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Diffstat (limited to 'gcov/org.eclipse.linuxtools.gcov.core/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/gcov/parser/')
1 files changed, 454 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcov/org.eclipse.linuxtools.gcov.core/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/gcov/parser/ b/gcov/org.eclipse.linuxtools.gcov.core/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/gcov/parser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..16739cc61c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcov/org.eclipse.linuxtools.gcov.core/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/gcov/parser/
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Xavier Raynaud <> - initial API and implementation
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.gcov.parser;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.eclipse.cdt.core.IBinaryParser.IBinaryObject;
+import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
+import org.eclipse.linuxtools.binutils.utils.STSymbolManager;
+import org.eclipse.linuxtools.gcov.Activator;
+import org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.gcov.model.CovFileTreeElement;
+import org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.gcov.model.CovFolderTreeElement;
+import org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.gcov.model.CovFunctionTreeElement;
+import org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.gcov.model.CovRootTreeElement;
+import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.FileDialog;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
+import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
+ * @author Xavier Raynaud <>
+ *
+ */
+public class CovManager implements Serializable {
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = 5582066617970911413L;
+ // input
+ private final String binaryPath;
+ // results
+ private final ArrayList<Folder> allFolders = new ArrayList<Folder>();
+ private final ArrayList<SourceFile> allSrcs = new ArrayList<SourceFile>();
+ private final ArrayList<GcnoFunction> allFnctns = new ArrayList<GcnoFunction>();
+ private final HashMap<String, SourceFile> sourceMap = new HashMap<String, SourceFile>();
+ private long nbrPgmRuns = 0;
+ // for view
+ private CovRootTreeElement rootNode;
+ private IProject project;
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ * @param binaryPath
+ * @param project the project that will be used to get the path to run commands
+ */
+ public CovManager(String binaryPath, IProject project) {
+ this.binaryPath = binaryPath;
+ this.project = project;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ * @param binaryPath
+ */
+ public CovManager(String binaryPath) {
+ this(binaryPath, null);
+ }
+ /**
+ * parse coverage files, execute resolve graph algorithm, process counts for functions,
+ * lines and folders.
+ * @param List of coverage files paths
+ * @throws CoreException, IOException, InterruptedException
+ */
+ public void processCovFiles(List<String> covFilesPaths, String initialGcda) throws CoreException, IOException, InterruptedException {
+ GcdaRecordsParser daRcrd = null;
+ DataInput traceFile;
+ Map<File, File> sourcePath = new HashMap<File, File>();
+ if (initialGcda != null) {
+ File initialGcdaFile = new File(initialGcda).getAbsoluteFile();
+ for (String s : covFilesPaths) {
+ File gcda = new File(s).getAbsoluteFile();
+ if (gcda.getName().equals(initialGcdaFile.getName()) && !gcda.equals(initialGcdaFile)) {
+ if (!sourcePath.isEmpty()) {
+ // hum... another file has the same name...
+ // sorry, we have to clean sourcePath
+ sourcePath.clear();
+ break;
+ } else {
+ addSourceLookup(sourcePath, initialGcdaFile, gcda);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (String gcdaPath: covFilesPaths) {
+ String gcnoPath = gcdaPath.replace(".gcda", ".gcno");
+ // parse GCNO file
+ traceFile = OpenTraceFileStream(gcnoPath, ".gcno", sourcePath);
+ if (traceFile == null) return;
+ GcnoRecordsParser noRcrd = new GcnoRecordsParser(sourceMap, allSrcs);
+ noRcrd.parseData(traceFile);
+ // add new functions parsed to AllSrcs array
+ for (GcnoFunction f: noRcrd.getFnctns()) {
+ allFnctns.add(f);
+ }
+ //close the input stream
+ if(traceFile.getClass() == DataInputStream.class)
+ ((DataInputStream)traceFile).close();
+ // parse GCDA file
+ traceFile = OpenTraceFileStream(gcdaPath, ".gcda", sourcePath);
+ if (traceFile == null) return;
+ if (noRcrd.getFnctns().isEmpty()){
+ String message = gcnoPath + " doesn't contain any function:\n";
+ Status status = new Status(Status.ERROR, Activator.PLUGIN_ID, message);
