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Diffstat (limited to 'lttng/org.eclipse.linuxtools.lttng.tests/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/lttng/tests/trace/')
1 files changed, 263 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lttng/org.eclipse.linuxtools.lttng.tests/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/lttng/tests/trace/ b/lttng/org.eclipse.linuxtools.lttng.tests/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/lttng/tests/trace/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3717266136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lttng/org.eclipse.linuxtools.lttng.tests/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/lttng/tests/trace/
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+package org.eclipse.linuxtools.lttng.tests.trace;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.FileLocator;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
+import org.eclipse.linuxtools.lttng.event.LttngLocation;
+import org.eclipse.linuxtools.lttng.tests.LTTngCoreTestPlugin;
+import org.eclipse.linuxtools.lttng.trace.LTTngTrace;
+import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.event.TmfEvent;
+import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.event.TmfTimestamp;
+import org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.trace.TmfContext;
+ Functions tested here :
+ public LTTngTrace(String path) throws Exception
+ public LTTngTrace(String path, boolean skipIndexing) throws Exception
+ public TmfTraceContext seekLocation(Object location) {
+ public TmfTraceContext seekEvent(TmfTimestamp timestamp) {
+ public TmfTraceContext seekEvent(long position) {
+ public TmfEvent getNextEvent(TmfTraceContext context) {
+ public Object getCurrentLocation() {
+ public LttngEvent parseEvent(TmfTraceContext context) {
+ public int getCpuNumber() {
+ */
+public class LTTngTraceTest extends TestCase {
+ private final static String tracepath1="traceset/trace-15316events_nolost_newformat";
+ private final static String wrongTracePath="/somewhere/that/does/not/exist";
+ private final static int traceCpuNumber=1;
+ private final static boolean skipIndexing=true;
+ private final static long firstEventTimestamp = 13589759412128L;
+ private final static long secondEventTimestamp = 13589759419903L;
+ private final static Long locationAfterFirstEvent = 13589759412128L;
+ private final static String tracename = "traceset/trace-15316events_nolost_newformat";
+ private final static long indexToSeekFirst = 0;
+ private final static Long locationToSeekFirst = 13589759412128L;
+ private final static long contextValueAfterFirstEvent = 13589759412128L;
+ private final static String firstEventReference = tracename + "/metadata_0";
+ private final static long timestampToSeekTest1 = 13589826657302L;
+ private final static Long indexToSeekTest1 = 7497L;
+ private final static long locationToSeekTest1 = 13589826657302L;
+ private final static long contextValueAfterSeekTest1 = 13589826657302L;
+ private final static String seek1EventReference = tracename + "/vm_state_0";
+ private final static long timestampToSeekLast = 13589906758692L;
+ private final static Long indexToSeekLast = 15315L;
+ private final static long locationToSeekLast = 13589906758692L;
+ private final static long contextValueAfterSeekLast = 13589906758692L;
+ private final static String seekLastEventReference = tracename + "/kernel_0";
+ private static LTTngTrace testStream = null;
+ private LTTngTrace prepareStreamToTest() {
+ if (testStream == null) {
+ try {
+ URL location = FileLocator.find(LTTngCoreTestPlugin.getPlugin().getBundle(), new Path(tracepath1), null);
+ File testfile = new File(FileLocator.toFileURL(location).toURI());
+ LTTngTrace tmpStream = new LTTngTrace(testfile.getPath());
+ testStream = tmpStream;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e) {
+ System.out.println("ERROR : Could not open " + tracepath1);
+ testStream = null;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ testStream.seekEvent(0L);
+ }
+ return testStream;
+ }
+ public void testTraceConstructors() {
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+ LTTngTrace testStream1 = null;
+ // Default constructor
+ // Test constructor with argument on a wrong tracepath, skipping indexing
+ try {
+ testStream1 = new LTTngTrace(wrongTracePath, skipIndexing);
+ fail("Construction with wrong tracepath should fail!");
+ }
+ catch( Exception e) {
+ }
+ // Test constructor with argument on a correct tracepath, skipping indexing
+ try {
+ URL location = FileLocator.find(LTTngCoreTestPlugin.getPlugin().getBundle(), new Path(tracepath1), null);
+ File testfile = new File(FileLocator.toFileURL(location).toURI());
+ testStream1 = new LTTngTrace(testfile.getPath(), skipIndexing);
+ }
