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Diffstat (limited to 'jsf/plugins/org.eclipse.jst.jsf.ui/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsf/ui/internal/jsflibraryconfig/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 997 deletions
diff --git a/jsf/plugins/org.eclipse.jst.jsf.ui/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsf/ui/internal/jsflibraryconfig/ b/jsf/plugins/org.eclipse.jst.jsf.ui/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsf/ui/internal/jsflibraryconfig/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bae57ca0..000000000
--- a/jsf/plugins/org.eclipse.jst.jsf.ui/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsf/ui/internal/jsflibraryconfig/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,997 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Oracle Corporation.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Justin Chen
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsf.ui.internal.jsflibraryconfig;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.EventObject;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ISafeRunnable;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
-import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor;
-import org.eclipse.jface.util.SafeRunnable;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CheckStateChangedEvent;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CheckboxTableViewer;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ComboViewer;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DoubleClickEvent;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ICheckStateListener;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IDoubleClickListener;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProvider;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProviderListener;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredContentProvider;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITableLabelProvider;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeContentProvider;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.LabelProvider;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredSelection;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TreeViewer;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerFilter;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerSorter;
-import org.eclipse.jface.window.Window;
-import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.core.internal.jsflibraryconfig.JSFLibraryConfigModel;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.core.internal.jsflibraryconfig.JSFLibraryConfiglModelSource;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.core.internal.jsflibraryconfig.JSFLibraryInternalReference;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.core.internal.jsflibraryconfig.JSFLibraryRegistryUtil;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.core.internal.jsflibraryregistry.ArchiveFile;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.core.internal.jsflibraryregistry.JSFLibrary;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.core.internal.jsflibraryregistry.JSFLibraryRegistry;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.core.internal.project.facet.IJSFFacetInstallDataModelProperties;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.core.internal.project.facet.IJSFFacetInstallDataModelProperties.IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.ui.internal.JSFUiPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.ui.internal.Messages;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.ui.internal.classpath.JSFLibraryWizard;
-import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableColumn;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableItem;
-import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbench;
-import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
-import org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.datamodel.IDataModel;
-import org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.datamodel.ui.DataModelSynchHelper;
- * A custom control used in wizard and property pages.
- *
- * @author Justin Chen
- */
-public class JSFLibraryConfigControl extends Composite {
- final static private int COLUMN_DEPLOY = 0;
- final static private int COLUMN_LIB_NAME = 1;
- private JSFLibraryConfigModel workingCopyModel = null;
- private Button btnServerSupplied;
- private Button btnUserSupplied;
- private ComboViewer cvImplLib;
- private CheckboxTableViewer ctvSelCompLib;
- private Button btnDeployJars;
- private TreeViewer tvCompLib;
- private TreeViewerAdapter tvAdapter;
- private TreeLabelProvider tvLabelProvider;
- private Combo comboImplLib;
- private Button btnAddAll;
- private Button btnRemoveAll;
- private Vector newJSFLibCreatedListeners = new Vector();
- private Set _changeListeners;
- private boolean _initing;
- private IDataModel model;
- /**
- * @param listener
- */
- public void addOkClickedListener(IJSFImplLibraryCreationListener listener) {
- newJSFLibCreatedListeners.addElement(listener);
- }
- /**
- * @param listener
- */
- public void removeOkClickedListener(IJSFImplLibraryCreationListener listener) {
- newJSFLibCreatedListeners.removeElement(listener);
- }
- /**
- * @param listener
- */
- public void addChangeListener(JSFLibraryConfigControlChangeListener listener){
- getChangeListeners().add(listener);
- }
- /**
- * @param listener
- */
- public void removeChangeListener(JSFLibraryConfigControlChangeListener listener){
- if (getChangeListeners().contains(listener))
- getChangeListeners().remove(listener);
- }
- private Set getChangeListeners() {
- if (_changeListeners == null){
- _changeListeners = new HashSet();
- }
- return _changeListeners;
- }
- private void fireChangedEvent(final EventObject e){
- if (_initing) return;
- ISafeRunnable(){
- public void handleException(Throwable exception) {
- // TODO: should we perhaps do something here?
- JSFUiPlugin.log(IStatus.ERROR, exception.getLocalizedMessage());
- }
- public void run() throws Exception {
- for (Iterator it=getChangeListeners().iterator();it.hasNext();){
- ((JSFLibraryConfigControlChangeListener) JSFLibraryConfigControlChangeEvent(e));
- }
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * Create the composite
- * @param parent
- * @param style
- */
- public JSFLibraryConfigControl(Composite parent, int style) {
- super(parent, style);
- _initing = true;
- createControls();
- }
- /**
- * set control values from provided model.