+ throw new CoreException(status);
+ }
+ daRcrd = new GcdaRecordsParser(noRcrd.getFnctns());
+ daRcrd.parseGcdaRecord(traceFile);
+ //close the input stream
+ if(traceFile.getClass() == DataInputStream.class)
+ ((DataInputStream)traceFile).close();
+ }
+ // to fill the view title
+ if (daRcrd != null)
+ nbrPgmRuns = daRcrd.getObjSmryNbrPgmRuns();
+ /* process counts from data parsed */
+ // solve graph for each function
+ for (GcnoFunction gf : allFnctns) {
+ gf.solveGraphFnctn();
+ }
+ // allocate lines
+ for (SourceFile sourceFile: allSrcs) {
+ sourceFile.createLines();
+ }
+ // add line counts
+ for (GcnoFunction gf : allFnctns) {
+ gf.addLineCounts(allSrcs);
+ }
+ // accumulate lines
+ for (SourceFile sf: allSrcs) {
+ sf.accumulateLineCounts();
+ }
+ /* compute counts by folder*/
+ // make the folders list
+ for (SourceFile sf : allSrcs) {
+ File srcFile = new File (sf.getName());
+ String folderName = srcFile.getParent();
+ if (folderName == null) folderName = "?";
+ Folder folder = null;
+ for (Folder f: allFolders) {
+ if (f.getPath().equals(folderName))
+ folder = f;
+ }
+ if (folder == null){
+ folder = new Folder(folderName);
+ allFolders.add(folder);
+ }
+ folder.addSrcFiles(sf);
+ }
+ // assign sourcesList for each folder
+ for (Folder f : allFolders) {
+ f.accumulateSourcesCounts();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * fill the model by count results
+ * @throws CoreException, IOException, InterruptedException
+ */
+ public void fillGcovView() {
+ // process counts for summary level
+ int summaryTotal = 0, summaryInstrumented = 0, summaryExecuted = 0;
+ for (Folder f : allFolders) {
+ summaryTotal+=f.getNumLines();
+ summaryInstrumented+=f.getLinesInstrumented();
+ summaryExecuted+=f.getLinesExecuted();
+ }
+ // fill rootNode model: the entry of the contentProvider
+ rootNode = new CovRootTreeElement("Summary", summaryTotal,summaryExecuted,
+ summaryInstrumented);
+ IBinaryObject binaryObject = STSymbolManager.sharedInstance.getBinaryObject(new Path(binaryPath));
+ for (Folder fldr : allFolders) {
+ String folderLocation = fldr.getPath();
+ CovFolderTreeElement fldrTreeElem = new CovFolderTreeElement(
+ rootNode, folderLocation, fldr.getNumLines(), fldr.getLinesExecuted(),
+ fldr.getLinesInstrumented());
+ rootNode.addChild(fldrTreeElem);
+ for (SourceFile src : fldr.getSrcFiles()) {
+ CovFileTreeElement srcTreeElem = new CovFileTreeElement(
+ fldrTreeElem, src.getName(), src.getNumLines(), src
+ .getLinesExecuted(), src.getLinesInstrumented());
+ fldrTreeElem.addChild(srcTreeElem);
+ for (GcnoFunction fnctn : src.getFnctns()) {
+ String name = fnctn.getName();
+ name = STSymbolManager.sharedInstance.demangle(binaryObject, name, project);;
+ srcTreeElem.addChild(new CovFunctionTreeElement(
+ srcTreeElem, name, fnctn.getSrcFile(), fnctn
+ .getFirstLineNmbr(), fnctn.getCvrge()
+ .getLinesExecuted(), fnctn.getCvrge()
+ .getLinesInstrumented()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // transform String path to stream
+ private DataInput OpenTraceFileStream(String filePath, String extension, Map<File, File> sourcePath) throws FileNotFoundException{
+ File f = new File(filePath).getAbsoluteFile();
+ if (f.isFile() && f.canRead()) {
+ FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f);
+ InputStream inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(fis);
+ return new DataInputStream(inputStream);
+ } else {
+ String postfix = "";
+ File dir = null;
+ do {
+ if ("".equals(postfix)) postfix = f.getName();
+ else postfix = f.getName() + File.separator + postfix;
+ f = f.getParentFile();
+ if (f != null) {
+ dir = sourcePath.get(f);
+ } else break;
+ } while (dir == null);
+ if (dir != null) {
+ f = new File(dir, postfix);
+ if (f.isFile() && f.canRead()) {
+ return OpenTraceFileStream(f.getAbsolutePath(), extension, sourcePath);
+ }
+ }
+ Shell shell = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getShell();
+ FileDialog fg = new FileDialog(shell, SWT.OPEN);
+ fg.setFilterExtensions(new String[] {"*" + extension, "*.*", "*"});
+ fg.setFileName(f.getName());
+ String s =;
+ if (s == null) return null;
+ else {
+ f = new File(s).getAbsoluteFile();
+ addSourceLookup(sourcePath, f, new File(filePath).getAbsoluteFile());
+ if (f.isFile() && f.canRead()) {
+ FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f);
+ InputStream inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(fis);
+ return new DataInputStream(inputStream);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public ArrayList<SourceFile> getAllSrcs() {
+ return allSrcs;
+ }
