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authorJuergen Haug2012-11-06 12:15:06 +0000
committerJuergen Haug2012-11-06 12:15:06 +0000
commit1a88593291ca91aebc655ceebcbd3a053f4f41b6 (patch)
tree7e5247f75bc10e29def9835cad6c868188191a84 /plugins/
parent84eaee9b6c00c189510ed82543bb783780db8867 (diff)
[CQ 6485][config, generator] missing gen .java files + fixes
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/')
1 files changed, 148 insertions, 161 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/ b/plugins/
index 7145acb82..70a69b5a9 100644
--- a/plugins/
+++ b/plugins/
@@ -10,32 +10,30 @@
-import java.util.ArrayList
-import java.util.HashMap
-import java.util.HashSet
-import java.util.LinkedList
-import java.util.List
-import java.util.Map
-import org.eclipse.etrice.core.config.ActorClassConfig
-import org.eclipse.etrice.core.config.ActorInstanceConfig
-import org.eclipse.etrice.core.config.AttrInstanceConfig
-import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.base.ILogger
-import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.etricegen.ActorInstance
-import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.etricegen.Root
-import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.etricegen.SubSystemInstance
-import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.ProcedureHelpers
-import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.RoomExtensions
-import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.TypeHelpers
+import java.util.ArrayList
+import java.util.HashMap
+import java.util.HashSet
+import java.util.LinkedList
+import java.util.List
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.base.ILogger
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.etricegen.ActorInstance
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.etricegen.Root
+import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.etricegen.SubSystemInstance
+import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.base.IDataConfiguration
+import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.ProcedureHelpers
+import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.RoomExtensions
+import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.TypeHelpers
import org.eclipse.xtext.generator.JavaIoFileSystemAccess
-import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.base.IDataConfiguration
+import java.util.Collection
class VariableServiceGen {
@@ -43,11 +41,11 @@ class VariableServiceGen {
@Inject extension JavaIoFileSystemAccess fileAccess
@Inject extension JavaExtensions stdExt
@Inject extension RoomExtensions roomExt
- @Inject extension IDataConfiguration configExt
+ @Inject IDataConfiguration configExt
@Inject extension ProcedureHelpers helpers
@Inject extension TypeHelpers
@Inject ILogger logger
- /*
def doGenerate(Root root, SubSystemInstance ssi) {
var path = ssi.subSystemClass.generationTargetPath+ssi.subSystemClass.getPath
var file =""
@@ -56,8 +54,10 @@ class VariableServiceGen {
fileAccess.generateFile(file, root.generate(ssi, ssi.subSystemClass))
- def private generate(Root root, SubSystemInstance comp, SubSystemClass cc) {'''
- «val dynConfig = cc.subSystemConfig.dynConfig»
+ def private generate(Root root, SubSystemInstance comp, SubSystemClass cc) {
+ val aisAttrMap = new HashMap<ActorInstance, List<Attribute>>
+ comp.allContainedInstances.forEach(ai | if(!configExt.getDynConfigReadAttributes(ai.path).empty)aisAttrMap.put(ai, configExt.getDynConfigReadAttributes(ai.path)))
+ '''
package «cc.getPackage()»;
@@ -65,13 +65,8 @@ class VariableServiceGen {