+ catch( Exception e) {
+ fail("Construction with correct tracepath failed!");
+ }
+ }
+ public void testGetNextEvent() {
+ TmfEvent tmpEvent = null;
+ LTTngTrace testStream1 = prepareStreamToTest();
+ TmfContext tmpContext = new TmfContext(null, 0);
+ // We should be at the beginning of the trace, so we will just read the first event now
+ tmpEvent = testStream1.getNextEvent(tmpContext );
+ assertNotSame("tmpEvent is null after first getNextEvent()",null,tmpEvent );
+ assertEquals("tmpEvent has wrong timestamp after first getNextEvent()",firstEventTimestamp,(long)tmpEvent.getTimestamp().getValue() );
+ // Read the next event as well
+ tmpEvent = testStream1.getNextEvent( tmpContext);
+ assertNotSame("tmpEvent is null after second getNextEvent()",null,tmpEvent );
+ assertEquals("tmpEvent has wrong timestamp after second getNextEvent()",secondEventTimestamp,(long)tmpEvent.getTimestamp().getValue() );
+ }
+ public void testParseEvent() {
+ TmfEvent tmpEvent = null;
+ LTTngTrace testStream1 = prepareStreamToTest();
+ TmfContext tmpContext = new TmfContext(null, 0);
+ // We should be at the beginning of the trace, so we will just parse the first event now
+ tmpEvent = testStream1.parseEvent(tmpContext );
+ assertNotSame("tmpEvent is null after first parseEvent()",null,tmpEvent );
+ assertEquals("tmpEvent has wrong timestamp after first parseEvent()",firstEventTimestamp,(long)tmpEvent.getTimestamp().getValue() );
+ // Use parseEvent again. Should be the same event
+ tmpEvent = testStream1.parseEvent(tmpContext );
+ assertNotSame("tmpEvent is null after first parseEvent()",null,tmpEvent );
+ assertEquals("tmpEvent has wrong timestamp after first parseEvent()",firstEventTimestamp,(long)tmpEvent.getTimestamp().getValue() );
+ }
+ public void testSeekEventTimestamp() {
+ TmfEvent tmpEvent = null;
+ TmfContext tmpContext = new TmfContext(null, 0);
+ LTTngTrace testStream1 = prepareStreamToTest();
+ // We should be at the beginning of the trace, we will seek at a certain timestamp
+ tmpContext = testStream1.seekEvent(new TmfTimestamp(timestampToSeekTest1, (byte) -9, 0));
+ tmpEvent = testStream1.getNextEvent(tmpContext);
+ assertNotSame("tmpContext is null after first seekEvent()",null,tmpContext );
+ assertEquals("tmpContext has wrong timestamp after first seekEvent()",contextValueAfterSeekTest1,(long)((TmfTimestamp)tmpEvent.getTimestamp()).getValue() );
+ assertNotSame("tmpEvent is null after first seekEvent()",null,tmpEvent );
+ assertTrue("tmpEvent has wrong reference after first seekEvent()", ((String)tmpEvent.getReference().getReference()).contains(seek1EventReference) );
+ // Seek to the last timestamp
+ tmpContext = testStream1.seekEvent(new TmfTimestamp(timestampToSeekLast, (byte) -9, 0));
+ tmpEvent = testStream1.getNextEvent(tmpContext);
+ assertNotSame("tmpContext is null after seekEvent() to last",null,tmpContext );
+ assertEquals("tmpContext has wrong timestamp after seekEvent() to last",contextValueAfterSeekLast,(long)((TmfTimestamp)tmpEvent.getTimestamp()).getValue() );
+ assertNotSame("tmpEvent is null after seekEvent() to last ",null,tmpEvent );
+ assertTrue("tmpEvent has wrong reference after seekEvent() to last",((String)tmpEvent.getReference().getReference()).contains(seekLastEventReference) );
+ // Seek to the first timestamp (startTime)
+ tmpContext = testStream1.seekEvent(new TmfTimestamp(firstEventTimestamp, (byte) -9, 0));
+ tmpEvent = testStream1.getNextEvent(tmpContext);
+ assertNotSame("tmpEvent is null after seekEvent() to start ",null,tmpEvent );
+ assertTrue("tmpEvent has wrong reference after seekEvent() to start",((String)tmpEvent.getReference().getReference()).contains(firstEventReference) );
+ assertNotSame("tmpContext is null after seekEvent() to first",null,tmpContext );
+ assertEquals("tmpContext has wrong timestamp after seekEvent() to first",contextValueAfterFirstEvent,(long)((TmfTimestamp)tmpEvent.getTimestamp()).getValue() );
+ }
+ public void testSeekEventIndex() {
+ TmfEvent tmpEvent = null;
+ TmfContext tmpContext = new TmfContext(null, 0);
+ LTTngTrace testStream1 = prepareStreamToTest();
+ // We should be at the beginning of the trace, we will seek at a certain timestamp
+ tmpContext = testStream1.seekEvent(indexToSeekTest1);
+ tmpEvent = testStream1.getNextEvent(tmpContext);
+ assertNotSame("tmpContext is null after first seekEvent()",null,tmpContext );
+ assertEquals("tmpContext has wrong timestamp after first seekEvent()",contextValueAfterSeekTest1,(long)((TmfTimestamp)tmpEvent.getTimestamp()).getValue() );
+ assertNotSame("tmpEvent is null after first seekEvent()",null,tmpEvent );
+ assertTrue("tmpEvent has wrong reference after first seekEvent()", ((String)tmpEvent.getReference().getReference()).contains(seek1EventReference) );
+ // Seek to the last timestamp