+ public ArrayList<GcnoFunction> getAllFnctns() {
+ return allFnctns;
+ }
+ public CovRootTreeElement getRootNode() {
+ return rootNode;
+ }
+ public String getBinaryPath() {
+ return binaryPath;
+ }
+ public SourceFile getSourceFile(String sourcePath){
+ return sourceMap.get(sourcePath);
+ }
+ public long getNbrPgmRuns() {
+ return nbrPgmRuns;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieve a list containing gcda paths from a binary file
+ * @return
+ * @throws CoreException
+ * @throws IOException
+ * @throws InterruptedException
+ */
+ public List<String> getGCDALocations() throws CoreException, IOException, InterruptedException
+ {
+ IBinaryObject binaryObject = STSymbolManager.sharedInstance.getBinaryObject(new Path(binaryPath));
+ String binaryPath = binaryObject.getPath().toOSString();
+ List<String> l = new LinkedList<String>();
+ String cpu = binaryObject.getCPU();
+ Process p;
+ if ("sh".equals(cpu)) {
+ String stringsTool = "sh4strings";
+ p = getStringsProcess(stringsTool, binaryPath);
+ if ( p == null) p = getStringsProcess("sh4-linux-strings", binaryPath);
+ } else if ("stxp70".equals(cpu)) {
+ String stringsTool = "stxp70v3-strings";
+ p = getStringsProcess(stringsTool, binaryPath);
+ } else if ("st200".equals(cpu)){
+ String stringsTool = cpu + "strings";
+ p = getStringsProcess(stringsTool, binaryPath);
+ } else {
+ String stringsTool = "strings";
+ p = getStringsProcess(stringsTool, binaryPath);
+ }
+ if (p == null) {
+ Status status = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.ERROR,
+ "An error occured during analysis: unable to retrieve gcov data", new IOException());
+ Activator.getDefault().getLog().log(status);
+ return l;
+ }
+ ThreadConsumer t = new ThreadConsumer(p, l);
+ t.start();
+ p.waitFor();
+ t.join();
+ return l;
+ }
+ private Process getStringsProcess(String stringsTool, String binaryPath) {
+ try {
+ Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] {stringsTool, binaryPath });
+ return p;
+ } catch (Exception _) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ private static final class ThreadConsumer extends Thread
+ {
+ private final Process p;
+ private final List<String> list;
+ ThreadConsumer(Process p, List<String> files)
+ {
+ super();
+ this.p = p;
+ this.list = files;
+ }
+ public void run()
+ {
+ try {
+ populateGCDAFiles(p.getInputStream());
+ } catch (Exception _) {
+ }
+ }
+ private void populateGCDAFiles(InputStream s) throws IOException
+ {
+ InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(s);
+ LineNumberReader lnr = new LineNumberReader(isr);
+ String line = null;
+ while ((line =lnr.readLine()) != null) {
+ if (line.endsWith(".gcda"))
+ {
+ // absolute .gcda filepaths retrieved using the "strings" tool may
+ // be prefixed by random printable characters so strip leading
+ // characters until the filepath starts with "X:/", "X:\", "/" or "\"
+ // FIXME: need a more robust mechanism to locate .gcda files [Bugzilla 329710]
+ while ((line.length() > 6) && !line.matches("^([A-Za-z]:)?[/\\\\].*")) {
+ line = line.substring(1);
+ }
+ IPath p = new Path(line);
+ String filename = p.toString();
+ if (!list.contains(filename)) list.add(filename);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void dumpProcessCovFilesResult(PrintStream ps) throws FileNotFoundException {
+ ps.println("Parse gcda and gcno files done, resolve graph algorithm executed, now display results");
+ ps.println("- PRINT FUNCTIONS ARRAY : ");
+ for (int i = 0; i < allFnctns.size(); i++) {
+ ps.println("-- FUNCTION " +i);
+ ps.println(" name = " + allFnctns.get(i).getName());
+ ps.println(" instrumentd lines = " + allFnctns.get(i).getCvrge().getLinesInstrumented());
+ ps.println(" executed lines = "+ allFnctns.get(i).getCvrge().getLinesExecuted());
+ }
+ ps.println("- PRINT SRCS ARRAY : ");
+ for (int i = 0; i < allSrcs.size(); i++) {
+ ps.println("-- FILE " + i);
+ ps.println(" name = " + allSrcs.get(i).getName());
+ ps.println(" total lines = " + allSrcs.get(i).getNumLines());
+ ps.println(" instrumentd lines = "+ allSrcs.get(i).getLinesInstrumented());
+ ps.println(" executed lines = "+ allSrcs.get(i).getLinesExecuted());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return the sourceMap
+ */
+ public HashMap<String, SourceFile> getSourceMap() {
+ return sourceMap;
+ }
+ private void addSourceLookup(Map<File, File> map, File hostPath, File compilerPath) {
+ while (hostPath.getName().equals(compilerPath.getName())) {
+ hostPath = hostPath.getParentFile();
+ compilerPath = compilerPath.getParentFile();
+ }
+ map.put(compilerPath, hostPath);
+ }

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