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Diffstat (limited to 'org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/jdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/')
1 files changed, 1963 insertions, 1963 deletions
diff --git a/org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/jdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/jdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
index 6f0f295c1d..f39caeb17f 100644
--- a/org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/jdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ b/org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/jdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
@@ -42,130 +42,130 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
new String[] {
- "public class X {\n" +
- " X() {}\n" +
- " X(double i) {\n" +
- " this(i > 0 ? null : new Object());\n" +
- " try {\n" +
- " foo(6, false);\n" +
- " } catch(Exception e) {\n" +
- " e.printStackTrace();\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " X(Object o) {}\n" +
- " int foo(int i, boolean b) {\n" +
- " try {\n" +
- " if (b) {\n" +
- " return i;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " return i + 1;\n" +
- " } catch(Exception e) {\n" +
- " return 5;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
- " new X().foo(2, false);\n" +
- " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ " X() {}\n" +
+ " X(double i) {\n" +
+ " this(i > 0 ? null : new Object());\n" +
+ " try {\n" +
+ " foo(6, false);\n" +
+ " } catch(Exception e) {\n" +
+ " e.printStackTrace();\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " X(Object o) {}\n" +
+ " int foo(int i, boolean b) {\n" +
+ " try {\n" +
+ " if (b) {\n" +
+ " return i;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " return i + 1;\n" +
+ " } catch(Exception e) {\n" +
+ " return 5;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
+ " new X().foo(2, false);\n" +
+ " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
+ " }\n" +
ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator +"X.class"));
String actualOutput =
- ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
- String expectedOutput =
- " // Method descriptor #14 (D)V\n" +
- " // Stack: 5, Locals: 4\n" +
- " X(double i);\n" +
- " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" +
- " 1 dload_1 [i]\n" +
- " 2 dconst_0\n" +
- " 3 dcmpl\n" +
- " 4 ifle 11\n" +
- " 7 aconst_null\n" +
- " 8 goto 18\n" +
- " 11 new java.lang.Object [3]\n" +
- " 14 dup\n" +
- " 15 invokespecial java.lang.Object() [8]\n" +
- " 18 invokespecial X(java.lang.Object) [15]\n" +
- " 21 aload_0 [this]\n" +
- " 22 bipush 6\n" +
- " 24 iconst_0\n" +
- " 25 invokevirtual, boolean) : int [18]\n" +
- " 28 pop\n" +
- " 29 goto 37\n" +
- " 32 astore_3 [e]\n" +
- " 33 aload_3 [e]\n" +
- " 34 invokevirtual java.lang.Exception.printStackTrace() : void [22]\n" +
- " 37 return\n" +
- " Exception Table:\n" +
- " [pc: 21, pc: 29] -> 32 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
- " Line numbers:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, line: 4]\n" +
- " [pc: 21, line: 6]\n" +
- " [pc: 32, line: 7]\n" +
- " [pc: 33, line: 8]\n" +
- " [pc: 37, line: 10]\n" +
- " Local variable table:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 38] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 38] local: i index: 1 type: double\n" +
- " [pc: 33, pc: 37] local: e index: 3 type: java.lang.Exception\n" +
- " Stack map table: number of frames 4\n" +
- " [pc: 11, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {uninitialized_this}]\n" +
- " [pc: 18, full, stack: {uninitialized_this, java.lang.Object}, locals: {uninitialized_this, double}]\n" +
- " [pc: 32, full, stack: {java.lang.Exception}, locals: {X, double}]\n" +
- " [pc: 37, same]\n" +
- " \n" +
- " // Method descriptor #17 (Ljava/lang/Object;)V\n" +
- " // Stack: 1, Locals: 2\n" +
- " X(java.lang.Object o);\n" +
- " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" +
- " 1 invokespecial java.lang.Object() [8]\n" +
- " 4 return\n" +
- " Line numbers:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, line: 11]\n" +
- " Local variable table:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 5] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 5] local: o index: 1 type: java.lang.Object\n" +
- " \n" +
- " // Method descriptor #21 (IZ)I\n" +
- " // Stack: 2, Locals: 4\n" +
- " int foo(int i, boolean b);\n" +
- " 0 iload_2 [b]\n" +
- " 1 ifeq 6\n" +
- " 4 iload_1 [i]\n" +
- " 5 ireturn\n" +
- " 6 iload_1 [i]\n" +
- " 7 iconst_1\n" +
- " 8 iadd\n" +
- " 9 ireturn\n" +
- " 10 astore_3 [e]\n" +
- " 11 iconst_5\n" +
- " 12 ireturn\n" +
- " Exception Table:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 5] -> 10 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
- " [pc: 6, pc: 9] -> 10 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
- " Line numbers:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, line: 14]\n" +
- " [pc: 4, line: 15]\n" +
- " [pc: 6, line: 17]\n" +
- " [pc: 10, line: 18]\n" +
- " [pc: 11, line: 19]\n" +
- " Local variable table:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 13] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 13] local: i index: 1 type: int\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 13] local: b index: 2 type: boolean\n" +
- " [pc: 11, pc: 13] local: e index: 3 type: java.lang.Exception\n" +
- " Stack map table: number of frames 2\n" +
- " [pc: 6, same]\n" +
+ ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
+ String expectedOutput =
+ " // Method descriptor #14 (D)V\n" +
+ " // Stack: 5, Locals: 4\n" +
+ " X(double i);\n" +
+ " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" +
+ " 1 dload_1 [i]\n" +
+ " 2 dconst_0\n" +
+ " 3 dcmpl\n" +
+ " 4 ifle 11\n" +
+ " 7 aconst_null\n" +
+ " 8 goto 18\n" +
+ " 11 new java.lang.Object [3]\n" +
+ " 14 dup\n" +
+ " 15 invokespecial java.lang.Object() [8]\n" +
+ " 18 invokespecial X(java.lang.Object) [15]\n" +
+ " 21 aload_0 [this]\n" +
+ " 22 bipush 6\n" +
+ " 24 iconst_0\n" +
+ " 25 invokevirtual, boolean) : int [18]\n" +
+ " 28 pop\n" +
+ " 29 goto 37\n" +
+ " 32 astore_3 [e]\n" +
+ " 33 aload_3 [e]\n" +
+ " 34 invokevirtual java.lang.Exception.printStackTrace() : void [22]\n" +
+ " 37 return\n" +
+ " Exception Table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 21, pc: 29] -> 32 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
+ " Line numbers:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, line: 4]\n" +
+ " [pc: 21, line: 6]\n" +
+ " [pc: 32, line: 7]\n" +
+ " [pc: 33, line: 8]\n" +
+ " [pc: 37, line: 10]\n" +
+ " Local variable table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 38] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 38] local: i index: 1 type: double\n" +
+ " [pc: 33, pc: 37] local: e index: 3 type: java.lang.Exception\n" +
+ " Stack map table: number of frames 4\n" +
+ " [pc: 11, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {uninitialized_this}]\n" +
+ " [pc: 18, full, stack: {uninitialized_this, java.lang.Object}, locals: {uninitialized_this, double}]\n" +
+ " [pc: 32, full, stack: {java.lang.Exception}, locals: {X, double}]\n" +
+ " [pc: 37, same]\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " // Method descriptor #17 (Ljava/lang/Object;)V\n" +
+ " // Stack: 1, Locals: 2\n" +
+ " X(java.lang.Object o);\n" +
+ " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" +
+ " 1 invokespecial java.lang.Object() [8]\n" +
+ " 4 return\n" +
+ " Line numbers:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, line: 11]\n" +
+ " Local variable table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 5] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 5] local: o index: 1 type: java.lang.Object\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " // Method descriptor #21 (IZ)I\n" +
+ " // Stack: 2, Locals: 4\n" +
+ " int foo(int i, boolean b);\n" +
+ " 0 iload_2 [b]\n" +
+ " 1 ifeq 6\n" +
+ " 4 iload_1 [i]\n" +
+ " 5 ireturn\n" +
+ " 6 iload_1 [i]\n" +
+ " 7 iconst_1\n" +
+ " 8 iadd\n" +
+ " 9 ireturn\n" +
+ " 10 astore_3 [e]\n" +
+ " 11 iconst_5\n" +
+ " 12 ireturn\n" +
+ " Exception Table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 5] -> 10 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
+ " [pc: 6, pc: 9] -> 10 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
+ " Line numbers:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, line: 14]\n" +
+ " [pc: 4, line: 15]\n" +
+ " [pc: 6, line: 17]\n" +
+ " [pc: 10, line: 18]\n" +
+ " [pc: 11, line: 19]\n" +
+ " Local variable table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 13] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 13] local: i index: 1 type: int\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 13] local: b index: 2 type: boolean\n" +
+ " [pc: 11, pc: 13] local: e index: 3 type: java.lang.Exception\n" +
+ " Stack map table: number of frames 2\n" +
+ " [pc: 6, same]\n" +
" [pc: 10, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Exception}]\n";
int index = actualOutput.indexOf(expectedOutput);
if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
System.out.println(Util.displayString(actualOutput, 2));
@@ -178,148 +178,148 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
new String[] {
- "public class X {\n" +
- " public static void foo(double d, boolean b) {\n" +
- " double i;\n" +
- " try {\n" +
- " i = 0;\n" +
- " i++;\n" +
- " int j = (int) (i - 1);\n" +
- " if (b) {\n" +
- " double d1 = 0;\n" +
- " if (!b) {\n" +
- " d1 = 0;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " double d2 = d + d1;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " bar(j);\n" +
- " } catch(NullPointerException e) {\n" +
- " i = 2;\n" +
- " } finally {\n" +
- " i = 1;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " long j = (long) (i + 1);\n" +
- " int k = (int) j;\n" +
- " k += j;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public static void bar(int i) {}\n" +
- " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
- " foo(0, true);\n" +
- " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ " public static void foo(double d, boolean b) {\n" +
+ " double i;\n" +
+ " try {\n" +
+ " i = 0;\n" +
+ " i++;\n" +
+ " int j = (int) (i - 1);\n" +
+ " if (b) {\n" +
+ " double d1 = 0;\n" +
+ " if (!b) {\n" +
+ " d1 = 0;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " double d2 = d + d1;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " bar(j);\n" +
+ " } catch(NullPointerException e) {\n" +
+ " i = 2;\n" +
+ " } finally {\n" +
+ " i = 1;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " long j = (long) (i + 1);\n" +
+ " int k = (int) j;\n" +
+ " k += j;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public static void bar(int i) {}\n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
+ " foo(0, true);\n" +
+ " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
+ " }\n" +
ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator +"X.class"));
String actualOutput =
- ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
- String expectedOutput =
- " // Method descriptor #15 (DZ)V\n" +
- " // Stack: 4, Locals: 11\n" +
- " public static void foo(double d, boolean b);\n" +
- " 0 dconst_0\n" +
- " 1 dstore_3 [i]\n" +
- " 2 dload_3 [i]\n" +
- " 3 dconst_1\n" +
- " 4 dadd\n" +
- " 5 dstore_3 [i]\n" +
- " 6 dload_3 [i]\n" +
- " 7 dconst_1\n" +
- " 8 dsub\n" +
- " 9 d2i\n" +
- " 10 istore 5 [j]\n" +
- " 12 iload_2 [b]\n" +
- " 13 ifeq 32\n" +
- " 16 dconst_0\n" +
- " 17 dstore 6 [d1]\n" +
- " 19 iload_2 [b]\n" +
- " 20 ifne 26\n" +
- " 23 dconst_0\n" +
- " 24 dstore 6 [d1]\n" +
- " 26 dload_0 [d]\n" +
- " 27 dload 6 [d1]\n" +
- " 29 dadd\n" +
- " 30 dstore 8\n" +
- " 32 iload 5 [j]\n" +
- " 34 invokestatic : void [16]\n" +
- " 37 goto 58\n" +
- " 40 astore 5 [e]\n" +
- " 42 ldc2_w <Double 2.0> [20]\n" +
- " 45 dstore_3 [i]\n" +
- " 46 dconst_1\n" +
- " 47 dstore_3 [i]\n" +
- " 48 goto 60\n" +
- " 51 astore 10\n" +
- " 53 dconst_1\n" +
- " 54 dstore_3 [i]\n" +
- " 55 aload 10\n" +
- " 57 athrow\n" +
- " 58 dconst_1\n" +
- " 59 dstore_3 [i]\n" +
- " 60 dload_3 [i]\n" +
- " 61 dconst_1\n" +
- " 62 dadd\n" +
- " 63 d2l\n" +
- " 64 lstore 5 [j]\n" +
- " 66 lload 5 [j]\n" +
- " 68 l2i\n" +
- " 69 istore 7 [k]\n" +
- " 71 iload 7 [k]\n" +
- " 73 i2l\n" +
- " 74 lload 5 [j]\n" +
- " 76 ladd\n" +
- " 77 l2i\n" +
- " 78 istore 7 [k]\n" +
- " 80 return\n" +
- " Exception Table:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 37] -> 40 when : java.lang.NullPointerException\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 46] -> 51 when : any\n" +
- " Line numbers:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, line: 5]\n" +
- " [pc: 2, line: 6]\n" +
- " [pc: 6, line: 7]\n" +
- " [pc: 12, line: 8]\n" +
- " [pc: 16, line: 9]\n" +
- " [pc: 19, line: 10]\n" +
- " [pc: 23, line: 11]\n" +
- " [pc: 26, line: 13]\n" +
- " [pc: 32, line: 15]\n" +
- " [pc: 40, line: 16]\n" +
- " [pc: 42, line: 17]\n" +
- " [pc: 46, line: 19]\n" +
- " [pc: 51, line: 18]\n" +
- " [pc: 53, line: 19]\n" +
- " [pc: 55, line: 20]\n" +
- " [pc: 58, line: 19]\n" +
- " [pc: 60, line: 21]\n" +
- " [pc: 66, line: 22]\n" +
- " [pc: 71, line: 23]\n" +
- " [pc: 80, line: 24]\n" +
- " Local variable table:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 81] local: d index: 0 type: double\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 81] local: b index: 2 type: boolean\n" +
- " [pc: 2, pc: 40] local: i index: 3 type: double\n" +
- " [pc: 46, pc: 51] local: i index: 3 type: double\n" +
- " [pc: 55, pc: 81] local: i index: 3 type: double\n" +
- " [pc: 12, pc: 40] local: j index: 5 type: int\n" +
- " [pc: 19, pc: 32] local: d1 index: 6 type: double\n" +
- " [pc: 42, pc: 46] local: e index: 5 type: java.lang.NullPointerException\n" +
- " [pc: 66, pc: 81] local: j index: 5 type: long\n" +
- " [pc: 71, pc: 81] local: k index: 7 type: int\n" +
- " Stack map table: number of frames 6\n" +
- " [pc: 26, append: {double, int, double}]\n" +
- " [pc: 32, chop 1 local(s)]\n" +
- " [pc: 40, full, stack: {java.lang.NullPointerException}, locals: {double, int}]\n" +
- " [pc: 51, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Throwable}]\n" +
- " [pc: 58, append: {double}]\n" +
+ ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
+ String expectedOutput =
+ " // Method descriptor #15 (DZ)V\n" +
+ " // Stack: 4, Locals: 11\n" +
+ " public static void foo(double d, boolean b);\n" +
+ " 0 dconst_0\n" +
+ " 1 dstore_3 [i]\n" +
+ " 2 dload_3 [i]\n" +
+ " 3 dconst_1\n" +
+ " 4 dadd\n" +
+ " 5 dstore_3 [i]\n" +
+ " 6 dload_3 [i]\n" +
+ " 7 dconst_1\n" +
+ " 8 dsub\n" +
+ " 9 d2i\n" +
+ " 10 istore 5 [j]\n" +
+ " 12 iload_2 [b]\n" +
+ " 13 ifeq 32\n" +
+ " 16 dconst_0\n" +
+ " 17 dstore 6 [d1]\n" +
+ " 19 iload_2 [b]\n" +
+ " 20 ifne 26\n" +
+ " 23 dconst_0\n" +
+ " 24 dstore 6 [d1]\n" +
+ " 26 dload_0 [d]\n" +
+ " 27 dload 6 [d1]\n" +
+ " 29 dadd\n" +
+ " 30 dstore 8\n" +
+ " 32 iload 5 [j]\n" +
+ " 34 invokestatic : void [16]\n" +
+ " 37 goto 58\n" +
+ " 40 astore 5 [e]\n" +
+ " 42 ldc2_w <Double 2.0> [20]\n" +
+ " 45 dstore_3 [i]\n" +
+ " 46 dconst_1\n" +
+ " 47 dstore_3 [i]\n" +
+ " 48 goto 60\n" +
+ " 51 astore 10\n" +
+ " 53 dconst_1\n" +
+ " 54 dstore_3 [i]\n" +
+ " 55 aload 10\n" +
+ " 57 athrow\n" +
+ " 58 dconst_1\n" +
+ " 59 dstore_3 [i]\n" +
+ " 60 dload_3 [i]\n" +
+ " 61 dconst_1\n" +
+ " 62 dadd\n" +
+ " 63 d2l\n" +
+ " 64 lstore 5 [j]\n" +
+ " 66 lload 5 [j]\n" +
+ " 68 l2i\n" +
+ " 69 istore 7 [k]\n" +
+ " 71 iload 7 [k]\n" +
+ " 73 i2l\n" +
+ " 74 lload 5 [j]\n" +
+ " 76 ladd\n" +
+ " 77 l2i\n" +
+ " 78 istore 7 [k]\n" +
+ " 80 return\n" +
+ " Exception Table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 37] -> 40 when : java.lang.NullPointerException\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 46] -> 51 when : any\n" +
+ " Line numbers:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, line: 5]\n" +
+ " [pc: 2, line: 6]\n" +
+ " [pc: 6, line: 7]\n" +
+ " [pc: 12, line: 8]\n" +
+ " [pc: 16, line: 9]\n" +
+ " [pc: 19, line: 10]\n" +
+ " [pc: 23, line: 11]\n" +
+ " [pc: 26, line: 13]\n" +
+ " [pc: 32, line: 15]\n" +
+ " [pc: 40, line: 16]\n" +
+ " [pc: 42, line: 17]\n" +
+ " [pc: 46, line: 19]\n" +
+ " [pc: 51, line: 18]\n" +
+ " [pc: 53, line: 19]\n" +
+ " [pc: 55, line: 20]\n" +
+ " [pc: 58, line: 19]\n" +
+ " [pc: 60, line: 21]\n" +
+ " [pc: 66, line: 22]\n" +
+ " [pc: 71, line: 23]\n" +
+ " [pc: 80, line: 24]\n" +
+ " Local variable table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 81] local: d index: 0 type: double\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 81] local: b index: 2 type: boolean\n" +
+ " [pc: 2, pc: 40] local: i index: 3 type: double\n" +
+ " [pc: 46, pc: 51] local: i index: 3 type: double\n" +
+ " [pc: 55, pc: 81] local: i index: 3 type: double\n" +
+ " [pc: 12, pc: 40] local: j index: 5 type: int\n" +
+ " [pc: 19, pc: 32] local: d1 index: 6 type: double\n" +
+ " [pc: 42, pc: 46] local: e index: 5 type: java.lang.NullPointerException\n" +
+ " [pc: 66, pc: 81] local: j index: 5 type: long\n" +
+ " [pc: 71, pc: 81] local: k index: 7 type: int\n" +
+ " Stack map table: number of frames 6\n" +
+ " [pc: 26, append: {double, int, double}]\n" +
+ " [pc: 32, chop 1 local(s)]\n" +
+ " [pc: 40, full, stack: {java.lang.NullPointerException}, locals: {double, int}]\n" +
+ " [pc: 51, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Throwable}]\n" +
+ " [pc: 58, append: {double}]\n" +
" [pc: 60, same]\n";
int index = actualOutput.indexOf(expectedOutput);
if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
System.out.println(Util.displayString(actualOutput, 2));
@@ -332,102 +332,102 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
new String[] {