+ tmpContext = testStream1.seekEvent(indexToSeekLast);
+ tmpEvent = testStream1.getNextEvent(tmpContext);
+ assertNotSame("tmpContext is null after first seekEvent()",null,tmpContext );
+ assertEquals("tmpContext has wrong timestamp after first seekEvent()",contextValueAfterSeekLast,(long)((TmfTimestamp)tmpEvent.getTimestamp()).getValue() );
+ assertNotSame("tmpEvent is null after seekEvent() to last ",null,tmpEvent );
+ assertTrue("tmpEvent has wrong reference after seekEvent() to last",((String)tmpEvent.getReference().getReference()).contains(seekLastEventReference) );
+ // Seek to the first timestamp (startTime)
+ tmpContext = testStream1.seekEvent(indexToSeekFirst);
+ tmpEvent = testStream1.getNextEvent(tmpContext);
+ assertNotSame("tmpContext is null after first seekEvent()",null,tmpContext );
+ assertEquals("tmpContext has wrong timestamp after first seekEvent()",contextValueAfterFirstEvent,(long)((TmfTimestamp)tmpEvent.getTimestamp()).getValue() );
+ assertNotSame("tmpEvent is null after seekEvent() to start ",null,tmpEvent );
+ assertTrue("tmpEvent has wrong reference after seekEvent() to start",((String)tmpEvent.getReference().getReference()).contains(firstEventReference) );
+ }
+ public void testSeekLocation() {
+ TmfEvent tmpEvent = null;
+ TmfContext tmpContext = new TmfContext(null, 0);
+ LTTngTrace testStream1 = prepareStreamToTest();
+ // We should be at the beginning of the trace, we will seek at a certain timestamp
+ tmpContext = testStream1.seekLocation(new LttngLocation(locationToSeekTest1));
+ tmpEvent = testStream1.getNextEvent(tmpContext);
+ assertNotSame("tmpContext is null after first seekLocation()",null,tmpContext );
+ assertEquals("tmpContext has wrong timestamp after first seekLocation()",contextValueAfterSeekTest1,(long)((TmfTimestamp)tmpEvent.getTimestamp()).getValue() );
+ assertNotSame("tmpEvent is null after first seekLocation()",null,tmpEvent );
+ assertTrue("tmpEvent has wrong reference after first seekLocation()", ((String)tmpEvent.getReference().getReference()).contains(seek1EventReference) );
+ // Seek to the last timestamp
+ tmpContext = testStream1.seekLocation(new LttngLocation(locationToSeekLast));
+ tmpEvent = testStream1.getNextEvent(tmpContext);
+ assertNotSame("tmpContext is null after first seekLocation()",null,tmpContext );
+ assertEquals("tmpContext has wrong timestamp after first seekLocation()",contextValueAfterSeekLast,(long)((TmfTimestamp)tmpEvent.getTimestamp()).getValue() );
+ assertNotSame("tmpEvent is null after seekLocation() to last ",null,tmpEvent );
+ assertTrue("tmpEvent has wrong reference after seekLocation() to last",((String)tmpEvent.getReference().getReference()).contains(seekLastEventReference) );
+ // Seek to the first timestamp (startTime)
+ tmpContext = testStream1.seekLocation(new LttngLocation(locationToSeekFirst));
+ tmpEvent = testStream1.getNextEvent(tmpContext);
+ assertNotSame("tmpContext is null after first seekLocation()",null,tmpContext );
+ assertEquals("tmpContext has wrong timestamp after first seekLocation()",contextValueAfterFirstEvent,(long)((TmfTimestamp)tmpEvent.getTimestamp()).getValue() );
+ assertNotSame("tmpEvent is null after seekLocation() to start ",null,tmpEvent );
+ assertTrue("tmpEvent has wrong reference after seekLocation() to start",((String)tmpEvent.getReference().getReference()).contains(firstEventReference) );
+ }
+ public void testGetter() {
+ TmfEvent tmpEvent = null;
+ LTTngTrace testStream1 = prepareStreamToTest();
+ // Move to the first event to have something to play with
+ tmpEvent = testStream1.parseEvent( new TmfContext(null, 0));
+ // Test current event
+ assertNotSame("tmpEvent is null after first event",null,tmpEvent );
+ assertTrue("tmpEvent has wrong reference after first event",((String)tmpEvent.getReference().getReference()).contains(firstEventReference) );
+ assertNotSame("tmpContext is null after first seekEvent()",null,testStream1.getCurrentLocation() );
+ assertTrue("tmpContext has wrong timestamp after first seekEvent()",locationAfterFirstEvent.equals( ((LttngLocation)testStream1.getCurrentLocation()).getOperationTimeValue()) );
+ // Test CPU number of the trace
+ assertSame("getCpuNumber() return wrong number of cpu",traceCpuNumber ,testStream1.getCpuNumber() );
+ }
+ public void testToString() {
+ LTTngTrace testStream1 = prepareStreamToTest();
+ // Move to the first event to have something to play with
+ testStream1.parseEvent( new TmfContext(null, 0) );
+ // Just make sure toString() does not return null or the java reference
+ assertNotSame("toString returned null",null, testStream1.toString() );
+ assertNotSame("toString is not overridded!", testStream1.getClass().getName() + '@' + Integer.toHexString(testStream1.hashCode()), testStream1.toString() );
+ }

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