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Diffstat (limited to 'jetty-start/src/main/resources/org/eclipse/jetty/start/usage.txt')
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 77 deletions
diff --git a/jetty-start/src/main/resources/org/eclipse/jetty/start/usage.txt b/jetty-start/src/main/resources/org/eclipse/jetty/start/usage.txt
index e25a73d277..ec19dd47c9 100644
--- a/jetty-start/src/main/resources/org/eclipse/jetty/start/usage.txt
+++ b/jetty-start/src/main/resources/org/eclipse/jetty/start/usage.txt
@@ -6,17 +6,26 @@ Usage: java -jar start.jar [options...] [properties...] [configs...]
configured to start any java main class.
Command Line Options:
--help This help / usage information.
--version Print the version information for Jetty and
dependent jars, then exit.
- --list-options List the details of each classpath OPTION
- --list-config List the start.config file.
- --exec-print Same as --dry-run
+ --list-classpath Print the classpath information that will be used to start
+ Jetty
+ --list-config List the resolved configuration that will be used to
+ start Jetty.
+ Output includes:
+ o Java Environment
+ o Jetty Environment
+ o JVM Arguments
+ o Properties
+ o Server Classpath
+ o Server XML Configuration
--dry-run Print the command line that the start.jar generates,
then exit. This may be used to generate command lines
when the start.ini includes -X or -D arguments.
@@ -25,32 +34,102 @@ Command Line Options:
a sub process. This can be used when start.ini
contains -X or -D arguments, but creates an extra
JVM instance.
- --stop Send a stop signal to the running Jetty instance.
- The server must have been started with a STOP.PORT=<port>
- property set and the stop command must have the same property.
+Debug and Start Logging:
+ --debug Enable debug output of the startup procedure.
+ Note: this does not setup debug for Jetty itself.
+ If you want debug for Jetty, configure your logging
+ (See bellow)
- --daemon Start in daemon mode with stderr and stdout
- redirected to ${jetty.log}/start.log
+ --start-log-file=<filename>
+ A filename, relative to ${jetty.base}, where all startup
+ output will be sent. This is useful for capturing startup
+ issues where the jetty specific logger has not yet kicked
+ in due to startup configuration errors.
+Module Management:
+ --list-modules List all modules defined by the system.
+ Looking for module files in ${jetty.base}/modules/*.mod and
+ then ${jetty.home}/modules/*.mod
+ Will also list enabled state based on information
+ present on ..
+ o The command line
+ o The ${jetty.base}/start.ini
+ o The ${jetty.base}/start.d/*.ini files
+ --module=<modulename>
+ Temporarily enable a module from the command line.
+ Note: this can also be used in the ${jetty.base}/start.ini
+ or ${jetty.base}/start.d/*.ini files.
- --config=<file> Specify an alternate start.config file.
- The default is the start.config file inside
- the start.jar. The default can also be specified
- with the START system property.
+ --module-ini=<modulename>
+ Enable a module via creation of an ini file in the
+ ${jetty.base}/start.d/ directory.
+ Uses ini template that the module itself maintains.
+ Transitive module dependencies are followed and all
+ modules that the specified module depends on are also
+ enabled via their own ini files in the same directory.
+ Note: not all modules have ini templates.
- --ini=<file> Load command line arguments from a file. If
- no --ini options are specified, then the
- start.ini file will be read if it exists in
- jetty.home. If specified jetty.home/start.ini
- and additional .ini files in jetty.home/start.d/
- will NOT be read. A --ini option with no file indicates that
- start.ini should not be read.
+ --module-start-ini=<modulename>
+ Enable a module by appending lines to the
+ ${jetty.base}/start.ini file.
+ Lines that are added come from the ini template that
+ the module itself maintains.
+ Transitive module dependencies are followed and all
+ modules that the specified module depends on are also
+ enabled in the ${jetty.base}/start.ini using the same
+ techniques.
+ --write-module-graph=<filename>
+ Create a graphviz *.dot file of the module graph as it
+ exists for the active ${jetty.base}.
+ See for details on how to post-process
+ this file into the output best suited for your needs.
+Startup / Shutdown Command Line:
+ --stop Send a stop signal to the running Jetty instance.
+ The server must have been started with a STOP.PORT=<port>
+ property set and the stop command must have the same property.
+ STOP.PORT=[number]
+ The port to use to stop the running Jetty server.
+ Required along with STOP.KEY if you want to use the --stop option above.
+ STOP.KEY=[alphanumeric]
+ The passphrase defined to stop the server.
+ Requried along with STOP.PORT if you want to use the --stop option above.
+ STOP.WAIT=[number]
+ The time (in seconds) to wait for confirmation that the running
+ Jetty server has stopped. If not specified, the stopper will wait
+ indefinitely. Use in conjunction with the --stop option.
+Advanced Commands:
- --download=<http-uri>:location
- If the file does not exist at the given location, then
- download it from the given http URI
+ --download=<http-uri>:<location>
+ Advanced usage, If the file does not exist at the given
+ location, download it from the given http URI.
+ Note: location is always relative to ${jetty.base}
+ --lib=<classpath>
+ Add arbitrary classpath entries to the the server classpath.
System Properties:
These are set with a command line like "java -Dname=value ..." and are
accessible via the java.lang.System#getProperty(String) API.
Some key system properties are:
@@ -75,66 +154,28 @@ System Properties:
Enable remote JMX management in Sun JVMS.
These are set with a command line like "java -jar start.jar name=value"
and only affect the start mechanism. Some of these are defined in the
default start.config and will not be available if another configuration
file is used. NOTE: Not all properties are listed here:
- path=[directory]
- An additional class path element to add to the started class path. Typically
- this is used to add directories of classes and/or resources
- lib=[directory]
- An additional library directory to add to the started class path. This must
- be a (deep) directory of jars
- STOP.PORT=[number]
- The port to use to stop the running Jetty server.
- Required along with STOP.KEY if you want to use the --stop option above.
- STOP.KEY=[alphanumeric]
- The passphrase defined to stop the server.
- Requried along with STOP.PORT if you want to use the --stop option above.
- STOP.WAIT=[number]
- The time (in seconds) to wait for confirmation that the running Jetty server
- has stopped. If not specified, the stopper will wait indefinitely. Use in
- conjunction with the --stop option.
- DEBUG=true
- Enable debug on the start mechanism and sets the
- org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.stderr.DEBUG system property to true.
- (default: false)
+ jetty.home=[directory]
+ Set the home directory of the jetty distribution.
- OPTIONS=[option,option,...]
- Enable classpath OPTIONS. Each options represents one or more jars
- to be added to the classpath. The options are defined in
- the start.config file and can be listed with --help or --list-options.
- By convention, options starting with a capital letter (eg Server)
- are aggregations of other available options. Available OPTIONS:
-Available Configurations:
- By convention, configuration files are kept in $JETTY_HOME/etc.
- The known configuration files are:
+ jetty.base=[directory]
+ Set the jetty configuration directory. This is where the etc, webapps and start
+ files will be looked for. If not found in jetty.base, they are looked for in
+ jetty.home.
- A start.ini file may be used to specify default arguments to start.jar,
- which are used if no command line arguments are provided and override
- the defaults in the start.config file. If a line of start.ini contains
- a directory (eg start.d/) then that directory is scanned for *.ini files
- will be processed in name sorted order.
- If --ini options are provided on the command line, then start.ini will NOT be read.
- The current start.ini arguments are:
+ A ${jetty.base}/start.ini file and/or ${jetty.base|/start.d/*.ini files may be
+ used to specify default arguments to start.jar. In case of a conflict between
+ the command line, and ini files, the command line will win.

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