/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2016 IBM Corporation and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.model; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import junit.framework.Test; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRunnable; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IncrementalProjectBuilder; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.CompletionContext; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.CompletionProposal; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.CompletionRequestor; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IAccessRule; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IClasspathAttribute; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IClasspathContainer; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IClasspathEntry; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.util.Util; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.codeassist.InternalCompletionContext; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.codeassist.RelevanceConstants; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaModelManager; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.SourceType; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.search.indexing.IndexManager; @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked", "hiding"}) public class CompletionTests2 extends AbstractJavaModelCompletionTests { static { // TESTS_NAMES = new String[]{"testBug373409"}; } public static class CompletionContainerInitializer implements ContainerInitializer.ITestInitializer { public static class DefaultContainer implements IClasspathContainer { char[][] libPaths; boolean[] areExported; String[] forbiddenReferences; public DefaultContainer(char[][] libPaths, boolean[] areExported, String[] forbiddenReferences) { this.libPaths = libPaths; this.areExported = areExported; this.forbiddenReferences = forbiddenReferences; } public IClasspathEntry[] getClasspathEntries() { int length = this.libPaths.length; IClasspathEntry[] entries = new IClasspathEntry[length]; for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) { IPath path = new Path(new String(this.libPaths[j])); boolean isExported = this.areExported[j]; IAccessRule[] accessRules; if(this.forbiddenReferences != null && this.forbiddenReferences[j]!= null && this.forbiddenReferences[j].length() != 0) { StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(this.forbiddenReferences[j], ";"); int count = tokenizer.countTokens(); accessRules = new IAccessRule[count]; String token = null; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { token = tokenizer.nextToken(); accessRules[i] = JavaCore.newAccessRule(new Path(token), IAccessRule.K_NON_ACCESSIBLE); } } else { accessRules = new IAccessRule[0]; } if (path.segmentCount() == 1) { entries[j] = JavaCore.newProjectEntry(path, accessRules, true, new IClasspathAttribute[0], isExported); } else { entries[j] = JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(path, null, null, accessRules, new IClasspathAttribute[0], isExported); } } return entries; } public String getDescription() { return "Test container"; } public int getKind() { return IClasspathContainer.K_APPLICATION; } public IPath getPath() { return new Path("org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.model.TEST_CONTAINER"); } } Map containerValues; CoreException exception; public CompletionContainerInitializer(String projectName, String[] libPaths, boolean[] areExported) { this(projectName, libPaths, areExported, null); } public CompletionContainerInitializer(String projectName, String[] libPaths, boolean[] areExported, String[] forbiddenRefrences) { this.containerValues = new HashMap(); int libPathsLength = libPaths.length; char[][] charLibPaths = new char[libPathsLength][]; for (int i = 0; i < libPathsLength; i++) { charLibPaths[i] = libPaths[i].toCharArray(); } this.containerValues.put( projectName, newContainer(charLibPaths, areExported, forbiddenRefrences) ); } protected DefaultContainer newContainer(final char[][] libPaths, final boolean[] areExperted, final String[] forbiddenRefrences) { return new DefaultContainer(libPaths, areExperted, forbiddenRefrences); } public boolean allowFailureContainer() { return true; } public void initialize(IPath containerPath, IJavaProject project) throws CoreException { if (this.containerValues == null) return; try { JavaCore.setClasspathContainer( containerPath, new IJavaProject[] {project}, new IClasspathContainer[] {(IClasspathContainer)this.containerValues.get(project.getElementName())}, null); } catch (CoreException e) { this.exception = e; throw e; } } } public CompletionTests2(String name) { super(name); } public void setUpSuite() throws Exception { if (AbstractJavaModelCompletionTests.COMPLETION_PROJECT == null) { AbstractJavaModelCompletionTests.COMPLETION_PROJECT = setUpJavaProject("Completion"); } else { setUpProjectCompliance(AbstractJavaModelCompletionTests.COMPLETION_PROJECT, "1.4"); this.currentProject = AbstractJavaModelCompletionTests.COMPLETION_PROJECT; } super.setUpSuite(); } public void tearDownSuite() throws Exception { if (AbstractJavaModelCompletionTests.COMPLETION_SUITES == null) { deleteProject("Completion"); } else { AbstractJavaModelCompletionTests.COMPLETION_SUITES.remove(getClass()); if (AbstractJavaModelCompletionTests.COMPLETION_SUITES.size() == 0) { deleteProject("Completion"); AbstractJavaModelCompletionTests.COMPLETION_SUITES = null; } } if (AbstractJavaModelCompletionTests.COMPLETION_SUITES == null) { AbstractJavaModelCompletionTests.COMPLETION_PROJECT = null; } super.tearDownSuite(); } static { // TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "testBug96950" }; } public static Test suite() { return buildModelTestSuite(CompletionTests2.class); } File createFile(File parent, String name, String content) throws IOException { File file = new File(parent, name); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file); try { out.write(content.getBytes()); } finally { out.close(); } return file; } File createDirectory(File parent, String name) { File dir = new File(parent, name); dir.mkdirs(); return dir; } /** * Test for bug 29832 */ public void testBug29832() throws Exception { try { // create variable // JavaCore.setClasspathVariables( // new String[] {"JCL_LIB", "JCL_SRC", "JCL_SRCROOT"}, // new IPath[] {getExternalJCLPath(), getExternalJCLSourcePath(), getExternalJCLRootSourcePath()}, // null); // create P1 IFile f = getFile("/Completion/lib.jar"); IJavaProject p = this.createJavaProject( "P1", new String[]{}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, ""); this.createFile("/P1/lib.jar", f.getContents()); this.addLibraryEntry(p, "/P1/lib.jar", true); // create P2 this.createJavaProject( "P2", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, new String[]{"/P1"}, "bin"); this.createFile( "/P2/src/X.java", "public class X {\n"+ " ZZZ z;\n"+ "}"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("P2", "src", "", "X.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals( "element:ZZZ completion:pz.ZZZ relevance:"+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_RESTRICTED), requestor.getResults()); // delete P1 p.getProject().delete(true, false, null); // create P1 File dest = getWorkspaceRoot().getLocation().toFile(); File pro = createDirectory(dest, "P1"); this.createFile(pro, ".classpath", "\n" + "\n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + ""); this.createFile(pro, ".project", "\n" + "\n" + " org.eclipse.jdt.core\n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder\n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature\n" + " \n" + ""); File src = createDirectory(pro, "src"); File pz = createDirectory(src, "pz"); this.createFile(pz, "ZZZ.java", "package pz;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + "}"); final IProject project = getWorkspaceRoot().getProject("P1"); IWorkspaceRunnable populate = new IWorkspaceRunnable() { public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { project.create(null); project.open(null); } }; getWorkspace().run(populate, null); JavaCore.create(project); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // do completion requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals( "element:ZZZ completion:pz.ZZZ relevance:"+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_RESTRICTED), requestor.getResults()); } finally { this.deleteProject("P1"); this.deleteProject("P2"); } } /** * Test for bug 33560 */ public void testBug33560() throws Exception { try { // create variable // JavaCore.setClasspathVariables( // new String[] {"JCL_LIB", "JCL_SRC", "JCL_SRCROOT"}, // new IPath[] {getExternalJCLPath(), getExternalJCLSourcePath(), getExternalJCLRootSourcePath()}, // null); // create P1 IFile f = getFile("/Completion/lib.jar"); IJavaProject p = this.createJavaProject( "P1", new String[]{}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, ""); this.createFile("/P1/lib.jar", f.getContents()); this.addLibraryEntry(p, "/P1/lib.jar", true); // create P2 this.createJavaProject( "P2", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, new String[]{"/P1"}, new boolean[]{true}, "bin"); // create P3 this.createJavaProject( "P3", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, new String[]{"/P2"}, "bin"); this.createFile( "/P3/src/X.java", "public class X {\n"+ " ZZZ z;\n"+ "}"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("P3", "src", "", "X.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "ZZZ"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals( "element:ZZZ completion:pz.ZZZ relevance:"+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_RESTRICTED), requestor.getResults()); // delete P1 p.getProject().delete(true, false, null); // create P1 File dest = getWorkspaceRoot().getLocation().toFile(); File pro = createDirectory(dest, "P1"); this.createFile(pro, ".classpath", "\n" + "\n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + ""); this.createFile(pro, ".project", "\n" + "\n" + " org.eclipse.jdt.core\n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder\n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature\n" + " \n" + ""); File src = createDirectory(pro, "src"); File pz = createDirectory(src, "pz"); this.createFile(pz, "ZZZ.java", "package pz;\n" + "public class ZZZ {\n" + "}"); final IProject project = getWorkspaceRoot().getProject("P1"); IWorkspaceRunnable populate = new IWorkspaceRunnable() { public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { project.create(null); project.open(null); } }; getWorkspace().run(populate, null); JavaCore.create(project); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // do completion requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals( "element:ZZZ completion:pz.ZZZ relevance:"+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_RESTRICTED), requestor.getResults()); } finally { this.deleteProject("P1"); this.deleteProject("P2"); this.deleteProject("P3"); } } public void testBug6930_01() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); createFolder("/P/src/p6930"); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy("/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors01.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors01 {\n" + " public AllConstructors01() {}\n" + " public AllConstructors01(Object o) {}\n" + " public AllConstructors01(int o) {}\n" + " public AllConstructors01(Object o, String s) {}\n" + "}\n" ); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy("/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors01b.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors01b {\n" + "}\n" ); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors01[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors01;, ()V, AllConstructors01, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors01[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors01, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors01;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors01[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors01;, (I)V, AllConstructors01, (o), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors01[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors01, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors01;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors01[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors01;, (Ljava.lang.Object;)V, AllConstructors01, (o), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors01[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors01, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors01;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors01[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors01;, (Ljava.lang.Object;Ljava.lang.String;)V, AllConstructors01, (o, s), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors01[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors01, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors01;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors01b[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors01b;, ()V, AllConstructors01b, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors01b[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors01b, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors01b;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_02() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB", "/P/lib6930.jar"}, "bin"); createJar(new String[] { "p6930/AllConstructors02.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors02 {\n" + " public AllConstructors02() {}\n" + " public AllConstructors02(Object o) {}\n" + " public AllConstructors02(int o) {}\n" + " public AllConstructors02(Object o, String s) {}\n" + "}", "p6930/AllConstructors02b.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors02b {\n" + "}" }, p.getProject().getLocation().append("lib6930.jar").toOSString()); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors02[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors02;, ()V, AllConstructors02, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors02[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors02, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors02;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors02[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors02;, (I)V, AllConstructors02, (o), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors02[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors02, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors02;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors02[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors02;, (Ljava.lang.Object;)V, AllConstructors02, (o), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors02[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors02, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors02;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors02[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors02;, (Ljava.lang.Object;Ljava.lang.String;)V, AllConstructors02, (o, s), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors02[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors02, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors02;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors02b[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors02b;, ()V, AllConstructors02b, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors02b[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors02b, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors02b;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_03() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); createFolder("/P/src/p6930"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors03.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors03 {\n" + " public AllConstructors03() {}\n" + " public AllConstructors03(Object o) {}\n" + " public AllConstructors03(int o) {}\n" + " public AllConstructors03(Object o, String s) {}\n" + "}"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors03b.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors03b {\n" + "}"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors03[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors03;, ()V, AllConstructors03, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors03[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors03, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors03;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors03[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors03;, (I)V, AllConstructors03, (o), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors03[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors03, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors03;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors03[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors03;, (Ljava.lang.Object;)V, AllConstructors03, (o), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors03[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors03, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors03;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors03[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors03;, (Ljava.lang.Object;Ljava.lang.String;)V, AllConstructors03, (o, s), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors03[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors03, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors03;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors03b[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors03b;, ()V, AllConstructors03b, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors03b[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors03b, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors03b;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_04() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;"+ "class AllConstructors04a {\n" + " public class AllConstructors0b {\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public class AllConstructors04c {\n" + " public class AllConstructors04d {\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " class AllConstructors04e {\n" + " class AllConstructors04f {\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/AllConstructors04g.java", "package test;"+ "public class AllConstructors04g {\n" + " public class AllConstructors0h {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors04a[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Ltest.AllConstructors04a;, ()V, AllConstructors04a, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors04a[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors04a, test, Ltest.AllConstructors04a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors04c[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Ltest.Test$AllConstructors04c;, ()V, AllConstructors04c, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " Test.AllConstructors04c[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors04c, test, Ltest.Test$AllConstructors04c;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors04e[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), LAllConstructors04e;, ()V, AllConstructors04e, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors04e[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors04e, null, LAllConstructors04e;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors04g[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Ltest.AllConstructors04g;, ()V, AllConstructors04g, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors04g[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors04g, test, Ltest.AllConstructors04g;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_05() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;"+ "class AllConstructors05a {\n" + " public static class AllConstructors0b {\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static class AllConstructors05c {\n" + " public static class AllConstructors05d {\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/AllConstructors05g.java", "package test;"+ "public class AllConstructors05g {\n" + " public static class AllConstructors0h {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors05a[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors05a, test, Ltest.AllConstructors05a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors05g[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors05g, test, Ltest.AllConstructors05g;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + "Test.AllConstructors05c[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors05c, test, Ltest.Test$AllConstructors05c;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors05a[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Ltest.AllConstructors05a;, ()V, AllConstructors05a, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors05a[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors05a, test, Ltest.AllConstructors05a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors05c[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Ltest.Test$AllConstructors05c;, ()V, AllConstructors05c, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " Test.AllConstructors05c[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors05c, test, Ltest.Test$AllConstructors05c;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors05g[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Ltest.AllConstructors05g;, ()V, AllConstructors05g, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors05g[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors05g, test, Ltest.AllConstructors05g;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_06() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB", "/P/lib6930.jar"}, "bin"); createFolder("/P/src/p6930"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors06a.