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diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.test/tst/org/eclipse/jgit/lfs/')
1 files changed, 301 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.test/tst/org/eclipse/jgit/lfs/ b/org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.test/tst/org/eclipse/jgit/lfs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ac41571a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.test/tst/org/eclipse/jgit/lfs/
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2022, Matthias Fromme <>
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+package org.eclipse.jgit.lfs;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.api.ResetCommand.ResetType;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.attributes.FilterCommand;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.attributes.FilterCommandRegistry;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.RepositoryTestCase;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.internal.LfsConnectionFactory;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.lib.Constants;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ConfigConstants;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.StoredConfig;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.http.HttpConnection;
+import org.eclipse.jgit.util.HttpSupport;
+import org.junit.AfterClass;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Test;
+ * Test if the lfs config is used in the correct way during checkout.
+ *
+ * Two lfs-files are created, one that comes before .gitattributes and
+ * .lfsconfig in git order (".aaa.txt") and one that comes after ("zzz.txt").
+ *
+ * During checkout/reset it is tested if the correct version of the lfs config
+ * is used.
+ *
+ * TODO: The current behavior seems a little bit strange/unintuitive. Some files
+ * are checked out before and some after the config files. This leads to the
+ * behavior, that during a single command the config changes. Since this seems
+ * to be the same way in native git, the behavior is accepted for now.
+ *
+ */
+public class LfsConfigGitTest extends RepositoryTestCase {
+ private static final String SMUDGE_NAME = org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants.BUILTIN_FILTER_PREFIX
+ + org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants.ATTR_FILTER_TYPE_SMUDGE;
+ private static final String LFS_SERVER_URI1 = "https://lfs.server1/test/uri";
+ private static final String EXPECTED_SERVER_URL1 = LFS_SERVER_URI1
+ private static final String LFS_SERVER_URI2 = "https://lfs.server2/test/uri";
+ private static final String EXPECTED_SERVER_URL2 = LFS_SERVER_URI2
+ private static final String LFS_SERVER_URI3 = "https://lfs.server3/test/uri";
+ private static final String EXPECTED_SERVER_URL3 = LFS_SERVER_URI3
+ private static final String FAKE_LFS_POINTER1 = "version\n"
+ + "oid sha256:6ce9fab52ee9a6c4c097def4e049c6acdeba44c99d26e83ba80adec1473c9b2d\n"
+ + "size 253952\n";
+ private static final String FAKE_LFS_POINTER2 = "version\n"
+ + "oid sha256:a4b711cd989863ae2038758a62672138347abbbae4076a7ad3a545fda7d08f82\n"
+ + "size 67072\n";
+ private static List<String> checkoutURLs = new ArrayList<>();
+ static class SmudgeFilterMock extends FilterCommand {
+ public SmudgeFilterMock(Repository db, InputStream in,
+ OutputStream out) throws IOException {
+ super(in, out);
+ HttpConnection lfsServerConn = LfsConnectionFactory.getLfsConnection(db,
+ checkoutURLs.add(lfsServerConn.getURL().toString());
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int run() throws IOException {
+ // Stupid no impl
+ in.transferTo(out);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ @BeforeClass
+ public static void installLfs() {
+ FilterCommandRegistry.register(SMUDGE_NAME, SmudgeFilterMock::new);
+ }
+ @AfterClass
+ public static void removeLfs() {
+ FilterCommandRegistry.unregister(SMUDGE_NAME);
+ }
+ private Git git;
+ @Override
+ @Before
+ public void setUp() throws Exception {
+ super.setUp();
+ git = new Git(db);
+ // commit something
+ writeTrashFile("Test.txt", "Hello world");
+ git.add().addFilepattern("Test.txt").call();
+ git.commit().setMessage("Initial commit").call();
+ // prepare the config for LFS
+ StoredConfig config = git.getRepository().getConfig();
+ config.setString("filter", "lfs", "smudge", SMUDGE_NAME);
+ config.setString(ConfigConstants.CONFIG_CORE_SECTION, null,
+ ConfigConstants.CONFIG_KEY_AUTOCRLF, "false");
+ fileBefore = null;
+ fileAfter = null;
+ configFile = null;
+ gitAttributesFile = null;
+ }
+ File fileBefore;
+ File fileAfter;
+ File configFile;
+ File gitAttributesFile;
+ private void createLfsFiles(String lfsPointer) throws Exception {
+ //File to be checked out before lfs config
+ String fileNameBefore = ".aaa.txt";
+ fileBefore = writeTrashFile(fileNameBefore, lfsPointer);
+ git.add().addFilepattern(fileNameBefore).call();
+ // File to be checked out after lfs config
+ String fileNameAfter = "zzz.txt";
+ fileAfter = writeTrashFile(fileNameAfter, lfsPointer);
+ git.add().addFilepattern(fileNameAfter).call();
+ git.commit().setMessage("Commit LFS Pointer files").call();
+ }
+ private String addLfsConfigFiles(String lfsServerUrl) throws Exception {
+ // Add config files to the repo
+ String lfsConfig1 = createLfsConfig(lfsServerUrl);
+ git.add().addFilepattern(Constants.DOT_LFS_CONFIG).call();
+ // Modify gitattributes on second call, to force checkout too.
