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Diffstat (limited to 'jetty-http2/http2-hpack/src/main/java/org/eclipse/jetty/http2/hpack/')
1 files changed, 354 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jetty-http2/http2-hpack/src/main/java/org/eclipse/jetty/http2/hpack/ b/jetty-http2/http2-hpack/src/main/java/org/eclipse/jetty/http2/hpack/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e42ffb86b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jetty-http2/http2-hpack/src/main/java/org/eclipse/jetty/http2/hpack/
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+// ========================================================================
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2016 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
+// The Eclipse Public License is available at
+// The Apache License v2.0 is available at
+// You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
+// ========================================================================
+package org.eclipse.jetty.http2.hpack;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.util.EnumSet;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpField;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpHeader;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpScheme;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpStatus;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpVersion;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.http.MetaData;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.http.PreEncodedHttpField;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.http2.hpack.HpackContext.Entry;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.http2.hpack.HpackContext.StaticEntry;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.util.TypeUtil;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Log;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Logger;
+public class HpackEncoder
+ public static final Logger LOG = Log.getLogger(HpackEncoder.class);
+ private final static HttpField[] __status= new HttpField[599];
+ final static EnumSet<HttpHeader> __DO_NOT_HUFFMAN =
+ EnumSet.of(
+ HttpHeader.CONTENT_MD5,
+ final static EnumSet<HttpHeader> __DO_NOT_INDEX =
+ EnumSet.of(
+ // HttpHeader.C_PATH, // TODO more data needed
+ // HttpHeader.DATE, // TODO more data needed
+ HttpHeader.CONTENT_MD5,
+ HttpHeader.ETAG,
+ HttpHeader.IF_NONE_MATCH,
+ HttpHeader.IF_RANGE,
+ HttpHeader.IF_MATCH,
+ HttpHeader.LOCATION,
+ HttpHeader.RANGE,
+ HttpHeader.RETRY_AFTER,
+ // HttpHeader.EXPIRES,
+ HttpHeader.SET_COOKIE,
+ HttpHeader.SET_COOKIE2);
+ final static EnumSet<HttpHeader> __NEVER_INDEX =
+ EnumSet.of(
+ HttpHeader.SET_COOKIE,
+ HttpHeader.SET_COOKIE2);
+ static
+ {
+ for (HttpStatus.Code code : HttpStatus.Code.values())
+ __status[code.getCode()]=new PreEncodedHttpField(HttpHeader.C_STATUS,Integer.toString(code.getCode()));
+ }
+ private final HpackContext _context;
+ private final boolean _debug;
+ private int _remoteMaxDynamicTableSize;
+ private int _localMaxDynamicTableSize;
+ public HpackEncoder()
+ {
+ this(4096,4096);
+ }
+ public HpackEncoder(int localMaxDynamicTableSize)
+ {
+ this(localMaxDynamicTableSize,4096);
+ }
+ public HpackEncoder(int localMaxDynamicTableSize,int remoteMaxDynamicTableSize)
+ {
+ _context=new HpackContext(remoteMaxDynamicTableSize);
+ _remoteMaxDynamicTableSize=remoteMaxDynamicTableSize;
+ _localMaxDynamicTableSize=localMaxDynamicTableSize;
+ _debug=LOG.isDebugEnabled();
+ }
+ public HpackContext getHpackContext()
+ {
+ return _context;
+ }
+ public void setRemoteMaxDynamicTableSize(int remoteMaxDynamicTableSize)
+ {
+ _remoteMaxDynamicTableSize=remoteMaxDynamicTableSize;
+ }
+ public void setLocalMaxDynamicTableSize(int localMaxDynamicTableSize)
+ {
+ _localMaxDynamicTableSize=localMaxDynamicTableSize;
+ }
+ public void encode(ByteBuffer buffer, MetaData metadata)
+ {
+ if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
+ LOG.debug(String.format("CtxTbl[%x] encoding",_context.hashCode()));
+ int pos = buffer.position();
+ // Check the dynamic table sizes!
