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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2011-04-13another attempt to make this work on windowsGreg Wilkins1-2/+1
2011-04-12342504 Scanner ListenerGreg Wilkins2-22/+50
2011-04-05better test timingGreg Wilkins1-1/+1
2011-04-01340949 Scanner delays file notifications until files are stableGreg Wilkins1-2/+2
2011-03-07338819 Externally control Deployment Manager application lifecycleMichael Gorovoy1-0/+54
2011-03-07338819 backed out for releaseGreg Wilkins1-54/+0
2011-03-05338819: Externally control Deployment Manager application lifecycle Michael Gorovoy1-0/+54
2011-01-28Merging back /branches/jetty-bug-296978 revs 2674:HEADJoakim Erdfelt9-298/+52
2011-01-21Fixing broken javadoc and importsJoakim Erdfelt2-3/+2
2010-11-16improved test timingGreg Wilkins1-1/+2
2010-11-15330210 Improve performance of writing large bytes arraysGreg Wilkins1-1/+0
2010-11-04329410 Enforce XmlConfiguration properties as Map<String,String>Greg Wilkins1-52/+56
2010-10-14327725 Nested ResourceCachesGreg Wilkins2-380/+0
2010-07-28320073 local loaderGreg Wilkins2-86/+177
2010-07-26320073 further improved configurationGreg Wilkins2-5/+67
2010-07-22320073 example cloud deployGreg Wilkins1-0/+227
2010-07-22320073 reconsile configuration mechanismGreg Wilkins3-25/+7
2010-07-19Backport from 7 to 8 of changes to reconciliation of webapp config mechanism....Jan Bartel1-0/+2
2010-06-15Fixing testing typoJoakim Erdfelt1-1/+1
2010-06-14311550 The WebAppProvider should allow setTempDirectoryJoakim Erdfelt2-8/+99
2010-04-29309185 - Fix the over 300 Javadoc warningsJoakim Erdfelt2-3/+5
2010-04-26310431 Default ErrorHandler as server BeanGreg Wilkins1-3/+1
2010-04-14cleaned up importsGreg Wilkins1-2/+2
2010-01-21Fixing testing on windows 7, test temp and work directory were being reused, ...Joakim Erdfelt2-23/+38
2010-01-12298667 deployer cleanupsGreg Wilkins1-5/+6
2009-12-30298667 DeploymentManager improvementsGreg Wilkins1-1/+36
2009-12-08some simplifications of the graph classesGreg Wilkins4-10/+130
2009-12-07Simplifying graph, adding GraphOutput, and graph modification methods.Joakim Erdfelt2-23/+21
2009-12-04Merging jetty-deploy-manager-graph from sandbox to trunk jetty-deploy.Joakim Erdfelt10-0/+1385

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