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+<title>Create the HelloWorld model</title>
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+<h1 xmlns:l="">Create the HelloWorld model</h1>
+<div class="section" title="Create the HelloWorld model">
+<div class="titlepage">
+<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
+<a name="CreatetheHelloWorldmodel"></a>Create the HelloWorld model</h2>
+<p>Once the model file is created and the Xtext nature is added, you can create the model as you did it for Java.
+ Creating the model is not the focus of this tutorial. Therefore copy and paste the following code into your model file. Optionally you can open and layout the diagrams.
+ Recognize the C specific parts:
+ - Import CTypes instead of JavaTypes
+ - The action code contains C instead of Java. Later versions will contain a common action language, but for the moment the action language is target specific.</p>
+<p>ToDo: shutdown must be not depend on the subsystem.</p>
+<div class="literallayout">
+<code class="code">RoomModel&nbsp;HelloWorldCModel&nbsp;{<br>
+ import&nbsp;room.basic.types.c.*&nbsp;from&nbsp;"../../org.eclipse.etrice.modellib.c/model/"<br>
+ SubSystemClass&nbsp;HelloWorldCSubSysClass&nbsp;{<br>
+ ActorRef&nbsp;HelloETriceTopRef:AHelloWorldCTop&nbsp;<br>
+ }<br>
+ ActorClass&nbsp;AHelloWorldCTop&nbsp;{<br>
+ Structure&nbsp;{&nbsp;}<br>
+ Behavior&nbsp;{<br>
+ StateMachine&nbsp;{<br>
+ Transition&nbsp;init:&nbsp;initial&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;state0&nbsp;{&nbsp;}<br>
+ State&nbsp;state0&nbsp;{<br>
+ entry&nbsp;{<br>
+ "printf(\"HelloETrice&nbsp;!\\n\");"<br>
+ "HelloETriceSubSysClass_shutdown();//exit(0);"<br>
+ "\t\t\t\t\t\t"<br>
+ }<br>
+ }<br>
+ }<br>
+ }<br>
+ } <br>
+<div class="blockquote">
+<blockquote class="blockquote">

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