/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2014, 2015 Mateusz Matela and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Mateusz Matela - [formatter] Formatter does not format Java code correctly, especially when max line width is set - https://bugs.eclipse.org/303519 * Mateusz Matela - [formatter] follow up bug for comments - https://bugs.eclipse.org/458208 * Mateusz Matela - NPE in WrapExecutor during Java text formatting - https://bugs.eclipse.org/465669 *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.formatter.linewrap; import static org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK; import static org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_JAVADOC; import static org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.ScannerHelper; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterOptions; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.formatter.Token; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.formatter.TokenManager; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.formatter.TokenTraverser; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.formatter.Token.WrapMode; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.formatter.Token.WrapPolicy; public class WrapExecutor { private static class WrapInfo { public int wrapTokenIndex; public int indent; public WrapInfo(int wrapIndex, int indent) { this.wrapTokenIndex = wrapIndex; this.indent = indent; } public WrapInfo() { // empty constructor } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + this.indent; result = prime * result + this.wrapTokenIndex; return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; WrapInfo other = (WrapInfo) obj; if (this.indent != other.indent) return false; if (this.wrapTokenIndex != other.wrapTokenIndex) return false; return true; } } private static class WrapResult { public static final WrapResult NO_WRAP_NEEDED = new WrapResult(0, 0, null); public final double penalty; public final int totalExtraLines; /** * Contains information about the next wrap in the result or null if this is the last wrap. * Can be used as a key in {@link WrapExecutor#wrapSearchResults} to retrieve the next wraps. */ public final WrapInfo nextWrap; WrapResult(double penalty, int extraLines, WrapInfo nextWrap) { this.penalty = penalty; this.totalExtraLines = extraLines; this.nextWrap = nextWrap; } } private static class WrapRestartThrowable extends Throwable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -2980600077230803443L; // backward compatible public final int topPriorityWrap; public WrapRestartThrowable(int topPriorityWrap) { super(null, null, false, false); this.topPriorityWrap = topPriorityWrap; } } private class LineAnalyzer extends TokenTraverser { final private CommentWrapExecutor commentWrapper; private int lineIndent; int firstPotentialWrap; int extraLines; boolean lineExceeded; final List extraLinesPerComment = new ArrayList(); final List topPriorityGroupStarts = new ArrayList(); private int currentTopPriorityGroupEnd; private boolean isNLSTagInLine; public LineAnalyzer(TokenManager tokenManager, DefaultCodeFormatterOptions options) { this.commentWrapper = new CommentWrapExecutor(tokenManager, options); } /** * @return index of the last token in line */ public int analyzeLine(int startIndex, int indent) { Token startToken = WrapExecutor.this.tm.get(startIndex); this.counter = WrapExecutor.this.tm.toIndent(indent, startToken.isWrappable()); this.lineIndent = indent; this.firstPotentialWrap = -1; this.extraLines = 0; this.extraLinesPerComment.clear(); this.topPriorityGroupStarts.clear(); this.currentTopPriorityGroupEnd = -1; this.isNLSTagInLine = false; return WrapExecutor.this.tm.traverse(startIndex, this); } @Override protected boolean token(Token token, int index) { if (token.tokenType == TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE) return false; if (token.hasNLSTag()) this.isNLSTagInLine = true; if (token.isWrappable()) { WrapPolicy wrapPolicy = token.getWrapPolicy(); if (wrapPolicy.wrapMode == WrapMode.TOP_PRIORITY && getLineBreaksBefore() == 0 && index > this.currentTopPriorityGroupEnd) { this.topPriorityGroupStarts.add(index); this.currentTopPriorityGroupEnd = wrapPolicy.groupEndIndex; } if (this.firstPotentialWrap < 0 && getWrapIndent(token) < this.counter) this.firstPotentialWrap = index; } if (token.getAlign() > 0) { this.counter = token.getAlign(); } else if (isSpaceBefore() && getLineBreaksBefore() == 0 && index > 0) { this.counter++; } if (token.isComment()) { this.counter = this.commentWrapper.wrapMultiLineComment(token, this.counter, true, this.isNLSTagInLine); this.extraLines += this.commentWrapper.getLinesCount() - 1; this.extraLinesPerComment.add(this.commentWrapper.getLinesCount() - 1); } else { this.counter += WrapExecutor.this.tm.getLength(token, this.counter); } this.lineExceeded = this.counter > WrapExecutor.this.options.page_width; if (this.lineExceeded && this.firstPotentialWrap >= 0) { return false; } if (!token.isNextLineOnWrap()) token.setIndent(this.lineIndent); boolean isLineEnd = getLineBreaksAfter() > 0 || getNext() == null; assert !(token.isNextLineOnWrap() && !isLineEnd); return !isLineEnd; } public int getLastPosition() { return this.counter; } } private class NLSTagHandler extends TokenTraverser { private final ArrayList nlsTags = new ArrayList(); public NLSTagHandler() { // nothing to do } @Override protected boolean token(final Token token, final int index) { if (token.hasNLSTag()) this.nlsTags.add(token.getNLSTag()); if (getLineBreaksAfter() > 0 || getNext() == null) { // make sure there's a line comment with all necessary NLS tags Token lineComment = token; if (token.tokenType != TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE) { if (this.nlsTags.isEmpty()) return true; lineComment = new Token(token.originalEnd + 1, token.originalEnd + 1, TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE); lineComment.breakAfter(); lineComment.spaceBefore(); lineComment.setAlign(WrapExecutor.this.tm.getNLSAlign(index)); lineComment.setInternalStructure(new ArrayList()); WrapExecutor.this.tm.insert(index + 1, lineComment); structureChanged(); return true; // will fill the line comment structure in next step } List structure = lineComment.getInternalStructure(); if (structure == null) { if (this.nlsTags.isEmpty()) return true; structure = new ArrayList(); structure.add(lineComment); lineComment.setInternalStructure(structure); } boolean isPrefixMissing = false; for (int i = 0; i < structure.size(); i++) { Token fragment = structure.get(i); // remove NLS tags that are not associated with this line // (these have been added on wrapped lines earlier) if (fragment.hasNLSTag()) { if (!this.nlsTags.remove(fragment)) { if (i == 0) isPrefixMissing = true; structure.remove(i--); } else { isPrefixMissing = false; } } else if (isPrefixMissing) { // remove trailing whitespace int pos = fragment.originalStart; while (pos <= fragment.originalEnd && ScannerHelper.isWhitespace(WrapExecutor.this.tm.charAt(pos))) pos++; if (pos > fragment.originalEnd) { structure.remove(i--); continue; } if (pos > fragment.originalStart) { fragment = new Token(pos, fragment.originalEnd, TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE); structure.set(i, fragment); } String fragmentString = WrapExecutor.this.tm.toString(fragment); if (!fragmentString.startsWith("//")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ // forge a prefix Token prefix = new Token(lineComment.originalStart, lineComment.originalStart + 1, TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE); prefix.spaceBefore(); structure.add(i, prefix); } isPrefixMissing = false; } } // add all remaining tags in this line // (these are currently in a future line comment but will be removed) structure.addAll(this.nlsTags); if (structure.isEmpty()) { // all the tags have been moved to other lines WrapExecutor.this.tm.remove(index); structureChanged(); } this.nlsTags.clear(); } return true; } } private final static int[] EMPTY_ARRAY = {}; private final HashMap wrapSearchResults = new HashMap(); private final HashSet usedTopPriorityWraps = new HashSet(); private final LineAnalyzer lineAnalyzer; final TokenManager tm; final DefaultCodeFormatterOptions options; private final WrapInfo wrapInfoTemp = new WrapInfo(); public WrapExecutor(TokenManager tokenManager, DefaultCodeFormatterOptions options) { this.tm = tokenManager; this.options = options; this.lineAnalyzer = new LineAnalyzer(tokenManager, options); } public void executeWraps() { int index = 0; while (index < this.tm.size()) { Token token = this.tm.get(index); while (true) { try { int currentIndent = getWrapIndent(token); this.wrapSearchResults.clear(); index = applyWraps(index, currentIndent); break; } catch (WrapRestartThrowable e) { handleTopPriorityWraps(e); } } this.wrapSearchResults.clear(); this.usedTopPriorityWraps.clear(); } this.tm.traverse(0, new NLSTagHandler()); } private int applyWraps(int index, int indent) throws WrapRestartThrowable { WrapInfo wrapInfo = findWrapsCached(index, indent).nextWrap; Token token = this.tm.get(index); index++; token.setIndent(indent); int groupEnd = token.getWrapPolicy() != null ? token.getWrapPolicy().groupEndIndex : -1; int separateLinesOnWrapFrom = -1; while (index < this.tm.size()) { token = this.tm.get(index); if (token.isNextLineOnWrap() && this.tm.get(this.tm.findFirstTokenInLine(index)).isWrappable()) { token.breakBefore(); return index; } if (separateLinesOnWrapFrom >= 0 && token == this.tm.get(separateLinesOnWrapFrom).getSeparateLinesOnWrapUntil()) { separateLinesOnWrapFrom = -1; } if (separateLinesOnWrapFrom == -1 && token.getSeparateLinesOnWrapUntil() != null) { separateLinesOnWrapFrom = index; } while (wrapInfo != null && wrapInfo.wrapTokenIndex < index) wrapInfo = this.wrapSearchResults.get(wrapInfo).nextWrap; if (wrapInfo != null && wrapInfo.wrapTokenIndex == index) { checkSeparateLinesOnWrap(separateLinesOnWrapFrom); token.breakBefore(); handleOnColumnIndent(index, token.getWrapPolicy()); checkTopPriorityWraps(index); index = applyWraps(index, wrapInfo.indent); continue; } boolean isNewLine = this.tm.get(index - 1).getLineBreaksAfter() > 0 || token.getLineBreaksBefore() > 0; if (isNewLine) { if (token.getWrapPolicy() != null) { checkSeparateLinesOnWrap(separateLinesOnWrapFrom); handleOnColumnIndent(index, token.getWrapPolicy()); checkTopPriorityWraps(index); int newIndent = getWrapIndent(token); if (newIndent < indent) return index; wrapInfo = findWrapsCached(index, newIndent).nextWrap; if (newIndent > indent) { index = applyWraps(index, newIndent); continue; } } else if (index > groupEnd) { return index; } } else { checkForceWrap(token, index, indent); } token.setIndent(indent); index++; } return index; } private WrapResult findWrapsCached(int startTokenIndex, int indent) throws WrapRestartThrowable { this.wrapInfoTemp.wrapTokenIndex = startTokenIndex; this.wrapInfoTemp.indent = indent; WrapResult wrapResult = this.wrapSearchResults.get(this.wrapInfoTemp); if (wrapResult == null && this.wrapSearchResults.containsKey(this.wrapInfoTemp)) return null; // no wrap needed // pre-existing result may be based on different wrapping of earlier tokens and therefore be wrong WrapResult wr = wrapResult; while (wr != null && wr.nextWrap != null) { WrapInfo wi = wr.nextWrap; Token token = this.tm.get(wi.wrapTokenIndex); if (token.getWrapPolicy().wrapParentIndex < startTokenIndex && getWrapIndent(token) != wi.indent) { wrapResult = null; break; } wr = this.wrapSearchResults.get(wi); } if (wrapResult == null) { Token token = this.tm.get(startTokenIndex); boolean wasLineBreak = token.getLineBreaksBefore() > 0; token.breakBefore(); try { wrapResult = findWraps(startTokenIndex, indent); } finally { if (!wasLineBreak) token.clearLineBreaksBefore(); } WrapInfo wrapInfo = new WrapInfo(startTokenIndex, indent); this.wrapSearchResults.put(wrapInfo, wrapResult); } return wrapResult; } /** * The main algorithm that looks for optimal places to wrap. * Calls itself recursively