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors06a {\n" + "}"); createJar(new String[] { "p6930/AllConstructors06b.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors06b {\n" + "}" }, p.getProject().getLocation().append("lib6930.jar").toOSString()); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "import p6930.AllConstructors06a;\n"+ "import p6930.AllConstructors06b;\n"+ "import p6930.AllConstructors06c;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors06c.java", "package p6930;"+ "public class AllConstructors06c {\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors06a[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors06a;, ()V, AllConstructors06a, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors06a[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors06a, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors06a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors06b[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors06b;, ()V, AllConstructors06b, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors06b[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors06b, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors06b;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors06c[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors06c;, ()V, AllConstructors06c, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors06c[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors06c, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors06c;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_07() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB", "/P/lib6930.jar"}, "bin"); createFolder("/P/src/p6930"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors07a.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors07a {\n" + " public class AllConstructors07b {\n" + " }\n" + " public static class AllConstructors07c {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors07d.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors07d {\n" + " public class AllConstructors07e {\n" + " }\n" + " public static class AllConstructors07f {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "import p6930.*;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors07a[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors07a, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors07a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors07d[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors07d, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors07d;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors07a[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors07a;, ()V, AllConstructors07a, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors07a[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors07a, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors07a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors07d[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors07d;, ()V, AllConstructors07d, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors07d[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors07d, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors07d;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_08() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL15_LIB", "/P/lib6930.jar"}, "bin", "1.5"); createFolder("/P/src/p6930"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors08a.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors08a {\n" + " public class AllConstructors08b {\n" + " }\n" + " public static class AllConstructors08c {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors08d.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors08d {\n" + " public class AllConstructors08e {\n" + " }\n" + " public static class AllConstructors08f {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "import p6930.AllConstructors08a;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors08d[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors08d, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors08d;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors08a[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors08a, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors08a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors08d[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors08d;, ()V, AllConstructors08d, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors08d[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors08d, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors08d;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors08a[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors08a;, ()V, AllConstructors08a, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors08a[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors08a, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors08a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_09() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL15_LIB", "/P/lib6930.jar"}, "bin", "1.5"); createFolder("/P/src/p6930"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors09a.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors09a {\n" + " public class AllConstructors09b {\n" + " }\n" + " public static class AllConstructors09c {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors09d.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors09d {\n" + " public class AllConstructors09e {\n" + " }\n" + " public static class AllConstructors09f {\n" + " public static class AllConstructors09g {\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "import p6930.AllConstructors09a.*;\n"+ "import static p6930.AllConstructors09d.*;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors09a[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors09a, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors09a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors09d[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors09d, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors09d;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors09a[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors09a;, ()V, AllConstructors09a, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors09a[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors09a, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors09a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors09d[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors09d;, ()V, AllConstructors09d, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors09d[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors09d, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors09d;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors09d.AllConstructors09f[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors09f, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors09d$AllConstructors09f;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors09f[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors09d$AllConstructors09f;, ()V, AllConstructors09f, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors09d.AllConstructors09f[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors09f, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors09d$AllConstructors09f;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_10() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL15_LIB", "/P/lib6930.jar"}, "bin", "1.5"); createFolder("/P/src/p6930"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors10a.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors10a {\n" + " public class AllConstructors10b {\n" + " public static class AllConstructors10bs {\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " public static class AllConstructors10c {\n" + " public static class AllConstructors10cs {\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors10d.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors10d {\n" + " public class AllConstructors10e {\n" + " public static class AllConstructors10es {\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " public static class AllConstructors10f {\n" + " public static class AllConstructors10fs {\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "import p6930.AllConstructors10a.AllConstructors10b;\n"+ "import p6930.AllConstructors10a.AllConstructors10c;\n"+ "import static p6930.AllConstructors10d.AllConstructors10e;\n"+ "import static p6930.AllConstructors10d.AllConstructors10f;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors10a[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors10a, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors10a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors10d[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors10d, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors10d;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors10a[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors10a;, ()V, AllConstructors10a, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors10a[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors10a, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors10a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors10a.AllConstructors10c[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors10c, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors10a$AllConstructors10c;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors10d[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors10d;, ()V, AllConstructors10d, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors10d[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors10d, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors10d;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors10d.AllConstructors10f[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors10f, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors10d$AllConstructors10f;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors10c[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors10a$AllConstructors10c;, ()V, AllConstructors10c, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors10a.AllConstructors10c[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors10c, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors10a$AllConstructors10c;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors10f[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors10d$AllConstructors10f;, ()V, AllConstructors10f, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors10d.AllConstructors10f[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors10f, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors10d$AllConstructors10f;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_11() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB", "/P/lib6930.jar"}, "bin"); createFolder("/P/src/p6930"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors11a.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors11a {\n" + "}"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " p6930.AllConstructors11a a = new \n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "new "; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "Test[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Ltest.Test;, ()V, Test, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " Test[TYPE_REF]{Test, test, Ltest.Test;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors11a[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors11a;, ()V, AllConstructors11a, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors11a[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors11a, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors11a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_12() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB", "/P/lib6930.jar"}, "bin"); createFolder("/P/src/p6930"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors12a.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors12a {\n" + " public static class AllConstructors12b {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " p6930.AllConstructors12a a = new \n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "new "; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "Test[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Ltest.Test;, ()V, Test, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " Test[TYPE_REF]{Test, test, Ltest.Test;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors12a[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors12a, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors12a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors12a[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors12a;, ()V, AllConstructors12a, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors12a[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors12a, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors12a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_13() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB", "/P/lib6930.jar"}, "bin"); createFolder("/P/src/p6930"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors13a.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors13a {\n" + "}"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " p6930.AllConstructors13a a = new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "new AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors13a[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors13a;, ()V, AllConstructors13a, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors13a[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors13a, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors13a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_14() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB", "/P/lib6930.jar"}, "bin"); createFolder("/P/src/p6930"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors14a.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors14a {\n" + " public static class AllConstructors14b {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " p6930.AllConstructors14a a = new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "new AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors14a[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors14a, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors14a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors14a[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors14a;, ()V, AllConstructors14a, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors14a[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors14a, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors14a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_15() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL15_LIB", "/P/lib6930.jar"}, "bin", "1.5"); createFolder("/P/src/p6930"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors15a.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors15a {\n" + "}"); createJar( new String[] { "p6930/AllConstructors15b.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors15b {\n" + "}" }, p.getProject().getLocation().append("lib6930.jar").toOSString(), new String[]{getExternalJCLPathString("1.5")}, "1.5"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors15c.java", "package p6930;"+ "public class AllConstructors15c {\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors15a[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors15a;, ()V, AllConstructors15a, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors15a[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors15a, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors15a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors15b[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors15b;, ()V, AllConstructors15b, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors15b[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors15b, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors15b;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors15c[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors15c;, ()V, AllConstructors15c, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors15c[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors15c, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors15c;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_16() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL15_LIB", "/P/lib6930.jar"}, "bin", "1.5"); createFolder("/P/src/p6930"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors16a.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors16a{\n" + " public AllConstructors16a(){}\n" + "}"); createJar( new String[] { "p6930/AllConstructors16b.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors16b {\n" + " public AllConstructors16b(){}\n" + "}" }, p.getProject().getLocation().append("lib6930.jar").toOSString(), new String[]{getExternalJCLPathString("1.5")}, "1.5"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors16c.java", "package p6930;"+ "public class AllConstructors16c {\n" + " public AllConstructors16c(){}\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors16a[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors16a;, ()V, AllConstructors16a, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors16a[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors16a, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors16a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors16b[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors16b;, ()V, AllConstructors16b, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors16b[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors16b, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors16b;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors16c[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors16c;, ()V, AllConstructors16c, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors16c[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors16c, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors16c;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_17() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL15_LIB", "/P/lib6930.jar"}, "bin", "1.5"); createFolder("/P/src/p6930"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors17a.