo
+ */
+ protected Combo createProfileCombo(Composite availableToolsComposite) {
+ // retrieve top package, to know which profiles are available
+ // creates the combo
+ profileCombo = new Combo(availableToolsComposite, SWT.BORDER | SWT.READ_ONLY);
+ GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false, 2, 1);
+ profileCombo.setLayoutData(data);
+ // retrieve all applied profiles
+ List<Profile> profiles = getAllAppliedProfiles();
+ int profileNumber = profiles.size();
+ for (int i = 0; i < profileNumber; i++) {
+ profileComboList.add(i, profiles.get(i).getName());
+ }
+ profileComboList.add(UML_TOOLS_LABEL);
+ profileCombo.setItems(profileComboList.toArray(new String[] {}));
+ // add selection listener for the combo. selects the "UML tools" item
+ ProfileComboSelectionListener listener = new ProfileComboSelectionListener();
+ profileCombo.addSelectionListener(listener);
+ profileCombo.addModifyListener(listener);
+ //;
+ return profileCombo;
+ }
+ /**
+ * returns the list of applied profile for the nearest package of the top element
+ *
+ * @return the list of applied profile for the nearest package of the top element or an empty
+ * list
+ */
+ protected List<Profile> getAllAppliedProfiles() {
+ Package topPackage = null;
+ if (editorPart instanceof DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) {
+ EObject element = ((DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) editorPart).getDiagram().getElement();
+ if (element instanceof org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element) {
+ topPackage = ((org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element) element).getNearestPackage();
+ }
+ }
+ if (topPackage != null) {
+ return topPackage.getAllAppliedProfiles();
+ }
+ return Collections.emptyList();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add drag support from the available tools viewer
+ */
+ protected void addAvailableToolsDragSupport() {
+ // transfer types
+ Transfer[] transfers = new Transfer[] { LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer() };
+ // drag listener
+ DragSourceListener listener = new DragSourceAdapter() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dragStart(DragSourceEvent event) {
+ super.dragStart(event);
+ = availableToolsViewer.getSelection();
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dragSetData(DragSourceEvent event) {
+ super.dragSetData(event);
+ LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer().setSelection(availableToolsViewer.getSelection());
+ }
+ };
+ availableToolsViewer.addDragSupport(DND.DROP_LINK, transfers, listener);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds elements to the tool bar for available tools viewer
+ *
+ * @param toolbar
+ * the toolbar to populate
+ */
+ protected void populateAvailableToolsToolBar(ToolBar toolbar) {
+ toggleContentProvider = createCheckToolBarItem(toolbar, SWITCH_CONTENT_PROVIDER_ICON, Messages.Local_Palette_SwitchToolsContentProvider_Tooltip, createSwitchToolsContentProviderListener());
+ toggleContentProvider.setSelection(true);
+ toggleContentProvider.setEnabled(false);
+ createCheckToolBarItem(toolbar, SHOWN_TOOLS_ICON, Messages.Local_Palette_ShowTools_Tooltip, createsShowToolListener());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the listener for the available tools content provider
+ *
+ * @return the listener created
+ */
+ protected Listener createSwitchToolsContentProviderListener() {
+ return new Listener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(Event event) {
+ if (!(event.widget instanceof ToolItem)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ToolItem item = ((ToolItem) event.widget);
+ // retrieve current profile selected in the combo profile
+ int index = profileCombo.getSelectionIndex();
+ Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries = getAllVisibleStandardEntries();
+ Profile profile = getAllAppliedProfiles().get(index);
+ if (item.getSelection()) {
+ availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new ProfileToolsStereotypeMetaclassTreeContentProvider(profile, standardEntries));
+ item.setSelection(true);
+ } else {
+ availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new ProfileToolsMetaclassStereotypeTreeContentProvider(profile, standardEntries));
+ item.setSelection(false);
+ }
+ // generate tools for given profile
+ availableToolsViewer.setInput(profile);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the tool item for drawers visibility listener
+ *
+ * @return the listener for the tool button
+ */
+ protected Listener createShowDrawerListener() {
+ return new Listener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(Event event) {
+ if (!(event.widget instanceof ToolItem)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ToolItem item = ((ToolItem) event.widget);
+ if (item.getSelection()) {
+ // elements should be hidden
+ availableToolsViewer.addFilter(drawerFilter);
+ item.setSelection(true);
+ } else {
+ availableToolsViewer.removeFilter(drawerFilter);
+ item.setSelection(false);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the tool item for tools visibility listener
+ *
+ * @return the listener for the tool button
+ */
+ protected Listener createsShowToolListener() {
+ return new Listener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(Event event) {
+ if (!(event.widget instanceof ToolItem)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ToolItem item = ((ToolItem) event.widget);
+ if (item.getSelection()) {
+ // elements should be hidden
+ availableToolsViewer.addFilter(toolFilter);
+ item.setSelection(true);
+ } else {
+ availableToolsViewer.removeFilter(toolFilter);
+ item.setSelection(false);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a toolbar item which can be checked.
+ *
+ * @param toolbar
+ * the parent toolbar
+ * @param shownElementsIcon
+ * path for shown elements icon
+ * @param listener
+ * listener for button action
+ * @param tooltip
+ * tooltip text for the toolbar item
+ */
+ protected ToolItem createCheckToolBarItem(ToolBar toolbar, String shownElementsIcon, String tooltip, Listener listener) {
+ ToolItem item = new ToolItem(toolbar, SWT.CHECK | SWT.BORDER);
+ item.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, shownElementsIcon));
+ item.setToolTipText(tooltip);
+ item.addListener(SWT.Selection, listener);
+ return item;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Validates the content of the fields in this page
+ */
+ protected boolean validatePage() {
+ boolean valid = true;
+ if (valid) {
+ setMessage(null);
+ setErrorMessage(null);
+ }
+ return valid;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The <code>WizardNewFileCreationPage</code> implementation of this <code>Listener</code> method handles all events and enablements for controls
+ * on this page. Subclasses may extend.
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(Event event) {
+ setPageComplete(validatePage());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Content provider for available tools viewer
+ */
+ public class UMLToolsTreeContentProvider implements ITreeContentProvider {
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * @param viewer
+ * The viewer whose ContentProvider this content provider is
+ */
+ public UMLToolsTreeContentProvider() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) {
+ Object[] elements = null;
+ if (inputElement instanceof Collection<?>) {
+ elements = ((Collection<?>) inputElement).toArray();
+ } else if (inputElement instanceof PaletteRoot) {
+ // paletteUil.getAllEntries(...) to add drawers
+ // if so, uncomment the addFilterbutton for drawers in populate tool bar
+ elements = PaletteUtil.getAllToolEntries(((PaletteRoot) inputElement)).toArray();
+ }
+ if (elements == null) {
+ elements = new Object[0];
+ }
+ return elements;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dispose() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void inputChanged(Viewer viewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object[] getChildren(Object parentElement) {
+ Object[] elements = null;
+ if (parentElement instanceof Collection<?>) {
+ elements = ((Collection<?>) parentElement).toArray();
+ } else if (parentElement instanceof PaletteRoot) {
+ // paletteUil.getAllEntries(...) to add drawers
+ // if so, uncomment the addFilterbutton for drawers in populate tool bar
+ elements = PaletteUtil.getAllToolEntries(((PaletteRoot) parentElement)).toArray();
+ }
+ return elements;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object getParent(Object element) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasChildren(Object element) {
+ return getChildren(element) != null && getChildren(element).length > 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Label provider for palette tools.
+ * <P>
+ * We should be using the Palette label provider from GEF, if it was not with visibility "package"...
+ *
+ * @see org.eclipse.gef.ui.palette.customize.PaletteLabelProvider
+ * </P>
+ *
+ */
+ public class PaletteLabelProvider implements ILabelProvider {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Image getImage(Object element) {
+ if (element instanceof PaletteEntry) {
+ ImageDescriptor descriptor = ((PaletteEntry) element).getSmallIcon();
+ if (descriptor == null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, descriptor);
+ } else if (element instanceof Stereotype) {
+ return Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, "/icons/stereotype.gif");
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public String getText(Object element) {
+ if (element instanceof PaletteEntry) {
+ return ((PaletteEntry) element).getLabel();
+ } else if (element instanceof Stereotype) {
+ return ((Stereotype) element).getName();
+ }
+ return "unknown element";
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void addListener(ILabelProviderListener listener) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dispose() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean isLabelProperty(Object element, String property) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void removeListener(ILabelProviderListener listener) {
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Label provider for palette tools.
+ * <P>
+ * We should be using the Palette label provider from GEF, if it was not with visibility "package"...
+ *
+ * @see org.eclipse.gef.ui.palette.customize.PaletteLabelProvider
+ * </P>
+ *
+ */
+ public class ExtendedPaletteLabelProvider extends CustomizedLabelProvider {
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ */
+ public ExtendedPaletteLabelProvider() {
+ super(manager);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Filter for the viewer. Hide/show Drawers
+ */
+ public class DrawerFilter extends ViewerFilter {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean select(Viewer viewer, Object parentElement, Object element) {
+ if (element instanceof PaletteDrawer) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Filter for the viewer. Hide/show Drawers
+ */
+ public class ToolFilter extends ViewerFilter {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean select(Viewer viewer, Object parentElement, Object element) {
+ if (element instanceof ToolEntry) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Content Provider for the palette preview
+ */
+ public class ExtendedPaletteContentProvider extends CustomizedTreeContentProvider {
+ private CustomizationCatalogManager catalogManager;
+ private ResourceSet catalogManagerResourceSet;
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ */
+ public ExtendedPaletteContentProvider() {
+ super(manager);
+ // TODO: EMFFACET refactor this code
+ catalogManagerResourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl();
+ catalogManager = (CustomizationCatalogManager) ICustomizationCatalogManagerFactory.DEFAULT.getOrCreateCustomizationCatalogManager(catalogManagerResourceSet);
+ List<Customization> paletteCustomizations = catalogManager.getCustomizationsByName("PaletteConfiguration");
+ if (paletteCustomizations.size() > 0) {
+ // manager.setShowTypeOfLinks(false);
+ // manager.registerCustomization(paletteCustomization);
+ // manager.loadCustomizations();
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void dispose() {
+ super.dispose();
+ if (catalogManagerResourceSet != null) {
+ EMFHelper.unload(catalogManagerResourceSet);
+ catalogManagerResourceSet = null;
+ }
+ catalogManager = null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object[] getRootElements(Object inputElement) {
+ if (inputElement instanceof PaletteConfiguration) {
+ return ((PaletteConfiguration) inputElement).getDrawerConfigurations().toArray();
+ } else if (inputElement instanceof Resource) {
+ List<EObject> roots = ((Resource) inputElement).getContents();
+ if (roots != null && !roots.isEmpty()) {
+ EObject rootObject = roots.get(0);
+ if (rootObject instanceof PaletteConfiguration) {
+ return ((PaletteConfiguration) rootObject).getDrawerConfigurations().toArray();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return new Object[0];
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasChildren(Object element) {
+ Object[] children = getChildren(element);
+ if (children == null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (children.length == 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Performs all action on finish
+ *
+ * @param id
+ * the path for the file
+ */
+ public void performFinish(String path) {
+ if (resourceToEdit != null) {
+ try {
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ Activator.log.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ // // creates the document
+ // Document document = createXMLDocumentFromPalettePreview();
+ // saveDocument(document, path);
+ // requiredProfiles = collectRequiredProfiles();
+ }
+ // /**
+ // * collect the required profiles from all tool provided by the local palette definition
+ // */
+ // protected Set<String> collectRequiredProfiles() {
+ // Set<String> profiles = new HashSet<String>();
+ // PaletteContainerProxy rootProxy = (PaletteContainerProxy)paletteTreeViewer.getInput();
+ // collectRequiredProfiles(rootProxy.getChildren(), profiles);
+ // return profiles;
+ // }
+ //
+ // /**
+ // * collect the required profiles from all tool provided by the local palette definition
+ // */
+ // protected void collectRequiredProfiles(List<PaletteEntryProxy> proxies, Set<String> requiredProfiles) {
+ // for(PaletteEntryProxy proxy : proxies) {
+ // // add profile(s) if relevant, check for children
+ //
+ // if(proxy instanceof PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
+ // // list of profiles
+ // for(String stereotypeQN : ((PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy)proxy).getStereotypesQNList()) {
+ // // retrieve list of profiles from the stereotype QN (only remove last segment
+ // // ?!)
+ // String profileName = PaletteUtil.findProfileNameFromStereotypeName(stereotypeQN);
+ // requiredProfiles.add(profileName);
+ // }
+ // }
+ //
+ // if(proxy.getChildren() != null) {
+ // collectRequiredProfiles(proxy.getChildren(), requiredProfiles);
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ //
+ // /**
+ // * Saves the xml document into file
+ // *
+ // * @param document
+ // * the document to save
+ // * @param path
+ // * name of the file
+ // * @return the file created or updated
+ // */
+ // protected File saveDocument(Document document, String path) {
+ // File file = null;
+ // try {
+ // // create the file that stores the XML configuration
+ // file = Activator.getDefault().getStateLocation().append(path).toFile();
+ // TransformerFactory tranFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
+ // Transformer aTransformer;
+ //
+ // aTransformer = tranFactory.newTransformer();
+ //
+ // Source src = new DOMSource(document);
+ // Result dest = new StreamResult(file);
+ // aTransformer.transform(src, dest);
+ // } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) {
+ // Activator.log.error(e);
+ // } catch (TransformerException e) {
+ // Activator.log.error(e);
+ // }
+ // return file;
+ //
+ // }
+ //
+ // /**
+ // * Creates the document from the palette preview
+ // *
+ // * @return the dom structure of the document
+ // */
+ // protected Document createXMLDocumentFromPalettePreview() {
+ // DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
+ // documentBuilderFactory.setNamespaceAware(true);
+ // DocumentBuilder documentBuilder;
+ // try {
+ // documentBuilder = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
+ // document = documentBuilder.newDocument();
+ // Element paletteDefElement = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.PALETTE_DEFINITION);
+ // document.appendChild(paletteDefElement);
+ // Element contentElement = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.CONTENT);
+ // paletteDefElement.appendChild(contentElement);
+ //
+ // generateXMLPaletteContent(document, contentElement);
+ // return document;
+ // } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
+ // Activator.getDefault().logError("impossible to create the palette tree viewer content", e);
+ // }
+ // return null;
+ // }
+ //
+ // /**
+ // * Generates the xml content for the palette
+ // *
+ // * @param document
+ // * the document to fill
+ // * @param contentElement
+ // * the root for the xml content
+ // */
+ // protected void generateXMLPaletteContent(Document document, Element contentElement) {
+ // PaletteContainerProxy rootProxy = (PaletteContainerProxy)paletteTreeViewer.getInput();
+ // for(PaletteEntryProxy proxy : rootProxy.getChildren()) {
+ // generateXMLPaletteContainerProxy(document, contentElement, proxy);
+ // }
+ // }
+ //
+ // /**
+ // * Generates the xml content for the given container
+ // *
+ // * @param document
+ // * the document to fill
+ // * @param containerProxy
+ // * the entry proxy
+ // */
+ // protected void generateXMLPaletteContainerProxy(Document document, Element contentElement, PaletteEntryProxy containerProxy) {
+ //
+ // Element element = null;
+ // List<PaletteEntryProxy> children = containerProxy.getChildren();
+ // // generate the element
+ // switch(containerProxy.getType()) {
+ // case DRAWER:
+ // element = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.DRAWER);
+ // element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.NAME, containerProxy.getLabel());
+ // if(containerProxy instanceof PaletteLocalDrawerProxy) {
+ // element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ICON_PATH, ((PaletteLocalDrawerProxy)containerProxy).getImagePath());
+ // }
+ // break;
+ // case TOOL:
+ // element = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.TOOL);
+ // break;
+ // case SEPARATOR:
+ // element = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.SEPARATOR);
+ // break;
+ // case STACK:
+ // element = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.STACK);
+ // break;
+ // case ASPECT_TOOL:
+ // element = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ASPECT_TOOL);
+ // // try to cast the element into PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy
+ // if(containerProxy instanceof PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
+ // PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy aspectEntryProxy = (PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy)containerProxy;
+ // // element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ID, aspectEntryProxy.getId());
+ // element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.NAME, aspectEntryProxy.getLabel());
+ // element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.DESCRIPTION, aspectEntryProxy.getEntry().getDescription());
+ // element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.REF_TOOL_ID, aspectEntryProxy.getReferencedPaletteID());
+ //
+ // if(aspectEntryProxy.getImagePath() != null && !aspectEntryProxy.getImagePath().equals("")) {
+ // element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ICON_PATH, aspectEntryProxy.getImagePath());
+ // }
+ //
+ //
+ // // add post action, stereotype list
+ // for(IAspectAction action : ((PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy)containerProxy).getPostActions()) {
+ // Element postActionNode = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.POST_ACTION);
+ // postActionNode.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ID, action.getFactoryId());
+ //;
+ // element.appendChild(postActionNode);
+ // }
+ // }
+ // default:
+ // break;
+ // }
+ //
+ // element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ID, containerProxy.getId());
+ // contentElement.appendChild(element);
+ //
+ // if(children != null) {
+ // for(PaletteEntryProxy proxy : children) {
+ // generateXMLPaletteContainerProxy(document, element, proxy);
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ // public enum EntryType {
+ // }
+ /**
+ * Comparator for the label viewers
+ */
+ public class LabelViewerComparator extends ViewerComparator {
+ /**
+ * Creates a new LabelViewerComparator.
+ */
+ public LabelViewerComparator() {
+ super();
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public int compare(Viewer testViewer, Object e1, Object e2) {
+ String label1 = "";
+ String label2 = "";
+ if (e1 instanceof PaletteEntry) {
+ label1 = ((PaletteEntry) e1).getLabel();
+ } else if (e1 instanceof Stereotype) {
+ label1 = ((Stereotype) e1).getName();
+ }
+ if (e2 instanceof PaletteEntry) {
+ label2 = ((PaletteEntry) e2).getLabel();
+ } else if (e2 instanceof Stereotype) {
+ label2 = ((Stereotype) e2).getName();
+ }
+ if (label1 == null) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (label2 == null) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return label1.compareTo(label2);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Listener for the profile combo. It changes the input of the following viewer.
+ */
+ public class ProfileComboSelectionListener implements SelectionListener, ModifyListener {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
+ // nothing to do
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
+ handleSelectionChanged();
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void modifyText(ModifyEvent e) {
+ handleSelectionChanged();
+ }
+ /**
+ * handles the change selection for the combo
+ */
+ protected void handleSelectionChanged() {
+ int index = profileCombo.getSelectionIndex();
+ if (index < 0 || index >= profileCombo.getItems().length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ String name = profileComboList.get(index);
+ Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries = getAllVisibleStandardEntries();
+ // retrieve the profile or uml standards tools to display
+ if (UML_TOOLS_LABEL.equals(name)) {
+ // change content provider
+ availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new UMLToolsTreeContentProvider());
+ availableToolsViewer.setInput(standardEntries);
+ toggleContentProvider.setEnabled(false);
+ } else {
+ if (toggleContentProvider != null && !toggleContentProvider.isDisposed()) {
+ toggleContentProvider.setEnabled(true);
+ }
+ // switch content provider
+ // this is a profile in case of uml2 tools
+ Profile profile = getAllAppliedProfiles().get(index);
+ if (toggleContentProvider.getSelection()) {
+ availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new ProfileToolsStereotypeMetaclassTreeContentProvider(profile, standardEntries));
+ } else {
+ availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new ProfileToolsMetaclassStereotypeTreeContentProvider(profile, standardEntries));
+ }
+ // generate tools for given profile
+ availableToolsViewer.setInput(profile);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Content provider for the available tools viewer, when the tools to see are coming from a
+ * profile
+ */
+ public class ProfileToolsStereotypeMetaclassTreeContentProvider implements ITreeContentProvider {
+ /** standard uml tools palette entries */
+ final protected Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ProfileToolsStereotypeMetaclassTreeContentProvider.
+ *
+ * @param profile
+ * the profile for which tools are built
+ * @param standardEntries
+ * list of standard uml tools palette entries
+ */
+ public ProfileToolsStereotypeMetaclassTreeContentProvider(Profile profile, Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries) {
+ this.standardEntries = standardEntries;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object[] getChildren(Object parentElement) {
+ if (parentElement instanceof Profile) {
+ return ((Profile) parentElement).getOwnedStereotypes().toArray();
+ } else if (parentElement instanceof Stereotype) {
+ List<PaletteEntry> entries = new ArrayList<PaletteEntry>();
+ Stereotype stereotype = (Stereotype) parentElement;
+ for (PaletteEntry entry : standardEntries) {
+ // retrieve the element type created by the tool.
+ if (entry instanceof CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) {
+ EClass toolMetaclass = PaletteUtil.getToolMetaclass((CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) entry);
+ if (toolMetaclass != null) {
+ List<Class> metaclasses = stereotype.getAllExtendedMetaclasses();
+ for (Class stMetaclass : metaclasses) {
+ // get Eclass
+ java.lang.Class<?> metaclassClass = stMetaclass.getClass();
+ if (metaclassClass != null) {
+ EClassifier metaClassifier = UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getEClassifier(stMetaclass.getName());
+ if (((EClass) metaClassifier).isSuperTypeOf(toolMetaclass)) {
+ // should create the palette entry
+ Map<Object, Object> properties = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
+ properties.put(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ASPECT_ACTION_KEY, StereotypeAspectActionProvider.createConfigurationNode(stereotype.getQualifiedName()));
+ AspectCreationEntry aspectEntry = new AspectCreationEntry(stereotype.getName() + " (" + entry.getLabel() + ")", "Create an element with a stereotype", entry.getId() + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis(),
+ entry.getSmallIcon(), (CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) entry, properties);
+ entries.add(aspectEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return entries.toArray();
+ } else {
+ return new Object[0];
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object getParent(Object element) {
+ if (element instanceof Stereotype) {
+ return ((Stereotype) element).getProfile();
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasChildren(Object element) {
+ if (element instanceof Profile) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (element instanceof Stereotype) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) {
+ if (inputElement instanceof Profile) {
+ List<Stereotype> stereotypes = ((Profile) inputElement).getOwnedStereotypes();
+ return stereotypes.toArray();
+ }
+ return new Object[0];
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dispose() {
+ // nothing to do here
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void inputChanged(Viewer viewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput) {
+ // nothing to do here
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Content provider for the available tools viewer, when the
+ */
+ public class ProfileToolsMetaclassStereotypeTreeContentProvider implements ITreeContentProvider {
+ /** standard uml tools palette entries */
+ final protected Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries;
+ /** profile to display */
+ final protected Profile profile;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ProfileToolsMetaclassStereotypeTreeContentProvider.
+ *
+ * @param profile
+ * the profile for which tools are built
+ * @param standardEntries
+ * list of standard uml tools palette entries
+ */
+ public ProfileToolsMetaclassStereotypeTreeContentProvider(Profile profile, Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries) {
+ this.profile = profile;
+ this.standardEntries = standardEntries;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object[] getChildren(Object parentElement) {
+ if (parentElement instanceof Profile) {
+ return standardEntries.toArray();
+ } else if (parentElement instanceof AspectCreationEntry) {
+ return new Object[0];
+ } else if (parentElement instanceof PaletteEntry) {
+ List<AspectCreationEntry> entries = new ArrayList<AspectCreationEntry>();
+ // display all stereotypes applicable to the type of element created by this tool
+ if (parentElement instanceof CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) {
+ CombinedTemplateCreationEntry entry = (CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) parentElement;
+ EClass toolMetaclass = PaletteUtil.getToolMetaclass(entry);
+ if (toolMetaclass != null) {
+ for (Stereotype stereotype : profile.getOwnedStereotypes()) {
+ List<Class> metaclasses = stereotype.getAllExtendedMetaclasses();
+ for (Class stMetaclass : metaclasses) {
+ // get Eclass
+ EClassifier metaClassifier = UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getEClassifier(stMetaclass.getName());
+ if (((EClass) metaClassifier).isSuperTypeOf(toolMetaclass)) {
+ // should create the palette entry
+ Map<Object, Object> properties = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
+ // ArrayList<String> stereotypesQNToApply = new ArrayList<String>();
+ properties.put(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ASPECT_ACTION_KEY, StereotypeAspectActionProvider.createConfigurationNode(stereotype.getQualifiedName()));
+ AspectCreationEntry aspectEntry = new AspectCreationEntry(stereotype.getName() + " (" + entry.getLabel() + ")", "Create an element with a stereotype", entry.getId() + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis(), entry.getSmallIcon(),
+ entry, properties);
+ entries.add(aspectEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return entries.toArray();
+ } else {
+ return new Object[0];
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object getParent(Object element) {
+ if (element instanceof Stereotype) {
+ return ((Stereotype) element).getProfile();
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasChildren(Object element) {
+ if (element instanceof Profile) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (element instanceof AspectCreationEntry) {
+ return false;
+ } else if (element instanceof PaletteEntry) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) {
+ if (inputElement instanceof Profile) {
+ return standardEntries.toArray();
+ }
+ return new Object[0];
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dispose() {
+ // nothing to do here
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void inputChanged(Viewer viewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput) {
+ // nothing to do here
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the list of all visible palette entries
+ *
+ * @return the list of all visible palette entries
+ */
+ protected Collection<PaletteEntry> getAllVisibleStandardEntries() {
+ HashSet<PaletteEntry> result = new HashSet<PaletteEntry>();
+ for (PaletteEntry entry : PaletteUtil.getAvailableEntriesSet(editorPart, priority).values()) {
+ // the entry is not just a defineOnly entry but a visible one
+ if (getRootParent(entry) != null) {
+ result.add(entry);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the Root element for the palette entry. It searches recursively from parent to parent, until it find the root element
+ *
+ * @param entry
+ * the palette entry for which root element is searched
+ * @return the root element or <code>null</code> if none was found
+ */
+ protected PaletteRoot getRootParent(PaletteEntry entry) {
+ PaletteContainer parent = entry.getParent();
+ if (parent instanceof PaletteRoot) {
+ return (PaletteRoot) parent;
+ } else if (parent != null) {
+ return getRootParent(parent);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Item validator
+ */
+ protected abstract class ToolBarItemValidator {
+ /**
+ * Checks if the button should be enable or not
+ *
+ * @return <code>true</code> if the button should be enable
+ */
+ public abstract boolean isEnable();
+ }
+ /**
+ * validator for the create separator or stack tool item. Only valid when selection is a {@link Configuration}
+ */
+ protected class ConfigurationSelectedValidator extends ToolBarItemValidator {
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean isEnable() {
+ return getSelectedConfiguration() != null;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * validator for the create stack tool item. Only valid when selection is a {@link DrawerConfiguration}
+ */
+ protected class DrawerConfigurationSelectedValidator extends ToolBarItemValidator {
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean isEnable() {
+ return getSelectedConfiguration() instanceof DrawerConfiguration;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
index a8e766aec7f..97161d322fc 100644
--- a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
@@ -1,460 +1,462 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2009 CEA LIST.
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.dialog;
-import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service.ProviderPriority;
-import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog;
-import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.IWizardPage;
-import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardPage;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Messages;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.PapyrusPaletteService;
-import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget;
-import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
- * Wizard page for information about the new local palette definition
- */
-public class ExtendedPaletteInformationPage extends WizardPage implements Listener {
- /** array list of priorities */
- private static String[] priorityList;
- /** text area for the name of the palette definition */
- protected Text nameText;
- /** text area for the id of the palette definition */
- protected Text idText;
- /** text area for the editor id of the palette definition */
- protected Text editorText;
- /** text for the priority of the provider */
- private Text priorityText;
- /** parent composite for advanced fields */
- protected Composite advancedComposite;
- /** Button to show/hide advanced fields */
- protected Button advancedButton;
- /** editor part in which the palette is created */
- protected IEditorPart editorPart;
- /** priority value */
- protected ProviderPriority priority;
- /** editor ID value */
- protected String editorID;
- /** palette ID */
- protected String paletteID;
- /** palette name */
- protected String name;
- /** path to the icon */
- protected static final String WIZARD_ICON = "/icons/local_desc_wiz.png";
- /** validate on opening */
- protected boolean validateOnLaunch = false;
- static {
- priorityList = new String[] { ProviderPriority.LOWEST.getName(), ProviderPriority.LOW.getName(), ProviderPriority.MEDIUM.getName(), ProviderPriority.HIGH.getName(), ProviderPriority.HIGHEST.getName() };
- }
- /**
- * Creates a new wizard page with the given name, title, and image.
- *
- * @param part
- * the editor part in which the wizard was created
- */
- public ExtendedPaletteInformationPage(IEditorPart part) {
- super(Messages.Local_Palette_InfoPage_Name, Messages.Local_Palette_InfoPage_Title, Activator.getImageDescriptor(WIZARD_ICON));
- this.editorPart = part;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public IWizardPage getNextPage() {
- ExtendedPaletteContentPage contentPage = (ExtendedPaletteContentPage) super.getNextPage();
- if (priority != null) {
- contentPage.setPriority(priority);
- contentPage.profileCombo.deselectAll();
- - 1); // select the last one (UML)
- }
- return contentPage;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void createControl(Composite parent) {
- // initialize dialog units
- initializeDialogUnits(parent);
- // Create a new composite as there is the title bar seperator
- // to deal with
- Composite control = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
- GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(2, false);
- control.setLayout(layout);
- control.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true));
- setControl(control);
- createNameControl(control);
- createAdvancedControls(control);
- // end of the control creation
- Dialog.applyDialogFont(control);
- // Show description on opening
- setErrorMessage(null);
- setMessage(null);
- if (validateOnLaunch) {
- setPageComplete(validatePage());
- }
- setControl(control);
- }
- /**
- * initializes fields using context information
- */
- public void intializeValues() {
- initName("");
- String editorIDValue = "";
- if (editorPart instanceof DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) {
- editorIDValue = ((DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) editorPart).getContributorId();
- }
- initEditorID(editorIDValue);
- initPaletteID(System.getProperty("") + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis());
- initPriority(ProviderPriority.LOWEST);
- }
- /**
- * initializes fields using existing descriptor
- */
- public void intializeValues(PapyrusPaletteService.ExtendedProviderDescriptor descriptor) {
- initName(descriptor.getContributionName());
- String editorIDValue = "";
- if (editorPart instanceof DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) {
- editorIDValue = ((DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) editorPart).getContributorId();
- }
- initEditorID(editorIDValue);
- initPaletteID(descriptor.getContributionID());
- initPriority(descriptor.getPriority());
- validateOnLaunch = true;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the current value of palette name
- *
- * @return the current value of palette name
- */
- public String getPaletteName() {
- return name;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the current value of palette ID
- *
- * @return the current value of palette ID
- */
- public String getPaletteID() {
- return paletteID;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the current value of editor ID
- *
- * @return the current value of editor ID
- */
- public String getEditorID() {
- return editorID;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the current value of editor ID
- *
- * @return the current value of editor ID
- */
- public ProviderPriority getPalettePriority() {
- return priority;
- }
- /**
- * inits the name field value
- *
- * @param value
- * value to set
- */
- protected void initName(String value) {
- name = value;
- }
- /**
- * inits the priority value
- *
- * @param value
- * value to set
- */
- protected void initPriority(ProviderPriority value) {
- this.priority = value; // by default, Medium
- }
- /**
- * inits the palette id value
- *
- * @param value
- * value to set
- */
- protected void initPaletteID(String value) {
- paletteID = value;
- }
- /**
- * inits the editor id value
- *
- * @param value
- * value to set
- */
- protected void initEditorID(String value) {
- editorID = value;
- }
- /**
- * Validates the content of the fields in this page
- */
- protected boolean validatePage() {
- boolean valid = true;
- if (advancedComposite != null && !advancedComposite.isDisposed()) {
- if ("".equals(getPaletteID())) {
- setErrorMessage(Messages.Local_Palette_Error_PaletteId);
- valid = false;
- }
- }
- if ("".equals(getPaletteName())) {
- setErrorMessage(Messages.Local_Palette_Error_Name);
- valid = false;
- }
- if (valid) {
- setMessage(null);
- setErrorMessage(null);
- }
- return valid;
- }
- /**
- * Creates the widget for advanced options.
- *
- * @param parent
- * the parent composite
- */
- protected void createAdvancedControls(Composite parent) {
- advancedButton = new Button(parent, SWT.PUSH);
- advancedButton.setFont(parent.getFont());
- advancedButton.setText(Messages.Dialog_Advanced_Button_Closed);
- GridData data = setButtonLayoutData(advancedButton);
- data.horizontalAlignment = GridData.BEGINNING;
- data.horizontalSpan = 2;
- advancedButton.setLayoutData(data);
- advancedButton.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
- @Override
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
- handleAdvancedButtonSelect();
- }
- });
- }
- public Composite createAdvancedComposite(Composite parent) {
- advancedComposite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
- advancedComposite.setFont(parent.getFont());
- advancedComposite.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true, 2, 1));
- GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(2, false);
- layout.marginHeight = 0;
- layout.marginWidth = 0;
- advancedComposite.setLayout(layout);
- createIDControl(advancedComposite);
- createEditorIDControl(advancedComposite);
- createPriorityControl(advancedComposite);
- advancedComposite.getParent().layout();
- return advancedComposite;
- }
- /**
- * Shows/hides the advanced option widgets.
- */
- protected void handleAdvancedButtonSelect() {
- Composite composite = (Composite) getControl();
- if (advancedComposite != null) {
- advancedComposite.dispose();
- advancedComposite = null;
- advancedButton.setText(Messages.Dialog_Advanced_Button_Closed);
- } else {
- createAdvancedComposite(composite);
- advancedButton.setText(Messages.Dialog_Advanced_Button_Opened);
- }
- }
- /**
- * creates the control area for the priority
- *
- * @param control
- * the parent composite
- */
- protected void createPriorityControl(Composite control) {
- final Label priorityLabel = new Label(control, SWT.NONE);
- priorityLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Priority);
- priorityLabel.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Priority_Tooltip);
- // choice widget among priority values
- priorityText = new Text(control, SWT.READ_ONLY | SWT.BORDER);
- priorityText.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false));
- // initialize
- initialPopulatePriorityField();
- }
- /**
- * intialize the field using current value of the palette id
- */
- protected void initialPopulatePriorityField() {
- priorityText.setText(this.getPalettePriority().toString());
- }
- /**
- * creates the control area for the id definition
- *
- * @param control
- * the parent composite
- */
- protected void createIDControl(Composite control) {
- final Label idLabel = new Label(control, SWT.NONE);
- idLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Id);
- idLabel.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Id_Tooltip);
- idText = new Text(control, SWT.BORDER);
- idText.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false));
- idText.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Id_Tooltip);
- // initialize, then add the listener...
- initialPopulatePaletteIDField();
- idText.addListener(SWT.Modify, this);
- }
- /**
- * intialize the field using current value of the palette id
- */
- protected void initialPopulatePaletteIDField() {
- idText.setText(paletteID);
- }
- /**
- * creates the control area for the name definition
- *
- * @param control
- * the parent composite
- */
- protected void createNameControl(Composite control) {
- final Label nameLabel = new Label(control, SWT.NONE);
- nameLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Name);
- nameLabel.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Name_Tooltip);
- nameText = new Text(control, SWT.BORDER);
- nameText.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false));
- nameText.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Name_Tooltip);
- // initialize, then add the listener...
- initialPopulateNameField();
- nameText.addListener(SWT.Modify, this);
- }
- /**
- * creates the control area for the name definition
- *
- * @param control
- * the parent composite
- */
- protected void createEditorIDControl(Composite control) {
- final Label editorLabel = new Label(control, SWT.NONE);
- editorLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Editor_Id);
- editorLabel.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Editor_Id_Tooltip);
- editorText = new Text(control, SWT.BORDER | SWT.READ_ONLY);
- editorText.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false));
- editorText.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Editor_Id_Tooltip);
- // initialize, then add the listener...
- initialPopulateEditorIDField();
- }
- /**
- * intialize the field using current value of the editor id
- */
- protected void initialPopulateEditorIDField() {
- editorText.setText(editorID);
- }
- /**
- * initialize name field
- */
- protected void initialPopulateNameField() {
- nameText.setText(name);
- }
- /**
- * The <code>WizardNewFileCreationPage</code> implementation of this <code>Listener</code> method handles all events and enablements for controls
- * on this page. Subclasses may extend.
- */
- public void handleEvent(Event event) {
- Widget widget = event.widget;
- if (widget.equals(nameText)) {
- name = nameText.getText();
- } else if (widget.equals(idText)) {
- paletteID = idText.getText();
- } else if (widget.equals(editorText)) {
- editorID = editorText.getText();
- }
- setPageComplete(validatePage());
- }
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 CEA LIST.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.dialog;
+import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service.ProviderPriority;
+import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog;
+import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.IWizardPage;
+import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardPage;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.Messages;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.PapyrusPaletteService;
+import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget;
+import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
+ * Wizard page for information about the new local palette definition
+ */
+public class ExtendedPaletteInformationPage extends WizardPage implements Listener {
+ /** array list of priorities */
+ private static String[] priorityList;
+ /** text area for the name of the palette definition */
+ protected Text nameText;
+ /** text area for the id of the palette definition */
+ protected Text idText;
+ /** text area for the editor id of the palette definition */
+ protected Text editorText;
+ /** text for the priority of the provider */
+ private Text priorityText;
+ /** parent composite for advanced fields */
+ protected Composite advancedComposite;
+ /** Button to show/hide advanced fields */
+ protected Button advancedButton;
+ /** editor part in which the palette is created */
+ protected IEditorPart editorPart;
+ /** priority value */
+ protected ProviderPriority priority;
+ /** editor ID value */
+ protected String editorID;
+ /** palette ID */
+ protected String paletteID;
+ /** palette name */
+ protected String name;
+ /** path to the icon */
+ protected static final String WIZARD_ICON = "/icons/local_desc_wiz.png";
+ /** validate on opening */
+ protected boolean validateOnLaunch = false;
+ static {
+ priorityList = new String[] { ProviderPriority.LOWEST.getName(), ProviderPriority.LOW.getName(), ProviderPriority.MEDIUM.getName(), ProviderPriority.HIGH.getName(), ProviderPriority.HIGHEST.getName() };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new wizard page with the given name, title, and image.
+ *
+ * @param part
+ * the editor part in which the wizard was created
+ */
+ public ExtendedPaletteInformationPage(IEditorPart part) {
+ super(Messages.Local_Palette_InfoPage_Name, Messages.Local_Palette_InfoPage_Title, Activator.getImageDescriptor(WIZARD_ICON));
+ this.editorPart = part;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public IWizardPage getNextPage() {
+ ExtendedPaletteContentPage contentPage = (ExtendedPaletteContentPage) super.getNextPage();
+ if (priority != null) {
+ contentPage.setPriority(priority);
+ contentPage.profileCombo.deselectAll();
+ - 1); // select the last one (UML)
+ }
+ return contentPage;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void createControl(Composite parent) {
+ // initialize dialog units
+ initializeDialogUnits(parent);
+ // Create a new composite as there is the title bar seperator
+ // to deal with
+ Composite control = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
+ GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(2, false);
+ control.setLayout(layout);
+ control.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true));
+ setControl(control);
+ createNameControl(control);
+ createAdvancedControls(control);
+ // end of the control creation
+ Dialog.applyDialogFont(control);
+ // Show description on opening
+ setErrorMessage(null);
+ setMessage(null);
+ if (validateOnLaunch) {
+ setPageComplete(validatePage());
+ }
+ setControl(control);
+ }
+ /**
+ * initializes fields using context information
+ */
+ public void intializeValues() {
+ initName("");
+ String editorIDValue = "";
+ if (editorPart instanceof DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) {
+ editorIDValue = ((DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) editorPart).getContributorId();
+ }
+ initEditorID(editorIDValue);
+ initPaletteID(System.getProperty("") + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis());
+ initPriority(ProviderPriority.LOWEST);
+ }
+ /**
+ * initializes fields using existing descriptor
+ */
+ public void intializeValues(PapyrusPaletteService.ExtendedProviderDescriptor descriptor) {
+ initName(descriptor.getContributionName());
+ String editorIDValue = "";
+ if (editorPart instanceof DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) {
+ editorIDValue = ((DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) editorPart).getContributorId();
+ }
+ initEditorID(editorIDValue);
+ initPaletteID(descriptor.getContributionID());
+ initPriority(descriptor.getPriority());
+ validateOnLaunch = true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the current value of palette name
+ *
+ * @return the current value of palette name
+ */
+ public String getPaletteName() {
+ return name;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the current value of palette ID
+ *
+ * @return the current value of palette ID
+ */
+ public String getPaletteID() {
+ return paletteID;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the current value of editor ID
+ *
+ * @return the current value of editor ID
+ */
+ public String getEditorID() {
+ return editorID;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the current value of editor ID
+ *
+ * @return the current value of editor ID
+ */
+ public ProviderPriority getPalettePriority() {
+ return priority;
+ }
+ /**
+ * inits the name field value
+ *
+ * @param value
+ * value to set
+ */
+ protected void initName(String value) {
+ name = value;
+ }
+ /**
+ * inits the priority value
+ *
+ * @param value
+ * value to set
+ */
+ protected void initPriority(ProviderPriority value) {
+ this.priority = value; // by default, Medium
+ }
+ /**
+ * inits the palette id value
+ *
+ * @param value
+ * value to set
+ */
+ protected void initPaletteID(String value) {
+ paletteID = value;
+ }
+ /**
+ * inits the editor id value
+ *
+ * @param value
+ * value to set
+ */
+ protected void initEditorID(String value) {
+ editorID = value;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Validates the content of the fields in this page
+ */
+ protected boolean validatePage() {
+ boolean valid = true;
+ if (advancedComposite != null && !advancedComposite.isDisposed()) {
+ if ("".equals(getPaletteID())) {
+ setErrorMessage(Messages.Local_Palette_Error_PaletteId);
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ("".equals(getPaletteName())) {
+ setErrorMessage(Messages.Local_Palette_Error_Name);
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (valid) {
+ setMessage(null);
+ setErrorMessage(null);
+ }
+ return valid;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the widget for advanced options.
