/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 Jesper Steen Moeller and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Jesper Steen Moeller - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.compiler.regression; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Map; import junit.framework.Test; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ToolFactory; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.util.Util; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.util.ClassFileBytesDisassembler; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileReader; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFormatException; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.IBinaryMethod; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions; @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public class MethodParametersAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest { public MethodParametersAttributeTest(String name) { super(name); } public static Class testClass() { return MethodParametersAttributeTest.class; } // Use this static initializer to specify subset for tests // All specified tests which does not belong to the class are skipped... static { // TESTS_PREFIX = "test012"; // TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "testBug359495" }; // TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 53 }; // TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 23 -1,}; } public static Test suite() { return buildMinimalComplianceTestSuite(testClass(), F_1_8); } String originalSource = "import java.util.concurrent.Callable;\n" + "\n" + "public class ParameterNames {\n" + " \n" + " public void someMethod(int simple, final double complex) {\n" + " }\n" + " \n" + " public Callable makeInnerWithCapture(final String finalMessage, String mutableMessage) {\n" + " return new Callable() {\n" + " public String call() throws Exception {\n" + " return finalMessage;\n" + " }\n" + " };\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " public int localMath(final String finalMessage, String mutableMessage) {\n" + " int capturedB = 42;\n" + " \n" + " class Local {\n" + " int fieldA;\n" + " Local(int a) {\n" + " this.fieldA = a;\n" + " }\n" + " int calculate(final int parameterC) {\n" + " return this.fieldA + capturedB + parameterC;\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " \n" + " return new Local(2).calculate(3);\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + "}\n" + ""; public void test001() throws Exception { ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler(); String path = this.getCompilerTestsPluginDirectoryPath() + File.separator + "workspace" + File.separator + "ParameterNames.class"; byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(path)); String actualOutput = disassembler.disassemble( classFileBytes, "\n", ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED); String expectedOutput = "// Compiled from ParameterNames.java (version 1.8 : 52.0, super bit)\n" + "public class ParameterNames {\n" + " \n" + " // Method descriptor #12 ()V\n" + " // Stack: 1, Locals: 1\n" + " public ParameterNames();\n" + " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 1 invokespecial java.lang.Object() [1]\n" + " 4 return\n" + " Line numbers:\n" + " [pc: 0, line: 3]\n" + " \n" + " // Method descriptor #16 (ID)V\n" + " // Stack: 0, Locals: 4\n" + " public void someMethod(int simple, double complex);\n" + " 0 return\n" + " Line numbers:\n" + " [pc: 0, line: 6]\n" + " Method Parameters:\n" + " simple\n" + " final complex\n" + " \n" + " // Method descriptor #21 (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/concurrent/Callable;\n" + " // Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/concurrent/Callable;\n" + " // Stack: 4, Locals: 3\n" + " public java.util.concurrent.Callable makeInnerWithCapture(java.lang.String finalMessage, java.lang.String mutableMessage);\n" + " 0 new ParameterNames$1 [2]\n" + " 3 dup\n" + " 4 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 5 aload_1 [finalMessage]\n" + " 6 invokespecial ParameterNames$1(ParameterNames, java.lang.String) [3]\n" + " 9 areturn\n" + " Line numbers:\n" + " [pc: 0, line: 9]\n" + " Method Parameters:\n" + " final finalMessage\n" + " mutableMessage\n" + " \n" + " // Method descriptor #27 (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I\n" + " // Stack: 5, Locals: 4\n" + " public int localMath(java.lang.String finalMessage, java.lang.String mutableMessage);\n" + " 0 bipush 42\n" + " 2 istore_3\n" + " 3 new ParameterNames$1Local [4]\n" + " 6 dup\n" + " 7 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 8 iconst_2\n" + " 9 iload_3\n" + " 10 invokespecial ParameterNames$1Local(ParameterNames, int, int) [5]\n" + " 13 iconst_3\n" + " 14 invokevirtual ParameterNames$1Local.calculate(int) : int [6]\n" + " 17 ireturn\n" + " Line numbers:\n" + " [pc: 0, line: 17]\n" + " [pc: 3, line: 29]\n" + " Method Parameters:\n" + " final finalMessage\n" + " mutableMessage\n" + "\n" + " Inner classes:\n" + " [inner class info: #4 ParameterNames$1Local, outer class info: #0\n" + " inner name: #9 Local, accessflags: 0 default],\n" + " [inner class info: #2 ParameterNames$1, outer class info: #0\n" + " inner name: #0, accessflags: 0 default]\n" + "}"; assertSubstring(actualOutput, expectedOutput); } public void test002() throws Exception { ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler(); String path = this.getCompilerTestsPluginDirectoryPath() + File.separator + "workspace" + File.separator + "ParameterNames$1.class"; byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(path)); String actualOutput = disassembler.disassemble( classFileBytes, "\n", ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED); String expectedOutput = "// Compiled from ParameterNames.java (version 1.8 : 52.0, super bit)\n" + "// Signature: Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/util/concurrent/Callable;\n" + "class ParameterNames$1 implements java.util.concurrent.Callable {\n" + " \n" + " // Field descriptor #9 Ljava/lang/String;\n" + " final synthetic java.lang.String val$finalMessage;\n" + " \n" + " // Field descriptor #11 LParameterNames;\n" + " final synthetic ParameterNames this$0;\n" + " \n" + " // Method descriptor #13 (LParameterNames;Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" + " // Stack: 2, Locals: 3\n" + " ParameterNames$1(ParameterNames this$0, java.lang.String val$finalMessage);\n" + " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 1 aload_1 [this$0]\n" + " 2 putfield ParameterNames$1.this$0 : ParameterNames [1]\n" + " 5 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 6 aload_2 [val$finalMessage]\n" + " 7 putfield ParameterNames$1.val$finalMessage : java.lang.String [2]\n" + " 10 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 11 invokespecial java.lang.Object() [3]\n" + " 14 return\n" + " Line numbers:\n" + " [pc: 0, line: 9]\n" + " Method Parameters:\n" + " final mandated this$0\n" + " final synthetic val$finalMessage\n" + " \n" + " // Method descriptor #18 ()Ljava/lang/String;\n" + " // Stack: 1, Locals: 1\n" + " public java.lang.String call() throws java.lang.Exception;\n" + " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 1 getfield ParameterNames$1.val$finalMessage : java.lang.String [2]\n" + " 4 areturn\n" + " Line numbers:\n" + " [pc: 0, line: 11]\n" + " \n" + " // Method descriptor #21 ()Ljava/lang/Object;\n" + " // Stack: 1, Locals: 1\n" + " public bridge synthetic java.lang.Object call() throws java.lang.Exception;\n" + " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 1 invokevirtual ParameterNames$1.call() : java.lang.String [4]\n" + " 4 areturn\n" + " Line numbers:\n" + " [pc: 0, line: 9]\n" + "\n" + " Inner classes:\n" + " [inner class info: #5 ParameterNames$1, outer class info: #0\n" + " inner name: #0, accessflags: 0 default]\n" + " Enclosing Method: #27 #28 ParameterNames.makeInnerWithCapture(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/concurrent/Callable;\n" + "}"; assertSubstring(actualOutput, expectedOutput); } public void test003() throws Exception { ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler(); String path = this.getCompilerTestsPluginDirectoryPath() + File.separator + "workspace" + File.separator + "ParameterNames$1Local.class"; byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(path)); String actualOutput = disassembler.disassemble( classFileBytes, "\n", ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED); String expectedOutput = "// Compiled from ParameterNames.java (version 1.8 : 52.0, super bit)\n" + "class ParameterNames$1Local {\n" + " \n" + " // Field descriptor #8 I\n" + " int fieldA;\n" + " \n" + " // Field descriptor #8 I\n" + " final synthetic int val$capturedB;\n" + " \n" + " // Field descriptor #11 LParameterNames;\n" + " final synthetic ParameterNames this$0;\n" + " \n" + " // Method descriptor #13 (LParameterNames;II)V\n" + " // Signature: (I)V\n" + " // Stack: 2, Locals: 4\n" + " ParameterNames$1Local(ParameterNames this$0, int val$capturedB, int a);\n" + " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 1 aload_1 [this$0]\n" + " 2 putfield ParameterNames$1Local.this$0 : ParameterNames [1]\n" + " 5 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 6 iload_3 [a]\n" + " 7 putfield ParameterNames$1Local.val$capturedB : int [2]\n" + " 10 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 11 invokespecial java.lang.Object() [3]\n" + " 14 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 15 iload_2 [val$capturedB]\n" + " 16 putfield ParameterNames$1Local.fieldA : int [4]\n" + " 19 return\n" + " Line numbers:\n" + " [pc: 0, line: 21]\n" + " [pc: 14, line: 22]\n" + " [pc: 19, line: 23]\n" + " Method Parameters:\n" + " final mandated this$0\n" + " final synthetic val$capturedB\n" + " a\n" + " \n" + " // Method descriptor #21 (I)I\n" + " // Stack: 2, Locals: 2\n" + " int calculate(int parameterC);\n" + " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 1 getfield ParameterNames$1Local.fieldA : int [4]\n" + " 4 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 5 getfield ParameterNames$1Local.val$capturedB : int [2]\n" + " 8 iadd\n" + " 9 iload_1 [parameterC]\n" + " 10 iadd\n" + " 11 ireturn\n" + " Line numbers:\n" + " [pc: 0, line: 25]\n" + " Method Parameters:\n" + " final parameterC\n" + "\n" + " Inner classes:\n" + " [inner class info: #5 ParameterNames$1Local, outer class info: #0\n" + " inner name: #33 Local, accessflags: 0 default]\n" + " Enclosing Method: #26 #27 ParameterNames.localMath(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I\n" + "}"; assertSubstring(actualOutput, expectedOutput); } public void test004() throws Exception { // Test the results of the ClassFileReader String path = this.getCompilerTestsPluginDirectoryPath() + File.separator + "workspace" + File.separator + "ParameterNames.class"; org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileReader classFileReader = ClassFileReader.read(path); IBinaryMethod[] methodInfos = classFileReader.getMethods(); assertNotNull("No method infos", methodInfos); int length = methodInfos.length; assertEquals("Must have four methods", 4, length); assertEquals("finalMessage", new String(methodInfos[2].getArgumentNames()[0])); assertEquals("mutableMessage", new String(methodInfos[2].getArgumentNames()[1])); } public void test005() throws Exception { // Test the results of the ClassFileReader where some of the paramers are synthetic and/or mandated String path = this.getCompilerTestsPluginDirectoryPath() + File.separator + "workspace" + File.separator + "ParameterNames$1Local.class"; org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileReader classFileReader = ClassFileReader.read(path); IBinaryMethod[] methodInfos = classFileReader.getMethods(); assertNotNull("No method infos", methodInfos); int length = methodInfos.length; assertEquals("Must have two methods", 2, length); assertEquals("this$0", new String(methodInfos[0].getArgumentNames()[0])); assertEquals("val$capturedB", new String(methodInfos[0].getArgumentNames()[1])); } public void test006() throws Exception { // Test that the code generator can emit the names, so the ClassFileReader may read them back this.runParameterNameTest( "X.java", "public class X {\n" + " X(int wholeNumber) {\n" + " }\n" + " void foo(final float pluggedTheHoles, boolean yesItFloats) {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); try { ClassFileReader classFileReader = ClassFileReader.read(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X.class"); IBinaryMethod[] methods = classFileReader.getMethods(); assertNotNull("No methods", methods); assertEquals("Wrong size", 2, methods.length); assertEquals("Wrong name", "", new String(methods[0].getSelector())); char[][] argumentNames = methods[0].getArgumentNames(); assertEquals(" should have 1 parameter", 1, argumentNames.length); assertEquals("wholeNumber", new String(argumentNames[0])); assertEquals("Wrong name", "foo", new