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Diffstat (limited to 'org.eclipse.mylyn.trac.tests/src/org/eclipse/mylyn/trac/tests/client/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 432 deletions
diff --git a/org.eclipse.mylyn.trac.tests/src/org/eclipse/mylyn/trac/tests/client/ b/org.eclipse.mylyn.trac.tests/src/org/eclipse/mylyn/trac/tests/client/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fc8da47d..000000000
--- a/org.eclipse.mylyn.trac.tests/src/org/eclipse/mylyn/trac/tests/client/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2006, 2009 Steffen Pingel and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Steffen Pingel - initial API and implementation
- * Xiaoyang Guan - improvements
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.mylyn.trac.tests.client;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Comparator;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.trac.core.client.TracPermissionDeniedException;
-import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.trac.core.client.TracRemoteException;
-import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.trac.core.client.TracXmlRpcClient;
-import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.trac.core.client.ITracClient.Version;
-import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.trac.core.model.TracAction;
-import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.trac.core.model.TracSearch;
-import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.trac.core.model.TracTicket;
-import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.trac.core.model.TracTicketField;
-import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.trac.core.model.TracVersion;
-import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.trac.core.model.TracWikiPage;
-import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.trac.core.model.TracWikiPageInfo;
-import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.trac.core.model.TracTicket.Key;
- * @author Steffen Pingel
- * @author Xiaoyang Guan
- */
-public class TracXmlRpcClientTest extends AbstractTracClientRepositoryTest {
- public TracXmlRpcClientTest() {
- super(Version.XML_RPC);
- }
- @Override
- public void testValidate011() throws Exception {
- validate(TracTestConstants.TEST_TRAC_011_URL);
- }
- public void testValidateFailNoAuth() throws Exception {
- connect(TracTestConstants.TEST_TRAC_010_URL, "", "");
- try {
- client.validate(callback);
- fail("Expected TracPermissiongDeniedException");
- } catch (TracPermissionDeniedException e) {
- }
- }
- public void testMulticallExceptions() throws Exception {
- connect010();
- try {
- ((TracXmlRpcClient) client).getTickets(new int[] { 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE }, null);
- fail("Expected TracRemoteException");
- } catch (TracRemoteException e) {
- }
- }
- public void testUpdateAttributes010() throws Exception {
- connect010();
- updateAttributes();
- }
- public void testUpdateAttributes011() throws Exception {
- connect011();
- updateAttributes();
- }
- public void updateAttributes() throws Exception {
- assertNull(client.getMilestones());
- client.updateAttributes(new NullProgressMonitor(), true);
- TracVersion[] versions = client.getVersions();
- assertEquals(2, versions.length);
- Arrays.sort(versions, new Comparator<TracVersion>() {
- public int compare(TracVersion o1, TracVersion o2) {
- return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName());
- }
- });
- assertEquals("1.0", versions[0].getName());
- assertEquals("", versions[0].getDescription());
- assertEquals(new Date(0), versions[0].getTime());
- assertEquals("2.0", versions[1].getName());
- assertEquals("", versions[1].getDescription());
- assertEquals(new Date(0), versions[1].getTime());
- }
- public void testSearchValidateTicket010() throws Exception {
- connect010();
- searchValidateTicket();
- }
- public void testSearchValidateTicket011() throws Exception {
- connect011();
- searchValidateTicket();
- }
- public void searchValidateTicket() throws Exception {
- TracSearch search = new TracSearch();
- search.addFilter("summary", "summary1");
- List<TracTicket> result = new ArrayList<TracTicket>();
-, result, null);
- assertEquals(1, result.size());
- assertTicketEquals(tickets.get(0), result.get(0));
- assertEquals("component1", result.get(0).getValue(Key.COMPONENT));
- assertEquals("description1", result.get(0).getValue(Key.DESCRIPTION));
- assertEquals("milestone1", result.get(0).getValue(Key.MILESTONE));
- assertEquals("anonymous", result.get(0).getValue(Key.REPORTER));
- assertEquals("summary1", result.get(0).getValue(Key.SUMMARY));
- // assertEquals("", result.get(0).getValue(Key.VERSION));
- }
- public void testGetTicketActions010() throws Exception {
- connect010();
- TracTicket ticket = client.getTicket(tickets.get(0).getId(), null);
- TracAction[] actions = ticket.getActions();
- assertNotNull(actions);
- assertEquals(4, actions.length);
- assertEquals("leave", actions[0].getId());
