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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2007-07-25Bug 197811 PKCS7Processor needs to implement hashCodeThomas Watson1-0/+14
2007-07-24Bug 197191 timestamp are not persisted correctlyThomas Watson1-0/+2
2007-07-19Update copyright dates.Thomas Watson1-1/+1
2007-06-21Bug 189013 The Signed bundle does not handle additional BundleFileWrapperFact...Thomas Watson2-14/+14
2007-03-12Bug 170698 Check Trust for the TSA CertificateThomas Watson4-116/+187
2007-02-02Bug 170622 About dialog causes SecurityExceptionThomas Watson1-10/+1
2007-01-31Bug 170622 About dialog causes SecurityExceptionThomas Watson3-75/+40
2007-01-18javadoc typo.Thomas Watson1-1/+1
2007-01-12Bug 170324 Framework will fails to launch if signer support is enabledThomas Watson1-6/+9
2007-01-03Bug 169469 Single certificate chains are not verified with their own public keyThomas Watson1-26/+20
2006-11-17Bug 157669 OSGi JarVerifier needs clearer separation of verification and trustv20061117Thomas Watson14-362/+1181
2006-07-26Bug 143275 Exception in log during update: .keystore not foundThomas Watson1-4/+18
2006-04-07Fix to clear certificate cache correctly when loading bundles.Thomas Watson1-3/+17
2006-03-06fix property name typo.Thomas Watson1-1/+1
2006-03-06Add getCertificates to CertificateChainThomas Watson3-37/+61
2006-03-03change SignedBundleFileFactoryHook to be a more general bundle file wrapper h...Thomas Watson1-4/+4
2006-03-02Bug 127110 Promote org.eclipse.osgi.jarverifier from incubatorThomas Watson12-0/+2587

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