- "public class X {\n" +
- " public static void foo(boolean b) {\n" +
- " int i = 0;\n" +
- " try {\n" +
- " System.out.println(\"FINALLY\");\n" +
- " i++;\n" +
- " int j = i -1;\n" +
- " bar(j);\n" +
- " } catch(NullPointerException e) {\n" +
- " e.printStackTrace();\n" +
- " } finally {\n" +
- " System.out.println(\"FINALLY\");\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public static void bar(int i) {}\n" +
- " \n" +
- " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
- " foo(true);\n" +
- " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ " public static void foo(boolean b) {\n" +
+ " int i = 0;\n" +
+ " try {\n" +
+ " System.out.println(\"FINALLY\");\n" +
+ " i++;\n" +
+ " int j = i -1;\n" +
+ " bar(j);\n" +
+ " } catch(NullPointerException e) {\n" +
+ " e.printStackTrace();\n" +
+ " } finally {\n" +
+ " System.out.println(\"FINALLY\");\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public static void bar(int i) {}\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
+ " foo(true);\n" +
+ " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
+ " }\n" +
- "FINALLY\n" +
- "FINALLY\n" +
+ "FINALLY\n" +
+ "FINALLY\n" +
ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator +"X.class"));
String actualOutput =
- ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
- String expectedOutput =
- " // Method descriptor #15 (Z)V\n" +
- " // Stack: 2, Locals: 4\n" +
- " public static void foo(boolean b);\n" +
- " 0 iconst_0\n" +
- " 1 istore_1 [i]\n" +
- " 2 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
- " 5 ldc <String \"FINALLY\"> [22]\n" +
- " 7 invokevirtual : void [24]\n" +
- " 10 iinc 1 1 [i]\n" +
- " 13 iload_1 [i]\n" +
- " 14 iconst_1\n" +
- " 15 isub\n" +
- " 16 istore_2 [j]\n" +
- " 17 iload_2 [j]\n" +
- " 18 invokestatic : void [30]\n" +
- " 21 goto 51\n" +
- " 24 astore_2 [e]\n" +
- " 25 aload_2 [e]\n" +
- " 26 invokevirtual java.lang.NullPointerException.printStackTrace() : void [34]\n" +
- " 29 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
- " 32 ldc <String \"FINALLY\"> [22]\n" +
- " 34 invokevirtual : void [24]\n" +
- " 37 goto 59\n" +
- " 40 astore_3\n" +
- " 41 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
- " 44 ldc <String \"FINALLY\"> [22]\n" +
- " 46 invokevirtual : void [24]\n" +
- " 49 aload_3\n" +
- " 50 athrow\n" +
- " 51 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
- " 54 ldc <String \"FINALLY\"> [22]\n" +
- " 56 invokevirtual : void [24]\n" +
- " 59 return\n" +
- " Exception Table:\n" +
- " [pc: 2, pc: 21] -> 24 when : java.lang.NullPointerException\n" +
- " [pc: 2, pc: 29] -> 40 when : any\n" +
- " Line numbers:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, line: 3]\n" +
- " [pc: 2, line: 5]\n" +
- " [pc: 10, line: 6]\n" +
- " [pc: 13, line: 7]\n" +
- " [pc: 17, line: 8]\n" +
- " [pc: 24, line: 9]\n" +
- " [pc: 25, line: 10]\n" +
- " [pc: 29, line: 12]\n" +
- " [pc: 40, line: 11]\n" +
- " [pc: 41, line: 12]\n" +
- " [pc: 49, line: 13]\n" +
- " [pc: 51, line: 12]\n" +
- " [pc: 59, line: 14]\n" +
- " Local variable table:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 60] local: b index: 0 type: boolean\n" +
- " [pc: 2, pc: 60] local: i index: 1 type: int\n" +
- " [pc: 17, pc: 24] local: j index: 2 type: int\n" +
- " [pc: 25, pc: 29] local: e index: 2 type: java.lang.NullPointerException\n" +
- " Stack map table: number of frames 4\n" +
- " [pc: 24, full, stack: {java.lang.NullPointerException}, locals: {int, int}]\n" +
- " [pc: 40, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Throwable}]\n" +
- " [pc: 51, same]\n" +
+ ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
+ String expectedOutput =
+ " // Method descriptor #15 (Z)V\n" +
+ " // Stack: 2, Locals: 4\n" +
+ " public static void foo(boolean b);\n" +
+ " 0 iconst_0\n" +
+ " 1 istore_1 [i]\n" +
+ " 2 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
+ " 5 ldc <String \"FINALLY\"> [22]\n" +
+ " 7 invokevirtual : void [24]\n" +
+ " 10 iinc 1 1 [i]\n" +
+ " 13 iload_1 [i]\n" +
+ " 14 iconst_1\n" +
+ " 15 isub\n" +
+ " 16 istore_2 [j]\n" +
+ " 17 iload_2 [j]\n" +
+ " 18 invokestatic : void [30]\n" +
+ " 21 goto 51\n" +
+ " 24 astore_2 [e]\n" +
+ " 25 aload_2 [e]\n" +
+ " 26 invokevirtual java.lang.NullPointerException.printStackTrace() : void [34]\n" +
+ " 29 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
+ " 32 ldc <String \"FINALLY\"> [22]\n" +
+ " 34 invokevirtual : void [24]\n" +
+ " 37 goto 59\n" +
+ " 40 astore_3\n" +
+ " 41 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
+ " 44 ldc <String \"FINALLY\"> [22]\n" +
+ " 46 invokevirtual : void [24]\n" +
+ " 49 aload_3\n" +
+ " 50 athrow\n" +
+ " 51 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
+ " 54 ldc <String \"FINALLY\"> [22]\n" +
+ " 56 invokevirtual : void [24]\n" +
+ " 59 return\n" +
+ " Exception Table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 2, pc: 21] -> 24 when : java.lang.NullPointerException\n" +
+ " [pc: 2, pc: 29] -> 40 when : any\n" +
+ " Line numbers:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, line: 3]\n" +
+ " [pc: 2, line: 5]\n" +
+ " [pc: 10, line: 6]\n" +
+ " [pc: 13, line: 7]\n" +
+ " [pc: 17, line: 8]\n" +
+ " [pc: 24, line: 9]\n" +
+ " [pc: 25, line: 10]\n" +
+ " [pc: 29, line: 12]\n" +
+ " [pc: 40, line: 11]\n" +
+ " [pc: 41, line: 12]\n" +
+ " [pc: 49, line: 13]\n" +
+ " [pc: 51, line: 12]\n" +
+ " [pc: 59, line: 14]\n" +
+ " Local variable table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 60] local: b index: 0 type: boolean\n" +
+ " [pc: 2, pc: 60] local: i index: 1 type: int\n" +
+ " [pc: 17, pc: 24] local: j index: 2 type: int\n" +
+ " [pc: 25, pc: 29] local: e index: 2 type: java.lang.NullPointerException\n" +
+ " Stack map table: number of frames 4\n" +
+ " [pc: 24, full, stack: {java.lang.NullPointerException}, locals: {int, int}]\n" +
+ " [pc: 40, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Throwable}]\n" +
+ " [pc: 51, same]\n" +
" [pc: 59, same]\n";
int index = actualOutput.indexOf(expectedOutput);
if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
System.out.println(Util.displayString(actualOutput, 2));
@@ -441,71 +441,71 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
new String[] {
- "public class X {\n" +
- " public static void foo(boolean b) {\n" +
- " C c;\n" +
- " if (b) {\n" +
- " c = new C1();\n" +
- " } else {\n" +
- " c = new C2();\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " System.out.println();\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
- " foo(true);\n" +
- " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ " public static void foo(boolean b) {\n" +
+ " C c;\n" +
+ " if (b) {\n" +
+ " c = new C1();\n" +
+ " } else {\n" +
+ " c = new C2();\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " System.out.println();\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
+ " foo(true);\n" +
+ " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "}\n" +
+ "class C {\n" +
+ " void foo() {}\n" +
"}\n" +
- "class C {\n" +
- " void foo() {}\n" +
- "}\n" +
- "class C1 extends C {\n" +
- "}\n" +
- "class C2 extends C {\n" +
+ "class C1 extends C {\n" +
+ "}\n" +
+ "class C2 extends C {\n" +
ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator +"X.class"));
String actualOutput =
- ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
- String expectedOutput =
- " // Method descriptor #15 (Z)V\n" +
- " // Stack: 2, Locals: 2\n" +
- " public static void foo(boolean b);\n" +
- " 0 iload_0 [b]\n" +
- " 1 ifeq 15\n" +
- " 4 new C1 [16]\n" +
- " 7 dup\n" +
- " 8 invokespecial C1() [18]\n" +
- " 11 astore_1 [c]\n" +
- " 12 goto 23\n" +
- " 15 new C2 [19]\n" +
- " 18 dup\n" +
- " 19 invokespecial C2() [21]\n" +
- " 22 astore_1 [c]\n" +
- " 23 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [22]\n" +
- " 26 invokevirtual : void [28]\n" +
- " 29 return\n" +
- " Line numbers:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, line: 4]\n" +
- " [pc: 4, line: 5]\n" +
- " [pc: 15, line: 7]\n" +
- " [pc: 23, line: 9]\n" +
- " [pc: 29, line: 10]\n" +
- " Local variable table:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 30] local: b index: 0 type: boolean\n" +
- " [pc: 12, pc: 15] local: c index: 1 type: C\n" +
- " [pc: 23, pc: 30] local: c index: 1 type: C\n" +
- " Stack map table: number of frames 2\n" +
- " [pc: 15, same]\n" +
+ ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
+ String expectedOutput =
+ " // Method descriptor #15 (Z)V\n" +
+ " // Stack: 2, Locals: 2\n" +
+ " public static void foo(boolean b);\n" +
+ " 0 iload_0 [b]\n" +
+ " 1 ifeq 15\n" +
+ " 4 new C1 [16]\n" +
+ " 7 dup\n" +
+ " 8 invokespecial C1() [18]\n" +
+ " 11 astore_1 [c]\n" +
+ " 12 goto 23\n" +
+ " 15 new C2 [19]\n" +
+ " 18 dup\n" +
+ " 19 invokespecial C2() [21]\n" +
+ " 22 astore_1 [c]\n" +
+ " 23 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [22]\n" +
+ " 26 invokevirtual : void [28]\n" +
+ " 29 return\n" +
+ " Line numbers:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, line: 4]\n" +
+ " [pc: 4, line: 5]\n" +
+ " [pc: 15, line: 7]\n" +
+ " [pc: 23, line: 9]\n" +
+ " [pc: 29, line: 10]\n" +
+ " Local variable table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 30] local: b index: 0 type: boolean\n" +
+ " [pc: 12, pc: 15] local: c index: 1 type: C\n" +
+ " [pc: 23, pc: 30] local: c index: 1 type: C\n" +
+ " Stack map table: number of frames 2\n" +
+ " [pc: 15, same]\n" +
" [pc: 23, append: {C}]\n";
int index = actualOutput.indexOf(expectedOutput);
if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
System.out.println(Util.displayString(actualOutput, 2));
@@ -518,124 +518,124 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
new String[] {
- "public class X {\n" +
- " public static void main(String args[]) {\n" +
- " int i = 0, j, k, l;\n" +
- " boolean b;\n" +
- " if (i == 0 && (j = ++i) > 0)\n" +
- " i += j;\n" +
- " while (true) {\n" +
- " k = 3;\n" +
- " break;\n" +
- " } \n" +
- " i -= k;\n" +
- " b = false && (i = l) > 0;\n" +
- " if (i > 0)\n" +
- " l = i;\n" +
- " else\n" +
- " l = k;\n" +
- " j = l;\n" +
- " if (i != -1 || j != 3 || k != 3 || l != 3)\n" +
- " System.out.println(\"FAILED\");\n" +
- " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ " public static void main(String args[]) {\n" +
+ " int i = 0, j, k, l;\n" +
+ " boolean b;\n" +
+ " if (i == 0 && (j = ++i) > 0)\n" +
+ " i += j;\n" +
+ " while (true) {\n" +
+ " k = 3;\n" +
+ " break;\n" +
+ " } \n" +
+ " i -= k;\n" +
+ " b = false && (i = l) > 0;\n" +
+ " if (i > 0)\n" +
+ " l = i;\n" +
+ " else\n" +
+ " l = k;\n" +
+ " j = l;\n" +
+ " if (i != -1 || j != 3 || k != 3 || l != 3)\n" +
+ " System.out.println(\"FAILED\");\n" +
+ " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
+ " }\n" +
ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator +"X.class"));
String actualOutput =
- ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
- String expectedOutput =
- " // Method descriptor #15 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" +
- " // Stack: 2, Locals: 6\n" +
- " public static void main(java.lang.String[] args);\n" +
- " 0 iconst_0\n" +
- " 1 istore_1 [i]\n" +
- " 2 iload_1 [i]\n" +
- " 3 ifne 19\n" +
- " 6 iinc 1 1 [i]\n" +
- " 9 iload_1 [i]\n" +
- " 10 dup\n" +
- " 11 istore_2 [j]\n" +
- " 12 ifle 19\n" +
- " 15 iload_1 [i]\n" +
- " 16 iload_2 [j]\n" +
- " 17 iadd\n" +
- " 18 istore_1 [i]\n" +
- " 19 iconst_3\n" +
- " 20 istore_3 [k]\n" +
- " 21 iload_1 [i]\n" +
- " 22 iload_3 [k]\n" +
- " 23 isub\n" +
- " 24 istore_1 [i]\n" +
- " 25 iconst_0\n" +
- " 26 istore 5 [b]\n" +
- " 28 iload_1 [i]\n" +
- " 29 ifle 38\n" +
- " 32 iload_1 [i]\n" +
- " 33 istore 4 [l]\n" +
- " 35 goto 41\n" +
- " 38 iload_3 [k]\n" +
- " 39 istore 4 [l]\n" +
- " 41 iload 4 [l]\n" +
- " 43 istore_2 [j]\n" +
- " 44 iload_1 [i]\n" +
- " 45 iconst_m1\n" +
- " 46 if_icmpne 65\n" +
- " 49 iload_2 [j]\n" +
- " 50 iconst_3\n" +
- " 51 if_icmpne 65\n" +
- " 54 iload_3 [k]\n" +
- " 55 iconst_3\n" +
- " 56 if_icmpne 65\n" +
- " 59 iload 4 [l]\n" +
- " 61 iconst_3\n" +
- " 62 if_icmpeq 73\n" +
- " 65 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
- " 68 ldc <String \"FAILED\"> [22]\n" +
- " 70 invokevirtual : void [24]\n" +
- " 73 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
- " 76 ldc <String \"SUCCESS\"> [30]\n" +
- " 78 invokevirtual : void [24]\n" +
- " 81 return\n" +
- " Line numbers:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, line: 3]\n" +
- " [pc: 2, line: 5]\n" +
- " [pc: 15, line: 6]\n" +
- " [pc: 19, line: 8]\n" +
- " [pc: 21, line: 9]\n" +
- " [pc: 22, line: 11]\n" +
- " [pc: 25, line: 12]\n" +
- " [pc: 28, line: 13]\n" +
- " [pc: 32, line: 14]\n" +
- " [pc: 38, line: 16]\n" +
- " [pc: 41, line: 17]\n" +
- " [pc: 44, line: 18]\n" +
- " [pc: 65, line: 19]\n" +
- " [pc: 73, line: 20]\n" +
- " [pc: 81, line: 21]\n" +
- " Local variable table:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 82] local: args index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n" +
- " [pc: 2, pc: 82] local: i index: 1 type: int\n" +
- " [pc: 12, pc: 19] local: j index: 2 type: int\n" +
- " [pc: 44, pc: 82] local: j index: 2 type: int\n" +
- " [pc: 21, pc: 82] local: k index: 3 type: int\n" +
- " [pc: 35, pc: 38] local: l index: 4 type: int\n" +
- " [pc: 41, pc: 82] local: l index: 4 type: int\n" +
- " [pc: 28, pc: 82] local: b index: 5 type: boolean\n" +
- " Stack map table: number of frames 5\n" +
- " [pc: 19, append: {int}]\n" +
- " [pc: 38, full, stack: {}, locals: {java.lang.String[], int, _, int, _, int}]\n" +
- " [pc: 41, full, stack: {}, locals: {java.lang.String[], int, _, int, int, int}]\n" +
- " [pc: 65, full, stack: {}, locals: {java.lang.String[], int, int, int, int, int}]\n" +
+ ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
+ String expectedOutput =
+ " // Method descriptor #15 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" +
+ " // Stack: 2, Locals: 6\n" +
+ " public static void main(java.lang.String[] args);\n" +
+ " 0 iconst_0\n" +
+ " 1 istore_1 [i]\n" +
+ " 2 iload_1 [i]\n" +
+ " 3 ifne 19\n" +
+ " 6 iinc 1 1 [i]\n" +
+ " 9 iload_1 [i]\n" +
+ " 10 dup\n" +
+ " 11 istore_2 [j]\n" +
+ " 12 ifle 19\n" +
+ " 15 iload_1 [i]\n" +
+ " 16 iload_2 [j]\n" +
+ " 17 iadd\n" +
+ " 18 istore_1 [i]\n" +
+ " 19 iconst_3\n" +
+ " 20 istore_3 [k]\n" +
+ " 21 iload_1 [i]\n" +
+ " 22 iload_3 [k]\n" +
+ " 23 isub\n" +
+ " 24 istore_1 [i]\n" +
+ " 25 iconst_0\n" +
+ " 26 istore 5 [b]\n" +
+ " 28 iload_1 [i]\n" +
+ " 29 ifle 38\n" +
+ " 32 iload_1 [i]\n" +
+ " 33 istore 4 [l]\n" +
+ " 35 goto 41\n" +
+ " 38 iload_3 [k]\n" +
+ " 39 istore 4 [l]\n" +
+ " 41 iload 4 [l]\n" +
+ " 43 istore_2 [j]\n" +
+ " 44 iload_1 [i]\n" +
+ " 45 iconst_m1\n" +
+ " 46 if_icmpne 65\n" +
+ " 49 iload_2 [j]\n" +
+ " 50 iconst_3\n" +
+ " 51 if_icmpne 65\n" +
+ " 54 iload_3 [k]\n" +
+ " 55 iconst_3\n" +
+ " 56 if_icmpne 65\n" +
+ " 59 iload 4 [l]\n" +
+ " 61 iconst_3\n" +
+ " 62 if_icmpeq 73\n" +
+ " 65 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
+ " 68 ldc <String \"FAILED\"> [22]\n" +
+ " 70 invokevirtual : void [24]\n" +
+ " 73 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
+ " 76 ldc <String \"SUCCESS\"> [30]\n" +
+ " 78 invokevirtual : void [24]\n" +
+ " 81 return\n" +
+ " Line numbers:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, line: 3]\n" +
+ " [pc: 2, line: 5]\n" +
+ " [pc: 15, line: 6]\n" +
+ " [pc: 19, line: 8]\n" +
+ " [pc: 21, line: 9]\n" +
+ " [pc: 22, line: 11]\n" +
+ " [pc: 25, line: 12]\n" +
+ " [pc: 28, line: 13]\n" +
+ " [pc: 32, line: 14]\n" +
+ " [pc: 38, line: 16]\n" +
+ " [pc: 41, line: 17]\n" +
+ " [pc: 44, line: 18]\n" +
+ " [pc: 65, line: 19]\n" +
+ " [pc: 73, line: 20]\n" +
+ " [pc: 81, line: 21]\n" +
+ " Local variable table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 82] local: args index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n" +
+ " [pc: 2, pc: 82] local: i index: 1 type: int\n" +
+ " [pc: 12, pc: 19] local: j index: 2 type: int\n" +
+ " [pc: 44, pc: 82] local: j index: 2 type: int\n" +
+ " [pc: 21, pc: 82] local: k index: 3 type: int\n" +
+ " [pc: 35, pc: 38] local: l index: 4 type: int\n" +
+ " [pc: 41, pc: 82] local: l index: 4 type: int\n" +
+ " [pc: 28, pc: 82] local: b index: 5 type: boolean\n" +
+ " Stack map table: number of frames 5\n" +
+ " [pc: 19, append: {int}]\n" +
+ " [pc: 38, full, stack: {}, locals: {java.lang.String[], int, _, int, _, int}]\n" +
+ " [pc: 41, full, stack: {}, locals: {java.lang.String[], int, _, int, int, int}]\n" +
+ " [pc: 65, full, stack: {}, locals: {java.lang.String[], int, int, int, int, int}]\n" +
" [pc: 73, same]\n";
int index = actualOutput.indexOf(expectedOutput);
if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
System.out.println(Util.displayString(actualOutput, 2));
@@ -644,79 +644,79 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, actualOutput);
public void test006() throws Exception {
new String[] {
- "public class X {\n" +
- " void foo (int n) {\n" +
- " synchronized (this) {\n" +
- " switch (n) {\n" +
- " case 1:\n" +
- " throw new NullPointerException();\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public static void main(String args[]) {\n" +
- " try {\n" +
- " new X().foo(1);\n" +
- " } catch(Exception e) {\n" +
- " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); \n" +
- " }\n" +
- " } \n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ " void foo (int n) {\n" +
+ " synchronized (this) {\n" +
+ " switch (n) {\n" +
+ " case 1:\n" +
+ " throw new NullPointerException();\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public static void main(String args[]) {\n" +
+ " try {\n" +
+ " new X().foo(1);\n" +
+ " } catch(Exception e) {\n" +
+ " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\"); \n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " } \n" +
ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator +"X.class"));
String actualOutput =
- ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
- String expectedOutput =
- " // Method descriptor #15 (I)V\n" +
- " // Stack: 2, Locals: 3\n" +
- " void foo(int n);\n" +
- " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" +
- " 1 dup\n" +
- " 2 astore_2\n" +
- " 3 monitorenter\n" +
- " 4 iload_1 [n]\n" +
- " 5 tableswitch default: 32\n" +
- " case 1: 24\n" +
- " 24 new java.lang.NullPointerException [16]\n" +
- " 27 dup\n" +
- " 28 invokespecial java.lang.NullPointerException() [18]\n" +
- " 31 athrow\n" +
- " 32 aload_2\n" +
- " 33 monitorexit\n" +
- " 34 goto 40\n" +
- " 37 aload_2\n" +
- " 38 monitorexit\n" +
- " 39 athrow\n" +
- " 40 return\n" +
- " Exception Table:\n" +
- " [pc: 4, pc: 34] -> 37 when : any\n" +
- " [pc: 37, pc: 39] -> 37 when : any\n" +
- " Line numbers:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, line: 3]\n" +
- " [pc: 4, line: 4]\n" +
- " [pc: 24, line: 6]\n" +
- " [pc: 32, line: 3]\n" +
- " [pc: 40, line: 9]\n" +
- " Local variable table:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 41] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 41] local: n index: 1 type: int\n" +
- " Stack map table: number of frames 4\n" +
- " [pc: 24, append: {X}]\n" +
- " [pc: 32, same]\n" +
- " [pc: 37, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Throwable}]\n" +
+ ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
+ String expectedOutput =
+ " // Method descriptor #15 (I)V\n" +
+ " // Stack: 2, Locals: 3\n" +
+ " void foo(int n);\n" +
+ " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" +
+ " 1 dup\n" +
+ " 2 astore_2\n" +
+ " 3 monitorenter\n" +
+ " 4 iload_1 [n]\n" +
+ " 5 tableswitch default: 32\n" +
+ " case 1: 24\n" +
+ " 24 new java.lang.NullPointerException [16]\n" +
+ " 27 dup\n" +
+ " 28 invokespecial java.lang.NullPointerException() [18]\n" +
+ " 31 athrow\n" +
+ " 32 aload_2\n" +
+ " 33 monitorexit\n" +
+ " 34 goto 40\n" +
+ " 37 aload_2\n" +
+ " 38 monitorexit\n" +
+ " 39 athrow\n" +
+ " 40 return\n" +
+ " Exception Table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 4, pc: 34] -> 37 when : any\n" +
+ " [pc: 37, pc: 39] -> 37 when : any\n" +
+ " Line numbers:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, line: 3]\n" +
+ " [pc: 4, line: 4]\n" +
+ " [pc: 24, line: 6]\n" +
+ " [pc: 32, line: 3]\n" +
+ " [pc: 40, line: 9]\n" +
+ " Local variable table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 41] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 41] local: n index: 1 type: int\n" +
+ " Stack map table: number of frames 4\n" +
+ " [pc: 24, append: {X}]\n" +
+ " [pc: 32, same]\n" +
+ " [pc: 37, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Throwable}]\n" +
" [pc: 40, chop 1 local(s)]\n";
int index = actualOutput.indexOf(expectedOutput);
if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
System.out.println(Util.displayString(actualOutput, 2));
@@ -725,57 +725,57 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, actualOutput);
public void test007() throws Exception {
new String[] {
- "public class X {\n" +
- " StringBuffer foo2(boolean b) {\n" +
- " System.out.println(\"foo2\");\n" +
- " return new StringBuffer(b ? \"true\" : \"false\");\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
- " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ " StringBuffer foo2(boolean b) {\n" +
+ " System.out.println(\"foo2\");\n" +
+ " return new StringBuffer(b ? \"true\" : \"false\");\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
+ " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
+ " }\n" +
ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator +"X.class"));
String actualOutput =
- ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
- String expectedOutput =
- " // Method descriptor #15 (Z)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;\n" +
- " // Stack: 3, Locals: 2\n" +
- " java.lang.StringBuffer foo2(boolean b);\n" +
- " 0 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
- " 3 ldc <String \"foo2\"> [22]\n" +
- " 5 invokevirtual : void [23]\n" +
- " 8 new java.lang.StringBuffer [29]\n" +
- " 11 dup\n" +
- " 12 iload_1 [b]\n" +
- " 13 ifeq 21\n" +
- " 16 ldc <String \"true\"> [31]\n" +
- " 18 goto 23\n" +
- " 21 ldc <String \"false\"> [33]\n" +
- " 23 invokespecial java.lang.StringBuffer(java.lang.String) [35]\n" +
- " 26 areturn\n" +
- " Line numbers:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, line: 3]\n" +
- " [pc: 8, line: 4]\n" +
- " Local variable table:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 27] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 27] local: b index: 1 type: boolean\n" +
- " Stack map table: number of frames 2\n" +
- " [pc: 21, full, stack: {uninitialized(8), uninitialized(8)}, locals: {X, int}]\n" +
+ ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
+ String expectedOutput =
+ " // Method descriptor #15 (Z)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;\n" +
+ " // Stack: 3, Locals: 2\n" +
+ " java.lang.StringBuffer foo2(boolean b);\n" +
+ " 0 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
+ " 3 ldc <String \"foo2\"> [22]\n" +
+ " 5 invokevirtual : void [23]\n" +
+ " 8 new java.lang.StringBuffer [29]\n" +
+ " 11 dup\n" +
+ " 12 iload_1 [b]\n" +
+ " 13 ifeq 21\n" +
+ " 16 ldc <String \"true\"> [31]\n" +
+ " 18 goto 23\n" +
+ " 21 ldc <String \"false\"> [33]\n" +
+ " 23 invokespecial java.lang.StringBuffer(java.lang.String) [35]\n" +
+ " 26 areturn\n" +
+ " Line numbers:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, line: 3]\n" +
+ " [pc: 8, line: 4]\n" +
+ " Local variable table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 27] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 27] local: b index: 1 type: boolean\n" +
+ " Stack map table: number of frames 2\n" +
+ " [pc: 21, full, stack: {uninitialized(8), uninitialized(8)}, locals: {X, int}]\n" +
" [pc: 23, full, stack: {uninitialized(8), uninitialized(8), java.lang.String}, locals: {X, int}]\n";
int index = actualOutput.indexOf(expectedOutput);
if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
System.out.println(Util.displayString(actualOutput, 2));
@@ -789,87 +789,87 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
new String[] {
- "public class X {\n" +
- " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
- " int foo = 0;\n" +
- " String bar = \"zero\";\n" +
- " System.out.println((foo != 0) ? foo : bar);\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " <T extends Comparable<?>> void foo(T foo) {\n" +
- " T bar = null;\n" +
- " System.out.println((foo != null) ? foo : bar);\n" +
- " } \n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
+ " int foo = 0;\n" +
+ " String bar = \"zero\";\n" +
+ " System.out.println((foo != 0) ? foo : bar);\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " <T extends Comparable<?>> void foo(T foo) {\n" +
+ " T bar = null;\n" +
+ " System.out.println((foo != null) ? foo : bar);\n" +
+ " } \n" +
ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator +"X.class"));
String actualOutput =
- ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
- String expectedOutput =
- " // Method descriptor #15 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" +
- " // Stack: 2, Locals: 3\n" +
- " public static void main(java.lang.String[] args);\n" +
- " 0 iconst_0\n" +
- " 1 istore_1 [foo]\n" +
- " 2 ldc <String \"zero\"> [16]\n" +
- " 4 astore_2 [bar]\n" +
- " 5 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [18]\n" +
- " 8 iload_1 [foo]\n" +
- " 9 ifeq 19\n" +
- " 12 iload_1 [foo]\n" +
- " 13 invokestatic java.lang.Integer.valueOf(int) : java.lang.Integer [24]\n" +
- " 16 goto 20\n" +
- " 19 aload_2 [bar]\n" +
- " 20 invokevirtual : void [30]\n" +
- " 23 return\n" +
- " Line numbers:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, line: 3]\n" +
- " [pc: 2, line: 4]\n" +
- " [pc: 5, line: 5]\n" +
- " [pc: 23, line: 6]\n" +
- " Local variable table:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 24] local: args index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n" +
- " [pc: 2, pc: 24] local: foo index: 1 type: int\n" +
- " [pc: 5, pc: 24] local: bar index: 2 type: java.lang.String\n" +
- " Stack map table: number of frames 2\n" +
- " [pc: 19, full, stack: {}, locals: {java.lang.String[], int, java.lang.String}]\n" +
- " [pc: 20, full, stack: {, java.lang.Comparable}, locals: {java.lang.String[], int, java.lang.String}]\n" +
- " \n" +
- " // Method descriptor #48 (Ljava/lang/Comparable;)V\n" +
- " // Signature: <T::Ljava/lang/Comparable<*>;>(TT;)V\n" +
- " // Stack: 2, Locals: 3\n" +
- " void foo(java.lang.Comparable foo);\n" +
- " 0 aconst_null\n" +
- " 1 astore_2 [bar]\n" +
- " 2 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [18]\n" +
- " 5 aload_1 [foo]\n" +
- " 6 ifnull 13\n" +
- " 9 aload_1 [foo]\n" +
- " 10 goto 14\n" +
- " 13 aload_2 [bar]\n" +
- " 14 invokevirtual : void [30]\n" +
- " 17 return\n" +
- " Line numbers:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, line: 8]\n" +
- " [pc: 2, line: 9]\n" +
- " [pc: 17, line: 10]\n" +
- " Local variable table:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 18] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 18] local: foo index: 1 type: java.lang.Comparable\n" +
- " [pc: 2, pc: 18] local: bar index: 2 type: java.lang.Comparable\n" +
- " Local variable type table:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 18] local: foo index: 1 type: T\n" +
- " [pc: 2, pc: 18] local: bar index: 2 type: T\n" +
- " Stack map table: number of frames 2\n" +
- " [pc: 13, full, stack: {}, locals: {X, java.lang.Comparable, java.lang.Comparable}]\n" +
+ ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
+ String expectedOutput =
+ " // Method descriptor #15 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" +
+ " // Stack: 2, Locals: 3\n" +
+ " public static void main(java.lang.String[] args);\n" +
+ " 0 iconst_0\n" +
+ " 1 istore_1 [foo]\n" +
+ " 2 ldc <String \"zero\"> [16]\n" +
+ " 4 astore_2 [bar]\n" +
+ " 5 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [18]\n" +
+ " 8 iload_1 [foo]\n" +
+ " 9 ifeq 19\n" +
+ " 12 iload_1 [foo]\n" +
+ " 13 invokestatic java.lang.Integer.valueOf(int) : java.lang.Integer [24]\n" +
+ " 16 goto 20\n" +
+ " 19 aload_2 [bar]\n" +
+ " 20 invokevirtual : void [30]\n" +
+ " 23 return\n" +
+ " Line numbers:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, line: 3]\n" +
+ " [pc: 2, line: 4]\n" +
+ " [pc: 5, line: 5]\n" +
+ " [pc: 23, line: 6]\n" +
+ " Local variable table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 24] local: args index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n" +
+ " [pc: 2, pc: 24] local: foo index: 1 type: int\n" +
+ " [pc: 5, pc: 24] local: bar index: 2 type: java.lang.String\n" +
+ " Stack map table: number of frames 2\n" +
+ " [pc: 19, full, stack: {}, locals: {java.lang.String[], int, java.lang.String}]\n" +
+ " [pc: 20, full, stack: {, java.lang.Comparable}, locals: {java.lang.String[], int, java.lang.String}]\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " // Method descriptor #48 (Ljava/lang/Comparable;)V\n" +
+ " // Signature: <T::Ljava/lang/Comparable<*>;>(TT;)V\n" +
+ " // Stack: 2, Locals: 3\n" +
+ " void foo(java.lang.Comparable foo);\n" +
+ " 0 aconst_null\n" +
+ " 1 astore_2 [bar]\n" +
+ " 2 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [18]\n" +
+ " 5 aload_1 [foo]\n" +
+ " 6 ifnull 13\n" +
+ " 9 aload_1 [foo]\n" +
+ " 10 goto 14\n" +
+ " 13 aload_2 [bar]\n" +
+ " 14 invokevirtual : void [30]\n" +
+ " 17 return\n" +
+ " Line numbers:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, line: 8]\n" +
+ " [pc: 2, line: 9]\n" +
+ " [pc: 17, line: 10]\n" +
+ " Local variable table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 18] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 18] local: foo index: 1 type: java.lang.Comparable\n" +
+ " [pc: 2, pc: 18] local: bar index: 2 type: java.lang.Comparable\n" +
+ " Local variable type table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 18] local: foo index: 1 type: T\n" +
+ " [pc: 2, pc: 18] local: bar index: 2 type: T\n" +
+ " Stack map table: number of frames 2\n" +
+ " [pc: 13, full, stack: {}, locals: {X, java.lang.Comparable, java.lang.Comparable}]\n" +
" [pc: 14, full, stack: {, java.lang.Comparable}, locals: {X, java.lang.Comparable, java.lang.Comparable}]\n";
int index = actualOutput.indexOf(expectedOutput);
if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
System.out.println(Util.displayString(actualOutput, 2));
@@ -878,80 +878,80 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, actualOutput);
public void test009() throws Exception {
new String[] {
- "public class X {\n" +
- " String s;\n" +
- " X() {\n" +
- " int i = 0;\n" +
- " if (s == null) {\n" +
- " System.out.print(\"PASSED\");\n" +
- " } else {\n" +
- " System.out.print(\"FAILED\");\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " System.out.print(\"DONE\" + i);\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" +
- " new X();\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ " String s;\n" +
+ " X() {\n" +
+ " int i = 0;\n" +
+ " if (s == null) {\n" +
+ " System.out.print(\"PASSED\");\n" +
+ " } else {\n" +
+ " System.out.print(\"FAILED\");\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " System.out.print(\"DONE\" + i);\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" +
+ " new X();\n" +
+ " }\n" +
ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator +"X.class"));
String actualOutput =
- ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
- String expectedOutput =
- " // Method descriptor #8 ()V\n" +
- " // Stack: 4, Locals: 2\n" +
- " X();\n" +
- " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" +
- " 1 invokespecial java.lang.Object() [10]\n" +
- " 4 iconst_0\n" +
- " 5 istore_1 [i]\n" +
- " 6 aload_0 [this]\n" +
- " 7 getfield X.s : java.lang.String [12]\n" +
- " 10 ifnonnull 24\n" +
- " 13 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [14]\n" +
- " 16 ldc <String \"PASSED\"> [20]\n" +
- " 18 invokevirtual : void [22]\n" +
- " 21 goto 32\n" +
- " 24 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [14]\n" +
- " 27 ldc <String \"FAILED\"> [28]\n" +
- " 29 invokevirtual : void [22]\n" +
- " 32 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [14]\n" +
- " 35 new java.lang.StringBuilder [30]\n" +
- " 38 dup\n" +
- " 39 ldc <String \"DONE\"> [32]\n" +
- " 41 invokespecial java.lang.StringBuilder(java.lang.String) [34]\n" +
- " 44 iload_1 [i]\n" +
- " 45 invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append(int) : java.lang.StringBuilder [36]\n" +
- " 48 invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.toString() : java.lang.String [40]\n" +
- " 51 invokevirtual : void [22]\n" +
- " 54 return\n" +
- " Line numbers:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, line: 3]\n" +
- " [pc: 4, line: 4]\n" +
- " [pc: 6, line: 5]\n" +
- " [pc: 13, line: 6]\n" +
- " [pc: 24, line: 8]\n" +
- " [pc: 32, line: 10]\n" +
- " [pc: 54, line: 11]\n" +
- " Local variable table:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 55] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
- " [pc: 6, pc: 55] local: i index: 1 type: int\n" +
- " Stack map table: number of frames 2\n" +
- " [pc: 24, full, stack: {}, locals: {X, int}]\n" +
+ ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
+ String expectedOutput =
+ " // Method descriptor #8 ()V\n" +
+ " // Stack: 4, Locals: 2\n" +
+ " X();\n" +
+ " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" +
+ " 1 invokespecial java.lang.Object() [10]\n" +
+ " 4 iconst_0\n" +
+ " 5 istore_1 [i]\n" +
+ " 6 aload_0 [this]\n" +
+ " 7 getfield X.s : java.lang.String [12]\n" +
+ " 10 ifnonnull 24\n" +
+ " 13 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [14]\n" +
+ " 16 ldc <String \"PASSED\"> [20]\n" +
+ " 18 invokevirtual : void [22]\n" +
+ " 21 goto 32\n" +
+ " 24 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [14]\n" +
+ " 27 ldc <String \"FAILED\"> [28]\n" +
+ " 29 invokevirtual : void [22]\n" +
+ " 32 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [14]\n" +
+ " 35 new java.lang.StringBuilder [30]\n" +
+ " 38 dup\n" +
+ " 39 ldc <String \"DONE\"> [32]\n" +
+ " 41 invokespecial java.lang.StringBuilder(java.lang.String) [34]\n" +
+ " 44 iload_1 [i]\n" +
+ " 45 invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append(int) : java.lang.StringBuilder [36]\n" +
+ " 48 invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.toString() : java.lang.String [40]\n" +
+ " 51 invokevirtual : void [22]\n" +
+ " 54 return\n" +
+ " Line numbers:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, line: 3]\n" +
+ " [pc: 4, line: 4]\n" +
+ " [pc: 6, line: 5]\n" +
+ " [pc: 13, line: 6]\n" +
+ " [pc: 24, line: 8]\n" +
+ " [pc: 32, line: 10]\n" +
+ " [pc: 54, line: 11]\n" +
+ " Local variable table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 55] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
+ " [pc: 6, pc: 55] local: i index: 1 type: int\n" +
+ " Stack map table: number of frames 2\n" +
+ " [pc: 24, full, stack: {}, locals: {X, int}]\n" +
" [pc: 32, same]\n";
int index = actualOutput.indexOf(expectedOutput);
if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
System.out.println(Util.displayString(actualOutput, 2));
@@ -960,71 +960,71 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, actualOutput);
public void test010() throws Exception {
new String[] {
- "public class X {\n" +
- " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
- " int[] tab = new int[0];\n" +
- " Object o = tab;\n" +
- " Object o1 = null;\n" +