- *
- * @param source
- */
- public void loadControlValuesFromModel(JSFLibraryConfiglModelSource source) {
- if (source != null) {
- // never read persistentModel = source;
- workingCopyModel = JSFLibraryConfigModel.JSFLibraryConfigModelFactory.createInstance(source);
- initializeControlValues();
- _initing = false;
- } else {
- JSFUiPlugin.log(IStatus.ERROR, Messages.JSFLibraryConfigControl_NullProject);
- }
- }
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget#dispose()
- */
- public void dispose() {
- super.dispose();
- }
- /**
- * Return current selected JSF Implementation Library.
- * Otherwise, return null.
- *
- * @return JSFLibraryInternalReference
- */
- public JSFLibraryInternalReference getSelectedJSFLibImplementation() {
- return workingCopyModel.getCurrentJSFImplementationLibrarySelection();
- }
- /**
- * Return a list of selected JSF Component Libraries.
- * Otherwise, return an empty list.
- *
- * @return a list of selected JSF Component Libraries
- */
- public List getSelectedJSFLibComponents() {
- return workingCopyModel.getCurrentJSFComponentLibrarySelection();
- }
- /**
- *
- * @return JSFLibraryConfigModelAdapter
- */
- public JSFLibraryConfigModel getWorkingModel() {
- return workingCopyModel;
- }
- private void initializeControlValues() {
- loadJSFImplList();
- btnDeployJars.setSelection(false);
- JSFLibraryInternalReference savedImplLib = workingCopyModel.getSavedJSFImplementationLibrary();
- if ( savedImplLib != null ) {
- /*
- * Get the input for the control to set selection.
- */
- JSFLibraryInternalReference selected = JSFLibraryRegistryUtil.getInstance().getJSFLibraryReferencebyID(savedImplLib.getID());
- if (selected != null) {
- btnDeployJars.setSelection(selected.isCheckedToBeDeployed());
- cvImplLib.setSelection(new StructuredSelection(selected), true);
- }
- } else {
- JSFLibraryInternalReference dftJSFImplLib = JSFLibraryRegistryUtil.getInstance().getDefaultJSFImplementationLibrary();
- if (dftJSFImplLib != null) {
- btnDeployJars.setSelection(dftJSFImplLib.isCheckedToBeDeployed());
- cvImplLib.setSelection(new StructuredSelection(dftJSFImplLib), true);
- }
- else
- btnDeployJars.setEnabled(false);
- }
- loadJSFCompList();
- JSFLibraryInternalReference savedCompLib = null;
- JSFLibraryInternalReference selected = null;
- //Iterator it = persistentModel.getJSFComponentLibraries().iterator();
- Iterator it = workingCopyModel.getJSFComponentLibraries().iterator();
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- savedCompLib = (JSFLibraryInternalReference);
- selected = JSFLibraryRegistryUtil.getInstance().getJSFLibraryReferencebyID(savedCompLib.getID());
- if (selected != null) {
- ctvSelCompLib.setChecked(selected, selected.isCheckedToBeDeployed());
- }
- }
- setCompListModelProperty();
- initializeImplementationType();
- redraw();
- }
- private void initializeImplementationType() {
- IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE implType = workingCopyModel.getImplementationType();
- btnServerSupplied.setSelection(true);
- btnUserSupplied.setSelection(false);
- enableUserSupplied(false);
- btnServerSupplied.setSelection(false);
- btnUserSupplied.setSelection(true);
- enableUserSupplied(true);
- } else {
- enableUserSupplied(false);
- }
- model.setProperty(IJSFFacetInstallDataModelProperties.IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME, implType);
- }
- private void loadJSFImplList() {
- cvImplLib.setInput(workingCopyModel.getJSFImplementationLibraries());
- }
- private void loadJSFCompList() {
- tvCompLib.setInput(workingCopyModel.getJSFComponentLibraries());
- ctvSelCompLib.setInput(workingCopyModel.getJSFComponentLibraries());
- }
- private JSFLibraryInternalReference getCurrentSelectedJSFImplLib() {
- JSFLibraryInternalReference selJSFImpl = null;
- StructuredSelection objs = (StructuredSelection)cvImplLib.getSelection();
- if (objs != null){
- if (objs.getFirstElement() instanceof JSFLibraryInternalReference){
- selJSFImpl = (JSFLibraryInternalReference)objs.getFirstElement();
- }
- }
