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authorAdolfo SBH2015-04-29 13:37:57 +0000
committerEd Willink2015-04-30 19:02:14 +0000
commita48e5f505af07c5094beff4fd9295776e7060735 (patch)
treeaa1e8cb633276ee511f08f0c6fd33209d5aaee21 /tests/org.eclipse.qvtd.cs2as.compiler.tests/src/org/eclipse/qvtd/cs2as/compiler/tests/models/example1/TargetLookup.ocl
parentde63a1a4effd8a5db92071ded5136f8185c41171 (diff)
[unrelated] - moving projects
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/org.eclipse.qvtd.cs2as.compiler.tests/src/org/eclipse/qvtd/cs2as/compiler/tests/models/example1/TargetLookup.ocl')
1 files changed, 219 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.qvtd.cs2as.compiler.tests/src/org/eclipse/qvtd/cs2as/compiler/tests/models/example1/TargetLookup.ocl b/tests/org.eclipse.qvtd.cs2as.compiler.tests/src/org/eclipse/qvtd/cs2as/compiler/tests/models/example1/TargetLookup.ocl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..434ca02ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.qvtd.cs2as.compiler.tests/src/org/eclipse/qvtd/cs2as/compiler/tests/models/example1/TargetLookup.ocl
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+import 'EnvExample1.ecore'
+--import 'Environment.ocl' FIXME imported OCL doesn't work
+import 'SourceMM1.ecore'
+import 'TargetMM1.ecore'
+package ocl
+---- Default Environment related functionality
+context OclElement
+def : env() : env::Environment =
+ _env(null)
+def : _env(child : OclElement) : env::Environment =
+ parentEnv()
+def : parentEnv() : env::Environment =
+ let parent = oclContainer() in if parent = null then env::Environment { } else parent._env(self) endif
+package env
+-- Lookup operations
+context Environment
+-- Epsilon can't deal with this. The property is needed in the meta-model
+-- def : namedElements : OrderedSet(classes::NamedElement) = OrderedSet{}
+-- def : parentEnv : Environment = null
+def : nestedEnv() : Environment =
+ Environment {
+ parentEnv = self
+ }
+-- TODO This is not needed. Can be removed
+---- General Environment access operations
+--def : getNamedElements(name : String) : OrderedSet(target::NamedElement) =
+-- namedElements->select(x | = name)
+package target
+context Visitable
+def : _lookupNamespaces(env : env::Environment, path : source::PathElementCS, local : Boolean) : Namespace[*] =
+ let foundNS = env.namedElements->selectByKind(Namespace)->select(name =
+ in if foundNS->isEmpty() and not (env.parentEnv = null) and not local
+ then _lookupNamespaces(env.parentEnv, path, local)
+ else foundNS
+ endif
+def : _lookupNamespace(path : source::PathElementCS, local : Boolean) : Namespace[?] =
+ let foundNS = _lookupNamespaces(env(), path, local)
+ in if foundNS->isEmpty()
+ then null
+ else foundNS->any(true) -- LookupVisitor will report ambiguous result
+ endif
+def : lookupNamespace(pathSeq : OrderedSet(source::PathElementCS)) : Namespace[?] =
+ if pathSeq->size() = 1
+ then _lookupNamespace(pathSeq->first(), false)
+ else lookupNamespace(pathSeq->subOrderedSet(1,pathSeq->size()-1))?._lookupNamespace(pathSeq->last(), true)
+ endif
+def: _lookupBs(env : env::Environment, path : source::PathElementCS, local : Boolean) : B[*] =
+ let foundBs = env.namedElements->selectByKind(B)->select(name =
+ in if foundBs->isEmpty() and not (env.parentEnv = null) and not local
+ then _lookupBs(env.parentEnv, path, local)
+ else foundBs
+ endif
+def : _lookupB(path : source::PathElementCS, local : Boolean) : B[?] =
+ let foundBs = _lookupBs(env(), path, local)
+ in if foundBs->isEmpty()
+ then null
+ else foundBs->any(true) -- LookupVisitor will report ambiguous result
+ endif
+def : lookupB(pathSeq : OrderedSet(source::PathElementCS)) : B[?] =
+ if pathSeq->size() = 1
+ then _lookupB(pathSeq->first(), false)
+ else lookupNamespace(pathSeq->subOrderedSet(1,pathSeq->size()-1))?._lookupB(pathSeq->last(), true)
+ endif