+ *
+ * @param parent
+ * the parent composite
+ */
+ protected void createAdvancedControls(Composite parent) {
+ advancedButton = new Button(parent, SWT.PUSH);
+ advancedButton.setFont(parent.getFont());
+ advancedButton.setText(Messages.Dialog_Advanced_Button_Closed);
+ GridData data = setButtonLayoutData(advancedButton);
+ data.horizontalAlignment = GridData.BEGINNING;
+ data.horizontalSpan = 2;
+ advancedButton.setLayoutData(data);
+ advancedButton.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
+ @Override
+ public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
+ handleAdvancedButtonSelect();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ public Composite createAdvancedComposite(Composite parent) {
+ advancedComposite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
+ advancedComposite.setFont(parent.getFont());
+ advancedComposite.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true, 2, 1));
+ GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(2, false);
+ layout.marginHeight = 0;
+ layout.marginWidth = 0;
+ advancedComposite.setLayout(layout);
+ createIDControl(advancedComposite);
+ createEditorIDControl(advancedComposite);
+ createPriorityControl(advancedComposite);
+ advancedComposite.getParent().layout();
+ return advancedComposite;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Shows/hides the advanced option widgets.
+ */
+ protected void handleAdvancedButtonSelect() {
+ Composite composite = (Composite) getControl();
+ if (advancedComposite != null) {
+ advancedComposite.dispose();
+ advancedComposite = null;
+ advancedButton.setText(Messages.Dialog_Advanced_Button_Closed);
+ } else {
+ createAdvancedComposite(composite);
+ advancedButton.setText(Messages.Dialog_Advanced_Button_Opened);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the control area for the priority
+ *
+ * @param control
+ * the parent composite
+ */
+ protected void createPriorityControl(Composite control) {
+ final Label priorityLabel = new Label(control, SWT.NONE);
+ priorityLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Priority);
+ priorityLabel.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Priority_Tooltip);
+ // choice widget among priority values
+ priorityText = new Text(control, SWT.READ_ONLY | SWT.BORDER);
+ priorityText.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false));
+ // initialize
+ initialPopulatePriorityField();
+ }
+ /**
+ * intialize the field using current value of the palette id
+ */
+ protected void initialPopulatePriorityField() {
+ priorityText.setText(this.getPalettePriority().toString());
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the control area for the id definition
+ *
+ * @param control
+ * the parent composite
+ */
+ protected void createIDControl(Composite control) {
+ final Label idLabel = new Label(control, SWT.NONE);
+ idLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Id);
+ idLabel.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Id_Tooltip);
+ idText = new Text(control, SWT.BORDER);
+ idText.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false));
+ idText.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Id_Tooltip);
+ // initialize, then add the listener...
+ initialPopulatePaletteIDField();
+ idText.addListener(SWT.Modify, this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * intialize the field using current value of the palette id
+ */
+ protected void initialPopulatePaletteIDField() {
+ idText.setText(paletteID);
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the control area for the name definition
+ *
+ * @param control
+ * the parent composite
+ */
+ protected void createNameControl(Composite control) {
+ final Label nameLabel = new Label(control, SWT.NONE);
+ nameLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Name);
+ nameLabel.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Name_Tooltip);
+ nameText = new Text(control, SWT.BORDER);
+ nameText.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false));
+ nameText.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Name_Tooltip);
+ // initialize, then add the listener...
+ initialPopulateNameField();
+ nameText.addListener(SWT.Modify, this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the control area for the name definition
+ *
+ * @param control
+ * the parent composite
+ */
+ protected void createEditorIDControl(Composite control) {
+ final Label editorLabel = new Label(control, SWT.NONE);
+ editorLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Editor_Id);
+ editorLabel.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Editor_Id_Tooltip);
+ editorText = new Text(control, SWT.BORDER | SWT.READ_ONLY);
+ editorText.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false));
+ editorText.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Editor_Id_Tooltip);
+ // initialize, then add the listener...
+ initialPopulateEditorIDField();
+ }
+ /**
+ * intialize the field using current value of the editor id
+ */
+ protected void initialPopulateEditorIDField() {
+ editorText.setText(editorID);
+ }
+ /**
+ * initialize name field
+ */
+ protected void initialPopulateNameField() {
+ nameText.setText(name);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The <code>WizardNewFileCreationPage</code> implementation of this <code>Listener</code> method handles all events and enablements for controls
+ * on this page. Subclasses may extend.
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(Event event) {
+ Widget widget = event.widget;
+ if (widget.equals(nameText)) {
+ name = nameText.getText();
+ } else if (widget.equals(idText)) {
+ paletteID = idText.getText();
+ } else if (widget.equals(editorText)) {
+ editorID = editorText.getText();
+ }
+ setPageComplete(validatePage());
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
index be95152f88b..0a54c6f1bc7 100644
--- a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
@@ -1,2487 +1,2548 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2009, 2014 CEA LIST, Christian W. Damus, and others.
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
- * Christian W. Damus - bug 454578
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.dialog;
-import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
-import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
-import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
-import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
-import javax.xml.transform.Result;
-import javax.xml.transform.Source;
-import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
-import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException;
-import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
-import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
-import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
-import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
-import org.eclipse.gef.palette.CombinedTemplateCreationEntry;
-import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteContainer;
-import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteDrawer;
-import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteEntry;
-import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteRoot;
-import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteStack;
-import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteToolbar;
-import org.eclipse.gef.palette.ToolEntry;
-import org.eclipse.gef.ui.palette.PaletteCustomizer;
-import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service.ProviderPriority;
-import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog;
-import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor;
-import org.eclipse.jface.util.LocalSelectionTransfer;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTreeViewer;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DoubleClickEvent;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IDoubleClickListener;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProvider;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProviderListener;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionProvider;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeContentProvider;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeSelection;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TreeSelection;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TreeViewer;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerComparator;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerFilter;
-import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog;
-import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardPage;
-import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.proxies.XMLPaletteDefinitionProxyFactory;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Messages;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PaletteUtil;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PapyrusPalettePreferences;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.AspectCreationEntry;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.IPapyrusPaletteConstant;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.PapyrusPaletteService;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.XMLPaletteDefinitionWalker;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.palette.IAspectAction;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.palette.StereotypeAspectActionProvider;
-import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
-import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND;
-import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceAdapter;
-import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceEvent;
-import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceListener;
-import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetEvent;
-import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetListener;
-import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.Transfer;
-import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.TreeDropTargetEffect;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ToolBar;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ToolItem;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TreeItem;
-import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Profile;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Stereotype;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage;
-import org.w3c.dom.Document;
-import org.w3c.dom.Element;
-import org.w3c.dom.Node;
-import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
- * Wizard page for information about the new local palette definition
- */
-public class LocalPaletteContentPage extends WizardPage implements Listener {
- /** editor part in which the palette is created */
- protected IEditorPart editorPart;
- /** available tools viewer */
- protected TreeViewer availableToolsViewer;
- /** label provider for the tree viewer */
- protected PaletteLabelProvider paletteLabelProvider;
- /** icon path when tools are hidden */
- protected static final String HIDDEN_TOOLS_ICON = "/icons/tools_hidden.gif";
- /** icon path when tools are shown */
- protected static final String SHOWN_TOOLS_ICON = "/icons/tools_shown.gif";
- /** path to the icon */
- protected static final String WIZARD_ICON = "/icons/local_desc_wiz.png";
- /** icon path when drawers are hidden */
- protected static final String SHOWN_DRAWERS_ICON = "/icons/drawers_shown.gif";
- /** icon path when drawers are shown */
- protected static final String HIDDEN_DRAWERS_ICON = "/icons/drawers_hidden.gif";
- /** icon path for the add button */
- protected static final String ADD_ICON = "/icons/arrow_right.gif";
- /** icon path for the remove button */
- protected static final String REMOVE_ICON = "/icons/arrow_left.gif";
- /** icon path for the delete button */
- protected static final String DELETE_ICON = "/icons/delete.gif";
- /** icon path for the create drawer button */
- protected static final String CREATE_DRAWERS_ICON = "/icons/new_drawer.gif";
- /** icon path for the create separator button */
- protected String CREATE_SEPARATOR_ICON = "/icons/separator.gif";
- /** icon path for the create stack button */
- protected String CREATE_STACK_ICON = "/icons/stack.gif";
- /** icon path for the delete drawer button */
- protected static final String DELETE_DRAWERS_ICON = "/icons/delete.gif";
- /** icon for the content provider switch button */
- protected String SWITCH_CONTENT_PROVIDER_ICON = "/icons/switch_provider.gif";
- /** label for the standard tools */
- protected static final String UML_TOOLS_LABEL = "UML tools";
- /** icon path for the edit drawer button */
- protected static final String EDIT_ICON = "/icons/obj16/file.gif";
- /** instance of the filter used to show/hide drawers */
- protected final ViewerFilter drawerFilter = new DrawerFilter();
- /** instance of the filter used to show/hide tools */
- protected final ViewerFilter toolFilter = new ToolFilter();
- /** stored preferences */
- protected List<String> storedPreferences;
- /** add button */
- protected Button addButton;
- /** remove button */
- protected Button removeButton;
- /** tree viewer for the new palette */
- protected TreeViewer paletteTreeViewer;
- /** document for element creation */
- protected Document document;
- /** content node for the palette viewer */
- protected PaletteContainerProxy contentNode;
- /** combo to select which profile tools should be visible */
- protected Combo profileCombo;
- /** list of profiles that can provide tools */
- protected List<String> profileComboList = new ArrayList<String>();
- /** tool item in charge of toggling content providers in the available tool viewer */
- protected ToolItem toggleContentProvider;
- /** required profile by this palette */
- protected Set<String> requiredProfiles;
- /** palette customizer used for the palette */
- protected PaletteCustomizer customizer;
- /** current selected entry proxy */
- protected PaletteEntryProxy selectedEntryProxy;
- /** class in charge of the information composite */
- protected PaletteEntryProxyInformationComposite informationComposite = new PaletteEntryProxyInformationComposite();
- /** class in charge of the aspect tool information composite */
- protected AspectActionsInformationComposite aspectActionComposite = new AspectActionsInformationComposite();
- protected ToolBar toolbar;
- /** validator key for toolbar items */
- protected final static String VALIDATOR = "validator";
- /** priority of the current edited palette */
- protected ProviderPriority priority;
- /**
- * Creates a new wizard page with the given name, title, and image.
- *
- * @param part
- * the editor part in which the wizard was created
- */
- public LocalPaletteContentPage(IEditorPart part, PaletteCustomizer customizer) {
- super(Messages.Local_Palette_ContentPage_Name, Messages.Local_Palette_ContentPage_Title, Activator.getImageDescriptor(WIZARD_ICON));
- this.editorPart = part;
- this.customizer = customizer;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void createControl(Composite parent) {
- // initialize dialog units
- initializeDialogUnits(parent);
- // Create a new composite as there is the title bar seperator
- // to deal with
- Composite control = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
- GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(4, false);
- control.setLayout(layout);
- control.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true));
- setControl(control);
- // create Available Tools Group
- createAvailableToolsGroup();
- // create add/remove buttons
- createAddRemoveButtons();
- // create Palette Group
- createPalettePreviewGroup();
- // create tool description group (custom name, description, and perhaphs icon.... Just under this group, another one with aspect actions)
- createToolDescriptionGroup();
- // just under, creates a new line of composites...
- createAspectActionComposite();
- // add listeners inter-groups
- ISelectionChangedListener listener = createToolsViewerSelectionChangeListener();
- availableToolsViewer.addSelectionChangedListener(listener);
- paletteTreeViewer.addSelectionChangedListener(listener);
- // end of the control creation
- Dialog.applyDialogFont(control);
- validatePage();
- // Show description on opening
- setErrorMessage(null);
- setMessage(null);
- setControl(control);
- }
- /**
- * Creates the composite group that presents information about ascpect actions for aspect tools
- */
- protected void createAspectActionComposite() {
- aspectActionComposite.createComposite((Composite) getControl(), getAllAppliedProfiles());
- }
- /**
- * Creates the composite group that presents information about current selected tool
- */
- protected void createToolDescriptionGroup() {
- informationComposite.createComposite((Composite) getControl(), getAllAppliedProfiles());
- }
- /**
- * update the preferences to have all tools accessible
- */
- protected void updatePreferences() {
- // change => set to no hidden palettes
- storedPreferences = PapyrusPalettePreferences.getHiddenPalettes(editorPart);
- // remove all, but should only remove visible palettes
- for (String id : storedPreferences) {
- PapyrusPalettePreferences.changePaletteVisibility(id, editorPart, true);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Restore preferences
- */
- public void restorePreferences() {
- // remove all, but should only remove visible palettes
- for (String id : storedPreferences) {
- PapyrusPalettePreferences.changePaletteVisibility(id, editorPart, false);
- }
- }
- /**
- * creates the palette preview group
- */
- protected void createPalettePreviewGroup() {
- Composite parent = (Composite) getControl();
- Composite paletteComposite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
- GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(2, true);
- layout.marginHeight = 0;
- layout.marginWidth = 0;
- paletteComposite.setLayout(layout);
- GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
- paletteComposite.setLayoutData(data);
- Label label = new Label(paletteComposite, SWT.NONE);
- label.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Palette_Preview);
- data = new GridData(SWT.LEFT, SWT.CENTER, true, false);
- label.setLayoutData(data);
- toolbar = new ToolBar(paletteComposite, SWT.HORIZONTAL);
- data = new GridData(SWT.RIGHT, SWT.FILL, false, false);
- toolbar.setLayoutData(data);
- populatePalettePreviewToolBar(toolbar);
- Tree tree = new Tree(paletteComposite, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.BORDER);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true, 2, 1);
- data.widthHint = 185;
- // Make the tree this tall even when there is nothing in it. This will keep the
- // dialog from shrinking to an unusually small size.
- data.heightHint = 200;
- tree.setLayoutData(data);
- paletteTreeViewer = new TreeViewer(tree);
- paletteTreeViewer.setContentProvider(new PaletteContentProvider(paletteTreeViewer));
- paletteTreeViewer.setLabelProvider(new PaletteProxyLabelProvider());
- paletteTreeViewer.addSelectionChangedListener(new ISelectionChangedListener() {
- public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
- handlePalettePreviewSelectionChanged(event);
- }
- });
- addPalettePreviewDropSupport();
- addPalettePreviewDragSupport();
- addPalettePreviewEditSupport();
- paletteTreeViewer.setInput(contentNode);
- }
- /**
- * handle the selection change event for the palette preview
- *
- * @param event
- * the event that is thrown by the palette viewer
- */
- protected void handlePalettePreviewSelectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
- // retrieve current selection
- ITreeSelection selection = (TreeSelection) event.getSelection();
- Object firstSelected = selection.getFirstElement();
- if (firstSelected instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
- // update the current selected palette entry proxy
- selectedEntryProxy = ((PaletteEntryProxy) firstSelected);
- informationComposite.setSelectedEntryProxy(selectedEntryProxy);
- aspectActionComposite.setSelectedEntryProxy(selectedEntryProxy);
- }
- // update toolbar
- if (toolbar != null && !toolbar.isDisposed()) {
- for (int i = 0; i < toolbar.getItemCount(); i++) {
- ToolItem item = toolbar.getItem(i);
- Object validator = item.getData(VALIDATOR);
- if (validator instanceof ToolBarItemValidator) {
- item.setEnabled(((ToolBarItemValidator) validator).isEnable());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- @Override
- public void dispose() {
- super.dispose();
- }
- /**
- * Adds the behavior for the double click strategy
- */
- protected void addPalettePreviewEditSupport() {
- paletteTreeViewer.addDoubleClickListener(new IDoubleClickListener() {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void doubleClick(DoubleClickEvent event) {
- // retrieve current item double clicked...
- ITreeSelection selection = (TreeSelection) event.getSelection();
- Object firstSelected = selection.getFirstElement();
- if (firstSelected instanceof PaletteLocalDrawerProxy) {
- UpdateLocalDrawerWizard wizard = new UpdateLocalDrawerWizard(((PaletteLocalDrawerProxy) firstSelected).getParent(), (PaletteLocalDrawerProxy) firstSelected);
- WizardDialog dialog = new WizardDialog(getShell(), wizard);
- // paletteTreeViewer.refresh();
- }
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * Add drop behavior for the palette preview
- */
- protected void addPalettePreviewDropSupport() {
- // transfer types
- Transfer[] transfers = new Transfer[] { LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer() };
- // drag listener
- DropTargetListener listener = new TreeDropTargetEffect(paletteTreeViewer.getTree()) {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public void drop(DropTargetEvent event) {
- super.drop(event);
- // create proxy and adds it to its target parent
- PaletteEntryProxy target = (PaletteEntryProxy) ((TreeItem) event.item).getData();
- if (target == null) {
- target = (PaletteContainerProxy) paletteTreeViewer.getInput();
- }
- // get the elements from the drag listener (either a palette entry or a palette
- // entry proxy)
- IStructuredSelection transferedSelection = (IStructuredSelection) LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer().getSelection();
- Object entry = transferedSelection.getFirstElement();
- // creates the proxy for the element to be dropped
- PaletteEntryProxy entryProxy = createNodeFromEntry(entry);
- if (entryProxy == null) {
- return;
- }
- if (target instanceof PaletteContainerProxy) {
- // tries to remove from its parent if possible
- if (entryProxy.getParent() != null) {
- entryProxy.getParent().removeChild(entryProxy);
- }
- ((PaletteContainerProxy) target).addChild(entryProxy);
- paletteTreeViewer.expandToLevel(target, 1);
- } else if (target instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
- // tries to remove from its parent if possible
- if (entryProxy.getParent() != null) {
- entryProxy.getParent().removeChild(entryProxy);
- }
- target.getParent().addChild(entryProxy, target);
- paletteTreeViewer.expandToLevel(target.getParent(), 1);
- } else {
- // add to parent...
- target.getParent().addChild(entryProxy);
- paletteTreeViewer.expandToLevel(target.getParent(), AbstractTreeViewer.ALL_LEVELS);
- }
- setPageComplete(validatePage());
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public void dragOver(DropTargetEvent event) {
- super.dragOver(event);
- LocalSelectionTransfer localTransfer = LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer();
- IStructuredSelection transferedSelection = null;
- if (localTransfer.isSupportedType(event.currentDataType)) {
- transferedSelection = (IStructuredSelection) localTransfer.getSelection();
- }
- // check selection is compatible for drop target
- TreeItem item = paletteTreeViewer.getTree().getItem(paletteTreeViewer.getTree().toControl(new Point(event.x, event.y)));
- checkSelectionForDrop(transferedSelection, item, event);
- }
- };
- paletteTreeViewer.addDropSupport(DND.DROP_LINK | DND.DROP_MOVE, transfers, listener);
- }
- /**
- * Adds drag ability to the palette preview composite
- */
- protected void addPalettePreviewDragSupport() {
- // transfer types
- Transfer[] transfers = new Transfer[] { LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer() };
- // drag listener
- DragSourceListener listener = new LocalSelectionDragSource(paletteTreeViewer);
- paletteTreeViewer.addDragSupport(DND.DROP_MOVE, transfers, listener);
- }
- /**
- * Checks if the selection can be added to the target widget
- *
- * @param transferedSelection
- * the selection to be dropped
- * @param widget
- * the widget where to drop
- * @return <code>true</code> if element can be dropped
- */
- protected void checkSelectionForDrop(IStructuredSelection transferedSelection, TreeItem item, DropTargetEvent event) {
- event.detail = DND.DROP_NONE;
- if (transferedSelection == null) {
- return;
- }
- Object entry = transferedSelection.getFirstElement();
- // handle only first selected element
- if (item == null) {
- // adding to the root, should only be a drawer
- if (entry instanceof PaletteDrawer) {
- event.detail = DND.DROP_LINK;
- }
- } else {
- PaletteEntryProxy targetProxy = (PaletteEntryProxy) item.getData();
- switch (targetProxy.getType()) {
- case DRAWER:
- if (entry instanceof ToolEntry) {
- event.detail = DND.DROP_LINK;
- } else if (entry instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
- event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
- }
- break;
- case STACK:
- if (entry instanceof ToolEntry) {
- event.detail = DND.DROP_LINK;
- } else if (entry instanceof PaletteEntryProxy && !(entry instanceof PaletteLocalStackProxy)) {
- event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
- }
- break;
- case TOOL:
- if (entry instanceof ToolEntry) {
- event.detail = DND.DROP_LINK; // add the selected tool before the destination
- // tool
- } else if (entry instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
- event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE; // moves the element before the entry
- }
- break;
- if (entry instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
- event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sets an empty content for the palette preview
- */
- public void initializeContent() {
- contentNode = new PaletteContainerProxy(null);
- // adds a default local drawer
- PaletteLocalDrawerProxy proxy = new PaletteLocalDrawerProxy("Default", generateID("Drawer_"), "/icons/drawer.gif", "Default Drawer");
- contentNode.addChild(proxy);
- setPageComplete(false);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the initial content for the palette preview
- */
- public void initializeContent(PapyrusPaletteService.LocalProviderDescriptor descriptor) {
- // retrieve the xml definition file
- String xmlPath = PapyrusPalettePreferences.getPalettePathFromID(descriptor.getContributionID());
- // parse the content file
- DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
- documentBuilderFactory.setNamespaceAware(true);
- try {
- DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
- // Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle(pluginID);
- // URL url = bundle.getEntry(path);
- File file = Activator.getDefault().getStateLocation().append(xmlPath).toFile();
- if (!file.exists()) {
- Activator.log.error("Impossible to load file: " + file, null);
- } else {
- Document document = documentBuilder.parse(file);
- Map<String, PaletteEntry> entries = PaletteUtil.getAvailableEntriesSet(editorPart, ProviderPriority.HIGHEST);
- XMLPaletteDefinitionProxyFactory factory = new XMLPaletteDefinitionProxyFactory(entries);
- XMLPaletteDefinitionWalker walker = new XMLPaletteDefinitionWalker(factory);
- for (int i = 0; i < document.getChildNodes().getLength(); i++) {
- Node node = document.getChildNodes().item(i);
- if (IPapyrusPaletteConstant.PALETTE_DEFINITION.equals(node.getNodeName())) {
- walker.walk(node);
- }
- }
- contentNode = factory.getRootProxy();
- // tells that the page can be closed directly without modifying the palette
- setPageComplete(true);
- return;
- }
- } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
- Activator.log.error(e);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- Activator.log.error(e);
- } catch (SAXException e) {
- Activator.log.error(e);
- }
- // paletteTreeViewer.setInput(contentNode);
- contentNode = new PaletteContainerProxy(null);
- }
- /**
- * Saves the xml document into file
- *
- * @param document
- * the document to save
- * @param path
- * name of the file
- * @return the file created or updated
- */
- protected File loadDocument(Document document, String path) {
- File file = null;
- try {
- // create the file that stores the XML configuration
- file = Activator.getDefault().getStateLocation().append(path).toFile();
- Transformer aTransformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
- Source src = new DOMSource(document);
- Result dest = new StreamResult(file);
- aTransformer.transform(src, dest);
- } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) {
- Activator.log.error(e);
- } catch (TransformerException e) {
- Activator.log.error(e);
- }
- return file;
- }
- /**
- * populates the preview palette toolbar
- *
- * @param toolbar
- * the toolbar to populate
- */
- protected void populatePalettePreviewToolBar(ToolBar toolbar) {
- PaletteEntryProxySelectedValidator validator = new PaletteEntryProxySelectedValidator();
- createToolBarItem(toolbar, DELETE_ICON, Messages.PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_RemoveButtonTooltip, createRemoveElementListener(), validator);
- createToolBarItem(toolbar, EDIT_ICON, Messages.PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_EditButtonTooltip, createEditElementListener(), new EditElementToolBarItemValidator());
- createToolBarItem(toolbar, CREATE_DRAWERS_ICON, Messages.Local_Palette_Create_Drawer_Tooltip, createNewDrawerListener(), null);
- createToolBarItem(toolbar, CREATE_SEPARATOR_ICON, Messages.Local_Palette_Create_Separator_Tooltip, createNewSeparatorListener(), validator);
- createToolBarItem(toolbar, CREATE_STACK_ICON, Messages.Local_Palette_Create_Stack_Tooltip, createNewStackListener(), validator);
- }
- /**
- * Edits the current selected elements. This works for drawers, should work on more elements
- *
- * @return the listener for the edit button
- */
- protected Listener createEditElementListener() {
- return new Listener() {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void handleEvent(Event event) {
- IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection();
- if (selection == null || selection.size() < 1) {
- return;
- }
- Object selected = selection.getFirstElement();
- if (selected instanceof PaletteLocalDrawerProxy) {
- UpdateLocalDrawerWizard wizard = new UpdateLocalDrawerWizard(((PaletteLocalDrawerProxy) selected).getParent(), (PaletteLocalDrawerProxy) selected);
- WizardDialog dialog = new WizardDialog(getShell(), wizard);
- }
- // paletteTreeViewer.refresh();
- }
- };
- }
- /**
- * Creates the listener for the remove item(s) button
- *
- * @return the listener for the remove button
- */
- protected Listener createRemoveElementListener() {
- return new Listener() {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void handleEvent(Event event) {
- IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection();
- if (selection == null || selection.size() < 1) {
- return;
- }
- Iterator<?> it = selection.iterator();
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- Object o =;
- if (o instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
- PaletteEntryProxy proxyToDelete = (PaletteEntryProxy) o;
- // create a new entry in the document
- // get container of the proxy to be deleted
- PaletteContainerProxy parentProxy = proxyToDelete.getParent();
- if (parentProxy != null) {
- parentProxy.removeChild(proxyToDelete);
- }
- }
- }
- // paletteTreeViewer.refresh();
- }
- };
- }
- /**
- * Creates the listener for the new drawer tool item
- *
- * @return the listener created
- */
- protected Listener createNewDrawerListener() {
- return new Listener() {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void handleEvent(Event event) {
- // retrieve selected container
- PaletteContainerProxy containerProxy;
- containerProxy = (PaletteContainerProxy) paletteTreeViewer.getInput();
- NewDrawerWizard wizard = new NewDrawerWizard(containerProxy);
- WizardDialog wizardDialog = new WizardDialog(new Shell(), wizard);
- // paletteTreeViewer.refresh();
- setPageComplete(validatePage());
- }
- };
- }
- /**
- * Creates the listener for the new stack tool item
- *
- * @return the listener created
- */
- protected Listener createNewStackListener() {
- return new Listener() {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void handleEvent(Event event) {
- // retrieve selected element
- Object object = ((IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection()).getFirstElement();
- // if element = drawer => the new stack must be created at the end of the drawer's
- // children list
- // if element = tool => must be placed before this tool
- // else : nothinng to do
- if (object instanceof PaletteLocalDrawerProxy) {
- String id = generateID("Stack");
- PaletteLocalStackProxy proxy = new PaletteLocalStackProxy(id);
- ((PaletteLocalDrawerProxy) object).addChild(proxy);
- } else if (object instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
- String id = generateID("Stack");
- PaletteLocalStackProxy proxy = new PaletteLocalStackProxy(id);
- // retrieve parent
- PaletteEntryProxy childProxy = (PaletteEntryProxy) object;
- PaletteContainerProxy parentProxy = childProxy.getParent();
- parentProxy.addChild(proxy, childProxy);
- }
- // paletteTreeViewer.refresh();
- setPageComplete(validatePage());
- }
- };
- }
- /**
- * Generates the ID for a local element
- *
- * @param base
- * the begining of the id
- * @return the separator id
- */
- protected String generateID(String base) {
- StringBuffer id = new StringBuffer();
- id.append(base);
- id.append("_");
- id.append(System.currentTimeMillis());
- return id.toString();
- }
- /**
- * Creates the listener for the new separator tool item
- *
- * @return the listener created
- */
- protected Listener createNewSeparatorListener() {
- return new Listener() {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void handleEvent(Event event) {
- // retrieve selected element
- Object object = ((IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection()).getFirstElement();
- // if element = drawer => the new stack must be created at the end of the drawer's
- // children list
- // if element = tool => must be placed before this tool
- // else : nothinng to do
- if (object instanceof PaletteLocalDrawerProxy) {
- String id = generateID("Separator");
- PaletteLocalSeparatorProxy proxy = new PaletteLocalSeparatorProxy(id);
- ((PaletteLocalDrawerProxy) object).addChild(proxy);
- } else if (object instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
- String id = generateID("Separator");
- PaletteLocalSeparatorProxy proxy = new PaletteLocalSeparatorProxy(id);
- // retrieve parent
- PaletteEntryProxy childProxy = (PaletteEntryProxy) object;
- PaletteContainerProxy parentProxy = childProxy.getParent();
- parentProxy.addChild(proxy, childProxy);
- }
- setPageComplete(validatePage());
- }
- };
- }
- /**
- * Creates a toolbar item.
- *
- * @param toolbar
- * the parent toolbar
- * @param itemIcon
- * path for icon
- * @param tooltip
- * tooltip text for the toolbar item
- * @param listener
- * listener for tool bar item
- */
- protected void createToolBarItem(ToolBar toolbar, String itemIcon, String tooltip, Listener listener, ToolBarItemValidator validator) {
- ToolItem item = new ToolItem(toolbar, SWT.BORDER);
- item.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, itemIcon));
- item.setToolTipText(tooltip);
- item.addListener(SWT.Selection, listener);
- item.setData(VALIDATOR, validator);
- }
- /**
- * creates the buttons to add/remove entries
- */
- protected void createAddRemoveButtons() {
- Composite composite = new Composite((Composite) getControl(), SWT.NONE);
- GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(1, true);
- composite.setLayout(layout);
- GridData data = new GridData(SWT.CENTER, SWT.CENTER, false, true);
- composite.setLayoutData(data);
- addButton = new Button(composite, SWT.NONE);
- addButton.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, ADD_ICON));
- addButton.setToolTipText(Messages.PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_AddButtonTooltip);
- addButton.addMouseListener(createAddButtonListener());
- addButton.setEnabled(false);
- addButton.addListener(SWT.MouseUp, this);
- removeButton = new Button(composite, SWT.NONE);
- removeButton.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, REMOVE_ICON));
- removeButton.setToolTipText(Messages.PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_RemoveButtonTooltip);
- removeButton.addMouseListener(createRemoveButtonListener());
- removeButton.setEnabled(false);
- removeButton.addListener(SWT.MouseUp, this);
- }
- /**
- * selection listener for the tools viewer , to update the state of the add button
- *
- * @return the new created selection listener
- */
- protected ISelectionChangedListener createToolsViewerSelectionChangeListener() {
- return new ISelectionChangedListener() {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
- // get source and target selection
- // check source entry can be added to target entry
- Object source = ((IStructuredSelection) availableToolsViewer.getSelection()).getFirstElement();
- Object target = ((IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection()).getFirstElement();
- // manage add button
- if (isAddValidTarget(source, target)) {
- addButton.setEnabled(true);
- } else {
- addButton.setEnabled(false);
- }
- // manage remove button
- if (isRemoveValidSource(target)) {
- removeButton.setEnabled(true);
- } else {
- removeButton.setEnabled(false);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if the source can be added to the target
- *
- * @param source
- * the source object
- * @param target
- * the target object
- * @return <code>true</code> if the source can be added to the target
- */
- protected boolean isAddValidTarget(Object source, Object target) {
- if (!(source instanceof PaletteEntry)) {
- return false;
- }
- // case1: source is a drawer.
- // it can only be added to the root element (no selection)
- // case2: source is a palette tool
- // it can't be added to the root element
- // it can only be added to a container element (drawer or stack)
- if (source instanceof PaletteDrawer) {
- if (target == null) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- } else if (source instanceof ToolEntry) {
- if (target instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
- EntryType type = ((PaletteEntryProxy) target).getType();
- switch (type) {
- case DRAWER:
- case STACK:
- return true;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if the source can be added to the target
- *
- * @param source
- * the source object
- * @return <code>true</code> if the source can be removed (not null and instanceof
- * PaletteEntryProxy)
- */
- protected boolean isRemoveValidSource(Object source) {
- if (source instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- };
- }
- /**
- * Creates the add button listener
- */
- protected MouseListener createAddButtonListener() {
- return new MouseListener() {
- public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
- // add the element selected on the left to the right tree
- // check the selection.
- IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) availableToolsViewer.getSelection();
- if (selection == null || selection.size() < 1) {
- return;
- }
- PaletteEntry entry = (PaletteEntry) selection.getFirstElement();
- if (entry == null) {
- return;
- }
- // find the selection on the right
- selection = (IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection();
- PaletteEntryProxy parentNode = (PaletteEntryProxy) selection.getFirstElement();
- // Bugfix: only drawers can be added to root element
- if (parentNode == null && entry instanceof PaletteDrawer) {
- parentNode = (PaletteContainerProxy) paletteTreeViewer.getInput();
- }
- // check we have a containe here
- if (!(parentNode instanceof PaletteContainerProxy)) {
- return;
- }
- // create a new entry in the document
- PaletteEntryProxy proxy = createNodeFromEntry(entry);
- ((PaletteContainerProxy) parentNode).addChild(proxy);
- paletteTreeViewer.expandToLevel(parentNode, 1);
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
- // do nothing
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) {
- // do nothing
- }
- };
- }
- /**
- * Creates a node in the xml document from the given entry
- *
- * @param entry
- * the palette entry from which to create the node
- * @param parentNode
- * the parent node for the newly created node
- * @return the created entry proxy or <code>null</code>
- */
- protected PaletteEntryProxy createNodeFromEntry(Object entry) {
- PaletteEntryProxy entryProxy = null;
- if (entry instanceof AspectCreationEntry) {
- // should modify id of the element here, otherwise, different elements would have the same id...
- entryProxy = new PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy(((AspectCreationEntry) entry).clone());
- } else if (entry instanceof CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) {
- CombinedTemplateCreationEntry originalEntry = (CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) entry;
- // create a new Aspect entry proxy
- AspectCreationEntry aspectEntry = new AspectCreationEntry(originalEntry.getLabel(), originalEntry.getDescription(), originalEntry.getId() + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis(), originalEntry.getSmallIcon(), originalEntry,
- new HashMap<Object, Object>());
- entryProxy = new PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy(aspectEntry);
- } else if (entry instanceof PaletteContainer) {
- entryProxy = new PaletteContainerProxy((PaletteContainer) entry);
- } else if (entry instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
- entryProxy = ((PaletteEntryProxy) entry);
- }
- return entryProxy;
- }
- /**
- * Creates the add button listener
- */
- protected MouseListener createRemoveButtonListener() {
- return new MouseListener() {
- public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
- // remove the element selected on the right
- // add the element selected on the left to the right tree
- // check the selection.
- IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection();
- if (selection == null || selection.size() < 1) {
- return;
- }
- PaletteEntryProxy proxyToDelete = (PaletteEntryProxy) selection.getFirstElement();
- if (proxyToDelete == null) {
- return;
- }
- // create a new entry in the document
- // get container of the proxy to be deleted
- PaletteContainerProxy parentProxy = proxyToDelete.getParent();
- parentProxy.removeChild(proxyToDelete);
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
- // do nothing
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) {
- // do nothing
- }
- };
- }
- /**
- * creates the available entries group
- */
- protected void createAvailableToolsGroup() {
- Composite parent = (Composite) getControl();
- Composite availableToolsComposite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
- GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(2, true);
- layout.marginHeight = 0;
- layout.marginWidth = 0;
- availableToolsComposite.setLayout(layout);
- GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
- availableToolsComposite.setLayoutData(data);
- Label label = new Label(availableToolsComposite, SWT.NONE);
- label.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Available_Tools);
- data = new GridData(SWT.LEFT, SWT.CENTER, true, false);
- label.setLayoutData(data);
- ToolBar toolbar = new ToolBar(availableToolsComposite, SWT.HORIZONTAL);
- data = new GridData(SWT.RIGHT, SWT.FILL, false, false);
- toolbar.setLayoutData(data);
- populateAvailableToolsToolBar(toolbar);
- createProfileCombo(availableToolsComposite);
- Tree tree = new Tree(availableToolsComposite, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.BORDER);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true, 2, 1);
- data.widthHint = 185;
- // Make the tree this tall even when there is nothing in it. This will keep the
- // dialog from shrinking to an unusually small size.
- data.heightHint = 200;
- tree.setLayoutData(data);
- availableToolsViewer = new TreeViewer(tree);
- availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new UMLToolsTreeContentProvider());
- paletteLabelProvider = new PaletteLabelProvider();
- availableToolsViewer.setLabelProvider(paletteLabelProvider);
- ViewerComparator labelComparator = new LabelViewerComparator();
- availableToolsViewer.setComparator(labelComparator);
- // remove the note stack and standard group
- availableToolsViewer.addFilter(new ViewerFilter() {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public boolean select(Viewer viewer, Object parentElement, Object element) {
- if (element instanceof PaletteStack && "noteStack".equals(((PaletteStack) element).getId())) {
- return false;
- } else if (element instanceof PaletteToolbar && "standardGroup".equals(((PaletteToolbar) element).getId())) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- });
- availableToolsViewer.addFilter(new DrawerFilter());
- // add drag support
- addAvailableToolsDragSupport();
- // availableToolsViewer.setInput(getAllVisibleStandardEntries());
- }
- /**
- * Creates the profile combo
- *
- * @param availableToolsComposite
- * the available tools composite
- * @return the created combo
- */
- protected Combo createProfileCombo(Composite availableToolsComposite) {
- // retrieve top package, to know which profiles are available
- // creates the combo
- profileCombo = new Combo(availableToolsComposite, SWT.BORDER | SWT.READ_ONLY);
- GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false, 2, 1);
- profileCombo.setLayoutData(data);
- // retrieve all applied profiles
- List<Profile> profiles = getAllAppliedProfiles();
- int profileNumber = profiles.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < profileNumber; i++) {
- String name;
- if (profiles.get(i).eIsProxy()) {
- name = NLS.bind("<unresolved: {0}>", URI.decode(EcoreUtil.getURI(profiles.get(i)).lastSegment()));
- } else {
- name = profiles.get(i).getName();
- if (name == null) {
- name = NLS.bind("<unnamed: {0}>", URI.decode(EcoreUtil.getURI(profiles.get(i)).lastSegment()));
- }
- }
- profileComboList.add(i, name);
- }
- profileComboList.add(UML_TOOLS_LABEL);
- profileCombo.setItems(profileComboList.toArray(new String[] {}));
- // add selection listener for the combo. selects the "UML tools" item
- ProfileComboSelectionListener listener = new ProfileComboSelectionListener();
- profileCombo.addSelectionListener(listener);
- profileCombo.addModifyListener(listener);
- //;
- return profileCombo;
- }
- /**
- * returns the list of applied profile for the nearest package of the top element
- *
- * @return the list of applied profile for the nearest package of the top element or an empty
- * list
- */
- protected List<Profile> getAllAppliedProfiles() {
- Package topPackage = null;
- if (editorPart instanceof DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) {
- EObject element = ((DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) editorPart).getDiagram().getElement();
- if (element instanceof org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element) {
- topPackage = ((org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element) element).getNearestPackage();
- }
- }
- if (topPackage != null) {
- return topPackage.getAllAppliedProfiles();
- }
- return Collections.emptyList();
- }
- /**
- * Add drag support from the available tools viewer
- */
- protected void addAvailableToolsDragSupport() {
- // transfer types
- Transfer[] transfers = new Transfer[] { LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer() };
- // drag listener
- DragSourceListener listener = new LocalSelectionDragSource(availableToolsViewer);
- availableToolsViewer.addDragSupport(DND.DROP_LINK, transfers, listener);
- }
- /**
- * Adds elements to the tool bar for available tools viewer
- *
- * @param toolbar
- * the toolbar to populate
- */
- protected void populateAvailableToolsToolBar(ToolBar toolbar) {
- toggleContentProvider = createCheckToolBarItem(toolbar, SWITCH_CONTENT_PROVIDER_ICON, Messages.Local_Palette_SwitchToolsContentProvider_Tooltip, createSwitchToolsContentProviderListener());
- toggleContentProvider.setSelection(true);
- toggleContentProvider.setEnabled(false);
- createCheckToolBarItem(toolbar, SHOWN_TOOLS_ICON, Messages.Local_Palette_ShowTools_Tooltip, createsShowToolListener());
- }
- /**
- * Creates the listener for the available tools content provider
- *
- * @return the listener created
- */
- protected Listener createSwitchToolsContentProviderListener() {
- return new Listener() {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void handleEvent(Event event) {
- if (!(event.widget instanceof ToolItem)) {
- return;
- }
- ToolItem item = ((ToolItem) event.widget);
- // retrieve current profile selected in the combo profile
- int index = profileCombo.getSelectionIndex();
- Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries = getAllVisibleStandardEntries();
- Profile profile = getAllAppliedProfiles().get(index);
- if (item.getSelection()) {
- availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new ProfileToolsStereotypeMetaclassTreeContentProvider(profile, standardEntries));
- item.setSelection(true);
- } else {
- availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new ProfileToolsMetaclassStereotypeTreeContentProvider(profile, standardEntries));
- item.setSelection(false);
- }
- // generate tools for given profile
- availableToolsViewer.setInput(profile);
- }
- };
- }
- /**
- * creates the tool item for drawers visibility listener
- *
- * @return the listener for the tool button
- */
- protected Listener createShowDrawerListener() {
- return new Listener() {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void handleEvent(Event event) {
- if (!(event.widget instanceof ToolItem)) {
- return;
- }
- ToolItem item = ((ToolItem) event.widget);
- if (item.getSelection()) {
- // elements should be hidden
- availableToolsViewer.addFilter(drawerFilter);
- item.setSelection(true);
- } else {
- availableToolsViewer.removeFilter(drawerFilter);
- item.setSelection(false);
- }
- }
- };
- }
- /**
- * creates the tool item for tools visibility listener
- *
- * @return the listener for the tool button
- */
- protected Listener createsShowToolListener() {
- return new Listener() {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void handleEvent(Event event) {
- if (!(event.widget instanceof ToolItem)) {
- return;
- }
- ToolItem item = ((ToolItem) event.widget);
- if (item.getSelection()) {
- // elements should be hidden
- availableToolsViewer.addFilter(toolFilter);
- item.setSelection(true);
- } else {
- availableToolsViewer.removeFilter(toolFilter);
- item.setSelection(false);
- }
- }
- };
- }
- /**
- * Creates a toolbar item which can be checked.