- return selJSFImpl;
- }
- private void createImplLibControls(Composite parent) {
- final Composite cmpImpls = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
- final GridLayout gridLayoutImpls = new GridLayout();
- gridLayoutImpls.numColumns = 4;
- gridLayoutImpls.marginLeft = 0;
- gridLayoutImpls.marginTop = 0;
- gridLayoutImpls.marginBottom = 0;
- cmpImpls.setLayout(gridLayoutImpls);
- GridData gdCmpImpls = new GridData();
- gdCmpImpls.horizontalAlignment = SWT.FILL;
- gdCmpImpls.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
- cmpImpls.setLayoutData(gdCmpImpls);
- btnServerSupplied = new Button(cmpImpls, SWT.RADIO);
- btnServerSupplied.setToolTipText(Messages.JSFLibraryConfigControl_ServerSuppliedButtonTooltip);
- GridData gdSS = new GridData();
- gdSS.horizontalAlignment = SWT.BEGINNING;
- btnServerSupplied.setLayoutData(gdSS);
- btnServerSupplied.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter(){
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
- setServerSuppliedLibrarySelection(e);
- }
- });
- Label lblServerSupplied = new Label(cmpImpls, SWT.NONE);
- lblServerSupplied.setText(Messages.JSFLibraryConfigControl_ServerSuppliedButtonLabel);
- GridData lblSS = new GridData();
- lblSS.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
- lblServerSupplied.setLayoutData(lblSS);
- lblServerSupplied.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter(){
- public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
- btnServerSupplied.setSelection(true);
- setServerSuppliedLibrarySelection(e);
- }
- });
- Label lblSpacer1 = new Label(cmpImpls, SWT.NONE);
- GridData gdSpc1 = new GridData();
- gdSpc1.horizontalAlignment = SWT.END;
- gdSpc1.horizontalSpan = 2;
- lblSpacer1.setLayoutData(gdSpc1);
- btnUserSupplied = new Button(cmpImpls, SWT.RADIO);
- btnUserSupplied.setLayoutData(new GridData());
- btnUserSupplied.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter(){
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
- setUserSuppliedLibrarySelection(e);
- }
- });
- this.addOkClickedListener(new IJSFImplLibraryCreationListener() {
- public void okClicked(JSFImplLibraryCreationEvent event) {
- if (! btnUserSupplied.getSelection() && event.isLibraryCreated()) {
- btnServerSupplied.setSelection(false);
- setUserSuppliedLibrarySelection(event);
- }
- }
- });
- cvImplLib = new ComboViewer(cmpImpls, SWT.READ_ONLY);
- cvImplLib.setLabelProvider(new ImplLibCVListLabelProvider());
- cvImplLib.setContentProvider(new ImplLibCVContentProvider());
- comboImplLib = cvImplLib.getCombo();
- GridData gd_cvImplLib = new GridData();
- gd_cvImplLib.horizontalAlignment = SWT.FILL;
- gd_cvImplLib.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
- comboImplLib.setLayoutData(gd_cvImplLib);
- cvImplLib.addSelectionChangedListener(
- new ISelectionChangedListener() {
- public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
- StructuredSelection ss = (StructuredSelection) event.getSelection();
- JSFLibraryInternalReference crtSelImplLib = (JSFLibraryInternalReference) ss.getFirstElement();
- if (crtSelImplLib != null)
- {
- btnDeployJars.setEnabled(true);
- crtSelImplLib.setToBeDeployed(btnDeployJars.getSelection());
- }
- workingCopyModel.setCurrentJSFImplementationLibrarySelection(crtSelImplLib);
- model.setProperty(IJSFFacetInstallDataModelProperties.IMPLEMENTATION, crtSelImplLib);
- fireChangedEvent(event);
- }
- }
- );
- btnDeployJars = new Button(cmpImpls, SWT.CHECK);
- GridData gdDeploy = new GridData();
- btnDeployJars.setLayoutData(gdDeploy);
- btnDeployJars.setText(Messages.JSFLibraryConfigControl_DeployButtonLabel);
- btnDeployJars.setToolTipText(Messages.JSFLibraryConfigControl_DeployJAR);
- btnDeployJars.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
- if (! _initing){
- JSFLibraryInternalReference jsflib = getCurrentSelectedJSFImplLib();
- if (jsflib != null)
- jsflib.setToBeDeployed(btnDeployJars.getSelection());
- workingCopyModel.setCurrentJSFImplementationLibrarySelection(jsflib);//why r we doing this here???