String(methods[1].getSelector())); assertEquals("pluggedTheHoles", new String(methods[1].getArgumentNames()[0])); assertEquals("yesItFloats", new String(methods[1].getArgumentNames()[1])); } catch (ClassFormatException e) { assertTrue(false); } catch (IOException e) { assertTrue(false); } } public void test007() throws Exception { // Test that the code generator can emit the names, so the disassembler may read them back (same source as was compiled with javac) this.runParameterNameTest( "ParameterNames.java", this.originalSource); ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler(); String path = OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "ParameterNames.class"; byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(path)); String actualOutput = disassembler.disassemble( classFileBytes, "\n", ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED); String expectedOutput = "// Compiled from ParameterNames.java (version 1.8 : 52.0, super bit)\n" + "public class ParameterNames {\n" + " \n" + " // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" + " // Stack: 1, Locals: 1\n" + " public ParameterNames();\n" + " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 1 invokespecial java.lang.Object() [8]\n" + " 4 return\n" + " Line numbers:\n" + " [pc: 0, line: 3]\n" + " \n" + " // Method descriptor #12 (ID)V\n" + " // Stack: 0, Locals: 4\n" + " public void someMethod(int simple, double complex);\n" + " 0 return\n" + " Line numbers:\n" + " [pc: 0, line: 6]\n" + " Method Parameters:\n" + " simple\n" + " final complex\n" + " \n" + " // Method descriptor #17 (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/concurrent/Callable;\n" + " // Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/concurrent/Callable;\n" + " // Stack: 4, Locals: 3\n" + " public java.util.concurrent.Callable makeInnerWithCapture(java.lang.String finalMessage, java.lang.String mutableMessage);\n" + " 0 new ParameterNames$1 [20]\n" + " 3 dup\n" + " 4 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 5 aload_1 [finalMessage]\n" + " 6 invokespecial ParameterNames$1(ParameterNames, java.lang.String) [22]\n" + " 9 areturn\n" + " Line numbers:\n" + " [pc: 0, line: 9]\n" + " Method Parameters:\n" + " final finalMessage\n" + " mutableMessage\n" + " \n" + " // Method descriptor #28 (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I\n" + " // Stack: 5, Locals: 4\n" + " public int localMath(java.lang.String finalMessage, java.lang.String mutableMessage);\n" + " 0 bipush 42\n" + " 2 istore_3\n" + " 3 new ParameterNames$1Local [29]\n" + " 6 dup\n" + " 7 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 8 iconst_2\n" + " 9 iload_3\n" + " 10 invokespecial ParameterNames$1Local(ParameterNames, int, int) [31]\n" + " 13 iconst_3\n" + " 14 invokevirtual ParameterNames$1Local.calculate(int) : int [34]\n" + " 17 ireturn\n" + " Line numbers:\n" + " [pc: 0, line: 17]\n" + " [pc: 3, line: 29]\n" + " Method Parameters:\n" + " final finalMessage\n" + " mutableMessage\n" + "\n" + " Inner classes:\n" + " [inner class info: #20 ParameterNames$1, outer class info: #0\n" + " inner name: #0, accessflags: 0 default],\n" + " [inner class info: #29 ParameterNames$1Local, outer class info: #0\n" + " inner name: #41 Local, accessflags: 0 default]\n" + "}"; assertSubstring(actualOutput, expectedOutput); } public void test008() throws Exception { // Test that the code generator can emit synthetic and mandated names, just to match javac as closely as possibly this.runParameterNameTest( "ParameterNames.java", this.originalSource); ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler(); String path = OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "ParameterNames$1.class"; byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(path)); String actualOutput = disassembler.disassemble( classFileBytes, "\n", ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED); String expectedOutput = "// Compiled from ParameterNames.java (version 1.8 : 52.0, super bit)\n" + "// Signature: Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/util/concurrent/Callable;\n" + "class ParameterNames$1 implements java.util.concurrent.Callable {\n" + " \n" + " // Field descriptor #8 LParameterNames;\n" + " final synthetic ParameterNames this$0;\n" + " \n" + " // Field descriptor #10 Ljava/lang/String;\n" + " private