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Diffstat (limited to 'bundles/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine/src/org/eclipse/equinox/internal/p2/engine/')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine/src/org/eclipse/equinox/internal/p2/engine/ b/bundles/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine/src/org/eclipse/equinox/internal/p2/engine/
index a491c286a..f9bc0c30c 100644
--- a/bundles/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine/src/org/eclipse/equinox/internal/p2/engine/
+++ b/bundles/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine/src/org/eclipse/equinox/internal/p2/engine/
@@ -44,9 +44,61 @@ SimpleProfileRegistry_CannotRemoveCurrentSnapshot=Cannot remove the current prof
profile_does_not_exist=Profile to be updated does not exist: {0}.
profile_not_current=Profile {0} is not current.
profile_not_registered=Profile {0} not registered.
-reg_dir_not_available=Registry Directory not available.
+reg_dir_not_available=Registry Directory not available: {0}.
thread_not_owner=Thread not lock owner.
profile_lock_not_reentrant=Lock failed. Profile does not permit reentrant locking.
shared_profile_not_found=Shared profile {0} not found.
ProfilePreferences_saving=Saving profile preferences
+phase_error=An error occurred during the {0} phase.
+action_undo_error=An error occurred while rolling back the engine operation while undoing the {0} action.
+forced_action_execute_error=An error occurred while performing the engine operation while executing the {0} action in forced mode. The operation will continue.
+phaseid_not_positive=Phase weight must be positive.
+phaseid_not_set=Phase id must be set.
+action_not_found=No action found for: {0}.
+actions_not_found=No actions found for: {0}.
+not_current_phase=Current phase does not match argument.
+null_operands=Operands must not be null.
+null_phase=Phase must not be null.
+null_phases=Phases must not be null
+null_phaseset=PhaseSet must not be null.
+null_profile=Profile must not be null.
+touchpoint_prepare_error=An error occurred while preparing the engine operation for the {0} touchpoint.
+touchpoint_commit_error=An error occurred while committing the engine operation for the {0} touchpoint.
+touchpoint_rollback_error=An error occurred while rolling back the engine operation for the {0} touchpoint.
+phase_undo_error=An error occurred while undoing the {0} phase.
+phase_undo_operand_error=An error occurred while undoing the {0} phase for operand {1}.
+phase_not_started=There is no phase to end.
+phase_started=A phase is already started.
+session_prepare_error=An error occurred while preparing the engine session for profile: {0}.
+session_commit_error=An error occurred while committing the engine session for profile: {0}.
+null_operand=Operand must not be null.
+operand_started=An operand is already started.
+operand_not_started=There is no operand to end.
+not_current_operand=Current operand does not match argument.
+null_action=Action must not be null
+session_context=session context was:(profile={0}, phase={1}, operand={2}, action={3}).
+preparing=Preparing to commit the provisioning operation.
+committing=Committing the provisioning operation.
+rollingback_error=An error was detected while performing the engine operation and the changes are being rolled back. See the log for details.
+rollingback_cancel=The engine operation was cancelled and the changes are being rolled back.
+Engine_Operation_Canceled_By_User=Operation canceled by the user.
+InstallableUnitEvent_type_not_install_or_uninstall=type must be either UNINSTALL(0) or INSTALL(1)
+CertificateChecker_CertificateError=An invalid certificate was found.
+CertificateChecker_CertificateRejected=One or more certificates rejected. Cannot proceed with installation.
+CertificateChecker_KeystoreConnectionError=Cannot connect to keystore.
+CertificateChecker_SignedContentError=Error with signed content.
+CertificateChecker_SignedContentIOError=Error reading signed content.
+CertificateChecker_UnsignedNotAllowed=Installing unsigned artifacts is not permitted: {0}
+Phase_Collect_Error=An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
+Phase_Configure_Error=An error occurred while configuring the installed items
+Phase_Configure_Task=Configuring {0}
+Phase_Install_Error=An error occurred while installing the items
+Phase_Install_Task=Installing {0}
+Phase_Sizing_Error=Error computing the size. Some of the items to be installed could not be found.
+Phase_Sizing_Warning=The size may not be accurate. Some of the items did not report a size.
+Phase_Unconfigure_Error=An error occurred while unconfiguring the items to uninstall
+Phase_Uninstall_Error=An error occurred while uninstalling

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