- // model.setProperty(IJSFFacetInstallDataModelProperties.DEPLOY_IMPLEMENTATION, btnDeployJars.getSelection());
- fireChangedEvent(e);
- }
- }
- }
- );
- final Button btnNewImpl = new Button(cmpImpls, SWT.NONE); //compTest,
- GridData gdNew = new GridData();
- gdNew.horizontalAlignment = SWT.END;
- btnNewImpl.setLayoutData(gdNew);
- btnNewImpl.setText(Messages.JSFLibraryConfigControl_NewImplementationLibrary);
- btnNewImpl.setToolTipText(Messages.JSFLibraryConfigControl_NewImplButtonTooltip);
- btnNewImpl.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
- JSFLibraryWizard wizard = new JSFLibraryWizard(JSFLibraryWizard.IMPLS);
- IWorkbench wb = PlatformUI.getWorkbench();
- wizard.init(wb, null);
- WizardDialog dialog = new WizardDialog(wb
- .getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getShell(), wizard);
- int ret =;
- if (ret == Window.OK) {
- JSFLibraryInternalReference lib = new JSFLibraryInternalReference(wizard.getJSFLibrary(), true, true);
- JSFLibraryRegistryUtil.getInstance().addJSFLibrary(lib);
- workingCopyModel.getJSFImplementationLibraries().add(lib);
- workingCopyModel.setCurrentJSFImplementationLibrarySelection(lib);
- loadJSFImplList();
- btnDeployJars.setSelection(true);
- cvImplLib.setSelection(new StructuredSelection(lib), true);
- }
- // notify listeners that a JSF implementation is created.
- JSFImplLibraryCreationEvent event = new JSFImplLibraryCreationEvent(this, (ret == Window.OK));
- int size = newJSFLibCreatedListeners.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- IJSFImplLibraryCreationListener listener =
- (IJSFImplLibraryCreationListener) newJSFLibCreatedListeners.elementAt(i);
- listener.okClicked(event);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- private void setServerSuppliedLibrarySelection(final EventObject e) {
- btnUserSupplied.setSelection(false);
- model.setProperty(IJSFFacetInstallDataModelProperties.IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME, IJSFFacetInstallDataModelProperties.IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE.SERVER_SUPPLIED);
- enableUserSupplied(false);
- fireChangedEvent(e);
- }
- private void setUserSuppliedLibrarySelection(final EventObject e) {
- btnUserSupplied.setSelection(true);
- model.setProperty(IJSFFacetInstallDataModelProperties.IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME, IJSFFacetInstallDataModelProperties.IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE.USER_SPECIFIED);
- enableUserSupplied(true);
- fireChangedEvent(e);
- }
- private void enableUserSupplied(boolean enabled) {
- cvImplLib.getCombo().setEnabled(enabled);
- btnDeployJars.setEnabled(enabled);
- }
- private void createCompLibControls(Composite parent) {
- final Composite cmpCompLibs = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);
- final GridLayout gridLayoutCompLibs = new GridLayout();
- gridLayoutCompLibs.numColumns = 4;
- gridLayoutCompLibs.marginLeft = 0;
- gridLayoutCompLibs.marginRight = 0;
- gridLayoutCompLibs.marginWidth = 0;
- cmpCompLibs.setLayout(gridLayoutCompLibs);
- GridData gdComp = new GridData();
- gdComp.horizontalAlignment = SWT.FILL;
- gdComp.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
- cmpCompLibs.setLayoutData(gdComp);
- final Label lblCompLib = new Label(cmpCompLibs, SWT.NONE);
- final GridData gd_lbl_complib = new GridData(GridData.FILL, GridData.CENTER, false, false, 4, 1);
- lblCompLib.setLayoutData(gd_lbl_complib);
- lblCompLib.setText(Messages.JSFLibraryConfigControl_ComponentLibrary);
- tvCompLib = new TreeViewer(cmpCompLibs, SWT.BORDER | SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL);
- tvAdapter = new TreeViewerAdapter();
- tvLabelProvider = new TreeLabelProvider();
- tvCompLib.setContentProvider(tvAdapter);
- tvCompLib.setLabelProvider(tvLabelProvider);
- tvCompLib.addDoubleClickListener(new IDoubleClickListener(){
- public void doubleClick(DoubleClickEvent event) {
- resetComponentLibSelection((StructuredSelection)event.getSelection(),
- tvCompLib,
- ctvSelCompLib,
- true);
- fireChangedEvent(event);
- }
- });
- tvCompLib.getTree().setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH));