- *
- * @param toolbar
- * the parent toolbar
- * @param shownElementsIcon
- * path for shown elements icon
- * @param listener
- * listener for button action
- * @param tooltip
- * tooltip text for the toolbar item
- */
- protected ToolItem createCheckToolBarItem(ToolBar toolbar, String shownElementsIcon, String tooltip, Listener listener) {
- ToolItem item = new ToolItem(toolbar, SWT.CHECK | SWT.BORDER);
- item.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, shownElementsIcon));
- item.setToolTipText(tooltip);
- item.addListener(SWT.Selection, listener);
- return item;
- }
- /**
- * Validates the content of the fields in this page
- */
- protected boolean validatePage() {
- boolean valid = true;
- if (valid) {
- setMessage(null);
- setErrorMessage(null);
- }
- return valid;
- }
- /**
- * The <code>WizardNewFileCreationPage</code> implementation of this <code>Listener</code> method handles all events and enablements for controls
- * on this page. Subclasses may extend.
- */
- public void handleEvent(Event event) {
- setPageComplete(validatePage());
- }
- /**
- * Content provider for available tools viewer
- */
- public class UMLToolsTreeContentProvider implements ITreeContentProvider {
- /**
- * Constructor
- *
- * @param viewer
- * The viewer whose ContentProvider this content provider is
- */
- public UMLToolsTreeContentProvider() {
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) {
- Object[] elements = null;
- if (inputElement instanceof Collection<?>) {
- elements = ((Collection<?>) inputElement).toArray();
- } else if (inputElement instanceof PaletteRoot) {
- // paletteUil.getAllEntries(...) to add drawers
- // if so, uncomment the addFilterbutton for drawers in populate tool bar
- elements = PaletteUtil.getAllToolEntries(((PaletteRoot) inputElement)).toArray();
- }
- if (elements == null) {
- elements = new Object[0];
- }
- return elements;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void dispose() {
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void inputChanged(Viewer viewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput) {
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public Object[] getChildren(Object parentElement) {
- Object[] elements = null;
- if (parentElement instanceof Collection<?>) {
- elements = ((Collection<?>) parentElement).toArray();
- } else if (parentElement instanceof PaletteRoot) {
- // paletteUil.getAllEntries(...) to add drawers
- // if so, uncomment the addFilterbutton for drawers in populate tool bar
- elements = PaletteUtil.getAllToolEntries(((PaletteRoot) parentElement)).toArray();
- }
- return elements;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public Object getParent(Object element) {
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public boolean hasChildren(Object element) {
- return getChildren(element) != null && getChildren(element).length > 0;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Label provider for palette tools.
- * <P>
- * We should be using the Palette label provider from GEF, if it was not with visibility "package"...
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.gef.ui.palette.customize.PaletteLabelProvider </P>
- *
- */
- public class PaletteLabelProvider implements ILabelProvider {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public Image getImage(Object element) {
- if (element instanceof PaletteEntry) {
- ImageDescriptor descriptor = ((PaletteEntry) element).getSmallIcon();
- if (descriptor == null) {
- return null;
- }
- return Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, descriptor);
- } else if (element instanceof Stereotype) {
- return Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, "/icons/stereotype.gif");
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public String getText(Object element) {
- if (element instanceof PaletteEntry) {
- return ((PaletteEntry) element).getLabel();
- } else if (element instanceof Stereotype) {
- return ((Stereotype) element).getName();
- }
- return "unknown element";
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void addListener(ILabelProviderListener listener) {
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void dispose() {
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public boolean isLabelProperty(Object element, String property) {
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void removeListener(ILabelProviderListener listener) {
- }
- }
- /**
- * Label provider for palette tools.
- * <P>
- * We should be using the Palette label provider from GEF, if it was not with visibility "package"...
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.gef.ui.palette.customize.PaletteLabelProvider </P>
- *
- */
- public class PaletteProxyLabelProvider implements ILabelProvider {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public Image getImage(Object element) {
- if (element instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
- return ((PaletteEntryProxy) element).getImage();
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public String getText(Object element) {
- if (element instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
- return ((PaletteEntryProxy) element).getLabel();
- }
- return "unknown element";
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void addListener(ILabelProviderListener listener) {
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void dispose() {
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public boolean isLabelProperty(Object element, String property) {
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void removeListener(ILabelProviderListener listener) {
- }
- }
- /**
- * Filter for the viewer. Hide/show Drawers
- */
- public class DrawerFilter extends ViewerFilter {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public boolean select(Viewer viewer, Object parentElement, Object element) {
- if (element instanceof PaletteDrawer) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Filter for the viewer. Hide/show Drawers
- */
- public class ToolFilter extends ViewerFilter {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public boolean select(Viewer viewer, Object parentElement, Object element) {
- if (element instanceof ToolEntry) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Content provider for the palette
- */
- public class PaletteContentProvider implements ITreeContentProvider {
- /** tree viewer this provider provides content */
- protected final TreeViewer viewer;
- /** the document root where to build the palette */
- protected PaletteContainerProxy rootProxy;
- /** model listener that will listens for all modifications in the entries */
- protected PropertyChangeListener modelListener = new PropertyChangeListener() {
- public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
- handlePropertyChanged(evt);
- }
- };
- /**
- * Creates a new PaletteContentProvider.
- *
- * @param treeviewer
- * tree viewer this provider provides content
- */
- public PaletteContentProvider(TreeViewer treeviewer) {
- this.viewer = treeviewer;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void dispose() {
- // remove all listeners
- traverseModel(rootProxy, false);
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public Object[] getChildren(Object parentElement) {
- if (parentElement instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
- List<PaletteEntryProxy> children = ((PaletteEntryProxy) parentElement).getChildren();
- return (children != null) ? children.toArray() : new Object[0];
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public boolean hasChildren(Object element) {
- if (element instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
- return ((PaletteEntryProxy) element).getChildren() != null && !((PaletteEntryProxy) element).getChildren().isEmpty();
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) {
- Object[] elements = getChildren(inputElement);
- if (elements == null) {
- elements = new Object[0];
- }
- return elements;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public Object getParent(Object element) {
- if (element instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
- return ((PaletteEntryProxy) element).getParent();
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void inputChanged(Viewer viewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput) {
- if (rootProxy != null) {
- // warning.. the root has no entry, this is a virtual node
- traverseModel(rootProxy, false);
- }
- if (newInput != null) {
- rootProxy = ((PaletteContainerProxy) newInput);
- traverseModel(rootProxy, true);
- }
- }
- /**
- * This method is invoked whenever there is any change in the model. It updates the
- * viewer with the changes that were made to the model. Sub-classes may override this
- * method to change or extend its functionality.
- *
- * @param evt
- * The {@link PropertyChangeEvent} that was fired from the model
- */
- protected void handlePropertyChanged(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
- PaletteEntryProxy entry = ((PaletteEntryProxy) evt.getSource());
- String property = evt.getPropertyName();
- if (property.equals(PaletteEntry.PROPERTY_LABEL) || property.equals(PaletteEntry.PROPERTY_SMALL_ICON) || property.equals(PaletteEntryProxy.PROPERTY_ICON_PATH)) {
- viewer.update(entry, null);
- } else if (property.equals(PaletteEntryProxy.PROPERTY_ADD_CHILDREN)) {
- viewer.refresh(entry.getParent());
- // add the listeners to the child
- traverseModel(((PaletteEntryProxy) evt.getNewValue()), true);
- } else if (property.equals(PaletteEntryProxy.PROPERTY_REMOVE_CHILDREN)) {
- viewer.refresh(entry.getParent());
- // add the listeners to the child
- traverseModel(((PaletteEntryProxy) evt.getOldValue()), false);
- }
- }
- protected void traverseModel(PaletteEntryProxy entryProxy, boolean isHook) {
- if (entryProxy != null) {
- if (isHook) {
- entryProxy.addPropertyChangeListener(modelListener);
- } else {
- entryProxy.removePropertyChangeListener(modelListener);
- }
- }
- if (entryProxy.getChildren() != null && !entryProxy.getChildren().isEmpty()) {
- for (PaletteEntryProxy proxy : entryProxy.getChildren()) {
- traverseModel(proxy, isHook);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Performs all action on finish
- *
- * @param id
- * the path for the file
- */
- public void performFinish(String path) {
- // creates the document
- Document document = createXMLDocumentFromPalettePreview();
- saveDocument(document, path);
- requiredProfiles = collectRequiredProfiles();
- }
- /**
- * collect the required profiles from all tool provided by the local palette definition
- */
- protected Set<String> collectRequiredProfiles() {
- Set<String> profiles = new HashSet<String>();
- PaletteContainerProxy rootProxy = (PaletteContainerProxy) paletteTreeViewer.getInput();
- collectRequiredProfiles(rootProxy.getChildren(), profiles);
- return profiles;
- }
- /**
- * collect the required profiles from all tool provided by the local palette definition
- */
- protected void collectRequiredProfiles(List<PaletteEntryProxy> proxies, Set<String> requiredProfiles) {
- for (PaletteEntryProxy proxy : proxies) {
- // add profile(s) if relevant, check for children
- if (proxy instanceof PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
- // list of profiles
- for (String stereotypeQN : ((PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) proxy).getStereotypesQNList()) {
- // retrieve list of profiles from the stereotype QN (only remove last segment
- // ?!)
- String profileName = PaletteUtil.findProfileNameFromStereotypeName(stereotypeQN);
- requiredProfiles.add(profileName);
- }
- }
- if (proxy.getChildren() != null) {
- collectRequiredProfiles(proxy.getChildren(), requiredProfiles);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Saves the xml document into file
- *
- * @param document
- * the document to save
- * @param path
- * name of the file
- * @return the file created or updated
- */
- protected File saveDocument(Document document, String path) {
- File file = null;
- try {
- // create the file that stores the XML configuration
- file = Activator.getDefault().getStateLocation().append(path).toFile();
- TransformerFactory tranFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
- Transformer aTransformer;
- aTransformer = tranFactory.newTransformer();
- Source src = new DOMSource(document);
- Result dest = new StreamResult(file);
- aTransformer.transform(src, dest);
- } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) {
- Activator.log.error(e);
- } catch (TransformerException e) {
- Activator.log.error(e);
- }
- return file;
- }
- /**
- * Creates the document from the palette preview
- *
- * @return the dom structure of the document
- */
- protected Document createXMLDocumentFromPalettePreview() {
- DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
- documentBuilderFactory.setNamespaceAware(true);
- DocumentBuilder documentBuilder;
- try {
- documentBuilder = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
- document = documentBuilder.newDocument();
- Element paletteDefElement = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.PALETTE_DEFINITION);
- document.appendChild(paletteDefElement);
- Element contentElement = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.CONTENT);
- paletteDefElement.appendChild(contentElement);
- generateXMLPaletteContent(document, contentElement);
- return document;
- } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
- Activator.getDefault().logError("impossible to create the palette tree viewer content", e);
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Generates the xml content for the palette
- *
- * @param document
- * the document to fill
- * @param contentElement
- * the root for the xml content
- */
- protected void generateXMLPaletteContent(Document document, Element contentElement) {
- PaletteContainerProxy rootProxy = (PaletteContainerProxy) paletteTreeViewer.getInput();
- for (PaletteEntryProxy proxy : rootProxy.getChildren()) {
- generateXMLPaletteContainerProxy(document, contentElement, proxy);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Generates the xml content for the given container
- *
- * @param document
- * the document to fill
- * @param containerProxy
- * the entry proxy
- */
- protected void generateXMLPaletteContainerProxy(Document document, Element contentElement, PaletteEntryProxy containerProxy) {
- Element element = null;
- List<PaletteEntryProxy> children = containerProxy.getChildren();
- // generate the element
- switch (containerProxy.getType()) {
- case DRAWER:
- element = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.DRAWER);
- element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.NAME, containerProxy.getLabel());
- if (containerProxy instanceof PaletteLocalDrawerProxy) {
- element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ICON_PATH, ((PaletteLocalDrawerProxy) containerProxy).getImagePath());
- }
- break;
- case TOOL:
- element = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.TOOL);
- break;
- element = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.SEPARATOR);
- break;
- case STACK:
- element = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.STACK);
- break;
- element = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ASPECT_TOOL);
- // try to cast the element into PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy
- if (containerProxy instanceof PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
- PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy aspectEntryProxy = (PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) containerProxy;
- // element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ID, aspectEntryProxy.getId());
- element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.NAME, aspectEntryProxy.getLabel());
- element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.DESCRIPTION, aspectEntryProxy.getEntry().getDescription());
- element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.REF_TOOL_ID, aspectEntryProxy.getReferencedPaletteID());
- if (aspectEntryProxy.getImagePath() != null && !aspectEntryProxy.getImagePath().equals("")) {
- element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ICON_PATH, aspectEntryProxy.getImagePath());
- }
- // add post action, stereotype list
- for (IAspectAction action : ((PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) containerProxy).getPostActions()) {
- Element postActionNode = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.POST_ACTION);
- postActionNode.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ID, action.getFactoryId());
- element.appendChild(postActionNode);
- }
- for (IAspectAction action : ((PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) containerProxy).getPreActions()) {
- Element preActionNode = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.PRE_ACTION);
- preActionNode.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ID, action.getFactoryId());
- element.appendChild(preActionNode);
- }
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ID, containerProxy.getId());
- contentElement.appendChild(element);
- if (children != null) {
- for (PaletteEntryProxy proxy : children) {
- generateXMLPaletteContainerProxy(document, element, proxy);
- }
- }
- }
- public enum EntryType {
- }
- public class LabelViewerComparator extends ViewerComparator {
- /**
- * Creates a new LabelViewerComparator.
- */
- public LabelViewerComparator() {
- super();
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public int compare(Viewer testViewer, Object e1, Object e2) {
- String label1 = "";
- String label2 = "";
- if (e1 instanceof PaletteEntry) {
- label1 = ((PaletteEntry) e1).getLabel();
- } else if (e1 instanceof Stereotype) {
- label1 = ((Stereotype) e1).getName();
- }
- if (e2 instanceof PaletteEntry) {
- label2 = ((PaletteEntry) e2).getLabel();
- } else if (e2 instanceof Stereotype) {
- label2 = ((Stereotype) e2).getName();
- }
- if (label1 == null) {
- return 1;
- }
- if (label2 == null) {
- return -1;
- }
- return label1.compareTo(label2);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Listener for the profile combo. It changes the input of the following viewer.
- */
- public class ProfileComboSelectionListener implements SelectionListener, ModifyListener {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
- // nothing to do
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
- handleSelectionChanged();
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void modifyText(ModifyEvent e) {
- handleSelectionChanged();
- }
- /**
- * handles the change selection for the combo
- */
- protected void handleSelectionChanged() {
- int index = profileCombo.getSelectionIndex();
- if (index < 0 || index >= profileCombo.getItems().length) {
- return;
- }
- String name = profileComboList.get(index);
- Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries = getAllVisibleStandardEntries();
- // retrieve the profile or uml standards tools to display
- if (UML_TOOLS_LABEL.equals(name)) {
- // change content provider
- availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new UMLToolsTreeContentProvider());
- availableToolsViewer.setInput(standardEntries);
- toggleContentProvider.setEnabled(false);
- } else {
- if (toggleContentProvider != null && !toggleContentProvider.isDisposed()) {
- toggleContentProvider.setEnabled(true);
- }
- // switch content provider
- // this is a profile in case of uml2 tools
- Profile profile = getAllAppliedProfiles().get(index);
- if (toggleContentProvider.getSelection()) {
- availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new ProfileToolsStereotypeMetaclassTreeContentProvider(profile, standardEntries));
- } else {
- availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new ProfileToolsMetaclassStereotypeTreeContentProvider(profile, standardEntries));
- }
- // generate tools for given profile
- availableToolsViewer.setInput(profile);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Content provider for the available tools viewer, when the tools to see are coming from a
- * profile
- */
- public class ProfileToolsStereotypeMetaclassTreeContentProvider implements ITreeContentProvider {
- /** standard uml tools palette entries */
- final protected Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries;
- /**
- * Creates a new ProfileToolsStereotypeMetaclassTreeContentProvider.
- *
- * @param profile
- * the profile for which tools are built
- * @param standardEntries
- * list of standard uml tools palette entries
- */
- public ProfileToolsStereotypeMetaclassTreeContentProvider(Profile profile, Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries) {
- this.standardEntries = standardEntries;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public Object[] getChildren(Object parentElement) {
- if (parentElement instanceof Profile) {
- return ((Profile) parentElement).getOwnedStereotypes().toArray();
- } else if (parentElement instanceof Stereotype) {
- List<PaletteEntry> entries = new ArrayList<PaletteEntry>();
- Stereotype stereotype = (Stereotype) parentElement;
- for (PaletteEntry entry : standardEntries) {
- // retrieve the element type created by the tool.
- if (entry instanceof CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) {
- EClass toolMetaclass = PaletteUtil.getToolMetaclass((CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) entry);
- if (toolMetaclass != null) {
- List<Class> metaclasses = stereotype.getAllExtendedMetaclasses();
- for (Class stMetaclass : metaclasses) {
- // get Eclass
- java.lang.Class<?> metaclassClass = stMetaclass.getClass();
- if (metaclassClass != null) {
- EClassifier metaClassifier = UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getEClassifier(stMetaclass.getName());
- if (((EClass) metaClassifier).isSuperTypeOf(toolMetaclass)) {
- // should create the palette entry
- Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- properties.put(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ASPECT_ACTION_KEY, StereotypeAspectActionProvider.createConfigurationNode(stereotype.getQualifiedName()));
- AspectCreationEntry aspectEntry = new AspectCreationEntry(stereotype.getName() + " (" + entry.getLabel() + ")", "Create an element with a stereotype", entry.getId() + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis(),
- entry.getSmallIcon(), (CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) entry, properties);
- entries.add(aspectEntry);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return entries.toArray();
- } else {
- return new Object[0];
- }
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public Object getParent(Object element) {
- if (element instanceof Stereotype) {
- return ((Stereotype) element).getProfile();
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public boolean hasChildren(Object element) {
- if (element instanceof Profile) {
- return true;
- } else if (element instanceof Stereotype) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) {
- if (inputElement instanceof Profile) {
- List<Stereotype> stereotypes = ((Profile) inputElement).getOwnedStereotypes();
- return stereotypes.toArray();
- }
- return new Object[0];
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void dispose() {
- // nothing to do here
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void inputChanged(Viewer viewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput) {
- // nothing to do here
- }
- }
- /**
- * Content provider for the available tools viewer, when the
- */
- public class ProfileToolsMetaclassStereotypeTreeContentProvider implements ITreeContentProvider {
- /** standard uml tools palette entries */
- final protected Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries;
- /** profile to display */
- final protected Profile profile;
- /**
- * Creates a new ProfileToolsMetaclassStereotypeTreeContentProvider.
- *
- * @param profile
- * the profile for which tools are built
- * @param standardEntries
- * list of standard uml tools palette entries
- */
- public ProfileToolsMetaclassStereotypeTreeContentProvider(Profile profile, Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries) {
- this.profile = profile;
- this.standardEntries = standardEntries;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public Object[] getChildren(Object parentElement) {
- if (parentElement instanceof Profile) {
- return standardEntries.toArray();
- } else if (parentElement instanceof AspectCreationEntry) {
- return new Object[0];
- } else if (parentElement instanceof PaletteEntry) {
- List<AspectCreationEntry> entries = new ArrayList<AspectCreationEntry>();
- // display all stereotypes applicable to the type of element created by this tool
- if (parentElement instanceof CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) {
- CombinedTemplateCreationEntry entry = (CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) parentElement;
- EClass toolMetaclass = PaletteUtil.getToolMetaclass(entry);
- if (toolMetaclass != null) {
- for (Stereotype stereotype : profile.getOwnedStereotypes()) {
- List<Class> metaclasses = stereotype.getAllExtendedMetaclasses();
- for (Class stMetaclass : metaclasses) {
- // get Eclass
- java.lang.Class<?> metaclassClass = stMetaclass.getClass();
- if (metaclassClass != null) {
- EClassifier metaClassifier = UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getEClassifier(stMetaclass.getName());
- if (((EClass) metaClassifier).isSuperTypeOf(toolMetaclass)) {
- // should create the palette entry
- Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- properties.put(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ASPECT_ACTION_KEY, StereotypeAspectActionProvider.createConfigurationNode(stereotype.getQualifiedName()));
- AspectCreationEntry aspectEntry = new AspectCreationEntry(stereotype.getName() + " (" + entry.getLabel() + ")", "Create an element with a stereotype", entry.getId() + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis(),
- entry.getSmallIcon(), entry, properties);
- entries.add(aspectEntry);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return entries.toArray();
- } else {
- return new Object[0];
- }
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public Object getParent(Object element) {
- if (element instanceof Stereotype) {
- return ((Stereotype) element).getProfile();
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public boolean hasChildren(Object element) {
- if (element instanceof Profile) {
- return true;
- } else if (element instanceof AspectCreationEntry) {
- return false;
- } else if (element instanceof PaletteEntry) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) {
- if (inputElement instanceof Profile) {
- return standardEntries.toArray();
- }
- return new Object[0];
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void dispose() {
- // nothing to do here
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void inputChanged(Viewer viewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput) {
- // nothing to do here
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the list of all visible palette entries
- *
- * @return the list of all visible palette entries
- */
- protected Collection<PaletteEntry> getAllVisibleStandardEntries() {
- HashSet<PaletteEntry> result = new HashSet<PaletteEntry>();
- for (PaletteEntry entry : PaletteUtil.getAvailableEntriesSet(editorPart, priority).values()) {
- // the entry is not just a defineOnly entry but a visible one
- if (getRootParent(entry) != null) {
- result.add(entry);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the Root element for the palette entry. It searches recursively from parent to parent, until it find the root element
- *
- * @param entry
- * the palette entry for which root element is searched
- * @return the root element or <code>null</code> if none was found
- */
- protected PaletteRoot getRootParent(PaletteEntry entry) {
- PaletteContainer parent = entry.getParent();
- if (parent instanceof PaletteRoot) {
- return (PaletteRoot) parent;
- } else if (parent != null) {
- return getRootParent(parent);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the list of required profiles by this local palette definition
- *
- * @return the profiles required by this palette
- */
- public Set<String> getRequiredProfiles() {
- return requiredProfiles;
- }
- /**
- * Item validator
- */
- protected abstract class ToolBarItemValidator {
- /**
- * Checks if the button should be enable or not
- *
- * @return <code>true</code> if the button should be enable
- */
- public abstract boolean isEnable();
- }
- /**
- * validator for the edit element tool item. It does not remove
- */
- protected class EditElementToolBarItemValidator extends ToolBarItemValidator {
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- @Override
- public boolean isEnable() {
- // retrieve selection
- if (paletteTreeViewer != null && !paletteTreeViewer.getControl().isDisposed()) {
- // retrieve selection. first element should be a drawer
- IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection();
- if (selection == null) {
- return false;
- } else {
- // look for first element. should be an instance of drawer
- return (selection.getFirstElement() instanceof PaletteLocalDrawerProxy);
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- /**
- * validator for the create separator or stack tool item. Only valid when selection is a {@link PaletteEntryProxy} or a {@link PaletteLocalDrawerProxy}
- */
- protected class PaletteEntryProxySelectedValidator extends ToolBarItemValidator {
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- @Override
- public boolean isEnable() {
- // retrieve selection
- if (paletteTreeViewer != null && !paletteTreeViewer.getControl().isDisposed()) {
- // retrieve selection. first element should be a drawer
- IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection();
- if (selection == null) {
- return false;
- } else {
- Object object = selection.getFirstElement();
- return (object instanceof PaletteEntryProxy);
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sets the priority of the current edited palette
- *
- * @param priority
- * the priority of the current edited palette
- */
- public void setPriority(ProviderPriority priority) {
- this.priority = priority;
- }
- protected static class LocalSelectionDragSource extends DragSourceAdapter {
- private ISelectionProvider selectionSource;
- public LocalSelectionDragSource(ISelectionProvider selectionProvider) {
- selectionSource = selectionProvider;
- }
- @Override
- public void dragStart(DragSourceEvent event) {
- super.dragStart(event);
- LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer().setSelection(selectionSource.getSelection());
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public void dragSetData(DragSourceEvent event) {
- super.dragSetData(event);
- LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer().setSelection(selectionSource.getSelection());
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public void dragFinished(DragSourceEvent event) {
- LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer().setSelection(null);
- super.dragFinished(event);
- }
- }
+ * Copyright (c) 2009, 2014 CEA LIST, Christian W. Damus, and others.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
+ * Christian W. Damus - bug 454578
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.dialog;
+import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
+import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
+import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
+import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
+import javax.xml.transform.Result;
+import javax.xml.transform.Source;
+import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
+import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException;
+import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
+import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
+import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.CombinedTemplateCreationEntry;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteContainer;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteDrawer;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteEntry;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteRoot;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteStack;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteToolbar;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.ToolEntry;
+import org.eclipse.gef.ui.palette.PaletteCustomizer;
+import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service.ProviderPriority;
+import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog;
+import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor;
+import org.eclipse.jface.util.LocalSelectionTransfer;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTreeViewer;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DoubleClickEvent;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IDoubleClickListener;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProvider;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProviderListener;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionProvider;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeContentProvider;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeSelection;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TreeSelection;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TreeViewer;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerComparator;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerFilter;
+import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog;
+import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardPage;
+import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.Messages;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.proxies.XMLPaletteDefinitionProxyFactory;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PaletteUtil;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PapyrusPalettePreferences;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.AspectCreationEntry;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.IPapyrusPaletteConstant;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.PapyrusPaletteService;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.XMLPaletteDefinitionWalker;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.palette.IAspectAction;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.palette.StereotypeAspectActionProvider;
+import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
+import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND;
+import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceAdapter;
+import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceEvent;
+import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceListener;
+import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetEvent;
+import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetListener;
+import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.Transfer;
+import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.TreeDropTargetEffect;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ToolBar;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ToolItem;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TreeItem;
+import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Profile;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Stereotype;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage;
+import org.w3c.dom.Document;
+import org.w3c.dom.Element;
+import org.w3c.dom.Node;
+import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
+ * Wizard page for information about the new local palette definition
+ */
+public class LocalPaletteContentPage extends WizardPage implements Listener {
+ /** editor part in which the palette is created */
+ protected IEditorPart editorPart;
+ /** available tools viewer */
+ protected TreeViewer availableToolsViewer;
+ /** label provider for the tree viewer */
+ protected PaletteLabelProvider paletteLabelProvider;
+ /** icon path when tools are hidden */
+ protected static final String HIDDEN_TOOLS_ICON = "/icons/tools_hidden.gif";
+ /** icon path when tools are shown */
+ protected static final String SHOWN_TOOLS_ICON = "/icons/tools_shown.gif";
+ /** path to the icon */
+ protected static final String WIZARD_ICON = "/icons/local_desc_wiz.png";
+ /** icon path when drawers are hidden */
+ protected static final String SHOWN_DRAWERS_ICON = "/icons/drawers_shown.gif";
+ /** icon path when drawers are shown */
+ protected static final String HIDDEN_DRAWERS_ICON = "/icons/drawers_hidden.gif";
+ /** icon path for the add button */
+ protected static final String ADD_ICON = "/icons/arrow_right.gif";
+ /** icon path for the remove button */
+ protected static final String REMOVE_ICON = "/icons/arrow_left.gif";
+ /** icon path for the delete button */
+ protected static final String DELETE_ICON = "/icons/delete.gif";
+ /** icon path for the create drawer button */
+ protected static final String CREATE_DRAWERS_ICON = "/icons/new_drawer.gif";
+ /** icon path for the create separator button */
+ protected String CREATE_SEPARATOR_ICON = "/icons/separator.gif";
+ /** icon path for the create stack button */
+ protected String CREATE_STACK_ICON = "/icons/stack.gif";
+ /** icon path for the delete drawer button */
+ protected static final String DELETE_DRAWERS_ICON = "/icons/delete.gif";
+ /** icon for the content provider switch button */
+ protected String SWITCH_CONTENT_PROVIDER_ICON = "/icons/switch_provider.gif";
+ /** label for the standard tools */
+ protected static final String UML_TOOLS_LABEL = "UML tools";
+ /** icon path for the edit drawer button */
+ protected static final String EDIT_ICON = "/icons/obj16/file.gif";
+ /** instance of the filter used to show/hide drawers */
+ protected final ViewerFilter drawerFilter = new DrawerFilter();
+ /** instance of the filter used to show/hide tools */
+ protected final ViewerFilter toolFilter = new ToolFilter();
+ /** stored preferences */
+ protected List<String> storedPreferences;
+ /** add button */
+ protected Button addButton;
+ /** remove button */
+ protected Button removeButton;
+ /** tree viewer for the new palette */
+ protected TreeViewer paletteTreeViewer;
+ /** document for element creation */
+ protected Document document;
+ /** content node for the palette viewer */
+ protected PaletteContainerProxy contentNode;
+ /** combo to select which profile tools should be visible */
+ protected Combo profileCombo;
+ /** list of profiles that can provide tools */
+ protected List<String> profileComboList = new ArrayList<String>();
+ /** tool item in charge of toggling content providers in the available tool viewer */
+ protected ToolItem toggleContentProvider;
+ /** required profile by this palette */
+ protected Set<String> requiredProfiles;
+ /** palette customizer used for the palette */
+ protected PaletteCustomizer customizer;
+ /** current selected entry proxy */
+ protected PaletteEntryProxy selectedEntryProxy;
+ /** class in charge of the information composite */
+ protected PaletteEntryProxyInformationComposite informationComposite = new PaletteEntryProxyInformationComposite();
+ /** class in charge of the aspect tool information composite */
+ protected AspectActionsInformationComposite aspectActionComposite = new AspectActionsInformationComposite();
+ protected ToolBar toolbar;
+ /** validator key for toolbar items */
+ protected final static String VALIDATOR = "validator";
+ /** priority of the current edited palette */
+ protected ProviderPriority priority;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new wizard page with the given name, title, and image.
+ *
+ * @param part
+ * the editor part in which the wizard was created
+ */
+ public LocalPaletteContentPage(IEditorPart part, PaletteCustomizer customizer) {
+ super(Messages.Local_Palette_ContentPage_Name, Messages.Local_Palette_ContentPage_Title, Activator.getImageDescriptor(WIZARD_ICON));
+ this.editorPart = part;
+ this.customizer = customizer;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void createControl(Composite parent) {
+ // initialize dialog units
+ initializeDialogUnits(parent);
+ // Create a new composite as there is the title bar seperator
+ // to deal with
+ Composite control = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
+ GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(4, false);
+ control.setLayout(layout);
+ control.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true));
+ setControl(control);
+ // create Available Tools Group
+ createAvailableToolsGroup();
+ // create add/remove buttons
+ createAddRemoveButtons();
+ // create Palette Group
+ createPalettePreviewGroup();
+ // create tool description group (custom name, description, and perhaphs icon.... Just under this group, another one with aspect actions)
+ createToolDescriptionGroup();
+ // just under, creates a new line of composites...
+ createAspectActionComposite();
+ // add listeners inter-groups
+ ISelectionChangedListener listener = createToolsViewerSelectionChangeListener();
+ availableToolsViewer.addSelectionChangedListener(listener);
+ paletteTreeViewer.addSelectionChangedListener(listener);
+ // end of the control creation
+ Dialog.applyDialogFont(control);
+ validatePage();
+ // Show description on opening
+ setErrorMessage(null);
+ setMessage(null);
+ setControl(control);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the composite group that presents information about ascpect actions for aspect tools
+ */
+ protected void createAspectActionComposite() {
+ aspectActionComposite.createComposite((Composite) getControl(), getAllAppliedProfiles());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the composite group that presents information about current selected tool
+ */
+ protected void createToolDescriptionGroup() {
+ informationComposite.createComposite((Composite) getControl(), getAllAppliedProfiles());
+ }
+ /**
+ * update the preferences to have all tools accessible
+ */
+ protected void updatePreferences() {
+ // change => set to no hidden palettes
+ storedPreferences = PapyrusPalettePreferences.getHiddenPalettes(editorPart);
+ // remove all, but should only remove visible palettes
+ for (String id : storedPreferences) {
+ PapyrusPalettePreferences.changePaletteVisibility(id, editorPart, true);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Restore preferences
+ */
+ public void restorePreferences() {
+ // remove all, but should only remove visible palettes
+ for (String id : storedPreferences) {
+ PapyrusPalettePreferences.changePaletteVisibility(id, editorPart, false);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the palette preview group
+ */
+ protected void createPalettePreviewGroup() {
+ Composite parent = (Composite) getControl();
+ Composite paletteComposite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
+ GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(2, true);
+ layout.marginHeight = 0;
+ layout.marginWidth = 0;
+ paletteComposite.setLayout(layout);
+ GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
+ paletteComposite.setLayoutData(data);
+ Label label = new Label(paletteComposite, SWT.NONE);
+ label.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Palette_Preview);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.LEFT, SWT.CENTER, true, false);
+ label.setLayoutData(data);
+ toolbar = new ToolBar(paletteComposite, SWT.HORIZONTAL);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.RIGHT, SWT.FILL, false, false);
+ toolbar.setLayoutData(data);
+ populatePalettePreviewToolBar(toolbar);
+ Tree tree = new Tree(paletteComposite, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.BORDER);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true, 2, 1);
+ data.widthHint = 185;
+ // Make the tree this tall even when there is nothing in it. This will keep the
+ // dialog from shrinking to an unusually small size.
+ data.heightHint = 200;
+ tree.setLayoutData(data);
+ paletteTreeViewer = new TreeViewer(tree);
+ paletteTreeViewer.setContentProvider(new PaletteContentProvider(paletteTreeViewer));
+ paletteTreeViewer.setLabelProvider(new PaletteProxyLabelProvider());
+ paletteTreeViewer.addSelectionChangedListener(new ISelectionChangedListener() {
+ @Override
+ public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
+ handlePalettePreviewSelectionChanged(event);
+ }
+ });
+ addPalettePreviewDropSupport();
+ addPalettePreviewDragSupport();
+ addPalettePreviewEditSupport();
+ paletteTreeViewer.setInput(contentNode);
+ }
+ /**
+ * handle the selection change event for the palette preview
+ *
+ * @param event
+ * the event that is thrown by the palette viewer
+ */
+ protected void handlePalettePreviewSelectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
+ // retrieve current selection
+ ITreeSelection selection = (TreeSelection) event.getSelection();
+ Object firstSelected = selection.getFirstElement();
+ if (firstSelected instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
+ // update the current selected palette entry proxy
+ selectedEntryProxy = ((PaletteEntryProxy) firstSelected);
+ informationComposite.setSelectedEntryProxy(selectedEntryProxy);
+ aspectActionComposite.setSelectedEntryProxy(selectedEntryProxy);
+ }
+ // update toolbar
+ if (toolbar != null && !toolbar.isDisposed()) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < toolbar.getItemCount(); i++) {
+ ToolItem item = toolbar.getItem(i);
+ Object validator = item.getData(VALIDATOR);
+ if (validator instanceof ToolBarItemValidator) {
+ item.setEnabled(((ToolBarItemValidator) validator).isEnable());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dispose() {
+ super.dispose();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds the behavior for the double click strategy
+ */
+ protected void addPalettePreviewEditSupport() {
+ paletteTreeViewer.addDoubleClickListener(new IDoubleClickListener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void doubleClick(DoubleClickEvent event) {
+ // retrieve current item double clicked...
+ ITreeSelection selection = (TreeSelection) event.getSelection();
+ Object firstSelected = selection.getFirstElement();
+ if (firstSelected instanceof PaletteLocalDrawerProxy) {
+ UpdateLocalDrawerWizard wizard = new UpdateLocalDrawerWizard(((PaletteLocalDrawerProxy) firstSelected).getParent(), (PaletteLocalDrawerProxy) firstSelected);
+ WizardDialog dialog = new WizardDialog(getShell(), wizard);
+ // paletteTreeViewer.refresh();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add drop behavior for the palette preview
+ */
+ protected void addPalettePreviewDropSupport() {
+ // transfer types
+ Transfer[] transfers = new Transfer[] { LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer() };
+ // drag listener
+ DropTargetListener listener = new TreeDropTargetEffect(paletteTreeViewer.getTree()) {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void drop(DropTargetEvent event) {
+ super.drop(event);
+ // create proxy and adds it to its target parent
+ PaletteEntryProxy target = (PaletteEntryProxy) ((TreeItem) event.item).getData();
+ if (target == null) {
+ target = (PaletteContainerProxy) paletteTreeViewer.getInput();
+ }
+ // get the elements from the drag listener (either a palette entry or a palette
+ // entry proxy)
+ IStructuredSelection transferedSelection = (IStructuredSelection) LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer().getSelection();
+ Object entry = transferedSelection.getFirstElement();
+ // creates the proxy for the element to be dropped
+ PaletteEntryProxy entryProxy = createNodeFromEntry(entry);
+ if (entryProxy == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (target instanceof PaletteContainerProxy) {
+ // tries to remove from its parent if possible
+ if (entryProxy.getParent() != null) {
+ entryProxy.getParent().removeChild(entryProxy);
+ }
+ ((PaletteContainerProxy) target).addChild(entryProxy);
+ paletteTreeViewer.expandToLevel(target, 1);
+ } else if (target instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
+ // tries to remove from its parent if possible
+ if (entryProxy.getParent() != null) {
+ entryProxy.getParent().removeChild(entryProxy);
+ }
+ target.getParent().addChild(entryProxy, target);
+ paletteTreeViewer.expandToLevel(target.getParent(), 1);
+ } else {
+ // add to parent...