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
- «IF dynConfig.userCode1 != null»
- «dynConfig.userCode1»;
- «ELSE»
- import;
- «var ais = dynConfigsAIs(comp)»
- «FOR model : ais.roomModels»
+ «configExt.getUserCode1(cc)»
+ «FOR model : aisAttrMap.keySet.roomModels»
import «».*;
@@ -81,19 +76,19 @@ class VariableServiceGen {
private «» subSystem;
// Actor instances
- «FOR ai : ais»
- private «» «ai.path.split("/").drop(2).toPath("_")»;
+ «FOR ai : aisAttrMap.keySet»
+ private «» «ai.varName»;
public «"VariableService"»(«» subSystem) {
- super(«IF dynConfig.filePath != null»new ConfigSourceFile("«dynConfig.filePath»")«ELSE»«dynConfig.userCode2»«ENDIF»);
+ super(«configExt.getUserCode2(cc)»);
this.subSystem = subSystem;
protected void initInstances(){
- «FOR ai : ais»
- «ai.path.split("/").drop(2).toPath("_")» = («»)subSystem.getInstance("«ai.path»");
+ «FOR ai : aisAttrMap.keySet»
+ «ai.varName» = («»)subSystem.getInstance("«ai.path»");
@@ -102,50 +97,31 @@ class VariableServiceGen {
protected void setAttributeValues(Map<String, Object> values) {
Object object;
String id = null;
- «FOR attrConfig : cc.dynConfigReadAttributes»
- «var aiName = (attrConfig.eContainer as ActorInstanceConfig).path.refs.toPath("_")»
- try{
- boolean changed = false;
- «FOR entry : attrConfig.allAttributes.entrySet»
- «var a = entry.key»
- «var aPath = attrConfig.getPath(true, true, true, false).toPath("/")+entry.value.toPath("/")+"/"»
- id = "«aPath»";
- «IF a.size==0»«a.refType.type.typeName.toWrapper»«ELSE»«a.refType.type.typeName»[]«ENDIF» _«» = null;
- object = values.get(id);
- if(object != null){
- _«» = ensure«a.refType.type.typeName.toFirstUpper»«IF a.size>0»Array«ENDIF»(object«IF a.size>0», «a.size»«ENDIF»);
- «genMinMaxCheck(attrConfig, (attrConfig.eContainer as ActorInstanceConfig).actorClassConfig)»
- if(!«IF a.size==0»_«».equals(«ELSE»Arrays.equals(_«», «ENDIF»(«IF a.size==0»«a.refType.type.typeName.toWrapper»«ELSE»«a.refType.type.typeName»[]«ENDIF»)getDiffMap().get(id)))
- changed = true;
- } else
- warning(id, "is missing");
- if(changed)
- synchronized(«aiName».«invokeGetter("Lock", null)»){
- if(«aiName».«invokeGetter("Lock", null)».isUpdate()){
- «FOR entry : attrConfig.allAttributes.entrySet»
- if(_«» != null){
- «aiName»«entry.value.toInvoke».«invokeSetter(, null, "_"»;
- getDiffMap().put("«attrConfig.getPath(true, true, true, false).toPath("/")+entry.value.toPath("/")+"/"»", _«»);
- }
- }
- }
- }catch(IllegalArgumentException e){
- error(id, e);
- }
+ «FOR ai : aisAttrMap.keySet»
+ «FOR a : aisAttrMap.get(ai)»
+ try{
+ boolean changed = false;
+ «genSetAttributeValues1(new ArrayList<Attribute>.union(a), ai)»
+ if(changed)
+ synchronized(«ai.varName».«invokeGetter("Lock", null)»){
+ if(«ai.varName».«invokeGetter("Lock", null)».isUpdate()){
+ «genSetAttributeValues2(new ArrayList<Attribute>.union(a), ai)»
+ }
+ }
+ }catch(IllegalArgumentException e){
+ error(id, e);
+ }
protected Map<String, Object> getAttributeValues(){
Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- «FOR attrConfig : cc.getAttrDynConfigs(true, false)»
- «var aiName = (attrConfig.eContainer as ActorInstanceConfig).path.refs.toPath("_")»
- «FOR entry : attrConfig.allAttributes.entrySet»
- «var array = entry.key.size>0»
- «var aPath = attrConfig.getPath(true, true, true, false).toPath("/")+entry.value.toPath("/")+"/"»
- values.put("«aPath»", «IF array»toObjectArray(«ENDIF»«aiName»«entry.value.toInvoke».«invokeGetter(, null)»«IF array»)«ENDIF»);
+ «FOR ai : aisAttrMap.keySet»
+ «FOR a : aisAttrMap.get(ai)»
+ «genGetAttributeValues(new ArrayList<Attribute>.union(a), ai)»