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors17a{\n" + " public AllConstructors17a(java.util.Collection o){}\n" + "}"); createJar( new String[] { "p6930/AllConstructors17b.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors17b {\n" + " public AllConstructors17b(java.util.Collection o){}\n" + "}" }, p.getProject().getLocation().append("lib6930.jar").toOSString(), new String[]{getExternalJCLPathString("1.5")}, "1.5"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors17c.java", "package p6930;"+ "public class AllConstructors17c {\n" + " public AllConstructors17c(java.util.Collection o){}\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors17a[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors17a;, (Ljava.util.Collection;)V, AllConstructors17a, (o), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors17a[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors17a, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors17a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors17b[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors17b;, (Ljava.util.Collection;)V, AllConstructors17b, (o), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors17b[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors17b, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors17b;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors17c[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors17c;, (Ljava.util.Collection;)V, AllConstructors17c, (o), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors17c[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors17c, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors17c;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_18() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB", "/P/lib6930.jar"}, "bin"); createFolder("/P/src/p6930"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors18a.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public interface AllConstructors18a {\n" + "}"); createJar(new String[] { "p6930/AllConstructors18b.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public interface AllConstructors18b {\n" + "}" }, p.getProject().getLocation().append("lib6930.jar").toOSString()); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors18c.java", "package p6930;"+ "public interface AllConstructors18c {\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors18a[ANONYMOUS_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors18a;, ()V, AllConstructors18a, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors18a[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors18a, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors18a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors18b[ANONYMOUS_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors18b;, ()V, AllConstructors18b, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors18b[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors18b, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors18b;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors18c[ANONYMOUS_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors18c;, ()V, AllConstructors18c, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors18c[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors18c, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors18c;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_19() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB", "/P/lib6930.jar"}, "bin"); createFolder("/P/src/p6930"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors19a.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public interface AllConstructors19a {\n" + "}"); createJar(new String[] { "p6930/AllConstructors19b.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public interface AllConstructors19b {\n" + "}" }, p.getProject().getLocation().append("lib6930.jar").toOSString()); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "import p6930.AllConstructors19a;\n"+ "import p6930.AllConstructors19b;\n"+ "import p6930.AllConstructors19c;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors19c.java", "package p6930;"+ "public interface AllConstructors19c {\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors19a[ANONYMOUS_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors19a;, ()V, AllConstructors19a, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors19a[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors19a, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors19a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors19b[ANONYMOUS_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors19b;, ()V, AllConstructors19b, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors19b[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors19b, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors19b;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors19c[ANONYMOUS_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors19c;, ()V, AllConstructors19c, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors19c[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors19c, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors19c;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_20() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL15_LIB", "/P/lib6930.jar"}, "bin", "1.5"); createFolder("/P/src/p6930"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors20a.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public enum AllConstructors20a {\n" + " ZZZ;\n" + "}"); createJar(new String[] { "p6930/AllConstructors20b.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public enum AllConstructors20b {\n" + " ZZZ;\n" + "}" }, p.getProject().getLocation().append("lib6930.jar").toOSString(), new String[]{getExternalJCLPathString("1.5")}, "1.5"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors20c.java", "package p6930;"+ "public enum AllConstructors20c {\n" + " ZZZ;\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_21() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL15_LIB", "/P/lib6930.jar"}, "bin", "1.5"); createFolder("/P/src/p6930"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors21a.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public enum AllConstructors21a {\n" + " ZZZ;\n" + "}"); createJar( new String[] { "p6930/AllConstructors21b.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public enum AllConstructors21b {\n" + " ZZZ;\n" + "}" }, p.getProject().getLocation().append("lib6930.jar").toOSString(), new String[]{getExternalJCLPathString("1.5")}, "1.5"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "import p6930.AllConstructors21a;\n"+ "import p6930.AllConstructors21b;\n"+ "import p6930.AllConstructors21c;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors21c.java", "package p6930;"+ "public enum AllConstructors21c {\n" + " ZZZ;\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_22() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB", "/P/lib6930.jar"}, "bin"); createFolder("/P/src/p6930"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors22a.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors22a {\n" + " private AllConstructors22a(){}\n" + " public static class AllConstructorsInner{}\n" + "}"); createJar(new String[] { "p6930/AllConstructors22b.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors22b {\n" + " private AllConstructors22b(){}\n" + " public static class AllConstructorsInner{}\n" + "}" }, p.getProject().getLocation().append("lib6930.jar").toOSString()); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors22c.java", "package p6930;"+ "public class AllConstructors22c {\n" + " private AllConstructors22c(){}\n" + " public static class AllConstructorsInner{}\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors22a[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors22a, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors22a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors22b[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors22b, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors22b;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors22c[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors22c, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors22c;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_23() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB", "/P/lib6930.jar"}, "bin"); createFolder("/P/src/p6930"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors23a.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors23a {\n" + " private AllConstructors23a(){}\n" + " public static class AllConstructorsInner{}\n" + "}"); createJar(new String[] { "p6930/AllConstructors23b.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors23b {\n" + " private AllConstructors23b(){}\n" + " public static class AllConstructorsInner{}\n" + "}" }, p.getProject().getLocation().append("lib6930.jar").toOSString()); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "import p6930.AllConstructors23a;\n"+ "import p6930.AllConstructors23b;\n"+ "import p6930.AllConstructors23c;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors23c.java", "package p6930;"+ "public class AllConstructors23c {\n" + " private AllConstructors23c(){}\n" + " public static class AllConstructorsInner{}\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors23a[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors23a, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors23a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors23b[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors23b, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors23b;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors23c[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors23c, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors23c;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_24() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB", "/P/lib6930.jar"}, "bin"); createFolder("/P/src/p6930"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors24a.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors24a {\n" + " public AllConstructors24a(){}\n" + " private static class AllConstructorsInner{}\n" + "}"); createJar(new String[] { "p6930/AllConstructors24b.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors24b {\n" + " public AllConstructors24b(){}\n" + " private static class AllConstructorsInner{}\n" + "}" }, p.getProject().getLocation().append("lib6930.jar").toOSString()); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors24c.java", "package p6930;"+ "public class AllConstructors24c {\n" + " public AllConstructors24c(){}\n" + " private static class AllConstructorsInner{}\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors24a[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors24a;, ()V, AllConstructors24a, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors24a[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors24a, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors24a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors24b[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors24b;, ()V, AllConstructors24b, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors24b[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors24b, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors24b;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors24c[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors24c;, ()V, AllConstructors24c, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors24c[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors24c, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors24c;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_25() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB", "/P/lib6930.jar"}, "bin"); createFolder("/P/src/p6930"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors25a.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors25a {\n" + " public AllConstructors25a(){}\n" + " private static class AllConstructorsInner{}\n" + "}"); createJar(new String[] { "p6930/AllConstructors25b.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors25b {\n" + " public AllConstructors25b(){}\n" + " private static class AllConstructorsInner{}\n" + "}" }, p.getProject().getLocation().append("lib6930.jar").toOSString()); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "import p6930.AllConstructors25a;\n"+ "import p6930.AllConstructors25b;\n"+ "import p6930.AllConstructors25c;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors25c.java", "package p6930;"+ "public class AllConstructors25c {\n" + " public AllConstructors25c(){}\n" + " private static class AllConstructorsInner{}\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors25a[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors25a;, ()V, AllConstructors25a, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors25a[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors25a, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors25a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors25b[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors25b;, ()V, AllConstructors25b, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors25b[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors25b, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors25b;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors25c[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors25c;, ()V, AllConstructors25c, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors25c[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors25c, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors25c;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_26() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo(p6930.AllConstructors26a var) {\n" + " var.new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors26a.java", "package p6930;"+ "public class AllConstructors26a {\n" + " public class AllConstructors26b {\n" + " public AllConstructors26b(int i) {}\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors26b[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors26a$AllConstructors26b;, (I)V, AllConstructors26b, (i), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors26a.AllConstructors26b[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors26b, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors26a$AllConstructors26b;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_27() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new p6930.AllConstructors27a.AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors27a.java", "package p6930;"+ "public class AllConstructors27a {\n" + " public static class AllConstructors27b {\n" + " public AllConstructors27b(int i) {}\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors27b[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors27a$AllConstructors27b;, (I)V, AllConstructors27b, (i), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors27a.AllConstructors27b[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors27b, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors27a$AllConstructors27b;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_28() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/p6930/Test.java", "package p6930;\n"+ "class AllConstructors28a {\n" + " public AllConstructors28a(int i) {}\n" + "}\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new p6930.AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors28b.java", "package p6930;"+ "public class AllConstructors28b {\n" + " public AllConstructors28b(int i) {}\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/p6930b/AllConstructors28c.java", "package p6930b;"+ "public class AllConstructors28c {\n" + " public AllConstructors28c(int i) {}\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors28a[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors28a;, (I)V, AllConstructors28a, (i), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors28a[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors28a, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors28a;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors28b[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors28b;, (I)V, AllConstructors28b, (i), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors28b[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors28b, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors28b;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_29() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB", "/P/lib6930.jar"}, "bin"); createJar(new String[] { "p6930/AllConstructors29.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors29 {\n" + " public AllConstructors29() {}\n" + " public AllConstructors29(Object o) {}\n" + " public AllConstructors29(Object o, String s) {}\n" + "}" }, p.getProject().getLocation().append("lib6930.jar").toOSString()); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " p6930.AllConstructors29 var = new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors29[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors29;, ()V, AllConstructors29, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors29[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors29, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors29;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors29[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors29;, (Ljava.lang.Object;)V, AllConstructors29, (o), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors29[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors29, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors29;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors29[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors29;, (Ljava.lang.Object;Ljava.lang.String;)V, AllConstructors29, (o, s), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors29[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors29, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors29;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_EXPECTED_TYPE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_30() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/AllConstructors30.java", "package test;"+ "class AllConstructors30b {\n" + " private class Innerb {}\n" + "}\n" + "public class AllConstructors30 {\n" + " private class Inner {}\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors30[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors30, test, Ltest.AllConstructors30;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors30[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Ltest.AllConstructors30;, ()V, AllConstructors30, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors30[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors30, test, Ltest.AllConstructors30;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors30b[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Ltest.AllConstructors30b;, ()V, AllConstructors30b, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors30b[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors30b, test, Ltest.AllConstructors30b;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_31() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/AllConstructors31.java", "package test;"+ "class AllConstructors31b {\n" + " private class Innerb {}\n" + "}\n" + "public class AllConstructors31 {\n" + " public class Inner {\n" + " }\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " AllConstructors31.Inner var = new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors31[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors31, test, Ltest.AllConstructors31;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors31[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Ltest.AllConstructors31;, ()V, AllConstructors31, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors31[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors31, test, Ltest.AllConstructors31;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors31b[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Ltest.AllConstructors31b;, ()V, AllConstructors31b, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors31b[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors31b, test, Ltest.AllConstructors31b;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_32() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;"+ "public class Test {\n" + " public class AllConstructors32b {\n" + " private class Innerb {}\n" + " }\n" + " public class AllConstructors32 {\n" + " public class Inner {}\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new Test.AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "Test.AllConstructors32[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors32, test, Ltest.Test$AllConstructors32;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors32[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Ltest.Test$AllConstructors32;, ()V, AllConstructors32, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " Test.AllConstructors32[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors32, test, Ltest.Test$AllConstructors32;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors32b[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Ltest.Test$AllConstructors32b;, ()V, AllConstructors32b, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " Test.AllConstructors32b[TYPE_REF]{AllConstructors32b, test, Ltest.Test$AllConstructors32b;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_33() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); createFolder("/P/src/p6930"); createFolder("/P/src/p6930_1"); createFolder("/P/src/p6930_2"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930/AllConstructors33.java", "package p6930;\n" + "import p6930_2.ParamType;\n" + "public class AllConstructors33 {\n" + " public AllConstructors33(ParamType p11, ParamType p12) {}\n" + " public AllConstructors33(p6930_1.ParamType p21, ParamType p22) {}\n" + "}"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930_1/ParamType.java", "package p6930_1;\n" + "public class ParamType {\n" + "}"); createFile( "/P/src/p6930_2/ParamType.java", "package p6930_2;\n" + "public class ParamType {\n" + "}"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors33[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors33;, (Lp6930_1.ParamType;Lp6930_2.ParamType;)V, AllConstructors33, (p21, p22), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors33[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors33, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors33;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "AllConstructors33[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors33;, (Lp6930_2.ParamType;Lp6930_2.ParamType;)V, AllConstructors33, (p11, p12), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors33[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors33, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors33;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_34() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); Map compileOptions = new HashMap(); compileOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_LocalVariableAttribute, CompilerOptions.DO_NOT_GENERATE); String[] pathsAndContents = new String[] { "p6930/AllConstructors34.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors34 {\n" + " public AllConstructors34(Object o) {}\n" + "}" }; createJar( pathsAndContents, p.getProject().getLocation().append("lib6930.jar").toOSString(), compileOptions); addLibraryEntry(p, "/P/lib6930.jar", null); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors34[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors34;, (Ljava.lang.Object;)V, AllConstructors34, (arg0), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors34[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors34, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors34;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug6930_35() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); Map compileOptions = new HashMap(); compileOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_LocalVariableAttribute, CompilerOptions.DO_NOT_GENERATE); String[] pathsAndContents = new String[] { "p6930/AllConstructors35.java", "package p6930;\n" + "public class AllConstructors35 {\n" + " public AllConstructors35(Object o) {}\n" + "}" }; createJar( pathsAndContents, p.getProject().getLocation().append("lib6930.jar").toOSString(), compileOptions); createSourceZip( pathsAndContents, p.getProject().getLocation().append("lib6930src.zip").toOSString()); addLibraryEntry(p, "/P/lib6930.jar", "/P/lib6930src.zip"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors35[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp6930.AllConstructors35;, (Ljava.lang.Object;)V, AllConstructors35, (o), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors35[TYPE_REF]{p6930.AllConstructors35, p6930, Lp6930.AllConstructors35;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testBug79288() throws Exception { try { // create variable // JavaCore.setClasspathVariables( // new String[] {"JCL_LIB", "JCL_SRC", "JCL_SRCROOT"}, // new IPath[] {getExternalJCLPath(), getExternalJCLSourcePath(), getExternalJCLRootSourcePath()}, // null); // create P1 this.createJavaProject( "P1", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/a"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/a/XX1.java", "package a;\n"+ "public class XX1 {\n"+ "}"); // create P2 this.createJavaProject( "P2", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, new String[]{"/P1"}, "bin"); this.createFolder("/P2/src/b"); this.createFile( "/P2/src/b/XX2.java", "package b;\n"+ "public class XX2 {\n"+ "}"); // create P3 this.createJavaProject( "P3", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, new String[]{"/P2"}, "bin"); this.createFile( "/P3/src/YY.java", "public class YY {\n"+ " vois foo(){\n"+ " XX\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("P3", "src", "", "YY.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "XX"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "XX2[TYPE_REF]{b.XX2, b, Lb.XX2;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { this.deleteProject("P1"); this.deleteProject("P2"); this.deleteProject("P3"); } } public void testBug91772() throws Exception { try { // create variable // JavaCore.setClasspathVariables( // new String[] {"JCL_LIB", "JCL_SRC", "JCL_SRCROOT"}, // new IPath[] {getExternalJCLPath(), getExternalJCLSourcePath(), getExternalJCLRootSourcePath()}, // null); // create P1 this.createJavaProject( "P1", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/a"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/a/XX1.java", "package a;\n"+ "public class XX1 {\n"+ "}"); // create P2 ContainerInitializer.setInitializer(new CompletionContainerInitializer("P2", new String[] {"/P1"}, new boolean[] {true})); String[] classLib = new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}; int classLibLength = classLib.length; String[] lib = new String[classLibLength + 1]; System.arraycopy(classLib, 0, lib, 0, classLibLength); lib[classLibLength] = "org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.model.TEST_CONTAINER"; this.createJavaProject( "P2", new String[]{"src"}, lib, "bin"); this.createFolder("/P2/src/b"); this.createFile( "/P2/src/b/XX2.java", "package b;\n"+ "public class XX2 {\n"+ "}"); // create P3 this.createJavaProject( "P3", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, new String[]{"/P2"}, "bin"); this.createFile( "/P3/src/YY.java", "public class YY {\n"+ " vois foo(){\n"+ " XX\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("P3", "src", "", "YY.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "XX"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "XX1[TYPE_REF]{a.XX1, a, La.XX1;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "XX2[TYPE_REF]{b.XX2, b, Lb.XX2;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { this.deleteProject("P1"); this.deleteProject("P2"); this.deleteProject("P3"); // TODO the following code is not the correct way to remove the container // Cleanup caches JavaModelManager manager = JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager(); manager.containers = new HashMap(5); manager.variables = new HashMap(5); } } public void testBug93891() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE, JavaCore.ERROR); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_DISCOURAGED_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.DISABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); // create variable // JavaCore.setClasspathVariables( // new String[] {"JCL_LIB", "JCL_SRC", "JCL_SRCROOT"}, // new IPath[] {getExternalJCLPath(), getExternalJCLSourcePath(), getExternalJCLRootSourcePath()}, // null); // create P1 this.createJavaProject( "P1", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/a"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/a/XX1.java", "package a;\n"+ "public class XX1 {\n"+ "}"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/b"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/b/XX2.java", "package b;\n"+ "public class XX2 {\n"+ "}"); // create P2 ContainerInitializer.setInitializer(new CompletionContainerInitializer("P2", new String[] {"/P1"}, new boolean[] {true}, new String[]{"a/*"})); String[] classLib = new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}; int classLibLength = classLib.length; String[] lib = new String[classLibLength + 1]; System.arraycopy(classLib, 0, lib, 0, classLibLength); lib[classLibLength] = "org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.model.TEST_CONTAINER"; this.createJavaProject( "P2", new String[]{"src"}, lib, "bin"); this.createFolder("/P2/src/b"); this.createFile( "/P2/src/YY.java", "public class YY {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " XX\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("P2", "src", "", "YY.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "XX"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "XX2[TYPE_REF]{b.XX2, b, Lb.XX2;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { this.deleteProject("P1"); this.deleteProject("P2"); // TODO the following code is not the correct way to remove the container // Cleanup caches JavaModelManager manager = JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager(); manager.containers = new HashMap(5); manager.variables = new HashMap(5); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testAccessRestriction1() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE, JavaCore.IGNORE); options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_DISCOURAGED_REFERENCE, JavaCore.IGNORE); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.DISABLED); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_DISCOURAGED_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.DISABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); // create variable // JavaCore.setClasspathVariables( // new String[] {"JCL_LIB", "JCL_SRC", "JCL_SRCROOT"}, // new IPath[] {getExternalJCLPath(), getExternalJCLSourcePath(), getExternalJCLRootSourcePath()}, // null); // create P1 this.createJavaProject( "P1", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/a"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/a/XX1.java", "package a;\n"+ "public class XX1 {\n"+ "}"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/b"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/b/XX2.java", "package b;\n"+ "public class XX2 {\n"+ "}"); // create P2 this.createJavaProject( "P2", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, new String[]{"/P1"}, "bin"); this.createFile( "/P2/src/YY.java", "public class YY {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " XX\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("P2", "src", "", "YY.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "XX"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "XX1[TYPE_REF]{a.XX1, a, La.XX1;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "XX2[TYPE_REF]{b.XX2, b, Lb.XX2;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { this.deleteProject("P1"); this.deleteProject("P2"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testAccessRestriction2() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE, JavaCore.IGNORE); options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_DISCOURAGED_REFERENCE, JavaCore.IGNORE); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.DISABLED); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_DISCOURAGED_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.DISABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); // create variable // JavaCore.setClasspathVariables( // new String[] {"JCL_LIB", "JCL_SRC", "JCL_SRCROOT"}, // new IPath[] {getExternalJCLPath(), getExternalJCLSourcePath(), getExternalJCLRootSourcePath()}, // null); // create P1 this.createJavaProject( "P1", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/a"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/a/XX1.java", "package a;\n"+ "public class XX1 {\n"+ "}"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/b"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/b/XX2.java", "package b;\n"+ "public class XX2 {\n"+ "}"); // create P2 this.createJavaProject( "P2", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, null, null, new String[]{"/P1"}, new String[][]{{}}, new String[][]{{"a/*"}}, new boolean[]{false}, "bin", null, null, null, "1.4"); this.createFile( "/P2/src/YY.java", "public class YY {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " XX\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("P2", "src", "", "YY.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "XX"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "XX1[TYPE_REF]{a.XX1, a, La.XX1;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "XX2[TYPE_REF]{b.XX2, b, Lb.XX2;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { this.deleteProject("P1"); this.deleteProject("P2"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testAccessRestriction3() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE, JavaCore.ERROR); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.DISABLED); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_DISCOURAGED_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.DISABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); // create variable // JavaCore.setClasspathVariables( // new String[] {"JCL_LIB", "JCL_SRC", "JCL_SRCROOT"}, // new IPath[] {getExternalJCLPath(), getExternalJCLSourcePath(), getExternalJCLRootSourcePath()}, // null); // create P1 this.createJavaProject( "P1", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/a"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/a/XX1.java", "package a;\n"+ "public class XX1 {\n"+ "}"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/b"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/b/XX2.java", "package b;\n"+ "public class XX2 {\n"+ "}"); // create P2 this.createJavaProject( "P2", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, null, null, new String[]{"/P1"}, new String[][]{{}}, new String[][]{{"a/*"}}, new boolean[]{false}, "bin", null, null, null, "1.4"); this.createFile( "/P2/src/YY.java", "public class YY {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " XX\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("P2", "src", "", "YY.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "XX"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "XX1[TYPE_REF]{a.XX1, a, La.XX1;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE) + "}\n" + "XX2[TYPE_REF]{b.XX2, b, Lb.XX2;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { this.deleteProject("P1"); this.deleteProject("P2"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testAccessRestriction4() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE, JavaCore.IGNORE); options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_DISCOURAGED_REFERENCE, JavaCore.IGNORE); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_DISCOURAGED_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.DISABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); // create variable // JavaCore.setClasspathVariables( // new String[] {"JCL_LIB", "JCL_SRC", "JCL_SRCROOT"}, // new IPath[] {getExternalJCLPath(), getExternalJCLSourcePath(), getExternalJCLRootSourcePath()}, // null); // create P1 this.createJavaProject( "P1", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/a"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/a/XX1.java", "package a;\n"+ "public class XX1 {\n"+ "}"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/b"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/b/XX2.java", "package b;\n"+ "public class XX2 {\n"+ "}"); // create P2 this.createJavaProject( "P2", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, null, null, new String[]{"/P1"}, new String[][]{{}}, new String[][]{{"a/*"}}, new boolean[]{false}, "bin", null, null, null, "1.4"); this.createFile( "/P2/src/YY.java", "public class YY {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " XX\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("P2", "src", "", "YY.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "XX"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "XX1[TYPE_REF]{a.XX1, a, La.XX1;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "XX2[TYPE_REF]{b.XX2, b, Lb.XX2;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { this.deleteProject("P1"); this.deleteProject("P2"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testAccessRestriction5() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE, JavaCore.ERROR); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_DISCOURAGED_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.DISABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); // create variable // JavaCore.setClasspathVariables( // new String[] {"JCL_LIB", "JCL_SRC", "JCL_SRCROOT"}, // new IPath[] {getExternalJCLPath(), getExternalJCLSourcePath(), getExternalJCLRootSourcePath()}, // null); // create P1 this.createJavaProject( "P1", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/a"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/a/XX1.java", "package a;\n"+ "public class XX1 {\n"+ "}"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/b"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/b/XX2.java", "package b;\n"+ "public class XX2 {\n"+ "}"); // create P2 this.createJavaProject( "P2", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, null, null, new String[]{"/P1"}, new String[][]{{}}, new String[][]{{"a/*"}}, new boolean[]{false}, "bin", null, null, null, "1.4"); this.createFile( "/P2/src/YY.java", "public class YY {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " XX\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("P2", "src", "", "YY.