to get results for wrapped sub-lines. */ private WrapResult findWraps(int wrapTokenIndex, int indent) throws WrapRestartThrowable { final int lastIndex = this.lineAnalyzer.analyzeLine(wrapTokenIndex, indent); final boolean lineExceeded = this.lineAnalyzer.lineExceeded; final int lastPosition = this.lineAnalyzer.getLastPosition(); int extraLines = this.lineAnalyzer.extraLines; final int firstPotentialWrap = this.lineAnalyzer.firstPotentialWrap; final int[] extraLinesPerComment = toArray(this.lineAnalyzer.extraLinesPerComment); int commentIndex = extraLinesPerComment.length; final int[] topPriorityGroupStarts = toArray(this.lineAnalyzer.topPriorityGroupStarts); int topPriorityIndex = topPriorityGroupStarts.length - 1; int nearestGroupEnd = topPriorityIndex == -1 ? 0 : this.tm.get(topPriorityGroupStarts[topPriorityIndex]).getWrapPolicy().groupEndIndex; double bestTotalPenalty = getWrapPenalty(wrapTokenIndex, indent, lastIndex + 1, -1, WrapResult.NO_WRAP_NEEDED); int bestExtraLines = lineExceeded ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : extraLines; // if line is exceeded, accept every wrap int bestNextWrap = -1; int bestIndent = 0; if (!lineExceeded && (!this.options.join_wrapped_lines || !this.options.wrap_outer_expressions_when_nested)) return new WrapResult(bestTotalPenalty, bestExtraLines, null); if ((!lineExceeded || firstPotentialWrap < 0) && lastIndex + 1 < this.tm.size()) { Token nextLineToken = this.tm.get(lastIndex + 1); if (nextLineToken.getWrapPolicy() != null && nextLineToken.getWrapPolicy().wrapMode != WrapMode.FORCED && (this.tm.get(lastIndex).isComment() || nextLineToken.isComment())) { // this might be a pre-existing wrap forced by a comment, calculate penalties as normal bestIndent = getWrapIndent(nextLineToken); bestNextWrap = lastIndex + 1; WrapResult wrapResult = findWrapsCached(bestNextWrap, bestIndent); bestTotalPenalty = getWrapPenalty(wrapTokenIndex, indent, bestNextWrap, bestIndent, wrapResult); bestExtraLines = extraLines + wrapResult.totalExtraLines; } } if (firstPotentialWrap < 0 && lineExceeded) { if (topPriorityGroupStarts.length > 0) { checkTopPriorityWraps(topPriorityGroupStarts[0]); } // Report high number of extra lines to encourage the algorithm to look // for other wraps (maybe something will result in smaller indent and line will fit). // This should be achieved with penalty, but it's hard to choose a good penalty value here. if (bestExtraLines == Integer.MAX_VALUE) bestExtraLines = extraLines + lastPosition; else bestExtraLines += lastPosition; } for (int i = lastIndex; firstPotentialWrap >= 0 && i >= firstPotentialWrap; i--) { Token token = this.tm.get(i); if (commentIndex > 0 && (token.tokenType == TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK || token.tokenType == TokenNameCOMMENT_JAVADOC)) { extraLines -= extraLinesPerComment[--commentIndex]; } if (topPriorityIndex >= 0 && i <= nearestGroupEnd) { if (i > topPriorityGroupStarts[topPriorityIndex]) continue; assert i == topPriorityGroupStarts[topPriorityIndex]; topPriorityIndex--; nearestGroupEnd = topPriorityIndex == -1 ? 0 : this.tm.get(topPriorityGroupStarts[topPriorityIndex]).getWrapPolicy().groupEndIndex; } if (!token.isWrappable()) continue; int nextWrapIndent = getWrapIndent(token); WrapResult nextWrapResult = findWrapsCached(i, nextWrapIndent); double totalPenalty = getWrapPenalty(wrapTokenIndex, indent, i, nextWrapIndent, nextWrapResult); int totalExtraLines = extraLines + nextWrapResult.totalExtraLines; boolean isBetter = totalExtraLines < bestExtraLines || bestExtraLines == Integer.MAX_VALUE; if (!isBetter && totalExtraLines == bestExtraLines) isBetter = totalPenalty < bestTotalPenalty || bestTotalPenalty == Double.MAX_VALUE; if (isBetter) { bestTotalPenalty = totalPenalty; bestExtraLines = totalExtraLines; bestNextWrap = i; bestIndent = nextWrapIndent; if (!this.options.wrap_outer_expressions_when_nested) break; } } if (bestNextWrap == -1 && lineExceeded && topPriorityGroupStarts.length > 