@@ -154,7 +130,8 @@ class VariableServiceGen {
public void writeDataClass(String id, Object dcObject, Map<String, Object> writeMap) {
- «FOR dc : comp.dynDataClasses»
+ «var dataClasses = aisAttrMap.keySet.dynConfigDataClasses»
+ «FOR dc : dataClasses»
writeDataClass(id, («dc.typeName») dcObject, writeTasks);
@@ -162,7 +139,7 @@ class VariableServiceGen {
// DataClasses write operations
- «FOR dc : comp.allDynDataClasses»
+ «FOR dc : getAllDataClasses(dataClasses)»
private void writeDataClass(String id, «dc.typeName» object, Map<String, Object> map){
«FOR a : dc.attributes»
«IF a.refType.type.primitive»
@@ -176,108 +153,118 @@ class VariableServiceGen {
protected int getPollingTimerUser(){
- return «dynConfig.polling»;
+ return «configExt.getPollingTimerUser(cc)»;
- def private genMinMaxCheck(AttrInstanceConfig instConf, ActorClassConfig acConf){
- var config = acConf?.resolve(instConf.getPath(false, false, true, true))
- if(config?.min == null && config?.max == null)
- return ''''''
- var path = config.getPath(false, false, true, true).toPath("_")
- var acName = (config.eContainer as ActorClassConfig)
- '''
- checkMinMax(_«», «IF config.min != null»«acName».MIN«path»«ELSE»null«ENDIF», «IF config.max != null»«acName».MAX«path»«ELSE»null«ENDIF»);
- '''
- }
- def private Map<Attribute, List<String>> getAllAttributes(AttrInstanceConfig config){
- var map = new HashMap<Attribute, List<String>>()
- if(config.attribute.refType.type.primitive)
- map.put(config.attribute, new ArrayList<String>())
+ def private genMinMaxCheck(List<Attribute> path, ActorClass ac){
+ var aVarName = path.toAbsolutePath("_")
+ var min = configExt.getAttrClassConfigMinValue(ac, path) != null
+ var max = configExt.getAttrClassConfigMaxValue(ac, path) != null
+ if(min || max)
+ '''
+ checkMinMax(«aVarName», «IF min»«».MIN«aVarName»«ELSE»null«ENDIF», «IF max»«».MAX«aVarName»«ELSE»null«ENDIF»);
+ '''
- config.attribute.getAllAttributes(new LinkedList<String>(), map)
- return map
+ ''''''
+ }
+ def private getDynConfigDataClasses(Iterable<ActorInstance> ais){
+ val result = new HashSet<DataClass>
+ ais.forEach(ai | configExt.getDynConfigReadAttributes(ai.path).
+ forEach(a | if(a.refType.type.dataClass)result.add(a.refType.type as DataClass)
+ ))
+ return result
- def private void getAllAttributes(Attribute attribute, List<String> path, Map<Attribute, List<String>> map){
- if(attribute.refType.type.primitive)
- map.put(attribute, path)
- else if (attribute.refType.type.dataClass){
- var new_path = new ArrayList<String>(path)
- new_path.add(
- for(dc : (attribute.refType.type as DataClass).allAttributes)
- dc.getAllAttributes(new_path, map)
+ def private getAllDataClasses(Iterable<DataClass> dcs){
+ val result = new HashSet<DataClass>
+ result.addAll(dcs)
+ val visit = new LinkedList<DataClass>
+ visit.addAll(dcs)
+ while(!visit.empty){
+ var dc = visit.pop
+ dc.allAttributes.forEach(a | if(a.refType.type.dataClass)visit.add(a.refType.type as DataClass))
+ return result
- def private String toInvoke(List<String> path){
- var builder = new StringBuilder()
- for(p : path)
- builder.append("."+p.invokeGetter(null))
- return builder.toString
+ def private getRoomModels(Collection<ActorInstance> ais){
+ val models = new HashSet<RoomModel>
+ ais.forEach(ai | models.add(ai.actorClass.eContainer as RoomModel))
+ return models
- def private List<ActorInstance> dynConfigsAIs(SubSystemInstance comp){
- val aiPaths = new HashSet<String>();
- for(attrConfig : comp.subSystemClass.dynConfigReadAttributes)
- aiPaths.add(attrConfig.getPath(true, true, false, false).toPath("/"))
- var ais = new ArrayList<ActorInstance>();