- tvCompLib.addFilter(new TreeViewerFilter());
- final Composite composite_buttons = new Composite(cmpCompLibs, SWT.NONE);
- composite_buttons.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, false, false));
- composite_buttons.setLayout(new GridLayout());
- final Composite composite_Single = new Composite(composite_buttons, SWT.None);
- composite_Single.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL));
- final GridLayout gl_Single = new GridLayout();
- gl_Single.marginHeight = 4;
- composite_Single.setLayout(gl_Single);
- final Button btnAdd = new Button(composite_Single, SWT.NONE);
- btnAdd.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL, GridData.CENTER, true, false));
- btnAdd.setText(Messages.JSFLibraryConfigControl_Add);
- btnAdd.setEnabled(false);
- final Button btnRemove = new Button(composite_Single, SWT.NONE);
- btnRemove.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL, GridData.CENTER, true, false));
- btnRemove.setText(Messages.JSFLibraryConfigControl_Remove);
- btnRemove.setEnabled(false);
- final Composite composite_All = new Composite(composite_buttons, SWT.None);
- composite_All.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL));
- final GridLayout gl_All = new GridLayout();
- gl_Single.marginHeight = 4;
- composite_All.setLayout(gl_All);
- btnAddAll = new Button(composite_All, SWT.NONE);
- btnAddAll.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL, GridData.CENTER, true, false));
- btnAddAll.setText(Messages.JSFLibraryConfigControl_AddAll);
- btnRemoveAll = new Button(composite_All, SWT.NONE);
- btnRemoveAll.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL, GridData.CENTER, true, false));
- btnRemoveAll.setText(Messages.JSFLibraryConfigControl_RemoveAll);
- final Composite composite_New = new Composite(composite_buttons, SWT.None);
- composite_New.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL));
- final GridLayout gl_New = new GridLayout();
- gl_Single.marginHeight = 4;
- composite_New.setLayout(gl_New);
- final Button btnNewCompLib = new Button(composite_New, SWT.NONE);
- btnNewCompLib.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL, GridData.CENTER, false, false));
- btnNewCompLib.setText(Messages.JSFLibraryConfigControl_NewComponentLibrary);
- btnNewCompLib.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
- JSFLibraryWizard wizard = new JSFLibraryWizard(JSFLibraryWizard.NONIMPLS);
- IWorkbench wb = PlatformUI.getWorkbench();
- wizard.init(wb, null);
- WizardDialog dialog = new WizardDialog(wb
- .getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getShell(), wizard);
- int ret =;
- if (ret == Window.OK) {
- JSFLibraryInternalReference lib = new JSFLibraryInternalReference(
- wizard.getJSFLibrary(),
- true,
- true);
- JSFLibraryRegistryUtil.getInstance().addJSFLibrary(lib);
- workingCopyModel.getJSFComponentLibraries().add(lib);
- loadJSFCompList();
- setCompListModelProperty();
- ctvSelCompLib.setChecked(lib, true);
- }
- }
- });
- ctvSelCompLib = CheckboxTableViewer.newCheckList(cmpCompLibs, SWT.MULTI | SWT.FULL_SELECTION | SWT.BORDER);
- ctvSelCompLib.addFilter(new CheckedTableViewerFilter());
- final Table table = ctvSelCompLib.getTable();
- table.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL, GridData.FILL, true, true));
- table.setHeaderVisible(true);
- final TableColumn tcDeploy = new TableColumn(table, SWT.LEFT);
- tcDeploy.setWidth(50);
- tcDeploy.setText(Messages.JSFLibraryConfigControl_TH_Deploy);
- tcDeploy.setToolTipText(Messages.JSFLibraryConfigControl_DeployJAR);
- final TableColumn tcLibName = new TableColumn(table, SWT.LEFT);
- tcLibName.setWidth(150);
- tcLibName.setText(Messages.JSFLibraryConfigControl_TH_LibraryName);
- //ctvSelCompLib.setCellModifier(new CellModifierCTVSelCompLib());
- ctvSelCompLib.setSorter(new SelectedCompLibCTVSorter());
- ctvSelCompLib.setLabelProvider(new SelectedCompLibCTVLabelProvider());
- ctvSelCompLib.setContentProvider(new CompLibCTVContentProvider());
- ctvSelCompLib.addDoubleClickListener(new IDoubleClickListener(){
- public void doubleClick(DoubleClickEvent event) {