+ int maxDynamicTableSize=Math.min(_remoteMaxDynamicTableSize,_localMaxDynamicTableSize);
+ if (maxDynamicTableSize!=_context.getMaxDynamicTableSize())
+ encodeMaxDynamicTableSize(buffer,maxDynamicTableSize);
+ // Add Request/response meta fields
+ if (metadata.isRequest())
+ {
+ MetaData.Request request = (MetaData.Request)metadata;
+ // TODO optimise these to avoid HttpField creation
+ String scheme=request.getURI().getScheme();
+ encode(buffer,new HttpField(HttpHeader.C_SCHEME,scheme==null?HttpScheme.HTTP.asString():scheme));
+ encode(buffer,new HttpField(HttpHeader.C_METHOD,request.getMethod()));
+ encode(buffer,new HttpField(HttpHeader.C_AUTHORITY,request.getURI().getAuthority()));
+ encode(buffer,new HttpField(HttpHeader.C_PATH,request.getURI().getPathQuery()));
+ }
+ else if (metadata.isResponse())
+ {
+ MetaData.Response response = (MetaData.Response)metadata;
+ int code=response.getStatus();
+ HttpField status = code<__status.length?__status[code]:null;
+ if (status==null)
+ status=new HttpField.IntValueHttpField(HttpHeader.C_STATUS,code);
+ encode(buffer,status);
+ }
+ // Add all the other fields
+ for (HttpField field : metadata)
+ encode(buffer,field);
+ if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
+ LOG.debug(String.format("CtxTbl[%x] encoded %d octets",_context.hashCode(), buffer.position() - pos));
+ }
+ public void encodeMaxDynamicTableSize(ByteBuffer buffer, int maxDynamicTableSize)
+ {
+ if (maxDynamicTableSize>_remoteMaxDynamicTableSize)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+ buffer.put((byte)0x20);
+ NBitInteger.encode(buffer,5,maxDynamicTableSize);
+ _context.resize(maxDynamicTableSize);
+ }
+ public void encode(ByteBuffer buffer, HttpField field)
+ {
+ final int p=_debug?buffer.position():-1;
+ String encoding=null;
+ // Is there an entry for the field?
+ Entry entry = _context.get(field);
+ if (entry!=null)
+ {
+ // Known field entry, so encode it as indexed
+ if (entry.isStatic())
+ {
+ buffer.put(((StaticEntry)entry).getEncodedField());
+ if (_debug)
+ encoding="IdxFieldS1";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int index=_context.index(entry);
+ buffer.put((byte)0x80);
+ NBitInteger.encode(buffer,7,index);
+ if (_debug)
+ encoding="IdxField"+(entry.isStatic()?"S":"")+(1+NBitInteger.octectsNeeded(7,index));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Unknown field entry, so we will have to send literally.
+ final boolean indexed;
+ // But do we know it's name?
+ HttpHeader header = field.getHeader();
+ // Select encoding strategy
+ if (header==null)
+ {
+ // Select encoding strategy for unknown header names
+ Entry name = _context.get(field.getName());
+ if (field instanceof PreEncodedHttpField)
+ {
+ int i=buffer.position();
+ ((PreEncodedHttpField)field).putTo(buffer,HttpVersion.HTTP_2);
+ byte b=buffer.get(i);
+ indexed=b<0||b>=0x40;
+ if (_debug)
+ encoding=indexed?"PreEncodedIdx":"PreEncoded";
+ }
+ // has the custom header name been seen before?
+ else if (name==null)
+ {
+ // unknown name and value, so let's index this just in case it is
+ // the first time we have seen a custom name or a custom field.
+ // unless the name is changing, this is worthwhile
+ indexed=true;
+ encodeName(buffer,(byte)0x40,6,field.getName(),null);
+ encodeValue(buffer,true,field.getValue());
+ if (_debug)
+ encoding="LitHuffNHuffVIdx";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // known custom name, but unknown value.
+ // This is probably a custom field with changing value, so don't index.