- for(ai : comp.allContainedInstances)
- if(aiPaths.contains(ai.path))
- ais.add(ai);
- return ais
+ def private toAbsolutePath(List<Attribute> path, String pathDelim){
+ '''«FOR p : path»«pathDelim»«»«ENDFOR»'''.toString
- def private getDynDataClasses(SubSystemInstance comp){
- var dcs = new HashSet<DataClass>()
- for(config : comp.subSystemClass.getAttrDynConfigs(false, true))
- if(config.attribute.refType.type.dataClass)
- dcs.add(config.attribute.refType.type as DataClass)
- return dcs
+ def private getVarName(ActorInstance ai){
+ '''«FOR p : ai.path.split('/').drop(2) SEPARATOR '_'»«p»«ENDFOR»'''
- def private getAllDynDataClasses(SubSystemInstance comp){
- var dcs = new HashSet<DataClass>()
- var stack = new LinkedList<DataClass>()
- stack.addAll(comp.dynDataClasses)
- dcs.addAll(stack)
- while(!stack.empty){
- var dc = stack.pop
- for(a : dc.allAttributes)
- if(a.refType.type.dataClass){
- dcs.add(a.refType.type as DataClass)
- stack.push(a.refType.type as DataClass);
- }
- }
- return dcs
+ def private genGetAttributeValues(List<Attribute> path, ActorInstance ai){
+ var a = path.last
+ if(a.refType.type.primitive){'''
+ values.put("«ai.path»«path.toAbsolutePath('/')»", «IF a.size>0»toObjectArray(«ENDIF»«ai.varName».«path.invokeGetters(null)»«IF a.size>0»)«ENDIF»);
+ '''
+ } else if(a.refType.type.dataClass){
+ var dataClass = (a.refType.type as DataClass)
+ '''
+ «FOR at : dataClass.allAttributes»
+ «genGetAttributeValues(path.union(at), ai)»
+ '''
+ }
- def private resolve(ActorClassConfig config, String[] path){
- var result = config.attributes.findFirst(c |
- for (String ref : path.tail) {
- result = result?.attributes.findFirst(c |
- if (result == null)
- return null
+ def private genSetAttributeValues1(List<Attribute> path, ActorInstance ai){
+ var a = path.last
+ var aVarName = path.toAbsolutePath("_")
+ if(a.refType.type.primitive){'''
+ id = "«ai.path»«path.toAbsolutePath("/")»";
+ «IF a.size==0»«a.refType.type.typeName.toWrapper»«ELSE»«a.refType.type.typeName»[]«ENDIF» «aVarName» = null;
+ object = values.get(id);
+ if(object != null){
+ «aVarName» = ensure«a.refType.type.typeName.toFirstUpper»«IF a.size>0»Array«ENDIF»(object«IF a.size>0», «a.size»«ENDIF»);
+ «genMinMaxCheck(path, ai.actorClass)»
+ if(!«IF a.size==0»«aVarName».equals(«ELSE»Arrays.equals(«aVarName», «ENDIF»(«IF a.size==0»«a.refType.type.typeName.toWrapper»«ELSE»«a.refType.type.typeName»[]«ENDIF»)getDiffMap().get(id)))
+ changed = true;
+ } else
+ warning(id, "is missing");
+ '''
+ } else if(a.refType.type.dataClass){
+ var dataClass = (a.refType.type as DataClass)
+ '''
+ «FOR at : dataClass.allAttributes»
+ «genSetAttributeValues1(path.union(at), ai)»
+ '''
- return result
- def private getRoomModels(List<ActorInstance> ais){
- val models = new HashSet<RoomModel>
- ais.forEach(ai | models.add(ai.actorClass.eContainer as RoomModel))
- return models
+ def private genSetAttributeValues2(List<Attribute> path, ActorInstance ai){
+ var a = path.last
+ var aVarName = path.toAbsolutePath("_")
+ if(a.refType.type.primitive){
+ var getters = if(path.size>1)path.take(path.size-1).invokeGetters(null)+"." else ""
+ '''
+ if(«aVarName» != null){
+ «ai.varName».«getters»«invokeSetter(, null, aVarName)»;
+ getDiffMap().put("«ai.path»«path.toAbsolutePath("/")»", «aVarName»);
+ }
+ '''
+ } else if(a.refType.type.dataClass){
+ var dataClass = (a.refType.type as DataClass)
+ '''
+ «FOR at : dataClass.allAttributes»
+ «genSetAttributeValues2(path.union(at), ai)»
+ '''
+ }
- */
} \ No newline at end of file

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