- resetComponentLibSelection((StructuredSelection)event.getSelection(),
- tvCompLib,
- ctvSelCompLib,
- false);
- fireChangedEvent(event);
- }
- });
- ctvSelCompLib.addCheckStateListener(new ICheckStateListener() {
- public void checkStateChanged(CheckStateChangedEvent event) {
- JSFLibraryInternalReference changedItem = (JSFLibraryInternalReference) event.getElement();
- boolean isChecked4Deploy = event.getChecked();
- List list = workingCopyModel.getJSFComponentLibraries();
- Iterator it = list.iterator();
- JSFLibraryInternalReference crtjsflib = null;
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- crtjsflib = (JSFLibraryInternalReference);
- if (crtjsflib.getID().equals(changedItem.getID())) {
- crtjsflib.setToBeDeployed(isChecked4Deploy);
- fireChangedEvent(event);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- });
- btnAdd.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
- resetComponentLibSelection((StructuredSelection)tvCompLib.getSelection(),
- tvCompLib,
- ctvSelCompLib,
- true);
- fireChangedEvent(e);
- }
- });
- btnAddAll.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
- resetCompontLibSelectionAll(tvCompLib, ctvSelCompLib, true);
- fireChangedEvent(e);
- }
- });
- btnRemove.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
- resetComponentLibSelection((StructuredSelection)ctvSelCompLib.getSelection(),
- tvCompLib,
- ctvSelCompLib,
- false);
- fireChangedEvent(e);
- }
- });
- btnRemoveAll.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
- resetCompontLibSelectionAll(tvCompLib, ctvSelCompLib, false);
- fireChangedEvent(e);
- }
- });
- tvCompLib.addSelectionChangedListener(new ISelectionChangedListener(){
- public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
- StructuredSelection sel= (StructuredSelection)event.getSelection();
- btnAdd.setEnabled(!sel.isEmpty() && sel.getFirstElement() instanceof JSFLibraryInternalReference);
- btnAddAll.setEnabled(tvCompLib.getTree().getItemCount() > 0);
- }
- });
- ctvSelCompLib.addSelectionChangedListener(new ISelectionChangedListener(){
- public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
- StructuredSelection sel= (StructuredSelection)event.getSelection();
- btnRemove.setEnabled(!sel.isEmpty());
- btnRemoveAll.setEnabled(ctvSelCompLib.getTable().getItemCount() > 0);
- }
- });
- }
- private void createControls() {
- setRedraw(true);
- final GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout();
- gridLayout.numColumns = 1;
- gridLayout.marginLeft = 0;
- gridLayout.marginRight = 0;
- gridLayout.marginWidth = 0;
- gridLayout.marginTop = 0;
- this.setLayout(gridLayout);
- createImplLibControls(this);
- createSeparator(this);
- createCompLibControls(this);
- }
- private void createSeparator(Composite parent) {
- final Label lblSeparator = new Label(parent, SWT.SEPARATOR | SWT.HORIZONTAL );
- GridData gd_lbl_spacer = new GridData();
- gd_lbl_spacer.horizontalAlignment = SWT.FILL;
- lblSeparator.setLayoutData(gd_lbl_spacer);
- lblSeparator.setAlignment(SWT.CENTER);
- }
- /*
- * Event handling helper methods
- */
- // Set selected item to the given state on model and update viewers.
- private void resetComponentLibSelection(StructuredSelection item,
- TreeViewer srcViewer,
- CheckboxTableViewer destViewer,
- boolean state) {
- if (item != null && !item.isEmpty()) {
- List selected = new ArrayList(item.size());
- for (Iterator sel=item.iterator();sel.hasNext();){
- JSFLibraryInternalReference jsfLibDctr = (JSFLibraryInternalReference);
- selected.add(jsfLibDctr);
- List list = workingCopyModel.getJSFComponentLibraries();
- Iterator it = list.iterator();
- JSFLibraryInternalReference crtjsfLibDctr = null;
- while(it.hasNext()) {
- crtjsfLibDctr = (JSFLibraryInternalReference);
- if (crtjsfLibDctr.getID().equals(jsfLibDctr.getID())) {
- crtjsfLibDctr.setToBeDeployed(state);
- crtjsfLibDctr.setSelected(state);
- }
- }
- }
- loadJSFCompList();
- srcViewer.refresh();
- destViewer.refresh();
- for (Iterator it=selected.iterator();it.hasNext();){
- destViewer.setChecked(, state);
- }
- setCompListModelProperty();
- }
- }
- // Reset all component library from given state to model and update viewers.
