Project Configurators Project configurator. Project Configurators are sorted during lifecycle mapping execution, per the runsAfter/runsBefore attributes : - once in the scope of a mojo execution, during a full/incremental build - once before project configuration updates (after collecting configurators from all mojo executions) Unique configurator id Configurator implementation Configurator name, eg. "JDT", "PDE", "AJDT", "WTP", etc. DEPRECATED : use runsAfter instead. Id of primary project configurator that must be enabled for a plugin execution in order for this (secondary) configurator to be enabled. One and only one primary configurator must be enable for each interesting plugin execution, but any number of secondary project configurators are allowed. Primary configurator will be invoked before its corresponding secondary configurators, if any, but invocation order among secondary configurators is not specified. Optional comma-separated list of ids of required project configurators this project configurator should run after. By default, if one of the runsAfter configurators is missing/can not be executed, this configurator will be skipped. However, configurator ids suffixed with a ? are considered optional. This configurator will be invoked even if optional configurators it should run after are missing. Optional comma-separated list of ids of optional project configurators this configurator should run before. By default, this configurator will be invoked even if configurators it should run before are missing. However, configurator ids suffixed with a * are considered required. If any of the required "runBefore" configurators is missing, this configurator will be skipped. 0.9.4 [Enter extension point usage example here.] [Enter API information here.] [Enter information about supplied implementation of this extension point.] Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Sonatype, Inc and others. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0