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Diffstat (limited to 'testplugins/org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.ui.tests.refactoring/src/org/eclipse/objectteams/otdt/ui/tests/refactoring/reorg/')
1 files changed, 573 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testplugins/org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.ui.tests.refactoring/src/org/eclipse/objectteams/otdt/ui/tests/refactoring/reorg/ b/testplugins/org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.ui.tests.refactoring/src/org/eclipse/objectteams/otdt/ui/tests/refactoring/reorg/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2aa845f66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testplugins/org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.ui.tests.refactoring/src/org/eclipse/objectteams/otdt/ui/tests/refactoring/reorg/
@@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.ui.tests.refactoring.reorg;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Comparator;
+import java.util.List;
+import junit.framework.Test;
+import junit.framework.TestSuite;
+import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IField;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IMethod;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ISourceManipulation;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.TypedSource;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.reorg.JavaElementTransfer;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.reorg.ReorgUtils;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.util.Strings;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.refactoring.reorg.CopyToClipboardAction;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.refactoring.reorg.TypedSourceTransfer;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaElementLabelProvider;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.refactoring.RefactoringTest;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.refactoring.RefactoringTestSetup;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.refactoring.infra.MockClipboard;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.refactoring.infra.MockWorkbenchSite;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProvider;
+import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.Clipboard;
+import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.FileTransfer;
+import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.TextTransfer;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
+import org.eclipse.ui.part.ResourceTransfer;
+import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.ICallinMapping;
+import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.ICalloutMapping;
+import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.ICalloutToFieldMapping;
+import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.IMethodMapping;
+import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.IOTJavaElement;
+import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.IRoleType;
+import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.OTModelManager;
+import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.ui.tests.refactoring.OTRefactoringTestSetup;
+//{OT_COPY_PASTE: Copy of class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.reorg.CopyToClipboardActionTest
+//Reason: adapt tests for the OTCopyToClipboardAction, add additional tests for OT elements
+// remove tests which won't work with the given OT type declarations
+// test enumeration is kept, new OT tests are testEnabledOT0 - testEnabledOT6
+public class OTCopyToClipboardTests extends RefactoringTest
+ private static final String CU_T1_NAME = "T1";
+ private static final String CU_B1_NAME = "B1";
+ private ILabelProvider _labelProvider;
+ private Clipboard _clipboard;
+ private ICompilationUnit _cuT1;
+ private ICompilationUnit _cuB1;
+ public OTCopyToClipboardTests(String name) {
+ super(name);
+ }
+ public static Test suite() {
+ return new OTRefactoringTestSetup(new TestSuite(OTCopyToClipboardTests.class));
+ }
+ protected void setUp() throws Exception
+ {
+ super.setUp();
+ _clipboard = new MockClipboard(Display.getDefault());
