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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2022-01-06Bug 577935 - [18] JSR 269 API Changes for Java 18Y20220106-0600Jay Arthanareeswaran1-2/+2
2021-06-28Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into BETA_JAVA17Jay Arthanareeswaran1-1/+1
2021-06-23Bug 573283 - javax15api.jar contains Java 14 (58.0) class filesJay Arthanareeswaran1-2/+2
2021-04-29Bug 572673 - [17] Implement Elements.isAutomaticModule(ModuleElement)Jay Arthanareeswaran1-1/+1
2020-06-10Bug 564109 - [15] Provide JSR 269 support for Java 15 featuresJay Arthanareeswaran1-1/+1
2020-02-18Bug 560260 - [14] Provide JSR 269 support for Java 14 featuresY20200218-1420Y20200218-1210Jay Arthanareeswaran1-2/+2
2019-09-19Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/BETA_JAVA13'I20190919-1800I20190919-0850Manoj Palat1-1/+1
2019-03-02Bug 544936 - RoundEnvImpl#getRootElements() does not include includeJay Arthanareeswaran1-3/+2
2018-08-31Bug 535802 - EPL 2.0 conversion for apt plug-ins and testsLars Vogel1-3/+6
2018-03-21Post Merge Java 10 work, remove copyright disclaimer, @since tag etc.M20180322-0400Jay Arthanareeswaran1-1/+1
2018-03-14Bug 530444 - [10] JSR 269 API changesY20180315-1000Jay Arthanareeswaran1-2/+2
2017-09-18Bug 477291: [1.9] Support JRE 9 in JSR199 implementationJay Arthanareeswaran1-1/+3
2013-11-12Bug 416740: Avoid using nested jarsMickael Istria1-6/+9
2013-11-12Bug 419811: Restore a necessary nested jar in testMickael Istria1-2/+4
2013-11-12Bug 416740: Avoid using nested jarsMickael Istria1-8/+5
2011-01-14HEAD - Update copyrightsOlivier Thomann1-1/+1
2010-07-28HEAD - Fix output folders sharing between the two source foldersOlivier Thomann1-0/+1
2007-04-30HEAD - Update copyrightsv20070430-1135Olivier Thomann1-1/+1
2007-03-31HEAD - First draft for Messager implementationOlivier Thomann1-1/+0
2007-02-24HEAD - Fix resources retrieving problem inside test frameworkOlivier Thomann1-1/+2
2007-02-23HEAD - Reoganization of compiler.apt, compiler.apt.tests, compiler.tool, comp...Olivier Thomann1-4/+4
2007-02-20*** empty log message ***v20070220-0800Olivier Thomann1-4/+4
2007-02-20*** empty log message ***Olivier Thomann1-13/+1
2007-02-14Major cleanup of test framework. Put sample code in separate resources rathe...Walter Harley1-0/+1
2007-02-09Type generation during IDE builds. Partial implementation - just a checkpoint.Walter Harley1-1/+2
2006-12-21Initial check-in of JSR269 APT test code. This only tests against javac, for...Walter Harley1-0/+33

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