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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2014-07-05Bug 438961: Problems building jdt.core from master (reference to old org.ecli...I20140708-0800Markus Keller1-2/+2
2014-07-04Updating bundle versions for Mars (4.5)Jayaprakash Arthanareeswaran1-1/+1
2014-06-25Bug 436736 - Prep for 4.5 (Mars) and 4.4 maintenance buildsPaul Webster1-1/+1
2014-03-11Fix for bug 428468 - Updating bundle version for Java 8 on LunaJayaprakash Arthanareeswaran1-2/+2
2013-11-21Making test bundles' version match their component versionJayaprakash Arthanareeswaran1-1/+1
2013-11-12Bug 416912: Configuration for tycho-surefire-pluginMickael Istria1-2/+19
2013-10-16Fix for bug 419479 - [1.8] POM version tool failures in BETA_JAVA8Jayaprakash Arthanareeswaran1-2/+2
2013-10-08FIx for bug 416106 - I build failure -Jayaprakash Arthanareeswaran1-0/+5
2013-10-08Fix for Bug 415943 - Set 'code.ignoredWarnings' for test bundles inDani Megert1-2/+3
2013-10-08Fix for bug 415699 - Test projects should be "eclipse-test-plugin" andJayaprakash Arthanareeswaran1-2/+2
2013-08-29Adjusting the version in pom and MANIFEST to reflect R4_3_maintenanceJayaprakash Arthanareeswaran1-1/+1
2013-08-27Moving the bundle versions back to 4.3.1 (not 4.4)Jayaprakash Arthanareeswaran1-1/+1
2013-08-22Fix for Bug 414584 - Test bundles have wrong bundle version for LunaJayaprakash Arthanareeswaran1-1/+1
2013-08-22Version update in Manifest and pom for LunaJayaprakash Arthanareeswaran1-1/+1
2013-08-22Bug 411161 - Update parent POMs for LunaPaul Webster1-1/+1
2013-04-03Fix for bug 403958 - Update JDT core parent versionJayaprakash Arthanareeswaran1-4/+2
2013-04-03Bug 397850: [CBI] use the correct group IDs for all artifactsDani Megert1-1/+1
2013-04-03Updating copyright informationJayaprakash Arthanareeswaran1-1/+1
2013-04-03Fix for bug 397850 - [CBI] use the correct group IDs for all artifactsJayaprakash Arthanareeswaran1-2/+2
2013-02-05master - Fix for bug 396084: updating the manifest and pom.xmlJayaprakash Arthanareeswaran1-1/+1
2012-05-22Add poms for Tycho buildIgor Fedorenko1-0/+25

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