0) { checkTopPriorityWraps(topPriorityGroupStarts[0]); } return new WrapResult(bestTotalPenalty, bestExtraLines, bestNextWrap == -1 ? null : new WrapInfo(bestNextWrap, bestIndent)); } private double getWrapPenalty(int lineStartIndex, int lineIndent, int wrapIndex, int wrapIndent, WrapResult wrapResult) throws WrapRestartThrowable { WrapPolicy wrapPolicy = null; Token wrapToken = null; if (wrapIndex < this.tm.size()) { wrapToken = this.tm.get(wrapIndex); wrapPolicy = wrapToken.getWrapPolicy(); if (wrapIndent < 0) wrapIndent = getWrapIndent(this.tm.get(wrapIndex)); } double penalty = wrapToken != null && wrapToken.isWrappable() ? getPenalty(wrapPolicy) : 0; // First parameter in method invocation has higher penalty to make wrapping more similar to the old formatter. // This can lead to an undesired effect like this (should wrap aaaaaa and bbbbbb, not .bar): // foo.foo // .bar(aaaaaa, // bbbbbbb); if (wrapIndent > lineIndent) penalty *= 1 + 3.0 / 16; // Avoid ugly formations like this (bar2 should be wrapped): // foooooo(bar1(aaaaaa, // bbb), bar2(aaa, // bbbbbb) // Assuming lineStartIndex is at bbb, look for unwrapped bar2 and if found, // add more penalty than if it was wrapped. Token lineStartToken = this.tm.get(lineStartIndex); WrapPolicy lineStartWrapPolicy = lineStartToken.getWrapPolicy(); if (wrapToken != null && wrapToken.isWrappable() && lineStartToken.isWrappable()) { for (int i = lineStartIndex + 1; i < wrapIndex; i++) { WrapPolicy intermediatePolicy = this.tm.get(i).getWrapPolicy(); if (intermediatePolicy != null && intermediatePolicy.structureDepth < lineStartWrapPolicy.structureDepth && intermediatePolicy.structureDepth < wrapPolicy.structureDepth) { penalty += getPenalty(intermediatePolicy) * 1.25; } } } // In the previous example, bar1 should be wrapped too, to emphasize that bar1 and bar2 are the same level. // Assuming wrapIndex is at bar1, check if there is a higher depth wrap (bbb) followed by // a wrap of the same parent (bar2). If so, then bar1 must be wrapped (so give it negative penalty). // Update: Actually, every token that is followed by a higher level depth wrap should be also wrapped, // as long as this next wrap is not the last in line and the token is not the first in its wrap group. WrapInfo nextWrap = wrapResult.nextWrap; boolean checkDepth = wrapToken != null && wrapToken.isWrappable() && (lineStartWrapPolicy == null || wrapPolicy.structureDepth >= lineStartWrapPolicy.structureDepth); double penaltyDiff = 0; while (checkDepth && nextWrap != null) { WrapPolicy nextPolicy = this.tm.get(nextWrap.wrapTokenIndex).getWrapPolicy(); if (nextPolicy.wrapParentIndex == wrapPolicy.wrapParentIndex || (penaltyDiff != 0 && !wrapPolicy.isFirstInGroup)) { penalty -= penaltyDiff * (1 + 1.0 / 64); break; } if (nextPolicy.structureDepth <= wrapPolicy.structureDepth) break; penaltyDiff = Math.max(penaltyDiff, getPenalty(nextPolicy)); nextWrap = findWrapsCached(nextWrap.wrapTokenIndex, nextWrap.indent).nextWrap; } return penalty + wrapResult.penalty; } private double getPenalty(WrapPolicy policy) { return Math.exp(policy.structureDepth) * policy.penaltyMultiplier; } private void checkSeparateLinesOnWrap(final int separateLinesOnWrapFrom) throws WrapRestartThrowable { if (separateLinesOnWrapFrom < 0) return; Token next = this.tm.get(separateLinesOnWrapFrom + 1); Token end = this.tm.get(separateLinesOnWrapFrom).getSeparateLinesOnWrapUntil(); if (next.getLineBreaksBefore() > 0 && end.getLineBreaksBefore() > 0) return; if (next.getWrapPolicy() == null || next.getWrapPolicy().wrapMode == WrapMode.FORCED) { next.setWrapPolicy(new WrapPolicy(WrapMode.WHERE_NECESSARY, separateLinesOnWrapFrom, this.options.indentation_size)); } next.breakBefore(); if (end.getWrapPolicy() == null || end.getWrapPolicy().wrapMode == WrapMode.FORCED) { end.setWrapPolicy(new WrapPolicy(WrapMode.WHERE_NECESSARY, separateLinesOnWrapFrom, 0)); } end.breakBefore(); throw new WrapRestartThrowable(-1); } private void checkForceWrap(Token token, int index, int currentIndent) throws