- private void resetCompontLibSelectionAll(TreeViewer srcViewer,
- CheckboxTableViewer destViewer,
- boolean state) {
- List list = workingCopyModel.getJSFComponentLibraries();
- Iterator it = list.iterator();
- JSFLibraryInternalReference jsfLibDctr;
- while(it.hasNext()) {
- jsfLibDctr = (JSFLibraryInternalReference);
- jsfLibDctr.setSelected(state);
- jsfLibDctr.setToBeDeployed(state);
- }
- loadJSFCompList();
- srcViewer.refresh();
- destViewer.refresh();
- destViewer.setAllChecked(state);
- btnAddAll.setEnabled(! state);
- btnRemoveAll.setEnabled(state);
- setCompListModelProperty();
- }
- //synchHelper is not able to track changes to data elements in tableviewer... manual set of property
- private void setCompListModelProperty() {
- TableItem[] tableItems = ctvSelCompLib.getTable().getItems();
- List compLibs = new ArrayList(tableItems.length);
- for (int i=0;i<tableItems.length;i++){
- compLibs.add(tableItems[i].getData());
- }
- JSFLibraryInternalReference[] libs = (JSFLibraryInternalReference[])compLibs.toArray(new JSFLibraryInternalReference[0]);
- model.setProperty(IJSFFacetInstallDataModelProperties.COMPONENT_LIBRARIES, libs);
- }
- /**
- * Configure the JSFLibraryConfigControl elements to used the containers synchHelper
- * @param synchHelper
- */
- public void setSynchHelper(DataModelSynchHelper synchHelper) {
- model = synchHelper.getDataModel();
- synchHelper.synchCombo(cvImplLib.getCombo(), IJSFFacetInstallDataModelProperties.IMPLEMENTATION_LIBRARIES, null);
- synchHelper.synchCheckbox(btnDeployJars, IJSFFacetInstallDataModelProperties.DEPLOY_IMPLEMENTATION, null);
- //not using synch helper for IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE
-// synchHelper.synchCheckBoxTableViewer(ctvSelCompLib, IJSFFacetInstallDataModelProperties.COMPONENT_LIBRARIES, new Control[]{hiddenList});
- }
- /**
- * Inner Classes for filtering.
- *
- */
- private static class CheckedTableViewerFilter extends ViewerFilter {
- public boolean select(Viewer viewer, Object parentElement, Object element) {
- if (element instanceof JSFLibraryInternalReference) {
- return ((JSFLibraryInternalReference)element).isSelected();
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- private static class TreeViewerFilter extends ViewerFilter {
- public boolean select(Viewer viewer, Object parentElement, Object element) {
- if (element instanceof JSFLibraryInternalReference) {
- return !((JSFLibraryInternalReference)element).isSelected();
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- private static class CompLibCTVContentProvider implements IStructuredContentProvider {
- private List jsfComplLibs = new ArrayList(0);
- public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) {
- return jsfComplLibs.toArray();
- }
- public void dispose() {
- // do nothing
- }
- public void inputChanged(Viewer viewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput) {
- if (newInput == null) {
- jsfComplLibs = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
- } else {
- jsfComplLibs = (List)newInput;
- }
- }
- }
- private static class ImplLibCVContentProvider implements IStructuredContentProvider {
- private List jsfImplLibs = new ArrayList(0);
- public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) {
- return jsfImplLibs.toArray();
- }
- public void dispose() {
- // do nothing
- }
- public void inputChanged(Viewer viewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput) {
- if (newInput == null) {
- jsfImplLibs = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
- } else {
- jsfImplLibs = (List)newInput;
- }
- }
- }
- // Label Provider
- private static class SelectedCompLibCTVLabelProvider extends LabelProvider implements ITableLabelProvider {
- public String getColumnText(Object element, int columnIndex) {
- if (element instanceof JSFLibraryInternalReference){
- switch(columnIndex) {
- return " "; //$NON-NLS-1$
- return ((JSFLibraryInternalReference)element).getLabel();
- }
- }
- return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public Image getColumnImage(Object element, int columnIndex) {
- return null;
- }
- }
- private static class ImplLibCVListLabelProvider extends LabelProvider {
- private JSFLibrary defaultImpl = null;
- public String getText(Object element) {
