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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2018-08-31Merge branch 'stable-4.10' into stable-4.11David Pursehouse1-15/+15
2018-08-31Merge branch 'stable-4.9' into stable-4.10David Pursehouse1-15/+15
2018-08-31Merge branch 'stable-4.8' into stable-4.9David Pursehouse1-15/+15
2018-08-31Merge branch 'stable-4.7' into stable-4.8David Pursehouse1-15/+15
2018-08-30Bazel: Use hyphen instead of underscore in external repository namesDavid Pursehouse1-15/+15
2018-01-20Upgrade gson to version 2.8.2David Pursehouse1-2/+2
2018-01-19Upgrade commons-compress to 1.15David Pursehouse1-4/+4
2018-01-04Add com.jcraft.jzlib 1.1.1Matthias Sohn1-0/+6
2017-12-13Update Apache httpclient to 4.5.2 and httpcore to 4.4.6Matthias Sohn1-4/+4
2017-11-29Update Jetty to 9.4.8.v20171121Matthias Sohn1-13/+13
2017-09-01Upgrade args4j to 2.33 in the bazel buildDavid Pursehouse1-2/+2
2017-05-11Update jetty to 9.4.5Mat Booth1-13/+13
2017-04-02Downgrade Jetty to 9.3.17.v20170317 in Bazel buildDavid Pursehouse1-13/+13
2017-03-22Update Jetty to 9.4.3.v20170317Matthias Sohn1-13/+13
2017-03-21Add remaining parts of the bazel buildDavid Ostrovsky1-0/+50
2017-01-22Format Bazel files with buildifierDavid Pursehouse1-48/+51
2017-01-18Implement initial framework of Bazel buildDavid Ostrovsky1-0/+97

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