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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2014-11-14Bug 451543: Adapt stopped bundle to ServiceReferenceDTO[] must return nullBJ Hargrave1-8/+10
2014-11-07Bug 449779 - Deadlock within the OSGi frameworkI20141111-0830I20141111-0800Thomas Watson1-13/+12
2014-11-07Bug 449779 - Deadlock within the OSGi frameworkThomas Watson2-27/+99
2014-11-07Bug 449779 - Deadlock within the OSGi frameworkThomas Watson1-14/+13
2014-11-07Bug 449779 - Deadlock within the OSGi frameworkThomas Watson1-1/+1
2014-11-07Bug 449779 - Deadlock within the OSGi frameworkThomas Watson1-0/+7
2014-11-07Bug 449779 - Deadlock within the OSGi frameworkThomas Watson1-2/+1
2014-11-03Bug 449484 - Add configuration property to allow bundles to provideI20141104-0800Thomas Watson2-2/+2
2014-11-03Bug 449484 - Add configuration property to allow bundles to provideThomas Watson2-4/+4
2014-11-03Bug 449484 - Add configuration property to allow bundles to provideThomas Watson3-6/+9
2014-10-20Bug 445122 - ClassCastException received whenI20141021-0800Markus Keller1-64/+75
2014-10-09Update supplement version for MarsI20141014-0800Thomas Watson2-2/+2
2014-10-06Bug 439134 - BasicLocation.getDataArea uses substring but discards theI20141008-1300I20141007-1500I20141007-0800Thomas Watson1-2/+8
2014-10-06Bug 439445 - Equinox console bundle has hard dependency to Equinox framework ...Thomas Watson6-0/+7
2014-10-01Bug 445660 - Add processor aliases for PPC 64-bit little and big endianThomas Watson1-0/+2
2014-09-30Bug 445122 - ClassCastException received when System.getProperties().store() ...Thomas Watson1-4/+11
2014-09-19Bug 444534 - Parsing of nl parameter will now always return a validDirk Fauth3-27/+83
2014-09-09Bug 443595 - osgi.framework.useSystemProperties is not set correctly inI20140915-0800I20140914-2000I20140909-1315I20140909-1115I20140909-1000Thomas Watson1-6/+2
2014-09-08Bug 443340 - Fix to set osgi.checkConfiguration if is setThomas Watson1-0/+4
2014-09-02Bug 441377 - prevent NPE when configuration initialConfiguration map isThomas Watson1-1/+1
2014-09-02Bug 441377 - ensure getConfiguration() is called at least onceThomas Watson1-1/+1
2014-08-28Bug 442641 - Fix for dynamically reacting to new system bundle fragmentsI20140902-1330I20140902-0800Thomas Watson2-3/+13
2014-08-19Bug 441681 - System property osgi.compatibility.bootdelegation gets overridde...I20140826-0800I20140819-2200I20140819-1800Thomas Watson1-12/+6
2014-08-19Bug 442091 - LockSet should ReentrantLock.isHeldByCurrentThread() instead of ...Thomas Watson1-12/+6
2014-08-19Bug 442080 - Increase the timeout to obtain the bundle id lockThomas Watson1-1/+1
2014-08-07Bug 441377 - Fix for null configuration valueI20140812-0800Thomas Watson1-8/+25
2014-07-16Bug 436082 - Bundle.getHeaders may not return default locale headersI20140806-2000I20140806-0800I20140805-2000I20140805-0800I20140804-2000I20140804-0800I20140803-2000I20140729-0800I20140722-0800Thomas Watson1-6/+11
2014-07-14Bug 438904 - Global buddy class loading is not working for packages in aI20140715-0800Thomas Watson1-2/+21
2014-07-08Bug 437234 - Need to check for trailing slashThomas Watson1-1/+3
2014-07-08Bug 437234 - increment version of org.eclipse.osgiThomas Watson2-2/+2
2014-07-08Bug 437234 - fix inaccurate configuration area URL.Hamdan Msheik1-1/+1
2014-06-19Bug 436736 - Prep for 4.5 (Mars) and 4.4 maintenance buildsI20140701-0800Paul Webster2-3/+2
2014-06-06Bug 436758 - Installing a bundle that requires Java 7 when running 6R4_4M20140709-0800I20140606-1215Thomas Watson1-3/+12
2014-05-28Bug 436073 - wrong application exit code in case of exceptionI20140602-2000I20140601-2000I20140531-1500I20140530-2000I20140528-2000Thomas Watson1-0/+3
2014-05-27Bug 435796 - IndexOutOfBoundsException in ResolverImplI20140528-0930I20140528-0830I20140528-0800I20140528-0115I20140527-2300I20140527-2000Thomas Watson1-1/+14
2014-05-13Bug 434711 - SignatureBlockProcessor can't handle special characters inThomas Watson4-12/+16
2014-05-13Bug 434711 - SignatureBlockProcessor can't handle special characters inMKeck1-4/+3
2014-04-28Bug 433424 - NLS class bark for key that cannot be java field name, orThomas Watson1-2/+5
2014-04-28Bug 433661 - Consider a warning when service ranking is set to aThomas Watson2-4/+15
2014-04-25Fix code format to be in sync with felix projectThomas Watson4-301/+349
2014-04-22Bug 408688 - [unity] Immediate persistence results in no framework active thr...Thomas Watson1-2/+10
2014-04-17Bug 433023 - Resolver does not allow optional reqs to resolve if they introdu...I20140422-0800Thomas Watson2-3/+20
2014-04-15Bug 432632 - Values with Java Format Strings are not properly returnedThomas Watson2-4/+15
2014-04-14Bug 432672 - Latest test failures likely to be related to changes inThomas Watson1-1/+1
2014-04-14Bug 432670 - BundleLoader.searchHooks ignores resultsThomas Watson1-0/+3
2014-04-11Bug 432027 - Running on Java 8 compact1 profileThomas Watson8-12/+245
2014-04-11Bug 432630 - the requirements converted from BREE headers must be esc...Thomas Watson1-8/+32
2014-04-10Bug 432485 - EE changes not detected and so resolve state does notThomas Watson1-4/+2
2014-04-09Bug 432462 - Remove a lock while calling findLoadedClassThomas Watson1-7/+1
2014-04-09Bug 432198 - Clean up trace options for class loadingThomas Watson1-0/+2

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