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Diffstat (limited to 'org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.releng/modules/bugzilla/manifests/defaultsites.pp')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 125 deletions
diff --git a/org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.releng/modules/bugzilla/manifests/defaultsites.pp b/org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.releng/modules/bugzilla/manifests/defaultsites.pp
index 24cc03a55..53c7a9ffa 100644
--- a/org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.releng/modules/bugzilla/manifests/defaultsites.pp
+++ b/org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.releng/modules/bugzilla/manifests/defaultsites.pp
@@ -10,145 +10,58 @@
* Steffen Pingel (Tasktop Techologies)
define bugzilla::defaultsites {
- $requirements = [
- "apache2",
- "apache2.2-common",
- "libapache2-mod-auth-mysql",
- "libapache2-mod-fcgid",
- "libapache2-mod-php5",
- "mysql-server",
- "bzr",
- "make",
- "perl-doc",
- "php5",
- "php5-mysql",
- "phpmyadmin",
- "libcgi-pm-perl",
- "libdbd-mysql-perl",
- "libdatetime-perl",
- "libdatetime-timezone-perl",
- "libemail-mime-perl",
- "libemail-send-perl",
- "libjson-rpc-perl",
- "libmail-sendmail-perl",
- "libmath-random-isaac-perl",
- "libtest-taint-perl",
- "liburi-perl",
- "libsoap-lite-perl",
- "libtemplate-perl",]
- package { $requirements:
- ensure => "installed",
- require => Exec["apt-get update"],
- }
- exec { "Enable php5 module":
- command => "a2enmod php5",
- require => Package["libapache2-mod-php5"],
- creates => "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.load",
- }
- service { "apache2":
- ensure => running,
- require => Package["apache2"],
- }
- exec { "Enable auth_digest module":
- command => "a2enmod auth_digest",
- require => Package["apache2"],
- creates => "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/auth_digest.load",
- }
- exec { "Enable fcgid module":
- command => "a2enmod fcgid",
- require => Package["libapache2-mod-fcgid"],
- creates => "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/fcgid.load",
- }
- exec { "Enable proxy mod":
- command => "a2enmod proxy",
- require => Package["apache2"],
- creates => "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/proxy.load",
- }
- exec { "Enable proxy_http mod":
- command => "a2enmod proxy_http",
- require => Package["apache2"],
- creates => "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/proxy_http.load",
- }
- exec { "Enable ssl module":
- command => "a2enmod ssl",
- require => Package["apache2"],
- creates => "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ssl.load",
- }
- service { "mysql":
- ensure => "running",
- enable => true,
- require => Package["mysql-server"],
- }
- exec { "phpmyadmin_Apache2":
- command => "echo '#phpmyadmin\nInclude /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf' >>/etc/apache2/apache2.conf",
- require => [Package["phpmyadmin"], Package["libapache2-mod-php5"]],
- unless => 'cat /etc/apache2/apache2.conf | grep "#phpmyadmin"'
+ bugzilla::site { "bugs36":
+ major => "3",
+ minor => "6",
- file { "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/001-default-ssl":
- ensure => link,
- target => "/etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl",
+ bugzilla::site { "bugs36-custom-wf":
+ major => "3",
+ minor => "6",
+ branch => "3.6",
+ bugz_dbname => "bugs_3_6_cwf",
+ custom_wf => true,
- exec { "create $bugzilla::bugzillaBase":
- command => "mkdir -p $bugzilla::bugzillaBase",
- creates => "$bugzilla::bugzillaBase",
- user => "$bugzilla::userOwner",
- require => Exec['phpmyadmin_Apache2']
+ bugzilla::site { "bugs36-custom-wf-and-status":
+ major => "3",
+ minor => "6",
+ branch => "3.6",
+ bugz_dbname => "bugs_3_6_cwf_ws",
+ custom_wf_and_status => true,
- exec { "create $bugzilla::installHelper":
- command => "mkdir $bugzilla::installHelper",
- creates => "$bugzilla::installHelper",
- user => "$bugzilla::userOwner",
- require => Exec["create $bugzilla::bugzillaBase"]
+ bugzilla::site { "bugs36-xml-rpc-disabled":
+ major => "3",
+ minor => "6",
+ branch => "3.6",
+ bugz_dbname => "bugs_3_6_norpc",
+ xmlrpc_enabled => false,
- exec { "create $bugzilla::confDir":
- command => "mkdir $bugzilla::confDir",
- creates => "$bugzilla::confDir",
- user => "$bugzilla::userOwner",
- require => Exec["create $bugzilla::bugzillaBase"]
+ bugzilla::site { "bugs40":
+ major => "4",
+ minor => "0",
- exec { "create $bugzilla::installLog":
- command => "mkdir $bugzilla::installLog",
- creates => "$bugzilla::installLog",
- user => "$bugzilla::userOwner",
- require => Exec["create $bugzilla::bugzillaBase"]
+ bugzilla::site { "bugs42":
+ major => "4",
+ minor => "2",
- exec { "mysql-create-user-${bugzilla::dbuser}":
- unless => "/usr/bin/mysql --user='${bugzilla::dbuser}' --password='${bugzilla::dbuserPassword}'",
- command =>
- "/usr/bin/mysql -v --user='root' -e \"CREATE USER '${bugzilla::dbuser}'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '${bugzilla::dbuserPassword}'\"",
- logoutput => true,
- require => [
- Package["mysql-server"],
- Exec["create $bugzilla::installHelper"],
- Exec["create $bugzilla::installLog"],
- Package[$requirements]]
+ bugzilla::site { "bugs44":
+ major => "4",
+ minor => "4",
+ branchTag => "trunk",
- file { "/var/www/index.php":
- notify => Service["apache2"],
- ensure => "present",
- source => "puppet:///modules/bugzilla/index.php",
- owner => "root",
- group => "root",
- mode => 644,
- require => [Package["apache2"], Package["php5"]],
+ bugzilla::site { "bugshead":
+ major => "4",
+ minor => "5",
+ branch => "trunk",
+ branchTag => "trunk",
+ bugz_dbname => "bugs_head",
} \ No newline at end of file

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