- assertNull(actions[0].getLabel());
- assertEquals(0, actions[0].getFields().size());
- assertEquals("resolve", actions[1].getId());
- assertNull(actions[1].getLabel());
- assertEquals(0, actions[1].getFields().size());
- assertEquals("reassign", actions[2].getId());
- assertNull(actions[2].getLabel());
- assertEquals(0, actions[2].getFields().size());
- assertEquals("accept", actions[3].getId());
- assertNull(actions[3].getLabel());
- assertEquals(0, actions[3].getFields().size());
- ticket = client.getTicket(tickets.get(1).getId(), null);
- actions = ticket.getActions();
- assertNotNull(actions);
- assertEquals(2, actions.length);
- assertEquals("leave", actions[0].getId());
- assertEquals("reopen", actions[1].getId());
- }
- public void testGetTicketActions011() throws Exception {
- connect011();
- TracTicket ticket = client.getTicket(tickets.get(0).getId(), null);
- TracAction[] actions = ticket.getActions();
- assertNotNull(actions);
- assertEquals(4, actions.length);
- assertEquals("leave", actions[0].getId());
- assertEquals("resolve", actions[1].getId());
- assertEquals("resolve", actions[1].getLabel());
- assertNotNull(actions[1].getHint());
- List<TracTicketField> fields = actions[1].getFields();
- assertEquals(1, fields.size());
- assertEquals(5, fields.get(0).getOptions().length);
- assertEquals("fixed", fields.get(0).getOptions()[0]);
- assertEquals("reassign", actions[2].getId());
- fields = actions[2].getFields();
- assertEquals(1, fields.size());
- assertNull(fields.get(0).getOptions());
- assertEquals("accept", actions[3].getId());
- ticket = client.getTicket(tickets.get(1).getId(), null);
- actions = ticket.getActions();
- assertNotNull(actions);
- assertEquals(2, actions.length);
- assertEquals("leave", actions[0].getId());
- assertEquals("reopen", actions[1].getId());
- }
- public void testWikiToHtml010() throws Exception {
- connect010();
- wikiToHtml(TracTestConstants.TEST_TRAC_010_URL);
- }
- public void testWikiToHtml011() throws Exception {
- connect011();
- wikiToHtml("");
- }
- public void wikiToHtml(String tracUrl) throws Exception {
- String html = ((TracXmlRpcClient) client).wikiToHtml("", null);
- assertEquals("", html);
- html = ((TracXmlRpcClient) client).wikiToHtml("A simple line of text.", null);
- assertEquals("<p>\nA simple line of text.\n</p>\n", html);
- String source = "= WikiFormattingTesting =\n" + " * '''bold''', '''!''' can be bold too''', and '''! '''\n"
- + " * ''italic''\n" + " * '''''bold italic'''''\n" + " * __underline__\n"
- + " * {{{monospace}}} or `monospace`\n" + " * ~~strike-through~~\n" + " * ^superscript^ \n"
- + " * ,,subscript,,\n" + "= Heading =\n" + "== Subheading ==\n";
- String expectedHtml = "<h1 id=\"WikiFormattingTesting\"><a class=\"missing wiki\" href=\""
- + tracUrl
- + "/wiki/WikiFormattingTesting\" rel=\"nofollow\">WikiFormattingTesting?</a></h1>\n<ul><li><strong>bold</strong>, <strong>\'\'\' can be bold too</strong>, and <strong>! </strong>\n</li><li><i>italic</i>\n</li><li><strong><i>bold italic</i></strong>\n</li><li><span class=\"underline\">underline</span>\n</li><li><tt>monospace</tt> or <tt>monospace</tt>\n</li><li><del>strike-through</del>\n</li><li><sup>superscript</sup> \n</li><li><sub>subscript</sub>\n</li></ul><h1 id=\"Heading\">Heading</h1>\n<h2 id=\"Subheading\">Subheading</h2>\n";
- html = ((TracXmlRpcClient) client).wikiToHtml(source, null);
- assertEquals(expectedHtml, html);
- }
- public void testValidateWikiAPI010() throws Exception {
- connect010();
- ((TracXmlRpcClient) client).validateWikiRpcApi(null);
- }
- public void testValidateWikiAPI011() throws Exception {
- connect011();
- ((TracXmlRpcClient) client).validateWikiRpcApi(null);
- }
- public void testGetAllWikiPageNames010() throws Exception {
- connect010();
- getAllWikiPageNames();
- }
- public void testGetAllWikiPageNames011() throws Exception {
- connect011();
- getAllWikiPageNames();
- }
- private void getAllWikiPageNames() throws Exception {
- String[] names = ((TracXmlRpcClient) client).getAllWikiPageNames(null);
- List<String> all = Arrays.asList(names);
- assertTrue(all.contains("Test"));
- }
- public void testGetWikiPage010() throws Exception {
- connect010();
- getWikiPage();
- }
- public void testGetWikiPage011() throws Exception {
- connect011();
- getWikiPage();
- }
- private void getWikiPage() throws Exception {
- TracWikiPage page = ((TracXmlRpcClient) client).getWikiPage("TestGetPage", null);
- assertEquals("TestGetPage", page.getPageInfo().getPageName());
- assertEquals("", page.getPageInfo().getAuthor());
- assertEquals(2, page.getPageInfo().getVersion());
- // XXX The Date returned from Wiki API seems to have a problem with the Time Zone
- //String date = "Sat Nov 11 18:10:56 EST 2006";
- //assertEquals(date, page.getPageVersion().getLastModified().toString());
- assertEquals("Version 2", page.getContent());
- assertTrue(page.getPageHTML().startsWith("<html>"));
- page = ((TracXmlRpcClient) client).getWikiPage("TestGetPage", 1, null);
