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Diffstat (limited to 'lttng/org.eclipse.linuxtools.ctf.core/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/ctf/core/event/io/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 687 deletions
diff --git a/lttng/org.eclipse.linuxtools.ctf.core/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/ctf/core/event/io/ b/lttng/org.eclipse.linuxtools.ctf.core/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/ctf/core/event/io/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0556371273..0000000000
--- a/lttng/org.eclipse.linuxtools.ctf.core/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/ctf/core/event/io/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,687 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011, 2014 Ericsson, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal and others
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made
- * available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
- * accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Matthew Khouzam - Initial Design and implementation + overhaul
- * Francis Giraldeau - Initial API and implementation
- * Philippe Proulx - Some refinement and optimization
- * Etienne Bergeron <> - fix zero size read + cleanup
- *******************************************************************************/
-import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import java.nio.ByteOrder;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
-import org.eclipse.linuxtools.ctf.core.trace.CTFReaderException;
- * <b><u>BitBuffer</u></b>
- * <p>
- * A bitwise buffer capable of accessing fields with bit offsets.
- *
- * @since 2.0
- */
-public final class BitBuffer {
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Constants
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /* default bit width */
- /** 8 bits to a char */
- public static final int BIT_CHAR = 8;
- /** 16 bits to a short */
- public static final int BIT_SHORT = 16;
- /** 32 bits to an int */
- public static final int BIT_INT = 32;
- /** 32 bits to a float */
- public static final int BIT_FLOAT = 32;
- /** 64 bits to a long */
- public static final int BIT_LONG = 64;
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Attributes
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- private final @NonNull ByteBuffer fBuffer;
- private final long fBitCapacity;
- /**
- * Bit-buffer's position, maximum value = Integer.MAX_VALUE * 8
- */
- private long fPosition;
- private ByteOrder fByteOrder;
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Constructors
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Default constructor, makes a big-endian buffer
- */
- @SuppressWarnings("null")
- public BitBuffer() {
- this(ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(0), ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
- }
- /**
- * Constructor, makes a big-endian buffer
- *
- * @param buf
- * the bytebuffer to read
- */
- public BitBuffer(@NonNull ByteBuffer buf) {
- this(buf, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
- }
- /**
- * Constructor that is fully parameterizable
- *
- * @param buf
- * the buffer to read
- * @param order
- * the byte order (big-endian, little-endian, network?)
- */
- public BitBuffer(@NonNull ByteBuffer buf, ByteOrder order) {
- fBuffer = buf;
- setByteOrder(order);
- resetPosition();
- fBitCapacity = fBuffer.capacity() * BIT_CHAR;
- }
- private void resetPosition() {
- fPosition = 0;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // 'Get' operations on buffer
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Relative <i>get</i> method for reading 32-bit integer.
- *
- * Reads next four bytes from the current bit position according to current
- * byte order.
- *
- * @return The int value (signed) read from the buffer
- * @throws CTFReaderException
- * An error occurred reading the long. This exception can be
- * raised if the buffer tries to read out of bounds
- */
- public int getInt() throws CTFReaderException {
- return getInt(BIT_INT, true);
- }
- /**
- * Relative <i>get</i> method for reading 64-bit integer.
- *
- * Reads next eight bytes from the current bit position according to current
- * byte order.
- *
- * @return The long value (signed) read from the buffer
- * @throws CTFReaderException
- * An error occurred reading the long. This exception can be
- * raised if the buffer tries to read out of bounds
- * @since 3.0
- */
- public long getLong() throws CTFReaderException {
- return get(BIT_LONG, true);
- }
- /**
- * Relative <i>get</i> method for reading long of <i>length</i> bits.
- *
- * Reads <i>length</i> bits starting at the current position. The result is
- * signed extended if <i>signed</i> is true. The current position is
- * increased of <i>length</i> bits.
- *
- * @param length
- * The length in bits of this integer
- * @param signed
- * The sign extended flag
- * @return The long value read from the buffer
- * @throws CTFReaderException
- * An error occurred reading the data. If more than 64 bits at a
- * time are read, or the buffer is read beyond its end, this
- * exception will be raised.