+ _cuT1 = createCU(getPackageP(), CU_T1_NAME + ".java",
+ "package p;" + "\n" +
+ "import java.util.List;" + "\n" +
+ "public team class T1" + "\n" +
+ "{" + "\n" +
+ "int x;" + "\n" +
+ "public void t1m(){}" + "\n" +
+ "public team class TR1" + "\n" +
+ "{" + "\n" +
+ "public void tr1m(){}" + "\n" +
+ "public class R1 extends S1 playedBy B1" + "\n" +
+ "{" + "\n" +
+ "public abstract int rm();" + "\n" +
+ "rm -> bm;" + "\n" +
+ "sm <- after bm;" + "\n" +
+ "rm => get x;" + "\n" +
+ "}" + "\n" +
+ "}" + "\n" +
+ "}");
+ _cuB1 = createCU(getPackageP(), CU_B1_NAME + ".java",
+ "package p;" + "\n" +
+ "public class B1" + "\n" +
+ "{" + "\n" +
+ "private int x;" + "\n" +
+ "public int bm(){}" + "\n" +
+ "}");
+ _labelProvider = new JavaElementLabelProvider(
+ JavaElementLabelProvider.SHOW_VARIABLE +
+ JavaElementLabelProvider.SHOW_PARAMETERS +
+ JavaElementLabelProvider.SHOW_TYPE);
+ assertTrue(" does not exist", _cuT1.exists());
+ assertTrue(" does not exist", _cuB1.exists());
+ }
+ protected void tearDown() throws Exception
+ {
+ super.tearDown();
+ performDummySearch();
+ _clipboard.dispose();
+ _labelProvider.dispose();
+ delete(_cuT1);
+ delete(_cuB1);
+ }
+ private static void delete(ISourceManipulation element) {
+ try {
+ if (element != null && ((IJavaElement)element).exists())
+ element.delete(true, null);
+ } catch(JavaModelException e) {
+ //ignore, we must keep going
+ }
+ }
+ private void checkDisabled(Object[] elements){
+ CopyToClipboardAction copyAction= new CopyToClipboardAction(new MockWorkbenchSite(elements), _clipboard);
+ copyAction.setAutoRepeatOnFailure(true);
+ copyAction.update(copyAction.getSelection());
+ assertTrue("action should be disabled", ! copyAction.isEnabled());
+ }
+ private void checkEnabled(Object[] elements) throws Exception{
+ CopyToClipboardAction copyAction= new CopyToClipboardAction(new MockWorkbenchSite(elements), _clipboard);
+ copyAction.setAutoRepeatOnFailure(true);
+ copyAction.update(copyAction.getSelection());
+ assertTrue("action should be enabled", copyAction.isEnabled());
+ checkClipboard(elements);
+ }
+ private void checkClipboard(Object[] elementsCopied) throws Exception {
+ IResource[] resourcesCopied= getResources(elementsCopied);
+ IJavaElement[] javaElementsCopied= getJavaElements(elementsCopied);
+ IType[] mainTypesCopied= ReorgUtils.getMainTypes(javaElementsCopied);
+ IResource[] resourcesExpected= computeResourcesExpectedInClipboard(resourcesCopied, mainTypesCopied, javaElementsCopied);
+ IJavaElement[] javaElementsExpected= computeJavaElementsExpectedInClipboard(javaElementsCopied, mainTypesCopied);
+ String[] clipboardFiles= getClipboardFiles();
+ IResource[] clipboardResources= getClipboardResources();
+ String clipboardText= getClipboardText();
+ IJavaElement[] clipboardJavaElements= getClipboardJavaElements();
+ TypedSource[] clipboardTypedSources= getClipboardTypedSources();
+ checkNames(resourcesCopied, javaElementsCopied, clipboardText);
+ checkFiles(resourcesCopied, javaElementsCopied, mainTypesCopied, clipboardFiles);
+ checkTypedSources(javaElementsCopied, clipboardTypedSources);
+ checkElements(resourcesExpected, clipboardResources);
+ checkElements(javaElementsExpected, clipboardJavaElements);
+ }
+ private void checkTypedSources(IJavaElement[] javaElementsCopied, TypedSource[] clipboardTypedSources) throws Exception {
+ TypedSource[] typedSources= TypedSource.createTypedSources(javaElementsCopied);
+ assertEquals("different number", typedSources.length, clipboardTypedSources.length);
+ TypedSource.sortByType(typedSources);
+ TypedSource.sortByType(clipboardTypedSources);
+ for (int i= 0; i < typedSources.length; i++) {
+ assertEquals("different typed sources", typedSources[i], clipboardTypedSources[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ private IResource[] computeResourcesExpectedInClipboard(IResource[] resourcesCopied, IType[] mainTypesCopied, IJavaElement[] javaElementsCopied) throws JavaModelException {
+ IResource[] cuResources= ReorgUtils.getResources(getCompilationUnits(javaElementsCopied));
+ return ReorgUtils.union(cuResources, ReorgUtils.union(resourcesCopied, ReorgUtils.getResources(ReorgUtils.getCompilationUnits(mainTypesCopied))));