+ target.getParent().addChild(entryProxy);
+ paletteTreeViewer.expandToLevel(target.getParent(), AbstractTreeViewer.ALL_LEVELS);
+ }
+ setPageComplete(validatePage());
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dragOver(DropTargetEvent event) {
+ super.dragOver(event);
+ LocalSelectionTransfer localTransfer = LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer();
+ IStructuredSelection transferedSelection = null;
+ if (localTransfer.isSupportedType(event.currentDataType)) {
+ transferedSelection = (IStructuredSelection) localTransfer.getSelection();
+ }
+ // check selection is compatible for drop target
+ TreeItem item = paletteTreeViewer.getTree().getItem(paletteTreeViewer.getTree().toControl(new Point(event.x, event.y)));
+ checkSelectionForDrop(transferedSelection, item, event);
+ }
+ };
+ paletteTreeViewer.addDropSupport(DND.DROP_LINK | DND.DROP_MOVE, transfers, listener);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds drag ability to the palette preview composite
+ */
+ protected void addPalettePreviewDragSupport() {
+ // transfer types
+ Transfer[] transfers = new Transfer[] { LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer() };
+ // drag listener
+ DragSourceListener listener = new LocalSelectionDragSource(paletteTreeViewer);
+ paletteTreeViewer.addDragSupport(DND.DROP_MOVE, transfers, listener);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks if the selection can be added to the target widget
+ *
+ * @param transferedSelection
+ * the selection to be dropped
+ * @param widget
+ * the widget where to drop
+ * @return <code>true</code> if element can be dropped
+ */
+ protected void checkSelectionForDrop(IStructuredSelection transferedSelection, TreeItem item, DropTargetEvent event) {
+ event.detail = DND.DROP_NONE;
+ if (transferedSelection == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Object entry = transferedSelection.getFirstElement();
+ // handle only first selected element
+ if (item == null) {
+ // adding to the root, should only be a drawer
+ if (entry instanceof PaletteDrawer) {
+ event.detail = DND.DROP_LINK;
+ }
+ } else {
+ PaletteEntryProxy targetProxy = (PaletteEntryProxy) item.getData();
+ switch (targetProxy.getType()) {
+ case DRAWER:
+ if (entry instanceof ToolEntry) {
+ event.detail = DND.DROP_LINK;
+ } else if (entry instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
+ event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case STACK:
+ if (entry instanceof ToolEntry) {
+ event.detail = DND.DROP_LINK;
+ } else if (entry instanceof PaletteEntryProxy && !(entry instanceof PaletteLocalStackProxy)) {
+ event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case TOOL:
+ if (entry instanceof ToolEntry) {
+ event.detail = DND.DROP_LINK; // add the selected tool before the destination
+ // tool
+ } else if (entry instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
+ event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE; // moves the element before the entry
+ }
+ break;
+ if (entry instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
+ event.detail = DND.DROP_MOVE;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets an empty content for the palette preview
+ */
+ public void initializeContent() {
+ contentNode = new PaletteContainerProxy(null);
+ // adds a default local drawer
+ PaletteLocalDrawerProxy proxy = new PaletteLocalDrawerProxy("Default", generateID("Drawer_"), "/icons/drawer.gif", "Default Drawer");
+ contentNode.addChild(proxy);
+ setPageComplete(false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the initial content for the palette preview
+ */
+ public void initializeContent(PapyrusPaletteService.LocalProviderDescriptor descriptor) {
+ // retrieve the xml definition file
+ String xmlPath = PapyrusPalettePreferences.getPalettePathFromID(descriptor.getContributionID());
+ // parse the content file
+ DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
+ documentBuilderFactory.setNamespaceAware(true);
+ try {
+ DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
+ // Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle(pluginID);
+ // URL url = bundle.getEntry(path);
+ File file = Activator.getDefault().getStateLocation().append(xmlPath).toFile();
+ if (!file.exists()) {
+ Activator.log.error("Impossible to load file: " + file, null);
+ } else {
+ Document document = documentBuilder.parse(file);
+ Map<String, PaletteEntry> entries = PaletteUtil.getAvailableEntriesSet(editorPart, ProviderPriority.HIGHEST);
+ XMLPaletteDefinitionProxyFactory factory = new XMLPaletteDefinitionProxyFactory(entries);
+ XMLPaletteDefinitionWalker walker = new XMLPaletteDefinitionWalker(factory);
+ for (int i = 0; i < document.getChildNodes().getLength(); i++) {
+ Node node = document.getChildNodes().item(i);
+ if (IPapyrusPaletteConstant.PALETTE_DEFINITION.equals(node.getNodeName())) {
+ walker.walk(node);
+ }
+ }
+ contentNode = factory.getRootProxy();
+ // tells that the page can be closed directly without modifying the palette
+ setPageComplete(true);
+ return;
+ }
+ } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
+ Activator.log.error(e);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ Activator.log.error(e);
+ } catch (SAXException e) {
+ Activator.log.error(e);
+ }
+ // paletteTreeViewer.setInput(contentNode);
+ contentNode = new PaletteContainerProxy(null);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Saves the xml document into file
+ *
+ * @param document
+ * the document to save
+ * @param path
+ * name of the file
+ * @return the file created or updated
+ */
+ protected File loadDocument(Document document, String path) {
+ File file = null;
+ try {
+ // create the file that stores the XML configuration
+ file = Activator.getDefault().getStateLocation().append(path).toFile();
+ Transformer aTransformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
+ Source src = new DOMSource(document);
+ Result dest = new StreamResult(file);
+ aTransformer.transform(src, dest);
+ } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) {
+ Activator.log.error(e);
+ } catch (TransformerException e) {
+ Activator.log.error(e);
+ }
+ return file;
+ }
+ /**
+ * populates the preview palette toolbar
+ *
+ * @param toolbar
+ * the toolbar to populate
+ */
+ protected void populatePalettePreviewToolBar(ToolBar toolbar) {
+ PaletteEntryProxySelectedValidator validator = new PaletteEntryProxySelectedValidator();
+ createToolBarItem(toolbar, DELETE_ICON, Messages.PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_RemoveButtonTooltip, createRemoveElementListener(), validator);
+ createToolBarItem(toolbar, EDIT_ICON, Messages.PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_EditButtonTooltip, createEditElementListener(), new EditElementToolBarItemValidator());
+ createToolBarItem(toolbar, CREATE_DRAWERS_ICON, Messages.Local_Palette_Create_Drawer_Tooltip, createNewDrawerListener(), null);
+ createToolBarItem(toolbar, CREATE_SEPARATOR_ICON, Messages.Local_Palette_Create_Separator_Tooltip, createNewSeparatorListener(), validator);
+ createToolBarItem(toolbar, CREATE_STACK_ICON, Messages.Local_Palette_Create_Stack_Tooltip, createNewStackListener(), validator);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Edits the current selected elements. This works for drawers, should work on more elements
+ *
+ * @return the listener for the edit button
+ */
+ protected Listener createEditElementListener() {
+ return new Listener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(Event event) {
+ IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection();
+ if (selection == null || selection.size() < 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Object selected = selection.getFirstElement();
+ if (selected instanceof PaletteLocalDrawerProxy) {
+ UpdateLocalDrawerWizard wizard = new UpdateLocalDrawerWizard(((PaletteLocalDrawerProxy) selected).getParent(), (PaletteLocalDrawerProxy) selected);
+ WizardDialog dialog = new WizardDialog(getShell(), wizard);
+ }
+ // paletteTreeViewer.refresh();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the listener for the remove item(s) button
+ *
+ * @return the listener for the remove button
+ */
+ protected Listener createRemoveElementListener() {
+ return new Listener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(Event event) {
+ IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection();
+ if (selection == null || selection.size() < 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Iterator<?> it = selection.iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ Object o =;
+ if (o instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
+ PaletteEntryProxy proxyToDelete = (PaletteEntryProxy) o;
+ // create a new entry in the document
+ // get container of the proxy to be deleted
+ PaletteContainerProxy parentProxy = proxyToDelete.getParent();
+ if (parentProxy != null) {
+ parentProxy.removeChild(proxyToDelete);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // paletteTreeViewer.refresh();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the listener for the new drawer tool item
+ *
+ * @return the listener created
+ */
+ protected Listener createNewDrawerListener() {
+ return new Listener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(Event event) {
+ // retrieve selected container
+ PaletteContainerProxy containerProxy;
+ containerProxy = (PaletteContainerProxy) paletteTreeViewer.getInput();
+ NewDrawerWizard wizard = new NewDrawerWizard(containerProxy);
+ WizardDialog wizardDialog = new WizardDialog(new Shell(), wizard);
+ // paletteTreeViewer.refresh();
+ setPageComplete(validatePage());
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the listener for the new stack tool item
+ *
+ * @return the listener created
+ */
+ protected Listener createNewStackListener() {
+ return new Listener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(Event event) {
+ // retrieve selected element
+ Object object = ((IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection()).getFirstElement();
+ // if element = drawer => the new stack must be created at the end of the drawer's
+ // children list
+ // if element = tool => must be placed before this tool
+ // else : nothinng to do
+ if (object instanceof PaletteLocalDrawerProxy) {
+ String id = generateID("Stack");
+ PaletteLocalStackProxy proxy = new PaletteLocalStackProxy(id);
+ ((PaletteLocalDrawerProxy) object).addChild(proxy);
+ } else if (object instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
+ String id = generateID("Stack");
+ PaletteLocalStackProxy proxy = new PaletteLocalStackProxy(id);
+ // retrieve parent
+ PaletteEntryProxy childProxy = (PaletteEntryProxy) object;
+ PaletteContainerProxy parentProxy = childProxy.getParent();
+ parentProxy.addChild(proxy, childProxy);
+ }
+ // paletteTreeViewer.refresh();
+ setPageComplete(validatePage());
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generates the ID for a local element
+ *
+ * @param base
+ * the begining of the id
+ * @return the separator id
+ */
+ protected String generateID(String base) {
+ StringBuffer id = new StringBuffer();
+ id.append(base);
+ id.append("_");
+ id.append(System.currentTimeMillis());
+ return id.toString();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the listener for the new separator tool item
+ *
+ * @return the listener created
+ */
+ protected Listener createNewSeparatorListener() {
+ return new Listener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(Event event) {
+ // retrieve selected element
+ Object object = ((IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection()).getFirstElement();
+ // if element = drawer => the new stack must be created at the end of the drawer's
+ // children list
+ // if element = tool => must be placed before this tool
+ // else : nothinng to do
+ if (object instanceof PaletteLocalDrawerProxy) {
+ String id = generateID("Separator");
+ PaletteLocalSeparatorProxy proxy = new PaletteLocalSeparatorProxy(id);
+ ((PaletteLocalDrawerProxy) object).addChild(proxy);
+ } else if (object instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
+ String id = generateID("Separator");
+ PaletteLocalSeparatorProxy proxy = new PaletteLocalSeparatorProxy(id);
+ // retrieve parent
+ PaletteEntryProxy childProxy = (PaletteEntryProxy) object;
+ PaletteContainerProxy parentProxy = childProxy.getParent();
+ parentProxy.addChild(proxy, childProxy);
+ }
+ setPageComplete(validatePage());
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a toolbar item.
+ *
+ * @param toolbar
+ * the parent toolbar
+ * @param itemIcon
+ * path for icon
+ * @param tooltip
+ * tooltip text for the toolbar item
+ * @param listener
+ * listener for tool bar item
+ */
+ protected void createToolBarItem(ToolBar toolbar, String itemIcon, String tooltip, Listener listener, ToolBarItemValidator validator) {
+ ToolItem item = new ToolItem(toolbar, SWT.BORDER);
+ item.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, itemIcon));
+ item.setToolTipText(tooltip);
+ item.addListener(SWT.Selection, listener);
+ item.setData(VALIDATOR, validator);
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the buttons to add/remove entries
+ */
+ protected void createAddRemoveButtons() {
+ Composite composite = new Composite((Composite) getControl(), SWT.NONE);
+ GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(1, true);
+ composite.setLayout(layout);
+ GridData data = new GridData(SWT.CENTER, SWT.CENTER, false, true);
+ composite.setLayoutData(data);
+ addButton = new Button(composite, SWT.NONE);
+ addButton.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, ADD_ICON));
+ addButton.setToolTipText(Messages.PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_AddButtonTooltip);
+ addButton.addMouseListener(createAddButtonListener());
+ addButton.setEnabled(false);
+ addButton.addListener(SWT.MouseUp, this);
+ removeButton = new Button(composite, SWT.NONE);
+ removeButton.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, REMOVE_ICON));
+ removeButton.setToolTipText(Messages.PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_RemoveButtonTooltip);
+ removeButton.addMouseListener(createRemoveButtonListener());
+ removeButton.setEnabled(false);
+ removeButton.addListener(SWT.MouseUp, this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * selection listener for the tools viewer , to update the state of the add button
+ *
+ * @return the new created selection listener
+ */
+ protected ISelectionChangedListener createToolsViewerSelectionChangeListener() {
+ return new ISelectionChangedListener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
+ // get source and target selection
+ // check source entry can be added to target entry
+ Object source = ((IStructuredSelection) availableToolsViewer.getSelection()).getFirstElement();
+ Object target = ((IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection()).getFirstElement();
+ // manage add button
+ if (isAddValidTarget(source, target)) {
+ addButton.setEnabled(true);
+ } else {
+ addButton.setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ // manage remove button
+ if (isRemoveValidSource(target)) {
+ removeButton.setEnabled(true);
+ } else {
+ removeButton.setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the source can be added to the target
+ *
+ * @param source
+ * the source object
+ * @param target
+ * the target object
+ * @return <code>true</code> if the source can be added to the target
+ */
+ protected boolean isAddValidTarget(Object source, Object target) {
+ if (!(source instanceof PaletteEntry)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // case1: source is a drawer.
+ // it can only be added to the root element (no selection)
+ // case2: source is a palette tool
+ // it can't be added to the root element
+ // it can only be added to a container element (drawer or stack)
+ if (source instanceof PaletteDrawer) {
+ if (target == null) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ } else if (source instanceof ToolEntry) {
+ if (target instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
+ EntryType type = ((PaletteEntryProxy) target).getType();
+ switch (type) {
+ case DRAWER:
+ case STACK:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the source can be added to the target
+ *
+ * @param source
+ * the source object
+ * @return <code>true</code> if the source can be removed (not null and instanceof
+ * PaletteEntryProxy)
+ */
+ protected boolean isRemoveValidSource(Object source) {
+ if (source instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the add button listener
+ */
+ protected MouseListener createAddButtonListener() {
+ return new MouseListener() {
+ @Override
+ public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
+ // add the element selected on the left to the right tree
+ // check the selection.
+ IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) availableToolsViewer.getSelection();
+ if (selection == null || selection.size() < 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ PaletteEntry entry = (PaletteEntry) selection.getFirstElement();
+ if (entry == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // find the selection on the right
+ selection = (IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection();
+ PaletteEntryProxy parentNode = (PaletteEntryProxy) selection.getFirstElement();
+ // Bugfix: only drawers can be added to root element
+ if (parentNode == null && entry instanceof PaletteDrawer) {
+ parentNode = (PaletteContainerProxy) paletteTreeViewer.getInput();
+ }
+ // check we have a containe here
+ if (!(parentNode instanceof PaletteContainerProxy)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // create a new entry in the document
+ PaletteEntryProxy proxy = createNodeFromEntry(entry);
+ ((PaletteContainerProxy) parentNode).addChild(proxy);
+ paletteTreeViewer.expandToLevel(parentNode, 1);
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
+ // do nothing
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) {
+ // do nothing
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a node in the xml document from the given entry
+ *
+ * @param entry
+ * the palette entry from which to create the node
+ * @param parentNode
+ * the parent node for the newly created node
+ * @return the created entry proxy or <code>null</code>
+ */
+ protected PaletteEntryProxy createNodeFromEntry(Object entry) {
+ PaletteEntryProxy entryProxy = null;
+ if (entry instanceof AspectCreationEntry) {
+ // should modify id of the element here, otherwise, different elements would have the same id...
+ entryProxy = new PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy(((AspectCreationEntry) entry).clone());
+ } else if (entry instanceof CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) {
+ CombinedTemplateCreationEntry originalEntry = (CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) entry;
+ // create a new Aspect entry proxy
+ AspectCreationEntry aspectEntry = new AspectCreationEntry(originalEntry.getLabel(), originalEntry.getDescription(), originalEntry.getId() + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis(), originalEntry.getSmallIcon(), originalEntry,
+ new HashMap<Object, Object>());
+ entryProxy = new PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy(aspectEntry);
+ } else if (entry instanceof PaletteContainer) {
+ entryProxy = new PaletteContainerProxy((PaletteContainer) entry);
+ } else if (entry instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
+ entryProxy = ((PaletteEntryProxy) entry);
+ }
+ return entryProxy;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the add button listener
+ */
+ protected MouseListener createRemoveButtonListener() {
+ return new MouseListener() {
+ @Override
+ public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
+ // remove the element selected on the right
+ // add the element selected on the left to the right tree
+ // check the selection.
+ IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection();
+ if (selection == null || selection.size() < 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ PaletteEntryProxy proxyToDelete = (PaletteEntryProxy) selection.getFirstElement();
+ if (proxyToDelete == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // create a new entry in the document
+ // get container of the proxy to be deleted
+ PaletteContainerProxy parentProxy = proxyToDelete.getParent();
+ parentProxy.removeChild(proxyToDelete);
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
+ // do nothing
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) {
+ // do nothing
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the available entries group
+ */
+ protected void createAvailableToolsGroup() {
+ Composite parent = (Composite) getControl();
+ Composite availableToolsComposite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
+ GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(2, true);
+ layout.marginHeight = 0;
+ layout.marginWidth = 0;
+ availableToolsComposite.setLayout(layout);
+ GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
+ availableToolsComposite.setLayoutData(data);
+ Label label = new Label(availableToolsComposite, SWT.NONE);
+ label.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Available_Tools);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.LEFT, SWT.CENTER, true, false);
+ label.setLayoutData(data);
+ ToolBar toolbar = new ToolBar(availableToolsComposite, SWT.HORIZONTAL);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.RIGHT, SWT.FILL, false, false);
+ toolbar.setLayoutData(data);
+ populateAvailableToolsToolBar(toolbar);
+ createProfileCombo(availableToolsComposite);
+ Tree tree = new Tree(availableToolsComposite, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.BORDER);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true, 2, 1);
+ data.widthHint = 185;
+ // Make the tree this tall even when there is nothing in it. This will keep the
+ // dialog from shrinking to an unusually small size.
+ data.heightHint = 200;
+ tree.setLayoutData(data);
+ availableToolsViewer = new TreeViewer(tree);
+ availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new UMLToolsTreeContentProvider());
+ paletteLabelProvider = new PaletteLabelProvider();
+ availableToolsViewer.setLabelProvider(paletteLabelProvider);
+ ViewerComparator labelComparator = new LabelViewerComparator();
+ availableToolsViewer.setComparator(labelComparator);
+ // remove the note stack and standard group
+ availableToolsViewer.addFilter(new ViewerFilter() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean select(Viewer viewer, Object parentElement, Object element) {
+ if (element instanceof PaletteStack && "noteStack".equals(((PaletteStack) element).getId())) {
+ return false;
+ } else if (element instanceof PaletteToolbar && "standardGroup".equals(((PaletteToolbar) element).getId())) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ availableToolsViewer.addFilter(new DrawerFilter());
+ // add drag support
+ addAvailableToolsDragSupport();
+ // availableToolsViewer.setInput(getAllVisibleStandardEntries());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the profile combo
+ *
+ * @param availableToolsComposite
+ * the available tools composite
+ * @return the created combo
+ */
+ protected Combo createProfileCombo(Composite availableToolsComposite) {
+ // retrieve top package, to know which profiles are available
+ // creates the combo
+ profileCombo = new Combo(availableToolsComposite, SWT.BORDER | SWT.READ_ONLY);
+ GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false, 2, 1);
+ profileCombo.setLayoutData(data);
+ // retrieve all applied profiles
+ List<Profile> profiles = getAllAppliedProfiles();
+ int profileNumber = profiles.size();
+ for (int i = 0; i < profileNumber; i++) {
+ String name;
+ if (profiles.get(i).eIsProxy()) {
+ name = NLS.bind("<unresolved: {0}>", URI.decode(EcoreUtil.getURI(profiles.get(i)).lastSegment()));
+ } else {
+ name = profiles.get(i).getName();
+ if (name == null) {
+ name = NLS.bind("<unnamed: {0}>", URI.decode(EcoreUtil.getURI(profiles.get(i)).lastSegment()));
+ }
+ }
+ profileComboList.add(i, name);
+ }
+ profileComboList.add(UML_TOOLS_LABEL);
+ profileCombo.setItems(profileComboList.toArray(new String[] {}));
+ // add selection listener for the combo. selects the "UML tools" item
+ ProfileComboSelectionListener listener = new ProfileComboSelectionListener();
+ profileCombo.addSelectionListener(listener);
+ profileCombo.addModifyListener(listener);
+ //;
+ return profileCombo;
+ }
+ /**
+ * returns the list of applied profile for the nearest package of the top element
+ *
+ * @return the list of applied profile for the nearest package of the top element or an empty
+ * list
+ */
+ protected List<Profile> getAllAppliedProfiles() {
+ Package topPackage = null;
+ if (editorPart instanceof DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) {
+ EObject element = ((DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) editorPart).getDiagram().getElement();
+ if (element instanceof org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element) {
+ topPackage = ((org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element) element).getNearestPackage();
+ }
+ }
+ if (topPackage != null) {
+ return topPackage.getAllAppliedProfiles();
+ }
+ return Collections.emptyList();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add drag support from the available tools viewer
+ */
+ protected void addAvailableToolsDragSupport() {
+ // transfer types
+ Transfer[] transfers = new Transfer[] { LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer() };
+ // drag listener
+ DragSourceListener listener = new LocalSelectionDragSource(availableToolsViewer);
+ availableToolsViewer.addDragSupport(DND.DROP_LINK, transfers, listener);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds elements to the tool bar for available tools viewer
+ *
+ * @param toolbar
+ * the toolbar to populate
+ */
+ protected void populateAvailableToolsToolBar(ToolBar toolbar) {
+ toggleContentProvider = createCheckToolBarItem(toolbar, SWITCH_CONTENT_PROVIDER_ICON, Messages.Local_Palette_SwitchToolsContentProvider_Tooltip, createSwitchToolsContentProviderListener());
+ toggleContentProvider.setSelection(true);
+ toggleContentProvider.setEnabled(false);
+ createCheckToolBarItem(toolbar, SHOWN_TOOLS_ICON, Messages.Local_Palette_ShowTools_Tooltip, createsShowToolListener());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the listener for the available tools content provider
+ *
+ * @return the listener created
+ */
+ protected Listener createSwitchToolsContentProviderListener() {
+ return new Listener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(Event event) {
+ if (!(event.widget instanceof ToolItem)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ToolItem item = ((ToolItem) event.widget);
+ // retrieve current profile selected in the combo profile
+ int index = profileCombo.getSelectionIndex();
+ Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries = getAllVisibleStandardEntries();
+ Profile profile = getAllAppliedProfiles().get(index);
+ if (item.getSelection()) {
+ availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new ProfileToolsStereotypeMetaclassTreeContentProvider(profile, standardEntries));
+ item.setSelection(true);
+ } else {
+ availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new ProfileToolsMetaclassStereotypeTreeContentProvider(profile, standardEntries));
+ item.setSelection(false);
+ }
+ // generate tools for given profile
+ availableToolsViewer.setInput(profile);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the tool item for drawers visibility listener
+ *
+ * @return the listener for the tool button
+ */
+ protected Listener createShowDrawerListener() {
+ return new Listener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(Event event) {
+ if (!(event.widget instanceof ToolItem)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ToolItem item = ((ToolItem) event.widget);
+ if (item.getSelection()) {
+ // elements should be hidden
+ availableToolsViewer.addFilter(drawerFilter);
+ item.setSelection(true);
+ } else {
+ availableToolsViewer.removeFilter(drawerFilter);
+ item.setSelection(false);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the tool item for tools visibility listener
+ *
+ * @return the listener for the tool button
+ */
+ protected Listener createsShowToolListener() {
+ return new Listener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(Event event) {
+ if (!(event.widget instanceof ToolItem)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ToolItem item = ((ToolItem) event.widget);
+ if (item.getSelection()) {
+ // elements should be hidden
+ availableToolsViewer.addFilter(toolFilter);
+ item.setSelection(true);
+ } else {
+ availableToolsViewer.removeFilter(toolFilter);
+ item.setSelection(false);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a toolbar item which can be checked.
+ *
+ * @param toolbar
+ * the parent toolbar
+ * @param shownElementsIcon
+ * path for shown elements icon
+ * @param listener
+ * listener for button action
+ * @param tooltip
+ * tooltip text for the toolbar item
+ */
+ protected ToolItem createCheckToolBarItem(ToolBar toolbar, String shownElementsIcon, String tooltip, Listener listener) {
+ ToolItem item = new ToolItem(toolbar, SWT.CHECK | SWT.BORDER);
+ item.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, shownElementsIcon));
+ item.setToolTipText(tooltip);
+ item.addListener(SWT.Selection, listener);
+ return item;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Validates the content of the fields in this page
+ */
+ protected boolean validatePage() {
+ boolean valid = true;
+ if (valid) {
+ setMessage(null);
+ setErrorMessage(null);
+ }
+ return valid;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The <code>WizardNewFileCreationPage</code> implementation of this <code>Listener</code> method handles all events and enablements for controls
+ * on this page. Subclasses may extend.
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(Event event) {
+ setPageComplete(validatePage());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Content provider for available tools viewer
+ */
+ public class UMLToolsTreeContentProvider implements ITreeContentProvider {
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * @param viewer
+ * The viewer whose ContentProvider this content provider is
+ */
+ public UMLToolsTreeContentProvider() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) {
+ Object[] elements = null;
+ if (inputElement instanceof Collection<?>) {
+ elements = ((Collection<?>) inputElement).toArray();
+ } else if (inputElement instanceof PaletteRoot) {
+ // paletteUil.getAllEntries(...) to add drawers
+ // if so, uncomment the addFilterbutton for drawers in populate tool bar
+ elements = PaletteUtil.getAllToolEntries(((PaletteRoot) inputElement)).toArray();
+ }
+ if (elements == null) {
+ elements = new Object[0];
+ }
+ return elements;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dispose() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void inputChanged(Viewer viewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object[] getChildren(Object parentElement) {
+ Object[] elements = null;
+ if (parentElement instanceof Collection<?>) {
+ elements = ((Collection<?>) parentElement).toArray();
+ } else if (parentElement instanceof PaletteRoot) {
+ // paletteUil.getAllEntries(...) to add drawers
+ // if so, uncomment the addFilterbutton for drawers in populate tool bar
+ elements = PaletteUtil.getAllToolEntries(((PaletteRoot) parentElement)).toArray();
+ }
+ return elements;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object getParent(Object element) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasChildren(Object element) {
+ return getChildren(element) != null && getChildren(element).length > 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Label provider for palette tools.
+ * <P>
+ * We should be using the Palette label provider from GEF, if it was not with visibility "package"...
+ *
+ * @see org.eclipse.gef.ui.palette.customize.PaletteLabelProvider
+ * </P>
+ *
+ */
+ public class PaletteLabelProvider implements ILabelProvider {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Image getImage(Object element) {
+ if (element instanceof PaletteEntry) {
+ ImageDescriptor descriptor = ((PaletteEntry) element).getSmallIcon();
+ if (descriptor == null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, descriptor);
+ } else if (element instanceof Stereotype) {
+ return Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, "/icons/stereotype.gif");
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public String getText(Object element) {
+ if (element instanceof PaletteEntry) {
+ return ((PaletteEntry) element).getLabel();
+ } else if (element instanceof Stereotype) {
+ return ((Stereotype) element).getName();
+ }
+ return "unknown element";
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void addListener(ILabelProviderListener listener) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dispose() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean isLabelProperty(Object element, String property) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void removeListener(ILabelProviderListener listener) {
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Label provider for palette tools.
+ * <P>
+ * We should be using the Palette label provider from GEF, if it was not with visibility "package"...
+ *
+ * @see org.eclipse.gef.ui.palette.customize.PaletteLabelProvider
+ * </P>
+ *
+ */
+ public class PaletteProxyLabelProvider implements ILabelProvider {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Image getImage(Object element) {
+ if (element instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
+ return ((PaletteEntryProxy) element).getImage();
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public String getText(Object element) {
+ if (element instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
+ return ((PaletteEntryProxy) element).getLabel();
+ }
+ return "unknown element";
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void addListener(ILabelProviderListener listener) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dispose() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean isLabelProperty(Object element, String property) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void removeListener(ILabelProviderListener listener) {
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Filter for the viewer. Hide/show Drawers
+ */
+ public class DrawerFilter extends ViewerFilter {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean select(Viewer viewer, Object parentElement, Object element) {
+ if (element instanceof PaletteDrawer) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Filter for the viewer. Hide/show Drawers
+ */
+ public class ToolFilter extends ViewerFilter {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean select(Viewer viewer, Object parentElement, Object element) {
+ if (element instanceof ToolEntry) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Content provider for the palette
+ */
+ public class PaletteContentProvider implements ITreeContentProvider {
+ /** tree viewer this provider provides content */
+ protected final TreeViewer viewer;
+ /** the document root where to build the palette */
+ protected PaletteContainerProxy rootProxy;
+ /** model listener that will listens for all modifications in the entries */
+ protected PropertyChangeListener modelListener = new PropertyChangeListener() {
+ @Override
+ public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
+ handlePropertyChanged(evt);
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates a new PaletteContentProvider.
+ *
+ * @param treeviewer
+ * tree viewer this provider provides content
+ */
+ public PaletteContentProvider(TreeViewer treeviewer) {
+ this.viewer = treeviewer;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dispose() {
+ // remove all listeners
+ traverseModel(rootProxy, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object[] getChildren(Object parentElement) {
+ if (parentElement instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
+ List<PaletteEntryProxy> children = ((PaletteEntryProxy) parentElement).getChildren();
+ return (children != null) ? children.toArray() : new Object[0];
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasChildren(Object element) {
+ if (element instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
+ return ((PaletteEntryProxy) element).getChildren() != null && !((PaletteEntryProxy) element).getChildren().isEmpty();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) {
+ Object[] elements = getChildren(inputElement);
+ if (elements == null) {
+ elements = new Object[0];
+ }
+ return elements;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object getParent(Object element) {
+ if (element instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
+ return ((PaletteEntryProxy) element).getParent();
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void inputChanged(Viewer viewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput) {
+ if (rootProxy != null) {
+ // warning.. the root has no entry, this is a virtual node
+ traverseModel(rootProxy, false);
+ }
+ if (newInput != null) {
+ rootProxy = ((PaletteContainerProxy) newInput);
+ traverseModel(rootProxy, true);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is invoked whenever there is any change in the model. It updates the
+ * viewer with the changes that were made to the model. Sub-classes may override this
+ * method to change or extend its functionality.
+ *
+ * @param evt
+ * The {@link PropertyChangeEvent} that was fired from the model
+ */
+ protected void handlePropertyChanged(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
+ PaletteEntryProxy entry = ((PaletteEntryProxy) evt.getSource());
+ String property = evt.getPropertyName();
+ if (property.equals(PaletteEntry.PROPERTY_LABEL) || property.equals(PaletteEntry.PROPERTY_SMALL_ICON) || property.equals(PaletteEntryProxy.PROPERTY_ICON_PATH)) {
+ viewer.update(entry, null);
+ } else if (property.equals(PaletteEntryProxy.PROPERTY_ADD_CHILDREN)) {
+ viewer.refresh(entry.getParent());
+ // add the listeners to the child
+ traverseModel(((PaletteEntryProxy) evt.getNewValue()), true);
+ } else if (property.equals(PaletteEntryProxy.PROPERTY_REMOVE_CHILDREN)) {
+ viewer.refresh(entry.getParent());
+ // add the listeners to the child
+ traverseModel(((PaletteEntryProxy) evt.getOldValue()), false);
+ }
+ }
+ protected void traverseModel(PaletteEntryProxy entryProxy, boolean isHook) {
+ if (entryProxy != null) {
+ if (isHook) {
+ entryProxy.addPropertyChangeListener(modelListener);
+ } else {
+ entryProxy.removePropertyChangeListener(modelListener);
+ }
+ }
+ if (entryProxy.getChildren() != null && !entryProxy.getChildren().isEmpty()) {
+ for (PaletteEntryProxy proxy : entryProxy.getChildren()) {
+ traverseModel(proxy, isHook);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Performs all action on finish
+ *
+ * @param id
+ * the path for the file
+ */
+ public void performFinish(String path) {
+ // creates the document
+ Document document = createXMLDocumentFromPalettePreview();
+ saveDocument(document, path);
+ requiredProfiles = collectRequiredProfiles();
+ }
+ /**
+ * collect the required profiles from all tool provided by the local palette definition
+ */
+ protected Set<String> collectRequiredProfiles() {
+ Set<String> profiles = new HashSet<String>();
+ PaletteContainerProxy rootProxy = (PaletteContainerProxy) paletteTreeViewer.getInput();
+ collectRequiredProfiles(rootProxy.getChildren(), profiles);
+ return profiles;
+ }
+ /**
+ * collect the required profiles from all tool provided by the local palette definition
+ */
+ protected void collectRequiredProfiles(List<PaletteEntryProxy> proxies, Set<String> requiredProfiles) {
+ for (PaletteEntryProxy proxy : proxies) {
+ // add profile(s) if relevant, check for children
+ if (proxy instanceof PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
+ // list of profiles
+ for (String stereotypeQN : ((PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) proxy).getStereotypesQNList()) {
+ // retrieve list of profiles from the stereotype QN (only remove last segment
+ // ?!)
+ String profileName = PaletteUtil.findProfileNameFromStereotypeName(stereotypeQN);
+ requiredProfiles.add(profileName);
+ }
+ }
+ if (proxy.getChildren() != null) {
+ collectRequiredProfiles(proxy.getChildren(), requiredProfiles);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Saves the xml document into file
+ *
+ * @param document
+ * the document to save
+ * @param path
+ * name of the file
+ * @return the file created or updated
+ */
+ protected File saveDocument(Document document, String path) {
+ File file = null;
+ try {
+ // create the file that stores the XML configuration
+ file = Activator.getDefault().getStateLocation().append(path).toFile();
+ TransformerFactory tranFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
+ Transformer aTransformer;
+ aTransformer = tranFactory.newTransformer();
+ Source src = new DOMSource(document);
+ Result dest = new StreamResult(file);
+ aTransformer.transform(src, dest);
+ } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) {
+ Activator.log.error(e);
+ } catch (TransformerException e) {
+ Activator.log.error(e);
+ }
+ return file;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the document from the palette preview
+ *
+ * @return the dom structure of the document
+ */
+ protected Document createXMLDocumentFromPalettePreview() {
+ DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
+ documentBuilderFactory.setNamespaceAware(true);
+ DocumentBuilder documentBuilder;
+ try {
+ documentBuilder = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
+ document = documentBuilder.newDocument();
+ Element paletteDefElement = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.PALETTE_DEFINITION);
+ document.appendChild(paletteDefElement);
+ Element contentElement = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.CONTENT);
+ paletteDefElement.appendChild(contentElement);
+ generateXMLPaletteContent(document, contentElement);
+ return document;
+ } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
+ Activator.getDefault().logError("impossible to create the palette tree viewer content", e);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generates the xml content for the palette
+ *
+ * @param document
+ * the document to fill
+ * @param contentElement
+ * the root for the xml content
+ */
+ protected void generateXMLPaletteContent(Document document, Element contentElement) {
+ PaletteContainerProxy rootProxy = (PaletteContainerProxy) paletteTreeViewer.getInput();
+ for (PaletteEntryProxy proxy : rootProxy.getChildren()) {
+ generateXMLPaletteContainerProxy(document, contentElement, proxy);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generates the xml content for the given container
+ *
+ * @param document
+ * the document to fill
+ * @param containerProxy
+ * the entry proxy
+ */
+ protected void generateXMLPaletteContainerProxy(Document document, Element contentElement, PaletteEntryProxy containerProxy) {
+ Element element = null;
+ List<PaletteEntryProxy> children = containerProxy.getChildren();
+ // generate the element
+ switch (containerProxy.getType()) {
+ case DRAWER:
+ element = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.DRAWER);
+ element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.NAME, containerProxy.getLabel());
+ if (containerProxy instanceof PaletteLocalDrawerProxy) {
+ element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ICON_PATH, ((PaletteLocalDrawerProxy) containerProxy).getImagePath());
+ }
+ break;
+ case TOOL:
+ element = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.TOOL);
+ break;
+ element = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.SEPARATOR);
+ break;
+ case STACK:
+ element = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.STACK);
+ break;
+ element = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ASPECT_TOOL);
+ // try to cast the element into PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy
+ if (containerProxy instanceof PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
+ PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy aspectEntryProxy = (PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) containerProxy;
+ // element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ID, aspectEntryProxy.getId());
+ element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.NAME, aspectEntryProxy.getLabel());
+ element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.DESCRIPTION, aspectEntryProxy.getEntry().getDescription());
+ element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.REF_TOOL_ID, aspectEntryProxy.getReferencedPaletteID());
+ if (aspectEntryProxy.getImagePath() != null && !aspectEntryProxy.getImagePath().equals("")) {
+ element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ICON_PATH, aspectEntryProxy.getImagePath());
+ }
+ // add post action, stereotype list
+ for (IAspectAction action : ((PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) containerProxy).getPostActions()) {
+ Element postActionNode = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.POST_ACTION);
+ postActionNode.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ID, action.getFactoryId());
+ element.appendChild(postActionNode);
+ }
+ for (IAspectAction action : ((PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) containerProxy).getPreActions()) {
+ Element preActionNode = document.createElement(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.PRE_ACTION);
+ preActionNode.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ID, action.getFactoryId());
+ element.appendChild(preActionNode);
+ }
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ element.setAttribute(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ID, containerProxy.getId());
+ contentElement.appendChild(element);
+ if (children != null) {
+ for (PaletteEntryProxy proxy : children) {
+ generateXMLPaletteContainerProxy(document, element, proxy);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public enum EntryType {
+ }
+ public class LabelViewerComparator extends ViewerComparator {
+ /**
+ * Creates a new LabelViewerComparator.
+ */
+ public LabelViewerComparator() {
+ super();
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public int compare(Viewer testViewer, Object e1, Object e2) {
+ String label1 = "";
+ String label2 = "";
+ if (e1 instanceof PaletteEntry) {
+ label1 = ((PaletteEntry) e1).getLabel();
+ } else if (e1 instanceof Stereotype) {
+ label1 = ((Stereotype) e1).getName();
+ }
+ if (e2 instanceof PaletteEntry) {
+ label2 = ((PaletteEntry) e2).getLabel();
+ } else if (e2 instanceof Stereotype) {
+ label2 = ((Stereotype) e2).getName();
+ }
+ if (label1 == null) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (label2 == null) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return label1.compareTo(label2);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Listener for the profile combo. It changes the input of the following viewer.
+ */
+ public class ProfileComboSelectionListener implements SelectionListener, ModifyListener {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
+ // nothing to do
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
+ handleSelectionChanged();
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void modifyText(ModifyEvent e) {
+ handleSelectionChanged();
+ }
+ /**
+ * handles the change selection for the combo
+ */
+ protected void handleSelectionChanged() {
+ int index = profileCombo.getSelectionIndex();
+ if (index < 0 || index >= profileCombo.getItems().length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ String name = profileComboList.get(index);
+ Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries = getAllVisibleStandardEntries();
+ // retrieve the profile or uml standards tools to display
+ if (UML_TOOLS_LABEL.equals(name)) {
+ // change content provider
+ availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new UMLToolsTreeContentProvider());
+ availableToolsViewer.setInput(standardEntries);
+ toggleContentProvider.setEnabled(false);
+ } else {
+ if (toggleContentProvider != null && !toggleContentProvider.isDisposed()) {
+ toggleContentProvider.setEnabled(true);
+ }
+ // switch content provider
+ // this is a profile in case of uml2 tools
+ Profile profile = getAllAppliedProfiles().get(index);
+ if (toggleContentProvider.getSelection()) {
+ availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new ProfileToolsStereotypeMetaclassTreeContentProvider(profile, standardEntries));
+ } else {
+ availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new ProfileToolsMetaclassStereotypeTreeContentProvider(profile, standardEntries));
+ }
+ // generate tools for given profile
+ availableToolsViewer.setInput(profile);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Content provider for the available tools viewer, when the tools to see are coming from a
+ * profile
+ */
+ public class ProfileToolsStereotypeMetaclassTreeContentProvider implements ITreeContentProvider {
+ /** standard uml tools palette entries */
+ final protected Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ProfileToolsStereotypeMetaclassTreeContentProvider.
+ *
+ * @param profile
+ * the profile for which tools are built
+ * @param standardEntries
+ * list of standard uml tools palette entries
+ */
+ public ProfileToolsStereotypeMetaclassTreeContentProvider(Profile profile, Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries) {
+ this.standardEntries = standardEntries;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object[] getChildren(Object parentElement) {
+ if (parentElement instanceof Profile) {
+ return ((Profile) parentElement).getOwnedStereotypes().toArray();
+ } else if (parentElement instanceof Stereotype) {
+ List<PaletteEntry> entries = new ArrayList<PaletteEntry>();
+ Stereotype stereotype = (Stereotype) parentElement;
+ for (PaletteEntry entry : standardEntries) {
+ // retrieve the element type created by the tool.
+ if (entry instanceof CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) {
+ EClass toolMetaclass = PaletteUtil.getToolMetaclass((CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) entry);
+ if (toolMetaclass != null) {
+ List<Class> metaclasses = stereotype.getAllExtendedMetaclasses();
+ for (Class stMetaclass : metaclasses) {
+ // get Eclass
+ java.lang.Class<?> metaclassClass = stMetaclass.getClass();
+ if (metaclassClass != null) {
+ EClassifier metaClassifier = UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getEClassifier(stMetaclass.getName());
+ if (((EClass) metaClassifier).isSuperTypeOf(toolMetaclass)) {
+ // should create the palette entry
+ Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+ properties.put(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ASPECT_ACTION_KEY, StereotypeAspectActionProvider.createConfigurationNode(stereotype.getQualifiedName()));
+ AspectCreationEntry aspectEntry = new AspectCreationEntry(stereotype.getName() + " (" + entry.getLabel() + ")", "Create an element with a stereotype", entry.getId() + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis(),
+ entry.getSmallIcon(), (CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) entry, properties);
+ entries.add(aspectEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return entries.toArray();
+ } else {
+ return new Object[0];
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object getParent(Object element) {
+ if (element instanceof Stereotype) {
+ return ((Stereotype) element).getProfile();
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasChildren(Object element) {
+ if (element instanceof Profile) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (element instanceof Stereotype) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) {
+ if (inputElement instanceof Profile) {
+ List<Stereotype> stereotypes = ((Profile) inputElement).getOwnedStereotypes();
+ return stereotypes.toArray();
+ }
+ return new Object[0];
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dispose() {
+ // nothing to do here
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void inputChanged(Viewer viewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput) {
+ // nothing to do here
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Content provider for the available tools viewer, when the
+ */
+ public class ProfileToolsMetaclassStereotypeTreeContentProvider implements ITreeContentProvider {
+ /** standard uml tools palette entries */
+ final protected Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries;
+ /** profile to display */
+ final protected Profile profile;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ProfileToolsMetaclassStereotypeTreeContentProvider.
+ *
+ * @param profile
+ * the profile for which tools are built
+ * @param standardEntries
+ * list of standard uml tools palette entries
+ */
+ public ProfileToolsMetaclassStereotypeTreeContentProvider(Profile profile, Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries) {
+ this.profile = profile;
+ this.standardEntries = standardEntries;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object[] getChildren(Object parentElement) {
+ if (parentElement instanceof Profile) {
+ return standardEntries.toArray();
+ } else if (parentElement instanceof AspectCreationEntry) {
+ return new Object[0];
+ } else if (parentElement instanceof PaletteEntry) {
+ List<AspectCreationEntry> entries = new ArrayList<AspectCreationEntry>();
+ // display all stereotypes applicable to the type of element created by this tool
+ if (parentElement instanceof CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) {
+ CombinedTemplateCreationEntry entry = (CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) parentElement;
+ EClass toolMetaclass = PaletteUtil.getToolMetaclass(entry);
+ if (toolMetaclass != null) {
+ for (Stereotype stereotype : profile.getOwnedStereotypes()) {
+ List<Class> metaclasses = stereotype.getAllExtendedMetaclasses();
+ for (Class stMetaclass : metaclasses) {
+ // get Eclass
+ java.lang.Class<?> metaclassClass = stMetaclass.getClass();
+ if (metaclassClass != null) {
+ EClassifier metaClassifier = UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getEClassifier(stMetaclass.getName());
+ if (((EClass) metaClassifier).isSuperTypeOf(toolMetaclass)) {
+ // should create the palette entry
+ Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+ properties.put(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ASPECT_ACTION_KEY, StereotypeAspectActionProvider.createConfigurationNode(stereotype.getQualifiedName()));
+ AspectCreationEntry aspectEntry = new AspectCreationEntry(stereotype.getName() + " (" + entry.getLabel() + ")", "Create an element with a stereotype", entry.getId() + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis(),
+ entry.getSmallIcon(), entry, properties);
+ entries.add(aspectEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return entries.toArray();
+ } else {
+ return new Object[0];
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object getParent(Object element) {
+ if (element instanceof Stereotype) {
+ return ((Stereotype) element).getProfile();
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasChildren(Object element) {
+ if (element instanceof Profile) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (element instanceof AspectCreationEntry) {
+ return false;
+ } else if (element instanceof PaletteEntry) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) {
+ if (inputElement instanceof Profile) {
+ return standardEntries.toArray();
+ }
+ return new Object[0];
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dispose() {
+ // nothing to do here
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void inputChanged(Viewer viewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput) {
+ // nothing to do here
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the list of all visible palette entries
+ *
+ * @return the list of all visible palette entries
+ */
+ protected Collection<PaletteEntry> getAllVisibleStandardEntries() {
+ HashSet<PaletteEntry> result = new HashSet<PaletteEntry>();
+ for (PaletteEntry entry : PaletteUtil.getAvailableEntriesSet(editorPart, priority).values()) {
+ // the entry is not just a defineOnly entry but a visible one
+ if (getRootParent(entry) != null) {
+ result.add(entry);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the Root element for the palette entry. It searches recursively from parent to parent, until it find the root element
+ *
+ * @param entry
+ * the palette entry for which root element is searched
+ * @return the root element or <code>null</code> if none was found
+ */
+ protected PaletteRoot getRootParent(PaletteEntry entry) {
+ PaletteContainer parent = entry.getParent();
+ if (parent instanceof PaletteRoot) {
+ return (PaletteRoot) parent;
+ } else if (parent != null) {
+ return getRootParent(parent);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the list of required profiles by this local palette definition
+ *
+ * @return the profiles required by this palette
+ */
+ public Set<String> getRequiredProfiles() {
+ return requiredProfiles;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Item validator
+ */
+ protected abstract class ToolBarItemValidator {
+ /**
+ * Checks if the button should be enable or not
+ *
+ * @return <code>true</code> if the button should be enable
+ */
+ public abstract boolean isEnable();
+ }
+ /**
+ * validator for the edit element tool item. It does not remove
+ */
+ protected class EditElementToolBarItemValidator extends ToolBarItemValidator {
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean isEnable() {
+ // retrieve selection
+ if (paletteTreeViewer != null && !paletteTreeViewer.getControl().isDisposed()) {
+ // retrieve selection. first element should be a drawer
+ IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection();
+ if (selection == null) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ // look for first element. should be an instance of drawer
+ return (selection.getFirstElement() instanceof PaletteLocalDrawerProxy);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * validator for the create separator or stack tool item. Only valid when selection is a {@link PaletteEntryProxy} or a {@link PaletteLocalDrawerProxy}
+ */
+ protected class PaletteEntryProxySelectedValidator extends ToolBarItemValidator {
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean isEnable() {
+ // retrieve selection
+ if (paletteTreeViewer != null && !paletteTreeViewer.getControl().isDisposed()) {
+ // retrieve selection. first element should be a drawer
+ IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection();
+ if (selection == null) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ Object object = selection.getFirstElement();
+ return (object instanceof PaletteEntryProxy);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the priority of the current edited palette
+ *
+ * @param priority
+ * the priority of the current edited palette
+ */
+ public void setPriority(ProviderPriority priority) {
+ this.priority = priority;
+ }
+ protected static class LocalSelectionDragSource extends DragSourceAdapter {
+ private ISelectionProvider selectionSource;
+ public LocalSelectionDragSource(ISelectionProvider selectionProvider) {
+ selectionSource = selectionProvider;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void dragStart(DragSourceEvent event) {
+ super.dragStart(event);
+ LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer().setSelection(selectionSource.getSelection());
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dragSetData(DragSourceEvent event) {
+ super.dragSetData(event);
+ LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer().setSelection(selectionSource.getSelection());
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dragFinished(DragSourceEvent event) {
+ LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer().setSelection(null);
+ super.dragFinished(event);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
index 18de885ef37..0fc299a24ce 100644
--- a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
@@ -1,486 +1,488 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2009 CEA LIST.