- * @since 3.0
- */
- public long get(int length, boolean signed) throws CTFReaderException {
- if (length > BIT_LONG) {
- throw new CTFReaderException("Cannot read a long longer than 64 bits. Rquested: " + length); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- if (length > BIT_INT) {
- final int highShift = length - BIT_INT;
- long a = getInt();
- long b = getInt(highShift, false);
- long retVal;
- /* Cast the signed-extended int into a unsigned int. */
- a &= 0xFFFFFFFFL;
- b &= (1L << highShift) - 1L;
- retVal = (fByteOrder == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) ? ((a << highShift) | b) : ((b << BIT_INT) | a);
- /* sign extend */
- if (signed) {
- int signExtendBits = BIT_LONG - length;
- retVal = (retVal << signExtendBits) >> signExtendBits;
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- long retVal = getInt(length, signed);
- return (signed ? retVal : (retVal & 0xFFFFFFFFL));
- }
- /**
- * Relative bulk <i>get</i> method.
- *
- * <p>
- * This method transfers <strong>bytes</strong> from this buffer into the
- * given destination array. This method currently only supports reads
- * aligned to 8 bytes. It is up to the developer to shift the bits in
- * post-processing to do unaligned reads.
- *
- * @param dst
- * the bytes to write to
- * @throws BufferUnderflowException
- * - If there are fewer than length bytes remaining in this
- * buffer
- * @since 3.1
- */
- public void get(@NonNull byte[] dst) {
- fBuffer.position((int) (fPosition / 8));
- fBuffer.get(dst);
- fPosition += dst.length * 8;
- }
- /**
- * Relative <i>get</i> method for reading integer of <i>length</i> bits.
- *
- * Reads <i>length</i> bits starting at the current position. The result is
- * signed extended if <i>signed</i> is true. The current position is
- * increased of <i>length</i> bits.
- *
- * @param length
- * The length in bits of this integer
- * @param signed
- * The sign extended flag
- * @return The int value read from the buffer
- * @throws CTFReaderException
- * An error occurred reading the data. When the buffer is read
- * beyond its end, this exception will be raised.
- */
- private int getInt(int length, boolean signed) throws CTFReaderException {
- /* Nothing to read. */
- if (length == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- /* Validate that the buffer has enough bits. */
- if (!canRead(length)) {
- throw new CTFReaderException("Cannot read the integer, " + //$NON-NLS-1$
- "the buffer does not have enough remaining space. " + //$NON-NLS-1$
- "Requested:" + length); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- /* Get the value from the byte buffer. */
- int val = 0;
- boolean gotIt = false;
- /*
- * Try a fast read when the position is byte-aligned by using
- * java.nio.ByteBuffer's native methods
- */
- /*
- * A faster alignment detection as the compiler cannot guaranty that pos
- * is always positive.