+ }
+ private static IJavaElement[] computeJavaElementsExpectedInClipboard(IJavaElement[] javaElementsExpected, IType[] mainTypesCopied) throws JavaModelException {
+ return ReorgUtils.union(javaElementsExpected, ReorgUtils.getCompilationUnits(mainTypesCopied));
+ }
+ private String getName(IResource resource){
+ return _labelProvider.getText(resource);
+ }
+ private String getName(IJavaElement javaElement){
+ return _labelProvider.getText(javaElement);
+ }
+ private static void checkElements(Object[] copied, Object[] retreivedFromClipboard) {
+ assertEquals("different number of elements", copied.length, retreivedFromClipboard.length);
+ sortByName(copied);
+ sortByName(retreivedFromClipboard);
+ for (int i= 0; i < retreivedFromClipboard.length; i++) {
+ Object retreived= retreivedFromClipboard[i];
+ assertTrue("element does not exist", exists(retreived));
+ assertTrue("different copied " + getName(copied[i]) + " retreived: " + getName(retreived) , copied[i].equals(retreivedFromClipboard[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ private static boolean exists(Object element) {
+ if (element instanceof IJavaElement)
+ return ((IJavaElement)element).exists();
+ if (element instanceof IResource)
+ return ((IResource)element).exists();
+ assertTrue(false);
+ return false;
+ }
+ private static String getName(Object object) {
+ if (object instanceof IJavaElement)
+ return ((IJavaElement)object).getElementName();
+ if (object instanceof IResource)
+ return ((IResource)object).getName();
+ return object == null ? null : object.toString();
+ }
+ private static void sortByName(Object[] copied) {
+ Arrays.sort(copied, new Comparator(){
+ public int compare(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
+ return getName(arg0).compareTo(getName(arg1));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ private void checkNames(IResource[] resourcesCopied, IJavaElement[] javaElementsCopied, String clipboardText){
+ List stringLines= Arrays.asList(Strings.convertIntoLines(clipboardText));
+ assertEquals("different number of names", resourcesCopied.length + javaElementsCopied.length, stringLines.size());
+ for (int i= 0; i < resourcesCopied.length; i++) {
+ String name= getName(resourcesCopied[i]);
+ assertTrue("name not in set:" + name, stringLines.contains(name));
+ }
+ for (int i= 0; i < javaElementsCopied.length; i++) {
+ IJavaElement element= javaElementsCopied[i];
+ if (! ReorgUtils.isInsideCompilationUnit(element)){
+ String name= getName(element);
+ assertTrue("name not in set:" + name, stringLines.contains(name));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static void checkFiles(IResource[] resourcesCopied, IJavaElement[] javaElementsCopied, IType[] mainTypes, String[] clipboardFiles) {
+ int expected= 0;
+ expected += resourcesCopied.length;
+ expected += countResources(javaElementsCopied);
+ expected += mainTypes.length;
+ //we cannot compare file names here because they're absolute and depend on the worspace location
+ assertEquals("different number of files in clipboard", expected, clipboardFiles.length);
+ }
+ private static int countResources(IJavaElement[] javaElementsCopied) {
+ int count= 0;
+ for (int i= 0; i < javaElementsCopied.length; i++) {
+ IJavaElement element= javaElementsCopied[i];
+ switch (element.getElementType()) {
+ case IJavaElement.JAVA_PROJECT :
+ case IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT :
+ case IJavaElement.COMPILATION_UNIT :
+ case IJavaElement.CLASS_FILE :
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ private static IJavaElement[] getCompilationUnits(IJavaElement[] javaElements) {
+ List cus= ReorgUtils.getElementsOfType(javaElements, IJavaElement.COMPILATION_UNIT);
+ return (ICompilationUnit[]) cus.toArray(new ICompilationUnit[cus.size()]);
+ }
+ private static IResource[] getResources(Object[] elements) {
+ return ReorgUtils.getResources(Arrays.asList(elements));
+ }
+ private static IJavaElement[] getJavaElements(Object[] elements) {
+ return ReorgUtils.getJavaElements(Arrays.asList(elements));
+ }
+ private IJavaElement[] getClipboardJavaElements() {
