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    <td align="left" width="72%" class="title1">
      <font size="+3"><b>jdt core - build notes 3.4 stream</b></font>
  <tr><td align="left" width="72%" class="title2"><font size="-2">java development tooling core</font></td></tr>
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	  <font size="-1">
	  Here are the build notes for the Eclipse JDT/Core plug-in project
	  <a href=""><b>org.eclipse.jdt.core</b></a>,
	  describing <a href="" target=new>bug</a> resolution and substantial changes in the <a href=""><b>HEAD</b></a> branch.
	  For more information on 3.4 planning, please refer to <a href="">JDT/Core release plan</a>,
	  the next <a href="">milestone plan</a>,
	  the overall <a href="">official plan</a>,
	  or the <a href="">build schedule</a>.
	  This present document covers all changes since Release 3.3 (also see a summary of <a href="">API changes</a>).
	  <br>Maintenance of previous releases of JDT/Core is performed in parallel branches:
		  <a href="">R3.3.x</a>,
		  <a href="">R3.2.x</a>,
		  <a href="">R3.1.x</a>,
		  <a href="">R3.0.x</a>,
		  <a href="">R2.1.x</a>,
		  <a href="">R2.0.x</a>,
		  <a href="">R1.0.x</a>.
<a name="v_801"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java Development Tooling Core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.4M1 - %date% - 3.4 MILESTONE 1 
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_801
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>

<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">186822</a>
[1.5][compiler] Add more resilience on annotation and enum type declaration with type parameters
<br><a href="">97998</a>
[builder] improve the error handling in case the build encounters a locked file within the the output folder
<br><a href="">188876</a>
[assist] Proposals inside an import statement shouldn't be fully qualified

<a name="v_800"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java Development Tooling Core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.4M1 - July 9, 2007
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_800
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<li>Incremented JDT/Core plug-in id to "3.3.100". Will go to "3.4.0" as soon as an API/feature gets added.

<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">190960</a>
[batch][compiler] help message for annotations processing should be improved
<br><a href="">103654</a>
BindingKey.getTypeArguments bug with qualified types
<br><a href="">191125</a>
[1.5] [assist] NPE in CompletionEngine.proposeType()
<br><a href="">195489</a>
[search] Javadoc reference not found while using SearchEngine.searchDeclarationsOfReferencedTypes
<br><a href="">195317</a>
[compiler] java.lang.ClassFormatError: Invalid pc in LineNumberTable
<br><a href="">195509</a>
Need to improve classpath resolution for Apache Harmony in org/eclipse/jdt/core/tests/util/
<br><a href="">195526</a>
org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.compiler.regression.GenericTypeTest.test0744 depends on non-specified package-private class HashMap.Entry implementation
<br><a href="">191082</a>
AnnotationMirror.getPosition() returns wrong value
<br><a href="">189799</a>
[jsr269] Make getDocComment() behave more like javac
<br><a href="">192774</a>
Annotation AST nodes should have unique IAnnotationBindings
<br><a href="">171703</a>
Eclipse cannot find source for *.class files
<br><a href="">193979</a>
AST parser generates wrong AST
<br><a href="">95288</a>
[model] CreatePackageFragmentOperation runs with wrong ISchedulingRule
<br><a href="">142044</a>
[search] &quot;And&quot; Pattern fails with NullPointerException
<br><a href="">111882</a>
[assist] Invalid relevance while completing in case of a switch
<br><a href="">195263</a>
Update exportplugins.xml to 3.3.100 and 3.4
<br><a href="">181488</a>
[index] Lots of unbuffered sequential reads in DiskIndex
<br><a href="">18311</a>
api: ISourceReference::getSource can return undocumented result
<br><a href="">129560</a>
[spec] Questionable javadoc for IJavaElement#isStructureKnown()
<br><a href="">178226</a>
Clarify spec for IJarEntryResource
<br><a href="">163229</a>
[model] IAccessRule does not say it cannot be implemented by clients
<br><a href="">149590</a>
[model] bindings for duplicate local variables share same key
<br><a href="">195091</a>
Index is rebuilt on each startup
<br><a href="">170889</a>
[5.0][content assist] strange label for 'class' proposal
<br><a href="">190965</a>
[compiler] useless assignment to local variable parameters in Scope line 431
<br><a href="">153125</a>
[getter setter] Getters/setters for variables starting with non-Latin letter are generated incorrectly
<br><a href="">186760</a>
Two cases of switch in DeltaProcessor#fire could be merged
<br><a href="">170954</a>
void should not be proposed inside method
<br><a href="">120766</a>
problems when using classes of the same name
<br><a href="">137452</a>
Autocomplete adds &quot;Void&quot; instead of doing nothing
<br><a href="">194420</a>
Misleading error message when build fails due to out of sync workspace
<br><a href="">132139</a>
[assist] Duplicate names while completing in local variable declaration
<br><a href="">99631</a>
[assist][5.0] Unnecessary proposals on annotation completion
<br><a href="">171037</a>
[codeassist] if 1.4 or higher code assist after 'import' should not suggest types from default package
<br><a href="">139446</a>
[build path] bug in the Edit Library dialog box, when changing the default JRE, and switching from alternate JRE to workspace default
<br><a href="">192497</a>
Cannot always find method definition, depending on cursor position
<br><a href="">151967</a>
[1.5][assist] Code completion with enumerations implementing an interface
<br><a href="">150632</a>
[assist] Content Assist and Parameter Hints sometimes don't work for constructor call
<br><a href="">194435</a>
JDT Core manifest contains invalid prereqed version
<br><a href="">185318</a>
[assist] No proposals when completing inside a method import
<br><a href="">102031</a>
Content assist proposes same type twice after &quot;call(new |&quot;
<br><a href="">157069</a>
[assist] Content Assist introduces compile error
<br><a href="">119434</a>
[code select] Code select returns doubled java element
<br><a href="">194034</a>
[1.5][Compiler] Inconsistency with javac: subclass does not properly inherit generic method
<br><a href="">185037</a>
Optimization opportunity in MethodVerifier
<br><a href="">191928</a>
Use Util.log instead of printStackTrace at AbstractImageBuilder#612
<br><a href="">194185</a>
[search] for package declarations finds also subpackages
<br><a href="">191908</a>
[1.5][compiler] Missing strike through for deprecated declaration fragment
<br><a href="">192285</a>
[formatter] Java source formatter not working if class has annotation on single line multiple fields declaration.

<p>For earlier build notes, also see <a href="">build notes up to Release 3.3</a>.</p>
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