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authorRyan D. Brooks2014-03-04 17:16:46 +0000
committerjmisinco2014-03-04 18:46:32 +0000
commit5a5eb88b7628176ca423bf8a8165f3cea801e7c2 (patch)
parent3e072b642d8581c41c71d26da1d7e7ce305d27e6 (diff)
refinement: Improve performance consistency of historical loading0.16.2.v201402241601-REL-A
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.osee.framework.database/src/org/eclipse/osee/framework/database/core/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.osee.framework.database/src/org/eclipse/osee/framework/database/core/
index 6b37a4ae9f7..92d8ba300cc 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.osee.framework.database/src/org/eclipse/osee/framework/database/core/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.osee.framework.database/src/org/eclipse/osee/framework/database/core/
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ public enum OseeSql {
CONFLICT_GET_ATTRIBUTES("SELECT%s atr1.art_id, txs1.mod_type, atr1.attr_type_id, atr1.attr_id, atr1.gamma_id AS source_gamma, atr1.value AS source_value, atr2.gamma_id AS dest_gamma, atr2.value as dest_value, txs2.mod_type AS dest_mod_type FROM osee_txs txs1, osee_attribute atr1, osee_attribute atr2, osee_txs txs2 WHERE txs1.branch_id = ? AND txs1.transaction_id <> ? AND txs1.tx_current in (1,2) AND txs1.gamma_id = atr1.gamma_id AND atr1.attr_id = atr2.attr_id AND atr2.gamma_id = txs2.gamma_id AND txs2.branch_id = ? AND txs2.tx_current in (1,2) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM osee_txs txs WHERE txs.branch_id = ? AND txs.transaction_id = ? AND ((txs1.gamma_id = txs.gamma_id and txs1.mod_type = txs.mod_type) OR (txs2.gamma_id = txs.gamma_id and txs2.mod_type = txs.mod_type))) ORDER BY attr_id", Strings.HINTS__ORDERED__INDEX__ATTRIBUTE_CONFLICT),
CONFLICT_GET_HISTORICAL_ATTRIBUTES("SELECT%s atr.attr_id, atr.art_id, source_gamma_id, dest_gamma_id, attr_type_id, mer.merge_branch_id, mer.dest_branch_id, value as source_value, status FROM osee_merge mer, osee_conflict con, osee_attribute atr Where mer.commit_transaction_id = ? AND mer.merge_branch_id = con.merge_branch_id And con.source_gamma_id = atr.gamma_id AND con.status in (" + ConflictStatus.COMMITTED.getValue() + ", " + ConflictStatus.INFORMATIONAL.getValue() + " ) order by attr_id", getHintsOrderedFirstRows()),
- LOAD_HISTORICAL_ARTIFACTS("SELECT%s aj.art_id, txs.branch_id, txs.gamma_id, txs.mod_type, art_type_id, guid, aj.transaction_id as stripe_transaction_id FROM osee_join_artifact aj, osee_artifact art, osee_txs txs WHERE aj.query_id = ? AND aj.art_id = art.art_id AND art.gamma_id = txs.gamma_id AND txs.transaction_id <= aj.transaction_id AND txs.branch_id = aj.branch_id order by aj.branch_id, art.art_id, txs.transaction_id desc", Strings.HINTS__THE_INDEX),
+ LOAD_HISTORICAL_ARTIFACTS("SELECT%s aj.art_id, txs.branch_id, txs.gamma_id, txs.mod_type, art_type_id, guid, aj.transaction_id as stripe_transaction_id FROM osee_join_artifact aj, osee_artifact art, osee_txs txs WHERE aj.query_id = ? AND aj.art_id = art.art_id AND art.gamma_id = txs.gamma_id AND txs.transaction_id <= aj.transaction_id AND txs.branch_id = aj.branch_id order by aj.branch_id, art.art_id, txs.transaction_id desc", getHintsOrderedFirstRows()),
LOAD_HISTORICAL_ATTRIBUTES("SELECT att.art_id, att.attr_id, att.value, att.gamma_id, att.attr_type_id, att.uri, aj.branch_id, txs.mod_type, txs.transaction_id, aj.transaction_id as stripe_transaction_id FROM osee_join_artifact aj, osee_attribute att, osee_txs txs WHERE aj.query_id = ? AND aj.art_id = att.art_id AND att.gamma_id = txs.gamma_id AND txs.branch_id = aj.branch_id AND txs.transaction_id <= aj.transaction_id order by txs.branch_id, att.art_id, att.attr_id, txs.transaction_id desc"),
LOAD_CURRENT_ATTRIBUTES(Strings.SELECT_CURRENT_ATTRIBUTES_PREFIX + "= 1 order by al1.branch_id, al1.art_id, att1.attr_id, txs.transaction_id desc", getHintsOrderedFirstRows()),
LOAD_CURRENT_ATTRIBUTES_WITH_DELETED(Strings.SELECT_CURRENT_ATTRIBUTES_PREFIX + "IN (1, 3) order by al1.branch_id, al1.art_id, att1.attr_id, txs.transaction_id desc", getHintsOrderedFirstRows()),
@@ -102,8 +102,6 @@ public enum OseeSql {
private static class Strings {
- private static final String HINTS__THE_INDEX = "/*+ INDEX(txs OSEE_TXS_B_G_C_M_T_IDX) */";
private static final String HINTS__ORDERED__INDEX__ARTIFACT_CONFLICT =
" /*+ ordered index(atr1) index(atr2) index(txs2) */";
private static final String HINTS__ORDERED__INDEX__ATTRIBUTE_CONFLICT =

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