- " if (tab.length == 0) {\n" +
- " System.out.println(tab.getClass());\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " o1 = tab.clone();\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
+ " int[] tab = new int[0];\n" +
+ " Object o = tab;\n" +
+ " Object o1 = null;\n" +
+ " if (tab.length == 0) {\n" +
+ " System.out.println(tab.getClass());\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " o1 = tab.clone();\n" +
+ " }\n" +
"class [I");
ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator +"X.class"));
String actualOutput =
- ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
- String expectedOutput =
- " // Method descriptor #15 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" +
- " // Stack: 2, Locals: 4\n" +
- " public static void main(java.lang.String[] args);\n" +
- " 0 iconst_0\n" +
- " 1 newarray int [10]\n" +
- " 3 astore_1 [tab]\n" +
- " 4 aload_1 [tab]\n" +
- " 5 astore_2 [o]\n" +
- " 6 aconst_null\n" +
- " 7 astore_3 [o1]\n" +
- " 8 aload_1 [tab]\n" +
- " 9 arraylength\n" +
- " 10 ifne 23\n" +
- " 13 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
- " 16 aload_1 [tab]\n" +
- " 17 invokevirtual java.lang.Object.getClass() : java.lang.Class [22]\n" +
- " 20 invokevirtual : void [26]\n" +
- " 23 aload_1 [tab]\n" +
- " 24 invokevirtual int[].clone() : java.lang.Object [32]\n" +
- " 27 astore_3 [o1]\n" +
- " 28 return\n" +
- " Line numbers:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, line: 3]\n" +
- " [pc: 4, line: 4]\n" +
- " [pc: 6, line: 5]\n" +
- " [pc: 8, line: 6]\n" +
- " [pc: 13, line: 7]\n" +
- " [pc: 23, line: 9]\n" +
- " [pc: 28, line: 10]\n" +
- " Local variable table:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 29] local: args index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n" +
- " [pc: 4, pc: 29] local: tab index: 1 type: int[]\n" +
- " [pc: 6, pc: 29] local: o index: 2 type: java.lang.Object\n" +
- " [pc: 8, pc: 29] local: o1 index: 3 type: java.lang.Object\n" +
- " Stack map table: number of frames 1\n" +
+ ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
+ String expectedOutput =
+ " // Method descriptor #15 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" +
+ " // Stack: 2, Locals: 4\n" +
+ " public static void main(java.lang.String[] args);\n" +
+ " 0 iconst_0\n" +
+ " 1 newarray int [10]\n" +
+ " 3 astore_1 [tab]\n" +
+ " 4 aload_1 [tab]\n" +
+ " 5 astore_2 [o]\n" +
+ " 6 aconst_null\n" +
+ " 7 astore_3 [o1]\n" +
+ " 8 aload_1 [tab]\n" +
+ " 9 arraylength\n" +
+ " 10 ifne 23\n" +
+ " 13 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
+ " 16 aload_1 [tab]\n" +
+ " 17 invokevirtual java.lang.Object.getClass() : java.lang.Class [22]\n" +
+ " 20 invokevirtual : void [26]\n" +
+ " 23 aload_1 [tab]\n" +
+ " 24 invokevirtual int[].clone() : java.lang.Object [32]\n" +
+ " 27 astore_3 [o1]\n" +
+ " 28 return\n" +
+ " Line numbers:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, line: 3]\n" +
+ " [pc: 4, line: 4]\n" +
+ " [pc: 6, line: 5]\n" +
+ " [pc: 8, line: 6]\n" +
+ " [pc: 13, line: 7]\n" +
+ " [pc: 23, line: 9]\n" +
+ " [pc: 28, line: 10]\n" +
+ " Local variable table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 29] local: args index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n" +
+ " [pc: 4, pc: 29] local: tab index: 1 type: int[]\n" +
+ " [pc: 6, pc: 29] local: o index: 2 type: java.lang.Object\n" +
+ " [pc: 8, pc: 29] local: o1 index: 3 type: java.lang.Object\n" +
+ " Stack map table: number of frames 1\n" +
" [pc: 23, append: {int[], java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object}]\n";
int index = actualOutput.indexOf(expectedOutput);
if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
System.out.println(Util.displayString(actualOutput, 2));
@@ -1033,133 +1033,133 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, actualOutput);
public void test011() throws Exception {
new String[] {
- "public class X {\n" +
- " Object o;\n" +
- "\n" +
- " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
- " X x;\n" +
- " for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\n" +
- " if (i < 90) {\n" +
- " x = new X();\n" +
- " if (i > 4) {\n" +
- " x.o = new Object();\n" +
- " } else {\n" +
- " x.o = \"0\";\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " switch (i) {\n" +
- " case 0:\n" +
- " if (x.o instanceof String) {\n" +
- " System.out.print(\"1\");\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " break;\n" +
- " default: {\n" +
- " Object diff = x.o;\n" +
- " if (diff != null) {\n" +
- " System.out.print(\"2\");\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ " Object o;\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
+ " X x;\n" +
+ " for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\n" +
+ " if (i < 90) {\n" +
+ " x = new X();\n" +
+ " if (i > 4) {\n" +
+ " x.o = new Object();\n" +
+ " } else {\n" +
+ " x.o = \"0\";\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " switch (i) {\n" +
+ " case 0:\n" +
+ " if (x.o instanceof String) {\n" +
+ " System.out.print(\"1\");\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " break;\n" +
+ " default: {\n" +
+ " Object diff = x.o;\n" +
+ " if (diff != null) {\n" +
+ " System.out.print(\"2\");\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator +"X.class"));
String actualOutput =
- ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
- String expectedOutput =
- " // Method descriptor #17 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" +
- " // Stack: 3, Locals: 4\n" +
- " public static void main(java.lang.String[] args);\n" +
- " 0 iconst_0\n" +
- " 1 istore_2 [i]\n" +
- " 2 goto 105\n" +
- " 5 iload_2 [i]\n" +
- " 6 bipush 90\n" +
- " 8 if_icmpge 102\n" +
- " 11 new X [1]\n" +
- " 14 dup\n" +
- " 15 invokespecial X() [18]\n" +
- " 18 astore_1 [x]\n" +
- " 19 iload_2 [i]\n" +
- " 20 iconst_4\n" +
- " 21 if_icmple 38\n" +
- " 24 aload_1 [x]\n" +
- " 25 new java.lang.Object [3]\n" +
- " 28 dup\n" +
- " 29 invokespecial java.lang.Object() [10]\n" +
- " 32 putfield X.o : java.lang.Object [19]\n" +
- " 35 goto 44\n" +
- " 38 aload_1 [x]\n" +
- " 39 ldc <String \"0\"> [21]\n" +
- " 41 putfield X.o : java.lang.Object [19]\n" +
- " 44 iload_2 [i]\n" +
- " 45 tableswitch default: 85\n" +
- " case 0: 64\n" +
- " 64 aload_1 [x]\n" +
- " 65 getfield X.o : java.lang.Object [19]\n" +
- " 68 instanceof java.lang.String [23]\n" +
- " 71 ifeq 102\n" +
- " 74 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [25]\n" +
- " 77 ldc <String \"1\"> [31]\n" +
- " 79 invokevirtual : void [33]\n" +
- " 82 goto 102\n" +
- " 85 aload_1 [x]\n" +
- " 86 getfield X.o : java.lang.Object [19]\n" +
- " 89 astore_3 [diff]\n" +
- " 90 aload_3 [diff]\n" +
- " 91 ifnull 102\n" +
- " 94 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [25]\n" +
- " 97 ldc <String \"2\"> [39]\n" +
- " 99 invokevirtual : void [33]\n" +
- " 102 iinc 2 1 [i]\n" +
- " 105 iload_2 [i]\n" +
- " 106 bipush 10\n" +
- " 108 if_icmplt 5\n" +
- " 111 return\n" +
- " Line numbers:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, line: 6]\n" +
- " [pc: 5, line: 7]\n" +
- " [pc: 11, line: 8]\n" +
- " [pc: 19, line: 9]\n" +
- " [pc: 24, line: 10]\n" +
- " [pc: 38, line: 12]\n" +
- " [pc: 44, line: 14]\n" +
- " [pc: 64, line: 16]\n" +
- " [pc: 74, line: 17]\n" +
- " [pc: 82, line: 19]\n" +
- " [pc: 85, line: 21]\n" +
- " [pc: 90, line: 22]\n" +
- " [pc: 94, line: 23]\n" +
- " [pc: 102, line: 6]\n" +
- " [pc: 111, line: 29]\n" +
- " Local variable table:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 112] local: args index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n" +
- " [pc: 19, pc: 102] local: x index: 1 type: X\n" +
- " [pc: 2, pc: 111] local: i index: 2 type: int\n" +
- " [pc: 90, pc: 102] local: diff index: 3 type: java.lang.Object\n" +
- " Stack map table: number of frames 8\n" +
- " [pc: 5, full, stack: {}, locals: {java.lang.String[], _, int}]\n" +
- " [pc: 38, full, stack: {}, locals: {java.lang.String[], X, int}]\n" +
- " [pc: 44, same]\n" +
- " [pc: 64, same]\n" +
- " [pc: 82, same]\n" +
- " [pc: 85, same]\n" +
- " [pc: 102, full, stack: {}, locals: {java.lang.String[], _, int}]\n" +
+ ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
+ String expectedOutput =
+ " // Method descriptor #17 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" +
+ " // Stack: 3, Locals: 4\n" +
+ " public static void main(java.lang.String[] args);\n" +
+ " 0 iconst_0\n" +
+ " 1 istore_2 [i]\n" +
+ " 2 goto 105\n" +
+ " 5 iload_2 [i]\n" +
+ " 6 bipush 90\n" +
+ " 8 if_icmpge 102\n" +
+ " 11 new X [1]\n" +
+ " 14 dup\n" +
+ " 15 invokespecial X() [18]\n" +
+ " 18 astore_1 [x]\n" +
+ " 19 iload_2 [i]\n" +
+ " 20 iconst_4\n" +
+ " 21 if_icmple 38\n" +
+ " 24 aload_1 [x]\n" +
+ " 25 new java.lang.Object [3]\n" +
+ " 28 dup\n" +
+ " 29 invokespecial java.lang.Object() [10]\n" +
+ " 32 putfield X.o : java.lang.Object [19]\n" +
+ " 35 goto 44\n" +
+ " 38 aload_1 [x]\n" +
+ " 39 ldc <String \"0\"> [21]\n" +
+ " 41 putfield X.o : java.lang.Object [19]\n" +
+ " 44 iload_2 [i]\n" +
+ " 45 tableswitch default: 85\n" +
+ " case 0: 64\n" +
+ " 64 aload_1 [x]\n" +
+ " 65 getfield X.o : java.lang.Object [19]\n" +
+ " 68 instanceof java.lang.String [23]\n" +
+ " 71 ifeq 102\n" +
+ " 74 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [25]\n" +
+ " 77 ldc <String \"1\"> [31]\n" +
+ " 79 invokevirtual : void [33]\n" +
+ " 82 goto 102\n" +
+ " 85 aload_1 [x]\n" +
+ " 86 getfield X.o : java.lang.Object [19]\n" +
+ " 89 astore_3 [diff]\n" +
+ " 90 aload_3 [diff]\n" +
+ " 91 ifnull 102\n" +
+ " 94 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [25]\n" +
+ " 97 ldc <String \"2\"> [39]\n" +
+ " 99 invokevirtual : void [33]\n" +
+ " 102 iinc 2 1 [i]\n" +
+ " 105 iload_2 [i]\n" +
+ " 106 bipush 10\n" +
+ " 108 if_icmplt 5\n" +
+ " 111 return\n" +
+ " Line numbers:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, line: 6]\n" +
+ " [pc: 5, line: 7]\n" +
+ " [pc: 11, line: 8]\n" +
+ " [pc: 19, line: 9]\n" +
+ " [pc: 24, line: 10]\n" +
+ " [pc: 38, line: 12]\n" +
+ " [pc: 44, line: 14]\n" +
+ " [pc: 64, line: 16]\n" +
+ " [pc: 74, line: 17]\n" +
+ " [pc: 82, line: 19]\n" +
+ " [pc: 85, line: 21]\n" +
+ " [pc: 90, line: 22]\n" +
+ " [pc: 94, line: 23]\n" +
+ " [pc: 102, line: 6]\n" +
+ " [pc: 111, line: 29]\n" +
+ " Local variable table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 112] local: args index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n" +
+ " [pc: 19, pc: 102] local: x index: 1 type: X\n" +
+ " [pc: 2, pc: 111] local: i index: 2 type: int\n" +
+ " [pc: 90, pc: 102] local: diff index: 3 type: java.lang.Object\n" +
+ " Stack map table: number of frames 8\n" +
+ " [pc: 5, full, stack: {}, locals: {java.lang.String[], _, int}]\n" +
+ " [pc: 38, full, stack: {}, locals: {java.lang.String[], X, int}]\n" +
+ " [pc: 44, same]\n" +
+ " [pc: 64, same]\n" +
+ " [pc: 82, same]\n" +
+ " [pc: 85, same]\n" +
+ " [pc: 102, full, stack: {}, locals: {java.lang.String[], _, int}]\n" +
" [pc: 105, same]\n";
int index = actualOutput.indexOf(expectedOutput);
if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
System.out.println(Util.displayString(actualOutput, 2));
@@ -1168,138 +1168,138 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, actualOutput);
public void test012() throws Exception {
new String[] {
- "public class X {\n" +
- " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
- " X x;\n" +
- " Object o;\n" +
- " for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\n" +
- " if (i < 90) {\n" +
- " x = new X();\n" +
- " if (i > 4) {\n" +
- " o = new Object();\n" +
- " } else {\n" +
- " o = null;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " switch (i) {\n" +
- " case 0:\n" +
- " if (o instanceof String) {\n" +
- " System.out.print(\"1\");\n" +
- " return;\n" +
- " } else {\n" +
- " break;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " default: {\n" +
- " Object diff = o;\n" +
- " if (diff != null) {\n" +
- " System.out.print(\"2\");\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " break;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " System.out.print(\"3\");\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
+ " X x;\n" +
+ " Object o;\n" +
+ " for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\n" +
+ " if (i < 90) {\n" +
+ " x = new X();\n" +
+ " if (i > 4) {\n" +
+ " o = new Object();\n" +
+ " } else {\n" +
+ " o = null;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " switch (i) {\n" +
+ " case 0:\n" +
+ " if (o instanceof String) {\n" +
+ " System.out.print(\"1\");\n" +
+ " return;\n" +
+ " } else {\n" +
+ " break;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " default: {\n" +
+ " Object diff = o;\n" +
+ " if (diff != null) {\n" +
+ " System.out.print(\"2\");\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " break;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " System.out.print(\"3\");\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
ClassFileBytesDisassembler disassembler = ToolFactory.createDefaultClassFileBytesDisassembler();
byte[] classFileBytes = org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util.getFileByteContent(new File(OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator +"X.class"));
String actualOutput =
- ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
- String expectedOutput =
- " // Method descriptor #15 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" +
- " // Stack: 2, Locals: 5\n" +
- " public static void main(java.lang.String[] args);\n" +
- " 0 iconst_0\n" +
- " 1 istore_3 [i]\n" +
- " 2 goto 99\n" +
- " 5 iload_3 [i]\n" +
- " 6 bipush 90\n" +
- " 8 if_icmpge 96\n" +
- " 11 new X [1]\n" +
- " 14 dup\n" +
- " 15 invokespecial X() [16]\n" +
- " 18 astore_1 [x]\n" +
- " 19 iload_3 [i]\n" +
- " 20 iconst_4\n" +
- " 21 if_icmple 35\n" +
- " 24 new java.lang.Object [3]\n" +
- " 27 dup\n" +
- " 28 invokespecial java.lang.Object() [8]\n" +
- " 31 astore_2 [o]\n" +
- " 32 goto 37\n" +
- " 35 aconst_null\n" +
- " 36 astore_2 [o]\n" +
- " 37 iload_3 [i]\n" +
- " 38 tableswitch default: 72\n" +
- " case 0: 56\n" +
- " 56 aload_2 [o]\n" +
- " 57 instanceof java.lang.String [17]\n" +
- " 60 ifeq 88\n" +
- " 63 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [19]\n" +
- " 66 ldc <String \"1\"> [25]\n" +
- " 68 invokevirtual : void [27]\n" +
- " 71 return\n" +
- " 72 aload_2 [o]\n" +
- " 73 astore 4 [diff]\n" +
- " 75 aload 4 [diff]\n" +
- " 77 ifnull 88\n" +
- " 80 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [19]\n" +
- " 83 ldc <String \"2\"> [33]\n" +
- " 85 invokevirtual : void [27]\n" +
- " 88 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [19]\n" +
- " 91 ldc <String \"3\"> [35]\n" +
- " 93 invokevirtual : void [27]\n" +
- " 96 iinc 3 1 [i]\n" +
- " 99 iload_3 [i]\n" +
- " 100 bipush 10\n" +
- " 102 if_icmplt 5\n" +
- " 105 return\n" +
- " Line numbers:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, line: 5]\n" +
- " [pc: 5, line: 6]\n" +
- " [pc: 11, line: 7]\n" +
- " [pc: 19, line: 8]\n" +
- " [pc: 24, line: 9]\n" +
- " [pc: 35, line: 11]\n" +
- " [pc: 37, line: 13]\n" +
- " [pc: 56, line: 15]\n" +
- " [pc: 63, line: 16]\n" +
- " [pc: 71, line: 17]\n" +
- " [pc: 72, line: 22]\n" +
- " [pc: 75, line: 23]\n" +
- " [pc: 80, line: 24]\n" +
- " [pc: 88, line: 29]\n" +
- " [pc: 96, line: 5]\n" +
- " [pc: 105, line: 32]\n" +
- " Local variable table:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 106] local: args index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n" +
- " [pc: 19, pc: 96] local: x index: 1 type: X\n" +
- " [pc: 32, pc: 35] local: o index: 2 type: java.lang.Object\n" +
- " [pc: 37, pc: 96] local: o index: 2 type: java.lang.Object\n" +
- " [pc: 2, pc: 105] local: i index: 3 type: int\n" +
- " [pc: 75, pc: 88] local: diff index: 4 type: java.lang.Object\n" +
- " Stack map table: number of frames 8\n" +
- " [pc: 5, full, stack: {}, locals: {java.lang.String[], _, _, int}]\n" +
- " [pc: 35, full, stack: {}, locals: {java.lang.String[], X, _, int}]\n" +
- " [pc: 37, full, stack: {}, locals: {java.lang.String[], X, java.lang.Object, int}]\n" +
- " [pc: 56, same]\n" +
- " [pc: 72, same]\n" +
- " [pc: 88, same]\n" +
- " [pc: 96, full, stack: {}, locals: {java.lang.String[], _, _, int}]\n" +
+ ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
+ String expectedOutput =
+ " // Method descriptor #15 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" +
+ " // Stack: 2, Locals: 5\n" +
+ " public static void main(java.lang.String[] args);\n" +
+ " 0 iconst_0\n" +
+ " 1 istore_3 [i]\n" +
+ " 2 goto 99\n" +
+ " 5 iload_3 [i]\n" +
+ " 6 bipush 90\n" +
+ " 8 if_icmpge 96\n" +
+ " 11 new X [1]\n" +
+ " 14 dup\n" +
+ " 15 invokespecial X() [16]\n" +
+ " 18 astore_1 [x]\n" +
+ " 19 iload_3 [i]\n" +
+ " 20 iconst_4\n" +
+ " 21 if_icmple 35\n" +
+ " 24 new java.lang.Object [3]\n" +
+ " 27 dup\n" +
+ " 28 invokespecial java.lang.Object() [8]\n" +
+ " 31 astore_2 [o]\n" +
+ " 32 goto 37\n" +
+ " 35 aconst_null\n" +
+ " 36 astore_2 [o]\n" +
+ " 37 iload_3 [i]\n" +
+ " 38 tableswitch default: 72\n" +
+ " case 0: 56\n" +
+ " 56 aload_2 [o]\n" +
+ " 57 instanceof java.lang.String [17]\n" +
+ " 60 ifeq 88\n" +
+ " 63 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [19]\n" +
+ " 66 ldc <String \"1\"> [25]\n" +
+ " 68 invokevirtual : void [27]\n" +
+ " 71 return\n" +
+ " 72 aload_2 [o]\n" +
+ " 73 astore 4 [diff]\n" +
+ " 75 aload 4 [diff]\n" +
+ " 77 ifnull 88\n" +
+ " 80 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [19]\n" +
+ " 83 ldc <String \"2\"> [33]\n" +
+ " 85 invokevirtual : void [27]\n" +
+ " 88 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [19]\n" +
+ " 91 ldc <String \"3\"> [35]\n" +
+ " 93 invokevirtual : void [27]\n" +
+ " 96 iinc 3 1 [i]\n" +
+ " 99 iload_3 [i]\n" +
