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authorBenoit Maggi2017-02-09 15:27:55 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review @ Eclipse.org2017-02-10 08:21:36 +0000
commit00e3bccc1ffadc41df1e92392c34dce72191ef1e (patch)
treef3fd92970e5e1955ac847c0f730a3c5e1bf960d6 /extraplugins/marte/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.vsl/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/vsl/VSL.xtext
parent5d8412473b5630ff3a1b7c52ade8daf4bbe534c1 (diff)
Bug 511981 - [Marte] remove code from core repository
- remove marte code from master new repository Change-Id: I3e29035efc64bcaefd777151c9540f88fb233fbb Signed-off-by: Benoit Maggi <>
Diffstat (limited to 'extraplugins/marte/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.vsl/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/vsl/VSL.xtext')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 209 deletions
diff --git a/extraplugins/marte/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.vsl/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/vsl/VSL.xtext b/extraplugins/marte/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.vsl/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/vsl/VSL.xtext
deleted file mode 100644
index bf54e12ef81..00000000000
--- a/extraplugins/marte/org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.vsl/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/marte/vsl/VSL.xtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 CEA LIST.
- *
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * CEA LIST - Initial API and implementation
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-grammar org.eclipse.papyrus.marte.vsl.VSL with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
-import "" as uml
-import "" as ecore
-generate vSL ""
-Expression :
- exp=AndOrXorExpression ;
-AndOrXorExpression :
- exp+=EqualityExpression (op+=('and' | 'or' | 'xor') exp+=EqualityExpression)* ;
-EqualityExpression :
- exp+=RelationalExpression (op+=('==' | '<>') exp+=RelationalExpression)* ;
-RelationalExpression :
- exp+=ConditionalExpression (op+=('<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=') exp+=ConditionalExpression)* ;
-ConditionalExpression :
- exp+=AdditiveExpression (op+='?' exp+=AdditiveExpression ':' exp+=AdditiveExpression)? ;
-AdditiveExpression :
- exp+=MultiplicativeExpression (op+=('+' | '-') exp+=MultiplicativeExpression)* ;
-MultiplicativeExpression :
- exp+=UnaryExpression (op+=('*' | '/' | 'mod') exp+=UnaryExpression)* ;
- (op=('not'|'-'|'+')) unary=UnaryExpression | exp=PrimaryExpression ;
-PrimaryExpression :
- prefix=ValueSpecification ('.' suffix=SuffixExpression)?;
- Literal
- | NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall
- | Interval
- | CollectionOrTuple
- | Tuple
- | TimeExpression
- | VariableDeclaration
- | '(' Expression ')'
- ;
-SuffixExpression :
- PropertyCallExpression | OperationCallExpression ;
-PropertyCallExpression :
- property=[uml::Property] ('.' suffix=SuffixExpression)? ;
-OperationCallExpression :
- operation=[uml::Operation]'('(arguments=ListOfValues)?')' ('.' suffix=SuffixExpression)? ;
- NumberLiteralRule
- | DateTimeLiteralRule
- | BooleanLiteralRule
- | NullLiteralRule
- | DefaultLiteralRule
- | StringLiteralRule ;
-NameOrChoiceOrBehaviorCall :
- // can resolve to :
- // - EnumSpecification,
- // - VariableCallExpression
- // - PropertyCallExpression
- // - ChoiceExpression
- (path=QualifiedName)? id=[uml::NamedElement] ('('(arguments = ListOfValues)?')')? ;
-QualifiedName :
- path=[uml::Namespace]'::' (remaining=QualifiedName)? ;
-Interval :
- (']'|isLowerIncluded='[') lower = Expression '..' upper = Expression (isUpperIncluded=']'|'[') ;
-CollectionOrTuple :
- '{' listOfValues=ListOfValues '}';
-Tuple :
- '{' listOfValueNamePairs=ListOfValueNamePairs '}';
-ListOfValues :
- values+=Expression (',' values+=Expression )* ;
-ListOfValueNamePairs :
- valueNamePairs+=ValueNamePair (',' valueNamePairs+=ValueNamePair)* ;
-ValueNamePair :
- property = [uml::Property] '=' value=Expression ;
-TimeExpression :
- InstantObsExpression |
- DurationObsExpression |
- JitterExp ;
-InstantObsExpression :
- '@' id=InstantObsName ('('index=Expression')')? ('when' '('condition=Expression')' )?;
-InstantObsName :
- (path=QualifiedName)? instantId=[uml::TimeObservation] ;
-DurationObsExpression :
- '&' id=DurationObsName ('('index=Expression')')? ('when' '('condition=Expression')' )?;
-DurationObsName :
- (path=QualifiedName)? durationId=[uml::DurationObservation] ;
-JitterExp :
- 'jitter('firstInstant=InstantObsExpression ('-' secondInstant=InstantObsExpression)? ')' ;
-VariableDeclaration :
- (variableDeclaration=VariableDirectionKind)?
