== Java GIT == This package is licensed under the BSD. org.eclipse.jgit/ A pure Java library capable of being run standalone, with no additional support libraries. Some JUnit tests are provided to exercise the library. The library provides functions to read and write a GIT formatted repository. All portions of jgit are covered by the BSD. Absolutely no GPL, LGPL or EPL contributions are accepted within this package. org.eclipse.jgit.test/ Unit tests for org.eclipse.jgit and the same licensing rules. == WARNINGS / CAVEATS == - Symbolic links are not supported because java does not support it. Such links could be damaged. - Only the timestamp of the index is used by jgit check if the index is dirty. - Don't try the library with a JDK other than 1.6 (Java 6) unless you are prepared to investigate problems yourself. JDK 1.5.0_11 and later Java 5 versions *may* work. Earlier versions do not. JDK 1.4 is *not* supported. Apple's Java 1.5.0_07 is reported to work acceptably. We have no information about other vendors. Please report your findings if you try. - CRLF conversion is never performed. On Windows you should thereforc make sure your projects and workspaces are configured to save files with Unix (LF) line endings. == Package Features == org.eclipse.jgit/ * Read loose and packed commits, trees, blobs, including deltafied objects. * Read objects from shared repositories * Write loose commits, trees, blobs. * Write blobs from local files or Java InputStreams. * Read blobs as Java InputStreams. * Copy trees to local directory, or local directory to a tree. * Lazily loads objects as necessary. * Read and write .git/config files. * Create a new repository. * Read and write refs, including walking through symrefs. * Read, update and write the Git index. * Checkout in dirty working directory if trivial. * Walk the history from a given set of commits looking for commits introducing changes in files under a specified path. * Object transport Fetch via ssh, git, http, Amazon S3 and bundles. Push via ssh, git and Amazon S3. JGit does not yet deltify the pushed packs so they may be a lot larger than C Git packs. org.eclipse.jgit.pgm/ * Assorted set of command line utilities. Mostly for ad-hoc testing of jgit log, glog, fetch etc. == Missing Features == There are a lot of missing features. You need the real Git for this. For some operations it may just be the preferred solution also. There are not just a command line, there is e.g. git-gui that makes committing partial files simple. - Merging. - Repacking. - Generate a GIT format patch. - Apply a GIT format patch. - Documentation. :-) - gitattributes support In particular CRLF conversion is not implemented. Files are treated as byte sequences. - submodule support Submodules are not supported or even recognized. == Support == Post question, comments or patches to the git@vger.kernel.org mailing list. == Contributing == See SUBMITTING_PATCHES in this directory. However, feedback and bug reports are also contributions. == About GIT == More information about GIT, its repository format, and the canonical C based implementation can be obtained from the GIT websites: http://git.or.cz/ http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/ http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/