WrapRestartThrowable { // A token that will have smaller indent when wrapped than the current line indent, // should be wrapped because it's a low depth token following some complex wraps of higher depth. // This rule could not be implemented in getWrapPenalty() because a token's wrap indent may depend // on wraps in previous lines, which are not determined yet when the token's penalty is calculated. if (token.isWrappable() && this.options.wrap_outer_expressions_when_nested && getWrapIndent(token) < currentIndent) { WrapPolicy lineStartPolicy = this.tm.get(this.tm.findFirstTokenInLine(index, false, true)).getWrapPolicy(); if (lineStartPolicy != null && lineStartPolicy.wrapMode != WrapMode.FORCED) { token.breakBefore(); throw new WrapRestartThrowable(-1); } } } private void checkTopPriorityWraps(int wrapIndex) throws WrapRestartThrowable { WrapPolicy wrapPolicy = this.tm.get(wrapIndex).getWrapPolicy(); if (wrapPolicy != null && wrapPolicy.wrapMode == WrapMode.TOP_PRIORITY && !this.usedTopPriorityWraps.contains(wrapPolicy)) throw new WrapRestartThrowable(wrapIndex); } private void handleTopPriorityWraps(WrapRestartThrowable restartException) { int wrapIndex = restartException.topPriorityWrap; if (wrapIndex < 0) return; WrapPolicy wrapPolicy = this.tm.get(wrapIndex).getWrapPolicy(); int parentIndex = wrapPolicy.wrapParentIndex; for (int i = wrapIndex; i > parentIndex; i--) { Token token = this.tm.get(i); wrapPolicy = token.getWrapPolicy(); if (wrapPolicy != null && wrapPolicy.wrapParentIndex == parentIndex) { if (wrapPolicy.wrapMode == WrapMode.TOP_PRIORITY) { token.breakBefore(); this.usedTopPriorityWraps.add(wrapPolicy); } if (wrapPolicy.isFirstInGroup) break; } } boolean breakAfterPrevious = false; for (int i = wrapIndex + 1; i < this.tm.size(); i++) { Token token = this.tm.get(i); wrapPolicy = token.getWrapPolicy(); if (wrapPolicy == null && (token.getLineBreaksBefore() > 0 || breakAfterPrevious)) { break; } else if (wrapPolicy != null && wrapPolicy.wrapParentIndex == parentIndex) { if (wrapPolicy.isFirstInGroup) break; if (wrapPolicy.wrapMode == WrapMode.TOP_PRIORITY) { token.breakBefore(); this.usedTopPriorityWraps.add(wrapPolicy); } } breakAfterPrevious = token.getLineBreaksAfter() > 0; } } private int[] toArray(List list) { if (list.isEmpty()) return EMPTY_ARRAY; int[] result = new int[list.size()]; int i = 0; for (int item : list) { result[i++] = item; } return result; } private void handleOnColumnIndent(int tokenIndex, WrapPolicy wrapPolicy) { if (wrapPolicy != null && wrapPolicy.indentOnColumn && !wrapPolicy.isFirstInGroup && this.options.tab_char == DefaultCodeFormatterOptions.TAB && !this.options.use_tabs_only_for_leading_indentations) { // special case: first wrap in a group should be aligned on column even if it's not wrapped for (int i = tokenIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Token token = this.tm.get(i); WrapPolicy wrapPolicy2 = token.getWrapPolicy(); if (wrapPolicy2 != null && wrapPolicy2.isFirstInGroup && wrapPolicy2.wrapParentIndex == wrapPolicy.wrapParentIndex) { token.setAlign(getWrapIndent(token)); break; } } } } int getWrapIndent(Token token) { WrapPolicy policy = token.getWrapPolicy(); if (policy == null) return token.getIndent(); if (this.options.never_indent_line_comments_on_first_column && token.tokenType == TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE && token.getIndent() == 0) return 0; if (this.options.never_indent_block_comments_on_first_column && token.tokenType == TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK && token.getIndent() == 0) return 0; Token wrapParent = this.tm.get(policy.wrapParentIndex); int wrapIndent = wrapParent.getIndent(); if (policy.indentOnColumn) { wrapIndent = this.tm.getPositionInLine(policy.wrapParentIndex); wrapIndent += this.tm.getLength(wrapParent, wrapIndent); if (wrapParent.isSpaceAfter() || this.tm.get(policy.wrapParentIndex + 1).isSpaceBefore()) wrapIndent++; } wrapIndent += policy.extraIndent; return this.tm.toIndent(wrapIndent, true); } }