+ " 100 bipush 10\n" +
+ " 102 if_icmplt 5\n" +
+ " 105 return\n" +
+ " Line numbers:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, line: 5]\n" +
+ " [pc: 5, line: 6]\n" +
+ " [pc: 11, line: 7]\n" +
+ " [pc: 19, line: 8]\n" +
+ " [pc: 24, line: 9]\n" +
+ " [pc: 35, line: 11]\n" +
+ " [pc: 37, line: 13]\n" +
+ " [pc: 56, line: 15]\n" +
+ " [pc: 63, line: 16]\n" +
+ " [pc: 71, line: 17]\n" +
+ " [pc: 72, line: 22]\n" +
+ " [pc: 75, line: 23]\n" +
+ " [pc: 80, line: 24]\n" +
+ " [pc: 88, line: 29]\n" +
+ " [pc: 96, line: 5]\n" +
+ " [pc: 105, line: 32]\n" +
+ " Local variable table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 106] local: args index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n" +
+ " [pc: 19, pc: 96] local: x index: 1 type: X\n" +
+ " [pc: 32, pc: 35] local: o index: 2 type: java.lang.Object\n" +
+ " [pc: 37, pc: 96] local: o index: 2 type: java.lang.Object\n" +
+ " [pc: 2, pc: 105] local: i index: 3 type: int\n" +
+ " [pc: 75, pc: 88] local: diff index: 4 type: java.lang.Object\n" +
+ " Stack map table: number of frames 8\n" +
+ " [pc: 5, full, stack: {}, locals: {java.lang.String[], _, _, int}]\n" +
+ " [pc: 35, full, stack: {}, locals: {java.lang.String[], X, _, int}]\n" +
+ " [pc: 37, full, stack: {}, locals: {java.lang.String[], X, java.lang.Object, int}]\n" +
+ " [pc: 56, same]\n" +
+ " [pc: 72, same]\n" +
+ " [pc: 88, same]\n" +
+ " [pc: 96, full, stack: {}, locals: {java.lang.String[], _, _, int}]\n" +
" [pc: 99, same]\n";
int index = actualOutput.indexOf(expectedOutput);
if (index == -1 || expectedOutput.length() == 0) {
System.out.println(Util.displayString(actualOutput, 2));
@@ -1308,24 +1308,24 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, actualOutput);
public void test013() throws Exception {
new String[] {
- "public class X {\n" +
- "\n" +
- " void foo() {\n" +
- " synchronized (this) {\n" +
- " int n=0;\n" +
- " try {\n" +
- " Thread.sleep(n); \n" +
- " } catch (Exception e ) {\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " \n" +
- " public static void main(String[] args) {}\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " void foo() {\n" +
+ " synchronized (this) {\n" +
+ " int n=0;\n" +
+ " try {\n" +
+ " Thread.sleep(n); \n" +
+ " } catch (Exception e ) {\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {}\n" +
@@ -1336,48 +1336,48 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
- ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
- String expectedOutput =
- " // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
- " // Stack: 2, Locals: 4\n" +
- " void foo();\n" +
- " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" +
- " 1 dup\n" +
- " 2 astore_1\n" +
- " 3 monitorenter\n" +
- " 4 iconst_0\n" +
- " 5 istore_2 [n]\n" +
- " 6 iload_2 [n]\n" +
- " 7 i2l\n" +
- " 8 invokestatic java.lang.Thread.sleep(long) : void [15]\n" +
- " 11 goto 15\n" +
- " 14 astore_3\n" +
- " 15 aload_1\n" +
- " 16 monitorexit\n" +
- " 17 goto 23\n" +
- " 20 aload_1\n" +
- " 21 monitorexit\n" +
- " 22 athrow\n" +
- " 23 return\n" +
- " Exception Table:\n" +
- " [pc: 6, pc: 11] -> 14 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
- " [pc: 4, pc: 17] -> 20 when : any\n" +
- " [pc: 20, pc: 22] -> 20 when : any\n" +
- " Line numbers:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, line: 4]\n" +
- " [pc: 4, line: 5]\n" +
- " [pc: 6, line: 7]\n" +
- " [pc: 14, line: 8]\n" +
- " [pc: 15, line: 4]\n" +
- " [pc: 23, line: 11]\n" +
- " Local variable table:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 24] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
- " [pc: 6, pc: 15] local: n index: 2 type: int\n" +
- " Stack map table: number of frames 4\n" +
- " [pc: 14, full, stack: {java.lang.Exception}, locals: {X, X, int}]\n" +
- " [pc: 15, chop 1 local(s)]\n" +
- " [pc: 20, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Throwable}]\n" +
+ ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
+ String expectedOutput =
+ " // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
+ " // Stack: 2, Locals: 4\n" +
+ " void foo();\n" +
+ " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" +
+ " 1 dup\n" +
+ " 2 astore_1\n" +
+ " 3 monitorenter\n" +
+ " 4 iconst_0\n" +
+ " 5 istore_2 [n]\n" +
+ " 6 iload_2 [n]\n" +
+ " 7 i2l\n" +
+ " 8 invokestatic java.lang.Thread.sleep(long) : void [15]\n" +
+ " 11 goto 15\n" +
+ " 14 astore_3\n" +
+ " 15 aload_1\n" +
+ " 16 monitorexit\n" +
+ " 17 goto 23\n" +
+ " 20 aload_1\n" +
+ " 21 monitorexit\n" +
+ " 22 athrow\n" +
+ " 23 return\n" +
+ " Exception Table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 6, pc: 11] -> 14 when : java.lang.Exception\n" +
+ " [pc: 4, pc: 17] -> 20 when : any\n" +
+ " [pc: 20, pc: 22] -> 20 when : any\n" +
+ " Line numbers:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, line: 4]\n" +
+ " [pc: 4, line: 5]\n" +
+ " [pc: 6, line: 7]\n" +
+ " [pc: 14, line: 8]\n" +
+ " [pc: 15, line: 4]\n" +
+ " [pc: 23, line: 11]\n" +
+ " Local variable table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 24] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
+ " [pc: 6, pc: 15] local: n index: 2 type: int\n" +
+ " Stack map table: number of frames 4\n" +
+ " [pc: 14, full, stack: {java.lang.Exception}, locals: {X, X, int}]\n" +
+ " [pc: 15, chop 1 local(s)]\n" +
+ " [pc: 20, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {java.lang.Throwable}]\n" +
" [pc: 23, chop 1 local(s)]\n";
int index = actualOutput.indexOf(expectedOutput);
@@ -1388,19 +1388,19 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, actualOutput);
public void test014() throws Exception {
new String[] {
- "public class X {\n" +
- " X() {\n" +
- " final int i;\n" +
- " synchronized (this) {\n" +
- " i = 8;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " } \n" +
- " public static void main(String[] args) {}\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ " X() {\n" +
+ " final int i;\n" +
+ " synchronized (this) {\n" +
+ " i = 8;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " } \n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {}\n" +
@@ -1411,42 +1411,42 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
- ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
- String expectedOutput =
- " // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
- " // Stack: 2, Locals: 3\n" +
- " X();\n" +
- " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" +
- " 1 invokespecial java.lang.Object() [8]\n" +
- " 4 aload_0 [this]\n" +
- " 5 dup\n" +
- " 6 astore_2\n" +
- " 7 monitorenter\n" +
- " 8 bipush 8\n" +
- " 10 istore_1 [i]\n" +
- " 11 aload_2\n" +
- " 12 monitorexit\n" +
- " 13 goto 19\n" +
- " 16 aload_2\n" +
- " 17 monitorexit\n" +
- " 18 athrow\n" +
- " 19 return\n" +
- " Exception Table:\n" +
- " [pc: 8, pc: 13] -> 16 when : any\n" +
- " [pc: 16, pc: 18] -> 16 when : any\n" +
- " Line numbers:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, line: 2]\n" +
- " [pc: 4, line: 4]\n" +
- " [pc: 8, line: 5]\n" +
- " [pc: 11, line: 4]\n" +
- " [pc: 19, line: 7]\n" +
- " Local variable table:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 20] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
- " [pc: 11, pc: 16] local: i index: 1 type: int\n" +
- " [pc: 19, pc: 20] local: i index: 1 type: int\n" +
- " Stack map table: number of frames 2\n" +
- " [pc: 16, full, stack: {java.lang.Throwable}, locals: {X, _, X}]\n" +
+ ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
+ String expectedOutput =
+ " // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
+ " // Stack: 2, Locals: 3\n" +
+ " X();\n" +
+ " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" +
+ " 1 invokespecial java.lang.Object() [8]\n" +
+ " 4 aload_0 [this]\n" +
+ " 5 dup\n" +
+ " 6 astore_2\n" +
+ " 7 monitorenter\n" +
+ " 8 bipush 8\n" +
+ " 10 istore_1 [i]\n" +
+ " 11 aload_2\n" +
+ " 12 monitorexit\n" +
+ " 13 goto 19\n" +
+ " 16 aload_2\n" +
+ " 17 monitorexit\n" +
+ " 18 athrow\n" +
+ " 19 return\n" +
+ " Exception Table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 8, pc: 13] -> 16 when : any\n" +
+ " [pc: 16, pc: 18] -> 16 when : any\n" +
+ " Line numbers:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, line: 2]\n" +
+ " [pc: 4, line: 4]\n" +
+ " [pc: 8, line: 5]\n" +
+ " [pc: 11, line: 4]\n" +
+ " [pc: 19, line: 7]\n" +
+ " Local variable table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 20] local: this index: 0 type: X\n" +
+ " [pc: 11, pc: 16] local: i index: 1 type: int\n" +
+ " [pc: 19, pc: 20] local: i index: 1 type: int\n" +
+ " Stack map table: number of frames 2\n" +
+ " [pc: 16, full, stack: {java.lang.Throwable}, locals: {X, _, X}]\n" +
" [pc: 19, full, stack: {}, locals: {X, int}]\n";
int index = actualOutput.indexOf(expectedOutput);
@@ -1457,37 +1457,37 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, actualOutput);
public void test015() throws Exception {
new String[] {
- "public enum X {\n" +
- " a1(1), a2(5), a3(11);\n" +
- " int value;\n" +
- " X(int a) {\n" +
- " value = a;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " int value () {\n" +
- " return value;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public static int foo() {\n" +
- " int val;\n" +
- " int res = 0;\n" +
- " int n = 0;\n" +
- " X[] vals = X.values();\n" +
- " for (int i = 0, max = vals.length; i < max; i++) {\n" +
- " X e = vals[i];\n" +
- " if ( n == 1) {\n" +
- " continue;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " val = e.value();\n" +
+ "public enum X {\n" +
+ " a1(1), a2(5), a3(11);\n" +
+ " int value;\n" +
+ " X(int a) {\n" +
+ " value = a;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " int value () {\n" +
+ " return value;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public static int foo() {\n" +
+ " int val;\n" +
+ " int res = 0;\n" +
+ " int n = 0;\n" +
+ " X[] vals = X.values();\n" +
+ " for (int i = 0, max = vals.length; i < max; i++) {\n" +
+ " X e = vals[i];\n" +
+ " if ( n == 1) {\n" +
+ " continue;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " val = e.value();\n" +
" System.out.println(val);\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " return res;\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " return res;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
@@ -1498,68 +1498,68 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
- ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
- String expectedOutput =
- " // Method descriptor #40 ()I\n" +
- " // Stack: 2, Locals: 7\n" +
- " public static int foo();\n" +
- " 0 iconst_0\n" +
- " 1 istore_1 [res]\n" +
- " 2 iconst_0\n" +
- " 3 istore_2 [n]\n" +
- " 4 invokestatic X.values() : X[] [46]\n" +
- " 7 astore_3 [vals]\n" +
- " 8 iconst_0\n" +
- " 9 istore 4 [i]\n" +
- " 11 aload_3 [vals]\n" +
- " 12 arraylength\n" +
- " 13 istore 5 [max]\n" +
- " 15 goto 48\n" +
- " 18 aload_3 [vals]\n" +
- " 19 iload 4 [i]\n" +
- " 21 aaload\n" +
- " 22 astore 6 [e]\n" +
- " 24 iload_2 [n]\n" +
- " 25 iconst_1\n" +
- " 26 if_icmpne 32\n" +
- " 29 goto 45\n" +
- " 32 aload 6 [e]\n" +
- " 34 invokevirtual X.value() : int [50]\n" +
- " 37 istore_0 [val]\n" +
- " 38 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [52]\n" +
- " 41 iload_0 [val]\n" +
- " 42 invokevirtual : void [58]\n" +
- " 45 iinc 4 1 [i]\n" +
- " 48 iload 4 [i]\n" +
- " 50 iload 5 [max]\n" +
- " 52 if_icmplt 18\n" +
- " 55 iload_1 [res]\n" +
- " 56 ireturn\n" +
- " Line numbers:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, line: 14]\n" +
- " [pc: 2, line: 15]\n" +
- " [pc: 4, line: 16]\n" +
- " [pc: 8, line: 17]\n" +
- " [pc: 18, line: 18]\n" +
- " [pc: 24, line: 19]\n" +
- " [pc: 29, line: 20]\n" +
- " [pc: 32, line: 22]\n" +
- " [pc: 38, line: 23]\n" +
- " [pc: 45, line: 17]\n" +
- " [pc: 55, line: 25]\n" +
- " Local variable table:\n" +
- " [pc: 38, pc: 45] local: val index: 0 type: int\n" +
- " [pc: 2, pc: 57] local: res index: 1 type: int\n" +
- " [pc: 4, pc: 57] local: n index: 2 type: int\n" +
- " [pc: 8, pc: 57] local: vals index: 3 type: X[]\n" +
- " [pc: 11, pc: 55] local: i index: 4 type: int\n" +
- " [pc: 15, pc: 55] local: max index: 5 type: int\n" +
- " [pc: 24, pc: 45] local: e index: 6 type: X\n" +
- " Stack map table: number of frames 4\n" +
- " [pc: 18, full, stack: {}, locals: {_, int, int, X[], int, int}]\n" +
- " [pc: 32, append: {X}]\n" +
- " [pc: 45, chop 1 local(s)]\n" +
+ ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
+ String expectedOutput =
+ " // Method descriptor #40 ()I\n" +
+ " // Stack: 2, Locals: 7\n" +
+ " public static int foo();\n" +
+ " 0 iconst_0\n" +
+ " 1 istore_1 [res]\n" +
+ " 2 iconst_0\n" +
+ " 3 istore_2 [n]\n" +
+ " 4 invokestatic X.values() : X[] [46]\n" +
+ " 7 astore_3 [vals]\n" +
+ " 8 iconst_0\n" +
+ " 9 istore 4 [i]\n" +
+ " 11 aload_3 [vals]\n" +
+ " 12 arraylength\n" +
+ " 13 istore 5 [max]\n" +
+ " 15 goto 48\n" +
+ " 18 aload_3 [vals]\n" +
+ " 19 iload 4 [i]\n" +
+ " 21 aaload\n" +
+ " 22 astore 6 [e]\n" +
+ " 24 iload_2 [n]\n" +
+ " 25 iconst_1\n" +
+ " 26 if_icmpne 32\n" +
+ " 29 goto 45\n" +
+ " 32 aload 6 [e]\n" +
+ " 34 invokevirtual X.value() : int [50]\n" +
+ " 37 istore_0 [val]\n" +
+ " 38 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [52]\n" +
+ " 41 iload_0 [val]\n" +
+ " 42 invokevirtual : void [58]\n" +
+ " 45 iinc 4 1 [i]\n" +
+ " 48 iload 4 [i]\n" +
+ " 50 iload 5 [max]\n" +
+ " 52 if_icmplt 18\n" +
+ " 55 iload_1 [res]\n" +
+ " 56 ireturn\n" +
+ " Line numbers:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, line: 14]\n" +
+ " [pc: 2, line: 15]\n" +
+ " [pc: 4, line: 16]\n" +
+ " [pc: 8, line: 17]\n" +
+ " [pc: 18, line: 18]\n" +
+ " [pc: 24, line: 19]\n" +
+ " [pc: 29, line: 20]\n" +
+ " [pc: 32, line: 22]\n" +
+ " [pc: 38, line: 23]\n" +
+ " [pc: 45, line: 17]\n" +
+ " [pc: 55, line: 25]\n" +
+ " Local variable table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 38, pc: 45] local: val index: 0 type: int\n" +
+ " [pc: 2, pc: 57] local: res index: 1 type: int\n" +
+ " [pc: 4, pc: 57] local: n index: 2 type: int\n" +
+ " [pc: 8, pc: 57] local: vals index: 3 type: X[]\n" +
+ " [pc: 11, pc: 55] local: i index: 4 type: int\n" +
+ " [pc: 15, pc: 55] local: max index: 5 type: int\n" +
+ " [pc: 24, pc: 45] local: e index: 6 type: X\n" +
+ " Stack map table: number of frames 4\n" +
+ " [pc: 18, full, stack: {}, locals: {_, int, int, X[], int, int}]\n" +
+ " [pc: 32, append: {X}]\n" +
+ " [pc: 45, chop 1 local(s)]\n" +
" [pc: 48, same]\n";
int index = actualOutput.indexOf(expectedOutput);
@@ -1570,35 +1570,35 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, actualOutput);
public void test016() throws Exception {
new String[] {
- "public enum X {\n" +
- " a1(1), a2(5), a3(11);\n" +
- " int value;\n" +
- " X(int a) {\n" +
- " value = a;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " int value () {\n" +
- " return value;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public static int foo() {\n" +
- " int val;\n" +
- " int res = 0;\n" +
- " int n = 0;\n" +
- " for (X e : X.values()) {\n" +
- " if ( n == 1) {\n" +
- " continue;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " val = e.value();\n" +
+ "public enum X {\n" +
+ " a1(1), a2(5), a3(11);\n" +
+ " int value;\n" +
+ " X(int a) {\n" +
+ " value = a;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " int value () {\n" +
+ " return value;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public static int foo() {\n" +
+ " int val;\n" +
+ " int res = 0;\n" +
+ " int n = 0;\n" +
+ " for (X e : X.values()) {\n" +
+ " if ( n == 1) {\n" +
+ " continue;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " val = e.value();\n" +
" System.out.println(val);\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " return res;\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " return res;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
@@ -1609,63 +1609,63 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
- ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
- String expectedOutput =
- " // Method descriptor #40 ()I\n" +
- " // Stack: 2, Locals: 7\n" +
- " public static int foo();\n" +
- " 0 iconst_0\n" +
- " 1 istore_1 [res]\n" +
- " 2 iconst_0\n" +
- " 3 istore_2 [n]\n" +
- " 4 invokestatic X.values() : X[] [46]\n" +
- " 7 dup\n" +
- " 8 astore 6\n" +
- " 10 arraylength\n" +
- " 11 istore 5\n" +
- " 13 iconst_0\n" +
- " 14 istore 4\n" +
- " 16 goto 48\n" +
- " 19 aload 6\n" +
- " 21 iload 4\n" +
- " 23 aaload\n" +
- " 24 astore_3 [e]\n" +
- " 25 iload_2 [n]\n" +
- " 26 iconst_1\n" +
- " 27 if_icmpne 33\n" +
- " 30 goto 45\n" +
- " 33 aload_3 [e]\n" +
- " 34 invokevirtual X.value() : int [50]\n" +
- " 37 istore_0 [val]\n" +
- " 38 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [52]\n" +
- " 41 iload_0 [val]\n" +
- " 42 invokevirtual : void [58]\n" +
- " 45 iinc 4 1\n" +
- " 48 iload 4\n" +
- " 50 iload 5\n" +
- " 52 if_icmplt 19\n" +
- " 55 iload_1 [res]\n" +
- " 56 ireturn\n" +
- " Line numbers:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, line: 14]\n" +
- " [pc: 2, line: 15]\n" +
- " [pc: 4, line: 16]\n" +
- " [pc: 25, line: 17]\n" +
- " [pc: 30, line: 18]\n" +
- " [pc: 33, line: 20]\n" +
- " [pc: 38, line: 21]\n" +
- " [pc: 45, line: 16]\n" +
- " [pc: 55, line: 23]\n" +
- " Local variable table:\n" +
- " [pc: 38, pc: 45] local: val index: 0 type: int\n" +
- " [pc: 2, pc: 57] local: res index: 1 type: int\n" +
- " [pc: 4, pc: 57] local: n index: 2 type: int\n" +
- " [pc: 25, pc: 45] local: e index: 3 type: X\n" +
- " Stack map table: number of frames 4\n" +
- " [pc: 19, full, stack: {}, locals: {_, int, int, _, int, int, X[]}]\n" +
- " [pc: 33, full, stack: {}, locals: {_, int, int, X, int, int, X[]}]\n" +
- " [pc: 45, full, stack: {}, locals: {_, int, int, _, int, int, X[]}]\n" +
+ ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
+ String expectedOutput =
+ " // Method descriptor #40 ()I\n" +
+ " // Stack: 2, Locals: 7\n" +
+ " public static int foo();\n" +
+ " 0 iconst_0\n" +
+ " 1 istore_1 [res]\n" +
+ " 2 iconst_0\n" +
+ " 3 istore_2 [n]\n" +
+ " 4 invokestatic X.values() : X[] [46]\n" +
+ " 7 dup\n" +
+ " 8 astore 6\n" +
+ " 10 arraylength\n" +
+ " 11 istore 5\n" +
+ " 13 iconst_0\n" +
+ " 14 istore 4\n" +
+ " 16 goto 48\n" +
+ " 19 aload 6\n" +
+ " 21 iload 4\n" +
+ " 23 aaload\n" +
+ " 24 astore_3 [e]\n" +
+ " 25 iload_2 [n]\n" +
+ " 26 iconst_1\n" +
+ " 27 if_icmpne 33\n" +
+ " 30 goto 45\n" +
+ " 33 aload_3 [e]\n" +
+ " 34 invokevirtual X.value() : int [50]\n" +
+ " 37 istore_0 [val]\n" +
+ " 38 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [52]\n" +
+ " 41 iload_0 [val]\n" +
+ " 42 invokevirtual : void [58]\n" +
+ " 45 iinc 4 1\n" +
+ " 48 iload 4\n" +
+ " 50 iload 5\n" +
+ " 52 if_icmplt 19\n" +
+ " 55 iload_1 [res]\n" +
+ " 56 ireturn\n" +
+ " Line numbers:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, line: 14]\n" +
+ " [pc: 2, line: 15]\n" +
+ " [pc: 4, line: 16]\n" +
+ " [pc: 25, line: 17]\n" +
+ " [pc: 30, line: 18]\n" +
+ " [pc: 33, line: 20]\n" +
+ " [pc: 38, line: 21]\n" +
+ " [pc: 45, line: 16]\n" +
+ " [pc: 55, line: 23]\n" +
+ " Local variable table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 38, pc: 45] local: val index: 0 type: int\n" +
+ " [pc: 2, pc: 57] local: res index: 1 type: int\n" +
+ " [pc: 4, pc: 57] local: n index: 2 type: int\n" +
+ " [pc: 25, pc: 45] local: e index: 3 type: X\n" +
+ " Stack map table: number of frames 4\n" +
+ " [pc: 19, full, stack: {}, locals: {_, int, int, _, int, int, X[]}]\n" +
+ " [pc: 33, full, stack: {}, locals: {_, int, int, X, int, int, X[]}]\n" +
+ " [pc: 45, full, stack: {}, locals: {_, int, int, _, int, int, X[]}]\n" +
" [pc: 48, same]\n";
int index = actualOutput.indexOf(expectedOutput);
@@ -1676,24 +1676,24 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, actualOutput);
public void test017() throws Exception {
new String[] {
- "public class X {\n" +
- " public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" +
- " int i;\n" +
- " \n" +
- " switch (i = 0) {\n" +
- " case 0 :\n" +
- " i = 1;\n" +
- " break;\n" +
- " default :\n" +
- " ;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " System.out.print(i);\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ " public static void main(String argv[]) {\n" +
+ " int i;\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " switch (i = 0) {\n" +
+ " case 0 :\n" +
+ " i = 1;\n" +
+ " break;\n" +
+ " default :\n" +
+ " ;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " System.out.print(i);\n" +
+ " }\n" +
@@ -1704,33 +1704,33 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
- ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
- String expectedOutput =
- " // Method descriptor #15 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" +
- " // Stack: 2, Locals: 2\n" +
- " public static void main(java.lang.String[] argv);\n" +
- " 0 iconst_0\n" +
- " 1 dup\n" +
- " 2 istore_1 [i]\n" +
- " 3 tableswitch default: 22\n" +
- " case 0: 20\n" +
- " 20 iconst_1\n" +
- " 21 istore_1 [i]\n" +
- " 22 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
- " 25 iload_1 [i]\n" +
- " 26 invokevirtual : void [22]\n" +
- " 29 return\n" +
- " Line numbers:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, line: 5]\n" +
- " [pc: 20, line: 7]\n" +
- " [pc: 22, line: 12]\n" +
- " [pc: 29, line: 13]\n" +
- " Local variable table:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, pc: 30] local: argv index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n" +
- " [pc: 3, pc: 30] local: i index: 1 type: int\n" +
- " Stack map table: number of frames 2\n" +
- " [pc: 20, append: {int}]\n" +
+ ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
+ String expectedOutput =
+ " // Method descriptor #15 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V\n" +
+ " // Stack: 2, Locals: 2\n" +
+ " public static void main(java.lang.String[] argv);\n" +
+ " 0 iconst_0\n" +
+ " 1 dup\n" +
+ " 2 istore_1 [i]\n" +
+ " 3 tableswitch default: 22\n" +
+ " case 0: 20\n" +
+ " 20 iconst_1\n" +
+ " 21 istore_1 [i]\n" +
+ " 22 getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]\n" +
+ " 25 iload_1 [i]\n" +
+ " 26 invokevirtual : void [22]\n" +
+ " 29 return\n" +
+ " Line numbers:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, line: 5]\n" +
+ " [pc: 20, line: 7]\n" +
+ " [pc: 22, line: 12]\n" +
+ " [pc: 29, line: 13]\n" +
+ " Local variable table:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, pc: 30] local: argv index: 0 type: java.lang.String[]\n" +
+ " [pc: 3, pc: 30] local: i index: 1 type: int\n" +
+ " Stack map table: number of frames 2\n" +
+ " [pc: 20, append: {int}]\n" +
" [pc: 22, same]\n";
int index = actualOutput.indexOf(expectedOutput);
@@ -1741,82 +1741,82 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, actualOutput);
public void test018() {
new String[] {
- "import java.util.*;\n" +
- "\n" +
- "interface Sequence<Value_Type> extends Iterable<Value_Type>{\n" +
- "\n" +
- " Value_Type get(int i);\n" +
- " int length();\n" +
- " Value_Type set(int i, Value_Type value);\n" +
- "}\n" +
- "\n" +
- "class ArraySequence<Value_Type> implements Sequence<Value_Type> {\n" +
- "\n" +
- " public ArraySequence(int length) {}\n" +
- " public Value_Type get(int i) {\n" +
- " return null;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public int length() {\n" +
- " return 0;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public Value_Type set(int i, Value_Type value) {\n" +
- " return value;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public Iterator<Value_Type> iterator() {\n" +
- " return null;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "}\n" +
- "\n" +
- "class BirBlock {\n" +
- " void setRole(IrBlock.Role role) {}\n" +
- "}\n" +
- "\n" +
- "class CatchChain {\n" +
- " int dispatcherAddress() {\n" +
- " return 0;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "}\n" +
- "\n" +
- "class ExceptionHandlerInfo {\n" +
- " int handlerProgramCounter() {\n" +
- " return 0;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "}\n" +
- "\n" +
- "interface IrBlock {\n" +
- " enum Role {\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "}\n" +
- "\n" +
- "class ClassMethodActor {\n" +
- " Sequence<ExceptionHandlerInfo> exceptionHandlerInfos() {\n" +
- " return null;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "}\n" +
- "\n" +
- "public class X {\n" +
- "\n" +
- " private Sequence<CatchChain> _catchChains;\n" +
- " private ClassMethodActor _classMethodActor;\n" +
- "\n" +
- " public Sequence<BirBlock> getExceptionDispatchers(final BirBlock[] blockMap) {\n" +
- " final ArraySequence<BirBlock> dispatchers = new ArraySequence<BirBlock>(_catchChains.length());\n" +
- " for (int i = 0; i < _catchChains.length(); i++) {\n" +
- " final BirBlock dispatcher = blockMap[_catchChains.get(i).dispatcherAddress()];\n" +
- " dispatcher.setRole(IrBlock.Role.EXCEPTION_DISPATCHER);\n" +
- " dispatchers.set(i, dispatcher);\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " for (ExceptionHandlerInfo exceptionHandlerInfo : _classMethodActor.exceptionHandlerInfos()) {\n" +
- " blockMap[exceptionHandlerInfo.handlerProgramCounter()].setRole(IrBlock.Role.EXCEPTION_DISPATCHER);\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " return dispatchers;\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "import java.util.*;\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ "interface Sequence<Value_Type> extends Iterable<Value_Type>{\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " Value_Type get(int i);\n" +
+ " int length();\n" +
+ " Value_Type set(int i, Value_Type value);\n" +
+ "}\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ "class ArraySequence<Value_Type> implements Sequence<Value_Type> {\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " public ArraySequence(int length) {}\n" +
+ " public Value_Type get(int i) {\n" +
+ " return null;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public int length() {\n" +
+ " return 0;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public Value_Type set(int i, Value_Type value) {\n" +
+ " return value;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public Iterator<Value_Type> iterator() {\n" +
+ " return null;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "}\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ "class BirBlock {\n" +
+ " void setRole(IrBlock.Role role) {}\n" +
+ "}\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ "class CatchChain {\n" +
+ " int dispatcherAddress() {\n" +
+ " return 0;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "}\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ "class ExceptionHandlerInfo {\n" +
+ " int handlerProgramCounter() {\n" +
+ " return 0;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "}\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ "interface IrBlock {\n" +
+ " enum Role {\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "}\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ "class ClassMethodActor {\n" +
+ " Sequence<ExceptionHandlerInfo> exceptionHandlerInfos() {\n" +
+ " return null;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "}\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " private Sequence<CatchChain> _catchChains;\n" +
+ " private ClassMethodActor _classMethodActor;\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " public Sequence<BirBlock> getExceptionDispatchers(final BirBlock[] blockMap) {\n" +
+ " final ArraySequence<BirBlock> dispatchers = new ArraySequence<BirBlock>(_catchChains.length());\n" +
+ " for (int i = 0; i < _catchChains.length(); i++) {\n" +
+ " final BirBlock dispatcher = blockMap[_catchChains.get(i).dispatcherAddress()];\n" +
+ " dispatcher.setRole(IrBlock.Role.EXCEPTION_DISPATCHER);\n" +
+ " dispatchers.set(i, dispatcher);\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " for (ExceptionHandlerInfo exceptionHandlerInfo : _classMethodActor.exceptionHandlerInfos()) {\n" +
+ " blockMap[exceptionHandlerInfo.handlerProgramCounter()].setRole(IrBlock.Role.EXCEPTION_DISPATCHER);\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " return dispatchers;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" System.out.print(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
" }\n" +
@@ -1824,43 +1824,43 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
public void test019() {
new String[] {
- "final public class X\n" +
- "{\n" +
- " final class MyClass\n" +
- " {\n" +
- " void method1(final String s)\n" +
- " {\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "\n" +
- " Object method1()\n" +
- " {\n" +
- " try\n" +
- " {\n" +
- " final MyClass myClass = null;\n" +
- "\n" +
- " try\n" +
- " {\n" +
- " return null;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " catch (final Throwable ex)\n" +
- " {\n" +
- " myClass.method1(this == null ? \"\" : \"\");\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "\n" +
- " return null;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " finally\n" +
- " {\n" +
- " {\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "final public class X\n" +
+ "{\n" +
+ " final class MyClass\n" +
+ " {\n" +
+ " void method1(final String s)\n" +
+ " {\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " Object method1()\n" +
+ " {\n" +
+ " try\n" +
+ " {\n" +
+ " final MyClass myClass = null;\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " try\n" +
+ " {\n" +
+ " return null;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " catch (final Throwable ex)\n" +
+ " {\n" +
+ " myClass.method1(this == null ? \"\" : \"\");\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " return null;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " finally\n" +
+ " {\n" +
+ " {\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" System.out.print(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
" }\n" +
@@ -1872,15 +1872,15 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
new String[] {
- "import java.util.*;\n" +
- "public class X {\n" +
- " public static Map make(boolean sorted) {\n" +
- " return (sorted) ? new TreeMap() : new HashMap();\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
- " make(false);\n" +
+ "import java.util.*;\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ " public static Map make(boolean sorted) {\n" +
+ " return (sorted) ? new TreeMap() : new HashMap();\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
+ " make(false);\n" +
" System.out.print(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
@@ -1890,13 +1890,13 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
new String[] {
- "public class X {\n" +
- " {\n" +
- " if (true) throw new NullPointerException();\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " X() {\n" +
- " System.out.println();\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ " {\n" +
+ " if (true) throw new NullPointerException();\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " X() {\n" +
+ " System.out.println();\n" +
+ " }\n" +
@@ -1907,22 +1907,22 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
- ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
- String expectedOutput =
- " // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
- " // Stack: 2, Locals: 1\n" +
- " X();\n" +
- " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" +
- " 1 invokespecial java.lang.Object() [8]\n" +
- " 4 new java.lang.NullPointerException [10]\n" +
- " 7 dup\n" +
- " 8 invokespecial java.lang.NullPointerException() [12]\n" +
- " 11 athrow\n" +
- " Line numbers:\n" +
- " [pc: 0, line: 5]\n" +
- " [pc: 4, line: 3]\n" +
- " Local variable table:\n" +
+ ClassFileBytesDisassembler.DETAILED);
+ String expectedOutput =
+ " // Method descriptor #6 ()V\n" +
+ " // Stack: 2, Locals: 1\n" +
+ " X();\n" +
+ " 0 aload_0 [this]\n" +
+ " 1 invokespecial java.lang.Object() [8]\n" +
+ " 4 new java.lang.NullPointerException [10]\n" +
+ " 7 dup\n" +
+ " 8 invokespecial java.lang.NullPointerException() [12]\n" +
+ " 11 athrow\n" +
+ " Line numbers:\n" +
+ " [pc: 0, line: 5]\n" +
+ " [pc: 4, line: 3]\n" +
+ " Local variable table:\n" +
" [pc: 0, pc: 12] local: this index: 0 type: X\n";
int index = actualOutput.indexOf(expectedOutput);
@@ -1933,30 +1933,30 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
assertEquals("Wrong contents", expectedOutput, actualOutput);
// 157247
public void test022() {
new String[] {
- "public class X {\n" +
- " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
- " String errorMessage;\n" +
- " try {\n" +
- " foo();\n" +
- " errorMessage = \"No exception thrown\";\n" +
- " } catch (Exception e) {\n" +
- " if (e instanceof NullPointerException) {\n" +
- " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
- " return;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " errorMessage = \"Exception thrown\" + e;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " System.out.println(errorMessage);\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public static void foo() {\n" +
- " throw new NullPointerException();\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
+ " String errorMessage;\n" +
+ " try {\n" +
+ " foo();\n" +
+ " errorMessage = \"No exception thrown\";\n" +
+ " } catch (Exception e) {\n" +
+ " if (e instanceof NullPointerException) {\n" +
+ " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
+ " return;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " errorMessage = \"Exception thrown\" + e;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " System.out.println(errorMessage);\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public static void foo() {\n" +
+ " throw new NullPointerException();\n" +
+ " }\n" +
@@ -1966,55 +1966,55 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
new String[] {
- "public class X {\n" +
- " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
- " boolean a = true, x;\n" +
- " if (a ? false : (x = true))\n" +
- " a = x;\n" +
- " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
+ " boolean a = true, x;\n" +
+ " if (a ? false : (x = true))\n" +
+ " a = x;\n" +
+ " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
+ " }\n" +
public void test024() {
new String[] {
- "public class X {\n" +
- " public static final int MAX_PROPERTIES = 25;\n" +
- " public C c = new C();\n" +
- " void foo(int i) {\n" +
- " final int len = c.foo2();\n" +
- " A f = new A(\" Test \", i, 1, MAX_PROPERTIES) {\n" +
- " @Override\n" +
- " public double bar() {\n" +
- " return len;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " @Override\n" +
- " public String toString() {\n" +
- " return \"SUCCESS\";\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " };\n" +
- " System.out.println(f);\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
- " new X().foo(0);\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ " public static final int MAX_PROPERTIES = 25;\n" +
+ " public C c = new C();\n" +
+ " void foo(int i) {\n" +
+ " final int len = c.foo2();\n" +
+ " A f = new A(\" Test \", i, 1, MAX_PROPERTIES) {\n" +
+ " @Override\n" +
+ " public double bar() {\n" +
+ " return len;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " @Override\n" +
+ " public String toString() {\n" +
+ " return \"SUCCESS\";\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " };\n" +
+ " System.out.println(f);\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
+ " new X().foo(0);\n" +
+ " }\n" +
- "class A {\n" +
- " A(String s, double d, double d1, double d2) {}\n" +
- " public double bar() {\n" +
- " return 0.0;\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "class A {\n" +