final synthetic java.lang.String val$finalMessage;\n" + " \n" + " // Method descriptor #12 (LParameterNames;Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" + " // Stack: 2, Locals: 3\n" + " ParameterNames$1(ParameterNames this$0, java.lang.String val$finalMessage);\n" + " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 1 aload_1 [this$0]\n" + " 2 putfield ParameterNames$1.this$0 : ParameterNames [14]\n" + " 5 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 6 aload_2 [val$finalMessage]\n" + " 7 putfield ParameterNames$1.val$finalMessage : java.lang.String [16]\n" + " 10 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 11 invokespecial java.lang.Object() [18]\n" + " 14 return\n" + " Line numbers:\n" + " [pc: 0, line: 1]\n" + " [pc: 10, line: 9]\n" + " Method Parameters:\n" + " final mandated this$0\n" + " final synthetic val$finalMessage\n" + " \n" + " // Method descriptor #24 ()Ljava/lang/String;\n" + " // Stack: 1, Locals: 1\n" + " public java.lang.String call() throws java.lang.Exception;\n" + " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 1 getfield ParameterNames$1.val$finalMessage : java.lang.String [16]\n" + " 4 areturn\n" + " Line numbers:\n" + " [pc: 0, line: 11]\n" + " \n" + " // Method descriptor #28 ()Ljava/lang/Object;\n" + " // Stack: 1, Locals: 1\n" + " public bridge synthetic java.lang.Object call() throws java.lang.Exception;\n" + " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 1 invokevirtual ParameterNames$1.call() : java.lang.String [29]\n" + " 4 areturn\n" + " Line numbers:\n" + " [pc: 0, line: 1]\n" + "\n" + " Inner classes:\n" + " [inner class info: #1 ParameterNames$1, outer class info: #0\n" + " inner name: #0, accessflags: 0 default]\n" + " Enclosing Method: #36 #38 ParameterNames.makeInnerWithCapture(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/concurrent/Callable;\n" + "}" ; assertSubstring(actualOutput, expectedOutput); } public void test009() throws Exception { // Test that the code generator can emit synthetic and mandated names, just to match javac as closely as possibly this.runParameterNameTest( "FancyEnum.java", "\n" + "public enum FancyEnum {\n" + " ONE(1), TWO(2);\n" + " \n" + " private FancyEnum(final int v) { this.var = v; }\n" + " int var;\n" + "}\n" + ""); ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler(); String path = OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "FancyEnum.class"; byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(path)); String actualOutput = disassembler.disassemble( classFileBytes, "\n", ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED); String expectedOutput = "// Compiled from FancyEnum.java (version 1.8 : 52.0, super bit)\n" + "// Signature: Ljava/lang/Enum;\n" + "public final enum FancyEnum {\n" + " \n" + " // Field descriptor #6 LFancyEnum;\n" + " public static final enum FancyEnum ONE;\n" + " \n" + " // Field descriptor #6 LFancyEnum;\n" + " public static final enum FancyEnum TWO;\n" + " \n" + " // Field descriptor #9 I\n" + " int var;\n" + " \n" + " // Field descriptor #11 [LFancyEnum;\n" + " private static final synthetic FancyEnum[] ENUM$VALUES;\n" + " \n" + " // Method descriptor #13 ()V\n" + " // Stack: 5, Locals: 0\n" + " static {};\n" + " 0 new FancyEnum [1]\n" + " 3 dup\n" + " 4 ldc [15]\n" + " 6 iconst_0\n" + " 7 iconst_1\n" + " 8 invokespecial FancyEnum(java.lang.String, int, int) [16]\n" + " 11 putstatic FancyEnum.ONE : FancyEnum [20]\n" + " 14 new FancyEnum [1]\n" + " 17 dup\n" + " 18 ldc [22]\n" + " 20 iconst_1\n" + " 21 iconst_2\n" + " 22 invokespecial FancyEnum(java.lang.String, int, int) [16]\n" + " 25 putstatic FancyEnum.TWO : FancyEnum [23]\n" + " 28 iconst_2\n" + " 29 anewarray FancyEnum [1]\n" + " 32 dup\n" + " 33 iconst_0\n" + " 34 getstatic FancyEnum.ONE : FancyEnum [20]\n" + " 37 aastore\n" + " 38 dup\n" + " 39 iconst_1\n" + " 40 getstatic FancyEnum.TWO : FancyEnum [23]\n" + " 43 aastore\n" + " 44 putstatic FancyEnum.ENUM$VALUES : FancyEnum[] [25]\n" + " 47 return\n" + " Line numbers:\n" + " [pc: 0, line: 3]\n" + " [pc: 28, line: 2]\n" + " \n" + " // Method descriptor #19 (Ljava/lang/String;II)V\n" + " // Stack: 3, Locals: 4\n" + " private FancyEnum(java.lang.String $enum$name, int $enum$ordinal, int v);\n" + " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 1 aload_1 [$enum$name]\n" + " 