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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-06-19Update OSGi API to the latestThomas Watson1-1/+1
2017-06-16Update framework API to the latest for R7.Thomas Watson6-15/+22
2013-06-12Update to latest OSGi R6 core APIThomas Watson9-21/+64
2012-11-12Update R6 OSGi APIThomas Watson3-10/+10
2012-03-08Bug 373700 - [R5] javadoc update and code formattingv20120308-2035Thomas Watson7-138/+109
2012-01-06Fix OSGi API to remove hashes from ident.Thomas Watson4-4/+4
2012-01-04Update to latest OSGi companion code for R5.Thomas Watson4-37/+37
2011-09-28Fix ident after adding .gitattributesBJ Hargrave7-7/+7
2010-10-04update OSGi APIs.Thomas Watson7-28/+31
2010-09-29Update to latest OSGi APIs.Thomas Watson7-126/+125
2009-04-26Bug 253243 [osgi] Keep API up to date with latest OSGi R4.2 specificationv20090428-1300v20090426-1530Thomas Watson1-2/+2
2009-04-20Bug 253243 [osgi] Keep API up to date with latest OSGi R4.2 specificationv20090420Thomas Watson1-1/+14
2009-03-05Bug 253243 [osgi] Keep API up to date with latest OSGi R4.2 specificationThomas Watson4-52/+64
2009-02-27Bug 266511 New conditional admin APIThomas Watson4-55/+171
2009-02-13Bug 264888 Breaking changes to new osgi APIsThomas Watson1-4/+3
2009-02-06Bug 263838 [rfc 120] conditional permission admin API changesv20090209-1900Thomas Watson5-174/+162
2009-01-12Bug 253243 [osgi] Keep API up to date with latest OSGi R4.2 specificationThomas Watson1-3/+5
2008-12-15Bug 253243 [osgi] Keep API up to date with latest OSGi R4.2 specificationThomas Watson3-41/+79
2008-11-03Bug 253243 [osgi] Keep API up to date with latest OSGi R4.2 specificationThomas Watson8-24/+8
2008-07-31OSGi companion code from Watson8-111/+358
2006-09-14Move to latest OSGi R4.0.1 codeThomas Watson6-37/+84
2005-11-01update javadoc from osgiThomas Watson1-5/+4
2005-08-16add copyright for Eclipse customizations to OSGi codeBJ Hargrave1-2/+3
2005-08-11javadoc updatesBJ Hargrave2-5/+7
2005-08-05Bug 106057 [osgi] org.osgi API needs updated to latest OSGi R4Thomas Watson6-243/+290
2005-08-04Bug 106057 [osgi] org.osgi API needs updated to latest OSGi R4OSGI_RI_20050804Thomas Watson4-96/+180
2005-07-14Bug 103832 [osgi] new ConditionalPermissionAdmin methodsThomas Watson2-13/+46
2005-05-25Bug 96649 [osgi] ConditionalPermissionAdmin spec changesOSGI_RI_20050525Thomas Watson3-114/+76
2005-05-17Latest from OSGiThomas Watson3-15/+18
2005-05-16Bug 90052 OSGI License Needs ClarificationThomas Watson6-130/+28
2005-05-11remove BundleSymbolicNameConditionThomas Watson1-137/+0
2005-03-23Updated osgi.* classes from OSGiThomas Watson3-66/+63
2005-03-03update headers for OSGi classes.Thomas Watson2-3/+3
2005-02-24Simplify the BundleSigner API.Thomas Watson1-11/+4
2005-02-24Add support for BundleSignerConditionThomas Watson1-0/+122
2005-01-31Fixes to storing conditional permissions.Thomas Watson4-9/+34
2005-01-24updates for conditional permissions.Thomas Watson3-2/+180
2005-01-21Fixes to ConditionalPermissionAdminImplThomas Watson2-1/+110
2005-01-20Initial ConditionalPermisionAdmin ImplThomas Watson4-0/+474

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