+def: _lookupCs(env : env::Environment, path : source::PathElementCS, local : Boolean) : C[*] =
+ let foundCs = env.namedElements->selectByKind(C)->select(name =
+ in if foundCs->isEmpty() and not (env.parentEnv = null) and not local
+ then _lookupBs(env.parentEnv, path, local)
+ else foundCs
+ endif
+def : _lookupC(path : source::PathElementCS, local : Boolean) : C[?] =
+ let foundCs = _lookupCs(env(), path, local)
+ in if foundCs->isEmpty()
+ then null
+ else foundCs->any(true) -- LookupVisitor will report ambiguous result
+ endif
+def : lookupC(pathSeq : OrderedSet(source::PathElementCS)) : C[?] =
+ if pathSeq->size() = 1
+ then _lookupC(pathSeq->first(), false)
+ else lookupNamespace(pathSeq->subOrderedSet(1,pathSeq->size()-1))?._lookupC(pathSeq->last(), true)
+ endif
+context D
+def : lookupB(z : source::Z) : B =
+ if z.refers = null
+ then null
+ else lookupB(z.refers.path)
+ endif
+def : lookupC(z : source::Z) : C =
+ if z.refers = null
+ then null
+ else lookupC(z.refers.path)
+ endif
+context TRoot
+def : _env(child : ocl::OclElement) : env::Environment =
+ parentEnv().nestedEnv()
+ .addElements(ownedA)
+context A1
+def : _env(child : ocl::OclElement) : env::Environment =
+-- FIXME LookupVisitor doesn't handle any other operation called from this one. Inline here, for the time being
+-- _env_B(child)
+ let ownedBs = self.ownsB
+ in if child = null -- child = null, then the lookup is a qualified one, hence, add all children
+ then parentEnv().nestedEnv().addElements(ownedBs)
+ else parentEnv().nestedEnv().addElements(ownedBs->select(x | ownedBs->indexOf(x) < ownedBs->indexOf(child)))
+ endif
+--def : _env_B(child : ocl::OclElement) : env::Environment =
+-- let ownedBs = self.ownsB
+-- in parentEnv().nestedEnv()
+-- .addElements(ownedBs->select(x | ownedBs->indexOf(x) < ownedBs->indexOf(child)))
+context A2
+def : _env(child : ocl::OclElement) : env::Environment =
+-- FIXME LookupVisitor doesn't handle any other operation called from this one. Inline here, for the time being
+-- _env_C(child)
+ let ownedCs = self.ownsC
+ in if child = null -- child = null, then the lookup is a qualified one, hence, add all children
+ then parentEnv().nestedEnv().addElements(ownedCs)
+ else parentEnv().nestedEnv().addElements(ownedCs->select(x| ownedCs->indexOf(x) < ownedCs->indexOf(child)))
+ endif
+--def : _env_C(child : ocl::OclElement) : env::Environment =
+-- let ownedCs = self.ownsC
+-- in parentEnv().nestedEnv()
+-- .addElements(ownedCs->select(x| ownedCs->indexOf(x) < ownedCs->indexOf(child)))
+context B
+def : _env(child : ocl::OclElement) : env::Environment =
+ parentEnv()
+context C
+def : _env(child : ocl:: OclElement) : env::Environment =
+ parentEnv()
+context D
+def : _env(child : ocl::OclElement) : env::Environment =
+ parentEnv()
+-- Specifying parent() env() operations
+-- Note: Since CG now relies on the LookupVisitor the inlining below is not needed anymore
+--context TRoot
+--def : parentEnv() : env::Environment =
+-- env::Environment{}
+--context A1
+--def : parentEnv() : env::Environment =
+-- let parent = oclContainer()
+-- in parent.oclAsType(TRoot)._env(self)
+--context A2
+--def : parentEnv() : env::Environment =
+-- let parent = oclContainer()
+-- in parent.oclAsType(TRoot)._env(self)
+--context B
+--def : env() : env::Environment =
+-- self._env(null)
+--def : parentEnv() : env::Environment =
+-- let parent = oclContainer()
+-- in parent.oclAsType(A1)._env(self)
+--context C
+--def : env() : env::Environment =
+-- self._env(null)
+--def : parentEnv() : env::Environment =
+-- let parent = oclContainer()
+-- in parent.oclAsType(A2)._env(self)
+--context D
+--def : parentEnv() : env::Environment =
+-- let parent = oclContainer()
+-- in
+-- if parent.oclIsKindOf(B)
+-- then parent.oclAsType(B)._env(self)
+-- else parent.oclAsType(C)._env(self)
+-- endif

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