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "XX"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "XX2[TYPE_REF]{b.XX2, b, Lb.XX2;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { this.deleteProject("P1"); this.deleteProject("P2"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testAccessRestriction6() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE, JavaCore.ERROR); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_DISCOURAGED_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.DISABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); // create variable // JavaCore.setClasspathVariables( // new String[] {"JCL_LIB", "JCL_SRC", "JCL_SRCROOT"}, // new IPath[] {getExternalJCLPath(), getExternalJCLSourcePath(), getExternalJCLRootSourcePath()}, // null); // create P1 this.createJavaProject( "P1", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/a"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/a/XX1.java", "package a;\n"+ "public class XX1 {\n"+ "}"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/b"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/b/XX2.java", "package b;\n"+ "public class XX2 {\n"+ "}"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/c"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/c/XX3.java", "package c;\n"+ "public class XX3 {\n"+ "}"); // create P2 this.createJavaProject( "P2", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, null, null, new String[]{"/P1"}, new String[][]{{}}, new String[][]{{"a/*"}}, new boolean[]{true}, "bin", null, null, null, "1.4"); // create P3 this.createJavaProject( "P3", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, null, null, new String[]{"/P2"}, new String[][]{{}}, new String[][]{{"b/*"}}, new boolean[]{false}, "bin", null, null, null, "1.4"); this.createFile( "/P3/src/YY.java", "public class YY {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " XX\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("P3", "src", "", "YY.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "XX"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "XX3[TYPE_REF]{c.XX3, c, Lc.XX3;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { this.deleteProject("P1"); this.deleteProject("P2"); this.deleteProject("P3"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testAccessRestriction7() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE, JavaCore.ERROR); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_DISCOURAGED_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.DISABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); // create variable // JavaCore.setClasspathVariables( // new String[] {"JCL_LIB", "JCL_SRC", "JCL_SRCROOT"}, // new IPath[] {getExternalJCLPath(), getExternalJCLSourcePath(), getExternalJCLRootSourcePath()}, // null); // create P1 this.createJavaProject( "P1", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/a"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/a/XX1.java", "package a;\n"+ "public class XX1 {\n"+ "}"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/b"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/b/XX2.java", "package b;\n"+ "public class XX2 {\n"+ "}"); // create P2 this.createJavaProject( "P2", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, null, null, new String[]{"/P1", "/P3"}, new String[][]{{}, {}}, new String[][]{{"a/*"}, {}}, new boolean[]{false, false}, "bin", null, null, null, "1.4"); this.createFile( "/P2/src/YY.java", "public class YY {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " XX\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); // create P3 this.createJavaProject( "P3", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, null, null, new String[]{"/P1"}, new String[][]{{}}, new String[][]{{}}, new boolean[]{true}, "bin", null, null, null, "1.4"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("P2", "src", "", "YY.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "XX"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "XX2[TYPE_REF]{b.XX2, b, Lb.XX2;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { this.deleteProject("P1"); this.deleteProject("P2"); this.deleteProject("P3"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testAccessRestriction8() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE, JavaCore.ERROR); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_DISCOURAGED_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.DISABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); // create variable // JavaCore.setClasspathVariables( // new String[] {"JCL_LIB", "JCL_SRC", "JCL_SRCROOT"}, // new IPath[] {getExternalJCLPath(), getExternalJCLSourcePath(), getExternalJCLRootSourcePath()}, // null); // create P1 this.createJavaProject( "P1", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/a"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/a/XX1.java", "package a;\n"+ "public class XX1 {\n"+ "}"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/b"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/b/XX2.java", "package b;\n"+ "public class XX2 {\n"+ "}"); // create P2 this.createJavaProject( "P2", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, null, null, new String[]{"/P3", "/P1"}, new String[][]{{}, {}}, new String[][]{{}, {"a/*"}}, new boolean[]{false, false}, "bin", null, null, null, "1.4"); this.createFile( "/P2/src/YY.java", "public class YY {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " XX\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); // create P3 this.createJavaProject( "P3", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, null, null, new String[]{"/P1"}, new String[][]{{}}, new String[][]{{}}, new boolean[]{true}, "bin", null, null, null, "1.4"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("P2", "src", "", "YY.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "XX"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "XX1[TYPE_REF]{a.XX1, a, La.XX1;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "XX2[TYPE_REF]{b.XX2, b, Lb.XX2;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { this.deleteProject("P1"); this.deleteProject("P2"); this.deleteProject("P3"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testAccessRestriction9() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE, JavaCore.ERROR); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_DISCOURAGED_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.DISABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); // create variable // JavaCore.setClasspathVariables( // new String[] {"JCL_LIB", "JCL_SRC", "JCL_SRCROOT"}, // new IPath[] {getExternalJCLPath(), getExternalJCLSourcePath(), getExternalJCLRootSourcePath()}, // null); // create P1 this.createJavaProject( "P1", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/p11"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/p11/XX11.java", "package p11;\n"+ "public class XX11 {\n"+ "}"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/p12"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/p12/XX12.java", "package p12;\n"+ "public class XX12 {\n"+ "}"); // create P2 this.createJavaProject( "P2", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, null, null, new String[]{"/P1", "/P3"}, new String[][]{{}, {}}, new String[][]{{"p11/*"}, {"p31/*"}}, new boolean[]{true, true}, "bin", null, null, null, "1.4"); this.createFolder("/P2/src/p21"); this.createFile( "/P2/src/p21/XX21.java", "package p21;\n"+ "public class XX21 {\n"+ "}"); this.createFolder("/P2/src/p22"); this.createFile( "/P2/src/p22/XX22.java", "package p22;\n"+ "public class XX22 {\n"+ "}"); // create P3 this.createJavaProject( "P3", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, null, null, new String[]{"/P1"}, new String[][]{{}}, new String[][]{{"p12/*"}}, new boolean[]{true}, "bin", null, null, null, "1.4"); this.createFolder("/P3/src/p31"); this.createFile( "/P3/src/p31/XX31.java", "package p31;\n"+ "public class XX31 {\n"+ "}"); this.createFolder("/P3/src/p32"); this.createFile( "/P3/src/p32/XX32.java", "package p32;\n"+ "public class XX32 {\n"+ "}"); // create PX this.createJavaProject( "PX", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, null, null, new String[]{"/P2"}, null, null, new boolean[]{false}, "bin", null, null, null, "1.4"); this.createFile( "/PX/src/X.java", "public class X {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " XX\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("PX", "src", "", "X.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "XX"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "XX12[TYPE_REF]{p12.XX12, p12, Lp12.XX12;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "XX21[TYPE_REF]{p21.XX21, p21, Lp21.XX21;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "XX22[TYPE_REF]{p22.XX22, p22, Lp22.XX22;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "XX32[TYPE_REF]{p32.XX32, p32, Lp32.XX32;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { this.deleteProject("P1"); this.deleteProject("P2"); this.deleteProject("P3"); this.deleteProject("PX"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testAccessRestriction10() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE, JavaCore.ERROR); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.DISABLED); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_DISCOURAGED_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.DISABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); // create variable // JavaCore.setClasspathVariables( // new String[] {"JCL_LIB", "JCL_SRC", "JCL_SRCROOT"}, // new IPath[] {getExternalJCLPath(), getExternalJCLSourcePath(), getExternalJCLRootSourcePath()}, // null); // create P1 this.createJavaProject( "P1", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/p11"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/p11/XX11.java", "package p11;\n"+ "public class XX11 {\n"+ "}"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/p12"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/p12/XX12.java", "package p12;\n"+ "public class XX12 {\n"+ "}"); // create P2 this.createJavaProject( "P2", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, null, null, new String[]{"/P1", "/P3"}, new String[][]{{}, {}}, new String[][]{{"p11/*"}, {"p31/*"}}, new boolean[]{true, true}, "bin", null, null, null, "1.4"); this.createFolder("/P2/src/p21"); this.createFile( "/P2/src/p21/XX21.java", "package p21;\n"+ "public class XX21 {\n"+ "}"); this.createFolder("/P2/src/p22"); this.createFile( "/P2/src/p22/XX22.java", "package p22;\n"+ "public class XX22 {\n"+ "}"); // create P3 this.createJavaProject( "P3", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, null, null, new String[]{"/P1"}, new String[][]{{}}, new String[][]{{"p12/*"}}, new boolean[]{true}, "bin", null, null, null, "1.4"); this.createFolder("/P3/src/p31"); this.createFile( "/P3/src/p31/XX31.java", "package p31;\n"+ "public class XX31 {\n"+ "}"); this.createFolder("/P3/src/p32"); this.createFile( "/P3/src/p32/XX32.java", "package p32;\n"+ "public class XX32 {\n"+ "}"); // create PX this.createJavaProject( "PX", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, null, null, new String[]{"/P2"}, null, null, new boolean[]{false}, "bin", null, null, null, "1.4"); this.createFile( "/PX/src/X.java", "public class X {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " XX\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("PX", "src", "", "X.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "XX"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "XX11[TYPE_REF]{p11.XX11, p11, Lp11.XX11;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE) + "}\n" + "XX31[TYPE_REF]{p31.XX31, p31, Lp31.XX31;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE) + "}\n" + "XX12[TYPE_REF]{p12.XX12, p12, Lp12.XX12;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "XX21[TYPE_REF]{p21.XX21, p21, Lp21.XX21;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "XX22[TYPE_REF]{p22.XX22, p22, Lp22.XX22;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "XX32[TYPE_REF]{p32.XX32, p32, Lp32.XX32;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { this.deleteProject("P1"); this.deleteProject("P2"); this.deleteProject("P3"); this.deleteProject("PX"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testAccessRestriction11() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE, JavaCore.ERROR); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_DISCOURAGED_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.DISABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); // create variable // JavaCore.setClasspathVariables( // new String[] {"JCL_LIB", "JCL_SRC", "JCL_SRCROOT"}, // new IPath[] {getExternalJCLPath(), getExternalJCLSourcePath(), getExternalJCLRootSourcePath()}, // null); // create P1 this.createJavaProject( "P1", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/x/y/z/p11"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/x/y/z/p11/XX11.java", "package x.y.z.p11;\n"+ "public class XX11 {\n"+ "}"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/x/y/z/p12"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/x/y/z/p12/XX12.java", "package x.y.z.p12;\n"+ "public class XX12 {\n"+ "}"); // create P2 this.createJavaProject( "P2", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, null, null, new String[]{"/P3", "/P1"}, new String[][]{{}, {}}, new String[][]{{"x/y/z/p31/*"}, {"x/y/z/p11/*"}}, new boolean[]{true, true}, "bin", null, null, null, "1.4"); this.createFolder("/P2/src/x/y/z/p21"); this.createFile( "/P2/src/x/y/z/p21/XX21.java", "package x.y.z.p21;\n"+ "public class XX21 {\n"+ "}"); this.createFolder("/P2/src/x/y/z/p22"); this.createFile( "/P2/src/x/y/z/p22/XX22.java", "package x.y.z.p22;\n"+ "public class XX22 {\n"+ "}"); // create P3 this.createJavaProject( "P3", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, null, null, new String[]{"/P1"}, new String[][]{{}}, new String[][]{{"x/y/z/p12/*"}}, new boolean[]{true}, "bin", null, null, null, "1.4"); this.createFolder("/P3/src/x/y/z/p31"); this.createFile( "/P3/src/x/y/z/p31/XX31.java", "package x.y.z.p31;\n"+ "public class XX31 {\n"+ "}"); this.createFolder("/P3/src/x/y/z/p32"); this.createFile( "/P3/src/x/y/z/p32/XX32.java", "package x.y.z.p32;\n"+ "public class XX32 {\n"+ "}"); // create PX this.createJavaProject( "PX", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, null, null, new String[]{"/P2"}, null, null, new boolean[]{false}, "bin", null, null, null, "1.4"); this.createFile( "/PX/src/X.java", "public class X {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " XX\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("PX", "src", "", "X.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "XX"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "XX11[TYPE_REF]{x.y.z.p11.XX11, x.y.z.p11, Lx.y.z.p11.XX11;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "XX21[TYPE_REF]{x.y.z.p21.XX21, x.y.z.p21, Lx.y.z.p21.XX21;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "XX22[TYPE_REF]{x.y.z.p22.XX22, x.y.z.p22, Lx.y.z.p22.XX22;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "XX32[TYPE_REF]{x.y.z.p32.XX32, x.y.z.p32, Lx.y.z.p32.XX32;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { this.deleteProject("P1"); this.deleteProject("P2"); this.deleteProject("P3"); this.deleteProject("PX"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testAccessRestriction12() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE, JavaCore.ERROR); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.DISABLED); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_DISCOURAGED_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.DISABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); // create variable // JavaCore.setClasspathVariables( // new String[] {"JCL_LIB", "JCL_SRC", "JCL_SRCROOT"}, // new IPath[] {getExternalJCLPath(), getExternalJCLSourcePath(), getExternalJCLRootSourcePath()}, // null); // create P1 this.createJavaProject( "P1", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/p11"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/p11/XX11.java", "package p11;\n"+ "public class XX11 {\n"+ "}"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/p12"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/p12/XX12.java", "package p12;\n"+ "public class XX12 {\n"+ "}"); // create P2 this.createJavaProject( "P2", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, null, null, new String[]{"/P3", "/P1"}, new String[][]{{}, {}}, new String[][]{{"p31/*"}, {"p11/*"}}, new boolean[]{true, true}, "bin", null, null, null, "1.4"); this.createFolder("/P2/src/p21"); this.createFile( "/P2/src/p21/XX21.java", "package p21;\n"+ "public class XX21 {\n"+ "}"); this.createFolder("/P2/src/p22"); this.createFile( "/P2/src/p22/XX22.java", "package p22;\n"+ "public class XX22 {\n"+ "}"); // create P3 this.createJavaProject( "P3", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, null, null, new String[]{"/P1"}, new String[][]{{}}, new String[][]{{"p12/*"}}, new boolean[]{true}, "bin", null, null, null, "1.4"); this.createFolder("/P3/src/p31"); this.createFile( "/P3/src/p31/XX31.java", "package p31;\n"+ "public class XX31 {\n"+ "}"); this.createFolder("/P3/src/p32"); this.createFile( "/P3/src/p32/XX32.java", "package p32;\n"+ "public class XX32 {\n"+ "}"); // create PX this.createJavaProject( "PX", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, null, null, new String[]{"/P2"}, null, null, new boolean[]{false}, "bin", null, null, null, "1.4"); this.createFile( "/PX/src/X.java", "public class X {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " XX\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("PX", "src", "", "X.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "XX"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "XX12[TYPE_REF]{p12.XX12, p12, Lp12.XX12;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE) + "}\n" + "XX31[TYPE_REF]{p31.XX31, p31, Lp31.XX31;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE) + "}\n" + "XX11[TYPE_REF]{p11.XX11, p11, Lp11.XX11;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "XX21[TYPE_REF]{p21.XX21, p21, Lp21.XX21;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "XX22[TYPE_REF]{p22.XX22, p22, Lp22.XX22;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "XX32[TYPE_REF]{p32.XX32, p32, Lp32.XX32;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { this.deleteProject("P1"); this.deleteProject("P2"); this.deleteProject("P3"); this.deleteProject("PX"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testAccessRestriction13() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE, JavaCore.WARNING); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_DISCOURAGED_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.DISABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); // create variable // JavaCore.setClasspathVariables( // new String[] {"JCL_LIB", "JCL_SRC", "JCL_SRCROOT"}, // new IPath[] {getExternalJCLPath(), getExternalJCLSourcePath(), getExternalJCLRootSourcePath()}, // null); // create P1 this.createJavaProject( "P1", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/a"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/a/XX1.java", "package a;\n"+ "public class XX1 {\n"+ "}"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/b"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/b/XX2.java", "package b;\n"+ "public class XX2 {\n"+ "}"); // create P2 this.createJavaProject( "P2", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, null, null, new String[]{"/P1"}, new String[][]{{}}, new String[][]{{"a/*"}}, new boolean[]{false}, "bin", null, null, null, "1.4"); this.createFile( "/P2/src/YY.java", "public class YY {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " XX\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("P2", "src", "", "YY.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "XX"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "XX2[TYPE_REF]{b.XX2, b, Lb.XX2;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { this.deleteProject("P1"); this.deleteProject("P2"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } public void testAccessRestriction14() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE, JavaCore.WARNING); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_DISCOURAGED_REFERENCE_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); // create variable // JavaCore.setClasspathVariables( // new String[] {"JCL_LIB", "JCL_SRC", "JCL_SRCROOT"}, // new IPath[] {getExternalJCLPath(), getExternalJCLSourcePath(), getExternalJCLRootSourcePath()}, // null); // create P1 this.createJavaProject( "P1", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/a"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/a/XX1.java", "package a;\n"+ "public class XX1 {\n"+ "}"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/b"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/b/XX2.java", "package b;\n"+ "public class XX2 {\n"+ "}"); // create P2 this.createJavaProject( "P2", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, null, null, new String[]{"/P1"}, new String[][]{{}}, new String[][]{{"a/*"}}, new boolean[]{false}, "bin", null, null, null, "1.4"); this.createFile( "/P2/src/YY.java", "public class YY {\n"+ " void foo() {\n"+ " XX\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("P2", "src", "", "YY.