- '$' name=ID (
- (':' type=DataTypeName ('=' '('initValue = Expression')')? ) |
- ('=' '('initValue = Expression')')
- ) ;
-VariableDirectionKind :
- 'in'|'out'|'inout' ;
-DataTypeName :
- (path=QualifiedName)? type=[uml::DataType] ;
-NumberLiteralRule :
- IntegerLiteralRule
- | UnlimitedLiteralRule
- | RealLiteralRule ;
-IntegerLiteralRule :
- value = IntegerLiteral ;
-terminal IntegerLiteral :
- ('+'|'-')?
- (
- ('0'..'9')+ |
- '0x' ('0'..'9' | 'A'..'F' | 'a'..'f')+ |
- '0b' ('0'..'1')+
- ) ;
-//UnlimitedLiteralRule :
-// value = UnlimitedLiteral ;
-//terminal UnlimitedLiteral :
-// '*' ;
-UnlimitedLiteralRule :
- value = '*' ;
-RealLiteralRule :
- value = RealLiteral ;
-terminal RealLiteral :
- ('+'|'-')?('0'..'9')+ '.' ('0'..'9')+
- ('E' ('+'|'-')? ('0'..'9')+)?;
-// TimeString (DateString)? (DayString)? |
-// DateString (DayString)? |
-// DayString ;
-//terminal DateString :
-// ('0'..'9')('0'..'9')('0'..'9')('0'..'9')'/'('0'('0'..'9')|'1'('0'..'2'))'/'(('0'..'2')('0'..'9')|'3' ('0'|'1')) ;
-//terminal TimeString :
-// (('0'..'1')('0'..'9')|'2'('0'..'3'))':'('0'..'5')('0'..'9')(':'('0'..'5')('0'..'9')(':'('0'..'9')('0'..'9'))?)? ;
-//terminal DayString :
-// "Mon" | "Tue" | "Wed" | "Thr" | "Fri" | "Sat" | "Sun" ;
-DateTimeLiteralRule :
- value = DateTimeLiteral ;
-terminal DateTimeLiteral:
- ((('0'..'1')('0'..'9')|'2'('0'..'3'))':'('0'..'5')('0'..'9')(':'('0'..'5')('0'..'9')(':'('0'..'9')('0'..'9'))?)?) (" "('0'..'9')('0'..'9')('0'..'9')('0'..'9')'/'('0'('0'..'9')|'1'('0'..'2'))'/'(('0'..'2')('0'..'9')|'3' ('0'|'1')))? (" " ("Mon" | "Tue" | "Wed" | "Thr" | "Fri" | "Sat" | "Sun"))? |
- (('0'..'9')('0'..'9')('0'..'9')('0'..'9')'/'('0'('0'..'9')|'1'('0'..'2'))'/'(('0'..'2')('0'..'9')|'3' ('0'|'1'))) (" "("Mon" | "Tue" | "Wed" | "Thr" | "Fri" | "Sat" | "Sun"))? |
- ("Mon" | "Tue" | "Wed" | "Thr" | "Fri" | "Sat" | "Sun") ;
-BooleanLiteralRule :
- value = BooleanLiteral ;
-terminal BooleanLiteral :
- "true"|"false" ;
-NullLiteralRule :
- value = NullLiteral ;
-terminal NullLiteral :
- "null" ;
-//DefaultLiteralRule :
-// value = DefaultLiteral ;
-//terminal DefaultLiteral :
-// '/' ;
- value = '/' ;
-StringLiteralRule :
- value = STRING ;

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