/********************************************************************** * This file is part of "Object Teams Development Tooling"-Software * * Copyright 2004, 2006 Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Munich, Germany, * for its Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Architecture and Software * Technology (FIRST), Berlin, Germany and Technical University Berlin, * Germany. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * $Id: CalloutMappingDeclaration.java 23416 2010-02-03 19:59:31Z stephan $ * * Please visit http://www.eclipse.org/objectteams for updates and contact. * * Contributors: * Fraunhofer FIRST - Initial API and implementation * Technical University Berlin - Initial API and implementation **********************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * NEW for OTDT * * Represents DOM-ASTNode for Callout Bindings (OTJLD ยง2.4.2), * which has to handle code from e.g. : * foo => bar; * to e.g. : * Integer absoluteValue(Integer integer) -> int abs(int i) with { * integer.intValue() -> i, * result <- new Integer(result) * } * and also the callout to field binding: * - without value mapping: * * setValue -> set value; * * int getValue() -> get int value; * * - with value mappings: * * Integer getValue() -> get int val * with { result <- new Integer(result) } * * void setValue(Integer i) -> set int val * with { integer.intValue() -> val } * * * This class consists of one MethodSpec for bound role method and one MethodSpec for base method * or FieldAccessSpec for access to a field of the base class. Also it consists of * a callout kind and an optionally mapping of parameters. * * This node is used in TypeDeclaration, particulary in RoleTypeDeclaration. * * @author ike */ public class CalloutMappingDeclaration extends AbstractMethodMappingDeclaration { public static final String CALLOUT = "->"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String CALLOUT_OVERRIDE = "=>"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * Creates a new AST node for a callout mapping declaration owned * by the given AST. By default, the declaration is for a callout mapping * of an unspecified, but legal, name; *

* N.B. This constructor is package-private; all subclasses must be * declared in the same package; clients are unable to declare * additional subclasses. *

* * @param ast the AST that is to own this node */ CalloutMappingDeclaration(AST ast) { super(ast); } /** * The "javadoc" structural property of this node type. */ public static final ChildPropertyDescriptor JAVADOC_PROPERTY = internalJavadocPropertyFactory(CalloutMappingDeclaration.class); /** * The left "methodSpec" structural property of this node type. */ public static final ChildPropertyDescriptor ROLE_MAPPING_ELEMENT_PROPERTY = new ChildPropertyDescriptor(CalloutMappingDeclaration.class, "roleMappingElement", MethodMappingElement.class, MANDATORY, CYCLE_RISK); //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * The binding operator structural property ("<- modifier") * @since 1.3.1 */ public static final ChildPropertyDescriptor BINDING_OPERATOR_PROPERTY = new ChildPropertyDescriptor(CalloutMappingDeclaration.class, "bindingOperator", MethodBindingOperator.class, MANDATORY, NO_CYCLE_RISK); //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * The right "methodSpec" structural property of this node type. */ public static final ChildPropertyDescriptor BASE_MAPPING_ELEMENT_PROPERTY = new ChildPropertyDescriptor(CalloutMappingDeclaration.class, "baseMappingElement", MethodMappingElement.class, MANDATORY, CYCLE_RISK); //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * The "signature" structural property of this node type. */ public static final SimplePropertyDescriptor SIGNATURE_PROPERTY = new SimplePropertyDescriptor(CalloutMappingDeclaration.class, "signature", boolean.class, MANDATORY); //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * The "parameterMappings" structural property of this node type. */ public static final ChildListPropertyDescriptor PARAMETER_MAPPINGS_PROPERTY = internalParameterMappingPropertyFactory(CalloutMappingDeclaration.class); /** * The "modifiers" structural property of this node type. * @deprecated use {@link #MODIFIERS2_PROPERTY} */ @Deprecated public static final SimplePropertyDescriptor MODIFIERS_PROPERTY = internalModifiersPropertyFactory(CalloutMappingDeclaration.class); /** * The "modifiers2" structural property of this node type. */ public static final ChildListPropertyDescriptor MODIFIERS2_PROPERTY = internalModifiers2PropertyFactory(CalloutMappingDeclaration.class); /** * A list of property descriptors (element type: * {@link StructuralPropertyDescriptor}), * or null if uninitialized. */ private static final List PROPERTY_DESCRIPTORS_2_0; /** * A list of property descriptors (element type: * {@link StructuralPropertyDescriptor}), * or null if uninitialized. */ private static final List PROPERTY_DESCRIPTORS_3_0; private MethodMappingElement baseMappingElement = null; private boolean baseMappingInitialized= false; private boolean hasSignature = false; static { List propertyList = new ArrayList(8); createPropertyList(CalloutMappingDeclaration.class, propertyList); addProperty(JAVADOC_PROPERTY, propertyList); addProperty(ROLE_MAPPING_ELEMENT_PROPERTY, propertyList); addProperty(BINDING_OPERATOR_PROPERTY, propertyList); addProperty(BASE_MAPPING_ELEMENT_PROPERTY, propertyList); addProperty(SIGNATURE_PROPERTY, propertyList); addProperty(PARAMETER_MAPPINGS_PROPERTY, propertyList); addProperty(MODIFIERS_PROPERTY, propertyList); PROPERTY_DESCRIPTORS_2_0 = reapPropertyList(propertyList); propertyList = new ArrayList(8); createPropertyList(CalloutMappingDeclaration.class, propertyList); addProperty(JAVADOC_PROPERTY, propertyList); addProperty(ROLE_MAPPING_ELEMENT_PROPERTY, propertyList); addProperty(BINDING_OPERATOR_PROPERTY, propertyList); addProperty(BASE_MAPPING_ELEMENT_PROPERTY, propertyList); addProperty(SIGNATURE_PROPERTY, propertyList); addProperty(PARAMETER_MAPPINGS_PROPERTY, propertyList); addProperty(MODIFIERS2_PROPERTY, propertyList); PROPERTY_DESCRIPTORS_3_0 = reapPropertyList(propertyList); } /** * Returns a list of structural property descriptors for this node type. * Clients must not modify the result. * * @param apiLevel the API level; one of the AST.JLS* constants * @return a list of property descriptors (element type: * {@link StructuralPropertyDescriptor}) */ public static List propertyDescriptors(int apiLevel) { if(apiLevel >= AST.JLS3_INTERNAL) return PROPERTY_DESCRIPTORS_3_0; else return PROPERTY_DESCRIPTORS_2_0; } @Override final SimplePropertyDescriptor internalModifiersProperty() { return MODIFIERS_PROPERTY; } @Override final ChildListPropertyDescriptor internalModifiers2Property() { return MODIFIERS2_PROPERTY; } @Override final ChildListPropertyDescriptor internalParameterMappingsProperty() { return PARAMETER_MAPPINGS_PROPERTY; } @Override ChildPropertyDescriptor internalJavadocProperty() { return JAVADOC_PROPERTY; } @Override public ChildPropertyDescriptor getRoleElementProperty() { return ROLE_MAPPING_ELEMENT_PROPERTY; } @Override ChildPropertyDescriptor internalGetBindingOperatorProperty() { return BINDING_OPERATOR_PROPERTY; } @Override final int internalGetSetIntProperty(SimplePropertyDescriptor property, boolean isGetRequest, int value) { if (property == MODIFIERS_PROPERTY) { if (isGetRequest) { return getModifiers(); } else { internalSetModifiers(value); return 0; } } // allow default implementation to flag the error return super.internalGetSetIntProperty(property, isGetRequest, value); } @Override final ASTNode internalGetSetChildProperty(ChildPropertyDescriptor property, boolean isGet, ASTNode child) { if (property == JAVADOC_PROPERTY) { if (isGet) { return getJavadoc(); } else { setJavadoc((Javadoc) child); return null; } } if (property == BASE_MAPPING_ELEMENT_PROPERTY) { if (isGet) { return getBaseMappingElement(); } else { setBaseMappingElement((MethodSpec) child); return null; } } // allow default implementation to flag the error (incl. handling of elements common to all method mappings): return super.internalGetSetChildProperty(property, isGet, child); } @Override final boolean internalGetSetBooleanProperty(SimplePropertyDescriptor property, boolean get, boolean value) { if (property == SIGNATURE_PROPERTY) { if (get) { return hasSignature(); } else { setSignatureFlag(value); return false; } } return super.internalGetSetBooleanProperty(property, get, value); } @Override final List internalGetChildListProperty(ChildListPropertyDescriptor property) { if (property == PARAMETER_MAPPINGS_PROPERTY) { return getParameterMappings(); } if (property == MODIFIERS2_PROPERTY) { return modifiers(); } // allow default implementation to flag the error return super.internalGetChildListProperty(property); } @Override List internalStructuralPropertiesForType(int apiLevel) { return propertyDescriptors(apiLevel); } @Override int getNodeType0() { return CALLOUT_MAPPING_DECLARATION; } @Override ASTNode clone0(AST target) { CalloutMappingDeclaration result = new CalloutMappingDeclaration(target); if (this.ast.apiLevel >= AST.JLS3_INTERNAL) result.modifiers().addAll(ASTNode.copySubtrees(target, modifiers())); // annotations result.setSourceRange(this.getStartPosition(), this.getLength()); result.setJavadoc( (Javadoc) ASTNode.copySubtree(target, getJavadoc())); result.setRoleMappingElement( (MethodMappingElement) ASTNode.copySubtree(target, getRoleMappingElement())); result.setBindingOperator((MethodBindingOperator)bindingOperator().clone(target)); result.setBaseMappingElement( (MethodMappingElement) ASTNode.copySubtree(target, getBaseMappingElement())); result.setSignatureFlag(this.hasSignature()); result.getParameterMappings().addAll( ASTNode.copySubtrees(target, this.getParameterMappings())); return result; } @Override boolean subtreeMatch0(ASTMatcher matcher, Object other) { // dispatch to correct overloaded match method return matcher.match(this, other); } @Override void accept0(ASTVisitor visitor) { boolean visitChildren = visitor.visit(this); if (visitChildren) { // visit children in normal left to right reading order acceptChild(visitor, getJavadoc()); if (this.ast.apiLevel >= AST.JLS3_INTERNAL) acceptChildren(visitor, this.modifiers); acceptChild(visitor, this.roleMappingElement); acceptChild(visitor, this.bindingOperator); acceptChild(visitor, this.baseMappingElement); acceptChildren(visitor, this.parameterMappings); } visitor.endVisit(this); } @Override int treeSize() { return memSize() + (super.optionalDocComment == null ? 0 : getJavadoc().treeSize()); } /** * Returns the method spec right of the callout arrow. * @return the right method spec, i.e. the referenced base method * @see Modifier */ public MethodMappingElement getBaseMappingElement() { if (this.baseMappingElement == null && !this.baseMappingInitialized) { // lazy init must be thread-safe for readers synchronized (this) { if (this.baseMappingElement == null) { preLazyInit(); this.baseMappingElement = new MethodSpec(this.ast); this.baseMappingInitialized= true; postLazyInit(this.baseMappingElement, BASE_MAPPING_ELEMENT_PROPERTY); } } } return this.baseMappingElement; } /** * Sets the right method spec (base method spec) declared in this callout * mapping declaration to the given method spec. * * @param baseMappingElement * @exception IllegalArgumentException if: *
  • the node belongs to a different AST
  • *
  • the node already has a parent
  • *
*/ public void setBaseMappingElement(MethodMappingElement baseMappingElement) { this.baseMappingInitialized= true; ASTNode oldChild = this.baseMappingElement; preReplaceChild(oldChild, baseMappingElement, BASE_MAPPING_ELEMENT_PROPERTY); this.baseMappingElement = baseMappingElement; postReplaceChild(oldChild, baseMappingElement, BASE_MAPPING_ELEMENT_PROPERTY); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void removeSignatures() { super.removeSignatures(); removeSignatureFrom(getBaseMappingElement()); } /** * * @return the flag, whether callout is a callout override or a simple callout * true, if an override; */ public boolean isCalloutOverride() { return this.bindingOperator().getBindingKind() == MethodBindingOperator.KIND_CALLOUT_OVERRIDE; } @Override public boolean hasSignature() { return this.hasSignature; } public void setSignatureFlag(boolean hasSignature) { preValueChange(SIGNATURE_PROPERTY); this.hasSignature = hasSignature; postValueChange(SIGNATURE_PROPERTY); } }