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.dialog;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service.ProviderPriority;
-import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog;
-import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.IWizardPage;
-import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardPage;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Messages;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PapyrusPalettePreferences;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.PapyrusPaletteService;
-import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget;
-import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
- * Wizard page for information about the new local palette definition
- */
-public class LocalPaletteInformationPage extends WizardPage implements Listener {
- /** array list of priorities */
- private static String[] priorityList;
- /** text area for the name of the palette definition */
- protected Text nameText;
- /** text area for the id of the palette definition */
- protected Text idText;
- /** text area for the editor id of the palette definition */
- protected Text editorText;
- /** combo for the priority of the provider */
- private Combo priorityCombo;
- /** parent composite for advanced fields */
- protected Composite advancedComposite;
- /** Button to show/hide advanced fields */
- protected Button advancedButton;
- /** editor part in which the palette is created */
- protected IEditorPart editorPart;
- /** priority value */
- protected ProviderPriority priority;
- /** editor ID value */
- protected String editorID;
- /** palette ID */
- protected String paletteID;
- /** palette name */
- protected String name;
- /** path to the icon */
- protected static final String WIZARD_ICON = "/icons/local_desc_wiz.png";
- /** validate on opening */
- protected boolean validateOnLaunch = false;
- static {
- priorityList = new String[] { ProviderPriority.LOWEST.getName(), ProviderPriority.LOW.getName(), ProviderPriority.MEDIUM.getName(), ProviderPriority.HIGH.getName(), ProviderPriority.HIGHEST.getName() };
- }
- /**
- * Creates a new wizard page with the given name, title, and image.
- *
- * @param part
- * the editor part in which the wizard was created
- */
- public LocalPaletteInformationPage(IEditorPart part) {
- super(Messages.Local_Palette_InfoPage_Name, Messages.Local_Palette_InfoPage_Title, Activator.getImageDescriptor(WIZARD_ICON));
- this.editorPart = part;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public IWizardPage getNextPage() {
- LocalPaletteContentPage contentPage = (LocalPaletteContentPage) super.getNextPage();
- if (priority != null) {
- contentPage.setPriority(priority);
- contentPage.profileCombo.deselectAll();
- - 1); // select the last one (UML)
- }
- return contentPage;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public void createControl(Composite parent) {
- // initialize dialog units
- initializeDialogUnits(parent);
- // Create a new composite as there is the title bar seperator
- // to deal with
- Composite control = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
- GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(2, false);
- control.setLayout(layout);
- control.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true));
- setControl(control);
- createNameControl(control);
- createAdvancedControls(control);
- // end of the control creation
- Dialog.applyDialogFont(control);
- // Show description on opening
- setErrorMessage(null);
- setMessage(null);
- if (validateOnLaunch) {
- setPageComplete(validatePage());
- }
- setControl(control);
- }
- /**
- * initializes fields using context information
- */
- public void intializeValues() {
- initName("");
- String editorIDValue = "";
- if (editorPart instanceof DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) {
- editorIDValue = ((DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) editorPart).getContributorId();
- }
- initEditorID(editorIDValue);
- initPaletteID(System.getProperty("") + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis());
- initPriority(ProviderPriority.MEDIUM);
- }
- /**
- * initializes fields using existing descriptor
- */
- public void intializeValues(PapyrusPaletteService.LocalProviderDescriptor descriptor) {
- initName(descriptor.getContributionName());
- String editorIDValue = "";
- if (editorPart instanceof DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) {
- editorIDValue = ((DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) editorPart).getContributorId();
- }
- initEditorID(editorIDValue);
- initPaletteID(descriptor.getContributionID());
- initPriority(PapyrusPalettePreferences.getLocalPalettePriority(descriptor.getContributionID()));
- validateOnLaunch = true;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the current value of palette name
- *
- * @return the current value of palette name
- */
- public String getPaletteName() {
- return name;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the current value of palette ID
- *
- * @return the current value of palette ID
- */
- public String getPaletteID() {
- return paletteID;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the current value of editor ID
- *
- * @return the current value of editor ID
- */
- public String getEditorID() {
- return editorID;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the current value of editor ID
- *
- * @return the current value of editor ID
- */
- public ProviderPriority getPalettePriority() {
- return priority;
- }
- /**
- * inits the name field value
- *
- * @param value
- * value to set
- */
- protected void initName(String value) {
- name = value;
- }
- /**
- * inits the priority value
- *
- * @param value
- * value to set
- */
- protected void initPriority(ProviderPriority value) {
- if (value != null) {
- this.priority = value;
- } else {
- // by default, Medium
- this.priority = ProviderPriority.MEDIUM;
- }
- }
- /**
- * inits the palette id value
- *
- * @param value
- * value to set
- */
- protected void initPaletteID(String value) {
- paletteID = value;
- }
- /**
- * inits the editor id value
- *
- * @param value
- * value to set
- */
- protected void initEditorID(String value) {
- editorID = value;
- }
- /**
- * Validates the content of the fields in this page
- */
- protected boolean validatePage() {
- boolean valid = true;
- if (advancedComposite != null && !advancedComposite.isDisposed()) {
- if (-1 == priorityCombo.getSelectionIndex()) {
- setErrorMessage(Messages.Local_Palette_Error_Priority);
- valid = false;
- }
- if ("".equals(getEditorID())) {
- setErrorMessage(Messages.Local_Palette_Error_EditorId);
- valid = false;
- }
- if ("".equals(getPaletteID())) {
- setErrorMessage(Messages.Local_Palette_Error_PaletteId);
- valid = false;
- }
- }
- if ("".equals(getPaletteName())) {
- setErrorMessage(Messages.Local_Palette_Error_Name);
- valid = false;
- }
- if (valid) {
- setMessage(null);
- setErrorMessage(null);
- }
- return valid;
- }
- /**
- * Creates the widget for advanced options.
- *
- * @param parent
- * the parent composite
- */
- protected void createAdvancedControls(Composite parent) {
- advancedButton = new Button(parent, SWT.PUSH);
- advancedButton.setFont(parent.getFont());
- advancedButton.setText(Messages.Dialog_Advanced_Button_Closed);
- GridData data = setButtonLayoutData(advancedButton);
- data.horizontalAlignment = GridData.BEGINNING;
- data.horizontalSpan = 2;
- advancedButton.setLayoutData(data);
- advancedButton.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
- @Override
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
- handleAdvancedButtonSelect();
- }
- });
- }
- public Composite createAdvancedComposite(Composite parent) {
- advancedComposite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
- advancedComposite.setFont(parent.getFont());
- advancedComposite.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true, 2, 1));
- GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(2, false);
- layout.marginHeight = 0;
- layout.marginWidth = 0;
- advancedComposite.setLayout(layout);
- createIDControl(advancedComposite);
- createEditorIDControl(advancedComposite);
- createPriorityControl(advancedComposite);
- advancedComposite.getParent().layout();
- return advancedComposite;
- }
- /**
- * Shows/hides the advanced option widgets.
- */
- protected void handleAdvancedButtonSelect() {
- Composite composite = (Composite) getControl();
- if (advancedComposite != null) {
- advancedComposite.dispose();
- advancedComposite = null;
- advancedButton.setText(Messages.Dialog_Advanced_Button_Closed);
- } else {
- createAdvancedComposite(composite);
- advancedButton.setText(Messages.Dialog_Advanced_Button_Opened);
- }
- }
- /**
- * creates the control area for the priority
- *
- * @param control
- * the parent composite
- */
- protected void createPriorityControl(Composite control) {
- final Label priorityLabel = new Label(control, SWT.NONE);
- priorityLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Priority);
- priorityLabel.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Priority_Tooltip);
- // choice widget among priority values
- priorityCombo = new Combo(control, SWT.READ_ONLY);
- priorityCombo.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false));
- priorityCombo.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Priority_Tooltip);
- priorityCombo.setItems(priorityList);
- // initialize, then add the listener...
- initialPopulatePriorityField();
- priorityCombo.addListener(SWT.Modify, this);
- }
- /**
- * intialize the field using current value of the palette id
- */
- protected void initialPopulatePriorityField() {
- }
- /**
- * creates the control area for the id definition
- *
- * @param control
- * the parent composite
- */
- protected void createIDControl(Composite control) {
- final Label idLabel = new Label(control, SWT.NONE);
- idLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Id);
- idLabel.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Id_Tooltip);
- idText = new Text(control, SWT.BORDER);
- idText.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false));
- idText.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Id_Tooltip);
- // initialize, then add the listener...
- initialPopulatePaletteIDField();
- idText.addListener(SWT.Modify, this);
- }
- /**
- * intialize the field using current value of the palette id
- */
- protected void initialPopulatePaletteIDField() {
- idText.setText(paletteID);
- }
- /**
- * creates the control area for the name definition
- *
- * @param control
- * the parent composite
- */
- protected void createNameControl(Composite control) {
- final Label nameLabel = new Label(control, SWT.NONE);
- nameLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Name);
- nameLabel.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Name_Tooltip);
- nameText = new Text(control, SWT.BORDER);
- nameText.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false));
- nameText.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Name_Tooltip);
- // initialize, then add the listener...
- initialPopulateNameField();
- nameText.addListener(SWT.Modify, this);
- }
- /**
- * creates the control area for the name definition
- *
- * @param control
- * the parent composite
- */
- protected void createEditorIDControl(Composite control) {
- final Label editorLabel = new Label(control, SWT.NONE);
- editorLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Editor_Id);
- editorLabel.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Editor_Id_Tooltip);
- editorText = new Text(control, SWT.BORDER);
- editorText.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false));
- editorText.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Editor_Id_Tooltip);
- // initialize, then add the listener...
- initialPopulateEditorIDField();
- editorText.addListener(SWT.Modify, this);
- // this editor should propose a list of existing editors = looking in the extension point?
- }
- /**
- * intialize the field using current value of the editor id
- */
- protected void initialPopulateEditorIDField() {
- editorText.setText(editorID);
- }
- /**
- * initialize name field
- */
- protected void initialPopulateNameField() {
- nameText.setText(name);
- }
- /**
- * The <code>WizardNewFileCreationPage</code> implementation of this <code>Listener</code> method handles all events and enablements for controls
- * on this page. Subclasses may extend.
- */
- public void handleEvent(Event event) {
- Widget widget = event.widget;
- if (widget.equals(nameText)) {
- name = nameText.getText();
- } else if (widget.equals(idText)) {
- paletteID = idText.getText();
- } else if (widget.equals(editorText)) {
- editorID = editorText.getText();
- } else if (widget.equals(priorityCombo)) {
- priority = ProviderPriority.parse(priorityCombo.getText());
- }
- setPageComplete(validatePage());
- }
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 CEA LIST.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.dialog;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service.ProviderPriority;
+import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog;
+import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.IWizardPage;
+import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardPage;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.Messages;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PapyrusPalettePreferences;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.PapyrusPaletteService;
+import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget;
+import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
+ * Wizard page for information about the new local palette definition
+ */
+public class LocalPaletteInformationPage extends WizardPage implements Listener {
+ /** array list of priorities */
+ private static String[] priorityList;
+ /** text area for the name of the palette definition */
+ protected Text nameText;
+ /** text area for the id of the palette definition */
+ protected Text idText;
+ /** text area for the editor id of the palette definition */
+ protected Text editorText;
+ /** combo for the priority of the provider */
+ private Combo priorityCombo;
+ /** parent composite for advanced fields */
+ protected Composite advancedComposite;
+ /** Button to show/hide advanced fields */
+ protected Button advancedButton;
+ /** editor part in which the palette is created */
+ protected IEditorPart editorPart;
+ /** priority value */
+ protected ProviderPriority priority;
+ /** editor ID value */
+ protected String editorID;
+ /** palette ID */
+ protected String paletteID;
+ /** palette name */
+ protected String name;
+ /** path to the icon */
+ protected static final String WIZARD_ICON = "/icons/local_desc_wiz.png";
+ /** validate on opening */
+ protected boolean validateOnLaunch = false;
+ static {
+ priorityList = new String[] { ProviderPriority.LOWEST.getName(), ProviderPriority.LOW.getName(), ProviderPriority.MEDIUM.getName(), ProviderPriority.HIGH.getName(), ProviderPriority.HIGHEST.getName() };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new wizard page with the given name, title, and image.
+ *
+ * @param part
+ * the editor part in which the wizard was created
+ */
+ public LocalPaletteInformationPage(IEditorPart part) {
+ super(Messages.Local_Palette_InfoPage_Name, Messages.Local_Palette_InfoPage_Title, Activator.getImageDescriptor(WIZARD_ICON));
+ this.editorPart = part;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public IWizardPage getNextPage() {
+ LocalPaletteContentPage contentPage = (LocalPaletteContentPage) super.getNextPage();
+ if (priority != null) {
+ contentPage.setPriority(priority);
+ contentPage.profileCombo.deselectAll();
+ - 1); // select the last one (UML)
+ }
+ return contentPage;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void createControl(Composite parent) {
+ // initialize dialog units
+ initializeDialogUnits(parent);
+ // Create a new composite as there is the title bar seperator
+ // to deal with
+ Composite control = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
+ GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(2, false);
+ control.setLayout(layout);
+ control.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true));
+ setControl(control);
+ createNameControl(control);
+ createAdvancedControls(control);
+ // end of the control creation
+ Dialog.applyDialogFont(control);
+ // Show description on opening
+ setErrorMessage(null);
+ setMessage(null);
+ if (validateOnLaunch) {
+ setPageComplete(validatePage());
+ }
+ setControl(control);
+ }
+ /**
+ * initializes fields using context information
+ */
+ public void intializeValues() {
+ initName("");
+ String editorIDValue = "";
+ if (editorPart instanceof DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) {
+ editorIDValue = ((DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) editorPart).getContributorId();
+ }
+ initEditorID(editorIDValue);
+ initPaletteID(System.getProperty("") + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis());
+ initPriority(ProviderPriority.MEDIUM);
+ }
+ /**
+ * initializes fields using existing descriptor
+ */
+ public void intializeValues(PapyrusPaletteService.LocalProviderDescriptor descriptor) {
+ initName(descriptor.getContributionName());
+ String editorIDValue = "";
+ if (editorPart instanceof DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) {
+ editorIDValue = ((DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) editorPart).getContributorId();
+ }
+ initEditorID(editorIDValue);
+ initPaletteID(descriptor.getContributionID());
+ initPriority(PapyrusPalettePreferences.getLocalPalettePriority(descriptor.getContributionID()));
+ validateOnLaunch = true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the current value of palette name
+ *
+ * @return the current value of palette name
+ */
+ public String getPaletteName() {
+ return name;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the current value of palette ID
+ *
+ * @return the current value of palette ID
+ */
+ public String getPaletteID() {
+ return paletteID;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the current value of editor ID
+ *
+ * @return the current value of editor ID
+ */
+ public String getEditorID() {
+ return editorID;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the current value of editor ID
+ *
+ * @return the current value of editor ID
+ */
+ public ProviderPriority getPalettePriority() {
+ return priority;
+ }
+ /**
+ * inits the name field value
+ *
+ * @param value
+ * value to set
+ */
+ protected void initName(String value) {
+ name = value;
+ }
+ /**
+ * inits the priority value
+ *
+ * @param value
+ * value to set
+ */
+ protected void initPriority(ProviderPriority value) {
+ if (value != null) {
+ this.priority = value;
+ } else {
+ // by default, Medium
+ this.priority = ProviderPriority.MEDIUM;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * inits the palette id value
+ *
+ * @param value
+ * value to set
+ */
+ protected void initPaletteID(String value) {
+ paletteID = value;
+ }
+ /**
+ * inits the editor id value
+ *
+ * @param value
+ * value to set
+ */
+ protected void initEditorID(String value) {
+ editorID = value;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Validates the content of the fields in this page
+ */
+ protected boolean validatePage() {
+ boolean valid = true;
+ if (advancedComposite != null && !advancedComposite.isDisposed()) {
+ if (-1 == priorityCombo.getSelectionIndex()) {
+ setErrorMessage(Messages.Local_Palette_Error_Priority);
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if ("".equals(getEditorID())) {
+ setErrorMessage(Messages.Local_Palette_Error_EditorId);
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if ("".equals(getPaletteID())) {
+ setErrorMessage(Messages.Local_Palette_Error_PaletteId);
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ("".equals(getPaletteName())) {
+ setErrorMessage(Messages.Local_Palette_Error_Name);
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (valid) {
+ setMessage(null);
+ setErrorMessage(null);
+ }
+ return valid;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the widget for advanced options.
+ *
+ * @param parent
+ * the parent composite
+ */
+ protected void createAdvancedControls(Composite parent) {
+ advancedButton = new Button(parent, SWT.PUSH);
+ advancedButton.setFont(parent.getFont());
+ advancedButton.setText(Messages.Dialog_Advanced_Button_Closed);
+ GridData data = setButtonLayoutData(advancedButton);
+ data.horizontalAlignment = GridData.BEGINNING;
+ data.horizontalSpan = 2;
+ advancedButton.setLayoutData(data);
+ advancedButton.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
+ @Override
+ public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
+ handleAdvancedButtonSelect();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ public Composite createAdvancedComposite(Composite parent) {
+ advancedComposite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
+ advancedComposite.setFont(parent.getFont());
+ advancedComposite.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true, 2, 1));
+ GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(2, false);
+ layout.marginHeight = 0;
+ layout.marginWidth = 0;
+ advancedComposite.setLayout(layout);
+ createIDControl(advancedComposite);
+ createEditorIDControl(advancedComposite);
+ createPriorityControl(advancedComposite);
+ advancedComposite.getParent().layout();
+ return advancedComposite;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Shows/hides the advanced option widgets.
+ */
+ protected void handleAdvancedButtonSelect() {
+ Composite composite = (Composite) getControl();
+ if (advancedComposite != null) {
+ advancedComposite.dispose();
+ advancedComposite = null;
+ advancedButton.setText(Messages.Dialog_Advanced_Button_Closed);
+ } else {
+ createAdvancedComposite(composite);
+ advancedButton.setText(Messages.Dialog_Advanced_Button_Opened);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the control area for the priority
+ *
+ * @param control
+ * the parent composite
+ */
+ protected void createPriorityControl(Composite control) {
+ final Label priorityLabel = new Label(control, SWT.NONE);
+ priorityLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Priority);
+ priorityLabel.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Priority_Tooltip);
+ // choice widget among priority values
+ priorityCombo = new Combo(control, SWT.READ_ONLY);
+ priorityCombo.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false));
+ priorityCombo.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Priority_Tooltip);
+ priorityCombo.setItems(priorityList);
+ // initialize, then add the listener...
+ initialPopulatePriorityField();
+ priorityCombo.addListener(SWT.Modify, this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * intialize the field using current value of the palette id
+ */
+ protected void initialPopulatePriorityField() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the control area for the id definition
+ *
+ * @param control
+ * the parent composite
+ */
+ protected void createIDControl(Composite control) {
+ final Label idLabel = new Label(control, SWT.NONE);
+ idLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Id);
+ idLabel.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Id_Tooltip);
+ idText = new Text(control, SWT.BORDER);
+ idText.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false));
+ idText.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Id_Tooltip);
+ // initialize, then add the listener...
+ initialPopulatePaletteIDField();
+ idText.addListener(SWT.Modify, this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * intialize the field using current value of the palette id
+ */
+ protected void initialPopulatePaletteIDField() {
+ idText.setText(paletteID);
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the control area for the name definition
+ *
+ * @param control
+ * the parent composite
+ */
+ protected void createNameControl(Composite control) {
+ final Label nameLabel = new Label(control, SWT.NONE);
+ nameLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Name);
+ nameLabel.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Name_Tooltip);
+ nameText = new Text(control, SWT.BORDER);
+ nameText.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false));
+ nameText.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Name_Tooltip);
+ // initialize, then add the listener...
+ initialPopulateNameField();
+ nameText.addListener(SWT.Modify, this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the control area for the name definition
+ *
+ * @param control
+ * the parent composite
+ */
+ protected void createEditorIDControl(Composite control) {
+ final Label editorLabel = new Label(control, SWT.NONE);
+ editorLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Editor_Id);
+ editorLabel.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Editor_Id_Tooltip);
+ editorText = new Text(control, SWT.BORDER);
+ editorText.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false));
+ editorText.setToolTipText(Messages.Local_Palette_Editor_Id_Tooltip);
+ // initialize, then add the listener...
+ initialPopulateEditorIDField();
+ editorText.addListener(SWT.Modify, this);
+ // this editor should propose a list of existing editors = looking in the extension point?
+ }
+ /**
+ * intialize the field using current value of the editor id
+ */
+ protected void initialPopulateEditorIDField() {
+ editorText.setText(editorID);
+ }
+ /**
+ * initialize name field
+ */
+ protected void initialPopulateNameField() {
+ nameText.setText(name);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The <code>WizardNewFileCreationPage</code> implementation of this <code>Listener</code> method handles all events and enablements for controls
+ * on this page. Subclasses may extend.
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(Event event) {
+ Widget widget = event.widget;
+ if (widget.equals(nameText)) {
+ name = nameText.getText();
+ } else if (widget.equals(idText)) {
+ paletteID = idText.getText();
+ } else if (widget.equals(editorText)) {
+ editorID = editorText.getText();
+ } else if (widget.equals(priorityCombo)) {
+ priority = ProviderPriority.parse(priorityCombo.getText());
+ }
+ setPageComplete(validatePage());
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..499cafe530e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
@@ -0,0 +1,1498 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009, 2014 CEA LIST, Christian W. Damus, and others.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
+ * Christian W. Damus - bug 454578
+ * Mickael ADAM (ALL4TEC) - new implemenatation for palette configuration model case
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.dialog;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.command.AbstractCommand;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.command.Command;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.command.CompoundCommand;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notification;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Diagnostic;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.Diagnostician;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EContentAdapter;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
+import org.eclipse.emf.edit.command.AddCommand;
+import org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain.AdapterFactoryEditingDomain;
+import org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.celleditor.AdapterFactoryTreeEditor;
+import org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.dnd.EditingDomainViewerDropAdapter;
+import org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.dnd.LocalTransfer;
+import org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.dnd.ViewerDragAdapter;
+import org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.provider.AdapterFactoryContentProvider;
+import org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.provider.AdapterFactoryLabelProvider;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteContainer;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteDrawer;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteEntry;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteRoot;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteStack;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteToolbar;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.ToolEntry;
+import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service.ProviderPriority;
+import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog;
+import org.eclipse.jface.util.LocalSelectionTransfer;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeSelection;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredSelection;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TreeSelection;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TreeViewer;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerComparator;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerFilter;
+import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardPage;
+import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.Messages;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.provider.PaletteLabelProvider;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.provider.ProfileToolsMetaclassStereotypeTreeContentProvider;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.provider.ProfileToolsStereotypeMetaclassTreeContentProvider;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.provider.UMLToolsTreeContentProvider;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PaletteUtil;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.ChildConfiguration;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.Configuration;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.DrawerConfiguration;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.LeafConfiguration;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.PaletteConfiguration;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.PaletteconfigurationFactory;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.SeparatorConfiguration;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.StackConfiguration;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.ToolConfiguration;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.utils.CreatePaletteItemUtil;
+import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
+import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND;
+import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetEvent;
+import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.FileTransfer;
+import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.Transfer;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FillLayout;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ToolBar;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ToolItem;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TreeItem;
+import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Profile;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Stereotype;
+ * Wizard page for information about the new local palette definition
+ */
+public class PaletteConfigurationContentPage extends WizardPage {
+ /** icon path for the add button */
+ protected static final String ADD_ICON = "/icons/arrow_right.gif"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ /** icon path for the create drawer button */
+ protected static final String CREATE_DRAWERS_ICON = "/icons/new_drawer.gif";//$NON-NLS-1$
+ /** icon path for the create separator button */
+ protected static final String CREATE_SEPARATOR_ICON = "/icons/new_separator.gif";//$NON-NLS-1$
+ /** icon path for the create stack button */
+ protected static final String CREATE_STACK_ICON = "/icons/new_stack.gif";//$NON-NLS-1$
+ /** icon path for the create stack button */
+ protected static final String CREATE_TOOL_ICON = "/icons/new_tool.gif";//$NON-NLS-1$
+ /** icon path for the delete button */
+ protected static final String DELETE_ICON = "/icons/delete.gif";//$NON-NLS-1$
+ /** icon path for the remove button */
+ protected static final String REMOVE_ICON = "/icons/arrow_left.gif"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ /** icon path when tools are shown */
+ protected static final String SHOWN_TOOLS_ICON = "/icons/tools_shown.gif"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ /** path to the icon */
+ protected static final String WIZARD_ICON = "/icons/local_desc_wiz.png";//$NON-NLS-1$
+ /** icon for the content provider switch button */
+ protected String SWITCH_CONTENT_PROVIDER_ICON = "/icons/switch_provider.gif"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ /** the label for drawer */
+ private static final String DRAWER_LABEL = Messages.PaletteConfigurationContentPage_Drawer;
+ /** The label for new tool */
+ private static final String NEW_TOOL_LABEL = Messages.PaletteConfigurationContentPage_NewTool;
+ /** the label for separator */
+ private static final String SEPARATOR_LABEL = Messages.PaletteConfigurationContentPage_Separator;
+ /** the label for stack */
+ private static final String STACK_LABEL = Messages.PaletteConfigurationContentPage_Stack;
+ /** label for the standard tools */
+ private static final String UML_TOOLS_LABEL = Messages.PaletteConfigurationContentPage_UMLTools;
+ /** Validator key for toolbar items */
+ private final static String VALIDATOR = "validator"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ /** the add button */
+ private Button addButton;
+ /** the remove button */
+ private Button removeButton;
+ /** the tree viewer for available tools */
+ private TreeViewer availableToolsViewer;
+ /** combo to select which profile tools should be visible */
+ private Combo profileCombo;
+ /** list of profiles that can provide tools */
+ private List<String> profileComboList = new ArrayList<String>();
+ /** the tree viewer for the edited palette */
+ private TreeViewer paletteTreeViewer;
+ /** the display engine */
+ private DisplayEngine displayEngine;
+ /** instance of the filter used to show/hide drawers */
+ private final ViewerFilter drawerFilter = new DrawerFilter();
+ /** the editing domain */
+ private AdapterFactoryEditingDomain editingDomain;
+ /** editor part in which the palette is created */
+ private IEditorPart editorPart;
+ /** the label provider for the edited palette */
+ private PaletteLabelProvider paletteLabelProvider;
+ /** priority of the current edited palette */
+ private ProviderPriority priority;
+ /** the properties composite */
+ private Composite propertiesComposite;
+ /** tool item in charge of toggling content providers in the available tool viewer */
+ protected ToolItem toggleContentProvider;
+ /** the toolbar for actions on edited palette */
+ private ToolBar toolbar;
+ /** instance of the filter used to show/hide tools */
+ private final ViewerFilter toolFilter = new ToolFilter();
+ /** enumeration of existing entry types */
+ public enum EntryType {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Filter for the viewer. Hide/show Drawers
+ */
+ protected class DrawerFilter extends ViewerFilter {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean select(final Viewer viewer, final Object parentElement, final Object element) {
+ boolean notDrawer = true;
+ if (element instanceof PaletteDrawer) {
+ notDrawer = false;
+ }
+ return notDrawer;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * A viewer comparator for label of Palette Entry
+ */
+ protected class LabelViewerComparator extends ViewerComparator {
+ /**
+ * Creates a new LabelViewerComparator.
+ */
+ public LabelViewerComparator() {
+ super();
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public int compare(final Viewer testViewer, final Object e1, final Object e2) {
+ String label1 = "";//$NON-NLS-1$
+ String label2 = "";//$NON-NLS-1$
+ if (e1 instanceof PaletteEntry) {
+ label1 = ((PaletteEntry) e1).getLabel();
+ } else if (e1 instanceof Stereotype) {
+ label1 = ((Stereotype) e1).getName();
+ }
+ if (e2 instanceof PaletteEntry) {
+ label2 = ((PaletteEntry) e2).getLabel();
+ } else if (e2 instanceof Stereotype) {
+ label2 = ((Stereotype) e2).getName();
+ }
+ int comparaison;
+ if (null == label1 && null == label2) {
+ comparaison = 0;
+ } else if (null == label1) {
+ comparaison = 1;
+ } else if (null == label2) {
+ comparaison = -1;
+ } else {
+ comparaison = label1.compareTo(label2);
+ }
+ return comparaison;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Validator for the create separator or stack tool item. Only valid when selection is a {@link PaletteEntryProxy} or a {@link PaletteLocalDrawerProxy}
+ */
+ protected class PaletteConfigurationEntrySelectedValidator implements ToolBarItemValidator {
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean isEnable() {
+ boolean enable = false;
+ // retrieve selection
+ if (null != paletteTreeViewer && !paletteTreeViewer.getControl().isDisposed()) {
+ // retrieve selection. first element should be a drawer
+ IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection();
+ if (null != selection) {
+ Object object = selection.getFirstElement();
+ enable = (object instanceof Configuration);
+ }
+ }
+ return enable;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * validator for the create separator or stack tool item. Only valid when selection is a {@link PaletteEntryProxy} or a {@link PaletteLocalDrawerProxy}
+ */
+ protected class PaletteConfigurationStackLeafSelectedValidator implements ToolBarItemValidator {
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean isEnable() {
+ boolean enable = false;
+ // retrieve selection
+ if (paletteTreeViewer != null && !paletteTreeViewer.getControl().isDisposed()) {
+ // retrieve selection. first element should be a drawer
+ IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection();
+ if (null != selection) {
+ Object object = selection.getFirstElement();
+ enable = (object instanceof Configuration && !(((Configuration) object).eContainer() instanceof StackConfiguration));
+ }
+ }
+ return enable;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Listener for the profile combo. It changes the input of the following viewer.
+ */
+ protected class ProfileComboSelectionListener implements SelectionListener, ModifyListener {
+ /**
+ * handles the change selection for the combo
+ */
+ protected void handleSelectionChanged() {
+ int index = profileCombo.getSelectionIndex();
+ if (0 <= index && index < profileCombo.getItems().length) {
+ String name = profileComboList.get(index);
+ Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries = getAllVisibleStandardEntries();
+ // retrieve the profile or uml standards tools to display
+ if (UML_TOOLS_LABEL.equals(name)) {
+ // change content provider
+ availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new UMLToolsTreeContentProvider());
+ availableToolsViewer.setInput(standardEntries);
+ toggleContentProvider.setEnabled(false);
+ } else {
+ if (null != toggleContentProvider && !toggleContentProvider.isDisposed()) {
+ toggleContentProvider.setEnabled(true);
+ }
+ // switch content provider
+ // this is a profile in case of uml2 tools
+ Profile profile = getAllAppliedProfiles().get(index);
+ if (toggleContentProvider.getSelection()) {
+ availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new ProfileToolsStereotypeMetaclassTreeContentProvider(profile, standardEntries));
+ } else {
+ availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new ProfileToolsMetaclassStereotypeTreeContentProvider(profile, standardEntries));
+ }
+ // generate tools for given profile
+ availableToolsViewer.setInput(profile);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void modifyText(final ModifyEvent e) {
+ handleSelectionChanged();
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void widgetDefaultSelected(final SelectionEvent e) {
+ // Do nothing
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void widgetSelected(final SelectionEvent e) {
+ handleSelectionChanged();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Item validator interface
+ */
+ interface ToolBarItemValidator {
+ /**
+ * Checks if the button should be enable or not
+ *
+ * @return <code>true</code> if the button should be enable
+ */
+ public boolean isEnable();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Filter for the viewer. Hide/show Drawers
+ */
+ protected class ToolFilter extends ViewerFilter {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean select(final Viewer viewer, final Object parentElement, final Object element) {
+ return !(element instanceof ToolEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ /** Listener to validate page on change. */
+ EContentAdapter adapter = new EContentAdapter() {
+ /**
+ * @see org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.impl.AdapterImpl#notifyChanged(org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notification)
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void notifyChanged(Notification msg) {
+ setPageComplete(validatePage());
+ }
+ };
+ /** the palette configuration model */
+ private PaletteConfiguration paletteConfigurationModel;
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ *
+ * @param editorPart
+ * @param editingDomain
+ */
+ public PaletteConfigurationContentPage(final IEditorPart editorPart, final AdapterFactoryEditingDomain editingDomain) {
+ super(Messages.Local_Palette_ContentPage_Name, Messages.Local_Palette_ContentPage_Title, Activator.getImageDescriptor(WIZARD_ICON));
+ this.editorPart = editorPart;
+ this.editingDomain = editingDomain;
+ paletteConfigurationModel = getPaletteConfigurationModel();
+ paletteConfigurationModel.eAdapters().add(adapter);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ *
+ * @param pageName
+ */
+ protected PaletteConfigurationContentPage(final String pageName) {
+ super(pageName);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add drag support from the available tools viewer
+ */
+ protected void addAvailableToolsDragSupport() {
+ // transfer types
+ Transfer[] transfers = new Transfer[] { LocalTransfer.getInstance(), LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer(), FileTransfer.getInstance() };
+ int dndOperations = DND.DROP_COPY | DND.DROP_MOVE | DND.DROP_LINK;
+ // drag listener
+ availableToolsViewer.addDragSupport(dndOperations, transfers, new ViewerDragAdapter(availableToolsViewer));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds drag ability to the palette preview composite
+ */
+ protected void addPalettePreviewDragSupport() {
+ // transfer types
+ Transfer[] transfers = new Transfer[] { LocalTransfer.getInstance(), LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer(), FileTransfer.getInstance() };
+ int dndOperations = DND.DROP_COPY | DND.DROP_MOVE | DND.DROP_LINK;
+ // drag listener
+ paletteTreeViewer.addDragSupport(dndOperations, transfers, new ViewerDragAdapter(paletteTreeViewer));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add drop behavior for the palette preview
+ */
+ protected void addPalettePreviewDropSupport() {
+ // transfer types
+ Transfer[] transfers = new Transfer[] { LocalTransfer.getInstance(), LocalSelectionTransfer.getTransfer(), FileTransfer.getInstance() };
+ int dndOperations = DND.DROP_COPY | DND.DROP_MOVE | DND.DROP_LINK;
+ EditingDomainViewerDropAdapter listener = new EditingDomainViewerDropAdapter(editingDomain, paletteTreeViewer) {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dragEnter(final DropTargetEvent event) {
+ super.dragEnter(event);
+ expandItem(event);
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void drop(final DropTargetEvent event) {
+ super.drop(event);
+ expandItem(event);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Expand the TreeItem from the event
+ *
+ * @param event
+ */
+ private void expandItem(final DropTargetEvent event) {
+ // Expands branch when over it to show children
+ if (event.item instanceof TreeItem) {
+ // Get the target Object of the drop
+ Object target = ((TreeItem) event.item).getData();
+ if (target == null) {
+ target = paletteTreeViewer.getInput();
+ }
+ // Expand tree
+ paletteTreeViewer.expandToLevel(target, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ paletteTreeViewer.addDropSupport(dndOperations, transfers, listener);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the add button listener
+ */
+ protected MouseListener createAddButtonListener() {
+ return new MouseAdapter() {
+ @Override
+ public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
+ // add the element selected on the left to the right tree
+ // check the selection.
+ IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) availableToolsViewer.getSelection();
+ if (selection == null || selection.size() < 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ PaletteEntry entry = (PaletteEntry) selection.getFirstElement();
+ if (entry == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // find the selection on the right
+ selection = (IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection();
+ Configuration target = (Configuration) selection.getFirstElement();
+ // Create Entry
+ CompoundCommand command = new CompoundCommand();
+ ToolConfiguration node = CreatePaletteItemUtil.createToolConfiguration(entry, editingDomain.getResourceSet());
+ if (null != node) {
+ if (target instanceof PaletteConfiguration) {
+ // ((PaletteConfiguration) target).getDrawerConfigurations().add((DrawerConfiguration) node);
+ command.append(new AddCommand(editingDomain, ((PaletteConfiguration) target).getDrawerConfigurations(), (DrawerConfiguration) node));
+ } else if (target instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
+ // ((DrawerConfiguration) target).getOwnedConfigurations().add((ChildConfiguration) node);
+ command.append(new AddCommand(editingDomain, ((DrawerConfiguration) target).getOwnedConfigurations(), (ChildConfiguration) node));
+ } else if (target instanceof StackConfiguration) {
+ // ((StackConfiguration) target).getOwnedConfigurations().add((LeafConfiguration) node);
+ command.append(new AddCommand(editingDomain, ((StackConfiguration) target).getOwnedConfigurations(), (LeafConfiguration) node));
+ }
+ }
+ command.append(CreatePaletteItemUtil.createElementTypesElement(editingDomain, (ToolEntry) entry, node));
+ execute(command);
+ // Expand tree
+ paletteTreeViewer.expandToLevel(target, 1);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the buttons to add/remove entries from palette entrey and palette preview
+ */
+ protected void createAddRemoveButtons() {
+ Composite composite = new Composite((Composite) getControl(), SWT.NONE);
+ GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(1, true);
+ composite.setLayout(layout);
+ GridData data = new GridData(SWT.CENTER, SWT.CENTER, false, true);
+ composite.setLayoutData(data);
+ addButton = new Button(composite, SWT.NONE);
+ addButton.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, ADD_ICON));
+ addButton.setToolTipText(Messages.PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_AddButtonTooltip);
+ addButton.addMouseListener(createAddButtonListener());
+ addButton.setEnabled(false);
+ removeButton = new Button(composite, SWT.NONE);
+ removeButton.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, REMOVE_ICON));
+ removeButton.setToolTipText(Messages.PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_RemoveButtonTooltip);
+ removeButton.addMouseListener(createRemoveButtonListener());
+ removeButton.setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the available entries group
+ */
+ protected void createAvailableToolsGroup() {
+ Composite parent = (Composite) getControl();
+ Composite availableToolsComposite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
+ GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(2, true);
+ layout.marginHeight = 0;
+ layout.marginWidth = 0;
+ availableToolsComposite.setLayout(layout);
+ GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
+ availableToolsComposite.setLayoutData(data);
+ Label label = new Label(availableToolsComposite, SWT.NONE);
+ label.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Available_Tools);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.LEFT, SWT.CENTER, true, false);
+ label.setLayoutData(data);
+ ToolBar toolbar = new ToolBar(availableToolsComposite, SWT.HORIZONTAL);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.RIGHT, SWT.FILL, false, false);
+ toolbar.setLayoutData(data);
+ populateAvailableToolsToolBar(toolbar);
+ createProfileCombo(availableToolsComposite);
+ Tree tree = new Tree(availableToolsComposite, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.BORDER);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true, 2, 1);
+ data.widthHint = 350;
+ // Make the tree this tall even when there is nothing in it. This will keep the
+ // dialog from shrinking to an unusually small size.
+ data.heightHint = 200;
+ tree.setLayoutData(data);
+ availableToolsViewer = new TreeViewer(tree);
+ availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new UMLToolsTreeContentProvider());
+ paletteLabelProvider = new PaletteLabelProvider();
+ availableToolsViewer.setLabelProvider(paletteLabelProvider);
+ ViewerComparator labelComparator = new LabelViewerComparator();
+ availableToolsViewer.setComparator(labelComparator);
+ // remove the note stack and standard group
+ availableToolsViewer.addFilter(new ViewerFilter() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean select(final Viewer viewer, final Object parentElement, final Object element) {
+ boolean visible = true;
+ if (element instanceof PaletteStack && "noteStack".equals(((PaletteStack) element).getId())) {//$NON-NLS-1$
+ visible = false;
+ } else if (element instanceof PaletteToolbar && "standardGroup".equals(((PaletteToolbar) element).getId())) {//$NON-NLS-1$
+ visible = false;
+ }
+ return visible;
+ }
+ });
+ availableToolsViewer.addFilter(new DrawerFilter());
+ // add drag support
+ addAvailableToolsDragSupport();
+ // init availableTools combo on the first elemet
+ profileCombo.deselectAll();
+ - 1); // select the last one (UML)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a toolbar item which can be checked.
