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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-02-17493185: Introduce Maven 3.3+ support for gemini blueprint buildsOlaf Otto15-270/+192
2016-04-28Merge branch 'release-2.x' into buildOlaf Otto198-2124/+347
2016-04-28410296: compendium docs outdatedOlaf Otto51-256/+166
2016-04-28490133: Integration of sonatype OSS deployment configuration ( Otto1-1/+1
2016-04-28490133: Integration of sonatype OSS deployment configuration ( Otto1-1/+1
2016-04-27490133: Integration of sonatype OSS deployment configuration ( Otto1-0/+1
2016-04-27Release Otto1-1/+1
2016-04-25490133: Integration of sonatype OSS deployment configuration ( Otto6-148/+5
2016-04-24490133: Integration of sonatype OSS deployment configuration ( Otto1-50/+50
2016-04-24490133: Integration of sonatype OSS deployment configuration ( Otto1-17/+52
2016-03-21Release preparation: 2.0.0 -> 2.0.0.RELEASE.Olaf Otto144-1647/+63
2016-03-15489688: BlueprintCustomCollectionEditor fails to convert non-collection values2.0.0Olaf Otto1-1/+1
2016-03-15489688: BlueprintCustomCollectionEditor fails to convert non-collection valuesOlaf Otto4-24/+18
2016-03-15489688: BlueprintCustomCollectionEditor fails to convert non-collection valuesOlaf Otto4-24/+18
2016-03-15Release 2.0.0: Updated to product release versionOlaf Otto62-69/+62
2016-03-15Release 2.0.0: Updated changelog with regard to release contentsOlaf Otto1-0/+11
2016-03-14488009: Build stabilization: Corrected bundle configurationOlaf Otto2-10/+10
2016-03-14488009: Build stabilization: Corrected path resolutionOlaf Otto1-1/+1
2016-02-23488009: Introduced ThreadPoolTaskExecutor instead of SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor ...Olaf Otto7-33/+35
2016-02-23488009: Introduction of legacy Spring Test base classes, adaptation of test c...Olaf Otto28-80/+998
2016-02-23488009: Initial adaptation of API changes prior to re-writing of OSGi-based J...Olaf Otto37-913/+452
2016-02-23488009: Updated POM dependencies to Spring 4.2.4.RELEASE_1, code compatibilit...Olaf Otto5-73/+51
2014-08-02User FrameworkUtil.getBundle vs. PackageAdmin.Dmitry Sklyut11-84/+61
2014-06-16add in equinox org.eclipse.osgi 3.9.1 artifact. not available in maven centralDmitry Sklyut2-0/+0
2014-06-16upgrade to R5 complient releases of frameworks.Dmitry Sklyut6-78/+79
2014-02-12bundlor has some deps listed as provided - causes issues in resolution of plu...Dmitry Sklyut1-0/+12
2014-02-12move the source back to 1.6. fix equinox pom to point to parentDmitry Sklyut2-2/+3
2014-02-11upgrade to 4.3.1 osgi core artifact. Fix test using stale version of cm arti...Dmitry Sklyut3-6/+11
2014-02-10install-file of 3.7.2.v20120110-1415 equinox osgi bundleDmitry Sklyut4-7/+62
2014-02-08change equinox version to 3.7.1Dmitry Sklyut1-2/+2
2014-02-08remove local repositoryDmitry Sklyut1-2/+2
2014-02-08upgrade to use R43 OSGi APIDmitry Sklyut42-1080/+1179
2014-02-05switched to 3.7.1 equinox. only version found in public repoDmitry Sklyut1-7/+10
2014-02-02knopflerfish is running now. needed to set org.knopflerfish.framework.bundle...Dmitry Sklyut3-30/+35
2014-01-31 - added -XX:+UnlockDiagn...Dmitry Sklyut4-97/+37
2014-01-23runs on 3.7.2.v20120110-1415 still using R4.2 to compile againstDmitry Sklyut19-164/+201
2014-01-17update to easymock 3.2 and felix 3.2.2Dmitry Sklyut25-1299/+1193
2013-11-15update jdk versionDmitry Sklyut1-7/+7
2013-11-06fix failing testDmitry Sklyut1-1/+1
2013-11-06merge masterDmitry Sklyut8-36/+97
2013-11-06upgrade felix so we can run vs. jdk 7 - 2.x was missing profiles for jdk7Dmitry Sklyut9-124/+191
2013-11-06try with logback vs. log4jDmitry Sklyut14-108/+201
2013-11-06reduced reboseness of git revision pluginDmitry Sklyut1-2/+2
2013-11-06additional build changesDmitry Sklyut1-97/+151
2013-11-06additional build changesDmitry Sklyut1-151/+98
2013-11-06modified the build to run and upgraded bundlorDmitry Sklyut2-19/+18
2013-11-02394753 - use for maven repositoryDmitry Sklyut1-34/+9
2013-11-01384178 - remove bundle-description from source bundle manifestDmitry Sklyut1-1/+1
2013-11-01384178 - add osgi manifest headers to source bundles. get rid of log4j and u...Dmitry Sklyut20-118/+218
2013-10-25377327 build fails on hudson cause System.out is nullDmitry Sklyut4-32/+32

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