+ if (gitAttributesFile == null) {
+ gitAttributesFile = writeTrashFile(".gitattributes",
+ "*.txt filter=lfs");
+ } else {
+ gitAttributesFile = writeTrashFile(".gitattributes",
+ "*.txt filter=lfs\n");
+ }
+ git.add().addFilepattern(".gitattributes").call();
+ git.commit().setMessage("Commit config files").call();
+ return lfsConfig1;
+ }
+ private String createLfsConfig(String lfsServerUrl) throws IOException {
+ String lfsConfig1 = "[lfs]\n url = " + lfsServerUrl;
+ configFile = writeTrashFile(Constants.DOT_LFS_CONFIG, lfsConfig1);
+ return lfsConfig1;
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void checkoutLfsObjects_reset() throws Exception {
+ createLfsFiles(FAKE_LFS_POINTER1);
+ String lfsConfig1 = addLfsConfigFiles(LFS_SERVER_URI1);
+ // Delete files to force action on reset
+ assertTrue(configFile.delete());
+ assertTrue(fileBefore.delete());
+ assertTrue(fileAfter.delete());
+ assertTrue(gitAttributesFile.delete());
+ // create config file with different url
+ createLfsConfig(LFS_SERVER_URI3);
+ checkoutURLs.clear();
+ git.reset().setMode(ResetType.HARD).call();
+ checkFile(configFile, lfsConfig1);
+ checkFile(fileBefore, FAKE_LFS_POINTER1);
+ checkFile(fileAfter, FAKE_LFS_POINTER1);
+ assertEquals(2, checkoutURLs.size());
+ // TODO: Should may be EXPECTED_SERVR_URL1
+ assertEquals(EXPECTED_SERVER_URL3, checkoutURLs.get(0));
+ assertEquals(EXPECTED_SERVER_URL1, checkoutURLs.get(1));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void checkoutLfsObjects_BranchSwitch() throws Exception {
+ // Create a new branch "URL1" and add config files
+ git.checkout().setCreateBranch(true).setName("URL1").call();
+ createLfsFiles(FAKE_LFS_POINTER1);
+ String lfsConfig1 = addLfsConfigFiles(LFS_SERVER_URI1);
+ // Create a second new branch "URL2" and add config files
+ git.checkout().setCreateBranch(true).setName("URL2").call();
+ createLfsFiles(FAKE_LFS_POINTER2);
+ String lfsConfig2 = addLfsConfigFiles(LFS_SERVER_URI2);
+ checkFile(configFile, lfsConfig2);
+ checkFile(fileBefore, FAKE_LFS_POINTER2);
+ checkFile(fileAfter, FAKE_LFS_POINTER2);
+ checkoutURLs.clear();
+ git.checkout().setName("URL1").call();
+ checkFile(configFile, lfsConfig1);
+ checkFile(fileBefore, FAKE_LFS_POINTER1);
+ checkFile(fileAfter, FAKE_LFS_POINTER1);
+ assertEquals(2, checkoutURLs.size());
+ // TODO: Should may be EXPECTED_SERVR_URL1
+ assertEquals(EXPECTED_SERVER_URL2, checkoutURLs.get(0));
+ assertEquals(EXPECTED_SERVER_URL1, checkoutURLs.get(1));
+ checkoutURLs.clear();
+ git.checkout().setName("URL2").call();
+ checkFile(configFile, lfsConfig2);
+ checkFile(fileBefore, FAKE_LFS_POINTER2);
+ checkFile(fileAfter, FAKE_LFS_POINTER2);
+ assertEquals(2, checkoutURLs.size());
+ // TODO: Should may be EXPECTED_SERVR_URL2
+ assertEquals(EXPECTED_SERVER_URL1, checkoutURLs.get(0));
+ assertEquals(EXPECTED_SERVER_URL2, checkoutURLs.get(1));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void checkoutLfsObjects_BranchSwitch_ModifiedLocal()
+ throws Exception {
+ // Create a new branch "URL1" and add config files
+ git.checkout().setCreateBranch(true).setName("URL1").call();
+ createLfsFiles(FAKE_LFS_POINTER1);
+ addLfsConfigFiles(LFS_SERVER_URI1);
+ // Create a second new branch "URL2" and add config files
+ git.checkout().setCreateBranch(true).setName("URL2").call();
+ createLfsFiles(FAKE_LFS_POINTER2);
+ addLfsConfigFiles(LFS_SERVER_URI1);
+ // create config file with different url
+ assertTrue(configFile.delete());
+ String lfsConfig3 = createLfsConfig(LFS_SERVER_URI3);
+ checkFile(configFile, lfsConfig3);
+ checkFile(fileBefore, FAKE_LFS_POINTER2);
+ checkFile(fileAfter, FAKE_LFS_POINTER2);
+ checkoutURLs.clear();
+ git.checkout().setName("URL1").call();
+ checkFile(fileBefore, FAKE_LFS_POINTER1);
+ checkFile(fileAfter, FAKE_LFS_POINTER1);
+ checkFile(configFile, lfsConfig3);
+ assertEquals(2, checkoutURLs.size());
+ assertEquals(EXPECTED_SERVER_URL3, checkoutURLs.get(0));
+ assertEquals(EXPECTED_SERVER_URL3, checkoutURLs.get(1));
+ checkoutURLs.clear();
+ git.checkout().setName("URL2").call();
+ checkFile(fileBefore, FAKE_LFS_POINTER2);
+ checkFile(fileAfter, FAKE_LFS_POINTER2);
+ checkFile(configFile, lfsConfig3);
+ assertEquals(2, checkoutURLs.size());
+ assertEquals(EXPECTED_SERVER_URL3, checkoutURLs.get(0));
+ assertEquals(EXPECTED_SERVER_URL3, checkoutURLs.get(1));
+ }

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