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "XX"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "XX2[TYPE_REF]{b.XX2, b, Lb.XX2;, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { this.deleteProject("P1"); this.deleteProject("P2"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } //public void testAccessRestrictionX() throws Exception { // Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); // try { // Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); // options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_FORBIDDEN_REFERENCE, JavaCore.ERROR); // options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_RESTRICTIONS_CHECK, JavaCore.DISABLED); // JavaCore.setOptions(options); // // // create variable // JavaCore.setClasspathVariables( // new String[] {"JCL_LIB", "JCL_SRC", "JCL_SRCROOT"}, // new IPath[] {getExternalJCLPath(), getExternalJCLSourcePath(), getExternalJCLRootSourcePath()}, // null); // // // create P1 // this.createJavaProject( // "P1", // new String[]{"src"}, // new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, // "bin"); // // this.createFolder("/P1/src/a"); // this.createFile( // "/P1/src/a/XX1.java", // "package a;\n"+ // "public class XX1 {\n"+ // " public void foo() {\n"+ // " }\n"+ // "}"); // // // create P2 // this.createJavaProject( // "P2", // new String[]{"src"}, // new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, // null, // null, // new String[]{"/P1"}, // new String[][]{{}}, // new String[][]{{"a/*"}}, // new boolean[]{false}, // "bin", // null, // null, // null, // "1.4"); // this.createFile( // "/P2/src/YY.java", // "public class YY {\n"+ // " void foo() {\n"+ // " a.XX1 x;\n"+ // " x.fo\n"+ // " }\n"+ // "}"); // // waitUntilIndexesReady(); // // // do completion // CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); // ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("P2", "src", "", "YY.java"); // // String str = cu.getSource(); // String completeBehind = "x.fo"; // int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); // cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); // // assertResults( // "foo[METHOD_REF]{foo(), La.XX1;, ()V, foo, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC) + "}", // requestor.getResults()); // } finally { // this.deleteProject("P1"); // this.deleteProject("P2"); // JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); // } //} public void testBug96950() throws Exception { try { // create variable // JavaCore.setClasspathVariables( // new String[] {"JCL_LIB", "JCL_SRC", "JCL_SRCROOT"}, // new IPath[] {getExternalJCLPath(), getExternalJCLSourcePath(), getExternalJCLRootSourcePath()}, // null); // create P1 this.createJavaProject( "P1", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); this.createFile( "/P1/src/Taratata.java", "public class Taratata {\n"+ "}"); // create P2 this.createJavaProject( "P2", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, null, null, new String[]{"/P1"}, new String[][]{{}}, new String[][]{{"**/*"}}, new boolean[]{false}, "bin", null, null, null, "1.4"); this.createFile( "/P2/src/BreakRules.java", "public class BreakRules {\n"+ " Tara\n"+ "}"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("P2", "src", "", "BreakRules.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "Tara"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "Tara[POTENTIAL_METHOD_DECLARATION]{Tara, LBreakRules;, ()V, Tara, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { this.deleteProject("P1"); this.deleteProject("P2"); } } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=276890 public void testBug276890_01() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL15_LIB"}, "bin", "1.5"); createFolder("/P/src/p276890"); createFile( "/P/src/p276890/Stuff.java", "package p276890;\n" + "public class Stuff {\n"+ " public Stuff(E e) {}\n"+ " public Stuff(Object o, Object o2) {}\n"+ " public Stuff(Stuff ees) {}\n"+ " public Stuff() {}\n"+ "}"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new Stuf\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "Stuf"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "Stuff[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp276890.Stuff;, ()V, Stuff, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " Stuff[TYPE_REF]{p276890.Stuff, p276890, Lp276890.Stuff;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "Stuff[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp276890.Stuff;, (Ljava.lang.Object;Ljava.lang.Object;)V, Stuff, (o, o2), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " Stuff[TYPE_REF]{p276890.Stuff, p276890, Lp276890.Stuff;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "Stuff[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp276890.Stuff;, (Lp276890.Stuff;)V, Stuff, (ees), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " Stuff[TYPE_REF]{p276890.Stuff, p276890, Lp276890.Stuff;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "Stuff[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp276890.Stuff;, (TE;)V, Stuff, (e), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " Stuff[TYPE_REF]{p276890.Stuff, p276890, Lp276890.Stuff;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=276890 public void testBug276890_02() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL15_LIB"}, "bin", "1.5"); createFolder("/P/src/p276890"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[2]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new Stuf\n" + " }\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/p276890/Stuff.java", "package p276890;\n" + "public class Stuff {\n"+ " public Stuff(E e) {}\n"+ " public Stuff(Object o, Object o2) {}\n"+ " public Stuff(Stuff ees) {}\n"+ " public Stuff() {}\n"+ "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "Stuf"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "Stuff[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp276890.Stuff;, ()V, Stuff, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " Stuff[TYPE_REF]{p276890.Stuff, p276890, Lp276890.Stuff;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "Stuff[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp276890.Stuff;, (Ljava.lang.Object;Ljava.lang.Object;)V, Stuff, (o, o2), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " Stuff[TYPE_REF]{p276890.Stuff, p276890, Lp276890.Stuff;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "Stuff[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp276890.Stuff;, (Lp276890.Stuff;)V, Stuff, (ees), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " Stuff[TYPE_REF]{p276890.Stuff, p276890, Lp276890.Stuff;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "Stuff[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp276890.Stuff;, (TE;)V, Stuff, (e), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " Stuff[TYPE_REF]{p276890.Stuff, p276890, Lp276890.Stuff;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=276890 public void testBug276890_03() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL15_LIB", "/P/lib276890.jar"}, "bin", "1.5"); createFolder("/P/src/p276890"); createJar( new String[] { "p276890/Stuff.java", "package p276890;\n" + "public class Stuff {\n"+ " public Stuff(E e) {}\n"+ " public Stuff(Object o, Object o2) {}\n"+ " public Stuff(Stuff ees) {}\n"+ " public Stuff() {}\n"+ "}" }, p.getProject().getLocation().append("lib276890.jar").toOSString(), new String[]{getExternalJCLPathString("1.5")}, "1.5"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new Stuf\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "Stuf"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "Stuff[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp276890.Stuff;, ()V, Stuff, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " Stuff[TYPE_REF]{p276890.Stuff, p276890, Lp276890.Stuff;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "Stuff[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp276890.Stuff;, (Ljava.lang.Object;Ljava.lang.Object;)V, Stuff, (o, o2), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " Stuff[TYPE_REF]{p276890.Stuff, p276890, Lp276890.Stuff;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "Stuff[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp276890.Stuff;, (Lp276890.Stuff;)V, Stuff, (ees), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " Stuff[TYPE_REF]{p276890.Stuff, p276890, Lp276890.Stuff;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + "Stuff[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp276890.Stuff;, (TE;)V, Stuff, (e), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " Stuff[TYPE_REF]{p276890.Stuff, p276890, Lp276890.Stuff;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } /** * @bug 162621: [model][delta] Validation errors do not clear after replacing jar file * @test Ensures that changing an internal jar and refreshing takes the change into account * @see "https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=162621" */ public void testChangeInternalJar() throws CoreException, IOException { String jarName = "b162621.jar"; try { // Create jar file with a class with 2 methods doXXX String[] pathAndContents = new String[] { "pack/Util.java", "package pack;\n" + "public class Util {\n" + " public void doit2A(int x, int y) { }\n" + " public void doit2B(int x) { }\n" + "}\n" }; addLibrary(jarName, "b162621_src.zip", pathAndContents, JavaCore.VERSION_1_4); // Wait a little bit to be sure file system is aware of zip file creation try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { // skip } // Create compilation unit in which completion occurs String path = "/Completion/src/test/Test.java"; String source = "package test;\n" + "import pack.*;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void foo() {\n" + " Util test = new Util();\n" + " test.doit2A(1, 2);\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"; createFolder("/Completion/src/test"); createFile(path, source); // first completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); ICompilationUnit unit = getCompilationUnit(path); String completeBehind = "test.do"; int cursorLocation = source.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); unit.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "doit2A[METHOD_REF]{doit2A, Lpack.Util;, (II)V, doit2A, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_CASE + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_NON_STATIC) + "}\n" + "doit2B[METHOD_REF]{doit2B, Lpack.Util;, (I)V, doit2B, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_CASE + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_NON_STATIC) + "}", requestor.getResults()); // change class file to add a third doXXX method and refresh String projectLocation = this.currentProject.getProject().getLocation().toOSString(); String jarPath = projectLocation + File.separator + jarName; createJar(new String[] { "pack/Util.java", "package pack;\n" + "public class Util {\n" + " public void doit2A(int x, int y) { }\n" + " public void doit2B(int x) { }\n" + " public void doit2C(int x) { }\n" + "}\n" }, jarPath); this.currentProject.getProject().refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, null); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { // skip } // second completion requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); unit.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "doit2A[METHOD_REF]{doit2A, Lpack.Util;, (II)V, doit2A, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_CASE + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_NON_STATIC) + "}\n" + "doit2B[METHOD_REF]{doit2B, Lpack.Util;, (I)V, doit2B, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_CASE + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_NON_STATIC) + "}\n" + "doit2C[METHOD_REF]{doit2C, Lpack.Util;, (I)V, doit2C, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_CASE + R_INTERESTING + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_NON_STATIC) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { removeClasspathEntry(this.currentProject, new Path(jarName)); deleteResource(new File(jarName)); } } public void testBug237469a() throws Exception { String externalJar1 = Util.getOutputDirectory() + File.separator + "bug237469a.jar"; //$NON-NLS-1$ String externalJar2 = Util.getOutputDirectory() + File.separator + "bug237469b.jar"; //$NON-NLS-1$ try { // create variable // JavaCore.setClasspathVariables( // new String[] {"JCL_LIB", "JCL_SRC", "JCL_SRCROOT"}, // new IPath[] {getExternalJCLPath(), getExternalJCLSourcePath(), getExternalJCLRootSourcePath()}, // null); // create external jar 1 Util.createJar( new String[] { "test/IProject.java", //$NON-NLS-1$ "package test;\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$ "public class IProject {\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$ "}" //$NON-NLS-1$ }, new HashMap(), externalJar1); // create external jar 2 Util.createJar( new String[] { "test/IJavaProject.java", //$NON-NLS-1$ "package test;\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$ "import test.IProject;\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$ "public class IJavaProject {\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$ " IProject project = null;\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$ "}" //$NON-NLS-1$ }, null, new HashMap(), new String[]{externalJar1}, externalJar2); // create P1 this.createJavaProject( "PS1", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB", externalJar1, externalJar2}, "bin"); this.createFolder("/PS1/src/test"); this.createFile( "/PS1/src/test/Y.java", "package test;\n"+ "import test.IProject;\n"+ "import test.IJavaProject;\n"+ "public class Y {\n"+ " IProject project;\n"+ " IJavaProject javaProject;\n"+ "}"); // create P2 this.createJavaProject( "PS2", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB", externalJar2}, new String[]{"/PS1"}, "bin"); this.createFolder("/PS2/src/test"); this.createFile( "/PS2/src/test/X.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class X extends test.Y {\n"+ " private Object initializer;\n"+ " public void foo() {\n"+ " initializer\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("PS2", "src", "test", "X.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "initializer"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "initializer[FIELD_REF]{initializer, Ltest.X;, Ljava.lang.Object;, initializer, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_EXACT_NAME + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { this.deleteProject("PS1"); this.deleteProject("PS2"); this.deleteResource(new File(externalJar1)); this.deleteResource(new File(externalJar2)); } } public void testBug237469b() throws Exception { String externalJar1 = Util.getOutputDirectory() + File.separator + "bug237469a.jar"; //$NON-NLS-1$ String externalJar2 = Util.getOutputDirectory() + File.separator + "bug237469b.jar"; //$NON-NLS-1$ try { // create variable // JavaCore.setClasspathVariables( // new String[] {"JCL_LIB", "JCL_SRC", "JCL_SRCROOT"}, // new IPath[] {getExternalJCLPath(), getExternalJCLSourcePath(), getExternalJCLRootSourcePath()}, // null); // create external jar 1 Util.createJar( new String[] { "test/IProject.java", //$NON-NLS-1$ "package test;\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$ "public class IProject {\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$ "}" //$NON-NLS-1$ }, new HashMap(), externalJar1); // create external jar 2 Util.createJar( new String[] { "test/IJavaProject.java", //$NON-NLS-1$ "package test;\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$ "import test.IProject;\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$ "public class IJavaProject {\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$ " IProject project = null;\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$ "}" //$NON-NLS-1$ }, null, new HashMap(), new String[]{externalJar1}, externalJar2); // create P1 this.createJavaProject( "PS1", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB", externalJar1, externalJar2}, "bin"); this.createFolder("/PS1/src/test"); this.createFile( "/PS1/src/test/Y.java", "package test;\n"+ "import test.IProject;\n"+ "import test.IJavaProject;\n"+ "public class Y {\n"+ " IProject project;\n"+ " IJavaProject javaProject;\n"+ "}"); // create P2 this.createJavaProject( "PS2", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB", externalJar2}, new String[]{"/PS1"}, "bin"); this.createFolder("/PS2/src/test"); this.createFile( "/PS2/src/test/X.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class X extends test.Y {\n"+ " private X initializer;\n"+ " public void foo() {\n"+ " Object o; o.equals\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(false, false, false, false); requestor.setRequireExtendedContext(true); requestor.setComputeEnclosingElement(false); requestor.setComputeVisibleElements(true); requestor.setAssignableType("Ltest/X;"); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("PS2", "src", "test", "X.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "equals"; int tokenStart = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind); int tokenEnd = tokenStart + completeBehind.length() - 1; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "completion offset="+(cursorLocation)+"\n" + "completion range=["+(tokenStart)+", "+(tokenEnd)+"]\n" + "completion token=\"equals\"\n" + "completion token kind=TOKEN_KIND_NAME\n" + "expectedTypesSignatures=null\n" + "expectedTypesKeys=null\n"+ "completion token location=UNKNOWN\n"+ "visibleElements={\n" + " initializer {key=Ltest/X;.initializer)Ltest/X;} [in X [in X.java [in test [in src [in PS2]]]]],\n" + "}", requestor.getContext()); } finally { this.deleteProject("PS1"); this.deleteProject("PS2"); this.deleteResource(new File(externalJar1)); this.deleteResource(new File(externalJar2)); } } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=270113 public void testBug270113_01() throws Exception { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB", "/P/lib270113.jar"}, "bin"); createJar(new String[] { "p270113/AllConstructors01.java", "package p270113;\n" + "public abstract class AllConstructors01 {\n" + " protected AllConstructors01(int i) {}\n" + "}" }, p.getProject().getLocation().append("lib270113.jar").toOSString()); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new AllConstructors\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "AllConstructors"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "AllConstructors01[ANONYMOUS_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lp270113.AllConstructors01;, (I)V, AllConstructors01, (i), "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}\n" + " AllConstructors01[TYPE_REF]{p270113.AllConstructors01, p270113, Lp270113.AllConstructors01;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=281598 public void testBug281598() throws Exception { try { // Create project and jar IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB", "/P/empty.jar"}, "bin"); createFile("/P/empty.jar", ""); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // Create working copy this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " sys\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor() { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); public boolean isCanceled() { long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - this.start; return time > 1000; // cancel after 1 sec } }; String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "sys"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); // no results expected, just verify that no cancel operation exception occurs... assertResults("", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); } } public void testBug281598b() throws Exception { try { // Create project and jar IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB", "/P/empty.jar"}, "bin"); createFile("/P/empty.jar", ""); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // Create working copy this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new String\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor() { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); public boolean isCanceled() { long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - this.start; return time > 1000; // cancel after 1 sec } }; String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "String"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "String[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Ljava.lang.String;, ()V, String, null, "+(R_DEFAULT+R_RESOLVED+R_INTERESTING+R_CASE+R_EXACT_NAME+R_UNQUALIFIED+R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}\n" + " String[TYPE_REF]{java.lang.String, java.lang, Ljava.lang.String;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT+R_RESOLVED+R_INTERESTING+R_CASE+R_EXACT_NAME+R_UNQUALIFIED+R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); } } public void testBug281598c() throws Exception { IndexManager indexManager = JavaModelManager.getIndexManager(); try { // Create project IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin", "1.4"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // Disable indexing indexManager.disable(); // Create compilation unit in which completion occurs String path = "/P/src/test/Test.java"; String source = "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public void foo() {\n" + " Strin\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"; createFolder("/P/src/test"); createFile(path, source); refresh(p); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor() { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); public boolean isCanceled() { long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - this.start; return time > 1000; // cancel after 1 sec } }; String completeBehind = "Strin"; int cursorLocation = source.