+ *
+ * @param toolbar
+ * the parent toolbar
+ * @param shownElementsIcon
+ * path for shown elements icon
+ * @param listener
+ * listener for button action
+ * @param tooltip
+ * tooltip text for the toolbar item
+ */
+ protected ToolItem createCheckToolBarItem(final ToolBar toolbar, final String shownElementsIcon, final String tooltip, final Listener listener) {
+ ToolItem item = new ToolItem(toolbar, SWT.CHECK | SWT.BORDER);
+ item.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, shownElementsIcon));
+ item.setToolTipText(tooltip);
+ item.addListener(SWT.Selection, listener);
+ return item;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogPage#createControl(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite)
+ *
+ * @param parent
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void createControl(final Composite parent) {
+ // initialize dialog units
+ initializeDialogUnits(parent);
+ // Create a new composite as there is the title bar seperator
+ // to deal with
+ Composite control = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
+ GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(3, false);
+ control.setLayout(layout);
+ control.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true));
+ setControl(control);
+ // create Available Tools Group
+ createAvailableToolsGroup();
+ // create add/remove buttons
+ createAddRemoveButtons();
+ // Create palette preview
+ createPalettePreviewGroup();
+ // Create properties view
+ createPropertiesGroup();
+ // add listeners inter-groups
+ ISelectionChangedListener listener = createToolsViewerSelectionChangeListener();
+ availableToolsViewer.addSelectionChangedListener(listener);
+ paletteTreeViewer.addSelectionChangedListener(listener);
+ // end of the control creation
+ Dialog.applyDialogFont(control);
+ // Show description on opening
+ setErrorMessage(null);
+ setMessage(null);
+ setPageComplete(validatePage());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the listener for the new drawer tool item
+ *
+ * @return the listener created
+ */
+ protected Listener createNewDrawerListener() {
+ return new Listener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(final Event event) {
+ EObject palette = editingDomain.getResourceSet().getResources().get(0).getContents().get(0);
+ if (palette instanceof PaletteConfiguration) {
+ // Create a void drawer
+ DrawerConfiguration drawer = PaletteconfigurationFactory.eINSTANCE.createDrawerConfiguration();
+ // Set label
+ drawer.setLabel(DRAWER_LABEL);
+ // Set the drawer on the palette configuration
+ EList<DrawerConfiguration> drawerConfigurations = ((PaletteConfiguration) palette).getDrawerConfigurations();
+ // Create add command
+ Command addCommand = new AddCommand(editingDomain, drawerConfigurations, drawer);
+ // Execute add command
+ execute(addCommand);
+ paletteTreeViewer.refresh();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the listener for the new separator tool item
+ *
+ * @return the listener created
+ */
+ protected Listener createNewSeparatorListener() {
+ return new Listener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(final Event event) {
+ // retrieve selected element
+ Object object = ((IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection()).getFirstElement();
+ // Create a separator
+ SeparatorConfiguration separator = PaletteconfigurationFactory.eINSTANCE.createSeparatorConfiguration();
+ // Set label & Id
+ separator.setLabel(SEPARATOR_LABEL);
+ separator.setId(CreatePaletteItemUtil.generateID(SEPARATOR_LABEL));
+ Command addCommand = null;
+ if (object instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
+ // Add separator at the end of drawer own configuration
+ addCommand = new AddCommand(editingDomain, ((DrawerConfiguration) object).getOwnedConfigurations(), separator);
+ } else if (object instanceof ChildConfiguration) {
+ // retrieve parent
+ EList<ChildConfiguration> ownedConfigurations = ((DrawerConfiguration) ((ChildConfiguration) object).eContainer()).getOwnedConfigurations();
+ int index = ownedConfigurations.indexOf(object);
+ // adds the separator
+ addCommand = new AddCommand(editingDomain, ownedConfigurations, separator, index);
+ }
+ // Execute add command
+ execute(addCommand);
+ paletteTreeViewer.expandToLevel(object, 1);
+ paletteTreeViewer.refresh();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the listener for the new stack tool item
+ *
+ * @return the listener created
+ */
+ protected Listener createNewStackListener() {
+ return new Listener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(final Event event) {
+ // retrieve selected element
+ Object object = ((IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection()).getFirstElement();
+ // Create a separator
+ StackConfiguration stack = PaletteconfigurationFactory.eINSTANCE.createStackConfiguration();
+ // Set label & Id
+ stack.setLabel(STACK_LABEL);
+ stack.setId(CreatePaletteItemUtil.generateID(STACK_LABEL));
+ Command addCommand = null;
+ if (object instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
+ // Add separator at the end of drawer own configuration
+ addCommand = new AddCommand(editingDomain, ((DrawerConfiguration) object).getOwnedConfigurations(), stack);
+ } else if (object instanceof ChildConfiguration) {
+ // retrieve parent
+ EList<ChildConfiguration> ownedConfigurations = ((DrawerConfiguration) ((ChildConfiguration) object).eContainer()).getOwnedConfigurations();
+ int index = ownedConfigurations.indexOf(object);
+ // adds the stack
+ addCommand = new AddCommand(editingDomain, ownedConfigurations, stack, index);
+ }
+ execute(addCommand);
+ paletteTreeViewer.expandToLevel(object, 1);
+ paletteTreeViewer.refresh();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Execute command in the command stack.
+ */
+ protected void execute(final Command command) {
+ if (null != command && command.canExecute()) {
+ editingDomain.getCommandStack().execute(command);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the listener for the new tool item
+ *
+ * @return the listener created
+ */
+ protected Listener createNewToolListener() {
+ return new Listener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(Event event) {
+ // retrieve selected element
+ Object object = ((IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection()).getFirstElement();
+ // Create a separator
+ ToolConfiguration tool = PaletteconfigurationFactory.eINSTANCE.createToolConfiguration();
+ // Set label & Id
+ tool.setLabel(NEW_TOOL_LABEL);
+ Command addCommand = null;
+ if (object instanceof DrawerConfiguration || object instanceof StackConfiguration) {
+ // Add separator at the end of drawer own configuration
+ if (object instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
+ addCommand = new AddCommand(editingDomain, ((DrawerConfiguration) object).getOwnedConfigurations(), tool);
+ } else if (object instanceof StackConfiguration) {
+ addCommand = new AddCommand(editingDomain, ((StackConfiguration) object).getOwnedConfigurations(), tool);
+ }
+ } else if (object instanceof ChildConfiguration) {
+ // retrieve parent
+ EObject eContainer = ((EObject) object).eContainer();
+ // add as sibling of the object
+ if (eContainer instanceof DrawerConfiguration) {
+ EList<ChildConfiguration> ownedConfigurations = ((DrawerConfiguration) eContainer).getOwnedConfigurations();
+ int index = ownedConfigurations.indexOf(object);
+ addCommand = new AddCommand(editingDomain, ownedConfigurations, tool, index);
+ } else if (eContainer instanceof StackConfiguration) {
+ EList<LeafConfiguration> ownedConfigurations = ((StackConfiguration) eContainer).getOwnedConfigurations();
+ int index = ownedConfigurations.indexOf(object);
+ addCommand = new AddCommand(editingDomain, ownedConfigurations, tool, index);
+ }
+ }
+ execute(addCommand);
+ paletteTreeViewer.expandToLevel(object, 1);
+ paletteTreeViewer.refresh();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the palette preview group
+ */
+ protected void createPalettePreviewGroup() {
+ Composite parent = (Composite) getControl();
+ Composite paletteComposite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
+ GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(2, true);
+ layout.marginHeight = 0;
+ layout.marginWidth = 0;
+ paletteComposite.setLayout(layout);
+ GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
+ paletteComposite.setLayoutData(data);
+ Label label = new Label(paletteComposite, SWT.NONE);
+ label.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Palette_Preview);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.LEFT, SWT.CENTER, true, false);
+ label.setLayoutData(data);
+ toolbar = new ToolBar(paletteComposite, SWT.HORIZONTAL);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.RIGHT, SWT.FILL, false, false);
+ toolbar.setLayoutData(data);
+ populatePalettePreviewToolBar(toolbar);
+ Tree tree = new Tree(paletteComposite, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.BORDER);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true, 2, 1);
+ data.widthHint = 350;
+ // Make the tree this tall even when there is nothing in it. This will keep the
+ // dialog from shrinking to an unusually small size.
+ data.heightHint = 200;
+ tree.setLayoutData(data);
+ paletteTreeViewer = new TreeViewer(tree);
+ paletteTreeViewer.setContentProvider(new AdapterFactoryContentProvider(editingDomain.getAdapterFactory()));
+ paletteTreeViewer.setLabelProvider(new AdapterFactoryLabelProvider(editingDomain.getAdapterFactory()));
+ paletteTreeViewer.setInput(editingDomain.getResourceSet());
+ paletteTreeViewer.setSelection(new StructuredSelection(editingDomain.getResourceSet().getResources().get(0)), true);
+ new AdapterFactoryTreeEditor(paletteTreeViewer.getTree(), editingDomain.getAdapterFactory());
+ paletteTreeViewer.addSelectionChangedListener(new ISelectionChangedListener() {
+ @Override
+ public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
+ handlePalettePreviewSelectionChanged(event);
+ }
+ });
+ // Refresh button
+ handlePalettePreviewSelectionChanged(null);
+ addPalettePreviewDropSupport();
+ addPalettePreviewDragSupport();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the profile combo
+ *
+ * @param availableToolsComposite
+ * the available tools composite
+ * @return the created combo
+ */
+ protected Combo createProfileCombo(final Composite availableToolsComposite) {
+ // retrieve top package, to know which profiles are available
+ // creates the combo
+ profileCombo = new Combo(availableToolsComposite, SWT.BORDER | SWT.READ_ONLY);
+ GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false, 2, 1);
+ profileCombo.setLayoutData(data);
+ // retrieve all applied profiles
+ List<Profile> profiles = getAllAppliedProfiles();
+ int profileNumber = profiles.size();
+ for (int i = 0; i < profileNumber; i++) {
+ String name;
+ if (profiles.get(i).eIsProxy()) {
+ name = NLS.bind("<unresolved: {0}>", URI.decode(EcoreUtil.getURI(profiles.get(i)).lastSegment())); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ } else {
+ name = profiles.get(i).getName();
+ if (name == null) {
+ name = NLS.bind("<unnamed: {0}>", URI.decode(EcoreUtil.getURI(profiles.get(i)).lastSegment())); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ }
+ profileComboList.add(i, name);
+ }
+ profileComboList.add(UML_TOOLS_LABEL);
+ profileCombo.setItems(profileComboList.toArray(new String[] {}));
+ // add selection listener for the combo. selects the "UML tools" item
+ ProfileComboSelectionListener listener = new ProfileComboSelectionListener();
+ profileCombo.addSelectionListener(listener);
+ profileCombo.addModifyListener(listener);
+ return profileCombo;
+ }
+ /**
+ * create the properties group
+ */
+ protected void createPropertiesGroup() {
+ Composite parent = (Composite) getControl();
+ Label entryInformationLabel = new Label(parent, SWT.NONE);
+ entryInformationLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Entry_Information);
+ {
+ GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false);
+ data.horizontalSpan = 3;
+ entryInformationLabel.setLayoutData(data);
+ }
+ propertiesComposite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
+ FillLayout layout = new FillLayout();
+ layout.marginHeight = 0;
+ layout.marginWidth = 0;
+ propertiesComposite.setLayout(layout);
+ {
+ GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
+ data.horizontalSpan = 3;
+ data.heightHint = 240;
+ propertiesComposite.setLayoutData(data);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the add button listener.
+ */
+ protected MouseListener createRemoveButtonListener() {
+ return new MouseAdapter() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseUp(final MouseEvent e) {
+ deleteSelectedConfiguration();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the listener for the remove item(s) button.
+ *
+ * @return the listener for the remove button
+ */
+ protected Listener createRemoveElementListener() {
+ return new Listener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(final Event event) {
+ deleteSelectedConfiguration();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Delete the selection configuration in the paletteTreeViewer.
+ */
+ protected void deleteSelectedConfiguration() {
+ IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection();
+ if (null != selection && 1 <= selection.size()) {
+ Iterator<?> it = selection.iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ Object object =;
+ if (object instanceof Configuration) {
+ Command deleteCommand = new AbstractCommand() {
+ @Override
+ public void redo() {
+ execute();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void execute() {
+ EcoreUtil.delete((EObject) object);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean prepare() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ deleteCommand.canExecute();
+ editingDomain.getCommandStack().execute(deleteCommand);
+ }
+ }
+ paletteTreeViewer.refresh();
+ // remove the properties view
+ if (null != displayEngine) {
+ displayEngine.removeSection(propertiesComposite);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the tool item for drawers visibility listener
+ *
+ * @return the listener for the tool button
+ */
+ protected Listener createShowDrawerListener() {
+ return new Listener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(final Event event) {
+ if (event.widget instanceof ToolItem) {
+ ToolItem item = ((ToolItem) event.widget);
+ if (item.getSelection()) {
+ // elements should be hidden
+ availableToolsViewer.addFilter(drawerFilter);
+ item.setSelection(true);
+ } else {
+ availableToolsViewer.removeFilter(drawerFilter);
+ item.setSelection(false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the tool item for tools visibility listener
+ *
+ * @return the listener for the tool button
+ */
+ protected Listener createsShowToolListener() {
+ return new Listener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(final Event event) {
+ if (event.widget instanceof ToolItem) {
+ ToolItem item = ((ToolItem) event.widget);
+ if (item.getSelection()) {
+ // elements should be hidden
+ availableToolsViewer.addFilter(toolFilter);
+ item.setSelection(true);
+ } else {
+ availableToolsViewer.removeFilter(toolFilter);
+ item.setSelection(false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the listener for the available tools content provider
+ *
+ * @return the listener created
+ */
+ protected Listener createSwitchToolsContentProviderListener() {
+ return new Listener() {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void handleEvent(final Event event) {
+ if (event.widget instanceof ToolItem) {
+ ToolItem item = ((ToolItem) event.widget);
+ // retrieve current profile selected in the combo profile
+ int index = profileCombo.getSelectionIndex();
+ Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries = getAllVisibleStandardEntries();
+ Profile profile = getAllAppliedProfiles().get(index);
+ if (item.getSelection()) {
+ availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new ProfileToolsStereotypeMetaclassTreeContentProvider(profile, standardEntries));
+ item.setSelection(true);
+ } else {
+ availableToolsViewer.setContentProvider(new ProfileToolsMetaclassStereotypeTreeContentProvider(profile, standardEntries));
+ item.setSelection(false);
+ }
+ // generate tools for given profile
+ availableToolsViewer.setInput(profile);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a toolbar item.
+ *
+ * @param toolbar
+ * the parent toolbar
+ * @param itemIcon
+ * path for icon
+ * @param tooltip
+ * tooltip text for the toolbar item
+ * @param listener
+ * listener for tool bar item
+ */
+ protected void createToolBarItem(final ToolBar toolbar, final String itemIcon, final String tooltip, final Listener listener, final ToolBarItemValidator validator) {
+ ToolItem item = new ToolItem(toolbar, SWT.BORDER);
+ item.setImage(Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, itemIcon));
+ item.setToolTipText(tooltip);
+ item.addListener(SWT.Selection, listener);
+ item.setData(VALIDATOR, validator);
+ }
+ /**
+ * selection listener for the tools viewer , to update the state of the add button
+ *
+ * @return the new created selection listener
+ */
+ protected ISelectionChangedListener createToolsViewerSelectionChangeListener() {
+ return new ISelectionChangedListener() {
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the source can be added to the target
+ *
+ * @param source
+ * the source object
+ * @param target
+ * the target object
+ * @return <code>true</code> if the source can be added to the target
+ */
+ protected boolean isAddValidTarget(final Object source, final Object target) {
+ boolean isAddValidTarget = false;
+ if (source instanceof PaletteEntry) {
+ // case1: source is a drawer.
+ // it can only be added to the root element (no selection)
+ // case2: source is a palette tool
+ // it can't be added to the root element
+ // it can only be added to a container element (drawer or stack)
+ if (source instanceof PaletteDrawer) {
+ isAddValidTarget = null == target;
+ } else if (source instanceof ToolEntry) {
+ isAddValidTarget = target instanceof DrawerConfiguration || target instanceof StackConfiguration;
+ }
+ }
+ return isAddValidTarget;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the source can be added to the target
+ *
+ * @param source
+ * the source object
+ * @return <code>true</code> if the source can be removed (not null and instanceof
+ * PaletteEntryProxy)
+ */
+ protected boolean isRemoveValidSource(final Object source) {
+ return source instanceof Configuration;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void selectionChanged(final SelectionChangedEvent event) {
+ // get source and target selection
+ // check source entry can be added to target entry
+ Object source = ((IStructuredSelection) availableToolsViewer.getSelection()).getFirstElement();
+ Object target = ((IStructuredSelection) paletteTreeViewer.getSelection()).getFirstElement();
+ // manage add button
+ if (isAddValidTarget(source, target)) {
+ addButton.setEnabled(true);
+ } else {
+ addButton.setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ // manage remove button
+ if (isRemoveValidSource(target)) {
+ removeButton.setEnabled(true);
+ } else {
+ removeButton.setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.DialogPage#dispose()
+ *
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dispose() {
+ // dispose engine
+ if (null != displayEngine) {
+ displayEngine.dispose();
+ }
+ // dispose adapter
+ paletteConfigurationModel.eAdapters().remove(adapter);
+ super.dispose();
+ }
+ /**
+ * returns the list of applied profile for the nearest package of the top element
+ *
+ * @return the list of applied profile for the nearest package of the top element or an empty
+ * list
+ */
+ protected List<Profile> getAllAppliedProfiles() {
+ Package topPackage = null;
+ if (editorPart instanceof DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) {
+ EObject element = ((DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) editorPart).getDiagram().getElement();
+ if (element instanceof org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element) {
+ topPackage = ((org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element) element).getNearestPackage();
+ }
+ }
+ return null != topPackage ? topPackage.getAllAppliedProfiles() : Collections.emptyList();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the list of all visible palette entries
+ *
+ * @return the list of all visible palette entries
+ */
+ protected Collection<PaletteEntry> getAllVisibleStandardEntries() {
+ HashSet<PaletteEntry> result = new HashSet<PaletteEntry>();
+ for (PaletteEntry entry : PaletteUtil.getAvailableEntriesSet(editorPart, priority).values()) {
+ // the entry is not just a defineOnly entry but a visible one
+ if (getRootParent(entry) != null) {
+ result.add(entry);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the Root element for the palette entry. It searches recursively from parent to parent, until it find the root element
+ *
+ * @param entry
+ * the palette entry for which root element is searched
+ * @return the root element or <code>null</code> if none was found
+ */
+ protected PaletteRoot getRootParent(final PaletteEntry entry) {
+ PaletteRoot paletteRoot = null;
+ PaletteContainer parent = entry.getParent();
+ if (parent instanceof PaletteRoot) {
+ paletteRoot = (PaletteRoot) parent;
+ } else if (null != parent) {
+ paletteRoot = getRootParent(parent);
+ }
+ return paletteRoot;
+ }
+ /**
+ * handle the selection change event for the palette preview
+ *
+ * @param event
+ * the event that is thrown by the palette viewer
+ */
+ protected void handlePalettePreviewSelectionChanged(final SelectionChangedEvent event) {
+ // Properties view
+ if (null != event) {
+ // retrieve current selection
+ ITreeSelection selection = (TreeSelection) event.getSelection();
+ Object firstSelected = selection.getFirstElement();
+ if (firstSelected instanceof Configuration) {
+ if (null != displayEngine) {
+ displayEngine.removeSection(propertiesComposite);
+ }
+ displayEngine = PropertiesDisplayHelper.display(firstSelected, propertiesComposite);
+ propertiesComposite.layout();
+ }
+ }
+ // update toolbar
+ if (null != toolbar && !toolbar.isDisposed()) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < toolbar.getItemCount(); i++) {
+ ToolItem item = toolbar.getItem(i);
+ Object validator = item.getData(VALIDATOR);
+ if (validator instanceof ToolBarItemValidator) {
+ item.setEnabled(((ToolBarItemValidator) validator).isEnable());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds elements to the tool bar for available tools viewer
+ *
+ * @param toolbar
+ * the toolbar to populate
+ */
+ protected void populateAvailableToolsToolBar(final ToolBar toolbar) {
+ toggleContentProvider = createCheckToolBarItem(toolbar, SWITCH_CONTENT_PROVIDER_ICON, Messages.Local_Palette_SwitchToolsContentProvider_Tooltip, createSwitchToolsContentProviderListener());
+ toggleContentProvider.setSelection(true);
+ toggleContentProvider.setEnabled(false);
+ createCheckToolBarItem(toolbar, SHOWN_TOOLS_ICON, Messages.Local_Palette_ShowTools_Tooltip, createsShowToolListener());
+ }
+ /**
+ * populates the preview palette toolbar
+ *
+ * @param toolbar
+ * the toolbar to populate
+ */
+ protected void populatePalettePreviewToolBar(final ToolBar toolbar) {
+ // create validator
+ PaletteConfigurationEntrySelectedValidator validator = new PaletteConfigurationEntrySelectedValidator();
+ PaletteConfigurationStackLeafSelectedValidator validatorForNotStackChild = new PaletteConfigurationStackLeafSelectedValidator();
+ createToolBarItem(toolbar, DELETE_ICON, Messages.PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_RemoveButtonTooltip, createRemoveElementListener(), validator);
+ createToolBarItem(toolbar, CREATE_DRAWERS_ICON, Messages.Local_Palette_Create_Drawer_Tooltip, createNewDrawerListener(), null);
+ createToolBarItem(toolbar, CREATE_SEPARATOR_ICON, Messages.Local_Palette_Create_Separator_Tooltip, createNewSeparatorListener(), validatorForNotStackChild);
+ createToolBarItem(toolbar, CREATE_TOOL_ICON, Messages.Local_Palette_Create_Tool_Tooltip, createNewToolListener(), validator);
+ createToolBarItem(toolbar, CREATE_STACK_ICON, Messages.Local_Palette_Create_Stack_Tooltip, createNewStackListener(), validatorForNotStackChild);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the priority of the current edited palette
+ *
+ * @param priority
+ * the priority of the current edited palette
+ */
+ public void setPriority(final ProviderPriority priority) {
+ this.priority = priority;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return the priority
+ */
+ public ProviderPriority getPriority() {
+ return priority;
+ }
+ /** The model diagnostician. */
+ Diagnostician diagnostician = new Diagnostician() {
+ @Override
+ public String getObjectLabel(final EObject eObject) {
+ String label = null;
+ if (eObject instanceof Configuration) {
+ label = ((Configuration) eObject).getLabel();
+ }
+ if (null == label || label.isEmpty()) {
+ label = EcoreUtil.getIdentification(eObject);
+ }
+ return label;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Validates the content of the fields in this page.
+ */
+ protected boolean validatePage() {
+ // TODO Adds OCL validation to Configuration to have error if Id is empty.
+ Diagnostic validate = diagnostician.validate(paletteConfigurationModel);
+ boolean valid = Diagnostic.OK == validate.getSeverity();
+ if (!valid) {
+ setErrorMessage(validate.getChildren().get(0).getMessage());
+ } else {
+ setErrorMessage(null);
+ }
+ return valid;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return The {@link PaletteConfiguration} model from resource set.
+ */
+ protected PaletteConfiguration getPaletteConfigurationModel() {
+ PaletteConfiguration paletteModel = null;
+ EList<Resource> resources = editingDomain.getResourceSet().getResources();
+ if (!resources.isEmpty()) {
+ EList<EObject> contents = resources.get(0).getContents();
+ if (!contents.isEmpty()) {
+ EObject eObject = (EObject) contents.get(0);
+ if (eObject instanceof PaletteConfiguration) {
+ paletteModel = (PaletteConfiguration) eObject;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Assert.isNotNull(paletteModel);
+ return paletteModel;
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..059f556c7f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 CEA LIST and others.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Mickael ADAM (ALL4TEC) - Initial API and Implementation
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.dialog;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notification;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.impl.AdapterImpl;
+import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardPage;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.PaletteConfiguration;
+import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FillLayout;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Layout;
+ * {@link WizardPage} for informations of a {@link PaletteConfiguration} Model.
+ *
+ */
+public class PaletteConfigurationInformationPage extends WizardPage {
+ /** The {@link PaletteConfiguration} model */
+ private PaletteConfiguration paletteConfiguration;
+ /** The display engine */
+ private DisplayEngine displayEngine;
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ */
+ protected PaletteConfigurationInformationPage(final String pageName, final PaletteConfiguration paletteConfiguration) {
+ super(pageName);
+ this.paletteConfiguration = paletteConfiguration;
+ // install adapter
+ AdapterImpl adapter = new AdapterImpl() {
+ /**
+ * @see org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.impl.AdapterImpl#notifyChanged(org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notification)
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void notifyChanged(final Notification msg) {
+ setPageComplete(validatePage());
+ }
+ };
+ paletteConfiguration.eAdapters().add(adapter);
+ adapter.setTarget(paletteConfiguration);
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ *
+ * @see org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogPage#createControl(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite)
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void createControl(final Composite parent) {
+ // initialize dialog units
+ initializeDialogUnits(parent);
+ Composite control = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
+ Layout layout = new FillLayout();
+ control.setLayout(layout);
+ setControl(control);
+ // Create the composite
+ if (!PropertiesRuntime.getConstraintEngine().getDisplayUnits(paletteConfiguration).isEmpty()) {
+ displayEngine = PropertiesDisplayHelper.display(paletteConfiguration, control);
+ }
+ setPageComplete(validatePage());
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ *
+ * @see org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.DialogPage#dispose()
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dispose() {
+ if (null != displayEngine) {
+ displayEngine.dispose();
+ }
+ super.dispose();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Validate the paletteConfiguration properties. paletteConfiguration must at leazst have a name and an id.
+ */
+ protected boolean validatePage() {
+ return null != paletteConfiguration
+ && null != paletteConfiguration.getLabel()
+ && null != paletteConfiguration.getId()
+ && !paletteConfiguration.getLabel().isEmpty()
+ && !paletteConfiguration.getId().isEmpty();
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3a36a8aa635
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 CEA LIST.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
+ * Mickael ADAM (ALL4TEC) - new implementation for palette configuration model case
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.dialog;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
+import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardPage;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.Messages;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.PaletteConstants;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.PaletteConstants.PaletteModelContextEnum;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.utils.PaletteUtils;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.types.ElementTypeSetConfiguration;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.types.core.registries.ElementTypeSetConfigurationRegistry;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PaletteUtil;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PapyrusPalettePreferences;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.PapyrusPaletteService.ProviderDescriptor;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.paletteconfiguration.PaletteConfiguration;
+import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
+ * Wizard to update or create an Palette configuration
+ */
+public class PaletteConfigurationWizard extends AbstractPaletteConfigurationWizard {
+ /** content page */
+ protected WizardPage contentPage;
+ /** info page */
+ protected WizardPage infoPage;
+ /**
+ * Creates a NewLocalPaletteWizard.
+ *
+ * @param part
+ * the editor part where the palette is available
+ * @param descriptor
+ * the descriptor to edit
+ */
+ public PaletteConfigurationWizard(final IEditorPart part, final ProviderDescriptor descriptor) {
+ super(part, descriptor);
+ }
+ /** constructor in case of new palette configuration model */
+ public PaletteConfigurationWizard(final IEditorPart part) {
+ this(part, null);
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void addPages() {
+ super.addPages();
+ // create pages
+ infoPage = createPaletteInformationPage();
+ contentPage = createPaletteContentPage();
+ // Add pages
+ addPage(infoPage);
+ addPage(contentPage);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create the content page.
+ */
+ protected WizardPage createPaletteContentPage() {
+ // second page: describe the paletteContent
+ WizardPage page = new PaletteConfigurationContentPage(editorPart, editingDomain);
+ page.setTitle(Messages.PaletteConfigurationWizard_NewPaletteContentPageWizard_Title);
+ page.setDescription(Messages.PaletteConfigurationWizard_NewPaletteContentPageWizard_Description);
+ // init content page
+ ((PaletteConfigurationContentPage) page).setPriority(priority);
+ return page;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create the information page.
+ */
+ protected WizardPage createPaletteInformationPage() {
+ WizardPage page = new PaletteConfigurationInformationPage("", (PaletteConfiguration) paletteResource.getContents().get(0));//$NON-NLS-1$
+ if (PaletteModelContextEnum.New.equals(paletteContext)) {
+ page.setTitle(Messages.PaletteConfigurationWizard_NewPaletteInfoPageWizard_Title);
+ } else {
+ page.setTitle(Messages.PaletteConfigurationWizard_EditionPaletteInfoPageWizard_Tilte);
+ }
+ page.setDescription(Messages.PaletteConfigurationWizard_PaletteInfoPageWizard_Description);
+ return page;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ protected void deployModels() {
+ // Loads element types models.
+ deployElementTypesModels();
+ // loads modified palette model
+ deployPaletteModel();
+ // Force the update
+ PaletteUtil.getAvailableEntriesSet(editorPart, priority);
+ }
+ /**
+ * load palette models on Papyrus preferences.
+ */
+ protected void deployPaletteModel() {
+ // Get the palette model
+ PaletteConfiguration paletteModel = (PaletteConfiguration) paletteResource.getContents().get(0);
+ // The palette id
+ String paletteId = paletteModel.getId();
+ // Update palette preferences
+ switch (paletteContext) {
+ case New:
+ // New model
+ PapyrusPalettePreferences.addLocalExtendedPalette(paletteId, paletteId, priority, PaletteUtils.getEditorIdValue(editorPart), new HashSet(paletteModel.getRequiredProfiles()));
+ break;
+ case Local:
+ // Edition of a local extended palette
+ // Refresh by deletion and re add it.
+ PapyrusPalettePreferences.deleteLocalExtendedPalette(descriptor.getContributionID());
+ PapyrusPalettePreferences.addLocalExtendedPalette(paletteId, paletteId, priority, PaletteUtils.getEditorIdValue(editorPart), new HashSet(paletteModel.getRequiredProfiles()));
+ break;
+ case Plugin:
+ // Edition of palette redefinition from plugin
+ // Case of redefinition of read-only palette configuration model
+ String path = PapyrusPalettePreferences.getPaletteRedefinition(descriptor.getContributionID());
+ if (null != path) {
+ // Register the redefinition
+ PapyrusPalettePreferences.registerLocalRedefinition(descriptor.getContributionID(), path); // if already exists: removes, then add
+ }
+ break;
+ case Workspace:
+ // Workspace palette case
+ String pathWS = paletteResource.getURI().toPlatformString(false);
+ // If identifier is changed: need to delete palette
+ if (null != descriptor && !paletteId.equals(descriptor.getContributionID())) {
+ PapyrusPalettePreferences.deleteWorkspaceExtendedPalette(descriptor.getContributionID());// Delete it in case of id change
+ }
+ PapyrusPalettePreferences.addWorkspaceExtendedPalette(paletteId, paletteId, pathWS, priority, PaletteUtils.getEditorIdValue(editorPart), new HashSet(paletteModel.getRequiredProfiles()));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ // toggle visibility to refresh the content
+ if (editorPart instanceof DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) {
+ PapyrusPalettePreferences.changePaletteVisibility(paletteId, editorPart, false);
+ PapyrusPalettePreferences.changePaletteVisibility(paletteId, editorPart, true);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * deploy element types models.
+ */
+ protected void deployElementTypesModels() {
+ // deploy element types configuration files
+ if (!elementTypeSemResource.getContents().isEmpty() && !elementTypeUIResource.getContents().isEmpty()) {
+ ElementTypeSetConfigurationRegistry.getInstance().unload(getClientContext(), ((ElementTypeSetConfiguration) elementTypeSemResource.getContents().get(0)).getIdentifier());
+ ElementTypeSetConfigurationRegistry.getInstance().unload(getClientContext(), ((ElementTypeSetConfiguration) elementTypeUIResource.getContents().get(0)).getIdentifier());
+ ElementTypeSetConfigurationRegistry.getInstance().loadElementTypeSetConfiguration(getClientContext(), ((ElementTypeSetConfiguration) elementTypeSemResource.getContents().get(0)));
+ ElementTypeSetConfigurationRegistry.getInstance().loadElementTypeSetConfiguration(getClientContext(), ((ElementTypeSetConfiguration) elementTypeUIResource.getContents().get(0)));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ protected void saveResources() {
+ // Get the palette model
+ PaletteConfiguration paletteModel = (PaletteConfiguration) paletteResource.getContents().get(0);
+ // The palette id
+ String paletteId = paletteModel.getId();
+ // Save resources
+ // Id is changed => needs to rename files
+ if (PaletteModelContextEnum.Local.equals(paletteContext) && !paletteId.equals(descriptor.getContributionID())) {
+ // needs to change the file name for local extended palette model
+ String newPalettePath = paletteResource.getURI().toFileString().replace(descriptor.getContributionID(), paletteId);
+ paletteResource.setURI(URI.createFileURI(newPalettePath));
+ String newElementTypeUIResourcePath = elementTypeUIResource.getURI().toFileString().replace(descriptor.getContributionID(), paletteId);
+ elementTypeUIResource.setURI(URI.createFileURI(newElementTypeUIResourcePath));
+ String newElementTypeSemResourcePath = elementTypeSemResource.getURI().toFileString().replace(descriptor.getContributionID(), paletteId);
+ elementTypeSemResource.setURI(URI.createFileURI(newElementTypeSemResourcePath));
+ } else if (PaletteModelContextEnum.New.equals(paletteContext)) {
+ // set file names for new palette and element type
+ clearStringBuilder();
+ stringBuilder.append(paletteId);
+ stringBuilder.append(STR_DOT);
+ stringBuilder.append(PaletteConstants.PALETTECONFIGURATION_EXTENSION);
+ String newPalettePath = paletteResource.getURI().toFileString().replace(paletteResource.getURI().lastSegment().replace("%20", " "), stringBuilder.toString());//$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+ paletteResource.setURI(URI.createFileURI(newPalettePath));
+ clearStringBuilder();
+ stringBuilder.append(paletteId);
+ stringBuilder.append(PaletteConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_UI_IDENTIFIER_POSTFIX);
+ stringBuilder.append(STR_DOT);
+ stringBuilder.append(PaletteConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_EXTENSION);
+ String newElementTypeUIResourcePath = elementTypeUIResource.getURI().toFileString().replace(elementTypeUIResource.getURI().lastSegment().replace("%20", " "), stringBuilder.toString());//$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+ elementTypeUIResource.setURI(URI.createFileURI(newElementTypeUIResourcePath));
+ clearStringBuilder();
+ stringBuilder.append(paletteId);
+ stringBuilder.append(PaletteConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_SEMENTIC_IDENTIFIER_POSTFIX);
+ stringBuilder.append(STR_DOT);
+ stringBuilder.append(PaletteConstants.ELEMENTTYPE_EXTENSION);
+ String newElementTypeSemResourcePath = elementTypeSemResource.getURI().toFileString().replace(elementTypeSemResource.getURI().lastSegment().replace("%20", " "), stringBuilder.toString());//$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+ elementTypeSemResource.setURI(URI.createFileURI(newElementTypeSemResourcePath));
+ }
+ // Save if necessary
+ try {
+ // Checks if model are not void and are useful
+ if (!((ElementTypeSetConfiguration) elementTypeUIResource.getContents().get(0)).getElementTypeConfigurations().isEmpty()) {
+ } else {
+ ElementTypeSetConfigurationRegistry.getInstance().unload(getClientContext(), ((ElementTypeSetConfiguration) elementTypeSemResource.getContents().get(0)).getIdentifier());
+ ElementTypeSetConfigurationRegistry.getInstance().unload(getClientContext(), ((ElementTypeSetConfiguration) elementTypeUIResource.getContents().get(0)).getIdentifier());
+ elementTypeUIResource.delete(Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
+ elementTypeSemResource.delete(Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ Activator.log.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return The client context of element types.
+ *
+ * TODO: switch it with point of you context if needed.
+ */
+ protected String getClientContext() {
+ return "";//$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
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index 430cbe02779..dec022c7af3 100644
--- a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
@@ -1,349 +1,359 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 CEA LIST.