- */
- if ((fPosition & (BitBuffer.BIT_CHAR - 1)) == 0) {
- switch (length) {
- case BitBuffer.BIT_CHAR:
- // Byte
- val = fBuffer.get((int) (fPosition / 8));
- if (!signed) {
- val = val & 0xff;
- }
- gotIt = true;
- break;
- case BitBuffer.BIT_SHORT:
- // Word
- val = fBuffer.getShort((int) (fPosition / 8));
- if (!signed) {
- val = val & 0xffff;
- }
- gotIt = true;
- break;
- case BitBuffer.BIT_INT:
- // Double word
- val = fBuffer.getInt((int) (fPosition / 8));
- gotIt = true;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- /* When not byte-aligned, fall-back to a general decoder. */
- if (!gotIt) {
- // Nothing read yet: use longer methods
- if (fByteOrder == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) {
- val = getIntLE(fPosition, length, signed);
- } else {
- val = getIntBE(fPosition, length, signed);
- }
- }
- fPosition += length;
- return val;
- }
- private int getIntBE(long index, int length, boolean signed) {
- if ((length <= 0) || (length > BIT_INT)) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Length must be between 1-32 bits"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- long end = index + length;
- int startByte = (int) (index / BIT_CHAR);
- int endByte = (int) ((end + (BIT_CHAR - 1)) / BIT_CHAR);
- int currByte, lshift, cshift, mask, cmask, cache;
- int value = 0;
- currByte = startByte;
- cache = fBuffer.get(currByte) & 0xFF;
- boolean isNeg = (cache & (1 << (BIT_CHAR - (index % BIT_CHAR) - 1))) != 0;
- if (signed && isNeg) {
- value = ~0;
- }
- if (startByte == (endByte - 1)) {
- cmask = cache >>> ((BIT_CHAR - (end % BIT_CHAR)) % BIT_CHAR);
- if (((length) % BIT_CHAR) > 0) {
- mask = ~((~0) << length);
- cmask &= mask;
- }
- value <<= length;
- value |= cmask;
- return value;
- }
- cshift = (int) (index % BIT_CHAR);
- if (cshift > 0) {
- mask = ~((~0) << (BIT_CHAR - cshift));
- cmask = cache & mask;
- lshift = BIT_CHAR - cshift;
- value <<= lshift;
- value |= cmask;
- currByte++;
- }
- for (; currByte < (endByte - 1); currByte++) {
- value <<= BIT_CHAR;
- value |= fBuffer.get(currByte) & 0xFF;
- }
- lshift = (int) (end % BIT_CHAR);
- if (lshift > 0) {
- mask = ~((~0) << lshift);
- cmask = fBuffer.get(currByte) & 0xFF;
- cmask >>>= BIT_CHAR - lshift;
- cmask &= mask;
- value <<= lshift;
- value |= cmask;
- } else {
- value <<= BIT_CHAR;
- value |= fBuffer.get(currByte) & 0xFF;
- }
- return value;
- }
- private int getIntLE(long index, int length, boolean signed) {
- if ((length <= 0) || (length > BIT_INT)) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Length must be between 1-32 bits"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- long end = index + length;
- int startByte = (int) (index / BIT_CHAR);
- int endByte = (int) ((end + (BIT_CHAR - 1)) / BIT_CHAR);
- int currByte, lshift, cshift, mask, cmask, cache, mod;
- int value = 0;
- currByte = endByte - 1;
- cache = fBuffer.get(currByte) & 0xFF;
- mod = (int) (end % BIT_CHAR);
- lshift = (mod > 0) ? mod : BIT_CHAR;
- boolean isNeg = (cache & (1 << (lshift - 1))) != 0;
- if (signed && isNeg) {
- value = ~0;
- }
- if (startByte == (endByte - 1)) {
- cmask = cache >>> (index % BIT_CHAR);
- if (((length) % BIT_CHAR) > 0) {
- mask = ~((~0) << length);
- cmask &= mask;
- }
- value <<= length;
- value |= cmask;
- return value;
- }
- cshift = (int) (end % BIT_CHAR);
- if (cshift > 0) {
- mask = ~((~0) << cshift);
- cmask = cache & mask;
- value <<= cshift;
- value |= cmask;
- currByte--;
- }
- for (; currByte >= (startByte + 1); currByte--) {
- value <<= BIT_CHAR;
- value |= fBuffer.get(currByte) & 0xFF;
- }
- lshift = (int) (index % BIT_CHAR);
- if (lshift > 0) {
- mask = ~((~0) << (BIT_CHAR - lshift));
- cmask = fBuffer.get(currByte) & 0xFF;
- cmask >>>= lshift;
- cmask &= mask;
- value <<= (BIT_CHAR - lshift);
- value |= cmask;
- } else {
- value <<= BIT_CHAR;
- value |= fBuffer.get(currByte) & 0xFF;
- }
- return value;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // 'Put' operations on buffer
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Relative <i>put</i> method to write signed 32-bit integer.