2 iload_2 [$enum$ordinal]\n" + " 3 invokespecial java.lang.Enum(java.lang.String, int) [28]\n" + " 6 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 7 iload_3 [v]\n" + " 8 putfield FancyEnum.var : int [31]\n" + " 11 return\n" + " Line numbers:\n" + " [pc: 0, line: 5]\n" + " Method Parameters:\n" + " synthetic $enum$name\n" + " synthetic $enum$ordinal\n" + " final v\n" + " \n" + " // Method descriptor #38 ()[LFancyEnum;\n" + " // Stack: 5, Locals: 3\n" + " public static FancyEnum[] values();\n" + " 0 getstatic FancyEnum.ENUM$VALUES : FancyEnum[] [25]\n" + " 3 dup\n" + " 4 astore_0\n" + " 5 iconst_0\n" + " 6 aload_0\n" + " 7 arraylength\n" + " 8 dup\n" + " 9 istore_1\n" + " 10 anewarray FancyEnum [1]\n" + " 13 dup\n" + " 14 astore_2\n" + " 15 iconst_0\n" + " 16 iload_1\n" + " 17 invokestatic java.lang.System.arraycopy(java.lang.Object, int, java.lang.Object, int, int) : void [39]\n" + " 20 aload_2\n" + " 21 areturn\n" + " Line numbers:\n" + " [pc: 0, line: 1]\n" + " \n" + " // Method descriptor #46 (Ljava/lang/String;)LFancyEnum;\n" + " // Stack: 2, Locals: 1\n" + " public static FancyEnum valueOf(java.lang.String name);\n" + " 0 ldc [1]\n" + " 2 aload_0 [name]\n" + " 3 invokestatic java.lang.Enum.valueOf(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) : java.lang.Enum [47]\n" + " 6 checkcast FancyEnum [1]\n" + " 9 areturn\n" + " Line numbers:\n" + " [pc: 0, line: 1]\n" + " Method Parameters:\n" + " mandated name\n" + "}"; assertSubstring(actualOutput, expectedOutput); } public void test010() throws Exception { // Test that the non private inner class gets a mandated enclosing instance parameter. this.runParameterNameTest( "X.java", "public class X {\n" + " class Y {}\n" + "}\n" ); ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler(); String path = OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X$Y.class"; byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(path)); String actualOutput = disassembler.disassemble( classFileBytes, "\n", ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED); String expectedOutput = " X$Y(X this$0);\n" + " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 1 aload_1 [this$0]\n" + " 2 putfield X$Y.this$0 : X [10]\n" + " 5 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 6 invokespecial java.lang.Object() [12]\n" + " 9 return\n" + " Line numbers:\n" + " [pc: 0, line: 2]\n" + " Method Parameters:\n" + " final mandated this$0\n" + "\n"; assertSubstring(actualOutput, expectedOutput); } public void test011() throws Exception { // Test that a private inner class does not get a mandated enclosing instance parameter. this.runParameterNameTest( "X.java", "public class X {\n" + " private class Y {}\n" + "}\n" ); ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler(); String path = OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X$Y.class"; byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(path)); String actualOutput = disassembler.disassemble( classFileBytes, "\n", ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED); String expectedOutput = " private X$Y(X this$0);\n" + " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 1 aload_1 [this$0]\n" + " 2 putfield X$Y.this$0 : X [10]\n" + " 5 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 6 invokespecial java.lang.Object() [12]\n" + " 9 return\n" + " Line numbers:\n" + " [pc: 0, line: 2]\n" + " Method Parameters:\n" + " final synthetic this$0\n" + "\n"; assertSubstring(actualOutput, expectedOutput); } public void test012() throws Exception { this.runParameterNameTest( "X.java", "public class X {\n" + " void foo() {\n" + " new Y().new Z() {\n" + " };\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "class Y {\n" + " class Z {}\n" + "}\n" ); ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler(); String path = OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "X$1.class"; byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(path)); String actualOutput = disassembler.disassemble( classFileBytes, "\n", ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED); String expectedOutput = " X$1(X this$0, Y this$1);\n" + " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 1 aload_1 [this$0]\n" + " 2 putfield X$1.this$0 : X [10]\n" + " 5 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 6 aload_2 [this$1]\n" + " 7 