+ " A(String s, double d, double d1, double d2) {}\n" +
+ " public double bar() {\n" +
+ " return 0.0;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
- "class C {\n" +
- " public int foo2() {\n" +
- " return 0;\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "class C {\n" +
+ " public int foo2() {\n" +
+ " return 0;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
@@ -2024,16 +2024,16 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
new String[] {
- "public class X {\n" +
- " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
- " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " \n" +
- " void foo(Object[] o) {}\n" +
- "\n" +
- " void bar(boolean b) {\n" +
- " foo(new Object[] {\"\", \"\", b ? \"\" : \"\"}); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ \n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
+ " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " void foo(Object[] o) {}\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " void bar(boolean b) {\n" +
+ " foo(new Object[] {\"\", \"\", b ? \"\" : \"\"}); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ \n" +
+ " }\n" +
@@ -2043,86 +2043,86 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
new String[] {
- "public class X {\n" +
- "\n" +
- " public static final Object EXIT_OK = new Object();\n" +
- " public static final Object EXIT_RELAUNCH = new Object();\n" +
- " public static final Object EXIT_RESTART = new Object();\n" +
- " public static final int RETURN_RESTART = 1;\n" +
- " public static final String PROP_EXIT_CODE = \"\";\n" +
- " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
- " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " private static int createAndRunWorkbench(Display display, IDEWorkbenchAdvisor advisor) {\n" +
- " return 0;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " \n" +
- " public Object run(Object args) throws Exception {\n" +
- " Display display = createDisplay();\n" +
- " try {\n" +
- " Shell shell = new Shell(display, SWT.ON_TOP);\n" +
- " try {\n" +
- " if (!checkInstanceLocation(shell)) {\n" +
- " Platform.endSplash();\n" +
- " return EXIT_OK;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " } finally {\n" +
- " if (shell != null) {\n" +
- " shell.dispose();\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " int returnCode = X.createAndRunWorkbench(display,\n" +
- " new IDEWorkbenchAdvisor());\n" +
- " if (returnCode != X.RETURN_RESTART) {\n" +
- " return EXIT_OK;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " return EXIT_RELAUNCH.equals(Integer.getInteger(PROP_EXIT_CODE)) ? EXIT_RELAUNCH\n" +
- " : EXIT_RESTART;\n" +
- " } finally {\n" +
- " if (display != null) {\n" +
- " display.dispose();\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " private boolean checkInstanceLocation(Shell shell) {\n" +
- " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
- " return false;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " private Display createDisplay() {\n" +
- " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
- " return null;\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " public static final Object EXIT_OK = new Object();\n" +
+ " public static final Object EXIT_RELAUNCH = new Object();\n" +
+ " public static final Object EXIT_RESTART = new Object();\n" +
+ " public static final int RETURN_RESTART = 1;\n" +
+ " public static final String PROP_EXIT_CODE = \"\";\n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
+ " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " private static int createAndRunWorkbench(Display display, IDEWorkbenchAdvisor advisor) {\n" +
+ " return 0;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " public Object run(Object args) throws Exception {\n" +
+ " Display display = createDisplay();\n" +
+ " try {\n" +
+ " Shell shell = new Shell(display, SWT.ON_TOP);\n" +
+ " try {\n" +
+ " if (!checkInstanceLocation(shell)) {\n" +
+ " Platform.endSplash();\n" +
+ " return EXIT_OK;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " } finally {\n" +
+ " if (shell != null) {\n" +
+ " shell.dispose();\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " int returnCode = X.createAndRunWorkbench(display,\n" +
+ " new IDEWorkbenchAdvisor());\n" +
+ " if (returnCode != X.RETURN_RESTART) {\n" +
+ " return EXIT_OK;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " return EXIT_RELAUNCH.equals(Integer.getInteger(PROP_EXIT_CODE)) ? EXIT_RELAUNCH\n" +
+ " : EXIT_RESTART;\n" +
+ " } finally {\n" +
+ " if (display != null) {\n" +
+ " display.dispose();\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " private boolean checkInstanceLocation(Shell shell) {\n" +
+ " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
+ " return false;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " private Display createDisplay() {\n" +
+ " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
+ " return null;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
- "class Display {\n" +
- "\n" +
- " public void dispose() {\n" +
- " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
- " \n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "class Display {\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " public void dispose() {\n" +
+ " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " }\n" +
- "class Shell {\n" +
- " public Shell(Display display, int i) {\n" +
- " // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "\n" +
- " public void dispose() {\n" +
- " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
- " \n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "class Shell {\n" +
+ " public Shell(Display display, int i) {\n" +
+ " // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " public void dispose() {\n" +
+ " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " }\n" +
- "class Platform {\n" +
- "\n" +
- " public static void endSplash() {\n" +
- " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
- " \n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "class Platform {\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " public static void endSplash() {\n" +
+ " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " }\n" +
- "",
- "class SWT {\n" +
- " public static final int ON_TOP = 1; \n" +
+ "",
+ "class SWT {\n" +
+ " public static final int ON_TOP = 1; \n" +
"class IDEWorkbenchAdvisor {\n" +
@@ -2130,195 +2130,195 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
public void test027() {
new String[] {
- "import;\n" +
- "import;\n" +
- "public class X {\n" +
- " private static final int BUF_SIZE = 8192;\n" +
- " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
- " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " BundleActivator activator;\n" +
- " BundleHost bundle;\n" +
- " public byte[] getBytes() throws IOException {\n" +
- " InputStream in = getInputStream();\n" +
- " int length = (int) getSize();\n" +
- " byte[] classbytes;\n" +
- " int bytesread = 0;\n" +
- " int readcount;\n" +
- " if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_LOADER)\n" +
- " Debug.println(\" about to read \" + length + \" bytes from \" + getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$\n" +
- " try {\n" +
- " if (length > 0) {\n" +
- " classbytes = new byte[length];\n" +
- " for (; bytesread < length; bytesread += readcount) {\n" +
- " readcount =, bytesread, length - bytesread);\n" +
- " if (readcount <= 0)\n" +
- " break;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " } else {\n" +
- " length = BUF_SIZE;\n" +
- " classbytes = new byte[length];\n" +
- " readloop: while (true) {\n" +
- " for (; bytesread < length; bytesread += readcount) {\n" +
- " readcount =, bytesread, length - bytesread);\n" +
- " if (readcount <= 0)\n" +
- " break readloop;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " byte[] oldbytes = classbytes;\n" +
- " length += BUF_SIZE;\n" +
- " classbytes = new byte[length];\n" +
- " System.arraycopy(oldbytes, 0, classbytes, 0, bytesread);\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " if (classbytes.length > bytesread) {\n" +
- " byte[] oldbytes = classbytes;\n" +
- " classbytes = new byte[bytesread];\n" +
- " System.arraycopy(oldbytes, 0, classbytes, 0, bytesread);\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " } finally {\n" +
- " try {\n" +
- " in.close();\n" +
- " } catch (IOException ee) {\n" +
- " // ignore\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " return classbytes;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " protected void stop(Throwable t) throws BundleException {\n" +
- " String clazz = \"\";//(activator == null) ? \"\" : activator.getClass().getName(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" +
- " throw new BundleException(NLS.bind(Msg.BUNDLE_ACTIVATOR_EXCEPTION, new Object[] {clazz, \"stop\", bundle.getSymbolicName() == null ? \"\" + bundle.getBundleId() : bundle.getSymbolicName()}), t); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ \n" +
- " }\n" +
- " private String getName() {\n" +
- " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
- " return null;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " private int getSize() {\n" +
- " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
- " return 0;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " private InputStream getInputStream() {\n" +
- " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
- " return null;\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "import;\n" +
+ "import;\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ " private static final int BUF_SIZE = 8192;\n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
+ " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " BundleActivator activator;\n" +
+ " BundleHost bundle;\n" +
+ " public byte[] getBytes() throws IOException {\n" +
+ " InputStream in = getInputStream();\n" +
+ " int length = (int) getSize();\n" +
+ " byte[] classbytes;\n" +
+ " int bytesread = 0;\n" +
+ " int readcount;\n" +
+ " if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_LOADER)\n" +
+ " Debug.println(\" about to read \" + length + \" bytes from \" + getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$\n" +
+ " try {\n" +
+ " if (length > 0) {\n" +
+ " classbytes = new byte[length];\n" +
+ " for (; bytesread < length; bytesread += readcount) {\n" +
+ " readcount =, bytesread, length - bytesread);\n" +
+ " if (readcount <= 0)\n" +
+ " break;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " } else {\n" +
+ " length = BUF_SIZE;\n" +
+ " classbytes = new byte[length];\n" +
+ " readloop: while (true) {\n" +
+ " for (; bytesread < length; bytesread += readcount) {\n" +
+ " readcount =, bytesread, length - bytesread);\n" +
+ " if (readcount <= 0)\n" +
+ " break readloop;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " byte[] oldbytes = classbytes;\n" +
+ " length += BUF_SIZE;\n" +
+ " classbytes = new byte[length];\n" +
+ " System.arraycopy(oldbytes, 0, classbytes, 0, bytesread);\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " if (classbytes.length > bytesread) {\n" +
+ " byte[] oldbytes = classbytes;\n" +
+ " classbytes = new byte[bytesread];\n" +
+ " System.arraycopy(oldbytes, 0, classbytes, 0, bytesread);\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " } finally {\n" +
+ " try {\n" +
+ " in.close();\n" +
+ " } catch (IOException ee) {\n" +
+ " // ignore\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " return classbytes;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " protected void stop(Throwable t) throws BundleException {\n" +
+ " String clazz = \"\";//(activator == null) ? \"\" : activator.getClass().getName(); //$NON-NLS-1$\n" +
+ " throw new BundleException(NLS.bind(Msg.BUNDLE_ACTIVATOR_EXCEPTION, new Object[] {clazz, \"stop\", bundle.getSymbolicName() == null ? \"\" + bundle.getBundleId() : bundle.getSymbolicName()}), t); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ \n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " private String getName() {\n" +
+ " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
+ " return null;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " private int getSize() {\n" +
+ " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
+ " return 0;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " private InputStream getInputStream() {\n" +
+ " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
+ " return null;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
- "class Debug {\n" +
- " public static final boolean DEBUG = false;\n" +
- " public static final boolean DEBUG_LOADER = false;\n" +
- " public static final boolean DEBUG_GENERAL = false;\n" +
- " public static void println(String string) {\n" +
- " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
- " \n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public static void printStackTrace(Throwable t) {\n" +
- " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
- " \n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "class Debug {\n" +
+ " public static final boolean DEBUG = false;\n" +
+ " public static final boolean DEBUG_LOADER = false;\n" +
+ " public static final boolean DEBUG_GENERAL = false;\n" +
+ " public static void println(String string) {\n" +
+ " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public static void printStackTrace(Throwable t) {\n" +
+ " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " }\n" +
- "class AccessController {\n" +
- " static void doPrivileged(Object o) {\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "class AccessController {\n" +
+ " static void doPrivileged(Object o) {\n" +
+ " }\n" +
- "class BundleException extends Exception {\n" +
- " private static final long serialVersionUID = 5758882959559471648L;\n" +
- "\n" +
- " public BundleException(String bind, Throwable t) {\n" +
- " // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "class BundleException extends Exception {\n" +
+ " private static final long serialVersionUID = 5758882959559471648L;\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " public BundleException(String bind, Throwable t) {\n" +
+ " // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub\n" +
+ " }\n" +
- "class PrivilegedExceptionAction {\n" +
+ "class PrivilegedExceptionAction {\n" +
- "class BundleActivator {\n" +
- " public void stop(X x) {\n" +
- " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
- " \n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "class BundleActivator {\n" +
+ " public void stop(X x) {\n" +
+ " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " }\n" +
- "class BundleHost {\n" +
- " public Object getSymbolicName() {\n" +
- " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
- " return null;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public String getBundleId() {\n" +
- " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
- " return null;\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "class BundleHost {\n" +
+ " public Object getSymbolicName() {\n" +
+ " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
+ " return null;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public String getBundleId() {\n" +
+ " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
+ " return null;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
- "class NLS {\n" +
- " public static String bind(String bundleActivatorException, Object[] objects) {\n" +
- " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
- " return null;\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "class NLS {\n" +
+ " public static String bind(String bundleActivatorException, Object[] objects) {\n" +
+ " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
+ " return null;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
- "class PrivilegedActionException extends Exception {\n" +
- " private static final long serialVersionUID = 3919969055057660822L;\n" +
- " public Throwable getException() {\n" +
- " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
- " return null;\n" +
+ "class PrivilegedActionException extends Exception {\n" +
+ " private static final long serialVersionUID = 3919969055057660822L;\n" +
+ " public Throwable getException() {\n" +
+ " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
+ " return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
- "class Msg {\n" +
- " public static final String BUNDLE_ACTIVATOR_EXCEPTION = \"\";\n" +
+ "class Msg {\n" +
+ " public static final String BUNDLE_ACTIVATOR_EXCEPTION = \"\";\n" +
public void test028() {
new String[] {
- "import;\r\n" +
- "\r\n" +
- "public class X {\r\n" +
- " public void loadVariablesAndContainers() {\r\n" +
- " // backward compatibility, consider persistent property \r\n" +
- " String qName = \"1\";\r\n" +
- " String xmlString = \"2\";\r\n" +
- " \r\n" +
- " try {\r\n" +
- " if (xmlString != null){\r\n" +
- " StringReader reader = new StringReader(xmlString);\r\n" +
- " Object o;\r\n" +
- " try {\r\n" +
- " StringBuffer buffer = null;\r\n" +
- " o = new Object();\r\n" +
- " } catch(RuntimeException e) {\r\n" +
- " return;\r\n" +
- " } catch(Exception e){\r\n" +
- " return;\r\n" +
- " } finally {\r\n" +
- " reader.close();\r\n" +
- " }\r\n" +
- " System.out.println(reader);\r\n" +
- " }\r\n" +
- " } catch(Exception e){\r\n" +
- " // problem loading xml file: nothing we can do\r\n" +
- " } finally {\r\n" +
- " if (xmlString != null){\r\n" +
- " System.out.println(xmlString);\r\n" +
- " }\r\n" +
- " }\r\n" +
- " }\r\n" +
- "\r\n" +
- " public static void main(String[] args) {\r\n" +
- " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
- " }\r\n" +
+ "import;\r\n" +
+ "\r\n" +
+ "public class X {\r\n" +
+ " public void loadVariablesAndContainers() {\r\n" +
+ " // backward compatibility, consider persistent property \r\n" +