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); IType type = p.findType("test.Test"); type.getTypeRoot().codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "String[TYPE_REF]{String, java.lang, Ljava.lang.String;, null, null, "+(R_DEFAULT+R_RESOLVED+R_INTERESTING+R_CASE+R_UNQUALIFIED+R_NON_RESTRICTED)+"}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { indexManager.enable(); deleteProject("P"); } } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=151500 public void testBug151500a() throws Exception { try { IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB", "/P/lib151500.jar"}, "bin", "1.4"); createJar( new String[] { "foo/Foo.java", "package foo;\n" + "public class Foo {\n"+ " public Foo(int p1) {}\n"+ " public Bar bar = new Bar(1,2);\n"+ " public class Bar {\n" + " int param1;\n" + " int param2;\n" + " public Bar (int a, int b) {\n" + " param1 = a;\n" + " param2 = b;\n" + " }\n" + " public void someMethod(String paramName) {}\n"+ " }\n"+ "}" }, p.getProject().getLocation().append("lib151500.jar").toOSString(), new String[]{getExternalJCLPathString("1.3")}, "1.3"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void m() {\n" + " foo.Foo f = new Foo(1);\n" + " f.bar.s\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "f.bar.s"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "someMethod[METHOD_REF]{someMethod(), Lfoo.Foo$Bar;, (Ljava.lang.String;)V, someMethod, (paramName), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_NON_STATIC)+ "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); } } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=151500 public void testBug151500b() throws Exception { try { IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL15_LIB", "/P/lib151500.jar"}, "bin", "1.4"); createJar( new String[] { "foo/Foo.java", "package foo;\n" + "public class Foo {\n"+ " public Foo(int p1) {}\n"+ " public Bar bar = new Bar(1,2);\n"+ " public class Bar {\n" + " int param1;\n" + " int param2;\n" + " public Bar (int a, int b) {\n" + " param1 = a;\n" + " param2 = b;\n" + " }\n" + " public void someMethod(String paramName) {}\n"+ " }\n"+ "}" }, p.getProject().getLocation().append("lib151500.jar").toOSString(), new String[]{getExternalJCLPathString("1.3")}, "1.3"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void m() {\n" + " new foo.Foo(1).new B;\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "new foo.Foo(1).new B"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "Bar[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lfoo.Foo$Bar;, (II)V, Bar, (a, b), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_CONSTRUCTOR) + "}\n" + " Foo.Bar[TYPE_REF]{Bar, foo, Lfoo.Foo$Bar;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_UNQUALIFIED + R_CONSTRUCTOR) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); } } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=151500 public void testBug151500c() throws Exception { try { IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL15_LIB", "/P/lib151500.jar"}, "bin", "1.4"); createJar( new String[] { "foo/Foo.java", "package foo;\n" + "public class Foo {\n"+ " public Foo(int p1) {}\n"+ " public Bar bar = new Bar(1,2);\n"+ " public class Bar {\n" + " int param1;\n" + " int param2;\n" + " public Bar (int a, int b) {\n" + " param1 = a;\n" + " param2 = b;\n" + " }\n" + " public void someMethod(String paramName) {}\n"+ " }\n"+ "}" }, p.getProject().getLocation().append("lib151500.jar").toOSString(), new String[]{getExternalJCLPathString("1.3")}, "1.3"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void m() {\n" + " new foo.Foo.B;\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "new foo.Foo.B"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "Bar[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Lfoo.Foo$Bar;, (II)V, Bar, (a, b), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR) + "}\n" + " Foo.Bar[TYPE_REF]{Bar, foo, Lfoo.Foo$Bar;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); } } // types in enum package of org.apache.commons.lang.jar should not be proposed for // 1.5 projects. see https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=317264 public void testBug317264a() throws CoreException { IJavaProject project = null; try { project = createJavaProject("P2", new String[] {""}, new String[] {"JCL15_LIB"}, "", "1.5"); addClasspathEntry(project, JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(new Path("/Completion/b317264/org.apache.commons.lang_2.modified.jar"), null, null)); createFile( "/P2/X.java", "import org.apache.commons.lang.*;\n"+ "public class X {\n"+ " public void foo() {\n"+ " enu\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("P2", "", "", "X.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "enu"; CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "Enum[TYPE_REF]{Enum, java.lang, Ljava.lang.Enum;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + 12) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject(project); } } // types in enum package of org.apache.commons.lang.jar should be proposed for 1.4 projects public void testBug317264b() throws CoreException { IJavaProject project = null; try { project = createJavaProject("P2", new String[] {""}, new String[] {"JCL_LIB"}, "", "1.4"); addClasspathEntry(project, JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(new Path("/Completion/b317264/org.apache.commons.lang_2.modified.jar"), null, null)); createFile( "/P2/X.java", "import org.apache.commons.lang.*;\n"+ "public class X {\n"+ " public void foo() {\n"+ " enu\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("P2", "", "", "X.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "enu"; CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "Enum[TYPE_REF]{org.apache.commons.lang.enum.Enum, org.apache.commons.lang.enum, Lorg.apache.commons.lang.enum.Enum;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + 9) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject(project); } } // enum package of org.apache.commons.lang.jar should not be proposed for 1.5 projects public void testBug317264c() throws CoreException { IJavaProject project = null; try { project = createJavaProject("P2", new String[] {""}, new String[] {"JCL15_LIB"}, "", "1.5"); addClasspathEntry(project, JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(new Path("/Completion/b317264/org.apache.commons.lang_2.modified.jar"), null, null)); createFile( "/P2/X.java", "import org.apache.commons.lang.enu;\n"+ "public class X {\n"+ " public void foo() {\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("P2", "", "", "X.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "lang.enu"; CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults("", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject(project); } } // enum package of org.apache.commons.lang.jar should be proposed for 1.4 projects public void testBug317264d() throws CoreException { IJavaProject project = null; try { project = createJavaProject("P2", new String[] {""}, new String[] {"JCL_LIB"}, "", "1.4"); addClasspathEntry(project, JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(new Path("/Completion/b317264/org.apache.commons.lang_2.modified.jar"), null, null)); createFile( "/P2/X.java", "import org.apache.commons.lang.enu;\n"+ "public class X {\n"+ " public void foo() {\n"+ " }\n"+ "}"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("P2", "", "", "X.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "lang.enu"; CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "org.apache.commons.lang.enum[PACKAGE_REF]{org.apache.commons.lang.enum.*;, org.apache.commons.lang.enum, null, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + 19) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject(project); } } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=292087 public void testBug340945() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Try.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Try extends Thread{\n" + " int inty = 1;\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " int i = 1;\n" + " Object o = new Object() {\n" + " void running() {\n" + " int j = 1;\n" + " int k = " + " }\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); requestor.setRequireExtendedContext(true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setComputeVisibleElements(true); // requestor.setAssignableType("I"); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "int k ="; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "", requestor.getCompletionNode()); assertResults( "int k = ;", requestor.getCompletionNodeParent()); assertResults( "int j[pos: unused][id:2]\n" + "int i[pos: unused][id:0]\n" + "java.lang.Object o[pos: unused][id:1]\n", requestor.getVisibleLocalVariables()); assertResults( "int inty\n", requestor.getVisibleFields()); assertResults( "void running() \n" + "public final void wait(long, int) throws java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException, java.lang.InterruptedException\n" + "public final void wait(long) throws java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException, java.lang.InterruptedException\n" + "public final void wait() throws java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException, java.lang.InterruptedException\n" + "public java.lang.String toString() \n" + "public final void notifyAll() throws java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException\n" + "public final void notify() throws java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException\n" + "public int hashCode() \n" + "public final java.lang.Class getClass() \n" + "protected void finalize() throws java.lang.Throwable\n" + "public boolean equals(java.lang.Object) \n" + "protected java.lang.Object clone() throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException\n" + "void foo() \n", requestor.getVisibleMethods()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=292087 public void testBug340945a() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Try.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Try extends Thread{\n" + " int int1 = 1;\n" + " int int2 = 2;\n" + " int int3 = " + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); requestor.setRequireExtendedContext(true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setComputeVisibleElements(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "int int3 ="; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "", requestor.getCompletionNode()); assertResults( "int int3 = ;", requestor.getCompletionNodeParent()); assertResults( "", requestor.getVisibleLocalVariables()); assertResults( "int int2\n" + "int int1\n", requestor.getVisibleFields()); assertResults( "public final void wait(long, int) throws java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException, java.lang.InterruptedException\n" + "public final void wait(long) throws java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException, java.lang.InterruptedException\n" + "public final void wait() throws java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException, java.lang.InterruptedException\n" + "public java.lang.String toString() \n" + "public final void notifyAll() throws java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException\n" + "public final void notify() throws java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException\n" + "public int hashCode() \n" + "public final java.lang.Class getClass() \n" + "protected void finalize() throws java.lang.Throwable\n" + "public boolean equals(java.lang.Object) \n" + "protected java.lang.Object clone() throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException\n", requestor.getVisibleMethods()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=292087 public void testBug340945b() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Try.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Try extends Thread{\n" + "Object field;\n" + "void foo() {\n" + " int int1 = 1;\n" + " int int2 = 2;\n" + " int int3 = " + "}\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); requestor.setRequireExtendedContext(true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setComputeVisibleElements(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "int int3 ="; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "", requestor.getCompletionNode()); assertResults( "int int3 = ;", requestor.getCompletionNodeParent()); assertResults( "int int1[pos: unused][id:0]\n" + "int int2[pos: unused][id:1]\n", requestor.getVisibleLocalVariables()); assertResults( "java.lang.Object field\n", requestor.getVisibleFields()); assertResults( "void foo() \n" + "public final void wait(long, int) throws java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException, java.lang.InterruptedException\n" + "public final void wait(long) throws java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException, java.lang.InterruptedException\n" + "public final void wait() throws java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException, java.lang.InterruptedException\n" + "public java.lang.String toString() \n" + "public final void notifyAll() throws java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException\n" + "public final void notify() throws java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException\n" + "public int hashCode() \n" + "public final java.lang.Class getClass() \n" + "protected void finalize() throws java.lang.Throwable\n" + "public boolean equals(java.lang.Object) \n" + "protected java.lang.Object clone() throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException\n", requestor.getVisibleMethods()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=292087 public void testBug340945c() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Try.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Try extends Thread{\n" + "Object field;\n" + "void foo() {\n" + " int int1 = 1;\n" + " int int2 = 2;\n" + " Object o1 = new Object();\n" + " o1." + "}\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); requestor.setRequireExtendedContext(true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setComputeVisibleElements(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "o1."; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "", requestor.getCompletionNode()); assertNull( "should be null", requestor.getCompletionNodeParent()); assertResults( "int int1[pos: unused][id:0]\n" + "int int2[pos: unused][id:1]\n" + "java.lang.Object o1[pos: unused][id:2]\n", requestor.getVisibleLocalVariables()); assertResults( "java.lang.Object field\n", requestor.getVisibleFields()); assertResults( "void foo() \n" + "public final void wait(long, int) throws java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException, java.lang.InterruptedException\n" + "public final void wait(long) throws java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException, java.lang.InterruptedException\n" + "public final void wait() throws java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException, java.lang.InterruptedException\n" + "public java.lang.String toString() \n" + "public final void notifyAll() throws java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException\n" + "public final void notify() throws java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException\n" + "public int hashCode() \n" + "public final java.lang.Class getClass() \n" + "protected void finalize() throws java.lang.Throwable\n" + "public boolean equals(java.lang.Object) \n" + "protected java.lang.Object clone() throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException\n", requestor.getVisibleMethods()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=292087 public void testBug340945d() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Try.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Try extends Thread{\n" + "Object field;\n" + "static void foo() {\n" + // field should not be visible here " int int1 = 1;\n" + " int int2 = 2;\n" + " Object o1 = new Object();\n" + " o1." + "}\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); requestor.setRequireExtendedContext(true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); requestor.setComputeVisibleElements(true); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "o1."; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults( "", requestor.getCompletionNode()); assertNull( "should be null", requestor.getCompletionNodeParent()); assertResults( "int int1[pos: unused][id:0]\n" + "int int2[pos: unused][id:1]\n" + "java.lang.Object o1[pos: unused][id:2]\n", requestor.getVisibleLocalVariables()); assertResults( "", requestor.getVisibleFields()); assertResults( "static void foo() \n", requestor.getVisibleMethods()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=326610 // Test if annotations can be added on package declaration in package-info public void testBug326610() throws Exception { try { // create P1 IFile f = getFile("/Completion/org.eclipse.jdt.annotation_1.0.0.v20120312-1601.jar"); IJavaProject p = this.createJavaProject( "P1", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin", "1.5"); this.createFolder("/P1/src/p"); this.createFile("/P1/lib.jar", f.getContents()); this.addLibraryEntry(p, "/P1/lib.jar", true); this.createFile( "/P1/src/p/package-info.java", "@No\n" + "package p;\n"); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor(); ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit("P1", "src", "p", "package-info.java"); String str = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "@No"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertEquals( "element:NonNullByDefault completion:org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault relevance:"+ (R_DEFAULT + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_QUALIFIED + R_EXACT_NAME + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_ANNOTATION), requestor.getResults()); } finally { this.deleteProject("P1"); } } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=373409 // Test (1) a type does not get priority over a constructor and // (2) that a type coming from an on-demand import does not have the R_UNQUALIFIED relevance set public void testBug373409() throws Exception { try { // Create project and jar IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); refresh(p); createFolder("/P/src/java/llang"); createFile( "/P/src/java/llang/Thread.java", "package java.llang;\n"+ "public class Thread {\n" + " public Thread() {\n" + " }\n" + " public Thread(String s) {\n" + " }\n" + " public Thread(String s, int i) {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); createFile( "/P/src/java/llang/ThreadLocal.java", "package java.llang;\n"+ "public class ThreadLocal {\n" + " static class ThreadLocalMap {}\n" + // non private static member class necessary for ThreadLocal to be proposed as a type "}"); createFile( "/P/src/java/llang/ThreadGroup.java", "package java.llang;\n"+ "public class ThreadGroup {\n" + " public ThreadGroup() {\n" + " }\n" + " public ThreadGroup(String s) {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); // Create working copy this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "import java.llang.