- *
- * Write four bytes starting from current bit position in the buffer
- * according to the current byte order. The current position is increased of
- * <i>length</i> bits.
- *
- * @param value
- * The int value to write
- * @throws CTFReaderException
- * An error occurred writing the data. If the buffer is written
- * beyond its end, this exception will be raised.
- */
- public void putInt(int value) throws CTFReaderException {
- putInt(BIT_INT, value);
- }
- /**
- * Relative <i>put</i> method to write <i>length</i> bits integer.
- *
- * Writes <i>length</i> lower-order bits from the provided <i>value</i>,
- * starting from current bit position in the buffer. Sequential bytes are
- * written according to the current byte order. The sign bit is carried to
- * the MSB if signed is true. The sign bit is included in <i>length</i>. The
- * current position is increased of <i>length</i>.
- *
- * @param length
- * The number of bits to write
- * @param value
- * The value to write
- * @throws CTFReaderException
- * An error occurred writing the data. If the buffer is written
- * beyond its end, this exception will be raised.
- */
- public void putInt(int length, int value) throws CTFReaderException {
- final long curPos = fPosition;
- if (!canRead(length)) {
- throw new CTFReaderException("Cannot write to bitbuffer, " //$NON-NLS-1$
- + "insufficient space. Requested: " + length); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- if (length == 0) {
- return;
- }
- if (fByteOrder == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) {
- putIntLE(curPos, length, value);
- } else {
- putIntBE(curPos, length, value);
- }
- fPosition += length;
- }
- private void putIntBE(long index, int length, int value) {
- if ((length <= 0) || (length > BIT_INT)) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Length must be between 1-32 bits"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- long end = index + length;
- int startByte = (int) (index / BIT_CHAR);
- int endByte = (int) ((end + (BIT_CHAR - 1)) / BIT_CHAR);
- int currByte, lshift, cshift, mask, cmask;
- int correctedValue = value;
- /*
- * mask v high bits. Works for unsigned and two complement signed
- * numbers which value do not overflow on length bits.
- */
- if (length < BIT_INT) {
- correctedValue &= ~(~0 << length);
- }
- /* sub byte */
- if (startByte == (endByte - 1)) {
- lshift = (int) ((BIT_CHAR - (end % BIT_CHAR)) % BIT_CHAR);
- mask = ~((~0) << lshift);
- if ((index % BIT_CHAR) > 0) {
- mask |= (~(0)) << (BIT_CHAR - (index % BIT_CHAR));
- }
- cmask = correctedValue << lshift;
- /*
- * low bits are cleared because of left-shift and high bits are
- * already cleared
- */
- cmask &= ~mask;
- int b = fBuffer.get(startByte) & 0xFF;
- fBuffer.put(startByte, (byte) ((b & mask) | cmask));
- return;
- }
- /* head byte contains MSB */
- currByte = endByte - 1;
- cshift = (int) (end % BIT_CHAR);
- if (cshift > 0) {
- lshift = BIT_CHAR - cshift;
- mask = ~((~0) << lshift);
- cmask = correctedValue << lshift;
- cmask &= ~mask;
- int b = fBuffer.get(currByte) & 0xFF;
- fBuffer.put(currByte, (byte) ((b & mask) | cmask));
- correctedValue >>>= cshift;
- currByte--;
- }
- /* middle byte(s) */
- for (; currByte >= (startByte + 1); currByte--) {
- fBuffer.put(currByte, (byte) correctedValue);
- correctedValue >>>= BIT_CHAR;
- }
- /* end byte contains LSB */
- if ((index % BIT_CHAR) > 0) {
- mask = (~0) << (BIT_CHAR - (index % BIT_CHAR));
- cmask = correctedValue & ~mask;
- int b = fBuffer.get(currByte) & 0xFF;
- fBuffer.put(currByte, (byte) ((b & mask) | cmask));
- } else {
- fBuffer.put(currByte, (byte) correctedValue);
- }
- }
- private void putIntLE(long index, int length, int value) {
- if ((length <= 0) || (length > BIT_INT)) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Length must be between 1-32 bits"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- long end = index + length;
- int startByte = (int) (index / BIT_CHAR);
- int endByte = (int) ((end + (BIT_CHAR - 1)) / BIT_CHAR);
- int currByte, lshift, cshift, mask, cmask;
- int correctedValue = value;
- /*
- * mask v high bits. Works for unsigned and two complement signed
- * numbers which value do not overflow on length bits.