+ indexed=false;
+ encodeName(buffer,(byte)0x00,4,field.getName(),null);
+ encodeValue(buffer,true,field.getValue());
+ if (_debug)
+ encoding="LitHuffNHuffV!Idx";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Select encoding strategy for known header names
+ Entry name = _context.get(header);
+ if (field instanceof PreEncodedHttpField)
+ {
+ // Preencoded field
+ int i=buffer.position();
+ ((PreEncodedHttpField)field).putTo(buffer,HttpVersion.HTTP_2);
+ byte b=buffer.get(i);
+ indexed=b<0||b>=0x40;
+ if (_debug)
+ encoding=indexed?"PreEncodedIdx":"PreEncoded";
+ }
+ else if (__DO_NOT_INDEX.contains(header))
+ {
+ // Non indexed field
+ indexed=false;
+ boolean never_index=__NEVER_INDEX.contains(header);
+ boolean huffman=!__DO_NOT_HUFFMAN.contains(header);
+ encodeName(buffer,never_index?(byte)0x10:(byte)0x00,4,header.asString(),name);
+ encodeValue(buffer,huffman,field.getValue());
+ if (_debug)
+ encoding="Lit"+
+ ((name==null)?"HuffN":("IdxN"+(name.isStatic()?"S":"")+(1+NBitInteger.octectsNeeded(4,_context.index(name)))))+
+ (huffman?"HuffV":"LitV")+
+ (indexed?"Idx":(never_index?"!!Idx":"!Idx"));
+ }
+ else if (header==HttpHeader.CONTENT_LENGTH && field.getValue().length()>1)
+ {
+ // Non indexed content length for 2 digits or more
+ indexed=false;
+ encodeName(buffer,(byte)0x00,4,header.asString(),name);
+ encodeValue(buffer,true,field.getValue());
+ if (_debug)
+ encoding="LitIdxNS"+(1+NBitInteger.octectsNeeded(4,_context.index(name)))+"HuffV!Idx";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // indexed
+ indexed=true;
+ boolean huffman=!__DO_NOT_HUFFMAN.contains(header);
+ encodeName(buffer,(byte)0x40,6,header.asString(),name);
+ encodeValue(buffer,huffman,field.getValue());
+ if (_debug)
+ encoding=((name==null)?"LitHuffN":("LitIdxN"+(name.isStatic()?"S":"")+(1+NBitInteger.octectsNeeded(6,_context.index(name)))))+
+ (huffman?"HuffVIdx":"LitVIdx");
+ }
+ }
+ // If we want the field referenced, then we add it to our
+ // table and reference set.
+ if (indexed)
+ _context.add(field);
+ }
+ if (_debug)
+ {
+ int e=buffer.position();
+ if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
+ LOG.debug("encode {}:'{}' to '{}'",encoding,field,TypeUtil.toHexString(buffer.array(),buffer.arrayOffset()+p,e-p));
+ }
+ }
+ private void encodeName(ByteBuffer buffer, byte mask, int bits, String name, Entry entry)
+ {
+ buffer.put(mask);
+ if (entry==null)
+ {
+ // leave name index bits as 0
+ // Encode the name always with lowercase huffman
+ buffer.put((byte)0x80);
+ NBitInteger.encode(buffer,7,Huffman.octetsNeededLC(name));
+ Huffman.encodeLC(buffer,name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NBitInteger.encode(buffer,bits,_context.index(entry));
+ }
+ }
+ static void encodeValue(ByteBuffer buffer, boolean huffman, String value)
+ {
+ if (huffman)
+ {
+ // huffman literal value
+ buffer.put((byte)0x80);
+ NBitInteger.encode(buffer,7,Huffman.octetsNeeded(value));
+ Huffman.encode(buffer,value);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // add literal assuming iso_8859_1
+ buffer.put((byte)0x00);
+ NBitInteger.encode(buffer,7,value.length());
+ for (int i=0;i<value.length();i++)
+ {
+ char c=value.charAt(i);
+ if (c<' '|| c>127)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+ buffer.put((byte)c);
+ }
+ }
+ }

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