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.dialog;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
-import org.eclipse.gef.palette.CombinedTemplateCreationEntry;
-import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteEntry;
-import org.eclipse.jface.window.Window;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.dialog.LocalPaletteContentPage.EntryType;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Messages;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PaletteUtil;
-import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;
-import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Profile;
- * Class in charge of the composite in the {@link LocalPaletteContentPage}
- */
-public class PaletteEntryProxyInformationComposite {
- /** current selected entry proxy */
- protected PaletteEntryProxy selectedEntryProxy;
- /** proxy name text */
- protected Text nameText;
- /** proxy description text */
- protected Text descriptionText;
- /** proxy icon text */
- protected Text iconText;
- /** referenced proxy text */
- protected Text referencedText;
- /** list of applied profiles */
- protected List<Profile> appliedProfiles;
- protected Button iconButton;
- /**
- * Creates the content of the information composite
- *
- * @param parent
- * the composite where to add created controls
- * @param appliedProfiles
- * the list of applied profiles
- * @return the newly created composite
- */
- public Composite createComposite(final Composite parent, List<Profile> appliedProfiles) {
- this.appliedProfiles = appliedProfiles;
- Composite composite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
- GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(3, false);
- composite.setLayout(layout);
- GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
- data.widthHint = 260;
- data.horizontalIndent = 10;
- composite.setLayoutData(data);
- Label entryInformationLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
- entryInformationLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Entry_Information);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false);
- data.horizontalSpan = 3;
- entryInformationLabel.setLayoutData(data);
- Label nameLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
- nameLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Entry_Name);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, false, false);
- nameLabel.setLayoutData(data);
- nameText = new Text(composite, SWT.LEAD | SWT.BORDER);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false);
- nameText.setLayoutData(data);
- nameText.addFocusListener(new NameFocusListener());
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false);
- data.horizontalSpan = 2;
- nameText.setLayoutData(data);
- Label referencedLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
- referencedLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Entry_Reference);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.BEGINNING, true, false);
- referencedLabel.setLayoutData(data);
- referencedText = new Text(composite, SWT.LEAD | SWT.BORDER | SWT.READ_ONLY);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false);
- referencedText.setLayoutData(data);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false);
- data.horizontalSpan = 2;
- referencedText.setLayoutData(data);
- Label descriptionLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
- descriptionLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Entry_Description);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.BEGINNING, true, false);
- descriptionLabel.setLayoutData(data);
- descriptionText = new Text(composite, SWT.WRAP | SWT.BORDER);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
- data.horizontalSpan = 2;
- data.widthHint = 160;
- descriptionText.setLayoutData(data);
- descriptionText.addFocusListener(new DescriptionFocusListener());
- Label iconLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
- iconLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Entry_Icon);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.BEGINNING, true, false);
- iconLabel.setLayoutData(data);
- iconText = new Text(composite, SWT.LEAD | SWT.BORDER);
- data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false);
- iconText.setLayoutData(data);
- iconText.addFocusListener(new IconFocusListener());
- iconButton = new Button(composite, SWT.NONE);
- iconButton.setText("Select...");
- iconButton.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
- BundleIconExplorerDialog dialog = new BundleIconExplorerDialog(parent.getShell(), iconText.getText());
- if (Window.OK == {
- Object[] values = dialog.getResult();
- if (values.length != 1) {
- Activator.log.error("Waiting one icon path, but found " + values.length, null);
- } else {
- iconText.setText(values[0].toString());
- selectedEntryProxy.getEntry().setSmallIcon(Activator.getImageDescriptor(iconText.getText().trim()));
- selectedEntryProxy.getEntry().setLargeIcon(Activator.getImageDescriptor(iconText.getText().trim()));
- if (selectedEntryProxy instanceof PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
- ((PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).setIcon(iconText.getText().trim());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) {
- }
- });
- return composite;
- }
- /**
- * Updates the name field in the information area
- */
- protected void updateNameEntryField() {
- EntryType type = selectedEntryProxy.getType();
- switch (type) {
- case STACK:
- nameText.setText("");
- nameText.setEnabled(false);
- break;
- case DRAWER:
- case TOOL:
- // the fields describing information about entry should be updated
- String name = selectedEntryProxy.getLabel();
- nameText.setText((name != null) ? name : "");
- nameText.setEnabled(true);
- break;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Updates the reference field in the information area
- */
- protected void updateReferencedEntryField() {
- if (selectedEntryProxy instanceof PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
- CombinedTemplateCreationEntry entry = ((PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getEntry().getReferencedEntry();
- EClass eClass = PaletteUtil.getToolMetaclass(entry);
- referencedText.setText((eClass != null) ? eClass.getInstanceTypeName() : "");
- } else if (selectedEntryProxy instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
- PaletteEntry entry = selectedEntryProxy.getEntry();
- if (entry instanceof CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) {
- EClass eClass = PaletteUtil.getToolMetaclass((CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) entry);
- referencedText.setText((eClass != null) ? eClass.getInstanceTypeName() : "");
- } else {
- referencedText.setText("");
- }
- } else {
- // should never happen
- referencedText.setText("");
- }
- }
- /**
- * Updates the description field in the information area
- */
- protected void updateDescriptionEntryField() {
- EntryType type = selectedEntryProxy.getType();
- switch (type) {
- case STACK:
- case DRAWER:
- descriptionText.setText("");
- descriptionText.setEnabled(false);
- break;
- case TOOL:
- // the fields describing information about entry should be updated
- String name = selectedEntryProxy.getDescription();
- descriptionText.setText((name != null) ? name : "");
- descriptionText.setEnabled(true);
- break;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Updates the icon field in the information area
- */
- protected void updateIconEntryField() {
- EntryType type = selectedEntryProxy.getType();
- switch (type) {
- case STACK:
- case TOOL:
- iconText.setText("");
- iconText.setEnabled(false);
- iconButton.setEnabled(false);
- break;
- case DRAWER:
- String drawerIcon = selectedEntryProxy.getImagePath();
- iconText.setText((drawerIcon != null) ? drawerIcon : "");
- iconText.setEnabled(false);
- iconButton.setEnabled(false);
- break;
- String icon = selectedEntryProxy.getImagePath();
- iconText.setText((icon != null) ? icon : "");
- iconText.setEnabled(true);
- iconButton.setEnabled(true);
- break;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sets the new Selected entry
- *
- * @param selectedEntryProxy
- * the selectedEntryProxy to set
- */
- public void setSelectedEntryProxy(PaletteEntryProxy selectedEntryProxy) {
- this.selectedEntryProxy = selectedEntryProxy;
- updateNameEntryField();
- updateIconEntryField();
- updateReferencedEntryField();
- updateDescriptionEntryField();
- }
- /**
- * focus listener for the name text field
- */
- protected class NameFocusListener implements FocusListener {
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
- if (selectedEntryProxy != null) {
- selectedEntryProxy.setLabel(nameText.getText().trim());
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * focus listener for the name text field
- */
- protected class DescriptionFocusListener implements FocusListener {
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
- if (selectedEntryProxy != null && selectedEntryProxy.getEntry() != null) {
- selectedEntryProxy.setDescription(descriptionText.getText().trim());
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * focus listener for the name text field
- */
- protected class IconFocusListener implements FocusListener {
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
- }
- /**
- * @{inheritDoc
- */
- public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
- if (selectedEntryProxy != null && iconText.getText() != null && !iconText.getText().equals("")) {
- selectedEntryProxy.getEntry().setSmallIcon(Activator.getImageDescriptor(iconText.getText().trim()));
- selectedEntryProxy.getEntry().setLargeIcon(Activator.getImageDescriptor(iconText.getText().trim()));
- if (selectedEntryProxy instanceof PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
- ((PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).setIcon(iconText.getText().trim());
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 CEA LIST.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.dialog;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.CombinedTemplateCreationEntry;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteEntry;
+import org.eclipse.jface.window.Window;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.Messages;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.dialog.LocalPaletteContentPage.EntryType;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.widgets.editors.BundleIconExplorerDialog;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PaletteUtil;
+import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Profile;
+ * Class in charge of the composite in the {@link LocalPaletteContentPage}
+ */
+public class PaletteEntryProxyInformationComposite {
+ /** current selected entry proxy */
+ protected PaletteEntryProxy selectedEntryProxy;
+ /** proxy name text */
+ protected Text nameText;
+ /** proxy description text */
+ protected Text descriptionText;
+ /** proxy icon text */
+ protected Text iconText;
+ /** referenced proxy text */
+ protected Text referencedText;
+ /** list of applied profiles */
+ protected List<Profile> appliedProfiles;
+ protected Button iconButton;
+ /**
+ * Creates the content of the information composite
+ *
+ * @param parent
+ * the composite where to add created controls
+ * @param appliedProfiles
+ * the list of applied profiles
+ * @return the newly created composite
+ */
+ public Composite createComposite(final Composite parent, List<Profile> appliedProfiles) {
+ this.appliedProfiles = appliedProfiles;
+ Composite composite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
+ GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(3, false);
+ composite.setLayout(layout);
+ GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
+ data.widthHint = 260;
+ data.horizontalIndent = 10;
+ composite.setLayoutData(data);
+ Label entryInformationLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
+ entryInformationLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Entry_Information);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false);
+ data.horizontalSpan = 3;
+ entryInformationLabel.setLayoutData(data);
+ Label nameLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
+ nameLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Entry_Name);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, false, false);
+ nameLabel.setLayoutData(data);
+ nameText = new Text(composite, SWT.LEAD | SWT.BORDER);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false);
+ nameText.setLayoutData(data);
+ nameText.addFocusListener(new NameFocusListener());
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false);
+ data.horizontalSpan = 2;
+ nameText.setLayoutData(data);
+ Label referencedLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
+ referencedLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Entry_Reference);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.BEGINNING, true, false);
+ referencedLabel.setLayoutData(data);
+ referencedText = new Text(composite, SWT.LEAD | SWT.BORDER | SWT.READ_ONLY);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false);
+ referencedText.setLayoutData(data);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false);
+ data.horizontalSpan = 2;
+ referencedText.setLayoutData(data);
+ Label descriptionLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
+ descriptionLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Entry_Description);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.BEGINNING, true, false);
+ descriptionLabel.setLayoutData(data);
+ descriptionText = new Text(composite, SWT.WRAP | SWT.BORDER);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
+ data.horizontalSpan = 2;
+ data.widthHint = 160;
+ descriptionText.setLayoutData(data);
+ descriptionText.addFocusListener(new DescriptionFocusListener());
+ Label iconLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
+ iconLabel.setText(Messages.Local_Palette_Entry_Icon);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.BEGINNING, true, false);
+ iconLabel.setLayoutData(data);
+ iconText = new Text(composite, SWT.LEAD | SWT.BORDER);
+ data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false);
+ iconText.setLayoutData(data);
+ iconText.addFocusListener(new IconFocusListener());
+ iconButton = new Button(composite, SWT.NONE);
+ iconButton.setText("Select...");
+ iconButton.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
+ BundleIconExplorerDialog dialog = new BundleIconExplorerDialog(parent.getShell(), iconText.getText());
+ if (Window.OK == {
+ Object[] values = dialog.getResult();
+ if (values.length != 1) {
+ Activator.log.error("Waiting one icon path, but found " + values.length, null);
+ } else {
+ iconText.setText(values[0].toString());
+ selectedEntryProxy.getEntry().setSmallIcon(Activator.getImageDescriptor(iconText.getText().trim()));
+ selectedEntryProxy.getEntry().setLargeIcon(Activator.getImageDescriptor(iconText.getText().trim()));
+ if (selectedEntryProxy instanceof PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
+ ((PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).setIcon(iconText.getText().trim());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) {
+ }
+ });
+ return composite;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates the name field in the information area
+ */
+ protected void updateNameEntryField() {
+ EntryType type = selectedEntryProxy.getType();
+ switch (type) {
+ case STACK:
+ nameText.setText("");
+ nameText.setEnabled(false);
+ break;
+ case DRAWER:
+ case TOOL:
+ // the fields describing information about entry should be updated
+ String name = selectedEntryProxy.getLabel();
+ nameText.setText((name != null) ? name : "");
+ nameText.setEnabled(true);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates the reference field in the information area
+ */
+ protected void updateReferencedEntryField() {
+ if (selectedEntryProxy instanceof PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
+ CombinedTemplateCreationEntry entry = ((PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).getEntry().getReferencedEntry();
+ EClass eClass = PaletteUtil.getToolMetaclass(entry);
+ referencedText.setText((eClass != null) ? eClass.getInstanceTypeName() : "");
+ } else if (selectedEntryProxy instanceof PaletteEntryProxy) {
+ PaletteEntry entry = selectedEntryProxy.getEntry();
+ if (entry instanceof CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) {
+ EClass eClass = PaletteUtil.getToolMetaclass((CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) entry);
+ referencedText.setText((eClass != null) ? eClass.getInstanceTypeName() : "");
+ } else {
+ referencedText.setText("");
+ }
+ } else {
+ // should never happen
+ referencedText.setText("");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates the description field in the information area
+ */
+ protected void updateDescriptionEntryField() {
+ EntryType type = selectedEntryProxy.getType();
+ switch (type) {
+ case STACK:
+ case DRAWER:
+ descriptionText.setText("");
+ descriptionText.setEnabled(false);
+ break;
+ case TOOL:
+ // the fields describing information about entry should be updated
+ String name = selectedEntryProxy.getDescription();
+ descriptionText.setText((name != null) ? name : "");
+ descriptionText.setEnabled(true);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates the icon field in the information area
+ */
+ protected void updateIconEntryField() {
+ EntryType type = selectedEntryProxy.getType();
+ switch (type) {
+ case STACK:
+ case TOOL:
+ iconText.setText("");
+ iconText.setEnabled(false);
+ iconButton.setEnabled(false);
+ break;
+ case DRAWER:
+ String drawerIcon = selectedEntryProxy.getImagePath();
+ iconText.setText((drawerIcon != null) ? drawerIcon : "");
+ iconText.setEnabled(false);
+ iconButton.setEnabled(false);
+ break;
+ String icon = selectedEntryProxy.getImagePath();
+ iconText.setText((icon != null) ? icon : "");
+ iconText.setEnabled(true);
+ iconButton.setEnabled(true);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the new Selected entry
+ *
+ * @param selectedEntryProxy
+ * the selectedEntryProxy to set
+ */
+ public void setSelectedEntryProxy(PaletteEntryProxy selectedEntryProxy) {
+ this.selectedEntryProxy = selectedEntryProxy;
+ updateNameEntryField();
+ updateIconEntryField();
+ updateReferencedEntryField();
+ updateDescriptionEntryField();
+ }
+ /**
+ * focus listener for the name text field
+ */
+ protected class NameFocusListener implements FocusListener {
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
+ if (selectedEntryProxy != null) {
+ selectedEntryProxy.setLabel(nameText.getText().trim());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * focus listener for the name text field
+ */
+ protected class DescriptionFocusListener implements FocusListener {
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
+ if (selectedEntryProxy != null && selectedEntryProxy.getEntry() != null) {
+ selectedEntryProxy.setDescription(descriptionText.getText().trim());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * focus listener for the name text field
+ */
+ protected class IconFocusListener implements FocusListener {
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * @{inheritDoc
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
+ if (selectedEntryProxy != null && iconText.getText() != null && !iconText.getText().equals("")) {
+ selectedEntryProxy.getEntry().setSmallIcon(Activator.getImageDescriptor(iconText.getText().trim()));
+ selectedEntryProxy.getEntry().setLargeIcon(Activator.getImageDescriptor(iconText.getText().trim()));
+ if (selectedEntryProxy instanceof PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) {
+ ((PaletteAspectToolEntryProxy) selectedEntryProxy).setIcon(iconText.getText().trim());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
index df38078a3d6..7312b62192e 100644
--- a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/dialog/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2009 CEA LIST.
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 CEA LIST.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
* Contributors:
* Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
* Gabriel Pascual (ALL4TEC) - Bug 350134
+ * Mickael ADAM (ALL4TEC) - Bug 482669
@@ -23,10 +24,9 @@ import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IEclipsePreferences;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IEclipsePreferences.IPreferenceChangeListener;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IEclipsePreferences.PreferenceChangeEvent;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.InstanceScope;
-import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteContainer;
-import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteEntry;
import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteRoot;
import org.eclipse.gef.ui.palette.PaletteCustomizer;
+import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service.IProvider;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.gef.ui.palette.customize.PaletteCustomizerDialogEx;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogConstants;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog;
@@ -43,21 +43,21 @@ import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredContentProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TreeViewer;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer;
import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.Messages;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.core.sasheditor.editor.ISashWindowsContainer;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Messages;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PaletteUtil;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PapyrusPaletteCustomizer;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PapyrusPalettePreferences;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.ExtendedPluginPaletteProvider;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.IPapyrusPaletteConstant;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.PapyrusPaletteService;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.PapyrusPaletteService.ExtendedProviderDescriptor;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.PapyrusPaletteService.ProviderDescriptor;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.PluginPaletteProvider;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
@@ -86,6 +86,9 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
/** Id for restore button of extended customization palette. */
private static final int RESTORE_DEFAULT_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID = 23;
+ /** Id for restore button of extended customization palette. */
+ private static final int EXPORT_DEFAULT_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID = 24;
/** Id for delete button of local palette. */
private static final int DELETE_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID = 22;
@@ -95,28 +98,32 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
/** Id for new button to create local palette. */
private static final int NEW_LOCAL_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID = 20;
+ /** Id for new button to create local extended palette. */
+ private static final int NEW_EXTENDED_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID = 25;
/** new local palette icon */
- private static final String NEW_LOCAL_DESC_IMAGE = "/icons/local_desc_new.gif";
+ private static final String NEW_LOCAL_DESC_IMAGE = "/icons/local_desc_new.gif"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** delete palette icon */
- private static final String DELETE_LOCAL_DESC_IMAGE = "/icons/local_desc_destroy.gif";
+ private static final String DELETE_LOCAL_DESC_IMAGE = "/icons/local_desc_destroy.gif"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** edit palette icon */
- private static final String EDIT_LOCAL_DESC_IMAGE = "/icons/local_desc_edit.gif";
+ private static final String EDIT_LOCAL_DESC_IMAGE = "/icons/local_desc_edit.gif"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ /** restore palette icon */
+ private static final String RESTORE_DEFAULT_DESC_IMAGE = "/icons/obj16/eraser.gif"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- private static final String RESTORE_DEFAULT_DESC_IMAGE = "/icons/obj16/eraser.gif";
+ /** restore palette icon */
+ private static final String EXPORT_DEFAULT_DESC_IMAGE = "/icons/obj16/Export.gif"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** path to the local descriptor icon */
- protected final String LOCAL_DESCRIPTOR = "/icons/local_desc.gif";
+ protected final String LOCAL_DESCRIPTOR = "/icons/local_desc.gif"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** path to the plugin descriptor icon */
- protected final String PLUGIN_DESCRIPTOR = "/icons/plugin_desc.gif";
+ protected final String PLUGIN_DESCRIPTOR = "/icons/plugin_desc.gif"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** path to the plugin descriptor icon */
- protected final String EXTENDED_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTOR = "/icons/extended_plugin_desc.gif";
- /** viewer for the available tools */
- protected TreeViewer availableToolsTreeViewer;
+ protected final String EXTENDED_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTOR = "/icons/extended_plugin_desc.gif"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** table viewed by the availablePalettesTreeViewer */
protected Table availablePalettesTable;
@@ -167,7 +174,7 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
* {@inheritDoc}
- protected Control createDialogArea(Composite parent) {
+ protected Control createDialogArea(final Composite parent) {
// RS: does not call super, as the composite should not be drawn like they are in parent
Composite mainComposite = createMainComposite(parent);
@@ -179,14 +186,6 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
// data.right = new FormAttachment(40, 0);
- // final Control displayButtons = createDisplayButtons(mainComposite);
- // data = new FormData();
- // data.left = new FormAttachment(availableToolsComposite, 0);
- // // data.width = 30;
- // = new FormAttachment(40, 0);
- // data.bottom = new FormAttachment(100, 0);
- // displayButtons.setLayoutData(data);
final Label nameLabel = new Label(mainComposite, SWT.NONE);
data = new FormData();
@@ -221,94 +220,66 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
return mainComposite;
+ /**
+ * the selection changed listener to available tools, which update buttons status
+ *
+ * @return the listener
+ */
protected ISelectionChangedListener createSelectionChangedListener() {
return new ISelectionChangedListener() {
* {@inheritDoc}
- public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
+ @Override
+ public void selectionChanged(final SelectionChangedEvent event) {
// retrieve element selected
Object selectedElement = ((IStructuredSelection) event.getSelection()).getFirstElement();
+ // Plug-in contribution palette
if (selectedElement instanceof PapyrusPaletteService.ExtendedProviderDescriptor) {
- paletteButtonsMap.get(DELETE_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID).setEnabled(false);
+ IProvider provider = ((PapyrusPaletteService.ExtendedProviderDescriptor) selectedElement).getProvider();
+ // xml definition of palette
+ if (provider instanceof PluginPaletteProvider) {
+ paletteButtonsMap.get(DELETE_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID).setEnabled(false);
+ paletteButtonsMap.get(EDIT_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID).setEnabled(false);
+ paletteButtonsMap.get(RESTORE_DEFAULT_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID).setEnabled(false);
+ paletteButtonsMap.get(EXPORT_DEFAULT_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID).setEnabled(false);
+ } else
+ // Modelconfiguration model definition
+ if (provider instanceof ExtendedPluginPaletteProvider) {
+ paletteButtonsMap.get(DELETE_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID).setEnabled(false);
+ paletteButtonsMap.get(EDIT_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID).setEnabled(true);
+ paletteButtonsMap.get(RESTORE_DEFAULT_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID).setEnabled(isRedefined((ExtendedProviderDescriptor) selectedElement));
+ paletteButtonsMap.get(EXPORT_DEFAULT_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID).setEnabled(true);
+ }
+ } else
+ // Local Palette configuration model
+ if (selectedElement instanceof PapyrusPaletteService.LocalExtendedProviderDescriptor) {
+ paletteButtonsMap.get(DELETE_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID).setEnabled(true);
- paletteButtonsMap.get(RESTORE_DEFAULT_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID).setEnabled(true);
- } else if (selectedElement instanceof PapyrusPaletteService.LocalProviderDescriptor) {
+ paletteButtonsMap.get(RESTORE_DEFAULT_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID).setEnabled(false);
+ paletteButtonsMap.get(EXPORT_DEFAULT_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID).setEnabled(true);
+ } else
+ // Local XML Palette
+ if (selectedElement instanceof PapyrusPaletteService.LocalProviderDescriptor) {
+ paletteButtonsMap.get(EXPORT_DEFAULT_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID).setEnabled(false);
} else {
+ paletteButtonsMap.get(EXPORT_DEFAULT_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID).setEnabled(false);
- // if(selectedElement instanceof PapyrusPaletteService.LocalProviderDescriptor) {
- // deletePaletteButton.setEnabled(true);
- // // check if the palette is in good configuration to be edited...
- // if(PaletteUtil.areRequiredProfileApplied(getActiveSashPage(), (PapyrusPaletteService.LocalProviderDescriptor)selectedElement)) {
- // editPaletteButton.setEnabled(true);
- // editPaletteButton.setToolTipText(Messages.PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_EditButtonTooltip_LocalPaletteSelected);
- // } else {
- // editPaletteButton.setEnabled(false);
- // editPaletteButton.setToolTipText(Messages.PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_EditButtonTooltip_MissingProfile);
- // }
- // } else {
- // deletePaletteButton.setEnabled(false);
- // editPaletteButton.setEnabled(false);
- // editPaletteButton.setToolTipText(Messages.PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_EditButtonTooltip_LocalPaletteNotSelected);
- // }
- protected void addEntry(MouseEvent e) {
- ISelection selection = availableToolsTreeViewer.getSelection();
- PaletteEntry entry = null;
- if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection) {
- Object firstElement = ((IStructuredSelection) selection).getFirstElement();
- if (!(firstElement instanceof PaletteEntry)) {
- return;
- } else {
- entry = ((PaletteEntry) firstElement);
- }
- }
- // sets the active entry, to have the page useful for saving modification
- setActiveEntry(entry);
- // add entry to the selected container
- // retrieve the selection in the palette viewer
- PaletteEntry destContainer = getSelectedPaletteEntry();
- ((PapyrusPaletteCustomizer) getCustomizer()).storePaletteState(entry);
- if (destContainer instanceof PaletteContainer) {
- PaletteContainer oldParent = entry.getParent();
- // checks if the parent is already changed. If not, must store the standard parent (the
- // one given by the factory)
- PaletteContainer stdParent = ((PapyrusPaletteCustomizer) getCustomizer()).getChangedParents().get(entry);
- if (stdParent == null) {
- ((PapyrusPaletteCustomizer) getCustomizer()).getChangedParents().put(entry, entry.getParent());
- }
- oldParent.remove(entry);
- entry.setParent((PaletteContainer) destContainer);
- ((PaletteContainer) destContainer).add(entry);
- } else {
- // add it to the palette root
- PaletteRoot root = (PaletteRoot) PaletteUtil.getRoot(entry);
- if (root != null) {
- PaletteContainer oldParent = entry.getParent();
- PaletteContainer stdParent = ((PapyrusPaletteCustomizer) getCustomizer()).getChangedParents().get(entry);
- if (stdParent == null) {
- ((PapyrusPaletteCustomizer) getCustomizer()).getChangedParents().put(entry, stdParent);
- }
- oldParent.remove(entry);
- entry.setParent(root);
- root.add(entry);
- }
- }
- }
* Creates the available palettes viewer part of the dialog.
@@ -316,11 +287,11 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
* The Composite within which the viewer has to be created
* @return The newly created Control that has the viewer
- protected Control createAvailablePalettesViewer(Composite container) {
+ protected Control createAvailablePalettesViewer(final Composite container) {
// Create the Composite that will contain the available tools
Composite composite = new Composite(container, SWT.NONE);
- GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(5, false);
+ GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(6, false);
layout.horizontalSpacing = 0;
layout.verticalSpacing = 0;
layout.marginHeight = 0;
@@ -333,10 +304,17 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
// Create action buttons
- createEditionPaletteButton(composite, NEW_LOCAL_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID, Activator.getImage(NEW_LOCAL_DESC_IMAGE), Messages.Dialog_Create_Palette_Tooltip);
+ createEditionPaletteButton(composite, NEW_EXTENDED_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID, Activator.getImage(NEW_LOCAL_DESC_IMAGE), Messages.Dialog_Create_Palette_Tooltip);
createEditionPaletteButton(composite, EDIT_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID, Activator.getImage(EDIT_LOCAL_DESC_IMAGE), Messages.Dialog_Edit_Palette_Tooltip);
createEditionPaletteButton(composite, DELETE_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID, Activator.getImage(DELETE_LOCAL_DESC_IMAGE), Messages.Dialog_Delete_Palette_Tooltip);
createEditionPaletteButton(composite, RESTORE_DEFAULT_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID, Activator.getImage(RESTORE_DEFAULT_DESC_IMAGE), Messages.Dialog_Restore_Palette_Tooltip);
+ createEditionPaletteButton(composite, EXPORT_DEFAULT_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID, Activator.getImage(EXPORT_DEFAULT_DESC_IMAGE), Messages.Dialog_Export_Palette_Tooltip);
+ // initialize it
+ paletteButtonsMap.get(DELETE_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID).setEnabled(false);
+ paletteButtonsMap.get(EDIT_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID).setEnabled(false);
+ paletteButtonsMap.get(RESTORE_DEFAULT_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID).setEnabled(false);
+ paletteButtonsMap.get(EXPORT_DEFAULT_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID).setEnabled(false);
availablePalettesTable = new Table(composite, SWT.BORDER | SWT.CHECK);
@@ -345,7 +323,8 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
* {@inheritDoc}
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
+ @Override
+ public void widgetSelected(final SelectionEvent e) {
if (e.detail == SWT.CHECK) {
TableItem item = (TableItem) e.item;
// one item was checked => display/hide the given provider
@@ -356,12 +335,13 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
* {@inheritDoc}
- public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
+ @Override
+ public void widgetDefaultSelected(final SelectionEvent e) {
// does nothing
data = new GridData(GridData.FILL_VERTICAL | GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FILL);
- data.horizontalSpan = 5;
+ data.horizontalSpan = 6;
data.widthHint = 185;
// Make the tree this tall even when there is nothing in it. This will keep the
// dialog from shrinking to an unusually small size.
@@ -376,6 +356,7 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
availablePalettesTableViewer.addDoubleClickListener(new IDoubleClickListener() {
+ @Override
public void doubleClick(DoubleClickEvent event) {
// get selection. if local palette: open the wizard to edit this local palette
IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) event.getSelection();
@@ -390,28 +371,24 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
* Create button to edit palette in table.
* @param parentConposite
- * @return
+ * @return the edition button
- protected Button createEditionPaletteButton(Composite parentConposite, int id, Image icon, String toolTip) {
+ protected Button createEditionPaletteButton(final Composite parentConposite, final int id, final Image icon, final String toolTip) {
Button button = new Button(parentConposite, SWT.NONE);
button.setData(new Integer(id));
- button.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
- public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) {
- // Nothing to do
- }
+ button.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
- public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
- // Nothing to do
- }
- public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
- buttonPressed(((Integer) e.widget.getData()).intValue());
+ @Override
+ public void mouseUp(final MouseEvent e) {
+ int buttonId = ((Integer) e.widget.getData()).intValue();
+ // If ctrl is pressed use the old editor
+ if (NEW_EXTENDED_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID == buttonId && (SWT.CTRL == (SWT.CTRL & e.stateMask))) {
+ }
+ buttonPressed(buttonId);
@@ -423,37 +400,86 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
- * @see org.eclipse.gef.ui.palette.customize.PaletteCustomizerDialog#buttonPressed(int)
- *
- * @param buttonId
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ *
+ * @param
- protected void buttonPressed(int buttonId) {
+ protected void buttonPressed(final int buttonId) {
if (paletteButtonsMap.containsKey(buttonId)) {
switch (buttonId) {
- createNewLocalPalette();
+ createPaletteConfigurationPalette();
IStructuredSelection selection = getPalettesTableSelection();
+ }
- deleteLocalPalette();
+ IStructuredSelection selection = getPalettesTableSelection();
+ deleteSelectedPalette(selection);
+ }
+ IStructuredSelection selection = getPalettesTableSelection();
+ exportSelectedPalette(selection);
+ }
+ break;
+ } else if (NEW_LOCAL_PALETTE_BUTTON_ID == buttonId) {
+ createNewLocalPalette();
} else {
+ * Open wizard to export palette configuration model file to the wanted location
+ *
+ * @param selection
+ * the selected palette
+ */
+ protected void exportSelectedPalette(final IStructuredSelection selection) {
+ /*
+ * Two palettes type to export:
+ * - ExtendedProviderDescriptor : plug-in definition : needs to create local file if not exist
+ * - LocalExtendedProviderDescriptor : local definition
+ */
+ Object firstElement = selection.getFirstElement();
+ if (firstElement instanceof PapyrusPaletteService.ExtendedProviderDescriptor) {
+ if (!isRedefined((ExtendedProviderDescriptor) firstElement)) {
+ // create a local redefinition of this palette contribution
+ PapyrusPalettePreferences.createPaletteRedefinition((ExtendedProviderDescriptor) firstElement);
+ }
+ exportPalette((PapyrusPaletteService.ProviderDescriptor) firstElement);
+ } else if (firstElement instanceof PapyrusPaletteService.LocalExtendedProviderDescriptor) {
+ exportPalette((PapyrusPaletteService.ProviderDescriptor) firstElement);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * export the palette corresponding to the descriptor. The ressource have to exist.
+ *
+ * @param descriptor
+ */
+ protected void exportPalette(final PapyrusPaletteService.ProviderDescriptor descriptor) {
+ ExportPaletteConfigurationWizard wizard = new ExportPaletteConfigurationWizard(getActiveSashPage(), descriptor);
+ WizardDialog wizardDialog = new WizardDialog(new Shell(), wizard);
+ }
+ /**
* Get selection in palettes table viewer.
* @return The {@link IStructuredSelection} if there is one, otherwise <code>null</code>
@@ -466,8 +492,6 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
structuredSelection = (IStructuredSelection) selection;
return structuredSelection;
@@ -477,7 +501,7 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
* @param button
- protected void setButtonLayoutData(Button button) {
+ protected void setButtonLayoutData(final Button button) {
if (paletteButtonsMap.containsValue(button)) {
GridData data = new GridData(SWT.CENTER, SWT.CENTER, false, false);
@@ -493,6 +517,7 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
* @param shell
* the shell where to display the wizard
+ @Deprecated
protected void createNewLocalPalette() {
NewLocalPaletteWizard wizard = new NewLocalPaletteWizard(getActiveSashPage(), getCustomizer());
WizardDialog wizardDialog = new WizardDialog(new Shell(), wizard);
@@ -500,33 +525,91 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
+ * Launch the wizard for the palette creation
+ *
+ * @param shell
+ * the shell where to display the wizard
+ */
+ protected void createPaletteConfigurationPalette() {
+ PaletteConfigurationWizard wizard = new PaletteConfigurationWizard(getActiveSashPage());
+ WizardDialog wizardDialog = new WizardDialog(new Shell(), wizard);
+ }
+ /**
* Deletes the current selected local palette
- protected void deleteLocalPalette() {
- IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) availablePalettesTableViewer.getSelection();
- if (selection == null || !(selection.getFirstElement() instanceof PapyrusPaletteService.LocalProviderDescriptor)) {
+ protected void deleteLocalPalette(final PapyrusPaletteService.LocalProviderDescriptor descriptor) {
+ if (null == descriptor) {
MessageDialog.openError(getShell(), Messages.Dialog_Not_Local_Palette_Title, Messages.Dialog_Not_Local_Palette_Message);
} else {
- PapyrusPaletteService.LocalProviderDescriptor descriptor = ((PapyrusPaletteService.LocalProviderDescriptor) selection.getFirstElement());
String id = descriptor.getContributionID();
- * Reset the current selected extended palette to the initial configurtion in the plugin
+ * Deletes the current selected local extended palette
+ */
+ protected void deleteLocalExtendedPalette(final PapyrusPaletteService.LocalExtendedProviderDescriptor descriptor) {
+ if (null == descriptor) {
+ MessageDialog.openError(getShell(), Messages.Dialog_Not_Local_Palette_Title, Messages.Dialog_Not_Local_Palette_Message);
+ } else {
+ String id = descriptor.getContributionID();
+ deleteAssociatedRessource(descriptor);
+ PapyrusPalettePreferences.deleteLocalExtendedPalette(id);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Deletes the current selected local palette
+ */
+ protected void deleteWorkspaceExtendedPalette(final PapyrusPaletteService.LocalProviderDescriptor descriptor) {
+ if (null == descriptor) {
+ MessageDialog.openError(getShell(), Messages.Dialog_Not_Extended_Palette_Title, Messages.Dialog_Not_Extended_Palette_Message);
+ } else {
+ String id = descriptor.getContributionID();
+ PapyrusPalettePreferences.deleteWorkspaceExtendedPalette(id);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reset the current selected extended palette to the initial configuration in the plugin
protected void restoreExtendedPaletteToDefault() {
IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) availablePalettesTableViewer.getSelection();
- if (selection == null || !(selection.getFirstElement() instanceof PapyrusPaletteService.ExtendedProviderDescriptor)) {
+ if (null == selection || !(selection.getFirstElement() instanceof PapyrusPaletteService.ExtendedProviderDescriptor)) {
MessageDialog.openError(getShell(), Messages.Dialog_Not_Extended_Palette_Title, Messages.Dialog_Not_Extended_Palette_Message);
} else {
PapyrusPaletteService.ExtendedProviderDescriptor descriptor = ((PapyrusPaletteService.ExtendedProviderDescriptor) selection.getFirstElement());
String id = descriptor.getContributionID();
+ deleteAssociatedRessource(descriptor);
+ // Refresh element on Palette preview only if is checked
+ if (availablePalettesTableViewer.getChecked(descriptor)) {
+ // toggle visibility to refresh the content
+ changeProviderVisibility(descriptor, false);
+ changeProviderVisibility(descriptor, true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Delete associated resource and unloads models.
+ *
+ * @param descriptor
+ *
+ */
+ protected void deleteAssociatedRessource(ProviderDescriptor descriptor) {
+ PaletteConfigurationWizard wizard = new PaletteConfigurationWizard(getActiveSashPage(), descriptor);
+ wizard.deleteResource();
+ wizard.dispose();
+ }
* Method to launch edition dialog according to selection.
@@ -534,42 +617,89 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
* Selection which determine kind of edition
protected void editSelectedPalette(IStructuredSelection selection) {
- if (selection != null) {
- if ((selection.getFirstElement() instanceof PapyrusPaletteService.LocalProviderDescriptor)) {
+ if (null != selection) {
+ if (selection.getFirstElement() instanceof PapyrusPaletteService.WorkspaceExtendedProviderDescriptor || selection.getFirstElement() instanceof PapyrusPaletteService.LocalExtendedProviderDescriptor) {
+ editPaletteConfiguration((ProviderDescriptor) selection.getFirstElement());
+ } else if (selection.getFirstElement() instanceof PapyrusPaletteService.LocalProviderDescriptor) {
editLocalPalette((PapyrusPaletteService.LocalProviderDescriptor) selection.getFirstElement());
} else if (selection.getFirstElement() instanceof PapyrusPaletteService.ExtendedProviderDescriptor) {
- editExtendedPalette((PapyrusPaletteService.ExtendedProviderDescriptor) selection.getFirstElement());
+ IProvider provider = ((PapyrusPaletteService.ExtendedProviderDescriptor) selection.getFirstElement()).getProvider();
+ if (!(provider instanceof PluginPaletteProvider)) {
+ editExtendedPalette((PapyrusPaletteService.ExtendedProviderDescriptor) selection.getFirstElement());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Method to delete palette according to selection.
+ *
+ * @param selection
+ * Selection which determine kind of delectino
+ */
+ protected void deleteSelectedPalette(final IStructuredSelection selection) {
+ if (null != selection) {
+ if (selection.getFirstElement() instanceof PapyrusPaletteService.WorkspaceExtendedProviderDescriptor) {
+ deleteWorkspaceExtendedPalette((PapyrusPaletteService.LocalProviderDescriptor) selection.getFirstElement());
+ } else if (selection.getFirstElement() instanceof PapyrusPaletteService.LocalExtendedProviderDescriptor) {
+ deleteLocalExtendedPalette((PapyrusPaletteService.LocalExtendedProviderDescriptor) selection.getFirstElement());
+ } else if ((selection.getFirstElement() instanceof PapyrusPaletteService.LocalProviderDescriptor)) {
+ deleteLocalPalette((PapyrusPaletteService.LocalProviderDescriptor) selection.getFirstElement());
+ }
+ availablePalettesTableViewer.refresh();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Open wizard to edit palette configuration model.
+ *
+ * @param descriptor
+ * the provider descriptor of the palette
+ */
+ protected void editPaletteConfiguration(final ProviderDescriptor descriptor) {
+ PaletteConfigurationWizard wizard = new PaletteConfigurationWizard(getActiveSashPage(), descriptor);
+ WizardDialog wizardDialog = new WizardDialog(new Shell(), wizard);
* Edits the current selected local palette
+ *
+ * @param descriptor
+ * the provider descriptor of the palette
- protected void editLocalPalette(PapyrusPaletteService.LocalProviderDescriptor descriptor) {
+ protected void editLocalPalette(final PapyrusPaletteService.LocalProviderDescriptor descriptor) {
UpdateLocalPaletteWizard wizard = new UpdateLocalPaletteWizard(getActiveSashPage(), descriptor, getCustomizer());
WizardDialog wizardDialog = new WizardDialog(new Shell(), wizard);;
- * @param firstElement
+ * Open wizard to edit palette configuration model for a read-only palette.
+ *
+ * @param descriptor
+ * the provider descriptor of the palette
- protected void editExtendedPalette(ExtendedProviderDescriptor descriptor) {
- // check the file in plugin state area.
- String contributionID = descriptor.getContributionID();
- String paletteRedefinition = PapyrusPalettePreferences.getPaletteRedefinition(contributionID);
- if (paletteRedefinition == null) {
+ protected void editExtendedPalette(final ExtendedProviderDescriptor descriptor) {
+ if (!isRedefined(descriptor)) {
// create a local redefinition of this palette contribution
+ editPaletteConfiguration(descriptor);
+ }
- UpdateExtendedPaletteWizard wizard = new UpdateExtendedPaletteWizard(getActiveSashPage(), descriptor, getCustomizer());
- WizardDialog wizardDialog = new WizardDialog(new Shell(), wizard);
+ /**
+ * Test if a palette redefinition exist for the descriptor.
+ *
+ * @param descriptor
+ * the exttended provider desciptor to test
+ * @return true if redefined
+ */
+ public Boolean isRedefined(final ExtendedProviderDescriptor descriptor) {
+ // check the file in plugin state area.
+ String contributionID = descriptor.getContributionID();
+ String paletteRedefinition = PapyrusPalettePreferences.getPaletteRedefinition(contributionID);
+ return null != paletteRedefinition;
@@ -581,7 +711,7 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
* @param isChecked
* <code>true</code> if the descriptor should be visible
- protected void changeProviderVisibility(PapyrusPaletteService.ProviderDescriptor descriptor, boolean isChecked) {
+ protected void changeProviderVisibility(final PapyrusPaletteService.ProviderDescriptor descriptor, final boolean isChecked) {
PapyrusPalettePreferences.changePaletteVisibility(descriptor.getContributionID(), getActiveSashPage().getClass().getName(), isChecked);
@@ -592,7 +722,7 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
* the parent of the createrd composite
* @return the newly created Composite
- protected Composite createMainComposite(Composite parent) {
+ protected Composite createMainComposite(final Composite parent) {
// dialog window
// create a composite with standard margins and spacing
Composite composite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
@@ -622,13 +752,14 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
* @param tableViewer
* The TableViewer whose ContentProvider this PaletteTreeProvider is
- public PalettesTableContentProvider(TableViewer tableViewer) {
+ public PalettesTableContentProvider(final TableViewer tableViewer) {
this.viewer = tableViewer;
* {@inheritDoc}
+ @Override
public void dispose() {
paletteService = null;
@@ -636,7 +767,8 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
* {@inheritDoc}
- public void inputChanged(Viewer viewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput) {
+ @Override
+ public void inputChanged(final Viewer viewer, final Object oldInput, final Object newInput) {
if (newInput != null) {
paletteService = (PapyrusPaletteService) newInput;
@@ -645,7 +777,8 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
* {@inheritDoc}
- public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) {
+ @Override
+ public Object[] getElements(final Object inputElement) {
if (inputElement instanceof PapyrusPaletteService) {
List<PapyrusPaletteService.ProviderDescriptor> providers = ((PapyrusPaletteService) inputElement).getContributingProviders(getActiveSashPage(), getPaletteRoot());
@@ -665,7 +798,7 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
IWorkbenchPage page = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
IEditorPart editorPart = page.getActiveEditor();
assert editorPart != null;
- ISashWindowsContainer sashWindowsContainer = (ISashWindowsContainer) editorPart.getAdapter(ISashWindowsContainer.class);
+ ISashWindowsContainer sashWindowsContainer = editorPart.getAdapter(ISashWindowsContainer.class);
if (sashWindowsContainer != null) {
return sashWindowsContainer.getActiveEditor();
@@ -680,17 +813,20 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
* {@inheritDoc}
- public boolean isChecked(Object element) {
+ @Override
+ public boolean isChecked(final Object element) {
+ boolean checked = false;
if (element instanceof PapyrusPaletteService.ProviderDescriptor) {
- return !PapyrusPalettePreferences.getHiddenPalettes(getActiveSashPage()).contains(((PapyrusPaletteService.ProviderDescriptor) element).getContributionID());
+ checked = !PapyrusPalettePreferences.getHiddenPalettes(getActiveSashPage()).contains(((PapyrusPaletteService.ProviderDescriptor) element).getContributionID());
- return false;
+ return checked;
* {@inheritDoc}
- public boolean isGrayed(Object element) {
+ @Override
+ public boolean isGrayed(final Object element) {
return false;
@@ -707,7 +843,7 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
* @param viewer
* the table viewer where the labels are displayed
- public PaletteLabelProvider(TableViewer viewer) {
+ public PaletteLabelProvider(final TableViewer viewer) {
private Map<ImageDescriptor, Image> imageCache = new HashMap<ImageDescriptor, Image>();
@@ -715,7 +851,8 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
* {@inheritDoc}
- public Image getImage(Object element) {
+ @Override
+ public Image getImage(final Object element) {
if (element instanceof PapyrusPaletteService.LocalProviderDescriptor) {
return Activator.getImage(LOCAL_DESCRIPTOR);
} else if (element instanceof PapyrusPaletteService.ExtendedProviderDescriptor) {
@@ -730,22 +867,26 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
* {@inheritDoc}
- public String getText(Object element) {
+ @Override
+ public String getText(final Object element) {
+ String text = null;
if (element instanceof PapyrusPaletteService.ProviderDescriptor) {
- return ((PapyrusPaletteService.ProviderDescriptor) element).getContributionName();
+ text = ((PapyrusPaletteService.ProviderDescriptor) element).getContributionName();
- return "<undefined>";
+ return null != text ? text : "<undefined>";//$NON-NLS-1$
* {@inheritDoc}
- public void addListener(ILabelProviderListener listener) {
+ @Override
+ public void addListener(final ILabelProviderListener listener) {
* {@inheritDoc}
+ @Override
public void dispose() {
Iterator<Image> images = imageCache.values().iterator();
while (images.hasNext()) {
@@ -757,14 +898,16 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
* {@inheritDoc}
- public boolean isLabelProperty(Object element, String property) {
+ @Override
+ public boolean isLabelProperty(final Object element, final String property) {
return false;
* {@inheritDoc}
- public void removeListener(ILabelProviderListener listener) {
+ @Override
+ public void removeListener(final ILabelProviderListener listener) {
@@ -772,7 +915,8 @@ public class PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog extends PaletteCustomizerDialogEx im
* {@inheritDoc}
- public void preferenceChange(PreferenceChangeEvent event) {
+ @Override
+ public void preferenceChange(final PreferenceChangeEvent event) {
String id = event.getKey();
if (IPapyrusPaletteConstant.PALETTE_CUSTOMIZATIONS_ID.equals(id) || IPapyrusPaletteConstant.PALETTE_LOCAL_DEFINITIONS.equals(id)) {
// refresh available palette table viewer
diff --git a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/handler/ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/handler/
index 75986a8e3b7..89aa3425d9a 100644
--- a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/handler/
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/handler/
@@ -1,370 +1,442 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2013 CEA LIST.