+ IJavaElement[] elements= (IJavaElement[])_clipboard.getContents(JavaElementTransfer.getInstance());
+ return elements == null ? new IJavaElement[0]: elements;
+ }
+ private String[] getClipboardFiles() {
+ String[] files= (String[])_clipboard.getContents(FileTransfer.getInstance());
+ return files == null ? new String[0]: files;
+ }
+ private IResource[] getClipboardResources() {
+ IResource[] resources= (IResource[])_clipboard.getContents(ResourceTransfer.getInstance());
+ return resources == null ? new IResource[0]: resources;
+ }
+ private TypedSource[] getClipboardTypedSources() {
+ TypedSource[] typedSources= (TypedSource[])_clipboard.getContents(TypedSourceTransfer.getInstance());
+ return typedSources == null ? new TypedSource[0]: typedSources;
+ }
+ private String getClipboardText() {
+ return (String)_clipboard.getContents(TextTransfer.getInstance());
+ }
+ ///---------tests
+ public void testDisabled0() {
+ Object[] elements= {};
+ checkDisabled(elements);
+ }
+ public void testDisabled1() throws Exception {
+ Object[] elements= {null};
+ checkDisabled(elements);
+ }
+ public void testDisabled2() throws Exception {
+ Object[] elements= {this};
+ checkDisabled(elements);
+ }
+ public void testDisabled3() throws Exception {
+ Object[] elements= {RefactoringTestSetup.getProject(), getPackageP()};
+ checkDisabled(elements);
+ }
+ public void testDisabled4() throws Exception{
+ checkDisabled(new Object[]{getPackageP(), _cuT1});
+ }
+ public void testDisabled5() throws Exception{
+ checkDisabled(new Object[]{getRoot(), _cuT1});
+ }
+ public void testDisabled12() throws Exception{
+ checkDisabled(new Object[]{getRoot().getJavaProject(), _cuT1});
+ }
+ public void testDisabled15() throws Exception {
+ Object fieldF= _cuT1.getType("T1").getField("x");
+ Object classA= _cuT1.getType("T1");
+ Object[] elements= {fieldF, classA};
+ checkDisabled(elements);
+ }
+ public void testDisabled16() throws Exception {
+ Object fieldF= _cuT1.getType("T1").getField("x");
+ Object[] elements= {fieldF, _cuT1};
+ checkDisabled(elements);
+ }
+ public void testDisabled20() throws Exception {
+ Object fieldF= _cuT1.getType("T1").getField("x");
+ Object[] elements= {fieldF, getRoot()};
+ checkDisabled(elements);
+ }
+ public void testDisabled21() throws Exception {
+ Object fieldF= _cuT1.getType("T1").getField("x");
+ Object[] elements= {fieldF, RefactoringTestSetup.getProject()};
+ checkDisabled(elements);
+ }
+ public void testDisabled22() throws Exception {
+ Object typeT1= _cuT1.getType("T1");
+ Object typeB1= _cuB1.getType("B1");
+ Object[] elements= {typeT1, typeB1};
+ checkDisabled(elements);
+ }
+ public void testEnabled0() throws Exception {
+ Object[] elements= {RefactoringTestSetup.getProject()};
+ checkEnabled(elements);
+ }
+ public void testEnabled1() throws Exception {
+ Object[] elements= {getPackageP()};
+ checkEnabled(elements);
+ }
+ public void testEnabled2() throws Exception {
+ Object[] elements= {getRoot()};
+ checkEnabled(elements);
+ }
+ public void testEnabled3() throws Exception {
+ Object[] elements= {RefactoringTestSetup.getDefaultSourceFolder()};
+ checkEnabled(elements);
+ }
+ public void testEnabled5() throws Exception{
+ checkEnabled(new Object[]{getRoot()});
+ }
+ public void testEnabled6() throws Exception{
+ checkEnabled(new Object[]{_cuT1});
+ }
+ public void testEnabled7() throws Exception{
+ checkEnabled(new Object[]{getRoot().getJavaProject()});
+ }
+ public void testEnabled8() throws Exception{
+ checkEnabled(new Object[]{getPackageP()});
+ }
+ public void testEnabled10() throws Exception{
+ Object packDecl= _cuT1.getPackageDeclarations()[0];
+ Object[] elements= {packDecl};
+ checkEnabled(elements);
+ }
+ public void testEnabled11() throws Exception{
+ Object importD= _cuT1.getImports()[0];
+ Object[] elements= {importD};
+ checkEnabled(elements);
+ }
+ public void testEnabled12() throws Exception{
+// printTestDisabledMessage("disabled due to bug 37750");
+// if (true)
+// return;
+ IJavaElement importContainer= _cuT1.getImportContainer();
+ Object[] elements= {importContainer};
+ checkEnabled(elements);
+ }
+ public void testEnabled13() throws Exception{
+ Object classA= _cuT1.getType("T1");