- if (element instanceof JSFLibraryInternalReference){
- StringBuffer labelBuf = new StringBuffer(((JSFLibraryInternalReference)element).getLabel());
- JSFLibrary lib = ((JSFLibraryInternalReference)element).getLibrary();
- if (getDefaultImpl()!= null && lib != null && lib.getID().equals(getDefaultImpl().getID()))
- labelBuf.append(" ").append(JSFLibraryRegistry.DEFAULT_IMPL_LABEL); //$NON-NLS-1$
- return labelBuf.toString() ;
- }
- return null;
- }
- private JSFLibrary getDefaultImpl() {
- if (defaultImpl == null){
- JSFLibraryRegistry jsflibreg = JSFLibraryRegistryUtil.getInstance().getJSFLibraryRegistry();
- defaultImpl = jsflibreg.getDefaultImplementation();
- }
- return defaultImpl;
- }
- public Image getImage(Object element) {
- return null;
- }
- }
- // Sorter
- private static class SelectedCompLibCTVSorter extends ViewerSorter {
- public int compare(Viewer viewer, Object e1, Object e2) {
- if (e1 instanceof JSFLibraryInternalReference &&
- e2 instanceof JSFLibraryInternalReference) {
- JSFLibraryInternalReference item1 = (JSFLibraryInternalReference)e1;
- JSFLibraryInternalReference item2 = (JSFLibraryInternalReference)e2;
- return item1.getLabel().compareToIgnoreCase(item2.getLabel());
- }
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Content provider Adapter for TreeViewer
- */
- private class TreeViewerAdapter implements ITreeContentProvider {
- private final Object[] NO_ELEMENTS= new Object[0];
- // ------- ITreeContentProvider Interface ------------
- public void inputChanged(Viewer viewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput) {
- // will never happen
- }
- public void dispose() {
- // do nothing
- }
- public Object[] getElements(Object obj) {
- return workingCopyModel.getJSFComponentLibraries().toArray();
- }
- public Object[] getChildren(Object element) {
- if (element instanceof JSFLibraryInternalReference) {
- return ((JSFLibraryInternalReference)element).getArchiveFiles().toArray();
- }
- return NO_ELEMENTS;
- }
- public Object getParent(Object element) {
- return null;
- }
- public boolean hasChildren(Object element) {
- if (element instanceof JSFLibraryInternalReference) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- private static class TreeLabelProvider implements ILabelProvider {
- private final Image libImg;
- private final Image jarImg;
- TreeLabelProvider()
- {
- ImageDescriptor jarImgDesc = JSFUiPlugin.getImageDescriptor("obj16/jar_obj.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- jarImg = jarImgDesc.createImage();
- ImageDescriptor libImgDesc = JSFUiPlugin.getImageDescriptor("obj16/library_obj.gif"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- libImg = libImgDesc.createImage();
- }
- public Image getImage(Object element) {
- if (element instanceof JSFLibraryInternalReference)
- {
- return libImg;
- }
- return jarImg;
- }
- public String getText(Object element) {
- StringBuffer labelBuf = new StringBuffer();
- if (element instanceof JSFLibraryInternalReference) {
- JSFLibraryInternalReference libWrapper = (JSFLibraryInternalReference)element;
- JSFLibrary lib = libWrapper.getLibrary();
- labelBuf.append(lib.getLabel());
- if (lib.isImplementation()) {
- labelBuf.append(" "); //$NON-NLS-1$
- if (lib == JSFLibraryRegistryUtil.getInstance().getJSFLibraryRegistry().getDefaultImplementation()) {
- labelBuf.append(Messages.JSFLibrariesPreferencePage_DEFAULT_IMPL_DESC);
- } else {
- labelBuf.append(Messages.JSFLibrariesPreferencePage_IMPL_DESC);
- }
- }
- }
- if (element instanceof ArchiveFile) {
- ArchiveFile jar = (ArchiveFile)element;
- labelBuf.append(jar.getName());
- if (!jar.exists())
- labelBuf.append(Messages.JSFLibrariesPreferencePage_MISSING_DESC);
- labelBuf.append(" - ").append(((ArchiveFile)element).getSourceLocation()); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- return labelBuf.toString();
- }
- public void addListener(ILabelProviderListener listener) {
- // not handling listeners
- }
- public void dispose() {
- if (libImg != null){
- libImg.dispose();
- }
- if (jarImg != null){
- jarImg.dispose();
- }
- }
- public boolean isLabelProperty(Object element, String property) {
- return false;
- }
- public void removeListener(ILabelProviderListener listener) {
- // not handling listeners
- }
- }

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