+ " String qName = \"1\";\r\n" +
+ " String xmlString = \"2\";\r\n" +
+ " \r\n" +
+ " try {\r\n" +
+ " if (xmlString != null){\r\n" +
+ " StringReader reader = new StringReader(xmlString);\r\n" +
+ " Object o;\r\n" +
+ " try {\r\n" +
+ " StringBuffer buffer = null;\r\n" +
+ " o = new Object();\r\n" +
+ " } catch(RuntimeException e) {\r\n" +
+ " return;\r\n" +
+ " } catch(Exception e){\r\n" +
+ " return;\r\n" +
+ " } finally {\r\n" +
+ " reader.close();\r\n" +
+ " }\r\n" +
+ " System.out.println(reader);\r\n" +
+ " }\r\n" +
+ " } catch(Exception e){\r\n" +
+ " // problem loading xml file: nothing we can do\r\n" +
+ " } finally {\r\n" +
+ " if (xmlString != null){\r\n" +
+ " System.out.println(xmlString);\r\n" +
+ " }\r\n" +
+ " }\r\n" +
+ " }\r\n" +
+ "\r\n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\r\n" +
+ " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
+ " }\r\n" +
@@ -2328,28 +2328,28 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
new String[] {
- "public class X {\n" +
- "\n" +
- " public Object foo() {\n" +
- " Object status;\n" +
- " try {\n" +
- " status= bar();\n" +
- " } catch (RuntimeException x) {\n" +
- " status= foo2(x);\n" +
- " } finally {\n" +
- " System.out.println();\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " return status;\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " public Object foo() {\n" +
+ " Object status;\n" +
+ " try {\n" +
+ " status= bar();\n" +
+ " } catch (RuntimeException x) {\n" +
+ " status= foo2(x);\n" +
+ " } finally {\n" +
+ " System.out.println();\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " return status;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public Object bar() {\n" +
+ " return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
- " public Object bar() {\n" +
- " return null;\n" +
+ " public Object foo2(Exception e) {\n" +
+ " return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
- " public Object foo2(Exception e) {\n" +
- " return null;\n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
+ " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
" }\n" +
- " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
- " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
- " }\n" +
@@ -2359,115 +2359,115 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
new String[] {
- "import java.util.Collections;\n" +
- "import java.util.List;\n" +
- "public class X {\n" +
- "\n" +
- " private static final String COMPUTE_COMPLETION_PROPOSALS= \"computeCompletionProposals()\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" +
- " private Object fLastError;\n" +
- " private boolean fIsReportingDelay;\n" +
- " private CompletionProposalComputerRegistry fRegistry;\n" +
- " public List computeCompletionProposals(ContentAssistInvocationContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor) {\n" +
- " if (!isEnabled())\n" +
- " return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;\n" +
- "\n" +
- " IStatus status;\n" +
- " try {\n" +
- " IJavaCompletionProposalComputer computer= getComputer();\n" +
- " if (computer == null) // not active yet\n" +
- " return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;\n" +
- " \n" +
- " try {\n" +
- " PerformanceStats stats= startMeter(context, computer);\n" +
- " List proposals= computer.computeCompletionProposals(context, monitor);\n" +
- " stopMeter(stats, COMPUTE_COMPLETION_PROPOSALS);\n" +
- " \n" +
- " if (proposals != null) {\n" +
- " fLastError= computer.getErrorMessage();\n" +
- " return proposals;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " } finally {\n" +
- " fIsReportingDelay= true;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " status= createAPIViolationStatus(COMPUTE_COMPLETION_PROPOSALS);\n" +
- " } catch (InvalidRegistryObjectException x) {\n" +
- " status= createExceptionStatus(x);\n" +
- " } catch (CoreException x) {\n" +
- " status= createExceptionStatus(x);\n" +
- " } catch (RuntimeException x) {\n" +
- " status= createExceptionStatus(x);\n" +
- " } finally {\n" +
- " monitor.done();\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "\n" +
- " fRegistry.informUser(this, status);\n" +
- "\n" +
- " return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "\n" +
- " private IStatus createExceptionStatus(Exception x) {\n" +
- " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
- " return null;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "\n" +
- " private IStatus createAPIViolationStatus(String computeCompletionProposals) {\n" +
- " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
- " return null;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "\n" +
- " private void stopMeter(PerformanceStats stats, String computeCompletionProposals) {\n" +
- " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
- " \n" +
- " }\n" +
- "\n" +
- " private PerformanceStats startMeter(ContentAssistInvocationContext context, IJavaCompletionProposalComputer computer) {\n" +
- " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
- " return null;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "\n" +
- " private IJavaCompletionProposalComputer getComputer() throws CoreException, InvalidRegistryObjectException {\n" +
- " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
- " return null;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "\n" +
- " private boolean isEnabled() {\n" +
- " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
- " return false;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " \n" +
- " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
- " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "import java.util.Collections;\n" +
+ "import java.util.List;\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " private static final String COMPUTE_COMPLETION_PROPOSALS= \"computeCompletionProposals()\"; //$NON-NLS-1$\n" +
+ " private Object fLastError;\n" +
+ " private boolean fIsReportingDelay;\n" +
+ " private CompletionProposalComputerRegistry fRegistry;\n" +
+ " public List computeCompletionProposals(ContentAssistInvocationContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor) {\n" +
+ " if (!isEnabled())\n" +
+ " return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " IStatus status;\n" +
+ " try {\n" +
+ " IJavaCompletionProposalComputer computer= getComputer();\n" +
+ " if (computer == null) // not active yet\n" +
+ " return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " try {\n" +
+ " PerformanceStats stats= startMeter(context, computer);\n" +
+ " List proposals= computer.computeCompletionProposals(context, monitor);\n" +
+ " stopMeter(stats, COMPUTE_COMPLETION_PROPOSALS);\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " if (proposals != null) {\n" +
+ " fLastError= computer.getErrorMessage();\n" +
+ " return proposals;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " } finally {\n" +
+ " fIsReportingDelay= true;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " status= createAPIViolationStatus(COMPUTE_COMPLETION_PROPOSALS);\n" +
+ " } catch (InvalidRegistryObjectException x) {\n" +
+ " status= createExceptionStatus(x);\n" +
+ " } catch (CoreException x) {\n" +
+ " status= createExceptionStatus(x);\n" +
+ " } catch (RuntimeException x) {\n" +
+ " status= createExceptionStatus(x);\n" +
+ " } finally {\n" +
+ " monitor.done();\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " fRegistry.informUser(this, status);\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " private IStatus createExceptionStatus(Exception x) {\n" +
+ " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
+ " return null;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " private IStatus createAPIViolationStatus(String computeCompletionProposals) {\n" +
+ " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
+ " return null;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " private void stopMeter(PerformanceStats stats, String computeCompletionProposals) {\n" +
+ " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " private PerformanceStats startMeter(ContentAssistInvocationContext context, IJavaCompletionProposalComputer computer) {\n" +
+ " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
+ " return null;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " private IJavaCompletionProposalComputer getComputer() throws CoreException, InvalidRegistryObjectException {\n" +
+ " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
+ " return null;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " private boolean isEnabled() {\n" +
+ " // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n" +
+ " return false;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
+ " System.out.println(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
+ " }\n" +
- "interface IProgressMonitor {\n" +
- " void done();\n" +
+ "interface IProgressMonitor {\n" +
+ " void done();\n" +
- "class ContentAssistInvocationContext {\n" +
+ "class ContentAssistInvocationContext {\n" +
"interface IStatus {}",
"import java.util.List;\n" +
- "interface IJavaCompletionProposalComputer {\n" +
- " List computeCompletionProposals(ContentAssistInvocationContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor);\n" +
- " Object getErrorMessage();\n" +
+ "interface IJavaCompletionProposalComputer {\n" +
+ " List computeCompletionProposals(ContentAssistInvocationContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor);\n" +
+ " Object getErrorMessage();\n" +
"class PerformanceStats {}",
- "class CompletionProposalComputerRegistry {\n" +
- " public void informUser(X x, IStatus status) {\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ "class CompletionProposalComputerRegistry {\n" +
+ " public void informUser(X x, IStatus status) {\n" +
+ " }\n" +
"class InvalidRegistryObjectException extends Exception {\n" +
- " private static final long serialVersionUID = 8943194846421947853L;\n" +
+ " private static final long serialVersionUID = 8943194846421947853L;\n" +
- "class CoreException extends Exception {\n" +
- " private static final long serialVersionUID = 3996792687633449517L;\n" +
+ "class CoreException extends Exception {\n" +
+ " private static final long serialVersionUID = 3996792687633449517L;\n" +
@@ -2477,37 +2477,37 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
new String[] {
- "public class X {\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
" String s;\n" +
- " X() {\n" +
- " this.s = \"\";\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " X(String s, double d, double d2, double i) {\n" +
- " this.s = s;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public static final int CONST = 1;\n" +
- " public int foo() {\n" +
- " return 0;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public double value(double d1) {\n" +
- " return d1;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public void bar(int start) {\n" +
- " final int len = foo();\n" +
- " X x = new X(\"SUCCESS\", start, 1, CONST) {\n" +
- " @Override\n" +
- " public double value(double newValue) {\n" +
- " return len;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " };\n" +
- " System.out.println(x);\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
- " new X().bar(1);\n" +
+ " X() {\n" +
+ " this.s = \"\";\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " X(String s, double d, double d2, double i) {\n" +
+ " this.s = s;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public static final int CONST = 1;\n" +
+ " public int foo() {\n" +
+ " return 0;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public double value(double d1) {\n" +
+ " return d1;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public void bar(int start) {\n" +
+ " final int len = foo();\n" +
+ " X x = new X(\"SUCCESS\", start, 1, CONST) {\n" +
+ " @Override\n" +
+ " public double value(double newValue) {\n" +
+ " return len;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " };\n" +
+ " System.out.println(x);\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
+ " new X().bar(1);\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public String toString() {\n" +
+ " return this.s;\n" +
" }\n" +
- " public String toString() {\n" +
- " return this.s;\n" +
- " }\n" +
@@ -2516,99 +2516,99 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
new String[] {
- "import java.util.*;\n" +
- "public class X {\n" +
- " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
+ "import java.util.*;\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" int i = args.length;\n" +
- " X[] array = new X[] { i == 0 ? null : null };\n" +
+ " X[] array = new X[] { i == 0 ? null : null };\n" +
" System.out.print(\"SUCCESS\" + array.length);\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
public void test033() {
new String[] {
- "public enum X {\n" +
- " C { @Override public boolean test() { return true; } };\n" +
- " static {\n" +
- " for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {}\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public boolean test() {\n" +
- " return false;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
+ "public enum X {\n" +
+ " C { @Override public boolean test() { return true; } };\n" +
+ " static {\n" +
+ " for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {}\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public boolean test() {\n" +
+ " return false;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" System.out.print(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
public void test034() {
new String[] {
- "public enum X {\n" +
- " C;\n" +
- " static {\n" +
- " for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {}\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public boolean test() {\n" +
- " return false;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
+ "public enum X {\n" +
+ " C;\n" +
+ " static {\n" +
+ " for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {}\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public boolean test() {\n" +
+ " return false;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" System.out.print(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
// add more bytecode coverage: fneg, lneg, dneg, dstore_0, f2l, fstore_0, fstore_2, lstore_0 and saload
public void test035() {
new String[] {
- "public class X {\n" +
- " static double foo() {\n" +
- " double d = 3.0;\n" +
- " d = -d;\n" +
- " return d > 1.0 ? d : -d;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "\n" +
- " static float foo2() {\n" +
- " float f = 3.0f;\n" +
- " int i = 0;\n" +
- " float f2 = f+ i;\n" +
- " long l = (long) f;\n" +
- " l += f2;\n" +
- " return i == 0 ? f : -f + (float) l;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "\n" +
- " static long foo3() {\n" +
- " long l = Long.MAX_VALUE - 3;\n" +
- " boolean b = true;\n" +
- " return b ? l : -l;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " \n" +
- " static short foo4() {\n" +
- " short[] tab = new short[] { 1, 2, 3 };\n" +
- " return tab.length == 3 ? tab[2] : (tab.length == 2 ? tab[1] : tab[0]);\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "\n" +
- " public static void main(String args[]) {\n" +
- " foo();\n" +
- " foo2();\n" +
- " foo3();\n" +
- " foo4();\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ " static double foo() {\n" +
+ " double d = 3.0;\n" +
+ " d = -d;\n" +
+ " return d > 1.0 ? d : -d;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " static float foo2() {\n" +
+ " float f = 3.0f;\n" +
+ " int i = 0;\n" +
+ " float f2 = f+ i;\n" +
+ " long l = (long) f;\n" +
+ " l += f2;\n" +
+ " return i == 0 ? f : -f + (float) l;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " static long foo3() {\n" +
+ " long l = Long.MAX_VALUE - 3;\n" +
+ " boolean b = true;\n" +
+ " return b ? l : -l;\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " \n" +
+ " static short foo4() {\n" +
+ " short[] tab = new short[] { 1, 2, 3 };\n" +
+ " return tab.length == 3 ? tab[2] : (tab.length == 2 ? tab[1] : tab[0]);\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ " public static void main(String args[]) {\n" +
+ " foo();\n" +
+ " foo2();\n" +
+ " foo3();\n" +
+ " foo4();\n" +
" System.out.print(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
- " }\n" +
+ " }\n" +
@@ -2619,25 +2619,25 @@ public class StackMapAttributeTest extends AbstractRegressionTest {
new String[] {
- "import java.util.Map;\n" +
- "import java.util.Set;\n" +
- "\n" +
- "public class X {\n" +
- " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
+ "import java.util.Map;\n" +
+ "import java.util.Set;\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ "public class X {\n" +
+ " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" System.out.print(\"SUCCESS\");\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public void foo(Object o, boolean b) {\n" +
- " String[] models = new String[] {};\n" +
- " Map map = null;\n" +
- " Set set = null;\n" +
- " for (int n = 0; n < models.length; n++) { bar(models[n]); }\n" +
- " foo2(new Object(),\n" +
- " set,\n" +
- " map,\n" +
- " !b);\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " void bar(String s) {}\n" +
- " void foo2(Object o, Object s, Object m, boolean b) {}\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " public void foo(Object o, boolean b) {\n" +
+ " String[] models = new String[] {};\n" +
+ " Map map = null;\n" +
+ " Set set = null;\n" +
+ " for (int n = 0; n < models.length; n++) { bar(models[n]); }\n" +
+ " foo2(new Object(),\n" +
+ " set,\n" +
+ " map,\n" +
+ " !b);\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " void bar(String s) {}\n" +
+ " void foo2(Object o, Object s, Object m, boolean b) {}\n" +

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