invokespecial Y$Z(Y) [12]\n" + " 10 return\n" + " Line numbers:\n" + " [pc: 0, line: 1]\n" + " [pc: 5, line: 3]\n" + " Method Parameters:\n" + " final synthetic this$0\n" + " final mandated this$1\n" + "\n"; assertSubstring(actualOutput, expectedOutput); } public void test013() throws Exception { // Test that synthesized enum constructor arguments show up as synthetic this.runParameterNameTest( "FancyEnum.java", "\n" + "public enum FancyEnum {\n" + " ONE, TWO;\n" + "}\n" + ""); ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler(); String path = OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "FancyEnum.class"; byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(path)); String actualOutput = disassembler.disassemble( classFileBytes, "\n", ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED); String expectedOutput = " private FancyEnum(java.lang.String $enum$name, int $enum$ordinal);\n" + " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 1 aload_1 [$enum$name]\n" + " 2 iload_2 [$enum$ordinal]\n" + " 3 invokespecial java.lang.Enum(java.lang.String, int) [26]\n" + " 6 return\n" + " Line numbers:\n" + " [pc: 0, line: 2]\n" + " Method Parameters:\n" + " synthetic $enum$name\n" + " synthetic $enum$ordinal\n" + " \n"; assertSubstring(actualOutput, expectedOutput); } public void test014() throws Exception { // Test that the name argument of enum valueOf shows up as mandated this.runParameterNameTest( "FancyEnum.java", "\n" + "public enum FancyEnum {\n" + " ONE, TWO;\n" + "}\n" + ""); ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler(); String path = OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "FancyEnum.class"; byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(path)); String actualOutput = disassembler.disassemble( classFileBytes, "\n", ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED); String expectedOutput = " public static FancyEnum valueOf(java.lang.String name);\n" + " 0 ldc [1]\n" + " 2 aload_0 [name]\n" + " 3 invokestatic java.lang.Enum.valueOf(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) : java.lang.Enum [40]\n" + " 6 checkcast FancyEnum [1]\n" + " 9 areturn\n" + " Line numbers:\n" + " [pc: 0, line: 1]\n" + " Method Parameters:\n" + " mandated name\n"; assertSubstring(actualOutput, expectedOutput); } public void test015() throws Exception { // Test that the name argument of enum valueOf shows up as mandated this.runParameterNameTest( "InnerLocalClassTest.java", "public class InnerLocalClassTest {\n" + " void test() {\n" + " class Local { }\n" + " new Local() { };\n" + " } \n" + "}\n"); ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler(); String path = OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "InnerLocalClassTest$1.class"; byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(path)); String actualOutput = disassembler.disassemble( classFileBytes, "\n", ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED); String expectedOutput = " InnerLocalClassTest$1(InnerLocalClassTest this$0, InnerLocalClassTest this$1);\n" + " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 1 aload_2 [this$1]\n" + " 2 putfield InnerLocalClassTest$1.this$0 : InnerLocalClassTest [10]\n" + " 5 aload_0 [this]\n" + " 6 aload_1 [this$0]\n" + " 7 invokespecial InnerLocalClassTest$1Local(InnerLocalClassTest) [12]\n" + " 10 return\n" + " Line numbers:\n" + " [pc: 0, line: 1]\n" + " [pc: 5, line: 4]\n" + " Method Parameters:\n" + " final synthetic this$0\n" + " final synthetic this$1\n"; assertSubstring(actualOutput, expectedOutput); } private void runParameterNameTest(String fileName, String body) { Map compilerOptions = getCompilerOptions(); compilerOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_LocalVariableAttribute, CompilerOptions.DO_NOT_GENERATE); compilerOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_MethodParametersAttribute, CompilerOptions.GENERATE); this.runConformTest( new String[] { fileName, body }, compilerOptions /* custom options */ ); } private void assertSubstring(String actualOutput, String expectedOutput) { int index = actualOutput.indexOf(expectedOutput); if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) { System.out.println(Util.displayString(actualOutput, 2)); } if (index == -1) { assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, actualOutput); } } }