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.handler;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.Set;
-import org.eclipse.core.commands.AbstractHandler;
-import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionEvent;
-import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.MultiStatus;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
-import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service.ProviderPriority;
-import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog;
-import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.TrayDialog;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection;
-import org.eclipse.jface.window.Window;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PaletteUtil;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PapyrusPalettePreferences;
-import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
-import org.eclipse.swt.custom.CCombo;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;
-import org.eclipse.ui.XMLMemento;
-import org.eclipse.ui.handlers.HandlerUtil;
-import org.eclipse.ui.statushandlers.StatusManager;
- * @author RS211865
- */
-public abstract class AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler extends AbstractHandler {
- public static class UpdateContentDialog extends TrayDialog {
- public String paletteName;
- public ProviderPriority priority;
- public String editorID;
- public String requiredProfiles;
- public String fileName;
- private Text nameText;
- private Text editorText;
- private Text profilesText;
- private CCombo priorityCombo;
- /**
- * @param shell
- * @param priority
- * @param editorID
- * @param requiredProfiles
- */
- protected UpdateContentDialog(Shell shell, String fileName, String paletteName, ProviderPriority priority, String editorID, Set<String> requiredProfiles) {
- super(shell);
- this.fileName = fileName;
- this.paletteName = paletteName;
- this.priority = priority;
- this.editorID = editorID;
- if (requiredProfiles != null) {
- this.requiredProfiles = PaletteUtil.getSerializedProfileList(requiredProfiles);
- }
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- protected void configureShell(Shell newShell) {
- super.configureShell(newShell);
- if (newShell != null) {
- newShell.setText("Configure Deployment of the palette");
- newShell.setSize(600, 400);
- }
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- protected Control createDialogArea(Composite parent) {
- Composite superComposite = (Composite) super.createDialogArea(parent);
- Composite composite = new Composite(superComposite, SWT.NONE);
- composite.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, false));
- composite.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true, 1, 1));
- // new grid data will all necessary info
- Label nameLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
- nameLabel.setText("Name:");
- nameText = new Text(composite, SWT.BORDER);
- if (paletteName == null) {
- paletteName = fileName;
- }
- nameText.setText(paletteName);
- nameText.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false, 1, 1));
- Label priorityLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
- priorityLabel.setText("Priority:");
- priorityCombo = new CCombo(composite, SWT.BORDER);
- priorityCombo.setEditable(false);
- priorityCombo.setItems(new String[] { ProviderPriority.LOWEST.getName(), ProviderPriority.LOW.getName(), ProviderPriority.MEDIUM.getName(), ProviderPriority.HIGH.getName(), ProviderPriority.HIGHEST.getName() });
- if (ProviderPriority.LOWEST.equals(priority)) {
- } else if (ProviderPriority.LOW.equals(priority)) {
- } else if (ProviderPriority.MEDIUM.equals(priority)) {
- } else if (ProviderPriority.HIGH.equals(priority)) {
- } else if (ProviderPriority.HIGHEST.equals(priority)) {
- } else {
-; // default = medium
- }
- priorityCombo.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false, 1, 1));
- Label editorLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
- editorLabel.setText("Editor:");
- editorText = new Text(composite, SWT.BORDER);
- if (editorID == null) {
- // TODO: try to see if a Papyrus editor is currently opened?
- editorID = "";
- }
- editorText.setText(editorID);
- editorText.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false, 1, 1));
- // list of profiles
- Label profilesLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
- profilesLabel.setText("Profiles:");
- profilesText = new Text(composite, SWT.BORDER);
- if (requiredProfiles != null) {
- profilesText.setText(requiredProfiles);
- }
- profilesText.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false, 1, 1));
- return superComposite;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- protected void okPressed() {
- // updates values
- if (nameText != null && !nameText.isDisposed()) {
- paletteName = nameText.getText();
- }
- if (editorText != null && !editorText.isDisposed()) {
- editorID = editorText.getText();
- }
- if (priorityCombo != null && !priorityCombo.isDisposed()) {
- priority = ProviderPriority.parse(priorityCombo.getText());
- }
- if (profilesText != null && !profilesText.isDisposed()) {
- requiredProfiles = profilesText.getText();
- }
- super.okPressed();
- }
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
- ISelection currentSelection = HandlerUtil.getCurrentSelection(event);
- if (!(currentSelection instanceof IStructuredSelection) || currentSelection.isEmpty()) {
- return null;
- }
- final IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) currentSelection;
- final Shell activeShell = HandlerUtil.getActiveShell(event);
- doExecute(selection, activeShell, new NullProgressMonitor());
- return null;
- }
- protected void doExecute(IStructuredSelection selection, Shell activeShell, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
- Iterator<?> selectionIterator = selection.iterator();
- MultiStatus result = new MultiStatus(Activator.ID, IStatus.OK, "The palette configuration has been successfully deployed and activated", null);
- while (selectionIterator.hasNext()) {
- Object selectedElement =;
- if (selectedElement instanceof IAdaptable) {
- IFile selectedFile = (IFile) ((IAdaptable) selectedElement).getAdapter(IFile.class);
- if (selectedFile == null) {
- monitor.worked(1);
- result.add(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, "The selected element is not a file"));
- continue;
- }
- String fileName = selectedFile.getFullPath().removeFileExtension().lastSegment();
- monitor.subTask("Deploy " + fileName);
- boolean alreadyDeployed = false;
- // retrieve info => open a dialog, filled by current opened editor ?
- ProviderPriority priority = getPriority(fileName);
- if (priority == null) {
- priority = ProviderPriority.MEDIUM;
- } else {
- alreadyDeployed = true;
- }
- String editorID = getEditorID(fileName);
- if (editorID != null) {
- alreadyDeployed = true;
- }
- String paletteName = getPaletteName(fileName);
- if (paletteName != null) {
- alreadyDeployed = true;
- }
- Set<String> requiredProfiles = getRequiredProfiles(fileName);
- if (requiredProfiles != null && requiredProfiles.size() > 0) {
- alreadyDeployed = true;
- }
- String path = selectedFile.getFullPath().toString();
- UpdateContentDialog dialog = new UpdateContentDialog(activeShell, fileName, paletteName, priority, editorID, requiredProfiles);
- int returnCode =;
- if (Window.OK == returnCode) {
- boolean validUpdate = true;
- // update values from the editor
- if (dialog.paletteName != null && dialog.paletteName.length() > 0) {
- paletteName = dialog.paletteName;
- } else {
- validUpdate = false;
- }
- if (dialog.priority != null) {
- priority = dialog.priority;
- } else {
- validUpdate = false;
- }
- if (dialog.editorID != null && dialog.editorID.length() > 0) {
- editorID = dialog.editorID;
- } else {
- validUpdate = false;
- }
- if (dialog.requiredProfiles != null && dialog.requiredProfiles.length() > 0) {
- requiredProfiles = PaletteUtil.getProfileSetFromString(dialog.requiredProfiles);
- } else {
- requiredProfiles = Collections.emptySet();
- }
- if (validUpdate) {
- if (alreadyDeployed) {
- // update values and set visible again
- result.add(activatePalette(fileName, paletteName, path, priority, editorID, requiredProfiles));
- } else {
- result.add(deployPalette(fileName, paletteName, path, priority, editorID, requiredProfiles));
- }
- } else {
- result.add(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, "The palette configuration was not deployed, because dialog content was not valid"));
- }
- } else {
- result.add(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, "The palette configuration was not deployed, because user did cancel the dialog"));
- }
- }
- }
- if (result.getChildren().length == 1) {
- if (result.isOK()) {
- MessageDialog.openInformation(activeShell, "Success", result.getMessage());
- } else if (result.getSeverity() < IStatus.ERROR) { // Errors are already logged
- StatusManager.getManager().handle(result, StatusManager.SHOW);
- }
- } else { // Merge the result and specify an appropriate message based on the result
- if (result.isOK()) {
- MessageDialog.openInformation(activeShell, "Success", result.getMessage());
- } else {
- MultiStatus actualResult = new MultiStatus(Activator.ID, result.getCode(), "Some errors occurred during the deployment", result.getException());
- actualResult.merge(result);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param identifier
- * @return
- */
- protected Set<String> getRequiredProfiles(String identifier) {
- return PapyrusPalettePreferences.getRequiredProfiles(identifier, getMemento());
- }
- /**
- * @param identifier
- * @return
- */
- protected String getPaletteName(String identifier) {
- return PapyrusPalettePreferences.getPaletteName(identifier, getMemento());
- }
- /**
- * @param identifier
- * @return
- */
- protected String getEditorID(String identifier) {
- return PapyrusPalettePreferences.getEditorID(identifier, getMemento());
- }
- /**
- * Warning. Can be <code>null</code>!
- *
- * @param identifier
- * @return
- */
- protected ProviderPriority getPriority(String identifier) {
- return PapyrusPalettePreferences.getPalettePriority(identifier, getMemento());
- }
- protected abstract XMLMemento getMemento();
- /**
- * @param fileName
- * @param paletteName
- * @param path
- * @param priority
- * @param editorID
- * @param requiredProfiles
- * @return
- */
- protected abstract IStatus deployPalette(String fileName, String paletteName, String path, ProviderPriority priority, String editorID, Set<String> requiredProfiles);
- /**
- * @param fileName
- * @param paletteName
- * @param path
- * @param priority
- * @param editorID
- * @param requiredProfiles
- * @return
- */
- protected abstract IStatus activatePalette(String fileName, String paletteName, String path, ProviderPriority priority, String editorID, Set<String> requiredProfiles);
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 CEA LIST.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
+ * Mickael ADAM (ALL4TEC) - Permits to display open diagram editor id
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.handler;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Set;
+import org.eclipse.core.commands.AbstractHandler;
+import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionEvent;
+import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException;
+import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.MultiStatus;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
+import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service.ProviderPriority;
+import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog;
+import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.TrayDialog;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection;
+import org.eclipse.jface.window.Window;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.Messages;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PaletteUtil;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PapyrusPalettePreferences;
+import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
+import org.eclipse.swt.custom.CCombo;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;
+import org.eclipse.ui.XMLMemento;
+import org.eclipse.ui.handlers.HandlerUtil;
+import org.eclipse.ui.statushandlers.StatusManager;
+ * @author RS211865
+ */
+public abstract class AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler extends AbstractHandler {
+ public static class UpdateContentDialog extends TrayDialog {
+ /** the palette name */
+ public String paletteName;
+ /** the provider priority */
+ public ProviderPriority priority;
+ /** the editor id */
+ public String editorID;
+ /** list of required profiles */
+ public String requiredProfiles;
+ /** file name */
+ public String fileName;
+ /** the name field */
+ private Text nameText;
+ /** the editor filed as a combo */
+ private Combo editorIdCombo;
+ /** the profiles text field */
+ private Text profilesText;
+ /** combo for priority */
+ private CCombo priorityCombo;
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ *
+ * @param shell
+ * the shell
+ * @param priority
+ * the priority
+ * @param editorID
+ * the editor id
+ * @param requiredProfiles
+ * the required profiles
+ */
+ protected UpdateContentDialog(final Shell shell, final String fileName, final String paletteName, final ProviderPriority priority, final String editorID, final Set<String> requiredProfiles) {
+ super(shell);
+ this.fileName = fileName;
+ this.paletteName = paletteName;
+ this.priority = priority;
+ this.editorID = editorID;
+ if (requiredProfiles != null) {
+ this.requiredProfiles = PaletteUtil.getSerializedProfileList(requiredProfiles);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ protected void configureShell(final Shell newShell) {
+ super.configureShell(newShell);
+ if (newShell != null) {
+ newShell.setText(Messages.AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_ConfigureDeploymentOfThePalette);
+ newShell.setSize(600, 400);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ protected Control createDialogArea(final Composite parent) {
+ Composite superComposite = (Composite) super.createDialogArea(parent);
+ Composite composite = new Composite(superComposite, SWT.NONE);
+ composite.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, false));
+ composite.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true, 1, 1));
+ // new grid data will all necessary info
+ Label nameLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
+ nameLabel.setText(Messages.AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_Identifier);
+ nameText = new Text(composite, SWT.BORDER);
+ if (paletteName == null) {
+ paletteName = fileName;
+ }
+ nameText.setText(paletteName);
+ nameText.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false, 1, 1));
+ Label priorityLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
+ priorityLabel.setText(Messages.AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_Priority);
+ priorityCombo = new CCombo(composite, SWT.BORDER);
+ priorityCombo.setEditable(false);
+ priorityCombo.setItems(new String[] { ProviderPriority.LOWEST.getName(), ProviderPriority.LOW.getName(), ProviderPriority.MEDIUM.getName(), ProviderPriority.HIGH.getName(), ProviderPriority.HIGHEST.getName() });
+ if (ProviderPriority.LOWEST.equals(priority)) {
+ } else if (ProviderPriority.LOW.equals(priority)) {
+ } else if (ProviderPriority.MEDIUM.equals(priority)) {
+ } else if (ProviderPriority.HIGH.equals(priority)) {
+ } else if (ProviderPriority.HIGHEST.equals(priority)) {
+ } else {
+; // default = medium
+ }
+ priorityCombo.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false, 1, 1));
+ Label editorLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
+ editorLabel.setText(Messages.AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_Editor);
+ editorIdCombo = new Combo(composite, SWT.BORDER);
+ if (editorID == null) {
+ editorID = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ editorIdCombo.setItems(findOpenedDiagramEditor().toArray(new String[] {}));
+ editorIdCombo.setText(editorID);
+ editorIdCombo.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false, 1, 1));
+ // list of profiles
+ Label profilesLabel = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
+ profilesLabel.setText(Messages.AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_Profiles);
+ profilesText = new Text(composite, SWT.BORDER);
+ if (requiredProfiles != null) {
+ profilesText.setText(requiredProfiles);
+ }
+ profilesText.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, false, 1, 1));
+ return superComposite;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the list of id of opened diagram editor
+ *
+ * @return the list of opened diagram editor
+ */
+ public static List<String> findOpenedDiagramEditor() {
+ // The list of diagram id
+ List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>();
+ // The list of open editor part
+ List<?> diagramEditors = EditorService.getInstance().getRegisteredEditorParts();
+ // Filter it and fill the list with contribution id of each DiagramEditor
+ .filter(diagram -> diagram instanceof DiagramEditor)
+ .forEach(diagram -> {
+ ids.add(((DiagramEditor) diagram).getContributorId());
+ });
+ return ids;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ protected void okPressed() {
+ // updates values
+ if (null != nameText && !nameText.isDisposed()) {
+ paletteName = nameText.getText();
+ }
+ if (null != editorIdCombo && !editorIdCombo.isDisposed()) {
+ editorID = editorIdCombo.getText();
+ }
+ if (null != priorityCombo && !priorityCombo.isDisposed()) {
+ priority = ProviderPriority.parse(priorityCombo.getText());
+ }
+ if (null != profilesText && !profilesText.isDisposed()) {
+ requiredProfiles = profilesText.getText();
+ }
+ super.okPressed();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object execute(final ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
+ ISelection currentSelection = HandlerUtil.getCurrentSelection(event);
+ if (!(currentSelection instanceof IStructuredSelection) || currentSelection.isEmpty()) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ final IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) currentSelection;
+ final Shell activeShell = HandlerUtil.getActiveShell(event);
+ doExecute(selection, activeShell, new NullProgressMonitor());
+ return null;
+ }
+ protected void doExecute(final IStructuredSelection selection, final Shell activeShell, final IProgressMonitor monitor) {
+ Iterator<?> selectionIterator = selection.iterator();
+ MultiStatus result = new MultiStatus(Activator.ID, IStatus.OK, Messages.AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_ThePaletteConfigurationHasBeenSuccessfullyDeployedAndActivated, null);
+ while (selectionIterator.hasNext()) {
+ Object selectedElement =;
+ if (selectedElement instanceof IAdaptable) {
+ IFile selectedFile = ((IAdaptable) selectedElement).getAdapter(IFile.class);
+ if (selectedFile == null) {
+ monitor.worked(1);
+ result.add(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, Messages.AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_TheSelectedElementIsNotAFile));
+ continue;
+ }
+ String fileName = selectedFile.getFullPath().removeFileExtension().lastSegment();
+ monitor.subTask(Messages.AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_Deploy + fileName);
+ boolean alreadyDeployed = false;
+ // retrieve info => open a dialog, filled by current opened editor ?
+ ProviderPriority priority = getPriority(fileName);
+ if (null == priority) {
+ priority = ProviderPriority.MEDIUM;
+ } else {
+ alreadyDeployed = true;
+ }
+ String editorID = getEditorID(fileName);
+ if (null != editorID) {
+ alreadyDeployed = true;
+ }
+ String paletteName = getPaletteName(fileName);
+ if (null != paletteName) {
+ alreadyDeployed = true;
+ }
+ Set<String> requiredProfiles = getRequiredProfiles(fileName);
+ if (requiredProfiles != null && requiredProfiles.size() > 0) {
+ alreadyDeployed = true;
+ }
+ String path = selectedFile.getFullPath().toString();
+ UpdateContentDialog dialog = new UpdateContentDialog(activeShell, fileName, paletteName, priority, editorID, requiredProfiles);
+ int returnCode =;
+ if (Window.OK == returnCode) {
+ boolean validUpdate = true;
+ // update values from the editor
+ if (dialog.paletteName != null && dialog.paletteName.length() > 0) {
+ paletteName = dialog.paletteName;
+ } else {
+ validUpdate = false;
+ }
+ if (dialog.priority != null) {
+ priority = dialog.priority;
+ } else {
+ validUpdate = false;
+ }
+ if (dialog.editorID != null && dialog.editorID.length() > 0) {
+ editorID = dialog.editorID;
+ } else {
+ validUpdate = false;
+ }
+ if (dialog.requiredProfiles != null && dialog.requiredProfiles.length() > 0) {
+ requiredProfiles = PaletteUtil.getProfileSetFromString(dialog.requiredProfiles);
+ } else {
+ requiredProfiles = Collections.emptySet();
+ }
+ if (validUpdate) {
+ if (alreadyDeployed) {
+ // update values and set visible again
+ result.add(activatePalette(fileName, paletteName, path, priority, editorID, requiredProfiles));
+ } else {
+ result.add(deployPalette(fileName, paletteName, path, priority, editorID, requiredProfiles));
+ }
+ } else {
+ result.add(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, Messages.AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_Error_ContentDialogNotValid));
+ }
+ } else {
+ result.add(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.ID, Messages.AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_Error_UserCancelDialog));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (result.getChildren().length == 1) {
+ if (result.isOK()) {
+ MessageDialog.openInformation(activeShell, Messages.AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_Success, result.getMessage());
+ } else if (result.getSeverity() < IStatus.ERROR) { // Errors are already logged
+ StatusManager.getManager().handle(result, StatusManager.SHOW);
+ }
+ } else { // Merge the result and specify an appropriate message based on the result
+ if (result.isOK()) {
+ MessageDialog.openInformation(activeShell, Messages.AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_Success, result.getMessage());
+ } else {
+ MultiStatus actualResult = new MultiStatus(Activator.ID, result.getCode(), Messages.AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_Error_SomeErrorsOccured, result.getException());
+ actualResult.merge(result);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * get the Required Profiles
+ *
+ * @param identifier
+ * the identifier
+ * @return the required profiles
+ */
+ protected Set<String> getRequiredProfiles(final String identifier) {
+ return PapyrusPalettePreferences.getRequiredProfiles(identifier, getMemento());
+ }
+ /**
+ * get the Palette Name
+ *
+ * @param identifier
+ * the identifier
+ * @return the Palette Name
+ */
+ protected String getPaletteName(final String identifier) {
+ return PapyrusPalettePreferences.getPaletteName(identifier, getMemento());
+ }
+ /**
+ * get the Editor ID
+ *
+ * @param identifier
+ * the identifier
+ * @return the Editor ID
+ */
+ protected String getEditorID(final String identifier) {
+ return PapyrusPalettePreferences.getEditorID(identifier, getMemento());
+ }
+ /**
+ * get the priority
+ *
+ * Warning. Can be <code>null</code>!
+ *
+ * @param identifier
+ * the identifier
+ * @return the provider priority
+ */
+ protected ProviderPriority getPriority(final String identifier) {
+ return PapyrusPalettePreferences.getPalettePriority(identifier, getMemento());
+ }
+ /** get the xml memento */
+ protected abstract XMLMemento getMemento();
+ /**
+ * deploy the Palette
+ *
+ * @param fileName
+ * @param paletteName
+ * @param path
+ * @param priority
+ * @param editorID
+ * @param requiredProfiles
+ * @return
+ */
+ protected abstract IStatus deployPalette(final String fileName, final String paletteName, final String path, final ProviderPriority priority, final String editorID, final Set<String> requiredProfiles);
+ /**
+ * activate the Palette
+ *
+ * @param fileName
+ * @param paletteName
+ * @param path
+ * @param priority
+ * @param editorID
+ * @param requiredProfiles
+ * @return
+ */
+ protected abstract IStatus activatePalette(final String fileName, final String paletteName, final String path, final ProviderPriority priority, final String editorID, final Set<String> requiredProfiles);
diff --git a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/handler/ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/handler/
index c835025cff3..63e3de2f3d2 100644
--- a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/handler/
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/handler/
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2014 CEA LIST.
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.handler;
-import java.util.Set;
-import org.eclipse.core.commands.IHandler;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
-import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service.ProviderPriority;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
-import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PapyrusPalettePreferences;
-import org.eclipse.ui.XMLMemento;
- * Handler to deploy new configuration of palette based on a XML file
- */
-public class DeployExtendedPaletteConfigurationHandler extends AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler implements IHandler {
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- protected IStatus deployPalette(String fileName, String paletteName, String path, ProviderPriority priority, String editorID, Set<String> requiredProfiles) {
- // just add the palette
- PapyrusPalettePreferences.addWorkspaceExtendedPalette(fileName, paletteName, path, priority, editorID, requiredProfiles);
- return new Status(IStatus.OK, Activator.ID, "The palette configuration has been successfully deployed and activated");
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- protected IStatus activatePalette(String fileName, String paletteName, String path, ProviderPriority priority, String editorID, Set<String> requiredProfiles) {
- PapyrusPalettePreferences.addWorkspaceExtendedPalette(fileName, paletteName, path, priority, editorID, requiredProfiles);
- PapyrusPalettePreferences.changePaletteVisibility(fileName, editorID, true);
- return new Status(IStatus.OK, Activator.ID, "The palette configuration was already deployed, it has just been activated");
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- protected XMLMemento getMemento() {
- return PapyrusPalettePreferences.getExistingWorkspaceExtendedPalettes();
- }
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 CEA LIST.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.handler;
+import java.util.Set;
+import org.eclipse.core.commands.IHandler;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
+import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service.ProviderPriority;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PapyrusPalettePreferences;
+import org.eclipse.ui.XMLMemento;
+ * Handler to deploy new configuration of palette based on a XML file
+ */
+public class DeployExtendedPaletteConfigurationHandler extends AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler implements IHandler {
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ protected IStatus deployPalette(String fileName, String paletteName, String path, ProviderPriority priority, String editorID, Set<String> requiredProfiles) {
+ // just add the palette
+ PapyrusPalettePreferences.addWorkspaceExtendedPalette(paletteName, paletteName, path, priority, editorID, requiredProfiles);
+ return new Status(IStatus.OK, Activator.ID, "The palette configuration has been successfully deployed and activated");
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ protected IStatus activatePalette(String fileName, String paletteName, String path, ProviderPriority priority, String editorID, Set<String> requiredProfiles) {
+ PapyrusPalettePreferences.addWorkspaceExtendedPalette(paletteName, paletteName, path, priority, editorID, requiredProfiles);
+ PapyrusPalettePreferences.changePaletteVisibility(fileName, editorID, true);
+ return new Status(IStatus.OK, Activator.ID, "The palette configuration was already deployed, it has just been activated");
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ protected XMLMemento getMemento() {
+ return PapyrusPalettePreferences.getExistingWorkspaceExtendedPalettes();
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/
index 2fa7dfeda63..e41320270a2 100644
--- a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/
@@ -1,16 +1,123 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2010 CEA LIST.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# Contributors:
-# Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
-# Explorer dialog messages
-BundleIconExplorerDialog_Message=Please select an icon in the following list
-BundleIconExplorerDialog_Title=Icon selection
+# Copyright (c) 2010 CEA LIST.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# Contributors:
+# Remi Schnekenburger (CEA LIST) - Initial API and implementation
+# Explorer dialog messages
+BundleIconExplorerDialog_Message=Please select an icon in the following list
+BundleIconExplorerDialog_Title=Icon selection
+########### Palette configuration model edition messages ###########
+ExportPaletteConfigurationWizard_error_cant_read_file=Impossible to read local definition of the file
+ExportPaletteConfigurationWizard_error_file_not_existe=local file does not exists :
+ExportPaletteConfigurationWizard_Export_description=Choose where you want to export the selected palette configuration
+ExportPaletteConfigurationWizard_export_palette=Export Palette Configuration
+PaletteConfigurationContentPage_CreateAnElementWithAStereotype=Create an element with a stereotype
+PaletteConfigurationContentPage_UMLTools=UML tools
+PaletteConfigurationContentPage_UnknownElement=unknown element
+PaletteConfigurationWizard_EditionPaletteInfoPageWizard_Tilte=Edit the Palette
+PaletteConfigurationWizard_EditPaletteWizardLabel=Edit Palette
+PaletteConfigurationWizard_NewPaletteContentPageWizard_Description=Edit the content of the palette.
+PaletteConfigurationWizard_NewPaletteContentPageWizard_Title=Palette Content
+PaletteConfigurationWizard_NewPaletteDefaultName=New Palette
+PaletteConfigurationWizard_PaletteInfoPageWizard_Description=Enter information of the new palette.
+PaletteConfigurationWizard_NewPaletteInfoPageWizard_Title=New Local Palette
+PaletteConfigurationWizard_NewPaletteWizardLabel=New Palette
+PaletteConfigurationWizard_ImpossibleToReadDefinitionOfTheFile=Impossible to read definition of the file
+PaletteConfigurationWizard_FileDontExist=File does not exists :
+PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_AddButtonTooltip=Create a new palette
+PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_RemoveButtonTooltip=Delete the selected palette
+############# Palette Customisation #################
+PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_AddButtonTooltip=Add the selection to the palette
+PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_RemoveButtonTooltip=Remove the selection from the palette
+PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_EditButtonTooltip_LocalPaletteSelected=Edit the selected local palette
+PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_EditButtonTooltip_LocalPaletteNotSelected=Edit a local palette. Please select a local palette in the available palette viewer.
+PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_EditButtonTooltip_MissingProfile=Impossible to edit this local palette because some required profile are not applied.
+PapyrusPaletteCustomizerDialog_EditButtonTooltip=Edit the current selected drawer
+Available_Palettes=Available palettes
+Palette_Viewer=Palette preview
+Local_Palette_Name_Tooltip=Enter a name for this palette contribution. This name will be displayed when selecting the visible palettes and the hidden ones.
+Local_Palette_Id_Tooltip=Enter a unique identifier for this palette contribution. This identifier is used to retrieve this palette among others, which means it should be unique.
+Local_Palette_Editor_Id_Tooltip=Sets the id of the editor for which this configuration is provided.
+Local_Palette_Priority_Tooltip=Sets the palette priority. It determines which palette provider is contributing first.\nThis contribution should have at least a priority higher than predefined tools contributions.
+Dialog_Advanced_Button_Closed=Advanced >>
+Dialog_Advanced_Button_Opened=<< Advanced
+Local_Palette_Error_Priority=One priority should be selected in the list of availables priorities
+Local_Palette_Error_Name=Name field shall not be empty
+Local_Palette_Error_EditorId=Editor ID field shall not be empty
+Local_Palette_Error_PaletteId=Palette ID field shall not be empty
+Local_Palette_InfoPage_Title=Local Palette Information
+Local_Palette_ContentPage_Title=Local Palette Content
+Local_Palette_Available_Tools=Available tools
+Local_Palette_ShowDrawers_Tooltip=Toggle this button to show/hide the drawers in the list
+Local_Palette_ShowTools_Tooltip=Toggle this button to show/hide the tools in the list
+Local_Palette_SwitchToolsContentProvider_Tooltip=Toggle this button to change the way tools are shown in the list (Metaclass -> Stereotypes or Metaclass -> Stereotypes)
+Local_Palette_Palette_Preview=Palette preview
+Local_Palette_Entry_Information=Entry information
+Local_Palette_Entry_Reference:Extended Tool:
+Aspect_Action_Information_List_Label=Aspect actions
+Dialog_Not_Local_Palette_Title=Bad selection (no item or bad item)
+Dialog_Not_Local_Palette_Message=Please select a local palette to be deleted.
+Dialog_Not_Extended_Palette_Title=Bad selection (no item or bad item)
+Dialog_Not_Extended_Palette_Message=Please select an extended palette to be restored.
+Dialog_Delete_Palette_Tooltip=Delete selected local palette definition
+Dialog_Create_Palette_Tooltip=Create a new local palette
+Dialog_Edit_Palette_Tooltip=Edit selected palette
+Dialog_Restore_Palette_Tooltip=Restore default values of selected palette
+Dialog_Export_Palette_Tooltip= Export configuration model of selected palette
+Local_Palette_Create_Drawer_Tooltip=Create a new drawer in the palette
+Local_Palette_Create_Separator_Tooltip=Create a new separator in the palette
+Local_Palette_Create_Tool_Tooltip=Create a new tool in the palette
+Local_Palette_Create_Stack_Tooltip=Create a new stack in the palette
+Wizard_Drawer_Page_Title=Drawer Information Page
+Wizard_Drawer_Error_Name=Name field shall not be empty
+Wizard_Drawer_Error_Id=ID field shall not be empty
+Wizard_Drawer_Error_Icon=Icon field shall not be empty
+Wizard_Drawer_Id_Tooltip=Enter a unique identifier for this drawer.\nThis identifier is used to retrieve this drawer among others, which means it should be unique.
+Wizard_Drawer_Name_Tooltip=Enter a name for this drawer.
+Wizard_Drawer_Icon_Tooltip=Enter the path to the icon. It can be something like "/icon/drawer.gif" or like "platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.uml2.uml.edit/icons/full/obj16/PackageImport.gif"
+########### Palette deploy wizard ###########
+AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_ConfigureDeploymentOfThePalette=Configure deployment of the palette
+AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_Error_UserCancelDialog=The palette configuration was not deployed, because user did cancel the dialog
+AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_Error_ContentDialogNotValid=The palette configuration was not deployed, because dialog content was not valid
+AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_Error_SomeErrorsOccured=Some errors occurred during the deployment
+AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_ThePaletteConfigurationHasBeenSuccessfullyDeployedAndActivated=The palette configuration has been successfully deployed and activated
+AbstractDeployPaletteConfigurationHandler_TheSelectedElementIsNotAFile=The selected element is not a file
diff --git a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/provider/ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/provider/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..16de72a2579
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/provider/
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 CEA LIST and others.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Mickael ADAM (ALL4TEC) - Initial API and Implementation
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.provider;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteEntry;
+import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProvider;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProviderListener;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.Messages;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.Activator;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Stereotype;
+ * Label provider for palette tools.
+ * <P>
+ * We should be using the Palette label provider from GEF, if it was not with visibility "package"...
+ *
+ * @see org.eclipse.gef.ui.palette.customize.PaletteLabelProvider
+ * </P>
+ *
+ */
+public class PaletteLabelProvider implements ILabelProvider {
+ /** the icon for stereotypes */
+ private static final String ICONS_STEREOTYPE = "/icons/stereotype.gif"; // $NON-NLS-N$
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void addListener(final ILabelProviderListener listener) {
+ // Do nothing
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dispose() {
+ // Do nothing
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Image getImage(final Object element) {
+ Image iconImage = null;
+ if (element instanceof PaletteEntry) {
+ ImageDescriptor descriptor = ((PaletteEntry) element).getSmallIcon();
+ if (descriptor != null) {
+ iconImage = Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, descriptor);
+ }
+ } else if (element instanceof Stereotype) {
+ iconImage = Activator.getPluginIconImage(Activator.ID, ICONS_STEREOTYPE);
+ }
+ return iconImage;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public String getText(final Object element) {
+ String text = null;
+ if (element instanceof PaletteEntry) {
+ text = ((PaletteEntry) element).getLabel();
+ } else if (element instanceof Stereotype) {
+ text = ((Stereotype) element).getName();
+ }
+ return null != text ? text : Messages.PaletteConfigurationContentPage_UnknownElement;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean isLabelProperty(final Object element, final String property) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void removeListener(final ILabelProviderListener listener) {
+ // Do nothing
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
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index 00000000000..aaf12d1158c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/provider/
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 CEA LIST and others.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Mickael ADAM (ALL4TEC) - Initial API and Implementation
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.provider;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.CombinedTemplateCreationEntry;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteEntry;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeContentProvider;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.Messages;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PaletteUtil;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.AspectCreationEntry;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.IPapyrusPaletteConstant;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.palette.StereotypeAspectActionProvider;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Profile;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Stereotype;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage;
+ * Content provider for the available tools viewer, when the
+ */
+public class ProfileToolsMetaclassStereotypeTreeContentProvider implements ITreeContentProvider {
+ /** profile to display */
+ final protected Profile profile;
+ /** standard uml tools palette entries */
+ final protected Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ProfileToolsMetaclassStereotypeTreeContentProvider.
+ *
+ * @param profile
+ * the profile for which tools are built
+ * @param standardEntries
+ * list of standard uml tools palette entries
+ */
+ public ProfileToolsMetaclassStereotypeTreeContentProvider(final Profile profile, final Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries) {
+ this.profile = profile;
+ this.standardEntries = standardEntries;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dispose() {
+ // nothing to do here
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object[] getChildren(Object parentElement) {
+ Object[] children;
+ if (parentElement instanceof Profile) {
+ children = standardEntries.toArray();
+ } else if (parentElement instanceof AspectCreationEntry) {
+ children = new Object[0];
+ } else if (parentElement instanceof PaletteEntry) {
+ List<AspectCreationEntry> entries = new ArrayList<AspectCreationEntry>();
+ // display all stereotypes applicable to the type of element created by this tool
+ if (parentElement instanceof CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) {
+ CombinedTemplateCreationEntry entry = (CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) parentElement;
+ EClass toolMetaclass = PaletteUtil.getToolMetaclass(entry);
+ if (toolMetaclass != null) {
+ for (Stereotype stereotype : profile.getOwnedStereotypes()) {
+ List<Class> metaclasses = stereotype.getAllExtendedMetaclasses();
+ for (Class stMetaclass : metaclasses) {
+ // get Eclass
+ java.lang.Class<?> metaclassClass = stMetaclass.getClass();
+ if (metaclassClass != null) {
+ EClassifier metaClassifier = UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getEClassifier(stMetaclass.getName());
+ if (((EClass) metaClassifier).isSuperTypeOf(toolMetaclass)) {
+ // should create the palette entry
+ Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+ properties.put(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ASPECT_ACTION_KEY, StereotypeAspectActionProvider.createConfigurationNode(stereotype.getQualifiedName()));
+ StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder();
+ name.append(stereotype.getName());
+ name.append(" (");//$NON-NLS-1$
+ name.append(entry.getLabel());
+ name.append(")");//$NON-NLS-1$
+ AspectCreationEntry aspectEntry = new AspectCreationEntry(name.toString(), Messages.PaletteConfigurationContentPage_CreateAnElementWithAStereotype, // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+ entry.getId(), // $NON-NLS-4$
+ entry.getSmallIcon(), entry, properties);
+ entries.add(aspectEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ children = entries.toArray();
+ } else {
+ children = new Object[0];
+ }
+ return children;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object[] getElements(final Object inputElement) {
+ return inputElement instanceof Profile ? standardEntries.toArray() : new Object[0];
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object getParent(final Object element) {
+ return element instanceof Stereotype ? ((Stereotype) element).getProfile() : null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasChildren(final Object element) {
+ boolean hasChildren = false;
+ if (element instanceof Profile) {
+ hasChildren = true;
+ } else if (element instanceof PaletteEntry) {
+ hasChildren = true;
+ }
+ return hasChildren;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void inputChanged(final Viewer viewer, final Object oldInput, final Object newInput) {
+ // Do nothing
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/provider/
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 CEA LIST and others.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Mickael ADAM (ALL4TEC) - Initial API and Implementation
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.provider;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.CombinedTemplateCreationEntry;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteEntry;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeContentProvider;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.Messages;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PaletteUtil;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.AspectCreationEntry;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.IPapyrusPaletteConstant;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.palette.StereotypeAspectActionProvider;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Profile;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Stereotype;
+import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage;
+ * Content provider for the available tools viewer, when the tools to see are coming from a
+ * profile
+ */
+public class ProfileToolsStereotypeMetaclassTreeContentProvider implements ITreeContentProvider {
+ /** standard uml tools palette entries */
+ final protected Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ProfileToolsStereotypeMetaclassTreeContentProvider.
+ *
+ * @param profile
+ * the profile for which tools are built
+ * @param standardEntries
+ * list of standard uml tools palette entries
+ */
+ public ProfileToolsStereotypeMetaclassTreeContentProvider(final Profile profile, final Collection<PaletteEntry> standardEntries) {
+ this.standardEntries = standardEntries;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dispose() {
+ // nothing to do here
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object[] getChildren(final Object parentElement) {
+ Object[] children;
+ if (parentElement instanceof Profile) {
+ children = ((Profile) parentElement).getOwnedStereotypes().toArray();
+ } else if (parentElement instanceof Stereotype) {
+ List<PaletteEntry> entries = new ArrayList<PaletteEntry>();
+ Stereotype stereotype = (Stereotype) parentElement;
+ for (PaletteEntry entry : standardEntries) {
+ // retrieve the element type created by the tool.
+ if (entry instanceof CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) {
+ EClass toolMetaclass = PaletteUtil.getToolMetaclass((CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) entry);
+ if (toolMetaclass != null) {
+ List<Class> metaclasses = stereotype.getAllExtendedMetaclasses();
+ for (Class stMetaclass : metaclasses) {
+ // get Eclass
+ java.lang.Class<?> metaclassClass = stMetaclass.getClass();
+ if (metaclassClass != null) {
+ EClassifier metaClassifier = UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getEClassifier(stMetaclass.getName());
+ if (((EClass) metaClassifier).isSuperTypeOf(toolMetaclass)) {
+ // should create the palette entry
+ Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+ properties.put(IPapyrusPaletteConstant.ASPECT_ACTION_KEY, StereotypeAspectActionProvider.createConfigurationNode(stereotype.getQualifiedName()));
+ StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder();
+ name.append(stereotype.getName());
+ name.append(" (");//$NON-NLS-1$
+ name.append(entry.getLabel());
+ name.append(")");//$NON-NLS-1$
+ AspectCreationEntry aspectEntry = new AspectCreationEntry(name.toString(), Messages.PaletteConfigurationContentPage_CreateAnElementWithAStereotype,
+ entry.getId(), // $NON-NLS-4$
+ entry.getSmallIcon(), (CombinedTemplateCreationEntry) entry, properties);
+ entries.add(aspectEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ children = entries.toArray();
+ } else {
+ children = new Object[0];
+ }
+ return children;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object[] getElements(final Object inputElement) {
+ return inputElement instanceof Profile ? ((Profile) inputElement).getOwnedStereotypes().toArray() : new Object[0];
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object getParent(final Object element) {
+ return element instanceof Stereotype ? ((Stereotype) element).getProfile() : null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasChildren(final Object element) {
+ return 0 < getChildren(element).length;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void inputChanged(final Viewer viewer, final Object oldInput, final Object newInput) {
+ // nothing to do here
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
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index 00000000000..cdb61e3c01c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/provider/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 CEA LIST and others.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Mickael ADAM (ALL4TEC) - Initial API and Implementation
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.provider;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteRoot;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeContentProvider;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.part.PaletteUtil;
+ * Content provider for available tools viewer
+ */
+public class UMLToolsTreeContentProvider implements ITreeContentProvider {
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * @param viewer
+ * The viewer whose ContentProvider this content provider is
+ */
+ public UMLToolsTreeContentProvider() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void dispose() {
+ // Do nothing
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object[] getChildren(final Object parentElement) {
+ Object[] elements = null;
+ if (parentElement instanceof Collection<?>) {
+ elements = ((Collection<?>) parentElement).toArray();
+ } else if (parentElement instanceof PaletteRoot) {
+ // paletteUil.getAllEntries(...) to add drawers
+ // if so, uncomment the addFilterbutton for drawers in populate tool bar
+ elements = PaletteUtil.getAllToolEntries(((PaletteRoot) parentElement)).toArray();
+ }
+ return elements;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object[] getElements(final Object inputElement) {
+ Object[] elements = null;
+ if (inputElement instanceof Collection<?>) {
+ elements = ((Collection<?>) inputElement).toArray();
+ } else if (inputElement instanceof PaletteRoot) {
+ // paletteUil.getAllEntries(...) to add drawers
+ // if so, uncomment the addFilterbutton for drawers in populate tool bar
+ elements = PaletteUtil.getAllToolEntries(((PaletteRoot) inputElement)).toArray();
+ }
+ if (elements == null) {
+ elements = new Object[0];
+ }
+ return elements;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public Object getParent(final Object element) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasChildren(final Object element) {
+ return null != getChildren(element) && 0 < getChildren(element).length;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void inputChanged(final Viewer viewer, final Object oldInput, final Object newInput) {
+ // Do nothing
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/utils/ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/utils/
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index 00000000000..11de2382d08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/customization/org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/customization/palette/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 CEA LIST and others.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Mickael ADAM (ALL4TEC) - Initial API and Implementation
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.utils;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.customization.palette.PaletteConstants.PaletteModelContextEnum;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.PapyrusPaletteService;
+import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.PapyrusPaletteService.ProviderDescriptor;
+import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
+ * Utils for palette customization.
+ *
+ */
+public class PaletteUtils {
+ /**
+ * Save options for palette resources.
+ */
+ public static final Map<Object, Object> saveOptions;
+ static {
+ Map<Object, Object> options = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
+ saveOptions = Collections.unmodifiableMap(options);
+ }
+ /**
+ * set the status field which describe in which case of palette model we are.
+ *
+ * @param descriptor
+ */
+ public static PaletteModelContextEnum getPaletteModelContext(ProviderDescriptor descriptor) {
+ PaletteModelContextEnum paletteContext;
+ // Case 1: WS
+ if (descriptor instanceof PapyrusPaletteService.WorkspaceExtendedProviderDescriptor) {
+ paletteContext = PaletteModelContextEnum.Workspace;
+ } else
+ // case 2: plugin
+ if (descriptor instanceof PapyrusPaletteService.ExtendedProviderDescriptor) {
+ paletteContext = PaletteModelContextEnum.Plugin;
+ } else
+ // case 3: local
+ if (descriptor instanceof PapyrusPaletteService.LocalExtendedProviderDescriptor) {
+ paletteContext = PaletteModelContextEnum.Local;
+ } else {
+ // case 4 : new
+ paletteContext = PaletteModelContextEnum.New;
+ }
+ return paletteContext;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param the
+ * file to test
+ * @return true if it exist and is readable.
+ */
+ public static boolean notErrorOnFile(File file) {
+ boolean error = false;
+ if (null != file) {
+ if (!file.exists()) {
+ error = true;
+ } else if (!file.canRead()) {
+ error = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return !error;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the Id value of the current editor
+ *
+ * @return the editor id value as a String
+ */
+ public static String getEditorIdValue(IEditorPart editorPart) {
+ String editorIDValue = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ if (editorPart instanceof DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) {
+ editorIDValue = ((DiagramEditorWithFlyOutPalette) editorPart).getContributorId();
+ }
+ return editorIDValue;
+ }

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