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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2013-11-13Bug 421339 - Accept java 1.5Krzysztof Daniel1-15/+0
2013-09-12Bug 416676 - Enabling standalone p2 builds and document how to run theKrzysztof Daniel1-0/+34
2013-09-11Bug 409790 - how does o.e.e.p2.ui.sdk.scheduler compile on JDK 1.5?Krzysztof Daniel1-12/+0
2013-06-26Bug 411170 -- Updated the parent poms for Luna (Eclipse 4.4)Ian Bull1-2/+2
2013-06-03Bug 409790 - Change from SYSTEM to BREE in the parent pom.I20130603-2000Ian Bull1-1/+1
2013-03-27Bug 403971 - Update Equinox p2 parent versionsI20130402-0800Pascal Rapicault1-5/+16
2013-02-26Added another level of indirection.Ian Bull1-1/+1
2013-02-25Fixed a typo in our pomI20130226-0912I20130226-0800I20130225-2315I20130225-2230Ian Bull1-1/+1
2013-02-25update the relative pathPascal Rapicault1-0/+1
2013-02-25Bug 394831 -[cbi] Platform parent should be renamedPascal Rapicault (Ericsson)1-1/+1
2013-01-07Bug 396091 - Merge in CBI patches from 4.2.2 into 4.3 (pom changes) for equin...v20130107-152742John Arthorne1-47/+30
2012-11-21Revert "push p2 parent"Pascal Rapicault1-163/+9
2012-11-21push p2 parentPascal Rapicault (Ericsson)1-9/+163
2012-05-24Add poms for Tycho buildv20120524-0542Igor Fedorenko1-30/+19
2011-09-25Bug 304594 : * configured tycho surefire plugin according to the existing p2 ...v20110925-0056Anthony Dahanne1-2/+7
2011-08-01304594 Make publisher bundles buildable with TychoTobias Oberlies1-3/+14
2011-02-17Update version numbers in poms.Pascal Rapicault1-6/+6
2010-05-28up the version of tychoPascal Rapicault1-1/+1
2010-03-20Adding pom files to allow build with tychoPascal Rapicault1-0/+21
2010-03-15Parent pom for all p2 projectsPascal Rapicault2-0/+83

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