*;\n"+ "public class Test {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new Threa\n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "Threa"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "ThreadLocal[TYPE_REF]{java.llang.ThreadLocal, java.llang, Ljava.llang.ThreadLocal;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "Thread[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Ljava.llang.Thread;, ()V, Thread, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR) + "}\n" + " Thread[TYPE_REF]{java.llang.Thread, java.llang, Ljava.llang.Thread;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR) + "}\n" + "Thread[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Ljava.llang.Thread;, (Ljava.lang.String;)V, Thread, (s), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR) + "}\n" + " Thread[TYPE_REF]{java.llang.Thread, java.llang, Ljava.llang.Thread;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR) + "}\n" + "Thread[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Ljava.llang.Thread;, (Ljava.lang.String;I)V, Thread, (s, i), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR) + "}\n" + " Thread[TYPE_REF]{java.llang.Thread, java.llang, Ljava.llang.Thread;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR) + "}\n" + "ThreadGroup[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Ljava.llang.ThreadGroup;, ()V, ThreadGroup, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR) + "}\n" + " ThreadGroup[TYPE_REF]{java.llang.ThreadGroup, java.llang, Ljava.llang.ThreadGroup;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR) + "}\n" + "ThreadGroup[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Ljava.llang.ThreadGroup;, (Ljava.lang.String;)V, ThreadGroup, (s), " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR) + "}\n" + " ThreadGroup[TYPE_REF]{java.llang.ThreadGroup, java.llang, Ljava.llang.ThreadGroup;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR) + "}\n" + "ThreadLocal[CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION]{(), Ljava.llang.ThreadLocal;, ()V, ThreadLocal, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR) + "}\n" + " ThreadLocal[TYPE_REF]{java.llang.ThreadLocal, java.llang, Ljava.llang.ThreadLocal;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_CONSTRUCTOR) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); } } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=397070 public void testBug397070() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/test/Completion.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Completion implements {}\n" + "public interface Completion2 extends {}\n" + "public class Completion3 extends {}\n" + "}\n"); class CompletionRequestor2 extends CompletionRequestor { SourceType type = null; public void acceptContext(CompletionContext con) { this.type = null; if (con instanceof InternalCompletionContext) { InternalCompletionContext context = (InternalCompletionContext) con; IJavaElement element = context.getEnclosingElement(); if (element instanceof org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.SourceType) { this.type = (SourceType) element; } } } public boolean isExtendedContextRequired() { return true; } public SourceType getType() { return this.type; } public void accept(CompletionProposal proposal) { // Do nothing } } CompletionRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionRequestor2(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "Completion implements "; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); try { this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); SourceType type = requestor.getType(); String[] names = type.getSuperInterfaceTypeSignatures(); assertEquals("Incorrect syper interface signature", 0, names.length); completeBehind = "Completion2 extends "; cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); type = requestor.getType(); names = type.getSuperInterfaceTypeSignatures(); assertEquals("Incorrect syper interface signature", 0, names.length); completeBehind = "Completion3 extends "; cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); type = requestor.getType(); assertNull("Incorrect syper class signature", type.getSuperclassTypeSignature()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { fail("Invalid completion context"); } } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=392581 public void testBug392581() throws CoreException { try { // Create project and jar IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); createFolder("/P/src/p"); refresh(p); // Create working copy this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/p/B.java", "class A {\n" + " protected String foo1(){\n" + " return \"From A\";\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "public class B extends A {\n" + " @Override\n" + " protected String foo1() {\n" + " super. \n" + " }\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); requestor.setRequireExtendedContext(true); requestor.setComputeVisibleElements(true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "super."; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "clone[METHOD_REF]{clone(), Ljava.lang.Object;, ()Ljava.lang.Object;, clone, null, "+ (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "equals[METHOD_REF]{equals(), Ljava.lang.Object;, (Ljava.lang.Object;)Z, equals, (obj), "+ (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "finalize[METHOD_REF]{finalize(), Ljava.lang.Object;, ()V, finalize, null, "+ (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "getClass[METHOD_REF]{getClass(), Ljava.lang.Object;, ()Ljava.lang.Class;, getClass, null, "+ (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "hashCode[METHOD_REF]{hashCode(), Ljava.lang.Object;, ()I, hashCode, null, "+ (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "notify[METHOD_REF]{notify(), Ljava.lang.Object;, ()V, notify, null, "+ (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "notifyAll[METHOD_REF]{notifyAll(), Ljava.lang.Object;, ()V, notifyAll, null, "+ (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "toString[METHOD_REF]{toString(), Ljava.lang.Object;, ()Ljava.lang.String;, toString, null, "+ (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "wait[METHOD_REF]{wait(), Ljava.lang.Object;, ()V, wait, null, "+ (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "wait[METHOD_REF]{wait(), Ljava.lang.Object;, (J)V, wait, (millis), "+ (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "wait[METHOD_REF]{wait(), Ljava.lang.Object;, (JI)V, wait, (millis, nanos), "+ (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED) + "}\n" + "foo1[METHOD_REF]{foo1(), Lp.A;, ()Ljava.lang.String;, foo1, null, "+ (R_DEFAULT + R_RESOLVED + R_INTERESTING + R_CASE + R_NON_STATIC + R_NON_RESTRICTED + R_EXACT_NAME + R_METHOD_OVERIDE) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); } } /** * Project's compliance: source: 1.5, compiler: 1.5 * Jar's compliance: source: 1.3, compiler: 1.3 * Jar contains a class with "enum" package and is located inside the project. * The test verifies that class from the "enum" package is not proposed. */ public void testBug410207a() throws Exception { try { IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[] {"JCL15_LIB", "/P/lib.jar"}, "bin", "1.5"); Util.createJar(new String[] { "a/enum/b/NonCompliant.java", "package a.enum.b;\n" + "public class NonCompliant {\n" + "}", "lib/External.java", "package lib;\n" + "import a.enum.b.NonCompliant;\n" + "public class External {\n" + " public NonCompliant setNonCompliant(NonCompliant x) {\n" + " return null;\n" + " }\n" + "}" }, p.getProject().getLocation().append("lib.jar").toOSString(), "1.3"); refresh(p); createFolder("/P/src/p/"); createFile( "/P/src/p/Main.java", "package p;\n" + "import lib.External;\n" + "public class Main {\n" + " public void m() {\n" + " External external = new External();\n" + " external.setNonCompliant(new );\n" + " };\n" + "}" ); waitUntilIndexesReady(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("P", "src", "p", "Main.java"); String source = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "external.setNonCompliant(new "; int cursorLocation = source.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "Main[TYPE_REF]{Main, p, Lp.Main;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + 22) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); } } /** * Project's compliance: source: 1.5, compiler: 1.5 * Jar's compliance: source: 1.4, compiler: 1.6 * Jar contains a class with "enum" package and is located inside the project. * The test verifies that class from the "enum" package is not proposed. It verifies also that * compiler compliance of the jar is not used as source compliance. */ public void testBug410207b() throws Exception { try { IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[] {"JCL15_LIB", "/P/lib.jar"}, "bin", "1.5"); Map options = new HashMap(); options.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, "1.4"); Util.createJar(new String[] { "a/enum/b/NonCompliant.java", "package a.enum.b;\n" + "public class NonCompliant {\n" + "}", "lib/External.java", "package lib;\n" + "import a.enum.b.NonCompliant;\n" + "public class External {\n" + " public NonCompliant setNonCompliant(NonCompliant x) {\n" + " return null;\n" + " }\n" + "}" }, null,/*extraPathsAndContents*/ p.getProject().getLocation().append("lib.jar").toOSString(), null,/*classpath*/ "1.6", options); refresh(p); createFolder("/P/src/p/"); createFile( "/P/src/p/Main.java", "package p;\n" + "import lib.External;\n" + "public class Main {\n" + " public void m() {\n" + " External external = new External();\n" + " external.setNonCompliant(new );\n" + " };\n" + "}" ); waitUntilIndexesReady(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("P", "src", "p", "Main.java"); String source = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "external.setNonCompliant(new "; int cursorLocation = source.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "Main[TYPE_REF]{Main, p, Lp.Main;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + 22) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); } } /** * Two projects: * Lib: source: 1.4, compiler: 1.4 * P: source: 1.5, compiler: 1.5 * Lib contains a class with "enum" package and is required by P (dependency on the bin folder). * The test verifies that class from the "enum" package is not proposed for P. */ public void testBug410207c() throws Exception { try { createJavaProject("Lib", new String[] {"src"}, new String[] {"JCL_LIB"}, "bin", "1.4"); createFolder("/Lib/src/a/enum/b"); createFile( "/Lib/src/a/enum/b/NonCompliant.java", "package a.enum.b;\n" + "public class NonCompliant {\n" + "}" ); createFolder("/Lib/src/lib"); createFile( "/Lib/src/lib/External.java", "package lib;\n" + "import a.enum.b.NonCompliant;\n" + "public class External {\n" + " public NonCompliant setNonCompliant(NonCompliant x) {\n" + " return null;\n" + " }\n" + "}" ); getProject("Lib").build(IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD, null); createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[] {"JCL15_LIB", "/Lib/bin"}, "bin", "1.5"); createFolder("/P/src/p"); createFile( "/P/src/p/Main.java", "package p;\n" + "import lib.External;\n" + "public class Main {\n" + " public void m() {\n" + " External external = new External();\n" + " external.setNonCompliant(new );\n" + " };\n" + "}" ); waitUntilIndexesReady(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("P", "src", "p", "Main.java"); String source = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "external.setNonCompliant(new "; int cursorLocation = source.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "Main[TYPE_REF]{Main, p, Lp.Main;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + 22) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProjects(new String[] { "Lib", "P" }); } } /** * Two projects: * Lib: source: 1.4, compiler: 1.4 * P: source: 1.5, compiler: 1.5 * Lib contains a class with "enum" package and is required by P (dependency on the whole project). * The test verifies that class from the "enum" package is not proposed for P. */ public void testBug410207d() throws Exception { try { createJavaProject("Lib", new String[] {"src"}, new String[] {"JCL_LIB"}, "bin", "1.4"); createFolder("/Lib/src/a/enum/b"); createFile( "/Lib/src/a/enum/b/NonCompliant.java", "package a.enum.b;\n" + "public class NonCompliant {\n" + "}" ); createFolder("/Lib/src/lib"); createFile( "/Lib/src/lib/External.java", "package lib;\n" + "import a.enum.b.NonCompliant;\n" + "public class External {\n" + " public NonCompliant setNonCompliant(NonCompliant x) {\n" + " return null;\n" + " }\n" + "}" ); getProject("Lib").build(IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD, null); createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[] {"JCL15_LIB"}, new String[] {"/Lib"}, "bin", "1.5"); createFolder("/P/src/p"); createFile( "/P/src/p/Main.java", "package p;\n" + "import lib.External;\n" + "public class Main {\n" + " public void m() {\n" + " External external = new External();\n" + " external.setNonCompliant(new );\n" + " };\n" + "}" ); waitUntilIndexesReady(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("P", "src", "p", "Main.java"); String source = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "external.setNonCompliant(new "; int cursorLocation = source.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "Main[TYPE_REF]{Main, p, Lp.Main;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + 22) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProjects(new String[] { "Lib", "P" }); } } // Bug 418011 - [1.8][code assist] NPE in code assist // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=418011 public void testBug418011() throws CoreException { try { // Create project and jar IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); createFolder("/P/src/p"); refresh(p); // Create working copy this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/p/X.java", "class X {\n" + " X max1 = null;\n" + " X max1 = Math.ma\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true); requestor.setComputeVisibleElements(true); requestor.setRequireExtendedContext(true); requestor.setComputeVisibleElements(true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "= Math.ma"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); requestor.getContext(); } finally { deleteProject("P"); } } // Content Assist / Quick Fix import suggestion for nested annotations with argument list // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=376977 public void testBug376977() throws CoreException { Hashtable oldOptions = JavaCore.getOptions(); try { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(oldOptions); options.put(JavaCore.CODEASSIST_VISIBILITY_CHECK, JavaCore.ENABLED); JavaCore.setOptions(options); IJavaProject p = createJavaProject("P", new String[] {"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[3]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/myannotations/Nested.java", "package myannotations;\n"+ "public @interface Nested {\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[1] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/myannotations/Outer.java", "package myannotations;\n"+ "public @interface Outer {\n" + " Nested[] nest();\n" + "}"); this.workingCopies[2] = getWorkingCopy( "/P/src/mymyclass/Outer.java", "package mymyclass;\n"+ "import myannotations.Outer;\n"+ "import myannotations.Nested;\n"+ "@Outer(nest= {@Nested()})\n" + "public class MyClass {\n" + "}"); // do completion CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String str = this.workingCopies[2].getSource(); String completeBehind = "nest= {@Nes"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[2].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner, monitor); assertResults( "Nested[TYPE_REF]{Nested, myannotations, Lmyannotations.Nested;, null, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + 42) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); JavaCore.setOptions(oldOptions); } } //https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=442868 public void test442868() throws JavaModelException { this.workingCopies = new ICompilationUnit[1]; this.workingCopies[0] = getWorkingCopy( "/Completion/src/X.java", "import java.util.List;\n" + "abstract class Other {\n" + " public abstract void m(String s, Object l, Object o);\n" + "}\n" + "public class Weird {\n" + " private static void weird() {\n" + " new Other() {\n" + " @Override\n" + " public void m(String s, Obj l, Object o) {\n" + " }\n" + " };\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, true, true, false); requestor.allowAllRequiredProposals(); String str = this.workingCopies[0].getSource(); String completeBehind = "Obj"; int cursorLocation = str.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); this.workingCopies[0].codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor, this.wcOwner); assertResults("Object[TYPE_REF]{Object, java.lang, Ljava.lang.Object;, null, null, null, null, [218, 224], " + (RelevanceConstants.R_DEFAULT + RelevanceConstants.R_RESOLVED + RelevanceConstants.R_INTERESTING + RelevanceConstants.R_NON_RESTRICTED + RelevanceConstants.R_CASE + RelevanceConstants.R_UNQUALIFIED) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=479656 public void test479656() throws Exception { try { IFile f = getFile("/Completion/bug479656.jar"); IJavaProject p = this.createJavaProject( "P", new String[]{"src"}, new String[]{"JCL_LIB"}, "bin", "1.5"); this.createFile("/P/bug479656.jar", f.getContents()); this.addLibraryEntry(p, "/P/bug479656.jar", true); this.createFolder("/P/src/com/google/gwt/event/shared"); this.createFile( "/P/src/com/google/gwt/event/shared/GwtEvent.java", "package com.google.gwt.event.shared;\n" + "public abstract class GwtEvent {\n" + " public static class Type {}\n" + "}\n"); this.createFolder("/P/src/test"); this.createFile( "/P/src/test/Test.java", "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " String value = \"\";\n" + " com.gtouch5.shared.data.store.event.StoreEvent event = null;\n" + " public Test() {\n" + " value.toS\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); refresh(p); waitUntilIndexesReady(); ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit("P", "src", "test", "Test.java"); String source = cu.getSource(); String completeBehind = "value.toS"; int cursorLocation = source.lastIndexOf(completeBehind) + completeBehind.length(); CompletionTestsRequestor2 requestor = new CompletionTestsRequestor2(true, false, false, true, true); cu.codeComplete(cursorLocation, requestor); assertResults( "toString[METHOD_REF]{toString(), Ljava.lang.Object;, ()Ljava.lang.String;, toString, null, " + (R_DEFAULT + 30) + "}", requestor.getResults()); } finally { deleteProject("P"); } } }