+ Object[] elements= {classA};
+ checkEnabled(elements);
+ }
+ public void testEnabled14() throws Exception{
+ Object methodT1m= _cuT1.getType("T1").getMethod("t1m", new String[0]);
+ Object[] elements= {methodT1m};
+ checkEnabled(elements);
+ }
+ public void testEnabled15() throws Exception{
+ Object fieldX= _cuT1.getType("T1").getField("x");
+ Object[] elements= {fieldX};
+ checkEnabled(elements);
+ }
+ public void testEnabled19() throws Exception{
+// printTestDisabledMessage("disabled due to bug 37750");
+// if (true)
+// return;
+ Object classA= _cuT1.getType("T1");
+ Object importContainer= _cuT1.getImportContainer();
+ Object packDecl= _cuT1.getPackageDeclarations()[0];
+ Object[] elements= {classA, importContainer, packDecl};
+ checkEnabled(elements);
+ }
+ public void testEnabled22() throws Exception{
+// printTestDisabledMessage("bug 39410");
+ Object classA= _cuT1.getType("T1");
+ Object packDecl= _cuT1.getPackageDeclarations()[0];
+ Object[] elements= {classA, packDecl};
+ checkEnabled(elements);
+ }
+ public void testEnabledOT0() throws Exception
+ {
+ IType teamT1 = _cuT1.getType("T1");
+ IType nestedTeamTR1 = teamT1.getType("TR1");
+ IMethod methodTr1m = nestedTeamTR1.getMethod("tr1m", new String[0]);
+ Object[] elements = { methodTr1m };
+ checkEnabled(elements);
+ }
+ public void testEnabledOT1() throws Exception
+ {
+ IType teamT1 = _cuT1.getType("T1");
+ IType nestedTeamTR1 = teamT1.getType("TR1");
+ Object elem = nestedTeamTR1.getType("R1");
+ if (elem instanceof IType)
+ {
+ IType type = (IType)elem;
+ IRoleType roleR1 = (IRoleType)OTModelManager.getOTElement(type);
+ Object[] elements = { roleR1 };
+ checkEnabled(elements);
+ }
+ }
+ public void testEnabledOT2() throws Exception
+ {
+ IType teamT1 = _cuT1.getType("T1");
+ IType nestedTeamTR1 = teamT1.getType("TR1");
+ IType type = nestedTeamTR1.getType("R1");
+ IRoleType roleR1 = (IRoleType)OTModelManager.getOTElement(type);
+ IMethod methodRm = roleR1.getMethod("rm", new String[0]);
+ Object[] elements = { methodRm };
+ checkEnabled(elements);
+ }
+ public void testEnabledOT3() throws Exception
+ {
+ IType teamT1 = _cuT1.getType("T1");
+ IType nestedTeamTR1 = teamT1.getType("TR1");
+ IType type = nestedTeamTR1.getType("R1");
+ IRoleType roleR1 = (IRoleType)OTModelManager.getOTElement(type);
+ IMethodMapping[] mapping = roleR1.getMethodMappings(IRoleType.CALLOUTS);
+ ICalloutMapping callout = null;
+ for (int idx = 0; idx < mapping.length; idx++)
+ {
+ if (mapping[idx].getElementType() == IOTJavaElement.CALLOUT_MAPPING)
+ {
+ callout = (ICalloutMapping)mapping[idx];
+ }
+ }
+ Object[] elements = { callout };
+ checkEnabled(elements);
+ }
+ public void testEnabledOT4() throws Exception
+ {
+ IType teamT1 = _cuT1.getType("T1");
+ IType nestedTeamTR1 = teamT1.getType("TR1");
+ IType type = nestedTeamTR1.getType("R1");
+ IRoleType roleR1 = (IRoleType)OTModelManager.getOTElement(type);
+ IMethodMapping[] mapping = roleR1.getMethodMappings(IRoleType.CALLINS);
+ ICallinMapping callin = (ICallinMapping)mapping[0];
+ Object[] elements = { callin };
+ checkEnabled(elements);
+ }
+ public void testEnabledOT5() throws Exception
+ {
+ IType teamT1 = _cuT1.getType("T1");
+ IType nestedTeamTR1 = teamT1.getType("TR1");
+ IType type = nestedTeamTR1.getType("R1");
+ IRoleType roleR1 = (IRoleType)OTModelManager.getOTElement(type);
+ IMethodMapping[] mapping = roleR1.getMethodMappings(IRoleType.CALLOUTS);
+ ICalloutToFieldMapping calloutToField = null;
+ for (int idx = 0; idx < mapping.length; idx++)
+ {
+ if (mapping[idx].getElementType() == IOTJavaElement.CALLOUT_TO_FIELD_MAPPING)
+ {
+ calloutToField = (ICalloutToFieldMapping)mapping[idx];
+ }
+ }
+ Object[] elements = { calloutToField };
+ checkEnabled(elements);
+ }
+ public void testEnabledOT6() throws Exception
+ {
+ IType teamT1 = _cuT1.getType("T1");
+ IField fieldX = teamT1.getField("x");
+ IMethod methodT1m = teamT1.getMethod("t1m", new String[0]);
+ IType nestedTeamTR1 = teamT1.getType("TR1");
+ Object[] elements = { fieldX, methodT1m, nestedTeamTR1 };
+ checkEnabled(elements);
+ }
+//sko} \ No newline at end of file

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