Running sharedinstall tests requires an application ("Verifier") that is installed in the independent Eclipse-like installation. The Verifier checks if certain P2 operations in a shared install scenario ends with success (f.e. it checks whether certain bundles are installed). * REALLY IMPORTANT NOTE * The Verifier is not built during compile time or testing time. It needs to be built manually after each modification and be made available in a test repository located in bundles/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.tests/testData/sharedInstall/repo. The steps to build the Verifier (and other bundles from that test repo are): 1. Import projects from the repo source subtree bundles/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.tests/testData/sharedInstall/source There is 6 subprojects there (2 test bundles, 2 test features, Verifier feature and an update site). 2. Open site.xml located in a site project, and press 'Build All'. 3. Eclipse will generate a p2 repository (directories "features" and "plugins", and jars "artifacts.jar" and "content.jar"). 4. Remove old content from bundles/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.tests/testData/sharedInstall/repo, copy new content there, and commit to repository.