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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2015-07-01471464 - Parsing issues with HttpURIGreg Wilkins2-1/+12
2015-07-01471272 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in org.eclipse.jetty.quickstart.Precon...Jan Bartel1-0/+1
2015-07-01471464 - Parsing issues with HttpURIGreg Wilkins1-24/+9
2015-07-01471464 - Parsing issues with HttpURIGreg Wilkins1-50/+17
2015-07-01471464 - Parsing issues with HttpURIGreg Wilkins1-78/+64
2015-07-01Fixing javadoc on HttpURI.getPath()Joakim Erdfelt1-1/+1
2015-07-01471388 - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when using <c:url> with parametersJoakim Erdfelt1-3/+1
2015-07-01471464 - Parsing issues with HttpURIJoakim Erdfelt2-49/+105
2015-06-30471464 - Parsing issues with HttpURIJoakim Erdfelt1-28/+132
2015-06-30460671 - Rationalize property names (fix for McConnell1-1/+1
2015-06-30471388 - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when using <c:url> with parametersJoakim Erdfelt2-125/+178
2015-06-30471388 - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when using <c:url> with parametersJoakim Erdfelt6-0/+229
2015-06-29Making test error/failure reporting more usefulJoakim Erdfelt1-80/+229
2015-06-29Adding logging configJoakim Erdfelt1-0/+4
2015-06-29Using newer surefire fork settingsJoakim Erdfelt1-0/+8
2015-06-29Bumping up surefire plugin to 2.18.1Joakim Erdfelt1-1/+1
2015-06-26Consolidating maven-javadoc-plugin configurationJoakim Erdfelt3-180/+52
2015-06-26470963 Update jetty-maven-plugin mojo annotations for maven 3Jan Bartel7-26/+26
2015-06-26471071 jetty-infinispan.xml incorrect syntax for remote named cacheJan Bartel1-1/+3
2015-06-25Fixing javadocJoakim Erdfelt1-2/+4
2015-06-25470803 If a webapp is not fully started do not fully stop itJan Bartel5-45/+126
2015-06-25Update to pmd plugin 3.4 and plugin-plugin 3.4 and jetty-build-support 1.4Jan Bartel2-5/+5
2015-06-25Remove unused import from OneWebApp example.Jan Bartel1-1/+0
2015-06-24470855 Only log warning for duplicate path mappings to same servlet in same d...Jan Bartel1-10/+15
2015-06-24469384 Improved javadoc for ClasspathPatternGreg Wilkins2-16/+12
2015-06-24Bug: 470790 Fixed alias checking of symlinked directoriesGreg Wilkins3-20/+22
2015-06-24Bug: 447781 Allow additional methods to be x-www-form-encodedGreg Wilkins7-5/+168
2015-06-22Fixing javadocJoakim Erdfelt3-3/+3
2015-06-19StringUtil.csvSplit(String)Greg Wilkins21-42/+265
2015-06-19Remove unused start property defaultsGreg Wilkins2-17/+1
2015-06-19Use precompiled patternsGreg Wilkins1-2/+1
2015-06-19Default values for properties in ini filesGreg Wilkins3-15/+25
2015-06-19Simplified ManagedAttribute mechanismGreg Wilkins3-128/+180
2015-06-18469384 ClasspathPattern handles nested classesGreg Wilkins2-36/+126
2015-06-18improved DumpGreg Wilkins11-144/+260
2015-06-18Remove unneeded server and system class defs for cdiJan Bartel1-2/+0
2015-06-18470327 Problem with scope provided dependencies with jspc pluginJan Bartel1-76/+50
2015-06-17Allow HTTP2C to be configured separately from HTTP2Greg Wilkins2-4/+4
2015-06-17462346 Change classesPattern to scanClassesPattern and testClassesPattern to ...Jan Bartel1-8/+8
2015-06-17462346 Add pattern to jetty:run default classes and test classes scan pathsJan Bartel7-227/+300
2015-06-15Adding maven plugin tags to javadoc:aggregate buildJoakim Erdfelt1-0/+50
2015-06-15[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iterationJesse McConnell99-100/+100
2015-06-15[maven-release-plugin] prepare release jetty-9.2.12.M0jetty-9.2.12.M0Jesse McConnell99-100/+100
2015-06-15Adding missing Jetty 9.3.0.RC1 sectionJoakim Erdfelt1-0/+15
2015-06-15Updating version to 9.3.1-SNAPSHOTJoakim Erdfelt106-105/+107
2015-06-15Merge branch 'release-9.3'Joakim Erdfelt107-120/+300
2015-06-15Merged branch 'jetty-9.2.x' into 'master'.Simone Bordet3-7/+182
2015-06-15470184 - Send the proxy-to-server request more lazily.Simone Bordet3-7/+182
2015-06-12Using static refJoakim Erdfelt1-3/+1
2015-06-12Merge branch 'master' into release-9.3jetty-9.3.0.v20150612Joakim Erdfelt2-20/+19

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