- */
- if (length < BIT_INT) {
- correctedValue &= ~(~0 << length);
- }
- /* sub byte */
- if (startByte == (endByte - 1)) {
- lshift = (int) (index % BIT_CHAR);
- mask = ~((~0) << lshift);
- if ((end % BIT_CHAR) > 0) {
- mask |= (~(0)) << (end % BIT_CHAR);
- }
- cmask = correctedValue << lshift;
- /*
- * low bits are cleared because of left-shift and high bits are
- * already cleared
- */
- cmask &= ~mask;
- int b = fBuffer.get(startByte) & 0xFF;
- fBuffer.put(startByte, (byte) ((b & mask) | cmask));
- return;
- }
- /* head byte */
- currByte = startByte;
- cshift = (int) (index % BIT_CHAR);
- if (cshift > 0) {
- mask = ~((~0) << cshift);
- cmask = correctedValue << cshift;
- cmask &= ~mask;
- int b = fBuffer.get(currByte) & 0xFF;
- fBuffer.put(currByte, (byte) ((b & mask) | cmask));
- correctedValue >>>= BIT_CHAR - cshift;
- currByte++;
- }
- /* middle byte(s) */
- for (; currByte < (endByte - 1); currByte++) {
- fBuffer.put(currByte, (byte) correctedValue);
- correctedValue >>>= BIT_CHAR;
- }
- /* end byte */
- if ((end % BIT_CHAR) > 0) {
- mask = (~0) << (end % BIT_CHAR);
- cmask = correctedValue & ~mask;
- int b = fBuffer.get(currByte) & 0xFF;
- fBuffer.put(currByte, (byte) ((b & mask) | cmask));
- } else {
- fBuffer.put(currByte, (byte) correctedValue);
- }
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Buffer attributes handling
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Can this buffer be read for thus amount of bits?
- *
- * @param length
- * the length in bits to read
- * @return does the buffer have enough room to read the next "length"
- */
- public boolean canRead(int length) {
- return ((fPosition + length) <= fBitCapacity);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the order of the buffer.
- *
- * @param order
- * The order of the buffer.
- */
- public void setByteOrder(ByteOrder order) {
- fByteOrder = order;
- fBuffer.order(order);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the order of the buffer.
- *
- * @return The order of the buffer.
- */
- public ByteOrder getByteOrder() {
- return fByteOrder;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the position in the buffer.
- *
- * @param newPosition
- * The new position of the buffer.
- * @throws CTFReaderException
- * Thrown on out of bounds exceptions
- * @since 3.0
- */
- public void position(long newPosition) throws CTFReaderException {
- if (newPosition > fBitCapacity) {
- throw new CTFReaderException("Out of bounds exception on a position move, attempting to access position: " + newPosition); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- fPosition = newPosition;
- }
- /**
- *
- * Sets the position in the buffer.
- *
- * @return order The position of the buffer.
- * @since 3.0
- */
- public long position() {
- return fPosition;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the byte buffer
- *
- * @param buf
- * the byte buffer
- */
- @Deprecated
- public void setByteBuffer(ByteBuffer buf) {
- /*
- * to avoid "The method setByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) from the type
- * BitBuffer can be declared as static"
- */
- long data = fPosition;
- fPosition = data;
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Bytebuffers are now final"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- /**
- * Gets the byte buffer
- *
- * @return The byte buffer
- */
- public ByteBuffer getByteBuffer() {
- return fBuffer;
- }
- /**
- * Resets the bitbuffer.
- */
- public void clear() {
- resetPosition();
- fBuffer.clear();
- }

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