- assertEquals("TestGetPage", page.getPageInfo().getPageName());
- assertEquals("anonymous", page.getPageInfo().getAuthor());
- assertEquals(1, page.getPageInfo().getVersion());
- assertEquals("Version 1", page.getContent());
- assertTrue(page.getPageHTML().startsWith("<html>"));
- }
- public void testGetWikiPageInvalid010() throws Exception {
- connect010();
- getWikiPageInvalid();
- }
- public void testGetWikiPageInvalid011() throws Exception {
- connect011();
- getWikiPageInvalid();
- }
- private void getWikiPageInvalid() throws Exception {
- // get info -- non-existing version
- try {
- ((TracXmlRpcClient) client).getWikiPageInfo("Test", 10, null);
- fail("Expected TracRemoteException");
- } catch (TracRemoteException e) {
- }
- // get info -- non-existing page name
- try {
- ((TracXmlRpcClient) client).getWikiPageInfo("NoSuchPage", null);
- fail("Expected TracRemoteException");
- } catch (TracRemoteException e) {
- }
- // get info -- null parameter
- try {
- ((TracXmlRpcClient) client).getWikiPageInfo(null, null);
- fail("Expected RuntimeException");
- } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
- }
- // get content -- non-existing version
- try {
- ((TracXmlRpcClient) client).getWikiPageContent("Test", 10, null);
- fail("Expected TracRemoteException");
- } catch (TracRemoteException e) {
- }
- // get content -- non-existing page name
- try {
- ((TracXmlRpcClient) client).getWikiPageContent("NoSuchPage", null);
- fail("Expected TracRemoteException");
- } catch (TracRemoteException e) {
- }
- // get content -- null parameter
- try {
- ((TracXmlRpcClient) client).getWikiPageContent(null, null);
- fail("Expected RuntimeException");
- } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
- }
- // get HTML -- non-existing version
- try {
- ((TracXmlRpcClient) client).getWikiPageHtml("Test", 10, null);
- fail("Expected TracRemoteException");
- } catch (TracRemoteException e) {
- }
- // get HTML -- non-existing page name
- try {
- ((TracXmlRpcClient) client).getWikiPageHtml("NoSuchPage", null);
- fail("Expected TracRemoteException");
- } catch (TracRemoteException e) {
- }
- // get HTML -- null parameter
- try {
- ((TracXmlRpcClient) client).getWikiPageHtml(null, null);
- fail("Expected RuntimeException");
- } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
- }
- // get a page -- non-existing version
- try {
- ((TracXmlRpcClient) client).getWikiPage("Test", 10, null);
- fail("Expected TracRemoteException");
- } catch (TracRemoteException e) {
- }
- // get a page -- non-existing page name
- try {
- ((TracXmlRpcClient) client).getWikiPage("NoSuchPage", null);
- fail("Expected TracRemoteException");
- } catch (TracRemoteException e) {
- }
- // get a page -- null parameter
- try {
- ((TracXmlRpcClient) client).getWikiPage(null, null);
- fail("Expected RuntimeException");
- } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
- }
- // get all versions of a page -- non-existing page name
- try {
- ((TracXmlRpcClient) client).getWikiPageInfoAllVersions("NoSuchPage", null);
- fail("Expected TracRemoteException");
- } catch (TracRemoteException e) {
- }
- // get all versions of a page -- null parameter
- try {
- ((TracXmlRpcClient) client).getWikiPageInfoAllVersions(null, null);
- fail("Expected RuntimeException");
- } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
- }
- }
- public void testGetWikiPageInfoAllVersions010() throws Exception {
- connect010();
- getWikiPageInfoAllVersions();
- }
- public void testGetWikiPageInfoAllVersions011() throws Exception {
- connect011();
- getWikiPageInfoAllVersions();
- }
- private void getWikiPageInfoAllVersions() throws Exception {
- String pageName = "Test";
- TracWikiPageInfo[] versions = ((TracXmlRpcClient) client).getWikiPageInfoAllVersions(pageName, null);
- assertTrue(versions.length >= 1);
- int counter = 1;
- for (TracWikiPageInfo version : versions) {
- assertTrue(version.getPageName().equals(pageName));
- assertTrue(version.getVersion() == counter++); // assuming versions are ordered increasingly
- }
- }
- public void testGetRecentWikiChanges010() throws Exception {
- connect010();
- getRecentWikiChanges();
- }
- public void testGetRecentWikiChanges011() throws Exception {
- connect011();
- getRecentWikiChanges();
- }
- private void getRecentWikiChanges() throws Exception {
- TracWikiPageInfo[] changes = ((TracXmlRpcClient) client).getRecentWikiChanges(new Date(0), null);
- TracWikiPageInfo testPage = null;
- for (TracWikiPageInfo item : changes) {
- assertTrue(item.getPageName() != null);
- if (item.getPageName().equals("Test")) {
- testPage = item;
- }
- }
- assertTrue(testPage != null);
- }
- public void testPutWikiPage010() throws Exception {
- connect010();
- putWikiPage();
- }
- public void testPutWikiPage011() throws Exception {
- connect011();
- putWikiPage();
- }
- private void putWikiPage() throws Exception {
- // TODO testing wiki.putPage()
- }

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